Back to Here - No Love Lost One Shot
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Series Masterlist
Author's Note: One-shot request from the amazing @afroslacks! Title from Shade of Yellow by Griff
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary/Warnings: Takes place in Chapter 14. We once again face the horny fluff.
When you’d told Ben you were okay with him touching you in front of everyone, your exact phrasing was as long as you’re not gross. You’re absolutely positive he’d heard you as well, because he’d rolled his eyes before kissing the words out of your mouth.
But the man doesn’t listen. On purpose. You know it’s on purpose, because usually he’ll grunt and grumble but do what you tell him, and right now he’s not even pretending to remember.
What’s annoying is that you’re not even that mad about it. What’s more annoying is that he knows you’re not mad about it, because he’s not even worried about you making him stop. Ben never pushes your lines to tries try see if he can make you budge, because he knows you won’t and he’ll get in trouble. But that also means he’s impossibly good at knowing what lines aren’t real. What things you tell him to do that you say because sometimes you just say stuff. Sometimes you’re just trying to pretend that you’re not always thirsty for him, don’t always want him at your side.
And the asshole has you figured out. He knows that when you say we’re going to team dinners every night you mean it, but when you say play nice with everyone you’re talking about everyone except Butcher. Ben knows that if you tell him clean up after yourself you’re serious, because that’s the start of it. Ben cleans up once and now, months later, you somehow trust him with your life and every part of you he’ll take. He also knows if you tell him we need to get out of bed he can just hold you tighter and you’ll immediately give in with a sigh.
He knows when you say not everything, not yet it’s important that he listens. That he can take everything else he wants except that, and he does. Ben touches you everywhere you’ll let him, but waits for you to give him the clear to take more.
He knows that when you said don’t be gross you just meant don’t make me visibly horny in front of everyone. Don’t make me grind into you or pin me on top of the table. 
And he is walking that line very precariously.
“Bloody fuckin hell,” Butcher mutters, and you can feel his glare from across the table. “You twats can’t keep it in your pants for one hour? Some of us are tryin to eat.”
“They are still in their pants,” Frenchie’s words are muffled from a mouthful of pasta. “And I am eating just fine.”
“That’s cause you’re a fuckin pervert, Mate.” Butcher snaps. “I didn’t come here to see two supes neckin like teenagers. I came here because Hughie gets all bloody puppy faced when I don’t.”
“You promised-“
Butcher cuts Hughie off with a scoff. “I’m here, ain’t I? And I would appreciate it if I could fuckin eat my shitty ass spaghetti without worryin that Soldier Boy’s gonna cum all over the table!”
A chorus of groans echoes through the room, and it’s almost enough to make you push Ben away.
Almost. But he drops his mouth to your neck, pulls you closer in his side, and you decide you can find a way to live with yourself.
You’re starting to worry that he can read your mind. Because before that brief hesitation even fades, Ben sucks the skin at the base of your throat once—sloppy and wet—and pulls away. You’re grateful, half because you can bury your flushed face in his shoulder as he gives Butcher a lazy grin, and half because you were getting dangerously close to climbing on top of him.
“It’s not our fault all you pussies have blue balls.” Ben drawls, and you kick him under the table, glaring up at his stupid, smug, handsome face.
Don’t be an ass.
He rolls his eyes. They’re being fucking prudes.
“You two care to have this conversation out loud?” You turn to see MM looking at you with a bored expression. He’s never really pissed about this anymore, and you think he just gave up on being disgusted. He doesn’t like it, but he’s not mad. It’s honestly more than you could ask for.
You whack Ben’s arm. “Sorry. We’ll stop.”
Ben scoffs, and hunches over his plate. His arm over your shoulders drops down, tugging you into his side so you can only move your hands—everything past that trapped against his body—and you don’t care. He’s touching you, and he’s warm, and you can feel his annoyance but it’s nothing compared to his desire. It’s nothing compared to the affection you can feel rush through him when you give him a smile, even if he just grunts and glares at his pasta like it’s the one that cock-blocked him.
You know it’s a lie. You might not lie to Ben, but you lie a lot to your team. You lie to Hughie when you say you like certain Billy Joel songs because you don’t want him to gape at you and try to convince you otherwise. You lie to Frenchie when you say you’d love nothing more than to hear about his latest supe-killing weapon, because he gets really excited—it’s kind of adorable—and sometimes it’s actually pretty interesting. You lie to Annie when she picks you up for lunch and asks—every time without fail—what’s going on between you and Ben. You say it’s complicated, but it’s not. It’s actually really simple: You want Ben more than you’ve ever wanted anything and he wants you but not like that, just as a friend he can fuck. And that kills you a little, so you’re trapped in this limbo where Ben can almost make you moan at the dinner table—but you won’t let him just carry you back to your bed and make you scream and fall apart under him—and Annie can give her a look that tells you she knows. She knows you won’t stop doing this. There won’t be more tonight, because Butcher’s still glaring at you and Hughie’s whole face looks like a tomato, but tomorrow the exact same thing will almost certainly happen. Ben will kiss you once, innocently enough if you’d only seen it in passing, and you’ll taste him, you'll feel the want pounding in his chest, and immediately pull him closer. The absolute fucking asshole always anticipates you keeping yourself against him—he plans on it—and his arm will immediately move over your shoulders, hand reaching your jaw to angle your head where he wants it. And then he’ll go and go and go until someone coughs—Hughie or Annie—or makes a remark—Butcher or MM—and he finds whatever line you have for the day. Then he’ll pull back and you have to pretend you’re fine with it. Like your pouting is because he’s being cocky and annoying and not because you wish he would pick you up and lay you on the table. 
It’ll happen the after as well, then again after that, then every night until Butcher either shoots one of you or you figure out a way to just attach Ben to you forever. 
End Note: They really can make any situation horny. Also if you've noticed I'm re-using gifs, yeah :( I am. Please sign my petition to make Jensen Ackles just do stuff in character so we can have more gifs.
If you like this story, reblog, share, or leave a comment! <3
If you want to be tagged, just ask!
@manicjk @lordofthunderthr @artemys-ackles
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the-golden-comet · 3 months
There comes a point in your story where your characters, though created by you, become entities of their own. Once out into the public, people create ideas in their minds of these characters based on what was presented. They form ships, they form ideas. They soak in the stories and art like rays of sunlight.
And that’s a beautiful thing.
To have something you created take a life of its own in the hearts of readers, watchers, lovers of art. It’s amazing. The ideas we are able to share, compare and contrast, help bring these stories to life. Am I proud? You bet your ass I am. For every mention of my characters, every interaction, every theory crafted in my comments, a huge smile spreads to my face.
You’re inspired. I’m inspired. You’re enjoying it. I’m enjoying it. That’s what life’s all about. That’s why I create. 💫
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zepskies · 1 month
What Does "Supporting Writers" Mean? ✍️
Apparently it's Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day! To all my fellow writers, I truly appreciate you for bringing me joy, making me smile on rough days, and giving me my weekly/daily dose of escapism and warm fuzzies. (Shoutouts to you personally below.) 💓💓
But what does it mean "practically" to appreciate your favorite writers, especially on Tumblr?
For example, I know some fanfic authors are starting to block "serial likers": people who'll go through someone's entire masterlist and hit the "like" button on 20-something stories without commenting or basic reblogging.
While I think blocking them is extreme, I understand the authors' frustrations. I've actually been asked if I'll ever leave Tumblr, since many of them have dropped off over the past few months, or even the past few years.
I'm still here for two very important reasons:
I love to write about my favorite characters. I write primarily because I love it, not just for the kudos.
I'm friggin' blessed to have a lot of friends and lovely readers on here and Ao3 who support me immensely on my writing and on this blog in general. I love and appreciate each and every one of you! Which is why I do my best to reply to your comments and reblogs. 💖💖
Of course, there are many reasons why a writer might take a break or stop writing entirely, but one of those reasons is also why the #supportwriters tag exists...
And why you'll see us include banners like this on our posts:
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(Credits: cafekitsune, me, inklore)
That being said, here's my own rule of thumb on how I try to support my fellow writers when I read something I enjoy:
If I "liked" something, it means I had the time to read a story all the way through and I enjoyed it! (Or I'm bookmarking it for later in the day lol)
If I have the time to read it, I have the time to leave a comment on what I liked the most about it.
If I have the time to write out a comment (anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes), I typically put that comment in a reblog -- maybe even add a gif or two for ✨razzle dazzle.✨ That way I can share it with the rest of my followers, so they can see it and hopefully enjoy it too...
Why? Because Tumblr isn't TikTok or IG. Reblogging is the best way to help a post gain traction on Tumblr. The algorithm doesn't care much about likes.
But on a more human level, supporting writers is just the basic thing of -- if you enjoyed something you read (that a writer shared for free), just let them know what you liked about it.
Remember that there's a person behind the content you enjoy. They might have been working on that story for weeks or months, or even years before they got the courage to post it.
They might really be putting themselves out there, writing about a topic or subject matter that they're not sure people will even like or engage with.
Maybe they're exploring something new, like a character or trope they've never written before.
Maybe they're expressing part of themselves that they haven't even told another living soul.
Maybe they just wanted to write something fun and smutty or angsty or fluffy and want to share the escapism with you.
Whether they've been writing for years or are just starting out, any and all is valid.
For me, as a writer and a reader, supporting my fellow writers often means supporting my friends. And 9 times out of 10, the way we became friends was by leaving feedback on their work and asking them questions, or responding to their awesome feedback on mine.
If you want a little jumpstart on how to leave feedback, whether encouraging or constructive, here's an awesome post about it (not mine).
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Shoutout to some of my favorite writers 💞:
(In no particular order)
@waynes-multiverse @luci-in-trenchcoats @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @thatonewriter15 @rizlowwritessortof
@waywardxwords @tofics @kaleldobrev @deanbrainrotwritings @deanwritings
@jawritter @deanwinchesterswitch @justagirlinafandomworld @ravengirl94 @waywardxwords
@spnbabe67 @deanwanddamons @ejlovespie @kittenofdoomage @venus-haze
@talltalesandbedtimestories @sam-is-my-safe-word @jacklesbrainworms @artyandink @princessmisery666 (I just starting reading your stories, but I'm continuing with Samnesia soon!) -- and I'm sure many more! 💋
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maelstrom-of-emotions · 6 months
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I love all your comments, no matter how short or long they are. They never fail to make my day, so never apologize for it, and I know other authors feel the same way, too.
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sotwk · 8 months
To all Readers who are patient enough to gently support and wait for writers who take weeks and months to post new updates to their fics:
I want you to know, that your grace and patience will serve you well in life, not to mention all the good karma you are collecting for your generosity.
Also I have asked God for a special place in heaven for people like you and He said YES, OF COURSE.
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💞Aug. 21st is Fanfic Writer's Appreciation Day💞
We writers love and treasure every single review, comment, kudo, like, reblog, and rec from you, our readers. We value you! When you stop by here on Tumblr or AO3 to leave feedback, big or small, it helps your favorite fics and their authors continue to grow. Your interactions with us help our fandom communities stay alive and thrive! We don't just write fanfic for ourselves: we also love sharing it with people as passionate about our fave ships as we are. That's you! ❤️ Your support is 100% appreciated, always. Thank you again for reading and supporting our work!
Please reblog and add tags for your fandoms! Spread the word so we can get "fanfic appreciation day" to trend on August 21st. More importantly - please send some love to your favorite authors! 🤗
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Shout out to the readers:
We storytellers appreciate you.
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takaraphoenix · 4 months
So, I've found myself lately just going through all your Percy Jackson fics on AO3. Mostly because you're 100% my favorite PJO fic writer, and I've been wanting to reread some of your stuff, so why not also read the rest.
I am especially fond of your Hades/Persephone/ Percy works, and your writings gave me a thought:
Older Percy, who's trained his control over water to a fine point. And Persephone wanting to swim with Percy in the pool of their Underworld castle, because Percy and water always make for the best full-body massages. Because he can use the water to get to every. Single. Muscle. All at once.
Regardless, I mostly just wanted to say I ADORE your fics, and regularly find myself wanting to go back and reread a lot of them.
Even when my hyperfixations shift, and the fandoms I'm in change, Percy Jacksom as a book series has left a profound mark on me that I won't soon forget, and your stuff is just that perfect niche that I keep wanting more of.
You know that meme of the brain and the person trying to sleep?
That, but my brain keeps telling me "have we read the beloved Hades/Persephone/Percy fics again this month? Oh, we did? Can we do it again?"
Mostly I just wanted to gush about your stuff, because you're not just good. To me, as far as fanfic authors go, you're memorable, and absolutely incredible! ❤
Thank you for the flattery, that's too kind! This was such a sweet message to receive! ^-^
I also do feel you on the shift, my fixations have shifted away from PJO en large too, but I am absolutely not in a place of leaving it fully behind yet ;D
And good news! If I can manage, you will get at least one new Hadephonercy fic this month, on account of @polympians-event and @hadesxpercy-events happening! ;)
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bless-my-demons · 11 months
Redamancy Reader Appreciation
This story is currently at almost 6k reads and is currently sitting at #3 for the Jasper Hale x Reader tag on Wattpad, I’ve gotten 700+ new followers, 102 of you have asked to be tagged in the updates, and the masterlist alone has gotten 850 notes (3k+ likes for the series as a whole).
I really just don’t know how on earth I’ve managed to get so many of you to fall in love with a story I thought no one would see. You guys have been so kind and supportive, I could cry with how happy all of this has made me. Even the comments you guys leave on the Google Forms taglist are so freaking kind!
I cherish every single one of you that takes the time to read my daydreams, y’all really are the best.
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deanbrainrotwritings · 9 months
2024 !
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another year passes, and I’m still, only obsessed with Dean, awesome 😃👍🏻
I started off writing silly stories for school and for myself since I was a kid, and I always got praise from teachers and my family, but I never thought I could do actually anything or that anyone would like what I write
turns out I was wrong ! which is great, lol. writing is everything to me, as are the fictional characters I write about. (damn, I know I write Dean the most, but I have daydreams, and WIPs of other characters 😭)
there are so many writers who have inspired me, so many blogs that have made me laugh, and so many readers that have kept me motivated to continue writing. I’m so grateful.
I was 11 when I started writing for supernatural and doctor who (to myself), never brave enough to put myself out there. [even though my stories were a bunch of ridiculous nonsense half of the time]
I’m 21, which doesn’t feel any different from my previous ages, lmao, I’m still so… raw and unstable, not gonna lie. But I’m happy? Somehow. I feel ancient, and tired, and kind. It’s the strangest thing. And writing has really helped me out in a million meaningful ways, and so has supernatural (up until 15.20), but anyway… I really truly appreciate all of you, even if we’re not mutuals, even if we never talk
I hope you all have a wonderful, truly amazing year, that everything goes right, and that you all stay or become happy.
seriously, have a virtual slice of my birthday cake from when I turned 12. ya know, since I’m 21. (my birthday’s in december, and I was born in 2002, hilarious, so many 2s and 1s) <333333
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off the top of my head, I want to thank ya’ll for a variety of reasons :
@kaleldobrev @k-slla @zepskies @impala-dreamer @jawritter @talltalesandbedtimestories @freakwiththeknifecollection @justletmereadfanfic @saradika @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior @kittenofdoomage @syrma-sensei @deans-spinster-witch @cafekitsune @jackles010378 @deanwithscissors @deansbbyx @deanwinchesterswitch @theimpalatales @thestruidora @jacklesversebingo + all my readers (++everyone that i have ever interacted with, lmao) <333
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As Much As I Do - No Love Lost One Shot
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Series Masterlist
Author's Note: One-shot request from my love lordofthunderthr! Extra thanks because I've been waiting for the genuine smallest reason to use this gif because it's in no way going to fit into the actual story. Title from Bob Dylan by Fall Out Boy (you guys can pry my Fall Out Boy song titles from my cold, dead hands)
Word Count: 1.8k
Summary/Warnings: Takes place after Chapter 14 and around Chapter 15. It's fluff. Horny fluff.
Ben felt like a fucking cat. She was touching him casually while he “slept” and he was pretty sure he was fucking purring. The Thing was definitely making some sort of goddamn low sound, and Ben couldn’t blame it. She was touching him like it was simple, his head was buried in Her neck, and one arm wrapped was between her body and the mattress while one splayed out across the bed because it goddamn could. He was in their fucking bed and Ben could do whatever the hell he wanted on it. 
Except fuck Her. 
Ben wasn’t allowed to fuck Her. 
He wasn’t allowed to make Her moan and scream and feel fucking good. Fuck Her until she said his name and smiled at him and looked so fucking perfect, undone below him. Or above him. Or against him or in front of him or clinging to his body. He didn’t give a single shit, as long as it was Her. Wanting Ben, touching him, letting him touch her. Like this—where Ben’s breath was in time with her heartbeat and her perfect hands were running through his hair—but until She’d been ruined. Until her beautiful face was flushed and her hands were clawing at his back and her pretty eyes were blown out and lustful and all of it was for Ben. For how he was making Her feel, how she was gasping and begging for him to do it again and again until the only words She knew were Ben and please and everything else was just moans and whines. Until she felt half as damn good as Ben did now, resting on top of Her as she fucking pet him and he had to fight the Thing’s urge to just stay here for the rest of goddamn time. 
“I know you’re awake, Benjamin.” Her voice was so perfect, humming everywhere around him and soothing the Thing, that Ben almost missed her actual fucking words. “I can feel you.” 
He didn’t answer. Maybe She’d just give up, and keep him right fucking here—where they both belonged—forever. 
He should’ve known better. Ben knew Her too fucking well to think she’d ever just let anything go. 
“You’re heavy,” She said, and one hand dropped to the base of Ben’s neck. “And you smell like shit.” 
“Shut the fuck up. I smell fucking fantastic.” Ben didn’t move as he grunted the words against Her skin. He wouldn’t move, not until she damn made him. 
“I knew it.” 
Clever, impossible, perfect fucking woman. With Her happy giggle when Ben squeezed her closer and her gasp when he nipped the skin of her neck.
“That’s a goddamn underhanded move, Sunshine.” He muttered, and when he looked up at Her it was like he’d been struck by lightning. She was smiling at him so gently, eyes still heavy with sleep, and so fucking beautiful. Just looking at him, watching Ben like she’d never want to look anywhere else. 
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Pretty Boy.” She kept smiling at him, voice smug. “I didn’t do anything.” 
Ben rolled his eyes. “You didn’t know I was awake,” he said Her name, and her smile widened. “You fucking baited me.” 
She shrugged, body shifting under Ben’s and making a small sound that sent a rush of pure fucking hunger through him. “Prove it.” 
Ben had a lot of favorite sounds She made. The small squeak when he flipped her body over his—sitting up with his back against the headboard and sliding her down his chest—was certainly on the damn list. 
“You’re a fucking menace, beautiful.” Ben pulled Her forward slightly, leaning down to growl in her ear. “I don’t think I’ll have to prove it. I think I’ll ask you again and you’ll just tell me.”
When Ben moved back, meeting Her eyes, he could feel her heartbeat under his hands. Resting right at the line of her shirt, never higher. Holding her right where he fucking wanted her. Against him, so when she squirmed he’d feel it. 
“Fuck yo-“ 
He didn’t wait to make a teasing remark or dirty joke. Ben just leaned forwards and touched Her. Kissed her pretty mouth until she opened for him, pushing his tongue in—almost down her throat—and just trying to get closer. As close as he was allowed to be, while still touching her more, making her feel good. Make Her hands pull at his hair, make her whimper a fucking perfect sound from her throat that Ben got to devour. He’d lost sight of his original plan, but he didn’t really fucking care. Not when he bit her lower lip and could revere in the way she leaned further into him, or when he had to try not to lose his fucking mind when she started to grind down on him. Started to practically fucking climb up his body. 
When Ben sucked on her tongue and she made maybe the best sound he’d ever heard in his life—unintelligible and breathless—he had to wrap his arms around Her and pull her into his chest. Hold Her there until he could get goddamn control of himself and not have to explain why he’d fucking cum in his pants. 
“Ben,” She whispered, head in his chest. “You really do smell terrible.”
He chuckled. “Brat.”
“Cunt. Can you please shower so we can train?” 
“I told you last night, we’re not fucking training-“ 
“And I told you, Benjamin, that I do not care what you told me.” She glared up at him, so fucking beautiful, and now Ben had to goddamn pretend he hadn’t already given in. “I am training, with or without you.” 
“You’re a pain in my fucking ass.” 
She smiled at him. “But…?”
Ben rolled his eyes, leaning his head back, forcing himself to stop staring at Her perfect face. “Fine.” 
“We’ll train.” 
“Thank you,” She kissed his neck, near his jaw, and hummed against his skin. “Now go shower. You smell like balls.” 
The only thing that kept Ben from taking a year in the shower—letting the Thing grab him and show him all the ways he could’ve just fucked her on the bed, buried himself in her and made her scream—was that sometimes, when they trained her singing, his doppelgänger would appear. It would make Her face flush, make her eyes wide and heartbeat quicken, and Ben would get to taunt her until one of them moved and he was kissing the air out of her lungs. It was something to look forward to. Something that made Ben fucking haul ass, getting in and out of the shower in four minutes flat. 
Ben hadn’t left the room when he realized that She was already singing. She’d gotten more comfortable with it, the longer they practiced, and sometimes would hum softly during movies or while doing normal things. Normal, easy things like laundry or dishes or cooking, simple fucking things that Ben got to share with Her. Got to watch how Her humming would send the world into a spiral of her, all the perfect fucking parts of her cast across the room for Ben to exist in. Colors and lights that he got to watch her sway in. 
This wasn’t that. This was singing. 
With words and instruments and a beat that ran through Ben’s body and bones. With the room turned into a dark club, with lights that flashed and changed in time with the bass. 
And She was dancing. She was singing and dancing and moving with the music like it had been made for Her. Like the rhythm had been designed to follow her legs, and the guitar had been made to move her hips. Like the whole fucking song had been perfectly tailored to her voice and how she moved through it. How she didn’t stop for even a second, never losing a breath, performing for no one like her life depended on it. 
It didn’t, but Ben’s life might. Everything in the world might hinge on letting her just dance like that forever. The Thing wanted all of this. All of Her, forever, like this, or it would fucking explode. Ben had no will to push against it. Not when She was dropping down and twisting and turning her body and so lost in it that she didn’t even see Ben. Falling to her knees and leaning back while her hands gestured with the lyrics. Trailed down her body and up again. Wrapping around her throat before falling to the side. Her whole fucking voice saying every word like it had been written for her, the whole face twisting with the emotions of the song, smiling and dropping into a pout and so fucking perfect. 
She only saw Ben when the song ended. When the club disappeared and they were back in the apartment, leaving Ben no longer hidden in the shadows of her illusion. He should probably feel like a goddamn creep, but Her mouth fell open and her heart picked up, so he couldn’t really bring himself to give a fuck.
“Hi,” She whispered, and Ben grinned at Her.
“How long-“ 
“About three minutes,” he crossed the room until he was standing above Her. “Almost the whole fucking show.” 
“You, um, you showered fast.” 
Ben winked at Her. “I’d have showered faster if I’d known I was missing something. You do dance like a fucking slut.” 
She scoffed, wrinkling her nose at him. “That’s pretty high and mighty for the manwhore to say.” 
“It was fucking hot,” he lowered himself down until his nose was bumping hers. “I think I prefer your slut dancing, Sunshine. It’s more you.” 
“More me?” She gave him a flat look. “Fucking rude.” 
“How the hell is that-“ 
“You just called me a slut, Benjamin. That’s not very nice.” She whacked his chest, and Ben caught her hand. Held it there. 
“It’s more you because it’s fucking loud. Because it’s fucking captivating and hot. So fucking beautiful and good.”
Because it’s fucking perfect, the Thing rumbled. Because you’re fucking perfect. 
She was watching Ben with wide eyes. Opening and closing her mouth like she was going to say something. 
Instead, she fucking tackled him. Rammed Her body forward, crashed her mouth against his, and let Ben pick her up and carry to the couch. Training could fucking wait. Everything could fucking wait. She was making that same perfect sound from before, and her hands in his hair were making him groan, and when his hand started to kneed at her skin she made such a happy fucking sigh and Ben knew everything could wait. This was just Her. Making the Thing content and goddamn purr in his chest. Making Ben grin against Her neck when he sucked that one spot and she moaned his name. 
The whole world could go fuck itself. This was Her.
End Note: Let's all say thank you to @lordofthunderthr for some easy fluff in these dark times (Chapter 16 to a secret chapter number I cannot yet say).
I'm going to start a separate tag list for one-shots, so lemme know if you want to be added!
If you like this story, reblog, share, or leave a comment! <3
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the-golden-comet · 18 days
✨🏴‍☠️🌈Peter Hart has reached 2,500 Views!! 🌈🏴‍☠️✨
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Thanks to this fantastic community, Peter Hart has reached 2,500 hits on Archive Of Our Own (and almost 1k comments 300 kudos!) and six sales on Amazon Kindle eBooks!!
You are all amazing, and I cannot thank you enough for all of the love and support you give to my stories and my boys. As the author, it warms my heart to see my characters come to life and inspire writers, readers, and artists worldwide 💛✨
I posted some more art as thanks on AO3, but please be mindful of the tags. They are explicit.❤️✨
Seriously, thank you all so much. You make my heart sing happily and inspire me to write. Keep writing, keep inspiring, and keep on keeping on 💫💛✨
✨👇Tag list for writing snippets below. DM me if you’d like to be added✨👇
Tag List for writing tidbits (lmk if you want + or -)
@autism-purgatory , @jev-urisk , @talesofsorrowandofruin , @ragin-cajun-fangirl , @wyked-ao3 ,
@glasshouses-and-stones , @alinacapellabooks , @gioiaalbanoart , @tragedycoded , @deanwax ,
@dyrewrites , @honeybewrites , @drchenquill , @paeliae-occasionally , @lychhiker-writes ,
@thatuselesshuman , @kaylinalexanderbooks , @katenewmanwrites , @zackprincebooks , @fantasy-things-and-such ,
@finickyfelix , @billybatsonmylove , @madi-konrad , @houseplantblank , @far-cry-from-finality ,
@froggy-pposto , @fractured-shield , @avaseofpeonies , @topazadine , @thecoolerlucky ,
@theaistired , @willtheweaver , @rivenantiqnerd @somethingclevermahogony , @noxxytocin ,
@leahnardo-da-veggie , @addicted2coke-theothercoke , @illarian-rambling , @mysticstarlightduck , @the-letterbox-archives ,
@ominous-feychild , @saturnine-saturneight , @words-after-midnight , @sableglass , @cowboybrunch ,
@yourpenpaldee , @moltenwrites , @pixies-love-envy , @davycoquette , @writeahurricane ,
@nczaversnick , @greenfinchwriter , @oliolioxenfreewrites , @lavender-gloom , @smellyrottentrees ,
@aintgonnatakethis , @thecomfywriter , @pluppsauthor , @michellekarnold , @flurrysahin ,
@authorcoledipalo , @jadeglas , @spookyceph , @astramachina , @48lexr ,
@inseasofgreen , @agirlandherquill , @saebasanart , @leatafandom , @justabigoldnerd ,
@pippinoftheshire , @just-emis-blog, @aalinaaaaa , @badscientist , @dearunreliablenarrator
@worlds-tallest-fairy , @rhikasa, @eccaiia , @dragoninatrenchcoat , @theverumproject
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zepskies · 28 days
❤️‍🩹 Life Update (And another BIG update...)
So I typically don't do this, but I just wanted to share something more personal with you guys.
Some of my friends on here already know this, but I've been going through a really rough time this summer, with an ongoing medical issue that has put me through multiple procedures and one surgical procedure last month in July. The issues all began the exact week I moved into a new apartment.
Then, just a few days after my surgery, I was let go from my job. I've been spending the last couple of months trying to recuperate, dealing with quite a lot of pain and discomfort, all while job hunting and writing stories to take my mind off it all.
I really wish I could tell you guys I'm in the homestretch of my recovery. I really thought I was! But, I just got some bad news this past Tuesday during a follow-up appointment. At best, I will need another surgical procedure. At worst, I'll need to be referred to another specialist for more answers.
I'm telling you all of this for a couple of reasons:
(And another big update below the cut!)
You've probably seen me even more active on here for the past couple of months. That's because Tumblr has been one of my main outlets, not just to distract my mind from what I've been going through, from the stress and anxiety, but also to engage more with my friends and followers. Trust me, your feedback, encouragements, comments and reblogs, tagging me on posts, and sending me fun asks has helped ease my mind. It's made me smile and laugh, even when I felt more like crying. So from the bottom of my heart, thank you! 💕💕
To potentially help offset some of my financial burdens, I'm working on creating a Patreon! I already have a Ko-Fi page, but I think Patreon will help me give back to you guys better while members support me in turn. It will be a simple monthly membership where you can get early access to my new stories and series chapters, early sneak peeks on new fic projects, some fun bonus content (like fic sequels and bonus drabbles), priority on fic requests, and more!
So stay tuned, because that's coming very soon. 😘💜
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Tagging some of my lovely mutuals and readers who've made my day brighter:
@luci-in-trenchcoats @talltalesandbedtimestories @deans-spinster-witch @kaleldobrev @dean-winchester-is-a-warrior
@deansbbyx @artyandink @tofics @deanbrainrotwritings @iamsapphine
@spnwoman @kayleighwinchester @spnbabe67 @thatonewriter15 @jessjad -- and many, many others! 💗
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fraugwinska · 7 months
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❤️ This is purely an appreciation post!
seeing this number made me giggle, but also so so so grateful! When I started writing Method to Madness, I never thought I'd have so many people reading, enjoying and loving my story.
life is pretty shitty rn, for various obvious and not so obvious reasons. But reading all the lovely comments and seeing the numbers of just how many take joy from what I create really is one of the few bright spots in my life.
I can't thank you enough for that ♥
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sotwk · 4 months
I think from now on, each time I feel sad or discouraged by the lack of notes/engagement my writing gets (and it happens way more often than you'd think; I don't know why folks seem to get the false impression I'm swimming in Likes), I'll try to run into the DMs/Asks of people who DO give likes/comments on my stuff and send them random love.
We can't do anything about people who dislike or ignore our stuff.... but we can show the supporters who do give our work love how appreciated they are. ❤️
PS. I hope I don't scare anyone away with the random Asks and DMs. 😂
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takaraphoenix · 29 days
you are literally the only person who i read teen wolf fanfics from anymore. its an addiction. a need.
Nooo this is so flattering like damn I only really started writing Teen Wolf fics twooo months ago!! I mean, 6 fics over the span of a decade was uuuhm not necessarily being active, imo. (HOW have I written 30 fics worth around 200k within two months?)
But also I HIGHLY recommend reading other people's works too!! This fandom is insanely talented! Go and check out lavenderlotion and ClareGuilty and Bunnywest on AO3. (And probably a dozen more that I have yet to discover myself.)
And once I get more uh time to breath I WILL actually put together damn fic rec lists to praise the beautiful, wonderful fics that have kept me afloat in these past stressful three months!!
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