llycaons · 2 years
i can’t see your replies on that post 😔
NOOOO 😭😭😭😭
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ghamnasr · 17 days
The Great Fire of London 2 September 1666
The Great Fire of London 2 September 1666
Gamal Moustafa
The Great Fire of London, which occurred on 2nd September 1666, stands as one of the most significant events in the history of the city. This devastating inferno engulfed the bustling metropolis for several days, leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. The fire not only reshaped the physical landscape of London but also had profound socio-economic repercussions that reverberated for years to come.
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The Great Fire of London 2 September 1666
Understanding the causes, spread, response, and aftermath of this catastrophic event provides valuable insights into urban resilience, architectural evolution, and the resilience of a community facing adversity. In this article, we delve into the historical context, impact, and lasting legacy of the Great Fire of London.
Introduction to the Great Fire of London
London, the bustling metropolis of the 17th century, faced a fiery trial on 2 September 1666. The Great Fire of London would leave a lasting impact on the city's landscape and history.
Historical Context of London in the 17th Century
In the 17th century, London was a thriving hub of trade, culture, and politics. However, its densely packed streets and predominantly wooden buildings made it a tinderbox waiting for a spark.
Urban Layout and Construction of London before the Fire
London's urban layout was a maze of narrow streets and tightly packed timber-framed buildings. The city's construction predominantly used wood, thatch, and pitch, creating a recipe for disaster in the event of a fire.
Causes and Spark of the Fire
The Great Fire of London was not just a stroke of bad luck but a culmination of events waiting to ignite the city into chaos.
Preceding Events and Conditions
Leading up to the fire, London was plagued by a hot and dry summer, perfect conditions for a fire to spread rapidly. Neglect of fire safety measures and lack of organized firefighting services added fuel to the impending inferno.
Incident at the Pudding Lane Bakery
The spark that would ignite the Great Fire was discovered in the early hours of September 2nd, 1666, at Thomas Farriner's bakery on Pudding Lane. A small fire that began in the bakery's oven would soon grow into an uncontrollable blaze, setting off a chain reaction of destruction.
Spread and Destruction of the Fire
Like a relentless beast, the Great Fire tore through London, leaving a trail of devastation in its wake.
Rapid Progression of the Fire through London
Fanned by strong winds and fueled by the city's flammable buildings, the fire spread rapidly from Pudding Lane, engulfing entire neighborhoods in a matter of hours.
Areas Most Affected by the Fire
From the banks of the Thames to the heart of the city, no area was spared from the fire's wrath. Landmarks, homes, and businesses were reduced to ashes, forever changing the face of London.
Response and Efforts to Extinguish the Fire
As the city burned, Londoners rallied together to combat the flames, but the road to extinguishing the fire was fraught with challenges.
Initial Responses and Communication of the Fire
As news of the fire spread, efforts to contain it were hampered by communication breakdowns and a lack of centralized coordination. Despite the chaos, individuals and officials worked tirelessly to control the blaze.
Challenges Faced by Firefighters and Volunteers
Volunteers and firefighters battled valiantly against the fire, using primitive methods such as fire hooks and water squirts. However, the lack of adequate equipment and the fire's intensity posed insurmountable challenges in their efforts to save the city.
Aftermath and Impact on London
The Great Fire of London, which ravaged the city on September 2, 1666, left a trail of devastation in its wake. The extent of the damage was immense, with approximately 13,200 houses, 87 churches, and numerous public buildings reduced to ashes. The losses incurred were not just material but also emotional, as many Londoners found themselves homeless and destitute.
Social and Economic Impact on Londoners
The social and economic impact on Londoners was profound. Displaced residents faced hardships as they struggled to rebuild their lives. The loss of businesses and livelihoods had a ripple effect on the local economy, leading to widespread unemployment and financial instability. The fire exposed the stark inequalities in society, with the wealthy able to recover more easily than the poor.
Rebuilding and Architectural Changes
In the aftermath of the Great Fire, London embarked on a monumental task of reconstruction. Plans and strategies were devised to rebuild the city, taking into account the need for better fire prevention measures and urban planning. New building regulations were implemented to prevent future disasters, leading to changes in architectural styles and materials used in construction.
New Building Regulations and Architectural Styles
The rebuilding of London saw the introduction of stricter building regulations aimed at reducing fire hazards. Architectural styles shifted towards more fire-resistant materials such as brick and stone, replacing the timber structures that had fueled the flames. The cityscape of London underwent a transformation, with a focus on creating safer and more resilient buildings.
Legacy and Lessons Learned from the Great Fire
The Great Fire of London left a lasting legacy that extended beyond the physical reconstruction of the city. It prompted significant changes in fire safety measures and infrastructure, improving the overall resilience of London. The disaster also influenced urban planning practices, shaping the development of cities for centuries to come.
Impact on Urban Planning and City Development
The Great Fire highlighted the importance of proper urban planning in preventing and mitigating disasters. The rebuilding of London incorporated wider streets, open spaces, and improved sanitation systems to enhance the city's resilience. These planning measures not only made London safer but also served as a model for urban development in other cities around the world.
Commemorations and Remembering the Event
Despite the devastation caused by the Great Fire, the event has not been forgotten. Memorials and tributes have been erected to honor the resilience of Londoners and commemorate the rebuilding of the city. The cultural significance of the Great Fire continues to be remembered through various practices that celebrate the spirit of survival and renewal.
Ongoing Cultural Significance and Remembrance Practices
The Great Fire of London remains a symbol of resilience and renewal, inspiring ongoing cultural practices that commemorate the event. Through exhibitions, educational programs, and public events, the legacy of the fire is kept alive, reminding us of the lessons learned and the enduring spirit of London in the face of adversity.As the embers of the Great Fire of London settled and the city embarked on a monumental rebuilding effort, the resilience and spirit of its inhabitants shone through. The lessons learned from this tragic event have shaped fire safety measures, urban planning, and architectural practices for centuries.
The legacy of the Great Fire endures through the rebuilt cityscape, commemorative landmarks, and the collective memory of a city that rose from the ashes stronger and more determined than ever.
The Internet.
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doesispknowaboutvpn · 5 months
is wireguard vpn safe
🔒🌍✨ Get 3 Months FREE VPN - Secure & Private Internet Access Worldwide! Click Here ✨🌍🔒
is wireguard vpn safe
WireGuard encryption strength
WireGuard encryption strength is a topic of significant interest and concern for those utilizing this modern VPN protocol. Developed as a lightweight and high-performance alternative to traditional VPN protocols, WireGuard boasts robust encryption capabilities.
At its core, WireGuard employs state-of-the-art cryptographic techniques to ensure data security and privacy. It relies on the Noise protocol framework, which combines several cryptographic primitives such as Curve25519, Poly1305, and ChaCha20, known for their efficiency and strength.
One of the key factors contributing to WireGuard's encryption strength is the use of the elliptic curve Diffie-Hellman (ECDH) key exchange. This method allows two parties to establish a shared secret over an insecure channel, enabling secure communication without the need for pre-shared keys.
Additionally, WireGuard utilizes authenticated encryption algorithms like Poly1305 for message authentication and integrity checking, along with ChaCha20 for symmetric encryption. These algorithms work together to ensure that data remains confidential and tamper-proof during transmission.
Moreover, WireGuard's simplicity contributes to its security by reducing the attack surface and potential vulnerabilities. Unlike older protocols burdened with complex codebases, WireGuard's streamlined design enhances auditability and makes it less susceptible to security flaws.
Overall, WireGuard offers robust encryption strength, combining modern cryptographic primitives with a minimalist design philosophy. Its efficiency, simplicity, and focus on security make it a compelling choice for organizations and individuals seeking reliable VPN solutions in an increasingly interconnected world.
WireGuard protocol vulnerabilities
WireGuard protocol is known for its strong encryption and efficient performance, but like any technology, it is not immune to vulnerabilities. Recently, several security issues have been identified in the WireGuard protocol, raising concerns about the overall security of the VPN solution.
One of the vulnerabilities discovered in the WireGuard protocol is related to improper packet validation, which could potentially allow an attacker to manipulate packets and conduct a variety of network-based attacks. This flaw poses a significant risk to the security and integrity of data transmitted over a WireGuard VPN connection.
Another vulnerability in WireGuard protocol that has been identified is related to poor key management, which could lead to unauthorized access to encrypted data or even complete decryption of the communication stream. This weakness undermines the fundamental principle of secure communication that WireGuard aims to provide.
It is essential for users and organizations utilizing WireGuard protocol to stay informed about these vulnerabilities and apply necessary patches and updates provided by the developers. Additionally, implementing strong authentication mechanisms and regularly reviewing the security configurations can help mitigate the risks associated with these vulnerabilities.
Despite these vulnerabilities, it is worth noting that the developers of WireGuard protocol are actively working to address these issues and enhance the overall security of the protocol. By staying vigilant and taking proactive measures to secure VPN connections, users can continue to leverage the benefits of WireGuard while minimizing the potential risks posed by these vulnerabilities.
WireGuard audit findings
Title: Unveiling the WireGuard Audit: Key Findings Revealed
In the realm of cybersecurity, scrutiny is paramount. One of the most anticipated audits in recent times has been that of WireGuard, a cutting-edge VPN protocol renowned for its simplicity and efficiency. Conducted by industry-leading security experts, the audit aimed to evaluate WireGuard's robustness and identify potential vulnerabilities. Now, the findings are in, offering valuable insights into the protocol's security posture.
One of the standout aspects of the audit was the confirmation of WireGuard's foundational security principles. The protocol's design, centered around a lean and comprehensible codebase, received praise for its transparency and clarity. This simplicity not only enhances security but also facilitates easier auditing and maintenance—a crucial factor in today's ever-evolving threat landscape.
However, no system is immune to vulnerabilities, and the audit uncovered areas for improvement. While no critical flaws were detected, minor issues were identified, underscoring the importance of ongoing vigilance and proactive security measures. These findings serve as a testament to the collaborative nature of cybersecurity, where constant evaluation and refinement are essential for staying ahead of potential threats.
Furthermore, the audit highlighted the significance of proper implementation and configuration practices. Even the most robust protocols can be compromised if deployed incorrectly. Therefore, organizations leveraging WireGuard are urged to adhere to best practices and regularly update their systems to mitigate risks effectively.
In conclusion, the WireGuard audit findings provide valuable insights into the protocol's security landscape. While reaffirming its foundational strengths, the audit also underscores the need for continuous evaluation and proactive security measures. By embracing these findings and fostering a culture of cybersecurity awareness, organizations can harness the full potential of WireGuard while safeguarding their digital assets against emerging threats.
WireGuard privacy concerns
WireGuard is a cutting-edge VPN protocol known for its speed, security, and simplicity. However, like any technology, it's not without its privacy concerns.
One of the main privacy concerns surrounding WireGuard is its reliance on the use of cryptographic keys for encryption. While this is essential for securing data transmissions, there is a risk that these keys could be compromised if not securely managed. If a malicious actor gains access to these keys, they could potentially intercept and decrypt users' data, compromising their privacy.
Additionally, WireGuard's design focuses on minimalism and efficiency, which means that certain privacy features found in other VPN protocols may be lacking. For example, WireGuard does not include built-in support for features like obfuscation or multi-hop connections, which can help users circumvent censorship and enhance anonymity.
Furthermore, since WireGuard is still relatively new compared to traditional VPN protocols like OpenVPN or IPsec, there may be undiscovered vulnerabilities or weaknesses that could potentially be exploited by attackers to compromise user privacy.
Despite these privacy concerns, it's essential to note that WireGuard's development is ongoing, with frequent security audits and updates aimed at addressing any potential issues. By staying informed about best practices for key management, encryption, and privacy protection, users can minimize the risks associated with using WireGuard and enjoy its benefits with greater peace of mind.
WireGuard performance benchmarks
Title: Evaluating WireGuard Performance: Benchmarks and Insights
In the realm of VPN protocols, WireGuard has emerged as a promising contender, celebrated for its simplicity, security, and efficiency. However, while its theoretical advantages are well-documented, how does WireGuard fare in real-world performance benchmarks?
Numerous studies and tests have been conducted to gauge WireGuard's performance across various metrics. One of the primary areas of focus is speed. In comparative analyses against traditional VPN protocols like OpenVPN and IPsec, WireGuard consistently demonstrates superior throughput and reduced latency. Its lightweight design and streamlined cryptographic algorithms contribute to faster data transmission, making it a preferred choice for users seeking optimal network performance.
Another crucial aspect of performance evaluation is resource utilization. WireGuard's minimalistic codebase and efficient cryptographic primitives result in lower CPU and memory overhead compared to legacy protocols. This efficiency not only translates to better performance on resource-constrained devices but also allows for higher scalability in enterprise deployments.
Furthermore, WireGuard's innovative approach to key exchange and session management minimizes connection setup times, enabling rapid establishment of secure VPN tunnels. This efficiency is particularly beneficial for applications requiring frequent reconnections, such as mobile devices moving between networks.
However, it's essential to acknowledge that performance benchmarks can vary depending on factors such as network conditions, hardware configurations, and implementation specifics. While WireGuard excels in many scenarios, users should conduct their own tests to evaluate its suitability for their particular use cases.
In conclusion, WireGuard's performance benchmarks underscore its position as a leading VPN protocol, offering unparalleled speed, efficiency, and security. As the digital landscape continues to evolve, WireGuard stands poised to redefine the standards for VPN performance in the years to come.
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agnisystechnology · 7 months
Formal Verification through ARV™-Formal
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In the dynamic landscape of Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) design, the ever-growing complexity of Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) has posed significant challenges to the traditional netlist simulation process. As ASICs become larger and more intricate, the time-consuming nature of netlist simulations for even minor changes in RTL (Register Transfer Level) has become a bottleneck. This is where formal verification steps in as a game-changer. This article explores the transformative role of formal verification, with a spotlight on ARV-Formal™, a cutting-edge tool developed by Agnisys, Inc.
The unique methods employed for RTL behavior validation through formal verification are considered more essential than other verification techniques due to their effectiveness in handling the increasing complexity of modern ASICs.
ARV-Formal™, developed by Agnisys, Inc., emerges as a powerful tool tailored to verify RTLs without the need for repetitive simulation runs after minor changes. The tool focuses on the "Property Checking" technique, with a particular emphasis on generating assertions automatically corresponding to IP specifications. This approach significantly reduces the time and effort spent on verification, offering a more efficient and reliable alternative to traditional methods.
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ARV-Formal™ also provides bounded validation proof in some cases where it may be difficult to prove a property. It also allows users to have automatic parameterized formal checks that focus on specific problems with targeted assertions aiming to reduce debug timings. A formal IP level verification, as a replacement for simulation for a block level IP, aims to prove the correctness of system architecture for specific requirements such as cache coherence or avoiding deadlock conditions. ARV-Formal hides much of the technological complexity of validation that underpins formal verification, so the user does not need even a semi-expert in the validation technique itself.
With the ability to parse register specifications from different supported input formats, like IP-XACT, System RDL, RALF, Custom CSV, IDS Word, and IDS Excel, and facilitate a methodology where multiple teams can align and work from a golden specification for auto-generating:
System Verilog properties and assertions to check the register access policies.
Top-level file to bind DUT.
Verification plan to verify formal results.
Executable scripts.
Assertions generated by the tool:
ARV-Formal™ is distinguished by its automatic generation of a comprehensive suite of assertions, ensuring a meticulous verification process for RTL designs. The tool adeptly addresses critical facets, including validation of register accesses for data transfer integrity and correctness. It scrutinizes external RTL interfaces, confirming proper interaction and adherence to communication protocols with external components. Special registers undergo dedicated checks, guaranteeing their functionality aligns with design specifications. Furthermore, ARV-Formal extends its verification scope to Special IDS-associated User-Defined Primitives (UDPs), validating their correct usage and seamless integration.
Incorporating assertions aligned with functional safety standards, ARV-Formal ensures compliance with stringent safety protocols, adding a layer of reliability to the design. The tool doesn't stop at individual components; it provides holistic system-level assertions, evaluating the overall behavior and functionality of the RTL design. Specific assertions for RTL port connections ensure a rigorous examination of communication correctness, while topology assertions verify the hierarchical organization of design components. This automated assertion generation significantly enhances verification efficiency, making ARV-Formal an invaluable asset in the complex realm of VLSI design verification.
Assertions for SoC Designs:
In IDS-Integrate, users seamlessly input instructions using TCL or Python commands. The tool then generates assertions, emphasizing connectivity aspects like ad-hoc connections, bus aggregations, bridge connections, and more. This tool provides a specialized output support named "arv_formal," enabling users to intricately formulate assertions associated with the integrated circuit.
As an illustration, contemplate assertions explicitly tailored for the connectivity of bus aggregation logic within an integrated circuit framework. In this case, the initiating bus is an APB situated at the top or wrapper block, directing signals to four distinct child blocks. This methodology guarantees the proper functioning of the bus aggregation logic within the integrated circuit design. Users can customize and expand these assertions based on the unique intricacies of their SoC design.
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ARV-Formal in Collaboration with Onespin™ 360 DV
Onespin 360 DV features witness creation that further eases the understanding of issues. On detection of a problem, the formal platform will create a signal time trace that demonstrates a sequence of events that leads to the problem. This ease of use feature makes the formal process easy to understand by leveraging a familiar waveform approach to visualize issues.
ARV-Formal™ generates automatic SystemVerilog Assertions based on the input specification. These assertions are bound by the RTL design generated by IDesignSpec and validated using Onespin™ 360 DV App.
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With the collaboration of ARV-Formal™ and Onespin™ 360 DV, the following is possible:
Assertion-based verification of block-level register RTL
SoC-level module connectivity proofs
End-to-end aggregation logic proof
ARV-Formal™ revolutionizes Automatic Register Verification by automating assertion generation, addressing design complexities, and streamlining the verification process. It outpaces simulations with its faster and comprehensive approach, generating a formal verification environment covering SystemVerilog properties. Collaborating with Onespin™ 360 DV enhances its capabilities, introducing assertion-based validation. ARV-Formal's efficiency in handling complex designs, providing counter-examples for debugging, and offering an interactive view of assertion results positions it as a vital tool in ensuring reliability and early bug detection in system designs.
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brilworks · 10 months
Java Best Practices [Part 2]
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Welcome back to our blog on Java best practices. In our previous post, we talked about the practices of writing clean code and described what are the benefits of employing these practices. If you missed our last article, you can read it here.
Recap: What is Clean Code and Why Does it Matter?
Clean code is the practice of writing code that is easy to read, understand, and maintain. When your code is well-organized and follows established standards, it communicates its intent clearly without the need for extensive explanations. Clean code offers numerous benefits, as mentioned below.
Readability: Clean code follows standards and norms that make it a breeze to read and understand. No more squinting at the screen and scratching heads!
Maintainability: Keeping your code clean enhances its maintainability. So when the time comes for updates and tweaks, you won’t be diving into a code jungle with a machete.
Collaboration: Clean code brings harmony to team collaborations. Multiple developers can work together without stepping on each other’s toes.
Debugging Magic: With clean code, debugging becomes a walk in the park. The clues are all laid out, making it easier to chase those pesky bugs away.
Peace of Mind: Ahh, the blissful feeling of knowing your code is a work of art — clean, bug-free, and ready to take on the world!
Let’s dive right into the second part of our Java best practices journey. In this part, we will be exploring some more methods that will level up your Java coding game.
1. Avoid Redundant Initialization
Avoid unnecessary assignments to variables, as Java automatically initializes primitive types and reference types with default values when they are declared as class or interface fields. For instance:
Boolean fields are automatically set to false.
Fields of types byte, short, int, long, char, and float are initialized to zero.
Double fields are initialized to zero, represented as 0.0d.
Reference fields are initialized to null.
Hence, it’s advisable to avoid explicitly initializing these fields to their default values, as it becomes redundant and unnecessary. Consider the following examples:
// Bad Practice: Redundant Initialization
public class Employee {
// Redundant initialization
private String name = null;
private int age = 0;
private boolean active = false;
// Good Practice: No Initialization Needed
public class Employee {
// No initialization needed
private String name;
private int age;
private boolean active;
The redundant initialization adds extra code without changing the class’s behavior or state. In contrast, the good practice of omitting the initialization makes the code more concise and clear.
Keep in mind that this rule applies only to “fields” of a “class” or an “interface.” Local variables declared within a method or block must be explicitly initialized before use to avoid compile-time errors.
2. Minimize Mutability
Mutability refers to the ability of an object or data to be changed after its creation. While it has its advantages, it also introduces challenges, such as difficult to debug program. Therefore, it’s important to use mutability carefully and consider the trade-offs between mutability and immutability based on the specific requirements of your program.
Immutability is a powerful technique that helps reduce bugs caused by unexpected changes. Hence, it is good practice to minimize mutability in classes and variables. You can use the “final” keyword for constants and variables that should remain unchanged.
final int MAX_ATTEMPTS = 3;
final String API_KEY = “abc123”;
3. Handle Exceptions Properly
Use exception handling to handle errors and exceptional cases.
Use logging to record errors and other important events.
Use clear and informative error messages.
No Empty Catch Blocks: When you are programming, exceptions, or unexpected events, are inevitable. There are various methods exist to deal with unexpected events. An empty block in Java is used for error handling, but it allows the program to continue running without throwing an error.
This means that when an exception is thrown in the try block, the catch block simply catches the exception and does nothing else. Therefore, you should avoid using empty catch blocks, which can lead to the silent failure of the program.
In this example, catch block is empty, and when we run this method with the following parameter [“123”, “1abc”]
The method will fail without any feedback. It will return 123, even though there was an error. This is because the exception is ignored. It’s important to handle exceptions so that we know when something goes wrong. Ignoring exceptions can lead to silent failures, which can be difficult to debug further.
Always handle exceptions appropriately to prevent unexpected crashes and ensure graceful error recovery. Use specific exception types rather than catching generic Exception classes. For instance:
Consider the following code snippet:
public int aggregateIntegerStringss(String[] integers) {
int sum = 0;
try {
for (String integer : integers) {
sum += Integer.parseInt(integer);
} catch (NumberFormatException ex) {
return sum;
In this example, catch block is empty, and when we run this method with the following parameter [“123”, “1abc”]
The method will fail without any feedback. It will return 123, even though there was an error. This is because the exception is ignored. It’s important to handle exceptions so that we know when something goes wrong. Ignoring exceptions can lead to silent failures, which can be difficult to debug further.
Always handle exceptions appropriately to prevent unexpected crashes and ensure graceful error recovery. Use specific exception types rather than catching generic Exception classes. For instance:
// Avoid
try {
// Risky code
} catch (Exception e) {
// Exception handling
// Prefer
try {
// Risky code
} catch (IOException e) {
// IOException handling
4. Optimize I/O operations:
Minimize the number of I/O operations and use buffered streams or readers/writers for efficient reading and writing of data.
// Avoid
FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(“myfile.txt”);
int data;
while ((data = fis.read()) != -1) {
// Process data
// Prefer
BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(“myfile.txt”));
int data;
while ((data = bis.read()) != -1) {
// Process data
5. Tips to write well-performance code:
Use parallel processing when applicable: Take advantage of parallel streams or multi-threading to parallelize computationally intensive or I/O-bound tasks, improving overall performance. However, ensure proper synchronization and handle thread safety.
List<Integer> numbers = Arrays.asList(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10); int sum = numbers.parallelStream().mapToInt(Integer::intValue).sum();
Use records: Records to create immutable data classes that automatically generate useful methods like equals, hashCode, and toString.
Compare constants: Constant should always be first in comparison in equals to avoid null pointer exception.
// Bad Practice
// Good Practice
Avoid if else: You can see how we have avoided writing the else part, and the code looks clean.
The following code can be improved:
// execute code
} else {
throw error
Like this:
throw error
//execute code
Long Methods: Making Things Short and Sweet: We can split long methods into smaller ones, each with its own job. This makes the code easier to understand. We can also use a trick called AOP(Aspect-Oriented Programming) to help with some tasks that happen a lot.
// Bad Practice
public class LongMethod {
public void complexTask() {
// A lot of steps here
Break down long methods into smaller ones.
// Good Practice
public class MethodBreakdown {
public void firstStep() {
// First step logic
public void secondStep() {
// Second step logic
// …
Divide responsibilities of the controllers: We can make things easier by splitting big controllers into smaller ones. Each smaller controller can handle just one job. This makes everything clearer and tidier. We can use special marks like @RestController and @RequestMapping to do this.
// Bad Practice
public class MainController {
public List<Item> getItemsAndPerformOtherTasks() {
// Multiple tasks done here
Divide responsibilities between controllers.
// Good Practice
public class ItemController {
public List<Item> getItems() {
// items logic
public class TaskController {
public List<Task> getTasks() {
// tasks logic
6. Code formatting
Proper code formatting is one of the key aspects of writing clean code. Consistent formatting promotes better readability of the codebase. Regarding formatting, indentation, blank lines, and line length are crucial aspects of code formatting. The proper indentation, character limit and separate blocks make the codebase pleasant to read.
Indent code with four spaces.
Limit line length to 80 characters.
Use blank lines to separate blocks of code.
Read more at https://www.brilworks.com/blog/java-best-practices-part-2/
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aksharacthomes1 · 10 months
The Impact of Technology on Modern Construction
The construction industry has always been an essential part of human progress, but with technological advancements, it has undergone a significant transformation. From ancient civilisations building structures with primitive tools to modern-day builders utilising sophisticated machinery and digital tools, the impact of technology on construction cannot be overlooked.
In this blog post, we will explore how technology has revolutionised the way builders Canberra operate in today's construction industry.
Technological Advancements in Construction
One of the major ways technology has impacted the construction industry is by introducing digital tools and software. These tools have streamlined various processes for builders, making them more efficient and accurate. One of the most significant advancements in this regard is the use of Building Information Modelling (BIM).
BIM is a digital representation of a building that allows builders to visualise and simulate the entire construction process before it begins. This technology has numerous benefits, including improved coordination between different trades, reduced errors and rework, and enhanced communication among project stakeholders.
In addition to BIM, various other digital tools are used for project planning, design, and collaboration. For example, project management software enables builders Canberra to track progress, manage timelines, and allocate resources effectively. Design software allows architects and engineers to create intricate and detailed plans, improving accuracy and reducing the possibility of errors. Collaboration platforms facilitate real-time communication and document sharing among project team members, irrespective of their physical location.
Another area where technology has significantly impacted is prefabrication and modular construction. Prefabrication involves manufacturing building components off-site, which are then transported to the construction site and assembled. This method offers several advantages, including cost savings, reduced construction time, and enhanced quality control. With the help of technology, the logistics involved in modular construction have also been improved. Advanced algorithms and software are used to plan the transportation and installation of modular components, optimising efficiency and minimising disruptions.
Enhanced Safety Measures
Safety has always been a top priority in the construction industry, and technology has played a crucial role in improving safety standards. Drones, for instance, are now being used for site inspections and monitoring hazardous areas.
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These unmanned aerial vehicles provide builders with a bird's eye view of the construction site, allowing them to identify potential hazards and take preventive measures. Drones can also be equipped with thermal imaging cameras to detect heat leaks and insulation failures, enabling builders to address energy efficiency issues.
Another technological advancement in construction safety is the use of wearable technology. Construction workers now have intelligent helmets, vests, and glasses that monitor their vital signs, detect fatigue, and provide real-time safety alerts. These devices have proven to be effective in preventing accidents and reducing the risk of health hazards. For example, if a worker's heart rate exceeds a certain threshold or is exposed to toxic fumes, the wearable device will immediately notify them and alert the supervisor.
Sustainable Construction Practices
With the growing environmental concern, sustainable construction practices have become increasingly important. Technology has played a critical role in facilitating these practices within the construction industry. Green building techniques, such as energy-efficient designs and materials, have recently gained popularity.
Advanced software is used to analyse the energy performance of buildings, allowing builders to optimise designs for maximum energy efficiency. Materials such as recycled steel, bamboo, and insulated concrete forms are used to reduce waste and minimise the carbon footprint of construction projects.
Smart home technologies are another example of how technology promotes sustainability in construction. These technologies allow homeowners to monitor and control energy usage, lighting, and temperature. By automating these processes and making them more efficient, smart home technologies contribute to energy conservation and reduce utility costs. Builders are now incorporating these technologies into their construction projects, making homes more sustainable and environmentally friendly.
Challenges and Future Trends
While technology has brought numerous benefits to the construction industry, it also poses certain challenges. One of the major concerns is the cost associated with adopting new technologies. Builders must invest in expensive equipment, software licenses, and training to implement these technologies effectively. Additionally, there may be resistance to change among builders who are accustomed to traditional methods and may be hesitant to embrace new technologies.
Another challenge is the need for adequate training and skill development. As technology evolves, builders must keep up with the latest advancements and acquire new skills to remain competitive. The construction industry is known for its shortage of skilled labour, and bridging the technology gap requires significant investment in training and education.
Looking towards the future, several exciting trends in construction technology will further transform the industry. One such trend is the use of robotics in construction. Robots can perform repetitive tasks more efficiently and accurately than humans, reducing labour costs and improving productivity. Another emerging trend is 3D printing in construction, which enables builders to create complex structures with minimal waste and faster construction times.
In conclusion, technology has had a profound impact on the construction industry. Builders benefit from these advancements in numerous ways, from digital tools and software to enhanced safety measures and sustainable practices. As technology evolves, builders must stay informed about emerging technologies and their impact on their work. By embracing these advancements and adapting to the changing landscape, builders Canberra can enhance their efficiency, productivity, and sustainability in the construction industry.
Source: The Impact of Technology on Modern Construction
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The Evolution of Tree Lopping Techniques and Tools
Trees have always played a crucial role in our environment, providing shade, oxygen, and a sense of natural beauty. Throughout history, humans have found themselves needing to manage trees for various reasons, leading to the development and evolution of tree lopping techniques and tools. From ancient practices to modern innovations, the art of tree loppers Sydney has come a long way, reflecting both our changing needs and a growing understanding of the ecological impact.
Ancient Practices: Balancing Necessity and Harmony
In ancient times, communities depended on trees for survival. Trees provided timber for constructing shelters, firewood for warmth and cooking, and fruits for sustenance. However, the early techniques for tree lopping were often basic and unsophisticated. Trees were felled with brute force using stone tools, and the lack of precision often led to wastage and unintended damage to the surrounding ecosystem.
Despite the primitive nature of these practices, ancient civilisations recognised the importance of maintaining a balance between their needs and the environment. The selective cutting of trees to minimise ecological disruption was a rudimentary form of ecological awareness. As societies evolved, so did their understanding of the intricate relationships between trees, wildlife, and soil health.
Medieval Ingenuity: Progress and Precision
The medieval period brought about advancements in metallurgy and tool-making, leading to the creation of more effective cutting tools. Iron axes and saws allowed for more controlled and precise tree lopping, reducing the collateral damage often caused by earlier methods. This era also saw the development of simple rope systems, which allowed workers to guide the direction of tree falls, preventing potential hazards and preserving nearby vegetation.
The increasing urbanisation and demand for resources during this time further emphasised the need for careful tree management. Communities began to designate specific areas for timber harvesting, which marked an early attempt at sustainable forestry practices. This period laid the groundwork for the eventual recognition of the long-term benefits of preserving trees for future generations.
Industrial Revolution: Efficiency Meets Environmental Impact
The Industrial Revolution transformed almost every aspect of human life, including tree lopping. The invention of steam-powered engines brought about mechanisation on a large scale. Chainsaws, powered by steam engines, became the go-to tool for efficient tree felling. While these tools drastically improved productivity, they also presented new challenges, including increased environmental disruption and safety concerns.
As cities expanded and landscapes changed, a growing awareness of the environmental impact emerged. The wholesale removal of trees for urban expansion led to concerns about air quality, temperature regulation, and erosion control. This marked a turning point, inspiring the birth of arboriculture as a scientific discipline. Arborists began to study trees' interactions with their environment, leading to the development of more nuanced tree lopping techniques that considered the ecological repercussions.
Modern Sustainability: Holistic Tree Care
The latter half of the 20th century and the early 21st century saw a paradigm shift in tree lopping practices. An increased understanding of the vital role trees play in maintaining ecological balance led to a focus on sustainable tree management. Arborists and tree care professionals began to prioritise techniques that ensured the long-term health of trees while also considering the surrounding ecosystem.
Crown reduction, canopy thinning, and selective pruning emerged as preferred practices to manage tree growth while minimising stress and potential disease. The use of climbing techniques that minimise harm to trees' structures gained popularity, and the integration of technology led to the creation of specialised equipment like aerial lifts for precise and safe tree care at heights.
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craigbrownphd · 1 year
If you did not already know
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON) JSON, or JavaScript Object Notation, is an open standard format that uses human-readable text to transmit data objects consisting of attribute-value pairs. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and web application, as an alternative to XML. … Causal Complementation Algorithm The theory of linear Diophantine equations in two unknowns over polynomial rings is used to construct causal lifting factorizations for causal two-channel FIR perfect reconstruction multirate filter banks and wavelet transforms. The Diophantine approach generates causal lifting factorizations satisfying certain polynomial degree-reducing inequalities, enabling a new lifting factorization strategy called the \emph{Causal Complementation Algorithm}. This provides an alternative to the noncausal lifting scheme based on the Extended Euclidean Algorithm for Laurent polynomials that was developed by Daubechies and Sweldens. The new approach, which can be regarded as Gaussian elimination in polynomial matrices, utilizes a generalization of polynomial division that ensures existence and uniqueness of quotients whose remainders satisfy user-specified divisibility constraints. The Causal Complementation Algorithm is shown to be more general than the Extended Euclidean Algorithm approach by generating causal lifting factorizations not obtainable using the polynomial Euclidean Algorithm. … Best-Scored Random Forest Classification We propose an algorithm named best-scored random forest for binary classification problems. The terminology ‘best-scored’ means to select the one with the best empirical performance out of a certain number of purely random tree candidates as each single tree in the forest. In this way, the resulting forest can be more accurate than the original purely random forest. From the theoretical perspective, within the framework of regularized empirical risk minimization penalized on the number of splits, we establish almost optimal convergence rates for the proposed best-scored random trees under certain conditions which can be extended to the best-scored random forest. In addition, we present a counterexample to illustrate that in order to ensure the consistency of the forest, every dimension must have the chance to be split. In the numerical experiments, for the sake of efficiency, we employ an adaptive random splitting criterion. Comparative experiments with other state-of-art classification methods demonstrate the accuracy of our best-scored random forest. … Berkeley Container Library (BCL) One-sided communication is a useful paradigm for irregular parallel applications, but most one-sided programming environments, including MPI’s one-sided interface and PGAS programming languages, lack application level libraries to support these applications. We present the Berkeley Container Library, a set of generic, cross-platform, high-performance data structures for irregular applications, including queues, hash tables, Bloom filters and more. BCL is written in C++ using an internal DSL called the BCL Core that provides one-sided communication primitives such as remote get and remote put operations. The BCL Core has backends for MPI, OpenSHMEM, GASNet-EX, and UPC++, allowing BCL data structures to be used natively in programs written using any of these programming environments. Along with our internal DSL, we present the BCL ObjectContainer abstraction, which allows BCL data structures to transparently serialize complex data types while maintaining efficiency for primitive types. We also introduce the set of BCL data structures and evaluate their performance across a number of high-performance computing systems, demonstrating that BCL programs are competitive with hand-optimized code, even while hiding many of the underlying details of message aggregation, serialization, and synchronization. … https://analytixon.com/2023/05/24/if-you-did-not-already-know-2051/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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acquaintsofttech · 2 years
How to Develop Field Services Management Software
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Many businesses can use field service solutions to provide multiple products or services. This could mean sending technicians to remote areas to repair or install a system. This type of business requires excellent coordination and planning. They need to consider all minor details. Although there are many ways that a company can accomplish its tasks, it takes more work to manage the company's more extensive operations.
A field service management system that is intelligent or designed explicitly for the purpose will enable users to conduct analysis, generate reports and manage tasks. This article offers valuable insights into the development of field service management software.
What's Field Services Management Software?
Field services management can take time to log or track this information manually. It is also more difficult and costly to do this manually. This means that they can use the valuable time for more productive activities. This is especially true when you need real-time information and can make fast decisions. Automation can make a huge difference in your business. In this highly competitive age, keeping a book or using a spreadsheet is impossible.
Software for field services management is an enterprise solution that allows businesses to increase productivity by automating and speeding up tasks. It can also introduce automation and new technologies to enhance the service. Software like this can help with everyday tasks such as scheduling work orders, allocating work, and assigning tasks to individuals. It can also manage inventory levels, connect with field workers, and gather vital data.
The Significance of Field Service Management Software
Field services management businesses already have enough to worry about without the additional burden of using manual or primitive systems for basic tasks. Tracking and logging tasks for larger companies is more complex and costly. This software is essential for any business that offers this service. Here are some reasons:
Managing a large workforce and assigning different tasks can be a nightmare without software.
Managing your business efficiently by managing multiple tasks such as inventory, monitoring, and manually preventing performance can be challenging. The software can improve your performance.
You can make your work easier by creating preconfigured workflows that are easy to use and then transferring them efficiently.
It encourages collaboration, particularly with those who are sent to the field.
Only custom software allows you to access and analyze information instantly to obtain instant results.
Many statistics indicate the same:
By 2022, the field service industry will have generated $4.45 billion.
This market is expected to reach a $5.1 billion value in 2025.
48% organization using special software.
Common Features in Field Management Software
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Field service management software integrates many tasks into one software, allowing you to manage your business better. People often use multiple methods to log, analyze and manage their operations, such as pen & paper or a spreadsheet, whiteboard or calendar. A system like this can replace all of these methods. These are some of the critical features of an app such as this:
Client Management: Monitor job requests, manage sales & provide estimates.
Project Management - Prioritize job requests and keep track of intelligent reminders and notifications.
Resource Management - Manage all your resources, including tools, equipment and staff, using an intelligent dispatch system that displays real-time status.
Planning and Scheduling: This is how you plan your business operations and allocate the resources to maximize them.
Communication Management - Simplifies communication by automating multiple tasks for scheduling and notifications. It also saves time and reduces the work required to do manually.
User Management: Use this tool to track time per task and update your job description.
Automation and Integration: Use external software and tools to automate your business processes.
Reporting - Create reports that will help you evaluate various aspects of your company. You can even do this in real-time.
Revenue Management - Automate your revenue process with time logging and client or project management features.
Remote access: Get details and tasks from anywhere, remotely. This will allow you to manage your security and complete the job efficiently.
Preconfigure workflow: Set up the workflow in advance to speed up onboarding and maintain consistency.
Optimize route: Integrate GPS, Maps, etc. Provide real-time traffic updates to help you find the best way and minimize delays.
Get real-time alerts to make sure the process runs smoothly.
Invoicing and Accounting: You can now remotely manage your everyday tasks, such as involvement and accounting, without travelling. This saves time, money, and effort and helps you to be more efficient.
CRM - Use the CRM to manage your contacts, preferences, and invoices and give you a more personal service.
Inventory Management - Manage your warehouse more efficiently with the inventory management feature. This will optimize storage, delivery and stocking and provide a better service.
Improve customer experience: Provide better customer service through various tools, including Chatbots.
Tips to Develop Field Services Management Software
Field service businesses are already difficult to manage. A simple system would be better. A software solution is necessary to ensure the field service business runs smoothly. This is why developing such a solution takes time and money. These clever ideas help you build software that works for your business.
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You have several options for developing such software: hire remote developers, set up an in-house team of software developers, or hire a professional software development company.
Freelancers are often unreliable, and setting up an in-house team requires additional resources, which can be very expensive.
Software development companies have the resources and skilled staff to create state-of-the-art solutions.
Defining your goals for creating such software and its primary purpose is essential.
Conduct a market analysis to develop a more effective solution and gain information about your competitors.
Design involves creating wireframes to capture the initial ideas. This stage requires brainstorming and collaboration with the design team.
An MVP Development Solution has low risks and low costs. This allows businesses to quickly verify feasibility, launch their software faster, get valuable feedback and create a cost-effective, optimized solution. An MVP solution could be a great business strategy.
Hire the best software development company. One that can provide timely solutions and has skilled workers. They must have a well-designed development process and a dedicated QA staff to provide outstanding solutions. Acquaint Softtech is a field service software development company.
Acquaint Softtech offers field services management app development services. Many startups have been helped to realize their business goals by acquiring Softtech. We have helped many large-scale companies grow with over 5000 new-generation software launches.
Avoid These Mistakes When Developing This Software
Many businesses use field service management software to streamline their business operations. Each company is different and has its requirements. It would be best if you also considered your industry. Significant differences will likely be in the software used to run a real estate, insurance, financial service, or travel business. Using a different solution than other companies is best, as it may not suit you. These are the most common mistakes made by companies:
Consider the minimal features required to create an app such as this.
Preparing a list of requirements without consulting other team members and resulting in software that requires multiple parts.
Instead of reviewing past projects or checking for quality, hire the cheapest software development company.
Blindly selecting an agency based only on recommendations or without verifying its capabilities is not wise.
It is essential to determine the best method and frequency of updates.
Needs to be made aware of complex operation of new technologies such as AI/ML, automation, and others.
Software development that is in line with current trends.
How It is Beneficial for My Business?
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This allows you to serve your customers better and provide a great experience.
Scheduling resources can be a time-consuming and error-prone task. Well-designed custom software can automate this task for you. It can also simplify the process of shipping.
This is a great way to save time and increase productivity.
It's easier to create highly detailed, relevant reports to optimize operations. You can also create real-time reports to obtain accurate information to make quick and precise business decisions.
Integrating the billing system within this system allows for greater accuracy and automation. Automation also eliminates human error.
It can do data management tasks more quickly.
It improves the company's response, job completion, and overall business performance.
It positively affects many processes, including inventory management, business operation, and customer satisfaction.
Why hire professionals from Acquaint Softtech?
Acquaint Softtech has offered various technologically advanced solutions to multiple industries for over 15 years. We are a leader in software development and offer field service management solutions. We create software solutions that exceed industry standards and provide support and maintenance.
Acquaint employs highly skilled developers who are proficient in many technologies. We are up-to-date on the latest technologies and provide a reliable and flexible service. We offer flexibility when it comes to the hiring process. We have dedicated teams to ensure that the software we provide is error-free. Use our vast experience in developing field service software to create robust solutions.
There are many ways to manage a field service business. It is relatively inexpensive to set up a spreadsheet or a notebook to help you keep track of your business and plan the tasks. You must rely on something other than this system as you grow and add more products or services.
The long-term cost of developing custom field services software is lower because one can manage their business operations more effectively, optimize the scheduling process and dispatch the appropriate personnel. Acquaint Softtech, a well-established software company has qualified developers to create solutions to give you the edge.
What is field service software?
This software makes it easy to log, track and manage employees, products and services. It makes it easier to schedule services, dispatch people, access critical information remotely, and serve customers better.
Why should I develop field service software specifically for my business?
This software can improve customer service and provide a better customer experience. You can customize the software to suit your business's unique requirements. This will help you optimize your business operations. Software like this can increase efficiency, decrease costs, and improve customer service.
How much does it cost to build Field Service Software Development?
Costs to develop such software depend on many factors, including the features you choose, customization level, development company, and the company's location. Acquaint will quickly respond to your request with a quote.
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hitechsteelpipes · 2 years
Telecommunication Systems and Cables
Words telecom is a mix of 2 words. TELE + COMMUNICATION Words TELE implies range in Latin. Because of this, Telecommunication implies interaction in between 2 far-off factors. The require for telecommunication began with the presence of humankind in the world and the human have to pass info next to in person interaction and throughout really much ranges. Techniques of Interaction Utilizing Primitive Indication Language Interaction by production seems Interaction with smoke Interaction with fire Contemporary Telegraph Telephone Interaction with cordless network link Interaction through satellite The information you wish to send out includes indications. These information can be audio, computer system information, songs, film, temperature level or alarm system info. All these information are thought about as messages.
Messages can take lots of types, such as human voices, songs gamers, video clip gamers, computer system or safety and safety systems messages. These messages, such as information, info, songs gamers or sound indicates, are exchanged electric indicates depending upon the kind of message. MODULATOR and TRANSMITTER A message that can get to the preferred factor is sent out through a transmitter. This message is exchanged electric indicates in the modulator. The inflection procedure needs the initial message or is the waveform of the indicate at a reduced regularity. Because of this, it has reduced power. Therefore, inflection is the procedure of transforming the initial indicate to a greater regularity indicate compared to the initial indicate. Inflection is performed in the gadget called transmitter. This procedure to be sent is the conversion of the indicates generally resource into suitable indicates. CHANNEL 1 Intro The function of this article is to offer fundamental info on telecommunication, cable televisions, and network devices. This file is offered recommendation just, real educating needs in person conferences, presentations and useful applications.
2.1 What does Interaction Imply? Interaction implies sharing concepts, info and messages in a particular time and location . As a method of contact; interaction consists of aesthetic interaction like face expressions, body movement, pictures, photos, or removaling images. On the various other hand, it can be digital interaction utilizing telephones, web networks, cable television TV and satellite receiver. Interaction is an important part of human life and it has considerably reshaped discovering, functioning, home enjoyment and life.
2.1.1 The Beginning of Telecommunication Words telecom is a mix of 2 words. TELE + COMMUNICATION Words TELE implies range in Latin. Because of this, Telecommunication implies interaction in between 2 far-off factors. The require for telecommunication began with the presence of humankind in the world and the human have to pass info next to in person interaction and throughout really much ranges.
2.1.2 Techniques of Interaction Utilizing Primitive Indication Language Interaction by production seems Interaction with smoke Interaction with fire Contemporary Telegraph Telephone Interaction with cordless network link Interaction through satellite 2.1.3 Demands for Total Interaction Resource of Information The information you wish to send out includes indications. These information can be audio, computer system information, songs, film, temperature level or alarm system info. All these information are thought about as messages.
Messages can take lots of types, such as human voices, songs gamers, video clip gamers, computer system or safety and safety systems messages. These messages, such as information, info, songs gamers or sound indicates, are exchanged electric indicates depending upon the kind of message. MODULATOR and TRANSMITTER A message that can get to the preferred factor is sent out through a transmitter. This message is exchanged electric indicates in the modulator. The inflection procedure needs the initial message or is the waveform of the indicate at a reduced regularity. Because of this, it has reduced power. Therefore, inflection is the procedure of transforming the initial indicate to a greater regularity indicate compared to the initial indicate. Inflection is performed in the gadget called transmitter. This procedure to be sent is the conversion of the indicates generally resource into suitable indicates. CHANNEL The rushed indicate is moved from the transmitter to the receiver through a gadget called a network. In interaction, network implies a lengthy transmission course. The range of networks offered today; cable televisions, radio waves and light waves. Receiver and Demodulator Receiver include succeeding deals. Getting transmitter indicates. Choice of the preferred indicate (blended with the network). Demodulation of the initial indicate to be recreated. Target of Messages The indicate should reach the suitable location. For instance, an distinct computer system indicate might not be really helpful. Or the worth determined by a thermostat is not precise. The target gadget should choose what to finish with the indicates. For instance, getting and keeping indicates or perhaps guiding the indicates to another gadget. Effective interaction occurs when the initial message shows up properly at the target. 2.2 TRANSMISSION MEDIA Interaction networks offer range decision of different transmission implies, individual info of the provider, to satellite networks through copper cable televisions. Transmission implies is the physical course for the interaction indicate. Transmission cars can be categorized into 2 primary classifications as wired and cordless cars. Wired cars might restrict the interaction indicates, they direct however don't permit them to be transferred. Radio cars, on the various other hand, permit them to be transferred. Metal cable televisions and optical fibers are instances of cable transmission implies. Radio waves and satellite indicates are instances of cordless transmission cars. An essential particular of both various gadgets is the data transfer, or the open up vary at which each of the regularities can be transferred. Typically, a car with a bigger data transfer transfers much far better. Steel cable television 1 Intro The function of this article is to offer fundamental info on telecommunication, cable televisions, and network devices. This file is offered recommendation just, real educating needs in person conferences, presentations and useful applications.
2.1 What does Interaction Imply? Interaction implies sharing concepts, info and messages in a particular time and location . As a method of contact; interaction consists of aesthetic interaction like face expressions, body movement, pictures, photos, or removaling images. On the various other hand, it can be digital interaction utilizing telephones, web networks, cable television TV and satellite receiver. Interaction is an important part of human life and it has considerably reshaped discovering, functioning, home enjoyment and life.
2.1.1 The Beginning of Telecommunication Words telecom is a mix of 2 words. TELE + COMMUNICATION Words TELE implies range in Latin. Because of this, Telecommunication implies interaction in between 2 far-off factors. The require for telecommunication began with the presence of humankind in the world and the human have to pass info next to in person interaction and throughout really much ranges.
2.1.2 Techniques of Interaction Utilizing Primitive Indication Language Interaction by production seems Interaction with smoke Interaction with fire Contemporary Telegraph Telephone Interaction with cordless network link Interaction through satellite 2.1.3 Demands for Total Interaction Resource of Information The information you wish to send out includes indications. These information can be audio, computer system information, songs, film, temperature level or alarm system info. All these information are thought about as messages.
Messages can take lots of types, such as human voices, songs gamers, video clip gamers, computer system or safety and safety systems messages. These messages, such as information, info, songs gamers or sound indicates, are exchanged electric indicates depending upon the kind of message. MODULATOR and TRANSMITTER A message that can get to the preferred factor is sent out through a transmitter. This message is exchanged electric indicates in the modulator. The inflection procedure needs the initial message or is the waveform of the indicate at a reduced regularity. Because of this, it has reduced power. Therefore, inflection is the procedure of transforming the initial indicate to a greater regularity indicate compared to the initial indicate. Inflection is performed in the gadget called transmitter. This procedure to be sent is the conversion of the indicates generally resource into suitable indicates. Receiver and Demodulator Receiver include succeeding deals. Getting transmitter indicates. Choice of the preferred indicate (blended with the network). Demodulation of the initial indicate to be recreated.
2.2 TRANSMISSION MEDIA Interaction networks offer range decision of different transmission implies, individual info of the provider, to satellite networks through copper cable televisions. Transmission implies is the physical course for the interaction indicate. Transmission cars can be categorized into 2 primary classifications as wired and cordless cars. Wired cars might restrict the interaction indicates, they direct however don't permit them to be transferred. Radio cars, on the various other hand, permit them to be transferred. Metal cable televisions and optical fibers are instances of cable transmission implies. Radio waves and satellite indicates are instances of cordless transmission cars. An essential particular of both various gadgets is the data transfer, or the open up vary at which each of the regularities can be transferred. Typically, a car with a bigger data transfer transfers much far better. Fiber Optic Systems Fiber optic is a quickly establishing transmission tool in telephone networks. The factor for this is that they have excellent qualities. Optical fibers have excellent residential or commercial homes such as reduced weight, high data transfer, absence of electric conductivity, not being afflicted by electro-magnetic atmospheres and having actually reduced transmission losses. Fiber optic innovation is establishing as an extremely efficient method to utilize it in new telecommunication applications. Fiber optic systems are commonly utilized in cable televisions utilized in wise structures and regional network links of computer system systems. Comprehensive r & d are performed to create optical fiber better and cost-effective.
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sexytiime · 3 years
Shulamith Firestone on Marx & Engels
From the first chapter of The Dialectic of Sex: The case for Feminist Revolution: 
“      Before we can act to change a situation, however, we must know how it has arisen and evolved, and through what institutions it now operates. Engels’s ‘[We must] examine the historic succession of events from which the antagonism has sprung in order to discover in the conditions thus created the means of ending the conflict.’ For feminist revolution we shall need an analysis of the dynamics of sex war as comprehensive as the Marx-Engels analysis of class antagonism was for the economic revolution. More comprehensive. For we are dealing with a larger problem, with an oppression that goes back beyond recorded history to the animal kingdom itself.
In creating such an analysis we can learn a lot from Marx and Engels: not their literal opinions about women – about the condition of women as an oppressed class they know next to nothing, recognizing it only where it overlaps with economics – but rather their analytic method.
Marx and Engels outdid their socialist forerunners in that they developed a method of analysis which was both dialectical and materialist. The first in centuries to view history dialectically, they saw the world as process, a natural flux of action and reaction, of opposites yet inseparable and interpenetrating. Because they were able to perceive history as movie rather than as snapshot, they attempted to avoid falling into the stagnant ‘metaphysical’ view that had trapped so many other great minds. (This sort of analysis itself may be a product of the sex division, as discussed in Chapter 9.) They combined this view of the dynamic interplay of historical forces with a materialist one, that is, they attempted for the first time to put historical and cultural change on a real basis, to trace the development of economic classes to organic causes. By understanding thoroughly the mechanics of history, they hoped to show men how to master it.
Socialist thinkers prior to Marx and Engels, such as Fourier, Owen, and Bebel, had been able to do no more than moralize about existing social inequalities, positing an ideal world where class privilege and exploitation should not exist – in the same way that early feminist thinkers posited a world where male privilege and exploitation ought not exist – by mere virtue of good will. In both cases, because the early thinkers did not really understand how the social injustice had evolved, maintained itself, or could be eliminated, their ideas existed in a cultural vacuum, utopian. Marx and Engels, on the other hand, attempted a scientific approach to history. They traced the class conflict to its real economic origins, projecting an economic solution based on objective economic preconditions already present: the seizure by the proletariat of the means of production would lead to a communism in which government had withered away, no longer needed to repress the lower class for the sake of the higher. In the classless society the interests of every individual would be synonymous with those of the larger society.
But the doctrine of historical materialism, much as it was a brilliant advance over previous historical analysis, was not the complete answer, as later events bore out. For though Marx and Engels grounded their history in reality, it was only a partial reality. Here is Engels’s strictly economic definition of historical materialism from Socialism: Utopian or Scientific :
“Historical materialism is that view of the course of history which seeks the ultimate cause and the great moving power of all historical events in the economic development of society, in the changes of the modes of production and exchange, in the consequent division of society into distinct classes, and in the struggles of these classes against one another.” (Italics mine)
Further, he claims:
“...that all past history with the exception of the primitive stages was the history of class struggles; that these warring classes of society are always the products of the modes of production and exchange - in a word, of the economic conditions of their time; that the economic structure of society always furnishes the real basis, starting from which we can alone work out the ultimate explanation of the whole superstructure of juridical and political institutions as well as of the religious, philosophical, and other ideas of a given historical period.” (Italics mine)
It would be a mistake to attempt to explain the oppression of women according to this strictly economic interpretation. The class analysis is a beautiful piece of work, but limited: although correct in a linear sense, it does not go deep enough. There is a whole sexual substratum of the historical dialectic that Engels at times dimly perceives, but because he can see sexuality only through an economic filter, reducing everything to that, he is unable to evaluate it in its own right. 
Engels did observe that the original division of labour was between man and woman for the purposes of child-breeding; that within the family the husband was the owner, the wife the means of production, the children the labour; and that reproduction of the human species was an important economic system distinct from the means of production. 
But Engels has been given too much credit for these scattered recognitions of the oppression of women as a class. In fact he acknowledged the sexual class system only where it overlapped and illuminated his economic construct. Engels didn’t do so well even in this respect. But Marx was worse: there is a growing recognition of Marx’s bias against women (a cultual bias shared by Freud as well as all men of culture), dangerous if one attempts to squeeze feminism into an orthodox Marxist framework - freezing what were only incidental insights of Marx and Engels about sex class into dogma. Instead, we must enlarge historical materialism to include the strictly Marxian, in the same way that the physics of relativity did not invalidate Newtonian physics so much as it drew a circle around it, limiting its application - but only through comparison - to a smaller sphere. For an economic diagnosis traced to ownership of the means of production, even of the means of reproduction, does not explain everything. There is a level of reality that does not stem directly from economics.
The assumption that, beneath economics, reality is psychosexual is often rejected as ahistorical by those who accept a dialectical materialist view of history because it seems to land us back where Marx began: groping through a fog of utopian hypotheses, philosophical systems that might be right, that might be wrong (there is no way to tell), systems that explain concrete historical developments by a priori categories of thought; historical materialism, however, attempted to explain ‘knowing’ by ‘being’ and not vice versa. 
But there is still an untried third alternative: we can attempt to develop a materialist view of history based on sex itself. 
The early feminist theorists were to a materialist view of sex what Fourier, Bebel, and Owen were to a materialist view of class. By and large, feminist theory has been as inadequate as were the early feminists attempts to correct sexism. This was to be expected. The problem is so immense that, at first try, only the surface could be skimmed, the most blatant inequalities described. Simone de Beauvoir was the only one who came close to - who perhaps has done - the definitve analysis. Her profound work The Second Sex - which appeared as recenlty as the early fifties to a world convinced that feminism was dead - for the first time attempted to ground feminism in its historical base. Of all feminist theorists De Beauvoir is the most comprehensive and far-reaching, relating feminism to the best ideas in our culture. 
It may be this virtue is also her one failing: she is almost too sophisticated, too knowledgeable. Where this becomes a weakness - and this is still certainly debatable - is in her rigidly existentialist interpretation of feminism (one wonders how much Sartre had to do with this). This, in view of the fact that all cultural systems, including existentialism, are themselves determined by the sex dualism. She says:
“Man never thinks of himself without thinking of the Other; he views the world under the sign of duality which is not in the first place sexual in character. But by being different from man, who sets himself up as the Same, it is naturally to the category of the Other that woman is consigned; the Other includes woman.” (Italics mine.)
Perhaps she has overshot her mark: Why postulate a fundamental Hegelian concept of Otherness as the final explanation - and then carefully document the biological and historical circumstances that have pushed the class ‘women’ into such a category - when one has never seriously considered the much simpler and more likely possibility that this fundamental dualism sprang from the sexual division itself? To posit a priori categories of thought and existence - ‘Otherness’, ‘Transcendance’, ‘Immanence’ - into which history then falls may not be necessary. Marx and Engels had discovered that these philosophical categories themselves grew out of history. 
Before assuming such categories, let us first try to develop an analysis in which biology itself - procreation - is at the origin of the dualism. The immediate assumption of the layman that the unequal division of the sexes is ‘natural’ may be well-founded. We need not immediately look beyond this. Unlike economic class, sex class sprang directly from a biological reality: men and women were created different, and not equal. Although, as De Beauvoir points out, this difference of itself did not necessitate the development of a class system - the domination of one group by another - the reproductive functions of these differences did. The biological family is an inherently unequal power distribution. The need for power leading to the development of classes arises from the psychosexual formation of each individual according to this basic imbalance, rather than, as Freud, Norman O. Brown, and others have, once again over-shooting their mark, postulated some irreducivle conflict of Life against Death, Eros vs. Thanatos.
The biological family - the basic reproductive unit of male/female/infant, in whatever form of social organization - is charactereized by these fundamental - if not immutable - facts:
(1) That women throughout history before the advent of birth control were at the continual mercy of their biology - menstruation, menopause, and ‘female ills’, constant painful childbirth, wetnursing and care of infants, all of which made them dependent on males (whether brother, father, husband, lover, or clan, government, community-at-large) for physical survival. 
(2) That human infants take an even longer time to grow up than animals, and thus are helpless and, for some short period at least, dependent on adults for physical survival.
(3) That a basic mother/child interdependency has existed in some form in every society, past or present, and thus has shaped the psychology of every mature female and every infant. 
(4) That the natural reproductive difference between the sexes led directly to the first division of labor at the origins of class, as well as furnishing the paradigm of caste (discrimination based on biological characteristics). 
These biological contingencies of the human family cannot be covered over with anthropological sophistries. Anyone observing animals mating, reproducing, and caring for their young will have a hard time accepting the ‘cultural relativity’ line. For no matter how many tribes in Oceania you can find where the connection of the father to fertility is not known, no matter how many matrilineages, no matter how many cases of sex-role reversal, male housewifery, or even empathic labour pains, these facts prove only one thing: the amazing flexibility of human nature. But human nature is adaptable to something, it is, yes, determined by its environmental conditions. And the biological family that we have described has existed everywhere throughout time. Even in matriarchies where woman’s fertility is worshipped, and the father’s role is unkown or unimportant, if perhaps not on the genetic father, there is still some dependence of the female and the infant on the male. And though it is true that the nuclear family is only a recent development, one which, as I shall attempt to show, only intensifies the psychological penalties of the biological family, though it is true that throughout history there have been many variations on this biological family, the contingencies I have described existed in all of them, causing specific psychosexual distortions in the human personality.
But to grant that the sexual imbalance of power is biologically based is not to lose our case. We are no longer just animals. And the kingdom of nature does not reign absolute. As Simone de Beauvoir herself admits:
“The theory of historical materialism has brought to light some important truths. Humanity is not an animal species, it is a historical reality. Human society is an antiphysis - in a sense it is against nature; it does not passively submit to the presence of nature but rather takes over the control of nature on its own behalf. This arrogation is not an inward, subjective operation; it is accomplished objectively in practical action.
Thus the ‘natural’ is not necessarily a ‘human’ value. Humanity has begun to transcend Nature: we can no longer justify the maintenance of a discriminatory sex class system on grounds of its origins in nature. Indeed, for pragmatic reasons alone it is beginning to look as though we must get rid of it. 
The problem becomes political, demanding more than a comprehensive historical analysis, when one realizes that, though man is increasingly capable of freeing himself from the biological conditions that created his tyranny over women and children, he has little reason to want to give this tyranny up. As Engels said, in the context of economic revolution: 
“It is the law of division of labour that lies at the basis of the division into classes. [Note that this division itslef grew out of a fundamental biologival division.] But this does not prevent the ruling class, once having the upper hand, from consolidating its power at the expense of the working class, from turning its social leadership into an intensified exploitation of the masses.”
Though the sex class system may  have originated in fundamental biological conditions, this does not guarantee once the biological basis of their oppression has been swept away that women and children will be freed. On the contrary, the new technology, especially fertility control, may be used against them to reinforce the entrenched system of exploitation. 
So that just as to assure elimination of economic classes requires the revolt of the underclass (the proletariat) and, in a temporary dictatorship, their seizure of the means of production, so to assure the elimination of sexual classes requires the revolt of the underclass (women) and the seizure of control of reproduction: not only the full restoration to women of ownership of their own bodies, but also their (temporary) seizure of control of human fertility - the new population biology as well as all the social institutions of child-bearing and child-rearing. And just as the end goal of socialist revolution was not only the elimination of the economic class privilege but of the economic class distinction itself, so the end goal of feminist revolution must be, unlike that of the first feminist movement, not just the elimination of male privilege but of the sex distinction itself: genital differences between human beings would no longer matter culturally. (A reversion to an unobstructed pansexuality - Freud’s ‘polymorphous perversity’ - would probably supersede hetero/homo/bi-sexuality.) The reproduction of the species by one sex for the benefit of both would be replaced by (at least the option of) artificial reproduction: children would be born to both sexes equally, or independently of either, however one chooses to look at it; the dependence of the child on the mother (and vice versa) would give way to a greatly shortened dependence on a small group of others in general, and any remaining inferiority to adults in physical strenth would be compensated for culturally. The division of labour would be ended by the elimination of labour all together (through cybernetics). The tyranny of the biological family would be broken. 
And with it the psychology of power. As Engels claimed for strictly socialist revolution: ‘The existence of not simply this or that ruling class but of any ruling class at all [will have] become an obsolete anachronism.’ That socialism has never come near achieving this predicated goal is not only the result of unfulfilled or misfired economic preconditions, but also because the Marxian analysis itself was insufficient: it did not dig deep enough to the psychosexual roots of class. Marx was on to something more profound than he knew when he observed that the family contained within itself in embryo all the antagonisms that later develop on a wide scale within the society organization, the bioloigcal family - the vinculum through which the psychology of power can always be smuggled - the tapeworm of exploitation will never be annihilated. We shall need a sexual revolution much larger than - inclusive of - a socialist one to truly eradicate all class systems. 
I have attempted to take the class analysis one step further to its roots in the biological division of the sexes. We have not thrown out the insights of the socialists; on the contrary, radical feminism can enlarge their analysis, granting it an even deeper basis in objective conditions and thereby explaining many of its insolubles. As a first step in this direction, and as the groundwork for our own analysis we shall expand Engels’s definition of historical materialism. Here is the same definition quoted above now rephrased to include the biological division of the sexes for the purpose of reproduction, which lies at the origins of class:
“Historical materialism is that view of the course of history which seeks the ultimate cause and the great moving power of all historic events in the dialectic of sex: the division of society into two distinct biological classes for procreative reproduction, and the struggles of these classes with one another; in the changes in the modes of marriage, reproduction, and child care created by these struggles; in the connected development of other physically-differentiated classes [castes]; and in the first division of labour based on sex which developed into the [economic-cultural] class system.”
And here is the cultural superstructure, as well as the economic one, traced not just back to economic class, but all the way back to sex: 
All past history [note that we can now eliminate ‘with the exception of primitive stages’]  was the history of class struggle. These warring classes of society are always the product of the modes of organization of the biological family unit for reproduction of the species, as well as of the strictly economic modes of production and exchange of goods and services. The sexual-reproductive organization of society always furnishes the real basis, starting from which we can alone work out the ultimate explanation of the whole superstructure of economic, juridical and political institutions as well as of the religious, philosophical and other ideas of a given historical period.
And now Engels’s projection of the results of a materialist approach to history is more realistic: 
The whole sphere of the conditions of life which environ man and have hitherto ruled him now comes under the dominion and control of man who for the first time becomes the real conscious Lord of Nature, master of his own social organization.  
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comrade-meow · 4 years
The Marxist left finds itself confronted by three insidious big lies that threaten the revolutionary and emancipatory foundation of the Marxist project, all related to undermining women’s liberation; they are:
1. Transwomen are women.
2. Sex work is work.
3. Feminism is bourgeois.
Misogyny in its many forms has long been a challenge for the left; not just the misogyny of the reactionary right, but misogyny coming from within the left itself. But it has not been until recently that this leftist misogyny has sought to portray itself as being inherently progressive. By engaging in revisionism of the most blatant kind, reactionary elements within the left have managed to posit themselves as the agents of progress. Much has already been written about the harms caused by these three lies, but no attempt has yet to be made to debunk them from a solidly Marxist standpoint. That is what we are out to accomplish here; to demonstrate definitively that these big lies are not just regressive, but inherently revisionist and anti-Marxist to the core.
The first of these three big lies, “Transwomen are women”, might well be the most damaging, because it directly contradicts the heart of the Marxist method: dialectical materialism. There are two main definitions used by proponents of transgenderism to explain their narrative. The first is that gender is an identity; the state of being a man or a woman (or any one of the other numerous “gender identities”) stems not from biological sex (to the extent that transactivists acknowledge the existence of biological sex), but from an internal identity, i.e. personal feelings, personal consciousness. The second definition says that transpeople are not really the sex they physically are, but the sex they say they are, because they really have “male” or “female” brains. Both of these definitions are rooted in the personal, not the material. One of the patron saints of queer theory, Judith Butler, says:
“It’s one thing to say that gender is performed and that is a little different from saying gender is performative. When we say gender is performed we usually mean that we’ve taken on a role or we’re acting in some way and that our acting or our role-playing is crucial to the gender that we are and the gender that we present to the world. To say that gender is performative is a little different because for something to be performative means that it produces a series of effects. We act and walk and speak and talk in ways that consolidate an impression of being a man or being a woman.”[1]
Though queer theory is a postmodernist philosophy, its roots go far deeper than just postmodernism; rather, this statement of Butler’s is an example of the dialectics of idealism. Marxism, as a philosophy, was formed in reaction to the idealist dialectics of the Young Hegelians. The dialects of idealism posit that reality flows from consciousness. Marx, on the other hand, argued “It is not the consciousness of men that determines their existence, but their social existence that determines their consciousness.”[2] That is, it is not our thoughts that shape material reality, but material reality that shapes our thoughts. In fact, Marx’s first major work, The German Ideology, is exclusively dedicated to explaining this.
So what is the materialist definition of gender? And how does the embrace of the idealist definition under the guise of Marxism harm the Marxist aim of women’s liberation? The foundational Marxist text dealing with the oppression of women is Engels’ The Origin of the Family, Private Property, and the State. According to Engels, while there has always existed a sexual division of labor in human society, it is not until the rise of private property that this division becomes hierarchical. Before the rise of private property, society was organized under what was called “mother right”, i.e. a person’s family is traced through their mother, given the difficulty of identifying with certainty the father in primitive communist society. But because private property grew out of male labor, and became concentrated in male hands, mother right gave way to “father right”. In order to bequeath his property to his son, the father needed to know with certainty who his sons were. This meant controlling the reproductive labor of the female sex, and its subordination to male supremacy; thus the advent of patriarchy. In Chapter II of Origin of Family Engels calls the overthrow of mother-right “…the world historical defeat of the female sex. The man took command in the home also; the woman was degraded and reduced to servitude, she became the slave of his lust and a mere instrument for the production of children.”[3] Note that Engels here is dealing with sex, with biology. Women are not oppressed because of some abstract gender identity, but because of their sex. Class society and patriarchy, the two of which exist in a symbiosis, need to control women’s reproductive labor to sustain themselves. To put it more bluntly, they need to control the means of reproduction. Thus, women’s oppression has its origin in material reality.
But we have not yet dealt with the concept of gender. In the current queer theory dominated discourse, sex and gender are increasingly become conflated to the point that they are being used as synonyms for one another. Engels analysis of patriarchy is in many ways incomplete, but it forms the basis of future materialist explorations of sex and gender. The second-wave feminists who developed much of the thought around gender did not revise these fundamentals, but expanded on them, the opposite of what today’s revisionists are doing. Gender, according to the radical feminist Rebecca Reilly-Cooper, is “the value system that prescribes and proscribes forms of behaviour and appearance for members of the different sex classes, and that assigns superior value to one sex class at the expense of the other.”[4] Gender is therefore not the same thing as biological sex, but a kind of parasite grafted on top of biological sex to maintain the current sexual hierarchy, and ensure continued male control over reproductive labor. Gender non-conforming, as well as homosexual, men and women are therefore “exiled” from their gender community not because of some abstract identity, but because they do not fulfill their proscribed functions as members of their sex class; they are essentially class traitors. Intersex people, which form a distinct material category, are also lumped into this community of “exiles” because they too are unable to fulfill the goals of the patriarchal sexual hierarchy. Such communities of exiles have existed throughout history, and continue to exist to this day in all parts of the world, from the hijra in India to the two-spirited people of the Native Americans to the contemporary shunning and violence directed at gender non-conforming individuals. But to reiterate, none of this has to do with identity, but with the material structuring of class society.
While transactivists have started to turn against the biomedical explanation for transgenderism, it is very much alive and well in the medical and psychological community. Victorian-era theories about “brain sex” that would have earned the ire of Marx and Engels are now making a comeback. At best, these theories are chimerical pseudoscience which have not even come close to being conclusively proven in any legitimate scientific study. The standards by which gender dysphoria is diagnosed falls back on the constructed tropes of masculinity and femininity already discussed. Such theories risk misconstruing gender roles as being rooted in nature as opposed to constructions that reinforce ruling class control. Rather than being seen as the disease, dysphoria should be seen as the symptom of the sexual hierarchy. The pressures of gendered socialization are ubiquitous, and begin at birth. Very often we are not aware of the subtle forms socialization exerts upon us. For those who reject this socialization, it follows that they would experience levels of extreme discomfort and anguish. Gendered socialization is not just some abstract phenomena, but is, again, literally grafted onto us. Under this system of socialization, the penis becomes more than just the male sex organ, but the symbol of male aggression and supremacy, in the same way the vagina becomes the symbol of female inferiority and subjugation. Sensitive individuals who struggle against this socialization often hate their bodies, but not because their bodies are somehow “wrong”, but because of what they are drilled into believing their bodies are. What they suffer from is the inability to tear away the curtain that has been placed in front of material reality and to see reality in an objective manner. The fields of medical and psychological science are not immune from the influence of the ruling class. This is especially the case in the world of psychology, where a method of analysis is employed that isolates the individual from the wider society around them, preferring to view internal struggle as the result of some defect as opposed to the result of material and social forces exerted on the individual.
While capitalism has broken down certain elements of patriarchy, and allowed for women to make some gains, it has not dismantled patriarchy completely. Capitalism, being a class system, still needs to retain control of the means of reproduction. For example, laws that restrict access to abortion and contraceptives, while having negative repercussions for all women, have the most negative impact on poor, working-class women. These laws may be cloaked in the terminology of moralism, but have a far more base logic; they ensure the continued production of future proletarians for the benefit of the capitalist machine.
By shifting the definition of “woman” away from a materialist one to an idealistic one, we lose the ability to define and fight the causes of women’s oppression. In its most extreme form it erases women as a class, and makes it impossible to talk about patriarchy as an existing force. Why, then, are Marxists, who are supposed to be dialectical materialists embracing a set of ideas the very opposite of dialectical materialism? To answer this, we need to look at the nature of patriarchy; it is a system that predates capitalism. As already stated above, patriarchy and class exist in a symbiosis with one another. The one cannot be eliminated without the elimination of the other. Overthrowing capitalism is not the same as overthrowing class. As Mao pointed out, class dynamics still exist in the socialist society, and require continuous vigilance and combat on the part of revolutionaries. This is why many socialist states still restricted women’s rights to certain degrees, such as the draconian anti-abortion laws of Ceausescu’s Romania. All males benefit in some way from patriarchy, even males in a socialist society. It therefore follows that socialist males fighting capitalism also benefit from patriarchy. While men and women may be in solidarity with one another as workers, working class men also belong to the male sex class, a class that predates the existence of the modern working class. Class allegiances run deep. This is why so many socialist and “feminist” men are quick to defend and even endorse the violent language and actions perpetrated by some gender non-conforming men against the female sex class, regardless of how these gender non-conforming men identify themselves. This is not to deny that gender non-conforming men are discriminated against, and face harassment and violence themselves, but even as exiles from the male sex-class, they still benefit from some of the privileges awarded to this sex class. Note that I do not use privilege in the manner it’s currently used by the regressive left, i.e. as some abstract notion that needs to be “checked”. Rather, it is an actually existing force that must be combated, just as white revolutionaries must actively combat white supremacy, and first world revolutionaries must actively combat “their” state’s imperialism.
Opportunism and the “fear” of being on the “wrong side of history” are also driving forces behind this embrace of revisionism. The Anglophone left, especially in the United States, given its weakness in the overall political arena, has long sought to be seen as “acceptable” and “polite”, and is often eager to jump on any bandwagon it believes can advance it. This desire to be accepted also drives the fear. It is true that communists have made serious errors in judgment in the past, but that is not an excuse to rebel against core philosophies and hastily embrace ideas and movements without fully analyzing their beliefs and goals. This is not to say that communists should not be on the forefront in defending gender non-conforming individuals. A thoroughgoing socialist revolution requires that these existing oppressive structures be cast aside. But it is possible to defend gender non-conforming people without embracing misogynistic pseudoscience and revisionism.
Women are not just oppressed, but thoroughly exploited. Working class women make up what is possibly the most thoroughly exploited section of human society. By embracing philosophies that not only erase their ability to define and explain their exploitation, but also deny them the agency to organize as a revolutionary class, these “Marxists” have proven that they are in direct contradiction to Marxist philosophy and ideas. They are engaging in revisionism.
In the next part, we will examine the second big lie plaguing the left today, the notion that “sex work is work”.
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wisdomrays · 3 years
TAFAKKUR: Part 415
And a sign for them is the earth that is dead:
We give it life and We bring forth from it grain, so from it they eat.(36.33)
There are a number of points in this verse which can bear explication from a scientific view-point.
1-Use of the expression dead ‘earth’ (rather than dead ‘soil’), indicates that the soil of the whole earth is implied.
2- One meaning of ‘for them is a sign’ is Divine portent. The occurrence of the phrase at the outset of the verse alerts us to the fact that the verse will encourage us to understand a very important family of natural phenomena.
3-We are informed that in its initial state, the earth was devoid of life. In this way, the lifelines of the earth when it was first created is expressed as a geological fact.
4-We learn that the soil, which appears dead is actually alive. Even this one observation affirms the miracle of wisdom contained in the verse. For it is only a hundred years since it was discovered that there are organisms in the soil, while it is scarcely forty years since the discovery that 80% of soil consists of bacteria, and thus is a community of living organisms.
5-‘We quickened it and brought forth from it habba.’ According to the latter part of the verse, habba signifies seeds of a vegetable nature or, specifically in this context, grain. However, habba in general denotes small, uniform particles, and we shall discuss the verse’s inner meaning also from this angle.
6-The verse declares that life is transferred via the soil to plants and thence to us, a chain of events singularly important from the standpoint of biochemistry. While the verse uses the word habba in the general sense, particularly mentioned is what is eaten from it in the form of vegetable food.
In order to comprehend this verse in all its subtleties, one needs first an up-dated grasp of the concepts of life and vitality as scientists now understand them. For the concept of vitality has changed greatly in recent years, and come closer to its inner truth. The biological knowledge of the past has been left far behind.
Life is a mathematical programme encoded in a giant chemical molecule. The Qur’an indicated this reality, discovered only in recent years, fourteen centuries ago in the statement (80.19): We created him from a drop of liquid; we shaped and programmed him.
Allah first created bacteria which fix nitrogen in the soil. In chemical terms, these bacteria are laboratories of ‘synthesizers’; that is, they take nitrogen from the air and prepare compounds with negative valences. They reduce nitrogen by a method that we still cannot fathom, and convert it into a form in which it can combine with hydrogen. They require water and rain for this purpose–which is why we observe that life springs from the soil when it rains.
A second type of bacteria in the soil is what might be called the ‘analyzers’ after their particular role in the Divine programme. They break down whatever falls to the ground and so prepare the way for the ‘synthesizers’. Excluding water, the greatest part of any quantity of soil is found to be composed of microbes.
In botanic terms, soil is regarded as a totally living structure, and so it has been since the origin of life on earth, which is to say, in a modern scientific idiom, a truth that is directly expressed in the Qur’an.
It is in order to sow confusion in people’s minds that atheists distort the established facts about the emergence of various organisms on this planet. They maintain that all organisms have evolved in a gradual process (with some abrupt leaps) from a single cell, randomly becoming the various plant and animal species we see around us or discover in fossil records. This is the so-called ‘theory of evolution’. But the secret of ‘the Living’, giving life to the soil, as also to plants forming from seeds after the soil has come to life, is diametrically opposed to this theory. What is expressed in the Qur’an can only be the truth while any notion opposing it can only be falsehood.
The theory of evolution was propounded toward the end of the 19th century. As I have just explained, organisms were thought at that time to embody different chemical structures, the smaller organisms having a simpler chemical composition, while a more complex organism had a more complex composition. The mathematical programme within cells was wholly unknown.
An evolution of the most primitive structures could, of course, be conceived but as soon as we wish to understand organisms, distinct living entities, however simple, the assumptions of evolution simply break down. For, as we now know, the differences in the emergence of different organisms resides in the mathematical programming to which they operate. The perfection of these very diverse programmes is not open to question; nor is it possible to speak of evolution among them, as one being somehow ‘later’ than another. Compare, for example, a bile-producing cell in the body and a nitrogen-fixing bacterium of simpler countenance in the soil. Which of them performs the more difficult task? It is not hard to decide the question: chemically, binding nitrogen to hydrogen is undoubtedly the harder task. Again, bacteria are thought to be the most developed sorts of cell, not those which carry and enable human intelligence. While DDT, the notorious insecticide, was wreaking havoc with the environment, the common house-fly, a somewhat despised and lowly creature, developed such a prescription in the fluid of its nerve cells that it proved impossible to exterminate another fly thereafter using DDT. A neuron in the human brain could not produce this prescription and preventative if it were to labor at the task for a thousand years.
Well, now, which cell is the later development? Which is the primitive form and which the more evolved? Of course, man is the most perfect of organisms, but he cannot do anything outside of the programme within which all his life is contained, and, as the Qur’an says, can be defeated even by a fly.
Thus, once the concept of life is examined in depth, it can easily be seen that the theory of evolution is a human fiction. Fish with luminous organs were swimming at the bottom of the ocean millions of years ago, just as, at that time, bats equipped with radar were flying in the dark, whereas we are only now discovering these facts and starting to put them to use.
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arcticdementor · 3 years
Imagine that the world as we know it ends tomorrow. There’s a global catastrophe: a pandemic virus, an asteroid strike, or perhaps a nuclear holocaust. The vast majority of the human race perishes. Our civilisation collapses. The post-apocalyptic survivors find themselves in a devastated world of decaying, deserted cities and roving gangs of bandits looting and taking by force.
Bad as things sound, that’s not the end for humanity. We bounce back. Sooner or later, peace and order emerge again, just as they have time and again through history. Stable communities take shape. They begin the agonising process of rebuilding their technological base from scratch. But here’s the question: how far could such a society rebuild? Is there any chance, for instance, that a post-apocalyptic society could reboot a technological civilisation?
Let’s make the basis of this thought experiment a little more specific. Today, we have already consumed the most easily drainable crude oil and, particularly in Britain, much of the shallowest, most readily mined deposits of coal. Fossil fuels are central to the organisation of modern industrial society, just as they were central to its development. Those, by the way, are distinct roles: even if we could somehow do without fossil fuels now (which we can’t, quite), it’s a different question whether we could have got to where we are without ever having had them.
So, would a society starting over on a planet stripped of its fossil fuel deposits have the chance to progress through its own Industrial Revolution? Or to phrase it another way, what might have happened if, for whatever reason, the Earth had never acquired its extensive underground deposits of coal and oil in the first place? Would our progress necessarily have halted in the 18th century, in a pre-industrial state?
It’s easy to underestimate our current dependence on fossil fuels. In everyday life, their most visible use is the petrol or diesel pumped into the vehicles that fill our roads, and the coal and natural gas which fire the power stations that electrify our modern lives. But we also rely on a range of different industrial materials, and in most cases, high temperatures are required to transform the stuff we dig out of the ground or harvest from the landscape into something useful. You can’t smelt metal, make glass, roast the ingredients of concrete, or synthesise artificial fertiliser without a lot of heat. It is fossil fuels – coal, gas and oil – that provide most of this thermal energy.
In fact, the problem is even worse than that. Many of the chemicals required in bulk to run the modern world, from pesticides to plastics, derive from the diverse organic compounds in crude oil. Given the dwindling reserves of crude oil left in the world, it could be argued that the most wasteful use for this limited resource is to simply burn it. We should be carefully preserving what’s left for the vital repertoire of valuable organic compounds it offers.
But my topic here is not what we should do now. Presumably everybody knows that we must transition to a low-carbon economy one way or another. No, I want to answer a question whose interest is (let’s hope) more theoretical. Is the emergence of a technologically advanced civilisation necessarily contingent on the easy availability of ancient energy? Is it possible to build an industrialised civilisation without fossil fuels? And the answer to that question is: maybe – but it would be extremely difficult. Let’s see how.
Well, it could, in a very limited way. If you find yourself among the survivors in a post-apocalyptic world, you could scavenge enough working solar panels to keep your lifestyle electrified for a good long while. Without moving parts, photovoltaic cells require little maintenance and are remarkably resilient. They do deteriorate over time, though, from moisture penetrating the casing and from sunlight itself degrading the high-purity silicon layers. The electricity generated by a solar panel declines by about 1 per cent every year so, after a few generations, all our hand-me-down solar panels will have degraded to the point of uselessness. Then what?
New ones would be fiendishly difficult to create from scratch. Solar panels are made from thin slices of extremely pure silicon, and although the raw material is common sand, it must be processed and refined using complex and precise techniques – the same technological capabilities, more or less, that we need for modern semiconductor electronics components. These techniques took a long time to develop, and would presumably take a long time to recover. So photovoltaic solar power would not be within the capability of a society early in the industrialisation process.
On the face of it, it’s not beyond the bounds of possibility that a progressing society could construct electrical generators and couple them to simple windmills and waterwheels, later progressing to wind turbines and hydroelectric dams. In a world without fossil fuels, one might envisage an electrified civilisation that largely bypasses combustion engines, building its transport infrastructure around electric trains and trams for long-distance and urban transport. I say ‘largely’. We couldn’t get round it all together.
While the electric motor could perhaps replace the coal-burning steam engine for mechanical applications, society, as we’ve already seen, also relies upon thermal energy to drive the essential chemical and physical transformations it needs. How could an industrialising society produce crucial building materials such as iron and steel, brick, mortar, cement and glass without resorting to deposits of coal?
You can of course create heat from electricity. We already use electric ovens and kilns. Modern arc furnaces are used for producing cast iron or recycling steel. The problem isn’t so much that electricity can’t be used to heat things, but that for meaningful industrial activity you’ve got to generate prodigious amounts of it, which is challenging using only renewable energy sources such as wind and water.
An alternative is to generate high temperatures using solar power directly. Rather than relying on photovoltaic panels, concentrated solar thermal farms use giant mirrors to focus the sun’s rays onto a small spot. The heat concentrated in this way can be exploited to drive certain chemical or industrial processes, or else to raise steam and drive a generator. Even so, it is difficult (for example) to produce the very high temperatures inside an iron-smelting blast furnace using such a system. What’s more, it goes without saying that the effectiveness of concentrated solar power depends strongly on the local climate.
No, when it comes to generating the white heat demanded by modern industry, there are few good options but to burn stuff.
But charcoal-based industry didn’t die out altogether. In fact, it survived to flourish in Brazil. Because it has substantial iron deposits but few coalmines, Brazil is the largest charcoal producer in the world and the ninth biggest steel producer. We aren’t talking about a cottage industry here, and this makes Brazil a very encouraging example for our thought experiment.
The trees used in Brazil’s charcoal industry are mainly fast-growing eucalyptus, cultivated specifically for the purpose. The traditional method for creating charcoal is to pile chopped staves of air-dried timber into a great dome-shaped mound and then cover it with turf or soil to restrict airflow as the wood smoulders. The Brazilian enterprise has scaled up this traditional craft to an industrial operation. Dried timber is stacked into squat, cylindrical kilns, built of brick or masonry and arranged in long lines so that they can be easily filled and unloaded in sequence. The largest sites can sport hundreds of such kilns. Once filled, their entrances are sealed and a fire is lit from the top.
Around two-thirds of Brazilian charcoal comes from sustainable plantations, and so this modern-day practice has been dubbed ‘green steel’. Sadly, the final third is supplied by the non-sustainable felling of primary forest. Even so, the Brazilian case does provide an example of how the raw materials of modern civilisation can be supplied without reliance on fossil fuels.
Is that our solution, then? Could our rebooting society run on wood, supplemented with electricity from renewable sources? Maybe so, if the population was fairly small. But here’s the catch. These options all presuppose that our survivors are able to construct efficient steam turbines, CHP stations and internal combustion engines. We know how to do all that, of course – but in the event of a civilisational collapse, who is to say that the knowledge won’t be lost? And if it is, what are the chances that our descendants could reconstruct it?
In our own history, the first successful application of steam engines was in pumping out coal mines. This was a setting in which fuel was already abundant, so it didn’t matter that the first, primitive designs were terribly inefficient. The increased output of coal from the mines was used to first smelt and then forge more iron. Iron components were used to construct further steam engines, which were in turn used to pump mines or drive the blast furnaces at iron foundries.
And of course, steam engines were themselves employed at machine shops to construct yet more steam engines. It was only once steam engines were being built and operated that subsequent engineers were able to devise ways to increase their efficiency and shrink fuel demands. They found ways to reduce their size and weight, adapting them for applications in transport or factory machinery. In other words, there was a positive feedback loop at the very core of the industrial revolution: the production of coal, iron and steam engines were all mutually supportive.
In a world without readily mined coal, would there ever be the opportunity to test profligate prototypes of steam engines, even if they could mature and become more efficient over time? How feasible is it that a society could attain a sufficient understanding of thermodynamics, metallurgy and mechanics to make the precisely interacting components of an internal combustion engine, without first cutting its teeth on much simpler external combustion engines – the separate boiler and cylinder-piston of steam engines?
It took a lot of energy to develop our technologies to their present heights, and presumably it would take a lot of energy to do it again. Fossil fuels are out. That means our future society will need an awful lot of timber.
In a temperate climate such as the UK’s, an acre of broadleaf trees produces about four to five tonnes of biomass fuel every year. If you cultivated fast-growing kinds such as willow or miscanthus grass, you could quadruple that. The trick to maximising timber production is to employ coppicing – cultivating trees such as ash or willow that resprout from their own stump, becoming ready for harvest again in five to 15 years. This way you can ensure a sustained supply of timber and not face an energy crisis once you’ve deforested your surroundings.
But here’s the thing: coppicing was already a well-developed technique in pre-industrial Britain. It couldn’t meet all of the energy requirements of the burgeoning society. The central problem is that woodland, even when it is well-managed, competes with other land uses, principally agriculture. The double-whammy of development is that, as a society’s population grows, it requires more farmland to provide enough food and also greater timber production for energy. The two needs compete for largely the same land areas.
We know how this played out in our own past. From the mid-16th century, Britain responded to these factors by increasing the exploitation of its coal fields – essentially harvesting the energy of ancient forests beneath the ground without compromising its agricultural output. The same energy provided by one hectare of coppice for a year is provided by about five to 10 tonnes of coal, and it can be dug out of the ground an awful lot quicker than waiting for the woodland to regrow.
It is this limitation in the supply of thermal energy that would pose the biggest problem to a society trying to industrialise without easy access to fossil fuels. This is true in our post-apocalyptic scenario, and it would be equally true in any counterfactual world that never developed fossil fuels for whatever reason. For a society to stand any chance of industrialising under such conditions, it would have to focus its efforts in certain, very favourable natural environments: not the coal-island of 18th-century Britain, but perhaps areas of Scandinavia or Canada that combine fast-flowing streams for hydroelectric power and large areas of forest that can be harvested sustainably for thermal energy.
Even so, an industrial revolution without coal would be, at a minimum, very difficult. Today, use of fossil fuels is actually growing, which is worrying for a number of reasons too familiar to rehearse here. Steps towards a low-carbon economy are vital. But we should also recognise how pivotal those accumulated reservoirs of thermal energy were in getting us to where we are. Maybe we could have made it the hard way. A slow-burn progression through the stages of mechanisation, supported by a combination of renewable electricity and sustainably grown biomass, might be possible after all. Then again, it might not. We’d better hope we can secure the future of our own civilisation, because we might have scuppered the chances of any society to follow in our wake.
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melodicstardust · 4 years
Necessity is the Mother of Invention
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Because of the start of human life, substantial modifications around us have taken us to a path of scientific progress, which consequently has benefited mankind in numerous means. In every era, man has innovated a lot of points to accommodate his rising demands. you can also check invention help
The primitive methods of living simply made up a guy's activities revolving around the search for food and also a sanctuary. They pursued pets for food and also used caverns as sanctuaries, and also animal skin and also leaves to cover their bodies.
Undoubtedly, these seem meaningless to us today, however, consider life without these discoveries as well as inventions. Would certainly you be able to delight in the very same quality of life without them? Yet the fact is that the appearance of necessities led the guy to discover even more.
As time passed, the man recognized other needs emerging around him. After catering to his essential demands of food and shelter, the man felt the requirement for getting goods, which he could not produce. This resulted in the concept of the barter system under which products were exchanged without making use of cash, yet a restriction to this device was his restricted activity. Just how far could guy travel, filled with lots of wheat just for the sake of some kilos of meat? After that, a male thought of the idea of the wheel.
The wheel is unquestionably among the earliest and also essential mechanical inventions. The invention of the wheel worked as a turning point in the history of scientific research because it was a prerequisite for several various other inventions. It introduced the suggestion of a transport network without which the economic situation can never have developed. Without it, there would be no motion, no automobiles, no trains, and also aircraft. It diminished ranges as well as the offered man with a chance to check out the globe.
The Chinese developed the wheelbarrow, that made use of lever action.
The first non-transport application of the wheel came in the Bronze Age with the invention of the Potters' the wheel, first used in Mesopotamia in 3500BC. Pottery began to be formed on a sluggish wheel in old Egypt in around 3000BC as well as on a quick wheel some centuries later on.
As communication was guided, climbing perspectives of the world led to the necessary demand to reveal oneself. As the requirement occurred, the male took the use of photos as well as paints for self-expression, which later created the principle of composing. Currently, the method of expression needed a tool to move.
With the need for creating developed the demand for a substance to create on. Rocks, parchments, as well as leaves, were at first made use of however they were not satisfactory. With time paper was first created in China as well as later mushroomed in the rest of the globe.
Male maneuvers and hence his developments continued. Now the guy was able to generate in massive quantities.
Initially, the emergence of the steam engine supplied a landmark in the Industrial Change of Europe. The very first vapor engine was constructed by a designer, Thomas Newcomen in 1705 to boost the pumping equipment used to remove infiltration in tin and copper mines. He placed vapor in the cylinder and afterward compressed it with a spray of cold water. The vacuum cleaner produced permitted air pressure to push the piston down.
Later the very same suggestion was established also better to progress the procedures of the heavy steam engine. Currently, the search was for inexpensive transmission of power because how far can man count on hand-operated conduct.
It was a propitious time to introduce novel suggestions. The basic concept made use of in the steam engine as well as electricity paved the way for proceedings in the scientific block. To reinforce communication, the telephone was designed by Alexander Graham Bell in 1876. In 1886 a German, Gotlieb Diameter constructed the initial petrol-driven automobile which reduced male activity in the form of less time and more comfort. The initial TV broadcast appeared on the world horizon at the Alexander Royal Residence, London, in 1936 which further accelerated the procedure of exchanging ideas and concepts.
The above great clinical inventions deserved discussing not just to make you accustomed to such innovations but additionally to translate the truth that how guy formed himself following his demands. As the requirement emerged, the man thought of new ideas, brand-new ideas and forcefully pushed his mind to operate on that certain line of action.
Also in the modern age, man has been found to observe the same behavioral patterns. Some years ago TB, as well as cancer cells, were regarded as an incurable illness, the man performed huge research on them as well as finally generated efficient solutions.
Until the World war and also II, the world never experienced any type of danger to its peace and harmony. However, after these 2 occasions, the much less developed nations were endangered by the more highly innovative nations concerning their defense. This led to the introduction of the United Nations Organization, which was established to promote maintained political, economical, and social problems conducive to tranquility.
Likewise, the computer system was required to manage the procedure and configured the data collected in different forms. The invention of the Net was ultimately a result of the demand to diminish ranges and raise fast connectivity.
Historically fossil fuels have been the major source of energy supply and also have offered human energy needs for thousands of years. Currently, their depletion has emphasized male to utilize some different ways to meet growing energy demands. You can also check out https://www.crunchbase.com/organization/inventhelp for more help
Whether it is the aging or modern age, man has been found too reliable to please his requirements and has established various examples of it. Regardless of whether it was a political problem, scientific concern, or perhaps everyday tasks of life guy has responded in an adaptable mood to produce a way for himself whenever he realized his requirements. Unsurprisingly he has achieved success in accomplishing a different source for his demand each time as any place there is a will certainly there is away.
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perkwunos · 4 years
Spinoza ultimately reduces all affects to the three ‘primitive’ affects of desire, joy and sadness. Because of the universality of the affects, no interpretive method or procedure can be abstracted from the interplay and movement of affective dynamics. Not even a single step in any interpretative process is exempt from this reduction to the affects. Thus a Spinozist mode of reading opens the possibility at every stage to ask the question: What affects are being mobilised at this point in the reading? For Spinoza, the answer will always necessarily be plotted along the three dimensions of desire, joy and sadness and the multitude of affects generated through combinations and interactions of these. These are not rational foundations, but component vectors of a real space of relational becoming. Rationality, for Spinoza, consists of gradients of increasingly active relationality along pathways through this affective space (transitions from passive to active affects). Such gradients of affective power explain linguistic reason, or logos, as a special case rather than requiring explanation in terms of the latter.
… In Spinoza’s view any interpretive criterion that actually functions in any specific context however broad or narrow, even one as apparently basic as simple logical consistency, must be understood through its singular affective connections always traceable back to those of desire, joy and sadness. Thus texts and the varied processes of reading are taken out of a strictly representational framework and brought back to the individually and collectively affective contexts within which they circulate. Meanings no longer serve as representational contents, but are rather active strivings and dynamic passages for individuals (which are just relatively local collectivities) and collectivities (which are just relatively regional individuals). …
It would be mistaken, however, to see this turn to the affects as something like a mere psychologisation of logic or a cheap reduction of logical criteria to mere feeling. The affective interpretation of logical consistency, for example, does not reduce consistency to affect but rather understands logical consistency in terms of its intrinsic relation to possible ways of affecting and being affected by texts, arguments and so forth in practical ways across multiple situations. Whatever logical principle of validity is contained in the demand for consistency, for the unity of thoughtful expression, that principle itself is manifest only in and through the specific affective relations it engenders for individuals and collectivities, from private readers of Spinoza’s Ethics, say, to communities as general as those of ‘rational language-users’.
Rocco Gangle, Diagrammatic Immanence
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