#REGARDLESS!!!! i tried matching the besties earth hair best i could
socksandbuttons · 1 year
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IN WHICH IT IS TIME TO SHARE @ohlookanothercartoontofallinto's EARTH DESIGN SHE SENT ME LAST NIGHT. (Second image is her art!) I love it please look at it!! THE CURLS!! THE WATERFALL SLEEVES! THE STARS IN HER EYES!!!! Also love her pants, funky and fits with the theme of her brothers! Amazing Fantastic i needed to draw it. She also had me add Monty cause... in this house I genuinely love the idea of Monty just adoring this tall lady. As they do. (that's how i drag the bestie into all this. With Earth/Monty Content)
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jealous | reggie mantle (riverdale)
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prompt: 28- “shut up, just shut up!”
a/n: this is work of my newest lil bean co-owner davina!! please leave a warm message in our ask box or down below so she knows you guys are loving her work!! leave request my babies!!
it’s been two months since Reggie and I started dating, two truly beautiful months.
we’ve been best friends since the kindergarten so we practically grew up together, even though our families hated each other for unknown reasons.
because of that, we decided to keep our whole relationship as a secret. so the two of us were happy, at least for a while.
it was Sunday night and as a weirdo that I am, I spent it watching my favorite horror movies. Suddenly, I heard tapping on my window. I hurriedly stood up and grabbed my flashlight.
“Who… who is it?” I stuttered.
“Michael Myers” I heard a familiar voice. It was my beloved significant other, Reginald Mantle.
“Reggie?!” I was upset and creeped out.
“What on earth are you doing? You scared the shit out of me!”
“Now, now, can I come in or not?” He said trough laughter. I quickly dragged him inside my room, trying not to wake up my parents.
“So? What is so important, Mantle?”
“Look" he sighed
“Will you come to the match tomorrow night?”
“The football match?“ he nodded. 
“Reggie… I don’t think we…” “Y/N…”
“My parents will be there!” I halfshouted
"I’m sick of these secrets, Y/N! You are my girlfriend, my soulmate. I would kill for you, I would take you on a journey to heaven and show you to the angels. I care about you more than I care about their reaction.”
he grabbed my hand “please” he whispered
I was truly touched with his words, so I decided to say yes to the match.
“Fine.” I sighed
‘What could possibly go wrong?’ I thought. well, I wasn’t right.
I spent the whole day thinking about the match and my boyfriend. I hoped that my parents won't be there, regardless to the fact that my older brother was in the team too.
unexpectedly my best friend, Veronica approached me
I met Veronica last year and we have been friends since then. Best friends, actually. In attempt to grab my coffee, she realized that I was in fact wearing a Riverdale Bulldogs shirt underneath my denim jacket.
“You are not going to that match, right?”
“I am, actually.”
Even though we were besties, I haven’t told her about my relationship with Reggie.
“You… have some something you wish to tell me?” Crap, she knew me well. She knew I was hiding something.
I shook my head “No, I do not.”
That was a terrible mistake.
It was finally 6:30PM. I grabbed my phone along with my car keys and left the family house.
i was terrified and excited at the same time. The stands were full, this surely was an important match for the Bulldogs. All of a sudden, Veronica appeared in front of me.
“Veronica?” I gasped.
“What… what are you doing here?" "I'm a cheerleader, silly” she laughed.
the situation was getting worse and worse “Are… are my parents here?” I asked the raven haired girl in front of me
“Oh yeah. They are with your brother in the changing room.” Boom. That was it. It always gets worse.
“Veronica… I have to tell you somet….”
“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the annual Riverdale High vs Kingsley High match.” I was cut off by the host.
“Listen, I gotta go. See you later, okay?” She kissed my cheek and ran away to her River Vixens.
I quickly sat on my seat in the stands, waiting for my boyfriend to appear.
I saw my parents, sitting there, without even noticing me. My anxiety hit me.
Suddenly, a strange group of boys in lather jackets sat next to me. I couldn't recognize them, they weren't from our school.
“Hello there, beautiful” One of them spoke, grabbing my shoulder.
“I… I'm not” I was fearful. I tried to pull down his hand
“… and now we welcome the Riverdale Bulldogs and our one and only, River Vixens!”
“I have a boyfriend” I whispered, my voice was shaky. On spur of moment, the Bulldogs appeared, with my boyfriend in the first row.
“He doesn't have to know, babe” He tried to press his lips against mine.
“No!” I slapped him. That caught my boyfriend's eye.
“Hey!” Reggie said to the guy next to me.
Suddenly, the music stopped.
“What do you think you're doing?”
He was furious. The guy in the lather jacket stood up.
“Reggie…” I tried to calm him down. The whole crowd, including my parents, was staring.
“If you ever lay a hand on my girlfriend, I will murder your ass!"  He said with anger in his voice. Tears started forming in my eyes.
Everybody started clapping and cheering "Reggie?!” I whispered.
“My… OUR parents, we cannot…”
“Shut up, just shut up.”
He sensually kissed me and the clapping became even louder.  I saw my parents, sitting there, laughing and clapping with the rest of the crowd.
I was happy, for the first time in my life, I was actually happy. I loved Reggie, the way his eyes met mine. He surely was a jealous type, but if you weren't jealous every once in a while, you wouldn't be in love.
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Tres Horny Boys BFF’s Headcanons
Just to clarify, these are headcanons of what it would be like for you, the reader, to be best friends with one of the Tres Horny Boys. Also, there’s a special little bonus if you stick around to the end~
With that, I hope y’all enjoy!
Taako Taaco
-        Expect pop culture references that you may or may not understand. Who the hell is Angela Lansbury?
-        He will give you cooking lessons if you wheedle him into it, but be warned; He is not going to pull his punches. Prepare for critical Taako. The way he sees it, you’re not getting any better if he doesn’t call you out on your mistakes.
-        “You know the snails for that escargot are already dead, right? You don’t need to put that much salt in there, my man.”
-        Having said that, he’ll try to be helpful. Between all the “my dude’s” and wizardly shit going on, there’s the really sound advice of a years-experienced professional
-        Hangouts with Taako can… vary, in their nature. Sometimes you’ll watch a cheesy/crappy flick just to make fun of it, other times you’ll end up going out to a bar and the night will end with the two of you fighting off a dire bear. (Though according to him, “That only happened once, and it was because you thought you could out-drink a man twice your size in that gross dingy bar. That was so not on me.”)
-        He’s not always explicit with things like fears, insecurities, etc. He’s a chill guy, and he tries not to let all that biz get him down, y’know? But when things like that do happen to him, he’s secretly glad that you have his back and are ready to listen.
-        Having said that, he’ll listen if you’ve got some baggage to unload, too, but it’s only when you’ve been friends for a while that he starts to really let his guard down around you.
-        When you first met him, he tried to swindle you out of your valuables at least once.
-        You can roll to see if he succeeded.
-        As you got closer to him, you’ve slowly realized that he will do what he damn well pleases and no amount of “Taako! Behave yourself!” will change his mind.
-        Homeboy here will lowkey accept any juicy gossip about the Bureau that you have to offer. Just ‘cause his private life is nobody’s business doesn’t mean that he won’t indulge in some free entertainment, ya dig?
-        He’s not a hugger. If you’re the really touchy-feely type he’ll probably peel your arms off of him and tell you to “Keep your hands off the merchandise.”
Merle Hightower Highchurch
-        Moldy oldie
-        Don’t expect any barhopping or amusement park trips with this guy; he’s got enough excitement just doing his job for the Bureau.
-        Do expect personal stories about his life because we all know how much Merle loved that wedding ring around his neck, right? God, he just never shut up about it, the sentimental old fool. Classic Merle right there.
-        Nah, but seriously; don’t expect him to mention much of anything about his old family. If you try to snoop, you’ll probably get the Angus treatment. Maybe with less death threats; you are best friends after all.
-        Helping him babysit Magnus, who is arguably Merle’s other unruly son, is also an inevitable fate
-        As a general note: If you are the “Mom Friend”, and you’re hanging out with the Tres Horny Boys on the regular… I pity your soul. And your blood pressure. At least you manage to help Merle out sometimes.
-        He can give decent advice to calm a person down, or just bring them back down to earth. Although there’s about a 50/50 chance his advice is terrible. Viewer discretion is advised.
-        But for the love of all that is pure and holy do not ask him about romance; he doesn’t know it, he isn’t good at it, he knows that he isn’t good at it… He’ll try his best if you insist on asking him, but, geez, isn’t this a better question for say, Carey and Killian?
-        10/10 Grampa friend; read books and watch the fantasy football game with this small old man.
-        If you’re on the more mature side yourself, you’ll likely end up hanging out with him and Lucretia at some point. Sit back, sip some wine, and talk about the state of affairs of the BoB for a while.
-        You will want to braid his beard. The answer will always be no.
-        You are one of the rare few who has witnessed Tipsy Merle™; If you’ve never seen a dwarf get sloshed and then try to waddle his way home, complaining of a sore back and bad knees and how the stupid ground is too close to his face every time he falls down, only to stop in front of his door and be unable to get the damn thing open, then lemme tell you; It is truly a spectacle for the senses.
Magnus Burnsides
-        Cuddle puddles with Mags are the best things. This giant ruff boi is fantastic at making you feel safe and sound.
-        Sparring matches are probs a common pastime between the two of you.
-        If you feel weak, and want to really learn how to fight and defend yourself, Magnus is ready to teach you in a heartbeat. He tells you up front that it probably won’t be easy, but he supports you every step of the way if you really commit yourself to training.
-        He will let you hold Steven the (cute, happy lil’) Goldfish. Just be careful; Magnus loves him very much.
-        You will end up playing keep away with Angus’ things at least once. There is no option to this; It’s just gonna happen.
-        If you are very short then I’m not sayin’ Magnus will 100% for sure do that thing where he rests his arm on your head buuuut
-        He is, surprisingly, not awful at cooking and sewing. What he can do in these fields is pretty simple, but it’s also pretty effective.
-        Show him your whittling projects! Constructive criticism and praise will be received.
-        He normally doesn’t need much comfort when he thinks about his past. It makes him sad, yes, but he’s already decided to keep moving forward. When stuff like this gets him into a funk, a simple nod of encouragement and a squeeze of the shoulder should suffice, then just give him some space for a while.
-        Forgetting who exactly his enemy was in Wonderland really fucked him up, though. Well, wonderland fucked everybody up, but regardless; He told you about how now, when he thinks of what happened to him and his home, there’s a missing face and an enemy that exists but doesn’t at the same time. And despite everything that happened, Magnus still knows that this blank space where his nemesis is supposed to be wasn’t there before. You’ve never seen Magnus look as lost, angry and confused as he did when he tried to remember, and it is heartbreaking. Taako and Merle eventually help fill you in on what actually happened, making sure that Magnus can’t overhear them.
-        This is all assuming that you’re a member of the Bureau, btw. Now, this particular headcanon revolves around you being a dog lover as well. You and Mags try to sneak a dog onto the moon, y’all. Possibly even multiple times.
-        Lucretia always finds out. You’ve had to say many a tearful goodbye to Scraps, Buster, Fluffy, Jeano, Ted…
Bonus Ango!
-        Save him.
-        You pull his stuff out of the ‘keep away’ circle
-        You carry him on your shoulders and give him piggy back rides (he weighs like, nothing and it’s beautiful)
-        You’re sort of in this weird place between being this kid’s bestie and his older sibling/temporary parental figure. It’s no secret by now that the entire Bureau has sort of adopted Angus, so it’s no too hard of a job.
-        After he cries about finding his grandfather’s silverware at the Fantasy Costco, you help him buy it back. You trade a drop of your blood to Garfield the Deals Warlock in exchange for finding out who sold it to him. You make a mental note to shove Taako’s umbrella somewhere he won’t appreciate.
-        Ango  passes out in the most random places. His sleep schedule is shit. He’s up all night working on cases or worrying about the boys when they’re on a mission. When you can’t force him to sleep on time, you end up carrying him back to his bed and tucking him in.
-        You will, of course, only do so after taking gratuitous pictures of him sleeping in said odd places and posting them on Fantasy Instagram with tags like #Look at him #What a cutie #Lil’ angel #Fell asleep on top of a giant ancient tome #Magic Practice #Magic Studies #Director’s Library #Oh, look, the ink is trying to possess him by leaking into his skin! #Aww #My sweet sweet boy
-        You know about the stuffed dire bear plushie he still sleeps with and you have been sworn to secrecy.
-        Ruffle his hair through his hat. He hates it but it’s hilarious.
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