phonemantra-blog · 11 months
Pre-orders for this model have already opened in China. Today, the Red Magic brand has released many images showcasing the new flagship Red Magic 9 Pro. The pictures confirm what was said earlier: this model will receive an under-screen front camera. [caption id="attachment_82429" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Red Magic 9 Pro[/caption] In general, the smartphone will be completely flat: it has a flat screen and a flat (completely without protrusions) back panel. Official images of Red Magic 9 Pro The Red Magic 9 Pro hardware platform will be based on the Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 3 SoC, the resolution of the main camera sensor is 50 megapixels. It was previously reported that the battery capacity will be 6000 mAh. [caption id="attachment_82432" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Red Magic 9 Pro[/caption] [caption id="attachment_82433" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Red Magic 9 Pro[/caption] In China, Red Magic 9 Pro can already be ordered, but the official premiere will take place on November 23.
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microprojectbangla · 3 years
Rgb effective table lamp make with old led bulb packet Which thing i used to make this gadget 1. old led bulb packet 2. White paper 3. 3.7v lithium battery 4. DC socket 5. Switch 6. 10mm led bulb 7. 5 mm led bulb 10. Cardboard 11. Glue gun I have been thinking about making it for a long time But due to lack of time I could not make it Finally I made a beautiful table lamp I don't know how beautiful it has been. But I have tried my best to make it as beautiful as possible. You can easily make it at home. If you watch my video well and try it like that, you can make it too
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keevocopy-blog · 5 years
カナダグースCANADA GOOSE ダウンジャケット  ポップアップブティック- 周年 −光のアトリエ−
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また、2019年9月14日(土)には、「Canada Goose カナダグース130周年 −光のアトリエ−」を表参道のモントーク(montoak)にて開催。気鋭のアートディレクター河野未彩による「彩る影を楽しむ照明 ”RGB_Light”」の仕掛けを使ったインスタレーションや、カナダグース ジャケット コピー貴重なアーカイブを使用した130周年記念のホログラフィック映像などを公開する。なお、参加者先着1,000名限定にオリジナルギフトをプレゼントする。 カナダグース(Canada Goose)Canada Goose ジャケット 偽物 から、イタリアのモータースポーツウェア・ブランド「アルパインスターズ(ALPINESTARS)」とのコラボレーションによるメンズ&ウィメンズのカプセルコレクションが登場。2019年9月14日(土)より、一部のカナダグースストアにて販売される。 長きに渡りデザインのインスピレーション源の1つとしてブランド レプリカモーターサイクル・レースに注目してきたカナダグース。80年代に競技イベントのスポンサーを手掛けて以降、イタリアのモーターサイクル・メーカー「ドゥカティカナダグース コピー 激安(DUCATI)」とパートナーシップを結ぶなど、モータースポーツと関わりを持ってきた。 スーパー コピー 通販https://www.wish-note.com/u/keesale http://gameport.jp/user/12839/blog/
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mft-toyama · 5 years
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via @reoru
https://t.co/yEEEhB7woU RGB_Lightという存在を知って凄くかっこいいなあと思ったので、C4Dで再現しつつCGを作ってみた pic.twitter.com/BqCCUrc5yI
— レオル (@reoru) July 13, 2019
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infocelulares · 5 years
Ahora resulta que BlueKeep pasó de ser una simple amenaza a una preocupación hasta para la NSA.
Hablar de vulnerabilidades en el sistema operativo de Microsoft no es para nada una novedad, ya se transformó casi en un infaltable de cada versión de Windows encontrarnos con ciertas brechas que le permitirán a quienes cuenten con malas intensiones y el conocimiento necesario, la oportunidad precisa para que tu información o tu equipo sea víctima de ataques.
Ahora, es necesario recalcar algo antes de seguir, Windows es inseguro y siempre lo ha sido, pero el resto de sistemas operativos no son mucho más seguros que el creado por Microsoft, pasa que al ser el SO más popular y utilizado del mundo se transforma inmediatamente en objetivo de quienes buscan vulnerar nuestros equipos e información, por eso se hace tan notorio todo esto y muy posiblemente si se hiciera un análisis acabado del resto de SO, incluso de Linux, nos encontremos con un listado grande de vulnerabilidades, solo que como no son tan masivos no hay la cantidad de gente interesada en ellos que quiera aprovecharlos. Dicho esto, sigamos con el tema.
Hace algunos días surgió una nueva vulnerabilidad de Windows, le dieron por nombre BlueKeep, y si bien en un comienzo parecía y fue tratada como una de las tantas vulnerabilidades que Windows, con el pasar de los días todo se tornó más preocupante, al nivel de que la misma Agencia Nacional de Seguridad (NSA) lo compara en gravedad sería tan malo como lo fue WannaCry.
El consejo por parte de la NSA es claro, todos deben protegerse y tomar medidas al respecto para no pasar malos ratos como ya lo pasamos anteriormente con WannaCry:
NSA is raising their own concern that the Microsoft RDP flaw (#BlueKeep) is of significant risk to unpatched systems. Patch and protect! https://t.co/hj1c40psma
— Rob Joyce (@RGB_Lights) June 4, 2019
La noticia es tan importante que la agencia ha utilizado sus redes sociales y pagina web para hablar del tema, entregando un comunicado oficial donde hablan con más detalles sobre este problema:
“Las advertencias recientes de Microsoft destacaron la importancia de instalar parches para solucionar una vulnerabilidad de protocolo en versiones anteriores de Windows .
Microsoft ha advertido que esta falla es potencialmente “wormable”, lo que significa que podría propagarse sin la interacción del usuario a través de Internet.
Hemos visto gusanos informáticos devastadores que causan daños en sistemas sin parches con un impacto de gran alcance, y estamos buscando motivar mayores protecciones contra esta falla.”
Desde Microsoft no hay mucho para especular, no bajan el perfil al tema y confirman que el problema existe, es serio y que podría tener repercusiones similares a las que tuvimos con WannaCry si los usuarios no toman las medidas que corresponden.
Si alguien todavía tiene dudas sobre lo delicado del tema, consideren que Microsoft liberó un parche de seguridad incluso para Windows XP, si, el mismo SO que lleva años obsoleto y sin soporte por parte de la compañía y que ante la gravedad del asunto, sobre todo porque muchos cajeros automáticos y plantas de producción todavía funcionan en base a este sistema operativo, tuvieron que lanzar un parche que evitara un desastre con este veterano de los SO.
Si aún con todo lo que hemos explicado todavía no te decides a tomar medidas, da un vistazo a quienes están alertando ahora del problema, la NSA, unos expertos en encontrar vulnerabilidades para espiar a quienes ellos deseen sin impedimento alguno, que si ellos deciden alertar a la comunidad es porque el problema es realmente grande, así que apliquen todas las actualizaciones a sus sistemas y aseguren de tener su equipo lo más al día posible para evitar malos ratos. Que no digan que en Tecnofanatico no se lo advertimos.
Fuente: Microsoft. Autor: Elias Villagrán Donaire.
The post Ahora resulta que BlueKeep pasó de ser una simple amenaza a una preocupación hasta para la NSA. appeared first on Tecnofanatico.
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tanu1962 · 4 years
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(色鮮やかな“影”を作るUFO型ライト「RGB_Light」 - ITmedia NEWSから)
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phonemantra-blog · 11 months
It does not have a camera protruding and the screen does not bend onto the sides The Red Magic brand today announced its newest flagship - Red Magic 9 Pro. Usually developers focus on performance, but the first teasers are dedicated to something completely different - design. [caption id="attachment_82203" align="aligncenter" width="450"] Red Magic 9 Pro[/caption] Red Magic 9 Pro is presented as a flat flagship: its camera block and flat side edges do not protrude, and the glass does not extend onto them. The front camera, like its predecessor, will be hidden under the screen. The first flat flagship in a long time. Red Magic 9 Pro announced What's innovative is that the Red Magic 9 Pro integrates the camera lenses into the rear protective glass. According to the creators, this increases wear resistance and scratch resistance. [caption id="attachment_82204" align="aligncenter" width="448"] Red Magic 9 Pro[/caption] The image of the side edge shows the air slot for the proprietary fan, which has long been used in the cooling systems of Red Magic flagships. The Red Magic 9 Pro will be built on the Snapdragon 8 Gen 3, and the presence of a powerful cooling system with an active element in theory allows you to squeeze a little more performance out of the SoC. The official premiere of Red Magic 9 Pro will take place on November 23. On the same day, Honor 100 smartphones will be presented .
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connorrenwick · 5 years
100Banch’s Stand By D Illuminates the Joy of a Tidy Desk
Venture beyond the enormous exhibits of the annual Consumer Electronics Show and one can discover tucked in its corners some weird and wonderful fringe technologies. Example: Panasonic’s CES 2020 booth harbored projects offered by their experimental lab, 100BANCH, including a hanging light fixture capable of producing colorful shadows with hallucinogenic effects using separate red, green, and blue.
If the purpose of the RGB_Light seems primarily colorful and exploratory, 100Banch’s other nearby project, Stand By D, delves into a practical aid with applicability for a country facing mounting challenges posed by an increasingly aging population.
In its standard configuration, the Stand By D has the appearances of a large contemporary desk lamp. Look carefully and one notices the lamp is comprised of two arms tucked tightly together. The smaller arm houses an array of LED lights intended to perform the typical duties of a light while also hiding a camera sensor. Called upon, the lamp monitors the surface of the desk and unfolds, revealing a “hand” mechanism capable of carefully picking up and putting away wayward pieces of stationery or other supplies left out.
While Stand By D’s ability to declutter surfaces automatically may spark joy amongst the organized set, the technology’s greatest potential is in serving households where age, chronic disability, or temporary injuries may prevent a person from cleaning/organizing without discomfort. In the future,  homes, workplaces, and public areas may be assigned similar robotic aid, always ready to keeping spaces and places neat and tidy.
via http://design-milk.com/
from WordPress https://connorrenwickblog.wordpress.com/2020/01/20/100banchs-stand-by-d-illuminates-the-joy-of-a-tidy-desk/
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christoperj · 6 years
Rob Joyce (@RGB_Lights)
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
This is the fourth model on the market with 24 GB of RAM Sales of the top version of the Red Magic 8S Pro+ smartphone, equipped with 24 GB of RAM and 1 TB of flash memory, have started in China. Price: $1,045. [caption id="attachment_64402" align="aligncenter" width="650"] Red Magic 8S Pro+[/caption] Red Magic 8S Pro+ goes on sale in China Red Magic 8S Pro+ is built on an overclocked single-chip Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 platform. The ICE 12 Magic Cooling system, which includes a fan with customizable lighting, is responsible for cooling the SoC and components. [caption id="attachment_64403" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Red Magic 8S Pro+[/caption] The smartphone has an OLED screen without cutouts: the front camera is a sub-screen. The diagonal of the 120 Hz display is 6.8 inches. The Red Magic 8S Pro+ has a 5000 mAh battery with support for 165-watt charging, a camera with 50.8 and 2 MP sensors, a powerful vibration motor, stereo speakers, and Wi-Fi 7.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
Revolutionizing Mobile Gaming: Unveiling the Razer Phone 3 The Razer Phone 3 is the latest innovation in mobile gaming, designed to cater to the growing popularity of this form of entertainment. With the increasing demand for specialized devices that offer an unparalleled gaming experience, the Razer Phone 3 aims to revolutionize the mobile gaming industry. In this article, we will delve into the features and specifications of the Razer Phone 3, exploring its powerful hardware, immersive display and audio, cutting-edge cooling system, game optimization and customization, long battery life, fast charging capabilities, and connectivity options. By the end, you will understand why the Razer Phone 3 is the ultimate gaming device. [caption id="attachment_62411" align="aligncenter" width="480"] razer phone 3[/caption] Understanding the Razer Phone 3 The Razer Phone 3 is a cutting-edge mobile device specifically designed for gamers. It comes packed with features and enhancements that elevate the gaming experience to new heights. With a sleek design and top-of-the-line specifications, the Razer Phone 3 sets itself apart from its predecessor and other gaming smartphones in the market. The Razer Phone 3 boasts a powerful processor, ample RAM, and advanced graphics capabilities. This combination ensures smooth gameplay and allows for high-quality graphics, providing gamers with an immersive and lag-free experience. Unleashing Gaming Performance The Razer Phone 3 is equipped with state-of-the-art hardware components that contribute to its exceptional gaming performance. The device features a powerful processor, which handles complex gaming tasks with ease. Coupled with a generous amount of RAM, the Razer Phone 3 ensures smooth multitasking and quick loading times for games. The graphics capabilities of the Razer Phone 3 are truly remarkable. With advanced GPU technology, the device delivers stunning visuals and realistic graphics. Gamers can enjoy detailed textures, vibrant colors, and smooth frame rates, enhancing their overall gaming experience. Whether it's fast-paced action or visually stunning RPGs, the Razer Phone 3 can handle it all. In addition to the powerful hardware, the Razer Phone 3 also incorporates software optimizations specifically tailored for gaming. These optimizations further enhance the device's performance, resulting in seamless gameplay and reduced latency. Immersive Display and Audio The Razer Phone 3 features a stunning display that takes mobile gaming to the next level. With its high-resolution screen and impressive refresh rate, gamers can enjoy crystal-clear visuals and smooth animations. The device boasts a [insert resolution] display, ensuring every detail is crisp and vibrant. One of the standout features of the Razer Phone 3 is its high refresh rate. With a [insert refresh rate] display, the device delivers ultra-smooth scrolling and responsive touch controls. This not only enhances the gaming experience but also makes everyday tasks on the phone feel incredibly fluid. In terms of audio, the Razer Phone 3 doesn't disappoint. It incorporates advanced audio technology to provide immersive sound quality. The device is equipped with [insert audio features], delivering rich and dynamic audio that brings games to life. Whether it's the sound of footsteps approaching or the epic soundtrack of a game, the Razer Phone 3 ensures gamers don't miss a beat. Cutting-Edge Cooling System The Razer Phone 3 takes gaming performance to new heights with its cutting-edge cooling system. Designed to prevent overheating during intense gaming sessions, the device incorporates innovative cooling technology that keeps temperatures in check. The cooling system in the Razer Phone 3 utilizes [insert cooling technology], which efficiently dissipates heat and maintains optimal performance. This ensures that the device can handle long gaming sessions without any performance degradation or discomfort caused by heat. Gamers can play for hours on end without worrying about their device overheating. Efficient cooling is crucial for mobile gaming devices as it prevents throttling and ensures consistent performance. With the Razer Phone 3's advanced cooling system, gamers can push their devices to the limit without compromising on performance or experiencing any discomfort due to excessive heat. Game Optimization and Customization The Razer Phone 3 offers a range of game optimization features that cater to the preferences of individual gamers. The device comes with pre-installed performance modes that allow users to customize their gaming experience based on their preferences. Whether you prefer maximum performance for competitive gaming or want to conserve battery life for longer play sessions, the Razer Phone 3 has you covered. Additionally, the Razer Phone 3 allows users to create game profiles, which can be tailored to specific games. These profiles enable users to optimize settings such as graphics quality, frame rate, and control sensitivity for each game individually. This level of customization ensures that gamers can enjoy their favorite games exactly the way they want, maximizing their enjoyment and performance. Furthermore, the Razer Phone 3 offers a range of settings and options that allow users to fine-tune their gaming experience. From adjusting color saturation to customizing button layouts, gamers have complete control over how they interact with their favorite games. The device's intuitive interface makes it easy to navigate and customize settings, ensuring a seamless and personalized gaming experience. Please note that the above HTML code is just a representation of the content and does not include the entire article. Long Battery Life and Fast Charging The Razer Phone 3 is designed to keep gamers in the action for extended periods with its impressive battery life. The device is equipped with a high-capacity battery that can withstand hours of gaming without the need for frequent recharging. Whether you're playing intense multiplayer battles or exploring vast open worlds, the Razer Phone 3 ensures you won't be interrupted by a drained battery. In addition to its long battery life, the Razer Phone 3 also supports fast charging technology. With [insert fast charging technology], the device can quickly recharge its battery, allowing gamers to get back into the action in no time. This feature is especially useful for gamers on-the-go who may have limited time to charge their device between gaming sessions. Furthermore, the Razer Phone 3 incorporates power-saving features that help optimize battery usage. These features intelligently manage power consumption, ensuring that the device lasts even longer during gaming sessions. Gamers can enjoy extended playtime without worrying about running out of battery. Connectivity and Network Performance The Razer Phone 3 offers seamless connectivity options to enhance the gaming experience. The device supports the latest Wi-Fi standards, ensuring fast and stable connections for online gaming. Whether you're engaging in multiplayer battles or streaming content, the Razer Phone 3's Wi-Fi capabilities ensure a smooth and uninterrupted experience. In addition to Wi-Fi, the Razer Phone 3 also provides reliable cellular connectivity. With support for [insert cellular technology], gamers can stay connected even when Wi-Fi is not available. This is particularly beneficial for gamers who are constantly on the move or in areas with limited Wi-Fi coverage. To further optimize network performance, the Razer Phone 3 incorporates network optimization features. These features prioritize gaming traffic, minimizing latency and ensuring a lag-free experience. Gamers can enjoy competitive online gameplay without being hindered by network issues. With its robust connectivity options and network optimization features, the Razer Phone 3 ensures that gamers can stay connected and enjoy a seamless gaming experience wherever they are. Please note that the above HTML code is just a representation of the content and does not include the entire article. Frequently Asked Questions Q: What are the key features of the Razer Phone 3? A: The Razer Phone 3 boasts powerful hardware components, including a high-performance processor, ample RAM, and advanced graphics capabilities. It features a stunning display with a high refresh rate for smooth animations and responsive touch controls. The device also incorporates advanced audio technology for immersive sound quality. Additionally, the Razer Phone 3 comes with a cutting-edge cooling system to prevent overheating during intense gaming sessions. Q: How does the Razer Phone 3 enhance gaming performance? A: The Razer Phone 3 is equipped with a powerful processor, ample RAM, and advanced graphics capabilities. These hardware components ensure smooth gameplay, quick loading times, and high-quality graphics. The device also incorporates software optimizations specifically tailored for gaming, further enhancing performance and reducing latency. Q: What is the benefit of a high refresh rate display for gaming? A: A high refresh rate display, such as the one on the Razer Phone 3, offers smoother animations and more responsive touch controls. This means that gamers can enjoy fluid gameplay with reduced motion blur and improved precision. The high refresh rate enhances the overall gaming experience, making it more immersive and enjoyable. Q: How does the cooling system in the Razer Phone 3 work? A: The Razer Phone 3 incorporates an innovative cooling system that efficiently dissipates heat during intense gaming sessions. The specific cooling technology used in the device helps maintain optimal performance by preventing overheating. This ensures that gamers can play for extended periods without experiencing performance degradation or discomfort caused by excessive heat. Q: Can I customize my gaming experience on the Razer Phone 3? A: Yes, the Razer Phone 3 offers a range of customization options for gamers. The device comes with pre-installed performance modes that allow users to customize their gaming experience based on their preferences. Additionally, users can create game profiles to optimize settings such as graphics quality, frame rate, and control sensitivity for each game individually. The Razer Phone 3 also offers various settings and options for users to fine-tune their gaming experience, ensuring personalized and immersive gameplay. Q: How long does the battery of the Razer Phone 3 last during gaming sessions? A: The Razer Phone 3 is equipped with a high-capacity battery that provides extended battery life, specifically designed for gaming. The exact duration of the battery life during gaming sessions may vary depending on factors such as game intensity and screen brightness. However, the Razer Phone 3 ensures that gamers can enjoy hours of uninterrupted gaming before needing to recharge. Q: Does the Razer Phone 3 support fast charging? A: Yes, the Razer Phone 3 supports fast charging technology. This allows the device to recharge its battery quickly, minimizing downtime between gaming sessions. With fast charging capabilities, gamers can get back into the action in no time, even with limited charging opportunities. Q: How does the Razer Phone 3 optimize network performance for online gaming? A: The Razer Phone 3 incorporates network optimization features that prioritize gaming traffic. This ensures that online gameplay is not hindered by network congestion or latency issues. The device supports the latest Wi-Fi standards for fast and stable connections, and it also provides reliable cellular connectivity for gaming on the go. With these features, the Razer Phone 3 maximizes network performance, allowing gamers to enjoy smooth and lag-free online gaming experiences. Conclusion: The Razer Phone 3 is the ultimate gaming device that revolutionizes mobile gaming. With its powerful hardware, immersive display and audio, cutting-edge cooling system, game optimization, and customization features, long battery life, fast charging capabilities, and reliable connectivity options, the Razer Phone 3 offers an unparalleled gaming experience. Gamers can enjoy smooth gameplay, high-quality graphics, and responsive touch controls thanks to the device's powerful processor, ample RAM, and advanced graphics capabilities. The stunning display with a high refresh rate enhances the visual experience, while the advanced audio technology provides immersive sound quality. The innovative cooling system prevents overheating, ensuring optimal performance during intense gaming sessions. The Razer Phone 3 also offers extensive customization options, allowing gamers to tailor their gaming experience to their preferences. With performance modes, game profiles, and various settings, users can optimize graphics, frame rates, and control sensitivity for each game individually. Additionally, the Razer Phone 3 boasts a long battery life to support extended gaming sessions, and its fast charging capabilities ensure minimal downtime. The device's reliable connectivity options, including Wi-Fi and cellular capabilities, along with network optimization features, guarantee stable and fast internet connections for online gaming. In conclusion, the Razer Phone 3 is a game-changer in the mobile gaming industry, offering a comprehensive package of features and capabilities that cater to the needs and desires of gamers. With its focus on delivering an unparalleled gaming experience, the Razer Phone 3 is a must-have device for any gaming enthusiast.
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phonemantra-blog · 1 year
The top version is almost twice as expensive Thunderobot has fully introduced the Mix Mini gaming mini-PC. The device is extremely interesting, since a 14-core Core i9 and RTX 4070 Laptop fits into a body with a volume of only 1.7 liters. [caption id="attachment_58400" align="aligncenter" width="780"] Thunderbolt Mix Mini[/caption] Thunderbolt Mix Mini introduced starting at $750 Of course, there are simpler versions. The base one has a Core i7-13620H, RTX 4060 Laptop, 16 GB of RAM, and no storage. For such a PC they ask for $750. The most expensive one will be the same one - with Core i9-13900H, RTX 4070 Laptop, 32 GB of RAM, and a 1 TB SSD. For such a PC you will have to pay 1230 dollars. From the rest, we can highlight Wi-Fi 6E, Bluetooth 5.3, HDMI 2.1 (×2), USB-C (×2), USB 3.2 (×2), RJ45, and dimensions 260 × 165 × 42 mm.
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