cashandprizes · 9 months
What a wonderful life, please?
omg hi romi.... you have come to see me and my most shameful wip /hj
so this is basically a working title for the wip and playlist, i have NO clue what this would actually be if i wrote it. but in a SHOCKING twist of events it is not smut!
so. this wip is about my bright eyes and is like an exploration/character study? I was really wondering what would be going on to make bright act the way they did (as best as I can piece it together) and decided to maximize the mental illness stat and somehow this angsty child was born.
The fun (to me, being in psychology school) is trying to dig deep into their fucked up little brain and looking at their relationship with fred and sam and vincent, being turned, with Alexis, etc. For some reason (I have no idea why /j) I love making characters and trying to diagnose them or study them like a bug,
I don't even know what to talk about with them, my crazy bean. They like horror movies and spicy food, they're a certified thrill seeker (anything to feel alive) which is why they went to WonderWorld that night, Fred and bright are each other's only friends because nerd x loner (sorry Erik they've been friends since middle school, they told me), they're very quiet, they struggle with some intense and severe mental illness....
The main plot of the fic is totally undecided. I have no clue what I'm going to do with them - idk if they're going to leave the solaires, or stay and try to work stuff out, run off with Alexis for the wayward vampires club, wind up dead... who knows. it's like a visual novel in there with endings.
sorry this was a ramble it's sooo unorganized in this google document
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lovebatty · 11 months
𝙰𝚢𝚊𝚝𝚘 𝚊𝚗𝚍 𝚁𝚘𝚖𝚊𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚌.
Bloody kisses, skincare hcs!
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ꕥ ° Due to his early growth, Romi has acne problems. For this reason, he has to take good care of his skin so, in that way, he doesn't get so many pimples; such as facial massages, his moisturizing creams, etc.
➻ He had more visible pimples on his upper back than on his face, although he does have acne all over his body, which was partly an insecurity for Romi for many years. He feels so much better and self-confident now with the help of his dermatologist. ♡
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ꕥ ° I honestly don't think Ayato has a very meticulous routine. The most he does is clean his face with the same neutral soap that he used to wash his ass, apply cream and perhaps put on a little perfume/essence. (⁠●⁠´⁠⌓⁠`⁠●⁠)"
ꕥ ° Romi loves the idea of ​​helping his boyfriend, especially if it involves taking care of him. After all, acts of service and gifts are his way of showing affection.
ꕥ ° He always asks Ayato if he can take care of him, especially when he has had difficult days or feels very stressed, Romi knows that attention and affection will make him feel safe.
➻ He lays Ayato down on the bed and starts giving him circular massages on his face; he leaves little kisses all over his face before starting to outline his eyebrows with a pair of tweezers, making sure to be careful and he feels comfortable. Later, he applies a facial cleanser with his little fingers; a toner and eye contour before applying the serum, and then finish with a moisturizing cream. Full clean face❕ (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠)⁠♡
ꕥ ° Ayato doesn't really like using facemasks❔ For all the time he has to wait, but he rather likes the results that some of them leave.
ꕥ ° For Ayato, is leaving himself as a test dummy is an excuse to receive pampering and attention from Romi? Yes, totally.
ꕥ ° Romi is curious about the taste of the products because of their delicious aroma, although this is something that has been left only to himself... It's better to live with curiosity.
ꕥ ° After some selfcare, depending on whether it is day or night, Romantic kisses Ayato or they go to sleep together in his bed 🩷🧚🏻‍♀️, settling together very well.
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꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Che, Ore-sama doesn't need any of that unnecessary care! My skin is perfect just the way it is.
꒰ 💗 ꒱ I know, but it could be even better! Please accept my help, okay? I'll be careful. ♪
꒰ 🍓 ꒱ Well! I don't lose anything by trying. I hope you know what you're doing, Chibimushi. I won't forgive you if you don't.
꒰ 💗 ꒱ Thank you, Ayato-kun!
꒰ 💗 ꒱ (I will make sure to give Ayato-kun the treatment he deserves!)
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guttcd · 2 years
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DEJAN BENNANI ( cismale , he/him , emilio sakraya ) is 26 and a BOXER from PASADENA, CALIFORNIA. they are known as THE HEDONIST  because they are CHARMING , but if things kick off, they can be a bit NARCISSISTIC they’re PANSEXUAL and describe their type as FUN AND EXCITING . from their time in the villa, they’re hoping to find FAME. ( aesthetics: going on a run at midnight, aggressive reassurances, bloody noses, backstage pep talks, the sudden urge to show off, clumsy attempts at being gentle, getting drunk off expensive liquor, lavish nights out, feeling like everyone is out to get you, )
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b a s i c s
full name: dejan hassan bennani sexual orientation: pansexual  occupation: boxer age: twenty six birthday: july 26 likes: fucking around and finding out, spending a ridiculous amount of money on materialistic crap, reading, sports,  dislikes: clingy people, escape rooms, ketchup, clowns
h i s t o r y
being the only son of a renowned boxing coach meant his future was practically sealed from the moment he was born. after having trained some of the best boxers of his generation, dejan’s father made it his mission to make dejan on of the best boxers the world had ever seen. 
unfortunately for him, the journey to make a certified punching machine was going to be a long one.
growing up dejan was a gentle kid, the type that would cry if he stepped on a worm and who preferred to go to the library to read books during recess. 
he loved reading. every genre. his favorite book? moby dick. ( i’ve never read it lol ) he can’t remember much if it now, but he recalls daydreaming about going on a great ocean adventure someday. it was thanks to that book that dejan developed a love for the ocean and it even fostered a desire of becoming a marine biologist someday. 
of course, that dream was cut short when his father began ‘ pushing ’ his son to pursue a career in boxing instead and by that I mean his father practically bullied him into it tbh
all’s well that ends well though ‘cus dejan ended up really enjoying it! the only setback? he became a spitting image of his father 
his aggression, his narcissistic attitude, his inability to prioritize anything outside of himself and his desires, the list goes on and on. 
p r e s e n t
one thing that dejan’s father got right was his son’s ability to kick ass. dejan had a natural athleticism to him so pair that an acquired taste of blood, glamour, and adrenaline? boom— you got yourself a professional boxer. 
so with his ever growing career, what the heck is this guy doing on love island?
well, dejan had become a bit of an online personality, especially after having fought the one... the only... lo.gan pa.ul ( 🤢)
he ended up getting injured during his fight with him which resulted in dejan not only loosing the fight but also being unable to participate in any upcoming tournaments. 
dejan was building good social media momentum though, so his manager suggested he goes on the show as to not loose the public’s interest.
if anyone asks, he'll provide that basic answer of wanting to find love yada yada yada
in truth, he’s here to stir shit and continue to add to his bad boy persona online. 
does he believe in love? sure. does he think he’s capable of feeling it? maybe. does he think he’s going to find it on love fucking island? hell nah. 
fun fact: he dated romi about two years ago. they had been friends since childhood but their relationship only lasted about a year. how did it end? romi walked in on him cheating on them with their... cousin. dejan being the man ( derogatory ) that he is, never fully apologized for the affair. they broke up, went their separate ways, and had absolutely no reason to interact. until now.
p e r s o n a l i t y
+confident +competitive +ambitious -judgmental -narcissistic -manipulative mbti: entp natal chart :  ↑ cancer,  ⊙ leo, ☾ sagitarrius
he’s a fuckboi your honor. an absolute menace to society. 
fluctuates between being honest to the point it’s cruel and lying through his damn teeth to get what he wants. 
years of  being ridiculed for his softer side has caused dejan to become.... an asshole tbh. at this point he feels it’s become so engrained in his psyche that he doesn’t think he could change even if he wanted to. 
the hedonist is his title because dejan is the type of man who puts having a good time above all else. 
god complex whom?
judgmental little b omg his inner monologue? terrible. 9/10 is just thinking of reasons why he is better than everyone. 
socializing for an extended period of time stresses him out lol i imagine the first thing he does when he gets in the villa is look for a quiet place where he can read.
feel free to try and fix him. lord knows he desperately needs it lol 
gaslight gatekeep getfucked ™
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OOC: hi i’m nuve! dejan is a new character for me so bear with me as i try to figure him out lol but im so hype to be here and  i can’t wait to write with you all <3
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graftisms · 2 years
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how are you feeling in your decision to couple up or stay single ?
“ really fucking good, actually, ”   josh laughs, unable to hide the pride from his voice.   “ things with naomi have been better than i had thought they’d be. it’s like we’re back in the first few weeks of being here, getting to know each other, but she’s no longer holding back from me. the hideaway was... wow, that place is insane. i hope you guys powerwash everything in there afterwards, ”   he smirks.   “ i had been a little afraid we got it at a shitty time, after the mali stuff, but i think it made us stronger than ever. i’m just... yeah, i’m really happy. ”   as if the big grin on his lips doesn’t show it enough.
are you happy in your couple or do you think your head could be turned ?
he’s quick to shake his head.   “ no, thank you. no more bombshells for me. naomi and i aren’t even coupled up right now, granted, but when i told her she was it for me here, i meant it. if she had left last night like rhys, i would’ve pulled a seb too. one of the few things i’ve ever respected him to do, frankly. but i’m also not in a rush to recouple with naomi, because it gives us an excuse to sleep outside, away from everyone else... ”   his voice trails off, with another smug smile.   “ let’s just say we’ve been making use of the alone time. ”   not that it’s going to stop them in the bedroom, either. 
what are your thoughts on seb & bash & rhys’ exit last night ? 
the smile on his lips wilts a bit.   “ uh, i think you can guess how i feel about that. it sucked seeing rhys go, obviously. even today, i keep expecting him to pop up wherever i go. making my coffee this morning ?   sucked. he was one of the few friends i had when i was at my lowest here, so yeah, ”   josh swallows,   “ i’m gonna miss the guy. even if he’s off getting laid with his new boyfriend in jersey or doing wherever. seb’s still on my shit list, though, even if him leaving with rhys was a good move. i don’t care what people think about naomi, but if he keeps running his mouth about her, he’s going to find me on his doorstep once i get out of here. ”   and not in the fun visit rhys way.   “ but bash was a good kid, i’ll miss him too. i told him he should’ve brought back another bombshell. this whole thing could’ve ended differently. ”
out of everyone left, who would be the hardest person to see go ?
“ you mean besides naomi ? ”   he asks, already knowing the answer to that. josh has already made it clear her leaving would be the end of the line for him, too.   “ romi and marcus, for sure. we’ve all been here since the beginning now, i’d kill me not to have them by my side, romi especially. though i don’t know what she’s doing with marcus and the italian dude over there, but hopefully she lets one of them off the hook soon. i vote mario, ”   he snorts.   “ miles, too. he’s only been here for, what, a week ?   and i can’t imagine being here without him, especially with rhys gone. frankie too, i guess. ”   spoken like an afterthought.   “ she’s grown on me. ”
who seems like the strongest couple right now and why ?
“ with marcus and romi in limbo, i don’t think there’s a clear winner, ”   he considers the question, scratching the back of his neck.   “ maybe i’m biased, but i do think once we’re actually coupled up together, naomi and i have a pretty clear advantage. everyone else is just so new. miles and frankie seem pretty strong, too, but it could be because i hang out with them so much. they’re the same brand of weird, ”   josh shrugs.   “ i still vote naomi and me. i don’t care what people say. ”
who seems like the weakest couple right now and why ?
“ well, i think the public made that one kind of obvious. gotta say, i was surprised to see dylan and adela below naomi and charlene, but that probably just means people like naomi more, which i get, ”   he smirks.   “ maybe adela will listen to me now when i tell her to keep her options open. no offense to dylan, but he’s starting to look like a bad luck charm in these relationships. ”   so much for friendship there.
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ks-dreams-fantasies · 4 years
I’m a winner - Rio (Good Girls)
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First ever imagine, I’m obsessed with the dude!  Thanks to @breanime​ for making me want to write about daddy Rio 👅 Go check out her stuff. 
Warning : none
Word Count : 1.3k
“So, you never told me how last night ended” I smiled at Romy as she applied the stencil on my skin.
“We stayed there for maybe an hour or two after you left” She said while focusing on the placement of the paper. “He said he wanted to bring me on a real date before inviting me to his place” She laughed shaking her head slightly.
“Did you agree to his offer?” I said standing up and looking in the mirror as I approved of the design that was sitting on my right hip. “It’s perfect Romy, I can’t wait for it to be done, it’s gonna look so good”
“We have a date on Friday” She chuckled “Anyway what about you” “What do you mean what about me? We were together last night” I said looking down at her as I sat back down on the tattoo chair. “Ah come on! I saw how that guy at the bar was looking at you, girl he wanted you” she said laughing “What guy?” “Are you kidding me? The dude with the neck tattoo! I can’t believe you didn’t go up to him, he was checking you out all night” She sighed putting on gloves and taking her equipment.
We continued talking as I laid there, getting tattooed when we heard the front door open and then a deep voice spoke “Yeah hi, I have an appointment to get my nose pierced” a guy said “Oh yes! Romy will be right with you. She’s finishing up with a client, it shouldn’t be too long, you can sit here while you wait”
Romy touched up the last part and made me stand up to look at the result. “Dude, you look hot” she said as I looked at the small snake that was now permanent on my skin. “I love it, thank you so much” I smiled at her “Should I wait for you to go grab lunch after you’re done with your next appointment” “Yeah piercings usually don’t take that long, we’ll go grab a bite after” she said as I followed her to the front of the shop. “I’m ready when you are” she told the guy who was looking down at his phone. When he looked up, our eyes met, and I realized it was the man from the bar.
Romy stared at the both of us for a minute before she interrupted us “Um (Y/N) you can wait here till I’m finished -- You can follow me” she said making the guy with the neck tattoo look in her direction as he followed her to the room next to us.
I couldn’t believe it! Was that guy following me? No, it must be a coincidence, right? He said he had an appointment, so it wasn’t a last-minute thing. I must have been in my head for a moment because next thing I know, the two of them were coming back, laughing together at something Romy said.
“So (Y/N) you won’t believe this, the bar we went to last night, well he owns it and he invited us for drinks tonight” She said pointing at him and winking at me “Oh w-well that’s very nice of you, thank you! My name’s (Y/N) by the way” I said extending my hand. He smiled shaking my hand softly “I’m Rio. I have to run, but I guess I’ll see you tonight” He semi asked looking straight into my eyes. “We’ll be there” Romy answered right away as Rio left after paying what he owed her.
Romy and I proceeded to go grab a bite before she had to go back to the shop, and I headed back to my place. We were supposed to meet at the bar around 8 so it gave me more than enough time to prepare myself.
I went about my day until it was finally time to get ready. I put on some R&B music and danced while choosing my outfit. I opted for a pair of high waisted blue jean, an emerald cowl neck top and finished the fit with some strappy heels. I applied a bit of makeup and checked in the mirror before heading out the door.
When I arrived at the bar, I looked for Romy, but she wasn’t there yet, so I got closer to the bartender and sat on a stool. “Hi, I’ll have a Manhattan please” “This one’s on me, put it on my tab” I turned to the side as Rio sat at the empty stool beside me. Not gonna lie, he was attractive. He had on an all-black outfit and I could see the eagle tattoo peeking out from his collar.
“You’re looking good mama” He said sipping on his drink as he was clearly checking me out. I smiled at him, blushing as the bartender put the drink I ordered in front of me “Thank you”
“So, I see you came here by yourself” “Oh no – I mean Romy is probably just running late” I responded “Right, right” He downed his drink as he smirked, ordering another one.
We made small talk as I was waiting on Romy to arrive. My phone buzzed indicating that I got a text
Hey girl, sorry but I can’t make it tonight, I’ll explain everything tomorrow have fun with Rio tho ;)
“Everything’s good mama?” he asked me, looking worried “Umm yeah, Romy just texted me, she can’t make it” I said putting my phone back into my purse “So I guess it’s just us than” he stared at me smirking lightly. “I’m not complaining” He continued.
I stood up, drink in my hand “Care to join me at the pool table” he followed me handing me a cue stick as he places the triangle and the balls on the table. “Ladies first” he said smiling.
We played for a bit, and Rio had practically missed every shot as I shot the 8 ball inside the top right corner. “I win” I said doing a little victory dance. “Wanna play another one, or are you too scared to lose again?” I continued, smiling widely as he looked at me smirking.
“Don’t worry sweetheart, I’m not scared of you” he said laughing slightly “What do you say we make this interesting?” He asked putting back the balls into the triangle. “If I win, I get to take you on a proper date” “And if I do?” “You decide, but you won’t” he said winking at me. I decided to be bold “Fine, if I win, I get to have a kiss” I said averting his gaze, and sipping on my drink.
“Damn mama, you’re making me want to lose now” I chuckled. As we started playing, I couldn’t believe what was happening, Rio was emptying the table, ball after ball “What the heck, why are you so good all of a sudden?” “I was being a gentleman babe” he said laughing “Come on, your turn” he continued, passing behind me, getting close to by body. We both striked a couple of more balls, when Rio was on to the last one. “Top left corner” he said as he made the last shot, both of our eyes followed the ball, ending in the hole in the top left corner.
“I guess this makes me a winner” he said approaching me smiling “Not gonna lie, I’m kind of bumped out you didn’t win - was kinda hoping I would get to kiss you”
I pulled myself closer to his body as I looked up, staring at him through my lashes.
“Who says you can’t” as soon as the words left my lips, one of his hands was placed on my hip and mine found their way around his neck.
To my surprise, the kiss was soft and the way he was holding me so gently made me melt into his touch. Our lips fit perfectly together, and it felt like both of us didn’t want to pull away. When we did, I looked up at him, but his dark eyes were already on me as a smile appeared on his lips.
“I’m definitely a winner”
Thank you for reading
Hope you liked it , let me know what you think
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christinesficrecs · 4 years
Hi Christine, hope you're doing great! I need some Sterek fics where Stiles is grown up. Maybe after college or something like this. Have some suggestions? Thanks 💚🎈
Hey! I hope your weekend is awesome so far 💜 Oooh future fics! I live for all the things in a grown up Stiles fic. 😍 My faves are here and here. But there are so many more!!!
ADHDecaf by pleaseletmetouchyourbutt | 2.7K
Stiles is 25 and runs his own coffee shop. Derek doesn't know this. Derek, a mechanic, thinks that Stiles is 17 and jail-bait.
Misunderstandings ensue.
Murder, He Wrote by mklutz | 31.6K | Explicit
And that was how Stiles accidentally became a New York Times bestselling author.
The Curve of Your Clavicle by WhoNatural | 6.2K 
Wherein Derek's office rival might be the same person keeping him sane at night when the loneliness hits.
Layover by dr_girlfriend | 3.6K
Big, serious brown eyes were staring right into his from only a few inches away. The child had clambered half over the arm of Derek’s chair to study him at close range, her little rosebud mouth pursed in concentration.
“Uh.” Derek couldn’t look away as the girl reached out one pudgy hand and patted him gently on the cheek. Her scent was soft and sweet and somehow a bit familiar, just enough to keep Derek from shying away. Derek didn’t know too much about kids but he guessed this one was probably three years old or so, head still oversized in proportion to the short limbs and round little belly.
She seemed fascinated with Derek’s beard, eyes widening further under incredibly thick lashes as she petted Derek’s cheek some more, smoothing down the short stubble. Finally she grinned widely. “Good wuff.”
Coming Home by sheafrotherdon | 9.9K | Explicit
When Stiles comes home from college for Thanksgiving break, the last thing he expects to develop is a sudden, overwhelming attraction to Derek Hale.
i wait for you like a lonely house by bleepobleep | 4.5K
Derek isn’t sure why he buys the house. He doesn’t need the space, that much is certain. While it’s not as big as the one Derek grew up in, something about the cheerful yellow paint and the wide staircase (with banisters wide enough for children to slide down) draws him in.
Quack (Stiles Stop Calling It That) by isthatbloodonhisshirt (wasterella) 15.9K
“Stiles, I’m serious, I need a favour.”
“That sounds like a trap,” Stiles Stilinski muttered sleepily into both his pillows. “You know,” he continued when the man in his room made no move to leave, “you’d think I’d be used to this. My dad, coming into my room, smacking my ass to get me out of bed, waking me up at the ass crack of dawn—”
“It’s almost one.”
Both your hands in the holes of my sweater by dearericbittle (dutchmoxie) | 2.2K
Laura Hale is trying to murder him. How dare she give Derek the softest, most adorable sweater! When she knows that Stiles' weak bisexual heart can't handle that level of cute from the man he's most definitely in love with. "It has thumbholes." Yeah, well thanks for that, Derek.
most important things by sarcaticfishes | 21.1K | Explicit
At first Derek didn’t know what to do with Romy. She was this tiny, squirming, pink thing that he had no idea how to read. But she was also his niece, and the only thing he had left in the world. He thought about giving her up and going back to California, but the thought of being so close to the place where his family had once been so alive hurt him, and so did the thought of letting her go. And so, in Chicago he stayed, and the Hills were forgotten. He didn’t want to go back. And no one came looking for him anyway.
You’d Be So Good To Come Home To by SylvieW | 5K
In Stiles’ final year of college, Derek decides to rebuild the Hale house. He keeps asking for Stiles’ opinion on the house plans. Stiles doesn't realize that Derek is building the house with a mate in mind.
The Courting Dilemmas of a Spark and a Werewolf Prince by greenleaf | 11.4K
Talia smiled calmly. “I am well aware that you are not a werewolf, my darling, but I thought this would be the best reading material for you to use as reference. After all, how would you know how to act during a courting ritual if you do not study it?”
“But I don’t... I’m not…” Stiles narrowed his eyes at her. “Are you setting me up with someone?”
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I Hate To See Your Heartbreak
Summary: The guy you were dating broke your heart, your best friend came to your rescue 
Pairing: Crowley x Reader
Prompt: Square — Heartbreak for @spnvillainsbingo // Square — Crowley for Tell Me A Story Bingo for @supernatural-jackles
Warnings: Rated PG — Loneliness, sadness, heartbreak, torture (mention)
Word Count: 1932
A/N: I mean no disrespect or offense to any religion nor people who profess religion. This was based purely on my life experience.
When you started this new job you promised yourself that you didn’t want to find love, you just wanted to find good friends among coworkers. It wasn’t in your plans to know someone at “love level”.
In the beginning, you weren’t ready to “open up” with anyone, the only one who knew you, was your coworker Romi because she was the one who helped you get the job position. But after some time, you started to be comfortable around everyone. The team members for the project you were working on were the closest.
One day, when your coworker Tom arrived and came to greet you, you felt something that never felt before around him. It was difficult to explain but it was like a connection. You were confused, what exactly was that? you thought. You opened your last conversation with Crowley, your best friend, and you mentioned it. “Don’t get your hopes too high, love” Crowley texted you knowing you were already picturing a long-time relationship. He knew you too well, and you loved him for that.
Crowley and you met under weird circumstances. You were in college about to take a test and you were 100% sure you were going to fail it because you didn’t have the time to study everything. You started to panic about it when the power went off in the entire building. You thanked the one who listened to your prayers but the power came back after a second and your panic state got worse, you needed to leave the room.
-That’s it — you said to your Romi
-What? — she said — are you leaving?
-No, I’m selling my soul for not failing this. It’s the only way — you admitted
-Don’t overreact! You’ll be fine
The power went off and on again and there was a little note in front of you “We’ll talk about that offer later. Good luck with your exam. The King Of Hell” You didn’t understand what was going on. A minute later, your professor entered the room and told everyone that the exam was still happening. You sat for that exam knowing you’ve failed it before even starting it. That same night, you met Crowley personally, he was quite a character you found yourself attracted to him. After that, you became really good friends. He was such a gentleman for being a demon. He never mistreated you, he was always checking on you, taking care of you, so when you told him about this man you met he went on protective mode.
When you got back home after your little encounter with Tom, you found Crowley in your kitchen cooking for you.
-Hello darling — Crowley greeted you
-If I knew you were going to come, I would've cleaned up the mess— you said leaving your things
-Don't worry about it, you are too busy — he said and you kissed him on the cheek
You went to shower, you changed into more comfy clothes, and cleaned up your mess a little while Crowley was in the kitchen.
-You are too sweet with me, you know? — you said when he gave you your dinner
You knew why he was doing all of this and you didn't blame him. He did it because he was worried about you, he wanted to protect you. He knew you were going to end up hurt and he wanted to prevent it.
-This is delicious — you mumbled with your mouth full avoiding the topic he wanted to know
-So, who is this guy you're head over heels for?
-First, I’m not head over heels for him, and second, his name is Tom
-Tell me about him — he encouraged you
-What do you want to know? I don’t know much about him, I haven’t talked much with him yet
-Do you feel attracted by him? — he questioned
-I don’t know. Everything is weird — you sounded frustrated
-Weird how?
-I don’t know how to picture it. It’s like, we like each other but we are afraid to face it — you tried to explain and Crowley nodded
-My advice for you is to let time do its work. Don’t rush anything, okay? — you nodded
-I understand your worry, but I’m not planning on getting married to him. But what happened was weird, just that. I’ve never felt that with anyone — you admitted.
The rest of the night went well, having a nice conversation with Crowley. You really missed having those quiet nights with him.
As the days went by, your relationship with Tom grew a lot and you became closer, almost to the point of dating. Crowley disapproved of your relationship with Tom, he was always saying that he didn’t deserve you. For a moment you thought he was doing it because he was interested in you, that he was jealous, but you could’ve been mistaken.
Your relationship with Tom progressed and you started to get confused with your feelings. It was the first time you were getting “serious” with someone, yes you’ve dated guys before but no one was like him, caring, supportive, understanding, and such a sweetheart. You were falling for him and it scared the hell out of you. 
Crowley kept giving you pieces of advice regarding what was best to do and not to do, he recommended places to go on dates, but there was one problem. You didn’t have conversational topics to talk about. You were seeing the man Mondays through Fridays and when you were on dates over the weekend, there was no topic to talk about. So, here you were getting confused with your feelings with someone whose relationship was getting cold because there was almost no conversation between each other.
One day you got home from work wasted and stressed out.
-Crowley, I need… — you weren’t able to finish the sentence that Crowley was already there
-What’s the matter darling? Why are you wasted? You did not have fun with your colleagues?
-No, it’s not that. I had fun, hence me being wasted. The problem is Tom
-What do..?
-That’s the problem — You interrupted him and he looked at you confused — He doesn’t do anything
-What do you mean? — He asked you handing you some water
-He says he likes me, that he wants to be with me, that he enjoys spending time with me, but he doesn’t want to have a relationship, and I don’t know how to feel — you said on the verge of tears
-Oh darling — Crowley said and hugged you — It’s okay. Don’t worry, give it some time, this is too recent to see if you’re ready to be together or not — you sighed and laid on his lap falling asleep instantly
You knew that Crowley was right, but still, it hurt you knowing that he wasn’t interested in you. Because it was that, you weren’t that interesting to be someone’s girlfriend. 
The following days, you tried to avoid Tom and kept your distance from him, you were hurt. Crowley noticed your behavior so he moved in with you, to make sure weren’t neglecting yourself. He knew you weren’t going to tell him how you felt so he needed to see it. You tried to be strong when he was around you, only crying in the shower, writing your feelings, keeping yourself distracted, but he was Crowley, the King of Hell, he was able to know how you were feeling even if you weren’t in the same room. 
-What is it? — He asked you?
-Nothing — you said sitting on the couch
-What’s getting you so frustrated?
-I don’t want to talk about it
-Is it Tom, right? — you huffed
Crowley sat next to you and pulled an arm around your shoulders
-Did he do something? Did he say something?
You remained silent
-Tell me, darling, I can’t see you like this
You look at Crowley with teary eyes. You’re about to talk but a sob scapes
-Oh honey — he said hugging you tightly
Once you were more calmed, you changed your position and looked at Crowley in the eyes
-He said that he wasn’t ready to start a relationship, that he felt that I was falling hard for him too fast and that he needed to get back to his religion because he needed to “change”
Crowley looked at you thinking what he should say to not make you feel worse
-Do you think he is right? — you looked at him surprised and ready to shout at him — That this was going too fast? — you laid back on the couch thinking
-Maybe, I don’t know, I’m not sure — you explained — The thing is that when I asked him about it, he didn’t say anything, he told me he was ok with this.
-He is religious?
-Yes, I don’t know which religion he professes, but yeah, he believes in God
-And he knows you are not into religion?
-Yes, I even told him why
-And he still wanted to be with you? — you nodded
-He explained to me that he was very religious when he was younger and then he decided to stop practicing because he wanted to “experience” life, but now he feels the need to come back
-And how do you feel about it?
-I mean, is his decision, and I’m not going to become a part of his religion to be with him. Besides, he said that I was a witch for believing in astrology and all that stuff
-I see. Why the tears then? — Crowley asked you
-Because I ca…
-He called you a witch? That’s it, I’m going to send one of my people to get him
-No love, please. Why the bother? It’s okay, I’m not going to text him anymore, I’m just going to say hi and goodbye when I’m at the office. I promise
A few weeks later, you received a text message from Tom asking you to meet him after work because he needed to talk to you.
After work, you met him in the little park that was near the office. He seemed to be scared, almost paranoid like if someone was spying on him. He explained to you he was sorry for the way the things between you two ended and that he shouldn’t have judged you because you didn’t say anything when he told you he was religious. He gave you one last kiss and left almost running, he seemed to be in a hurry. You were very confused, he never behaved in that way with you, like being scared to get caught, stuttering the words, afraid of saying the wrong thing. He looked like he was scared of you. That’s when it hit you, Crowley did something to him, and by the way he was looking behind his back, you knew there were some of his demons around. You left the park and went back home with Crowley, he ended up moving with you permanently.
When you arrived home, Crowley had the bath ready for you, dinner already cooking and a chocolate cake ready for when you finished your bath.
-I know what you did, love. I really appreciate it, but it wasn’t necessary the torture — you said hugging him
-I didn’t torture him, I just scare him a little
-A little? — you giggled — he looked like paranoid
-Well, that’s what he gets for hurting my girl — he kissed your forehead
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oliviaischillin1204 · 4 years
tickletober day 8- “interrogation”
yes this is a) 4 days late but more importantly it’s b) OVER 2K WORDS soooo there’s a read more akdjhfdhsjdh. also warning for slightly more intense tickles, but it’s not much of it
“Romie...” Patton cooed evilly. “You know we’ll just have to tickle-tickle-tickle you until you tell the truth, don’t you, sweetiepie?”
Roman’s face flushed, but it only went darker as he suddenly heard obnoxious snickers coming from his other side.
“Sweetiepie?” Remus asked in delight, craning his neck to smirk at Roman. “And ‘Romie’? For real?”
Once again, Roman’s face went darker. “Shut up, just shut up, you cretin.”
Remus didn’t shut up, instead choosing to cackle at his brother’s embarrassment. “That’s just the cutest thing I’ve ever hear, sweet little Romie--”
His words cut off with a gasp as Janus suddenly laid both his hands over Remus’ kneecaps.
“I do hope you didn’t forget how easy it will be for us to wreck you,” he told Remus. “Especially with the restraints keeping you all stretched out and trapped for us.”
The chaotic side bared his teeth in a wide smile, but he couldn’t hide the way he shifted his legs under Janus’ palms.
“So we’re gonna ask you again!” Patton interjected cheerfully. “We know you two have been spending oodles of time together, and thats great! But you’ve been acting mighty secretive about what you clever boys have been working on for the past few weeks...”
“Meaning we know you’re planning some sort of abhorrent prank,” Janus finished. “Confess or suffer.”
There was silence for a few moments. Patton smiled sweetly as he reached up to tuck a piece of hair behind Roman’s ear.
“Come on, honey. You can do it.”
Janus nodded, allowing his hands to rub small circles over Remus’ knees. “Unless you want to get tickled until you’re forced to tell the truth.”
Silence for a few more seconds, with only the sounds of the twins’ shaking breathing. And then--
“It was Remus’ idea!”
Remus yelled in indignantion. “It was not!”
“Yes, it was!”
“So you did plan something?” Janus interrupted cooly.
All of a sudden, the twins went silent again. Their eyes darted between each other, panic and excitement evident on their face.
Slowly, Janus’ lips curled into a smug grin. Patton’s own grin was nearly splitting his face.
“Oh, I just love this part!” he cheered, abruptly climbing on top of Roman and stradlding his hips. “‘Cause now we get to tickle and tickle and tickle until you ‘squeal’!”
Janus rolled his eyes at the simple wordplay, but he did shift his grip until each hand was wrapped around one of Remus’ knees, with the thumb resting on top and his other fingers curled underneath.
‘We’re going to tickle you until you tell us the truth,” he informed him seriously, ignoring the way Remus was yanking on his restraints as much as he could. “Any last words?”
Both twins paused and looked at each other.
“We’ll never reveal our secrets.”
“Eat a dick!”
Patton and Janus looked at each other.
“Alright then!” Patton said chipperly, and he leaned down to blow a raspberry against Roman’s stomach.
Roman made a noise between a gasp and a snort, jerking away as much as he could, but Patton merely smiled against his skin and repeated the action until he was in stitches.
Remus, on the other hand, was already thrown into desperate cackles, as Janus began squeezing his knees with calculated and precise movements.
“Uh oh!” Patton cooed. “Romie’s gonna get tickled, Romie’s gonna get tickled!” He giggled to himself as he began crawling his hands up Roman’s sides.
“The itsy bitsy spider went up the water spout...” he sang sweetly. Roman’s laughter heightened, shaking his head.
“Nohohohoho! Not that, not thahahahat!”
“Not that? What not that, cutiecakes? Is it too tickly?” Patton asked, letting his fingers scribble all over Roman’s ribcage like it was a keyboard. “Does little Romie not like the tickles? Big strong Romie, all wiggly and giggly--”
“Patton,” Janus interrupted. “We’re interrogating them, not playing a game.”
Patton laughed. “Trust me, Janus, this is exactly how to interrogate Roman. He’s just so ticklish, and he can’t even handle all the little teasy talk! Can you, sweetie?”
Roman shook his head, his cheeks as red as his sash. Janus hummed doubtfully, but turned his attention back to Remus, who was still getting the same clinical tortue to his knees.
“We both know this is you death spot,” he said plainly, as if Remus could respond over his howls. “Honestly, how long are you going to make me do this? You and I both know you’ll give up eventually, so why make it worse for youself?”
He waited, but Remus could only scream, his desperation mixing with his elation in a way that sounded nearly like he was being tortured for real. Still, Janus did nothing but sigh with boredom, his fingers relentlessly scraping alongside the soft skin of Remus’ kneepit.
“Have it your way,” he said with disinterest. “We’ll be here until you’re ready to talk, and not a moment longer.”
Janus stopped talking, instead focusing his full attention on squeezing the pressure point above Remus’ knees in that very special way he knew Remus both love and hated. 
“Is that the only spot you’re gonna tickle?” Patton asked, eyes on Janus as he expertly massaged Roman’s ribs without looking.
Janus nodded, simply saying, “It gets results.”
The two lers nodded again, before diving back into tickling their lees with reckless abandon. Patton seemed to be the master of build up; he never got Roman quite to the point of desperation, instead choosing to worsen his torture through horribly flustering teases and songs and games. Janus still showed no sign of slowing his attack on Remus’ death spot, merely interjecting every minute or so with more bored sounding threats.
At one point, Roman threw his head back, his laughter shifting into something slightly breathless. Patton slowed his tickles until he finally stopped altogether, letting his hands come to rest against Roman’s sides.
“I think this little munchkin,” he said sweetly, poking Roman’s tummy with one finger, “needs a little break. Does that sound good, sweetiepie? A little break before I start giving you more itty bitty tickle-tickles?”
Roman nodded, staring up to the ceiling with a flustered grin. Remus made an indignant sound through his own wails of laughter.
Janus gave a faux annoyed sigh. “Do you think you deserve a break?” he asked flatly, rolling his eyes as Remus nodded. “Oh, very well.”
He dropped his hands from Remus’ legs, giving him a few seconds of uninterrupted breathing. Then he suddenly shot them upwards to scratch at Remus’ hips, bringing some his laughter back.
“I don’t want you passing out just yet,” he said, “but I know exactly how much you can handle, so you’re definitely not done, Remus.”
The slight decrease in the intensity of the tickles barely seemed like a break, but Remus wasn’t bothered-- his shrieks dissolved into gasping giggles, heightened by the fact that Janus was still targeting a somewhat bad spot.
Patton quirked his head, a bemused smile rising to his face as he took in Remus’ currect state.
“Look at how cute you are!” Patton cooed, carefully reaching over Roman so he could stroke Remus’ warm cheek. “You’re so giggly, Remus!”
Remus whined, shaking his head, but any attempted malice was lost to the giggles and squeals falling from his mouth. His uncharacteristic bashfulness only made Patton ‘aww’ harder.
“I didn’t know you giggled like that!” he said with surprised joy. Finally, he fully pulled his hands away from Roman, in order to, instead, focus on spidering all around Remus’ neck and ears.
“Tickle tickle tickle,” he cooed. That brought an entirely new blush to Remus’ face, which everyone in the group noted.
Patton’s eye widened. “Oh. Oh! Hey, Janus... wanna switch?”
Janus tsked. “We did have a plan, Patton,” he reminded the moral side. He looked over to Roman, who was now fully recovered from his break and watching the two lers with fearful anticipation.
Janus’ grin grew again, and he seemed all too eager to clamber off of Remus and onto Roman. “But I suppose I’ll pick up where you left off.”
Without warning he dove in, his hands latching onto Roman’s highest ribs and drilling his thumbs in simultaneously. Roman bucked and shrieked, arching his back as he tried his damndest to get away, but there was absolutely no way he could avoid Janus’ fingers scratching into his armpits haphazardly, or his thumbs continued to torment the two little spots on either side of his ribs.
“Oh, sure, keep struggling, Roman,” Janus said conversationally. ‘I’m sure you’ll be able to wiggle away eventually.”
Patton beamed as he switched spots, moving to sit on Remus’ hips instead. “Thank you, Janus! Now, Reemie...” he cooed, making Remus’ expression shift directly into a flustered panic as he wiggled his fingers. “It’s tickle time!”
He dove in again, fluttering and spidering his fingers all the way from Remus’ shoulders, to his collarbones, and finally back up to his neck, all the way cooing awful teases that the chaotic side had never been on the recieiving end of before.
“You know, Roman, judging from how high pitched your voice is going,” Janus said casually, “I’d say this is probably your very worst spot, wouldn’t you agree?” He paired the comment with a particularly accurate pinch to Roman’s uppermost rib.
Beside them, Patton gasped in delight. “Aw! Janus, you didn’t tell me Reemie makes little snorties when you get his ears!” He leaned close to murmur in Rmeus’ ear, wiggling his fingers all over Remus’ neck and collarbones as he continued, “Isn’t that just so cute?”
Both of the twins screeched with laughter. They were used to the methods used by their respective tickle monsters; having them switch left both of the creativities defenseless in the face of their new torture.
Around and around and around it went.
“You know I could literally do this all night, Roman. Right here, this one little spot, for hours and hours. Can you even imagine?”
“Does Reemie want some tickly little kisses on his ears? Huh? Does he? I think he does!”
“I mean, I’m barely even moving my fingers, and you’re just losing it. It’s honestly hilarious how little work it takes to ruin you, and I am a very patient man. I won’t stop until I get what I want.”
“Aw, you’re so tickly up here! What about your poor little ribcage? Is that a tickle spot-- ooh, yes it is! What about that pudgy tummy?”
“Oh, are you trying to wiggle away? Sure, you can do that-- until you get too tired to move, that is. Then the tickles will start to feel even more unbearable. I, personally, can’t wait for that to happen.”
“Reemie, sweetie, stop wiggling so much, squirmy wormy! I wanna take a picture of how blushy your cute little cheeks are for the family scrapbook!”
It was too much. The babying, the intensity-- the twins were losing it. As if they were thinking in unison, both gasped for as much breath as they could before shouting, “Jumpscares!”
As if it were a safeword, both Janus and Patton immediately stopped tickling. The carefully climbed off the exhausted lees, and with a snap their restraints were all gone. Roman immediately curled in on himself, panting as he tried to rub away the sensation of Janus’ hands drilling into his deathspot. Remus, however, immediately pulled his hands over his face, barely muffling the giggles that still fell from his lips.
“Jumpscares?” Patton prompted as Janus summoned two bottles of water for the twins to drink.
After chugging half of his bottle, Roman nodded with a weary smile. “We made a bunch of weird masks and we were gonna jump scare you guys for a week.”
Janus paused from opening Remus’ water bottle for him. “What? That’s what you’ve been working on for the past three weeks?”
Roman shrugged. “We spent a lot of time on those masks.”
“And we like hanging out with each other!” Remus interjected; he wasn’t drinking from the water bottle, instead using it to cool his still bright red cheeks. Roman ducked his head bashfully, but nodded.
Janus and Patton looked at each other. The explanation checked out, even if it wasn’t what they were execting.
“So... what now?” Patton asked. Janus paused in thought.
“Now,” he announced grandly, “We nap.”
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stardancerluv · 4 years
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Steps Forward
Summary: You are getting ready to move in, is that still possible?
Note: A companion piece to When You Take Care of Each Other
Lyrics in italics from Brass in Pocket by The Pretenders
Warning: Mentions of blood, Roman x reader have sex
Roman, was angry and splashed in blood. The negotiation for the new building had gone sour. Luckily, Zsasz and him and got out and took out most of them.
His suit was ruined, it had been a fucking new one. As the car bumped and dipped his annoyance over what had taken place grew. He was in no mood to deal with any thing.
His phone buzzed to life seeing it was you, he couldn’t handle you. He knew is anger would rule the conversation. If anyone screwed with you today there would be even more blood and he knew you didn’t like that. So closing his eyes, he sent the call to voicemail.
He was glad he had you, but he was in no mood to deal with anyone. All he wanted was to wash off this blood off, a stiff drink and you between his legs. He would settle for the first two. If he was with you right now, he knew deep down without even intending to it he grab you in a way that may leave marks or his heart wouldn’t be in it, he knew you deserved more then that.
He’d explain later, not that he felt like he should have to. You knew he was a busy man and one that could get angry. If only you were living in the penthouse already, he wouldn’t have to deal with damn phone calls.
Tonight, he’d ask you when you were finally going to move in. He was eager to show you the closet he had built for you. He’d be in a better place by then.
But right now his anger was hot and it rushed in his veins. When his phone buzzed again, he barely looked at it. Seeing that it was Gambonie., he answered it. He could unleash his anger on him.
“What the fuck do you want?” He snarled.
“I’ve handled the men.”
“What do you mean?”
“All I wanted was the raise the price, not start a war. They’re gone.” The man said weakly, Roman could practically see the man’s nervous sweat.
Roman rolled his eyes. “Seriously?”
“Yeah. Fuck that warehouse was it. I was just feeling a little greedy and wanted more, but a war I didn’t.”
Gambonie, wasn’t want to lie, well not lot. “Well then great.“ His usual smile he plastered on, was there. That irked him, he let it drop. “Gambonie, so you’re now my lieutenant now, m’kay?”
“Yes, certainly I couldn’t come close to the protection nor the business you do.”
“That’s fucking right. I’ll call you in a few days and we’ll meet.”
“Sounds good.” The man hung up.
Roman finally did smile and this one he let linger. Was always good to gave more allies.
You sighed when your call went to voicemail. Roman had been incredibly busy as of late. Ever since you finally said yes to moving in.
He was the one who had asked, yet he was the one who felt like they were backing off from the idea. You could understand that even though it hurt. He had been a single bachelor for quite a while before you entered his life. If he was so uncomfortable about the idea why did he even ask. The thought stung.
It had not even entered your mind to move in when he asked but you understood why he did.
After negotiating a few deals today, you wanted to tell Roman that you could officially start packing. Also that if he wanted to help or send some over he could. Of course, you’d rather have him help. As you begun to look over your dresses, tonight when you would come see him at the club you would remind him what he had in you.
Roman sighed and leaned back into his pillows sipping at his whiskey. He gave your side of the bed a glance. After draining his glass, he got up and dressed.
When he came out from his closet, he came back to a message from you. It made him press his lips together.
MyQueen: I hope to see you tonight. 😘
To MyQueen: Come, beautify my table. He slipped his phone into his pocket after.
With a final splash of aftershave and with his gloves on, he headed dowb to his nightclub.
You felt pretty good. About a quarter of your life that you want to bring with you to live with Roman was packed.
Wrapped in a towel, you now eyed your dresses. Not long ago, you and Roman had gone quite on the shopping trip. He had closed a huge deal. So you eyed the dresses with their tags still on them. You wanted to wear something fresh. Grab his attention, make him really see you. You exhaled.
With just a wink, you knew you’d crawl over to him if asked. But tonight, you wanted him to feel the pull you had on him. You needed it. Especially, with the last few nights he had schmoozed his fair share of the females that came to the club.
Sometimes, it really clawed at you. When he’d do it you’d have to sit at his table like a good girl drink your drink and if you were lucky Zsasz wasn’t with him so you’d make small talk. Well, you’d talk and he’d politely nod. Zsasz, rarely talked.
Though if Zsasz was with Roman when he schmoozed you had to be a good girl and sit there. Usually, you’d try tune out and begin think of your new projects.
Not tonight, you mused with a triumphant smile. You brought out your two favorites. In the end, you chose your favorite of the two. When it came to you and Roman, maroon was a lucky color. You were struck suddenly by a fantastic idea.
To Dinah: Hi Lady! I had a quick request.
From Dinah: What does the princess want?
You sighed. Her sarcasm was really annoying. Roman was always kind to her but sometimes, you wondered if it was worth it.
To Dinah: Seriously?
From Dinah: I’m kidding. Long day, neighbors upstairs wouldn’t stop screaming at their kids.
You rolled your eyes.
To Dinah: That’s rough, I’m sorry.
From Dinah: Sometimes are better then others. What would you like?
To Dinah: Can you sing Brass in Pocket for me tonight?
From Dinah: Spat with Roman?
To Dinah: We don’t have spats. He just gets too busy.
From Dinah: Well, he is a busy man. But sure, I can sing it.
If it wasn’t her sarcasm, sometimes the fact that she was older and knew him longer, since he rescued her after thugs that killed her mother, you felt like she was talking down to you. You never cared to have to staff or her for that matter treat you special upon Roman’s insistence.
You always tried to be nice and friendly, some were back while others were distantly cold. Dinah, you could never read. The dancers were the worst since they couldn’t flirt for extra money or help from since you showed up.
Shrugging, you finally replied. To Dinah: Thank you! 💐💐
From Dinah: No worries.
You quickly text him and then began to get ready.
To Romy: I hope to see you tonight. 😘
You smiled when you saw he had answered after slipping your phone into your purse you made your way over.
Coming, in the private way you cut the lines and you were able to grab a chair at the bar. You barely climbed into it when the bartender with a warm smile slid you a drink. “Thank you.” You said sweetly.
You were absently nibbling on one of the cherries when Zsasz came over. “Roman’s in a meeting but says he’ll join you at the table soon.”
“Oh?” You looked around, you didn’t spot him. “Where is he?”
“He’ll be around. Private meeting.”
“Oh. Ok.” You didn’t let yourself slump. It was just a message to keep you occupied or at least that was what it felt like at times. “Thank you.”
You slid off your chair and easily made your way over to his table. Slipping off your purse, you looked around. People paid you no mind or at least they pretended that they didn’t.
In a corner, hearing some shrill giggles and a rather loud, “Oh Romy.” You couldn’t help but glance over. You saw a shock of deep green hair accompanied by the golden tresses kissed with shades of blue and red and there was no mistaking who was there.
Was it wrong that you rolled your eyes, you had never cared much for either clown. It was Harley hanging off Roman that one night that had stopped you from pursuing any chance with him. His stories about the crazy duo only aided in your dislike so seeing them you grew more annoyed.
Seeing them would bring out the razor’s edge of his personality. Normally, that would urge you to be more of a good girl for him. Not wanting to add to what being around these two did to him. Tonight you didn’t want to be good. You wanted to be sexy and powerful, reminding him why he chose you to be his.
After seeing the fake smile he gave them and most of Gotham, you made your way over to dance floor. You managed to find, Dinah’s eye and you shared a look.
Once the song, slowed there was a pause. Panic prickled at you, what could she possibly be doing then you knew.
“Sometimes here are the Black Mask, we like sing old favorites. Here is one in particular for Y/N.” The crowd gave cheers and you instantly want to shrink away.
Gonna use my arms
Gonna use my legs
That wasn’t what you wanted.Though you gathered your strength there was no going back now.
Gonna use my style
Gonna use my sidestep
Gonna use my fingers
You tingled, you took a breath and you began dancing. You let the beat and the words over come you.
Gonna use my, my, my, imagination
'Cause I going make you see
There's nobody else here, no one like me
I'm special.
You felt Roman’s gloved fingers wrap around one your upper arms and moving you; you found yourself facing him.
His face looked like it had been carved from stone. You couldn’t tell if he was mad or amused but you found him incredibly desirable at that moment.
“You are special.” He said loud enough for you to hear.
You smiled, he easily then draped your arms around his throat and you continued to shimmy in front of him. His hands settled on your hips, which he squeezed, it was a hard squeeze which reminded your willing place of being his as you danced. You loved how well the two of you could move together.
As the song ended and he twirled you bringing you to his side. “Absolutely fantastic! Shots on the house!” As there were cheers and appreciation ringing through the club. He let out his trademark “Woo! That only made the crowd excited. In that excitement. He sliced through the crowd with you.
Breathless, he brought you over to the elevator never having to wait long for it. The two of you disappeared into it. The music, the clinking of glasses and women’s heels on the dance floor faded into the distance as the thick silence in that elevator grew louder before the doors even manager to close. He pressed the button for the penthouse as you stood there not really knowing what to expect next from him so you gathered your breath. Your heart was racing in your chest.
He turned to you, some of his black hair fell into his forehead. As he moved and in doing so he backed you into the wall.
“What the fuck was that about?” He snarled
Your mouth dropped open at the ferocity. You shook your head trying to tell him, that wasn’t how you wanted eee it to go. You only managed incoherent sounds.
He silenced you as grabbed your mouth, all you could do was look at him. You felt as his gloved thumb smudged away the deep red lipstick you had taken forever to decide to wear and apply.
“I fucking notice!” He bellowed followed by the feeling of his lips against you. He kiss was harsh.
You couldn’t help but break it as his hand had somehow managed to find yours and he pressed it against his hard on. The pure wantonness of it made you tilt your head back with a moan.
You barely were able to enjoy it as, he tore you out of the elevator. You let him, push you against the wall beside the elevator. You only had the strength to follow his led at his point.
His hand reached under your dress. He grabbed your panties. “Roman.” Was all you could manage. His eyes met yours, a smirk curling his lips and you let him push your panties down so they with a whisper fell to your ankles. You barely stepped free of them when he grabbed you. Managing to hold you against the wall he opened his slacks and entered you moments later. A deep moaned from his lips, exciting you further.
Your arms were around him as you tried to find some kind of certainty in it, your fingers immediately entwining and pulling at his hair as his mouth finally met yours again. You both managed to move together each move brought more sweet yet a sharp pleasure that if tipped one way could be delightfully painful but this was just bliss and fulled a hunger you had not realized was lurking in the shadows of you.
Breathless, your dress still resting on your hips and his pants open, belt undone he pulled you close on the cool marble floor of the penthouse.
He chuckled. “Damn it, baby.” He said to the ceiling before looking over at you. “What you pull out of me. I fucking love you but what was that tonight?” He rose his eyebrows.
First you just shook as he said those three little words. He so rarely did. But when he did, you knew he needed to say as much as he needed hear himself say it and you just soaked it up and added to the bliss of passion the two of you had just shared.
“I just felt like maybe you were having second thoughts.” Which saying that, hearing that made you feel foolish. “So I wanted to remind you how I can excite you as much as you excite me.”
He sighed, and tucking his belt to side moved onto his side so it wouldn’t hurt you. Being with Roman, one got used to his belts. He looked down at you. “Oh baby. I want you all the time. I think since I distracted none of them will over analyze those fucking lyrics.”
“I’m sure they got distracted by the free shots.” He nodded.
You reached up letting your thumb caress his cheek gently. “I asked Dinah to sing the song, I never thought she’d do that. I’m sorry. I love you.”
“My silly girl, I am so glad you do.” He bent down and this time the kiss was slow, soft.
He pulled back. He made a face. Taking out his handkerchief he rubbed away the smudged lipstick. You managed a thank you, before you shared another kiss.
“Keep those eyes closed.” Holding your hands you let him lead away from some of the boxes you had brought over to the penthouse the next day. He was leading you towards the direction of his closet. “Open them.”
You distinctly noticed a difference which you couldn’t put your finger on as you looked at the door.
“Now open the door.”
“Umm, ok.”
You did and shocked washed over you. It was the closet of dreams. You let him bring you inside. You settled comfortably on his lap in the middle of the most elegant only equal to his which a few times you had snuck into for a t-shirt when he’d be away.
His arms gently held you in place. “You like it?”
“I love it. I don’t know what to say.” You hugged him tightly. “Its amazing.”
“I never had the desire to share, I may still struggle with it from time to time.“ He met your eyes before continuing. “ I had this made for you, that’s why its more whimsical then mine but I made sure it was an equal to my own.”
He tilted his head in the direction of the maroon dress you had worn last night. It was the only article of clothing in the closet.
“Let’s get more then that in here.”
“Yes, lets!” You nestled close while holding onto him. You tried not to cry, you’ve never been so happy. You tried even harder as you felt him gently run a hand up and down your back.
@darling-i-read-it @spn-obsessed-dean @vintagemichelle91 @xxxeatyourh3artoutxxx @ewanfuckingmcgregor @zodiyack @angel98624 @frenchgirlinlondon @nebulastarr @emyliabernstein @thepeachreads @itsknife2meetu @omghappilyuniquebouquetlove @nomnomnomnamja @poe-kadot26 @babydoll97 @hazel-nuss @vcat55 @feelthemadnessinside @queenofgotham800 @brookisbi @peachthatdrinkslemonade @johallzy @foreverhockeytrash @frostypenguinoz @starwarsslytherin @proffesionalclown @chogisss @shantellorraine @xxinvisiblexx @blondekel77 @saphic-susperia @drarrylov3r @i-cant-hear-you16 @deadlymistress24 @yesqueenofthelight @lemairepstuff @generallj
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sexy-monster-fucker · 4 years
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Roman Sionis x Artist!Reader
requested by anon:  can you do a fic where roman falls in love with an artist in a meet cute way please 🥺
a/n:  This is a really cute request, I am excited.  It is so SWEET I got a cavity.  sorry if this seems lazy, it was just cute and I wanted to write it cute.  
You had met him at a gallery exhibit you were hosting.  He had asked the owner whose work was on display; he wanted to meet whoever it was.  
“Y/N, someone is very interested in your work,” the owner walked up with a man beside her.  
He was very dressed up.  He wore a rather fancy suit with sunglasses decorating his eyes.  Your first thought upon seeing him was how handsome he was.  He was older than you, but that did not change the thoughts that danced in your mind of his handsomeness.  You did not realize who he was at first.  
He extended his hand to you, “Roman Sionis.  Your work is fabulous.”  His name hit you like a bus.  One of the richest men in Gotham was charmed by your work.  You blushed slightly.  You shook his hand and introduced yourself.  The shake lingered as you both smiled widely at one another.  “I will allow you two to speak alone,” the owner excused herself.  
“So, Mr. Sionis, what brought you out today,” you could not help but smile at the man before you.  “Well, a friend of mine had said they heard about the exhibit.  I’m in the market for a new piece and I was hoping your skills could provide.  You are very talented, Miss L/N,” he winked at you.  You felt embarrassment surge through you.  You had not felt this way around someone since you were in high school and your crush would talk to you.  “Thank you,” you nibbled at the side of your mouth.  He smirked at you.  Your giddiness was showing, but you did not mind.  “What kind of piece were you looking into getting?”  “We can discuss that over dinner, if you’d be so kind as to join me?”  Roman smiled at you.  Your eyes widened.  
“When and where, Mr. Sionis?”  
Roman licked his teeth, “Tonight as soon as this closes.  I’ll pick you up outside.”  “I don’t have anything to wear,” you opposed.  Not that you weren’t dressed nice, but it was not something you’d wear to a date.  You’d rather look a little more alluring for a date with someone as handsome and prestigious as Roman.  He pulled a card from his coat pocket, “Text me your favorite color and size and I’ll have something here for you.”  You blushed at his forwardness.  You took the card and smiled, “You don’t have to do that.”  Roman shrugged, “Consider it a reward for your hard work.  Your passion truly shows.  I will see you in a few hours, Y/N.”  
Roman exited the building.  You felt butterflies in your stomach.  You were excited for your date.
The night was coming to a close.  The owner had told you someone dropped something off for you.  You thanked her as she handed you a dress on a hanger.  
You practically gasped at how beautiful the dress was.  It was your favorite color and, God, was it gorgeous.  You went into the back and changed.  It fit perfect.  You admired yourself in the mirror.  You walked out and the owner smiled at you, “Who’s the lucky guy?”  You blushed, “Believe it or not, Roman Sionis.”  Her eyes widened at you, “Seriously?  Like the Roman Sionis who was here earlier?!”  You nodded with a quiet laugh.  She smiled widely, “Well, holy shit, Y/N!  Good for you!”  She was congratulating you.  “He said he would be here as soon as we closed, so I should probably go,” you smiled.  The owner waved you off, “Have fun!”  
You stepped outside and saw a older black car waiting.  Roman got out of the back with a smile on his face, “Hello there.  You look stunning.”  You walked over to him, “Thank you.  You really did not have to get me this.”  He was holding the door for you, “Don’t worry about it.  I love spoiling people.”  You got in the back seat, scooting to the other side so he could get back in.  He got in after you, smiling over at you as he closed the door.  
The ride over was mostly silent.  Roman and his driver talked mostly.  You did not know what to say.  He would ask you a few questions and you’d answer.  The car came to a stop in front of one of the nicest restaurants in Gotham.  You had only ever dreamed of eating somewhere that nice.  Roman got out, walking over to your side of the car and opening the door.  You thanked him as you got out.  He smiled while guiding you to the door.  He had made reservations for the two of you.  
You walked inside.  The building was gorgeous.  It sparkled from the ceiling to the floor.  You felt special even stepping inside.  The waiter walked the two of you over to a table in a room all by yourselves.  Roman pulled your chair out for you.  You thanked him as you sat.  He pushed the chair in, walking over and sitting across from you.  You both ordered drinks and the waiter stepped away.  Roman smiled at you from across the small table.  
“So, Y/N, how has your day been,” Roman began.  You nodded, “Um, good.  The gallery wasn’t that busy, but I’m just thankful to be there.”  You could not help but stare at how handsome he looked.  Not only did he have looks, he was also a gentleman.  
Time passed.  The two of you kept conversation going.  You both ordered food.  Roman told you what he was wanting done in his penthouse.  You told him it would take time, but you would happily do it.  He wanted a mural on one of the walls.  He told you he would give you a reference photo Monday.  The conversation drifted from the painting.  It was now on you.  He wanted to know everything about you.  He wanted to know your goals and expectations in life.  You never were one to talk about yourself, but Roman made you feel like the most interesting person in the world.  
You both finished your food.  Roman paid for the meal.  You walked outside together.  The car was waiting on the two of you.  “I’ll take you home,” Roman insisted.  You nodded, “Okay.”  You did not want this night to end.  It had been magical.  He opened the door for you again.  You got in and Roman joined you.  You had a smile painted on your face brightly.  
The ride back to your place was more lively than the ride to the restaurant.  You and Roman joked and talked the entire way.  He was so charming.  Roman stepped out of the car and walked you to the steps of your apartment building.  “I’ll see you Monday.  If you ever need a ride, please don’t hesitate to text or call,” he smiled.  “Thank you for this, Roman.  It means a lot to me,” you blushed.  “I had a wonderful time,” Roman smiled.  “Well, I’m gonna go.  Thanks again,” you smiled back at him.  “I can’t wait,” Roman excused himself back to his car.  
You had been spending a lot of time with Roman.  You had been at his club every day for the past couple of weeks.  You would show up at the same time every day and he would escort you up to his penthouse.  He offered you a meal every day, but you always ate before.  
He had a spot distinguished for you on the wall to paint.  He had gotten you the nicest supplies to paint with, things you could only afford in your wildest dreams.  He had given you a reference photo to paint by; it was a beautiful sunset over top open water.  You were surprised he was not wanting a portrait of himself.  
He always sat close to you.  He would pull a chair all the way across the room and sit beside you.  He watched you closely.  He admired every movement you made.  The way your hands move effortlessly with the brush in your hand.  He would obviously flirt with you.  Calling you “beautiful” or “doll” a lot.  “You’re magnificent,” he would speak muffled into the back of his hand.  He never failed to put a smile on your face.  
At the time for you to leave each day, Roman would invite you to dinner.  “Won’t you?  It’s on me, promise.  We will go anywhere you want,” Roman would hold your hand loosely in his.  You would sway his arm slightly, smiling a bit embarrassed.  “Sure, Romy.”  That was something you had started calling him.  It was more so a pet name, but you considered it to be a nickname.  How could you deny his offer?  He was being so generous and you adored all the time you spent with him.  
He had become more touchy with you.  Sometimes he would hold your hand at dinner or in the back of his car.  He rarely would place a very small peck onto your cheek, a compliment would follow.  
Once the time came that you were finished you felt a little disappointed.  You did not want your time with Roman to end.  You had taken your sweet time in attempt to prolong your days with him.  You stepped back from the wall.  You admired your work, but could not stop the lump in your stomach.  This was the end.  The end of weeks of cherished time.  Roman walked from the other side of the room.  He wrapped his arms around you from behind.  His chin fell softly onto your shoulder.  “Is it finished?” he whispered.  You nodded.  A quiet “mhmp” fell from your lips.  You bit your lip.  “It’s astonishing,” he placed a prolonged kiss on your cheek.  You smiled, your head falling slightly.  He noticed how your body language was changing.  He took one of your hands in his, “Something wrong, baby?”  You shook your head, “No.  These past weeks have been amazing, Romy... it’s just...”  He stepped to be in front of you, “What is it?”  You looked at him.  You thought about the time you had spent together.  It was the best time of your life.  You smiled at him, “I just can’t believe it’s over.”  His eyebrows furrowed in concern, “You think we’re done spending time together?”
You raised an eyebrow, “We aren’t?”  You had thought that maybe Roman only wanted you around for the painting.  He had other things to do beside have a relationship with some random person.  He was a busy man.  And besides, why would he be with someone who could not help him extend his empire?  You had no estate to give him.  You were an artist, not a upper class woman.  
Roman chuckled slightly, “No, we aren’t.  Do you think I’ve spent this much time with you just to let you leave?  I have fallen for you, Y/N.”  Your cheeks flushed with embarrassment.  How could you have been so stupid?  He cared about you.  “Is that your way of saying you wanna keep me around,” you teased.  He took your hand in his, “It’s my way of saying I love you.”  Your cheeks flooded.  
Love?  He loves you?  
“You what?” you blushed.  “I love you, Y/N,” Roman smiled.  You smiled softly, “I love you, too, Roman.”  Roman pulled you into a hug.  You giggled into his shoulder.  He placed a kiss on your cheek.  You looked at him, placing a soft kiss on his lips.  His eyes widened at you, “Well, that’s new.”  You laughed.  
“We should go to dinner to celebrate,” Roman spun you around, pulling you back into his grip, “What do you say, beautiful?”  You kissed Roman again, “Of course.  You pick this time though.”  Roman smiled widely, “Anything for you.”  
//Thank you for reading!  If you enjoyed this, maybe consider becoming a part of my taglist!  I am also always open to requests!\\
@stardancerluv ~ @mrs-sionis​ ~ @smilingthroughmysnarls​ ~ @heif ~
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graftisms · 2 years
location :   night / post-game / swing
featuring :    @dobits
"how's romi?" he asks, setting himself down in the swing. he passes her over the whiskey sour he'd been drinking, decides to keep jude's pint of beer for himself.
"thanks." she has no idea what it is, but takes a sip anyway. whiskey sour, nice. "uh, she's alright." callie hesitates a little, knowing he's friends with jude. "apparently she's done with jude's shit, so she's going to open herself up a bit more. unless he weasels his way out of it right now." eyes flicker to the firepit for a moment, hoping that's not the case. "i know it's just a game, but jude knew what he was doing."
his eyes follow her's, also interested in getting a little peek at what might be happening over there. "i wish i knew what he was doing. that was, like... insanely dumb of him." as much as he loves the guy, he chose to kiss the only girl in here that would for sure mug romi off. "i dunno, i feel like he'll be able to redeem himself though. he really does care about them."
shaking her head, she looks back at angel. "i hope he doesn't," she tells him, smile bittersweet. "it's been a day, how much can he really care about her if he was so quick to kiss jenny? romi's whole experience here has been with guys who either treat her like crap or don't put her first. it'd be nice to see her break the cycle for once."
long groaned sigh. "yeaaah, fuck. it's hard 'cause they do deserve better than that shit, but i think jude's capable of it. like, he just needs to be smarter. i know he can do it." hard fix. "who else is romi even thinking of? marcus? c'mon."
the fact that he genuinely believes that makes her smile. "yeah, you would think that," she snorts, taking a sip of her drink.  "don't tell anyone," callie warns him, not wanting her words to go straight to jude, "but she mentioned zeke, stella, and dante. i think she's most interested in dante, although jenny being involved puts her a little off."
it's clear that anyone means most especially jude, so he nods his head in promise. "dante." that makes sense. he leans in, conspiratorial. "between you and me, jenny basically told me she was, like, settling for him which, y'know, not super shocking." not after that kiss between her and jude. "but," he tacks on, tone lowered more now, "dante, jenny, and char all hooked up in the dressing room last night. so, i dunno, i think dante's head is still all over the place."
his news about jenny settling for dante doesn't surprise her very much, unfortunately. the blonde dating a seemingly nice guy seemed a little too good to be true, especially considering her taste. "wait, what?" he says it so casually, callie almost misses the bomb he drops on her, eyes widening. "in the dressing room? all of them? charlene?" it entirely doesn't surprise her that jenny's name is thrown in there, and she doesn't know enough about dante to think otherwise, but she hadn't expected charlene to get thrown into the mix. "is she into jenny?" her face is the math meme, trying to make sense of everything. "they did kiss yesterday in the dressing room, but i didn't even think jenny liked women."
fingers drum against the pint glass, wonders if there was any other kinda way he could've worded that. eyes flit briefly toward the kitchen, then magnetize back to callie. "i -- well, i think she did come in trying to graft jenny. but she's been vibing off dante and..." head shrugs, infers charlene could probably tell a lost cause when she sees one. "it sounds like it was an in the moment thing for her... char likes you." he's not particularly happy to have to say it out loud, doesn't come packaged in the usual smile, but he's not gonna mince words. his laugh is dry. "they all do. you know that."
she does know that, at least somewhat, but it doesn't make it any easier when he's pointing it out, especially after the game. grimacing a little, callie runs her fingers through her hair.  "i'm starting to pick up on that," she says wryly, though it's true all the same.  "i feel like i've been three steps behind this entire time. i mean, i thought i gave a pretty shitty impression yesterday, and i'm not used to, like... having people interested. and i don't mean that in a self-deprecating way, but so far being here has been pretty straight-forward." she's not used to having options, she wants to say, but it sounds braggy when she says it like that. she doesn't particularly like it, because it means she'll have to be the bad guy eventually. "are you included in that they?" she thinks she knows that too, but she needs it to be spelled out for her.
now his chuckle is a little more genuine, definitely more filled with wonder. there’s a surprised wrinkle in between his brows. “seriously?” he refuses to believe she’s not used to having people interested in her. “there’s no way. maybe you stay three steps behind,” he teases, knee gently knocking against her’s. “it’s like i said, even when you’re in a little mood, you’re still adorable. of course they’re into you.” as for him, well, it feels like the most obvious answer of them all. had all but smuggled her away from her adoring fans. lower lip rolls inward and he bites down, nodding. “you know i am.”
"i mean, it's not like i've been in friendship couples this whole time," she snorts. some would argue liam was one, but she did genuinely like him. he was fun to kiss. "i just didn't expect it here, i guess. i was planning on being more closed off coming here, which probably didn't help. it's all a bit overwhelming," she admits, knowing it's probably not a turn-on or whatever to admit, but she's grown comfortable enough with angel to at least be honest about everything. callie offers him a small smile at his words, probably lackluster compared to the warmth that's spreading in her chest, freckled on her cheeks. "good." she doesn't even know what else to say at that, laughing despite herself. "i do really like charlene, but... right now i think it's just a friendship thing. stella, too."
“yeaah.” the history of callie’s couplings is a topic he’ll happily sidestep for awhile longer, but it’s hard to avoid when her sentiment provokes so many questions, so much curiosity about her. “right, the filter. but you feel like you’ve been pretty open with everybody, right? like, people you wanna partner with.” to him, it’s the more interesting thing than just being a hot commodity for the length of the show. it’s more valuable. he wishes he could be as cavalier as callie, who looks pleased but altogether cool. he’s fighting off a big grin, eyes crinkling at the edges. “good?” just wants to hear more of that. all excited nervousness aside, he feels increasingly at ease next to her. “how’d the kiss feel?”
"i've been trying." whether the bombshells think that's true or not remains to be seen, but she'd like to think she's been doing something right, if a few of them are interested in her. but it's a lot easier dealing with everyone here, considering the ghost of frankie still looms over her. she hadn't popped up on callie's head once during the game, which is refreshing, and she does her best to push her away now. it's a lot easier to do so when he's grinning like that, making her laugh. "which one?" her smile is coy, before shaking her head. "it was good, i won't lie. i was a little impressed. i don't love challenges like that when everyone's watching, but... it was good." she's grinning now too, she can't help herself. "any complaints?"
“stella’s,” he rolls his eyes with amiable sarcasm, shoulder leaning heavy into her’s. “impressed?” that makes him laugh, head tilted back. “you expected me to be shit?” nodding, her sentiment definitely resonates. “yeah, it’d be sick to kiss you without jude screaming shit in my ear.” a thumb sweeps the apple of her cheek, tucking baby hairs behind her ear before dropping away. “no complaints. it was good... well, maybe one small complaint.”
"i didn't know what to expect," she admits, laughing. "nobody here half-asses challenges, that's for sure." all of her kisses were good, she really can't complain. the mention of jude makes her eyes roll, a knee-jerk reaction at this point, even if he is touching her face. "what, could you taste stella's lip gloss?" callie asks dryly, meeting his eye curiously.
"yeah, no lie," he agrees, can't help but let his attention fade briefly to the firepit, mostly because he can see romi standing up now. her guess grabs him again, scoffs a wry laugh. "god. no. just felt short." shrugs, angel takes a long pull from the pint. "so i take it you're sleeping outside with romi tonight?"
"you think?" it didn't feel short to her, at least compared to the ones that came before, but her gaze flickers to his lips briefly and she can understand what he's getting at. talk about sleeping arrangements makes her grimace. "i did offer," she tells him, "but jude cut in before she could really say anything. so i don't know, i don't want to leave her alone outside." there's a bit of an apology in her tone, because it's not hard to get where he's going with this.
“no, yeah, i get that.” he’d do the same thing. frankly he doesn’t imagine jude staying inside if romi’s outside, but who knows what the hell those crazy kids are gonna do. “if you guys do stay out here, maybe i could crash on the other day bed or something.” he’s not sure if that’s against the rules, willing to challenge them either way. “we could talk across the way.”
she doesn't expect such a sincere offer, chest swelling when he mentions the other day bed. shaking her head, she opens her mouth to say something—but callie doesn't really know what to say, either. it's been a minute since she's been at a loss for words. so instead she grabs both their drinks and puts them down, so there's nothing between them when she takes his face in her hands and pulls him in for a slow kiss, crawling a little closer on her knees.
he's laughing a little at first, decidedly confused when she takes their drinks. is just about to ask when she turns back and tugs him into a kiss, a real kiss now, doesn't feel like anybody's watching or even really exists, the whole villa falling away 'til all that's left is his hammering heart. he hums into her mouth with some surprise before he meets her rhythm, slow and increasingly deep. both sets of fingers encircle her wrists at his jawline, slide down her forearms. their kiss stays steady, searching, as he pulls her into his lap.
kissing angel comes with a rush of adrenaline that she hadn't expected to feel, in this moment and during her time in casa. it should stress her out, honestly, and maybe it will later. but right now all she can do is sink into the kiss, hands lightly trailing down his neck to wrap around it, drawing him closer as she feels him pulling her onto his lap. without an audience this time around, they can take their time, fingers light in his hair as she gets used to being in his warmth, the softness of his lips. this time, she's not going to be the one to pull away first.
everything feels a lot more solid now, more tangible. his arms slung low around her hips keep her flush to him, for the first time feels like there's some entitlement to a moment between them, like they aren't just ships passing in the night. feels safe enough to press his forehead against her's to break the kiss, although his eyes are still hooded, their lips an inch apart. "yeah, that's how it shoulda been," he throws it back to his 'complaint', to the lack of eyes and public commentary. "nah, you gotta be with me tonight." a breathless chuckle, he slides his nose against her's.
she hums lightly when they eventually pull away, hands falling to his shoulders, feeling a little like she needs something to hold onto. it had been so easy to get lost in the kiss, no thoughts at all, but his voice brings her back to reality, a twisting in her stomach that feels more like anticipation than anxiety. callie can't help but laugh once, eyes fluttering shut as she revels in the closeness, before she pulls back enough to get a good look at his face, meeting his eye with a wry smile. "you're not sleeping outside," she shakes her head at him. not only is that crazy, but romi would definitely not appreciate it. "let me talk to her. for all i know, her and jude could be fine." she forces herself to look away to find romi, spying her over in the smoking area with seb. who knows what that could mean.
"i am if you are," he argues, shoulders shifting in a shrug under her touch. "romi can use all the support, right? and i don't even gotta talk." now he's just mostly being funny, bites into his grin. he follows her gaze, notices romi's change of scenery. "doesn't look good," angel notes, imagines they would probably be having makeup sex somewhere if they had managed to reach some kinda 'good'. "you should go touch base with them anyway." and he should probably track down jude, wherever he went. fingers reach up to brush through her hair, beckoning her attention again. "hey."
her eyes roll at him, lips pinching together to hold back a laugh. "i doubt she'd appreciate the support from you." she doesn't even know if they've even talked, but it's starting to seem like angel is jude's closest friend here—a fact in itself that should give her the ick, but somehow doesn't. "yeah," she sighs, not really in the mood to move from this spot right now. angel's lap, but also the little bubble they've found themselves in, away from drama and other people's opinions. once they leave it, the reality of what she's doing will probably start to set in, when she has to explain it to everyone who asks. his voice pulls her out of her own head, dark eyes glancing back to meet his.
he sucks his teeth regretfully, wanting to argue that, too. him and romi are socal people, they can always find common ground, right? callie's probably right though, imagines romi wouldn't want him there on principle. if not for the fact that he's jude's bestie, then for the fact that he's grafting callie. whatever, it's a problem for later. callie's eyes on him produces an automatic smile, pulls gentle at the corners of his mouth. he presses it to her's, a chaste, but lingering kiss. "what you thinkin' about?"
there's something so tender about the way he's looking at her that callie doesn't know what to do with it. she can't remember the last time she's felt so seen, and his question doesn't help, reminding her of what he had said this morning about the way she tends to look like she's holding something back. and what had she said back to that? no bullshit. "how i don't want to get up," she admits with a laugh, eyes bright. it feels sort of impossible to look at him and not smile. "are you used to all the drama yet?"
"i wasn't actually gonna let you anyway. was just being nice," he grins sardonically. more than anything, he just wants to extend this as much as possible, but not for any wariness about the future. if anything, he feels increasingly optimistic, can't imagine there would be any possible bad consequences to what they're doing right now. "no," he admits, chuckling dryly. "i don't think i ever will be. it kinda sucks, huh? like, it'd just be cool if everybody could be happy all at the same time."
his comment makes her laugh, hands sliding to rest on his shoulder blades, casually exploring the muscles she's admired during their time in the pool. "yeah, it does," she nods, thumbs drawing light circles on his back. "i wish i could say it gets easier, but..." it doesn't. she admires the optimism though, even if it feels more idealistic than anything. "it's like you've never even seen the show," she drawls. though it does make her realize she doesn't even know how much of the season he's seen; callie has to assume he's seen it all.
chin is tipped up a bit as his eyes flicker over her features, the little button of her nose, the way her smile curves all girlish. between that and her sentiment, angel has to chuckle in wonder. “— i haven’t. have i not told you?” one hand comes off her waist to shrug, then sweeps the curtain of her hair over her shoulder. “juno would send me, like, youtube clips and shit and i watched a couple episodes from the beginning. i know stuff, but…” he shakes his head. “it’s not the same as being here anyway. but i also feel like… i dunno, how much drama could we be in?” optimistic to the point of ignorant. his arms drop around her waist again, squeezes her in. “the bombshells are chill, they’re the homies. they’re not gonna be, like, pissed at me or anything. they get it.”
eyebrows raise thoughtfully, before it really sinks in. "wait, seriously?" she had just assumed that all the bombshells here would already know the intricacy of the main relationships and friendships here, or whatever the edit deemed worthy. having been a bombshell herself, she can't imagine going into the show without as much information as possible, head shaking in wonder. "how much have you seen about me?" she has to ask, unable to hold back a laugh. she hadn't even been in the first couple episodes. "does your sister watch, then? is that how you ended up on the show?" she hadn't even been thinking about drama for them, her mind still on romi, but he says that and her mind immediately goes to frankie, who she's realizing he must not know much about. it makes it a little more nerve-wrecking, like he doesn't know what he's getting himself into, but she's not ruining this moment with reality. "oh, i'm sure they'll be fine," she snorts, doubtful that anyone will care that much. seb might give her some shit, but let him. "i'm just thinking about romi. tomorrow watch it be about seb and rhys. it's always something."
“umm,” he lets his gaze lift up, searching his mind. when he was binging bits of content, callie had just been a hot surfing australian, hadn’t been able to get a real sense of who she was aside from just a face on a screen, same as everyone else. “not a lot, just little moments. your entrance, kenny kissing you and then dylan, or something. then you and frankie, like, in the shower, sleeping on the terrace.” he tries to recount the blips, finds the details have definitely gone fuzzy. “you can fill in the gaps,” angel suggests earnestly with a curious tilt of his head. “i wanna know the details, y’know. like, with context.” fair to presume the edits probably butcher the reality of all she’s experienced in here. head nods in confirmation. “yeah, she’s into it. definitely a seed she planted in my head.” mouth stretches into a smile when she agrees, glad that they can place themselves firmly out of the drama. only have to deal with it in the periphery, on their friends’ behalf. “but romi’s shit really sucks. i know they probably think jude’s just gonna ricochet into jenny or whatever, but i’m telling you, this is really gonna mess him up, if they really do call it quits. i think he assumed they were, like, stronger than that.” it’s a difficult line to toe, wanting to defend his bestie, but staying sympathetic to romi. “i mean, seb and rhys are… i don’t even know what the hell they’re thinking.” his gaze pulls away from her to find either of the guys faces. “i can’t tell if they’re playing a game with each other or what.”
a grin breaks out on her features at the mention of kenny, a moment from being on the show that she had conveniently forgotten about for a minute there. between that and hearing about her and frankie in the shower she groans, moving a hand to rest on her cheek in slight embarrassment, nose wrinkling. "oh, good," she laughs, tone dry, "so the important stuff." god only knows how she's seen on the show, the surfer who immediately jumped in frankie's pants as soon as she arrived. "god, i wouldn't even know where to start, but sure. do you think your whole family's watching?" it's hard not to think about whether they'd approve of them in this situation right now, considering how much they had talked about family earlier today. leaning down, callie grabs their previously discarded drinks and offers angel his, needing a sip of her own if he's going to continue to talk about jude. "well, who knows. but if he wants to get back in romi's good graces, he could start with cutting jenny off entirely." which makes her feel a little bad to say for jenny's sake, but it's a hard truth. her eyes roll lightly, glad they're on the same page about seb and rhys. "yeah, i don't know. i don't think they know what they're doing, either." she'd say more, but her eyes flit over him for a moment, studying him. "is something going on with you and seb?" mostly because she doesn't want to complain about him if there is, but also considering she's still in his lap, it might be nice to know.
“you seemed like you were having fun,” he laughs with her, shoulder rolling in a shrug. the clips of callie getting cozy with her partners wouldn’t prove as interesting of an edit as dejan antagonizing romi or the jenny/josh/naomi fiasco, details he could remember more easily. “don’t trip on it,” he insists, doesn’t want to confirm that, yeah, his family is almost definitely watching. if they start becoming too conscious of that, they’re gonna get all fucked up on it. the drink is happily accepted, could use a hit of whiskey to cool out after the whirlwind of the last hour. “man, i know,” angel agrees solemnly, was thinking the same thing. knows it’s probably the part jude’s gonna have trouble with. “we’ll see. if he’s not all in on romi, i’m not sticking my nose in it.” it’s only gonna work if jude decides to cut jenny off on his own, angel’s been in enough relationships to know that when you start making rules for your significant other, you’re already doomed. he blinks in mild surprise at the question, though decidedly amused by how upfront she’s being. he takes a moment to consider. “there was vibes, for sure,” he admits. after a beat, a shake of his head. “the him and rhys thing kinda put me off from the jump. i didn’t really get the vibe he was looking for a relationship. or, like… not my kinda relationship anyway.”
she can't stop thinking about how the shower scene must've looked on the cameras, something she very much had not been thinking about in the moment. "oh, yeah. i'm sure," she snorts, sure she's turning a little red. her hand presses on her cheek as if to stop it. "don't trip on it? so that's a yes," callie smirks, but she's not surprised. "don't worry, it's easy to ignore after a while." clearly, after making out with frankie in the shower, knowing good and well her grandparents are watching at home.  "are you and jude close, then?" it seems obvious, but she doesn't know much about the dynamics between the bombshells, not really bothering to pay much attention to it so far. if she tried to keep up with all the new and broken friendships in the villa, callie would probably go mad. she can understand why seb's relationship with rhys would've put him off, choosing to hear the past tense of it all as reason to believe it's no longer a thing. "yeah, that's fair," she nods. "i was talking to stella about that, too, because i know she was interested in him. i think their mindset is that both of them want to bring someone back for the game of it all, and then probably get together afterwards? but i don't know," she shrugs. "i just don't want to see anyone get hurt." and that includes rhys and sometimes seb.
thumb and forefinger gently pinch the apple of her cheek, admiring of the blush that thankfully he's not mirroring for once. "-- your grandparents don't watch, right?" there's a please say they don't watch look in his eyes, suddenly acutely aware of her proximity in his lap. instead of dwelling on the panic of that, he takes a centering gulp of his drink, lets his other hand trail absently down her spine. "closer than you and jude," angel quips with a cheeky smirk, finds it funny to point out the distaste she has for him. "yeah, he's my boy for sure. we've just always been able to talk, y'know? gotta have somebody to vent it all out to. i guess romi's that for you, huh?" a pause, there's a knowingness in his tone when he tacks on, "not naomi anymore." information he'd been given by the brunette herself only today. the statement reads more like a question. "i feel like stel's totally given up on seb," he supplies. "which, i dunno, i feel like maybe if him and rhys were just upfront with everybody - especially themselves - it'd be better. like, if they friend-coupled with other people so they could go back and be with each other? there's somethin' romantic about that."
her nose wrinkles at him when he pinches her, hand dropping from her cheek to rest on his thigh. "suuuure," she drags the word out, in a tone that very much implies her word can't be trusted. at this point, she's made peace with everyone in her life watching her actions: dad, grandparents, friends, exes. it doesn't make her more cautious than she should be, but it definitely has her thinking twice about recording a sex tape for the show to own forever. her eyes roll when he brings up her and jude, pushing him lightly in the chest. "are you close with all the other bombshells?" she nods at his question about romi, though naomi makes her pause. is that what she had told him, that they weren't friends anymore? crikey, all callie had wanted was another apology, but maybe that's too much to ask for from naomi. blinking away her thoughts, she shakes her head. "if that's what she's telling you," callie says vaguely, really not in the mood to talk about her. it was only a matter of time before she came up, seeing how quickly they've become friends, apparently. "yeah, she has." stella had basically told her as much. "they also could, y'know, just go back alone for each other. it's not like they need to bring someone back.  they're just thinking about the game of it." and it's clear from her tone she doesn't approve.
god, it better be easy to ignore after awhile, can imagine the thought'll pop up in his head like a cold sweat at the most inopportune time. he'll just count himself lucky that her brother isn't currently living in the same villa on top of that. "mhm," angel answers easily. "i usually chill with jude and char the most. me and dante are gym bros. zeke's a good chat even though i get kinda distracted by that mug. oh, and stel wants to go to mexico with me after this." musing smile follows that bit, hadn't exactly realized he was tight with all of 'em 'til he listed it out. callie's pause lasts a fleeting moment, but anybody could probably see the train of thought steamrolling through her head. "she says you guys aren't really talking right now," he corrects. "she's not exactly, like, jane here's-what-i'm-thinkin'." not entirely true, he thinks naomi's gone into some detail with him about certain things, but it seems obvious that she's not the kind of person to go into depth about the stuff she feels particularly vulnerable about. he'd imagine callie rates high on that scale. "it's kind of funny," angel decides, snorting at the thought of rhys and seb playing these little games with each other. "like, they really do deserve each other. it's a good match. just... y'know, sucks for the bombshells."
his expression makes her laugh, tapping his chin lightly. "it's fine," she assures him. "they know what we signed up for. if they're still watching by now, it's on them." callie can already hear her grandma's lecture about her shower stint in her head. now that she knows it was aired on the show (which she really hadn't thought they'd do, but maybe she was just being optimistic), she's going to be a little more careful about what and where she does out in the open. "so all of them," she grins, thinking it's nice they all get along. if only her islanders were the same way, although they've known each other a lot longer, so maybe that's all it is. her smile fades a little as he continues talking about naomi, holding back a roll of her eyes. "she seems to tell you enough." with naomi not speaking to romi or callie today, it's hard not to watch her hang out with angel and not feel a bit replaced. "i don't want to talk about naomi," she tells him, knowing it's not exactly making her the open book she said she is, but talking about naomi means talking about frankie, and she's not ready for that presence to shape in their conversation. "yeah, i guess," she nods a bit, never really thinking about it like that. "it happened so suddenly, i'm still trying to process it. but rhys seems happy, so good for them. it does suck, though. i really like all of you." well with one exception, but she doesn't need to say it.
“it’s on them,” angel repeats, amused and incredulous. can’t help but roll his eyes. “so easy for you to say, you aren’t sticking it on somebody’s granddaughter.” with them watching, no less. but he’s playful, he’s breezy. angel leans his forehead heavily onto the top of her shoulder as he gets the sense there’s nothing he can say about naomi that callie won’t repeat back at him with vague distaste. “who else is she gonna tell?” he pulls back to watch her face, smiling with some levity. definitely isn’t connecting any dots back to frankie, though it probably wouldn’t change anything anyway. “no? i dunno, i got a big mouth. dunno when to stop talking. no idea how you’re gonna shut me up about it.” well, some ideas. head nods thoughtfully, more unwilling to broach the topic as it pertains to the reality of casa ending, of his new friends leaving, of him potentially leaving. “well, good news is there’s still time for somebody to go fuck their shit up,” breathless laugh at that, sardonic. “things have been moving fast, everybody figuring each other out and stuff.”
"what, like you don't have a grandmum? i'm pretty sure i was the one to stick it onto you, twice," she gives him a pointed look. with his head buried in her shoulder, callie's eyes are free to roll as they please, smirking as he pulls away. she'll take it as a rhetorical question, when the obvious choice feels obvious, and because she knows he probably means well. still, it does make her feel a little anxious, not know what else naomi has said about her to him. "you're an idiot," she shakes her head, amusement in her features as she leans forward as if she's going to kiss him again—only to pull away after their noses brush, smile smug. "everything moves so fast here, it's true." this time yesterday, she certainly hadn't expected something like this for herself, but for the first time in a few days, callie feels hopeful. "all we can really do is take it day by day, yeah?" she's not just talking about casa as a whole.
"oh, please, challenges don't count." unless you're jude, of course. "and it's totally not the same thing." after all, callie's a cool, interesting australian girl. angel's some fuckin' dude. now, though, he's mostly just arguing for arguments sake, too amused by trading attitude with her. there's a groan that vibrates lowly in his chest, taking as much proximity she lends him, his nose sliding against her's 'til he's left hanging with a pursed smile. "you're beautiful." even when she's teasing him. "but also somehow brutally slow," angel adds onto her sentiment with a wry chuckle. "like, breakfast feels like ages ago, doesn't it?" it's the same kinda feeling he gets with naomi or jude, too, like they're strangers, but not. as if they've lived a life in here already and he knows them so well because of it, but it's only been two days. weird. "yeah," he agrees with a short, relieved exhale. although he knows he's gonna walk away from this chat with a diving-board-sized spring in his step, there's the distinct understanding that pressure is gonna follow along shortly. "day by day sounds perfect. i just wanna keep comms open between us, y'know? i wanna keep talking to you. no bullshit, all that. that's what i know for sure."
"oh please, it's defo the same thing." she could bicker with him all night, if for no other reason than to run out the clock, until the time comes when they're hustled into bed. but thinking about bedtime reminds her that she needs to catch up with romi still, to figure out where she'll even be sleeping tonight. callie misses the days of her name on a bed, the finality of it all. her nose scrunches across at him from being called beautiful, paired with a shy smile to show just how awkward she is at taking compliments. "no, literally," she laughs, nodding. "the days go by so slow, and then suddenly everything's changed in a matter of, like, two days. it's crazy. i feel like i'm gonna leave the villa and all my friends will have aged five years." time definitely moves different here than it does in the real world, that's for sure. "no, for sure," she nods, grateful but not surprised they're on the same page. "that's all i want, too. and if that changes, you'll be the first to know." it makes her nervous that she doesn't see it changing in the near future, a tide turning in what she had thought would be smooth sailing. but right now she's feeling good, which is why she doesn't love what she has to do next. "alright," she sighs dramatically, gripping his shoulders as she turns her body to slide off his lap, fixing her dress once she's stood up. "i should go find romi. i'll let you know what happens, yeah?"
"defo not," he volleys automatically, a slight mimic of her accent. angel snorts, nodding, understands exactly what she means. "right? or we'll be aged five years." the mention of her friends makes him realize he knows nothing about them, just another detail to add to the list he needs to learn about her. feels like there'll never be enough time. the idea of this changing hasn't not occurred to angel, especially considering that this is only this as of, like, a few minutes ago, but hearing the words like fine print on callie's lips tightens his chest a bit, an involuntary kneejerk even he hadn't been expecting. still, he nods, genuinely pleased she agrees, that they're on the same page. "yeah," he matches her sigh, looking up at her with a crooked smirk once she's stood. "i should go make sure jude hasn't flung himself off the terrace... 'kay," he takes her hand as he heaves himself up, squeezes it before they start parting their separate ways, "i'll catch up with you in a bit. tell romi i'll, like, do all their dishes or something."
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Safe And Sound
Last Part of Blind and Naive. Also, I promise that this chapter has fluff just to balance out the angst in the previous chapters.
(Part 1) (Part 2) (You Are Here)
TW: Unsympathetic Virgil, Abusive Virgil, Unsympathetic Patton, Abusive Patton, Abused Roman, Abused Logan, Toxic Prinxiety, Toxic Logicality, Anorexia, PTSD symptoms, Fighting, Cursing, Small Panic Attack, Logan Angst, and Roman Angst
If I missed any, please tell me and I will add it.
Pairings: Toxic Prinxiety, Toxic Logicality, Intrulogical, Roceit
Word count: 2142
............Roman’s P.O.V............
I slowly wake up and sit up, rubbing my eyes to adjust to the sunlight lighting up the room. After a few minutes of my eyes adjusting and me stretching, I stand up. 
Once I make my way to the kitchen I am greeted by Remus and Janus.
“Good morning Roman.”
“Good morning Romy!!!”
“Good morning guys. And, don’t call me that Waluigi reject,” I smack him on the head gently, which only makes him snicker.
I playfully roll my eyes before turning my attention to Janus, who seems to be making breakfast, “Hey, Snakey McSnakerson.”
Janus looks back at me, “Yesss?”
His small slither makes me blush, though I’m not sure how heavily, which results in me silently hoping he doesn’t notice.
Wait, is he blushing!? N-No... Don’t be ridiculous, you’re just seeing things... Why would he ever like you... Especially considering the fact that you guys have only really mended ways 3 days ago...
“May you please do me the honor of handing me a cup?”
This time, the blush on his face is very clearly there.
He’s blushing? Why? D-Does he actually like me back!?
“Sure, drama queen,” He gets a cup and hands it to me.
I giggle and take it, “Thank you.”
He gives me a warm smile that makes butterflies fill my stomach. I return the smile and for a second we just stare at each other, smiling and blushing.
“Eww! I’m trying to eat, go eye fuck each other somewhere else!” A certain rat breaks the moment.
We both flush red and look away. I clear my throat, “Oh hush.”
I walk over to the water dispenser and fill up my cup. Once it’s full I start walking out of the kitchen, “I’ll be in the living room if you guys need anything.” 
Before I can fully walk out, I feel someone grab my free hand. I turn around and see Remus staring at me worryingly.
I raise a brow, “Yes?”
He bites his lip and quietly mumbles, “Ro... You need to eat breakfast...”
The sentence nearly knocks my breath away, I’m not sure when but I some point I started staring down at my cup. The water inside moving thanks to the shaky hand holding it,
A small, “No...” Makes its ways out of my mouth as I pull my hand free of Remus’ grasp.
I was just about to walk to the living room when Logan blocks the doorway. 
“Roman. You need to eat, especially considering that your Anorexia has been going on for quite a while...”
His voice is soft and sympathetic, one you would imagine coming from Morality instead of Logan.
I sigh heavily, “Fine...” I grumble and sit down.
It feels wrong to eat breakfast... Is this how it’s going to be every morning...? I don't know if I can handle that... I guess one step at the time for now...
For the past 7 weeks, Remus and Janus have worked on helping me and Lo. They made sure I ate small meals 5 times a day. They made sure to clear every room of any item I can use to self-harm. They helped me control my perfectionism and the voices in my head. They woke me up and calmed me down from nightmares.
As for Logan, they made sure he didn’t overwork himself. They made sure that he got out of his room to talk and hang out with us ever so often. They helped him be more open about his feeling and ask for help.
It’s been a lot. We’ve been through many highs and low and had to overcome a lot of struggles but things have been looking up.
Virgil and Patton have left us relatively alone, the only time they bother us is during videos or while we’re doing fan service. Patton does it more passive-aggressively while Virgil just outright harasses us. Of course, none of the fandom or Thomas has called them out on their behavior but it doesn’t matter, cause we still have Remus and Janus.
During the 7 weeks, I’ve gotten closer to Remus. We go on missions in the imagination together. We brainstorm and work together during projects. We have movie and game nights together.
My crush for Janus has grown during that time as well. Everything he does make butterfly fill my stomach. His laugh and giggles are like music to my ears. His occasional hisses and snarky smirks make my heart skip a bit. 
Of course, I haven’t confessed to him yet. I just don’t feel ready to get into another relationship, especially since I’m still technically in a relationship with Anxiety.
Logan and Remus also seem to be getting close. I’ve caught both of them exchanging looks and blushing around each other. Both of them deny it anytime Janus or I bring it up though, but I’m certain they’ll get together eventually.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Remus looks at the two of us with a concerned and unsure expression.
Logan is the first to nod, “Yes. We want to completely cut off our connections with Morality and Anxiety.”
“Yeah...” I hug my arm tighter.
Logan and I both agree that we would go to the Lightside and official break up with Patton and Virgil. Originally Logan had suggested we did so after a month of being with the Darksides, however, I disagreed in fear of the fandom’s reaction to our relationships breaking up. Yesterday though, I got fed up with constantly having to do fan service.
“Alright... Just be careful, okay? We’ll be right here for you guys once y’all come back.” Janus says softly.
A small smile appears on my face and I quietly mumble, “Alright. We’ll be right back. 
With that, we both sink down.
............Logan’s P.O.V............
I sink down to the living room of the Lightside, Patton is sitting there on the couch working on some papers. When he notices me, he immediately puts his work down and stands up.
“What are you doing here...?” He sounds nervous and on edge as if I was the abusive one in the relationship.
I take a deep breath, “We’re breaking up,” I get straight to the point, not wanting to be here longer than I have to.
His eyes widen and he doesn’t speak for a while.
“W-what...?” Is all he manages to mutter out
“I said we’re done,” I repeat in a bland voice, “Goodbye Morality.”
I sink down before he can say anything else.
The second I raise up in my room I crumble to the floor.  
W-why am I so shaken up....? Nothing bad even happened... He didn’t even do anything to me...
I curl up on myself, getting lost in my thoughts. Suddenly, I feel a comforting hand on my back and I turn to my side, coming face-to-face with Remus.
“Hey... You okay...?” His voice is heavy with worry, yet he makes sure it’s soft and soothing.
Before I can even think, I hug him tightly and to my surprise, he immediately holds me close.
He begins whispering reassurance in my ear as he rubs my back. His actions and presence make a lot of my worries quickly start to fade away. 
Soon, I fully calm down, yet I don’t pull away from him. I can feel myself blushing but I don’t care. I just want to be held by him. 
“Hey Lo...?”
I look up at him, “Yes?”
His face is flushed red and uncertain which makes me concerned, but before I can say anything he speaks up again.
“I like you, like a lot!” He quickly blurts out
This catches me off guard and it takes me a while to compose myself.
“I feel the same way, Remus.”
He looks up with a shocked and hopeful face., “Really!?”
I nod and he kisses my cheek, making me blush harder.
I chuckle softly before letting out a soft yawn, suddenly feeling very exhausted.
He smiles softly and softly says, “Get some rest, Lo.”
I curl up closer to him, nodding a little before quickly falling asleep.
............Roman’s P.O.V............
My heart is basically beating out of my chest as I raise up in the kitchen of the Lightside. Anxiety is there sitting on the counter with his legs crossed, the second his eyes lay on me his face drops and he stands up.
“Oh? So you’ve come crawling back?” He speaks in a condescending voice that makes me immediately look down and lose any confidence I had.
“N-no...” I quickly mutter out.
He glares at me, “What!? Then why are you here!?” His voice raises.
I flinch and take a step back feeling myself begin to shake.
No, remember why you are here. You are done letting him treat you like this. You don’t have to take it.
I take a deep breath before looking up and bluntly saying, “I’m breaking up with you.”
He seems taken aback by this but he quickly recovers.
“No, the fuck you’re not!”
“Yes, I am. I’m not staying with an abusive asshole any longer...”
I go to sink down but before I can do he manages to hit my arm.
I quickly sink out before he can do anything more.
I raise up in my room crying and shaking, holding my arm that was stinging so badly from the smack Virgil gave me. My breathing quickly becomes short and uneven.
No... No... Not again...!
However, before it can get any worse, Janus’ voice hits my ears.
“Roman, it’s okay,  I’m here. Is it okay if I touch you?”
I nod desperately and I feel him quickly hug me tightly. I hug him back immediately and break down in his arms. 
He holds me close and gently sways us. He starts softly walking me through a breathing exercise. 
After a bit of time, I fully calm down and slowly pull away from the hug.
“Thank you so much, Jan,” I quietly mumble.
He nods, “Hey, Ro, I need to tell you something...”
I raise a brow, a bit on edge from hearing the nervousness in his voice, “Okay, what’s up...?
He takes a deep breath before softly saying, “I’ve had a crush on you for a while now and well I was wondering if you felt the same way?” 
He looks down nervously, blushing heavily and I can’t help but let a fond smile plaster my face.
I gently kiss his cheek, “Well, lucky for you, I do feel the same way.”
For a few seconds, he’s completely frozen. Once he collects himself he hugs me tightly.
“Oh, thank god! I was so nervous you were going to say you didn’t like me at all!”
I giggle softly and hug him back.
A few seconds later though I let out a soft sigh, “But Jan...”
He looks at me, worryingly, “Yeah..?”
“I-I’m not ready to get back into a relationship just yet... I-Is it okay if we wait for a little...?”
He visibly relaxes and holds me closer. 
“It’s okay, Ro. I understand we can wait for as long as we need to.”
I gently nuzzle him and smile brightly, “Thanks Jan.” 
............Janus’ P.O.V...........
I look down at the sleeping prince next to me, gently running a hand through his hair. Remus and I were both in my room. Remus was on my bean bag with a sleeping Logan on his lap while I was on the bed with Roman.
I look up and Remus, who’s holding Logan as close as he could to his chest. His face is strange. It’s warm and soft yet there’s a hint of concern and anxiousness in it. His voice was hushed and somewhat sad.
“Yes?”I keep my voice soft and calming.
He takes a small deep breath, “What now...?”
Remus and I have been friends ever since Creativity split. We’ve been through everything together. We were both banished to the Darkside together. We both welcomed and raised Paranoia. We dealt with Paranoia’s short temper and screams. We both had to learn to heal after he abandoned and betrayed us.
Yet, in all does years of being with him. I’ve never heard his voice be so unsure and lost when he asked that simple question.
A put a reassuring hand on his shoulder and speak in the same voice as before, “Hey, it will be okay. All we can do now is continue to help and protect Logan and Roman to the best of our abilities.
He visibly relaxes and smiles softly. He glances down at Logan for a few seconds before answering me.
“Yeah. You’re right. Thanks, Double D.”
I smile and nod, “No problem. Now, let’s get some rest.
He nods and we both go to sleep shortly after.
Finally finished this! So, yeah, this is the final part of this small trilogy. I’m planning on writing a Roloceit fanfic next. Who knows? If you have any suggestions on what I should write next, feel free to tell me, I’ll do anything except for a Virgil centered fanfic or Unsympathetic Roman.
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@anti-virgil  @romanvirgil  @yeet-ceit  @nachosforfree  @unsympathetic-virgil @sanders-sides-soap-box   @virgil-negativity  @a-gay-angel @potatsanderssides  @sapphire-knight  @a-small-snidget  @easterpop-reblogs @nostarsinthedark  @itriedandimtired @anti-patton  
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witchy-lili · 4 years
Sander Sides Coffeeshop AU! Part 2
Well I didn’t expect part one to get that much attention..
Thank you all :)  Trigger warning : Hum, alcohol ? I guess ? tell me if I have to put something in there ! 
The first one was originally just a simple shitpost, but seeing this positivity encouraged me to write more ! So have that ! Oh and, use this song for a certain part of the chapter. Enjoy~
Damn was this a tiring day for the owner. Logan closed the cafe’s door after the last customer, not even turning the key, before dropping down on one of the angle sofas, sighing loudly. He lifted his rectangle glasses, pinching the bridge of his nose. He was tired, but now wasn’t the time to sleep.
The cafe, as much as he loved it, wasn’t enough income to maintain a stable life. He wasn’t in debt, lord knows how much he hated seeking help from others. “I always counted on myself, why change now ?”. The day was not the only time he was behind a counter. After closing his eyes for a few seconds, he stood up and went to look in his bag and looked at the hour on his phone. Eleven twenty four pm. It started at one am. He had enough time to freshen up. And so he went out, his blazer on his shoulder walking under the moonlight after putting the key in his pocket.
Home sweet and dearly home. It wasn’t much, just a simple black and white apartment with hints of deep navy blue. Hanging his blazer on the hook present on the back of his door. A soft creature came, rubbing against his legs, calmly purring.
-Well hello Plato..
The cat answered with a soft meow as Logan gently patted his fluffy cream fur which composed the majority of his body. The face, tip of the tail and paws being darker, almost black, but the cherry on top was the two icey sapphires eyes, as cold as his master’s. Only the hue was different, Lo’ having more greyish eyes. Speaking of the devil, he walked up to the living room connected kitchen, taking out a can of cat food to pour it into one of his little fuff ball’s bowl then filling the second one with water.
-There you go, you cuddle head.
Question remained, why would someone who struggled with money have a pet ?
Logan was always in control, trying his best to think about the most logical and brainey solution to a problem or way to improve his life, but even he could not just walk away from a crying kitten under the rain. He remembered the day. He was still a college student, his life was a wreck, a twelve sided Rubik’s cube with the colors constantly changing every single time he moved them. It was the same period he decided to close himself off and focus on school work but even he couldn't stay unmoved by a crying dirty kitten under the rain.
He smiled thinking about it again, all the nights worrying about Plato, putting him in his sweater while he was studying just to keep him by his side, all the books he read to learn how to properly take care of a cat, all the scratches he got, but also all the kisses and head rubs. Logan absentmindedly looked at the clock. Almost midnight.
Who thought he could lose himself thinking about how much he loved his companion ? Now he had to be fast. He’d usually take the time to enjoy the warm water on his skin, usually hugging himself in the process, trying to emulate the feeling of a long lost embrace, but now it was pretty late. He needed to go. Where ? Well his side job. Logan quickly dried his dark chestnut hair before putting on an elegant uniform. A white shirt buttoned to the top under a navy vest and a pair of jeans. Simple but efficient. Just like he always did.
The dark haired man arrived in front of a bar’s backdoor. Just on time after a really painful sprint considering he wasn’t the athletic type. He entered and went to the changing rooms, just to put down his bag and finally go to work. That was the program, but apparently the strawberry blonde seemingly pissed man bursting in. Only a thought crossed Logan’s mind “Oh for fuck’s sake.”.
-Oh my god Lo’ you’re here i thought i’d never see the light of day !
-..Pretty normal considering it’s past one am. -Now calm down. i’ll make you a quick drink and look for your gloves, your makeup is perfect. Just go sit down.
He walked towards him clutching his arms, the barista cringed at the contact but kept a straight face before finally realising that his friend was in a long cherry red all sparkly dress and same colored heels.
-You got a representation tonight Roman ?
-Yes and it’s an ever-loving catastrophe ! I can’t close this fucking -but amazing- dress by myself, i don’t know where my gloves are and i start in five minutes ! Jesus, am i sweating ? Am i sweaty ? Is my makeup dripping ?
The usual scenario, Logan sighed before kindly pushing his friend away and turning him to, first of all, close the dress, having to stand on his tiptoes to reach the end. Roman was already a bit taller than him, but with those heels, phew, how could he even walk in these ?
Such a drama queen. Literally and mockingly. He tapped the performer on the back before straight up going to his dressing room, the gloves were just here, sitting on the edge of the mirror. Pretty sure Roman missed them because of his stress. He then went to the bar, discreetly pouring him a bottom of whisky and coming back with the two items. Blondie jumped on his heels to hug him again, making his poor friend spread his arms to avoid damaging the gloves or spilling the drink before giving them after the embrace.
-You are a lifesaver you nerdy coffee man !  
-Don’t mention it. I have to get working, good luck.
Finally. Putting on a black apron, he came behind the bar and started serving the clients. Tonight was going to be busy. Why ? Well, Roman was performing, his angelic sultry voice brought everyone in. The lights dimmed in the club, only the stage was illuminated. The singer walked in, projectors reflecting against his strass covered dress and gloves. Claps and whistles welcomed his grand entrance as he took the microphone, glazing over the room. Logan gave him a nod and a thumbs up to encourage him. The instrumental started to play.
Where have you been? Been searching all along Came facing twilight on and on Without a clueWithout a sign Without grasping yet The real question to be asked Where have I been?
The tone always sent chills down Logan’s spine. He often heard him sing, but he could never not be surprised by his talent. He forgot himself, slowly breathing, calmed by the jazzy tone of the song. Forgot himself so much that he didn’t notice the new customer sitting at the bar and calling him for the last few seconds. The barista shook his head and turned, starting his usual pitch… -Sorry for that. What can i… ...only to be met with the amber gaze of a familiar face. The man of this morning. What was his name again ? Janice ? Janelle ? Jamil ? Logan’s eyes became cold and stern again, along with his voice. -..serve you. -Looks like i was right. You’re not as boring as you seem to be. -Do you want to drink something ? I have other clients. The man in the melon hat turned his head left and right with a smirk. He was the only one sitting at the counter. -A Snakebite, if you know how to make it right. Logan raised a surprised eyebrow. It was literally two ingredients. He was clearly mocking him.  Without a word, he took the honey flavored whiskey and lime juice and put them in the shaker with some ice before energetically, well,shaking it and straining it in a shot glass, putting it in front of the snide individual then turning back to look at his friend. -Delightfull isn’t it ? I’ve rarely heard such a sultry and heavenly voice at the same time. -Well, it is Roman. They looked at each other for less than half a second before having their attention taken by the singer. Roman got compliments and flowers thrown at him at the end of his performance, and after some quick talk with fans, he sat down at the bar, sighing happily. -Damn that felt good ! Sooooo~, how are my two favorite boys doing ? Logan seemed surprised and pointed the curious man.
-You know him ?! -Yeah of course you dummy dumb ! I was the one who gave him your cafe’s address ! Ain’t he the loveliest ? -My my, thank you Romie, you’re going to make me blush. His eyes were still on Logan, still mocking him, he could have sworn even seeing this snake of a man quickly stick out his tongue to taunt him. Well. Looks like this was going to be a long night.
--------------------------------------------------------------- Surprise surprise ! You probably realized by now that I was really inspired by the talented Caleb Hyles with his “Beneath the mask” cover for this song. I just love the atmosphere. Hope you lovelies enjoyed this piece of writing ! 
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queenofgotham800 · 4 years
(Roman Sionis x Reader)
Requested by: @stardancerluv
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Warnings: Gramatical Errors, Anxious soft Roman
Summary: Celebrating Roman's birthday will be different this year.
(A/n): I did Roman bit of OOC (out of character), hope you don't mind that. @stardancerluv, your fanfiction Gotham lockdown 2020 is awesome 😍, I highly recommend it to ya all!
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It was 6 am and Roman Sionis was standing in front of mirror, looking at himself with worries. Tomorrow he was turning 35. He felt kinda old. On his birthdays he always took you to some fancy restaurant and you both did whatever he wished and wanted. But this day was not like he expected. He hoped that these worries will be gone soon.
He looked at you. You were sleeping peacefully. How did he deserved you?
He got dressed and walked out of the room to living room, which he also used as dining room and meeting place for friendly bussines.
"Boss?" Victor came to Roman and gave him two coffee cups.
"Thanks Victor," Roman mumbled and put one coffee cup down, "I'll bring that one to (Y/n)."
"Okay boss."
Roman turned and went back to bedroom. You were still sleeping and he put the cup down on bedside table, sitting next to you. He brushed his hand through your hair, kissing you on forhead.
"Babe, I brought you coffee. Victor made it."
You slowly opened eyes, just to meet Roman's beautifull ocean blue eyes.
"Good morning honey," you mumbled.
"Morning," Roman whispered.
"Oh, my god! I.. Forgot.." you suddenly yelled, getting up, running to bathroom to take a shower.
Roman walked to you, "What did you forgot?"
"Ehm..Nothing, I just have a lot for today," you turned and closed the doors.
Your oddly behavior made Roman think about his age again. Was he too old? Somewhere in his mind was lurking scary question, which he didn't wanted to bring to light: What if you don't love him anymore becouse of his age? There was few years difference between you two, but what if you preferred younger guys. What if somebody took you away from him? What if you left with that somebody?
With these thoughts Roman left down to club. There was few people, which was normal, becouse it was morning and this was night club. Tears were falling down from his eyes, so he just sat to the corner of the club, waiting for Victor.
After 30 minutes of waiting, Roman decided to call him through the phone.
"Victor? Where are you? I am waiting in club, I thought you would be here on time," Roman said.
"I.. I am sorry boss, I have terrible headache and I think it would be best if I stayed home for today," Victor said and after that, Roman cancelled the call.
"Did he bought it?" you asked Victor, giving him bags with gifts.
"Yea.. I.. Don't know he cancelled the call. Besides that, where you want to bake the cake?" Victor asked. You opened the trunk of the car for Victor who carefully put the gifts next to each other.
"That could be bad.." you entered the car and waited for Victor, "Roman has one safe house close to the Wayne building.. So there. I bought all ingredients that we need, flour and stuff."
"Yeah," said Victor. He was worrying about Roman too. You and Victor were preparing surprise birthday party for Roman, which you never did to him before so you were bit stressed about his reaction.
You started the car, leaving shopping center parking lot.
"But what if he's not going to like it? I mean.. he looked so anxious this morning."
"I noticed," Victor said and pointed to the right, "Here turn right, it's a shortcut."
"Okay, but seriously Victor. I'm afraid that if we leave him alone for whole day, he could do something bad," you said and turned to the right.
"We have to hope he's alright," Victor sighed and looked from window. When you parked your car near the safe house, your phone started beeping and you exchanged with Victor worried look.
"It's Roman," you whispered.
"Pick it up (Y/n)," Victor mouthed and you nodded.
"Hey honney, how are you," you asked Roman with a sweet tone, which you regreted afterwards, since it was very suspicious. Luckily Roman didn't noticed that.
"Hey, where are you? I can't find you anywhere, could you please come to apartment please, I am not feeling well and I need you today," Roman sounded desperate and sad. It poked your heart and you looked on Victor, putting the phone away.
"He's not feeling well," you whispered to Victor and then took the phone back to your ear.
"Babe, please, I'll be there, but I have some business to do now. But I promise i'll be back as fast as I can," you said and watched Victor to unlock the doors of the safe house.
"Okay," Roman sniffled and you wanted to run back to Black Mask club to hug him and comfort him.
"Victor, we have to be fast with baking that cake," you cancelled the call and told this to Victor who just nodded.
Whole afternoon, you two were baking birthday cake and then, when it was finished, you smiled and hoped Roman is going to like it. The cake was filled with chockolate and strawberies, decorated with flowers from sugar paste.
"Victor? Launch the operation party time," you turned to Victor who smiled and pulled out his phone, "from now on, it's mostly on you. I'll go for Roman."
You walked to the car, picking the phone calling Roman, "Hey, babe I am comming, could you please wait for me in front of your club?"
"Hey darling, sure," Roman sighed and cancelled the call.
You were sure you crossed the driving limit more than five times, but you had to be there first.
When you finaly saw the club and Roman waiting outside, you parked and exited the car.
"Roman," you hugged him, you saw that he had red eyes from crying.
"I missed you," he hugged you back and gave you quick kiss. Roman was usually confident, but when he was anxious he was either very angry or slightly depressed.
"I missed you too babe, but we have to go to the safe house, becouse I have some informations that somebody wants to attack the club today," you said, pulling him to his car.
"(Y/n)... I.. What?" Roman was upset, but exhausted.
"I'm taking you to safe house," you have him another kiss, but he moved away.
"Roman..What happened?" you cupped his cheeks. You didn't wanted to make your birthday boy sad or upset.
"Nothing, let's go," Roman entered to car, and you hoped that Victor and his friends will handle the preparations for the party.
Even after entering the safe house Roman didn't spoke to you.
"Babe, what's going on?" you asked him. Roman just hugged you and held you in his arms, "I don't want to lose you (Y/n). You mean so much to me. Please don't leave me."
You were surprised, but hugged him anyways.
"Why would you think I would leave you? Romy, you know I wouldn't leave you. I love you so much," you smiled, one tear dropped from your eye. Was this the reason he was sad?
"I just.. I'm getting old and today you have been so distant.. After a long time I felt.. Lonely," he sniffled into your jacket.
"Don't say that. I'm here now dear," you whispered and when Roman pulled away you fixed his suit, "What would you say on special dinner Mr. Sionis?"
"I would love that," Roman smiled.
These situations were so often, that neither of you were stressed. Situations where you had to hide in safe houses which were all around the Gotham.
You were calm becouse you knew this was just a distraction. Roman was calm, becouse he knew you both are safe here.
For dinner, you brought some frozen pizza in Roman's car, since you had to leave your car in front of Black Mask club becouse it was filled with gifts for Roman. Victor had keys and everything was perfectly planned. When you left the safe house 1, where Victor stayed, he called his friends to stop by, take the cake in refrigerated van. You had no idea from where those guys took it and in first place, why they had it, but you rather didn't asked. After you left with Roman to safe house 2, Victor and his friends would decorate the club.
"Babe, I think the pizza is finished," Roman looked into oven and tried to open it without burning himself.
"Ohh.. Handle it to me princess," you laughed and opened the oven to get out the yummy pizza. After it was out, Roman closed the oven and caught your hips, hugging you from behind.
"Who do you call princess, my queen?" Roman laughed and kissed your neck multiple times.
"So.. Before or after pizza?" you smirked.
Birthday day
"Romy, wake up," you whispered and gently tapped him on cheek.
"What?" he asked half asleep, half conscious.
"I am leaving you. I can't do this, I can't be with you anymore," you told him and Roman's eyes widened in fear.
Roman woke up, with drops of sweat on face. He immediately turned to your side of bed to assure you were there, with him. But you weren't.
"(Y/n)?" Roman got up, from bed. You just exited the bathroom, closing the doors behind you.
"What happened?"
"I.. Nothing, just a nightmare," Roman mumbled and went back to bed with you. You slept on his shoulder, since Roman insisted on holding you in his arms.
You weren't protesting, you felt safe.
"Love? Good Morning," Roman was sitting next to you on bed, giving you cup of coffee.
"Morning my king," you smiled and took a sip from hot coffee, "Thank you, and happy birthday Roman."
Roman smiled and gave you a kiss. You looked on clock to check time, it was 10 am. Party was planned at 8 pm and you hoped everything is going according plan. Few years ago, you asked Roman if he ever had surprise birthday party. He said that he never had one. You did not wanted to risk it back then, becouse you didn't know why he never had parties like these. Maybe he did not liked being surprised. As time went, you learned that Roman actually loved surprises and only reason why he never had this kind of party was becouse nobody ever prepared something like that for him. When you learned that, you were kind of sad for him, becouse you knew that Roman was always bringing you, but only you with him out on his birthday and he bought you expensive things. Of course you always gave him gifts, Victor did too, but sometimes you had that feeling that Roman is giving more than recieving. Once he told you that others are giving him gifts just becouse they are afraid of him. This didn't targeted you, but you knew that nobody would want Roman as an enemy.
After breakfast, Roman took you out for walk and lunch to most famous restaurant in town.
In restaurant troubles began, since Victor texted you that something is wrong with preparations.
"So, I told him to go back there and he.. (Y/n)?" Roman called your name, when he noticed you were texting with someone.
"What? I'm sorry, I.. Just.. Sorry," you looked away from phone, listening Roman's stories. You wanted to pay attention to him, since it was his birthday, but your thoughts were dwelling on the party problem.
-You have to fix it, fast. I'm with Roman in restaurant, I can't speak to you right now.-
You wrote Victor and gave a reassuring smile to Roman.
"Babe, what's wrong?" Roman asked you with raised eyebrows, slowly sipping from his glass of vine.
"I.. Got a text.. It's about bussines," you told, slipping your phone back to handbag, hoping that Roman is not going to ask anything about it.
"Can I help?"
"No!" you answered too fast and Roman noticed. You knew that his worries from yesterday didn't dissapeared and you had to hope that he's not thinking about you, cheating on him on his birthday. Roman was paranoid, of course he already thought of that, but still he wanted to enjoy his birthday with you. He frowned and put the empty glass down. He didn't wanted to think about losing you now.
"Babe, you know that if something bad happens, I'll help you with it," Roman caught your hand and you smiled.
"I know, thanks."
After lunch you both went to shopping place. Roman bought you 3 expensive dresses even when you didn't wanted him to give you gifts, becouse it was his birthday. But that was just how Roman was to you. After another coffee, you looked on watches, seeing that it would be ideal time to go back to club.
"Darling? We should go back to club."
"But babe, it's only six. At seven we have dinner in the restaurant where was our first date..." Roman started and you gave him little smile.
"Aww, that is so cute... But unfortunately we have to go back to club. Just to pick up something," you nervously hugged him, but Roman pushed you away.
"What's going on with you (Y/n)?" he was nervous and afraid.
"Nothing, just.. Please," you made puppy eyes at him and he nodded.
"Alright, alright."
Way to club was silent, but when you closed the doors on the car and went to check Roman, who was sitting in backseat as usual.
"Hey, are you going?" you knocked on car window.
Roman opened it and sticked his head out.
"Babe, c'mon, don't be so stubborn," you laughed, but already thought how are you going to get him out of the car.
"I said no."
You frowned and opened the doors.
"Don't you even think about locking yourself there, I have keys."
"Alright...I'll go, but for an exchange.. You will have to do somethi.." he leaned to kiss and you kissed him, in middle of his sentence. After you parted from eachother, Roman exited the car and you opened the doors into quiet and dark club.
"Are you sure it's safe here?" Roman asked.
"Yeah, sure," you put down your coat and ran to club.
Roman turned to you, but you weren't anywhere near.
"Babe?" he called into club, slowly approaching it.
As he entered the club, colorful lights lighted up and Roman saw group of people standing in middle of the dance floor.
"Happy birthday!!" everybody yelled and Roman covered his mouth with hands. He was surprised in a good way.
"Happy birthday babe," you slowly came to him and gave him hug.
"I... Thank you..." Roman was speechles, smiling on you, Victor and people who were there. He knew all of them very good, they were his good friends.
You gave him gift wrapped in golden paper. Roman opened it and found inside the box watches that he always wanted.
"Thank you (Y/n)," he gave you gratefull smile.
After he opened all gifts, in which were paintings and new suits, you brought cake. Roman loved it and that was when his worries about losing you dissapeared.
"Will you dance with me Mr. Sionis?" you came to him and offered him hand. Roman laughed and kissed your hand.
"Of course Mrs. Sionis," quiet slow music started to play and Roman took you on dance floor. Victor was running around with camera, assuring that there are gonna be lot photos from this birthday party.
As you danced, Roman pulled you closer and music stopped. Others clapped and you blushed, hiding your face in shoulder of your loved one.
Faster music started to play and others joined the dancing too.
Everything went good, and in late hours, when party ended, you went with Roman upstairs to shared apartment.
"Thank you. I loved this. I love you," Roman kissed you, holding you in his arms.
"I love you too," you kissed him too and he pulled you into bedroom, closing the doors.
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darling-i-read-it · 5 years
Eggs and Toast
Harley Quinn x reader
Word Count: 1k
Warnings: minor spoilers for BoP, drunk Harley, mentions of weapons and cuss words and the Joker
Author’s Note: I can’t believe i haven’t written for my girl Harley before. I love her. Ugh I love her I hope you like this lol
Requested: by anon, Good, then you could do reader x harley quinn, where the reader helps her when she was drunk and they become friends and then fall in love
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluff
(not my gif)
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You and come to the Black Mask club for as long as you could remember. It was a nice club and Roman Sionis tolerated you. There was no bad blood there and so you were allowed to come and go as you pleased.
That night was no different as the other ones were. You had come in a little later than usual but there was a normal type of thing where you went in and straight to the bar to get your first drink. You looked over the room, just watching people when you caught the sight of a very drunk Harley Quinn.
You had never talked to her before but she was well known among the club. Roman didn’t like her much but there was nothing anyone could do because Joker still had her in his protection. You weren’t sure what it was about her that night that made you approach but she looked like she was about to break and before you could walk forward she came over to the bar and sat beside you.
She looked different. Little more disheveled, more annoyed than usual. She took a shot and turned to you.
“You’re Y/N right?” she asked. You nodded, surprised she remembered who you were.
“Yeah. Harley?” She nodded, swallowing the drink sourly and giving you a small hurt smile.
“Yep.” She thought for a moment. You didn’t know what to say. “The Joker and I broke up,” she whispered. When she said that it made it real. She was really no longer with him anymore. She was alone. Your eyes went wide. “For real this time.”
You looked at her and nodded. That was surely life changing.
Harley Quinn sat in front of you, alone and not under the regular protection that she had been under for so long and worst of all, drunk. You knew Harley could get back on her feet when she was more comprehensive. But right now…
“Harley, do you want to go back to your apartment and burn some stuff together?” you asked. She laughed at first and then looked at you, her smile having a new light in it.
“You know what, it’s been a long time since a girl asked me to do that.”
Harley took you back to her small apartment that night and you just talked, burned things, hit the wall and ate some ice cream. In the moment you couldn’t think about how you were here with Harley Quinn, the Jokers now ex girlfriend, but only could think about how you were here with Harley, a really cute funny girl who had never asked for help from anyone but shitty men.
Your friendship grew from that night. You would come over, even after she had blown up the plant and putting herself on full blast. She thought that was quite odd. She figured everyone she knew would leave her after that but you decided to bring her food and hang out with her pet and her.
You sat on her couch, her walking around the room, giving Bruce his food and making you guys some dinner.
“Harls, you don’t have to make dinner we can literally get dinner under us,” you said. You were painting your toenails, the TV on low volume. She turned to you and pointed a spatula at you.
“You’re going to get your eggs and toast even if I have to burn them,” she said seriously. You rolled your eyes and smiled softly to yourself, painting another toe nail.
After a few minutes you looked up at her as she walked over, handing you the plate. There were two egg spots and the bread at the bottom, making a sort of deformed smiley face. She plopped down beside you.
“Thank you,” she muttered. You raised an eyebrow.
“For what?” You ate a bite of the toast. Harley snapped her head to you, a funny look on her face.
“For taking care of me that night. When Mister J and I broke up.”
“You’re growing soft Harls.” She hit you and took a bite of your raised toast.
“Don’t call me soft, I’ll shoot you.” You smiled.
“If it’s any correlation Harley I enjoy my time with you so there wasn’t much I had to give up there.”
“Except a good relationship with Romy.”
“Yes you have ruined that but it’s fine, there's many a clubs in Gotham.” She laughed and looked at you like she was examining you. You looked her back in the eyes. You didn’t move for a moment but eventually you think she moved forward and kissed you and you kissed her back, placing a hand on her cheek. Unable to move forward with paper plates on your laps you just pulled away. Her smile was wide and yours was dreamy.
“Man those must have been good eggs!” You rolled your eyes and laughed, sitting back on the couch.
“They’re not bad.”
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aaronhart93 · 4 years
text || aarotin
Discord text thread featuring: Aaron & @quentindelancret
When: January 22nd, early morning into early evening
Mentions: @romanbeckett @davieslandon
Description: Aaron and Quentin fight about Quentin’s drug addiction 
Trigger Warnings: addiction mentions, arguing
you okay baby?
I haven’t heard from you and I just wanted to check in. I love you
I love you too and miss you
Des has just been cranky all night.
oh man, I’m sorry baby. Is there anything I can do to help? I know it’s late but I can bring breakfast in the morning or anything you need
I think she's sick
i have to play the morning by ear. Depends on how she wakes up
okay baby. I hope she’s not sick though. Just let me know and I’ll help out any way that I can
thank you baby. I miss you
I miss you toooo
miss you more
Impossible. I’ve been thinking about you all day. I miss your scent
you have my hoodies. put one on babe
are you at home?
I already did
I am home. I’m supposed to go snuggle Romie but Delilah brought over drugs and now I’m too hyper for life lol
oooo yeah i was gonna ask you to go check on him...but it's okay
I will. I’m just trying to chill out for a minute. He’s gonna leave a key for me
I mean if you’re high...maybe just stay home
uhmm okay
i just dont want you leaving the house so late
I know
I’m sorry
i just....if you knew you were going to go over to his place to take care of him...why would you get high
I didn’t know exactly. He said he was gonna sleep but then he couldn’t, and Delilah was upset and I told her she could come over and talk. Then she had coke and I just... I’m sorry
please don’t be mad at me
im not mad im just
feel some type of way about it
about the coke?
not necessarily. the fact that our partner is sick....you knew i had des tonight so couldn't go over there...i guess i just figured you'd be a little more responsible
it's okay...i dont want you to be worrying about these things anyway
ill take care of both of you.
I can be responsible Aaron. I thought he was gonna sleep. I’m still gonna go over there and take care of him. You both come before anything else for me and I’m sorry I misstepped. But I’m not gonna just leave him hanging.
even if he fell asleep and woke up and needed something...seriously though. i want you to have fun and live your life, im sorry i brought it up
Aaron.. stop it. What is going on with you? I’m fine. I can go over there right now. But you seem... on edge. Are you okay?
I wanna have fun and live my life with you and Roman. I fucked up okay? But I feel like there is something else nothing you
i fought with Landon the other day
Des might be sick
work sucked today and im stressed about Ro
im sorry
baby, I’m sorry. I know the whole Landon situation sucks. I wish I could fix it for you. I know I made things shittier before but I don’t wanna do that. I wanna be here for you. I can come see you after I check on Roman? Help you with Des and give you a massage. I’m worried about you
I’m coming. I won’t take no for an answer. I’m gonna give you a massage and get you in bed. Then I’ll go see Romie. I wanna be there for you both
Quentin, I love you. and thank you....I don't know how to tell you this but...I don't want you around Des if you've been using tonight.
Fine, I’m not gonna argue with you. See you tomorrow then?
I’m sorry
im not mad
It’s okay. I understand.
I love you
dont be upset
of course I’m upset. I want to be there for you and I can’t
im okay, Q.
that’s not the point
I’m sorry I fucked up. I know you don’t want an addict around Des and that’s my fault
you're sick, i can help you
I’m sick?
addiction...its a diseae
wow, Aaron.
yeah, I don’t wanna talk about this right now
you...brought it up...
yeah, I know. I guess I just didn’t really think you would agree with me
that i dont want someone on drugs around Des? Quentin...
you are making this into something it isnt
no, that you think I’m sick and need help.
I understand you not wanting me around Des. But it’s not like I’d ever hurt her
i know you would never and I'd never keep her from you
just sober up...and we'll talk in the morning i guess
I don’t even know what to say
I’m just sorry I’ve been such a burden.
yeah, we will talk tomorrow
back up
you're not a burden
Quentin, stop making things up in your head
I feel like I have been.
I don’t wanna add any more stress for you
Quentin, listen to me.
i cannot live without you.
I’m just sorry
dont be. im sorry i was harsh
it’s fine.
I love you
i love you too. bring me breakfast in the morning??
of course. Let me know if you need any cough medicine or anything when Des gets up
thank you, my love
anytime. Goodnight baby
early evening...
I’m sorry about last night
I’m trying to do better
it was my fault. Don’t worry about it
it wasn’t your fault. You told me how it is and I’ll fix it
good talk
well do you wanna keep talking about it
Nope, I really don’t.
I don’t know what else to say because I don’t either
I’ll just leave you alone
or like we could talk about literally anything else
I missed you today, okay?
yeah, I missed you too
like a lot
I pulled Des from school and had a day with her
it was nice
that sounds fun
it was
I’ll let you get back to it then
oh okay
I love you
you too
I’m sorry okay?
it’s fine. I’m really just moody today.
I’m trying to stay away from the happy pills ya know?
I don’t want you to do something that you’re not ready for. If you aren’t ready to stay off of them, then it’s okay
the thing is Aaron, I’m never gonna be ready. I take molly literally every day. Most times people can’t even tell it’s that bad.  But I know it bothers you and Roman and I’m done
that’s brave
and makes me happy. That’s one of the reasons i know you love me
of course I love you
I know
I’m just so sick of disappointing you
I’m not going anywhere okay?
I’m serious
are you mad at me
no I’m not mad. I just don’t feel like we’re as close as we used to be
because of an argument?
No not because of an argument Aaron
because you just seem distant all the time
im sorry. It’s not on purpose
it’s fine
how can I be better
I’m just gonna take a few days to myself
oh okay
I don’t want to make anything worse by staying here
I get so all over the place with my emotions and without drugs I’m scared of what I might say or do
maybe tell your doctor? For medicine?
I don’t have a doctor
and I don’t want one honestly
they just make me relive shit I don’t want to and that isn’t gonna help anything
I can get you into a primary care doctor with no issue
not a therapist. Just a regular doctor
Quentin. What have I done wrong? It’s obviously something
you didn’t do anything. It’s just me.
tell me how I can help
my expectations and my delusions of how I thought things would be. It’s fine, I’ll handle it, I’ll make it better
how did you think things would be?
well what can we do better baby
I will do anything for you
it’s not you. I’m pretty sure it’s all me
ya know.. how I get in my head and shit
what can I do for you when you get in your head
to help
I don’t know. You can’t fix me. It doesn’t work like that
I’m just, I’m tired.
well now I’m scared
of what?
don’t be scared Aaron. I love you. I just, I can’t see you right now. But soon.. okay?
two days. That’s it.
where are you going
why can’t you see me
I’m just gonna go see my brother I think. Maybe fix things with him.
I can’t see you because I know if I do I’ll change my mind about taking some time away
but it’s okay, I wanna see you. Come see me
alright I’m coming
good. I love you
I love you so fucking much
the feeling is very mutual baby
I promise it’s gonna be okay. Alright? I just need to get my head right
and it’s not your fault.
its me, I swear it’s me. That sounds cliche but it really is. I’m gonna fix it
I mean, honestly. All I can think about right now is how I wanna jump on you when I see you and never let go. But I need to stop being so closed off. I know that just makes you closed off and then I blame you. But it’s not you. You just .. you have this effect on me that really scares the shit out of me
is that effect a bad thing?
I don’t know. Is it?
I don’t know. Is it a good scare or bad scare
how do I scare you?
It’s like... you’re so out of my league and I don’t wanna do or say anything to make you leave. I’m like, I’m a lot, and I know I can be. It just scares me that makes I’m too much sometimes
I am not out of your league.
you are 1 of 2 of the hottest men in Kingsboro and I have both of them lol
you are totally out of my league. You’re like, God, I can’t even put you into words. Then there’s me. Partying, acting crazy, doing stupid shit. Idk. It’s like I’m an embarrassment next to you. But I mean, if I’m that hot I must not be so bad lol
you’re also like.. so hot! I can’t breathe lol
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