piko-power · 2 years
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solerwolf21 · 7 years
One of my short stories
A Little Push
(P.O.V. none, New Mobotropolis)
It is a warm morning in New Mobotropolis as we find two hedgehogs, one blue and one white, walking together towards the chili dog stand for some breakfast.
"Dude I still don't understand what's with you and your obsession with chili dogs?" the white hedgehog named Soler said. The blue hedgehog, named Sonic, only laughed,
"Oh, Soler, Soler, Soler. As long as we've been together and you still can't understand the godly taste of chili dogs. Tisk tisk shame on you my friend." he responded. Soler rolled his eyes,
"I understand that they're good but did we really have to skip out on mom's cooking? You know I love it when she makes those waffles." Soler responded sadly. Sonic only slung an arm around him and gave him his award-winning smile,
"Trust me. A good chili dog in the morning can keep you settled over the good chunk of the day. Now come on we're here." the two hedgehogs walked up to the stand and the guy had his back to them as he was still doing a little prep work.
"Excuse me, good sir. Two of your finest chili dogs please?" Sonic ordered. The guy turned around to show he was a middle-aged black cat that was wearing a white apron, with a blue long sleeved polo shirt. He smiled at the site of the two hedgehogs,
"If it isn't Sonic and Soler. I can see you love my chili dogs so much there the first thing you two eat in the mornings huh?"
"You know it! Now two of your finest please." Sonic asked. The guy nodded and went to work making the two dogs. He quickly made them, placed them in holders and placed them on the counter for the two.
"There ya go, boys. Two of my finest dogs! And don't worry about payment there on the house this morning." he said with pride. Sonic visibly brightened,
"Alright! You're the best! Thanks!" The two there food and walked off from the stand enjoying their breakfast. The two ate in silence as they enjoyed their food.
"Man fis is fo good!" Sonic said with a mouthful. Soler swallowed,
"Don't eat with your mouth full." He told him. Sonic swallowed and smiled brightly to which all Soler could do was just smiled and shake his head. The two finished their food and threw away the wrappers as they continued their walk. Sonic burped satisfied as he rubbed his stomach,
"Those were some good dogs, wouldn't ya say?" Sonic asked.
"They were alright man, I'm just glad to have a full tummy." Soler responded. The two continued on in silence as they digested their food. After a little ways of silence, Soler decided to break it,
"So to break the silence. How've things been with the princess lately?" he asked. Sonic looked at him questionably,
"Things are fine between me and Sal why?" he asked.
"Oh no reason just you two are so 'on again, off again' I just wanna keep in the loop." he answered. Sonic chuckled,
"Yeah right as if you're just trying your best to not show you're jealous huh?" Sonic responded. Soler faked laughed loud,
"HA HA HA! You are one funny hedgehog to think I'd ever be jealous of you blue boy."
"Oh come on it's' alright to be jealous that the ladies like me more than you." Sonic retorted. The two hedgehogs had walked out of the city out to the meadows in front. They both took seats and relaxed on the grass before continuing,
"Dude whats there to be jealous of. I mean from what I've learned and seen, you're again off again with a princess, you dated a traitor, and I think you had a thing with Mina at some point. Oh and there's Amy who's your dedicated fan girl. So yeah I'm good." Soler responded laying down in the grass.
"Well It has it's ups and downs sure but like they say it's to have love and lose than to never have loved at all." Sonic replied sitting down next to him. Sole gave him a surprised look,
"Hmm never would've thought you would actually know a line like that. But nah I'm good."
"Oh come on there has to be someone you like. How about Amy? You two date it'll get her off my back."
"Yeah no. Me and her cool but I think she secretly doesn't like me all that well."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well she told me one day, and I quote, "You keep taking my darling Sonic away from me. I hate you." end quote. Yeah, I think I'm more like competition than a love interest." he joked. Sonic chuckled,
"I'm sure she was just joking."
"Yeah I know she was but still."
"Yeah. So that crosses Amy off the list, what about Rouge? I see you two flirt all the time whenever we meet up with Shadow and them." Sonic asked.
"Oh no not that devil woman! It looks like flirting to you but she keeps playing with my emotions with her feminine charms and ways. I swear the next time we meet she will not get me again!" Soler declared loudly. Sonic only chuckled quietly,
I think he can't handle her teasing is all. Sonic thought, "Well if the bats of the list then who is it that you have a thing for? There has to be one." Soler actually took a few moments to think on it. It was quiet for a while as the wind blew and Soler thought. Sonic had begun tapping his foot impatiently,
"I'm waiting?" he groaned.
"Well excuse me for actually thinking about it like someone suggested." Soler retorted
"Well, you got anyone in mind yet? Come on name her and I'll help give you a little push how about that." Sonic added.
"Hmm don't think you'd want to do that but if I had to think about it then the girl that comes close would have to be Sally actually." he said. He paused to look at Sonic face which was a mix of emotions.
"Dude before you freak, you know I wouldn't even attempt a move on Sally because I consider you my brother and bro code doesn't allow that without permission. And second, even if we did get together I don't think I could stand seeing you're jealous face whenever were together. Remember how you reacted when Monkey Khan and her were a thing. You hated him for it and I don't want you hating me over a girl." Soler explained. Sonic straightened his face,
"First off I didn't like it when they were together because Khan literally tried to kill me when we first met and our relationship has been rocky ever since. So seeing them together sucked and I didn't approve of it. And second if its Sal then I'll still give you a little helping hand. I mean we're not together or anything and she's her own person so whoever she wants to date she can date em." Sonic responded. That caught Soler all off guard as he looked at him stunned,
"Wait really?' he asked to which Sonic nodded, "And you wouldn't be upset or anything?" Sonic shook his head,
"Listen, dude, I really want you to get back out there on the dating since especially since it's been so long. Besides if things don't work then things don't work, no harm no foul." Sonic answered. Soler was really stunned by how mature Sonic was being,
"Wow uh, thanks, man that's very kind of you." Sonic smiled proudly,
"No problem. Now do want to try and go for her or not?" he asked. Soler was quiet again unsure,
"I don't know man. I'll have to think on it and tell you." he responded. Sonic sighed,
"Alright then, I'm all ears for whenever you make up your mind then."
"Thanks." It got silent between the two as they went back to watching the sky in peace. Soler's mind was in thought at their conversation and on if Sonic was serious or not. He closed his eyes taking in the breeze and grass to help his thinking. Some time must have passed cause the time he opened them it was at Sonic's voice and the sun was higher in the sky,
"Hey what time is it?" he asked. Soler looked to his communicator for time,
"It's a little bit before noon. Why?" at hearing the time Sonic stood and brushed himself off,
"Oh it's just Tails and I are going out adventuring today. We're taking the tornado and everything, just like old times." Sonic answered. Soler nodded,
"Yeah, you two deserve a bro day. Tell him I said hi when you get there."
"Sure thing. Later!" and with a dash, Sonic was gone leaving Soler alone with his thoughts. Soler laid there watching the clouds go by in the blue sky in his thoughts and just relaxing in general on such a great day. He soon heard the sound of rotors and saw the tornado flying overhead, going to who knows where. He smiled at the sight,
Glad those two get to spend some time together. They deserve it. He thought. Soler got so relaxed he started to yawn feeling drowsy.
Guess I'm still a bit tired. He thought. He then slowly started to close his eyes feeling the soft grass under him feeling completely at ease with everything as he drifted off to sleep.
Soler was still lying on the ground asleep peacefully in dream land. The breeze though had other plans for the napping hedgehog as it picked up a blade of grass and floated it right on his nose. The sudden sensation of the grass made him scrunch up his face. The grass blade stayed there and started to wrinkle in place making his face scrunch up more and his nose tingle until...*ACHOO!*. The sneeze made Soler swipe the blade of grass off his nose. Being woken up he gave out a mighty yawn and stretched. He lazily opened an eye to see it was nearly sunset now as he's slept the day away.
Hmm well, today's been well spent, I might as well doze back off. He thought, but that thought was interrupted by the sound of footsteps.
"So I see you've made the most of the day." Soler opened one eye and looked to see Sally Acorn (Post Genesis Wave) looking down at him.
"Oh hello princess, and yes today has been well spent." he replied. Sally rolled her eyes and smirked,
"Well mind if I sit and enjoy it with you?" she asked.
"Not at all, there's more than enough grass for everyone." he responded and She took a seat next to him. The two were silent for the next few moments just enjoying the day. Sally looking up at the sky and Soler relaxing with his eyes closed.
"So what are you doing all the way out here?" she asked breaking the silence. Soler opened one eye to look at her,
"Well this morning Sonic and got some chili dogs for breakfast and after we sorta wondered out here and just talked for a while before he had to go." Soler answered. Sally giggled,
"Yeah sounds like Sonic to eat chili dogs first thing in the morning. But what made you stay out here after he left?"
"Well I was thinking over our conversation and the grass was so comfy I just didn't feel like getting up. So I dozed off and took a sweet relaxing nap." Soler responded rubbing the grass. That made her giggle more,
"Yeah and that sounds like you." she said. The entered another silence this one a tad more awkward as they didn;t know what to say next. That was until Sally spoke up again,
"So what were you talking about that had you thinking so much?" she asked. Soler hesitated at that question remembering his and Sonic last interaction and not knowing if he should just tell the truth or make something up. He glanced at her and could see her looking at him patiently awaiting his response. He internally sighed,
"Well, we were talking about girls really. The conversation turned more towards who I like by the end though, so ya know just guy stuff." he responded slightly quickly. That peaked her interest,
"Oh really. So is there any girl you like?" she asked. Soler again paused thinking on how to answer, but him knowing Sally for being smart enough to sniff out a lie his best bet was the truth.
"Well the girl I said I like was you actually." he said. He looked to see her start to blush slightly and look back up at the sky,
"Hehe don't sweat It, Sal.' Soler said quickly sitting up now, "I know you probably see me as annoying and stuff. So don't sweat it." he said with a smile. Sally was quiet as she looked up at the sky that was now entering twilight with the setting sun. It stayed silent as Soler was starting to dread telling her the truth.
"It's okay that you like me." she finally said surprising him. She smiled as she looked at him their eyes locked,
"Actually you're wrong that I find you annoying. Well almost, when I first met you I thought you were going to be like another Sonic, a smart mouth loose cannon who doesn't like to think about his actions. But as I got to know you and see how you acted my opinion started to change. It changed, even more, when you came clean to all of us about your past and Luna I started to admire you actually." she said. Soler was silent was he listened to her words,
"I admired you because you keep a smile on your face even after what you've been through. I mean the strength to do something like that alone is more than I have. So it's okay if you say you like me I'm not against it in the slightest. In fact-" she quickly closed the gap between them and gave him a kiss on the cheek making him blush and her own face redden,
"I wouldn't be against it all." she said. Soler was stunned beyond belief and almost couldn't believe this was happening his mind gone. She giggled at his expression went back to looking at the becoming night sky as it filled with stars. Soler still quiet just sat there looking at the smiling girl, is brain gone. So with his brain he just let his instincts take over.
"Hey Sal." he said causing her to look back over to him,
"Yes?" he gently cupped her face with his hand and brought her in for a kiss. The kiss lasted for a few moments and in those few moments, everything was bliss and calm as if nothing was wrong in that space. When they broke apart Soler's mind had finally caught up to what had happened and his eyes widen as his face reddened madly.
"Oh, my...uh...Sal, I'm...sorry I didn't! Uhh." Soler stammered as he jumped away slightly. Sally only giggled with her face flushed too,
"It's uh fine really don't worry about it." she responded. She then stood up quickly and brushed herself off,
"I think I should get going. It is getting late out." She then said. Soler still flustered justed nodded,
"Yeah. yeah, it is getting late. Getting home would be the best option." he responded quickly,
"Yeah, you going home soon?"
"Oh uh no, no, I think I'll stay out here a little longer ya know, enjoy the night." She just nodded,
"Ok don't stay out here and catch a cold now. Night." she said walking away,
"Night." he responded back watching her leave. Sally took a few steps away from him before stopping,
"Soler. If you ever come to a decision no matter what it is I'd like to know." she started before turning back to look at him with a smile,
"Cause I think I liked the preview." she said with a wink before walking off. Soler watched her walk off his heart beating fast and his mind in a loop over what just happened. But then one thought popped into his head which was louder than the others,
"Oh my god! I just kissed Sonic's on again off again girlfriend! What am I going to do!" he screamed and went on in a rant to himself on what he was going to do. But little ways off a blue hedgehog had seen the whole scene and a smirk was on his face,
"See I told ya. All you needed was a little push." he said before walking off leaving Soler.
(Also Soler is my OC)
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