#Rakell x velehk
ego-osbourne · 4 months
Quick Break
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Dumb gays pinky promise and kiss
Velehk’s standing on a box
Just wanted to work on lineart :]
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mellowscrolls · 3 months
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I couldn't resist, I'm sorry I heard "ball" and blacked out
(did this in april BEFORE all the fancy marking changes)
Salt In The Wound by @ego-osbourne
@frogotart helped me pose rakell he was being a cunt and a half
Bonus Rakell under the Read More!
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ego-osbourne · 2 months
Evening Plans
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Wanted to draw Rakell’s front so I did.
Due to the conditions of the Green Pact, and due to being in Skyrim for so long, Rakell grew very fond of mead (the GP doesn’t allow him to consume plant material, and mead is one of few spirits to not have a plant base). He is also a sleepy drunk, always has been, so a “romantic night with alcohol” is simply a night where Rakell falls asleep a couple hours earlier than he planned to.
Velehk is only teasing him here, he’s not really annoyed
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ego-osbourne · 9 months
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Needed needed NEEDED to draw Sanguine holding his tail while he slept and Rakell getting pet. So here they are
In case if you’re wondering:
Sanguine typically always holds his tail or has it curled aroudn something when he sleeps
Ego moves a LOT while they sleep, so Sanguine has a reason to squish them when they rest — he must maintain a constant death-grip on them lest they accidentally and unconsciously whack him in the face. With their metal arm. Not a good feeling
Rakell is the biggest, warmest teddy bear with Velehk
Velehk likes sleeping warm and hidden away under blankets and pillows, so having Rakell as big and as warm as he is is an absolute win
Enjoy your fluff
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ego-osbourne · 4 months
Who Needs Pillows Anyway
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Velehk and Rakell sleepies becasue I wanted to
I have got to revamp Velehk’s markings sometime soon
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
More Rakellehk Angst
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No context just yet for the first one bc spoilers but you can likely guess the implications.
Also Rakell with a muzzle — there’s a lot of trust issues that go on at the start of their relationship (it gets much better but the beginning is rough)
Putting a link for the uncensored version bc tumblr doesn’t like peens, it’s nothing suggestive though - full image
//I’m so iffy on what I want to be put under a cut, what I want to be labeled mature, what I don’t, etc — I think nudity will be fine but blatantly suggestive stuff will be put under a cut/maturity label — this one just kinda cut close but oh well
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
//click for better image quality … Time: 10hrs//
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Just some gay shit, what’s new on my blog
Wanted to draw them being cuddly don’t mind me
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
Is...Is vekehk also a cannibal? Considering that he's dating Rakell, do they share meals together?
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Velehk: Wash off before ye get back aboard.
Rakell: Got it, Cap.
Rakell doesn’t really catch, cut up, and cook people. That was Iren’s deal. Rakell actually doesn’t much like the taste of human meat (doesn’t hate it, but it’s definitely not his favorite), but loves the thrill of the hunt, and he likes the smell of blood a lot. He cannibalizes for the thrill of it, having never gotten to that same level of calmness about it as Iren had.
So, Rakell cannibalize someone, it’s almost always in a battle / as payback, and death isn’t always involved either. Rakell likes to give people a scare more than he likes to outright kill someone. He usually goes for moral miscreants or other dubious characters, and especially people who have pissed him off personally. This attitude is carried over to SITW, where he then uses his practices under Velehk’s command — scaring rivals and the works.
Velehk has seen and partook in a lot of gore, so he doesn’t have a queasy stomach about Rakell’s cannibalism. But he doesn’t entertain the thought of partaking in it, either, and he’s not about to let Rakell bite him. For Rakell and Iren, it was part of their intimacy, but for Rakell and Velehk, it’s just a side-activity. In fact, not biting was a big step in the positive for them, as it let Velehk trust Rakell, and let Rakell trust himself.
In short: Velehk points and Rakell chases like a bloodhound.
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
New Crew Members Go Through a Hazing Process
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Velehk enjoys some more than others.
If you want to join Velehk Sain’s crew on the Blodea Mahree, you have to show your skill on the deck, and also to him personally, usually through a quick spar. You don’t have to win, you just have to prove yourself.
Rakell needed no confirmation through a spar—he had already showed his worth during a Vigilant attack, but this is more for Velehk’s enjoyment than anything. Velehk won’t admit he has a crush just yet, but he has to get the energy out somehow. I suppose it’s only a bit lucky that Rakell enjoys the fight more than he doesn’t. (This sentiment will not continue forever //sweats)
Closeups / individuals below! + other notes
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This one has been in the works for so long… sorta. More like it’s sat in the WIP pile for a while. I had quite literally did everything up to shading because I ALWAYS overestimate how long shading will take, so it’s fully my fault for this taking as long as it did. But I’m happy to have it done! Woohoo!
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
Sleepin in theys Gay Fort
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Velehk and Rakell be sleeping — I realized I’ve done a lot of these fluffy pieces as of late. Must be in some sort of headspace
Headcanon time: dremora are ageless and immortal, and don’t need to eat or sleep as often as mortals do. Dremora can choose to “sleep” daily, but this rest equates more to meditation than true sleep. Instead, dremora will “nest.” Nesting is done once every 1–2 months for 12–48hrs. During this period, the dremora will be dead to the world and unable to be prematurely woken unless their bodies take physical damage. Many dremora will create small safe spaces (if no readily-available area exists) in order to have privacy/protection during their unconcious state. After their nesting session is done, the dremora can go on without sleep or meditation/rest for another month or two.
Velehk and Rakell like to nest often for as long as they can.
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
Cozy Ones
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And finally, these two. Just wanted some softer stuff between them.
That second image in particular is for @liches-covered-in-lich . Beard Rakell Beard Rakell
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
Angsty Ones
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Some edgier ones that happened more recently. This first one is just exploring some of Velehk’s trauma and identity issues.
Content Warning: (blue) blood, cannibalism, and implied nudity below
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During one of Rakell and Velehk’s first attempts together, Rakell gives into his urge to bite and sinks his teeth into Velehk’s shoulder. He immediately pulls back as Velehk shoves him away and completely abandons the ship, ashamed of what he did. He has to be summoned back, where Velehk and him sort things through.
This piece is more of a mood piece than a retelling of events.
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
Starting Something
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Velehk: Bold n’ brave of you t’meet the Pirate King out alone this eve.
Rakell: That so? Well, I’ve never been known for my cowardice.
Velehk: Aye, n’ this landlubber has charm. I s’pose I could make use of a slab of landlocked brick fer more than a few sellsword’s septims worth. Though, I’d suggest becoming very familiar with swimming if yer not already. Be a shame to lose a fine face like yours to such a fool’s death. N’ I’ve no patience to wait fer yer flight from the Deadlands.
Rakell: Well and understood, Captain. (is this flirting … I cannot tell … I’ve been out of the game for too long)
Velehk and Rakell pre-relationship. This was inspired by a Pirates of the Caribbean movie night yesterday, particularly based on the impossible pirate speech in the dialogue.
Also, I’ve noticed that I’ve been drawing Velehk and Rakell being very cozy as of late, but not enough of either of them being bold and intimidating. My dang heart just loves the fluff, but soft moments are so much more impactful if a character is dealt the opposite treatment. All that to say: expect more unhinged Velehk content in the future.
//also, this is a re-upload bc the image file was acting up earlier, sorry if you saw this post beforehand//
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
hot demon murder couple? 😳 also rip velehk with that size difference
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Hot demon murder couple! I guess it’s to be expected when you cross a pirate lord and cannibalistic hunter. But, regarding the second half of that message, I think you’re forgetting who got it worse with the size difference thing
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
hey does dremoras are cats
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Some more than others, yes
Velehk gets that vacant stare and must know what you’re doing
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ego-osbourne · 1 year
Can you expand on the nature of Rakell and Velehk's relationship at all? You said that Ego got them together, but do they stay together? What's their dynamic like?
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To tread into spoiler territory a bit:
Rakell and Velehk’s dynamic is kinda like “long-time fan gets with celebrity crush,” with Rakell being the fan and Velehk being the celebrity. Velehk is known throughout Tamriel, usually seen as a dirty pirate by many mortals, but to daedra—especially dremora—he’s an inspiration. Though the details of his story sometimes get muddled, the core image of Velehk Sain always remains as this: a dremora who went against his nature, his domain, and his Prince to weave his own story and rule the tides of Nirn.
Think of it similarly to how we might celebrate cowboys, underdogs, or other pseudo-criminals who stick it to the man. Even if a dremora has no intention of screwing over their Prince like Velehk did, they still respect the Pirate King and his image.
Rakell is included in that demographic! And he was especially interested in Velehk’s journey because he, too, preferred a life on Nirn than a life in Oblivion (though for different reasons). Ego summons Rakell to Velehk’s ship by chance to perform a simple job, but ended up staying after Velehk caught eyes for him.
(To be expanded on more in TDI and SITW) After Iren, Rakell had a very tough time trusting himself to be with anyone. Conversely, Velehk has always had a tough time trusting anyone but himself. Their internal dynamic follows a lot of communication and breaking boundaries to really be able to connect with one another, and it eventually pays off. //I also do love some contrasting parallels, with the whole hot/cold, easygoing/bitter, brawn/brains dynamics.
They do und up staying together past SITW! Though I’ll keep those details sparse to avoid too many spoilers. But, yes, they become the hottest murder couple on the Abecean, so watch your back!
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