#Ramiel romance
prythianpages · 11 months
ACOSM | The Night they joined the Bloodrite
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azriel x rhysand's sister (oc)
warnings: angst, mentions of abuse and violence
summary: Valeria bids farewell to Rhys, Cass and Az as they are to particpate in the bloodrite, hoping they all return to her.
A/N: this is an imagine among my collection of imagines that follow Rhysand's sister, Valeria. while I'm still working on them, you can find the masterlist for it here. I couldn't help myself and post this imagine today. As promised, things are about to get angsty and sad. There will also be more explanations to what unfolds here in the upcoming imagines.
The day had arrived when the men in her life, her closest and dearest, prepared for their participation in the upcoming Bloodrite. A formidable Illyrian tradition that tested their strength and valor. It was such a pivotal time for Illyrian males of age, so much that the High Lord of the Night Court graced Windhaven with his regal presence to bid his son and heir luck and farewell.
However, for Valeria, the sight struck a chord of envy. Her father made sure to show up and extend his support to Rhysand but he had failed to do the same for her birthday dinner just last week.
 Lady Yvaine, standing by Valeria’s side, sensed her daughter’s emotions and offered a comforting squeeze before letting it go. The three of them had stopped by Windhaven’s tents in the training grounds of the camp, where all Illyrian males participating in the bloodrite would spend the night before being winnowed to the guarded Ramiel, Illyria's sacred mountain.
The morning sun cast a golden hue over the training grounds as Valeria stood among her brother and his closest friends—Rhysand, Cassian, and Azriel. The air was tense with a mix of excitement, anticipation, and underlying worry. She stared at all three of them. Sensing her distress, Noctis, perched on her shoulder as always, tenderly nuzzled his small head against her neck in a sweet caress.
“Please come back to me.” Valeria said, her voice carrying an almost desperate plea. “All three of you.”
Cassian grinned, his usual bravado shining through. "You know us, Val. We'll make sure to come back in one piece and be victorious."
Cassian had come prepared to say his farewells to Valeria. Since he knew his charming grin and words would not be enough to ease her anxiety, he pulled something out of his small satchel. Valeria’s eyes landed on the book...a gift for her.
“I meant to give this to you for your birthday but knowing you, you would’ve finished it by now.”
Valeria stared down at the book in her hands. The title hinted at a romance novel but a subtle gesture from him hinted that there was more beneath the cover. She discreetly peeled the cover off to reveal a book on Illyrian training and fighting. Her heart swelled at his gesture. Cassian had always been encouraging to her interest for training and fighting.
A note on the first page bore a handwritten message: For my little warrior, may the wind always guide your wings.
Valeria chuckled as her gaze fell to the bottom of the page where another message was written: P.S. please don’t cause any chaos while we’re gone. You know I have a great fear of missing out on the fun.
“Think of this as your homework while I’m gone. I want you to read it”--Sensing the determination in Valeria, he decided to add–”at a steady pace and when I return, I want you to show me what you have learned.”
Valeria nodded appreciatively. “I’ll do just that. Thank you, Cas.”
She proceeded to envelop Cassian in a warm, tight hug. He chuckled lightly as Noctis emitted a small squawk, momentarily caught off guard by the strong embrace, before adjusting himself.
“I didn’t know you enjoyed romance novels so much.” Rhysand quipped, noticing the faint smile on Valeria’s face.
“Only the ones Tanwyn recommends.” Valeria quickly hid the truth of the book's content from her brother, who wouldn't have approved of such reading material, especially not when their father was around.
Valeria tried her best to hide her worry as she looked at her brother. She knew he was capable–they all were. Yet she was unable to shake off the fear that gnawed at her heart. So many what ifs plagued her thoughts. Sensing her worry and anxiety, Rhysand stepped forward as Cassian excused himself to say his farewells with their mother, who was currently hugging Azriel.
Rhysand, though masked with confidence, showed a flicker of vulnerability in his eyes. "We'll be back before you know it." He assured her.
He pulled her into a tight hug, being careful as to not hurt the bird that was perched on top of her shoulders as Cassian did moments ago. That damn bird, he couldn’t help but think, a mix of annoyance and strange fondness swirling within him. 
 “I love you, Val.”
“I love you too, Rhys.” Valeria replied, squeezing her brother’s hands. Her gaze lingered on him for a moment, as if engraving the image of her older brother into her mind. Stop, she told herself. Your brother will come back. They all will.
I promise, Rhysand whispered into her mind.
She had been so consumed in her thoughts that her mental shields wavered, allowing him to enter with ease. He then projected an image of his arm, that was currently concealed by his leathers. Intricate black swirls etched themselves into the form of a mountain with three stars above its peak.
Valeria felt a tingling sensation on her own arm, mirroring the pattern of black ink Rhysand showed her. A bargain tattoo. A mountain with three stars–Ramiel–a promise of his definite return, bringing a small sense of ease to her.
Rhysand gently withdrew, shifting his attention to Noctis. “Keep her safe for me, Noctis.”
Noctis responded with a strong chirp, bowing his head and extending his wings in promise. Rhysand felt a sense of gratitude toward the bird. Something he'd never thought he'd feel toward the small creature whose chirping often got on his nerves. Pressing a brief kiss to his sister’s forehead and a pet to Noctis’s head, Rhysand went to join Cassian and say his farewells to their parents.
Azriel seized the moment to bid his farewell to Valeria. Noctis let out a chirp as he spread his wings and flew to Azriel, finding temporary shelter on the Shadowsinger’s shoulders. Azriel’s shadows greeted the bird as a dear friend, embracing Noctis with their gentle tendrils of darkness.
“I don’t know who will miss you more. Me or Noctis.” Valeria mused with a soft smile on her lips.
Azriel chuckled as he stepped forward, bridging the space between them. There was so much he wanted to say to Valeria, but he knew he had to be careful with his words. 
His shadows, now displaying a playful dance of joy over his shoulders, redirected their attention from Noctis to Valeria. They caressed her cheek tenderly and then her neck. Azriel’s eyes followed their every movement, pausing at the necklace she wore. It was the necklace Azriel gifted her on her birthday. An elegant silver piece that beheld a mesmerizing moonstone, which was delicately cradled within a silver frame shaped like a crescent moon. 
Valeria’s heart quickened its pace as Azriel, with a tenderness that spoke volumes, brushed against the moonstone wrapped around her neck.
A faint smile graced his lips, a rush of warmth filling him, at the sight of her wearing his gift. The moonstone with its ethereal, milky hue, captured and reflected the light in a way that reminded him of her own unique powers.
For a fleeting moment, he thought he saw a delicate coil–a fine thread of gold and silver–radiate from the necklace. It vanished as swiftly as it had appeared, disappearing within the blink of an eye.
"I'll wear it every day, waiting for your return," Valeria assured him.
"Only until I return?" Azriel teased, a playful glint in his eyes.
"You know what I mean," Valeria replied, her cheeks flushing with warmth.
"Hmm," Azriel hummed, his touch lingering as he softly grazed from her neck to her cheek, mirroring the caress of his shadows. His breath caught as her free hand sought his free hand, her thumb gently tracing soothing circles on the back of his scarred hand.
“I’ll be waiting for you, Az.” Valeria said softly, her violet eyes looking up at him with a depth he had never seen before. He had never been this close to her. He could appreciate the details in her violet irises he hadn’t noticed before. They were a delicate kaleidoscope of purple and blue hues, swirling like a myriad of galaxies within a vast universe.
A universe he desperately yearned to explore and unravel.
A surge of emotion washed over Azriel, a longing to express what had been growing inside him for so long. He wanted to kiss her, to show how much she meant to him. Despite his confidence in his abilities as an Illyrian warrior, a small fear lingered…that this could be his one and only chance to kiss her, to taste her. 
He leaned in, his breath fanning her face.
But he hesitated at the very last moment and pulled away, his fingers brushing over her lips instead. An unspoken promise. An assurance that he would kiss her. But at a different time.
Perhaps, upon his triumphant return from the bloodrite.
 “And I'll be sure to return to you, Val.” He finally managed to say, gently removing his hand from her face.
The weight of the unspoken hung in the air and all of his shadows returned to him, displaying disappointment and seeming to chastise him for his shyness. Even Noctis seemed to shoot him a look as he returned to Valeria’s shoulder. 
Valeria, too, felt a flicker of disappointment as she reluctantly increased the distance between them, her grip loosening on his hand.
She turned her gaze with worry and anxiety, wondering if anyone had seen them. However, a sense of relief washed over her as she realized Cassian and Rhysand were still engrossed in conversation with her parents, oblivious to what had just happened between Azriel and herself.
She didn’t even know what to call it herself, but surely, he was about to kiss her right? She quickly strengthened her mental shields at the thought.
The two walked over to the group to say their final goodbyes. Lady Yvaine pulled Valeria into her side, wrapping an arm around her daughter’s shoulder. Unknowing to Valeria or Azriel, her mother had noticed their close embrace and provided a distraction for them to have their moment. 
With a heavy heart, Valeria watched as the three men she treasured the most departed. She stood there, the weight of their absence already felt in her heart and the unknown outcomes weighing heavily on her mind...
The crisp air kissed Valeria's cheeks as she glided gracefully across the frozen lake, her skates leaving imprints on the ice. Mallory, her friend, was her companion on this chilly afternoon. Noctis watched with interest from on top of a tree branch as the girls danced around one another. It wouldn’t be long before their cherished frozen lake would thin and eventually melt as spring was already vastly approaching.
Despite the sun shining down on them, Valeria felt a sudden shiver racing down her spine. Windhaven’s winds were always chilling and unforgiving when present. Mallory, noticing her friend's discomfort, swiftly unwound the large gray shawl from her shoulders and offered it to Valeria.
"Here, take this. It'll keep you warm," Mallory insisted, a warm and caring smile gracing her lips.
Valeria protested, not wanting to trouble her friend, but Mallory persisted. "It makes your eyes pop out even more," she chuckled, draping the shawl around her friend’s shoulder, using any excuse to keep Valeria from protesting further.
“They’ll be fine, Val.” Mallory said, sensing that there was still an unease in Valeria. She was well aware that tonight was the eve before the cruel initiation of the annual bloodrite. “They’ll be back before you know it.”
Valeria smiled at her friend, grateful for the reassurance but her smile faltered as her gaze fell upon Mallory's bare neck. Bruises littered her neck.
“Mal–” She began.
Mallory’s eyes widened in realization, suddenly feeling small under her friend's worried gaze. “It’s nothing–”
“Nothing?” Valeria replied, incredulously.
This wasn’t the first time she had witnessed bruises and injuries on her dear friend. It brought her immense sadness to see her friend suffer at the hands of her abusive father. She had offered for Mallory to stay and live at her house but every time, Mallory refused, knowing the depths her father would go to get her back.
“Shit,” Mallory let out a frustrated curse as she spared a glance to her watch. “I’m sorry, I have to go. I promised I’d be home well before sundown.”
“Do you want me to walk you?” Valeria said, concerned laced in her tone.
“No.” Mallory shook her head, a hint of worry in her brown eyes. “It’ll only make things worse.”
“I’ll see you in two days?” Valeria suggested. “I can bring the jewelry box you left at my house from my birthday then.”
“Yeah,” Mallory replied with a grateful smile. “I’ll see you in two days.”
They exchanged a hug. Valeria was unable to shake off her concern for her friend, her mind already racing with new ideas on how she could help Mallory in her situation. She was lost in thought, preoccupied with finding solutions, that she didn’t notice the discreet note Mallory slipped into the gray shawl she wore. 
Two days later, Valeria found herself at the cherished frozen lake. The snow was melting under the sun’s warmth. She knelt down beside the lake and applied pressure to the thinning ice. A sharp cracking sound filled the air and before she could react, the ice gave way beneath her hand. She let out a startled yelp as her hand plunged into the cold embrace of the lake.
In her moment of panic, Noctis sprang into action, flying from her shoulder and desperately pecking at the back of her coat in a frantic attempt to pull her away from the cold water. 
Frowning, she felt the weight of disappointment settle in her heart as she stared at the now broken patch of the once-frozen lake. The lake was not safe to skate in anymore. She cradled her trembling hand to her chest.
The minutes ticked by, and Valeria chose to wait for Mallory, contemplating how her friend would take the news about the lake.
But Mallory never came.
The next morning Valeria set out to find Mallory.
She was worried about her friend. The last time Mallory had failed to meet her at the lake was when she fell sick with the flu and Valeria couldn’t shake off the foreboding feeling that something might be terribly wrong, especially after seeing those bruises. It had been awhile since she last saw her friend hurt by the hands of her father and she wondered if Mallory had just gotten better hiding her injuries.
Her destination was the quaint little shop where Mallory's family worked. However, what she encountered there shattered any chance of morning calm and relief.
A wicked grin adorned a man's face. He stood behind the counter, where Mallory usually did, his eyes cruel and devoid of light. It was Mallory's father. 
“Hello,” Valeria greeted warily, trying to peek out from behind his shoulders. She hoped to see the silhouette of her friend from behind the beaded curtains. Noctis did the same.  “Is Mal here?”
“No,” came the curt reply.
Unease settled within Valeria as she pressed on, trying to remain polite. “Could you please let her know I came looking for her?”
“Don’t bother.” He sneered.
Valeria furrowed her brows together, causing Mallory’s father to laugh. It cut through the air, a cruel sound that sent shivers down her spine.
“Sweet ol’ Mal decided to partake in this year’s Bloodrite.” 
Valeria felt her breath catch in her throat, her heart sinking like an anchor. A mixture of worry, confusion, and disbelief swirled within her. The revelation hit her like a sudden gust of icy wind, leaving her breathless and reeling. 
She could feel it–the all too familiar overwhelming prickling sensation that ignited in her bones. Her powers. They surged through her, awakened by the storm of emotions raging within. The necklace adorning her neck began to shimmer, recognizing and resonating with her abilities. She contemplated finally putting her powers to use, yearning to harness them as they wished. 
But the consequences of losing control in Windhaven were far too great. She had to leave. Now.
Her hands curled into fists at her sides, the silver glow barely contained within them. She turned away from Mallory’s father and ran. Noctis followed, flying over her head and managing to keep up with her despite his undersized wing. She ran and ran until the taunting echoes of Mallory’s father’s laughter faded into the distance, until she could no longer hear the cruel words that echoed in her mind.
But new words came forward, replacing Mallory's father's. They were the words Rhysand had said to her when she had asked about females participating in the bloodrite:
“It’s a cruel way for fathers to punish their daughters, an excuse to slaughter them without getting their hands dirty themselves.”
There were no words to convey the tempest of emotions that continued to rage within her. She fell to her knees, a couple of feet away from the steps to her house.
But the tears wouldn’t come.
All she felt was cold and numb, much like she had when her hand broke through the frozen lake’s surface. 
A/N: I really liked the idea of Rhysand's mother catching on to the growing bond between Val and Az. Also, there will be more revealed about Mallory in the next imagine.
Tag list: @justrepostandlove @kemillyfreitas @thelov3lybookworm
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lovemyromance · 18 days
Why do you think there won't be an Illyrian plotline? There's been a lot of emphasis on Ramiel, the BR, the focus on the political unrest in Illyria and the backwardness of the wing-clipping of Illyrian females
This might get me cancelled but quite frankly I don't think SJM is capable of or even wants to explore that kind of story.
I don't like bringing race into things, but SJM is a white woman. It can't be ignored. While I'm not trying to say that people of a certain race can't write about injustice or about a different oppressed race, especially one that's fictional- I just think SJM specifically doesn't have the right voice... so to speak... to write such a story.
Like I am sure she understands injustice. She understands classism. She understands oppression. But a story like that deserves a full focus, a full detailed account into that narrative of feeling oppressed, feeling like you are inferior, feeling like you are lower than an entire group of people ... all based on something you couldn't even control.
That kind of story doesn't fit into what she has set up for ACOTAR. SJM is not writing a story about social justice. She is writing a romantasy. The focus being on romance, just as much as it is on the fantasy elements of magic and powers and drama and suspense and thrilling action.
The Illyrian world building isn't the focus of her story. It is the backstory to explain the current state. Like the distinction between High Fae vs Lesser fae. It exists to serve as background context, and nothing more in my opinion. It is a plot device. It shows why Rhys/Cassain/Azriel are the way that they are. It adds to the political conflict post ACOWAR. It gives Emerie a backstory.
I see that entire subplot the same way I think SJM uses SA as just a "check the box: trauma ✔️" when she's coming up with her characters backstories. It exists for the sole purpose of character building. SA trauma is used for several of her main and side characters, but it's never really focused on. Rhys talks about it with Feyre, explaining how horrible it was, but nothing beyond that. No focus on Rhys's healing from that, not even a Rhys POV about his thoughts on it. Gwyn also has SA, but beyond sharing her background with Nesta and being in that library, it's literally never brought up again. Lucian's SA with Ianthe is also barely brought up or even talked about.
Emerie feeling anger and self-hatred over her wings being clipped is honestly the most SJM has done with the Illyrian plotline. Azriel has outright claimed he doesn't care if Illyria is blasted off the map. Cassian tries to help, but most of ACOSF was focused on him and Nesta. This would've been the perfect opportunity to have Nesta train in Windhaven and learn more about the Illyrians and help Emerie -> but she didn't want to train there. So back to the HOW we go.
And to be clear - I'm not trying to criticize SJM. She is writing a romantasy. That needs to be kept in mind. People who open her books are expecting romance, drama, action. They are not expecting to read 800 pages on fictional social oppression. They are not expecting to read 800 pages of someone recovering from SA.
Like there are other books for that. There are amazing other books for that. But ACOTAR? That's not what ACOTAR is made for.
SJM has not even set up any main characters to be able to narrate that Illyrian subplot. Emerie is the only one that comes to mind that could actually give a detailed account of what it feels like. But she's not even talked about when it comes to getting one of the next spinoffs.
These kind of stories about social injustice need to be handled with care and grace, but also be truthful enough that it's not sugarcoating the true atrocities people faced. And I know this is about a fictional world, but I see this world building as similar to real life events. Like when early American colonizers drove out the native Americans. Jim Crow laws. Apartheid. Indians that suffered under the rule of the British. Jews during WWII.
Illyria might be fictional but oppression is not. If you're going to write about something like that, it's going to be open to a lot of scrutiny and it will have to be the focus. It will have to be written with careful, yet honest words. And SJM - or at least her editors- know that too.
It doesn't fit the story she has set up with ACOTAR. And if she tried to do it now, I don't think it would even go over well.
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sjmgirlie · 5 months
You will never be able to convince me that ACOSF was a good book. Let me explain.
1) It was a literal homicide for all the characters. Every. Single. One. I’m not sure if it’s because it’s from Nesta’s pov or what, but seriously, every single character basically became unlikeable? Rhys? Feyre (to an extent)? Cassian? Mor? Amren? Did Nesta really get much better?? Like no one was really likeable. Maybe Az being the only sane one. Elain showed some teeth which I liked but it still wasn’t the best.
2) Where was the plot? You’re telling me she only found troves and then killed one mortal/made queen? Before you argue, the fact we find out about Nesta’s literal powers in another series says a lot. Why didn’t we find out Nesta had silver flame power (WHICH IS THE NAME OF THE BOOK) in said book??????? Make it make sense. This book didn’t move the plot at all. Other than having the troves now. And killing the one crazy queen. The amount of times we were on the stairs was not needed. Nesta is a massive part of this universe, and yes, she can wield the troves. But everyone who is made can. So like what else could she have done? Something more im sure. I mean that’s why I think she was in HOFAS in the first place. To “conquer” the prison, get gwydion as her return of service, and show her powers. I get that the whole starborn thing needed to happen in HOFAS with Bryce but honestly Nesta needed more. And that’s another reason why people think she’s going to get another book, because what even happened in her book????
3) Nessian. Now here me out. Do we like smut? Yes. Do we like it when there’s actual romance involved? Yes. Did we truly get that? No. It’s been a while since I read this book because I just have no desire for a re-read. I’m sorry. But going from “my only regret in this life is that we did not have time. That I did not have time with you Nesta. I will find you in the next life” (ya I basically memorized it because I was kicking my feet at him saying that) to “I didn’t ask to be shackled to you either” after Nesta, a human turned fae, didn’t care about being called a mate? Like? Absolute homicide to Cassian’s character. Was the hike nice? No. Did he say nice things after she passed out? Yes. But like? I just think they deserved a better romance. And I just literally didn’t even know who I was reading when Cassian was involved. The guy that would crack jokes and just was loving? All of a sudden a mean person? To Nesta too? Like idk. It rubbed me the wrong way. They deserved better. The fact people actually want Eris and Nesta means it CLEARLY did not stick. Which means it was not convincing. No one says this about Feysand. They could have been FIREWORKS. But at times it genuinely didn’t feel like Cassian even liked her??? Where was the golden retriever energy? It was like the guy was on steroids the whole time and just blowing a fuse constantly. That was NOT the Cassian I remembered from ACOWAR. I mean idk maybe it was the fact the reluctant mate trope was just too difficult? The fact it started physically wasn’t my favourite either. Then it was so focused on that that it was like okay were are those romantic moments. “You’re not going to marry Eris” “no” “we will have no others” like that was romantic. Then the shackle thing literally happened the next day. Wtf.
4) Did I relate to Nesta’s issues and healing journey? A bit. But I just found it aggravating at times. I felt there was huge potential to dive into what it is to be the oldest sister. More into alot of things tbh. Her holding the line on Ramiel was a great moment, because she could finally protect people she cared about, but I wish that would have been implied more? Her journey seemed like a huge self insert and idk. It wasn’t as amazing as it could have been.
5) Nesta’s redemption? I don’t even like that word. I wanted people to begin to UNDERSTAND Nesta more. Not just be thankful she saved Feyre/Rhys/Nyx. Like a genuine understanding. Does Cassian? Ya I guess. Elain? It’s said she knew everything Nesta did and why. So yes she did. Az? Ya. He was literally the only one who wasn’t an asshole to her at any point lol. And I wouldn’t consider Elain and asshole to her either because she did just stand up for herself finally. Like imagine the comments you’d hear having Nesta as a sister (for real). But did anyone leave understanding Nesta, understanding why she was snarky and rude? No. Idk if that’s the point to create a divide or what. But seriously. I get Nesta to some degree now. Why did the characters not.
6) Nesta gaining friends was nice and I see why people cling to the Valkyrie. That was literally probably the best part of the book. And that’s saying something about the way the romantic pair was executed might I add. We weren’t obsessed with Feyre and Mor and Amren being friends. We were obsessed with Feysand. But the most you hear from ACOSF is about the Valkyrie.
7) Again. I never truly hated Nesta, but I didn’t necessarily love her after this either. I understood the character more, I saw her own dark thoughts, I saw how she felt, and I understood. But was she my favourite? No. I think her appearance in HOFAS, other than showing her powers (????), was to make Nesta more likeable. Because a lot of people still don’t like her. Like I said, I am PRO ARCHERON FOREVER, but I wanted more for Nesta. I wanted a lot for the girl.
8) The dreaded bonus chapter. I’ve said my opinion on this multiple times. Idk. It’s just hate for Elain that drives it tbh. It’s literally a copy and paste of the Nessian one from ACOMAF basically that if you put it in a plagiarism generator it would probably not pass. YET, it has literally desecrated the fandom. Completely. You literally can’t go anywhere without some ship war happening. And ya, I feed into it too being super pro Elriel because I love them. But damn. Imagine if this energy was put into, idk, theories of the plot? We would have figured out the Maas universe by now tbh. I wish it didn’t exist everyday. And to a lot of people it doesn’t, and I envy them. Life was simpler before the “did you read the bonus chapter” fiasco. And tbh I’m pretty sad that SJM hasn’t said a word about it. Or her publisher because it gets way out of line way too often. The actual love triangle has always been set up as Lucien/Elain/Az, and somehow we left the BC with a square??? Idek.
Overall, it just did not do Nesta or Cassian justice in my mind. It created way too many head canons, it made Cassian unlikeable in a lot of ways (why are you calling Mor beautiful?) and it just seriously destroyed a lot of characters.
I’m really hoping in Elain’s book we, idk, make amends finally? If I have to see another toe to toe battle between Nesta and Rhys I’m going to be sick. They are both right in ways, but I just can’t take it anymore. And this is what I mean about Nesta’s story not being one of UNDERSTANDING. Which is what she NEEDED. TO BE UNDERSTOOD. The rudeness, snarky comments, death glares etc just needed to be understood man.
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freyjas-musings · 8 months
How do you think Gwyn will be involved plot wise in the next HOFAS book?
Hello Anon,
There are three plot points that are relevant to Gwyn, one is that she is a Valkyrie who won the blood rite which is a sacred rite to the Illyrians. Now we all know Ramiel is where Fionn and Theia ruled from and also where the cauldron was initially located .... Illyrian plot will be a big part of Azriels book and Gwyn along with Nesta and Em will be part of it too.
Second, Autumn ... its still a major plot line it was already established in ACOSF with her roots yes she would be involved.
Third, very important .... Pay close attention... she is Azriels mate and hence their romance will be central to the book.
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divinerivals · 8 months
I don’t think Nesta will have another book of her own, but I do think that if Azriel’s book is next, then it would make complete sense for her to feature heavily in it! I think Az’s book – based on SF & HOFAS – will involve Illyria, and Ramiel, and the Valkyries, so Nesta would definitely be in it a lot! Idk if it’ll involve Autumn Court or the mortal queens, to set up Elucien’s book, but who knows. I’m still excited and a little nervous!
Oh same nonnie! I was talking to a friend about this and think that it could be an Az book with a Gwyn romance and still have Nesta’s journey in it. Especially since Truth Teller and Gwydion/starsword go in hand and hand. Nesta could absolutely have a side plot in his book and it make sense.
I think Az's book will deal overcoming his Illyrain hatred, learning more of Enalius, Illyria, and find out exactly what he can do with Truth Teller. It can also connect to the Valkyries by extension of training them, Nesta and Gwyn. Speaking of Gwyn he'd have his romance with her. I think a goodway of them getting together is by researching and using the library to find information on Illyria and Enalius.
Ramiel I'm conflicted on. I can see it dealing with Az. But at the same time each Archeron sister had a mountain to deal with it. With one sister left and one mountain left...
And the Autumn Court is another thing I think is up in the air. On one hand, we think Autumn Court and immediately think of a Lucien connection with Eris and Beron. Cause Lucien is thought of Elain is. I've been thinking alot about the Autumn Court plot because the last moment we see Eris and Cassian in acosf seems like this is a precedent and needs to be addressed quickly. Just as this could fit into an Elucien book. Plotwise I think it could work in an Az book.
Hear me out: Eris has been working with the IC, he's been working with Az (😏) and Cassian. Getting Beron out and Eris in as High Lord is a deal made with Rhys. There's also whatever went down with Mor. Alot of the Autumn Court stuff is attached to Eris not Lucien. It would make sense if this arc is continued and possibly solved in an Az centric book.
For Elain and Lucien, I too think their story will revolve around the Mortal Queens, Koschei, but also the theme of choice, Vassa's curse and perhaps the Spring Court. Oh and that little thing Lucien doesn't know about his parentage. I do think that if Koschei is to be the big bad then Elain next would make sense too because we don't know anything really about him and for him being the big bad seems strange. What are we gonna learn about and defeat him in one book? Possible but not sjms M.O.
It's always, always possible to have Az's book next and find that Koschei is somehow connected to Enalius/Illyrians that would bring us back to Elain and the final book. There's just so many possibilities
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blueandredbracket · 6 months
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Rei Ayanami and Asuka Langley Sohryu
The First Child and Second Child chosen to pilot Evangelions. They're very different, Rei is cold and withdrawn while Asuka is hotheaded and outgoing. Rei pilots the Eva because she feels a duty to all human life, and because Gendo wants her to. Asuka pilots the Eva because she wants to be the best, and for everyone to acknowledge how great she is. Also after Rei's Evangelion, Eva Unit 00, was damaged in the fight with Ramiel, it was given new, blue armour plating, so their evangelions are red and blue themed too.
Zagreus and Megaera
Zagreus and Megaera are former lovers, at least at the start, and she's tasked with preventing him from escaping Hades. She's the first boss fight in the game, defending the exit of Tartarus. If you improve his relationship with her, Zagreus and Megaera can rekindle their romance.
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acourtofthought · 1 year
Not sure if this even makes sense or if it's something others have already figured out but....
I wonder if it's possible the three stars above Ramiel are actually the suns in the same solar system as worlds the Asteri have previously conquered and where Asteri are currently living.
The ones trapped on Midgard give themselves star-like names, are called "star-eaters", and "the holy-stars" but Bryce begins to wonder if they actually possess the power of a star at all when she learns they steal firstlight and in ACOSF we're told the "Daglan" drink the magic of the land like wine. Maybe the star names come from the fact that they name themselves after the people they lured to them / places they conquered.
Riegalus says the following:
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Midgard was set up as their base so they could open its gates in order to lure others to that planet to "feed from them". However their brothers and sisters (Daglan) also set out to conquer other worlds.
Which makes me wonder if Prythian wasn't actually the home of the Asteri / Daglan to begin with (could they actually be Valg and they all came from the world mentioned in TOG?).
Also, if the Daglan left their base to conquer Prythian, that means there must have been some life on that planet (the original Starborn? Makes sense for star-eaters to be drawn to them). When Rhys mentions being created by the Daglan, does he only mean the Illyrians and not all fae?
"The Fae have still not atoned for the deaths of our brothers and sisters. Their home world was rich in magic. I crave more of it.”.
"but she and the princesses discovered where my siblings had hidden the access points in their world.”
I think the "their world" is referring to home world of the fae, not the home world of the Daglan. Again, I think the Daglan only entered their lands in an attempt to conquer them.
Moving on.....
The Midgard Asteri have been trapped with no access to other worlds and the fact that Rigelus mentions how they've been searching for other survivors does make think there are Asteri / Daglan still trapped in multiple places, not just any possible ones hiding in Prythian.
This SF excerpt has me wondering if Nesta is noticing at least two other solar systems where Asteri are trapped (the third being Midgard) and I do think something will happen where the gates will eventually be opened again (Merill villain arc anyone? She's way too invested in the other dimensions for it to be coincidence, IMO).
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Bryce may defeat the Midgard Asteri by the end of CC3 but I think the above could suggest that those from other worlds will be drawn to Prythian (and maybe Bryce will come to their aid in battle). Or the characters could eventually end up in a world outside of Prythian to defeat the remaining Asteri who are a threat to their own lands. "Invitation and challenge".
I'm not sure what SJM has planned in regards to the four new books she signed on for and whether the remaining two spin-offs will be heavily involved (since they were supposed to be traditional romance I wonder if those stories will only continue to lay crumbs) but there are a lot of hints that she's building up to something on an epic scale, one that maybe involves time travel for the characters in ACOTAR or others entering their world.
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Or maybe the "Invitation and challenge" was only referencing Nesta's hurdle to conquer the Rite.
Honestly, it's a messy theory and not a good one but I figured I'd post it anyway.
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gwyns · 7 months
I keep seeing e/riel’s say how Gwyn wouldn’t make a good spy because she couldn’t even keep Nesta’s secret, but I’m confused, because what secret are they talking about? I can’t genuinely can’t remember.
I know e/riel’s love to say how Elain would make a good spy/her story is being set up for that. They said in Wings & Ruin she stepped out of a shadow and Nesta was surprised at Elain being behind her (in Silver Flames) that she wondered if she was taking lessons from Azriel or the twins. If Elain was a spy we would’ve gotten something about that in his bonus chapter, but we didn’t. And I don’t think her story is being set up as a spy. It doesn’t fit canon Elain. She wants to be desperately seen and, I don’t mean this in a bad way at all, but no one is really seeing her. Not even Azriel, but e/riel’s will obviously say otherwise. At the same time thought they change the plot of her journey/story. It goes in a circle: she’s a spy, she and Azriel spying on the mortal queens, or looking for dread troves, or it’s the prison/dusk court, or she’ll become High Lady or High Queen of Dusk (but I thought Elain belonged in the NC?🤡), or she’ll wield Gwydion since it’s the twin to Truth Teller, or she’s connected to the Illyria plot/Ramiel. They keep backpedaling her arc so it can fit Azriel’s. They want her to have a choice only if it’s with Azriel.
Elain does have multiple choices, and what if Elain chooses to be with Lucien, or chooses to leave the NC and travel, or chooses to be a courtier, or to be happily single? They claim to love Elain, but they keep tying Elain to her love life. I’ve seen a lot of Elucien’s and Gwynriel’s actually take the time to theorize about Elain’s arc without it being tied to a love interest. Small little bits sure, but they think what will be best suited for Elain and her needs instead of just tying her to needing romance.
And Gwyn actually did show spy qualities during the Blood Rite, even though e/riel’s don’t acknowledge that and instead choose to mock Gwyn over the fact she had to be carried/couldn’t even climb a mountain, however, Rhys also had to be carried. And before Gwyn had to be carried, wasn’t she spying on that beast and got it to attack the Illyrians and took their food? She was also crying and didn’t want to leave Nesta alone. Sounds like a good friend to me. I’ve noticed that e/riel’s have been a lot more aggressive ever since that bonus chapter from HOFAS with Az dropped.
yeah no they're definitely projecting because nesta didn't have a secret? gwyn didn't blab anyone's secrets?? i genuinely have no idea what they're even referring to
yes exactly, if az were giving elain lessons in anything, he would've mentioned it in his chapter. i never saw nesta's comment as "foreshadowing" or anything like that, it's just her making a silly comment on how elain snuck up on her. nuala and cerridwen are very good at being sneaky, duh, so it wouldn't surprise me if elain did pick up some of their mannerisms. they are the closest things she has to friends currently (even tho they're being paid to watch her lol) and friends pick up things from each other, even speech patterns so it's not unusual in my opinion
ahhh i remember the days when e/riels vehemently denied there even being an illyrian/ramiel plot. gwynriels and az fans in general have been saying this since acosf. everyone thought nessian would deal with the growing illyrian problem, since it was teased in the original draft for acosf, but sjm pushed it back and only reinforced that they'll be a problem soon. meaning she decided to have someone else tackle that issue, someone like azriel. they always contradict themselves, how am i supposed to take any theories or analysis they present seriously when it'll just be thrown out the window in 2-3 business days?
i love thinking about what elain's arc could be, it's true we don't have much on her now but it's not going to stay that way forever. i know she'll be tied up with koschei in some form (and unintentionally free him maybe?) and that she'll likely visit different courts before going to the continent to finish the koschei plot. i have ideas for things that could be included in her book, like traveling with jurian and vassa, them picking up briar somewhere along the way and maybe even some forced proximity with tamlin since his court is in the toilet at the moment but those are more so headcanons than possible sjm crumbs lol
point is, elain as a character doesn't give us a whole lot to go off of on surface level but tbh if people actually cared enough to dig a little deeper and use some critical thinking, it's not hard to get a good, general idea of her personality. some people just refuse to put in the effort and reduce her to whiny or flower girl or some other thing
yup! they love to try and diminish gwyn's (and the other valkyries tbh) abilities. sjm showed us how they won the rite, it was through their strong love of each other. that was the whole fucking point of the blood rite in acosf. we knew they were best friends before but i feel the rite only proved that they're sisters, that they'd do anything for each other. minus the constant threats, it was a very beautiful thing. they just hate that sjm had gwyn spy and do it well, because we had az around the same time telling cassian that spying suits him. they know that was an intentional parallel and it upsets them because gwyn got a lot of development they wanted, and expected, for elain
totally lol. everytime we get new information that seems to stray further from their e/riel vision, they go full bully mode and yell at us for our lack of reading comprehension when, honey, i didn't do anything. if you're so angry over what's going on, over what is being set up for these characters, take it up with sjm!! damn, it's not our fault you got so attached to a ship that was seemingly never intended to be more than fuel for the elucien tension fire
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bookofmirth · 1 year
I’ve seen E/riel’s say that Elain has been tied into the Illyrian plot and CC3, but I don’t see how since she wasn’t in Silver Flames that much and people try to connect her to the Prison for CC3, but I don’t think the Prison is meant for anyone besides Bryce since she’s a Starborn Fae and that’s supposedly where they’re trapped. I’m not trying to start a ship war, but I feel like shippers are trying to tie her in with those plots, because Azriel plays a part in it and realistically, Elain is tied in with Koshcei and Vaasa’s curse. I believe that Ramiel is tied with Koschei/Trove and maybe a weapon to kill Koschei is under Ramiel. Feyre went UNDER the mountain, Nesta went UNDER the Prison and the only mountain left is to go UNDER Ramiel. I think Eris did mention something about tunnels? Also, didn’t SJM say one couple per book? It makes sense for the next book to be Gwynriel and the last book to be Elucien.
honestly if people are trying to now say that Elain is tied to Illyria, I will HOWL. I've been cackling about this since you sent it. I mean... first off, what Illyrian plot? I thought that a lot of people in the fandom believed Illyria to be a non-issue? You know, like how they said Az would never get a book/be an MC?
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It's crazy how that one bonus hofas chapter has the fandom reeling. Obviously we don't know anything, it literally could just be a discussion about toilet paper, but the 180 degree changes in discussion are funny.
Feyre went UNDER the mountain, Nesta went UNDER the Prison and the only mountain left is to go UNDER Ramiel.
this makes sense in a math sort of way, but stories aren't math. I mean I get why people would then say "so Elain will deal with Ramiel" but... this isn't a math equation. This is a story in which each character has their own paths, motivations, fears, goals, etc. that all have to align in an organic way with what they do in the plot. Maybe the story will take us under Ramiel - clearly there is something there, the rite is hugely important and involves the mountain, it's a cultural touchstone for the Illyrians, the stone at the top is all magical and we know that Illyrians are connected to the Asteri now, we have the discontent amongst the Illyrians re: the Night Court and potentially because of the Blood Rite being corrupted in acosf - but... none of that has to do with Elain's character?
It's giving square peg round hole. Yeah we have a square hole (Ramiel, the Illyrians), it exists, but we can't shove whatever we want in there (Elain).
SJM did absolutely say one couple per book, as is usual in traditional romance novels. She has said that multiple times.
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lunar-if · 2 years
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Project 0 is a 16+ romance-focused survival game in which your choices matter. You play as a troubled human in the seemingly abandoned city of Wennbury.
It is currently in development, and new chapters will be released as i finish them.
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For ten years the world has been plunged into darkness. The why and the how don’t matter, all that does is surviving. The darkness brings monsters, creatures, demons out, and they’re bloodthirsty. The shadows are a sickness that spread like wildfire, and the only respite comes once a month. You’ve lived- struggled- this far and you don’t know how much more you can take. Life seems bleak and existence seems futile, there’s no silver lining and no light at the end of the tunnel.
You can only trust yourself and your long-time friend, the one who’s always been there for you. Maybe together you will find purpose in the world. But maybe together you’ll doom yourselves.
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- Play as male, female or nonbinary.
- Choose between 5 different gender-flippable characters to romance.
- Fight off monsters with a handgun, nailed bat, axe, or even a machete.
- Discover the dark truths about your world, and yourself in the meanwhile.
- Avoid death for as long as you can.
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Content warnings: Depictions of violence, injuries and blood, death, trauma, and murder. Please be cautious.
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LUKAS/LISA SANTOS is your childhood best friend and the person you’ve lived with for the last decade. L is sweet and kind, getting along with everyone they come across. Although their personality is as bright as the Sun, something much darker is hidden inside.
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EVAN/ERIN BAILEY is a scientist, making do with whatever they can - chemistry equipment stolen from nearby abandoned high schools, old gadgets stolen from abandoned electronic stores. E is stoic, and seeing any type of emotion - other than pain - on their face is a miracle. But maybe their heart isn't completely made of stone.
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MARK/MAYA SHAE ARNETTE is a guitarist and also a part-time older sibling. M is kind and calm, and every bit protective of the ones they care for. But M puts others first, not caring for their wellbeing. Will they learn to love themselves?
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RAMIEL/RUBY CHERNEV is an animal enthusiast, but more specifically interested in birds. R is a bookworm, going out even when it’s dark outside to find abandoned libraries and bookstores from which they can find a new book to entertain with. They are expressive and nice, but also calculated in their actions.
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CYRIL/CORA is a mysterious person, their motives and past unknown - lost to time. C is eccentric, playful, and quite possessive of you. Anything that gets in their path does not live to see another day. Behind their eccentric, bizarre mask hides something you don't want to know.
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AADIL BAYRAK is a loving father and husband. He takes care of everyone in the house. He's particularly talented in cooking.
EVA BAYRAK is the houses mom, but also surprisingly snarky. She, along with Ramiel, home schools the kids.
DOMINIK BAYRAK is Eva and Aadil’s child, having been born right before when Daylight wasn't a special occasion. He has a passion for hunting, but Dominik finds himself easily disturbed by the Creatures.
GINA ARNETTE is M’s little sister. She is quite young, and her passion for art is as big as her heart. Gina has trouble expressing her emotions, but she gets excited over anything.
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glossary (WIP)
i didn't know there was a word limit on tumblr until i made this, so i unfortunately had to remove links that would lead to specific tags and help with organizing on here. also note that this post might be remade in the future
electricpuke/rocklandgame characters: abel, adam whesker, akihiko kojima, akira kojima, alchemy willow, alice (electricpuke), alice carroll, amaterasu, amy, ana (rockland), ana (viral), annabelle winter, arcadian, aria king, ashley kinley, ashton kinley, athena dianoia, audrey, august dixie, avery greyson, ami, axel, baal, cain zeitgeist, callum willow, cassiel, charlie willow, chase knox, chase valentine, christopher “chris” king, circe, damien morningstar, dante stryker, dominick torrero, edison tekker, elizabeth bathory, enoch, eve, farz murphy (electricpuke), foal, freya, gabriel, gabriel lily, grace quinn, hades, hammerclaw, heidi, horus, hunter, itsuki mori, jack buchanan, jason buchanan, jason carmine (rook), jiyun, kali, karasu, kaz tyagi, kenny, kiku kojima, kiyoshi, kurt, lachesis chronis, lady yuzu, leo taylor, lilith, lincoln, logan, loki marshall, lucifer morningstar, macey, marcus de la cruz, meredith, mia, michael fitzroy, michael volkov, mio, molly, morgan, morgan le fey, munchie, naoki “nathan” donovan, nicolas flamel, olivia, oswalt morrison, peyton, quinton willow, raizer, raja, ramiel, raphael sivori, reiko nakamura, richter (hotelpsycho), rory stryker, rose martinez, rosey, roy mcnamara, ruby red graves, sally, samael volkov, sanae, sano kojima, sejun, sergio marino, sergio morrison, shiro suzuki, sparrow, sun-mi yeon (scarlet), sydney dixie, teagan buchanan, the engineer, thor, tobias reeves, trace, trevor mcloughlin, tsubaki, uriel metzger, valak, vencil cartier, veni (electricpuke), verak, vincent castillo (electricpuke), vincent metzger, vlad, xander rosario, yeon seong-mi (emily yeon), zero (dollmaker), zero (empire), zeus
gatobob characters: anthony shore, ashe, beg, celia lede, centicat, chastity, chet ichpujani, cry, derek aeron, derek goffard, dragon, evander hutch, farz murphy (gatobob), farzen, gideon bautista, harold, jack, jedka (facility), komodo, lawrence oleander, lily talor, machete, marten trell, mason armbruster, mason heiral, mona winters, raven, ren hana, roadkill girl, scream, sid, strade, veni (gatobob), vincent castillo (gatobob)
other notable characters: a.e.d, ellen klein, izm, lucien rire, rodchester williams, shaun
known blogs:
arioddsandends, askparasitegods, bonesandcentipedes, doctor-dollmaker, electricpuke, fuckbyknifepoint, nagakira, nurseharlot, rocklandgames, runawayoutlaw, scarletmarionette, trentboyett
gatoafterdark, gatoanswers, gatobob, gatoplays-sos, gatxbxb, gurobob, gurpbob, serpulalacrymans
eras (label for creator universes): altinr, arcane, boyfriend to death, dark circus au, devil's night carnival, dollmaker, empire, facility, foxtail, human!au, huntress, inferno, mark of belial, nightclub, of gods and monsters, rockland, route 66, self insert, superjail, the artist, the carnival game, the commander, the doctor, the hunt, the misfits, the price of flesh, the puppetmaster, the serial killer, this is not romance, till death do us part, viral, welcome home, yanaki, you kill me every time, zeitgeist
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rosanna-writer · 2 years
to make them love me and make it seem effortless (chapter 3)
Summary: When the High Lord of the Spring Court whisks her off to Prythian, it's exactly what Feyre Archeron wants. Her plan: let Tamlin romance her to break the curse and use her proximity to him to pass military secrets back to the mortals. And it works— until a certain other High Lord tries to steal documents she's after.
Pairing: Feysand
A/N: In this AU, Spring is cursed during the War, Feyre is born much earlier, and Hybern reins Amarantha in when she goes rogue.
Back to Rhys's POV for this chapter!
Third chapter is below, and you can also find it here (along with the rest) on AO3 :)
The infighting is delicious.
When I arrived at the battlefield tent designated for negotiations, Tamlin charged me. I winnowed away before he could lay a talon on me. Nevertheless, Hybern and Beron each grabbed an arm and held him back.
I give them a wide berth as we wait for the others to arrive, but I can hear some irritated whispers about "just a mortal girl" and "get your head on straight" and "don't make this any worse than it already is."
In fact, Tamlin makes it easy on me. The rest of his alliance is so concerned with reining him in that I don't actually have to answer any difficult questions about what Feyre is doing in the Night Court. It isn't long before the rest of the High Lords and the mortal queens arrive and the conversation turns to other matters.
I just wish Feyre was here to see it. But perhaps getting to tell her all the details of our enemies shooting themselves in the foot will be the next best thing.
The bond has been quiet since I left. I hope that means she's getting the rest she needs, but with how murky the connection is, I can't be sure.
Around mid-day, I feel a slight shift. It's almost too subtle to notice, but I think she's awake. I scribble a note for her.
Good morning, Feyre darling. Tamlin is seething but it hasn't come to blows. He's managed to keep your name out of his mouth. It's going well.
The note disappears into thin air, but no one thinks twice. Plenty of others at the table have sent similar notes back to their own advisors all morning.
It's quite a while before the note returns with Feyre's addition under my own. Her handwriting is the most hideous chicken scratch I've ever seen, hardly legible at all.
Good to hear.
I add my next message on the next line under it. Did you sleep well? There is talk about handling the sudden influx of mortal refugees fleeing the opposition. Thoughts?
It takes even longer for the paper to return again, so long that I get wrapped up in a discussion of a proposed change from Helion and almost forget that I sent it. But it comes back in that same scrawl.
Yes thanks. The mortal queens should help but won't. Not much use opening up Prythian's borders, they're too afraid of fae. Better to send supplies.
I had suspected the same, but it's good to have Feyre confirm my suspicions. Despite their posturing, the mortal queens have struck me as too self-involved to do the right thing and provide for the newly-freed mortals who will be flocking to their lands. As much as I'd rather not pick up their slack, there are much worse uses for Night Court resources than making sure vulnerable people are provided for.
I send back one more message thanking her and don't think much of it after that. There's a heated argument about redrawing the borders to transfer some of Autumn and Spring's territories to Summer, and the shouting takes my full attention.
But the paper comes back again, and when I see her addition, I nearly drop it in shock.
I never would have guessed my mate was an artist.
On the bottom margin, she's drawn a mountain range below a night sky. It's a remarkable level of detail for something so small, the shading just so. And above the highest peak, there are three stars. It's not just any mountain— it's Ramiel.
I fold the paper and pocket it to keep it safe. We break for lunch, but as much as I want to see Feyre again, there is work to be done.
I find Azriel in the tent we've designed as our headquarters, reading over what I assume are the most recent intelligence reports.
He looks up when he hears me enter. "Are you making any progress?" he says, not bothering with a greeting.
"Some but not as much as I'd like," I say. I'll give the full details later, when I can meet with the rest of the Inner Circle together at once.
"Feyre's father is alive and well. Their fortunes ‘just so happened’ to turn around after she left for the Spring Court," Azriel says.
"Tamlin's doing?"
"Seems like it."
"Is that her only family?"
Azriel hesitates, which tells me that the answer is going to be unpleasant. I brace myself for whatever bad news I'm going to have to relay to my mate.
"Her mother died years ago. She has two sisters who I've been unable to locate."
Even outside the Night Court, all the way in the mortal lands, Azriel can find anyone. Either they're in hiding, or someone else doesn't want them to be found. I don't know what that means.
Before I can answer, Cassian pushes open the tent flap and enters. "Your mate thinks like a general, Rhys," he says with a grin.
“The fact that you think that’s a compliment says more about you than it does about her, general, ” I say.
Cassian laughs. "I'm not wrong, though. She's all backbone."
The respect in his voice gives me a warm feeling. Maybe it's too much too soon, but I can picture Feyre slotting herself into my family, as if she's always belonged here.
"I don't disagree," I say. Cass and Az share a knowing look, and because I have no desire to get into a discussion regarding what transpired over breakfast, I change the subject. "Any new developments this morning?"
Cass shakes his head. "No, I've been in the healers’ tents all morning, trying to visit the wounded and get a sense of morale. Everyone is eager to go home."
"It's too early for me to give you a timeframe," I say. There's nothing I want more than to send my soldiers home, but the ceasefire is still so fragile. With all the yelling this morning, it seems possible, even likely, that fighting could break out again, and we can't be caught flat-footed. I'd like for my soldiers to be home by Starfall, but I don't know if that's realistic.
"Understood," Cassian says.
I nod, and then it occurs to me that Cassian probably has more time on his hands than he has in a while. "If Feyre is interested in training, would you be able to help with that?" I say.
"Do you even have to ask?" Cass says with a grin.
"You should get her a bow. I saw calluses on her fingertips, the kind you get when you shoot without a decent finger guard," Az says.
I think back to how rough her hand had felt when it brushed mine this morning. My mind had been elsewhere, and I hadn't considered what she’d been up to that made her hands like that. But now, I wonder why she spent so much time shooting without basic protective gear. It's one more entry on the growing list of questions to ask when I see her next.
"That's simple enough," I say, and I'm sure Cass is already devising ways to add moving targets to the training ring.
There is more negotiating to do, so I don't linger much longer. The rest of the afternoon devolves into petty squabbles, and it's evident that I'm not the only one at the table who hasn't slept. High Lords can be capricious on a good day, and everyone's patience is thin. We end without much progress.
I sent another note to Feyre, so she's waiting for me in the study when I winnow back to the Moonstone Palace. Her hair is damp, and she's changed into another set of Mor's clothes.
"You look exhausted," she says.
"Hello to you too," I say.
That cloying perfume from last night is gone, and I can properly smell her for the first time. It’s the same scent from my dreams. I wish I could bury my face in her hair and just inhale, but I'm sure she wouldn't appreciate that.
She tilts her head. "Did— Did you just sniff me?"
"You smell like yourself now."
She gives me a look that's equal parts puzzled and irritated. "Gods-damned fae and your noses."
I laugh and lean against the desk, feeling some of the stress of the day fade, just from being near her. Unfortunately, the day isn't over.
"We're meeting with the rest of the Inner Circle soon, but I have news for you," I say.
"You do?" she says and grimaces, as if the only kind of news she can imagine is the bad kind.
"Azriel confirmed your father is alive and well."
I'd expected relief at that, but the grimace stays in place. "Good."
"And your sisters are missing."
"I expected that."
I do my best to stay out of her mind, but I can still feel her disappointment through the bond. "I'll have Azriel keep looking."
"If they want to be found, they'll come to me." I don't say anything, just try to puzzle out what that means. Eventually she continues, "When I left for Spring, we knew it might put a target on their backs. Humans hate fae, plus there was a chance someone could use them to get to me, and then me to get to Tamlin. So they went into hiding, and it's probably for the best that they stay that way for now."
"They would be safe here." I can’t let it go unsaid, but I’m sure by now that she’s aware of this, too.
"I know. If this peace lasts, they'll find me."
I want to pull her close and tell her that I'll fix it for her, but I don't want to overwhelm her further. I feel completely ineffectual, just standing here.
"I'm sorry." It's not even close to sufficient.
"It happens. We weren't close. Can we change the subject?"
She’s staring straight ahead at a spot on the wall, not looking at me. There's a swirl of emotions on her end of the bond, too mixed to really name, but none of them positive. Whatever the story is with Feyre's family, it's complicated. I don't blame her for not wanting to share, at least not yet.
"Of course. Cassian has found himself with more time on his hands. Are you interested in training?"
She turns back to back to me. "Training?"
"To fight. Not that I think your knife skills are subpar after last night."
That, at least, gets her to crack the barest hint of a smile. "Yes. It might do me some good to get outside and hit something."
With an answer like that, Feyre really is going to fit in here. Cassian will be delighted. "Perfect. Azriel said you may be interested in a bow. Because of the calluses on your hands."
At the mention of the calluses, she flips her hands over and starts to pick at them. "The last few months are the longest I've gone without shooting since I first learned. It's how I kept my family fed," she says.
There's another story there, but after how she reacted to the news about her family, it's clear now isn't the time.
"Most Illyrian warriors train with a bow. It's a convenient weapon to shoot while airborne."
When we were younger, Cass and Az both out-shot me during every single target practice session. Something tells me Feyre is also a better shot than me, but I keep that to myself. Better to delay the inevitable ribbing and temporarily preserve my dignity.
"It will be good to get my hands on one again." Her fingers twitch as if she’s already curling them around a bowstring.
"Perfect. Next order of business—"
"How many orders of business do you have ?"
"Two more, and we'd get through them quickly if I wasn't so rudely interrupted—"
I'm cut off by a ball of scratch paper that Feyre flings at my head. I duck and mist it before it hits the wall.
"Prick," she mutters, but she's smiling again and I am, too.
"As I was saying," I say pointedly, "Tomorrow we're going to start teaching you to shield your mind."
Her brow furrows. "Can mortals even do that?"
"With extensive practice, yes. You need a more reliable way to keep me out of that lovely head of yours. I try my best, but the bond seems to amplify you, and you insist on thinking at full volume."
"Alright. And the last order of business?"
"We're debriefing with the rest of the Inner Circle and making a plan for negotiations tomorrow. We're meeting at the House of Wind, so I'll leave it up to you. Should we fly there or winnow?"
"Fly? But you don't—" I unfurl my wings, and my smile just grows wider at her shocked expression. "Why didn't you tell me you have wings?"
"You didn't ask," I say innocently.
"Most people don't have hidden..." She trails off and struggles to find the right word. Finally, she manages to splutter, “Appendages.”
"There's nothing I'd love more than showing you all my appendages, Feyre darling," I purr.
She's faster this time, or maybe with my wings outstretched I have more surface area, and another ball of scratch paper flies through the air and grazes my wingtip. It gets stuck on a talon, and I fling it back at her. She ducks before it even gets close to her.
"You didn't answer my question. Winnowing or flying?" It seems almost too good to be true that she didn't bolt after the flirting, so I half-expect her to reveal a crippling fear of heights because I'm due for a disappointment.
But she says, "Flying."
Once we're at the window, I hook one arm under her legs and the other around her shoulders. She circles her arms around my neck, and the full force of her scent hits me again. I just drink it in for a moment, the feeling of her warm body pressed against my chest and her breath on my neck.
I push off into the air, and her entire body goes stiff. There's a sharp jolt of panic across the bond.
"It's alright, Feyre. I'll go slow," I say softly. I can't hover, but once we're at a proper altitude, I slow down.
If she wants to spend the entire flight with her face buried between my neck and shoulder, I can't say I mind. But there's so much I want to show her, and flying is the easiest way to do it. After a minute, she feels less rigid.
"Can you look down? I want you to see the city," I say.
She tips her head away from me and gives a small gasp of surprise. "It's beautiful."
"This is Velaris, City of Starlight."
"Is there a reason it's on all of your maps and none of Tamlin's?"
I take that to mean she's made full use of the library while I've been gone. Industrious of her, but I wish she'd gotten more rest. "Yes," I say, then explain how the city has been kept hidden for years.
She's quiet after that, and it's peaceful, perfect, just flying through the night air with my mate in my arms. Everything feels right in a way I never knew it could.
After a moment, she says, "That mountain over there, the one under three stars…"
"That's Ramiel," I say, "You might have seen it on the Night Court insignia."
"I haven't. When I was doodling today, I didn't think much of it. It just seemed like the right place for the stars to go. I had no idea it was a real place."
The enormity of that washes over us both. It's terrifying in some ways, how deep this bond goes, the power of it. If it weren't accompanied by the bone-deep, instinctive sense of trust, I think we both might have fallen apart today.
As we approach the House of Wind, Cass and Az catch up to us, bringing Mor and Amren with. The sight of them pulls me out of my thoughts and back to the task we have at hand: updating each other and making plans.
As I set Feyre down, Mor says, "Nice shoes, Feyre. Where'd you get them?"
The peal of laughter that gets from Feyre makes me think that wasn't a genuine question and there's context I'm missing. How the two of them have already managed to have an inside joke is beyond me. But I can't complain at the sight of one more puzzle piece sliding into place, even if the prospect of them joining forces is a little intimidating.
But there's no time to waste, so the six of us head straight to the war room. Mor and Amren give updates on how the rest of the Night Court is taking the news: similarly to Cassian's troops, they're relieved and eager to know when their loved ones will be home. There are no major updates from Cassian or Azriel since we talked earlier.
As I start to describe Tamlin's reaction this morning, I watch Feyre and don't try to hide it. There's nothing but cold fury on her side of the bond. Her face is blank, but her posture is tense.
I reach out with my mind. What's wrong?
He tried to hurt you.
I'd feel the same way in her position, but it's still a marvel that she would care this much. When I recount the rest of the day, she relaxes, along with the rest of the Inner Circle, at the news that the subject of her departure from Spring was dropped fairly quickly. Through the bond I feel her anger melt into something I can’t define until I realize it's a vicious sort of satisfaction.
We debate methods for giving Tamlin reassurance that Feyre is alive and unscathed, but none of us can think of one that will be sufficient proof without putting Feyre in harm's way. Feyre goes quiet throughout the whole discussion. I don't like it, but I don't feel anything concerning through the bond, so I stay out of her head. When we find that we're talking in circles, we agree to move onto the next item on the agenda.
I lay out the concerns that were raised regarding the incoming newly-freed mortals. And that's when Feyre finally cuts in.
"The mortal queens have enough poverty in their lands already. I would know," she says. "They don't care about their existing subjects, and humans would never relocate to Prythian."
"Not even if we carve out room? Have Tamlin, Hybern, and Beron give some of their territory to the mortals as reparations?" Mor says.
All eyes fall on Feyre, who seems to be considering it. "It could work," she says, "But they'd need more than land. Resources until they can stand on their own two feet, maybe some kind of protection. I think it would be delicate."
"It could stretch us thin. Could we manage that and take care of our own?" Amren says.
Feyre bristles, but it's a valid question. Ultimately, my first duty is to the Night Court. "Not alone, but with the other Courts, we could," I say.
"And I could be a bridge," Feyre says, before I even have a chance to ask if she would.
It seems like so much to put on her shoulders, especially when she's untested, but she wouldn't be alone. I can’t devote much time to foreign affairs when there is still so much rebuilding to do, but Mor and Amren are accomplished stateswomen in their own right. They could guide her even if I can't.
"Then I'll see if the rest of our alliance is open to the idea," I say.
We move on and tie up a few loose ends before we break. As the six of us walk back downstairs, the mood lightens. There are celebrations happening across the city tonight, and I'd be drinking and dancing with the rest of them if I wasn't so tired.
"You should go with them if you want," I tell Feyre.
"Not this time. I'm exhausted," she says.
The promise of a next time is so casual, but it means everything. She could stay here and be carefree for once in her life.
My friends don't badger either of us to come out with them, the way they would normally do if I insisted on staying home. As little rest as they've gotten, I think they can tell the past day has been taxing in additional ways for Feyre and me. They say their goodbyes and leave the two of us alone together on the balcony.
"I'm planning on staying here tonight, not the Moonstone Palace, if that's alright. Mor has another set of clothes here too, and Cassian will likely want to use the training ring here in the morning," I say.
"Does Mor stay wherever you do?" she asks.
"She doesn't like to be alone, but I don't think she'll be back tonight." I consider asking her about the shoes but it seems like something that's between the two of them. "Dinner?"
"I promise I won't try to slip you any food."
I think she means it as a joke, but I can't find it funny. Even with the bond, we still have no idea what we can and can't joke about. "Please don't."
I drag a chair out to the balcony along with my food, and Feyre follows suit. There's music drifting up from the celebrations below and more lights glowing than I've seen in a while.
Feyre stares down at it as she eats, a pensive expression on her face. I'm not sure what emotion it is I feel from the bond, but it's not warm or happy. "This is all so beautiful," she says, and I'm not sure what she means. "You're not going to hide the ugly parts of your court from me, are you? Not— Not like Tamlin did?"
"I love my court and my people, but it's far from perfect here. I wouldn't hide that from you, but it seems better to ease you into it," I say.
She pushes some of her food around with her fork. “Tamlin told me about mating bonds because he thought it might snap for him. But he didn’t mention the mating frenzy. He must have thought it would scare me.”
“He’s an idiot. You don’t scare easily,” I say. She keeps pushing the food around on her plate, so I add, “But no, I won’t do what he did. There’s only so much information we can take in at a time, and I don’t see a reason to frontload the worst parts.”
She fixes me with a penetrating look, and says, "Alright." I hope that means she's satisfied with the answer.
We both turn back to the food and go quiet. I'm too lost in thought to really taste anything, but at least for me, the silence feels companionable. After a day of heated meetings, it's like a balm.
I get up to grab wine and pour a second glass for her without thinking about it. When I sit back down, she accepts it with a quiet "thank you."
"I don't want to be in your head right now, but I'll give you a thought for a thought," I say, taking a sip.
"I'm wondering if this is as strange for you as it is for me, feeling this deep connection but not even knowing your favorite color."
"This is without a doubt the most bizarre experience of my life."
She smiles into her glass. "That makes me feel better."
"And for the record, it's dark blue, the color the sky turns as night falls. What's yours?"
"Why?" She shakes her head, and I catch sight of her cheeks flushing before she buries her face in her empty hand. "Feyre..." She just shakes her head again and doesn't look at me. I don't need the bond to know she's embarrassed. Now I'm dying to know, but there's no use in pushing her. "Fine. My turn then. I'm wondering what kind of person calls what you drew today a doodle. It was intricate."
Feyre looks up and shrugs. "It only took me a few minutes. I needed a break from reading."
"How much of an artist are you?"
"Not as much as I'd like. I like painting the best, but we didn't have much money for supplies, so I didn't always get the chance. But pencils are cheap, and charcoal is cheaper, so I'm better with those."
That settles it— I'm taking her to the Rainbow as soon as I get the chance. "The first dream I had of you was your hand painting flowers on a table."
And there it is again, the enormity of the bond between us. It seems we can't escape it, even when we're making idle chitchat. Feyre downs the rest of her wine.
We don't say much else, and I don't remember when the exhaustion finally claims me and I drift off in the chair. When I wake a couple hours later, she's not there. I panic for a half a second until I notice the blanket over my legs and realize she must have put it there.
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ao3feed-destiel-02 · 2 years
I Love You In All the Ways
I Love You In All the Ways https://ift.tt/Y9wn3BP by EmersonGunn Dean is heartbroken because Cas may be dying. Opens with S12E12 from Dean's perspective, though I have taken some liberties, some of the dialogue is direct quotes from the episode. Loosely follows the same plot, but we see what Dean is thinking as Cas lays dying. Words: 4928, Chapters: 4/?, Language: English Fandoms: Supernatural (TV 2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Categories: M/M Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Mary Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural), Crowley (Supernatural), Ramiel (Supernatural) Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester Additional Tags: Romance, Fluff, Angst, Fluff and Angst, Canon-Typical Violence, Post-Episode: s12e12 Stuck In The Middle (With You) (Supernatural), Castiel Loves Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester Loves Castiel, Love Confessions, Dean Winchester Needs to Use Actual Words, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Castiel and Dean Winchester Have a Profound Bond, Episode: s12e12 Stuck In The Middle (With You) (Supernatural) via AO3 works tagged 'Castiel/Dean Winchester' https://ift.tt/9JEa2T1 February 20, 2023 at 08:58AM
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freyjas-musings · 7 months
E/riel’s keep changing/backtracking the plot for Elain. First, it’s she’ll go to the Prison and help find the Dread Troves, and become High Lady/High Queen of Dusk. Then, it’s she’ll be a spy with Azriel and once again hunt down Dread Troves. And now, she’ll conquer Ramiel and be involved with the Illyrians/Illyrian plot. However, didn’t E/riel’s say that Illyria was done after ACOSF and SJM isn’t going back to it?🤡 the backtracking is funny.
E/riel’s care about Elain’s story, but they keep changing the narrative to where her journey/plot fits Azriel’s. And realistically, their plots are completely different. Some E/riel’s are just now trying to claim they came up with the idea of Elain defeating Koschei, even though Elucien’s and Gwynriel’s have been saying this for a while. Elain’s plot will be Koschei and Azriel’s will be Illyria and MAYBE the queens/Autumn. If the mortal queen and Autumn Court are tied into his plot I think it would be because Gwyn is involved, but I’m not sure.
Listen given that some of those great minds came up with Balthazar is Elain theory nothing surprises me anymore .... 😅😅😅
As far as plot lines go if I were to guess :
Azriels book - Illyria, made weapons , Autumn will be the plot lines with a Gwynriel centric romance and Emorie sub plot romance.
Elains Book - Human queens, Koschei, Day court and Spring will be the plot with an Elucien centric Romance and Jassa sub plot romance.
Am I a 100% sure ? No ... but at the moment it looks like it .... I would be interested to see if she mixes any more of the world walking stuff ...the likely candidate from the ACOTAR world being Nesta.
Dread Troves and weapons, Prison and Valkyries will always always be Nesta's plot lines.... people can stop borrowing it or perhaps just write wonderful fanfics that stans can enjoy... I have read some brilliant Gwynriel fanfics with koschei as the central plot line .... its fun and so well written .... so by all means ... but as far SJM goes I doubt she would ever mix Troves and Elain...
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divinerivals · 7 months
I’m the previous anon that sent in the ask about Nesta not having another book. I strongly believe that the Valkyries will take over the Prison with Nesta ruling over it as a general. From political standpoint, it makes a lot of sense, or to me it does. And I just love the idea of the Prison being this little sanctuary for the Valkyries with maybe some Pegasus in the future.
As for Azriel’s book, I definitely think plot wise it will involve Illyria for obvious reasons, I know some believe an Illyrian rebellion might happen. And definitely Enalius because of Truth-Teller, Ramiel could be his plot or Elucien’s (or split in half), same with the Autumn Court but it feels more for Azriel’s story since Eris is more connected to Autumn than Lucien, and like you said, Eris has been working with the IC, and then the theories that Gwyn is a Vanserra. Imagine the drama that would unfold, but it would be funny imo. Especially since Azriel hates that family.
I think Gwynriel romance won’t start until the middle of the book/second part of his story, which I’m fine with. I want the slow burn to burn. Please make that man grovel. The first part could be him working on his self worth, unresolved feelings for Mor, and then maybe what happened with Elain. But dealing with Mor feels more important since he spent 500 years obsessing over her. I’m not sure if Merrill will be a villain or not. I’ve seen theories on Gwynriel being a retelling of the Little Mermaid. I think Gwyn helping with research is going to come into play and in the Blood Rite we saw some spy qualities from her, so maybe she’ll go on missions. I think Azriel and Gwyn will become closer from training, teaching each other Illyrian and Valkyrie techniques, late nights researching together, and if she does do spy things then he’ll have to train her for certain things. Also, I think it’s very possible that Gwyn will find Narben based on some things from ACOSF. The Prison is Valkyrie territory, and Nesta is the general that rules over it with Gwydion and Narben safely in their possession.
I could see Azriel and Gwyn discovering something with Ramiel that could be used to build up the plot for Koschei and the mortal queens. Some crumbs might be sprinkled. I have a lot of ideas with Gwynriel. Elucien’s book will be Vassa’s curse, taking down Koschei, dealing with the Spring Court, and perhaps the mortal queens. I want to see courtier Elain and Lucien. They’re the courtier couple. Sorry for the long ask! I’m in an excited mood!
Hey nonnie! Sorry I got busy and then fall asleep didn't mean to leave ya hanging! Don't be sorry for the long ask! Be excited!! I love it!.
Idk about the prison cause they need the prison, and idk how the Valkyries would feel being basically guards there. Not to mention, the IC never wanna go there unless needed. So Cassian and Az, especially if Gwynriel happens, will have something to say about it. Unless they wipe out the prison, maybe which honestly begs the question of what or who else is the prison. But I'm living for the idea of the Prison becoming a place for Peagus so if the prison comes down in here for it. I wouldn't mind them taking over this spot. I just don't want them to become badass prison guards lol.
100% on the second paragraph and I highly doubt the Illyrian rebellion is done. You're telling me it was a huge focal point in acofas and then somehow, off page it was resolved??? Yeah I doubt that. I don't know how to feel about the Gwyn is a Vanserra. I get where people are coming from with it so it would make sense if sjm does it. Since there's already an established family drama plot line with Lucien idk feels like too much of the same to me. But if she's going for Kardashians level of drama for the Vanserras then yeah let's do it.
I have seen the Little Mermaid theory around too and my advice is like for or other folktales and mythology that can be franksteined into it. It's a fairly sound theory but Sarah is and has never been straightforward with a retelling. There are always twists that pull in elements from other fairytale, folklore and mythology. And yeah I definitely agree with your Gwynriel/Az book points. It has to be slow burn for so many reasons. Yeah he says he's over Mor and let it go but did you my guy??? Did you??? The necklace needs to be addressed although I don't think it's going to be this huge thing that alot of readers believe it will be. I think it's gonna be one scene that plays out, and there's gonna be a visceral reaction from Elain. It's gonna be a catalyst for both or one pairing. Regardless if Elain and Az both moved on its still kinda weird to see a gift given to you on someone else. I also think it's important for a Gwynriel romance to be slow burn bc Az is fucking clueless and needs alot to work on and Gwyn has a lot of healing to do.
And yes, I would love to see Lucien and Elain play courtiers. I think, well, I know Lucien can play the court politics game, but Elain would fit into that so well. They both have so much charm, charisma, and observation skills. It's gonna be so good. I'm so pumped for their book. I know a lot of people want and are expecting Gwynriel/Az book. I, too, think it's possible.. but ugh, I want The Elucien book so bad, and I've always been in the camp of its next.
I guess it's gonna come down to who's the big bad...Koschei or Merill? I doubt it's the mortal queens
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sosthemortalcoil · 6 years
I might be wrong but I think I saw somewhere that Lucifer sends Ramiel to watch out for Gabriel. So, what would Lucifer do if he finds out that Ramiel broke Gabriel's heart and Gabriel doesn't want Ramiel anywhere near them again?
Lucifer doesn’t plan on Ramiel getting close to Gabriel. He wants to use him more like a meat shield. He’s not thrilled by Ramiel trying to re-establish a relationship of any kind with Gabriel, so he’s actually pleased if Gabriel tells him to go away. Of course, Lucifer isn’t going to let Ramiel go away, as he’s there for Gabriel’s protection. But it’s fine by him if Gabriel isn’t happy about Ramiel being around. Better, in his opinion, than if Gabriel starts getting friendly with the Fallen again. Ramiel just has to keep Gabriel alive and healthy.
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