#Ran towards whoever of the gang was there with him
ancha-aus · 4 months
RealAgeAu - On the other side
:3 :3 :3
Guess who is back already?!
Not with the normal cast though :3
No I had an idea for the another person in this AU.
Anyone wondering how Dream is going? :D
So this one is a bit different then all the other installments and don't expect these often as the main focus is on the gang and their now babybones boss. But this one I thought would be fun.
Welcome. To Dream dealing with this (the sometiny changes to the multiverse. A God can't lose his status without it affecting those around him after all :3)
First: here Prev: here Next: here
We good? We good. We are unedited and unbeta'ed as always.
oh shit @spotaus I actually forgot you that time. sorry fam (they gave me the original prompt which is why they keep getting added every update. They are stuck with me now)
The sun feels so warm on his bones. Dream lays by the roots of his mother. Enjoying the warm light of the never ending late spring sun which warms his bones. His mother's voice, always loving and so proud of him.
The only thing that would make this moment better would be his brother near him. But he went to wash up a while ago.
Which is okay It isn't. where is nightmare? He will just wait right here for when he comes back.
Nightmare always joins him again. except that one time. The time when it mattered.
Dream loves his brother so much, and Nightmare loves him! Not anymore, not after everything
Dream sighs in the warm light and looks to the side. The village lays in the distance. Beautiful and lively and so so welcome of him!
Rememver your duty my son. You are meant for great things. Never forget that.
Dream hums happily as he looks back up at the branches "I know mom! I will be like you and be a great warrior and bringer of hope!" he smiles up.
A laugh in the air that sounds like a bell A bringer of balance my dear son. Remeber. Too much of one will always spell the end for one.
Dream hums as he enjoys the soft sunlight and happiness he feels in his soul.
He just wishes his brother was here. he wants his brother back, that is all he wants.
oh. I think Nightmare is back from washing himself
Dream blinks his sockets open and looks over. Near the forest edge stands Nightmare. In his purple clothes and with a small silver crown on his skull. Dream smiles and waves from his spot "Nighty! Over here!"
But Nightmare doens't move. He just watches him.
Dream frowns as he sits up "Nighty?"
The sunlight is gone as an ominious rumble is heard overhead. The light feeling in him disappears as he looks back at Nightmare "Nighty! i know it is scary but you need to get over here!" Normal trees can't protect them from thunder and lightning! Their mother can.
Nightmare just continues to stare at him from a distance. Even now Dream thinks he looks tired.
Drema raises to his feet.
His mother's voice fills his skull Dream don't go. It isn't worth the risk.
Dream shakes his skull and leaves the save shadow and cover of his mother. Running towards his brother. He needs to get to him. He can't be too late again. Not when he has this chance to reach him in time.
Dream watches as Nightmare remains rooted in place. Lightning flashes overhead and loud thunder follows right away. Drema flinches but keeps running "Nighty!" his voice lost in the loud rumble and thunder.
Dream is right by him and reaches for him. But another flash of lightning and Dream is blinded. Once he opens his sockets he is no longer by the forest. No, he is in the village. People are screaming. He searches for Nightmare only to see his mother burning in the distance. Her branches ablaze in bright orange light.
Dream rushes towards her. Panic. Why can't he stop this? Why did it happen?
He reaches her but it is already too late. His mother is gone. HIs friends are gone. His brother...
His brother...
Staring at him with betrayal. Dream can feel the hurt and betrayal in the other and Dream realises his has his hand out.
He had hit him. He had attacked him.
Dream reaches for his brother but Nightmare flinches back, away from him.
Because he had hurt him.
Dream can't speak. He can't move.
Nightmare glares at him "Nothing to say for yourself?"
Dream tries but no words leave him. Please Nighty. He is sorry.
Nightmare just continues to glare at him "After everything?! You only came because of those stupid villagers?!"
Dream shakes and tries to shake his skull. tries to deny it. But he can't. His body isn't moving. Nightmare is right, dream had always only cared about the village and what they wanted.
Nightmare turns and walks away. Away from him. Away from their ruined home.
Dream wants to follow but can't move. He is locked in place. just like he had been when he had been turned to stone.
He tries to reach for Nightmare but he is already gone and everything goes dark. Just dark dark dark dark-
Dream gasps as he sits up and checks himself. He can move! He is fine! he... he...
He looks around and sees that he fell asleep on his couch again... in his own living room... again...
He sighs as he sits normally on the couch and puts his skull between his hands. That same dream again. it had been haunting him ever since he had first faced Nightmare. But the dream kept coming back more often lately, for almost two months now...
He is so tired. He can't deal with everyone needing his help today. He can't deal with everyone demanding his attention and support today...
Dream glances at his phone and grabs it. So many numbers in there and many many texts and missed calls already. He ignores them all and finds the right number. He calls it and waits.
"Hey Dream! How are you?"
Drema feels apart of him relax "Blue..."
"... What is wrong?"
Dream feels bad for asking this off him "... can... can i please come over?" he is suposed to be strong. a bringer of hope and light. Yet he keeps failing. He tries so hard but keeps messing up or not being enough.
"Of course. I will clear my own schedule. Can you get here okay?"
Dream smiles and nods "yeah... be there in a bit." Honestly thank everything for Blue.
Dream sits on the couch in a different living room. Still feelign exhausted but a bit better. He had told Blue all about the dream he had had... The way it had been bothering him more and more lately and just how exhausting he had been lately.
Blue sits by him as he eats his bowl of cereal, Dream's own bowl untouched. Blue hums as he takes a bite "Seems to me that you are getting burned out." and he eats another bite.
Dream frowns "no? That is for people who do stuff they don't like. I like helping people!" generally... sometimes...
He is the guardian of positivity! He is suposed to like helping others! That is hiw whole purpose!
He wishes he could ask his mother... He wishes he could ask Nightmare, Nightmare had always been better at listening and hearing what their mother said.
Blue hums as he eats more of his breakfast "Everyone can get burned out by everything. It is why Ink can get an artblock. It is why Sci can get overwhelmed and annoyed with his own work. Jsut because you like soemthing doesn't mean you can't get stressed or overwhelmed by it."
Dream blinks confused at Blue and Blue smiles "My bro has it more often than me. Said it like that too much of one thing is always bad, no matter what it is."
Dream... Dream suddenly has a strong sense of dejavu.
Blue nods "Even stuff you like! Say... I love taco's. It is my favourite! But... if i had to cook it everyday and only eat taco's? I would get sick of it. It doesn't mean i don't like them any less. Just, even too much of a good thing is bad. you know?"
Dream gives a slow nod as he stares at Blue "what... what should i do?"
Blue shrugs as he finishes his meal "Take a break? Don't do the guardian stuff for a bit?"
Dream frowns "I can't take a day off!"
Blue tilts hsi skull "Why not? Having a good work ethic is important, I myself have one too, but i know i need breaks. Obviously not as much as some people!" Blue looks over his shoulder with a glare.
Stretch chuckles in the distance "guilty as charged!"
Blue huffs but turns back "But breaks are important. It is why there are rules nad laws about days off and having breaks every so many hours. It sounds to me that you have not been using your vacation days and you should at this point." he puts his empty bowl away and quickly washes it before joining his said again.
Dream already feels anxious. PEople like and listen to him because he helps them. If he stops doing that they may dislike him or not listen and then what does he do?!
Blue sits next to him and keeps waiting for a reply.
Dream rubs his arm "what.. what about... work? What about spreading positivity?"
Blue thinks it over "I mean... It should be fine right? The gang and your brother have been very quiet for the last... what... month? two months?"
Dream nods as he looks at his hands. the anxiety returns "He must be planning somethign big..." something gigantic. And dream has no idea and doesn't even know where to start with getting information or anything-
Blue snaps his fingers and Drema blinks out of his own thoguhts before shooting Blue a confused look.Blue grins at him "I honestly didn't expect that to work. Stop worrying about stuff that hasn't happened yet. Think about the here and now. Your friends are doing okay. The omega timeline doesn't need your help with anything they cna't do themselves. The gang hasn't done anything yet and Errir and Ink still have their third cease fire."
Blue pokes Dream "What will help you right now."
Dream stares at Blue for a moment before looking away. He thinks before he speaks "I think... I think I would like to go... home..." Blue frowns so Dream tries to explain "YOu know... home home... I haven't been there in ages... my... my magic has been... shifting... it is strange... I don't bring as much positivity to others as i used to anymore. Me just being there doesn't make others happy anymore. I... I was hoping... maybe i can find answers there?"
Blue blinks before smiling "That sounds like a wonderful idea! If you give me ten minutes I can get ready to join you."
Dream blinsk confused "You will join me?"
Blue grins and nods "Of course! what are friends for?"
Dream feels lighter and smiles "Thank you blue."
not even fifteen minutes later and they had arrived in Dreamtale. Dream... Dream isn't sure what he had been expecting. but it was the same as he remembered. no colours. everythign is grey and frozen. lacking anytype of magic.
It hurt.
They had arrived at the village and blue looks around "oh.. i... i am sorry..." he holds his hand and gives it a reassuring squeeze.
They walk around the village together and that same bittersweet feeling returns to Dream. He remembers playing games here. the little marktes he would visit. How everyone would always be happy to see him.
It had been a beautiful place.
And now it is gone and-
Dream freezes. Blue doens't notice as he keeps walking but dream can't look away. because there in the distance... in another building... that... that looks like...
The mirage, or vision, or hallucination looks up in shock. before pure fear overtakes the expression.
He looks so young... had they been that young?
Dream feels himself take a step closer. his soul is pulsing madly and his sockets starts to itch with tears. is he going insane?
The tiny form disappears from view as it disappears behind a wall and out of the view of the window.
Dream doesn't think and starts sprinting.
"Dream?! What is wrong?!"
Dream doesn't stop to explain. He runs through the empty streets. please. please. just a moment longer. just bring that vision back. He just wants to see his brother one more time.
A crack much like a thunder fills the air and Dream rushes into the house he had originally seen the vision in.
Dream sobs as he falls to his knees.
He was too late again.
Blue joins his side a moment later but Dream can't even begin to explain.
Why did it feel like he lost his brother all over again?
Why did his soul hurt this badly?
Blue holds him and continues to hold him until Drema calms down again.
Dream sobs "Maybe... maybe this was a mistake..." he can't admit he jsut saw a vision of his own brother but as a child... He can't admit he is actually going insane.
Blue just continues his hug "Or maybe this is exactly what you needed. You have been holding in this grieve for a long time Dream. Maybe it needs to be released?"
Maybe he has a point. Dream leans heavily into the hug.
Blue holds them both up easily "Any place you want to visit?"
Dream holds it tightly before looking around "Maybe... maybe my friend is still here? It has only been about two years since a left." she had given him tea and let him sleep on her couch... Later she had broken him out of his stone prison and helped him as he grew up to be who he is today.
He wants to be sure she is okay.
Blue nods as he looks around the village "where to?"
Dream points in a direction "Her house should be over there..." They walk together in silence and Dream finally spots the old house. But it looks old and broken. As if no one had lived there for centuries.
Dream feels himself shake "That can't be right." he rushes inside and freezes as he finds a pile of dust.
oh... how?
Dream sits next to the pile and sobs. Blue joins his side and hugs him.
Time passes and Dream ends up carefully collecting the dust and putting it in a jar. He will have to figure out what her favourite things were and-
"euh... Dream? What is this?"
Dream blinks and looks over to see Blue holding an old beautiful book. Dream frowns as he walks over and reads the title.
Dream feels himself freeze "I... I don't know... where did you find it?"
Blue points towards the room. Dream frowns "I... i was told to never enter that as that had been her personal room. I didn't want to breka the trust..."
Blue hums before just opening the book. Dream hisses "Blue!"
Blue doesn't even look apologetic "Dream. If i have learned one thing about the multiverse, is having an universe named after one person spells trouble for everyone else in that universe. Why would she hide this from you?"
Dream can't help but agree and the two sit together at the table and start reading the story.
Dream wants to throw up. He is going to throw up. He just sits with his skull in his hands.
How... how often had nightmare asked him not to leave... to leave him alone? How often had Nightmare told him that the villagers didn't like him.
Dream... Dream never listened.
Dream sobs as he lays fully on the table.
The person he thought had been his friend... the person who gave him tea and a place to sit and rest. drugged him... all to make sure he couldn't interfere when they went to... when they had planned to murder... to murder...
all those years again.. Nightmare had accused him of not even caring that he had been dying. dream had thought it had been the corruption somehow talking to him, mocking him. Trying to make him feel horrible...
It had been Nightmare himself... accusing him of leaving him to be hurt and die alone.
And he had been right.
Dream sobs as tears leave his sockets. His sight finds the jar with dust of that... that... woman! That! Rage burns through him but two arms keep him in place.
"It is okay Dream. Let it all out."
Dream shakes his skull as he pushes closer to Blue "It isn't okay!! I am a fucking idiot! I was too fucking blind and now! Now I-" more sobs.
Blue jsut holds him tighter "You were a kid dream"
Dream sobs as he tightens his hold on blue "So was nighty..."
His dreams... his dreams and even that hallucination must have been trying to tell him all along there was more than he saw. That something had been going on. But dream was too busy. Always too busy. Before he had been too busy wiht the village and villagers... and now he was too busy with the multiverse.
eventually the tears dry as Blue just keeps holding him.
Dream sniffs "How do i fix this?"
Blue pauses his movement and clearly thinks for a while. Dream feels worse the longer Blue doesn't answer.
Blue sighs as he leans his own skull against Dream "I don't know. I would say you could try to talk with Nightmare but... well..."
Dream tightens his hold on Blue. every time him and Nightmare met they never spoke. Dream had for a while tried to tell Ngihtmare he could do better nad make up for the wrongs he did...
No wonder Nightmare doesn't want to speak to him anymore. Dream pretty much said that Nightmare should feel bad for fighting for his own survival... that he should feel bad for killing those who tried to kill him.
Dream feels sick all over again as he pushes closer to Blue. Being near blue helps.
Blue keeps a tighter hold on him "For now... you can take the book with you at least... keep your story with you you know? And maybe try and approach the subject if you see him again?"
Dream nods before anxiety reaches him "How will i tell everyone this?"
Blue pulls back and stares him in the socket "Stop. YOu dont have to tell them."
Dream looks away "They deserve an explanation and-"
Blue shakes his skull and looks at Dream "They don't. Just because they think they do deosn't mean they actually do. You don't have to hurt yourself to please them. You don't have to share this just opened hurt with those who won't support you dream."
Dream still feels sick "won't that be selfish?"
Blue shakes his skull "people demanding you share your trauma with them are entitled. You don't have to tell anything if you aren't comfortable."
Dream sniffs before nodding.
Blue nods and slowly helps him too his feet "Now. We came here with a mission and that was to find out what was up with your magic... the book didn't hold the answer so i am going to assume it may have to do with adult you. is there any other place you could learn more of yourself?"
Dream frowns. his head still a bit foggy "maybe... mom would know... but she never told us much... and she is gone... and i haven't been there since... well. i turned to stone." even after he got broken out he hadn't been brave enough to return.
Blue nods "How about.... we walk around first... see if we find anymore... clues" he eyes the book before looking back at him "And once you are ready go see your mom?"
Dream thinks for a moment before nodding.
Dream and Blue end up going to the hill after a quick walk around the village. All the good memories that Dream had had had already turned bittersweet after them dying. Now? They just burned him. Made Dream angry in a way he couldn't put into words. He had helped those unthankful assholes! He helped them day after day after day! Adn they hurt... they hurt... They killer his mother! They tried to kill Nightmare!
They walk up the hill silently and dream is dragging is feet.
Dream didn't think he could feel worse but he was wrong.
Because right by the dead stump of his mother.
Are two old graves.
One saying Nim. One saying Dream.
The worst part is that they looked well maintained and there are fresh flowers on them.
After that Blue calls it a day and helps him home. Saying that they will ask other people in the multiuniverse about gods changing powers later. and with a crack like thunder they teleport away and out of that universe again.
... *coughs* did someone say brother complex? Also this ended up a lot longer than planned? Woops? Look it was just suposed to be about Dream seeing tiny NIghtmare in their old AU but then a lot happened and I figured Dream also had a lot of trauma and well... tada?
Look. I never said Dream was dealing well with the changes... If i am being honest Nightmare took his own slight body horror better than Dream took the slight changes around him and the vision of his younger brother :3
First: here Prev: here Next: here
anyway. Love you all. You are fun and nice to hang out with! See you next drabble. also i can't believe this account that i just had to give little extra information abut my main AU just... has a second AU living here now.... guess that happened...
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seichira · 2 years
door into your heart.
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haitani ran has never had to fight for a girl’s attention. well, at least before you came along and changed the game. it is his first time trying to win someone’s heart, and he’s getting more desperate the longer you keep him on the ledge.
pairing : bonten!ran haitani x college!reader
content : mostly fluff, kinda angsty, swearing, mentions of violence, and basically ran just trying to get the girl.
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ran thinks it’s absolutely insane that a girl has got him wrapped around her little fingers, and he knows it, he just willingly submits himself to it.
let’s start from where all the glitches in the universe as he calls them, started. meeting you.
you see, ran haitani is used to women throwing themselves at him. the man can get whatever and whoever he wants at a snap of a finger.
his childhood was rough and all he had was rindou—and he’s not a saint not to enjoy all of life’s perks now that he’s reached the top, isn’t he? admit it, he has been through enough shit to take it easy for once.
they started off ruling ropponggi, having a bunch of men do whatever they command. they lived off the glory of winning street fights and taking down gang leaders after gang leaders.
it was cool, alright. but looking back, that place seems to be just a playground compared to the chokehold they have on the entire country. japan is essentially theirs.
when a person is on top of the world, no words could possibly describe the feeling of being a king. ran haitani himself found himself at that position.
however, the thing about reaching the top is there is nowhere else to go. what follows after is boredom, ennui, and just… rotting away in the repetitiveness of the days. killing, manipulating, torturing, stealing.
he was getting sick of it.
at the height of his much-too-early midlife crisis that he believes came early because he is going to die earlier than everyone else, he flew back to tokyo in hopes that he can drown himself in alcohol at some bar that has no connections to bonten.
he hops out of his ferrari that he parked on the other side of the street adjacent to the local bar, and he is just about to cross it when he hears an exasperated grunt and a loud sound of metal nearby.
the first instinct was ignore it, but another grunt came and he finally snapped his head towards the direction of the disrupting noise in this peaceful part of town.
there, ran sees you struggling to pull the storefront rollup gate down. judging by the apron you seem to forget to remove, it is easy to deduce that you are a barista at the coffee shop you’re currently trying to close for the night.
being the brute that he is, ran keeps his distance from you and remains standing near his car, leisurely watching you struggle.
he chuckles to himself. that shit is cute, he thinks.
it is your first time having to work the closing shift and you had no idea how heavy these things were until you tried it. when all hope leaves you, you groan and sit on the pavement to wait for some energy to come back before trying again.
that is when ran haitani finally decides to spread out his imaginary angel wings and come to your rescue. he approaches you slowly and his footsteps make no sound at all, making you flinch in surprise when the gate suddenly closes and locks on where it is supposed to be.
you look up at the man who just saved you a ton of energy and time, and you stand up to face him. it takes you aback, though, with the way he towers over you. people can be this tall?
but if you were taken aback, the man in front of you is completely blown away. your hair is messy probably because you just finished a shift, you are wearing a simple polo shirt beneath your dirtied apron, paired with skinny jeans—and the man thinks, what a fucking beautiful woman.
this man has seen all kinds of women in the fanciest of outfits, and yet, here he is, totally mesmerized by an obviously exhausted girl trying to make money.
“phew. thank you! you totally rescued me because i was just about to run away and possibly get fired for leaving the coffee shop open overnight.”
he shrugs at your gratitude because he literally did nothing. the gate weighed like paper to him. not only is he not used to saying you’re welcome, he also does not really do much things to receive a thanks.
still, he says, “you’re welcome.”
“have a good night, mister!” you say to finally walk home since it’s a fifteen-minute walk from there.
you work two jobs to get yourself through university after deciding you won’t ever burden your parents anymore, so it is justified how you just want to lay down on your bed on a friday night.
ran finds it too much of a waste to let such a pretty girl go just like that, which is very uncharacteristic for him because he never does that when he knows there are others out there in his disposal.
but he can’t let you walk away.
“wait, miss.”
you turn back to look at him, “hm? yes?”
fuck, even her voice is cute.
“this… coffee shop. why’d you have to close it yourself? you don’t have security guards or something?”
you shake your head like it’s the most normal thing ever, “nope. the owner can’t afford something of that sort. the business is financially tight after the new coffee shop nearby opened.”
“which one?”
you state the name of the coffee shop that almost put you out of a job. thankfully, your boss liked your work ethics enough to keep you in their staff.
“thanks again, mister. i have to go home—”
ran scrambles his brain to find another excuse to keep you for longer. at this point, it is already unusual to him how you still haven’t asked his name. he cannot believe that he’s doing so much just to continue talking to you.
“you’re walking home?”
“yep! it’s good exercise, you know?” you giggle before pointing at the black ferrari just a few steps away. “i believe that’s yours?”
he nods. “looks sick, doesn’t it?”
“looks like someone’s got trust funds,” you joke. it earns a laugh from ran haitani, a man who hasn’t laughed in ages. holy shit, he utters in his head.
“not trust funds, honey. i don’t have a rich mommy and daddy. worked like hell to get that shit.”
your eyebrow raises, and you smile. “well, something must be very wrong with this life because i work like hell and i’m nowhere near affording that!”
it intrigues him, how you talk like you’ve got nothing on you but be lighthearted about it. when he had nothing, he was miserable. how could you smile like that? much more so, smile so beautifully?
“want me to drive you home? it’s dangerous in this part of town. don’t want you to go missin’ on me before you get to afford a ferrari.”
you are quick to turn him down with a flick of your hand, “oh, no thanks. i’m grateful for your help but who knows if you’re the dangerous part of town?”
he laughs again because you are absolutely right, but you have no idea that no harm will ever come close to you when you’re with him.
“you can call anyone and give them all my cards so they’ll know who took you home. safely.”
“i appreciate it, but really, it’s fine. there are some catcallers here and there but believe me, i can trashtalk them just as fine.”
his brows furrow at the thought. it makes him uncomfortable knowing you have to go through that, and you’re used to it.
“you sure?” he asks again but does not impose because he understands your doubts. it truly is hard to trust someone nowadays.
“i am.”
you walk home after waving goodbye to the tall, handsome, purple-haired man with a clean cut—ready to forget him.
with all the good intentions left in his heart, he waits a few seconds for you to be at a safe distance before he quietly follows you home. just to make sure you get there safely.
true enough, there are a few men loitering along the streets. when they call you names and shout lewd remarks, ran is just ready to intervene.
but you flip off the men and shout, “you filthy fucking pigs! this is why you lead such petty little lives without a wife to love you!”
once he sees you get inside the apartment complex, he shoves his hands in his pockets, approaches the men and gave them a few threats and injuries. afterwards, he walks back to his car.
you were right—this was good exercise.
ran abandons his earlier plans and heads home for the night. and if it isn’t clear, he thinks about you the entire drive home until his eyes drifts off to sleep.
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that was how you met ran haitani.
the next events were just batshit crazy. the nearby coffee shop closed down and business was back as usual. your schedules were changed into something that will allow you to have some time to study and even rest. in the blink of an eye, as if something shifted, everything was suddenly convenient for you.
but behind the scenes is ran haitani.
alongside all of the crazy happenings in your life, ran haitani never leaves you alone. literally the next day after your first encounter, he shows up at the coffee shop you work at with an irritated look on his face.
“what’re you so grumpy for? where’s the smile you had on last night? didn’t expect to see you here, mister. would you like to order?”
“why did you arrive just now?” he looks at the nameplate you just clipped on your apron, and it wasn’t there last night. “y/n.”
“what do you mean?”
“been waiting for you here for two hours already, thought i’d come by and see if you were able to make it home alive last night.”
you stifled a laugh, “obviously, i did. and i only start here very late at night. it’s a part-time. i study in the good part of the day and i work a waitressing job at a pub, then this one.”
his eyes widen, and the one thing he immediately thinks of is how you do not have to do all that if he just gives you what he has. he has more than enough money to last lifetimes. giving you some wouldn’t hurt, right?
he is not even surprised when you turn that offer down. he’s disappointed, but he saw it coming.
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after months of clinging to your side like a leech, the man is irrevocably in love with you. like down bad. like there-is-no-getting-out-of-this in love.
seriously, how could he not?
he sees you work so hard, so independently, and face so much shit the world throws at you and still have the will to be fucking smiling at him?
when he told you about his work, which took him about three months to finally confess to you, your answer was, “i stand corrected. that is good exercise.”
the man was BAFFLED. you accept it, just like that? no judgments? no shouting? no cursing? no condemning him for all of his sins?
you continued, “i know how hard this life is and i won’t blame people for doing what they have to do to survive. i’d rather not get involved with that, ran, so keep me away from it… but as for you, i don’t mind.”
you said all that but when he confessed his feelings for you the very first time, you turned him down. it was for a good reason—you had to graduate and earn a degree so you can finally have a good-paying job. being in a relationship with anyone is putting that at risk, and it was a risk you couldn’t take.
he understood.
the second time he confessed, after a year, he was at your new apartment that you purchased all on your own. it was small, but it was yours, so he loved it.
this time, he was sure that you loved him too. the problem is, you told him that you want him to court you first. until you give him your sweet yes, every interaction has to be friendly.
ran didn’t understand, but it was what you wanted, so he courted you in ways that he absolutely had no idea how, but had to try anyway.
“court me, and i’ll see if you deserve me.”
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well, no shit. he has been courting you for a year now.
everything is slowly falling into place. your job is getting stable. your apartment is getting filled with more upgrades. you don’t have to live off cup noodles anymore (although ran made sure you lived well with all the help you accepted from him after he met you). the bills are paying themselves.
but you won’t give ran the time of day. you were such a tease. brushing your hands with his but never truly holding it. hugging his huge figure but never fully embracing him, except on your graduation when he was the only person who went to congratulate you. speaking with your lips close to his but never kissing him.
being with him but never telling him you love him.
but you are. you are in love with ran haitani. you are aware of the things he does for you, and they do not go unappreciated.
the flowers he casually gives you even without an occasion. visiting your place just to cook your meals when you are too lazy to feed yourself. taking care of you when you are sick and even when you aren’t. spending all his money on you albeit discreetly so you won’t scold him. quitting the vices you hated. being your personal driver. leaving important work behind when you need him.
basically being there.
being present.
being your person.
you finally decide that it is time to give in to what you want. to love him without inhibitions. life has been hard enough and it is about time to just… give in to all the things you were deprived of.
ran is an impatient man, and you think it should be humanity’s greatest feat that he was able to wait for you this long.
you know better than anyone that he can wait for as long as you need him to, but the wait ends now. you cannot wait anymore, and neither can he.
sitting inside the car, stopping at the basement parking, ran waits for you to step out first because you made it clear that while you two are just friends, he will never be allowed to open doors for you.
you unbuckle your seatbelt to lean forward and kiss him on the lips. he freezes at first, and the thoughts wilding inside him screams, what the fuck?! is this really fucking happening?!
when he recovers just as you pull away, he pulls your nape and deepens the kiss. he pours out all the years he spent waiting to cross this line on this kiss.
and you return all of them.
he pulls away to rest his forehead on yours, “what’s the meaning of this? are you… what is… is this what i think this is, baby?”
you nod with tears on your eyes.
“you can open my door for me.”
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sugarwithtea · 1 year
bounty (m) | myg [teaser]
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bounty (noun) : a sum paid for killing or capturing a person. if there was one person who annoyed you the most, it was min yoongi. but what happens when he calls you after escaping someone hired to end him? a dance, which ends in a surprising way.
pairing ; gang leader!yoongi x thug!reader (f)
rating/genre ; m (18+)//smut, angst (minor), enemies to ???
wc ; for the teaser - 470 // for the fic - 4k+
warnings for the teaser ; guns, swearing. for the fic ; explicit smut in public, knives, mentions of death, gore, murder (main characters) and many more!
note ; tread with caution ⚠️ the teaser is mild but the fic won't be (it will be very dark!) also, happy d-day dropping everyone hehe!! thanks to @cowboylikeyoongi for helping me with smth very major!!!! please let me know if you wanna join the taglist for this!
masterlist | taglist
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You stand straighter, putting your hands on your waist and chewing the end of the cigarette in your mouth. You survey the area with squinted eyes, pushing your thin jacket behind to reveal your black tee and the gun, with which your finger toys.
You had heard of this place, and how there was a big bounty on the leader of the gang who ran the place. They were dogs, fiercer than wolves, but still fucking cowards. Your boss had asked you to stay clear of the massacre, something about leaving the lowly on his own. And you obeyed, for Min Yoongi was a man who riled you up so much, that anger always lived on your nose – and the tip of your tongue.
The way you were called into the yard, you assume whoever tried to get the meaningless bounty had failed. You shake your shoulders in amusement, and take another drag from your cigarette, kicking the dust at your feet. One more minute, and if he doesn't show up you are getting the fuck out of here.
It's as if the universe heard your thought and plotted against you returning because as soon as you turn back towards the raging fire, a hand wraps itself around your neck and pulls you behind. You let out a loud snort of amusement around the cigarette as you are pulled into a hard chest, his arm around your neck and breath on top of your ear. You quickly pull your cigarette out with one of your hands and exhale, letting the smoke fog you.
As soon as you register his breath, a hard thing pokes you on the base of your throat, and you look down to see the muzzle of his gun at your throat, pressing into your skin. His arm is right above it, and you see the way his fingers wrap around the trigger guard, away from the actual trigger. You scoff at it – still a coward.
He pushes the muzzle deeper into your skin, and you feel his chest going up and down, as his hand around your neck brings you so near him, that you feel him mold against you. You arch an eyebrow and tilt your head, a laugh leaving your lips.
"Hello to you too, Yoongi.'' He hated it when you, or anyone called him Yoongi, so you did just that. He doesn't want to be related to his family, or have a semblance of their relationship with him. And there was one thing that could erase it – his name. So he changed it to Agust D.
"You came?" His voice is gruff against your ear, and you don't miss how deep it is, just like the ocean. You take a deep breath and exhale, before speaking again with a delayed snort.
"You called?"
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if you wanna join the taglist for this specific fic then lmk via comments :)) (permanent taglist peeps will be tagged in the reblogs for this one hehe 😉)
feedback of any kind is greatly appreciated! so please lmk your thoughts :))
© sugarwithtea. do not repost.
2K notes · View notes
whitehotforeva · 6 months
gone - billy the kid.
❀ warnings - 18+, fingering, oral and slight angst.
❀ word count - 2,059
❀ a/n - this is my first fic, very bleh but whatever. hope whoever is reading this, enjoys <3
you had fallen asleep a few hours ago. your lantern burning brightly as you sighed and watched the sky darken as you waited for him. sometime along those few hours, you had fallen asleep.
the lamp was nearly burning out now, only bringing a faint warmth to the room. you stirred when you heard the sounds of a door opening and closing, and those familiar footsteps you had always anticipated.
your eyes slowly opened, squinting as a soft yawn left your lips and you rubbed at your eyes, a soft sound leaving your lips as you pulled yourself up to look at who finally visited at this hour.
there he was, standing in the glory of his days work. his curls damp against his forehead and his cheeks slightly tinted red at being out in the sun all day. you tiredly glanced at him, and his exhaustion seeped into your own as he pulled off his hat.
“angel.” he spoke out, his voice ragged and rough as he took a few steps towards you.
hurt coursed through you. but you couldn’t help but soften at his words. at his voice. at the way his eyes were filled with apologies and fatigue.
you tiredly stood up, your legs shaking a little as they got used to holding yourself down. your body dragged itself to your shared chest of drawers as you took out his night clothes. turning around, you saw him sat at the bed, those piercing eyes just watching you.
you made your way back to him, like you always did and you found yourself standing in between his legs. his heavy hands pulled you in, his arms wrapping around you tightly as he buried his face in your warm neck.
“missed you billy.” you murmured out, your fingers making their way to his wild curls as you ran your fingers through them. it was a constant battle, of you pushing away the pain of his identity and of you comforting him because of it. his days were hard and long. too long. when you first started your relationship with billy, you truly didn’t expect how exhausting it was to be waiting up on him every single night. to be crying yourself to sleep if he didn’t show up one night, scared that he had lost his life in a fight against another outlaw.
relief flooded your chest each time you saw him, but so did dread as you were reminded he would leave again and the cycle would repeat. your grip on his curls tightened.
his lips brushed against your neck.
“i’m sorry.”
you just sighed out. he promised he’d be here today. for weeks you’d feel his body sink into the bed besides you as he held onto you, as he thrusted into you - desperate for the warmth you could give him in the night that he couldn’t steal in the day.
and he left you cold in the morning. he’d be gone. it hadn’t always been like this, but he had been stepping up with his responsibilities with the rest of his gang and stepping down for yours. you knew it wasn’t his fault. it was what his life demanded of him.
what else did you expect when you fell in love with an outlaw?
billy was hurting too. but some things needed to be done. he told himself it was for your future together, but he couldn’t see that the idea of your future together was crumbling because he hardly was even there. last night as he held you in his arms, grunting as he snapped his hips against yours, the sounds of promises being made to you alongside with the slapping of your skin together filled the room. he had promised that today would be special. that he would leave the boys early evening and come back to you.
you had prepared something especially for him and held so much excitement in your heart as you waited for his tall frame to walk through the door of your well tidied home, warm with the efforts of your love seeping in the air. he didn’t come so you didn’t eat. at first you were a little hopeful, waiting idly wondering if he was simply running late but deep down you knew it. you knew he had let you down again.
he had lifted his face up now, and those dark blues were taking every inch of your face in. he noticed your eyes were slightly swollen, no doubt from how much you had cried earlier. his hands moved up to cup your face as his eye contact stayed. you always wanted to look away from his stare. it was so piercing. he intimidated you in a way, a man so beautifully sculpted, looking at you? you felt embarrassed by just staring at him back, but something in you had looking up into his eyes helplessly. you knew where this would go, and as his hands trailed down to the buttons of your nightgown, you hated that you were right.
you let him pull it off you, and tears filled your dark orbs as his brows furrowed with pity and guilt swimming in his eyes. he pulled your delicate naked frame close to his as he sat you onto his lap.
“i let you down. again princess.”
his fingers rubbed gently against your thighs as he pressed a soft kiss to your shoulder. your cheek was wet now, but he was so quick to wipe it away. heat blossomed in your stomach. it felt like a sickening combination as butterflies and pain danced together in the pit of your stomach.
“i’m sorry. i’m sorry angel. i truly am.”
and with that, you burst into tears, your chest heaving up and down as he began to softly rub your back, cooing into your ears as the bottom of his own stomach brimmed with guilt and desire.
“fuckin’ asshole i am. hurting my sweet baby. i’ll make it up to you. i will.” he almost pleaded as he pressed a firm kiss against your shoulder, letting you dampen his neck and the collar of his shirt.
you stayed like that for a few minutes as he held you. as he took in your cries. as his fingertips grazed against your back comfortingly. eventually you began to calm down, sniffling as you hid your face into his wet neck.
“i’m tired billy.”
your words were like a whisper. and his were too.
“i know.”
you needed him. you needed his comfort. you needed him to be skin to skin with you, having you forget the pain of his absences as he filled your mind with stars and filled your body with his length. you wanted to kick yourself for it, but this distraction was delicious and sweet. and it was the only distraction you could take in the little time you had with him.
so as your thigh softly squirmed against him, he sighed out at the feeling of his pants tightening before gently laying you down. his eyes were sad and hungry, taking your naked body properly in as the blood rushed to his cock at the sight of your beauty. of your vulnerability. you never had looked more beautiful to him than you did now. your long hair messily framing your face as your wide eyes were glossy, sad and slightly red. your lips were quivering. he couldn’t help but lean down and take them into a kiss.
your lips moved together with a heat that burned in a unexplicable way. he could taste the hurt in your mouth and pulled away, breathing out as he took off his own clothes whilst you watched. the heat in you grew and your lips parted in surprise as he gently pushed your thighs apart and lowered his head down to your most intimate area.
a soft kiss was pressed to your inner thigh that had you breathing out.
“i’m sorry.”
another kiss.
“i’m sorry.”
another kiss.
“i’m sorry.”
and another.
each kiss had been inching closer and closer to the bit where you needed it the most. you stayed quiet, your breath caught in your throat as his eyes met yours.
i’m sorry, they spoke as his tongue licked up a strip down your folds that had you gasping at the sensation. your wetness was glistening as he began to hungrily savour your taste, his tongue licking up your slit before taking your little button into his mouth.
“billy!” you gasped out, the pleasurable sensation of your sensitive little button shooting through your body as you writhed against his tongue. your brows furrowed as small gasps left your lips, his own lips getting rougher as he licked his apology into you.
your glossy eyes glanced at his dark blues, clouded with lust as he devoured you, moaning out against your puffy lips at your taste as you whimpered out, your mind already going a little hazy as electric ran through your body. before you realised, you felt his long finger sinking into you as you whined out, raising your hips slightly as desperate pants left your mouth.
he slipped another finger in, his lips wrapped around your bundle of nerves as he pumped in and out. “ohhh!” you moaned out, your hips meeting his thrusts a little faster as he curled his fingers upwards, hitting your sweet spot as a squeal left your lips.
“love you. love your pussy. i love you.” he groaned against your heat before sucking onto your bud and watching as you arched your back, body perfectly curving in delight at the sensations of his long thick fingers filling you and hitting the spot that had you seeing stars whilst he played with your clit in his mouth.
you desperately humped against his lips and fingers as the coil in your stomach finally snapped, having you sobbing out loud as your high hit you.
you shook, whimpering loudly as your tears streamed down your face and your juice covered his own. he moaned into your pussy, tasting your juices as he was sure the tip of his cock was angry, red and leaking pre-cum. he could taste you forever, your juices sweet and all he ever needed to ever quench his thirst. he pulled his fingers out, his wet lips pulling into a smirk as he raised his body up over your shaking one, his wet fingers that were coated with your juices making their way to in between your lips as you began to suck on them.
he groaned out, the sight of you sucking on his fingers covered with your own juices as tears streamed down your face having his cock throbbing painfully. “shhhh angel. there we go.” he spoke gently, his two fingers in your mouth as his other hand stroked your cheek. your hair had gotten slightly damp against your skin but he loved the sight of you. fucked out by just his fingers and tongue. but you deserved it.
as much as he wanted to pull the belt off his trousers now and sink his cock into you so deep you’d be sobbing all night for it to stop, he couldn’t. he didn’t want to be selfish. you needed this. just this. just focused on you.
you nursed on his fingers, your eyes fluttering innocently as you squeezed your thighs together, moaning softly against his long digits in your mouth. “atta girl. proud of you baby.” he spoke out, his voice deep and low as you felt your heart flutter. your eyes felt heavy, the emotions of your weeks and orgasm suddenly hitting you as his fingers comforted you and had you feeling soothed. before you knew it, your eyes drifted closed, still slowly sucking on his fingers.
as dawn arrived a few hours later, sunlight filled your room you squinted, covering your eyes as you attempted to block the sun. you furrowed your brows, wanting billy to somehow destroy the sun and let you sleep for a little longer. you lazily threw your hand out on the side of the bed where he’d lay but it was met with nothing except for the feeling of your bedsheets rubbing against your hand.
the dread filled your stomach and you knew. no point in opening your eyes to check. he was gone.
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kokoa-la · 1 year
Prompt from @help-i-need-a-cool-username
Danny was tired of his neighbor’s bullshit. Above his head rested the well known crime lord of crime alley, Red Hood. Now, Danny used to be a vigilante, he gets it, truly, but that did not mean he forgave the other for the sheer amount of wake up calls he’s gotten. He knew he was a light sleeper, has been ever since the portal opened and since the portal was shut down by yours truly, but the amount of noise was still unacceptable. Did the guy not know he lived right below him? He knew that the building was in a rough patch, but it wasn’t deserted. He wasn’t the only one here ya’ know. By now the halfa had had enough. He had a class at 9 am tomorrow in literal physics. He needed sleep if he didn’t want to pass out in the lecture that he 100% needed for the midterms in 2 weeks. He would have gone up and complained in person if he wasn’t, you know, on the run. So he sat in his bed, grabbed earbuds, played one of his sad playlists and tried his best to sleep. 
That was it, Danny was going to actually kill the Red Hood. Here Danny is, minding his own business, writing a paper for the English class he had to take for extra credits, and in storms 5 men kicking down his door with all sorts of weapons. They were in all black with hoods and bandanas covering the bottom half of their faces.
“Where’s Red Hood? We know he lives here!” 
The half had had enough. Here he was, on page 2 of a 5 page paper, while on 9 shots of espresso and 3 energy drinks to make up for the lack of sleep he got last night because of the same very guy this gang is looking for. He was going to strangle this man, hands down, screw the GIW. 
“I’m literally a college student trying to live off of a minimum wage salary, if all of us could be crime lords and afford an apartment without a day job, we’d all do it.”
“Where is the Red Hood?!”
The guy in the middle had yelled before pointing a gun right at Danny’s head. He sighed before standing and putting his hands above his head. 
“I don’t know. He’s not here, and I don’t even think he lives in the building.”
He didn’t know why he was covering for his neighbor's ass, but he already had one foot in, so why not the rest of him?
“Don’t bullshit me! We know he lives here!”
“Are you sure it was this building, and not the one across the alley?”
Dany inched closer as the main guy looked over at the goon next to him and started arguing. By the time they looked up, Danny was right in front of the gun, merely inches away from the barrel now pointed at his chest. 
His eyes glowed a vibrant neon green before the lights turned off leaving the apartment in pitch black. 
Red Hood cursed as he realized how careless he’d been. One of his men had informed him that they received a warning from one of their informants. Apparently, there was a new gang on the rise with the sole purpose of taking him down. Somehow they’d followed him to his apartment one night and were staging an attack right now. Luckily, it didn’t seem like they knew his civilian identity, but he didn’t know that for sure. Plus, if they broke in and he wasn’t there, he didn’t want to know what they’d do to the others inhabiting the complex. 
It took him about two minutes to get there using his bike. He scaled the side of the building and got in through his window only to find his apartment exactly as he left it. Had his men lied to him? Or had the gang just not arrived yet? 
Well, that’s what he thought before he heard gunshots below his feet. He scrambled down the stairs and ran to the apartment below him, taking out his gun and slowly walking towards the door. It was dead silent. It seemed that the last noise to leave the place was that one stray bullet, since then not a sound. 
Hood cursed under his breath before turning the corner and moving the broken door out the way. Inside was a pile of 5 men in all black knocked unconscious with a man sitting on top of them criss crossed holding a bat with a green sticker on it in one hand while the other typed on the open laptop sitting in his lap. The vigilante didn’t even move. He lowered his gun to the floor and just stared at the scene at hand. Eventually the man looked up at him with ashy blue eyes and a tired look about them. He sighed before closing the laptop and resting his chin on the small end of the bat. 
“Dude, it’s 3 am. Can you please tell your enemies to stick to acceptable invasion hours?” 
Hood didn’t even know what to say. He just stood there at the door, even clocked his head sideways in confusion. The other sighed.
“I have a class at 7 am tomorrow and this paper is due like yesterday, so can you just, I don’t know? Schedule this shit? Or at least make sure they have the right apartment. I didn’t complain about the noise before, but this is ridiculous.” 
Yeah, Jason couldn’t believe his eyes or ears right now. Was this man serious? He cleared his throat before finally speaking.
“Right… sorry about that? I guess? I’ll take them off your hands. No promises about the schedule though. I can’t exactly control when people try to kill me.”
He stepped forward only for the other to raise the bat at him threateningly. He still sat on the 5 men, and still was pretty far away from Hood, so why he raised the bat he didn’t know. 
“Do you want them in your house or not?”
“I want you to stay right there and pay for the bullet holes in my walls.”
“You just said-”
“Oh, I know, but you agreed so readily I’m testing the waters.”
What the fuck was up with this guy, seriously. 
“You know I have a gun right? I could shoot you”
“Well so did they, and look where that ended them. Gunless and knocked out.”
Touche, Jason wanted to say, but didn’t. One of the men on the ground started to move and groan, his neighbor, without breaking eye contact with him, spun the bat in his hand and hit the man dead center on the head, knocking him out once more. 
Was Jason attracted to this? Maybe.
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minniepetals · 1 year
cry me a river | the apologies
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— summary: how many apologies have you heard in your life? too many to count
— pairing: bts x reader
— genre: angst, mafia!au
— word count: 5.7k
— warnings: none
— PART 21 / previous post / masterpost
“Do you know how much we panicked when you didn’t come home and fell out of the radar?” When Namjoon finally gets a moment amidst the whole chaos of Yoongi finally back with you still unconscious even after the successful surgery, the door is closed and locked, and no one except the seven of them stands in the room of the hospital that is still hosting you. They can finally confront Yoongi about what happened.
“I thought I knew Min Yoongi but the moment you were kidnapped, everything that I thought I knew about you fell out of place when I tried connecting everything to see what happened, who you angered, the people you were around before you joined me, but I came up with nothing. You’re not someone who’ll go out there secretly meeting up with leaders and pissing them off, I know that, and I trust the person that you are now, right in front of me, so I knew whoever was trying to hurt you couldn’t possibly be someone we know, and that’s when I figured there’s been something you haven’t told us. Perhaps it doesn’t matter now, and perhaps it’s all in the past for you, but Min Yoongi, I have to know everything because the moment you get hurt again, I won’t stand for it.”
“There isn’t anyone else,” Yoongi says, quick but truthful, and so they listen in to what he has to say. Yoongi hesitates for a moment, remembering what you asked him in the alleyway a few days ago, how you asked whether Namjoon would care now, and because he knows the answer, he takes a deep breath to let the truth tell itself. “I am,” he pauses, “was, the heir of the Viper gang.”
They react with dumbfounded expressions, and Yoongi knows it’s a shock because how would anyone have figured that out? He’s always been quiet, stood back to let others handle things, dislikes watching people getting tortured, and does everything the opposite of what an heir does.
Every child that’s born under a mafia ruler is taught to stand formidable, act a certain way, and talk a certain way. No one has ever been an exception, so of course it comes out as a shock when Yoongi reveals to them that not only is he related to the Vipers but was the son of Min Junmyeon.
And he had a sister.
“Junmyeon never said anything because I was like a child thrown out of the throne that was meant to be his. Although I wasn’t kicked out.” He looks up, a small, bitter smile curling up just slightly. “I didn’t lie when I said I ran away from the life I was born into. I did run. I ran because I was invisible and because no one cared. They didn’t care to search for me and force me back so I didn’t return. For some time I was content with that life. I wasn’t happy but I wasn’t sad. I was okay with it. When Nari was born, Junmyeon took a whole 180-degree turn and flipped his switch. His whole life was dedicated to her but I never came to resent the way she stole the attention of everyone in the gang. I didn’t care, but I did want to seek approval. What sort of child wouldn’t? I was a good brother, protected her when needed, but eventually I grew tired of being invisible to everyone and just ran. When no one came searching for me, I returned once to see how things were, to see if they had cared but just had a hard time looking for me. But in the end, no one sought out for the lost heir, they probably didn’t even notice, so I took off to the streets and decided it was better there than to live a doll life, invisible to everyone.”
When he speaks of his past, the sort of person he was before he met them, Yoongi doesn’t speak with emotions. He isn’t that man who was filled with emotions days ago when they brought you here, when he didn’t want anyone close enough to touch you, when he took his promise to you to heart. 
Perhaps it was his guilt toward you, perhaps it was his way of apologizing, and no one would blame him for that.
Yet this Yoongi is different. This Yoongi is the usual Yoongi everyone sees, the Yoongi who looks so lifeless, who looks as if he has no heart or anything he desires in this life.
“We were enemies then,” he tells Namjoon, and this time there’s a bit of life, a small little crease in between his brows. “Your gang and the Vipers didn’t get along and, I knew who you were when you saved me that day from those thugs, yet I still followed you because you were the first person who saw me. You saw me and you saved me, while back in the Viper’s manor, I was kidnapped along with Nari and took a scar down my back for her but no one cared. They never cared, and when I received my first kindness…I decided to follow you. But I was too guilty to tell you the truth about who I was and where I came from. That’s why I never said anything.”
“But the Vipers stopped mattering to me a few years after we met,” Namjoon points out. “Why did you never tell me then?”
“I…” He catches himself, pausing, and takes a brief glance at the others. “Everyone else…went through something much worse than I,” he says. Softly. They watch him with confusion though let him keep speaking. “I grew up alright. I grew up privileged. The only thing about me was Junmyeon’s neglect and being invisible to everyone in that manor. Compare that to what everyone else went through? I didn’t want to bring my problems in, I didn’t want to inconvenience anyone with my useless worries. You all had people after you, wanting to actively hunt you down and hurt you.”
“Just because you didn’t have people actively trying to kidnap you doesn’t mean you were safe from the abuse,” Hoseok cuts in as he strolls down to take Yoongi’s hands. He was there when Namjoon saved him, he was right there to have seen the scars Yoongi retained and the pain in the little boy’s expression that night. Yoongi may act like he never cared back then but he did. And both Namjoon and Hoseok have seen it to remember the story otherwise.
“In the end, you were still kidnapped. They showed up years too late but you still ended up hurt.” Seokjin places a hand on his face, brows creased when he runs a smooth thumb over the bandage wrapped around his eye.
“This wasn’t because they went out of their way to hurt me,” Yoongi admits, the good eye meeting the floor with a little tilt in his head. “I actually got hurt because Nari was about to kill Y/N and stepped forth trying to stop her and in the process, she got my eye.”
So they really did have intentions to kill you.
“You watched her too, didn’t you?” Taehyung asks. “It wasn’t just Sunoo. You saw it too.”
He wonders how he would have felt being in his hyung’s position, watching the woman he once loved going through such torture right before his eyes, all the while knowing he could do nothing. In the end, Yoongi was able to save you. In the end, Yoongi carried you out and ran you to safety with the little kid who had been the reason the both of you couldn’t get out that soon.
You both sacrificed something.
Namjoon holds Yoongi’s face in his hands and presses their foreheads together, closing his eyes as he tries to envision the pain. Yoongi will only be able to use one eye from now on, and although it will take a moment, he’ll adjust and he’ll get used to it. But for now, they’re here for him, through and through.
“From now on, no more secrets,” he whispers into the silence that walks in. “I don’t want to know how it feels to lose someone else. I can’t.”
Silence saved by the beeping on the monitor that indicates you still live, that your heart is still racing. Yuna, still seated on the floor but now on the floor of the room you’ve been relocated to, sits still to hear the sound, not moving an inch because if she cannot see, she can hear. It’s the only thing that’s keeping her sane.
Mingyu sits on a chair by your bedside. Dasom stands against a wall beside the door, arms crossed, eyes closed. Yeonjun sits on the couch along a wall, watching Sunoo who had refused to leave until he sees you wake, and in his stubbornness to sleep when needed, he’s finally managed to fall asleep with the sleeping dose Yeonjun used on him.
A few more Reapers stand outside the door, watching, waiting.
A finger twitches, subtly, but it doesn’t leave the hawk eyes of your right hand man. 
“Boss?” He calls, standing.
A heartbeat.
Then before he realizes, an arm extends out of nowhere, leaving him in a chokehold with a grip that has lost much of her strength after the event she’s gone through.
“Boss, it’s Mingyu,” Dasom quickly says when she runs to your side and Yuna has followed along.
Your eyes which had been deadly and alerted with suspicion, loses their glare once you realize who the person that had been by your side was. 
You loosen your grip around Mingyu’s neck, brows furrowing slightly as you take a look at your hand, realizing there are white bandages wrapped all the way up to your neck You stare at your fingers, noticing the pain in your wake, before something hits you and you feel a strong headache pounding hard.
You look over at Mingyu when you get up with the help from Dasom, feeling some sense of deja vu, though you can’t explain why.
“Have I…choked you..before?” You ask. As ridiculous as it sounds — because you’d never lay a hand on your Reapers — something about it just feels a bit…familiar, for some reason. Maybe you’re still dreaming, maybe the madness is spreading and you’re just making things up now but why, for some reason, do you feel as if you’ve held Mingyu by the neck before?
Mingyu doesn’t hesitate nor does he look away when he answers; “No.”
You have your reply and yet it still feels odd when you bring your hand to your head, slowly and gently rubbing your temples as you close your eyes. But then something suddenly hits you and you open your eyes again.
“Where am I?” This isn’t the manor or any place that belongs to you. You’d recognize it if it was.
“It’s a small hospital that belongs to Bangtan,” Mingyu explains. “It was the closest place they could get you to for help.” Your eyes widen in alertness but he’s quick to continue before your heart rate can increase. “As far as I know, Mr. Min was the only one to have touched you. He fended off anyone that tried to get close.”
Yoongi went to the extent for you?
You look down at yourself again, dressed in something you’ve never worn before and it almost feels as if you’re playing some patient in a mental ward. Father never cared to send you to hospitals when you were hurt, you were always taken care of by the medic team or during times when he’d punish you by not enlisting their help, it was your Reapers that had to find what they could to help you.
You’ve never been bedridden in a hospital bed before.
What a sight to behold.
You hate it.
When you throw the blanket off you and try to pull the uncomfortable IVs from your wrist, Mingyu takes your hand to stop you. “Look at your legs, boss, you can’t walk. And you’re still in pain everywhere.”
Wrapped legs. Wrapped arms, torso, and chest.
You look like a mummy.
“I’m not in pain,” you deny. “I can walk—”
“No, you can’t.” He stands tall, refusing to let you do what you wish and you know Mingyu only does this when you’re putting your health at risk otherwise he’d never go against you.
Still, you shake your head when he tries to put you back and they hear the way your heart rate increases. You look over at the sound of the monitor, falling with even more loathe because that thing is like a window to the things you want to hide. You try to push Mingyu off, a lump in your throat because it feels like you’re a prisoner and you don’t want to be here.
You don’t want to be here.
“I don’t like this,” you breathe out but Mingyu holds your shoulders and leans in close.
“That isn’t for you to say and this isn’t the place to panic,” he reminds you in a low tone and you know. You know this isn’t the place, you aren’t safe here, you aren’t safe to express and panic and get upset and do whatever it is you want to do but that’s exactly why you don’t want to be here.
You aren’t safe.
“I want to go home.” A shudder comes through you, a tremor in your hands.
The monitor continues updating.
Beep. Beep. Beepbeep—
“Stop it. Please, stop it. Don’t let them come in.” You know it’s alerting whoever can hear it outside this room. You know the door is about to open because you’re a patient and patients mean listening to what the doctors say and what the nurses say and what everyone else says. “Don’t let them come. Don’t let them come.”
“Yeonjun.” He takes Sunoo in his arms upon Mingyu’s command, leaving out the door. “Yeong.” Mingyu speaks into an earpiece and Lisa, Haneul, and Yiseul rush in.
Mingyu, Dasom, and Yuna back off to let them do their job while outside the door, Yeong and Jae have stepped up to stand guard.
“What’s going on?” Namjoon asks when the two Reapers hold their hands up, refusing to let anyone else in. From where he stands, along with the curtain covering the one window of the door, he can’t see what’s going on.
“We cannot let you in,” Yeong says strictly. “Please. For our boss’s privacy.”
“Is she hurting again?” Sunoo, who had woken up amidst the chaos, asks with worry shaking him once again.
“It’s not what you’re imagining,” Yeonjun tells him straightforwardly in a blunt tone, before looking up at the group that has gathered as if telling Namjoon he should know exactly what he means.
Upon that subtle confirmation, Namjoon backs down, nodding at his people to leave you be, before he walks off with Yoongi and Jungkook following behind.
On the other side of the wall, you must be awake and not taking things well. You’re panicking perhaps, losing your composure, and only the Reapers are allowed to see anything of that relating to you. No one else.
Back in the manor when you had confronted him and pretended to be the bad guy in his life, he saw a brief moment of you losing your composure. They all did. 
The moment you realized you had touched Namjoon, the moment everything started coming down so you walked over to a corner away from them all. You held yourself well despite everything threatening to tear you apart and Mingyu came in time to get you out of there, but in this hospital where you’ve undergone surgery and cannot move around so carelessly, there is only so little your mind can do to trick you out of panic.
And perhaps because it’s failing to protect you from the eyes of strangers, from the eyes of people you don’t trust, maybe that’s why the Reapers have all come into defense mode and have refused anyone to go near you.
“I want to go home.” Meanwhile, you repeat those words inside the room, feeling your throat clogging up and something scratching it so hard you wish to just tear it out. “I want to go home. Take me home.”
The monitor is still going off while you try to shake the hands that try to hold you down, kicking off the blanket, struggling to stay still.
“I want to go home..” Soon your voice dies down, quieting, quieting, until it turns completely silent and you’re simply doing nothing but trembling uncontrollably. You let your knees kick up to your chest, head lowered into them, hands coming around to cover your ears and they know. They know what’s happening.
You’ve never been loud. Not ever.
And although the silence, coldness, and the dark scares you more than anything else in this life, it is the only thing you succumb to when you feel as if everything has gone out of control.
Your silence tears your Reapers apart because it is your silence that tells them you aren’t okay.
That you’re in your most frightened state.
Lisa lets Mingyu come close when you succumb to the silence and they all stand back to watch him work his magic.
He dips the bed when he takes a seat, and when he reaches out to give your arm a tentative touch and you don’t flinch away, he allows himself closer. He puts both his legs onto the bed and pulls you in like you’re nothing but a small little child who needs calming down. Mingyu brings you into his lap and takes your hand from your ear, letting your head rest against his chest so you can hear the beat of his heart, and wraps his arms around you in a soft, soft embrace.
It takes time but eventually, the shaking stops. Eventually, the tension falls away and you allow yourself to welcome the embrace and let your limbs fall loose.
Too tired to hold up.
Too tired to keep strength.
Your heartbeat slows as it follows after the one you’re listening to as if it is the only sound in this world that can save you from the depth of the sea.
The sound of the whale singing you a lullaby and bringing you to fall asleep once again.
“Deal with them. I don’t know what Yoongi wants but it’s not my call to have them dead.”
Days after sending that letter off to Namjoon once things started to calm down on your end, you hear news of the remaining members of the Vipers completely wiped out. You’d been back at your manor for a good time now, ever since waking up for the second time and finding relief in knowing you weren’t at some unknown place. Luckily. 
Your Reapers always know just what to do when a situation calls for it and you’re glad you have them by your side.
With you bedded and unable to walk and do much on your own, you let them follow you through words alone. The Academy is to set up training lessons on both combat and weapon skills. Initially, when building the school you thought against the idea, but since Sunoo’s been used against you as leverage, you figure giving them some life skills should come in handy in the future. They won’t become your little assassins per se but if they want to survive in this world, they have to learn how to fight it. It’s for their own survival, you can’t have a situation with Sunoo repeating again. They should at least know how to defend themselves if anything.
You’ve also told your Reapers the names of the people that have hurt you before, the ones they don’t know of, the ones from before Yuna arrived. It’s a secret you’ve always kept in the back of your memories, not wanting them to return, but if another situation comes out in a similar fashion, you’d rather be prepared.
They have to know, even if it’s just names.
At least then they won’t be led into the dark if you’re taken away again and will have a better chance at suspecting who.
When you’re good enough to stand on your feet and when Mingyu stops becoming so overbearing, the first place you visit is The Academy where Sunoo stays in his dorm alone, isolated from the rest.
“What’re you doing not playing with your friends?” His head perks up when he hears your familiar voice, that look of dread and loneliness brightened up if even for a moment. You see the way his eyes light up, widening, his feet meeting the floor when he jumps down from his bed, quick on his knees with a head lowered down to the floor before anyone can tell him anything.
You freeze in the moment, silent, before signaling to Yeong to have the door closed so that only you and Mingyu remain.
Your second in command walks off to the side, leaning against the wall to give you space when you approach the little boy whose shoulder trembles when lowered before you.
“Sunoo,” you call, and he flinches a little. “It is during times like this you should surround yourself with your peers, otherwise—”
“I’m sorry,” he cuts you off and you simply stand there again, not approaching any further.
“I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.” Yuna, age thirteen, tears rolled down her working eyes when you ran to room 157. “I just…I just want to make it all better.” Apologizing because she was incompetent.
“I’m sorry.” Mingyu, age twenty-six, uttered the only words he could find when you told him one could not break a broken person. “I want to save you.” But he can’t.
“I’m sorry.” Yeonjun, age ten, handing you a cup of rose water, his jaws clenched after your father’s Reapers left the room. “It’s tea,” he says. “It isn’t poisoned,” he says. And you drink it.
“I’m sorry.” Dasom, age twenty-four, blood on her face, blood on her hands, knelt before you with a head lowered, shoulders trembling. “I won’t make the same mistake as he did.” Killed the first Reaper that almost spilled your secrets.
“I’m sorry.” Nakyum, age seventeen, accepts his fate with a smile, eyes only looking your way with the rest of your Reapers surrounding him. The first to lose control, the first unable to restrain himself. “I hope in my next life, I can run to your side without having to hold myself back. May we meet again…in that life.” Dead.
Someone apologizes when they can do nothing. Someone apologizes when they’ve done something. In the end, fate will always pull the people around you into the hell you’ve been born into. No matter how much you push them away to escape it, to live the life they so deserve, they remain still and stubborn, vowing to always stay by your side no matter what.
Yuna lost her eyes. Nakyum lost his life.
No one else.
No one else.
You sit on the floor in front of Sunoo, crossing your legs together and close your eyes. You take in a deep breath, in and out, head tilted to the sky as if sending a prayer to Nakyum, asking him to continue his duties in watching over you all. You’re still selfish to this day, wanting to hold onto the dead.
“You did well,” you say into the silence. “You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head, still unable to look you in the eyes. Perhaps feeling unworthy to do so. “You almost died.”
“But I didn’t,” you affirm and you see the way his hands ball into fists, turning knuckle white. “One day, perhaps, you can be like that gentleman that stepped in to take the blade for me. One day you will be strong to protect the ones you care about. But until that day comes, you have to accept the fact that you’re weak. Do not dwell on what could have been, dwell on how you could have done better. You acted well and played your part. Nari wanted you to scream and lose control, she wanted you to beg her to not hurt me, she wanted to watch you fall apart. If you had fallen victim to her play, she would have done worse on me, Sunoo, I know she would have. There are people who exist to make things harder on others. There are people who exist to laugh in the face of tears.”
“Even still—”
“Even still,” you cut him off, repeating those two words with more emphasis, “you are a child. And you cannot expect to do anything more than to stand and watch. Sometimes being a good bystander is all there is to do. Sometimes being a good bystander is all you can do. You protected me, Sunoo, so do not apologize for doing what I had asked you to do. But if you find yourself still dwelling on the fact that you should have done better,” you lift his head from where it sits, resting a cold hand on his face when he tries so hard to keep the tears back for your sake, “get stronger.”
Sunoo bites onto his lower lip, eyes kept wide and unblinking because he knows that if he wishes to not cry, a single blink will allow the rain to fall. “Yes, my lady.”
You pat him on the head and stand from your seat before simply walking off. 
When the door closes behind you, only then does he finally allow himself to cry.
“I’m sorry,” his voice breaks when Mingyu approaches him on the floor, hands rushing to wipe his tears yet they keep on coming. “I’m sorry I…I don’t know how to stop. The lady hates tears and yet—”
“You did well.”
Sunoo shakes his head. “I still showed her my tears. I..I-I’m not supposed to—”
“Boss was born in an environment that forced her to block all her emotions out. Her own father was a manipulating man who is incompetent of feeling. You are seven.” He places a hand on Sunoo’s shoulder and gives him a gentle squeeze. “Boss built you a place under her rule so that children like you do not have to live the life she led. She will forgive you if you cry.”
And so he does.
He cries. 
This time without hands pushing the tears away, this time with snot and hiccups and sounds. And as Mingyu watches the little kid who was forced to hold a weight upon those shoulders, he wishes he could see the same with you.
And not succumbing to the silence.
“Should you be walking on your feet so casually like that?”
One question still remains. One question that has you questioning everything else.
Why the hell does Namjoon seem so cool about everything?
I mean you didn’t provoke him any further and made jabs at him but why are the two of you okay enough to send letters to each other regarding the Viper situation? Isn’t he supposed to be mad at you for Jungwon? And the fact that you got Yoongi hurt to the point of him only being able to see through one eye now? Namjoon’s protective when it comes to his loved ones getting hurt so why aren’t you being yelled at? And why was he cool enough to send you to their private hospital and even had doctors on standby? You didn’t use them but that’s beside the point.
Is it because you were on the verge of death? But Namjoon never cared about that when it came to his enemies.
You look over at Yoongi not so discreetly, a tilt in your head, confusion plastered on your face, and in his own confusion as to why you turned to him in the first place, he simply gives you no response.
So you turn back to Namjoon, shrugging at his question. “It’s been over a month, I wouldn’t let just anyone take me down like that.”
He hums, agreeing, and you take another look at Yoongi who doesn’t avoid eye contact. The last time you saw him he was all bloody, blood dripping past the wet cloth you placed over his eye. The last time was when you were in that alleyway, telling him to not let anyone touch you.
He kept his promise, according to Mingyu, and perhaps that was his showing of apology for what he’d done to you all those years ago. You wouldn’t deem Yoongi as someone to have ignored the little trust you had put in him.
“I have a question, Kim Namjoon.” You turn to the man in charge. “Did what happened the last time we met each other fly past your head? Because it awfully feels as if it’s not affecting you one bit. Unless this is all just a ploy to lure me in and kill me afterwards.”
He raises a brow. “You think I like playing things out in the long run?”
Right. When it comes to Namjoon, whatever he wants, whoever he wants dead, they usually die within a week of his declaration. He doesn’t do the waiting game.
“Then why am I still alive?” You ask so casually it’s as if you were speaking of the weather. “Are you a fool?”
“I’m not a fool, Y/N, and that’s precisely why I will not kill you, whether you try to force my hands or not.” He gives you a pointed stare and you look away, arms crossing over your chest. Namjoon continues under your silence. “Did you know that in a moment of weakness, you let your mask fall? Did you really think I’d continue believing you so easily? After that act you played and went into madness?”
You ball your hand into a fist, ready to cut back. “I—”
“You didn’t kill Jungwon, but you know exactly who did it.” Those eyes of his, when you look at them, dares for you to refute the claim he just made and it brings a shiver down your spine. He’s never been one to play around, rarely cracks jokes, is always aloof, and has that resting glare on his face. Perhaps you shouldn’t have chanted those words so much you brought yourself into madness.
It was your fault your mask fell.
“And until you’re willing to tell me, I won’t accept your deal in wanting to cut Bangtan off your allied forces.”
You frown at his proposition, confused. “Wha—”
“You need me, Y/N,” he cuts you off, getting straight to the point and you sit there, simply staring with a dumbfounded expression. “I have more power and influence than the Reapers do. I have ways to get dirt over anyone and I have connections. That’s why you approached me in the first place; because you needed to use my power. I will continue to give you that. I’ll allow you to use me. And when you’re done using me, you can throw me out after giving me the truth to who killed Jungwon.”
Seokjin, who had stood beside Yoongi this whole time, slides a paper over to you and when you look at it, you realize it’s a contract. A new one.
You only have to glance at it for a brief moment to understand the words that are written there. “You’re giving me quite the advantage, Namjoon.”
Total control to be able to use him whenever, as long as you’re able to provide him information on his brother’s death once you are done with him. In translation: he was allowing you to treat him as a pawn.
“You know all I want is the truth about my brother, and you’re the only one who can provide me with that.”
The last person to have seen Kim Jungwon. The only person besides Namjoon to have been close to him.
You raise a brow his way, suspicious. “All for some information, you’re willing to become my pawn.”
“You believed I had treated you as such all those years ago, would it not be fair?”
He doesn’t say it straight out but you know just what he’s trying to imply. You were once a pawn in the chess game he played with your father, used as a leverage, and free to ask anything of you. And being the sort of person that you were all those years ago, you could never say no to what Namjoon asked of you. Three years passed, he grew tired of you, and discarded you to be eaten up by the enemy.
This is, in unspoken words, his apology.
You take the pen from the table to scribble out your signature before standing up to walk out without another word.
Though you pause right before you can open the door, turn a step around to address Yoongi, giving him a small bow. “Thank you.” And walk out.
Yoongi’s way of apology meant a lot more. You don’t want some discreet way of apology, you don’t want to play fire with fire even though that had been your intention from the very beginning. But even then, it was never your intention to take revenge back on Namjoon just to use him as a pawn.
It’s not what you want.
You want him begging on his knees the way you had done. You want him begging you for forgiveness and actually mean it.
You can accept Yoongi’s apology. You won’t forgive him yet but you can accept it. He stepped up when you were on the verge of death, stood in front of a blade, and had his own eye blinded. He then picked both you and Sunoo up in his arms and took revenge back on the Vipers, successfully killing them off in one go. And with the little trust you gave him in your moment of weakness, he kept his word and warded off anyone that tried to get close to you.
The Reapers were contacted, rushed to your side, and took care of you.
In the beginning, Yoongi was just a victim who had to fall prey into making a decision he hadn’t wanted to make.
Kim Namjoon’s taking a step but he’s still lightyears away from forgiveness.
Feelings cannot be forced, feelings are something you will not blame him for, but because he lied to you and betrayed your trust, you know you won’t let him off easily.
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hennyjwrites · 1 year
Peaches and Cream: Chapter 1
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Sighing as you pull into the school parking lot you resent your parents for bringing you back to Derry after summer break. You had missed the first month of school so technically this was your first day back. You looked in your mirror and smiled at your new look. Over summer break you changed for the better of yourself. You dabbled in makeup, worked out, got a few piercings, and ate good. You were practically glowing.
Your hair was done with your natural kinks, slightly covering your eyes in a stylish way. Before it was either a mess of a bun, or down in a poofy straight style. The lipgloss you had on gave your plump lips the shine that they needed which brought attention to your white teeth. You traded out your overly baggy outfits, for slightly tighter ones which showed your figure. You look good and you know it.
You made sure to grab your backpack which was filled with your art supply before you stepped out of the car. Your pace was slow as you walked through the double doors. Walking with your head held high, you ignored the looks from some students as they recognized you in your new state. When you made it to your locker you caught the eye of Victor Criss.
He was always your friend even though the rest of the gang didn’t pay you any attention. He always helped you with homework and projects and vice versa. You had never taken him for the bully type until you witnessed him roughing a few kids up with the rest of his little group of friends. You never understood how he got wrapped around Henry’s finger but that wasn’t your business.
Victor excused himself from the group heading towards you. You waited patiently as you opened your locker.
“Hey y/n.” He grinned, excited to see one of his closest friends. He liked that you gave him that sense of niceness that he needed after being a part of the Bowers gang for so long.
You shrugged your jacket off and threw it in the locker before shutting it. “Hey Victor!” You pulled him into a quick hug and he returned it awkwardly.
He quickly looked at you, licking his lips slightly. “You look good, what happened to ya?” He asks. Most would’ve taken offense to the question but you knew what he meant.
“Left town for a few weeks. While I was gone I reinvented myself.” You looked around and saw some of the guys who used to avoid you now staring at you. The hallways were full of kids, and they were obviously avoiding certain people. “And obviously a few people like it:'' you joked.
Before Victor could reply Henry Bowers called his name. “Bring your ass on Vic, you can talk to the whore some other time.” He smirked at you and you could tell he didn’t recognize you. Henry and his little sidekick Patrick practically terrorized you in middle school. Always pulling your curls, knocking you over, just being assholes. Their torture died down slightly when you became friends with Victor. You always assumed he told them to knock it off but you were never completely sure. Vic started inviting you to hang with them sometimes afterwards.
Vic turns back to look at you. “I gotta go, I’ll catch you at lunch alright?” He mostly tells you. You shrug your shoulders as he makes it through the swarm of kids back to Bowers. Before you turned away you caught Patrick’s glance at you. He smirked at you creepily before turning his attention back to the gang. Not knowing why, but a slight shiver ran down your body when he looked at you. You walked to your first class as the bell rang, as everyone scurried out of the hallway.
Walking in the cafeteria, you looked around slightly trying to find a good seat. It was noisy from everyone talking about their summer break but it was bearable. You were about to go sit with your old friend Greta but your arm was grabbed. Ready to push whoever it was off, you roughly turned around until you came face to face Vic.
“Come sit at our table Y/N the gang won’t mind.” He told you, guiding you towards their table. You walked side by side until you finally reached the seats. The two open seats were either sitting between Reggie and Henry or Victor and Patrick. “Cmon sit.” Victor beckoned you. You decided against sitting near Henry and plopped down in between Victor and Patrick. “Guys this is Y/N. '' Victor introduced.
“Oh Y/N, I ‘member you.” Reggie said smiling. He has a sandwich in his hands which you were sure his momma made for him. “You helped my mama with her garden a few summers ago. You saved me a lot of work with whatever you did.” He informed you.
You smiled at him, showing off your pretty teeth. “Your mama was the sweetest woman Reggie, she still sends my family her special cookies to this day.” You smile.
He returned the smile gently before returning his attention back to his lunch. You were tapped on your shoulder. Who was brave enough to actually walk up to the Bowers table. When you turned around you were met with Jaxon Lane's sweeter than pie smile. He was one of the cutest boys you ever met and one of your long time friends. “Hey Jaxon!” You greeted smiling ear to ear.
Jaxon pulled you up into a hug which you gladly returned. “Long time no see, you look great.” Unknown to you your ass was directly in Patrick’s face. It was so round and looked so soft. Patrick was practically drooling and Henry saw the look in his eye and smirked. “Like what you're seeing Pat? Like having her ass in your face?”
“Fuck. What’s there not to like?” Patrick geowled. Your curves were poking out making your body fill in your clothes. You were one of the good things he created. You smiled slightly at Patrick’s words, not expecting him to compliment you. Patrick turned and looked at Jaxon and smiled creepily. Both him and Henry stared at him for a second. Jaxons face dropped, already preparing for the lunatic to lunge at him. “Scram.” Is all Patrick said before Jaxon turned on his heel and walked away to avoid a beating.
You sat back down in your seat and looked between Patrick and Henry. “You guys are assholes.” You muttered, stealing one of victors chips. Patrick was shamelessly staring at your boobs. Your body was enough to have him practically hypnotized. Now he just wondered what it felt like. Pat dropped his hand on your thigh and you turned to look at him. He smirked at your reaction.
“What Patrick?” You ask, looking across from you at Henry who was close to laughing. Belch and Victor were having their own conversation. He didn’t say anything but he rubbed your thigh feeling how soft you were.
“Quit drooling over the bitch Pats she still looks like the trash she was in grade school.” Henry muttered, eyeing some freshmen to find later. Henry didn’t hate you, he just didn’t find the appeal of you. Or so you thought.
You rolled your eyes. “Everyone else thinks differently, Henry.” You inform him. Patrick leaned into you and sniffed your hair. It kind of creeped you out. “You smell good. You smell like peaches.” He told you. “Makes me wonder, do you taste as good as you smell?” He asks moving his hands closer to the inside of your thigh. You stiffened slightly, grabbing the victor's attention.
He shook his head. “Pat I’m warning you, she isn’t as easy as she looks.” He says, shaking his head. You looked at him confused. How the fuck would he know that? “Tried to fuck her a few times and the girl wouldn’t even spread her legs.” Your mouth dropped. You thought he was your friend. He and everyone else at the table laughed.
Henry laughed at the thought. “Oh I see. You're too bitchy to give it up? Hear that hockstetter, she’s still fresh.” He smirked at the thought of Patrick getting his hands on you. Of course he knows how Patrick is with every girl he’s been with. Henry might not know the details but he took notice of how the girls in this town changed after dealing with Patrick. Maybe if he fucked you up in the head you would get knocked off that high horse you were already on.
If you were lighter you were sure your face would be redder than a tomato right now. Patrick laughed along with everyone else before he leaned down. “Mhm I heard, she's just waiting for someone to make her a woman. You're gonna let me make you one?” He laughed although he was deadly serious. His hand went between your legs and grabbed you. You stood up quickly, slapping him in the process. Even though everyone else was scared of him you refused to be one of those bitches who let him do what he wants.
“I wouldn’t let you fuck me if you were the richest man on earth Patrick. If you touch me like that again, I’ll break your fucking fingers.” You hissed, grabbing your backpack and walking out the cafeteria. Patrick’s face stung in pleasure as he watched you walk out. He smiled and bit his lip as your ass moved with every swag of your hips.
You had spent the rest of the day in the library examining art books to help with your technique. When the bell rang you quickly made your way out the building.
You shook your head as you saw the gang torturing some freshman. You decided against defending them and continued walking to your car. Patrick saw you and excused himself from the gang's activities. He called after you but it fell upon deaf ears as you continued walking at a faster pace. Patrick’s long legs gave him an advantage because he was behind you in seconds. He bit his lip as he brought his hand down, slapping and gripping your ass. Fuck it was so soft and his whole hand still didn’t cover it all.
You froze in your steps and turned to see Patrick who was staring at you with lust in his eyes. His pupils were wide as he looked. “Fuck your ass is soft. You smell and feel like a fresh peach.” He told you.
“Thanks but don’t touch me like that.” You muttered, continuing to walk. Patrick trailed behind you as you walked to your car. You unlocked your doors and hopped in thinking you were leaving Patrick behind. He went to the other side and got in the passenger seat. “What’re you doing?” You asked, throwing your stuff in the backseat. You weren’t nervous or anything, just confused.
“I can’t sit in my girlfriend's car now, peaches?” He teased, letting his arm fall in the armrest. You grimaced at the nickname and started the car.
“Girlfriend?” You questioned turning your body toward him.
He smiled and nodded his head. “You're my girlfriend now, peaches.” He informed you. When you stare at him his smile drops. “Is that a problem?” He growled, hand already twitching. Not gonna lie it scared you how he could just switch like that’s
You pulled off out the parking lot. “Nah not a problem, just stop calling me peaches.” You muttered, hating the name.
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i-want-men-i-cant-have · 10 months
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𝒿𝑜𝓊𝓇 𝓆𝓊𝒶𝓉𝓇𝑒. 𝓈𝓃𝑜𝓌𝒷𝒶𝓁𝓁 𝒻𝒾𝑔𝒽𝓉.
✿ summary: maybe your bullies did something right after cornering you in the park and accidentally hitting the gang member in your class instead of you
✿ ft: kazutora hanemiya
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all you wanted to do right now was go home and take a hot bath, relax your muscles from a long day of school. all you had to do was walk for a few more minutes. you did have a follower, though. or that's what it sounded like with the ringing of a bell, probably a keychain, and mimicking snow crunching from your own.
as long as they didn’t try to hurt you or, god forbid, talk to you, you would be fine. you honestly didn't have the brain capacity after a long day of studying and annoying girls in your class. in every single class.
you were taken out of your daze when you heard some annoying high-pitched laughs. you knew those annoying high-pitched laughs and forced giggles anywhere. the elongated words almost seeping out like moans. a higher pitch, almost panda baby-sounding sneeze followed after and a whine, “noo~, that is my real sneeze taro~~!”
yeah, pick me, girls in your class. they didn't exactly try to like you at all. turns out their boyfriends also don't exactly like you at all either. how fun. so fun, in fact, that a snowball was hurtling right towards you.
but it didn't hit you. it hit the person behind you with a sound that just had to hurt. and then there was a grunt. a very annoyed grunt.
you turned to see where the guy's offender was, but a snowball hit your chest, splattering all over your new warm jacket. and then another. and another.
quickly realizing what was happening, you yelled a short "run!" before booking it under the bridge the girls and their boyfriends were on. as both of you ran snowballs hit you from every which direction.
did they plan this out or something? there’s literally girls and boys stationed like the military over the park. you had to hand it to whoever planned this out; it was impressive.
you brought hands to your face to try and protect it as you ran as fast as you could, the only noise you could hear was the whipping of snowballs being thrown in the air and hitting you.
once your eyes caught a rock, you bolted as fast as you could, arms flailing, trying to reach the damn thing. you dove towards it, crawling to safety.
then, your very nice follower had decided to also dive into the snow, right on you. his hand grabbed your back, plunging you into the snow. your body hit the snow further, nose stuffed with snow so far you almost could smell the nice earthy dirt from the last season. but he grabbed your collar, saving you from the snow, and shoved your face into his own.
“the hell is wrong with you?” he wasn’t screaming, but he was still holding back, you could tell.
“what-?!” you almost laughed, but you coughed up some of that stupid snow he submerged you into.
“you got your friends to do this, didn't you? you think you're so special, don't cha’?”
as he went off, you started to recognize the guy practicing holding you by your throat, arguing with you. he was practically arguing with a wall with drying paint.
your mind finally hit a mini memory. you know this guy. you don't know him, but you know him. he was one of your friends' crush the week he came to school, so of course, you had to hear her rant about him for a week.
what even was his name? kyazutora? bazutora? nyanyatora? once your eyes landed on that tattoo on his neck, it hit you. kazutora, that was his name. It fit him in a weird sense.
now, that week she spent talking about him was only filled with compliments after compliments. ‘he's so hot’ she would say. ‘he's a need not a want’ she would say. ‘forget a ferrari for christmas, I want him’ she would say. you didn't get it at first, but now… you still don't.
he was being an ass right now. you didn't want to fight, maybe a bit, but not with him. he could probably see that, and he still went off until he didn't. he released you, and you felt yourself fall deep into the snow.
you muttered a small thank you and tried to dust yourself off, only now catching time to get the snow out of your eyelashes and face.
“we should get out of here.”
“listen, I'm not really in the mood to deal with your attitude right now, and I just want them to go away. I don't want to fight you, so can you please not try and be rude or anything,” you try to hold back. he’s probably had a rough day too, being hit in the face by a snowball but still.
“you want them to go away?” he asked, smirking, letting his pointy teeth be more pronounced. you give him a curt nod. “ok, I can do that. just listen to me.” he looks around, not even flinching with the ongoing snowballs being aimed at you two.
“start making snowballs.” he orders you while trying to make snowballs.
you turn to try and make a snowball, hands moving to shape it into a circle. it crumples and falls in your hand, but you still make as many as you can in a minute. by the time a minute passes, your jaw drops. he’s already got a whole arm full of them. does he have an automatic snowball maker stuffed in that bell earring of his?
“how did you?”
“you ready?” he asks, almost too gleefully. he turns to start throwing as many snowballs as he can, each one hitting directly where he wanted them. is he on the baseball team? you would have remembered if he was a baseball boy.
still, he was pressing out arms like the pitchers on tv, throwing every which way, all with that smirk on his face, his ammo slowly running out. you peek out from the rock, watching him work his magic.
your bullies- the girls in your class- shrieked and grabbed their boyfriends' arms. “run!” they squealed like dying pigs, running away for their life on the bridge.
next, he aimed for a boy hiding behind a rock opposite of yours. he jumped to the side, dodging a snowball passing his shoulder, hitting the tree behind him. he threw it midair, almost in slow motion as it still hit the kid in the eye with a loud “eugh” and ran away crying. that's gotta hurt.
you turned to see there was still a boy who ran away unscathed from your savior. “ah, he got away,” you told him, an unused snowball still in your gloved hands.
“snowball,” he held out his hand, still looking towards the boy. you placed the weapon into his hands and watched as the boy ran for his life.
he pushed his shoulder and arm back, lifted his leg a bit, pivoted his foot. ‘bam!’
you could practically feel the impact of a rock hit your lower back as you watched the collision. the poor kid fell straight on his face from the ball.
“you hit him!”
“so what?! you hit him!” you jumped into his arms that stiffened before he grabbed your shoulders and shoved you off.
“you go to my school, right? tomorrow you should eat lunch with me. I'll make hot chocolate and pumpkin pie!”
“hot chocolate and pumpkin pie? that sounds disgusting.”
“free food's still free food.”
and at the same time, he found your classroom the next day and ate the meal you prepared for him.
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spooky-bunnys · 1 year
This is the request I was working on before my account was hacked. I don't have the ask for it. But I wrote what I remembered. I hope you guys like it!
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Mizo middle didn't know what to do right now. The sight in front of them had stooped them. When Yamagishi said he couldn't joing them today, they didn't think too much about it.
Until they actually came across him and some scary looking dude. Like the guy looks like he could easily kill Yamagishi! Takemichi looked at his other friends panicking. What did Yamagishi do?!
(Name) stared up at the sky as his brother continued ranting about homework and the gang he joined. Whoch honestly surprised (Name), but his baby brother always had a liking towards gangs. It worried him for the longest time, but he know's he always has his back.
Whoever tries to mess with his brother has to go through him first. Well...(Name) sighed and ran a hand through his long dyed (color) hair. His rings catching lose strands here and there. (Name) suddenly smiled softly, turning to his still ranting brother.
"Oi shrimp. Wanna see my newest tattoo?" Yamagishi straightened up and looked at his brother with stary eyes. "You got a new tattoo?! What is it?!" (Name) faked a groan and took off his leather jacket. Carefully handing it to his brother before lifting his shirt slightly.
Showing a familiar pair of glasses along with the words, "Modivation and Inspiration". Yamagishi could feel tears well in his eyes. His brother while he looks extremely dangerous, was actually the softest and kindest person he knows. He'd do anything to keep him safe.
He carefully stared at the tattoo noticing the jagged scar. Yamagishi felt his heart slightly break. Thanks to him, his big brother not only got stabbe but, was sent to Juvie due to (Name) injuring the guys that attacked him so badly. He frowned and held the jacket tighter.
(Name) lowered his shirt and stared at his brother worringly. "Shirmpy you good?" (Name) slightly licked his lips, trying to keep them from getting too dry. Showing a new tounge piercing along with his snack bites. Yamagishi stared at his brother. (Name) changed so much in Juvie.
His brother used to hate tattoo's and piercings. Saying they ruin a persons beauty. Now here he is, covered in ink with multiple piercings. His once (Hair color) short hair now a long dyed (color) hair. His bright prince like brother was now a prnce of darkness.
It makes him sad knowing if he hadn't instigated the fight, his brother wouldn't had almost died and been sent to Juvie for almost 5 years. He had missed so much. Yamagishi hugged his brother tightly. Crying into his brothers chest.
(Name)'s heart broke hearing the cryings and gasps leaving his shrimpy dork of a brother. (Name) pulled the hair tye from his brothers hair and gently ran his fingers through his hair. Being careful to make sure his rings wouldn't get caught in the youngers hair.
From across the street Mizo middle stopped panicking seeing the heartfelt scene. For Gishi to act like that, he had to be someone special and important to him. Akkun turned and started walking away, catching the other three's attention. Before Takemichi could ask what he was doing, Akkun explained how the hugging duo deserved privacy.
Later that night (Name) was working on his precious bike. It was a 1998 (bike). It was his 2nd precious treasure. Beside his baby brother of course. Gishi was laid out between the bike and tool box. Handing his brother a different tool when asked. Yamagishi hadn't noticed the time, untl he phone rang a familiar tone making him jump.
He quickly grabbed his phone then rushed into the house. (Name) came out from under his bike extremely confused of his brothers actions. But shrugged it off before continuing his repair job. Once he finished tightwning the last bolt his brother came stumbling down the front stairs. Startling (Name) as he quickly rushed to catch his brother.
"Oi Shrimpy easy! You're gonna fall and crack your skull!" Yamagishi checked the time on his phone. Crusing once seeing the time. "Sorry Aniki I'm late for the gang meeting." (Name) chuckled and ruffled his brothers hair. "Did you forget that I can drive you there?" Yamagishi frozed. He had forgotten that.
(Name) grabbed the keys to their "dads" car. Not like the bastard is using it anyways. He's at some bar trying to find a new "fling". Once the two settled in the car they were on their way. Now obviously (Name) let his brother out a little before the shrine entrance. Knowing the gang wouldn't like outsiders present.
(Name) reminded his brother to let him know when the meeting was over. He would hopefully be finished with fixing his bike. All he had left to do was change the oil. Once arriving back to their house (Name) immediately got to work wth changing the oil in his bike. Knowing his brother would live to ride on it again.
After changing the oil in his bike and taking a much needed shower. About 45 minutes had passed. (Name) had just finished drying his hair when his phone rang. When he saw a message informing him that his baby brother meeded a ride home from the meeting.
As (Name) walked out of his room he stopped before his mirror. His hair was half up showing his long dyed (color) hair and his undercut. His spiked belt and bracelet shinning from his lamp on his desk. Finally his ripped black jeans and favorite skull and roses shirt. His tattoos and piercings on full show.
He chuckled grabbing his old leather jacket. Which had multiple patches on it. His newer leather jacket already on his bike. He grabbed his and his brothers bike helmets, and made his way out. He waved at the neighbors who were coming home before taking off.
It took a total for about 10 minutes to get to the shrine. His bike and appearance catching many members attention. While many members went t confront the new arrival. One had gone to Mikey who was talking to Takemichi and his friends.
When Mikey was informed on how the guest appeared he was a bit worried that a rival gang member had came to their hideout. So he quickly made his way over to the entrance. Hoping his thoughts were wrong.
What greeted him was an usual sight. The unknown male (who still had his bike helmet on) was completely ignoring the members yelling at him. Dodging fists and kicks thrown his way. The guy wasn't even fighting back. It was when Yamagishi recognized the bike and the jacket did he take off towards the "fight".
Scaring his friends greatly who rushed after him. But to their surprise Yamagishi had thrown himself at the unknown male. The male obviously caught the smaller male and laughed loudly. Silenced everyone present. Until Mikey stepped forward. Announcing his presence.
"Who are you and why are you here?" Yamagishi tried to speak up. But was silenced by a hand settling on his shoulder. When the taller male removed his helmet it was like everything was shown in slow motion.
Many were awed at the site of the male. He was tall and had many piercings and looked to be covered in tattoos. Takemichi quickly recognized him. "Wait! You were the guy with Yamagishi earlier!" The male chuckled and opened his mouth. Showing another piercing.
"Yeah. I'm this shrimps brother. The name is (Name). It's nice to meet the friends I've been told so much about."
Everyone stared. Nobody moved. Well until Mucho stepped forward. Throwing a punch at (Name). Who quickly dodged the fist and grabbed Mucho's arm, throwing the much larger male over his shoulder. He made it look so easy.
Everyone's jaws were dropped. It was completely quiet until (Name) laughed. "Well it's great to see you too Muto. But your still slow as ever." Mucho stood up chuckling and brushed his uniform off. "Well (Name) I didn't know you were getting out so soon. I was gonna visit tomorrow."
(Name) smiled and pulled his brother close. "You of all people know I'm well behaved. Besides someone has to look out for those who can't. Besides I'm the Dark Knight. Nothing can keep me locked up for long."
Upon hearing "Dark Knight" Toman went up in an up roar. Surrounding (Name), asking him multiple questions, and weirdly enough for his signature. (Name) quickly grew bashful and tried escaping. Which he failed to do. While (Name) was getting trampled, Mizo Middle were questioning Yamagishi.
"Since when was the Dark Knight your brother!" Akkun was the most shocked. He had met the Dark Knight once after he was almost mugged. But he was luckily saved. "Wait. What did Mucho mean by "get out so soon"." Yamagishi slightly flinched. They of course noticed which made them worried.
But they quickly pieced it together. "You're brother. He was in Juvie wasn't he?" He nodded sadly. "He was. It was my fault he was." That's when he told them about how he used to get his gang info. Which was to actually stalk and talk to gangs.
Of course that had gotten him in deep trouble. He told them about how a few gangs had gotten together to "take him out". "It was a rainy day and I was late meeting (Name) outside his school. When he came to find me, he had found the gangs trying to actually kill me."
He looked over to where he brother was surrounded by Toman members and a few captains. "He immediately jumped in. He was able to beat almost all of them. Until one member pulled out a pocket knife. He had almost stabbed me but...(Name) took the stab for me. He had beat the guy so badly....the guy almost died."
The other stared sadly at him. "(Name) almost died protecting me. Then he was sent off to Juive for almost killing the dude. They didn't even let him explain what actually happened! Since the judge knew the dude who was almost killed. He immediately found him guilty and (Name) didn't fight back."
Yamagishi jumped feeling an arm wrap around his shoulders. "Well shrimp. I've said before and I'll say it again. I'll do anything for you. You're my baby bro! Besides I made some cool friends in Juvie." (Name) smiled at everyone. He was glad his brother was safe and happy. It was all he ever wanted.
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i-am-baechu · 1 year
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Chapter Three
Wishes (M) (Season One) 
Summary: After a long day of classes, Min Yoongi decides to take a break at the music hall that has become his second home. He walks in with his cigarette lit and his blank expression quickly changes when he sees a girl playing his piano. The moment their eyes meet, their lives become complicated and Yoongi blames himself for her future pain. Was the love we had honest? 
Genre: Gang au!, college au!,  strangers to enemies (one-sided), strangers to lovers, slow burn, friendships, romance, angst,  little comedy, and smut
Main pairing: Gang leader! Min Yoongi x Pianist! Reader 
Warnings: Explicit language, smut, mature themes, gangs, violence, smoking cigarettes, drugs, and alcohol usage 
Warnings for this chapter: Drugs, murder, and smut
⇜ Masterlist ⇝
“Make sure you turn in your assignments online! Have a nice one.” Yoongi closed his binder and let out a small sigh. He leaned back in his chair and ran his fingers through his hair roughly. It was another day of classes and Yoongi wasn’t having it today. He had a long night looking over things for his group, it was mostly numbers on drug deals and he didn’t have a problem with that but damn does it get tiring. He cracked his neck and grabbed his binder in a lazy manner. He didn’t go to bed until late and all he wanted to do was sleep.
He continued to walk on the campus but stopped to stare at the music hall, “I’ll see you tomorrow?”  He quickly shook his head and made his way out of hell. He had a meeting with Hoseok and Taehyung about what they saw last night. Hopefully, it's not that serious because he just wants to take a nap. Before he left the campus he stopped. He let out a frustrated sigh and turned around to walk back to the music hall. He opened the doors and silence hit his ears. His chest felt heavy and it was annoying. His eyes landed on the piano but he quickly looked away. He slammed the door shut and left the campus with pure annoyance. 
He entered the headquarters with a chip on his shoulders and Namjoon raised his eyebrow at this, “You good?” 
“Tired. Where’s Hoseok and Taehyung?” 
“Waiting in the office. After that, you should get some sleep because tonight we're going to the club.” 
Yoongi raised his eyebrow as he set his binder on the bookshelf, “Why?” 
“Taehyung wants to see if the club has new visitors and well...Jimin wants to get his dick wet.” 
“Fine. I’ll be back.” 
He dragged his feet up the steps as Namjoon watched closely. He was tired but there was something also. He couldn’t figure it out. He turned towards Jin who watched the scene with him, “What do you think hyung?” 
Jin shrugged his shoulders and continued to cut cucumbers, “Maybe he needs to fuck someone...he could be stressed.” 
“I’ve seen him stress and this isn’t stress.” 
“It could be that girl Y/N...”
Namjoon looked back at the steps with a small nod, “I need to confirm that it's the right girl but why would Yoongi be interested in a L/N?”
“You never know with him.”
Yoongi sat at the table as Hoseok nodded his head at him, “So far, there haven’t been any changes. No new clients for our supply or anything like that. It’s been normal.”
Taehyung took a sip of his drink and he nodded his head, “That’s why I thought we should go inside the clubs. Just to see things.” 
Yoongi sighed and leaned back in his chair, “Isn’t that dangerous? Think about it, if there are people there wanting to fight us then we're just walking into a trap.” 
“Boss, it's our club. If anything there’s going to be two or three. Not a bunch of them spread out.” 
“Fine. We go together as a group.” Taehyung smirked at this and before he got his question, Yoongi rolled his eyes, “Yes, you can fuck whoever you want.” 
Hoseok chugged his whiskey and let out a loud laugh, “Finally.”
“Hey! You're still on the job.” 
“We know, boss.” 
Yoongi went back into his room and sat on his bed. He stared down at his floor and sighed, it's been two days since he saw Y/N. Maybe she was just bluffing about seeing him again. People just lie to make others feel better, it was just human nature to do so. Yoongi scoffed and fell back in his bed staring at his ceiling, “Thought she was different...” 
“Boss, take a nap because around 9 we're going!” 
Yoongi slipped off his slippers and moved to lay his head on his pillow. He turned to face the wall and the frown on his face somehow got deeper. He closed his eyes and the only thing he heard was Y/N’s melody. 
Yoongi was playing the piano in a dark room with a single spotlight on him. The melody was pure sadness and each time he hit a key, darkness would spill out. No matter how bright the light was above him, the darkness always took it away. It wasn’t until heels clicked through the empty stage that he turned his head to see Y/N. She was dressed in a simple white silk dress with white heels. She had a white rose in her hair as she gave him a soft smile. With each step she took, butterflies erupted and flowers started to bloom. He couldn’t look away and she was standing in front of him. She sat next to him and glanced at the keys, “We should play together...” 
“Boss?” Yoongi sat up at the sudden voice and looked at the culprit. Jungkook looked at him with a confused look, “You were snoring...you haven’t done that in a while.” 
“I was tired...get out so I can change.” 
“Okay, we’ll be waiting downstairs.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and when the door closed he cursed under his breath, “What the fuck was that?” 
During the car ride, there was silence between the members with music being their conversation. Taehyung and Jimin were already high while Jungkook was tipsy. The youngsters were always messy, no matter what they did. Yoongi stared out the window and his eyes would focus on the streetlights. It was like his dream, the only light in the darkness that guided anyone home. For some reason, his brain made Y/N the light. That’s annoying. He needed a drink. 
The club was loud as everyone danced around him. He sat in the VIP room with Namjoon talking to Jin about something. Hoseok was chatting away with some blonde and the other three idiots were gone. Yoongi sat back watching the drop of condensation fall down his glass. He wondered if the drop was having a conversation with him or if he was going crazy. He looked up and saw Nina Lee staring at him. Nina was his usual fuck and even though she was married, it didn’t matter. He chugged down his whiskey and went towards her. 
She gave him a small smirk and tilted her head, “You haven’t called me.” 
“Been busy.” 
“Busy? Even for me?” 
“Let’s go.” 
He walked away and he knew she was following him with the sound of her heels. In his dream, Y/N’s heels clicking added to the melody while Nina’s heels distorted the melody. He shook his head and continued to walk down the hall to the private room. He sat down on the couch and lit up a cigar as Nina stared at him. The stare felt ugly in his eyes but at least he had someone’s eyes, “Cigar?”
“Yes, sir.” 
He lit it up and handed it to her. He puffed out smoke and he watched the smoke hit the ceiling and let out a small chuckle when he remembered Y/N yelled at him. The look of determination was laughable to him but he couldn’t help but smile at it. Yoongi burns out his cigar and turns his body towards Nina who followed him, “How’s Lance?” 
“Are you really asking about my husband?” 
“I’m asking because I know he's an idiot. Has he been talking to other gangs?” 
Nina shook her head and looked at the wall, “No, he only talks to you guys. He’s too scared to talk to others after the whole thing about the new gang.” 
“Good. Keep an eye on that.”
“Anything for you sir.” 
His tongue poked against his cheek, he hated that word from her. He did a come hither motion and she listened. He pressed his lip against hers, her lips tasted like smoke and cheap lipstick. The tip of his tongue licked at her lips and she knew what he wanted. She straddled his hips as his hand snaked around the back of her neck bringing her closer. 
He hissed when she rocked her hips and rolled his eyes, “You should know by now that I'm in charge.”
“Sorry, sir.” 
She whimpered at the dominating tone. His tongue traced around her earlobe before nibbling it. He squeezed her ass roughly and rocked her hips into his. She let out a moan but it wasn’t the melody he wanted. He spanked her ass roughly and watched her grind away on him, “That’s it. Lift up your skirt.” 
She nodded her head and did what she was told. He unbuckled his belt and let his semi-hard cock out. He already knew that she had no underwear on, she always did that. He began to rub circles over her swollen clit with his thumb, “Oh sir.” 
“That’s right slut. Sit down on my cock or I’ll leave.” 
She nodded her head and his hand grasped her hip as she sat down on him. She started to whimper at the thickness but Yoongi didn’t budge. She lifted her hips a few times letting the head of his cock be coated. His lips traveled to her stiff nipple as his tongue circled around her flesh. He spanked her ass as she moaned at the feeling, “Hop on my cock, slut.”
“Yes, sir.” 
She began to bounce on his cock as her moans echoed in the empty room. He leaned forward to light another cigar as Nina rocked her hips. He leaned back against the couch watching her rub her clit as she grinded against him. He let out a puff of smoke and wanted this to be done already. He started to thrust up and he watched her close her eyes. She let out a loud moan as he continued to thrust up, he took his cock out and rubbed himself until he cummed on her thigh. She was about to lean into his chest but he gently pushed her to the side. She closed her eyes as she gained back her breath. He sighed to himself and put his cock back into his pants. He grabbed a napkin and wiped her thigh the best he could. He pushed down her skirt and walked out of the room. 
He ran his hand through his hair roughly as he made his way back. He stopped in the middle of the hallway and looked up at the soft light. He brought his hand up trying to grasp the light itself. He sighed and shook his head, it felt like the millionth time today. He saw Namjoon talking to Taehyung and he raised his eyebrow, “What’s going on?” 
Taehyung turned around and took out his cigarette, “There was a murder by Heliotropes.”
Yoongi nodded his head and took out his phone, “Hwan is already calling me. Let’s go.” 
“Yes, boss.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Another class was done and Yoongi was going to leave the campus but his eyes landed on the music hall. He bit his lip and headed towards the small building. He opened the door and raised his eyebrow at the scene in front of him. 
“How do you know my name?”
“You capture someone’s attention. I wanted to see for myself.”
She scoffed at this and stood up from the stool, “Who the hell is this someone?” 
“Wouldn’t you like to know?”
“That’s why I asked. Who is this someone?” 
“He’s right, you're feisty.”
Yoongi rolled his eyes at this and walked up to stop the fight or whatever this was, “Taehyung, what the hell are you doing here?”
He watched Y/N turn around to look at him. He felt frozen under her stare but he ignored it as he stared at Taehyung with a raised eyebrow, 
“Should’ve known.”
Yoongi raised his eyebrow at this as he made his way toward Taehyung, “Known what Bambi?” 
She went back to the piano with her back towards them. He couldn’t help but stare as Taehyung watched with a small smirk on his lips, “That you know each other. Tyrants know each other.” 
“The fuck is she talking about?” 
“She's calling us tyrants because we smoke in the music hall. Keep up. Don’t you have somewhere to be?” 
Taehyung pouted but nodded his head at his boss. Taehyung walked out and he watched Y/N playing the piano again. His eyes widened at the melody he was playing, it was the same one he was playing in his dream. He walked up to her and She looked up as her fingers continued playing, “Can I help you?”
“I want to play.” 
“Well, I’m playing right now-”
“I want to play with you.”
She stopped playing and looked at Yoongi with a raised eyebrow, “You want to play with me at the same time?” 
“That’s what I said. Unless you think your better than-”
“I never said that so don’t put words into my mouth. Sit.” 
She moved a bit and ignored the scoffing. When he sat next to her she glanced at him, “What do you want to play?” 
“Don’t you usually compose your own music?” 
“I do but that wouldn’t be fair for me to do that to you. I can’t expect someone to follow me when they don’t even know my next move. It’s not fair.”
He nodded his head and looked down at the keys, “We can do Mozart.” 
“I don’t have a problem with that...Why did you want to play with me? You don’t seem the type.”
He scoffed and looked at her with a raised eyebrow, “What does that mean?”
“Your vibe just tells me you want to do things your way. That’s all. Not bad.” 
Yoongi started playing and his mind started to replay his dream from last night...
He was at the river with Y/N next to him. The only sound that could be heard was the running water in the distance and the leaves falling from the branch. She looked up at him and smiled, “Dance with me?” 
He didn’t say anything and gently grabbed her hand, intertwining their fingers together. As she nuzzled her head into his chest. They swayed back and forth as the flowers around them opened up. He rubbed her knuckles gently as she looked up at him, “Don’t be evil. I know you're not. Be the Yoongi you are with me...the world will see the real you...” 
 “That was fun.” 
He snapped out of his thoughts and turned towards her, “You kept up.” 
“You didn’t think I would?” 
“No, but you were shocked that I kept up.” 
She glanced at him and nodded her head, “I would be lying if I said no. Obviously, you play piano but I didn’t know the skill level. Did you ever go to school for it?” 
Yoongi rolled his eyes and took out a cigarette, “I didn’t have time for that. I just learned whenever I had the time.”
“You're very talented.”
“I know.” 
She let out a small laugh when she felt her phone buzz in her skirt pocket. She took her phone out and saw her mom was calling her. She sighed and looked at Yoongi, “I have to go.”
“Let me walk you.”
She shook her head and glanced at the cigarette, “No because you're going to smoke. I don’t want to smell like smoke.” 
He rolled his eyes and placed his cigarette back into the box, “Is that okay, Bambi?” 
“Yes...are you really going to walk me?” 
She let out a small sigh and decided not to argue with him. She picked up her backpack and glanced at him, “Can I stop by a store?” 
“You're not a prisoner.” 
“I beg to differ.” 
The two left the hall and Yoongi couldn’t take his eyes off of her. He knew that her parents were powerful in the business world and it made him think, why would she want anything to do with him? He was a lowlife and she was the girl that every lowlife dreamed of. She knew how to stand her ground and in the few interactions they had, he was already thinking of her. It annoyed him how much he thought of her. She was the wind and the flame to his candle, she was constantly around him or maybe he was going crazy. Who the hell is Y/N truly? 
She walked into a liquor store as Yoongi followed her closely. She went towards the drinks and turned towards him, “Are you going to pick a drink?” 
“Why would I?”
“Because I want you to have a drink?” 
He glanced at the drinks and then back at her, “So the rich girl is going to pay for me.” 
She scoffed at this and picked up her tea, “Don’t call me that. You know I have a name.” 
“Fine, Bambi.” He opened another section and took whiskey out of the cold. She glanced at the drink and then at him with a raised eyebrow, “You getting whiskey? It’s only four in the afternoon.” 
“Bambi you said pick a drink, you never said I couldn’t get alcohol.” 
“I guess...” 
She walked towards the cashier and went to take out her wallet. Yoongi glared at the man and he gulped at the look. He knew who he was, of course, he did. Yoongi was his boss, “You don’t have to pay.”
She furrowed her eyebrows at this and tilted her head, “I have alcohol...you need to see my ID..”
She watched the cashier glance at Yoongi and then back at her with a nervous look, “It’s covered. Don’t worry.” 
She looked at Yoongi with a confused look, “Is this-”
“It’s fine, Y/N. Let’s go.”
She nodded her head but before she left, she took out 50,000 KRW and slid it to him. She gave him a small smile and bowed her head at him, “Have a good day.”
Yoongi grabbed her wrist and left the store without saying anything. They went to a bench and she sat down next to him. He glanced at her and looked at her drink, “You like lemon tea?” 
“I do. You like whiskey.” 
He let out a small chuckle and nodded his head, “I do. Want a drink?” 
“Sure.” She took the bottle and took a small sip of the dark liquid. She frowned at it and gave it back to him, “It’s not bad but it’s not good.” 
“Do you drink alcohol?” 
“Sometimes. It’s not a common thing in my day-to-day life.”
“What do you drink then, Bambi?” 
She rolled her eyes and let a small smirk appear, “I like tequila...wine...nothing else comes to mind.”
Liar. Yoongi knew she was lying with that look in her eyes but he didn’t want to bring it up, “Interesting. Don’t you have to get going?” 
“I do...but I can stay a little longer.” 
He took another sip and raised his eyebrow at her, “You don’t follow orders, do you?”
“I already told my mom I was finishing off my piece. She understands.” He leaned back into the bench and she followed his lead. She opened her tea and took a small sip. She felt his eyes on her and she glanced at him with a raised eyebrow, “You look like you have a question.” 
“What are you majoring in?” 
“Music and programming.” 
He nodded his head and looked her up and down, “Smart.”
“What about you, Yoongi?” 
She smiled at this and nodded her head, “I can see you as a Ceo.” 
“Why is that, Bambi?” 
“You just have this aura for it.” 
“I hope that’s a good thing.” 
“It is, don’t worry.”
They both stared at each other and she looked into his dark eyes. There was something about her eyes that held light. It wasn’t the type of light that you saw from the sun but the light that someone craves for. It was as if eyes knew the truth about him and understood him. That scared him. How could someone already have this hold on him? He barely knew this girl but here he is being understood with just a look. It felt safe and warm. He needed to push this away before it killed him. 
“Are you ready?” 
“I am, Bambi.” 
The two walked in silence but it made Y/N think more. If Yoongi was an outcast at his school, why was he interacting with her? He was weird and she didn’t know if he was a good weird or a bad weird yet. He was just weird to her for now. They stopped in front of her gate and she turned towards him, “Thank you...again.” 
“I wouldn’t want you to walk alone at night. It’s dangerous.” 
“I think everyone knows that...I’m assuming you heard about the murder.” 
He let out a deep sigh and looked away from her, “I did...” 
She nodded her head and pushed the button to go in, “I’ll see you when I see you.”
“Yeah, Bambi.” 
He watched her leave and he couldn’t help a smile appear on his face. A real smile, he hasn’t felt that in a long time. He watched her enter her house and the smile disappeared. He was annoyed with himself. He shook his head and walked away until his phone started buzzing. He pulled out his phone, “What Hwan?” 
“You need to pay a visit.” 
“Who? Don’t tell me what to do.” 
“Park Joo Won.”
Yoongi stopped in his place and scoffed, “The restaurant son? Why would I waste-”
“He witnessed the murder and there's a rumor that he’s a part of Demony na Zapade.” 
Yoongi felt pure anger in his body. That fucker was Y/N’s friend and he was a part of that group, “Don’t worry I’ll pay a visit.” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
Yoongi knocked on the door and when the door didn’t open he turned towards Jungkook, “Open it.” 
Jungkook nodded his head and went to kick the door down but it opened, “Who is it?” 
“Joo Won?”
The door opened wider and Joo Won glared at him, “Oh, you're the dude that was with Y/N. What do you want?” 
“Rumor has it, you witnessed the murder of Min-Jun and we have questions.”
Joo Won's eyes widen and they shifted from Yoongi to Jungkook, “Listen-”
“Let us in now.” 
Joo Won nodded his head and let them in. Yoongi stood in the kitchen with Jungkook standing next to him glaring at Joo Won, “Talk.”
“It was the wrong place at the wrong time...I swear.” 
Yoongi nodded his head and took his pocket knife. He looked down at the blade and then back at Joo Won, “If you don’t tell the truth, I will kill you.” 
“I-I got that. I was taking out trash and I heard a gunshot...I saw this dude hit the ground, that's it.” 
Yoongi stabbed the table causing Joo Won to jump, “There’s more to the story. Now tell it!” 
“Fuck, I-” 
There was a gentle knock at the door and Yoongi looked at Jungkook, “Make sure he doesn’t move.” 
“Yes, boss.”
Joo Won's eyes widen at this and glared at him, “You're a gang leader...stay away from Y/N-”
“Shut the fuck up.”
The door opened and he was looking at the person that Joo Won told him to stay away from, “Yoongi? What are you doing here?” 
“Bambi? What are you doing here?” 
She tried looking past Yoongi’s shoulder but he blocked her view with the door. She looked at him with a confused look, “I’m here to see oppa...now answer my question, what are you doing here?” 
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
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@hopefulrascalstatesmantoad @secfir
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slaymybreathaway · 9 months
◇Chapter One◇
Chapter List Masterlist Introduction
Word Count: 1k
Content Warning: physical violence (getting jumped)
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1965◇Grace and Sally's Style Salon
"Hey Sally! I'm gonna head home now, alright?" Grace called out. She propped the sweeping brush up against the wall before taking her navy cardigan off of the coat hook and put it on, not bothering to fasten any of the buttons.
"See you later, Gracie!" Sally called out from where she was washing a client's hair. Grace smiled at her friend's ever-present enthusiasm, before hanging the strap of her canvas handbag over her shoulder and walking out the door.
The pair had been best friends since freshman year of high-school and had decided to open a ladies' hair salon near the end of their senior year. They came up with the idea after realising that most of the salons in Tulsa were on the West side and were too expensive for the 'Greaser' women to go regularly.
Now, a year and a half after their graduation and two months since they opened 'Grace and Sally's Style Salon', the pair are finally starting to get regular customers. That is a relief because it has been a rough couple of months financially. Even to the point that both women had to take up second jobs working at the concession stand at the Drive-In in the evenings.
Gracie walked down the streets of Tulsa, she would usually drive but her car broke down a few weeks ago and she hasn't been able to afford the repairs. So now she had to walk to work.
As she passed by the picture house she saw a red Corvair parked on the side of the road she was walking on with the keys still in the ignition. She knew this meant trouble because the Socs would never park out in the open when they're in Greaser territory, let alone with the keys still in their car.
She was about to cross the road so that she wouldn't run into whoever owned the Corvair. But before got the chance to, she saw a group of Soc boys not far ahead of where the car was parked. They seemed to be circled around someone else on the ground. A boy with long reddish-brown hair.
It was only when Grace saw a familiar group of Greaser boys running towards the gang of Soc boys did she realise who it was on the ground. The Socs jumped up and tried to run at the sight of the gang, but the Greasers got a hold of them and started throwing punches.
Grace wanted to fight too, but figured it was best not to. Instead, she ran up to Ponyboy and dragged him to the side of the building, away from everything that was going on. "Hey, are you alright kid?" she asked, taking a packet of tissues out of her bag and wiping the blood from the cut on his throat.
All her life, Grace had lived next door to the Curtis family. Their mothers were best friends, so the Curtis brothers were like family to her. Since her parents died in the same auto-wreck that killed Mr and Mrs. Curtis, they have become closer than ever. It seemed like Grace was over at the Curtis house more than she was at her own these days.
Ponyboy didn't answer, he looked a bit disorientated at the speed of everything that was happening. Before long, the socs had disappered from sight and the gang had crowded around where he was sitting.
"Are you alright, Ponyboy?" Darry asked as he lifted his brother by his armpits and hauled him to feet, shaking him.
"Quit shakin' him Darry. He's probably dizzy enough already," Grace said pointed out, crossing her arms.
Grace had always been the closest with Darry Curtis, since they were the same age. They both acted like the parents of the gang, keeping the rest out of trouble when they needed it.
"Yeah, quit shaking me Darry. I'm okay," Ponyboy muttered, he still looked shocked but he was coming to his sences now.
Darry let go of him straight away. "I'm sorry," he said and Grace knew that meant it. He doesn't realise his own strength sometimes.
Ponyboy sat down again and started rubbing his cheek, it was definatley gonna be bruised in the morning. Darry jammed his fists in his pockets, a look of worry on his face. "They didn't hurt you too bad, did they?" He asked.
The kid looked up at his brother and nodded. "I'm okay," he repeated, but within a few seconds, Ponyboy had turned as white as sheet and his eyes filled with tears as he started to shake and cry.
Grace sat down beside Ponyboy on the sidewalk. "Easy Pony, they ain't gonna hurt you no more," she said in a hushed voice, trying to calm him down as she rubbed his arm.
The boy turned away and wiped his eyes, not wanting to seem weak. "I know," he breathed, shakily. "I'm just a little spooked, that's all,"
Sodapop stuck his hand out and rubbed the top of Ponyboy's head with a smile. "You're an okay kid, Ponyboy,"
Ponyboy returned his grin as he shook his head. "You're crazy Soda, outta your mind," This made Soda laugh and help him to his feet.
Darry crossed his arms. "You're both nuts," he muttered. Then he turned to Grace, held out his hand and pulled her up. "Thanks" the girl mumbled as she wiped the dirt from her tight-legged jeans.
Sodapop cocked an eyebrow amusedly. "It seems to run in the family," he smiled. Darry rolled his eyes with a chuckle as the gang started walking in the direction of the Curtis house.
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darkeunology · 4 months
♡ Final Goodbyes ♡
Word Count: 1228
Pairing: Sam Wilson x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death, injury
Summary: When a building collapses on you during a mission with Sam, you feel like you have one chance left to tell him how you feel.
Not Requested
Rewritten from an old account
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Fury had given you and Sam yet another job together, this becoming a regular occurrence as of late. The two of you were often given smaller jobs and undercover jobs together due to how well the two of you worked together. Ever since the fight in the airport - once the team had actually started working with each other again, you and Sam were paired up more often, Tony claiming that he’d passed on how well the two of you fought together, working like an actual team, both knowing exactly what the other was going to do in a fight. 
You were best friends, you had been almost from the moment Sam was introduced to you, both of you and Bucky becoming an almost inseparable unit together - never spending much time away from each other in the compound, all looking out for each other in missions. Fighting with both of them felt so natural to you, your movements flowing with each other, yours and Sam’s slightly more than Bucky’s.
There had been reports on an abandoned building about a drug gang Shield were trying to track down - Fury never telling you guys the exact details about why they were hunting down a simple drugs gang - but you and Sam were sent in as an indiscreet unit, hoping you’d be able to surprise whoever was in the building. The rest of the team weren’t far behind, hiding in a vehicle around the corner from the building, listening to your comms, ensuring the two of you were safe - ready to run in the second they needed to. 
After a small talk outside the building about your strategy, making sure you were both on the same page, you entered the building, guns drawn, staying side by side with each other as you eliminated most of the targets - under Fury’s orders; their boss was confirmed to not be in here, Fury didn’t need any of these guys alive anymore, so your orders were to kill anyone you saw you perceived as a ‘threat’.
Neither of you knew quite how it happened, but you’d managed to get split up from each other after some of the gang members had tried to fight you both. Both of you had a plan for if you’d gotten split up during this mission, both needing to meet on the bottom floor near the main entrance. Sam’s voice came over the comms, making you change your route to the nearest entrance to you, 
“The buildings about to go down, they set off bombs on the top floor. Y/N, get out of the building, do you copy?” Sam spoke, breathless slightly as he spoke, already out of the building, the team meeting him out on the street, all waiting for you to get out,
“Copy. Making my way out no-” You were so close to the exit, only a few feet away as the building shook around you, your comms cutting off as the building fell around you. 
“Y/N!” Sam shouted, watching the building fall, “Please tell me you got out…” he spoke into comms again, praying to whatever God was above that you were okay and were going to answer him. 
“Fury, the building fell on Y/N. We have no contact, starting search and rescue for them.” Tony spoke into his comms, all the team running towards the building to try and find you. 
Painfully you opened your eyes, your suit managing to protect you somewhat from the building collapse, making it so you didn’t die instantly from the impact. Panic ran through you as your lungs burned for a breath, a painful, broken groan spilling past your lips, being heard on the comms of the team outside. You heard your name being shouted, unable to tell if it was through your comms or not, you spoke, hoping your comms were still working, “I-I can’t breathe.” A whisper was all you could get out, a slab of concrete pushing down on your back. 
“Y/N!” Sam spoke through the mic, a minute sense of relief coursing through his veins as he heard your voice - you were alive… But for how long? “Where are you, sweetheart?” 
“I was near the West exit when the building came down.” you spoke, remembering how close you were to being out. Tears spilled from your eyes, another slab of concrete pining your leg to the floor, pain being all you could feel, sharp, stabbing pain throughout every single part of your body - you couldn’t hold on, you were going to die down here, you were going to die without ever telling Sam how you felt. “Sam. I need to tell you something.” you whispered. 
“Go ahead.” he spoke, still digging with the rest of the team, now all near where the West exit used to be, all of them determined to find you before you stopped being able to speak - whilst you were speaking, it meant you were still alive. 
“I love you.” 
Sam chuckled, “I love you too, sweetheart.” he replied, his heart aching slightly as he knew you didn’t mean it in quite the way he wanted you to mean it in. 
Another groan slipped past your lips as you chuckled, this one being more painful than the last, your life slowly trying to slip away from you, “No, Sam.” you stopped, a sharp pain stopping you, your leg felt like it was on fire, another groan of pain - every one being increasingly painful for Sam to hear. “I’m madly in love with you. I have been for years. It’s always been you Sam, ever since I met you, you’re all I’ve ever wanted. I couldn’t die here without telling you that.” 
Sam paused his digging, his heart beating out of his chest, he chuckled brokenly as he started to cry, “I love you too, sweetheart. In the exact same way. So you stay alive for me so I can finally take you on a date.” 
“I don’t think I can Sam… I’m sorry.” your voice got quieter, almost interceptable as your eyes closed, your body giving up just as the team pulled the last pieces of concrete off you. 
A weight in your hand was all you could focus on as your consciousness came back to you. Unbeknownst to you, it was Sam’s hand, he’d been sitting with you from the moment you’d come out of surgery.
He woke up from his very unpeaceful sleep by the feeling of you squeezing his hand, a groan spilling past your lips, a sound that Sam could from now on only associate with you dying, “Y/N?” he spoke, his voice breaking as you opened your eyes to him, “Hey, sweetheart.” he spoke, endearment in his voice, he leant forwards, placing a gentle kiss against your forehead, tears spilling onto your skin. 
“Hey” you croaked, your voice incredibly hoarse, 
“Don’t try to talk too much, okay? Your vocal cords and lungs were damaged in the accident.” Sam explained, watching as you nodded your head, 
Against his wishes, you spoke one last time, “So, about that date?” you asked, a small smile painted on your face, 
“I’ll take you out to dinner the minute you’re out of here.” Sam smiled widely, leaning down to place a gentle kiss against your lips, both of you savouring the kiss you’d both been desperate to share for years.
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tiredflowercrown · 8 months
i'll fly away (oh glory)
Cryptic characters are so fun. Especially when no one knows the full story. Anyway. Hope yall enjoy!!
It was easier in the early days to disappear. To change one’s name and appearance and hide from those who sought harm. To become a new person overnight. There hadn’t been watchful eyes or gangs keeping track of people back then.
Things had changed a lot in the eleven years it had been since Freddie’s cousin ran.
Lilianne hadn’t really been her cousin. They weren’t blood, but Aunt Lian had been a close friend of her fathers back in New Orleans. So when they had both ended up on the Isle it was only natural for the two to stick together.
For the longest time Lilianne and Camille were the closest things she had for sisters. They had cared and watched over her. They were the ones who comforted her when Ursula screamed and beat her for daring to darken her doorstep. The ones who had made sure she was fed and clothed. Hell, Camille was the one who renamed Celia.
It had been so long since she had seen her cousin. Really seen her cousin. Freddie might have only been five, but that night was seared into her memory.
Walking into the house, only to find her Aunt Lian and Camille’s bodies strewn across the floor, blood soaking into the floorboards. Lilianne’s scream. Finding the message left for Lilianne, proclaiming that whoever did this wouldn’t stop until she was dead.
Lilianne left shortly after that. She had taken the time to hide what she valued most, her mother’s pictures and jewelry. Then left into the night. It was only a year later that Freddie learned where she had gone. Seen that she had ended up in His arms.
She might have changed her name and appearance but Freddie would recognize her in a heartbeat.
It wasn’t often that she saw her cousin, He kept her close to him. Usually only finding her on the nights where she was sold, a punishment for non-existent sins. They never spoke, but Freddie saw the bruises, saw the blown pupils and half-lidded eyes, saw the ruined clothing and the limp.
No. It wasn’t until That Night that she spoke to her cousin again. As someone’s whole world burned, Freddie caught her cousin running towards the cliffs. Her wild hair and rumpled smoke soaked clothes told her everything she needed to know.
“Freddie? What are you doing out here?”
“I could ask you the same thing, Lilianne. The cliffs? Really? There’s easier ways to die, less painful ways.”
The flinch at her own name and ever moving eyes told a million stories.
“I haven’t heard that name in so long,” Lillian’s voice sounded so wistful, so quiet. “And I'm not trying to die. I would’ve stayed if I wanted that. No, I’m gonna be free. She is going to be safe and I will be free.”
Freddie looked closer at her. The ever present bruises, bubbling burns, and layered scars all accumulated over the eleven years in His control. Despite how much she wanted her cousin close, she knew better than continue her suffering. To hold her against her will for the sake of Freddie’s comfort.
That was the last time she saw Lilianne Song.
With no one other than Freddie and her father to even remember her name.
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rrrandomism · 2 years
Samuel shows up at your door unexpectedly, inviting you for a night ride
a drabble inspired by a song i've been playing on loop.
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I'm in front of your house, so come with me and let's roll
Don't waste time, just grab my hands. I don't wanna let go
You are my downtown, baby
Your eyes are stars in the night sky
You are the dream I want to dream every day
Baby without you, I can't do this anymore
You and Samuel have known each other since you were fifteen. He met you on his endeavor in uniting all high schools in Gangseo through violence. You sat beside him during gang meetings, shared his drinks with his arm around your shoulders. You offered him your home when he ran away from his own. You were there when he joined Big Deal, and stayed on his side during his days there. You were the comfort he sought when he was at his worst. You watched him get back on his feet and join Workers.
You, though he kept hidden from the world, were his favorite person, and now...
No. Nothing has changed since then.
You tried to reassure yourself as you took a drag of your favorite brand of cigarette, which also happened to be Samuel's preference. With that kind of history, you couldn't help but develop some kind of an attachment towards the man. So his favorite brand of cigarettes would eventually become yours too. That's just the way the two of you connect. Just that and nothing else. But God, did you miss him.
The smell of smoke couldn't cure your longing for him. So you put out your cigarette and left the balcony to go to bed.
You barely had time to see each other ever since he started working under a guy named Eugene. He told you that's the only way for him to accomplish his goals, to become king. Whatever "king" meant. You've been standing beside him through thick and thin, yet you never understood that crazy ambition of his.
It's only natural that both of you would eventually turn into strangers at this rate. Maybe it's time to let him go.
A honk of a car interrupted your train of thoughts. You reluctantly went back to the balcony to see whoever dared to disturb your peace.
It was Samuel, standing beside his Porche, looking up at you. Cigarette between his lips. There was something charming in the way he let his messy hair cover half of his face. Your cheeks flushed from the sight. You cursed yourself for reacting the way you did, when you've decided to stop caring about him less than a minute ago.
"Come with me for a ride," he shouted. Crazy bastard didn't even care if it was the middle of the night and people were trying to sleep. But you were not in the mood to argue with him.
"Wait!" you shouted back. Those people had probably been awakened by Samuel's shouting anyway, so what's the use of keeping your voice down now?
You grabbed your jacket and rushed downstairs.
Questions flooded your head and all you could manage was "done with work?"
He shook his head. "My desk is still filled with them. I just thought I needed a quick escape," he said.
"Eugene will get mad tho."
"He won't if he doesn't find out."
That's just asking for trouble. Does he have a death wish or something?
"Judging from how you are so relaxed, I assume the fiasco in the Second Affiliate has been taken care of?"
"I wouldn't say it has. I can see more works coming up 'cause Eugene decided to..."
Samuel stopped himself mid-sentence and let out a sigh.
"Look, sweetheart...
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"Fiiiine. I'll shut up", you fake-whined.
Samuel stole a glance at your face for a second before he directed his focus back on the road ahead. And it was the first time in three years you saw him smile so genuinely.
"You're the only thing that keeps me from going insane."
You scoffed at his unlikely cheesiness, hiding your smirk with the back of your hand.
"I don't remember you being sane at all."
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floatingonalowvibe · 1 year
The Most Dangerous Thing Is To Love - chapter one
dabi (touya) x ftm vigilante!reader
y/n’s pov
I knew it was time. I had put this off for too long. The moment I had been waiting for since the day the blue haired man approached me. The day he proposed to me to join their little gang. I had never really seen myself as a villain, and I am most definitely not a hero, but this offer intrigued me nonetheless. An offer to join and fight with these people.
My heart was beating out of my chest as I waited on the park bench, waiting as I was told to. I couldn't help but keep checking my watch, seeing the second hand tick by as I sat there, leg bouncing at record fast speed. I knew I was overthinking this, that this couldn't be some police scam to get me. I’ve been missing for 3 ½ years now, why would they get me now? How could they even recognize me? I’ve changed so much, cut my hair, dyed it, pierced myself, gotten tattoos, everything I never even thought I could ever do before.
As my anxieties carried me into a word of my own thoughts, I heard it. I heard the pair of footsteps behind me. The man had told me that he would meet me there, and I could only assume that this was him. I turned around, Expecting to see the same blue hair as before, only to be met with an unfamiliar face. This new Figure’s face was covered mostly by a black medical mask, so that mixed with the darkening night threw me off.
I immediately stood myself up, fully prepared to fight whoever this was.
“Hey, chill the fuck out, im here to bring you to the league, not to kidnap you or anything.” He said, throwing his arms up to show he was not caring anything. Through the darkness I could make out burns traveling up his arms, purple and rough.
“ I was told Shigaraki would be here, not whoever you are.” I said, looking him up and down. “Yeah I know, but he’s busy. So are you coming or not?” he asked with annoyance laced in his words.
I knew that following this man would be a bad idea, not only because he most likely is dangerous and is going to murder me, but I still have no idea what the hell i am getting myself into. I sucked in a deep breath, breathing out all the dignity I had left. This was my life now, following shady people to an even more shady place. I walked over to him, making sure not to get too close to him.
After about 10 minutes of walking, we were at what I assumed to be their little hideout. I could feel my heart beating strong again, worrying if anyone could hear it. I knew that they couldn't, but for some reason I thought they could. It was a stupid thought, but i couldnt get rid of it. He opened the dark, dingy looking door into the hideout, revealing a blonde girl, Shigaraki of course, and…a smoke man? OK then. The blonde one jumped out of her seat and ran towards me, grabbing my arm roughly and pulling me close. I was quick to push her away, not knowing who the hell she was. A puppy-eye stare fell upon her, she looked as if she would cry.
I looked around to the others, seeing the smoke man cleaning some shot glasses behind the bar, the man who brought me here plop down on the couch that was there, the blonde still looking at me, Shigaraki standing up to walk towards me.
I looked at him approaching me, looking him straight in the eyes. I had to look up at him, as he was taller than me. He stared into my eyes, and his eyes wavered to look at every part of me. I felt as if he was interrogating me without saying a single word. “Are you two just going to stare at each other?” the blonde said, breaking the silence. “Because I want to get to know my new friend!” I looked at her with confusion. Who the fuck said we were friends??
“ Toga, I think you are making your new ‘friend’ uncomfortable.” I looked over to see the smoke man walk over to me as well. “If no one else is going to be kind enough to introduce themselves to our new guest, I will. My name is Korogiri, and your’s is? Shigaraki never told us.”
“.....Y/n…” I hesitated saying my name, but what could I lose, it's not like it’s my legal name. And besides, I'm legally dead anyways.
“Y/n!!! That’s a really cool name!” The blonde spoke up again, her energy at an all time high ( though i was sure she most definitely had more in her)
“Thank you?”
“Mines’s toga! Himiko Toga!”
“You know my name, but this time we can properly meet.” Shigaraki finally spoke instead of just staring at me. “Welcome to the league, I hope you can find comfort here.”
“Dabi!! Come hereeeee!!” toga urged, walking over to where the man, who I assumed his name is dabi, grabbed his arm, making him stand. His face showed utter annoyance. I watched as Toga grabbed his arm and pulled him up, and as he walked over to where we were all standing. I hadn’t noticed that he had pulled off his mask, and I saw the same rough purple burns that I saw on his arms, on his face, under his eyes. The staples and how they kept it all together.
“..Y/n, right?” he asked, looking me up and down, but not in a negative way. “..yea.” I matched his energy of awkwardness, the feeling of not wanting to be here.
If I am being honest, I didn't expect these people to be so, not exactly nice, but tame. I thought they would be tough, keeping themselves closed off.
“Now that we all know each other, why don't you tell y/n why he is here,” Korogiri said, “I bet he’s just bursting with curiosity.”
"Well, first," Shigaraki started, " have a seat." he said, patting the seat next to him. I moved over to where he sat, sitting next to him. The stools were tall, so my feet dangled a little. I had to restrain the urge to swing my feet. I didn't want these people to think I was a child, I wanted them to think I was a good fit for their team.
"So why am I here?" I finally spoke. " I didn't really get a lot of information on why I am here."
"well, we have been watching you, well dabi has," he began, " and we find that you would be interested in what we are doing, a new mission if you will "
"Why in the hell were you watching me?" I asked, my confusion and anger mixing.
"Because we needed to see if you were a good fit. like I just said." shigaraki said all matter of factly.
I clenched my jaw, wanting to say more, but at the same time I knew to not test these people's limits. I've heard about the things they have done.
"Now, have you heard of the new business taking its place in the spotlight?" I had no time to respond before he began speaking again. "Well, they have been doing things, things that we can't just let get swept under the rug."
" What type of things?" I asked, interested already.
"Human trafficking." The low and steady voice of Dabi put a blanket of silence over the rest of us. a feeling of disgust and anger came over me.
"....yea." Toga was the first to break the silence. "They are some pretty shitty people."
"We could really use your help." Shigaraki looked me straight in the eyes, and this is the first time I really got a good look at his eyes, as the first time I had met him he had that weird ass hand thing on his face. But I saw the red hues in his eyes.
I thought for a moment, how in the world could I be of any help? Hell, some days I can't even open a bag of cheese. "what's in it for me?"
" Your life." The blunt answer came from across the room, the same low voice from before, Dabi.
I knew before I came here that if I left without some sort of deal with them that my life would be taken, so this wasn't a surprise. I knew I was getting myself into something bad.
Everything was in place. I knew everything I needed to know about the business and its disgusting CEO. But first, I had to get trained, and evaluated. Apparently them watching my every move for a month wasn't enough.
When I had finally reached my apartment, I was exhausted. I had a long day already, and now I have to do all this shit with the league. I guess I could have just said no to Shigaraki when he initially asked me, but I didn't.
I opened the door, expecting to see my insomniac of a roommate on the couch playing some type of video game, but no. I looked around the house, wondering where she went. I looked in the kitchen, and on the fridge there was a note.
Hey sorry, work called.I left you some chinese I ordered. Also, Jared stopped by. He wanted you to check his messages.
I didn't feel all that hungry at the time, so I took the note from the fridge and left, off to my room.
On my nightstand, my phone sat, charging. I knew I needed to check my messages from Jared. I know I was being petty during our argument and that I should apologize, but then again, why should i? He’s the one who started it, the one who hit me. He’s the one who always has a bullshit excuse for everything.
But he always made me feel special, like I was the one. When he holds me, when he looks at me, I feel loved. I sat down on my bed, grabbing my phone.
Jared ( don't answer)
3:27 pm
Hey, I'm sorry. Please answer me.
I know what I said was wrong, please
I need you my sweet boy, I miss your touch…
If you're not going to answer me then I'm just going to come over.
I know you told me to leave you alone but I'm on my way. You better be there.
Where the hell are you??!
Are you avoiding me?!
How was your day?
It was too late for this shit. I should have blocked him ages ago.
I put my phone on DND, hoping that will keep me from messaging him. I quickly changed, turned my lights off, and fought to sleep.
a/n: omfg intro chapters are so hard and complicated. I hate them. Anyways, this chapter was in collaboration with @Flynn-thebin! They helped me come up with a few of these ideas and I will be working with them for the rest of this story! Hope y’all enjoy!
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triplesilverstar · 10 months
Sand, it just gets everywhere
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Rating: 18+
Pairing: Vash X F!Reader
CW: Fluff and Smut, Established Relationship, Pre-Canon, Flirting, Bad Flirting, Vaginal Fingering, Nipple Play, Biting, Scars, Scar Worship, Orgasm Delay/Denial, Penis In Vagina Sex, Hand Jobs, sand, Vash regretting his decisions
Word count: Roughly 8K words
A/N: Part 16 of the series. This Fic also has a special place in my heart as it allowed me to connect with two of my closet friends online, ShinTin and Creamson. They are awesome and amazing people. Plus the fact this whole fic started out as a tiny blurb about Snipes not wanting to get sand in her bits. 
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“Sunshine, are you sure we’re going the right way?” You try to keep the whine out of your voice, but after this long of traveling together there’s no way he didn’t hear the undertones as they left your throat. While you didn’t often question Vash on his sense of direction, both of you were usually in the next town after almost two days of walking across the desert planet, or at least whenever he’d suggest walking instead of taking a bus.
“I’m sure, Mayfly. We should be there in the morning.” He’s far better at hiding the exasperation is his voice at your question, giving you the side eye. “If it wasn’t for your terrible sense of direction you’d know that.” Oh he is never going to let that go. 
“It’s not my fault I spent almost all my adult life connected to a network that provided navigational points for me to follow when traveling! How long are you going to hold that over my head?” Shoulders slumping and a scowl on your face as you trudged along beside him, the two of you had left the previous town in a hurry after you’d overheard the local sheriff talking about chasing Vash out of town due to his name. You’d never hold it against your depressed ray of sunshine but you’d been hoping for more than two nights after traveling for almost two weeks to catch and cash in a bounty. 
“Until you manage to walk around a town without getting lost.” You let out a noise of pain and a long exhale at that low blow, he had tried to teach you to navigate, but you just found yourself turned around too easily. “It makes me wonder how you ever found any bounties you were actually looking for.” 
“Before you I never put any real effort in. Just sort of ran into them and caught whoever it was. Made catching Brilliance Dynamite Neon and like half the Bad lads gang really awkward.” Smiling at him a shit eating grin on your face “now with you, we can actually ya know, track.” He’s giving you the side eye, a frown marring his features.
“Are you telling me, everytime we ran into each other was just a random encounter?” You can’t tell if he sounds angry with you or just upset. 
“Oh no. You were a whole different case, I wanted to nail you to the wall so I hired people to keep me on track when I was looking for you.” You snort, and at the brief flash of something across his face start to worry.
“Nail me to the wall, huh?” Oh no. This better not be the start of another bad pick up line war. “Well Mayfly, as of late I do wanna make like a hammer and nail you all the time.” A long groan escapes your lips, eyes shut and head tilted back. You are really not in the mood to play today. 
“No pick up lines! I can only take so much, and the desert is currently the limit!” You hear him chuckle leaning closer to your body and giving it a light bump. 
“Is it a pick up line when it’s the truth?” You snort in response, but lean into him as his arm snakes its way around your waist. Or at least attempts to with your backpack on, so it’s more around the small of your back and butt if anything. 
“Guess not.” Glancing at him he’s got a grin on his face now looking out towards the horizon and the slowly but surely descending sun, catching your eyes he gives his eyebrows a raise. “What are you really after?” You question, tone teasing. 
“I was thinking, maybe when we stop for tonight we have a little fun?” You have to smile at his question, he’s certainly come a far way from stammering out an answer and blushing dark enough to make a rose jealous when asked if he wanted a hand job. 
“Oh yea? What’d you have in mind, Sunshine?” 
“I was thinking of you on your back, with me pounding into you.” You gawf at his words, that’s a terrible idea. You are not going to have sex and get a pounding out in the desert.  
“Oh, I don't think so. Not in the sand.” His grin falls at that.
“Why not?” His voice is skeptical, like he doesn’t see an issue as to why you wouldn’t want to have sex in the desert. 
“Because my pretty plant man, you seem to be forgetting something.” You’re glancing at him from the corner of your eye, narrowed in annoyance from the fact you have to spell out your reasoning. “I produce my own lubrication and you know what sand does to things that are wet? They stick to it.” Reaching down you press your hand to the one he has on your hip, squeezing his fingers. 
“So?” His eyebrows are raised, a small grin dancing across his face. 
“So, I'm telling you I don’t want sand in there. It’d be more than uncomfortable, and do you want to feel sand against your cock while inside me?” You're frowning at him now as well even if your tone is light, at the edge of laughter “it’s not happening. I’m more than happy to get down on my knees and suck you off though.” At that offer you wiggle your eyebrows at him, you do enjoy your oral.  
“What if we put down a blanket?” He’s humming while he thinks, and you have to laugh at his suggestion.
“No. Still sand around.” Another laugh from you while he hums, fingers tapping against your hip. 
“Blanket and my jacket under us?” Slipping his hand from your hip he gives your butt cheek a playful tap before sliding back to its previous location. 
“Your jacket is still not enough of a barrier between my lady parts and sand, blanket or not.” His playfulness is making you grin, and the feeling of his hand briefly on your butt is putting a warmth in your core. Such a small action from him and you feel your body start to respond. Being in love sure has increased your libido. 
“Well what if I was on the bottom?” That has you thinking for a moment, a blanket, his jacket and him? That could work, and the warmth in your core is spreading at the thought of him being under you. Humming you turn and smile at him, all teeth, nose crinkled.
“I agree on the condition that if once we’re going and I feel sand, I’m done. You won’t even get to use my hand to help relieve the pressure. I’ll leave taking care of that problem all up to you .” You want it clear your firm on this stance long before either of you is planning to get started that you want an out if sand appears, and the idea of him having to get himself off while you watch does do things to your own head. Maybe you’ll suggest it one night, just watching one another as they work themselves to completion. Oh or another idea, giving directions to the other on what they want them to do to themselves. 
Sighing dramatically like it’s the end of the world he glances at you and smiles giving himself away “If that’s what it takes to make love to my beautiful Mayfly then I agree.” 
“It’s in the desert, ain’t no makin love about it.” You snort, leaning closer to him “When you make love to me it’s all about emotions and sensual stuff, lots and lots of eye contact. I’m going to be too worried about getting sand in my pussy to be thinking about how much I love you, Sunshine.” At that a chuckle leaves him, pulling his hand away from your hip and stopping your walking to turn and face him. 
“Ah” he’s cupping your cheek, and leaning forward to press a feather light kiss to the tip of your nose. “You love me, Mayfly?” You roll your eyes at that and press a mock punch to his shoulder. 
“I tell you all the time ya dork” At his words you’re also smiling, not willing to pull away from his hand on your face or him just yet. Instead you reach up with one of your own free hands, thumb rubbing just under the edge of his sunglasses and against his beauty mark. “But since you’re acting so surprised and cute about it” using your other hand you reach up and move the hand he has against your face so it’s hovering just over your lips “I” a soft kiss pressed to the palm of his gloved hand. “Love” you press a second light kiss to where the fabric of his glove meets his ring finger, grinning at him. Before pushing his thumb into your mouth, giving it a light suck while your tongue teases the pad of the digit, pulling off with a pop. “You.” Eyes flicking up to his face you have to try and keep yourself from roaring with laughter, his own eyes are blown wide behind his sunglasses. A look of shock painted across his face, and a beautiful shade of crimson painting his cheeks and neck. 
“I, ugh… I” he’s a stuttering mess in front of you, and you’re glad your mouth is hidden behind his hand because you have no doubt that there’s shit eating grin across it. You watch his throat bob and see the twitch of his jaw, knowing he’s counting his breaths trying to calm himself down. “I think we should get going, Mayfly.” His words come out as a squeak and you do laugh this time. 
“Sure thing, Sunshine. We’ve got a little ways to go before we set up camp anyway based on how high the sun still is.” Releasing his hand and stepping away from him as you begin to start to continue to walk in the direction you’d both been going. The sound of rushing steps greets your ears, turning your head to see a still blushing Vash catch up and matching your pace. It’s making you snicker, watching him as he keeps trying to peek at you struggling to be discreet about it. “You know you’re allowed to look at me” a smirk fully in place as you keep walking. 
“It’s not that” a shake of his head and he has your full curiosity now “I just don’t think you know how much you affect me sometimes.” Voice full of affection, making no move to try and hide his observation of you this time, and you find yourself raising your eyebrows at him. Unsure where he’s going with this because the fact you can leave him a furiously blushing, unable to speak mess, is a pretty clear indication how much you affect him. “I mean. Sure you leave me speechless when we flirt” that soft smile is across his face, the real one that isn’t the mask he puts on for other people. It makes your heart feel ecstatic in your chest as he keeps speaking. “It’s everything else too. You’re easy to talk to, sometimes about the most mundane things, like the color someone painted the inside of a saloon. It’s the way you listen to, you hear what I have to say and just seem to know when I need you to answer or just listen to me. Moments like that I know I have your full attention, and it’s been a long time since I've felt that.” Voice wistful you find one of your hands reaching out to intertwine your fingers with his, while you walk and talk.
“Or when we’re being chased out of a town” that sounds pretty familiar, even if you did leave before it could happen this time “not once have you ever blamed me for it. I know where we’re dating, some things are supposed to go hand in hand. It just means so much so glancing at my side and to see you there, right beside me. And when I feel like everything is crashing down around me, you make some stupid joke that pulls me out of that spiral, or you just hold me and let me break.” He’s pulling your hand up and gently caressing the finger joints not covered by your gloves with his lips, being careful as he slows his steps but keeps walking. “I guess what I'm trying to say is you affect me in so many little ways, that should be so routine, but to me they're anything but.” After that little speech, you don’t need a mirror to know you’re the one turning red, you can feel your face and ears entirely ablaze. “I love you too, my Mayfly.” 
“Well Vash, you sure know how to make a girls heart race” lowering your hand, you can see the gleam in his eye at your words. Joy reflected in those blue eyes at being able to get such a response from you, but you need a bit of a reprieve from how much this is making your heart race in your chest. “That or you really really wanna make sure you get in my pants tonight.” 
“Damnit, Mayfly, I was being serious” he drops your hand to make a motion like he’s asking the universe for help “you’re incorrigible sometimes you know that.” That pulls a laugh from you, reaching to hook your arm around his waist under his coat so there’s less fabric between your hand and his skin. Pressing your mouth to his clothed shoulder and leaning against him, steps uneven in the sand. 
“I know Vash, I know. I didn’t mean to break the moment, but you were going to make me cry, and you know me.” He’s looking at you a little suspicious but throws his arm over your shoulders pulling you tighter into his body but still in a loose embrace. “I only know how to ugly cry.” He’s groaning, turning his head somewhat to nuzzle your hair with his nose before turning to look back at the horizon, as the two of you have been walking the sun is getting closer to going down. A rock formation not too far off in the distance. 
“Let’s stop at that formation up ahead. I think we’re both a little too distracted to really focus on where we’re going.” You have to agree. Between the words you’ve said to each other you’re both clearly no longer in a hurry to get much farther today, even if it means you might spend another night sleeping in the dunes you don’t mind. As much as you might want a bed, that want will never overtake your need to be by Vash’s side. Need. Been a long time since you thought of being beside a person as a need. You feel a drop or two of liquid pass your eyes, and if he notices he doesn’t say anything, just keeps moving forward towards where you’ll both be camping tonight. “I hope all this seriousness hasn’t derailed my plan of us having fun tonight?” 
That hauls you back to early and you wiggle your eyebrows at him again, sliding your hand down to pinch his butt, making him give a little yelp and jump “Oh yea. The only thing you need to worry about derailing this caboose tonight is sand on the tracks.” 
“Did you just refer to yourself as a caboose ? I mean your butt isn’t that big Mayfly” After his little jump he went for a little bit of payback, letting his fingers trail along the nap of your neck. 
“I was going with the rail theme, but I guess you missed that part” you shiver a bit glad you’re almost to the rocks, hoping he doesn’t comment on the blush on your cheeks this time. At the rate you’re going you are tempted to just drop to your knees then and there and start working on sucking his cock, like what you thought he was going to ask for in the first place. Going for a bit of your own payback you push the hem of his shirt up, letting your fingers creep along his skin enjoying the shake you feel from his body. 
“Well if it’s a rail theme. Am I your conductor? Because I’m ready to bring you into the station” You snort your head leaning back and he takes advantage to drag his fingers along the front of your throat making you moan at the sensation. 
“I guess so, because all you seem to have right now is tunnel vision” chuckling himself he dips forward to press an awkward kiss to your neck. More of a sloppy peck if anything but you still enjoy it. The embers that had been flicking in your core are starting to reignite, as you reach the edge of the rock formation. Disentangling from each other to have a quick look around. Finding a good spot you find yourself dropping your bags and setting up for the night, dusk approaching as you finish off a few meal blocks between the two of you. Telling Vash sexy times can wait till you eat, continuing to tease each other, so that when you are done, sitting side by side. You can feel the dampness dripping from your core, the bulge in Vash’s pants quite visible to your eye. 
Sitting there you lean more into Vash, cheek pressed against his collarbone so you’re looking up at the bottom of his chin, letting your knee fall over and hit his own. The shadow of a smile on his face as he tilts his head to look down at you. “Hi.” It’s funny how out of breath he sounds, like he’s after running a ile instead of having finished eating a little while ago. 
“Hi” you murmur back to him, turning your head so more of the skin of your face is in contact with his body. Slowly dragging your hand across your own leg then his, tracing patterns into his thigh before gliding it across his hip and starting up his chest, a soft whimper from low in Vash’s throat, at you denying any sort of touch where he wants it most right now. “Do you want something baby?” Tone teasing your hand is still moving upwards, towards one of his pecs, rubbing soft circles into the muscle. 
“You know I do” not giving you a chance to respond to him, both of his hands move to pull you into his lap, manhandling your body so both of your legs are over his forcing you to straddle him. Shocked at the sudden movement your hands are flailing, grabbing whatever part of him that you can to steady yourself, resulting in one hand cupping the back of his head the other tangled in the collar of his coat. Using your hips to take control of your movements Vash is pressing you hard against him, grinding your body against his providing the friction he wanted to his crotch. “That’s better” you do have to admit whenever he takes charge it does make your core pulse with a delicious heat. 
While it’s a bit of an awkward angle because of the way you’re both situated in the sand the contact does feel nice, the occasional rubbing of fabric against your lower lips causing you to twitch in his hold. With Vash taking control of the grinding you smirk, choosing to focus your attention elsewhere planting your hands on both of his shoulders and digging your fingers into the fabric pulling a hiss of pleasure from him. Leaning forward to start trailing a path of quick pecks along his neck, down to the edge of his shirt, once there you drag your tongue back up the skin and blow on it. You’re rewarded with a shudder from him, a hitch in his command of your hips against him, before his fingers dig in harder against your hips trying to pull you even tighter against him. 
A soft moan drawn from your lips and pausing your movements, cunt fluttering from the sensations and your underwear is damp inside your pants. You go back to his neck, using your teeth and dragging them down his pulse point, rewarded with a low growl from somewhere deep inside him this time. You don’t stop at the fabric this time, using your pearly whites to drag the tight fabric down to reveal more of his pale skin along the hollow of his throat. Darting forward to press an open mouth kiss to the area, hands at the base of his skull drawing it back to give you a better angle. “Such a good girl you are Mayfly” with more of his skin exposed you hum letting the sensitive skin under your lips feel the pressure, while he groans from it. A harsh suck and he’s jerking his hands pulling your core against his own even harder, making you throb. “Keep doing things like that and I might cum in my pants.” 
Happy with how long you’ve been sucking on his neck you pull away, thumbs keeping the fabric from rolling back up and hiding the blooming red breaking out against his neck. “Maybe that’s what I want, then I don’t have to worry about getting sand in your favorite part of me” you’re back to placing soft kisses along the skin of his neck, this time trailing up along his jaw and to the point of his chin. Enjoying the feeling of his quick exhales against your face, he’s panting hard, the occasional grunt sounding wonderful to your ears. 
Tilting his head forward, away from your hands, his eyes are shining and fluttering unfocused as he stares at you “As much as I like your pussy, and how it feels wrapped around me, it is far from being my favorite part of you Mayfly.” His words send another pulse of heat to your core, almost a moment of calm before the storm as you both stare into one another's eyes. Even his movement of your hips against his has slowed, before your mouths are colliding, teeth hitting teeth clashing together before you adjust in the searing kiss. Hearing a whine you have no idea which one of you made it, and you don’t care too caught up in the feeling of his lips against yours. As you pull apart slightly you bite into his lower lip, just hard enough to get his attention as to what you want from him before he’s opening his mouth, both of you engaging in another kiss. Sweeping your tongue into his mouth, pressing against the sharp canines and the rest of his front teeth, the feel of the slightly longer teeth making you shudder. While you haven’t explored it yet, you think you’re starting to get a bit of a biting kink because of those two ivories in his skull, feeling more fluid seep from inside you. At this point your underwear is drenched. Pulling away you’re both taking deep lungfuls of air, panting and gasping against one another, Vash having slowed the rolling of your hips. 
“Ready to move onto the next step handsome, from what I can feel your pants should be feeling pretty tight, pretty uncomfortable.” Nails dragging along the nape of his neck while he’s staring at you, a goofy grin painted across both your faces. The sun had set in the distance since the two of you started, the sky darkening just enough for the first few stars to become visible and you shiver, but not from the cold. Releasing his hold on your hips you push back away from him onto the balls of your feet, a little unsteady in your haze of lust shaking your head to reorient yourself. In that time Vash has unfurled the blanket he sometimes uses during the night and removed his jacket zipping it up and placing it atop the blanket before throwing you an apperceptive glance. Watching him, you see him give you a once over before looking past your shoulder at some, causing you to turn. All you can see are the rock formations, too thin to do anything with but lean against. 
The press of a warm body behind you and two hands reaching up to cup your breasts brings your attention back to Vash. “Do you trust me Mayfly?” His mouth is right next to your ear, nosing along the shell of it while he waits for your answer, kneading your chest through the fabric of your shirt and bra. 
“Of course I do, Sunshine.” Humming he sinks his teeth into your ear and you almost howl, pussy clenching hard around nothing. Yea you can tick that biting kink off on the list, damn, you were not expecting to almost have an orgasm from that. With him behind you, you reach your hands behind you to feel his hips and slide those hands back to give his ass a squeeze. Once your ear is released from his mouth he’s soothing the bite with the tip of his tongue, hands moving to slide your own jacket off your shoulders and tossing it atop both of your bags. Hands on your hips again and turning you to face him, slowly pushing you to step backwards until you feel the rock against your back. His mouth is seeking yours again, eyes closing you let him have control, just sliding your hands along his chest and resting against his pecs, slight circular motions pressing against him. A quick squeeze to one of your breasts and you moan mouth opening slightly, Vash pressing his advantage to slip his tongue into your wet cavern this time. One of his hands is trailing down your stomach feather light, until he reaches the belt of your cargo pants undoing the buckle one handed, fumbling a little before getting it out of the way and unbuttoning your pants, forcing the zipper down. 
With some of the layers of fabric no longer a barrier his hand is quick to press inside, feeling your drenched underwear and finally breaking the kiss. “You said no sand right? That means being pressed up against a rock is fine right?” You don’t get a chance to answer in earnest before he’s pushing the fabric of your pants down to the midpoint of your thighs and lifting you up enough to rest what might be a third of your ass on a thin natural ledge formed in the rock. You don’t feel any sand pressing into the soft skin so you let him continue, body humming at the thought of what he might have planned for you. At this height his face is perfectly aligned with your chest, raising an eyebrow at him curious as to what he’s going to do.
His hands are tracing patterns into the bare skin of your thighs, the occasional pinch making you moan, your body is unsure what sensation to follow. With the chilled touch from his prosthetic occasional darting to your front while it palms your skin, or the blazing heat radiating from his flesh one pressing lower against your fabric covered core. This time you do know where the whine you hear comes from, your own throat, with his fingers this close your pussy is going mad, even the flicker of a touch is making you clench wanting to pull something into your core. “Please baby, I need more” and you do, you want to feel more of him against your skin and the teasing touch is nowhere near enough, ignoring the pressure of your hands on his shoulders unsure what it is you want him to do. His eyes are hazy as they look at you and he starts to lean down, and you feel a tremor of apprehension in your body. 
The blond locks between your legs are making you sigh at the sight alone, moaning when you feel his warm breath against the soaked fabric covering the folds of your pussy, watching him, you clench as his head moves forward. And upwards, a much harsher whine passing your lips as the neglection of your desperate cunt, his hands still teasing the skin around the area. He’s got a mischievous grin as he looks up, taking a page from your own actions earlier and using his teeth to pull your shirt up, the look in his eyes sending another round of liquid from your pussy. Pausing in his path you watch his nose twitch, eyes flicking downwards, and his prosthetic is flicking your covered center making your head arch back in surprise. Humming reaches your ears and his head starts moving upwards again, his fabric filled mouth lined up with the bottom portion of your bra, flesh hand moving to hold it up. Why not do that in the first place? “Be a good girl, Mayfly, and hold this for me” Ah, that’s why. 
Hand tentatively reaching for the bunched fabric you hook the edge with your fingers, rewarded with a brief kiss against your digits. “Just a little higher, I wanna be able to see both of those cups, my pretty lady.” Having an idea what he’s planning, and hopefully it’s not another misdirection this time, you take your other hand and with the edge of your shirt in both roll the remaining fabric of your shirt up so there’s a line of fabric at the top of your breasts. This time you do shiver at the cold feeling your nipples start to pebble from the difference in temperature. “Such a good girl, knowing what I was looking for, Mayfly. Think you deserve a reward?” 
Smiling and nodding you freeze, remember he probably can’t see your face right now “Only if it’s not more teasing” you whisper out into the night. A chuckle is your answer before his mouth is pressed against your breastbone, just above the fabric making up the center of your bra, soft against the rarely seen skin outside a hotel room. 
“Did you know your scars gleam in the moonlight, Mayfly?” That makes you pause, ignoring the cold for a moment as his mouth trails along the top of the fabric, mouthing the skin along the way. “They almost seem like rivers of silver, I know you don’t like them, but I love them” he punctuates the words by using his nose to move the fabric covering one of your nipples out of the way before catching the air hardened nub in his mouth and sucking hard. Back arching from the sensation and pressing your chest harder against his mouth, him humming around the skin, tongue flicking away and enjoying the feeling of your warm flesh under his hands and mouth. Once he’s satisfied with the condition of the first one, Vash pulls away with a hard pop making you hiss and clench. “You must be so wet Mayfly, even from up here I can smell you. Smell how desperate you are for more.” His words leave your swallowing hard, and the truth is you are desperate to cum at this point, your body feeling strung out. 
Vash uses his mouth again to push the fabric out of the way and begins to start the same treatment from the first nipple onto your second. Or at least so it seems before giving it a hard bite forcing you to actually howl from the pain this time, his tongue quickly working to sooth the inflamed flesh. Panting hard and a few tears pin pricking your eyes from the pain, you honestly hadn’t been expecting that. He’s swirling his tongue against the nub in his mouth and rewards your patience at long last, pulling the fabric sticking to your cunt away and easily sliding a digit from his prosthetic into your core. This time your hiss is more one of pleasure then pain, finally having something in your slick channel to clench around, voice just audible you keep panting the words “thank you, thank you” over and over while he keeps sucking away and pumping the lone digit into your fluttering walls.
After a while, he ups his ministrations, adding a second finger that leaves you moaning and he pulls away from your breast again and leans back to survey his work. Both breasts are covered in blooming hickies, the results making his cock throb in his pants, he needs to make you cum before he moves you both to the blanket and his jacket, knowing he won’t last long with how riled up he is. Glancing at your face and taking in the slight sheen on your skin he smiles, you're wrecked from his touches and he loves it, loves how he’s learned how to make your body sing. The only body he’s ever wanted to know so intimately and most likely the only one he ever will, he knows you’re the one he was meant to find in this wide universe. 
“Doing ok there Mayfly?” His voice is soft in your ear after leaning closer to you again, a kiss placed on your face beside where his hot breath is making you shudder. Core clenching delectably around the two fingers scissoring you open, still aware of the other hand tracing random patterns into your thigh, dancing along the pale skin. 
“Yea, feeling pretty good baby” you still have your shirt balled up in your hands, not because you’re afraid of dropping them, there were no rules put in place tonight. No you keep them up because with the spit he left on both nipples the cool night air is making you shiver adding to the mismatch of sensations passing through your body. The movement of his fingers is speeding up, and you close your eyes briefly taking a deep breath. Upon re-opening them you find Vash staring at you, a look of adoration on his face like you’re the most beautiful thing he’s laid his eyes on. Pressing his lips to yours again, unhurried you moan, a third finger slipping in to massage your walls feeling that coil inside of you being pulled even tighter, the warmth searing hot. He doesn’t kiss you for long, having to lean up against the rock and stretch to reach your lips, the whole reason he placed you on the rock was to try and keep himself from hunching down to play with your pussy and breasts in the first place.
Your hips are starting to jerk following the movement of his fingers as they plunge in and out of you, chasing that high. “Do you wanna cum?” You nod at his question, eyes shut and breathing through clenched teeth, his fingers picking up speed. “Then cum on my fingers Mayfly, I’ll help you” the hand tracing patterns in your thigh is suddenly gone, the rough pad of his thumb dipping into you quickly before pulling away. A light pressure placed against your clit, using your own juices to lubricate his touch to your sensitive skin. It doesn’t take long, with the motions of his fingers against your core and bud before your back is arching again, pussy clenching hard around his now stilled fingers inside you, finally cumming a soft exhale of his name as that coil inside you snaps. Slumping forward Vash catches you against his body, letting you catch your breath while your mind slowly comes down from your high. Feeling the last twitch of your inner walls he gently removes his fingers from you, the fluid on them making his metal fingers gleam in the moonlight. 
Once you start coming back to yourself and leaning back, he catches your eye as you adjust your bra and shirt to hang correctly, as he holds his hand up, the result of your release clear in front of your eyes for you to see. Starting to make a show of licking his digits clean, and holding eye contact while he does. A long pitiful whine escapes your throat, core clenching again as that dwindling flame starts up inside you again. Pink tip making a great show of scooping your juices off his fingers, once he’s happy with how clean they are and leaving you a whining panting mess he places his hands on your hips again to help you slide off the rock shelf. Once your feet are on the ground you’re reaching for him, tasting yourself on his tongue and moaning, hand palming at his hard cock still tucked away inside his pants. Pulling away you grin widely at him “ready to take this bad boy out and give him some relief?” You keep palming at him waiting for his answer, feeling him jerk against your hands hot even through his pants.  
“Only if you are Mayfly” it seems since earlier in the evening he’s understood more of your apprehension about being down in the sand, giving you a final out. But at this point with how good you feel from his actions so far tonight, you want to feel him inside you, mess in the desert be damned. You nod, a brief kiss pressed to the corner of his lips, hooking the fingers of your hand with his while he leads you back to the blanket and his jacket. You slip both your gloves and toss them to join your jacket, watching as they land in the center. Vash has sat down on top of his coat, working on undoing his belt and pants to allow him to slide them with his underwear down his legs until his cock springs out. The head is red and weeping, clearly showing how neglected it’s been so far tonight and throbbing with need. 
Once his attention is back on your body, you make a show of dragging your hands down your chest, giving your covered chest a squeeze on the way down to the hem of your shirt, pulling it up just enough so we can watch your fingers dance across the skin there while he wraps his hand around his cock, giving it slow measured pumps. Slowly walking closer to him, you wiggle your hips at him watching the slow swallow in his throat. Standing at his feet you let your hands glide along the top of your underwear, moving to your sides and finally hooking the fabric with your fingers to push it down, moaning long and loud as the cold night air nips at your wet lips. Letting your pants and underwear drop down around your ankles you drop to your knees between Vash’s legs, rubbing your hands along his clothed legs up to where you can touch bare skin to skin. 
Wrapping a hand around his cock after pushing his hand you hear a sigh from him, pumping him in measured motions, base to tip, and back down, twisting along the way. “Please Mayfly” his voice is husky in his request and you won’t tease him too much, the need to feel him deep in your pussy is too strong to ignore. A final pump with the palm of your hand gracing his tip, a glob of precum beading at the slit. Adjusting your legs so your straddling him, tapping your clit with his head you let out a shaky moan, and he’s placing his hands on your hips again. Catching his eye, he gives you a perceptive nod, an indication he’s ready, and hand serving as a guide you press his head just past your entrance. With your first orgasm behind you and all the fluid dripping between you it’s an easy glide, and you slowly start to move your hips, gently taking more and more of him inside you. 
Even as worked open as you are, once at the halfway point of his cock past your entrance you moan, the stretch of your walls at the edge between pain and pleasure. While your favorite thing when riding him is to just drop your hips and let gravity force his length into your channel, you don’t want that tonight. Wanting to savor that delicious stretch as you clench around him, keeping your movements shallow as you move up and down his length. Humming low in your throat you catch his eye, the tip of his tongue caught between his teeth watching you “like what you see~?” teasing him with a circular movement of your hips. 
“I do” he grunts hips raising a little to slide just a bit deeper inside your slick walls “you feel so good.” You keep your pace slow, allowing both of you to relish the joint sensation, still working to take all of him inside you but you’re nearly there now. Pulling one of his hands from your hips, the flesh one, you make sure he’s watching as you pull his glove off, tossing it aside, placing his index and middle finger in your mouth and sucking on them. Hips thrashing and groaning, he slides the last of his length inside you making you both moan, your own hips following his as they drop back to keep him inside you. His tip kissing the deepest part of you, drawing another moan from you and around his fingers, flicking your tongue against the rough pads. Releasing his hand, which he replaces on your hip again you exhale long and low focusing on the feeling inside you, muscles fluttering around his throbbing cock inside you. Once you’ve adjusted to how full you feel, you start moving, grinding your hips in soft circles, Vash panting under you head thrown back. “I’m…” his words are slurred “I’m not… gonna la-...st Mayfly” the words a struggle for him to get out. 
“Do you want me to speed up?” his head is shaking in the negative, clearly trying to hold off his orgasm wanting to draw out how long he’s going to be inside your tight heat. 
“So good” in response to his words you do keep the same pace adding in a shallow rise and drop of your hips, cock sliding in and out of you causing your walls to flutter at the sensation. At how desperate he’s getting you smirk, leaning forward to let his jerking hips occasionally pressing the fine blond hairs at his base against your clit, clenching harder around him. Dropping your hands to his middle you start bunching the fabric up, pushing it along his skin until you have an unobstructed view of his chest and pecs a happy hum passing your lips while you keep riding him. There’s a red hue across his chest, a sign of his arousal and you let your hands dance across his skin, fingering the metal rod connecting his two pecs. A hard bucks makes you smile, looking into his blown out eyes, so hazy and unfocused, and still trying to hold his orgasm off. 
“You can finish at anytime baby” he’s still shaking his head in the negative, forcing you to raise an eyebrow at him, the flush across his face making you tighten even more and you start to increase the pace of your movements. The sudden movement making him almost thrash, cock throbbing in your cunt in time to the fluttering of his heartbeat, but he’s still trying to hold himself back, a line of sweat slowly dripping down your back. Taking matters into your own hands, literally, you start to palm his pecs, pinching the sensitive skin there and pressing one of your thumbs into the scar where his missing nipple should have been. He’s panting even harder now, hips positioning against yours and his hands pulling your own up and down, finally riding that edge, and you realize the sneak was holding off, wanting you to finish with him. The flames in your core are burning you, a bubbling in your stomach making you want to cross that finish line, but you want him to reach his peak, you can work your own completion after his. 
Sinking your teeth into the muscle around his remaining nipple, he hisses, feeling impossibly hard inside you, tongue rubbing the indents left in his skin and now flicking his hardening nub. “Mayfly~” your orgasm is chasing your heels, so you suck, hard against his skin, feeling his back arch, hands digging into your hips hard enough to leave bruises you can already feel forming. His thick hot seed, spurting inside your core as he cums, painting your insides white, and it pulls your second orgasm from you, blisteringly tight as your pussy milks him length for all he’s worth drawing any remaining cum from his ball in weaker spurts. 
Head resting against his chest, a line of drool connecting your mouth to his nipple making his shiver from the liquid against his skin. Slowly coming back to your senses as you both breath deeply, releasing the hold on your hips, his hands slide up your back pressing against the fabric enclosed skin. “That, felt so good Mayfly.” His post nut clarity making him laugh “I can’t believe you bit my nipple.” 
“Did you like it at least?” you giggle, body feeling lax against him and you enjoy the sensation of him softening inside you. Fingers tracing along the metal cable fused along his skin, listening to his heartbeat. 
“I did. Might be something else for us to explore.” He’s sighing, one hand reaching up to tangle in your hair, rubbing against your scalp. “We should clean up. I don’t really want a cum stain on my jacket, as much as it would make for an interesting story.” You snort, pushing yourself up into a seating position still straddling him, before placing your hands beside him and pushing upwards to your feet. 
Once standing you can feel your mixed fluids pouring down your thighs, checking your pants and underwear to make sure there isn’t any sand in them before pulling them back up. You’re not a stranger to fluid stuck between your legs, and Vash did say you should be in the next town by morning, even with the distracted delay from the evening you should still be there tomorrow to clean your skin better. Yourself taken care, you turn to see Vash pulling his pants back up around his post sex chub, making you grin. Checking his jacket before pulling it back on, seemingly happy that there aren’t any stains on the red fabric. 
Grabbing the blanket he walks closer to you, hand reaching to cup your face and you lean up to close the distance for a soft kiss. “Lets cuddle, I’m feeling pretty tired Mayfly.” Settling so he’s leaning against your bags, he pats his chest invitingly, so you settle between his legs again and rest your cheek against his chest above his heart beat. Arms wrapping around one another. “Thanks for entertaining the idea, this was fun.” You only hum, exhausting nipping at your skull and for the first night in a long time you don’t bother with a watch through the night. Content in  each other's arms.
The next morning, after getting on your way Vash having stated you should be in town by mid afternoon you both start walking. You notice on occasion Vash stops, gives a small shudder, and then continues on his way. By mid morning you can’t take it anymore, the discomfort he’s trying to hide showing on his face. “What’s wrong Sunshine?” you snicker at the glare he sends you.
Pausing once more, no longer trying to be discreet he tried to pull his pants away from his butt “I think I have sand in my butt crack” you roar with laughter, leaning on your knees at how despondent he sounds. “This isn’t funny Mayfly” trying to chastise you while he keeps pulling “it’s really uncomfortable. I keep feeling the grains moving around.” 
It’s the last straw and you fall over in the sand, laughing too hard to keep yourself upright, tears pricking your eyes. “And you wonder why I said I didn’t want sand in my lady parts” you continue to laugh before he’s pulling you up. As you both keep walking, another peal of laughter leaves you “Why didn't you just fuck me against the rock?” It’s like a lightbulb goes off above his head, and leaves him grumbling all the way to town about how next time he’ll take your advice when he wants to have sex in the desert. “Once we get to town, I'll help you clean up my Sunshine.” Once in town, he’s red in the face, trying to wave it off as heat exhaustion, only you know better as he tries once more to pull his clothes away from his butt.
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