#Randy has horrendous timing
pushing500 · 9 months
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The Tumblr poll has spoken!!
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Great timing, Randy. Appreciate it. 🙄
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He doesn't wanna talk about it. (in his defense it was very dark)
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The second time's the charm, it seems! No more fungus zombie infection to worry about for now.
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I think Laursen is feeling a little overprotective of his fellow cultists after the close call we've had, bless his heart <3
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directdogman · 1 year
What would happen if I were to hypothetically put Randy in an attic
this question is worded too ambiguously for my liking. mainly, it doesn't really imply any length of time has to pass with randy in the attic. basically, as if merely bringing Randy to an attic-space would instantly do something horrendous to his psyche or body, like melting his skin off akin to him being sprayed with hydrochloric acid.
anyway, i'm sure randy would fare out okay... unless you took the ladder to the attic away and then closed the hatch, leaving him stuck up there. he'd HATE that
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feral-mouse · 29 days
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I sadly won't be going through every character, but I'll try to explain my rankings
You can find the template here
First I'm gonna provide some color coding assignments, so if you wanna look for a specific oc, it'll be easier to do so lol
RED: Squirrel, Skull, Eugene
ORANGE: Tantrum, Clove, Fester, Elowyn
GREEN: Davis
BLUE: Dan, Bo, Oenis
PURPLE: Conrad, Ronny
PINK: Kalani, Colin, Vesper, Theo, Sable
Most/Least Likely to get Kidnapped
Squirrel is next. Since she loves climbing trees, this means she's always out in the woods, and has a high likelihood of bumping into Randy lol
Then I have Conrad in third place because honestly, I feel like she's a danger magnet pajjcjs. Maybe she's seen way too many people bring Randy back to their hotel rooms, only for them to be found dead the next night. She made the mistake to confront him about it 😤
I've placed the people in the middle because I feel like they wouldn't be as likely to run into Randy, whether it's because they hang out in the wrong crowds, or because they won't venture the woods at night lol. It is leading with Vesper and Bo because they would smell delicious. Randy would approach them first 😔 pshjcksl
The last five starts with Fester. He might be too intimidating for Randy to try to eat lol. Randy does not want to get into a losing fight 😤. Next is Cyrus, who is only placed so low because he is VERY CAUTIOUS. He is making sure not to run into ANYONE. He wants to stay hidden. Davis is after him because if Randy goes after him, Dan might start to get suspicious. And he does honestly get the vibes that Davis wants to kill him too (he does lol). Oenis is there because he honestly does not look appetizing at all 😭. He looks so dirty and like he'd taste gross 😭
Favorite/Horrendous Victim
Davis 👏 is 👏 number 👏 one 👏 👁👁. HUNT THAT BITCH DOOOOWN. Randy would honestly love to hunt Davis. Give him a taste of his own medicine. He'd love to put him in his place. Randy is actually stronger than Davis. Davis would put up a good fight, and it'd definitely be very fun for Randy to watch him struggle, but unfortunately, he is going to end up dead. Randy has a vendetta against Davis. Not only is Davis preventing him from kidnapping Dan, but he's also just so passively aggressive in general. He gets bad vibes from Davis, and feels like Davis is constantly judging him (which he is). Randy hates those types of people
Squirrel and Colin are next because Randy would have a blast hunting them down. I feel like Squirrel's not the type to go down without a fight. You know she's gonna be climbing up trees and using that to her advantage. It's gonna be something that Randy's never seen before. Sure, people have climbed the trees to get away from him, but Squirrel is different, she's experienced, she knows what she's doing and she's swift with it. For Colin, Randy would be mesmerized by his outfit, and also he'd love watching Colin squirm and freak out lol. He's such a cutie that you could gobble right up! 😋
Starting from Theo, Randy starts to have less of an enjoyable time because these people are fighting back lol. He does love a good chase, but also he does NOT like dying. If you're fighting him with the intent to kill, he's putting a stop to that immediately. That being said, I do still think Randy would have a good time interacting with some of them. Theo seems super nice, and Tantrum would honestly be a blast to fight, he would love her spirit >:). Clove would be very fascinating as well, considering he's a fox beastkin. After the initial awe though, Randy is going to have to adjust to fighting him. I'd imagine Clove is very nimble, so that would really catch Randy off guard
Eugene's right in the middle because he would be too boring, he's too passive 😔 pzjfks. Ronny and Sable would be too eager to kill Randy, so he doesn't like them either lol. Same with Skull, Cyrus, and Fester, except they'd REALLY wanna kill Randy osjfkl
Elowyn is in last place because Randy would honestly just find her annoying psjfksk. She would be going into this too tactically. She is coming up with plans and backup plans, trying to figure out how to use the woods to her advantage, coming up with ways to manipulate Randy. But all of that shit would fly over his head. Nothing she says is gonna land with him. He's just gonna be like "she talks way too much and I don't get any of it 🙄" before stabbing her in the stomach lol
For the last section, I'm gonna start by talking about the people who die lol
Unfortunately, Vesper, Bo, Dan, Conrad, Elowyn, Eugene, Colin, Cyrus, and Tantrum getting EATEN PAJFKSKA. The others are getting eaten too, but they're dying in a scuffle. I'm sure everyone is fighting back, but these guys are fighting back. Tantrum and Cyrus are too, but I feel like they're easier to take down than the last three
Survivors who KILLED
Theo, Skull, and Clove are killing Randy. Of course, Theo is immortal lol. So even if Randy somehow kills him, Theo is getting back up when Randy least expects it and is stabbing him in the back
Skull's massive size and wolf strength is easily overpowering Randy
I feel like Clove would also get the upper hand on Randy because he's not used to hunting people who are so quick. Clove is dodging all of his swings and it would honestly freak him out lol. Randy wouldn't be thinking straight in his panic 😔
He is vibing. He is chilling. They are all having a good time
Once Randy learns that Sable has been the one who's dumping bodies in the middle of the woods, they are immediately becoming best friends pekfkw. Killer solidarity. Sable needs a way to get rid of the bodies, and Randy needs to eat
I think Kalani would know exactly what to say to win Randy over and spare her, whether they end up as friends or lovers 😌
Squirrel is also just so cool. I could see them getting along really quickly lol. Randy might stop hunting her in the middle of it because her vibes are fantastic
Oenis is also surviving because the two of them would also get along lol. They have the same type of humor, and honestly I can imagine the both of them hunting people down together lol. Also, since Oenis is a shapeshifter, it would be an instant party trick between the two of them lol. Randy would love watching him turn into different people lol. (Also Oenis would NOT be pleasant to eat osjfjks. Man is too dense and chewy, he's grooosssss 😭)
Characters belong to...
@hurrl: Conrad, Kalani, Squirrel
@derekgoffard: Colin, Tantrum
@dread0narrival: Clove, Vesper
@weirdo-canniboy: Theo, Skull, Fester
@the-bees-knives: Oenis
The rest belong to me lol
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loupy-mongoose · 1 year
Hmmm.... maybe Akoya did go find Viv first, but as happens with bad timing, Viv has already come to the same conclusion Akoya did and hasn't heard from Randy yet... and some dormant, instinctive memory of her early days with Sitra says telling Viv what she already knows would only make things worse.
Although maybe I'm underestimating Akoya, here?
So, the thing with it is, I had Randy's family maybe 1% thought out, if that, back when I decided "Give story angsty separation arc hehehe~ >:3"
I had zero idea that Akoya would be closely bonded with his remaining family at the time. So, in my mind, this kinda falls into plot hole territory.
Akoya would very much want to give Viv the bad news. Even though it's incredibly painful for her, she'd want to do it. She loves Viv that much, and knows they could grieve together. But that would lead to; A: Akoya sticking around with Viv when Randy called, which would absolutely annihilate the suspense of them not knowing the other is alive, or; B: Akoya dipping out of Viv's life after giving the horrendous news. Which would NOT happen. Akoya would N O T do that to Viv, no matter how upset she is.
So to me, the logical plot-hole-patch for this case is to either have it that Akoya can't find her way to Viv, and/or just give in to feral instincts to cope.
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narabea06 · 9 months
Lyra headcanons? Also curious who Lyra’s fiancée’s are👀👀
So uhhhhh, sad news- So the concepts I had for Lyra's fiances where actually scrapped a LONG time ago, and sadly I had it changed, so now she has no partners- BUT- I will still give you some headcanons, and MAYBE, I will give Lyra a fiance/ex gf in the future if I can think of something for her-
Lyra Rogers Headcanons
TW: Abuse
She is an ace transfem lesbian, and goes by she/her.
She died on her 20th birthday, and the crash was caused when Toby and her were trying to go out somewhere for her birthday while it was raining. Her and Toby were both crying and started yelling at each other because both of them were having a horrendous night because of Frank. As they were taking their anger out verbally at each other, Lyra got distracted, so she accidentally drove them into the ditch. Toby regrets their last conversation being an argument to this day. 
Her and Toby were super close, but still had their bad fights due to growing up in an unstable environment.
Her and Toby were planning on running away together when Lyra was 17 and Toby was 14, since Lyra finally got her driving license, and Toby and her had a lot of money saved. Frank caught them though and took away Lyra's keys for two years. 
Lyra is pretty quiet and gentle, and can be pretty protective and clingy towards people she cares about, especially Toby, kids, and her friends. 
Lyra is a very muscly woman and is insanely strong. 
She used to be in a boxing club in highschool for half a year until Frank found out and forbid her from going. Toby did know the whole time and would go to all her practices.
Lyra, as a ghost, can summon weapons and objects. While she doesn't kill, she will summon weapons for the sake of defense.
She loves origami and generally "useless" underrated art techniques that she does for the sake of the outcome looking pretty. Toby tried his best to learn stuff from her and one time on her birthday, he gave her some poorly made origami flowers. She treasures them to this day. 
Frank always favored her over Toby when she was younger and she despised it. 
She once put a kid in the hospital in her junior year of highschool because they tried to jump her and Toby on their way to school. 
Lyra usually had work in the mornings and had to wake up earlier than Toby, but always left him a sticky note for him to read when he woke up. 
Lyra loves grunge styled clothing.
She has a hard time expressing her emotions, and can't make it clear to others how she is feeling, so when she is stressed all her emotions try to spill out, and her words always come out wrong. It only gets harder as things go on.
She can get very defensive and a bit sensitive over little things and will bite back when people say anything negative towards her, which got her in trouble at school and with Frank a few times.
Absolutely mama's girl, she loved Connie and would tell her everything, and practically considered her mom her best friend, especially since most people at school didn't like being around her.
She had a special lanyard she used to wear all the time and would hang her keys and some keychains on. Toby has this lanyard now, since Lyra wasn't wearing it during the crash.
She used to pick Toby, Nina, Cody, and Jeff up from school every day once they started highschool due to none of them wanting to walk home anymore because of Randy and Claudia.
Lyra used to have night terrors growing up.
Her and Cody are stepsiblings.
She is 3 years older than Toby, and 5 years older than Cody.
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gunkbaby · 2 months
do you think Tsukiyama is a vrigin
I’ll answer this quickly because an unwarranted overanalysis about Shuu and sex is coming I fear - which was not the question!
Personally, in general: no.
When I read him, when I write him, I don’t see him as a virgin. I actually have a oneshot related to his ‘first time’ sitting half-baked in my drafts, relating it to ‘ghoul hood’ and people eating - it’s maybe a bit Bones And All coded lol - I might post it idk. My main project with him has sex as a sort of key theme - using it to express passion that isn’t understood, ferality, and forms of self-destruction - I bring that up to say that maybe I don’t think Shuu is a virgin because I have been writing this thing too long, and maybe it’s swayed my answer/opinion of him. Maybe also worth noting that I headcanon Shuu as having BPD and I have BPD, and that can affect how you act sexually and I also find that the way I myself think about sex and the like can also be a bit odd. So in short: maybe I’m utterly wrong, and am horrendously projecting my experiences alone in my opinion! You tell me!
In canon though, I’m like 99% sure he has eaten sexual organs - and I don’t doubt there’s more off-screen meals he’s done like that. So maybe that adds a bit of credence to Shuu not being a virgin - if you associate the way ghouls eat with their sexuality. I certainly wouldn’t call him a prude, regardless.
I think Shuu’s virginity or lack thereof can be approached it in different ways - I feel like Shuu could be read as a virgin also. If someone said that I wouldn’t argue heavily against it, unless it was used to like. Make fun of him, or something - because mocking virginity is just really lame to me. But I don’t think him being a virgin is mischaracterisation or whatever.
Maybe virginity isn’t that big of a deal for ghouls - they eat people and I imagine they don’t differ Down There much from humans, so maybe they just think of sex differently. Maybe they experience it differently, feel it differently. I think that’s an interesting thought - how ghoulhood might affect their sexuality - something to chew on, I like that.
If I do allow myself one tangential point here about Shuu and sex in general, I would argue against is the idea that Shuu is like. A horny sex pest. I’ve seen that interpretation before, mostly on the TG Reddit - shocking to no one. Worth noting that TG Reddit is where most of the straight men in this fandom are, and that particular interpretation of Shuu feels very much like a straight man’s comprehension of pining. Like I’ve seen art of him with kinda foot fetish intentions from him and it feels so…Like people weren’t understanding why Shuu is a bit. Peculiar about the Kaneki handkerchief - i don’t read it as a fetish or anything for him, i read it as him being hyper-focused on something and needing every part of it - something like that. He might be getting a bit randy in those scenes, but I feel like it’s not in the way ppl have made out - Shuu doesn’t feel like a ‘male gaze man’ to me, and that interpretation does feel like that to me.
Sorry. I allowed myself one long tangent lmao. Maybe I’ll sound off about Shuu and sex in the reblogs - but I kinda wanna rethink my ideas of it anyways, so sorry if in like. Three days I reblog this with excess Shuu waffle. Thank you for the ask anon!
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
my wife my life, i have ojv brainrot -- will you please go into crazy amount of detail about what the style boys look like to you in the ojv? what kind of outfits they like to wear? comfort sweaters/shirts? <3 also i love you i am waving $50s and shouting louder than everyone else to be noticed i'm the ride or die bi disaster ojc kenny of the irl
ASHFVGKKVHLJK MY DARLING WIFE HI AND FUCK YEAH!!!!! Helllll yes!!! Ok ok I’m bouta go *rm Jersey voice* AWF!! (This is gonna be so long im sorry)
So OrangeJuiceVerse style my BELOVEDS!!! Ohhhhh my god these two own my entire goddamn soul! And smh they’re so pretty in their own right!!!
OJV Stan… he is a fucking stereotypical DREAM MAN! Kyle is down astronomically bad. Like I’m talkin tall dark and handsome, total sweetheart, inherently boyish charm that just makes everyone adore him! His heart of gold and that deep melancholy he sometimes gets behind those sapphire eyes make him all the more alluring! So this is what our affable Everyman looks like to me:
He is TALL (hit his last growth spurt between sophomore and junior year), like tops off at a lil over 6’2 and is the second tallest of the ojverse Star Seven also he’s BUILT AS HELL?!? In high school his physique could be attributed to the myriad of physically demanding hobbies he cycled through (football in particular when he started dreaming of going pro rip to that) and work on Randy’s Fuckass Farm (fuck u randy). But when he’s older he gets softer, sure (best pillow ever) but keeps working out JUST so he can hold every animal ever like a BABY!!! If you want an approximate art reference of young adult OJV Stan, @bunytime ’s drawings on here for SURE! Like he is tall and strong and BUILT FOR HUGS!!!
Blue blue BLUE eyes like not scary stare into your soul but this soft deep shade that reminds you of calm waters and gemstones peeking from the depths of the shadows of his brows. Just gentle waves and clear dusk light.
Ojv Stan didn’t go through the ever popular bleached hair headcanon, most of my Stans didn’t, but this one bc on the brink of a SadSack episode he mentioned getting Kenny to pierce his ears and dye his hair and (this was before they were dating) Kyle was like NO!!! Bc he always loved Stan’s classic all american look and knows him well enough to know that he would’ve hated it a few days later.
DIMPLES!! TWO OF EM!! And his smile is SO sweet his whole face splits omg my sweet boy!!! And he has tiny, almost imperceptible random scars in various places from childhood tomfoolery, especially on his hands bc he sometimes rivals Kenny in recklessness, and those hands are so rough but so TENDER when they touch you and he’s so aware of his own size and inherent ruggedness that completely juxtaposes his personality and it’s so!!! (God forgive me I’m thinking about nsfw ojv style hcs now)
Aight so OJV Stan IS greasy to some extent, c’mon he’s very Boy, but (this is important) only when he’s having a rough time mentally. Like he’s one of those people where while his horrendous lack of style doesn’t change much, you can tell by the stubble and the gross hair when he’s not doing well. Uhhh later down the timeline he has a beard tho. The bear jokes definitely emerge.
And for his style choices ohhhhh my god this man CANNOT fuckin dress!!! I’m constantly putting ojverse Stan in my clothes bc WHAT is this guy doing wearing the “Bigfoot is real I made s’mores with him” shirt and he is GENUINELY confused when he can’t wear jeans to something formal. His socks are STUPID and GIMMICKY and never match, and his wallet has a million keychains HIS BACKPACK omg like every stereotypical veggie boy he has alll the vegan loser pins and patches. Animal activist Stan forever.
A very casual dresser tbh, t shirts and jeans, sweatpants, hoodies (that have mostly been confiscated by Kyle) like he truly sucks at clothes unless he’s going stupid abt a Halloween costume. He kinda relies on Ky to know what looks good on him irl, bc Kyle is VERY reactive when he’s dressed a certain way and Kyle climbing him= ah yes I look Not Disheveled right to jail for both of them.
Oh KYLE!!! From Stan’s pov??? OJV Stan is a huge fucking fantasy loser and he only knows the word “ethereal” bc he’s a nerd and it describes Kyle. On GOD OJV Kyle is so pretty!!! Like Stanley Down Bad Marsh is ENTHRALLED!!! Always, like since he knew what beauty was, beauty was Kyle.
Ojverse Kyle keeps his hair a little past his shoulders since like freshman year of high school, his HAIRRRRR lord those gorgeous red curls, Stan simply cannot get enough of them, that ponytail, the half bun, the little braids Marj used to do when she and Ky would hang solo… dear god Stan will not shut up about his beautiful elf kings hair. Like hair wise if u want a reference picture the homie @grimsbane ‘s long hair Kyle EXEPT
My guy, OJV Kyle is TINY. Not as short as Kenny and Tweek, but close and definitely skinny to the point where if he misses a meal EVERYONE is on his bony ass bc 1) diabetes and 2) they all know his past with eds and no one’s gonna let that shit get its claws on him again! Unfortunately, OJV Kyle has a really hard time gaining weight, but as an adult he’s fully recovered, just kinda slim and at risk of health problems from the damage he did, but he’s mostly ok.
Ky topped off at 5’7 and was the tallest of the m5 in 7th grade and then EVERYONE but Kenny surpassed him WHICH he was pissed abt for a while. But he kinda stopped caring once he and Stan got together bc Stan wasn’t thattt much taller at first (and then this mf got huge) but Kyle was… VERY INTO THAT! It’s so unserious bc when they’re older Kyle’s like dude just fuckin toss me around and Stan WILL NOT because he’s NERVOUS and also traumatized from the ONE time he reinjured Kyle’s bad knee during Super Best Spicy Time (yes that’s what his loser ass named the sex playlist) but when Ky gets in the mood he wants to be manhandled frfr (I will do a nsfw headcanon post prolly) like the SIZE DIFFERENCE kyle is so spicy 100% calls the shots out here climbin Staniel like a tree.
He’s pale as fuck, cannot tan at allll this dude will not go outside without sunscreen bc he IS Sheila’s son and had it drilled into him that they are pale redheads and uv rays are not their friend, BUT his freckles are faint and so prettttttyyyyy he doesn’t even hate them bc Stan loves them and Kyle loves Stan (losers) he’s got a little group of them on his left cheekbone that Stan INSISTS looks like a heart aaaaaaaaaa
Good lord those eyes. Like you look into them and you are LOST in the most beautiful woods you have ever SEEN!!! I’m serious his eyes look like a forest, green and threaded with occasional brown like tree trunks and they are MAGNETIC!!! He is POINTY too like his features are sharp but his eyes are comfortable and it’s just a beautiful balance.
I’m fully of the belief that this lil redhead is a CHRONIC CLOTHES STEALER!!! Sneaky lil fox like if he’s comfy at home he’s 100% wearing Stan’s lame ass “earth day 2013” hoodie or some shit BUT!!!
His actual clothing is VERY much hot professional dark academia vibes the sweaters, the reading glasses, that hair, like he’s so cute in his button ups and when he stops wearing cargo pants so much in college (man likes pockets change my mind) Stan is SALIVATING bc he can see the sbf’s lithe legs better and he wants to SNAG him smh down horrendous. Kyle wears a lotta green, bc we ginger losers know that’s our COLOR and he looks GORGEOUS in jewel tones what a PRETTY BOY!!! Favorite item of clothing is DEFINITELY Stan’s Peace Love Pine Trees hoodie!!!
They do have friendship (lovers) bracelets that Kenny made them btw
Ok I THINK that’s what I got for now on what they look like but lord knows I’ll probably be more insane later NINA MY BELOVED WIFE THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR THIS
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abominationvault · 8 months
Session 24: Sat 10 Feb 2024
BWJ is off his everything today, so Luna might have trouble putting him to bed. Baby Skabb is better this week, after a bit of a battle with a fever. Oh wait - BWJ is down, I repeat, BWJ is down. Let the adventuring commence!
Hartvig has a touch of death this week, which he announces by hacking some lung butter at us down the discord. Lemsip’ll fix it. Halo might help also.
Sprocket wants to clarify something: The idea was to get the book, let Flashbang make some changes and sneak it back, correct? Yes, so we’re one third done. But we're down one wooden guy and one dolly man. They will continue with their art installation until Flashbang has done his thing. “So please… Please quickly…” Sprocket adds, out of character.
Skabb and Flashbang are to alter the ritual, which is Primal magic. Skabb makes a Nature check: 23, and Flashbang 12. Another check, while the rest of us keep watch: Skabb 15, and a third: 18. (She’s reminded of Carol Vorderman as the DM asks for further checks.) She refrains from rage-vomiting on the book. Flashbang finishes up and hands the book back to Luna.
Sprocket has been being bathed for five or ten minutes now. The druids are dancing around him and doing drumming. He looks around and spots these:
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(Top to bottom: Addled hippy, Nasty Little hippy, Shameful hippy, Smelly hippy, Smug hippy)
Luna makes a Stealth check to return the book: 19. It is returned safely, and Luna rejoins us. Flashbang says there will be more of this dancing at the festival. He will let us know when it begins so we can enjoy the fruits of our handiwork.
As soon as Luna is clear, Sprocket twitches in the druid’s hands and yells, “Get your hands off me woman!”
“You're alive, little one!” she says smugly as she sets him down. “Who are you?”
“I ain’t got to talk to no no-bathing woman. We’re leaving.”
She picks him up again. “you have some kind of magic?”
“Damn straight I do!”
“Who are you, little magical beast?”
Augustus steps forward and goes to pluck Sprocket from her hands. “You’re alive too!” she says.
Skabb, worried for Sprocket, has readied a Goblin Song about stinky hippies and starts yell-singing it from the bushes. She makes a Performance check: 16. The druid looks up. She looks back at Sprocket and asks him what the noise is. Sprocket listens. “Sounds like singin’, woman.”
“Everyone’s a critic.”
“Fine, keep your secrets. But if you are what you seem, return to the circle next time you’re in town, I may have work for you.”
Sprocket extricates himself and trots off, in not quite the direction of the singing.
Flashbang is dancing to Skabb’s horrendous singing. “Nice work!”
Skabb wants to go back into town and see the effects of her last job for Flashbang, with the diary, and we need to rest and do some shopping.
Nadia breaks off from the others to make a Tanglefoot bag and four Glue bullets, and the others find the owner of the diary. The townspeople have assumed that he’s left his diary lying around in public places where kids might find it, and are judging him for that rather than the actual contents. Everyone is gossiping about the randy mage in the bookshop. Skabb does Mr Burns steeple fingers.
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Hartvig thinks he should change the name of his shop to The Randy Mage.
While we’re in town, Skabb sees a familiar face - the mayor. He approaches and asks if we’ve found anything yet. Aware that she might scupper our chances of getting a nice house, she chews her lip and says nothing. Sprocket reports the ghouls and cultists, and tells him we’re in the process of eliminating them. Are they what caused the lighthouse stuff?
They’re definitely involved, Sprocket replies, and Luna puts in about the ghost lady. She doesn’t say her name, good thing too or she'd get shushed for saying it aloud.
We have two options for a home - an old warehouse, or a smaller dilapidated house he can give us. The warehouse is somewhat nearer the marketplace and in a bit less shady of a neighbourhood. Kraken street warehouse is large and will cost more money to decorate, and that’ll be on us, but it would be a nicer house. Skabb likes the idea of shady neighbours. Crow Alley is nearer the cemetery, so we’d rather avoid that. Also, there are no neighbours in the warehouse. Skabb is sold. We could have a gym, hot tub, slug farm…
The DM sends Skabb and Nadia the floor-plan and says he will let us decide what goes where. So half slug patch, and half workshop then.
Hartvig wants to sell his scorpion venom, as he’s never used it. (it’s worth 40gp. Skabb: “Let’s find more giant scorpions!”) The casters take a look at their spells, opting for healing and light type things.
Sprocket can go to the library and do some research, or he can chat to the priests; he plumps for the latter. He has a good reputation with the temple after we dealt with the undead, so he can ask them about ghouls. After a brief moral debate, he asks them how to kill ghouls most effectively. “Regular ones and ones of a cult persuasion.” Immune to death effect, disease, paralysis, poison and unconsciousness. Negative type damage will heal them. They can eat corpses to regain HP. They carry something called ghoul fever and can paralyse you - unless you’re an elf. No specific weaknesses. Healing is bad for them, so Hartvig can just jump into the middle of them and do a big heal spell. “And it won’t hurt you guys. It’ll be nice if I hit you guys.” We can throw holy water like a bomb, that’ll do damage to them as well. They sell scrolls of healing that will hurt them, the priests say. Sprocket has a shedload of money so he buys some. 4gp for a scroll of heal, so he buys two. “Now I have three,” he says, carefully adding them to his character sheet.
“Can we buy a bunch of holy water and a super soaker?” Luna asks. “Is it cheaper by the bucket?”
Sprocket asks for five bottles of holy water. “Wait, how many are in the party? Okay, a deal on six.” He must give the priests a reason to give him a discount. “We’re ridding your town of an undead blight! Also we’re pretty cool, and I’m adorable! Uh…” Diplomacy, and he can add two. 16, for an 18 total. Alright, how about 2gp each so 12gp for six, they offer him.
“I agree, you are a credit to your people and faith.”
In arranging this deal, Sprocket has further improved his reputation with the priests.
Skabb wants to buy a Buffeting Winds scroll from Flashbang, and feed it to Grabby Cat so she can learn it. And another one of Magic Stone.
Once we all meet up again, Sprocket tells us that the hippy druid lady offered us some work. We keep that for later.
We retrace our steps - after a sleep. Ahhh, that’s better. Sprocket gives us each a vial of holy water, and he and Nadia give their healing scrolls to Hartvig and Skabb.
Jorg’ath must make a CON save - huh? He does - well, he returns from disciplining a cat (an IRL one, he hasn’t found Joto or anything) and then does it. 10… Not good. He has spent a lot of time cheek to jowl with ghouls, so he might be a little bit sick. He takes 2 (not 22!) D6’s of Negative damage, 7 total. Sprocket is trained in Medicine so he rolls that and Skabb rolls Nature. Sprocket and Nadia roll 1’s, but Skabb rolls a 26. Jorg’ath smells off. She sticks a claw in his scales - he has stage 2 ghoul fever. (Is that better than night fever, he wants to know.) He only takes half the hit points given back by healing spells and items. Well… shit. Would Goblin Fever help, Skabb asks? Like a competing virus type thing?
He’ll have to take 8 hours of downtime to get rid of it. It’ll take a while to kill him, he’d have to get to stage 6. Can he shake it off with a few good rolls, Sprocket asks? “… and a cup of tea?” Luna adds. We’d have to drag him out of here and treat him with lots of smelly mud, Skabb knows. Well, it's not all bad, there’s apparently a long list of things you’re immune to, Luna reminds him.
We go back to one of the mitflit areas to let him heal up before we press on, and he chooses Skabb as his main caregiver. Sprocket, Nadia, Hartvig and Skabb all roll medicine checks - the first 3 all roll 20s, and Hartvig’s is a crit. Skabb can add 4 to her roll as she has great support, and she rolls a 21, for 25 total! Jorg’ath rolls a Fortitude save - 28! He can add four to that on top, so now he no longer has ghoul fever. We all get a Hero Point!
(Skabb is crunching a handful of ticks that she found in Jorg'ath's scales as she worked.)
Augie rejoins us, yeah! It’s a shame we can’t bring him to town with us because he’s undead. “Perhaps if we tart him up a bit,” Hartvig suggests. “He just looks a bit peaky, he’s been ill.”
We’re in a little room just outside Velcro’s library; we head south. Jorg’ath opens the door, then another door, then we roll Initiative!
Rotting flesh heap in the middle, surrounded by ghouls. Yurck. Does Jorg’ath speak Undercommon? Nope. Skabb does, but she didn’t hear it.
“Wheee!” Shouts Augie, leaping over Jorg’ath and going straight for a ghoul cultist to bite it in the shins. “He’s got some moxie, I’ll give him that,” says Hartvig, impressed.
Jorg’ath Rages, inspired by Augie’s enthusiasm. He can add 4 instead of 2 to his Rage damage and can make it acid. “I’ll pop in the middle of these gentlemen,” he says, and stands on the pile. The flesh all seems connected, he notices. It's not a pile of humanoid corpses. Weird. 17 doesn’t hit. He Hero Points it for a 26, and 13 slashing damage plus 4 acid. Then the cultist to his left - 20 for 8 (+4) damage. Con save - 18. There is a stench in here, but he can hold his breath!
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But he’s made the save and is immune.
Sprocketses! He sees one cultist being gently chewed by Augie, and has a go at Phase Bolt:
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He then gives it a wash with Spout, but it makes the save. Still, Howdydoodis! Pinpoint accurate, the spout causes the insidey-bits to rupture, and exits from the eye.
Nadia can’t see anything so she runs in and stabs a ghoul with her bayonet. She hits and then makes her save versus the stink, yeah. She’s sick in her mouth a bit anyway.
Luna can shoot, but the ghoul will get a bonus to his AC. She goes for it anyway and gets a 29! That’ll do it. Second attack is a 23!
Skabb’s computer ain’t playing ball. She moves up by Luna and sits on her face, “in a non-rude way” so she can see. Does she know if any of the party are susceptible to ghoul type stuff? All of us can get ghoul fever, but Nadia won’t be paralysed as she’s half elf. Skabb can shield one of us, so she picks Jorg’ath the tank. “It pains me though.”
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She takes out her slingshot and swings it around her head: 26 hits for 2 bludgeoning. She hears a wet thwack, even though they’re not technically Wet Undead.
The cultists have a go, and cast Harm on Nadia and Jorg’ath, who both get a Fortitude save (Nadia 21, Jorg’ath also good so they take half damage).
One of them moves, and casts Grim Tendrils - Jorg’ath and Nadia both save and take half damage and Persistent Bleeding (It’s up to the DM to remember about that though, so.)
Hartvig’s spell misses, even with a Hero Point, and Jorg’ath gets a Howdydoodis! I miss what he does because I’m eating cake. He does Raging Intimidation on the last one but only rolls a 12. “Well that’s upset me.”
Sprocket has Augustus cast Shield, which is Heightened. He casts a thing so he can see through Augustus’ eyes as well. Is Augustus susceptible to smells? “If he doesn’t have a nose, shall we whittle him one?” Hartvig asks, and earns himself a Hero Point.
Augustus makes a save of 16, and is Sickened 1.
Nadia moves forward and shoots, drops Alkonost and misses with Bluebird. “GET ON THE GROUND! NOW!”
Luna sneaks forward and misses, Hero Points it and hits. Her second attack misses. “Rats.”
Skabb casts Disrupt Undead. “Yeah. Disrupt your day, motherfucker.” It saves though. “Absolute wanker.” It casts Harm again, forcing another save; Luna, Skabb and Augustus do badly. From the other room we hear Sprocket go “Ow!”
Hartvig does Needle Darts again:
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… aaaaand it misses again.
Augie lunges at the last cultist, mouth first, and hits with a 29. “It’s a joy to watch you work, sir,” says Hartvig.
Jorg’ath is up next, and swings his great sword for 9 slashing. Second attack misses. He tries Intimidating Prowess again and fails again to the amusement of all.
Sprocket does some measuring. Can he do Phase Bolt through the wall, and through Augie, and hit the cultist? Yes, apparently, he can, and the cover bonus is reduced by two, negating it entirely. 24 hits for a howdydoodis!
What we see is a Ray of Awful, and we’re just a bit worried for Augie, then the bolt phases out and then back in but inside the cultist, making him, quote, “aggressively dead”.
Skabb notices something written in Undercommon on the floor by the flesh pile, in spite of herself:
“Pure Flesh.”
We offer it to Augie, but he shakes his head. “Not undead.”
Is it still possessed of some mockery of life? We should burn it. Should we try to talk to it first? We could have Jor’gath intimidate it, Skabb says, laughing. She could do a nature check on it? She does that, dropping the sharp stick she was going to poke it with.
There are lots of teeth. It’s a hideous lump. Does Sprocket want to do an Arcana check? “Eurgh, not really.” He does anyway, creeping to the edge of the stink in the room. 13, and a retch. This is nothing that has been created magically.
What is it, then?
Hartvig has a go at a Religion check, and Skabb does an Occultism check. After a cursory look, it doesn’t seem undead. In a flash, Skabb realises that this is the decomposing corpse of a Gibbering Mouther - a type of Aberration. (Jorg’ath wants to do a Crafting check to try and put it back together.) Skabb thinks the cultists were worshipping the corpse.
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Jorg’ath burns it with his torch.
If they’re worshipping this, is it likely that there are others down here? Not necessarily, the DM tells her.
We listen at the next door before the lizard hoofs it open. We sneak as best we can, being quiet as the ghouls can see in the dark but not necessarily hear. We all Follow the Expert, Luna, whose Sneak is 4.
Skabb hears nothing through the door. We push Luna to the front to open it. She rolls a 30 Stealth. “That’s illegal!” Jorg’ath cries. Luna gets a Hero Point.
Through the door are what look at first glance like mushrooms, but because Luna rolled so well, she can see nasty tentacles waving about. “Gross.”
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It sits on a pile of dark grey soil. This seems to be a garden. We ask Augie about this. “Ghouls use them to flash-season their food.” They have flesh-rotting venom, apparently.
Skabb and Jorg’ath roll Nature checks, while squabbling. The fungus can’t see, it uses tremor sense so Grabby Cat could fly over them for a recce. They have a reach of ten feet with the tentacles. They have a poison called Violet Rot, which enfeebles you over time. People have been known to rip off the tentacles and use them as weapons, though the poison only continues to work for about an hour.
If Jorg’ath smashes the floor with his axe, will it create a distraction allowing the rest of us to sneak through? How about a fire bomb? Skabb has a spell that lets her rain down rubble…? They are weak to fire, apparently.
Nadia knows that if someone can harvest the venom, she can preserve it with a crafting check and make Violet Venom which is quite valuable.
Hartvig could torch all three of these things with a cantrip. Skabb does Burning Hands, and they fail the save. 8 fire apiece - so 13 fire damage each, and we roll initiative. We stop there as Luna is falling asleep, and it’s better to pause here than in the middle of combat.
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worstloki · 3 years
honestly i have so many issues with the loki show but i think about the informal dialogue every day. the tva using earth slang i can excuse? cause blah blah they might've been there, might've been vocab from when they were a variant, might've picked it up from another tva agent who got it from earth whatever (awful and inexcusable that we don't see weird fun slang from other planets and cultures though) but like. the mcu going to all this trouble to have asgard be So Fucking Fancy and then loki says "yeah" and "god", exasperatedly, like an abridged "oh my god"... he spent like what. 2 weeks on earth? and you're telling me he picked up colloquialisms (including ones that reference the christian god??) and abandoned his speech patterns entirely? Words Come From Places dear god. reading the transcripts as reference to rewrite the show has me with my head in my hands sometimes
Mobius exclaims it the most but Sylvie and Loki doing it too is so sajhgydvshas didn't Mobius believe in the 'sacred' timeline? Where are the custom TVA swears?? I want to know what they are???
And even we decide Sylvie's picked up Earth slang bc she's spent time there in apocalypses and Mobius and the other agents just like Earth colloquialisms because Kang? I suppose?? idk dude the TVA is awfully Earth-centric to begin with considering what we're shown :/
But even if we put aside everyone else's dialogue Loki's has immediately changed even though he was already an established character... from the first few scenes too, so arguing that he's code-switching and 'got comfortable' enough in the TVA to express himself falls flat.
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south-park-meta · 3 years
do you have a description for Kyle's and Gerald's relationship?
just if it's not to much.
I started reading your analysis. I love them. I'm curious to know if you have any thoughts about their relationship.
Aw, thanks! I can try, I just relate to Stan a lot more so I'm probably going to miss some things.
Kyle and his dad seemed to have a fine relationship earlier on in the show. Kyle's key relationship is with his mom vs Stan's being with Randy, so there is less to go off of than with his relationship with Sheila. But I'd say earlier seasons of South Park had both of Kyle's parents supportive of him and willing to talk to him. Kyle in turn often turns to his parents for advice, and believes that going to adults for advice in general is the way to handle situations he can't. His parents encourage getting support through counseling/therapy like Stan's do. They make sure he stays connected to his religion even in a town that has little support. They do quite a bit to encourage him to be connected to people.
There's a few unhealthy components. The first is a family-wide issue that Kyle's guilt is just MASSIVELY higher than it should be. Guilt is a healthy response, but it's been taken to unhealthy levels and often leads to his martyrdom. This is something that's ingrained in both his religion in general and his family specifically.
The more Gerald-specific unhealthy component is that Gerald is self-centered, narcissistic, and materialistic. This can be seen even in the very beginnings of the show, like Chickenpox in S2:
Gerald You see, Kyle, we humans work as a society, and in order for a society to thrive, we need gods, and clods.
Kyle Gods and clods?
Gerald Yes. You see, I spent a lot of time going to law school, and I was able to go because I have a slightly higher intellect than others. But I still need people to pump my gas, and make my French fries, and fix my laundry machine when it breaks down.
Kyle Oooohh, I see. Gods and clods!
Gerald That's right. So Kenny's family is happy just the way they are, and we're all a functioning part of America.
I think marking himself as 'god' in this conversation really shows why Gerald and Kyle's relationship has been growing worse and worse and is now absolutely horrendous. Gerald sees himself as God. All important, especially in a little dinky town like South Park. He has a good image: He has money, he has a nice house, he has a wife, he has 2 kids. The American dream stereotype. All of these things he sees as an extension of himself, a projection of what he wants to be. He doesn't actually care about any of them the way he cares about himself.
He had a better relationship with Kyle earlier on because Kyle was a kid who took his opinion at face value more. Who was more likely to adopt Gerald's opinion as his own, even if they're shitty. 'Oooohh, I see! Gods and clods!' It's coming from his dad so it makes sense in ways it might strike Kyle as wrong coming from anyone else. Kyle is a fitting extension of himself when it counts.
But Kyle gets older. Kyle starts having his own opinion on things. Kyle starts seeing more things Gerald thinks is funny are wrong. Season twenty Kyle wouldn't accept 'Gods and Clods' the way season 2 Kyle does.
in Oh, Jeez, when Gerald facetimes Ike:
Gerald Hi Ike, it's Daddy. Everything OK there? [Ike look around] Listen, buddy, you remember how we talked about trolling and just between us guys we agreed it was pretty funny? [Kyle walks by Ike's room, hears Gerald's voice and stops to look inside] Well it turns out that even the-
Kyle Dad! [runs into Ike's room] Where are you?
Gerald Oh, hey Kyle.
Kyle Dad, what's going on? Mom is freaking out.
Gerald Tell your mom everything's fine, okay? I'm helping out the government. It's top-secret stuff, but everything's finally gonna be okay.
Kyle No, Dad, I need you back home. Please, I-I'm so confused right now.
Gerald Kyle, you've gotta lighten the fuck up, buddy. Every day with you it's "Dad, I feel guilty about this. Dad, I'm so confused about that." You're a kid. You're supposed to just laugh and make fun of shit. [smiles] Stop being such a pussy, okay pal? Fuck. [hangs up, leaving Kyle a bit stunned]
Ike Daddy called you a pussy.
Gerald's clearly annoyed with Kyle before Kyle even has a chance to talk to him. All Kyle really even says to him is 'I want you home, I need you', and Gerald tells him to fuck off. The kid Gerald WANTS to talk to is the baby, the one who's young enough he thinks he can still get on his side in finding trolling funny. Not the kid who's voicing his own opinions and doesn't even find Terrance and Philip farting in each other's faces funny anymore.
So, yeah. This relationship was only two ways when Gerald could get Kyle to parrot his own thoughts back to him. Now that Kyle's more and more his own person, he's a waste of time. Kyle still loves and wants his dad's attention and help, and Gerald couldn't care less about him. I maybe wouldn't say he despises Kyle or would never help him, but it's clear Kyle lost value to him the more Kyle's moral compass grew.
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danwhobrowses · 2 years
WWE Wrestlemania 38 Night 2 - Quickfire Review
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Well I'm done with work and a rough day in general, time to finish off the Wrestlemania season
Night 1 was already in the books as a decent time, a review for that can be found here but now it's time for Night 2, the one WWE invest more stock into, so let's get to it.
Spoilers for Night 2 (and references to Night 1) below
Just like Night 1 it was 2 hours of next to nothing, don't watch it. Heyman and Lashley did have some good promos but seriously, we've had 4 hours of WWE not give us wrestling within 2 days, not like we had a scenario where neither the Intercontinental nor US champion were on the card but Happy Corbin was, or that we had to move one match from Night 1 over to Night 2 because things overrun...I'd say food for thought but honestly I want to say Do Fucking Better.
Main Card
Another America the Beautiful thing I don't care about, also how dare WWE flaunt Rey Mysterio's visage after what they made him do last night, I will never stop being angry at it, the man is far too generous for WWE's good.
Triple H came out to a big pop, leaving his boots in the ring to make his retirement official. It's a sad thing to see, but health comes first. Trips will definitely lead the next HOF class I bet, hopefully he can be GM as well so Sonya Deville can actually do some fucking wrestling.
Gable Stevenson was here as well, but in the crowd this time.
RKBro [Randy Orton & Riddle] (c) def. Street Profits [Montez Ford & Angelo Dawkins] & Alpha Academy [Chad Gable & Otis] Gotta say as tacky as it was I kinda liked the twin vipers hologram for RKBro, but champions don't come out first, it's Wrestling Decorum. A shit ton of talent in this tag match, rated to underrated, the fact that it's 'no DQs' but still opting for legal tags was weird though. Crowd was booming for Orton's hot tag, and whenever RKBro were side by side, Riddle intercepted a Ford Frog Splash with a super RKO and then Gable made the mistake of doing a flying nothing against Randy Orton. It was a fun match, could've gone longer but the size of the card and refusal to use the Pre-Show seems to be the reasoning.
Street Profits did not turn heel yet, giving them a drink with Gable Stevenson. Chad Gable swatted the cup from Stevenson's hand so Gable beat up Gable with a Belly to Belly, I guess Gable's time not being a jobber is over.
Bobby Lashley def. Omos The battle of Bobert Lashington and Edward James Omos, it's a match I felt a little sad about. Lashley was WWE champion, he got an injury that could've wrote him off Wrestlemania so they ripped the title off him and threw it on Brock in a horrendous Elimination Chamber PPV, only for Lashley to recover in time for Mania and return to challenge an inexperienced Omos, if WWE had put faith in Lashley we could easily have been looking at 2 world title matches for the men. As for the match, it was a slog, Omos did power spots, Lashley strikes back, a suplex and 2 spears ends Omos' undefeated run.
Johnny Knoxville def. Sami Zayn So it's another celebrity match against a beloved worker. Knoxville still repping the Andy Kaufman outfit and goggles walked into a big boot which should've finished the match, but this was a Jackass toys in the attic kind of match, including a mousetrap table. Knoxville of course knows how to bump, he's made a career out of it, so I didn't need this Party Boy strip show and Wee man bodyslamming Zayn in between. How did Zayn not see the giant hand all that time he was walking around the ring before the spot either? After a lot of attacking the testicular area, and a taser shot, Zayn was pinned by being trapped in a giant mousetrap. It was silly, probably a bit too silly for the mood I was in. The one solace I can hope for is that all this commitment to humiliate himself gives Sami something like a worthwhile push.
Sasha Banks & Naomi def. Queen Zelina & Carmella (c), Liv Morgan & Rhea Ripley, and Natalya & Shayna Baszler - NEW WWE WOMEN'S TAG CHAMPIONS The Fatal 4-Way Clusterfuck has Sasha come out in a fancy car, only to be upstaged by Liv rocking the Catwoman look and Rhea being Batman or the Donnie Darko bunny, Zelina's crown was magnificent and Carmella looked like she was doing a wedding dress lingerie blend that Corey was simping for. Was quite a spotfest but in a good way, each team had a chance to take over, no care for the tag rope though. Naomi and Banks won with a rolling codebreaker/facebuster combo which was neat, not upset with them winning - I backed the champs because they were often losing in the build, so I expected them pulling a Mandy - a tiny shame we kinda wasted Sasha's first Mania win on a low storyline 4-Way and a title that will be booked awfully, also happy for Naomi. Liv also put on a good show but I do fear that she's never gonna get gold at this point.
Aaaaaand they ruined it by recapping Logan Paul getting a win over Rey Mysterio solely as an attempt to turn him face so he could feud with the Miz -_- Fuck Right Off.
Edge def. AJ Styles And they twist the knife, Rey loses to Logan Paul, Edge gets a Dream Match with AJ Styles...AJ was bleeding to start (apparently he hit the stage's frame), Edge had a Brood/Triple H style entrance with a flaming throne, as many would agree his new music is good but it's no Metalingus. The match was good, like Cody/Rollins both men picked a body part; AJ was the knee and Edge was the shoulder - one setting up Calf Crusher but the other nullifies the Phenomenal Forearm. Didn't expect to see Edge pull out the STF - a submission favored by his great enemy Cena in the 2000s - he even kicked out of the Styles Clash! Sadly after that we got a weak finish, Damian Priest came out not even looking at AJ, which distracted Styles enough for Edge to intercept his Phenomenal Forearm into a Spear. Seems we're starting Edge's New New Brood faction (New Brood being Gangrel and the Hardys), but I feel like it shouldn't have influenced the match, we could've done this on Raw, I feel like we need a third too, maybe they'll have Balor to justify his continual losses.
They made a big deal about the attendance being the same as Night 1, which is kinda weird: who would by a ticket for one day of Wrestlemania?
Sheamus & Ridge Holland [w/Butch] def. New Day [Kofi Kingston & King Woods] New Day did rep the Big E colors, but it was Shamu, Dutch and Sundance who'd win the day. It was really weird though, Butch was very frantic around the ring, it felt messy, Shamu hit the Brogue while the ref was distracted and Holland hit Northern Grit and that was it, like 2 minutes of a match. Afterwards Butch had to be pulled off of Xavier by his own partners, what was wrong with Pete Dunne the Bruiserweight?
Another come n go for Taker for HOF, then Vince McMahon came out.
Pat McAfee def. Austin Theory So the cheerleaders at Night 1 were used for Pat's entrance, alongside Seven Nation Army. Pat already proved himself in NXT against Adam Cole, but he did keep it simple with tackles and strikes, there was a Hurricanrana spot and a missed Swanton, most impressive was the Superplex though, he backflipped from the turnbuckle to his feed, leapt back to the top turnbuckle then hit the move. Pat won by reversing Theory's finisher with a rollup, which makes Theory beating the likes of US Champion Finn Balor, IC Champion Ricochet, Kevin Owens, Jeff Hardy and Rey Mysterio all for naught.
Mr McMahon def. Pat McAfee EH!? So post match it seemed like Vince was gonna rip into Austin, but Pat called him out, Vince revealed his traditional black vest and got a ref. Austin blindsides Pat, and Pat bumps around for Vince, when Pat is about to fire up Austin slides him legs first into the ring post, gives Vince an American Football and he weakly kicks it into Pat's stomach for a 3 count. The fuck was that?
After that Austin came out, beat and stunned Austin, stared down Vince for a bit then got some beers, Vince did the old Eric Bischoff sip spot, and then a most terrible Stunner. Like it was hard to top Donald Trump's sell but Vince somehow did it, Pat celebrated with Austin and got stunned too. Austin basically doing his damnedest to salvage the awfulness we just saw.
Roman Reigns (c) [w/Paul Heyman] def. Brock Lesnar (c) - NEW UNIFIED CHAMPION Our so-called 'biggest wrestlemania main event' between two men who has fought so many times in the last decade that people are tired of it. No special showmanship for the entrances, Heyman announced Roman and Brock announced himself, Brock took the gloves off at the start too to show he was serious. There were shades of their last mania bout where Brock squashed Roman, but Roman spears Brock through the barricade - it seems he hurt his arm at this point. Then it was mostly just finishers with some suplexes padded between, a ref bump too to get a low blow/belt shot combo nearfall, Heyman pushed the rope to help Reigns escape the Kimura, but you can audibly hear and see that Reigns' shoulder was popped, it was really shallow near the triceps, Reigns escapes an F-5, hits the Spear and that's it, it seems he could pop it back in after but it will need proper looking at. Finish was brief and it was nothing really new, hardly lived to it's name but it was a foregone conclusion.
So Wrestlemania 38 is done, Night 2 wasn't quite the big show it should've been for me, it really brought the show down with the Vince stuff and the poor endings to Edge/AJ and Roman/Brock. Out of the 3 WWE events I have to say Becky/Bianca was the best match - ironic that it's the only one with dedicated long-term storytelling huh?
There are at the least a lot of new directions for WWE now; if they book it right at least, that is the key element here. Wrestlemania 38 as a whole was good, Night 1 being better than 2 for me, it could've been better though, lots of filler matches could've been moved to the 4-hour pre-show and made room for matches for y'know our midcard champions, also should've had Rey win.
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concerthopperblog · 4 years
Concert Hopper Richard's Top 10 Metal Albums of 2020!
1)      Lamb of God – Lamb of God
Lamb of God, after the departure of drummer of Chris Adler, have begun to expand their horizons as evidenced on their self-titled album with Randy Blythe (vocals) continuing to expand his range by adding clean vocals to his repertoire. Couple this with a pulsing, blasting musical backdrop and you are on a wild ride that winds its way through topical journeys that touch on modern topics and of course, the state of the world in all its depressing glory. Perhaps the highlight of the album is Memento Mori which is Randy’s reminder to himself to not let the state of the world drag him into the depths of darkness within his mind. ConcertHopper covered this album entirely back in June and this article can be found at the following link: Lamb of God returns to their roots with new, self-titled LP! — Concert Hopper
 2)      The Acacia Strain – Slow Decay
Like Lamb of God, The Acacia Strain have been on a journey of musical exploration, starting with 2019’s It Comes in Waves album which harkens much more to black metal than the standard Acacia Strain fare. With Slow Decay the band takes a few surprising paths, including many guest slots in various songs on the album. On the whole, the album the band takes on many current topics like the wildfires in Washington in 2018 as well as the anti-vaccination movement that has become so prevalent in society and which, in the modern era of COVID is poised to rear its head again.
 3)      Zeal & Ardor – Wake of a Nation
Zeal & Ardor were one of the surprises of 2019 for us at ConcertHopper after seeing them at Welcome to Rockville. The Swedish gargantuans who found their footing by merging slavery-era chants and songs to black metal music. With the release of Wake of a Nation the band departs from this merging of genres and takes on the difficult subject of race relations in the world. With songs like “I Can’t Breathe” which was written in the wake of the George Floyd killing and features samples from Black Lives Matter protests across America. They take on the broad history of racism in America, even going back in the song “Tuskegee” which tackles the little-known Tuskegee Syphilis study which, for over 40 years allowed syphilis to spread while given placebo for 40 years.
 4)      August Burns Red – Guardians
August Burns Red is never a band to disappoint and this holds true with their album, Guardians. Fresh off their tour (which ConcertHopper was there to cover) where they played their Constellations album in its entirety, the band launched into this album. As seems to be trend with most of the albums on this list, the band takes on several modern topics including how the mainstream media no longer has the best interest of the public at heart. Perhaps the highlight of the album though is what is possibly the most brutal track on the album, “Bloodletter”  which, along with crushing instrumentals provides lyrics that speak to the evils of the music industry and those that try to take advantage of artists for their own gain.
 5)      Code Orange – Underneath
Prior to the onset of COVID, Code Orange was set to embark on what was going to be an incredible tour with Slipknot, Underoath, and A Day to Remember. Listed by Corey Taylor himself as one of the bands that was set to push heavy music forward (along with Knocked Loose and Ho99o9,) they truly are a force to be reckoned with. This comes to fruition on Underneath where the band continues to spread their wings and push the genre forward. “Swallowing the Rabbit Whole” is one of the song’s most interesting and complex songs, both lyrically and musically and is perhaps a hint at where the band wants to go musically in the future. The lyrics explore the subject of self-discovery and how the journey has the potential to be so rewarding but warns of the difficulties that could occur as a result. The band also performed a live stream on the streaming service, Twitch with full stage production in the gap caused by COVID.
 6)      The Ghost Inside – The Ghost Inside
Four years after the horrendous bus accident that saw the death of their driver as well as multiple injuries to band members, including Andrew Tkaczyk who lost his leg, the band triumphantly returned with a live concert in Los Angeles. After this renewed energy applied to performing and recording, the band launched into this self-title album. Not surprisingly, a large portion of the album is devoted to the accident five years prior and the growth of everyone in the band since then. This is obvious right at the intro song, “1333” which was the exact number of days between the accident and the day the band played their comeback show. From there, the album continues to be a testament to perseverance, with tracks like “Phoenix Rise” and “Begin Again”.
 7)      Alpha Wolf – A Quiet Place to Die
Alpha Wolf recalibrated as a band after allegations of sexual assault led to the dismissal of vocalist Aidan Ellaz. After a hiatus, the Australian powerhouses introduced Lochie Keogh as the new vocalist and Mitchell Fogarty as their new drummer and they promptly set to kicking ass with songs like “Black Mamba”. After several incredible singles, the band released their first full-length album since the introduction of Keogh and Fogarty. Not ones to shy away from the topic that led to the bands struggles, the song “Restricted (R18+)” tackled the subject of sexual and physical abuses from the eyes of the victim. From there they continued to release a sonic barrage, culminating in perhaps the most sonically brutal track of the album (perhaps even of the bands’ entire catalog) “Akudama”.
 8)      Trivium – What the Dead Men Say
Trivium as a band have seen massive and impressive growth over the course of the past year or two. Nominated for a Grammy, the band propelled themselves forward into What the Dead Men Say, an album that was written amidst a global pandemic and, in between all of the bands’ members livestreaming on Amazon’s Twitch platform where lead vocalist and guitarist Matt Heafy is a pioneer for artists looking to expand their reach (and where he has stated he earns more income than touring with his band). The band combined elements of their progression across the entire arc of their careers, from the beginning to the power that turned them into a Grammy contender and into the future. The band, as they have become so keen to do, utilized a mixture of clean vocals with Keafy’s refined screaming vocals alongside bassist Paolo Gregoletto’s own screaming vocals. The band pushed their own boundaries by including a couple of acoustic songs. All of this is neatly summed up with a masterful performance of the album’s highlight, “Catastrophist”, which has seen heavy play time on Sirius XM’s stations.
 9)      Mark Morton – Ether
Like many other acts on this list, Mark Morton has been on a journey of musical discovery since releasing his first solo album, Anesthetic last year. Like the first album, Ether features appearances by much of heavy music royalty including Lzzy Hale of Halestorm, John Carbone of heavy pioneers Moontooth and Howard Jones of Killswitch Engage, Light the Torch, and Blood Has Been Shed. The pinnacle of the album may very well be Morton and Hale’s incredible cover of the Black Crowes classic, “She Talks to Angels”.
 10)   The Black Dahlia Murder – Verminous
Purveyors of brutality, The Black Dahlia Murder have always been responsible for full-on sonic assaults, pulled no punches with their album Verminous. Often focusing on the very death metal/black metal subjects of sorcery and general dubious acts, the song weaves a serpentine path among an assortment of topics like necromancy, the hopelessness of humanity and of course death. Perhaps the culmination of the album is “Dawn of Rats” which is a song about a subject most bands would shy away from, the abuses of the Catholic church on children.
 As honorable mentions who would have been included in this album had they produced full-length albums this year, I would also like to add how impressed I was with newcomers Spiritbox who have been crushing the metal scene during the period that COVID has taken over. They have appeared on Sirius XM live concerts and their vocalist Courtney LaPlante appeared in the One Thousand Painful Stings music video with The Acacia Strain. I look for them to be a force in metal as we move forward.
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1moreoffkeyanthem · 9 months
Sorry if this is weird - but can we get The Star Seven and where they fall on the LGBT spectrum? :3 Or physical/mental illness N stuff? (Also you're my favorite fanfic author of all time! Ur so cool <3 )
Tysm I’m fucking losing my shit at being someone’s favorite fanfic author!!! And I am ALWAYS down to go stupid abt OrangeJuiceVerse oh my fuck.
Also!!!! There is not a single neurotypical mf in the entire 7!!! These bitches are soooo out here terrorizing any therapist they try to go to. So to start Off.
Kyle. That little I Learned Something Today Ass Bitch is SO fuckin gay!!! Like he realized as a preteen that he he didn’t actually like women like that (no wonder he’s Maidenless smh) and he was like OH! Bc the way he felt abt Stan was soooo homiesexual dear lord he whole ass kept it to himself for way too long. He’s also on the ace spectrum, bc as a demi loser, I feel like he’s demi idc. Like this man fr thought porn was something only referenced in movies and then Kenny showed him some shit and he was like WHAT THE GODDAMN HELL IS THIS rip same Ky. As for mental illnesses and such, aside from being Down Horrendous for the sbf, this poor guy is sooo fucked in the brain. So he’s got awful anxiety, borderline obsessive compulsive tendencies, a fucking eating disorder (for a lil while in hs, he’s mentally fine in that department during most of the ojv), some kinda martyr complex. And physically? Mans a mess. Type 1 diabetes, absolute shit immune system, chronic issues with his left knee, probably anemia, on the verge of developing early onset arthritis when he gets older bc he fucked his body up with the ed, he’s STRUGGLING. He’s also stubborn as fuck and has frequently passed out because he didn’t want to check his levels. He gets in trouble with literally everyone for that.
STAN!!! Jesus this poor boy. My absolute Bi King!!! (Kyle may be the one biking around town bc his road rage is so godawful but Stan is the BI-king) yeah I’m a bi Stan believer bc this man is a HUGE simp!!! Ohhhh my god this boy when he was younger he’d see someone pretty and be SO down bad. But the only person he ever was actually good at being in a relationship with was Kyle. Stanley Down Bad Marsh, since the moment he knew what beauty was, beauty was Kyle. He did have a crush on Wendy in 4th grade, but then he was like kyyyylllleee. (Jail to stan). God his brain is so fucked. First of all RANDY is his father so he’s got trauma out the wazzoo, he’s an alcoholic, and he’s so plagued with adhd and dyslexia like pack it up Percy Jackson (he’s so Percy coded argue w the wall) plus this guy is depressed as hellllll. Oh my fuck Sadsack is real his lows are LOW and Kyle has threatened him with his therapist friends before. He’s doing better later down the timeline, thank you aa, oh yeah there’s the alcoholism too, but he’s the support group KING my darling boy ojv stan!!!
Kenny. Ok man the Kenny Of It All is sooooo bizarre. So he is immortal, but no one knows except for Marj! This takes such a mental toll on him, this guy is out here fully discombobulated bc he just came back from a rebirth and everyone’s like oh hey Ken where’d u go yesterday. His deaths have gotten less frequent as he grows up, but tbh he is still veeeerrry prone to bouts of depression and anxiety because of them, especially when he feels forgotten. I delved into that here and a tiny bit here, his mentality honestly can’t really be put into words. Like his brain doesn’t make sense even to himself. ALSO!!! He is THE Pan Without A Plan he’s so all over the place if you put him in the same room with Stan (his Blood Brother In Desperation, his Ride Or Die Disaster Bi), someone’s comin out in need of an emergency room.
Tweek!!!!! Dude Tweek that poor kid. Addiction, ocd, anxiety, the guys got it all. Also, another bitch on the ace spectrum? Yep. Homoromantic for sure, and closer to the sex-repulsed side of things.
Craig is an enigma dude, like this mf is so nonchalant about everything until he isn’t, the typa man to just casually drop some random piece of lore and you’re just like BRUH TF?!? Smh but anyway so he’s autistic, diagnosed as a kid when his parents were like our son got something goin on, and then everyone in his life was like ohhhh that makes sense. He gets kind of violent in his meltdowns, punching walls and shit, and he’s SCARY!! Not because he’s trying to be, like OrangeJuiceVerse Craig is such a softie, but he’s also scary looking! Like he’s 6’4 and long as hell, resting bitch face, he’s honestly kind of terrifying until you get used to him. He’s got the most absurd dry sense of humor though omg he and Kyle have this stupid “we can be assholes for fun” vibe. He’s a full blown gay ass dude btw.
MARJORINE MY BELOVED! She doesn’t label herself really, she just knows she loves Kenny, and her heart is so big like Love Is Stored In The Marj (unfortunately she’s also the queen of mlms and has had multiple pick me phases smh gullible queen). So she ALSO is autistic, and omg she’s a lot of the reason Kyle switched his major from premed to psych. I’ve mentioned before the m5 living together the first year of college and one time Marj had a bit of a problem at a karaoke bar with Stan and Stan my precious sweetheart IMMEDIATELY brought her to Ky (Kenny had studio hours) and Kyle’s letting her braid his hair and he’s helping her through her meltdown and she’s like “you should really do this as your job”. She was right. Kyle’s fantastic at what he does.
Jesus fuckin Christ Cartman. No one knows what the hell his sexuality is. He won’t tell you. He won’t disclose his pronouns either. (Tbh this mf never fully figures out his sexuality or gender he’s just vibin and also doesn’t care.) Also bruhhhh he’s such a disaster mentally. He’s been on a cocktail of meds since middle school for schizophrenia, sociopathic personality disorder, bpd, poor dudes got too damn much going on. BUT he’s relatively stable from like 6th grade onwards. Just an asshole for fun and out of habit. (OJV Cartman is so much fun to me)
OKAY! Dude you have no idea how excited I was to get this ask I’ve wanted to talk abt what the OJV Star Seven have goin on mentally foreeeevvvver!!!
Any curiosities someone has about OrangeJuiceVerse or ANY of my other stuff PLEASE ask me about whatever! I am super annoying and Weird!!!
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be-better-writing · 5 years
Daily Writing Day 9 - 1/6/2020
What brings a tear to the eye? (It could be happy tears!)
This prompt is fitting for today as it is the 12th anniversary of my uncle being tragically from this world. I wrote a little fictional tale based on his memory that caused my little sister to break down and cry this morning. Between my little story and my sister being two states away crying over essentially my creative expression. Today has been rough. Today 12 years ago brings tears to my eyes, and so does this little story.
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"The Tape-Man and The TapeMonster" An original story written by Brittany Lyn on December 29, 2019. Part two written on January 6, 2020. Dedicated to the man who taught me what tape was, how to pull it from the dispenser, and how to stick it to everyone and everything in sight. The man who created the TapeMonster. The Tape-Man. Uncle Jody Becknell. May he Rest In Peace while hunting and fishing every day in Heaven. You are so dearly loved and dearly missed each and every day, sir. Thank you for blessing my life, my heart, and my soul with your everlasting memory. One day, a little young lady was strolling along. Bobbing and weaving between the trees, skipping over roots, and jumping on stumps. Off in the distance, an alarm rang out calling for the hero that hides within. She ducked behind a tree within the blink of an eye, but what came back was quite the sight. No longer was visible her pink dress and boots, but her face covered in tape, her whole outfit, too. Out from the trees the TapeMonster leapt, and down the road it tumbled down to land on it's rear at the sound of that ferocious alarm. *~WEEEEEEEEEEWOOOOOOO~* that horrendous contraption screeched, but that wouldn't stop this little TapeMonster now. It burst through the door, spun the thieves up tight with a roll of simple Scotch tape. Just in time, the police arrive to find the crooks bound by simple Scotch tape, with a note slapped right on their face. "Never fear, the TapeMonster was here!" the note read. Puzzled and shook, the police are confused! The only thing here was the menaces bound by simple Scotch tape. "Where did this TapeMonster hide?" they questioned, but it had seemingly vanished, leaving only the tape bounds holding the robbers in place. But, just out the door, across the street, the tape covered monster was bounding away, off to the man who supplied her with tape rolls. Peeling the tape, piece by piece. The little girl laughed and laughed and laughed some more. She was back on the counter in Mr. Jody's pawn shop. He kept sticking her with tape while her imagination ran free. The TapeMonster rests having saved the day. The thieves were locked away in Imagination's Jail, and the police of Imagination Town went about their way, questioning the identity of this brave creature armed with Scotch tape. The little girl laughed and sat on the counter, and played more games of TapeMonster with Mr. Jody, her very best and dearest friend, who would stick her with tape, supplying the TapeMonster again. He stuck the tape on her again, and again, and again before the little girl's parents joined their fun. "Time to go, punkin'. Give Jody bye-bye sugars," her mother said softly, as the little one jumped into her very best and dearest friend's hug, and kissed him on the cheek, and saying "bye-bye." "Until next time, punkin'," Mr. Jody said with a squeeze. "I hope you bring the TapeMonster back to play next time." "I will, Mr. Jody!" the little girl exclaimed as she hugged her friend again. "The TapeMonster will always come to play!" she sang out with glee, as she stuck one small strip of Scotch tape to Mr. Jody's t-shirt. Jody walked his little friend around the counter to her mom and dad for their journey back home, and all 4 embraced in the strongest and warmest group hug. Farewells were said, and the little one strapped into her seat, as she clutched the surprise Mr. Jody gave to her; the little roll of Scotch tape that was just bigger than her hands. A token for the TapeMonster whenever she needs. "Never fear!" she shouted gleefully from the car. "The TapeMonster is here!" the two friends called out as they waved good-bye. "Until next time, punkin'," he said to himself, as his little friend and her parents drove off in the distance. "The Tape-Man will always have sugars, and hugs, and always an extra roll of tape for whenever a criminal causes chaos up in Imagination Town," he finished just as the tail lights faded off over a hill. He stepped inside the shop while peeling the tiny tape strip off his t-shirt. he taped it to a small piece of paper he scribbled on, and slid it in his wallet; a memory of a little friend with a wild imagination stored away for safe keeping. A little strip of Scotch tape on a small slip of paper that read, "Never fear, the TapeMonster is here!" A memory so pure that no one else could create but Mr. Jody, the one and only Tape-Man to see the real TapeMonster with his own two eyes... ~
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Part 2~
The little three year old TapeMonster continued to grow and play and save the days for the next eight years, while getting the occasional grand visits from Mr. Jody, the almost elusive Tape-Man. Until one dark winter night, tragedy struck. Mr. Jody had left this beautiful life on Earth to spend eternity with God in Heaven. The now eleven year old TapeMonster was lost, clutching in her hand the gifted roll of magic Scotch tape with tears streaming down her face.
Days went by, and she placed a roll of her own magic Scotch tape under his carefully folded hands for burial with a note that read "Use in case of bad guys; a piece of the TapeMonster's bravery to keep you safe. Till we meet again, Tape-Man. Your spirit lives on."
Life went on with an overwhelming feeling of emptiness. The TapeMonster couldn't find any Scotch tape and Imagination Town was overtaken by the very many evil doers that she couldn't put away without the Tape-Man's supply.
Six years flew by before she realized, and she was more lost than the years before. Mr. Jody was in Heaven guiding his family through their lives, but it just wasn't the same.
Another six years go by in the blink of an eye. I'm 23 now, turning 24 in 6 months and 2 days. Today marks twelve years that Mr. Jody, who truly was more like an uncle than a friend, was taken tragically from this Earth, leaving our lives better for knowing him in his life, but also leaving the world a darker place without his love and charisma. If I drank, I'd have two mini bottles of Grey Goose and a roll of that simple Scotch tape sitting on the step beside me. One mini bottle to pour to the ground for tribute to Jody, and the other to enjoy myself before wrapping a small piece of Scotch tape around and hiding it and the roll in my hope chest to look back on and smile as time continues to pass us by.
Those twelve years really flew by, but when I stop and look back, it seems more like a lifetime had passed.
Jody, the TapeMonster is so very lost on her journey of life hunting for tape to stop the bad guys from taking over the world. God knows just how lucky I truly am, though. I am blessed to have known and loved you while you were here. I am blessed to have gained through you an adopted mom, an older brother, and a little sister that I have also made great memories with. God also knows it still hurts like hell to experience life without you here, too.
This story is a wild piece fiction based off of my memory of Jody. Memories from 20 years ago are fuzzy as all hell, but the feelings in my heart are just as they were upon experiencing them. I posted the first part the other day while hoping it wouldn't produce the same massive amounts of crocodile tears for Dana, Taylor, and Randy as it did for me. I haven't gotten any feedback from them yet, so I hope part two doesn't make them cry like I am while typing this. I just truly hope that the wild fictional adventure of the TapeMonster combined with the memory of Jody warms their heart knowing that we all still have memories of him to pick us up when we are down, and to carry in our hearts so his spirit lives on each day that lies ahead.
Rest In Peace to one of the greatest life influences to ever be a part of my world. We love and miss you so much. ~
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My dates of writing this piece are written at the top with my little dedication, but the end is where it really tore my sister apart. I should have thought before posting it, or I should have read it to her myself. I'm not sure. Today has been a train wreck. Jody is watching us from the Gates of Heaven, though. I felt his presence today. Especially after I reminded my father of the anniversary. He actually brought home a moderate size bottle of Grey Goose without me asking. I haven't had a sip of that vodka, and I won't. Jody set something up for tomorrow for me, or at least that's the way it seems. I plan not to mess that up by being hungover.
Between this date, and the anniversary of my best friend committing suicide, I don't know which one kills me more.
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surviveshe · 6 years
                           HEADCANON’S   ---   POST   BILLY   !
there are a lot of feelings that are incredibly difficult for sidney to deal with after the events of the first killings and the truth coming out about billy and stu --- and their deaths. i’m going to briefly comment on my thought process of how she feels about it, i wanna do a few full head canons on this, but this will probably be just a quick look ! 
the events are catastrophic to her mental health especially after discovering that not only were two people she trusted so deeply responsible for the death of her friends, and that they were CAPABLE of such things --- but the fact that her boyfriend, someone she cared about and was so deeply in love with, was the one who killed her mother. she can’t fathom how he could do something so horrendous and it leaves her with endless questions about him, and whether any of their relationship had ever been real. that’s one of the most painful parts for her, because after her mom’s death, she leaned on him more, treasured him more, though she did push him away due to her struggle in sorting through the array of emotions due to the grief of the loss. the worst part is that even despite all of what’s happened, she still loves him deep down, and maybe it’s part of the fact that she’s in love with the part of him --- if there was any, that was good. the idea of him. the boyfriend she thought he was. it’s almost like she’s in love with a ghost, someone non-existent. it’s this that causes a lot of mental suffering for her, because she hates herself for still having feelings for him. she’s disgusted because even though he’s gone, and she knows better than anyone he’s gone because she’s the one who killed him ---- it’s like he’s still her and has a grip on her life because of the feelings she still has. she’s disgusted with herself for not only still loving him but for still playing his game, for giving him this grip on her life --- on HER. she’s haunted by the ghost of him still. and she does despise him, deep down there is parts of her that loathe what he’s done, who he was, and what he took from her, and it’s like both feelings wage a war on her constantly. it’s this vicious circle of emotions that she doesn’t have the ability to sort through and this only leads further to paranoia that she has with new people ---- as seen with derek later when she dates him, she’s quick enough to believe mickey when he places blame upon her boyfriend. she also never tells him she loves him and it’s not because there isn’t some feelings that she has for that male, but it’s because the last time she opened herself up to loving someone, he turned her world completely upside down and on it’s head and left her broken. she doesn’t feel like she can love again, not only because of this, but she doesn’t want to put anyone at risk. maybe she feels as though she’s completely at blame, and that she’s some ticking time bomb and everyone she cares about dies. this is also seen when she loses randy, it’s the death that affects her most --- because he had been there from the beginning with her, he was her best friend and she feels like she should have stopped it somehow, and when she finds out it’s all part of billy’s mom’s vendetta, she feels almighty guilt over randy. she doesn’t wanna get close to people especially after scream 2 as well, once more people die --- she just feels as though not only will them being close to her cause the inevitable to happen but also .. after billy ?? a relationship frightens her because she's worried she doesn't really truly know anyone, and paranoia is something that takes a massive grip on her !  
sidney can’t help the part of her that still holds love for billy. it’s the part that fell in love with him before it all. that holds onto hope that maybe he did love her, or at least care for her. it’s too painful for her to even fathom him not having any love at all for her, that the whole entire relationship was a lie even before his mom left. she likes to think that maybe he didn’t always want to kill her. the nights where he would climb through her window, or when they ended up on the train tracks, looking at the stars after his dad had a meltdown over his report card. she has nights where she thinks about it, and about the 'what ifs' which drive her entirely mad, and she's left awake thinking so much that sleep never finds her --- her head is left hurting from the weight of these thoughts.
she's also still grieving billy despite the horrific things he did to her, despite the fact that he took her mom from her, she still grieves for him and it's one of the most overwhelming things that she finds herself struggling to come to terms with. it’s completely maddening. she grieves the guy she thought he was, she’s almost consumed by the grief, over the loss of their relationship. over the fact that she lost him --- he had been her safe place to land, he had comforted her, he had been sweet. he had felt like all she had after her mom died and then to realize she didn't really know him at all ? and that he was responsible for it all, is the most sickening and bone chilling thing.   she can’t understand not only how he had been a completely different person that she didn’t know about, but she’s also incredibly angry at herself because surely, she should have noticed. 
she's stuck in this limbo of grieving horrendously for the endless list of people that she's lost, and it's the worst feeling and she finds herself feeling completely trapped within it. it all hits her at once, and she’s almost numb at times --- but other times, it’s like her chest is caving in and she can’t breathe. she also suffers badly with PTSD, and when she isn’t having nights of insomnia, she’s having nightmares that leave her screaming, and shaken to the core. she’s struck with flashbacks, and nightmares and some of them feel so real that it’s always hard for her on times to differentiate what’s real and what’s not. it feels like she can feel him there on times, or hear him and she knows it’s her mind playing tricks on her --- playing with every inch of her that still has feelings, and with the devastating trauma she’s experienced so deeply. one of the worst things for her is not knowing if any of it was real, because part of her can’t believe he loved her if he could take her mom away from her. someone she loved wouldn’t do that. she knows she should feel glad that billy and stu are gone and part of her did feel glad until the killing started again.  because she thought it would end with him and stu, even though deep down --- she had this worry that it would never be over. that it's left such horrible trust issues, and worries that she doesn't know how to deal with. and she’s scared she will never be able to fully face these feelings and deal with them, all of it truly frightens her, all she keeps doing is bottling it up --- and saying that she’s fine. saying that she’s fine has somewhat become a mantra that she keeps repeating --- maybe hoping that eventually she’ll believe it. the fact that he killed a lot of people and caused the biggest wake of devastation in her life really doesn't make her feelings of grief over him any less valid. she feels like it almost heightens them. part of her is angry, and deflated, because he died, and then someone else started killing. was all of it for nothing ? the part of her that loved him feels like surely he could have been locked up instead. killing him haunted her too. she knows that she’ll always have these feelings for him that she can never deal with or process and that she’ll always forever be in love with the ghost / idea of a man, and it is one of the most tragic things about all of this. 
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wemythings · 3 years
Chucky sent packing over child-like 10 year old email messages
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Today in what the SJW f##k news an excellent football mind and very good football coach with an above .500 record is forced to resign. Tenured head coach and General manager for the Las Vegas Raiders Jon Gruden was forced to resign after one year as head coach. 
The ten year old email in context
Why would you ask?  simple, because of an email ranting about his issues with the NFL and certain people he didn’t agree with. The highlight of this situation is Gruden calling a black man dumb and making fun of the size of his lips ten plus years ago...how horrendous. Gruden described NFLPA executive director Demaurice Smith as "Dumboriss Smith has lips the size of michellin tires,"  This statement is equivalent to the 10 year old at the playground during recess calling another kid a “doodie head” and making fun of the way he or she looks. 
What’s really important in all this
Newsflash not an ounce of racism was found in this email message or any of the emails by Jon Gruden. The New York times and the Washington post can pull up as many emails as they want and all they will find is simple rants, name calling, and venting using really mean words nothing to see here.
The shocking part
The shocking part in this whole 10 year old SJW sting operation is that everyone has done this. 100% of professional athletes, coaches, husbands and wives of professional athletes across the globe vent their frustrations about a place, someone or something that pertains to their sport. 
Should everyone be doxed and forced to resign because they said something that hurt another person or groups feelings? Taking a page out of the Tommy Sotomayor playbook do we all need to be treated like woman or retarded children in the classroom that throw snack packs against the wall? And this is coming from a league that consist of men who are very big and brutally strong, both physically and mentally.
What’s also rather shocking is seeing the second greatest receiver in NFL history sit on TV and be emotionally distraught over this. You would think that pro football players don’t: 
talk crazy to each other on the field. 
NFL players aren’t knocking each others heads off in practice. 
NFL players don’t stomp on other players with cleats on. 
NFL players aren’t potentially violent and dangerous on and off the field if pushed to be so. 
I’m pretty sure Randy Moss has heard 10x worse on the field. Of all the issues in the NFL that have plagued that league for ten plus years, Jon Grudens emails got these big, strong, freakishly athletic monsters crying.
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Bringing things together
Despite the hyper emotional reaction by the NFL and the media this is pretty common and not that big of a deal. Everybody has ranted, name called and said everything under the sun about another. This issue as a whole is very insignificant compared to the punishment rendered. So because Gruden said some things a few people didn’t like, he should have to resign?  
What world are we living in where private messages sent ten years ago should result in the loss of employment in the present? This new SJW world is turning into an undercover dictatorship where freedom of speech isn’t free. Especially when that speech offends a certain class or group. While that protected group or class can exercise their freedom of speech at will consequence free.  
The NFL before Jon Gruden email leaks:
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The NFL after Jon Gruden email leaks:
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