#Raph x pregnant reader
sadakorosee · 2 years
Bed Rest
Summary: Reader is 32 weeks pregnant. Leo and Raph's story takes place at Vern's party while Donnie and Mikey's story takes place in the lair. I was out of ideas.
(l/s/o) - leo's s/o
(r/s/o) - raph's s/o
(d/s/o) - donnie's s/o
(m/s/o) - mikey's s/o
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2 drunk guys got too careless and made a mess on Vern's floor. Everyone was too drunk to care except you who only watched from the living room where the atmosphere was quieter and less people were hanging out. Because you were pregnant, you couldn't stand too long so April led you to the living room.
Not seeing Leo around, you stood up to grab yourself a drink when you didn't realize someone dropped their cake on the floor and you slipped on it, dropping on your back as everyone gasped to look at you. Women nearby you immediately reacted when they saw your big belly and tried to help you but your eyes closed on its own when you felt pain at the back of your head.
Leo was livid. At the people who made you fall and at himself; he should've stayed behind with you. He only left for a while to grab his and your drink until he heard multiple gasps. When he saw you on the floor, all he saw was red. Like, Raph's bandana kind of red.
See, your pregnancy was unique; it was yours and Leo's creation so a normal hospital wouldn't know how to treat a possible mutant-human baby so here you are being treated by doctors who can. The doctor finally did their tests and explained that there was no problem with your baby and it was healthy. No damage to you either so it was a relief, however, you were asked to stay on bed rest for another 8 weeks.
At the lair, Leo was more than willing to be your 'maid' for the next eight weeks. Splinter was also there to land you a helping hand but you tried to deny his help because he was an old rat.
"No, I have a young soul." He once said with a smug look, 'combing' his long beard.
3 weeks later and you felt so restless it was getting boring. But it was worth it when everytime he comes back from patrol, he'd lay down in bed with you and put his head on your stomach which your baby is always kicking.
"Hi, baby." Leo softly said on your stomach. "Don't give your mama a hard time, okay? She's on bed rest and we can't wait to see you soon." He placed a kiss on your stomach to your lips. "You're a strong woman, y/n. I love you so much. I'm so glad you're mine and carrying our child."
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It was a stupid argument, really.
You and Raph had been arguing from the lair to Vern's party house about you not going to the party; Raph wants you at the lair where it's risk free for you and the baby. You, however, are stubborn and want to get out.
You were stuck at the lair for 2 months without going topside because of your special doctor's orders. It drove you insane being stuck at the lair, it didn't help when Mikey has his eyes on you 24/7 and making sure you have all the things you needed.
The argument made you stressed and you lose consciousness just an hour after you and the turtles arrived Vern's place.
Raph was with you the entire time you were being checked - kneeled down beside you holding your fragile hands in his, worried eyes watching your closed ones waiting for small movements from you.
"y/n darling.. please wake up." He stroked your hair gently. He was trying not to panic and cry when everyone's in the room but his sniffing betrayed him when he felt a hand on his shell.
"Pull yourself together, Raph." Leo said.
"You need to be strong for her." (l/s/o) assured, her hand rubbed Raph's shoulder, her other hand on her also pregnant stomach. "She can't be stressed during pregnancy. She'll risk hers and baby's life." She explained.
"She's stressed, alright," The doctor pulled away. "Her heartbeat's escalating so her blood pressure is high. Your baby is fine but your partner must be on bed rest for the next 8 weeks. She can't move unless for bathroom breaks. Her bath must be 10 minutes, not more than that."
After you woke up, it saddens you that you're on bed rest until your due date and Raph was assisting you all the way. Unfortunately, all of the turtles' s/o are also on bed rest like you are and now gathering in the baby room.
"I hate bed rest." (d/s/o) grumbled while looking at her iPad. "It doesn't help Donnie unsubscribe all the thriller movies, afraid my blood pressure goes up."
"Being pregnant sucks." (m/s/o) pouted. She was an active roller skater and since she got pregnant, her activities halted. Including cooking, which was hers and Mikey's favourite thing to do.
"Next mating season, we girls are going on a holiday. How does Malaysia sound?"
"Let's go/Agreed/Bet!"
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You're the type to must do everything in the lair, even at 32 weeks.
(m/s/o) dropped her porridge on the floor after her baby kicked her and because she couldn't bend down, you think it would be nothing for you but boy you were wrong.
After cleaning up, you clutched your stomach in pain forming cold sweats leaning on the kitchen sink for support. (m/s/o) being the worrier and loud gal, she started pacing back and forth not knowing what to do. Her boyfriend wasn't even around!
"Omg omg omg what do I do? Mikey isn't around! Uhh I should call Don- crap! He's at patrol with Leo!" (m/s/o) was already panicky and with how she's behaving, she might end up giving birth early.
You watched her impassively. Is she for real right now?
"At this point, you're the one giving birth today." You tittered.
Finally after (m/s/o) calmed down, she contacted Donnie. "H-Hey Donatello! Um, something happen--"
"What's wrong, (m/s/o)??"
After she explained what happened, Donnie and Leo ran back to the lair, finding you sitting at the taller stool by the kitchen island. He held you in case you're about to fall.
"I thought you're on bed rest, y/n! What are you doing up?" He raised his voice a bit with distress, eyes narrowed at you. You avoided eye contact knowing he'll just get angry whatever reason you give him. "y/n... if you fell and I wasn't even around, then what do I do? I'm not a practiced doctor."
"I-I'm sorry." Your hormones got to you and cried. Donnie's reaction changed and he relaxed his face.
"No no I'm sorry," he pulled you into an embrace and put his chin on your head. "I'm just worried about you.. carrying our mutant-human baby in your stomach. I'm afraid of future complications and your time to give birth. I looked forward to the day we get to be family and when you announced your pregnancy, I got scared." He pulled away to look at you, his fingers stroking your hair. "I'm scared of what's going to happen to you. I don't want to lose you, y/n. I may never find love again if I lose you."
"Aww, Donnie." You lose your shit again and sobbed.
This time, Donnie joined the tear festival.
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You're restless, that's all.
As active as your happy turtle boyfriend. You've been eyeing your roller blades that's collecting dusts for 7 and a half months now and no one was wearing it.
"I want to roller skate again." You pouted to yourself, (r/s/o) sitting beside you joining the bed rest as well.
"y/n, if you so much as getting up from this bed-- God, you're stubborn." (r/s/o) rolled her eyes when you waddle to your skates. The attempt to getting your skates failed so you turn to (r/s/o) who shakes her head. "Uh uh. I'm not helping you, y/n. If Mikey sees you wearing it for the fun of it, he'll burn it."
"No buts! Now get back to bed or so help me..." (r/s/o) threatened and that made you weak and small.
"O-Okay..." You looked down, tears dropping to the floor and waddled back to bed. Your body shook as you let out small whimpers and (r/s/o) sighed.
"Do you want me to call Mikey for you?" You nodded meekly. "Okay but please stop crying. He'll get mad at me for making you cry."
The turtles returned home and went to visit their s/o's after removing their gears. Both Raph and Mikey walked into the room where you and (r/s/o) were resting.
"How are you feeling, (r/s/o)?" Raph asked his s/o.
"I'm great but I sort of made y/n cry for scolding her. She was about to use her roller blades."
"You WHAT?" Mikey turned to you wide eyed. "Angelcakes, that was dangerous! You're carrying a baby in you! What if you fall?" It was the first time you see him panic and a bit angry.
"I'm s-sorry. I want to skate so bad but I'm so big and round I can't see my feet anymore."
"You'll be able to skate soon and we can teach our baby when they're older! Come on, smile for me." Mikey hold your cheeks with both hands, his baby blue eyes gazed into yours. "You're the most beautiful when you smile."
You shot your smile and he cuddled you, hand rubbing your back.
"How come you never sweet talk like that with me, Red?" (r/s/o) asked straight faced.
"Woman, you gave me a heart attack when you fainted from high blood pressure. I have to live with that as long as I live." Raph booped her nose.
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*with my hands held together like a prayer* Oh great one may I request the bayverse boys reacting to feeling their pregnant s/o’s baby bump and feeling the baby kick?? I’m in a fluffy mood rn and your writing is as sweet as honey 
When They Feel Baby Kick For The First Time (Fluff)
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: The Great One has heard your prayers of baby kicks and sweet honey. Though the Great One does not hold powers over honey, they can give you kicks of baby feet. Enjoy in the name of the Great One!💚
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Warnings: None💚
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During each and every one of your pregnancies, Leo always seemed somewhat shocked whenever he felt the babies’ first kicks from your belly, like he wasn’t prepared, as if he hadn’t experienced it with all of your other pregnancies.
Whether it be during a cuddle, while Leo put a hand on your stomach as he passed by you in the kitchen, or when he was resting his head beside your belly, talking to your growing child only to get a firm kick in his head, Leo seemed surprised each and every time, staring at you like it had never happened before.
Your husband would get emotional each time, hugging you tightly while stroking your pregnant belly, mumbling sweet words of how excited he was, while showering your face with kisses.
At a point during your pregnancy, Leo would grow familiar with your babies’ punch and kicks, predicting them as they came. Although nothing could have prepared either you or him for the strength of Valentina’s legs and what a punch they pulled. And you thought Marcello was the worst kicker for them all. You thought wrong.
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Have you ever seen a man play soft boxing with a woman’s pregnant stomach? No? Well, I don’t blame you. It does sound very wrong and dangerous. But I can assure you, it’s not as bad as you may think.
Raph took up the habit of lightly punching his knuckles against your stomach when he felt your child kick, back when you were pregnant with Joan. It was like a soft knock, asking if anybody was in there.
Much to Raph’s joy, there was an answer, a small pair of feet kicking back against his hand, much harder than he had done it, letting him know that there in fact was someone on there. That made Raph happy and emotional, before continuing his little way of communication with your still unborn child.
He would continue to do it during your other pregnancies, softly and playfully knock his knuckles against your stomach, even before your belly had taken form. At this point he was just so excited for when the next pair of feet would kick out at him.
And when Minerva and then later on Ragnar would kick out against his hands, answering his small knocks, Raph was excited, fist pumping the air like he had won a marathon.
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Donnie was very much a mindless belly stroker. Whenever you were around with your pregnant stomach, large or not, Donnei would stroke it absentmindedly, while continuing working with whatever he was working on at the time. It was soothing for the both of you, almost stress relieving at times. And well, also quite adorable.
It was during one of the absentminded soft strokes of your belly, that Galileo gave Donnie’s hand a hard firm kick, seeming to wake Donnie up from whatever work trance he had found himself in, staring directly at your stomach with wide eyes, his mouth open in shock and surprise. The expression on your face let him know that you had felt it too. Well, of course you had, it was from inside your stomach.
After this Donnie started taking much more joy in stroking your belly throughout the day, even speaking to your belly, no matter if Galileo decided to kick or not. But oftentimes he did, bringing a big smile fond to Donnie’s lips, his face lighting up in pure joy, at times even happy unstoppable laughter.
This act of rubbing and stroking your stomach would continue during your pregnancy with the twins, with Donnie even showing Gali how he could “talk” with his sisters. It was adorable to watch.
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Having heard about the joy of feeling their child kick against their hands, from the inside of their partners, by his brothers, Mikey was more than excited to feel your baby kick. Especially after how hard the two of you had worked to get you pregnant.
Even before your belly had even taken form, Mikey would walk day in and day out, with his hands on your stomach, ready to feel your child’s first kicks. He wouldn’t miss it for the word, almost making it a personal mission of his, to be there when your child would do their first kick.
And Mikey’s determination proved it’s worth, as one evening as you and Mikey was about to calm down for the night, cuddling up in bed and waiting for sleep to take over the two of you, when suddenly you and Mikey felt the unmistakable kick from inside your pregnant belly. At that point you and Mikey threw all plans of sleeping out of the window, staying up to feel more kicks.
At that point Mikey also decided to destroy everyone's plans in the lair of sleeping, as he started to do happy runs around the living area, hands in the air, yelling and screaming in happiness.
And with your second pregnancy only three years later, the whole history repeated itself, with Mikey wanting to feel Luis’ first kicks like he had done with Sunny. And just like the night he had felt Sunny kick, Mikey was out running rounds in the lair, waking everybody up to the sound of his happy yells.
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hotheadedhero · 7 months
Reacting to pregnant S/O
And how they tell everyone
2003 Turtles x Reader
At first, he stares at you in silent disbelief before holding you close with all the joy in the world. He couldn't be happier. He's going to follow in his father's footsteps and teach them everything he knows. In fact, Splinter is the first person he tells, followed quickly by his brothers.
When the celebrations settle down, it suddenly dawns on him just how much he needs to prepare himself for this great responsibility. He already bears a heavy toll being the leader of his brothers and your protector but this? This will be a true test of accountability and he hopes that he will be strong enough to make sure nothing bad happens.
Yes. He's going to make sure he does everything in his power to ensure you two remain safe.
Don't tell his brothers but he cries a little. How could he not? He already counts his blessings every day knowing you're his, so this is like the cherry on an already amazing cake. The entire family is gathered in the lounge, wanting them all to hear this news at the same time.
He starts to worry that his touch isn't gentle enough and that he could hurt the baby when they're born. It takes a lot of assurance on your end but his concern is incredibly sweet. You're in safe hands that are softer than he gives himself credit for and you know the baby is, too.
The nickname 'Mama' has now been officially upgraded to 'Baby Mama' and you are not complaining one bit.
Astounded. Fascinated. In complete and utter awe over the fact that a tiny person is now growing inside of you. You can bet he drops every other project to look into this immediately. He always goes one-hundred and ten percent into his research, so you know you're in capable hands.
Everyone else finds out a few hours later when they stumble across him in his lab with notes strung up along the walls on how to best take care of the baby before and after labour. You do wish he'd calm down a bit but you put it down to his nerves and excitement.
This baby might just be his best invention yet and with the help of his most loving partner, no less.
You aren't sure you've ever seen him exhibit such glee before. He is absolutely over the moon! There isn't a chance to figure out how you two break the news to the family because his reaction does that for you. He. Tells. Everyone! He will skate through the sewers and scream past every manhole cover and pipe that he's going to be a dad.
When he finally returns, he swoops you up and babbles about all of the fun things he's going to do with the baby. Read them comic books before bed, teach them how to skateboard, play pranks on Uncle Raph! You'll have to apologise to the red-clad turtle later.
Haha! He has his own little accomplice for his shenanigans, now.
As for Splinter in all of this, the prospect of becoming a grandfather is monumental. This family was already an unexpected surprise for him all those years ago but he couldn't feel more lucky knowing that it's about to expand. He's ready to bestow his wisdom onto more young minds.
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ready-to-read7 · 4 months
Future Rottmnt boys x pregnant fem reader (the big reveal) (1.1)
(No apocalypse )
(info: this will be split into three parts/3 different story parts each part can still be separated into different upload times but those will be titled as either 1.2, 2.3 and so on)
(Background  information: you have been married to the turtles for about three years now, but they had to go on a month long mission and you were home alone and during that time you started feeling nauseous like really nauseous,  April goes to the pharmacy to grab nausea pills for you but she comes back with more than just that)
There nicknames for you are, from Donnie(honeybee) from Raph (sugarplum) from  Leo (Mi amor) from Mikey (puppy)
You were hanging out with April in the layer while the boys were on the  month long mission stopping some bad guy, you two were talking about something when all of a sudden you started feeling nauseous again and quickly put your hand to your mouth and ran to the bathroom, you luckily didn’t throw up this time but  you were starting to get concerned.
April ran in after you and after seeing you nearly throw up she offered to go to the pharmacy to get you some medicine, you agreed and She quickly ran off.
While she was at the pharmacy she Asked one of the employees if they have any specific medicine they recommend, April says to the pharmacist “ my friend has been having weird bursts of nausea along with a few  other symptoms that I’m not 100% sure of yet but they told me that weird  things have been happening to them”, the girl behind the counter looks at April and then said she has something in mind and probably knows what is going on, she hands April a bag and tells her your friend will only need these things, I put in some extra just in case.
April takes the bag and quickly pays and quickly says thank you to the pharmacist for her help.
While she was on her way back she looked into the bag to see what the pharmacist gave to her.
She came back and found you in the bathroom, turns out you did throw up a little bit, April quickly handed the bag and you look inside, and you  see  three pregnancy tests, and you were shocked, you think to yourself that this is definitely a possibility but you weren’t sure.
you told April that you would like her  to wait outside, she goes outside and then you decide to take one of the pregnancy tests, you do what is required and see that it is positive, you can’t believe what you are seeing So decide to take it again, and again it’s positive you are still shocked and want to make certain that this is true So you  take the third one and once again it’s positive,  you break down in tears, you can’t believe this after so long and despite everything you have a baby .
You call April back into the bathroom and show her all three positive pregnancy tests, she squeals in joy and says oh my gosh I’m going to be a aunt.
She hugs you tightly and congratulates you.
After a while you and  April go back to the living room and discuss how you can tell the boys, you would really like to surprise them, and April says that it  is a great idea,
You to get ready to go shopping because you two want to get everything ready for when the boys come back even though you still have about two weeks, you  were   to excited and wanted to get everything ready now,
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citruswriter · 3 months
Hi! I was wondering if I can request the tmnt bayverse brothers with a kitsune little sister?(reader) just general sibling hc’s ~3~
Bayverse Turtles x Kitsune Little Sister
Listen with me! ↠ⁿᵉˣᵗ ˢᵒⁿᵍ ↺ ʳᵉᵖᵉᵃᵗ ⊜ ᵖᵃᵘˢᵉ
Warnings: Kitsune Reader, Reader has fire based abilities.
A/N: Absatootly! I have a soft spot for Kitsune readers tbh. They're one of my favorite mythical creatures.
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Leonardo 🧡
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Utterly adores you.
He loves sparring with you especially. Both with and without your flames.
Absentmindedly pets you if you're close to him while he's relaxing, especially if he's reading. He'll just start petting your ears and if you ask nicely, he'll even read out loud to you.
As a highly spiritual being, you often meditate. You're one of the only people allowed in Leo's personal meditation room. You're allowed in at any time. If he's already in there, he'll scooch to the side a bit to make more room for you. But if you're in there before him, he'll give a gentle hello before settling beside you.
As the mother hen of the group, he mothers you. He can't help it. You're the littilest of them all. Of course, he knows better than to underestimate you, but that doesn't stop you from scolding you.
Please ease him into the idea if you have a partner, especially if it's a boy. All he can think about is you and him having sex. You'll need to reassure him and let him know that you're not going around having unprotected sex and risking getting pregnant.
Even if you do dumb shit though, he's the first one to rescue you. You are still his little sister after all. He's had to save his brothers several time and you are no exception.
He will attempt to ground you though. Trust me. If you wanna get out of it, you better hope Splinter doesn't agree with him or else you'll end up double grounded!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Raphael 🧡
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His 👏 little 👏 sparring 👏 buddy. 👏
He wants you to go at him with everything you've got. Claws, fangs, fire. Hell, he'll egg you know until you transform into your true fox form. He wants to push both him and you.
He's gotten burnt more than once from sparring with you. Of course, thanks to the thick scales he has, it's not too bad. Some cleaning spray from Donnie and a scolding from Leo and he's all set.
Definitely has a few minor scars from you and wears them with pride. "Yeah this one is from my little sister over there. Got me good."
Knits you little hats with holes for your ears as well as hats specifically designed to comfortably cover them up without squishing them too badly.
Is on the front lines with Leo if you get a boyfriend. But while Leo is fretting over you, Raph is having a little talk with your boyfriend. Shotgun? Ahahaha. No. His fists are bigger than his head and he will use them.
The two of you are always getting into mischief together. Do you two get scolded by Leo? Yes. Do the two of you get grounded together? Absolutely. Is it worth it? Totally.
Not uncommon for you to sit all curled up in a miniature version of your fox form on his lap while he watches a show or knits. Just don't paw at his yarn.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Donatello 🧡
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Uses you like you're a welding machine. I'm not even kidding. Hey. He needs these pieces fused and you just so happen to have fire abilities. Might as well put em to good use.
It's not uncommon for him to find you sleeping in your mini fox form under his desk. All the equipment warms up the space down there and it makes a cozy little nook down there for you.
He did learn the hard way that he needed to check under there though. Let's just say he found your teeth in his ankle after he accidentally kicked you once. Yeah. Not a pleasant experience for him.
Will ask for your help with projects. Your tiny fingers are pretty useful at times.
Sometimes Leo wants the meditation room to himself. In those moments, you'll actually go to Donnie's lab and meditate there. If he's not building something, it's actually pretty quiet in there. Perfect for your next thirty minute meditation session.
Will probably be the most receptive of you getting a partner, regardless of gender. Will make it clear that if something goes down, that you're always safe to come to him without judgment.
Likes to groom your fur. He enjoys taking all sorts of fancy brushes and products to them. If you'll let him, he'll take pet friendly dye and dye pretty patterns in your fur.
Is the one that usually gets you out of trouble. He won't help you if you've genuinely fucked up, you need to learn your lesson. But if Leo is being overbearing again then he's usually the first one to talk him into getting you out of trouble. He needs his little helper!
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Michaelangelo 🧡
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Pranks. That's it. That's the post. Jk. But seriously, you're his little prankster buddy.
Your mini fox form is super handy for setting certain pranks and he always manages to bring you on board with whatever evil plan he has.
Loves sparring you, especially in your fox form. Not a big fan of the fire though. He won't admit it but the flames freak him out a bit.
Do not think that this man won't snitch you out. If he's going to the ha'shi, so are you bitch! Ain't no way he's going in alone! *raises frying pan* Snitches get stitches.
Will take full advantage of your bigger fox form. Please he's just so cold, won't you warm him up? It's just for a few minutes, he promises!
Loves playing video games with you but will absolutely laugh and rub it in your face when he kicks your ass.
Beware if you get a partner. He will recruit them into the prankster brigade and he will convince them to team up with him against you. You are not safe.
Absolutely teases you for being the youngest. But don't worry, he probably loves you the most too. You're just his little sister and you mean everything to him.
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And there we go! Not my finest work *sobs* but I still like it. :D
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mythicalninjas · 5 days
Bloody Season: Extra Chapter
Summary: you are on your period, but the mutant boys notice a small bump jumping out of your lower belly. Is that supost to be normal?
Rate/Warnings: only for mature public. Fem!Reader X All the boys.
Previous chapters: B. S. Donnie X Raph /// B. S. Donnie X Mikey /// B. S. Donnie X Leo
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It was a night like any other in the Ninja Turtles' underground hideout. The soft sound of music echoed through the room as Leonardo meditated in silence, Raphael was busy sharpening his blades, and Donatello was adjusting some devices on his technology station. Michelangelo, as usual, was relaxing on the sofa with a slice of pizza in his hand, trying to beat yet another level of his favorite video game.
The atmosphere was familiar and safe, until the heavy door of the safe house opened, revealing y/n. Dressed in a black jacket and carrying a few shopping bags, you walked in with a tired but warm smile. "Hey, guys!" You greeted loudly, placing the bags on the table and wiping your forehead, visibly tired.
The turtles greeted you enthusiastically, but Donatello, always attentive to detail, frowned when he noticed something. He tilted his head, watching you more closely. "Y/n, are you all right?" he asked, his voice laden with sincere concern. "You seem… different."
Donatello's observation made the other brothers turn to you, now realizing what he was pointing out. Indeed, something was out of the ordinary. Your face was a little paler than usual, and there was a slight swelling in your belly that none of them had seen before.
"You're not ill, are you?" Leonardo asked, with an expression of concern, putting his hand on her shoulder. "Do you need help?"
You gave a small smile, clearly uncomfortable with the sudden attention and the line of questioning. "I'm fine, really,” you said, moving into the makeshift kitchen and pulling a few items out of the bags. "Just a bit swollen, no big deal."
Michelangelo, however, didn't miss the detail of the swelling. He stopped playing his video game and leaned forward, his eyes wide with surprise. "Wait a minute… swollen? Like, you know… - he made an exaggerated gesture, as if he were molding a giant belly in the air, his eyes fixed on you. "Are you… pregnant?"
Michelangelo's words echoed in the room like a bomb, and Leonardo, surprised, almost dropped the glass of water he was holding. Raphael, with his typical skeptical expression, rolled his eyes, but couldn't help looking at April too, now with a mixture of confusion and curiosity.
"Really, Mikey?" Raphael asked, crossing his arms. "How can you think Y/n is pregnant? She hasn't even said anything about it."
You, clearly embarrassed by Michelangelo's assumption, tried to remain calm as looked at them. It was an uncomfortable situation, but you knew they were just trying to understand what was going on.
You sighed slightly and shook your head.
"No, Mikey, I'm not pregnant” you said, trying not to laugh at the confusion. "It's just swelling. Nothing more."
Donatello, ever the team scientist, didn't seem satisfied with this simple answer. He took out his portable tablet, quickly adjusting a few parameters, and approached you with the intention of doing a quick scan. "Just to make sure,” he said, lifting the device and starting to collect health data. "Better not jump to conclusions."
You looked at him with a mixture of amusement and exasperation, knowing that Donnie was meticulous when it came to technology, but this time it was a little more than necessary. “Donnie, I told you, I'm fine. You don't have to scan me,” you said, laughing slightly. But the scan was already underway.
While the scan was taking place, the turtles looked at each other, anxious for the result. Michelangelo was visibly excited, as if he expected his hunch to be confirmed, while Raphael maintained a more skeptical expression. Leonardo watched in silence, but was clearly curious too.
When the scan was finished, Donatello looked at the screen of his tablet, analyzing the results with a thoughtful expression. There were no signs of pregnancy, no alarming irregularities, just the normal signs of someone going through a common biological process.
"There are no signs of pregnancy" Donatello announced, raising his eyes to his brothers. "Everything seems to be normal"
Michelangelo let out a frustrated groan. "Really? I really thought I'd discovered something!"
"Well, maybe if you thought before you spoke, Mikey, it would help,” Raphael said sarcastically, punching Michelangelo lightly on the shoulder.
Leonardo, although relieved by the news, was still curious. "So, if you're not pregnant, what's going on, Y/n?"
You sighed deeply, feeling that now was the time to clarify the situation. You knew that turtles were your best friends, but this kind of conversation was never easy. However, seeing the concern in their eyes, especially in Donnie and Leo's, she decided to be honest. "Okay, I'll explain it once and for all,” you said, crossing arms and looking directly at them. "I'm not pregnant. I'm just having my period."
The words came out naturally, but their impact was immediate. The turtles froze, their eyes wide as they processed the information. Raphael, who was rarely at a loss for words, opened and closed his mouth as if he was trying to speak, but couldn't find the words.
"Menstruating?" Mikey was the first to speak, his voice full of confusion. "Like… it's that thing about… when you…?"
Donatello, trying to help, took the initiative to explain. "Yes, Mikey, it's when the menstrual cycle happens. Women go through it once a month. It's completely normal."
Michelangelo scratched his head, looking fascinated and slightly baffled. "Wow, that must be… complicated. Like, how do you manage to deal with it every month?"
You laughed softly, crossing your arms. "With patience. And sometimes a lot of chocolate."
Leonardo finally relaxed, an understanding smile appearing on his face. "Sorry for being so nosy. We just wanted to make sure you were okay."
"I know,” you said, expression softening. “And I appreciate your concern. But next time, maybe ask before jumping to conclusions."
Raphael, still visibly uncomfortable with the subject, muttered: "I knew it was something like that… I just… didn't want to talk."
"Of course you knew, Raph,” said Michelangelo, mocking his brother as everyone laughed.
The tension of the situation finally dissipated, and the turtles returned to their routine, albeit with a new layer of understanding. Even though they were fierce warriors, dealing with the complexities of the female human body seemed beyond what they were used to. But the important thing was that, at the end of the day, their friendship remained unshakeable - even when they faced issues that left them feeling a little disconcerted.
You picked up your bag, ready to leave, but before you left, you looked back at them with a smile. "And, guys, if I really do get pregnant one day… I promise you'll be the first to know." She winked at them, leaving them laughing and more relieved.
As soon as you came out of hiding, Michelangelo looked at Donnie with a serious expression. "Man, that was a lesson. I think we need to learn more about this kind of thing."
Donatello smiled. - Mikey, I can pass you some books. And also, Y/n had already told us about it before, but I think she forgot to tell about that particular point.
"No books, man!" Michelangelo exclaimed, turning back to his video game. ''I prefer to learn from pizza and movies."
Raph ruffed. "Ya won't learn that way. Trust me. You're not old enough to watch-".
"Alright, everybody. We learned another important stuff. That's what matters." Leo announced. And life in the New York sewer went on as usual, full of surprises, laughter and, of course, lots of pizza.
Reblog to support and let more people read my content 🫶
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eclipsedrgn · 1 year
He's my everything
Pair: 2k12 Leonardo x Rise!Reader
Summary: The Rise!Turtles are happy they found you alive and healthy, but how would they feel when you tell them you're not coming home.
Warning: confusion on who's who
Part 1 | Part 2
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"You're all here" You softly spoke.
You bent down to the best of your ability to help the Turtles from the Rise Universe to stand. Mona who was the closest to you, since she came out to greet you as well, came over to help. Rise Turtles stared at you in shock, tearing up at the thought of you being alive, you gave them a soft smile when they broke.
"(Y/n)!" Mikey wails as he brings his arms around you. Raph even Donnie hugged you tightly.
Rise Leo stared at you from afar, Amelia holding his arm and another hand on his shell balancing him. He watches as you held his brothers tightly crying as you reunited.
"Go hug her" Amelia whispers to him.
"I can't" Rise Leo whispers back, "I don't have the rights anymore"
"We're gonna need to talk when we get back" Amelia says as her and April walk forward to hug you as well.
2k12 Donnie had Rise Turtles sit in their living room to explain their situation, seeing as they've gone through it from (Y/n)'s arrival.
"- We might be able to find why the portals have been opening" 2K12 Donnie says. "We'll have to head to the kraang facilities to check it out"
"THE KRAANG!" Rise Turtles exclaims.
(Y/n) flinched at the loud noise as she chuckles, completely forgetting how the kraang from her world is too scary as the dumbasses kraangs from this world.
"The Kraangs left earth long ago, they haven't been back and even if they do they won't stand a chance" you said.
"Yeah, we sent them out to the universe" 2K12 Raph boasted.
"What (Y/n) told us, your Kraang was pretty aggressive and scary" 2k12 Mikey explains. "Our Kraang is pretty dumb"
"Can't even speak proper english after being here on earth for the longest time" Kat says crossing her arms.
"Okay, Donnie. You and plus other world Donnie and Raph find the facilities and check in with me. The others can stay here, the less the better. We won't attract attention to unknown enemies" 2k12 Leo commands.
"Whoa, whoa you can't order your brothers like that!" Rise Leo exclaims. "You aren't leader"
"Actually I am" 2k12 Leo replies, "I've always been leader to my brothers. Splinter chose me"
"Leo has some middle child nonsense going on" (Y/n) jokes as she walks towards the kitchen.
"In that case, Donnie and Raph go. The faster we find the weapon or sort, the fast we go home" Rise Leo says. "We can't wait for you to come home with us (Y/n)"
2k12 Turtles stopped their actions hearing that sentence, you weren't even planning on going back. You have your life here. You love your world's turtles but the turtles who found you has made their way to your heart. They made you who you are now.
"Leon, I can't go home with you guys" you softly said.
"Why not? Clearly we found you and you belong to our world" Rise Leo responds.
"I... Leon" you stuttered not knowing what to say, or how to break it to him.
"You don't wanna go home with us?" Rise Mikey asks.
You gave him a soft smile, "I have a family here, I built my life for the past three years. I don't wanna leave"
"But we're your family" Rise Raph begs.
You grabbed the hem of your shirt as you slowly lifted up, showing a small but noticable bump on your usual flat stomach.
You caressed your belly as you smiles, "I'm pregnant Mikey, I can't go back with you guys"
The Rise Universe's jaw drops at the revelation. How were pregnant this early in your life and let's not forget, you came here to this world three years ago. Damn, you move on fast.
"W-Who...?" Rise April asks, not even sure she wants answers to her questions.
2k12 Leo came behind (Y/n) as he places his hands on her bump, the Rise Universe practically got a lightbulb lit up as they piece the puzzle together. They now notice the shiny silver oval diamond ring coated in blue on your finger and a makeshift ring around 2k12 Leo's neck.
You have both gotten married within the three years, and now your welcoming your first child into the world.
The Rise Universe snap from their thoughts as they congratulated you, but Leo.
Rise Leonardo stood there in silence.
Amelia could practically hear her relationship cracking into broken pieces.
You found your home.
They knew...
They couldn't take it away from you anymore.
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cherrytreegrove · 5 months
Hi! Came by your blog today when I saw you like my fics out of curiosity. Thank you for that & I see you’re a fellow writer too which makes me happy! ^u^ when doing that I thought it be cool to send you a request to enjoy a fellow writer work. Soooooooooo can I request a TMNT 2012 Leo x reader where reader is a sweet person who genuinely cares about & wants to help people which could be a strength & a weakness. Leading to sweet Leo be a bit overprotective over her especially her going out late at night where she could be vulnerable. Preferably it to be fluff where Leo is just getting butterflies with hoe sweet & understanding she is when reassuring him she’ll be okay & that she’ll try to be careful. Hope this isn’t too big of a request. 😅
You have no idea how happy this request made me!! Did this as a Female Reader because I’m used to she/her pronouns, but if you want a male or gn version, I can totally make that happen! Also sorry about this being short, this is my first time publishing a fanfic! Maybe I should do a part 2?
Kindness: Strength or Weakness?
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Leo loved you with all his heart, he REALLY did, but sometimes he really worried about you. You were, what he could only describe as, an Angel, perfect human being, a saint. Your kindness and patience were incredible. Even Raph couldn’t stay mad at you and your kind heart.
When Leo would watch over you on your walks late at night, he would see how you would help stray animals, the elderly, kids your own age, children, pregnant women, anyone and everyone was a victim to your kindness. Then he would see how some people would use your kindness and take it for granted.
On multiple occasions he would see you lend money to your ‘friends’ and when he would ask, you’d say they haven't paid you yet. Many times would be shoved aside or to the ground after doing something nice or have all the credit taken from you. It made Leo so upset to see you get taken advantage of.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“I’m just saying you should be careful, there’s dangerous people in this world, (Y/N), and I don’t want to see you get hurt..” Leo told you, placing his three fingered hand on your cheek. He had invited you to the lair to watch Space Heros. You smiled at him and giggled.
“I know that, Leo. But I believe that there are always kind people in the world, and a little bit of kindness can go a long way..besides…” You cup his face and place a gentle kiss on his nose, “I’ll always have you to protect me!” Leo blushed at your kiss and wore the most love-sick smile on his face.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
“She’s gonna get hurt one day.” Raph said, Leo turned away from the stove to look at his brother.
“Excuse me?”
“(Y/N). She’s gonna get hurt one of these days because of her stupidity.” Leo frowned at Raph. Raph saw you as his sister at times, he wanted what was best for you.
“She is not stupid Raph, she’s just kind, not like you would know what that means.” Leo smirked.
“OH SNAP! Sick burn, Leo!” Mikey laughed, high-threeing Leo. Raph chased Mikey around the kitchen with a wooden spoon.
“He’s kinda right, you know,” Donnie spoke up, looking away from his computer, “(Y/n)’s nice and all but someday she might end up helping the wrong person.”
Leo sighed, he knew the risk of your kindness. But he also knew he couldn’t stop you.
·˚*୨୧꒰∗ɞ̴̶̷ ·̮ ɞ̴̶̷∗꒱୨୧*˚·
You walked into the lair, completely drenched in water. All four of the turtles turn to look at you, Leo quickly ran up to you, throwing a blanket over you.
“(Y/N)! What happened?!” He questioned, trying to dry off your hair.
“I saw a girl from my class sitting outside in the rain, she was stood up for a date! So I gave her my umbrella and my jacket and gave her some money to go buy herself some food!” You explained, a smile on your face. Leo frowned, he wasn’t entirely surprised.
“You just give money to anyone who asks for it?” Raph scoffs, throwing Leo an extra towel to dry you off.
“If they really need it, yes!” The red turtle face palmed and went back to reading his comic book.
“(Y/N), you can’t keep giving strangers your stuff, especially when you need it!” Leo said, taking you over to the kitchen.
“First of all, it wasn’t a stranger! And second, a little-”
“Kindness goes a long way, yeah yeah…I know..” He interrupted you. Leo made you a cup of tea and watched you drink some.
“You really are an absolute angel, aren’t you..” He murmured. You perked up an eyebrow and stared at him, “Hm?”
“I just mean that you’re so sweet and kind to everyone, no matter how rude they are to you. You’re always ready to help anyone and everyone…why?” You smiled down at your cup and held Leo’s hand.
“I just really love helping people. It always makes me feel good when someone does something nice for me, so I wanted to do nice things for other people! I think we’re all good deep down on the inside, we just need someone to show us that light!” You smiled.
Leo had always admired you, and he will continue to admire you. He really does hope that the world learns from your kindness. He also hopes that no matter what this cruel and evil world might throw at you, that you’ll always remain his sweet angel.
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cambion-companion · 9 months
AGGHHGHH PREGNANT READER X RAPH… this one is for the breeders…
Would totally want to see a fic between reader/tav x Raphael who has a breeding kink (or even better, raph seeing his lover pregnant and getting aroused from it)
This will be my next fic when I pick myself off the proverbial ground.
I wasn't on board with Raphael and a breeding kink before just cause I imagined he isn't super into having kids of his own.
But then I had the epiphany it would be more about him asserting his ownership. He strikes me as exceedingly possessive and what better way to leave him mark than with his infernal seed buried deep within?
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unreadpoppy · 11 months
Side note: All my work can also be found on my AO3. This is for the tumblr links.
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multi chapter fics
song as old as rhyme - Beauty and the Beast!AU (Raphael x Elize) - chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 12 / chapter 13 / chapter 14 / chapter 15 / chapter 16 (SMUT) / chapter 17 / chapter 18 / chapter 19 / chapter 20 / chapter 21 / Epilogue / bonus chapter (FINISHED)
down by the river - Raphael x Warlock!Tav - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 / Chapter 6 / Chapter 7 / Chapter 8 (ongoing)
Plus One - Modern AU! Raphael x Fem!Tav - chapter 1 / chapter 2 (ongoing)
To Win the Princess's Heart - Bridgerton season 2 inspired (Raphael x Genevieve) - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 (hiatus) (i'm probably never going to finish this)
Raphael Period Fic (Raphael x Reader)
Raphael comforts you (Raphael x Reader)
Cirice (Priest!Raphael x Fem!Tav)
Clean that face (Raphael x GN!Tav)
You won't remember this when morning comes (Raphael x Fem! Tav; Modern AU)
send nudes (Raphael x Fem!Tav; Modern AU)
Peacocks (Raphael x GN!Druid!Tav)
Must like dogs (Raphael x Fem!Tav; Modern AU)
Tighter (Raphael x Fem!Tav)
Wild Magic Surge (Raphael x Gwen)
Jane Eyre AU (Raphael x GN!Tav)
Gwen and Raph shennanigans (Raphael x Gwen)
Betrayer AU (this is an AU were Gwen is not technically Tav)
Betrayer (Raphael x Gwen)
The Runaway Bride (part two of Betrayer) (Raphael x Gwen)
Cafuné (Raphael x Gwen)
Helldusk (Raphael x Gwen)
The making of heirs (Raphael x Gwen) (SMUT)
a small snippet of something (Raphael x Pregnant!Gwen) (somewhat of the sequel to the making of heirs)
An heir is born (Dad!Phael x Gwen)
workshop (Dad!Phael)
Family Portrait (Raphael x Gwen)
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Halsin bear related headcanons
Halsin's Bugged Ending (Halsin x Gwen)
Wash My Dreams Away (previously titled Brown Eyes) - Halsin x Tav (Gwen) (and a small Raphael x Gwen on the side) - Chapter 1 / Chapter 2 / Chapter 3 / Chapter 4 / Chapter 5 (ongoing)
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All of her fics can be found on AO3. The ones without a pairing are fics more focused on character work instead of the relationship.
Blackbird (Elizabeth x Kallista)
Letting go of what might have been
Two Moons (Elizabeth x Kallista)
Reunion (Elizabeth x Kallista)
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Romeo and Juliet
Poor Prince Benjamin
The Queen
A Lover's Kiss
This is that horror short story about the pandemic I wrote last year for arts class, translated / read it on AO3 as "When fiction becomes reality"
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pebblestar · 1 year
Donnie x reader
(( hurt >> fluff. ))
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"These look great Donnie- With these plans the new route you came up with may just be a tad bit easier to navigate. Less of shredders army of zombie mutants." At your words, The faintest smile makes it way onto Donnie's face. It'd been some time since you'd even seen a genuine smile on his face. Not since the apocalypse had practically shook New York. You draw in a breath as you shift from one foot to the other as anxiety begins to creep it's way up your spine. For the first time in nearly five weeks now, You two were finally talking. You should be happy. After all, it should've meant that maybe just maybe there was still hope to salvage the both of your relationship together. But that thought was immediately snuffed out by the negative thoughts nagging at the back of your brain- Of just how the turtle may wind up never speaking to you again. Still, you had to try. "Don look... I know with everything that has happened... Mikey falling into a coma, Leonardo losing a arm and Raph nearly becoming zombified in the process..." At your words, A realization seems to dawn on the turtle and almost immediately he's spinning around in his chair to face the scattered papers in front of him. "Y/n, Now really isn't a good time." "Please Don just listen to what I have to say-" "I'm really busy." "I understand that but if I could just-" The loud slam of Donnie's hand hitting the metal desk has you practically jumping backwards in alarm.
Tears prick at the corner of your eyes but you will yourself to be strong.
With a intake of shaky breath you manage to voice your frustrations.
"You have no right to be pissed off at me Donnie. I respect your decision to break up-"
The turtle begins to make a sound of protest or maybe to agrue with you.
But you only ignore him and contuine.
"I think you forget that Mikey, Leo, and raph are my family too. Fuck I'm just as upset as you are."
You find yourself pausing- Uncertain of how exactly go about what to say next.
But with the anxiety weighing heavy on your shoulders, You find yourself shrinking into yourself.
You couldn't get out with it.
It'd only make things worse for Donnie.
"...I...This is a bad time. You are right. Sorry for bothering you."
Now with the loss of your confidence, you find yourself turning around and trying to hurry out of the lab before you can fully break into tears.
But before you can even reach the exit, A hand reaches out for yours.
"Wait. Wait..."
Donnie seems to finally take notice that you aren't yourself.
And maybe you haven't been in weeks and he just didn't care enough to notice.
With the turtle now moving to stand in front of you, He draws in a breath.
"I'm being the real asshole here. I'm sorry. Please, Tell me what you were trying to say?"
You pull away from Donnie as frustration bubbles up to the surface and without another word your reaching into your pocket and practically shoving the three pink sticks into his hands.
The tears are soon blurring your vision and any frustration you feel toward the turtle is out the window.
You try stepping past Donnie only for the turtle to mirror your movements with a look on his face you can't quite place.
"Your pregnant."
He stares almost in disbelief at the pregnancy stick in front of him.
"This... Your actually serious."
You give a nod not trusting yourself to speak just yet.
Donnie sets the pregnancy sticks down.
"I... I didn't know. Y/n I'm-" "It's fine. I'll handle it on my own and you won't have to worry, Don. Because I know your busy, I know and I don't want to- Don't want to..." The tears that streak down your face have Donnie practically freezing in place and his heart clenches at the sight. "Let's sit down. Come on." He gently coaxes and leds you to the couch. Donnie reaches for your hands but pauses uncertainly. There's no time for overthinking, As your reaching out for a hug from the turtle despite everything that'd happened between the two of you. With a hand running soothingly along your back, He holds you just a bit tighter. He'd missed you so much. And internally he's kicking himself for being such a idiot. A silence seems to envelope the lab and patiently Donnie waits for your sniffling to subside. It takes time for you to fully calm down. But he doesn't mind. After all, you were worth it. With gentle hands, He carefully cups your face. "It'll take a lot of hard work from the both of us... But," A hand reaches down to brush against your stomach and for a brief moment you swear you can see a look of warmth flash in Donnie's eyes. "I'm more then willing to put in the effort for the both of you. You're both worth it. I'm not going to leave your side." You look into Donnie's eyes wanting to silently hold him to that promise. "... I know that we have a lot to talk through. But I want to be here for you especially now, Y/n." With a intake of breath, You reach out to grasp Donnie's hands in yours. "Then let's take it step by step. Slowly." Donnie gives a nod at your words before letting out a sigh of relief smiling softly.
There's a brief pause then, ".... I know where Mikey stashes the chocolate," He presses a kiss to your forehead before standing up. "I'll be right back. Why don't you find us a movie to watch?" "m'kay. Don't keep me waiting too long." The turtle sends a wink your way before exiting the lab altogether. While there was much to talk about and things that still needed to be mended, for now this was a good first step toward fixing the both of your relationship.
That was enough for you.
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Actually in love with the Bayverse kiddo stories you’ve done they’re so cute!! I honestly can’t pick which one is my favourite but I think it’s a tie between the stories of Raph and Donnie catching their kids sneaking out of the lair/in the lab without permission - idk they’re just really cute to read I love them both so much!! 
If you’re still taking ideas for family centred Bayverse stuff, if you’re comfortable with it how do you think the turtles would react to knowing their s/o is pregnant?? With how the turtles are mutant and their s/o would be human, would any of the turtles even think it was possible to produce healthy offspring?? Who would be very taken aback/take a while to come to terms with the situation verses who would adjust fairly quickly??
The Turtles Reactions To You Being Pregnant (Fluff)
Children Series
Bayverse!Turtles x reader
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A/N: I hope this is what you were looking for. It might not be exactly as you described, but I hope you’ll enjoy it none the less💚
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Warnings: Implied connulingus, talk of infertility.
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When you first learned of your pregnancy, you were in absolute shock. Maybe even horrified. Here you had married a mutant turtle, never taking the time to care much for protection, as neither of you thought anything would come of it. You and Leo had hoped. Even talked about it, allowing each other to dream about it for a moment. Children. Actually having children together. A dream that neither of you ever really believed would become true. But then, when you suddenly started noticing a few symptoms, you couldn’t stop yourself from taking a test. And then another because you didn’t believe the first result. And then one more. And another. You broke down, both out of happiness, fear and shock. But that would be nothing compared to when you told your husband about it.
At first Leo refused to believe what you told him. He almost got mad at you, thinking that you were playing some cruel joke on him. No way you dared making fun of something you both had fantasized about for so long, slowly coming to terms with the fact that it would never happen. But as you stood before him, teary eyed, holding up not just one but several positive tests, Leo could no longer deny what was true.
Leo felt every emotion within a few seconds. Overjoyed excitement and shock. So much, that for the first time in Leo’s well controlled life, he lost all emotional control. He cried, laughed, yelled, sang and at one point even did a little dance as he hurried out to the living area, in order to tell his family.
But then the fear and worry came crashing. Never had a human and a mutant turtle reproduce together. There was no way of knowing if the child would be born healthy. Or if it even was safe for you to carry a hybrid within you.
That unlocked a whole new side of Leo. A nervous rack that started fearing the worst, holding your hand tight and almost hugging himself, as the two of you awaited the test results from the various checks Donatello had made on you.
The wait for answers almost made Leo sick. He was fidgety, never leaving your side, fearing what would happen if he did. He laid awake most nights, holding you and your still unchanged stomach close. It got so bad that Donnie started worrying more about his brother’s wellbeing instead of yours, taking time out of your daily checks to check Leo’s vitals.
Finally came the day of answers. Nothing was out of the ordinary - well, other than the hybrid child inside of you. But there was no evidence that your health was at risk, or that the child was in any arms way. Donnie even found evidence that suggested that the mugaten you would have been exposed to through Leo, might even make the process smoother.
And with that Leo could finally breathe a sigh of relief, finally letting himself relax, feeling his much needed sleep rush over him, dreaming of the day you and Leo would be holding your first child out of many.
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The revelation that a human could in fact get impregnated by a mutant turtle, was a game changer for you and Raph. You could still remember the exact moment you and Raph looked at each other, realizing what this could mean for the two of you.
Yet, children had never really been something you and Raph had talked about. But the moment Leo and his partner started getting ready for their first child, it was as if your thoughts started spinning. Well, Raph’s more than yours. Of course, Raph had felt the need for mating during mating season, along with the thought of offsprings, but it never went much further than that. Until now.
Raph started finding himself daydreaming about you, him and any future children quite often. You and him, mixed together in a cute little bundle of pure happiness.
The final trigger was when Raph’s nephew was born, and Raph could finally see how a reality like this might be better than his daydreams. And that was when Raph finally decided to tell you that he wanted a child, and just how long he had been thinking about it.
And much to you and Raph’s excitement, it didn’t take long before the bees and the flowers did their thing, and you got pregnant with you and Raph’s first child. And when you told Raph about it, his reaction showed just how badly he wanted this. Letting out a victory roar, Raph pulled you in for a tight hug, lifting you off the ground and showering your face with kisses, before throwing you over his shoulder, so he could bring you with the good news to the others.
During the majority of your pregnancy, Raph was cool. Even before you got pregnant, it wasn’t strange for him to smack your ass whenever he walked past you, but now he took it to a whole other level. It was pretty much impossible for you to walk around the lair, without Raph making some sort of spicy remark about your current situation, and how feasting it was for his eyes. Who would have thought that your husband would have a thing for your body parts growing due to child baring?
But the closer and closer you got to your due date, the more nervous Raph seemed to get. Any sound, any movement, and Raph was ready at your side, thinking that it was your signal that it was time.
But the day you finally went into labor, Raph was an absolute wreck, almost needing more care than you did, with you and the others reminding him to breathe while you pushed your first born out.
Nonetheless, the moment your daughter was born, and Raph realized everything was okay, he seemed to get some color back in his face.
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You had for a long time wanted children. You had talked about it a long time before anybody even knew it would be possible, often letting Donnie know your thoughts on the topic. But Donnie, not so much. He had never really spent much time thinking about it, outside of his mating season. When he wasn’t in the middle of the most animalistic of his urges, the mere thought of having to take care of a child of his own, made him feel somewhat strange.
But then, seeing two of his brothers and their partners becoming parents, along with helping them through the process, made Donnie’s mind race. First it was an innocent small thought. A child. Then it turned into more. You and him with a child. But not just any child. Your child. His child. And then, before Donnie knew it, the baby fever had started taking over.
You noticed it before Donnie, seeing how he acted around his nephew and niece. It was like he had done a 180, from never really engaging in your conversations about children, but just letting you talk on your own, to actively helping out his brothers. He even started asking them questions about parenting. And at that point, pretty much everybody knew what was going on inside Donnie’s head, and there was no way he could hide it anymore. He wanted a child.
Donnie went into this, a little more well thought out than his brothers had. Taking account of your cyclus, along with his mating season, and all of the other factors he could find, Donnie found the perfect time for you and him to try to have a child. But all of that planning flew out the window the moment his mating season hit, and you found yourself pregnant within a short time.
Donnie was pretty level headed throughout the whole thing. He had wanted this. He had planned for this. Of course he was a little nervous. Who wouldn’t be? But he had to keep calm, for you and for the kid.
But then your water broke, causing Donnie to fly into an almost full blown panic, forgetting everything he had planned. It took a slap from Raph and a few good words from Leo, along with some encouragement from Mikey to get him back on track.
And back on track Donnie got. He guided you through, almost with more ease than he had with his brothers’ partners. For a moment he just switched off all emotions and focused on the task before him.
But as soon as your son was born, and was laying safely in your arms, Donnie broke under all of his suppressed emotions, letting out a few happy sobs as the two of you watched the little guy before you.
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If there was one that wanted children, it was Mikey. He had been talking about it, long before his oldest brother and spouse figured out it was possible. So can you imagine his excitement, not just for his brother’s good news, but when he realized the two of you could actually make a family together? He was over the moon, talking about having a child as if he was asking if he could get a puppy.
But the world didn’t seem to think too fondly of you and Mikey’s wish to have children too. Days turned into weeks, and nothing happened. Then days turned to months, and you were still not showing any signs, all while Raph’s partner was heavily pregnant with their child. Months suddenly turned into years, and now Donnie was a father as well. Though you both were happy for them all, it was almost disheartening.
For a time you worried it might have been because of you. The fear that you might have been infertile creeping up in your head, until you finally asked Donnie to check you out. You even went to a human doctor to get checked. But both said the same thing - there was nothing wrong with you.
This left you and Mikey with one last option - maybe it was because of him. It had been known that human males were experiencing a lowering of sperm counts, along with a lower quality of said sperm, so who were to say it couldn’t happen for a mutant turtle as well?
And so, Mikey went to work immediately, trying to figure out what he could do. The conclusion from Donnie came much earlier than the two of you had expected, but his results were not surprising - a better diet, more training, no more alcohol on the weekends until you had a baby in you, less stressing video games and more vitamins.
Mikey took it all with no complaints. If he wanted a child he would have to work for it, and so he did. Even if he at times wanted to fall over when he couldn’t eat his favorite foods, play his favorite video games, or just do what he normally did as a creature of habit. But he wanted that child, so he could not just give up like that! No! And so he kept going.
And after a few weeks of non stop trying, you and Mikey finally saw the fruit of his labor, when your daily morning test out in the bathroom finally showed positive, altering the rest of the lair with your high pitch scream as you ran to Mikey, happy tears in your eyes as you showed him what the two of you had been waiting for, for so long.
Mikey was overjoyed, screaming louder than any of his brothers had done. Finally! After so long, he was finally going to become a father. He had worked so hard, but never once did he or you give up. And therefore, Mikey rightfully decided to celebrate the good news, with the first junk food he had gotten in a long while.
From that night, all up until you gave birth, Mikey slept, hugging your stomach, happy that it was finally happening for the two of you.
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cherryo · 2 years
Requester: @jynxthelittlelynx i was so excited to write this for you!!! im sorry it took a bit longer but here it is and i hope you enjoy it!! pairings: Rise! Raph x fem! reader genre: smut, pure smut pronouns: she/they with use of fem genitalia word count: warnings: explicit content, swearing, breeding kink, first times, crying, talk of pregnancy (no baby is made just raph thinkin about breeding you till youre pregnant <333), talk about raphs monster cock not fitting, i think thats it? 
if you had known the night would've ended up with you in a tighter mating press than normal, you definitely would've put on some red lingerie. Or maybe it's for the best you didn't, considering Raph was as feral as he was right now, he had practically ripped your pants off. 
The date was going well and normal, he had shown no signs of wanting to fuck you so hard into His bed. You had dressed casually, simply because you had just thought it was a coffee date. Obviously, you were wrong, Raph had been acting off but you thought nothing of it. Simply chalking it up to the fact you both were on the surface and that always made him nervous. 
He was very protective this time though, sure he was protective usually but he was Overly protective. He had to have a hand on you at all times, he wouldn't let you order, and even if he thought you didn't notice, you saw him glaring at any man that was even looking in your direction. Something was up and you weren't sure you liked it, he was acting so weird that you decided to just go back to the lair. 
Now here you were, laying in his bed with his head on your stomach and his arms wrapped around your thighs. You had been scratching his head the whole time, loving the vibrations from his loud churring. That was one thing you loved about him, he always showed he loved what you were doing to him. Or so you thought, apparently he wasn't showing all of what you were done to him.
During the entire date, he spent it thinking about all the positions he could get you into, all the ways he could make you moan, and the best way to breed you. Honestly, this was so out of character for him, even he was confused. He didn't think these dirty thoughts were his, he hadnt ever thought of you this way. Thats why he didn't fight on going back to the lair and laying around, he thought it would clear his mind.
it did the opposite, feeling your skin on his made him feel so incredibly hot, the way your thighs squished around his arms. He needed to stop thinking about you this way, it wasnt right. Excusing himself to go to the bathroom, promising hed be right back, he got up and walked as calmly as he could to his bathroom. 
“Listen, Mista, i dont know who you think you are, but i will not tolerate dirty thoughts about my girl. i wont have it, even if her skin is soft as ever and smells amazing because of that new lotion,” Raph was looking in the mirror, his rambling got dirty again after awhile. Slapping himself in the face to physically snap out of it, he took a deep breath in and out.
“Hey honeybun, can we talk about something?” he had left the bathroom and was heading back to the angel in his bed.
Your stomach dropped, one second you had been half asleep then your heart starts pounding. Thinking that this was the end, Raphael was going to break up with you, and that's why he had been acting weird this whole time. You nodded sure, feeling the tears gathering in your eyes as he sits down beside you on the bed. “So, i was thinking of moving our relationship to the nex-” he had turned to look not thinking there’d be tears in your eyes “Honeybun, what's wrong?”
“Please don't break up with me, pleaseee” you were wailing at this point, clinging onto his giant form, not wanting to break up with the turtle that you had wanted to spend the rest of your life with. All you could keep sayin' was ‘please’ and ‘don't,’ Raph was so confused, not knowing what you were talkin’ about.
“I'm not goin’ to break up with ya, I want to fuck you” grabbing both of your cheeks so that you were forced to look into his eyes, “wha- what?” 
“I'm not breaking up with you, I want to take our relationship to the next level,” his laugh was heavenly and very contagious. You both were now giggling, feeling silly over the fact he just wanted to fuck and was very much not wanting to break up.
“Oh, i feel silly now,” you had finally gotten your breath back from laughing, but now it hit you what he had wanted. “Uhm, i would also like for you to fuck me” getting shy at what you had said, your face was heating up so much that Raph could feel it. 
He wiped the remaining tears from the corner of your eyes away, he was now intently looking into your eyes. Trying to gauge how exactly you were feeling about it, it didn't seem like you were opposing it. “Sooo, how ‘bout it?” that was one way to beat around the bush, you both weren't really sure how to go about it. You were each others first, although that didn't mean you didn't know what you both wanted.
You sat there, shoulder to bicep with him, your skin touching his and breathing in his scent. Were you ready for this? You two had been dating for a long time but had never initiated anything other than heavy makeout sessions. You were ready for this, you felt that if he had only wanted you for your body, he would've fucked you already. 
“Yes, i want to fuck you too,” grabbing his hands, you felt just how nervous he was. His smile got bigger, but softer at the same time. He looked at you like you were the only thing that was good in this world, which was pretty close to what he was actually thinking.
He flipped you both, you on the top and him under you. He barely gave you any time to catch your breath before he was kissing you, sure yall had made out multiple times but never have you ever felt this type of passion behind Raphs kisses.
You were wondering if this was just the beginning, how would the rest of the night go?
Well, you'd know the answer soon enough, after making out for what seemed like forever and getting the mood going. Raph decided he wanted to be on top, most likely growing impatient from your incessant grinding and teasing. What you weren't expecting was him to full on bite you on the shoulder, your shirt was discarded a long time ago, it took you a minute to register that he was giving you a hickey.
He was being very gentle with you entirely, both with his groping and manhandling and his hickies. While you were grateful, you wanted more, so much more and maybe he was just getting amped up. 
“Raphie? Baby, i know we just started but you can let go, you wont hurt me, i promise” you caressed his face, brushing your thumb up and down his scar. He broke eye contact, sighing and looking worried “I can’t darlin’, i know i’d hurt you.”
Softening your gaze, it was his turn to heat up at the way you were looking at him, “sweetheart, you wont hurt me, i swear it.” he took multiple deep breaths, trying to calm his nerves and let go, all it really took was you hooking your legs around his waist. That was what started the spark, in a flash he had ripped your pants and panties off and discarded them somewhere in his room.
The both of you went straight back to making out, moaning into each others mouths. Raph started to slowly but harshly grind on you, his shaft rubbing up and down your wet cunt. 
“Fuck darlin’ you feel so good” raph moaned at the feeling of your slick cunt, moving his hips so that his cock dragged between your lips. “Dont stop, Raph” the feeling of his cock making you moan and tighten your legs around his waist.
“Please just put it in already, please” you had pulled him closer to you, forcing him to look you in the eyes. He couldnt resist you begging in a normal, innoccent way, so how could he deny you in this way? He knew he had to prep you more before he should fuck you but god the way you said please has him wanting to fuck you into the bed and cum in you over and over again.
“Not yet Darlin, youre not ready yet,” he was so close to just shoving his cock in you in one swift movement but he didnt want to hurt you. He just kept grinding into you, popping the tip near where you needed him most but never fully going in.
“Please, raph, i swear i am ready,, i am, please” your begging was just too hot, the fact that you were begging for him? His cock? whew , you really knew how to woo him, or maybe just how to get him to finally fuck you.
He went slowly, know that he was well above average size and width, anytime you winced he stopped, immediately. The last thing he wanted to do was make your first time painful, or more pain than he could control. He was fianally in as far as he could go, still a bit of his shaft wasnt fitting, groaning at the sight of him not fully sheathed. He rubbed your stomach, feeling exactly where he ended, again that hot feeling filled his body. One hand moved next to your head, intending to hold himself up, and the other went to your hip, intending to keep you in place.
“Fu- fuck raph you feel you so good,” the feeling of his hand on your stomach, adding pressure felt so good. You lost your mind when he finally started moving, starting out slow so you could get used to his size. You knew he was big, obviously but you didnt know how big he was. You werent ready for the monster cock he was carrying.
All that could be heard in Raphs bedroom was the sound of you moaning and crying, alongside the sound of skin slapping and Raphs moans. The both of you were so fucked out of your minds you could barely talk, all that was going through Raphs head was cumming in you and making you cum. So far you had came twice and he hadnt at all, mostly powering through by edgin himself, it was working. 
He couldnt keep himself from thinking about getting you pregnant, seeing your belly round with his child. Knowing he made that happen,  starting a family with you is a must in the future but not right now. However, he just couldnt stop thinking about cumming in you and breeding you, maybe it was the animal instincts that he had. He wanted to breed you over and over again, and he might just do that.
He felt the coil in his stomach get tighter and tighter by the second, he looked down to stare at your face. You were blissed out by the amount of pleasure you were receiving, not able to anything but cry and babble out ‘please’s’ and ‘dont stops.’ you made it hard for him to not just cum right then and there, you looked so fucking hot taking his cock. 
“Darlin’ ‘m close, do you want me to pull out?” he really hoped it was a no, but he would do anything for you, even if it meant denying the pure instinct to breed you.
“Please cum in me!” oh.
Maybe he wouldn’t have to ignore the feeling after all, he started going faster and harder to make his orgasm come quicker. Hearing you moan and gasp at the sudden change of pace and feeling you tighten around his cock made it so much easier to get to his high. His hips started stuttering, a telltale sign of his impending orgasm.
Right as his high came crashing over him, he scooped you up, closer to him and smashed his lips right onto yours. Muffling the crys of his name and the wails you were letting out, he came so hard that his hips were still stuttering, he was trying to make sure no cum came out. He pushed in as deep as he could, feeling your gummy walls and your cervix was just what he needed to get motivated for round two. 
He slowly pulled out, rolling you both again so you were on top. He pulled the blankets over the top of you both, leaning up to kiss your forehead, whispering out a faint ‘i love you.’
Whispering it back made his heart flutter, he may have just fucked your brains out but of course, you being sweet was what made him flustered. You drifted off to sleep, comfortable on his plastron and matching your breathing to his. He was ready for round two already, but he might have to wait till you wake up. 
Man, he couldnt wait for you two to be able to start a family together.
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ready-to-read7 · 3 months
Future Rottmnt boys x pregnant fem reader (part 2.1) (the pregnancy)
After the boys discovered you were pregnant, they became more affectionate and a lot more protective,
Also, when they went on missions, they made sure at least one of them stayed behind with you for just in case.
Along with that each one of them were going all out trying to  assist with your pregnancy, and prepare for the baby, Donnie surprising no one spent his time in his  lab making machines and unique things for you, to help you with your pregnancy and the baby, Raph was trying to learn to be more gentle with smaller things and creatures because he was scared that he might hurt you or the baby, and helped carry you around when you felt too nauseous to walk , Mikey started learning how to cook food that was good for you to eat during the pregnancy and entire new menu he learned specifically for you, he also made all your weird pregnancy cravings even though he found a few of them unsettling, last but not least Leo, he spent most of his time learning about female biology and what happens during pregnancy in the female body, he wanted to be able to assist you in any way with the pregnancy along with being able to properly give you checkups because even he knew there were a lot of risks to pregnancy and child birth.
You appreciated all the effort they went through for this, and you were very happy, but that did not mean you didn’t have some concerns or worries.
One of these worries were the effect the species of the baby would have on you and the baby’s health, honestly you couldn’t care less what the baby ends up being human turtle doesn’t matter to you but you were scared there would be health problems for if the baby ends up being not human, you were honestly not concerned about your own health problems, you were more concerned of the fact that if the baby was a turtle what effect would not being born like other turtles have on the baby.
You kept these thoughts in the back of your head but eventually someone did notice, at the time the others were on a mission and Leo was left behind to watch you, he was trying to be flirty and get a reaction out of you but started getting concerned when you weren’t reacting flustered or reacting to his flirting.
Worried that you weren’t feeling well he asked if anything was wrong and if he needed to get you any medicine, you snapped out of your trance and tell him that it’s nothing he should be concerned about, but he replies with if something’s bothering you it is my concern, you smile at him and his genuine honesty and you start to explain to him the concern you have.
He looks at you for a minute and then things to himself, he then turns back to you with a big smile on his face and tells you that you don’t have to worry since the baby will technically also have human genetics and would probably be fine with being born instead of hatching.
He then stands up and asks you if you want anything from the kitchen, you reply that you would like some ice cream, he then starts heading to the kitchen and goes to get you ice cream but secretly he is running through his head with the same concerns you have but on overdrive, he’s already preparing to call his brothers to discuss this with them or at least urge them to come home quicker.
part 1.1 1.2
part 2.2
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tmnt-tychou · 2 years
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Come As You Are
Bayverse Mikey x Reader
This story is 18+ ADULTS ONLY
Full story found here
Michelangelo pulled back from her mouth, breathing hard. He needed air, but he also wanted to keep kissing her. He wanted to do more. God, he wanted to do so much more. She was on top of him, her hands everywhere. Lighting up all his nerve endings in a way he had never felt before. His heart was slamming against his plastron in excitement. They had never gone further than this, but it felt like it was time. He felt like he was ready.
She leaned in and said breathlessly in his ear, her finger hooking into the waistband of his shorts. “Let's take this somewhere else.”
“Uh, okay?” he said, confused, but always up for something new. “Where?” They were already in his room with the door closed. Where else would they go?
“Somewhere where your dad and your brothers aren't only a few feet away,” she said as she pushed off of him with a sexy smirk.
“They're not listening at the door, they're watching TV,” he insisted.
“But they're here and I'm not some teenager sneaking a hand job, hoping one of your brothers doesn't barge in on us. I'm an adult who deserves her own privacy, capiche?”
The two of them remained in a pregnant silence. Her looking at him expectantly and Michelangelo having no idea what to say.
She broke the silence first. “So are you coming over to my place or what?”
His eyes widened in realization and he grinned.
As they were heading out of the lair hand in hand, it seemed no one would be the wiser if they left. Until Raphael was suddenly in the way, blocking the exit, a beer in one hand.
“Where are you two going?”
“Going out,” Michelangelo said with a grin.
“Having a sleepover,” she added.
“You can just sleepover here,” Raphael insisted. “We still got a bunch of food. We can play some games.” Michelangelo stared his brother hard in the face, trying to get him to shut up, but Raphael was not getting the hint.
“Raph,” she cut in. “We're going to my place so I can bang your brother. Is that okay with you?”
“Uhh...” Raphael suddenly regretted being any part of this conversation. “Forget I asked.”
“That's what I thought. Fucking nosy.” She flipped him off with one hand while the other led Michelangelo out of the lair.
“I'm so sorry,” Michelangelo hissed to his brother as they left. “I'll be back tomorrow. Don't start Frisbee golf without me!”
Raphael just continued to frown at the sudden mental image he was left with.
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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles X Male/FTM Reader
⚠️WARNING⚠️ THIS LIST WILL CONTAIN STORIES WITH SENSITIVE AND 18+ CONTENT. These are stories I've found and enjoyed myself. You can recommend some if you would like, but no promises I'll add them. I will put down next to each link what kind of story it is, like if it's smutt or fluff or has sensitive topics, along with the kind of reader it caters more to, ie. if the reader is born afab and that plays a major part to the story. Enjoy.
KEY:🔞=Smutt, ☁️=Fluff, 🌋=Angst, ❌️=Sensitive Topic, ♂️=AMAB(Assined make at birth), ⚧️=Gender Neutral, ♀️➡️♂️=FTM Reader, 🎯=One Shot, ✒️▶️=Series Still Being Written, ✒️🔚=Dead Series (Abandoned, On Pause, Or Writer Gave Up On It), ✒️✅️=Series Is Complete, 🚼=Child Reader, 🫄=Pregnant Reader, 🧍=Adult/Teen Reader, ➖️=Uncertain/Unclear Relationship, ✖️=Romantic Relationship, ➕️=Platonic Relationship
Four Brothers
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