#Rapier Wielding Survivor.|Asuna Yuuki Main Verse
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@worldly-diversity asked: "You're the strongest person I know." || Kirito to Asuna 404 Meme not Found
"Hyah!" The familiar voice broke out. The noise of a sword and then a creature falling to the ground to its death. The same sound of the beast shattering into an infinite number of pieces as the health bar reached its lowest point screeching into the ears of the two. The last one that was in the area until more spawned in, for the time being, leaving an awkward noise of silence that had rang throughout the area.
With a quiet breath, Asuna found herself moving to sheath her weapon, putting a hand up to her head as she did so. It had been quite a long night, and overall, she found herself moreso exhausted than anything else. Trying to figure out the answer to the puzzle offered to them, unsure of what exactly needed to be done, yet it seemed as if options were running low. There were only a few more things they could try to get something... Anything to happen in this area.
'You're the strongest person I know.'
She found herself blinking when she realized that had been said to her, causing her to turn her head back toward the other with a small huff and smile along with it. "You're one to talk, don't you think? It's like you haven't broken a sweat after all of that." After all, given everything that'd gone through together, she could definitely say the same thing right back to him.
"Come on, let's get to a safe area and log off. I'm sure you need something to eat in the real world after spending so long in the game today."
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