What Are They? (Shattered EarthSpark AU)
Previous post here. Somewhat direct continuation of the first post, unlike the second post. I'm tracking what episodes I've written for and the order of which they're written, so in time I'll have a master post with everything in order. For now, you're dealing with me just linking to previous. Long post ahead.
"How... strange," Megatron said in a rumbling tone. His frame was it's usual flight frame, though one he taken when teaming with GHOST (a shortened version of their full name, Global Hazard and Organized Security Taskforce), along with being white and blue. His bright blue optics looked over the two strange mecha Dr Meridian had returned with. The smaller being, more femme in stature but that didn't say much, stared at him and Optimus with a bloodlust in its optics as it slowly approached them. The taller of the two was much more quiet and shy, preferring to stay near Atlas Meridian.
"Hello, little ones," Optimus chirped, tone in an unnatural sweet tone. The former Autobot was still a large truck, black and purple in color with dark red optics, a near maroon color. The smaller looked directly towards Optimus, their optics meeting. "I am Optimus."
The smaller one's optics went wide with clear adoration as they replied, "We are Twitch."
"And I," Megatron began, stealing Twitch's attention from Optimus, "am Megatron, leader of the Decepticons."
The other young mecha didn't say a word, causing Dr Meridian to say, "This is Thrash." Thrash flinched at that, giving a small wave before they stepped away a bit. Atlas seemed to have noticed, as he added, "He's... not that comfortable around others."
Megatron nodded as Optimus, back to his more bland tone, stated, "Oh joy, already taking the world so harshly." He gave the black and purple bot a somewhat strong nudge, though Optimus just responded with a bored glance.
"Dr Meridian, what are these two?" Megatron asked.
Twitch's attention went back to Optimus as Atlas answered, "I am not too sure myself. GHOST detected a faint Cybertronian signal and when I went to see what it was, I found this strange stone. When I touched it, these two appeared and the cave the stone was in gained some damage."
Optimus's helm moved, raising a bit and optics glinting. "By chance, is the stone you speak of dark teal with speckles of a brighter teal?"
Meridian seemed unsure for a moment before he answered, "I wouldn't say it was dark teal, more of an ocean color, but it did have teal specks on it."
Optimus's finials flicked up as Megatron suddenly realized what the other was implying. "The Emberstone?" Megatron blinked.
"That is my thought process as well," Optimus said, glancing towards Megatron. He looked back at Atlas and asked, "Did anything else happen when the stone was activated, assuming it is the Emberstone? A voice, most likely."
Atlas gave them a weird look as Twitch continued to stare up at Optimus and Thrash shuffled back a bit. "No, just the cave damage when these two appeared. Two of the stalactites broke," he replied.
Optimus's finials did an odd motion as Megatron blinked. "Most likely not the Emberstone, then..." Megatron muttered.
"Well, no slagging clue then," Optimus deadpanned, causing Megatron to glare at him. "Unless it's some AllSpark scrap, no fragging idea."
"Language," Megatron chastised, then immediately recognized something the former Autobot said and looked away.
Optimus shrugged in reply, then his finials flickered when he saw Megatron's reaction. "We're here on Earth anyways. I was wondering when sparklings or sparkling-look-a-likes would begin to pop up," Optimus stated. "I expected Starscream and Jetfire to be first. They're not very good at hiding when they're--"
"NO!" Megatron interrupted, slammed a servo over Optimus's mouth. Optimus just stared at him with a bored look. Megatron stated, "They do not need to know."
Optimus raised a ridge as Megatron backed away. "Eventually," the black and purple truck blandly said.
Megatron's frame relaxed slightly as he looked towards Atlas and Thrash. Optimus looked down at Twitch as the white and blue mech said, "Forgive Optimus. He refuses to censor himself around... anyone, really."
"It is fine," Dr Meridian replied as Optimus knelt down to better be at Twitch's level. "It was best to report directly to you two before seeing what connection was created between my robotic arm and Twitch and Thrash."
Megatron nodded as Optimus made a noncommittal hum, adding, "They look around the age Bumblebee was when he gained his alt mode." Megatron glared at Optimus, but the former Autobot appeared to ignore him.
Megatron looked back at Atlas and said, "Once you and your team are finished, can you send Twitch and Thrash to the docking bay?"
"Of course," Atlas replied as Optimus stood back up. Twitch lifted a servo towards him, causing him to grin.
"You'll see me again, little one. Rejoin Dr Meridian," Optimus said. Twitch's young field flared in disappointment Optimus's field just began pushing against the young mecha's own, releasing a bit of reassurance into his field. Twitch lowered her servo, stared for a moment, then walked back to Atlas and Thrash. Thrash kept his distance from his sibling, field bubbling with nervousness.
"We'll see you again in due time," Megatron said before Atlas began to walk away. Thrash immediately followed, though Twitch lagged behind slightly to stare at Optimus before finally following.
Once they left, Optimus said, "I'll be there early, once I check in one Jetfire." He didn't wait for a reply, immediately walking out of the room.
Megatron stared for a moment, then his frame relaxed immensely and he turned towards a nearby table where a machine sat, looking like a purple box with many seems and loose plating. "RAPTR Unit 3, contact Executive Agent Croft," he said.
The machine reacted. It transformed from its small, compact box form into a raptor-like body shape that was roughly twice the size of an average human teenager. RAPTR's plating was mostly purple and bits of white and slate making up the rest of the plate color. Yellow biolights were on the droid, with its snout and face being replaced with a screen and camera. (RAPTR, being short for Recall Adviser and Pair Task Reporter.)
RAPTR's screen lit up, showing a loading screen. After a few moments, the familiar face of Agent Croft appeared on the screen. All he could see on the screen was her familiar silver hair, fair skin, green eyes, and part of her uniform.
Once it was clear it was connected, Croft asked, "What was found at the signal?"
"If what Dr Meridian said and our assumptions are correct, a stone of Earthen origins that is able to create Cybertronian-like life," Megatron replied. "It has created two of them so far, both relatively are at the tail end of their sparkling phase and soon to roll over into their youngling phase."
"Interesting..." Croft muttered. "That is something to be explored at a later point." She raised her voice. "Thank you for informing me. I'll make sure there's a team with an eye on it. Is there someone able to watch over these new... younglings?"
Megatron thought for a moment.
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ceaselesssong · 1 year
Rho Erl Posting #16
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A Shitty Little Comic I made. Featuring Motoxi Droliz, Hekata Raptre, Achria Recuri, and Rho Erl.
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serpentinesketches · 10 months
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A Delayed Reunion (part 3 of 3)
(first part) (second part) (final part (you're here!))
The final part is here, and with a whole extra page! (fun fact, my last-minute additions made this comic an even 50 panels across all the parts :D)
I hope this wrapped up the way you all wanted, it was an amazing journey for the first long-form narrative comic I've ever done, I cannot thank you all enough for the kind words on all these parts, they've really kept me going! <3 I think I'll be doing comics like this more in future, I already have a few ideas, (though most of them less ambitious than this one was) so look forward to that if you enjoyed this!
A Delayed Reunion Comic Taglist: @actual-changeling , @khlara , @we-are-the-multitude , @peregrintook , @raptr-rambles , @six-of-snakes , @sharkbait-33 , @halcyonfawn , @elviri
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crippledanarchy · 7 months
As christofascism progresses, you should know they genuinely don't believe in "good people". They believe everyone is born evil and broken and irredeemable unless they submit to Jesus. Even babies are considered selfish and innately evil from birth.
Providing for the poor and living in peace are instructed in the Bible, but they're not "salvation issues"
Meaning, doing good thing won't get you into heaven and doing bad things doesn't condemn you to hell because the only thing that counts is asking Jesus to save you.
Your behavior and the harm you cause is secondary. You can always just ask for forgiveness in your heart while refusing accountability in action.
This world is temporary, it's destined to be destroyed after the raptre, so once you find Jesus you're just waiting to die and start your True Life in heaven, so there's no incentive to even do the bare minimum of caring about the world around you.
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Driving behind this fucking Ford with a license plate that reads "RAPTR" followed by two extra letters
Shun core
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belghast · 8 months
Tempus GameIt
Tempus GameIt - This morning I talk about a passion project from my friend Kevin Brill that tracks game play session data similar to how Raptr did.
If you’ve followed my blog for any length of time, you might know about my yearly tradition that I refer to as the “Years in Review” where I attempt to track the games I play in a given year. I don’t go into a ton of detail in this process, mostly it is just a hashmark of “Was this game played during this month” and it doesn’t go into much detail to quantify how much something was played. Other…
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View On WordPress
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ahlixavien · 9 months
Read "Cardi B Reportedly Makes Double of Offset’s Income for Their NYE Shows" on SmartNews: https://l.smartnews.com/p-ysA4G/z5gZqU
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ceaselesssong · 1 year
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Drew the one chip challenge.
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Various reactions to the Spicy. Disgust, Rage, Fear, Misery. Spicy doesn't work on Rho, and Francesco- as he always says, does not eat carbon.
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petra-creat0r · 2 years
Alright so I wasn't originally going to join this but I had a few ideas so now I am.
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This is for @friisans's UT Fankids Week 2022. I decided to do the first prompt, First words. Staring my youngest FriskKid child, Raptr.
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captblakhelm · 5 years
My response to MetalJesusRock’s video to other ways to catalog your game collection was worthy of a lengthy blog post..... so here it is.
I often forget smartphones apps exists, as I only really use my phone as a phone, or something to kill time when I'm at work or otherwise at home.
Here are some I have used:
Backloggery: A website to catalogue what games you have completed. Keeps track of your completion level and ownership level. Displays games you're currently playing Trend list shows comparison between games you've beat and haven't beat. Has a bit of a social network vibe as you can add friends, post on each other profiles, compare recent changes, and has some Twitch integration. There seems to be no database, so every entry is hand made by each user - so expect typos and other incorrections thanks to human error 
HowLongToBeat: More used to compare completion times between gamers, but has a  huge database of games, thus can be used to catalog game libraries.  I haven't used it extensively though. 
Steam: Obviously, Steam will show you all your Steam  games, but it has been improved recently to allow you to sort your library more easily and use Dynamic Collections which can grow automatically as you get more games, based on parameters like Genre, features, players and more. Steam allows you to list your non-Steam games as well, allowing you to list your DRM free games and games from other launchers. The interface is pretty visual, so you can use a custom image as "Box art" and there is a budding community of people making custom box art to use on Steam
GoG Galaxy: GoG made a big effort to make a unifying PC game launcher made to scan games from all major game store fronts, including consoles. Also tracks recently added games,  achievments, and hours plays. Feels a bit like a spirtual sucessor to Raptr, albeit not as robust. It's based on libraries from game stores, so "executable games" you may have on your PC won't be detected. You can add games manually, but I think they only work on games already on connected platforms, not loose entries from users. Anarchy Arcade : I'm possibly cheating here, but this is actually a free game on Steam. It is a digital world/sandbox where you can create your own virtual arcade by importing your Steam games. You can add various arcade machines, PCs, and TV setup that display and launches a Steam game with in the game. I'm pretty sure you can also have in world game boxes so you can make bookshelves or stacks of loose games with your actual game library
GiantBomb.com: This is bit of a misnomer, as GiantBomb is a game coverage site, mixed with a forum, social network, games wiki, and lists. You can use lists along with the game database/wiki to list your games. It's a bit cumbersome to use as a game catalog compared to other options, but many regulars have used it as such. 
Raptr: This was an AWESOME program that would scan your games libraries and also display achievements, ratings, and show which of your friends from which platform were online and playing. If I remember correctly, you could use it for chat as well and I'm pretty sure there some community/forum/social aspect to it as well. The best thing about Raptr is that it tracked what games you played and for how long. At the end of the year, you could generate a "This year in gaming" report that would show every game you played, how much you spent on it, which genre's you played in pie charts, and a bunch of other neat information. You could compare your report to friends reports as well. 
Favslist: This was used as a social network/tool to list your favorite lists of game related stuff, and non-related stuff. Since games was it focus, it had a huge community-created games database. Truly, you probably couldn't catalog a huge collection of games somebody like MJR, AVGN, or The Last Gamer would had, but it was awesome to make lists of "Your favorite fighting games" or "Favorite games of 1997" or "Favorite Characters". Unfortunately, the primary creator/owner, Pape Badiane died tragically and with it, the funding for the site, making the site spiral out of maintenance, updates, and eventually existence. Fans/former members of the site are apparently working on things in the background, and one of them on Discord mention there is plans to get the site back up, as the data/lists on there are still backed up somewhere. 
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ravenkult · 5 years
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Raptr Dekogon by Duard Mostert https://www.artstation.com/artwork/3o849A
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gemcodes · 7 years
ourGemCodes will blog about Discord because it's better than Skype, Raptr, Player.me, and Slack | ourGemCodes
Go to ourgemcodes to read more - http://www.ourgemcodes.com/ourgemcodes-will-blog-discord-better-skype-raptr-player-slack/
ourGemCodes will blog about Discord because it's better than Skype, Raptr, Player.me, and Slack
Discord is, clearly, one of the best tools for socializing in games in comparison to its competitors like Skype, Raptr, Player.me, and Slack.  Discord is becoming increasingly popular and now ourGemCodes will blog about it.
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fairynatasa · 7 years
Izi #Game izi #Life #hearthstone #Jaina #Mage #Game #Gaming #Gamer 😍😍😍😍😍 Now on #Raptr Serch for #GirlGamer 💕 plays.tv/u/GirlGamer #Youtube #Youtuber #YouTubechannel in my BIO! Link in my profile here! Going toooo #Upload all the Game there! 😀
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ceaselesssong · 1 year
Meet The Team!
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We Have Ambeyr Korsna as the Pyro, Rho Erl as the Engineer, Petura Occura as Ms Pauling, Francesco Meloracia as the Spy, Hekata Raptre as Heavy, the non canonical Glass as the Civilian, Achria Recuri as the Sniper, Motoxi Droliz as the Scout, Phenix Bachme as the Soldier, Pyrrah Gatila as the Demoknight, and Estrex Corrat as the Medic.
Take away what you will about these characters based on their class.
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petra-creat0r · 2 years
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Behold, Friskkid kids!!!
Lizzy the Human
Full name: Elizabeth Rosalind Kidd
B-Day: September 23rd, 2027
Age: 14 (In 2041)
-Loves ballet and dancing. Getting lost in the movement, it gives her a feeling of freedom. She hasn't danced in front of anyone for quite some time however.
-Met Frisk when they were volunteering. They learned she had lost her family in an accident a few years back and that no one had wanted her. They practically immediately adopted her.
-Is deaf and uses a hearing aid and communicates primarily through ASL.
-Rather stoic and distant, however has warmed up to her new family enough that she'll do anything to protect the.
Gecky the Gecko
Full name: Rebecca Robyn Kidd
B-Day: January 17th, 2029
Age: 12 (In 2041)
-Considered something of a jack of all trades. Sports, art, games. They like to try everything.
-Didn't like Lizzy at first as they felt she was threatening their role as eldest sibling. However since they've learned to get along with Lizzy and respect her as an equal.
-Is a Boss Monster. While they've learned a few spells from their Baba, they primarily use fire magic or simple transmutation magic.
-Like their Baba Frisk, considers themself an expert in all things romance and relationship.
Angel the Human
Full name: Angel Maria Rodriguez Lopez Perez Kidd
B-Day: January 16th, 2031
Age: 10 (In 2041)
-Speaks fluent Spanish. While the other kids know a bit, none of them are quite fluent. Frisk enjoys Angel's company, they often have conversations in full Spanish.
-Accidentally caused another Reset to occur after 25 ish years when they fell down the mountain. This caused some weird things to happen but it turned out okay in the end.
-Because of the weird stuff, met many of the kids but then had to remeet them when they weren't in their parents' roles. Learned that of all of them, Faith (Chara's youngest) is the most like when Angel met them in the Underground. Faith and Angel are pretty good friends now.
-Very stubborn, aggressive and sassy. Frisk has compared them to their Aunt Chara during the original routes.
Azula the Wizard
Full name: Azula blank Kidd
B-Day: August 23rd, 2033
Age: 8 (in 2041)
-Even though she was born without an arm, she refuses to let that keep her down. She's competitive to a fault. She may be a tad power hungry
-Skilled in magic and sorcery. Particularly in fire magic
-Blue fire magic. Can manipulate fire like it's nothing.
-While she can be disciplined and focused when it comes to magic, is really just a little gremlin child.
Somil the Silkie Chick
Full name: Somil Sueve Kidd
B-Day: November 28th, 2035
Age: 6 (In 2041)
-Was found by Frisk in on the side of the road, wet and cold. New child acquired.
-Mostly non-verbal. While he can technically speak, they don't often and prefer to communicate through chirps
-Fluffy birb magic
-Fascinated by worms, owns a mini worm terrarium. They wiggle, they squirm, they worm.
Raptr the Hybrid
Full name: Velox Rapaz Kidd
B-Day: April 18th, 2037
Age: 4 (In 2041)
-Rather clumsy, just like their Dada MK.
-Obsessed with dinosaurs. Has a bunch or dinosaur toys, plushies, clothes. Wants to go to the museum to see the dinosaurs every opportunity they get.
-While they're still figuring out their magic, they've already been shown to have fire breath. Frisk and MK both have enough singed hairs from baby fire sneezes as evidence.
-Very bubbly like their Baba and adventurous like their Dada.
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gravityboom · 7 years
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Ashe gets 6 kills in lvl 1 invade
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