#Rayan my sweet king
otomelavenderhaze · 1 year
All my thoughts on the honeymoon episode (17) of mclll with Rayan.
Get 👏 yourself 👏 a 👏 fictional 👏 man 👏 who 👏 would 👏 face 👏 a 👏 tiger 👏 for 👏 you 👏 then 👏 ruin 👏 his 👏 plans 👏 and 👏 save 👏 his 👏 ass 👏 instead 👏
That's it. That's the review. Y'all welcome. I know I know very insightful, you don't need to thank me for it.
But no, while the episode was fun, chaotic, full of replayability, some cute and hot moments, I have good and bad things to talk about it and I have a lot of thoughts about certain scenes that I cannot simply move on with my life without talking about them at least once.
So let's do this, maybe my last review ever about any mcl related episode.
I will always welcome an episode that makes me remember why I fell in love for the set up, for the story and for the character (Li) in the first place and that honeymoon episode was that. It was the most fun I ever had since, buff, I don't know, I think University Life? Because I wouldn't have called Love Life a funny haha ride all the way through and I cannot remember the last time was giddy with the game like I was today.
The episode was short, very much what I was expecting... and very much gave me a misplaced vibe, it didn't feel like the last episode the big farewell that the wedding episode felt like. It actually felt like a spin-off half cooked, it very much felt like just a travel, not really a honeymoon (not that I had much of those in real life but well) and it felt goofy which y'know, mcl is known for.
And I am talking about the cave conversation.
I would say that the episode would be fun for replayability if you have NO ISSUE in spending around 4.000 aps for it, if not then you go ahead and have a good ride like I did, but I will not pretend it's very rewarding or even mandatory. It's not.
You gonna take some giggles and get ONE moment in the episode that's really worth it.
For Rayan depending in which alternative you picked you could've: learnt more about Chloé's and Rayan's relationship and how he feels about her death now that he married Candy, about Rayan's father that he never EVER talked about before or a very cute moment when he talks about how he felt when he first met Candy and how he struggled with his feelings.
I am a sucker for any piece of new information I get about him, so I had a blast with it.
It was a JOY finding out that every alternative would give me a new whole dialogue to explore and read, it felt like a bonus and it was the best thing about the episode, besides the tiger moment.
Which was wild, see Rayan telling Candy in a firm voice that "she never heard before him using" to not move and help with all yelling at the tiger to scare it off was WILD, my nerd bookworm man went alpha mode on that tiger and it was HOT. Hot damn. It was hotter than any sex scene. Yes, Daddy, protect us, you go off king, you can punch a tiger for sure, BIG DICK ENERGY IF EVER SAW ONE.
But I will tell you, make Candy actually take away the tiger's attention towards Rayan and try to attract it alone was hella cool too, Candy was BRAVE, even though when he got mad at her after she cried of stress and fear and then he comforts her and calls her his hero, IT WAS A SUCH NICE MOMENT. One of the beauties of having a lot of aps, free time and grief towards a route that is gonna be replaced in the next months.
So good.
Let's talk about what I didn't like then.
I don't like how the ilus can only be obtain if you get all the right answers but the game gives you too little of information about which answers are right and which are wrongs, it was very punishing, I don't get it.
I don't like how the ilus was locked away behind a sex scene at the end of the episode, there was no special moment of their first night as a married couple, it was no different from any other generic sex scene - I will admit, it's a pretty ilus, but at this point, feels like the same of all the ones I already got, there was no sexy lighting, no extra gloss over it no care for what it would be THE LAST ILUS OF THE GAME.
Felt lazy, there I said it. The episode being so out of place from the whole trio of Proposal Episode, Getting married Episode and then the Honeymoon Episode is ODD and off putting, it feels wrong, it feels like they didn't plan that shit properly and if that's the case it doesn't surprise me cuz I have been getting this for MONTHS now.
THEY GAVE UP. The new game is more important now. Screw us I guess.
And screw them too honestly. I hope the new game gets a better treatment from the bottom of my heart, but I doubt it strongly after so many years and GAMES of this and of this lazy shit they do, so probably it won't be any better...... I wouldn't know, cuz I am not gonna play it.
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Nice episode, despite it faults and everything else, I liked it.
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wips !
i have a lot of wips right now and i’m doing my best to balance them and i have some that i want to really work on this coming year so here they are !! the wips i want to work on in 2020 !! if you have any questions about any of these wips, please ask them!! also if you want to be on a taglist for one of the wips let me know!! :D
And the Moon Sets 
ahh, yes. the story of Takeda Neoma, leader of the Takeda Clan, the girl who takes the war into her own hands and tries to bend it to her will-- or maybe it’s bending her to its will. either way, she’s living a bloody life with much fighting and hardship, fighting the war and trying to prove herself as a good Clan leader despite her age and her methods, fighting to bring peace to the land of Kenzawa.
by her side are a few key people-- 
Takeda Katsumi, her younger cousin, the one she wants to protect. Katsumi is the only family Neoma has left, and she is dedicated to protecting her with her life; that’s why Neoma is fighting this war, to keep Katsumi safe. Katsumi is a sweet girl with a presence of youth that is a breath of fresh air for all those around.
Murakami Kazuyuki, her best friend, her favored ninja, her shadow. Neoma found Kazuyuki when they were both eight years old. despite their ugly meeting, marked by tears and yelling, Kazuyuki has stayed by her side ever since, dedicated to serving the one who saved his life.
Iwasaki Okemia, the vassal that saw the determination in Neoma’s eyes and took the time to train her after Neoma was orphaned. she helps Neoma whenever she can, acting like a tutor, a caretaker, a parent, and a soldier. Neoma confides in her about many things she doesn’t dare mention to anyone else...
Kato Kioshi, the peace treaty, sent to the Neoma in an attempt to form an alliance between the Takeda Clan and Kato Clan. he’s an anxious ball of nerves who has only heard horror stories of Lord Takeda, and at first they all seem true, with her bouts of rage...luckily they haven’t been aimed at him.
other possible characters: Solor, Sharik, Aurelius, multiple vassals of Neoma. i’m sure more will come the more i work on this wip.
Broken Thrones
the wip that started it all. Broken Thrones. the story of the rebel leader Culraes as he tries to overthrow the tyrant Queen Jayah and her family. he fights with the rage of an entire army. the story of the fugitive Amary and the baggage she carries as she flees to Issera, where she meets said rebel leader. could Fate be at play?
some important characters--
Jayi, the rebel leader’s second in command and adoptive sister. she’s a bit of a wild card and her love for battle can be a bit off-putting, but she’s surprisingly compassionate at times. you never know what’s going to happen when she’s around. also she’s carved out her own eye. 
Jeris, a helper in the rebellion and a healer. his magic isn’t the strongest, but he uses it when he can. he’s been through enough war in his life, he’s just ready to end this rebellion. a close companion of Culraes’. 
Warin, Culraes’ self-appointed adoptive father and one of his biggest supporter in the rebellion. he seems very non-assuming with his long hair and soft-looking edges, but don’t let that fool you. also he’s a tired dad. 
Rosar, the princess of Feria who has come to Issera on her own with just her seeing-eye and guard dog, Banjo. her bond with Amary seems suspicious to Culraes, but Rosar herself seems like an innocent girl. plus she has a useful magic in her fingertips...
Athum, the son of the tyrant queen. not much is known about him except that he’s been working with his mother since he was young. Jeris says he used to know him but will say nothing else. 
other characters: Tasiriti, Sazai, Lei-ya, Bau, Eira, Lumi, Finlos, Fable, others to come probably. 
(considering naming it The Stone and the Sea, as i’m taking characters from that abandoned wip and also it seems to fit this wip...but idk....if you have any suggestions, let me know!)
a newer wip !! it’s about Princess Rayen Rosabelle of Adrayria, the coastal city with an odd attachment to the ocean. she’s thrown into the limelight of the kingdom after her parents move away from the castle. she’s thrown into a world she was sheltered of, that of the true responsibilities of royalty. diplomatic relations, language lessons, history lessons, and all sorts of other lessons fill her schedule, plus she has to qualm the fears of her people and keep the threat of war low...
some important characters--
Nerida, the queen of Adrayria and a siren. she has spent more time than she should have on land and now her health is declining rapidly, which is the cause for Rayen taking over the throne.
Calder, the king of Adrayria, the king who has always had a longing for the sea, the king who fell in love with a siren. he loves his wife and daughter dearly and is doing his best to take care of Nerida. 
Naevys, one of the royal advisors, his specialty being war, history, and country relations. he’s one that Rayen most commonly approaches when she’s having difficulties with her lessons. he’s also close to her age, which makes her more inclined to befriend him compared to the other advisors.
Caspian, Rayen’s uncle. a sailor by trade who was raised not knowing he had royal blood, and now that he knows he just supports his niece and her parents where he can.
Alana, an old friend of Caspian’s and an aunt of sorts to Rayan. a human-turned-siren, she helps Rayen deal with her siren blood and she also helps Rayen’s mother when she can. also, will kill a man.
side wips !!!
Songs of Fate
one i’m not so confident with, but i love the characters! 
the story of Aria as she figures out her role in the prevention of the spreading of the shadow lands and the wolves that reside within them. with new friends, the danger doesn’t seem so bad at first, but then there’s betrayal and kidnappings. how will she complete her mission of saving the land if everyone keeps stopping her?
characters: Aria, Rune, Valentine, Mizuki, Ashal, Angel, Gilbert, Dahkay, more to come. 
Shards of Time
this is the name i have on wattpad for my random scenes, but i also have an idea for a bunch of short stories to write for. all of them would be in the world i have established with the wips above. i’m not sure what all they would include, but there would be some fun little stories featuring some legends and referencing each other. and some that include Thistle, everyone’s favorite snow leopard centaur!
The Beast’s Rose
a wip i had forgotten about...but it’s my own take on Beauty and the Beast! Beauty has a family that consists of herself, her mother, and her twin sister, Tinker! i don’t have a to for it, but i know that Beauty herself is blind and the Beast doesn’t wish to keep her prisoner, but the curse that was laid upon his palace caused it to be so that if one should wander onto the property while he was still under the curse, then they had to stay....
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Blue Moon claims Manas Sarovar Trophy
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/blue-moon-claims-manas-sarovar-trophy/
Blue Moon claims Manas Sarovar Trophy
Blue Moon (I. Chisty up), won the Manas Sarovar Trophy, the main event of the races held here on Friday (March 6). The winner is owned by M.R. Stud Farms Pvt Ltd rep. by Mr. N. Chandrashekar Rai and trained by Dheeraj V.
1. KARWAR PLATE (Div. II), (1,400m), rated 00 to 20: ECO FRIENDLY (M. Naveen) 1, Silent Ruler (Antony) 2, Shaktiman (S. John) 3 and Astron (Arshad) 4. 5, 3/4 and Nose. 1m, 26.85s. ₹42 (w), 18, 15 and 22 (p), SHP: 42, THP: 49, FP: 121, Q: 48, Trinella: 1,389 and 815, Exacta: 3,090 and 843. Favourite: Silent Ruler. Owners: Mr. Sharat Kumar, Mr. Naresh Kumar Pawar & Mr. R.D. Singh. Trainer: Sharat Kumar.
2. MARCH PLATE (1,200m), maiden 3-y-o only, (Terms): ANSALDO (Jagadeesh) 1, Perfect Perfecto (T.S. Jodha) 2, Excellent Queen (David Egan) 3 and Phoenix Surprise (Antony) 4. Not run: Morganite and Sweet Kiss. Nk, 2 and 3/4. 1m, 13.96s. ₹66 (w), 13, 19 and 11 (p), SHP: 48, THP: 68, FP: 614, Q: 252, Trinella: 1,339 and 311, Exacta: 17,303 and 11,123. Favourite: Excellent Queen. Owners: Mr. P. Prasanna Kumar, Mr. K. Manoj Kumar & Mr. Rajan Aggarwal. Trainer: Prasanna Kumar.
3. ICEBREAKER PLATE (1,600m), rated 15 to 35: FICTIONEER (S. John) 1, Chantelle (R. Marshall) 2, Custom Cut (Trevor) 3 and My Vision (Nazerul) 4. Snk, Lnk and 2-1/2. 1m, 39.26s. ₹24 (w), 14, 17 and 16 (p), SHP: 49, THP: 37, FP: 167, Q: 107, Trinella: 493 and 165, Exacta: 971 and 326. Favourite: Fictioneer. Owners: Mr. N. Swaroop Kumar, Mr. Manjunath Urs M.C, Mr. K. Manoj Kumar, Mr. Sujay Kumar Puttanna & Mr. P. Prasanna Kumar. Trainer: Prasanna Kumar.
4. KARWAR PLATE (Div. I), (1,400m), rated 00 to 20: ADELA (Chetan G) 1, Sir Piggot (Rayan) 2, Lovely Sierra (Selvaraj) 3 and Altair (M. Naveen) 4. 3/4, Nose and 2-1/4. 1m, 27.41s. ₹42 (w), 17, 26 and 25 (p), SHP: 57, THP: 72, FP: 273, Q: 113, Trinella: 3,316 and 2,211, Exacta: 19,897 and 8,527. Favourite: Sir Piggot. Owner: Mr. Gautam Kotwal. Trainer: Neil Darashah.
5. BECKET PLATE (1,600m), rated 30 to 50, 5-y-o & over: LE MARC (Trevor) 1, Brooklyn Supreme (Chetan K) 2, Astral Force (Antony) 3 and Dreams United (Arshad) 4. 1-1/2, 3/4 and 2. 1m, 37.96s. ₹42 (w), 20, 57 and 13 (p), SHP: 140, THP: 64, FP: 1,086, Q: 705, Trinella: 2,012 and 475, Exacta: 65,161 (carried over) and 6,981. Favourite: Incitatus. Owner and trainer: Mr. Neil Darashah.
6. DR. K.T.B. MENON MEMORIAL TROPHY (Div. I), (1,200m), rated 30 to 50: WINALL (Antony) 1, Debonair (Arshad) 2, Sandarina (Trevor) 3 and Harmonia (Arvind Kumar) 4. 3, 1/2 and 1. 1m, 12.50s. ₹79 (w), 21, 19 and 14 (p), SHP: 61, THP: 51, FP: 543, Q: 356, Trinella: 2,260 and 830, Exacta: 81,223 and 13,924. Favourite: Sandarina. Owner: Mr. Kersi H. Vachha. Trainer: Arjun Mangalorkar.
7. MANAS SAROVAR TROPHY (1,400m), rated 60 & above: BLUE MOON (I. Chisty) 1, Set To Win (M. Naveen) 2, Attorney General (S. John) 3 and Commodus (Trevor) 4. Not run: Depth Charge. Lnk, Lnk and 2-1/4. 1m, 25.40s. ₹30 (w), 13, 14 and 17 (p), SHP: 42, THP: 47, FP: 228, Q: 62, Trinella: 890 and 542, Exacta: 1,190 and 333. Favourite: Blue Moon. Owner: M R Stud Farms Pvt Ltd rep by. Mr. N. Chandrashekar Rai. Trainer: Dheeraj V.
8. DR. K.T.B. MENON MEMORIAL TROPHY (Div. II), (1,200m), rated 30 to 50: UP FRONT (Vaibhav) 1, Slice Of Heaven (R. Marshall) 2, Port Of Beauty (Antony) 3 and Stroke Of Genius (Rayan) 4. Not run: On The Trot. 1/2, 1-1/2 and 1-1/4. 1m, 13.07s. ₹33 (w), 13, 21 and 14 (p), SHP: 59, THP: 45, FP: 300, Q: 155, Trinella: 474 and 139, Exacta: 33,953 and 7,275. Favourite: Port Of Beauty. Owner: Mr. S. Pathy. Trainer: Irfan Ghatala.
9. HONAVAR PLATE (1,200m), rated 15 to 35, 5-y-o & over: ISPELLDANGERTOALL (M. Naveen) 1, Perfect King (Arshad) 2, Nerva (Nazerul) 3 and Zehnaseeb (T.S. Jodha) 4. 3/4, 1 and 4-1/2. 1m, 13.30s. ₹115 (w), 32, 16 and 40 (p), SHP: 45, THP: 81, FP: 384, Q: 195, Trinella: 8,973 and 2,447, Exacta: 85,518 and 36,650. Favourite: Perfect King. Owner: Mr. K.L. Gangadhar. Trainer: Samar Singh.
Jackpot: ₹5,06,930 (carried over); Runner-up: 4,828 (45 tkts.); Treble (i): 1,180 (eight tkts.); (ii): 10,732 (one tkts.); (iii): 4,509 (seven tkts.).
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vsplusonline · 5 years
Commodus expected to score
New Post has been published on https://apzweb.com/commodus-expected-to-score/
Commodus expected to score
Commodus, who has been well prepared, is expected to score in the Manas Sarovar Trophy (1,400m), the main event of the races to be held here on Friday (March 6).
False rails (width about 5.5m from 1,600m to the winning post) will be in position.
1. KARWAR PLATE (Div. II), (1,400m), rated 00 to 20, 1.15 pm: 1. Eco Friendly (7) M. Naveen 60, 2. Shaktiman (9) S. John 60, 3. Brightside Of Life (5) R. Marshall 59, 4. Desert Gilt (1) R. Ravi 59, 5. Only Prince (6) A. Imran 58, 6. Silent Ruler (11) Antony 57.5, 7. Apthamitra (2) Rayan 56, 8. Duty Call (4) Darshan 56, 9. El Matador (10) Naveen Kumar 55, 10. Sultana (8) T.S. Jodha 55 and 11. Astron (3) Arshad 54.
1. Silent Ruler, 2. Eco Friendly, 3. Duty Call
2. MARCH PLATE (1,200m), maiden 3-y-o only, (Terms), 1.45: 1. Ansaldo (1) Jagadeesh 55, 2. Morganite (3) Arshad 55, 3. Perfect Perfecto (9) Srinath 55, 4. Phoenix Surprise (2) Antony 55, 5. Shivalic Gold (4) Chetan G 55, 6. Successful Affair (8) P.S. Chouhan 55, 7. Excellent Queen (6) David Egan 53.5, 8. Hitomi Sakuma (10) Ajeet Kumar 53.5, 9. Speaking Of Skies (5) Darshan 53.5, 10. Star Hopper (11) Trevor 53.5 and 11. Sweet Kiss (7) Bhawani Singh 53.5.
1. Excellent Queen, 2. Star Hopper, 3. Ansaldo
3. ICEBREAKER PLATE (1,600m), rated 15 to 35, 2.15: 1. Fictioneer (1) S. John 60, 2. Apollo Bay (9) Chetan G 58.5, 3. Chantelle (4) R. Marshall 58, 4. Custom Cut (6) Trevor 57.5, 5. Track Striker (3) Jagadeesh 57, 6. Hidden Soldier (5) Ajeet Kumar 56.5, 7. He’s The One (2) Darshan 56, 8. Richmond Hill (10) Sai Kiran 56, 9. My Vision (8) Nazerul 55, 10. Green Channel (7) Rayan 54.5 and 11. Jai Vikram (11) R. Manish 52.
1. Fictioneer, 2. Custom Cut, 3. My Vision
4. KARWAR PLATE (Div. I), (1,400m), rated 00 to 20, 2.45: 1. Adela (2) Chetan G 60, 2. Sir Piggot (3) Rayan 59.5, 3. Barog (11) Arvind Kumar 59, 4. Hawking (10) S. John 59, 5. South Bell (5) Shreyas 59, 6. Bazinga (7) Antony 58.5, 7. Fierce Fighter (4) A. Imran 58.5, 8. Lovely Sierra (6) Selvaraj 58, 9. Winx (8) T.S. Jodha 58, 10. Altair (1) M. Naveen 57.5, 11. Sri Lakshmi (12) Naveen Kumar 57 and 12. Noble Splendor (9) Nazerul 56.5.
1. Sir Piggot, 2. Hawking, 3. Adela
5. BECKET PLATE (1,600m), rated 30 to 50, 5-y-o & over, 3.15: 1. Masada (8) T.S. Jodha 60, 2. Brooklyn Supreme (1) Chetan K 58, 3. Le Marc (4) A. Imran 57.5, 4. Astral Force (10) Antony 57, 5. Spirit Bruce (2) R. Manish 56.5, 6. Dreams United (6) Arshad 56, 7. Back Of Beyond (5) Jagadeesh 55.5, 8. Marco Polo (11) R. Marshall 54.5, 9. Duxton (12) Darshan 54, 10. Incitatus (9) P.S. Chouhan 53.5, 11. Mariachi (3) Irvan 52.5 and 12. Flirting Eyes (7) Nazerul 52.
1. Astral Force, 2. Incitatus, 3. Brooklyn Supreme
6. DR. K.T.B. MENON MEMORIAL TROPHY (Div. I), (1,200m), rated 30 to 50, 3.45: 1. Skyfire (10) Irvan 60, 2. Debonair (3) A. Imran 58, 3. The Preacher (8) Chetan K 57, 4. Singhsaab (11) T.S. Jodha 56.5, 5. Harmonia (9) Arvind Kumar 56, 6. Jersey Legend (5) I. Chisty 56, 7. Winall (6) Antony 56, 8. Emidio (12) Naveen Kumar 54.5, 9. Fotogenic (1) Darshan 54.5, 10. Sandarina (4) Trevor 54.5, 11. Alexandre Dumas (7) Ajeet Kumar 54 and 12. Indian Democrat (2) Md. Aliyar 54.
1. Indian Democrat, 2. Sandarina, 3. Skyfire
7. MANAS SAROVAR TROPHY (1,400m), rated 60 & above, 4.15: 1. Psychic Warrior (6) Jagadeesh 60, 2. Attorney General (5) S. John 59.5, 3. Super Success (1) Sai Vamshi 58.5, 4. Set To Win (8) M. Naveen 57, 5. Depth Charge (3) Sai Kiran 56.5, 6. Corona Del Corsa (7) Darshan 54, 7. Fire Glow (4) T.S. Jodha 52.5, 8. Commodus (10) Trevor 51.5, 9. Torsoro (9) R. Manish 51.5 and 10. Blue Moon (2) I. Chisty 51.
1. Commodus, 2. Torsoro, 3. Blue Moon
8. DR. K.T.B. MENON MEMORIAL TROPHY (Div. II), (1,200m), rated 30 to 50, 4.45: 1. Slice Of Heaven (9) R. Marshall 60, 2. Agnar (2) Darshan 59.5, 3. On The Trot (7) S. John 59, 4. Port Of Beauty (5) Antony 59, 5. Sharp Response (3) M. Naveen 58, 6. Black Whizz (4) T.S. Jodha 57.5, 7. Memoriter (12) Chetan K 57.5, 8. Habanero (10) Khurshad Alam 57, 9. Ozark (1) Md. Aliyar 57, 10. Stroke Of Genius (11) Rayan 57, 11. Up Front (6) Vaibhav 57 and 12. Silken Striker (8) R. Manish 56.5.
1. On The Trot, 2. Port Of Beauty, 3. Slice Of Heaven
9. HONAVAR PLATE (1,200m), rated 15 to 35, 5-y-o & over, 5.15: 1. Rudram (8) Vivek 60, 2. Hunters Moon (9) Ankit Yadav 59.5, 3. Ispelldangertoall (1) M. Naveen 58.5, 4. Zehnaseeb (2) T.S. Jodha 58.5, 5. Girl With Pearl (4) Darshan 57.5, 6. Tyto Alba (12) R. Ravi 57.5, 7. She’s Superb (11) Chetan G 55.5, 8. Soviet Union (3) Sai Kiran 55, 9. Bella Mamma (10) Naveen Kumar 54, 10. Glorious Days (5) Jagadeesh 54, 11. Perfect King (7) Arshad 54 and 12. Nerva (6) Nazerul 53.
1. Zehnaseeb, 2. She’s Superb, 3. Prefect King
Day’s best: Fictioneer
Double: Excellent Queen – Commodus
Jkt: 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9; Tr (i): 1, 2 and 3; (ii): 4, 5 and 6; (iii): 7, 8 and 9.
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