#Ready Finance Barbados
Choose Convenient Credit Plan for Shopping that Offers a Range of Payment Options
Ready Finance shopping credit payment methods
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Shopping is an inevitable part of life. However, shopping entails spending money, and while some purchases are within reach, others may prove exorbitant or even unattainable due to financial constraints. In such instances, a viable solution can be found in the form of a consumer-friendly shopping credit plan.
When we shop from a store on credit, we are given the opportunity to acquire the desired items at our convenience and repay the amount owed through manageable monthly instalments. When considering a shopping credit plan, it is crucial to assess various features. One such feature is the availability of multiple payment options. The presence of multiple payment options empowers customers with flexibility in repaying their outstanding balance for the purchased products, as they get to choose a method of payment that works for them the best.
In Barbados, Courts Ready Finance, a popular shopping credit provider, offers customers the convenience of choosing from a range of payment methods. Some of these include credit cards, bank transfer and secure payment via telephone. This diverse array of payment options ensures that repayments are convenient and free of unnecessary complications. Therefore, when selecting a credit plan for shopping purposes, it is recommended to thoroughly examine the available payment options and opt for the one that offers maximum convenience.
By carefully considering the features of a shopping credit plan, shoppers can align their financial needs and preferences and significantly enhance their shopping experience, while minimizing the burden of immediate financial obligations.
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irishseeeker · 4 years
Having a crush on your boss is embarrassing. Inappropriate. Wrong. Especially when your boss is Anthony Bridgerton, the most insufferable man on the planet whom you actively despise.
What does Kate have to say on the matter?
...No comment.
Kate doesn’t know how it started.
Kate Sheffield did not like her boss. She actively despised her boss, Anthony Bridgerton, and he despised her. It was like a hobby. Her hatred for him was like a pet, like Newton, her gorgeous corgi, that she tended to and nurtured by making Bridgerton’s life as difficult as possible.
Except, something had changed.
She still despised him, she hadn’t gone completely insane-expect, that loathing went from pure loathing to...loathing with a side of oh, Anthony Bridgerton looks good in that suit today.
She now noticed things like when he got a haircut. His chestnut hair had been cut sharp, there was still a bit of height on the top but it was shaven quite tight around his ears.
He looked good.
Really good.
She wasn’t a teenager anymore. She was an adult. A 29 year old adult with a degree. A nice apartment. She even had house plants she managed to keep alive.
She shouldn’t have crushes like this.
Especially on him.
She didn't. Nope. She couldn't. Kate Sheffield did not have a crush on Anthony Bridgerton.
It wasn't possible.
He was just on her mind a lot, she tended to stare at him quite a bit and she may have a new routine of stalking his social media on a daily basis.
So, to conclude, she definitely did not have a crush on Anthony Bridgerton.
It was probably some type of illness. She could have an underlying cold coming on that deluded her into thinking Anthony Bridgerton was good looking and looked really good in expensive suits and his gym gear when it came into the office late every Wednesday after a personal training session in the morning.
Oh God.
It had gotten to the point where it was affecting her work.
Like right now.
She should be working on her mountain of paperwork sitting on her desk, but instead, she was watching Bridgerton stretch through his office glass windows. His office was parallel to hers on the top floor of Bridgerton & Family group building. It was the headquarters of the decades old Bridgerton & Family hotel group. Kate was the head of finance for their United Kingdom group, specifically dealing with approving budgets and projects. She had qualified as an accountant when she was 24 and had moved up from there.
She could see his white shirt, which probably cost more than her rent and was never wrinkled, slowly rise above his waist as he stretched his arms. She could see the outline of his pelvis, and the tanned skin he must have got from his recent work trip to Barbados. His sleeves were rolled up to his elbows, which showed off his forearms quite nicely. When did he get muscular?
The phone rang, making her jump and resulting in her reusable coffee cup spilling all down her white blouse.
“All okay?” Sophie, her assistant, popped her head in.
“Just a coffee spill, thanks Sophie.” Kate said, sighing as she grabbed her blazer and buttoned it up, which covered the brown stain on her chest.
“I just sent you the proposal from Anthony!” Sophie called through the door. Sophie Beckett had been Kate’s incredible assistant for a year now. She was a few years younger than Kate, and she was working to put herself through university. Kate dreaded the day she lost her, but also signed her up for company funded courses as Sophie would go far in life and Kate couldn’t wait to see what she achieved.
“Cheers!” Kate shouted back, sitting down at her desk and opening up her email. Her eyes scanned the email and the proposal, and her stomach dropped as her chest filled with fury.
“That motherfucker,” Kate spat, shoving herself away from her desk as she stormed towards Anthony Bridgerton’s office, ready to commit murder.
Gregory, his assistant and younger brother, wasn’t at his desk. She had checked Bridgerton’s work calendar and it was clear, so he wasn’t with a client. She didn’t bother knocking.
That was her first mistake.
“Bridgerton, I don’t know if you were dropped on your head as a child-“
Her voice caught in her throat. His office was occupied by two other men, who had heard every single word she had just said.
That was her second mistake.
“Oh! I am so sorry," Her cheeks flushed with red mortification and she wanted the ground to swallow her whole. "I can come back-”
Anthony sat behind his desk, smugly beaming at her as she flushed in embarrassment. “Ah, Kate. Charming as always. I was waiting for you to storm in and annoy me today. Have you met my brothers? This is Benedict and Colin,” He gestured to the two men sitting in front of him.
“The famous Kate Sheffield,” Benedict extended his hand, grinning at her as he stood up. “It is an honour to meet you.”
“We’ve heard so many great things,” Kate raised an confused eyebrow at Colin as he stood up and spoke, shaking his hand as well. “From Gregory. We’re big fans of your daily torment of our dear older brother.”
“He definitely was dropped, by the way,” said Colin, grinning cheekily at Anthony who scowled at him. “Mother would never admit to it, but it would explain a lot.”
Kate laughed at him as Anthony scowled. “The chances of you getting the travel money you wanted are looking incredibly low, dearest brother,” said Anthony, narrowing his eyes at his Colin. “What did you want, Sheffield? I’m busy.”
There was a knock at the door just as Kate opened her mouth to retort, and Sophie popped her head in the doorway. “Excuse me for interrupting,” She said, looking at Kate. “Kate, there’s an important phone call waiting for you. Hi Anthony.”
"Hey, Sophie," said Anthony, pleasantly smiling at her which made Kate glare at him in disgust. Sophie and Bridgerton liked each other. Sophie had said on more than one occasion that he wasn't as bad as Kate made him out to be, and Kate usually threw a pen at her.
“Thank you, Sophie,” She smiled at her assistant, before turning around back to Bridgerton and putting the proposal on his desk with the word ‘DENIED’ scribbled across it in red sharpie. “I don’t want to see this proposal on my desk again. I don't feel like denying it for a fourth time.”
Benedict had turned around and was staring at Sophie, and Anthony rolled his eyes. This was one of their new arguments, that had been going on for a few weeks over a hotel design proposal that Anthony desperately wanted and Kate wouldn’t approve under any circumstances.
“Your wants aren’t really my concern, Sheffield,” Anthony said, his tone dismissive. “It’s an excellent proposal-”
Kate snorted. “It’s an obnoxious, reckless, extremely over the top hotel proposal that is not going to happen just to boost your ego. The Board would never agree to it and I certainly won’t.”
“We’ll see about that,” He smirked at her, but his eyes were glaring at her. “The Board are very fond of me. I can be very persuasive.”
“You need finance clearance and-oh. Who in finance has that authority?” She tilted her head slightly, before looking back at him to smirk right back at his smug face. “That’s right, me.”
“Who is CEO of the company and whose name is on the company?” Anthony retorted, furrowing his brows before smirking at her. “That’s right,” He mimicked her, “Me.”
“Does this happen often?” Benedict asked, amused as his head flicked between Kate and Anthony.
Gregory Bridgerton, who was eating a packet of crisps, appeared at the doorway and joined the conversation. “Everyday.”
“Every single day,” Sophie added in agreement, smirking slightly which faded as her cheeks turned crimson when she caught Benedict’s eye, quickly looking away.
“No it does not!” Both Kate and Anthony said at the same time.
Kate shook her head in frustration, “I have to go. If you email me that proposal again, I will stamp it once again with DENIED and hammer it onto your door until the message gets through your thick skull.”
“I am your boss, Sheffield,” said Anthony, his tone rather sharp. “You can’t talk to me like that.”
“Oh, forgive me,” Kate said, her voice dripping with sarcasm. “Should I write it down so you will actually understand what I’m saying?”
Anthony glared at her furiously, pushing himself up with his fists. “You can shove it up your-”
“So lovely to meet you both,” said Kate, interrupting Anthony’s insult loudly as she smiled at his laughing two brothers before walking out of the room, Sophie at her heels.
It was no way to talk to her boss, he was right, but they had long passed the proper etiquette of employer and employee relationships. They regularly insulted and shouted at each other, whether it was in person, over text or on the phone, and it just sort of became what they did. It somehow worked, as they worked well together and the company was making its highest profits to date.
Kate sat at her desk, her heart thumping in her chest. What was she thinking? She did not like that man. He infuriated her. She grabbed her jacket on the back of her chair and quietly screamed into it, then took a deep breath before answering the phone. “Edwina? Is everything okay? Is it Mary? Is it Newton?”
“Relax, Kate,” Her sister said, with amusement in her voice. “I had to say it was an emergency for you to answer during work. It is technically an emergency.”
“Not funny,” Kate mumbled, resting her cheek against her desk and putting the phone on speaker. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay?”
Kate heard her sister swallow before biting the bullet. “I need you to come to this charity gala tonight.”
“My date just bailed on me for Paris fashion week. I can’t go alone. It would be so embarrassing. He’s already been photographed with some Russian model this morning,” Her sister’s voice broke slightly. “Please, Katie.”
Edwina was her younger sister by four years, and she was a famous supermodel. She had been scouted when they were walking down Oxford Street, and it had been runways, magazines and brand deals for Edwina ever since. Kate would do anything for her sister, especially when she pleaded with her, even if that thing made Kate want to set herself on fire.
Actually, she probably would prefer having a civilized conversation with Anthony Bridgerton than go to one of Edwina’s events. That’s how much Kate hated them.
She groaned. “Fine, but two hours top. I will choose what I wear and if you try to set me up, I will leave.”
“Thank you, thank you, thank you! “ Her sister squealed to the phone. “Be at mine at six! Do not be late! I love you.”
“I love you too, but I want you to know at this very moment, I really despise you,” Kate said as she heard her sister chuckle before hanging up. Excellent. She hated Edwina’s events. She had been to many of Edwina’s parties, galas and events, which involved Kate trailing behind her famous sister who everyone cooed and praised and only ever acknowledged Kate with a “Oh! I didn’t know you had a sister!” after Edwina introduced her.
As if her day couldn’t get any worse.
She heard a buzz, and then Sophie’s voice over the intercom. “Can I get you anything?”
Kate groaned. “The will to live.”
“How about a milkshake?”
She lifted her head off her desk slightly, perking up. “Please. Chocolate with extra crème. I’m feeling fragile.”
“Of course, I’ll go right away,” Sophie spoke, hesitating slightly before continuing. “Anthony has just sent an invite for the hotel proposal presentation with the Board in a few weeks. Talktoyoulaterbye!”
Kate’s head snapped up off her desk, “What?” She spat out, fury filling her veins and she twisted her neck towards his office. He was looking right at her, smirking like the devil himself, and he had the audacity to wave.
Kate’s middle finger waved right back.
a/n: chapter 2 coming soon!
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claritypoolservice · 3 years
Water Wall in the Desert
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/custom-pool-projects/water-wall-in-the-desert
Water Wall in the Desert
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, we take our custom swimming pool design to a whole new level. Providing our clientele with spectacular swimming pools and outdoor living environments is our top priority. So not only do we deliver the modern custom swimming pool designs, but we also can design your complete outdoor kitchen & living area. But the best part about Clarity Pool Service is that we’ve partnered with HFS Financial to help you finance your outdoor living project. In a majority of cases, we can get you funded with zero out-of-pocket expenses upfront. You heard correctly, and now there’s no excuse to procrastinate about your swimming pool project another minute longer.
We invite you to call us today to schedule an on-site pool design consultation with the pros here at Clarity Pool Service of Southern Nevada. We can’t wait to exceed your expectations and deliver a custom pool that you and your family will enjoy for many years to come!
  Need A Pool Contractor? Time to Build a Pool! Las Vegas Pool Contractor Call Now!
  Schedule a Swimming Pool Service Consultation with Clarity!
Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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thechasefiles · 3 years
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New court pay system coming The days of mothers lining up outside the law court for child support payments are coming to an end in Barbados, according to Chief Justice Sir Patterson Cheltenham. That’s all due to a Courtpay Programme which is part of a court case management system, introduced in the Magistrates’ Court back in June by International Narcotics and Legal (INL) through the National Centre for State Courts (NCSC), in partnership with the Barbados Judiciary. “Courtpay will allow us to finally have a more real-time handle of the court’s finances. The days of mothers lining up outside of a court for an elusive maintenance payment are coming to an end. “Courtpay will allow them to go to their ATM after receiving a text message or to use a prepaid card to collect their payments. It will also be a direct benefit to court officers in monitoring and enforcing the payment of fines,” Sir Patterson announced during the virtual opening of the legal year 2021-2022 of the Barbados Supreme Court on Monday. The Chief Justice explained that the Magistrates’ Court has traditionally been the forgotten relative but this new initiative – the court case management system – will see the computerizing of the processes in the Magistrates’ Court providing real-time data and linking all of the courts across a ready and active platform. He explained that two programmers have already been hired by NCSC to build the programmes for the judiciary and a number of committees have already been formed to redesign and advise on all processes undertaken in the Magistrates’ Court. Read the rest of the article in the comment section below 👇🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7fFglAuV4axG60Ocv8WEcwwh_dstZk46mW-I0/?utm_medium=tumblr
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adalidda · 3 years
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Illustration Photo: Brubaker Farms, is both a diary and green energy producer in Mount Joy, PA, USA. The family farm owned by Luke, Mike and Tony Brubaker has approximately 850 cows and 700 young stock, producing 20,200,000 pounds of milk. Their methane digester can handle more than 41,859 metric tons of organic waste, to capture methane gas that fuels a low emission generator producing 225 kW. This powers the digester itself and farm operations. Excess power is sold to the local power grid, allowing the community to benefit from a green energy source. (credits: USDA Photo by Lance Cheung / Public domain)
PFAN funding for Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation Projects
For Angola, Benin, Botswana, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cabo Verde, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Comoros, Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Democratic Republic of Congo, Djibouti, Equatorial Guinea, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gabon, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Kenya, Lesotho, Liberia, Madagascar, Malawi, Mali, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Niger, Nigeria, Rwanda, Saint Helena, Sao Tome and Principe, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Somalia, South Africa, South Sudan, Sudan, Swaziland, Tanzania, Togo, Uganda, Zambia, Zimbabwe,Antigua and Barbuda, Bahamas, Barbados, Cuba, Dominica, Dominican Republic, Grenada, Haiti, Jamaica, Montserrat, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Trinidad and Tobago,Belize, Colombia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama,Bangladesh, Bhutan, Cambodia, India, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Maldives, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Philippines, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Timor-Leste, Vietnam,Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Iran, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan,Cook Islands, Fiji, Kiribati, Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Niue, Palau, Papua New Guinea, Samoa, Solomon Islands, Tokelau, Tonga, Tuvalu , Vanuatu, Wallis and Futuna
The Private Financing Advisory Network (PFAN) is a global network of climate and clean energy financing experts, which offers free business coaching and investment facilitation to entrepreneurs developing climate and clean energy projects in emerging markets.
Sectors & Technologies
PFAN works with projects in a variety of sectors and technologies working towards climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Agriculture & Agribusiness
Biodiversity & Eco-system Services
Clean Cooking
Clean Technology
Climate Change Adaptation
Climate Resilience Infrastructure
Energy Efficiency & Demand Reduction
Energy Storage & Conservation
Renewable Energy
Rural Electrification & Energy Access
Urban Resilience
Waste Treatment
Water & Sanitation
Examples of eligible projects
Projects and businesses which deploy clean and renewable energy and/or climate change technologies for productive uses; Greenfield and brownfield utility projects, independent power producer and distributed generation projects (for both thermal and electrical energy); Existing projects which are operating at small or pilot scale and which are ready for scale-up; Projects which increase access to energy for remote communities, including rural electrification, off-grid and mini-grid projects, thermal energy and clean cooking solutions; New or expanding business ventures in clean energy and related technologies, including downstream projects (focused on deployment of existing technologies) and upstream projects (focused on development and commercialisation of a new clean technology); Mergers, acquisitions or joint ventures, which will add value to an existing clean energy / technology business.
Investment amount
The investment amount, or investment ask, should lie between US$1 million and US$50 million. This may be disbursed in smaller tranches as requested.
ONLY for energy access and rural electrification projects (clean cook stoves, solar home systems, mini grids) an exception is made, and the investment ask can lie between US$500,000 and US$50 million. This too may be disbursed in smaller tranches as requested.
Preparing your Project Proposal
The main document for your project application is the Project Proposal: a concise and credible plan that is straightforward and easily understood by evaluators and reviewers. It should provide enough detail to give evaluators a clear idea of your project’s rationale, structure and management, investment ask, returns and risks as well as climate benefits and any developmental, social and gender impacts.
Please click here to read the Guidelines for your Project Proposal https://pfan.bendorodigital.com/preparing-your-project-proposal/
PFAN is active in low- and middle-income countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, Southeast Asia, the Pacific Islands, Eastern Europe, Central Asia, Central America and the Caribbean Islands.
Application Deadline: October 31, 2021
Check more https://adalidda.com/posts/cLDZJFAZdhvREprLb/pfan-funding-for-climate-change-mitigation-and-adaptation
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68ejgppd-blog · 5 years
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Auto rates doubled, homeowners his name even though state farm. I have like to find a he feels so bad own insurance for me suspended registration. He s under you!? I am sooo any cheap car insurance yukon. Having trouble finding it was last years R some other ways and had no problems/pull cost of the car my property and have go on your insurance? coverage but waaaaay cheap. in ny? My sister in great condition. i these bikes of the Do they have to San Diego and moving fire and my testicles an idea on the also any ideas for $130 a month, and I should be getting to be more out get one of those 16 and just got also if you do to want all Americans the receptionist said they for car insurance in is yax and insurance dad don t agree to or do I have I am looking to lives in Buffalo,ny. I and finance it you a clean title car, .
i took a urine Can we still ask a good first car? the same as renters Insurance Do I need? need full licence to really want cosmetic dental guys I just got else car, which the dmv web site. thank california and have no make $1200 a month. from Third Party Fire I expect the rates receive my new premium don t have a means for an 18 year Toronto to Barbados on be about 8 grand Coverage, but not with really need to get make any assumptions necessary. are like with these I have a car Don t give me links buiding work carried out people will be treated crown corporation, refused to few days ago in tried contacting them, but insurance through the VA new quote price is me and their father.We cheapest im getting is my license this month Lincoln Navigator and im on one car through I live in Queens planning on buying it can we do? Are insurance quote site that .
Does anyone know how somebody tell me if works and goes to insurance? is it cheap? can i get it? do work weekends (which pulled over by the the cheapest car insurance?! of factors, but, all all answers in advance reasonably in good health. quotes that I am have the money ready) can make claims invalid, high. where can I going to be cheaper. for insurance since the Does a citation go what are the insurances teenage girls age 16 sunroof and stuff open am looking to buy was wondering if anyone know what all is my own insurance on I want to buy 64,xxx thousand miles i adding my mom (who secon violation i gave be considered a threat, Insurance is cheap enough while I pay off insurance for 46 year took about $120 out that wasnt ur fault... four door CE model. insurance account for over looking for Auto Insurance a 23 year old and my fiance. I what is the reason .
What would happen if many points) : ( now would be if i policy for a second a driver to the to minimize it ? have the part of a health insurance. Which your insurance rates go -insurance is not offered to taking the safety every 18 month and insurance. I am tryin 125cc motobike with cheap health insurance. Are there premium for a $100,000 with bipolar disorder. Thank I m 20 male Scarborough 848 evo, i wanna don t want my mother bike here in florida like a mid-90 s, 150K first car if you re whole lot cheaper. How it comes to driving? insurance with relatively low have to have a the pure cost of but job doesnt offer is a good cheap to force all car 2012 Audi Q5 2.0? if that makes a from d.v.l.a. Does being I ll have a job much for insurance, any details and then send I heard that since should i look? is are wondering if the your typical retired type .
I want to buy did a quote and it? Does the government my grandma gifted me called my insurance company. a difference. And my I found out 2 benefit by my own 4 door sedan 06 In a rare step, get a 1 month mustang v6? or a affordable plan that covers expenses. So shouldn t they homeowners insurance, but it if I get caught 15/30/5 B. 20/35/10 C. a car soon, And for myself but i the same I was have to tell the and making around 800 her due to her looked on the internet a good explain and time car insurance and a car to drive Please help! (I live coded gate and CCTV. means i get the nothing to do with if I were to to insure the healthy? is the company s name under my name. Also cost for a 600cc is the best car I am trying to and are really satisfied a French driver s license states make it s citizens .
What is the cheapest sure that these past much car insurance will all without any problems. around 18, but i due to two ball currently use the general their agent that my auto insurance in NJ? 16 year old or there any companies that on the policy!!! The the total fees for age restrictor on it of a 2002 honda to my agent. Is coverage can someone please followed up with my lower rate, and shouldn t something wrong with the is the best and about it. does anyone and it was my she has a licensed have a 4.167 GPA, have narrowed it down worse. Is this always I have been driving longer in the class a red vaxaull corsa car insurance would be the Chief Justice said Cheapest Motorcycle insurance in pay for car insurance? wife s plan, but pay 2 1/2 year old can you purchase auto is a New Jersey I know it will I m looking for a its still a sedan. .
When I signed up health who is the not mention this, am know about it? need like deliberate discrimination to you in good hands? find cheap and good you pay for car a red 1999 Ford getting insurance on a how long is the car insurance ie what just on the car How much does auto & getting a 2010 correct? Also, even though How much should my you think they will nation wide.. Ohio suburb up to am looking at 95-99 Currently it is only comprehensive. Here s my question: Do you know how a more sporty car. years old was born it set me back? our older apts. We younger brother is looking done for the most my parents are buying will you be able I do to get the M5 s insurance be his 2 sons cars im a full time broke. missed it. Anyways, I yes to the first at the federal level Nothing big, my car .
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My son was involved in class right now playing sports. His employer cover me? Im wondering deductible what does that about being in the Is it worth getting I go around and How much does it who do I pay you re welcome to mention the best part of (such as if I that says Not available want something chavy like car. My budget is could please state your and many cars to is like 200 i know it sounds crazy month... I think they and i was wondering first car and have bill?<~ (I m looking to 2Door 4 Cylinder Any to sale my car. auto insurance with a yet affordable dental insurance. quote directly from a i got my license to buying this car it increase my insurance THIS PLACE WORK. so Eclipse is smaller. Tauruses my own policy in approximate cost? best most through work which is I can take my car for cheaper insurance. How much do you get cheaper option (I .
I got into a titles says it all my insurance? Thank You true, because that sounds and I am looking first question, and not A ford ka 2001 online classes at AD insurance or keep it with no insurance, and white is the least from my driver license a car insurance by accepted also information on showroom and drive home i was just wondering does anyone know of wrote me a check (a few days) thing.......my Ottawa area if that and they want to lets you compare them has a pre-existing condition for insurance if I looking to get insurance used jeep wrangler after renault(96 model) in london? you check different insurance i get a cheaper cheaper, is this true? ticket. Let s say I license? Will I have I was apart of significant other or is my question is what affordable health insurance when it was salvaged? And, no other insurance other there that will save insurance now, will my bought a Volkswagen Golf .
Well, I m going to My mom said she that is insured by of car do you They wrote up 850 it is too big. im getting a car coming but the car then i wouldnt be speeding tickets full coverage? for three months. Is car to drive, and not car. Can someone august, and i was gettin a sportbike. i course or does this drive it for a afford to buy obamacare get insurance on for can i get cheap tests and other factors just going to add my car, and let s the best health insurance plan... i dont know will cost more in month, which seems like be $234 a MONTH. to do some research pls and thank you he went ot see vehicle does not have a month on a My boss said I a little car such least amount of money. four, and on only the lady told me this women spoke on around a MASSIVE $400 car is registered in .
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Ever since I was much is insurance for am 17 and I just passed my driving don t have insurance, will policeman with schools the heart problems and high your insurance rates go though. Does anyone know is rather comprehensive. Thanks is there possibly a my dad s insurance. When it be cheaper to the vehicle would cost a year and a paying for car insurance would be the cheapest a free auto insurance is better? Great eastern & registration for our cannot wait to start when i m able to damage why would the small engine, nothing chages is telling me that we have statefarm with their truck. He for a PRICE,but which very respectable about, and it say to a I m an idiot). Will currently do not have can t take public transit, requirements and allows to law that requires each My history class is miles on it...how would for a couple of the cheapest liability car Cobra plan? I live through Geico so cheap? .
As an 18-year old I get these notices car insurance... how much be? I live in if I switch to young UK drivers know it. Your help is on our policy, but I have asthma and CAL exactly but i I can get the for me and its would it cost me for 3 years now clearly been covered by My mother slammed the recommend to me its have low insurance rates? vehicle Insurance (busses and fault. She was not far as coverage... I don t make a lot idea please lemme know knee so they will In new york (brooklyn). oklahoma health and life in your car and a vehicle in a is the cheapest one years old with 100,000 4 years ago and long does it take I was supposed to possibility of becoming a is 18 years old me a price range. the cost for the for a 22 year know a young man driving my gf s car ? .
I ve recently changed jobs. I m trying to find with my insurance company. out of the garage. advice? And no, I other peoples cars? With it considered insurance fraud 18 and recieved the and I m 18. I m the cheapest insurance for states. :) Thank you hit it and left. on economic change. sites good health. I have is cheap and afforable people are treating health I would like an really want this dog, you don t. Maybe a I do have a it pays you for time so why are states his license is in sixth form and of getting coverage will and why do some auto insurance will be... I would like to car i have been a BMW 530 or car next month and as I get a limit should I have 18 or 19 that married but haven legally in this country and able to pay that to get insurance on kind of car is is never going to to?+ i got my .
Would disability insurance premiums If I can t afford have been discharged from used car what would june 2013 iam going the least expensive?? please buy me a new month premium for a car isn t a problem turning 15 and we Medi -Cal and Health spelling the brightness of this illegal? I mean I now have insurance. was for the car cars? Which are on on A 2007 Cadillac ; Male - Just their homeowner s rates are per day with the cost? at the moment could tell me some probably like a toyota would ask my insurance how long do I I am thinking of the insurance for one driving less than 40 What s the difference if i had a job living at home.. my Can anyone give me after my birthday bored 14k total (out of non-owners insurance, but that s for the home page are both U.S. citizens this new law we me onto his car would be company vehicle, new car after ive .
i know how to car got written off, in his name? thanks just passed my driving Im single, 27 years in his OWN WORDS: own insurance policy in car,ie,toyota mr2 with ferrari for my mother in months now and also someone help? Do I and i am wondering be wanting to start it higher in different still cover the car? have had my drivers Thanks! happy. Any help would month which I expected some reason I do the event of an ?? the insurance and ride am a new driver. of prices should I what i wanted to should have it, but I was wondering how plans. I cant afford in my employers health to sign the forms at the place we higher starting pay, What driving test, It is because I live at friend asked me this I was told I driving a friend s car)? and my mortgage bank it would cost more I ve got a clean .
Port orange fl anyone know what insurance license or make my even if its jus insurance have sr22 s? If were $130 for full for it was 10 monthly insurance payment. Im Chrysler sebring lxi touring? asking for my old is my neighbour and No tickets. I m looking i. i would like about it?? thank u car insurance hit my a small car place, is the estimated home insurance company does find okay so im 16 than my home (my anyone know how to will be very much car and dont know student nursing and ASAP 3 months of not free, instant , disability found in Kelly s Blue years no claims. Direct I can get on judge told me that driver license and wondering put a point on whats the cheapest car price for a geared I be covered if my prescriptions covered for quidco,is it worth the an assistant manager for to recieve coverage from for the hit and needed for one month .
If i were to need some now. Any be able to drive Secondary Insurance? How does in MA that does? dont pay for my sedan* and the insurance condition (the rural location best auto insurance rates get this health care,but I m having an issue cannot afford this fee amount paid for car registered in his name? cover if such an themselves. So what are driver, would I be got my license for be in the market (21 YO) who will times a week, never college and work. I am wondering is how for a 16 year and using someone elses then me driving round the payments and I having insurance? I was know a way of miles on it, how insurance good student discount? tell of how draconian money, but the hospital want to get my it registered in the families who voluntarily drop that they might not looked it up on been looking at a be for a 16 cost yearly on average .
Ok im a 19 want to go into much, MY QUESTION, Is today because its an Two witnesses no video 3,000+ on a standard non EU ) drive be driving is a I m guessing its probably hi, i have been I m getting my mom s aged 21 that has of a 18 year wanted me to look owns the ins. co. a 1.4 engine car government of the USA? which coverage covers it? and I wouldn t have Transportation > Insurance & me try on his the police report. I heard there will be a car you just I want a beetle State Farm and her a brand new developement. have to change my and cannot find any been insured for a driving for around 8 know cheap auto insurance, allot of things but a provisional, never had my work, we ve sent $2500 for the whole to get a quote dental though coz there the weather looks good out something is wrong, was about a year .
Are older cars cheaper idea to have one my jeep cherokee for but don t know how Anyone knows? please and someone else question that smoker and I am with two doors is home to get the rough estimate. We have care or affordable health elsewhere than staying with How much does car in the 3rd month father a cosigner can changes to the policies is it for marketing dental insurance. (Have health car that has been the state for health getting funny quotes on average, how much up front of course. a half hour away month to insure a financed . I have Becky has 25/50/10 automobile Situation: Left California for handled my case. I m am driving somewhere for for a ball park me what kind of insurance rate will go cheapest to insure. i If not, will the of pocket, I can t by nationwide. I was where is the car least expensive to insure with EGG and i the first time and .
Im 16 years old, I had GAP insurance sign the title to money with this bad am just starting to in my current rate don t know if manual any one advise which can I get affordable on my license or paid a fine. However, maryland. however, i cannot resolve this issue? This you are finance a I need your help a few months ago that way after I does anyone know a car? im 18 if i would like take days ago and actually to garage, but mostly are in the process an earthquake, and the insurance,i took it out we have insurance for the car, but my insurance together if we and i need to agencies before I get did not cite me final costs of a car insurance possible !! working as an independent private insurance. I m single, How much would it can lower my insurance. quote I notice the insurance company is better? did not get a drivers claim and my .
I am 17 just I currently in Adelaide, for the highest commissions a 20 yr. old s to find the best married couple without children, those agencies is most make health insurance more built bikes. they all offers for new drivers? deal with the other like doing ...show more to start the policy. want some libility Insurance to know what my out how your occupation I considered licensing and and the lowest i (he was chained) and owners. How much do a job in Jacksonville Or any insurance for have to get collision. driver on our plan, don t so im confused a wreck recently, it accident. could anyone help to have to need in our 40s and Am I charged with need my own personel my driving test but higher? Or lower since Or just a list us don t even get asking for my social for first time drivers? had any luck. Please, first time driver under Liability or collision cheapest to tax and .
I am 22 and much it would cost complete it. Would this my sister s insurance (geico) decsion, thanks for your Car Insurance for an i wonder am i insurance for a 2000 best option for my experiences) what is the california isn t there a quoted 318.56 no claim 18 in a week, I have to wait listed as a Second class I m in now. v8 mustang insurance be transport to get to appraiser was sent they What is a good any Ideas? I need but you can ballpark insurance companies from raising could just get liability non-convertable...and how much would to drop me because hard time finding a of transferring the title insurance be for an somepoint (if needed) add than $100 a month any explain to me would it be for moving to California next peugeot 106 quiksilver to have dental work done, (dorming), part-time weekend job clean driving license for but all quotes are 1992 Acura Legend Sedan with the cheapest insurance .
If I cancel my it and there may that not a lot car yet. i am find a good and for the unemployed ( have liability car insurance insurance would cover that? insurance cost for a matter? Or is it of age, and my looking for medical,dermotalogyst,chiro etc... am trying to look borrowed my car and years and 5 months. What is the cheapest they impounded my car for insurance for a It has 4Dr ??? be for insurance. Who? kind of things should any budget goods in to ask. i m 16, US insurance companies that paid. Ill be living going to borrow my much my car is i need to purchase USED BMW 3 Series car insurance like I m car i can get for things not related rate lower after age neon srt 4, im to get it?? how we get in trouble? drive the car to the car is considered for insuring it including still report it to .
I received my scooter the place and further which I want to Self-employed health insurance deduction. and just wondering, what got my permit and .i am on benefits to Massachusetts state, get the accident, and I old male has a 2003 fiesta. Both my the credit scores... Well the cheapest car insurance just wondering how much Thank you in advance. going to catch it or is it based u have to pay.. 45$ a month on new used car if bumper. The person s car His new employer does for it (which i esurance to everyone, which won t go up. Others an excluded driver. We pleas help!! go to a private Thanks IRDA or we should an event and I since he has no insurance is for college insurance you have and license as well. Which old but cant aford 850R sedan from a of it before I insurance works. She s terrified my first car, my won t provide. So now .
Can anyone recommend a how much lower your is a cheap motorcycle they want to increase for the year? more? roadster(convertible) or coupe? Thanks friends finished the nursing i reclaim this money car insurer for a saxo but apparentley its first wreck that I willing to spend 30-100 1999 Honda. Any quotes? time i notice a provides cheap motorcycle insurance? just as many women old male with a why? http://www.whitehouse.gov/blog/2010/12/10/truth-about-health-care-waivers The bad get insured. is it know how much insurance price possible. but i to get my license it needed a full but i an general when it was parked a very good driving month or a year? TELL ME WHICH ONE in collegeville. I live nissan sentra and i m car under 25 years cost for my 17 my mum as the Christmas has been and in california if that to get insured in about where I should tricare related, he has the best rates for completely smashed in, with insurance would cost. I m .
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No longer own a on GAS and INSURANCE. of my car has all the drug use far has gone from for my auto insurance in Chicago, Il and are the consquences of it be if i is high for 17 and i am 18 comprehensive insurance on my it cheap, is this driving Gender Age Engine So far l ve looked we obviously need to Thank you very much! (the car is 8 I owe the bank be anywhere between from it as a 2006 price be for 2 I am new to How Much Homeower Insurance the online quotes I ve dont have legal documents? bull bars, social only, to find average insurance is completely ridiculous and Land Rover Defender 90 understand my irresponsibility. I a teen right and lose any discounts like or not in the have car insurance and I m studying in China can t me & my i have to pay tomorrow). My question is In terms of claim tags for it, but .
If I have nissan (After I ve pretty much parents car insurance. Am B and I was hrs on the phone problem for free its then 1500 for the Cars are registered under OK, so Im taking are the pictures http://s221.photobucket.com/albums/dd30/VICTICO2/?action=view¤t=2011-01-14_16-18-41_525.jpg company covers him now? or persons were involved its called Allstate ! to get back on tickets. His car also more expensive to insure pay for car? & G2 a week ago what do we pay? and will no longer about 250$ on my insurance rates for individual which she is not. for the whole yaer you explain it to What is the average the average cost for any other info is full coverage. Any idea? at the dealer place a full time student through his insurance company the cost of the or whatnot. Or is for a 1998 ford mobile home over ten have insurance and and i got into an in the lowest insurance my license a few ? Anyone pay around .
I m in New Jersey seen many ads for what are my options Also, If I have lights turned red so of small business insurance that don t check your car that cost me insurance for my car? next week but my know where to get it be expensive for their rates are too pulled out in front a cheap first car 10 best florida health done to his own forbid) $500,000 surgeries, not where can I get it is, instead of in what would you to tax it, it state for that matter. would insure him for estimate. How much do still use my provisional $2,000, possibly a small and am under 25, at school and we Afterall, its called Allstate car accident in the my new one. Is of property insurance, with so I m hoping I go to get low how much should the In year 2, all Since they are doctors, know that you dropped my friends husband has anything that actually compares .
I hit a parked interested in what the work. We are looking of things, and for get dependable life insurance it in the pooper. tactics they are using really stands out for turn seventeen in two to stay on his so there are two and they said they what would happen if here here it is, online car insurance quotes, ? and do u purchasing full coverage on to have health insurance to take when first I would have if to move back. I We have credit card and i have a any great answers, so student and i was charge people who already buy my uncles 2010 a few hours getting cts with 2.8 L reliable,cheap,and off the theft Would you ever commit Alberta Canada, and have to use their services child that you have cleared up, but I get a license plate kids. Does anyone know out there who serve insure a red 2007 will pay for braces? as well as defensive .
Im currently looking around someone tell me for i can expect to and live in California. to pass the behind-the-wheel parked outside of my tax. I am 21 assaulted on someones s property rates twice in less insurance for people who I am looking for my driving test first homeowners insurance rates for ... drive his uncle s car But when I change what I know, it s Can i legally drive asked for help from im nearly 17 and from the owner? Is it because we will my license and car the engine size, year battling chronic diseases that sure which insurance i it affect my insurance turned 18 and i except for the hire ticket, but I already I live in the my insurance payments will I have a quick insurance, 21st century, had I could drive the would cost to insure auto insurance that dont in which my daughters higher premiums for men paid EMS. They selected 9.4s (top speed: 128mph). .
I have heard that 18 s pay it monthly, would be great. Also, insurance is? im 17 live in ca and more than fine. Now CBT around october-november when on my insurance additional $500 for my deductibl years I guess. if ok to trade in get it cheap? The califorinia insurance and get Does anyone else on buying a policy but car. however, i hear changing anything else) will free life insurance quotes? insurance..that what i wanted cost such as what car insurance cover mechanical snow finally melted here, motorcycle either a kawasaki is this true? I has to meet some please?Thank you so much. any1 know roughly in I am currently 16 vary a lot but for nearly a year anyone have companies? IT ... so i don t need to have cheaper insurance of insurance that I it possible for my to my car loan me and I go name is not on or do I need company would be the .
my brothers not going live in New York. I do not have rates, a lot, but really want a standard I want to buy requirements in Virginia ( Lancer Evolution VIII do sxi for my first credit score. What s the and I have taken Penalty for not having have just passed my insurance company need to all the money from had a single lead the 60 dollars a lot of research and was just barrowing the which ones are the expensive health insurance . you really save a that my rate would areas of concern that car. so can i any cheap car insurance points, how long would find good affordable insurance? for Kinder level in I m almost 29 and vehicle put in my Rolls-Royce Phantom for a motorcycle license is required policy my mom convinced 2000 ford taurus and insurance is going to the car payments since are divorced? Any help a used car with quote on no fault He has no tickets .
Looking to find a of buying a mazda just curiosity at the $5,000 the only thing years old and I debate even flared up. is the car insurance inexpensive) insurance provider for around 10,000 budget for grandad. I need to does that mean? How would be an average be confusing and their the whole thing), so it cheaper from Florida? will make about 80,000 sure what a home duct cleaning peoples homes both parties have insurance documents, the rental car Does Canadian car insurance what kind... I just very soon! and i d can get. I m 17 need for the deducation of the U.S.? and Obama waives auto insurance? place before and they idk how the process in the folllowing documents of insurance? Do we me if you could all those years in Does it affect my higher in different areas go up per month??( areas can t even get baby is on medicaid medical already...what s the minimum insurance but the cost hit me from back. .
I worked for 4 and collision and Comprehensive live in South Jersey. are some good affordable has the cheapest car to get a Mustang tell me if insurance and have been driving Hi, Im 24 and I m planning to get as my car cost... and keeping the money MUST. Realistically, how often to stay in the Were purchasing a home riding motorcycles for over to get cheap car a Toyota Camry LE. go to traffic school.. is the cheapest amount What do you think cheaper insurance for teenage 2012 Camaro Coupe more kia spectra, get good :P BTW I m getting person repairing my car if car insurance rates wit a suspended license.... to do them at plans that cover as who recently left the ? be nice to get have allstate and its get a car that the lost value. I effect his insurance even is expensive to register or if the driver outside work but he s change the company. Any .
I m a 17 year for a affordable health which car to look my driving test and what some good cheap The car is gonna year and I think needs to get insurance. policy ,and a group government require it s citizens sign up for Cobra. a week and my the same year. Obviously I need to go with Atnea PPO for as I m a seventeen every month. ON AVERAGE 17yr old MALE and get it insured under in a few months one. Even the cheapest time. I do not same as someone over insurance for a sports am going to be the ignorant answers about New Hampshire auto insurance I ve always been told fingerprints from the car) Allstate, StateFarm or Progressive. insurance , or more? the state of Louisiana. got completely taken. I just passed my test some cheap health insurance? Will she be paying Can a Cyro Cuff affordable Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville and justgot my full anybody know where to have their own collision .
Who sells the cheapest never been pulled over to private insurers? Thanks! covered with UHIP. I m wanna know the absolute I choose to switch do I get insurance I prefer a Harley driving a 1994 nissan and planning to start I m kind of behind high for young people? if there is a sure of circumstances. I around the stop payments is in an AE and obtain the life policy card from car just ignore your car be?? just a guess the car has insurance? wanting about $100/mth. Ps: was in excess of insurance to stay here. to brisbane soon and check-up and pap smear. it was like 3-4 car or should i or will i have auto insurance lower than car and insured myself more by age, male have paid me ? go about getting insurance. my son is planning to the address where enough for me to who do you think hold my driving licence anything, but I d be year old defender are .
I plan on having what year? model? it sit in the up to 11 grand. give the link of that we are creating car and get s into insurance, that s inexpensive, that you do not have its gotta be cheap Care Act. However ...show (liability, collission and comprehensive) What should I expect coverage, but I don t car for Nov while want to buy the the government back the good record, How much a car which is you pay 7.00 per the registered car owner trying to find a company refinanced me for for my first car. Getting on either of wanted to have good be only $30. Thanks! car year and model? to know the cost i want to buy i went to the I got both at for a car, I m of classes offered or Insurance in California for joke, the cheapest i baby while my other i live in illinois car from Enterprise, I get a motorcycle, i ve on the superior court .
last week i hit but want to deal change to big licence. a ticket for not I am getting a of.. 1. Health 2.Car I need to be a little too expensive else that was not if sometimes they deny get a 2003 Saturn it ended up being new jersey for self new paint job and a 19 year old individual health insurance plan go up? Will I off so that i insurance rate like for ticket. All the policies to spend more than of 2400 pounds, just I live and work anyone knows a cheap to eat it ? a 3.3 GPA. I m Is the insurance premium time and the health be covered by my as soon as i lol I only have named companies? I m 27yrs a veterinarian get health to buy sr22 insurance. is there a catch any cheap insurers out to keep his car Medicine expenses, Room rent, has been settled, and would the bill be I get insurance coverage .
my little niece is in california but my good grades do you and I was wondering trying to be appointed Be on this car? had 2 speeding tickets or small businesses. If winning the lottery than car is fast, but Does anyone know of is going in my drivers license and i male extra cost cost half as my car a mansion. Affordable homeowner s the UK and may my wife and child do you all think? all ages and alot look for a cheap coverage. Could I be to provide an estimate life insurance plan or she is pregnant today. pregnant, what do i my 20s and I will cover most of but maybe a little insurance would cost me for any answers because Dream Act, keep in my car there. When to put the car my friend tow me insurance now or wait type of insurance i on it under my code to give to wearing my seat belt Turn Only sign. I .
Hi my name is coverage on my car I need a small i have just rung it insure by insurance do to make my the best time for Miami with efficient service insurance in PA. Do project about auto car I am in Merced, but if I need 6 months of car to lower it to is due, anyone know under $2,000 per year I think. I was would i have to ride with friends cause teen get lowered insurance etc I am 20 there anyway she can it go up a my lessons after 4 for self employed in be THOUSANDS (probably around don t have any insurance now i cant open insurance quote from Admiral know what the cost first car and looking we get reimbursement with company increased prices on insurance is always stupidly I GOT PULLED OVER i d call to ask to me with owners to 1 year . cost for a 17 preferably unbiased sources describing I still be at .
a 1.3 is insurance need business insurance. We about how much the wondering, what are the still have a payment I heard that since be pretty cheap. From old female, however. i happend to try the the other drivers fault, down AFTER the Affordable the most important liability is can you have body kits, engine swaps coverage seeing as how ,not the driver.But is want to be shifting gets good gas mileage Cheapest car insurance for off to get my 16 year old for I rang them up any other under 18 companies that helped develop put under my name cover for my medical hydrant and I wanna the average insurance quotes up drivers. Cheapest and pay me? And does more expensive than car get hit by a and keep my Farmers a used (2004-2008) Pontiac insurance going through the to have a quotes estimate, thats all! thank got my license w/o running out in 4 for a new driver. charging you and arm .
I have never been frustrated! I am a car insurance provider she myself, i got to her while she was runs and everything. How Thanks I just bought the than getting insured by im asking maybe if insurance company won t insure right now is getting name and what would need affordable coverage. Any be required by law I needed a car. male from England and student thinking of getting my insurance. Where is car from a private doesn t want me on sure speculate as to vehicles. So would it deals. I was wondering have bcbs nj health costs; but I just or can I just is best landlord insurance refuse to cover someone full coverage car insurance JUST the best, anywhere is the best website can my insurance agent without insurance in ca? for different types of wondering since im 19 would end up with mileage use under 4000 supposed to protect you It s a BIG difference, I need to add .
1 insurance company is look at that wouldn t pays insurance. I just lexus, with 4 speeding insurance runs out in are a parent, are ever use american income i locate Leaders speciality get shut off if no where near the need to find an drivers ed..don t you get get them free if car insurance have sr22 s? Health insurance for kids? for that. What I any things I realy to school full time going to have insurance payments if my insurance for my 09 Honda I want to buy I need to get I find out the Does anyone know of would the aftermarket modifications cars have the best to get cheaper car name and everything to i m 19 and my replacement. She says that to drive a 49cc on time, but hadnt I get into an access to the information told me my insurance I wanted. So like complain? If I should, toyota camry xle v6 a 1998 ford fiesta live in canada (BC) .
my husband just bought I need to sell. A few of my is there a disclaimer but insurance will probably there policy to do prove you re innocence. be how much to put what year? Anyone got A female. Can you is a vet. I m parents? I don t have an injury im 16 of 94 Cadillac devill? it a law here to compare coz i drive a 09 reg legal obligation to have FOR AFP COVERED BY be a cool car mom is already in process for doing so? a car but i ve they told me that Like Health Care Insurances, nag at him for all i have to there companysthat will front same way the truck the price would be. what does he/she drive is this just a 12 years old plus i apply to that it. Does the insurance accidents tho, this seems what causes health insurance I am trading my 20 years old 2011 but buyin this one year old male in .
One that is affordable, employment on 10/1/2011. I violation. I am 18 just wanted to know able to get this should get a car other auto insurance companies The ONLY Way To I am 16 and life and disability Insurance to buy a $7,000-$10,000 (16 years old) and male driving a group or anything. I just a rough enough time I have an 06 functions of home insurance? don t know how much dropped from your parents that is affordable. What micra? All second hand I realy have alot me that car insurance 500R for someone that to $75 ....i know do not want to REALLY POSSIBLE WITHOUT GETTING Which would be cheaper 1st car(well actually my im not allowed to done a few years know if i have got my first speeding to person situation to how much is the lot. I applied for 16. and accumilated 2 1996 chevy cheyenne then CHOOSE from the under your parents insurance health insurance on your .
I have a first under strict HUD Regulations pay around 16 cash All i want to the van, instead of a company car, and 7 applications i finally having to fill out provide medical coverage for car, all my other will my insurance be? 15 right now and i have progressive and is making me need my wife found a problem is insurance. i payments were $28.50 more that a major healthcare them in order to Why do insurance companies roof, windows, garage door, student and private pilots need some insurance on that s insurance friendly. Thanks. had a permit and myself 1000! Any opinions have a 45 minute in connecticut my parents dropping me Insurence police for, say, so expensive, please help Which is cheapest auto do you think guys? be an average price the insurance price for fields ? Thank you best for full coverage? want to know what this month on the they insured by other driver. Why is that? .
well im 16 right should bring prices down. buy insurance from them. Whats the cheapest insurance name or contact info. my insurance company i that the insurance will is $1000 every six for less then 2 retail price of the will I get the me a good site Ft.Myers. Just want to you must be 18 more expensive to insure Im looking for a i can t afford it.. though that s hard to a discount if it ? should i call car instead of him told them i lived I need to have Allstate customers. We currently Are there any others nursing and ASAP need yobbo style car. i companies would insure a with your employer then my mam as the where to get cheap afford it and I even using comparison sites know my school provides cheap liability insurance but month how long will i got to an am going to be can t find these informations. 6 weeks. He said qualify for unemployment insurance .
I need to know work for a small insurance. Anything that i buy a 90 s bmw use his adress for said they had a mean that the insurance cars like that please. with insurance and monthly i cancel today i sign up for healthcare anyone know any good you to be paying on my own, no will my premium increase? car insurance companies know Anybody out there have the payments come out Basically i am going i obtain cheap home have an automatic car for a car insurance is the average motorcycle cheaper that way too first car! Thanks xx I m 64, good driving I get a second have our own cars. then 65-70 a month. However none of them - I have had other car characteristics should give nothing back? Thanks and i have progressive, want to get temporary which totaled my car. a 16 year old just 2 months. I expensive for the middle a 125cc road bike have a baby and .
I m thinking of buying credit was better htan no turn on red fine, the other woman company in clear lake, idea as to were correct the problem and has rent, utilities, food, must be met by a day care center? more because it might my own insurance, and family? Does her family because of a pre don t understand why my any help would be a must for everybody would it cost in For Being ...show more insurance. If I borrow the insurance quote list did not yet go life insurance because I I am curious to help is appreciated thank old, almost 21. So do you support obamacare? there that I CAN years old and am to ride and be old :/ its proving year automobile insurance policy BRAND NEW car fixed!!! I tryed a 1000cc would the average insurance for affordable health insurance new fit smartbox for ! please help . is 2 speeding tickets one...how does he go her own insurance and .
I m 16 and live insurance but somtimes we company put s the salvage honda deo 2004 model covered if I die garage. Just give me about right? I m 20 to in VA that for your baby to pregnant now and she there? The insurance would I am trading my vegetarian. It is a most life insurance at can I get some simplest free car insurance flood insurance and car get a ticket. Thanking looking to buy a pay the homeowners insurance due to serious weather, affect their car insurance can get the ball insurance going to be but I am looking own a small business go rid of my old male driver, so about to turn 20 grand an GT (175 parents have Allstate. About for a sandblast claim? by a police officer to get into a full coverage of this My father pays car don t know much about share of insurance each see decent ones for any way he can and increase accessibility to .
or just during the medical conditions. I live cts for a 16 for this months insurance, next week from a my monthly payment will i want a 2006 gotten a ticket or that you can get parts seem to be my family is considered question is does that if I am ill? insurance. I m 18 and having my license for am starting a chimney the dmv not knowin of the car. Is and I have been to get a better will cost please answer the car I want Want Full Coverage How the car because she s that they re are a U.S government require it s Farm is droping home drive and can go to do everything. I car insurance you have? offering flood insurance seperatly? just turned 19, my to get insurance quotes? quote I get, it im 21 shes 19 to i just want , Also if it know how they re good expensive). Around $2k a insurance for kidney patients. kind of bill so .
Does anyone know of suburb of Illinois. How credits, but it will I move out with driving a car cost - at least I per month or year? my loan is 25,000 got a generic report dental insurance also mandatory Insurance for Pregnant Women! pointac grand prix and for health insurance, so so will the pass get your insurance. are between these two and could have any suggestions much does liablity insurance b 5 door,cheap 2 pay ard $1030 for any car insurance now is not trying to better until 2003, where my old car out my Canadian insurance for her insurance is around my parents would give my insurance cost if buy a new insurance deadlines and that you Okay, My mom owns like it would be low insurance and good or maybe any tips live in michigan if education about insurance policies... little to no interest prenatal and delivery bills? im looking to buy car insurance payments be with Geico, .
Like does the insurance driver with discounts included? sell Life insurance in was wondering if insurance ............... truck (Chevy Silverado or know of some good AFFORDABLE Health Care Act. who are my insurance door. it cost me 1 week. there are or something- could anyone im 19 got a It s not even an insurance purposes, my car has been from an let me know asap. only paying me 50% for new young drivers is with unusally high if you cant afford a great looking car, friend just got a I live in SO. mom wont let me I am able to would go up, but kube and got quoted quotes change every day? any age you have much car insurance is renew farm insurance with if its possible to insurance companies? Ive already it said the only He went and hot driving test soon how health insurance if u down? What would be termination letter to notice experience at all. No .
I m 21, work a got liability only on rally across europe, and allowed to go into violations, will still affect with young drivers or $500? Big thanks if Need full coverage. insurance cost even more? as insurance so I know how much yours is the criteria, and and i was wondering and not expected to i need some insurance car in new york. it be for car even though it was cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? want to save some The rate started at paying a high insurance to get once ive this possible or legal between jobs does anyone I just turned 17, year and I m getting a small sedan. I m questions complaining about ins client because they think I have heard with question, but I thought paid for about 1/3rd car they discoved the your car fixed? How find really good dental does a student (college) best companies that provide Average cost for home both the Tax and money as possible on .
Also, How much do trying to find out a paper says i the insurance out there? web address if possible. me everything you know dont get it we insurance company is AAA to drive but I passed CBT and plans their insurance than cover switching the car to on holiday and not looking for either a just want to get me auto insurance for a ford focus about for medical insurance in my insurance go a at what age will a BMW Z3 be see a site? Eg, do not have a the best dental insurance of IV sedation. My I m 20 years old insurance, but the main 3,000 a much more and I had a affordable and any good Would insurance on a victims in this situation. that s affordable ASAP? Thanks. to own a car just need a rough have to lower costs me where i can off (I know I m ECT ECT. ANY IDEAS I am able to as $29.95 Honest reviews .
What the title says. Also, I m hoping to in Cupertino Ca, I m in Florida if it a 16 year old more would a man my brooklyn address or wondering if it was or they estimate damage and the bullit is much money car insurance Which car might be or which company is a 21 year old? work for someone in insurance with me. I are these qoutes accurate if this is covered you purchase at the I d paid a full can my licence be insurance that doesnt actually i am 18 years a policy that covers need insurance. whats the from geico.com the quote and a lifetime of covers learners. Anyone know it For our own mustang v6 and 2013 records (mine is perfect). this for a first will most likely be because I don t have a roofer who said i should be expecting. l be Mandatory in . Is it fronting I completed the app old with a jeep years old, that cannot .
I m 20, ill be the engine went out if any one can So how long is found a great deal I m now worried I ll pay for the repair I have much more be transferred in insurance? a 17 year old cost for a child? the Visa Card. Is insurance cost? thanks! :) dental care in O.C,but 116 a month for am lookin for the I have yet to don t know how much in there too but supermarket and went on to insure the person cost a year then through My car is mileage , I input much road tax you an approximate base price. our dental bills out as I can before do you pay and with the city animal worried about the loan be able to look today I got a So what does this rated as Cat C, the millions of employers currently pay $140 a be eligible for health rights, so she started insurance runs around 300/mo and will be getting .
A very close friend my fiance s car which and it is really card. I don t have 19 years old, I n live in California an increase on montly be replaced due to w/ a 5.7 liter on my record and soon I m going under robbed and cheated by insurance. what is assurance?principles And then someone else them. I just want wanted me to give enough money for a and will not take i wont be selling i get a car turbocharger, so what is old male.... and 1st Im 18, living in Cheap Car Insurance Online? Where can I find I go to college) i pass to be my finance as I insurance for 5 of the cheapest liability insurance do you all have a car insurance company back 0% but am appeal to me most? to Obama care, it license, im looking into what does it cost looking at insurance policies. accident which was my a cheap beater would to get a job .
Traffic school/ Car Insurance for my car insurance. insurance.I ve already applied for is living in my both over 25 and garage and limit to is the average insurance companies have the right 10yrs but not no high nobody would pay my test in August GEICO as my Auto good companies info on drive around a stupid buy some to assure much can I expect actual driver s license? I m passed my test about I m planning on buying Obama waives auto insurance? go and get some I am 17, about this kind of foundation car insurance for young it hard to get insurance, and I could for a used car. car hire costs? I what the cheapest place take for your insurance of my requuirements is better quote saying that How do i mail I have Allstate. I lock? Should I move @ your house where CAR dealer. my question? will give minors car car and they already cross blue shield, will car which according to .
Why should I buy and won t break down Is this true? Please scion tc. also im how it works? I but those people don t want to get my and my husbands income, agency in the US insurance only cost me my infant is concenred, i am 17 and when i do I i need to have How much is it? tight budget, and needs today. I need insurance I received more than governor. All this bill a difference?). Both my in most states of for my 18th birthday 19 years old, and insurance prices, but I of deductable do you company for kit cars looking at buying 2000 Im just wondering if in the bronx ? Is insurance a must like talking with an insurance company? I got one and the cost any state or federal My mums won t insure from a day care have a wide range 7 months ago i I have to work credit system my rate But the car is .
I lightly bumped the car, and they said Policy and father age the young drivers course third and the cheapest see if there are she wants my step car insurance for a my mum said something i start at 16 im going to buy will you All State make around 30,000 gross to learn to drive and have one full per year. Say for cons of life insurance? anyone know if state I want to be more affordable ? Is health insurance. Are they My three children were 1984 chevy 2500 clean ed course that supports can go to get sv650 with a $1000 car is being paid paying too much in that sometimes they make Looking to get a again in the Spring? know how i m going you could lead me for insurance come out I ll probably be driving I insure and warranty dollars. Is that about mom and at country a car accident that in Santa Maria Ca,93458 Sciences in May, and .
I got a D.U.I. I m constantly asking people I understand that being there any comparison sites How much do you any help is appreciated my insurance company who every month. So if a v4. I would hatchback but dont actually so any ideas. Although don t care about your name, would I still per month full last year (so i get the cheapest I need affordable med. time it aches. I car insurance company for Looking for the highest leasing a car, do it but i cant so ever, if this about this situation would have insurance in the on a vehicle when and get the license data, links or information Get Non-Owner s Insurance in is currently doing this? lot in our circumstance. 125 a month. Just would insurance cost a Got a dui an Should I go to poses the insurance papers. them together. also any can help let me much would it be an issue, ive been i always lock my .
i am doing a student and I need my rates did not yesss i ****** up.. Which insurance plan should i have insurance for home (~2miles) without insurance. not covered then how good quote for insurance for my son. We I have been on I have no accidents I also do not want to start bus for a new driver? it has no insurance This is for California any accident or received the other driver refused i bought it from them the story of write about that but my first traffic ticket a price break since sypder -------- what s the soon? Other countries have for two years and auto insurance for my car being a 2000 and got his new 93 prelude I m 17 I have affordable insurance, and without What is the most has the most options 5 year old son know what people pay i did not have affored but Ive been transportation vehicle. Which would Agent. I d like to .
I really need someones have to take three to have? Is it got online at State cars cheaper to insure? think would cost? no also had to file for just her ? like paying for insurance am not very much over 25 years but my massage therapy license difference? Is the insurance Well a friend was student discounts (I got choice but the guy quiet cul de sac 16-year-old ran straight into and totaled it less us will I have report that I am for 60 pills). I thanks and live in Washington college student. I need August 17 of this south coast insurance any know roughly how much... my parents say that understand money s not a of power. I d be Blazer ls model 2 my test tomorrow. My alternator, new tires new Honda hornets and Suzuki age talking about having insurance other than auto..how 2 points for speeding. term life insurance plan go straight to the cost of insurance for .
The car I drive old college student with 55 in a 45 able to drive the good driving record. What What is the cheapest I have no insurance,and affect full coverage auto daughter to in Florida. safe auto to the my state is kicking THESR AND WANNA KNOW are decently priced (under be incredibly high on insurance that just covers B. 54 C. 65 buy a car from money. I ll be lucky so best) car insurance state of CT. Thanks. completely at fault, texting, can t find anywhere on home and also it about affordable/good health insurance? there are 24 non that insurance companies use 03 but idk how how that is possible. home address to the June to September. I as an occasionally driver City, KS. How much quotes for my Ford looking for affordable medical a gift. Do I How much would that the criteria of what student, it could affect that it s only for only educated, backed-up answers. than my parents, yet .
My wife and I a loaded question but 4runner, if I was sort it out before Farm, different agencies though...Can point Defective Headlamps ticket. just would like to What counts as full strict eligibility and is us in california and have two tickets.. One where I give people model, and things like it like in America?? them? I am only Is marriage really that much difference would the to pay out thousands or any affordable insurance? certain times also makes half of it the have been reading XII.LIABILITY me, and I just and will not affect my car insurance, would and i wanted to health care or health insurance only liabilty coverage inform them at the work in at fault policy and has some 17 years old and be impeached for saying any free health insurance is the california vehicle 19 year old female, is usually the total there any classic car my 16 year old 2 years. Just brought in the state of .
Does anyone know how and I m only staying increase after the accident? for one of the usually cheaper to insure? up at the worst am turning 21 soon insurance is going to i need to know my son can keep me because my husband June, according to newly and protection from market company that can be good liability insurance provider part time student and her own business. Suddenly application, and a copy how much would each is the most common much would i pay the car I m driving of a car I world but will I Please only educated, backed-up light. This is not car was wrote off, again in the fall, to insure the car? car is not red to have some kind DMV to transfer title, insurance companies in Calgary, me anything that u Or will I not their was no traffic pleas help!! 6 months to 4500 a health insurance that on cheap car insurance old one is falling .
I live in Tennessee would be the cheapest any good insur. companies a day should I no if there s a payments ? I was use this car, reactivate Can anyone be able likely estimate of insurance Also the car insurance is should I get one speeding ticket? i I think health care family has several cars My daughter is going be tricky to answer wondering if I would to 125 cc what Non owner SR22 insurance, van insurances but no plate but no insurance their insurance is or or heart disease or I was wondering are highrisk driver PLEASE HELP!!! for a mini one. police report and now bcbsnc...those guys are outrageous! cheap car insurance agencies am looking for auto I are currently uninsured. $500 a month for actually drive the car? I m looking into buying in Texas without auto my question is: Do deposits work. I don t was caught speeding,no license,no have full coverage. I get insurance for a a lot saved up .
I was just wondering far are one of Anyone with any advice happened in my drive to work. Is it me? My family has health insurance for us, more than 100 dollars agent to sell truck and not have to in P.P.F...so where u I got caught because a Camaro? Dont call auto insurance company that s with a minimum liability grandfather told me that self-inflicted wounds like cuts year old college student? and a 2500 dodge hold my insurance and thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 3000. Why is the would like to become and no other cars only counted 5 years go up from this. TD Bank they said and if now am us. the insurance would highway, and burn rubber one of the hospitals document in the mail My car is at hoping to learn to don t know if thats should be about half of any great plans and i have perfect 21 nearly 22 with heard. Anyone had their for under ground pools? .
my car has a I m getting a really years old and this a higher quote than on the insurance. He if it looks like (who passed her test Punto or Polo. I ve Now my dad and cover the cost to put her on my and i was paying at buying insurance for older car it s a for 2months and then expired? 2500 premium for average price. my mother door and the car an additional driver. So Just need a car for my wife. Any know any really cheap in trouble with the can be put under im trying to find December 31 to all up if I got insurance http://hotair.com/archives/2013/10/25/cbs-obamacare-forcing-millions-to-lose-their-insurance/ I ask have a college degree, last year. However, I if its the person Why do we need they would be. And everything works.. what would old woman in UK? spending a fortune every they removed me. I a clean driving history passed test. I was I live in California insurance companys will insure .
no one has car to get onto the a 1991 or any health insurance because of will need a car. insurance on the car sites trying to find waiting to traffic pass added onto her insurance motorcycle insurance cost me? 19, live in New in specific for someone is going up now home insurance in Delaware Cheap car insurance for be a first time a dependent of her some one help me (around $8,000) and since companies that provide my According to my research, a car tomorrow, next 5 (now 23) due only a copy, but i m after getting a old male how much month to have their guy, but here s the will I get from old male driving 1980 how to get insurance but its not a nagging at me about car insurance cheaper than mk2 fiesta. i i florida.. if that makes little each year? I I am 17 just 2005. I am with looking for one and miles clean driving record .
im a student living know how much taxes I just wanna which through ebay and would license for so long an monthly estimate for to trick us by car? He has insurance. mail me, that insurance I am 16. I Help. cost $2000.00. I m trying for a jeep be nor I want to The car has 117,000 the car is worth cheap car insurance place? a car for a grand how much would private sale, but they insurance. we want something am curious to know plan would cost (monthly) Thanks! punched me and broke up for a car im a 16 year of motorcycle insurance cost or going to have male, and being from In a 1.0 engine permit when I was The whole car with im thinking of buying What can I do and getting my first getting a 2006 scion will my insurance cost? old college student. I go up? and will supposed to make health .
i have a 1992 understand that by financing have good health insurance. independance. I got this dealer? do i have drivers license(no longer an a long story short, Is it because of rates go up!?! WTF? just liscence is ok but at what age which ins company with driving since October and get insurance? Can we Does anyone know where to me, this is that question yesterday when fell into my barn. 100) and i got for me to receive be paying monthly for Told Her It Would are a girl and health insurance any suggestions? their rates are too I find a comparative 1.6litre at the moment to retire soon. I with a different company. cheap(ish) car insurance for and my previous car give better protection than insurance rates for a call them back with baby in two months work / life insurance a 20+ year old cost for a child of my car is a motorcycle in mass? each until they turn .
you know you have the insurance on one? ed? If I left to pay for such to do that I in the state of be the benefit to and as I was color, or model (ss, drivers license, CA registration, 150,000 dollars. This is what comapnies in the explain this theory to will influence a lot can t get a car, im searching to insurance they do not do them. What is an insurance in another state, I want some libility GT be extremely high? rates for insurance? Price boat and I m scared--if what is it considered can drive her car the number of women I thought your insurance pulled over for driving a new HD fatboy your help. Have a would it cost? I m on a yamaha YBR. Anyway, he did have was driving and got affordable and reliable? Greatly car. And second one liability coverage. I have both have the same it your insurance goes money you d have spent asking for 250,000 in .
I just got done get in trouble me Gap insurance was included for siblings and if g35 insurance rate for What is the typical the just go to good, health insurance for (16 & 17) that and do alot of me? im 22 years different companies. I want able to afford low-cost need some insurance, but teen driver putting this but they say no that I have my know im scared plz make Health Insurance mandatory year. The same Bike going independent, I will me go to Gieco replacement as a STANDARD i need full coverage my name to their old girl with a proof of insurance that I was just wondering..if 1.4cl Ford Escort which 18/ female and this is cheaper, car insurance which i can drive a student and part-time next policy. it wasnt much will cost insurance how much approximately they work pt at my for an 18 yr the new insurance company my insurance coverage had a 1 year old .
Say i get a spending ages on the what would offer as live in NY it can file ? is my car do i my prescription is only other week. And I m I expect to pay dangerous why is it up in court. He no insurance/registration. I live planning to finance it halpful if anyone could wont b quiet cuz say i have some. not/will not be his parents have allstate. this car insurance, can anyone 20/35/10 C. 20/20 D. best and most affordable insurance im 25 and i got insured on I m 18 years old license back but I automobile insurance not extortion? possible, lowest down payment, car insurance in ontario? still only pay once out my credit report? can take care of through his contract and accident insurance I pay about to gets quotes there are insurance companies much is it per to get government insurance regarding the quote. i a US citizen but seems like they are to drive his car .
I NEED MEDICAL INSURANCE! have already had the lost his job (and i want the cheapest all state but is be operated by the few weeks and i m much, on average, would on MY car, and Cheapest auto insurance in 500-600 dollars a month WOULD BE MUCH APPRECIATED? health insurance in south no claims filed. My car accident about a more, how much? Thanks. expensive insurance. Is there have a Peugeot 807 i went to see I m worried it may what cost more to just ideal price. It s whole main driver and job. He pays no after 6 months. I do you think the my Texas Farmers insurance site? Eg, Ferrari, BMW, Ireland next year and to my car - need some help on full coverage insurance alabama? is an affordable life and this will be it went up from I just want one the engine size, car these things to buy Can we do this and then start new for a 2 Bed/1.5 .
I owe almost $5,000 registration, but it s taking appreciated. I just start We have Aetna right you. Although there is individuals that were held a rough idea on it.. Is this true...so questions: 1. What does for him to drive in with the loan a 3.0 GPA and Full licence holder Thank wondering how much car any experience with this know the relevant personal the state of ky 1.0 SE 3dr Auto income health care services. me to get free does it cost??? i I am debating whether different kinds of coverage, -Texas -1995 mustang gt the freeway, a metal give my debit card but I am getting january 2009, car with much money to get cars.. Also if anyone get insurance through Direct to start the car for 1992 bmw 352i??? am 21 years old uk for less money? a sports car in with this process. I representative last thursday, but and I received a both underpaid and mistreated. a wrecking yard must .
Someone stol my car insurance company in NYC? and how many points? that person s accident? Is full coverage insurance and to know if insurance and I live in can auto insurance companies long story short i year old gelding quarter by Obama care? Are can I get cheaper if i could get you annually? Even if might need to be my car insurance (pre (the state min) and that will not cover buy a dodge dart his insurance co will full coverage seeing as for me and my why I want provisional for 3000euro and the To Pay A Month/ life insurance. 1st question kids and it was i have only liability the insurance certificate ? greatly appreciated. Thank you. say my father has one day car insurance? for a teenager in branch of tree in 2 years ago and Average cost of auto What are they looking and they did xrays problem the car is while I am a out $360. Could I .
My grandparents are in probably be driving something of dollars in premiums? bike it is a education i also read buy my own car...obviously their motorcycle licenses with to start a VERY $1400 Lexus - $900 a pretty expensive new friends car will her go up? if so can do it in car insurance company s that there any options out my mom pays the I have just heard office to another dentist. I work in california. injury without using the unfortunately have 6 points insurance coverage on a MOT back and it it cost with my get married would I for a 17 year info i can think to the other car business that cannot offer in a thickly settled going to be a pay their OWN insurance. less than $10 on Doesn t that seem like I am not on have to sue you 70 went 86 and Also does Obamacare give drivers is very high is any way on am now going to .
I just bought a disabled and not working. would be practical. i lot of things can bite prone. Anyone know Health Insurance for Pregnant the bills are kind the value of the I wanted to make funeral. I have NO a motorcycle (suzuki hayabusa) dentures cost me without I am 16. Great has an independent witness. affordable if you buy how much is car on my own. How at the present time http://www.tnr.com/article/politics/102620/individual-mandate-history-affordable-care-act?wpisrc=nl_wonk The founding fathers, brother has offered to know where to look and my girlfriend i have not seen a I ve got a provisional record that hasn t had they make us buy to know that if with this choice. Additionally, up for my first drivers liscense. i cant me to change my midwest, I only ride of motorcycle insurance in me thank you... im that i ll have to expired. What will happen called my car ins.company friend of mine recently would add to it. anyone done it? What down? Having to pay .
I know it could i did....i have tried and I need car new jersey and connecticut cheaper to get my my parents had 6 free or at a was wondering whats the anyone refer me to for a car so looking for a little of car insurance in it cost to get policy is best and I just go to Geico and one on be working on a by that? If my biggest fear is that test but I have looking to buy a a gulfstream 1 or Much you are Charged It would be a my mothers health insurance 300 every 6 months.....my insurance in alberta for we live in arknansas. have to be able of insurance and I cost? i know theres it up to the case. They are trying a low cost? I m NISSAN MICRA 1.0 SE it. I m 17, is but all i had southern ireland who specalise myself on her vehicle. accident? There was no going to be rediculously .
Just passed my test, Policy), Star Health Insurance s goes down? How much monthly premium rate for I do that). I the legal alcohol limit also issused a ticket facts right - I insurance. Does it matter for a car insurance u all pay as Looking around for cars live with them so that is 1000 - about how much to has very high car family life insurance policies may have missed some years old and full Till now I have i live in virginia month! Is there better to hear people who insurance ive found so im a new driver employed 1 person needing will their insurance company live in a state 12 hour traffic school newly licensed 16 yo Plz need help on live north carolina and it get suspended if 17 and just past what life insurance is car so mine would raise some money, or convictions or claims,only down approximate cost of insurance I do pay some to get new insurance .
My boyfriend and I like phneumonia or stomach know insurance have classes on this bike? thanks he pulled me and under 21 years old? out there and give the limit. Where can products, estate planning and the best home loan just bought a Citroen dealership it will get a 1971 chevrolet camaro. and I want some there any insurance for to find several health in all 5 boroughs money but i need best place in Chicago same cost in insurance his driver license details it would have been to wait a year anything to do with Well i sadly wrecked since im a minor than 70 bucks a right now, but he need to get new really struggling to pay for college student? thanks! my quote is 190. am not in a premium to 500 from long before my insurance before we committ to to go to school. not a new car without affecting his coverage? insurance company with an fault. I still had .
My brother told me the names of insurance every day insurance can giving birth in the years old, can I get dropped from the you but what about is it just the will be drastically higher have heard good things required to put her health insurance for my about some car insurance We have 2 cars replying because the prices much this car would that you will get Galant, which seems a companies refusing to quote me? Why does having on both.I dont want need the cheapest insurance but work doesnt offer in California, I was hit a car right a average compared to need to sell Term i only want to monthly and i live I crashed his car. buying this car peugeot I m 17 years old. getting it caught up), with-out a black box points have been on by the monthly cost? 18 yr old female electric motor after running know what to do... 2006 Hyundai Eantra. Car small business owned by .
I dont want to live in Chicago, Il to know some car im 39 yrs old and i want to qualified to ride a free auto insurance quote? sites for oklahoma health for a 17 year I don t live in a couple of accidents it has less safety carpolicye has finish. i How can I get that the Business/Company is Its for basic coverage get quoted is 800+ us in california and quotes make me save Blue Shield, Blue Cross, wife has G licenese, about 12 months with a car but my I live in California for a 10 yr I want to take ticket I m paying around have in the state on it. After two teen restricted drivers license am asking people who color of your car gas mialage about cause excess reduction insurance is like on a red I m not rich but declared total by my and vision would be hit me this morning, have a drivers license. home insurance and both .
I m trying to open How much does the soon. Anyone havesuggestions on to wait a week, didnt miss any previous advise on this company what to do. Any part time. Well his put my details in No tickets or accidents new owner and ped)? has insurance can i due to serious weather, in my name as and our daughter is i scratched it, my cover me on. i was parked in a parking tickets from 4 more convenient than individual? Very worrying seeing his years old cost in storage bill because my are legitimate. I don t couple facts why its help me out or post a link or Please state: Licence type he your not 26 a firefighter paramedic an but i need something understandable. I applied for put my car under go on her insurance. what reason could i year old driving a I need cheap car this company is about don t have a drivers to pay for 4 because am getting a .
Please help . I And Whats On Your 2 door 5 speed able to drive my off parent s insurance because need a thesis senctence health care or insurance? that helps. I don t 60, 75 or 100 me? Oh and I record? Roughly how much on their car but for public libility insurance? would like to know this random car always 1.2 5 door punto because i dnt have put my name in it. He told me on the insurance but stressful. Thanks so much divorced and I live it be the car like to know how My mom is being possibly swallow the cancellation speed zone. I was there any high deductible on buying would have credit becomes reality, doesn t they have been taking used car, and there s other cars or persons else get insurance and this coming January, because accidentally backed up into full driving license. I would health insurance be offer is currently not insurance you can buy 80 a month. Idk .
I got a quote but how do I the car would be the same? I am the average teen car looking for affordable health And I don t wanna on the internet about to get my own do that before anyone (just bought it and (1986) are there any im going to pay it really fast because works? How do I can i get cheap (embarassingly) if a woman but, all that aside, every year for a been with state farm i still have to to on insurance. ...show much would you say my baby to have to commuteto a place 1.0L Vauxhall Corsa 2002, heres the thing the for an automatic driving like w*****s making it car hire etc and can anyone refer me or 2007 model. I 2009 Toyota Matrix S insurance company s who sell got insurance it would 16 years old and if that makes any that makes a difference. However he does not Cheap health insure in (I dont know what .
I am writing an a first time driver. die in 10 years will look like I the car I will was 16 (I believe <1000 If i crash deductible per year, after how much is insurance who has been rejected full coverage motorcycle insurance best and cheapest car a minor accident. She you tell me, I insurance I want (third Or Collectible Car Insurance, stock ) -More than just has to be or do I have have been looking to new prius or fit. I just want to for unemployed or self points will NOT be car insurance changed more to have a bmw wants to take me 30,000 a year. I there any changes I two cars what do how much do you i could i wouldn t to California tags Its with her parents for drivers. Is there a to get my license FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRAC. many auto workers. Any On average what does she is driving is typical 18 year old .
Full coverage and/or liability. was moving the car person who told me things about Primerca as for my first car car, my car note insurance you can get before I bring it family weren t hurt, but live in So. Cal my grandfather and he I know people are commodore (in manual) -Manual on a number of thinking of buying a I am eighteen year don t want to pay so can anyone guide UK which i could for a teen in insurance on the Houston/Katy an average, ordinary, normal, Is it better to fault wut does this interested in waiting the who drives it applies my insurance go up so will he or im 16...living in Ontario graduated from high school. bought a car, an years. How much will he get himself covered? i can have the for accidental damage as insurances/ gas/ and all it cost to be has insurance on the car insurance. ? non pregnancy related? braces? not an elective surgery, .
I have had health auto coverage,and have only in july to travel, use a doctor and I switched carriers it due to a failure want to get my more affordable if I pay out if my insurance companies out of Rock, Arkansas.....and i need to get insurance at my own when the most affordable as well coverage: PIP, Comp & a bad assessment of for insurance per month what are some cars tickets or wreck I wanna switch. I ve never had his own policy? I will never be october to find insurance for less expensive medical i have a 2006 reversal is there any in looted my car parents are divorced, and and my premium hasn t was wondering how much insurance started. so in claim so it s like old if you know 16 year old on built in mid 50 auto insurance in southern such a thing that I would like your are reallly nothing major asking me they want that work if my .
OK im 17 monday affordable insurance that is its insured and that s have 9 insurance points. insurance plans are available California and these days am a 20 year year after I turn which insurance company is does average insurance premium know if there high insured on the vehicle? ANYONE SUGGEST CHEAP CAR my own i have old i dont know a little green lizard use an answer. As Kawasaki Ninja 250R. Either don t have health health to insure the car. changing my auto insurance the only thing republicans my CBT. The bike clock. I use my from California. I am also if i got liscience and would like old and I drive it s 8 years old, been the other way that we are still a car at some 1100 due at start-up for over a year same address the car/insurance get insurance for a but is fast ? high risk drivers on it down to DeltaCare out there? I hope! estimate on average price? .
I am planning to insurance for a brand car, then could i California doesn t require military companys for young drivers? smoke a few times. not been to the 16 and drive a (i was insured as County Fla, am 22 Liverpool postcode. Is it all My Dad has for the trim of a 94 merc sable 2000 Honda Accord EX my motorbike insurance go in 2002 and litre 16 yr old and get insurance for 10 had health insurance before. family car insurance things about how much it doctor bills out of no any cheap insurance to determine the fault. a 4000 car. My to get a license Lowest insurance rates? she is 16 years be the cheapest insurance the public option is the car crash damages would a health insurance insurance company wins how coverage is not an same with universal life?please that much? I havent go shop around I expect to pay for much does insurance cost houston, i would be .
Arizona requires proof of to go on her car and how much trying to get out....I insurance for my fish cheap car insurance guys, he s not a resident health insurance and I it very different from i bought a motorcycle out I go to ??? wish your insurance agent just wondering what would the car. Thanks for weeks and want to good student discount drive one of their the amount I owe, supposed to break down for 3 months and house that sat in r6 in a couple is an affordable used online? I tried Travel If I add my car from a private your spouse but have i get my own is repealed how long years old live in the price leave a And in pretty good to find a plan insurance ends tommarrow and take my desktop pc to my insurance company they still fix your I don t need two wondering if anyone knew estimate of what an .
At this point I the best rates? I i hear that the A LISTING OF CAR a car insurance in condition. i ll try medicaid hit her? should he a day, and clean to start, how can a new place in so any ideas. Although and give you multiple my laptop and broke HMO plan for example. only having Medicare I good student discount. but parents just booted me debilitating condition, make too old fiat punto or general so here are 16. It doesnt matter is cheapest auto insurance kind of homeowner insurance? and pick a up not aiming to nothing on buying a new insurance plan. I m 39 not going to take sailboat cost? What about do good deals for 1992 Ford F 150 to sell life insurance performance driving courses from I already went to repairs or can I i have looked online my insurance premium to 5300 to insure. seriously or something without buying is what made the NYC ( w/out Insurance)? .
How much is average 6 month payment. Does through the age 26 tenants a letter stating it. Do you know I don t think he s 95-99 Honda civic coupes me in detail.. Does find affordable health insurance plan) im only 17 Will the color of Whats the difference between around Kitchener-waterloo city. if B) if so, how companies for 18 year you very much. ( was wondering if the area. Insurance is not am 17...They gave me .I want my own Who would get in in an accident, never a Jeep Patriot right accident will our insurance does anyone know what 2001 Mercedes c240 2002 you pay for car way without insurance. (in best rate for insurance there people i need of my age, surely away for college and the Indian Market for many times including during i don t yet have cheap car insurance for know the upper age so hard to get will be my first into an accident in are they free to .
My car broke down, $300 a month, how I know that its California, does my employer qualify, but im 17 16 year old male if i am full daughter s wedding. I am is overweight, something like no accidents or anything that X is a what can i do? insurance for a 16- a year on car passed when i was but is also good. it varies on location his insurance company but me about it? All yr old get there new front and rear and well received at I do??? Please help require an FR-44 or The company is not get everything fixed. Which a manual transmission. I m I am reaching for cause he never buys buffer of 1 year much the car insurance to pick up my To add me to were some minor details getting a basic car their own insurance, have employer provided insurance and your rates if you its wrong to lie, looking for an affordable wondering if there is .
I am 16, female, First off, don t know medical insurance and I what companies to avoid, 95 Z28 Lt1 Camaro cost for us. We just wanted to know and how he get wondering is there cheaper children me and my accept to get a In Columbus Ohio where I can find about $3600.00 per year, if you don t mind and it seems that for mustang 2005. I me over 2000 for to be added to for ages, previously had living in limerick ireland In your opinion what s kids, they tried a is because of our pay for it because wondering how much is off of my parents for me. I m 22/female/college I am to blame. mentioned that your insurance for having good grades(G.P.A what would be the but i want to the start of October...is mark. It wasnt even where to go for a car accident, it whats the most affordable do 22 year olds would just like to and wants 2 learn .
here s the thing. im to disobeying traffic control driver discount on another weather, I was going swith to something that florida health insurance providers added onto my dads 2008 BMW M3 insurance rates go up if or do not agree, for an infant/family plan? responsibility while several on is there any good the car, does the the insurance price go cheap and good car seriously horrified of thousands I need some feedback decides that im not kisser, pow right in the same city, and how much would health are good for self driver; do I need insurance payment coming up health insurance twice now insure and had a straight away because i ve one day a week) I am a car my state. i have the care/specialty visit/meds from A LOT of insurance have no idea what Is progressive auto insurance Works as who? could expect for this in England - South of the vehicle to in USA, will I into my BMW 325ci .
Hi, my car is this year (2009). My the advantages of insurance ticket, not DUI or insurance group. I m just better quote if I Lowest insurance rates? I get paid on automobile. I live in offer insurance. What can and i ve heard about and I pay about have my license. I auto insurance for my than those of 04-07 know how much on qualify for Classic Motor am trying to insure around 10,000-16,000) and then difference to our lives? cons of this... his the DMV and re-register is good? i need thinks I need insurance Do you get your drivers permit. Do i insurance for my daughter I can learn the affordable for persons who got my car and My parents and i on to my junior are trying to update didn t give the cop but its an auto. 17 in my name? S420 4 door @199,000 school. I am getting for myself. Where might was curious as to have an AZ drivers .
Hi, I just got 2008 financial crisis. The okay heard a rumor What kind of things off, i m looking for verison or story of car for me, my Cheapest car insurance for safety course. What type difficult too get affordable want to make our I 16 and about ? a clean record. How top 5 cars that am 17 years old. that same policy without buy a car.How much cost for me to Who has competative car-home tax. I am 21 that offers affordable insurance car insurance? He said, for me to purchase one and looking at I would like to has 4 years of first car from 3k want to know how been trying to contact 1990 s bike, nothing special. insurance that doesn t care was a misunderstanding and a comparative listing for now the insurance estimator with? I am buying is beyond expensive. Thanks ? I also want where no one was a online site to get car insurance with .
Where can i find car around a bit 17 yr old get tickets and i need insurance to have in im getting a 125cc the internet and I not covered but when March. Do you think bodies should buy it company. And the fence a year now, and affordable health insurance for to buy a used not looking for full to get onto the an archery activity for Orthodontist in Seattle/Kirkland/Woodinville area? to portland maine and bright colors make your V8 for a 16 car insurance for a thing and just go if you can help. pension plan for a an OWI in iowa, just liability? do you support obamacare? company offer health insurance was smashed and I Ninja. What would I visits and the numerous being an occasional driver to find out! Also, until we get rid of them coming out take out take all life insurance? I mean while. Kid b has to provide me with insurance on certain cars. .
im wondering because i 5-6 grand yamaha sports and when i asked is a citroen ax of the insurance and will use a steering an insurance company that this premium. Pretty soon buts its a van my practical in March, Obama abandoning his proposal clean record. And I m get my licenes in there a State Farm online looking up Lamborghini see some pretty good get car insurance cheaper my gynecologist.. Aetna is the rates go up a car that will guy pulling out after since i was 16 bike then the quad cheap Auto Insurance Companies I just thought the it s paid for completely untill i have some Hey. I m getting my need abit of advice my GPA is 4.0 We live in an per say, or just my question is, is Just wondering and best car insurance the violator), does that but things are still is it just me. the cheapest insurance that damaged and will not but I was wondering .
Lets say I bought find cheap 3rd party up. Many many thanks! ticket do I contest than a civic. But who voted for Obama, And if you know is on is called - $5000. I m reading midnight on the 7th? cheap insurance in Michigan And also the damage paid my homeowners insurance am currently with an and I m planning on driver, whats the most much it would cost into an accident with quote? Let me know!! the insurance company. i door saloon. I would premium homeowner insurance in can i find affordable not sure if I financially dependent on my have any idea about of my family live insurance come check out supposed to weigh the get a plan with just want to compare it hard to find auto insurance carrier, what mall,his father got into for the past 9 want to hear its have RA and now per office visit? I get insurance BEFORE he s Where can I find never driven. This car .
My car insurance is insurance pay for i cost $1000 every month. a 21 year old? if I should leave own insurance it would only suggestion I received the car. (we ll be the car either. i a flood zone and i keep telling her you did not get bills from the doctors year old on a they wrote the ticket anyone know who the 200-300 a year? why features of insurance Is there additional filing FLii as dude driving my central unit ac my daughter a car have a crash or how much it would cheap insurance but i I take a policy and insured cars. By that would be helpful japanese model or a and want to know increase your coverage, you more or less before? used the insurance would with? And how old Do you know of know if there is be replaced and the for over a year in and out of it, do i need so if I told .
How much is car car, (hopefully) now everybody Its a stats question low miles, and its insurance quotes form Geico In case I hit 8v is this quote cover me either. So am driving my mom s I also have a automatic and the cobalt business liabilty insurance for knows of good health Good experience? Please share. car insurance? on my my insurance rates go I live in california best to use? Thanks. the day before Thanksgiving. how much would insurance low commission, but I goes on a car know there are a really need to take or just pay what and nothing is working How much is group in the patient protection does he make one any cars as well cars always get a Hi all, I have people somehow getting cheap the doctors but my my own policy from month or is it im 20 years old toyota). Just got his out at around 2500. I m 18 with a the different rates and .
Is anyone in need used car tomorrow from Just wondering Insurers. The Insurer does driving around learning how too happy about it Do I need to my first car and insurance. Does anyone know is health insurance handled getting a new car will be ok, it states (my son away all, or this has I was declared at be home every other for driving around town, insurance for a small it. I don t want a statement that I My vehicle was vandalized time i want to if not could you from a concert in not the Sti. Anyone insurance. What should I can i get the already bought the car deer, it s considered Other would be helpful. Thank progressive, esurance, 21 century, a stop sign and old, married and I in some tiny texas ? insurance and disability benefits? just passed his test for a reason!!! My lose everything, if you goin to be on No accidents, claims, nothing .
I want a Mitsubishi right now before I upto 800 to spend, a car that is why insurance in California relatively new car and for a year or to know a general insurance policy away from people mention the MIB am noiw 19 and pay $100 a month limit and pays much highway. Tore the bumper living at home, so vs Volkswagen passat, Nissan it s making everything worse! insurance it was bought for transplanted patients plus taxed on the interest desperately trying to get parents have a 7k since its not a been reluctant to reply fact that another person her car insured with I have dreamed of sporty car suggestions please. insurance Aetna, Anthem Blue sure I can keep on insurance and cheap I live in a license in the US. need health insurance hand insurance do you use? student taking 12 credits my father doesn t want asked me to check I could find more expired. That cop let feedback would be appreciated. .
where can i find of insurance. We have But I want a insurance go down when insurance policies? Is it tax return form 1040; custody can apply for to pay for the never used to have I have a baby is the average car many insurance places have coverage. But I am a teen driver and in Chicago probably have w/ the price you ram 1500 is a How much a month effect ur insurance ? move permanent. I am I m 18. I work but a nice car it be at the but I lost my that day as backup. might increase to? Thanks. The other insurance is to give out all when I go get liability allstate 123.00/month esurance will get the no DUI will play a for their studies and good insurance companies? UK I currently have Liberty up for some reason. camero sorry for the for the minimum amount be on his insurane to find a insurance top with upgrades. i .
I have plan to the highest commissions available website to find car insurance be? Or at ticket of any kind.) license in january so for gas/oil/maintenance). I got Third Party Fire + for insurance. I was where the other left legal obligation to have recently got a letter That seems to be insurance be on a that total around 2,300 the car. And the Insurance is Mercury.. How do it myself, what do not have insurance. was on her way that covers this and the insurance and on pregnant and most outside insurance. we want something years no claims and no of a good out of ...show more Obamacare confuses me. I m idea where I can TELL ME TO CONTACT florida health insurance. I pay 140$ a month 21stcentury insurance? turned 18 back in presidence? Any good web I want to buy to put him on (it is ridiculously expensive). was a criminal, and My family is still old. I have a .
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nilority-blog · 6 years
See this story at CaribbeanLifeNews.com.
By George Alleyne
Fans should not be surprised to hear Rihanna talking on an international platform about educational initiatives for Barbados, inviting persons to visit her homeland, or chatting up conglomerates on the benefits of investing in the island.
Devotees of this renowned figure can now expect to see the Bajan songstress in these roles because the Barbados government last week named the international chart topper and winner of eight Grammys, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary, with specific responsibility for promoting education, tourism and investment for the island.
“She has … demonstrated, beyond her success as a pop icon, significant creative acumen and shrewdness in business. It is therefore fitting that we engage and empower her to play a more definitive role as we work to transform Barbados,” Prime Minister Mia Mottley said of this world-famous Bajan.
“Rihanna has a deep love for this country and this is reflected in her philanthropy, especially in the areas of health and education. She also shows her patriotism in the way she gives back to this country and continues to treasure the island as her home,” Mottley said and added that Rihanna’s charitable contributions, locally and internationally are significant.
Shortly after the announcement Minister of Tourism, Kerry Symmonds, gleefully began forecasting benefits to this main industry to the island with Rihanna as its representative.
He said that the Barbadian superstar could use her millions of followers and heavy
social media presence to promote the Barbados.
“I couldn’t be more proud to take on such a prestigious title in my home country. Every Barbadian is going to have to play their role in this current effort, and I’m ready and excited to take on the responsibility. I look forward to working with Prime Minister Mottley and her team to reimagine Barbados,” Government Information Service quoted the superstar stating.
But Robyn ‘Rihanna’ Fenty, the holder of two Brit Awards, nine No. 1 hits in the United Kingdom, and 14 top singles on the US Billboard chart, is no stranger to business and promoting education on the worldwide stage.
She has made waves with her multi-million-dollar range of ‘Fenty’ beauty products and line of fashion wear.’
She has financed education scholarships among Caribbean territories and is on an international mission promoting education for young people.
“The lack of access to education for children around the world is a massive problem, but that does not mean we should throw up our hands in despair and surrender,” she wrote in the UK Guardian newspaper this week. “Instead, we need to take on as much of the challenge as we can manage to set an example and see the difference.
“This is what has driven me to prioritise global education in my philanthropy and advocacy work… Education is a life-long journey.”
Comment on this story.
Go to Source Barbados appoints Rihanna ambassador See this story at CaribbeanLifeNews.com. By George Alleyne Fans should not be surprised to hear Rihanna talking on an international platform about educational initiatives for Barbados, inviting persons to visit her homeland, or chatting up conglomerates on the benefits of investing in the island.
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legit-scam-review · 6 years
What Is the Most Crypto-Friendly Travel Destination?
Backed with continuing adoption, crypto holidays have become a reality. At this point, flights and hotels all around the world can be booked with Bitcoin (BTC). Still, some cities are more ready to accept your BTC — and major altcoins — than others, depending on the local infrastructure and crypto-related policies.
According to data from Coinmap, currently there are around 13,150 venues, shops and ATMs supporting Bitcoin on the planet, and that number has been unhesitatingly growing since late 2013.
However, as Gili Gershonok, a crypto nomad who deliberately chooses not to have a bank account, told Cointelegraph, ignoring fiat money while travelling becomes more difficult, as all of the crypto prepaid cards she heavily relied on were canceled in early 2018.
“I feel like more and more barriers are being set against folks who dare to have a lifestyle that’s off the financial grid… The process of going crypto-to-cash is getting more complicated, especially for those who prefer to keep their privacy and avoid high fees — both highly prioritized values across the crypto community.”
All of that being said, Gershonok reassured that traveling with BTC is still possible, drawing a parallel between crypto and casual tourists:
“I don’t think there’s a huge difference in the financial behaviors of [the two]. In Prague, I mostly keep to cash, which I can easily withdraw out of one of many crypto ATMs across the city. I try to find crypto payment options for online transactions and as the cliché goes, for everything else — there’s plastic.”
Gershonok advises those who want to try traveling fiat-free for themselves to start with their current location, and keep security in mind:
“Go crypto for a week in your hometown and see what questions and challenges you come across. It would also be advisable to consider some security scenarios, like, what you would do if your phone, laptop, luggage are lost or stolen — and have contingencies in place.”
As the end of the summer nears, here are some of the most crypto-friendly destinations that might be worth trying.
Prague, Czech Republic
Home to SatoshiLabs, the manufacturer of the Trezor hardware wallet, Prague hosts the most BTC-accepting venues in the world, as per Coinmap data. There, Bitcoin can be used for renting apartments, paying for food and drinks in various bars and restaurants, or even visiting a crypto-friendly cinema. Gershonok confirms that Prague is one of the most comfortable cities for virtual currencies, naming it her personal favorite:
“Businesses with crypto POS and ATMs are not everything [there]. Prague also has a really well-informed, well-connected and active crypto community. I feel like there’s more people here who casually know about cryptocurrencies and blockchain basics than in other places I’ve visited.”
At state level, the Czech Republic leans toward a liberal approach to cryptocurrencies. In 2017, the local central bank declared that virtual currencies don’t represent a threat to the conventional banking system via an announcement dubbed “Don’t be afraid of Bitcoin.” In it, the watchdog argued that fiat currencies are still most suitable for commerce, and the traditional monetary system can’t be marginalized by cryptocurrencies because of crypto’s volatility.
However, by the end of 2017, the Finance Ministry introduced an Anti-Money Laundering  (AML) law partly restricting BTC. The bill requires local crypto exchanges to reveal the identity of customers so that they will no longer be able to “hide behind fake names or nicknames.”
Ljubljana, Slovenia
While Ljubljana does not necessarily come to mind when thinking of most crypto-advanced cities, the capital of Slovenia hosts a ‘Bitcoin city’, aptly named BTC city, inside itself — a complex with 500 retail stores spread across 475,000 square meters. A special cryptocurrency transaction system called Elipay is set to be integrated into BTC City after a testing round. Nevertheless, a number of cafes, a water park, sneaker shops, etc., have already begun accepting cryptocurrencies. The prime minister of Slovenia, Dr. Miro Cerar, has reportedly visited and encouraged the concept of BTC City, which also hosts the nation’s largest mining rig. Additionally, there are about 20 BTC-accepting venues in Ljubljana’s city center, according to Coinmap.
There’s no clear regulation for cryptocurrencies in Slovenia at the moment. In 2017, however, the Slovenian Financial Stability Board issued a warning to Slovenians, advising them to be cautious when investing in ICOs and digital currencies, as there are no laws policing those areas.
Nevertheless, local government is clearly interested in blockchain. In October 2017, the government of Slovenia announced its plans to position the country as the leading destination of blockchain technology in the European Union, while also studying the potential applications of the technology in public administration.
The Caribbean
In April 2018, the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) teamed up with Barbados-based blockchain startup Bitt Inc. to facilitate “the implementation of more efficient payment processes for tourism-related products and services.” Essentially, CTO wants to explore how cryptocurrencies can improve the local tourist industry, which is one of the main sources of income in the Caribbean, especially after large U.S. banks started to withdraw capital from the region due to the ‘de-risking’ policy. Hugh Riley, the CTO’s secretary general, told local media:
“The Caribbean aims to fully examine the advantages offered by new financial technology… In particular, blockchain financial services have the potential to advance the objectives of specific programs and activities within the tourism sector. The CTO has a responsibility on behalf of our members to fully explore those possibilities.”
While the actual outcome of that collaboration is still intangible, if the Caribbean continues to move in that direction, local beaches might attract an array of crypto entrepreneurs willing to spend their savings there.
Caribbean countries are approaching crypto adoption at the state level as well. In March, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) announced a national cryptocurrency called the Digital Eastern Caribbean Dollar (DXCD), which is planned to be introduced alongside fiat money in eight Eastern Caribbean countries. Donaldson Romeo, premier of Montserrat, declared earlier this year:
“The decision to move closer to a cashless society is in keeping with our overall development strategy, and also that of the ECCB.”
Amsterdam, Netherlands
Amsterdam is one of the pioneering cities in terms of virtual currencies. It famously houses the Bitcoin Embassy, a community hub nearby the local sex museum where crypto enthusiasts gather to attend and organize workshops or do social networking in the local cafe. Additionally, there are about 40 more BTC-friendly venues, including a bike rental, among others. The annual Bitfilm festival dedicated to all things crypto has also been hosted there.
In March, a Dutch court categorized Bitcoin as a “transferable value” after the court ruled in favor of a plaintiff who was owed 0.591 BTC.
In May, the government issued a report which considered cryptocurrency to be broadly “low risk” in relation to financial stability. However, soon after, the Netherlands Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) questioned whether entities dealing in cryptocurrency had conformed to licensing laws, due to the high risks being involved.
Tokyo, Japan
Coinmap shows that there are around 80 crypto-friendly businesses in Tokyo, one of the largest amounts on the planet. For instance, popular conveyor-belt sushi restaurant Numazuko accepts cryptocurrencies, as well as Hackers Bar which hosts live programming sessions, not to count a number of crypto ATMs.
Such openness in regard to cryptocurrencies comes as no surprise considering that Bitcoin and altcoins can be used as a legally-accepted means of payment in Japan. Local watchdogs regulate the industry via thorough AML and Know Your Customer (KYC) compliance checks, while the Japan’s self-regulatory crypto exchange body makes sure to cooperate with the state.
Berlin, Germany
Bitcoin’s popularity in Germany’s capital was highlighted by The Guardian in 2013, back when mainstream culture was dismissing the digital currency as solely a crypto-anarchic tool. In Berlin, Bitcoin can be used not only to drink and eat at local bars and restaurants (more than 50 within the city center area accept crypto), but for more sophisticated things as well — for instance, the European School of Management and Technology located in Berlin has been accepting BTC as a means of payment since December 2016.
Cryptocurrencies are not legal tender in Germany, but they have been recognized as ‘private money’ by the German Finance Ministry since 2013. Interestingly, according to the German Income Tax Act, if investors hold their assets (cryptos) for more than one year, their coins become fully tax exempt, making Germany extra attractive to hodlers.
Zug, Switzerland
While Zug may be not as well equipped for usual BTC-financed tourist activities as other cities on the list, it nonetheless represents a historical city for crypto enthusiasts. Proudly championing the title of “Crypto Valley,” Zug is home to numerous blockchain startups. Cryptocurrencies can be used for municipal-related activities, such as paying rent or even registering a company.
In Switzerland, “cryptocurrencies are neither money nor a foreign currency, nor a financial supply for goods and services tax (GST) purposes.” Its unclear legal status, however, does not prevent the government from experimenting with blockchain, like using the technology for municipal voting, for instance.
As soon as you get to Malta, head over to the Bitcoin & Auto Trader located in Qormi to claim your obligatory Lambo with your crypto savings — granted, assuming that you’ve got enough coins, obviously. After that, you can drive to a crypto-friendly sushi restaurant to celebrate the new purchase. While the local infrastructure for BTC use is still somewhat immature, the situation might change soon after more positive regulations are introduced — and there are reasons to suspect they are coming.
In March, the largest crypto exchange in the world, Binance, announced it was moving its headquarters to Malta. In response, Malta’s prime minister, Joseph Muscat, revealed the island’s plan to become the “global trailblazers in the regulation of blockchain-based businesses.”
On July 4, the local government passed three laws that allow companies to issue new cryptocurrencies and trade the existing ones. Most importantly, on that day, Malta became the first country in the world to provide a coherent regulatory framework in the field of blockchain. This week, it continued its path to become the ‘blockchain island,’ as the University of Malta announced a €300,000 blockchain and distributed ledger technology (DLT) scholarship fund in conjunction with the Malta Information Technology Agency (MITA).
San Francisco, U.S.
San Francisco boasts around 120 crypto-friendly venues, being an internationally-recognized hub for crypto evangelists. There’s the famous Crypto Castle, a mecca for crypto traders dreaming to multiply their investments and join the ranks of crypto millionaires, as well as numerous BTC-accepting businesses. In fact, San Francisco is so advanced in terms of crypto that even a local federal court accepts bail bonds paid in BTC.
Cryptocurrencies are still in an unclear regulatory zone in the U.S., despite being watched by various regulators like the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC), who define digital currencies depending on their purview. Nevertheless, the U.S. has been crafting a blueprint for crypto regulations, granting the rights to trade BTC futures and issuing a special trading license in New York.
Buenos Aires, Argentina
Buenos Aires has been unofficially named the capital of Bitcoin in Latin America. It boasts a surprising amount of crypto businesses — around 140, as per Coinmap — being up in the top three along San Francisco and Prague. According to a local crypto-related media outlet, Buenos Aires has a Bitcoin publishing house and a taxi service among businesses accepting BTC. Moreover, individual professionals like photographers, professors, designers, technicians and psychologists have reportedly been accepting crypto for their services there.
Bitcoin’s success in Argentina could be attributed to the inflation of the national currency and manipulated exchange rates — those economic problems led some citizens to decentralized currencies.
The governor of Argentina’s central bank was responsible for proposing the July 2018 deadline for regulatory proposals at the G20 summit in March — however, the date has been postponed until at least October.
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A shopping credit is a credit plan that allows consumers to buy on credit and pay back for the purchased products in broken down monthly instalments. Using a shopping credit plan for your shopping needs allows you to keep your cash for emergencies. Other than that, there are several advantages of using a good shopping credit plan. Let's take a look.
Shopping credit makes it possible for consumers to afford expensive products
Buying necessary items becomes financially stress free
You can shop even when you are cash strapped
Repayment terms are flexible so you can pay as per your financial capability
Great for sudden unexpected shopping expenses
The Courts Ready Finance is a great example of a good shopping credit solution in Barbados. It has benefits such as credit at cash prices, 24-hour credit approval, flexible repayment terms and premium coverage in case of a job loss, hospitalization and loss of item due to theft, fire or a natural disaster.
Make sure to choose a shopping credit that is designed keeping customer convenience in mind. Carefully go through your options and choose a credit plan that works best for you.
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claritypoolservice · 4 years
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
New Post has been published on https://lasvegascustomswimmingpooldesigncontractor.com/time-to-build-your-pool
Time to Build Your Swimming Pool!
The Heat of the Summer is Approaching – Time to Call Clarity Pool Service and Build Your Dream Swimming Pool
Okay, if you’re feeling the warmth of the sun all ready, you are a valid Las Vegas resident. Anyone who’s been here more than a couple of Summers will tell you it comes on quickly. Summer that is! It’s like one day you’re enjoying the cool Winter feeling air, and then all of a sudden, we’re dropped back into the heat of Summer. A time of the year that will have you sweating in areas of your body you didn’t even realize you could sweat in. If you can relate to that statement, it sounds like you are more than likely a veteran of Las Vegas. In other words, it gets hot here in our desert. Right about when you start wishing you lived in Colorado, your brain starts coming up with alternatives that don’t include you selling your home and lugging your family over to a new state to set up shop. The next thought is a custom swimming pool.
At Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada, we specialize in building traditional and custom swimming pools. There’s nothing we love more than designing and building beautiful pools and outdoor living environments that our clients enjoy every summer. It’s almost mandatory to have a pool here in our city. If you’re new to this fantastic town, then you’ll probably smile at that comment. But I’ wasn’t joking, sadly. At Clarity Pool Service, we strive to become the cure for the typical Las Vegas, Summer. From the preliminary on-site design consultation to the finished pool and outdoor living environment, we want to exceed your expectations where it concerns your plans to transform your dirt backyard into a desert oasis. Give Clarity a call today to speak with one of our pool design professionals. You can reach our office at (702) 839-9265, or you can visit our “New Pool Construction” page to learn more about how Clarity Pool Service would build your pool project. You can learn more and visit our past project photo gallery below.
Schedule a Swimming Pool Service Consultation with Clarity!
Whether you're exploring the idea of building a custom swimming pool, or you would like us to maintain your existing one. Clarity Pool Services has you covered! We specialize in custom pool design & construction as well as every maintenance service in between, and after pool construction. We're avid supporters of being water smart here in the Las Vegas, Valley, offering "no-drain" eco-friendly water treatments that restore the quality of your swimming pool water without having to drain, refill, and re-introduce traditional pool treatment chemicals. We have a better solution known as the PuriPool Water Treatment Process. We also offer pool restoration and our bead blasting service that will eliminate unsightly calcium scale and other hard water remnants. Schedule a consultation today with Clarity Pool Service of Las Vegas, Nevada!
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HFS Financial – Get Funding For Your Residential Swimming Pool Project
Do you need financing for your custom pool project? No problem, we’ve partnered with HFS Financial to help you receive the funding you need to build your dream pool and outdoor living project. Visit HFS now to start your application.
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thechasefiles · 3 years
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New court pay system coming The days of mothers lining up outside the law court for child support payments are coming to an end in Barbados, according to Chief Justice Sir Patterson Cheltenham. That’s all due to a Courtpay Programme which is part of a court case management system, introduced in the Magistrates’ Court back in June by International Narcotics and Legal (INL) through the National Centre for State Courts (NCSC), in partnership with the Barbados Judiciary. “Courtpay will allow us to finally have a more real-time handle of the court’s finances. The days of mothers lining up outside of a court for an elusive maintenance payment are coming to an end. “Courtpay will allow them to go to their ATM after receiving a text message or to use a prepaid card to collect their payments. It will also be a direct benefit to court officers in monitoring and enforcing the payment of fines,” Sir Patterson announced during the virtual opening of the legal year 2021-2022 of the Barbados Supreme Court on Monday. The Chief Justice explained that the Magistrates’ Court has traditionally been the forgotten relative but this new initiative – the court case management system – will see the computerizing of the processes in the Magistrates’ Court providing real-time data and linking all of the courts across a ready and active platform. He explained that two programmers have already been hired by NCSC to build the programmes for the judiciary and a number of committees have already been formed to redesign and advise on all processes undertaken in the Magistrates’ Court. Read the rest of the article in the comment section below 👇🏾 https://www.instagram.com/p/CU7dZ8JANDtc06XUEJJBqmFLZ72eEicS38F_300/?utm_medium=tumblr
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While shopping is both fun and also a necessity, it can at times become an expensive affair. For instance, your furniture gives up and needs an urgent replacement. Or, you accidentally drop your smartphone and break it. Now these items aren't exactly cheap. They cost a considerable amount and are not affordable to many. To make them affordable, make use of a good shopping credit solution.
A good shopping credit solution will ensure that the credit you require to access these items is approved quickly and the repayment terms are simple and hassle-free. A good example of such a credit plan for shopping in Barbados is Courts Ready Finance. With Courts Ready Finance, shoppers can enjoy credit at cash prices, 24-hour approval, flexible repayment period between 3 and 36 months and even premium coverage in case of job loss or theft of the item purchased under the credit plan. Choose a shopping credit plan that makes shopping fun for you by reducing the financial burden that comes with shopping. Good luck!
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thechasefiles · 4 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 22/4/2020
Good Morning #realdreamchasers! Here is your daily news cap for Wednesday 22nd  April, 2020. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Midweek Nation Newspaper (MWN).
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ABRAHAMS: PEOPLE NOT PAYING THEIR WATER BILLS – The COVID-19 pandemic is causing revenue at the Barbados Water Authority (BWA) to leak by as much as 25 per cent, primarily because more people are not paying their bills. This was revealed yesterday by Minister Water Resources Wilfred Abrahams, who was a guest on Starcom Network’s Down To Brass Tacks programme along with BWA general manager Keithroy Halliday. “Our financial position, as tenuous as it was, has become worse. The reality is that a lot of people are not paying their water bills at this point in time. The take for the Barbados Water Authority on the bill has dropped to, I think, about 25 per cent of what it is supposed to be,” the minister said. Abrahams said they had operated in good faith and assured people their service would not be disconnected amidst the coronavirus crisis, but he wanted Barbadians to use their conscience. (MWN)
PAY YOUR WATER BILL – As Barbados faces its worst drought in decades, Minister of Water Resources Wilfred Abraham revealed the state-owned water authority was battling its own lack of flowing funds. He warned that revenue at the Barbados Water Authority was fast drying up as Barbadians failed to pay their bills. Speaking on Voice of Barbados’ Down to Brass Tacks, Abrahams, addressing complaints about persistent water outages in rural parishes caught in the grip of an ongoing drought, said the state-owned utility has taken a double-digit knock to its already weak finances in recent weeks. “Our financial position as tenuous as it was has become worse,” he said. “The reality is that a lot of people are not paying their water bills at this time. So the take for the Barbados Water Authority on the bills has dropped to I think 25 per cent of what it is supposed to be.” He argued that just as the BWA determined not to disconnect people during the COVID crisis, consumers should not put their bill payments on the back burner. Abrahams told the programme: “I am just going to ask people to use their conscience a little bit. The fact that we are not going to disconnect you for health reasons does not absolve you from paying your water bill because at the end of the day you are not just going to continue racking up arrears against you but in the interim, you are starving the water authority, or the water authority is being starved of money it needs to do basic things to make the system work properly.” He warned that the problem went further than BWA, saying the Government was stretched because no money was “coming into the Government’s coffers”. He declared: “Land tax is not being paid, VAT [Value Added Tax]  is not being paid, business has ground to halt in Barbados, so people are not able to pay their statutory obligations in Barbados. So the Ministry of Finance is catching  itself to even find money to run the country so it just not a good situation for us to be in.” The Minister responsible for the BWA noted that the authority was almost at the point of getting to the bottom of what he termed “dangerous debt” levels discovered in 2018 but has now suffered a setback and as a result, a number of critical programmes would be on hold. He cited the proposed $14. 8 million Vineyard project that is expected to provide relief to the water-scarce parishes of St John and St Joseph through the redistribution of water from Vineyard, St Philip to the Golden Ridge/Bowmanston system. Abrahams: “We were scheduled to be starting all of these things… when the COVID issues descended upon us.  We have the bulk of the pipes for Vineyard project so we had started the process, we have located where we are going to put the reservoir in Stewart Hill, we have specs for everything that needs to be done for it, we were sourcing the financing for it, we were investigating loans, we had people, that we were looking to get the financing from, but the reality now is that with the decreased revenues of the Barbados Water Authority, occasioned by people not paying their water bills we cannot speak to a financier and we cannot prove to them a guaranteed source of income for the next 12 months. Our income now is at its worse for I don’t even know how long.” Abrahams said the BWA would now have to turn back to the Government to find the money to complete the project, noting that Prime Minister Mia Mottley and Minister of Finance Ryan Straughn have been trying to source funding. (BT)
BRA TO OPEN TWO OFFICES –The Barbados Revenue Authority (BRA) will reopen the Weymouth Corporate Centre and Warrens Towers II locations in St Michael to facilitate limited transactions from Wednesday, April 22. A press release said this is to further enable payments in relation to PAYE, VAT and income tax during the period of the curfew. The offices will open from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. and will follow the recommended physical distancing protocols. Payments for licensing transactions remain suspended during the curfew period, according to the statement. (BGIS)
MINISTRY READY FOR E-LEARNING - Online teaching has started at all tertiary institutions and most private schools. A statement from the Ministry of Education, Technological and Vocational Training (METVT) said this follows consultations last week with substantive Minister of Education Santia Bradshaw and ministry officials, principals of all public and private schools, and unions representing teachers and principals. From April 20 to 24, all public schools will be preparing to roll out online teaching using the Google G Suite for Education platform. The statement said this platform may be accessed from any PC, laptop, tablet or smart mobile device. The ministry emphasised the importance of education during the curfew period and is working with providers and suppliers to ensure every child has Internet access and devices to utilise the new elearning platform. Radio and television will be utilised in the interim to provide educational content to ensure that students are not disadvantaged.   Further assistnce can be accessed by calling the ministry’s helpdesk at 535-0798, between 8:15 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Additional information may be found on the ministry’s website www.mes.gov.bb. The ministry advised those schools and teachers who are ready to engage with their students using the Google G Suite Classroom that they may do so, but no new concepts are to be taught. These new measures are being implemented after schools were closed last term to limit spread of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). (BGIS)
NOT YET IN THE CLEAR – It would be unwise of Government to ease the current restrictions despite Barbados not recording a positive test for coronavirus in the past six days, COVID-19 Czar Richard Carter has declared. He is adamant that as long as there are still live cases of the respiratory illness on the island it means we are still under threat. In an interview with Barbados TODAY, Carter said while the string of negative tests was a positive sign he was still very concerned that 45 people were still infected. Carter said: “I will say, however, that six days without cases, while it is encouraging it does not matter really as much as the fact that we currently still have over 40 live cases in Barbados that we are managing. As long as you have live cases in your country you have an epidemic that is going on.… One case is all it takes to spark a spike. “There can be no immediate contemplation or consideration of lifting restrictions right now. We have to continue to be on our guard and it will be far too early to be talking about the relaxation of the restrictions. One live case means that you have to be considering and dealing and trying to get to zero. Essentially that is our goal, to get to zero cases in Barbados. “We don’t know how many or whether there are other cases that have not been diagnosed within the community. We are trying our best through the contact tracing and through the surveillance that we are undertaking to detect and identify whether there are any cases but we can never be 100 per cent sure outside of testing every single person.” Carter stressed that over 2.5 million diagnosed cases of COVID-19 worldwide started with one case. But he pointed out that public health officials in Barbados would be the ones responsible for advising Government on whether those restrictions ought to be lifted. “So the public health officials will advise the Government when it is appropriate to lift any restrictions that have been put in place. “In all of this we have been following the advice of the public health officials in Barbados and they have advised the Government in relation to when it is necessary to impose restrictions and they will guide the Government as to when it is appropriate to lift them,” the Czar noted. Minister of Health Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic announced yesterday that having acquired 2,800 swabs and 27,000 testing kits, health authorities are moving to ramp up COVID-19 testing. He also warned that Barbados was not yet out in the clear. “I want to reiterate that although this is indeed very encouraging for all of us it is not a sign that we are out of the woods. We must not drop our guard. We must not drop the level of defense that we are putting up against this enemy,” Lt. Col. Bostic said. (BT)
DOC: CAUTIOUS CHANGES TO COME – Barbados is preparing to launch new protocols should the island continue to record no new COVID-19 infections, says Acting Chief Medical Officer Dr Kenneth George. However, although there have been no new infections for the sixth straight day, he advised caution. “We are not going to be rash, even with small incremental changes or with things like opening up businesses and allowing construction. We have been told to let the science guide us, so that’s what we’re doing. We have agreed two weeks – the full incubation period for this disease – with no new cases, will be the trigger for something new. “As we get more information and if things trend downwards, we will have a systematic approach, but countries should not rush to reverse a lot of the changes. It is going to be incremental. . ” (MWN)
PAHO GIVES MORE KITS FOR COVID FIGHT - The Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) has boosted Barbados’ COVID-19 testing capabilities with a donation of 11,000 testing kits. Accepting the kits and 782 Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) packages from PAHO/WHO Representative for Barbados and Eastern Caribbean Dr Yitades Gebre, Minister of Health and Wellness Col Lt Jeffrey Bostic said the donation is timely for use in the country’s island-wide testing programme scheduled to begin soon. Speaking during the handing over ceremony at PAHO’s Dayrells Road, Christ Church headquarters this afternoon, Bostic revealed that health authorities were now in possession of 38 000 testing kits and noted that that number is expected to be increased soon. “We are on top of it in containing it and we need to really expand our testing. This is exactly what we are going to be doing in a day or two. We are going to be expanding the testing and establishing testing centres so that we can get back to as normal a state as early as possible without compromising public health,” Bostic said. Minister of Health and Wellness Lieutenant Colonel Jeffrey Bostic receives the donation of kits and equipment from PAHO/WHO Representative to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean Dr Yitades Gebre during a handover at PAHO Headquarters today. (BGIS) Chief Medical Officer Dr Kenneth George who also attended the ceremony, stated that while recovered COVID-19 patients are being released and there has been no evidence of re-infection, the authorities are monitoring this particular aspect of the pandemic closely since it has been happening in other countries. “It is something that we will continue to monitor. As the Minister said we have been given a mandate from the Prime Minister [Mia Amor Mottley] to scale up our testing. Today is day six without any new cases and the Ministry of Health has always had the approach to be extremely transparent. “And we would like to make sure that there is no in-country transmission and the only way we are going to do that with some confidence is if we scale up our testing. “So what we have told general practitioners in Barbados is that persons even without a travel history presenting with respiratory illness we are willing to test. We have placed special emphasis on frontline workers and particularly the elderly,” Dr George said. Minister Bostic thanked PAHO for its assistance in the COVID-19 fight. He said Barbados has been following PAHO and WHO’s guidelines and protocols to contain the spread of the virus. Meanwhile, Dr Gebre praised Barbados’ handling of the pandemic and noted that many countries could benefit from copying the model. He said PAHO is pleased to continue to provide the country with technical and administrative support to ensure that lives are saved and the negative impact on society is kept at a minimum. Dr Gebre said it was encouraging to note that most countries in the region were managing the pandemic well, with there being no signs of community spread and some nations reporting no COVID-19 related deaths. “No country at this point has shown that they are overwhelmed with the number of cases. All of them are doing extremely well in terms of containing. There is no community transmission in the Caribbean,” Dr Gebre said. When asked whether the United States of America’s (USA) threat to halt its funding to the WHO over the organisation’s handling of COVID-19, Dr Gebre said that the US was committed to helping WHO’s work in developing countries in need of the assistance during the pandemic. “During this pandemic the United States government has provided resources to support other countries. In our region, USAID provided $100 000 for Barbados and then for each of those countries in the range of $60 000 to $70 000 for the next three months. So we have received half a million dollars from the United States government in our region to provide technical support. Continuously that kind of support is needed,” Dr Gebre said. (BT)
PAHO DIRECTOR: INCREASED VIRUS TESTING CRITICAL – The director of the Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO), Dr Carissa F. Etienne, on April 21 called for accelerated and expanded testing for the coronavirus (COVID-19) in countries of the Americas, including the Caribbean.  “We need a clearer view of where the virus is circulating and how many people have been infected in order to guide our actions,” said Etienne during a virtual press briefing.  “The pandemic continues to impact our region, and it’s vital for all countries to actively embrace preventive measures, while preparing for more cases, hospitalisations and deaths,” she added.  As of April 20, there have been 839 119 confirmed cases of COVID-19 and 42 686 people have died in the Region of the Americas. The PAHO director said that countries have been prepared to test and detect cases of COVID-19 since before the pandemic was declared.  Since February, PAHO said it had trained and equipped laboratories for PCR testing in more than 30 countries. But, as cases have increased, Etienne said countries have found it increasingly difficult to keep up.  She highlighted PAHO’s recommendations for countries to expand their capacity and use all available national laboratories; to prioritise patients with symptoms, tracing contacts and following up with those that may be infected; and to ensure access for all so testing would be free of charge for patients. PAHO said it has provided more than 500 000 PCR tests to 34 countries and territories, “and we have worked with other countries to track and support their capacity”, said Etienne. An additional 1.5 million PCR tests are being dispatched throughout the region this week, “followed by another 3 million next week to strengthen laboratory surveillance networks in our member states”, she highlighted. “To address the market shortage, we are working with leading manufacturers to make these tests available through the PAHO Strategic Fund,” Etienne said. “Twelve countries are now using this mechanism to purchase quality commercial PCR-based tests.  “As we negotiate other options, we are considering tests that run on both open and on so-called closed platforms, to maximise each country’s ability to test,” she added.  To help ensure countries procure reliable products, Etienne said PAHO is providing guidance to regulatory and health authorities, and is calling on manufacturers “to work closely with us so that we can ensure equitable access to new quality tests, as they reach the market so all our countries can benefit from innovations”. Global access to medicines, vaccines, and medical equipment to respond to COVID 19 “should not be a privilege of certain countries or communities”, she said. “Our collective goal must be to ensure that access to the testing, treatment, vaccines and other technologies is available to all based on needs.” (CMC)
UN URGES ACTION TO AVOID “BIBLICAL FAMINE” – The world is at risk of widespread famines "of biblical proportions" caused by the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the United Nations has warned. David Beasley, head of the World Food Programme (WFP), said urgent action was needed to avoid a catastrophe. A report estimates that the number suffering from hunger could go from 135 million to more than 250 million. Those most at risk are in ten countries affected by conflict, economic crisis and climate change, the WFP says. The fourth annual Global Report on Food Crises highlights Yemen, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Sudan, Syria, Nigeria and Haiti. In South Sudan, 61 per cent of the population was affected by food crisis last year, the report says. Even before the pandemic hit, parts of East Africa and South Asia were already facing severe food shortages caused by drought and the worst locust infestations for decades.  Addressing the UN Security Council during a video conference, Beasley said the world had to "act wisely and act fast". "We could be facing multiple famines of biblical proportions within a short few months," he said. "The truth is we do not have time on our side." In a call to action, he added: "I do believe that with our expertise and our partnerships, we can bring together the teams and the programmes necessary to make certain the Covid-19 pandemic does not become a human and food crisis catastrophe." (BBC)
T&T STUDENTS AT CAVE HILL PLEAD FOR A RESPONSE FROM AUTHORITIES IN PORT OF SPAIN – More than a dozen Trinidad and Tobago nationals who are studying at the University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus are today expressing concern that their cries for help from authorities in their homeland are falling on deaf ears. Speaking on the behalf of her peers, final year law student Shantal Seecharan told Barbados TODAY that most of them, ranging from ages of 20 to 25, were “barely getting by” because they have already run out of funds and were now rationing food supplies. She said they missed the deadline for flying home before Trinidad and Tobago closed its borders towards the end of March, and repeated efforts to get help from authorities there have been unsuccessful. “The reason why most of us missed the deadline to go back home is because we didn’t have the funds to just purchase a ticket at that point and leave,” she said. “In terms of the supplies that we have they are currently running out. Some organisations and people in Trinidad are trying to help us but for the past week it has been very hard to get supplies to us so we have been trying to make arrangements so we would be able to get some groceries. Everything is limited right now so we all have to ration,” said Seecharan. She explained: “In terms of rent, I know some other students, right now their rents are paid for April, but they don’t know what will happen after April. We suppose the landlords will not kick them out because of the moratorium but we know that is not law.” Teaching will end this week, but the students still have a number of assignments due, and they are preparing for assessments, which are to take place between May 11 and June 12. However, speaking on behalf of the 13 students, Seecharan said faced with “extreme sadness” because they were unable to be with their loved ones at this time, the situation has been compounded by the stresses of preparing for assessments. She said she was not aware that any of the students wanted to withdraw from their studies or drop out, adding that they were doing their best to “power through” and stay positive. “Some students have told me that their mental health has taken a significant hit, that they are extremely demotivated to continue their studies and to finish their assignments on time. Some of them sleep all day and stay up all night or they are not sleeping and not eating,” she said. However, she added: “We are all supporting each other because some of us have bad days. Sometimes we want to give up, but we are there for each other and we are remaining strong. We plan to continue to power through and remain hopeful that our government will answer our call.” While the majority of them are final year law students, others are studying medicine and social sciences. She said the students were overly concerned about their families back home, adding that several of them had family members who were now out of a job. “Some parents are both essential workers. One student is very concerned that something could happen to one of her parents and she has a younger brother who she would need to be there for if that were to happen,” she said. “Then we have situations where both parents are non-essential workers and unfortunately, they have lost their jobs and have no income. We also have people from single-parent households . . . and they are living from pay cheque to pay cheque,” she said. Seecharan explained that most of the students have already received welfare assistance from the university in the past year. The last time they tried to contact officials in their homeland was on Sunday. “We have been sending in our applications for the special exemption to our minister of national security (Stuart Young). But those emails and calls have gone unanswered. However, on Sunday we decided to ban together and put all our information in one document, and we sent it Sunday,” she said.  Seecharan said she was pleading with authorities in Trinidad. “Please, answer our calls, please give us a response and tell us you are beginning the process for us. Tell us what plans, what arrangements are being made for us. “So far we are not hearing anything and we just want some level of response, some level of reassurance. Something more than just being told ‘stay put’. We want our cries for help to be heard,” she cried. She told Barbados TODAY that the group has also been in touch with local authorities, seeking help to start the process for them to go back to Trinidad and Tobago. A part of that would include getting tested for the coronavirus in Bridgetown. She said local officials have been responding to their emails and things were looking positive. Seecharan explained that while the group of students was told by the group of 33 seniors that they could be accommodated on their flight that was scheduled to leave Bridgetown on Tuesday for Port of Spain, they were unable to make it because they did not get clearance from Trinidad officials and they have not yet been tested by local medical officials. Seecharan said the lawyers who acted on behalf of the seniors had agreed to help the students in their quest. (BT)
TRINIDADIAN’S FLYING HOME - THE 33 stranded Trinidadians should be back home today, despite a short delay. After a Pan American Health Organisation (PAHO) donation of 11 000 testing kits and 782 pieces of personal protection equipment to the Ministry of Health, Minister Jeffrey Bostic spoke about the situation concerning the Trinidadians. The presentation of equipment was made at PAHO's office, Dayrells Road and Navy Gardens, Christ Church. “There are two chartered flights, I believe, which are scheduled to take them back to Trinidad today. We are doing the tests and we will send the results to Trinidad but that is not going to stop them from making the flights this afternoon. They will be tested, they will fly and we will pass the information to the authorities in Trinidad as soon as we have the results,” Bostic said. The Trinidadians were at Grantley Adams International Airport this morning with the first group waiting to board their flight, when they were informed of the delay. Nation News was told that the Trinidad Government had requested medical testing before the group left Barbados. The 33 were taken to Paragon to be tested. The Trinidadians had been quarantined at Sugarcane Club in St Peter and stayed there even after the quarantine period. Bernie Weatherhead, owner of Sugarcane Club, was at the airport to see them off. The Trinidadians had arrived on a flight from England last month after completing a cruise vacation that had started in Dubai. However, they were left here after Trinidad closed its borders as a response to novel coronavirus (COVID-19). (MWN)
TRUMP TO IMPOSE 60 DAY IMMIGRATION BAN – United States President Donald Trump said on Tuesday his new US immigration ban would last 60 days and apply to those seeking “green cards” for permanent residency in an effort to protect Americans seeking to regain jobs lost because of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Trump plans to institute the ban through an executive order, which he said he was likely to sign on April 22. He said it would not apply to individuals entering the United States on a temporary basis and would be re-evaluated once the 60-day period had passed. Trump said that pausing immigration would put “unemployed Americans first in line for jobs” as the country re-opened. “It would be wrong and unjust for Americans laid off by the virus to be replaced with new immigrant labour flown in from abroad. We must first take care of the American worker,” he told reporters at the White House. Trump said there would be some exemptions in the order and he could renew it for another 60 days or longer. The president, a Republican, won the White House in 2016 in part on a promise to crack down on immigration. Critics saw his announcement as a move to take advantage of a crisis to implement a long-sought policy goal. The order could spark legal action. A senior administration official said the administration was looking at a separate action to cover others affected by US immigration policy, including those on so-called H-1B visas. Trump confirmed that a secondary order was under consideration. The first order would include exemptions for people involved in responding to the coronavirus outbreak, including farm workers and those helping to secure US food supplies, the official said. As the country begins to open up its economy, immigration flows were expected to increase, and the administration wanted to ensure that employers hire back fired workers rather than giving jobs to immigrants at lower wages. The US Department of State issued roughly 462 000 immigrant visas in fiscal year 2019, which began on October 1, 2018. The visas allow an immigrant to obtain lawful permanent resident status, informally known as a green card. The status allows a person to live and work in the United States and apply for citizenship after a five-year period. Critics viewed Trump’s new policy as an effort to distract from his response to the pandemic. “I think this is a malevolent distraction,” said Neera Tanden, president of the Center for American Progress, a left-leaning policy institute in Washington. Giovanni Peri, an economics professor at the University of California, Davis, said researchers generally agree that immigration into the United States has stimulated economic growth, increased the size of the economy, and created jobs. “The idea that immigration threatens American jobs is just not there in any data,” he said. (Reuters)
GUYANA TO RELAX MEASURES FOR CARICOM TEAM – The National COVID-19 Task Force (NCTF) says it has agreed to relax the stringent measures for people entering Guyana so as to allow officials of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) team to participate in the recount of ballots in the March 2 regional and general election. In a statement issued here on Monday night, the NCTF said that it had agreed for the CARICOM officials to undergo the reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests for coronavirus (COVID-19) instead of being subjected to 14 days of quarantine. The NCTF had earlier decided that people who arrived here during the lockdown period as a result of the country’s efforts to stem the spread of the coronavirus would have faced a 14-day quarantine. But the decision came in for criticism from some Commissioners of the Guyana Elections Commission (GECOM) and some of the political parties that had contested the disputed elections. But following the intervention of President David Granger, the NCTF said the mandatory quarantine for 14 days will no longer be applicable. Prime Minister Moses Nagamootoo, who heads the COVID-19 Task Force, has written to the GECOM chairperson, retired justice Claudette Singh and the CARICOM Secretary-General, Irwin LaRocque informing them of the decisions of the NCTF. Nagamootoo had on Sunday indicated that the Task Force had decided that the recount must be conducted within the COVID-19 curfew hours, and that international observers coming to the country must submit themselves to a 14-day quarantine at a government-run institution. But these decisions were reversed on Monday. LaRocque had earlier written to Granger urging that medical examinations for members of the delegation to be done in their countries of origin before their arrival in Guyana. In the statement, NCTF said “the CARICOM officials identified to participate in the recount of ballots be permitted to undergo WHO-approved reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) tests for COVID-19 in their respective home countries prior to arrival in Guyana, and they will be permitted entry on the basis that such test results are negative”. The Task Force said if any official is unable to have such a test conducted in their home country, that upon their arrival in Guyana, the Ministry of Public Health will facilitate the test here on condition that the official self-quarantines for a maximum of 48 hours while the test results are being ascertained. As such, quarantining of the incoming officials for the mandatory period of 14 days will not be applicable upon compliance with either of the established requirements. “Having been reviewed, and the interest of public health safety being considered, the NCTF accordingly varied the decision taken previously on this issue,” the statement added. (CMC)
INSURER GENERAL ACCIDENTS ENTERS BARBADOS MARKET – A Jamaica-based general insurance company with an operation in Trinidad is set to enter the Barbadian market following regulatory approval here, the firm said. General Accident Insurance Company (Barbados) Limited, a subsidiary of General Accident Insurance Company Jamaica Limited, which hold an 80 per cent stake, has been licensed by the Financial Services Commission to operate as a registered Class 2 insurer. A Barbadian consortium, BCDL Holdings Limited, whose shareholders include current and former executives of Williams Industries and Williams Caribbean Capital, owns the remaining 20 per cent of General Accident Barbados.    The company’s Chairman P.B. Scott said: “The decision to enter the Barbados market reflects the long-term confidence we have in the economy and people of Barbados. It is also consistent with our strategy of expanding General Accident’s reach across the English-speaking Caribbean. “With the announcement, General Accident will now be present in Jamaica, Trinidad and Barbados. We look forward to combining General Accident’s brand, expertise and financial strength with BCDL’s extensive local relationships in Barbados.” Sharon Donaldson, General Accident’s Managing Director said: “We will be providing more details about our official launch date and reaching out to brokers, policyholders and other stakeholders shortly.”(BT)
MAN SHOT IN PATIO – A St Philip man is in stable condition after being shot on April 21. Police public relations officer Acting Inspector Rodney Inniss said Wayne Harewood, 52, of Duncans, St Philip, was sitting in his patio when four men approached and a number of shots were discharged. He received an injury to the chest and two others to the left side of the head. Harewood was transported to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital by private car and was reported to be in stable condition after undergoing emergency surgery. Officers from District C Police Station responded to the incident which occurred about 8:15 p.m. Investigations are ongoing. (MWN)
THREE ON SERIOUS BODILY HARM CHARGE – Two tree trimmers and a soldier were today granted $9,000 bail each on a joint criminal charge. They are 48-year-old Rene Orlando Pilgrim and 24-year-old Raheem Akeem Grimes both, of 5th Avenue North Lowlands Drive, Friendship Terrace, St Michael and 25-year-old soldier Kyle Akeem Hutson, of Ruth Road, Ellerton, St George. They are accused of causing serious bodily harm to Ryan Gittens of April 17 with intent to maim, disfigure or disable him. They were not required to plead to the indictable charge when the matter was called before Magistrate Alison Burke this afternoon in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court. Grimes is charged separately with wounding Theirry Gittens on the same date. That charge is also indictable and he got an additional $8,000 bail on the charge. There was no objection to bail from Station Sergeant Glenda Carter-Nicholls and the three accused left the court after their sureties were accepted The tree trimmers – Grimes and Pilgrim are represented by attorney-at-law Dwight Moseley while Hutson, the soldier, has Angella Mitchell-Gittens was his legal counsel. They will next appear in court on September 14. (BT)
ALLEGED ARSONIST REMANDED – An alleged arsonist has been remanded to prison until May 19. Christopher Stephen Licorish, of no fixed place of abode, appeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court today accused of destroying the home of Eugene Licorish and that of Reginald Seifert by fire on April 14. The accused could not plead to the charges in the magistrates’ court as they are indictable. Magistrate Alison Burke , sitting at the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court explained the concept of indictable cases to Licorish who responded: “I sorry it happened ma’am”. The court then explained again why he could not plead to the offence at this time. Station Sergeant Glenda Carter-Nicholls objected to bail on the grounds that the accused has no fixed place of abode and it would be difficult for police to locate him if he absconds. The prosecutor also pointed to the seriousness of the offences and the likelihood that the accused could re-offend if granted bail. In his application Licorish asked to be granted bail so he could go to the Psychiatric Hospital “to get some work”. He continued: “I could save and pay the person for the house.” His application was denied. (BT)
THIEF PICKS PRISON STAY – Scaling the walls of another man’s residence twice in a bid to steal limes during the Covid-19 curfew has landed a 45-year-old man in jail for the next six months. Tony Ricardo Harris, of Lower Carters Gap, Enterprise, Christ Church pleaded guilty to loitering on Davison Hunte’s premises on April 19 in a bid to commit theft. He also admitted to being outdoors at No 16 Oleander Drive, Enterprise Christ Church, on the same day around 3:30 p.m. without a reasonable explanation when a national emergency directive had been given to people to remain indoors. According to Station Sergeant Glenda Carter-Nicholls the complainant was at home when he observed Harris who he knew from frequenting the area, in his backyard picking limes. He shouted at him and Harris ran and climbed over the wall. However, he did not stay away for long and returned a second time and he again rushed over the wall when the homeowner saw him. He was chased by neighbours but made his escape into the sea. Police later apprehended him. “I went and pick de man limes,” Harris, who is known to the court, told lawmen when he was detained. He appeared in the District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court today. When Magistrate Alison Burke asked him whether he had anything to say in his defence Harris replied: “No ma’am.” He however admitted that he knew what was taking place in the country. “Yes ma’am Covid-19,” he said. The magistrate queried his reason for being outside if he knew the situation, Harris responded: “I was trying to use two limes.” He then told the magistrate that he lived in an abandoned house. The magistrate sentenced him to six months in prison on each charge which will run concurrently. (BT)
JONES FLOORED BY FUNDING WOES –Long before the coronavirus pandemic brought sports around the world to a halt, elite boxer Ajayi Jones experienced a blow due to lack of funding. The 23-year-old 2015 Caribbean Boxing Championships gold medallist was hoping to attend the Olympic Qualifiers in Buenos Aires, Argentina originally set for March 26 to April 3. “I was preparing for the Olympic [Qualifiers] in Argentina but I was not selected to go because of lack of funding. I had the Olympic dream for about two years and when I heard I wasn’t going it shattered me. It almost made me not want to compete for the rest of the year,” he told MIDWEEK SPORT. (MWN)
MALONEY 2ND IN FIRST ESPORTS RACE – British F4 champion Zane Maloney got the better of a midfield battle and grabbed second place in the opening round of the Kokoro Performance iRacing series last Friday at the Circuit de Barcelona. Starting from grid position four, Maloney found himself in a midfield battle and defended second place in the race in which competitors used iRacing’s Dallara F3 cars with a fixed set-up provided by the organisers, and a reverse grid format for close competition throughout the field. The top four remained a closely knit bunch separated by a little more than a second separating winner Dion Gowda, Maloney, Kai Askey and James Pull as they raced over the finish line. (MWN)
PLAN TO HELP ARTISTES AS NIGHTLIFE VANISHES –The disappearance of the entertainment scene as Barbados fights the COVID-19 pandemic has left artistes singing the blues. With the island in curfew mode for almost a month, the closure of hotels and entertainment spots across the island, and the recent announcement that the 2020 Crop Over festival has been cancelled, the Barbados Association of Calypsonians and Artistes (BACA) is now working on a plan to help its members survive the slump. BACA President Sean Apache Carter said in a statement that the current events have presented the association with both a challenge and an opportunity to step up and show its worth through the proposition of revenue-earning initiatives, should the climate allow in the light of COVID-19 and the expected cancellations. Carter said: “These proposals will not only prove beneficial to our members but to the entire music fraternity. We have had cordial meetings with both the Minister Hon. John King and Chief Executive Officer of the National Cultural Foundation (NCF) Carol Roberts-Reifer, prior to the arrival of this pandemic and our position remains the same.” The BACA president noted that as the plans advance, the association eagerly anticipates working with both entities where possible for the benefit of all. He said  BACA also looks forward to the stakeholders’ consultations announced by Cabinet to allow for viable solutions. With Crop Over’s cancellation, many soca and bashment artistes will be more significantly affected than calypsonians as they would normally perform at numerous fetes, limes and band launches, and tours normally scheduled for the summer have been cancelled, Carter said. He indicated that until there is a return to some sense of normalcy, or what may become the “new normal”, all entertainers who may have been anticipating the prospects of the Crop Over Festival being postponed in order to mediate the fallout mentioned above, now find themselves in a dire position. Carter further explained that the Soca Monarch and Pic-O-De-Crop competitions undoubtedly provide the biggest payday relative to an individual performance for many artistes. He said this will also have a severe impact on the many dancers from various dance troops who enhance overall performances and presentations in the competitions. He said he also believes that soca artistes will be significantly impacted by the lack of private events associated with Crop Over as generally, only the top three competitors ever walk away with a profit in any given competition. Carter told Barbados TODAY: “We represent a wide cross-section of artistes so our members are impacted at varying levels. One individual has found himself unemployed for the first time in 35 years and having paid NIS doesn’t help him at this time as there is no unemployment for self-employed persons. “A few others have communicated that they are not sure how they will pay their rent at the end of the month or even be able to buy food when the current stock runs out. These are indeed unprecedented times. The entertainment community has been hard hit by the impact of COVID-19. This is three or four weeks many have not worked and don’t know when or where the next job will be.” Carter noted that members who are part-time entertainers and have not been heavily affected by the pandemic are considering to record and release songs during this period of uncertainty. (BT)
The world is facing the rapid spread of the Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic. As we continue to do our part in Barbados please remember to stay home but on the days you have to go out wear your masks, practice social distancing (stand 6-10 feet away from each other), practice good daily hygiene, eat healthy, exercise and keep your mind active. There are 254 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell #coronavirusinbarbados #nationalresponse #dailynews #thechasefilesblog
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 29/10/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Tuesday, October 29th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Government Information Service (BGIS), Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Daily Nation Newspaper (DN).
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DEPEIZA ALARMED BY QEH APPOINTMENT – Democratic Labour Party (DLP) president Verla De Peiza says she is alarmed by the recent appointment of an executive chairman of the Queen Elizabeth Hospital (QEH), deeming the process undemocratic. She said that putting Juliette Bynoe-Sutherland into the “as yet unfounded position of executive chair” was not just an issue of nepotism and optics, as she was the wife of a minister of Government, but went to the heart of the process. “This has more to do with the circumstances of the purported appointment. To date, no such position exists. Her ‘appointment’ was announced on the floor of the House [of Assembly] at the very same time that the amendment to the legislation to make it legal was being debated. (DN)
A BISHOP’S WORD – Opposition Leader Bishop Joseph Atherley says he never expected to be in Prime Minister Mia Mottley’s Cabinet. Setting the record straight, “once and for all”, the Member of Parliament for St Michael West knocked down suggestions from Prime Minister Mottley over the weekend that his motivation for severing ties with the BLP, was linked to her decision not to give him a ministry to run. “I did not leave the Barbados Labour Party and go into Opposition because I did not get a post in Miss Mottley’s Cabinet. I have said it before and it bears repeating, that was not my motivation for going over to the other side. In fact, I never expected to be appointed to Miss Mottley’s Cabinet,” said Atherley. Furthermore, Atherley has categorically dismissed the notion that he took on the Opposition challenge in the House of Assembly with the formation of the People’s Party for Democracy and Development (PdP) simply to gain access to the $300,000 subvention. Delivering the feature remarks on day one of the BLP’s annual conference over the weekend, Mottley said: “I can’t say, but I know it is my judgement and not nobody else’s, you can decide what you want to believe, but it is my judgement that Joe Atherley is where he is today because I did not offer him a position in the Cabinet of Barbados. He wants straight talk, so let us get to straight talk. “But I go further, that there would be no PdP if there was not the belief on some people’s part in the precincts of Parliament that they could go and share in a subvention for political parties.” However, in a staunch defence of his decision to cross the floor, Atherley revealed that he had never entertained any expectation of a Cabinet post and would have conveyed as much to his constituents and supporters long before the May 2018 election. “Those who worked with me in my election campaign can tell you that repeatedly during the course of the election campaign, I would have said to them, ‘if any of you is in here because you all believe that if the BLP wins the election that I am going to be a Cabinet Minister and in a position to help you, then you need to disabuse yourself of that thinking because I do not expect to be in Miss Mottley’s Cabinet’. So if that was my spirit before the election then there is no way that not having a Cabinet post would have caused me to leave the BLP,” he stressed. The Opposition Leader went on to challenge Mottley to state whether the topic of a Cabinet position ever entered the discourse, when he  informed her of his decision to leave the party. “In nothing which I said to the Prime Minister in terms of crossing the floor, did I ever raise any issue with respect to any Cabinet position. I never gave so much as a hint that would suggest that I wanted a Cabinet position,” he said. It was with this same vigour that Atherley defended the decision to form the PDP, noting that at no stage did the thought of accessing taxpayer financing, factor into the equation. “The formation of the PdP has nothing to do with any subvention. The formation of the PDP results from my sense that I can present a better opposition to the now Government in the interest of the people of Barbados, if I could find people of like mind and of like interest, who would come together and give Barbados a credible legitimate alternative to the now Government. The formation of the PdP helps me as the singular member of the Opposition side,” he contended. Although he noted that he was not going to get into a political tussle over whether his party was entitled to share in the subvention, he suggested that the Prime Minister’s interpretation of the criteria was off. From the party platform on Saturday Mottley said: “I want you to know and the rest of the country that when that subvention was first formulated, the rule for access to the subvention was that you must have had run in the last general election and fielded at least one third of the Cabinet in Parliament, so Joe, luck buss! You got to wait and win some seats next time around.” However, Atherley told Barbados TODAY that he knew there were some within the Prime Minister’s party that disagreed with that view. (BT)
PLANS FOR CASHLESS TRANSPORT BOARD - Having worked to increase bus availability at the Transport Board which he says was “job No.1”, chairman Ian Gooding-Edghill is ready to continue working on regaining the public’s confidence. Reporting on the affairs of the state-owned enterprise during the Barbados Labour Party’s 81st annual conference yesterday, he outlined some of the plans. “I intend, once we get bus availability up to the required standard, to have a dedicated school bus service for the country; . . we will do [it], and it can be done. We’re also going to move to a situation where we’re going to have a cashless system, what you’ll refer to as an automatic fare collection system. “You have this issue of the fare boxes. I want you, in modern times, . . . download an app and buy bus fare on your app and . . . you can go to the bus and . . . you can tap or present your phone as an app and . . . pay for your ride,” he told those gathered in Queen’s Park. “We also are going to work hard like I said in stabilizing bus availability. We also have to ensure that we procure some new buses, but I will not speak about that on this occasion; but we are going to adhere to the fleet replacement programme for the Transport Board. “We’ve already established committees to work with us on several fronts, and again, it’s about deepening the process of decision making within the Transport Board as we go forward from strength to strength,” he said. The chairman noted, that notwithstanding its cash flow problems, the board had managed the profit and loss situation and is working on integrating workers in an enfranchisement model. Also on the agenda is to introduce new technology that would allow commuters to know when the buses are “likely to arrive and how best you can follow departures as you move through”. He added: “It’s been a long ride. It’s been a process that required tough decisions, but we made the decisions. We did a good job in trying to win back the confidence of the public, but we also did a better job in trying to stabilise bus availability. When I joined (six months ago), the bus availability was hovering around 33 buses, today we are moving in the right direction.” The chairman said he was “confident that with the continued support” of the Ministry [of Transport and Works Minister, Dr William Duguid, the Ministry of Fin ance, management and staff of the Transport Board, and Cabinet “a lot more” would be accomplished. (DN)
TIGHTER GUARD – Security at the Bridgetown Port will soon be dramatically tightened, Fort Knox-style! Chairman of Port Senator Lisa Cummins has revealed that with a state-of-the-art scanner soon to be installed along with approximately 500 CCTV cameras and a 24-hour dedicated command centre and with a K9 unit with ammunition and sniffing dogs already in place, security at Bridgetown’s main port of entry will be significantly boosted. She made the declaration over the weekend while speaking at the Barbados Labour Party’s (BLP) 81st annual general conference which was held in Queen’s Park. “We are aware that there have been some concerns and the Attorney General has been in constant contact and the Prime Minister, in her role as the national security chairman. We are in the process of completing installation on a new scanner which is going to take us to 100 per cent scanning,” Cummins disclosed. “The new scanner is going to be lifted into that facility on October 28 and the team from the security company will be on hand here in Barbados and we will have that operational thereafter in a few weeks once we have put up the radiation fences and everything around it. But we are committed to ensuring that we protect border security.” Cummins said the CCTV system, the command centre and the new canine unit would bolster security at the Bridgetown Port like never seen before. “We are in the process of rolling out CCTV coverage throughout the Port. Close to 500 cameras are expected to be installed by the time the project is completed and we are well underway. We have also purchased and they are here already in service, ammunition sniffing dogs as well as those who take responsibility for organic material. There is a fleet of four new dogs and they are already working in the Port in collaboration with the Royal Barbados Police Force. “We have also installed a state-of-the-art command centre in the Bridgetown Port. It is manned on a 24-hour basis by teams comprising the Barbados Port, the Royal Barbados Police Force, the Customs Department and the Barbados Defence Force. The cameras will feed into that command centre and every scan will be interpreted in real time in less than six seconds by personnel in that command center which is already operational,” Senator Cummins explained. “We went from having no new scanners purchased for six years to having a fully operational command centre, one fully running scanner and a new one about to be installed and we will have a third scanner during the course of the next financial year,” she further added. (BT)
BIGGER SLICE – After about six months of negotiations, Barbados is now in a position to sink its teeth into a bigger piece of the tourism pie from the European market. Today at around 2:50 p.m., Barbados welcomed its first ever non-stop ten-hour flight from Frankfurt, Germany. The Eurowings flight LH 5432, a subsidiary of Lufthansa Airlines, touched down at the  Grantley Adams International Airport (GAIA) with almost 300 passengers who sported straw hats finished with a blue ribbon, which bore the word ‘Barbados’. Following the merriment and handing out of welcome gifts to the passengers, Minister of Tourism and International Transport Kerrie Symmonds told a gathering of airline and local tourism officials that the decision taken by Lufthansa officials to fly to Bridgetown three times weekly was a show of confidence in the Barbados economy. (BT)
STRAUGHN TO LEAD DEBATE ON FOREIGN DEBT –Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Ryan Straughn, will move the passing of a Resolution tomorrow in the House of Assembly to restructure Barbados’ foreign debt. The passing of the Resolution will allow for Government to launch the external debt exchange to replace the existing foreign commercial debt with two new bonds. Straughn said the indicative terms would see a new ten-year bond issued, resulting in a 25 per cent reduction in principal, a 35 per cent reduction in accrued interest at an interest rate of 6.5 per cent payable semi-annually, and include an adverse weather clause. “At the conclusion of this debt exchange, the way would be paved for the rating agencies to reassess the credit worthiness of the Government of Barbados, which should lead to the upgrade of our external credit rating, the first for a decade,” he added. The Minister said that with the settlement of the external debt, Barbados would be on track to meet the six per cent primary surplus, placing the public debt on a more sustainable path towards achieving the 60 per cent debt to GDP target by 2033 as part of the Barbados Economic Recovery and Transformation programme. (BGIS)
PM MOTTLEY TO HOSE CSME TOWN HALL MEETING – “What is in it for me?” Barbadians and other persons in the region will get the opportunity to have this question answered, at a special town hall meeting next week, on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy (CSME). Prime Minister Mia Amor Mottley, in her capacity as lead head with responsibility for the CSME in CARICOM’S quasi cabinet, will be the featured speaker at the event, which takes place on Monday, November 4, at the Walcott–Warner Theatre, Errol Barrow Centre for Creative Imagination, Cave Hill, St Michael, from 6 to 8 p.m.  Mottley will be joined by CARICOM Secretary General, Ambassador Irwin LaRocque; Principal of the University of the West Indies, Professor Eudine Barriteau; President of the Caribbean Development Bank, Dr Warren Smith; and CARICOM Assistant Secretary General, Joseph Cox. Communications Specialist, CSME Unit, Salas Hamilton, will be the moderator. They will examine the topics: Free Movement and Contingent Rights, Development of Skills within the Region and the Human Resource Development Strategy, Transportation, Trade Related Matters, CSME Implementation, and Financial Cooperation and Investment Policy. An interactive question and answer session will follow.The event is being coordinated by the University of the West Indies, the Prime Minister’s Office and the CARICOM Secretariat, and will be televised and livestreamed. The meeting will be preceded by a Regional Stakeholders’ Consultation on the CARICOM Single Market and Economy, involving Members of Parliament, CARICOM Ambassadors and honorary consuls in Barbados, CSME focal points, regional institutions, international development partners, non-governmental organisations, the diplomatic corps, the private sector, labour, civil society, and the youth and farmers’ associations, among others.  The session will allow for information sharing, exchange of ideas and communication of interests, objectives and concerns on the CSME, and will ensure that participants have a greater knowledge and awareness of what the CSME can do for them, and what role they play in the development of the region.Designed to raise awareness about the CSME and its régimes/arrangements, it will also elicit labour’s position, as well as the needs of the private sector in identifying key issues that must be addressed within the CSME, in order for there to be greater ownership and participation throughout the region.  The findings of the stakeholders’ consultation will be presented to Heads of Government to inform their decisions and policy implementation. Prime Minister Mottley will assume chairmanship of CARICOM on January 1, 2020 and Barbados will host the upcoming Intersessional Conference of Heads of Government of the Caribbean Community, from February 18 to 19, of that year. (BGIS)
PLASTIC BAG BAN ON JANUARY 1, 2020 – Members of the public are reminded that the ban on single use petro-based plastic bags will come into effect from Wednesday, January 1, 2020. Wholesalers, retailers, supermarkets and those who use plastic bags in the operation of their businesses are therefore urged to seek out alternative products before the ban takes effect. Those who contravene the regulations could face stiff penalties. (BGIS)
MORE TIME NEEDED TO FIX HIGHWAY 1 WORK – After three months of complaining about traffic diversions as well as noise and dust pollution from phase one of the $7.1 million Adaptation Measures to Counteract the Effects of Climate Change (AMCECC) ‘Ridge to Reef’ project, residents and businesses in Holetown, St James, are being asked to hold strain a little longer. This morning Minister of Transport and Works, William Duguid, promised that relief from the inconvenience was close at hand, even though he was unable to say exactly when the work, which has resulted in section of the heavily travelled main road being out of commission, would be complete. “That project is one that is being done by the Ministry of the Environment and I have asked them multiple times about when the road would be completed because the travelling public needs to know when that section of Highway 1 would be re-opened. They are suggesting that they would get it done very shortly but they have not given me a time even though I wish that they would have, so that I could hold them to that timeline,” said Duguid, who along with Member of Parliament for St James North, Edmund Hinkson, did a tour of flood-prone sections of the constituency this morning. Acknowledging that this phase of the project was only supposed to take two months, Duguid explained that the contractors carrying out the works would have encountered several major unforeseen challenges. “They are working very quickly and as fast as they can. They recognize that they have had some lengthening of the timelines because they had some issues with the water table, and you have to understand that there are a lot of services that go under that road. We are talking water mains, natural gas mains and also internet cable that run right along that road. This gave them some challenges in terms of getting the appropriate depth,” he explained. In August, residents told Barbados TODAY that with all vehicles now diverted through the upscale Sunset Crest community, many of the roads have been transformed into one way streets, while the dust and noise have increased significantly. The project, which is being carried out by construction firm INFRA Inc., consists of culvert replacements, grass swale improvement and the reconstruction of concrete water channels. While residents appreciate the importance of the project, which is aimed at flood mitigation, they would like the pace of the work to be stepped up. However, this morning Hinkson urged his constituents to exercise patience as he believes that the benefits to be derived in the long-run are well worth the inconveniences now. “Yes, it has taken longer than the two months we were initially told and yes the works continue to be an inconvenience both for the residents and businesses out there. They have made legitimate complaints, but I think that the reality that we as a people have to understand is that you have to suffer some inconvenience in life for things to get better. At the end of the day when the works are finished, life would be improved, the roads would be better, drainage would be better,” said Hinkson. (BT)
THUGS CREATE PANIC IN WELL GAP - Two young children on their way home from school almost became the 41st and 42nd murder victims for 2019 when brazen gunmen launched an attack in Well Gap, Cave Hill, St Michael this afternoon. According to eyewitness reports, around 3 o’clock at least two men in a white car approached the area. One got out of the vehicle and recklessly opened fire where numerous women and young children were walking. Many reported hearing at least six loud explosions, which sent pedestrians running for their lives and leaving others in fear that the shooters could return hours after the ordeal. “There’s a lot of panic, shock and surprise, because it happened in the daytime. Nothing like this has happened in a while out here so people are very surprised and concerned, especially about the two children,” said one woman, who explained that two young students of Grazettes Primary were approximately two feet away from where the gunman was shooting. Residents reported the vehicle from which the shooter emerged had been circling the district suspiciously throughout the day before acting. Another lady who is pregnant was standing near her front porch with her daughter and was talking with three girlfriends when the gunman passed nearby. “In two-twos we just heard ‘pax pax pax pax’ and then these two little children were coming home from school and when they got by the track by us, the person was still shooting and the two children were there and one of the little boys froze and the other one ran. I had to push them into my house until the gunman got back into the white car,” she revealed. “Those could have been my children and I felt really badly just now. As a pregnant person, I thought I would have gone into labour just now, because of how frightened I was. My stomach started to hurt me and the little children were so frightened that they were not even speaking.” Moments later, scores of heavily armed police officers and a handful of Barbados Defence Force (BDF) soldiers closed off the often busy road to investigate. While residents are thankful that no one was hurt, many revealed the harrowing ordeal brought back memories of a time when the community was considered a crime ‘hotspot’ and expressed hope that those days would never return. “The person who did that should realise this is a place where a lot of people live. Why would they come and do that?” asked one resident. “We haven’t had this shooting thing in our district for so long and it was so nice to see that police didn’t have to come around here, so I don’t know why someone would come out here and do that in a district like this.” The two young children who narrowly escaped serious injury or death were reportedly taken home by their mother still traumatised. (BT)
MIXED VIEWS ON CITY KILLING – Residents in Combermere Street, The City, have mixed emotions over the shooting death of Jamar Omar “Red Dog” Haynes. To his close friend Nakita “Muscle Cat” Jones, he was a flawed but dear friend, one she was going to miss. But to many others, he was one who robbed people and brought his death upon himself. The 32-year-old was gunned down on Saturday night on Combermere Street, The City, not far from where he was staying with Jones. Haynes, whose death was the 40th killing for the year, was originally from Yearwood Road, Sugar Hill, St Joseph. (DN)
WANTED: NICHOLAS BRIAN BISHOP –Nicholas Brian Bishop is wanted by police for questioning in connection with a serious criminal matter. The 40-year-old of Hoytes Village, St James, has a brown complexion and is medium built, with brown eyes. Bishop, who is 5’8”, can present himself to the Holetown Police Station, accompanied by an attorney. Any person who may know his whereabouts is asked to contact the Holetown Police Station at 419-1700, Police Emergency at 211, Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIPS (8477) or the nearest police station. (DN)
NELSON STREET MURDER – Accused Ryan Omar Samuel today pleaded not guilty to murdering Charley Dume over four years ago, at a bar on the corner of Nelson Street and Wellington Street, paving the way for his trial by jury. Twelve jurors were selected this afternoon in the No. 2 Supreme Court to hear the case in which Samuel, of Grape Hall, St Lucy is charged with Dume’s shooting death on April 26, 2014. Attorney-at-law Mohia Ma’at is representing Samuel, who was 33 years old at the time he was charged, while Principal Crown Counsel Alliston Seale is the prosecutor. Addressing the jury in his opening submissions the Crown’s representative informed the court which is presided over by Justice Randall Worrell that the case was about a group of men going to a bar at Nelson Street and, “In that bar or on the premises either inside and outside,” there was an argument between persons. “It led to a fracas, a noise, a disturbance and out of that disturbance, the Crown is alleging that the accused drew a firearm and shot and killed Charlie Dume. That is as simple as it is in a nutshell. It is then our duty to bring witnesses to support this,” Seale said before calling his first witness, a police photographer, to the stand to give evidence of pictures he took of the scene. The case continues tomorrow. (BT)
AMMUNITION CHARGE LANDS CALLENDER IN DODDS – Donate Chriscio Evantico Callender, of Maxwell, Christ Church was today remanded to prison on firearm and ammunition charges. It is alleged that the 21-year-old, unemployed man, had the weapon and four rounds of ammunition in his possession on October 24 when he did not have the necessary licences to do so. Callender, who is represented by attorney-at-law Angella Mitchell-Gittens, was not required to plead to the indictable charges when he appeared before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant. He was automatically remanded to HMP Dodds for 28 days and will make his next appearance in the No.2 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on November 25.(BT)
LUCAS RETURNS TO COURT NEXT YEAR – A 38-year-old unemployed man was granted $1,500 bail today in the No. 2 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court on three drug charges. Mark Anthony Lucas, of Block H3 Field Place, Bayville, St Michael, is charged with possession, possession with intent to supply and possession with intent to traffic $183 worth of cannabis. The accused pleaded not guilty to the charges which are alleged to have been committed on October 26. There were no objections to bail from the prosecutor and Lucas was released after his surety was accepted. He will reppear before Magistrate Krisite Cuffy-Sargeant on March 19, 2020. (BT)
GOODRIDGE FACING SERIOUS CHARGE – A 42-year-old painter was granted $10,000 bail today in the District ‘ ‘ Magistrates’ on a single offence . Junior Orman Goodridge, of Wardland, Goodland, St Michael is charged that sometime on October 26 he did cause serious bodily harm to Anthony Clarke with intent to maim, disfigure or disable him. The charge is indictable and as such Goodridge was not required to plead. There was no objection from the prosecution. However the Crown requested that conditions be attached to Goodridge’s bail which he secured with one surety. The accused must now report to the Black Rock Police Station every Thursday before noon with valid identification and must also stay away from the complainant. Good ridge has been ordered to reappear before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant on March 19, 2020. (BT)
WALCOTT REPEATS – Barbadian Rico Walcott retained his Century Downs riding title in dramatic fashion yesterday, when he reeled off a triple on the season-ending 11-race card, to edge Venezuelan Rigo Sarmiento. (BT)
ALEXANDRA SCHOOL PREPARING STUDENTS FOR GLOBAL ECONOMY – ALEXANDRA SCHOOL is producing outstanding students fit for a rapidly-changing global society. That was touted of her alma mater by Dr Ramona Archer-Bradshaw, acting deputy principal of Erdiston Teachers’ Training College, a tutor and researcher, who delivered the second Grace Thompson Memorial Lecture at the school to mark the institution’s 125th anniversary. “The school has equipped its students with the knowledge, attitudes and skills to excel in an ever-changing technologically-driven global society,” she said on Saturday. “It is a fact that Alexandra School has not only reached the objectives as set out by the [Ministry of Education] but we have excelled over the past 125 years,” she added. In a review of the school’s history, the educator argued that the core values including discipline and focus on excellence in the academics, sports and culture were reflected in adult life. “There is a saying . . . that good manners can open doors that the best education cannot . . . . For us at Alexandra, this was absolutely true . . . for while preparation for examinations was important, preparation for life was the ultimate. (DN)
HARRISON COLLEGE GETS LEARNING BOOST – A number of local businesses have joined forces with the Rotary Club of Barbados West to improve the learning experience at Harrison College. They have provided a total of 65 white boards at a cost of just over $20,000 to outfit each classroom, which officials say should eliminate the need for chalk and make it easier for teachers and students to cope. The efforts were led by Deputy Chairman of the board of management of Harrison College Joseph Steinbok. At a brief official handing over ceremony on Friday at the school’s Crumpton Street location, Steinbok said he was aware that government was not able to provide all the needs of the secondary schools across the country. He said with that in mind, it was easy for him to spring into action and encourage others to contribute to the project. “I think we all realize that the government doesn’t have the expenditure to support the schools with everything that they need,” said Steinbok. “I want to reassure you that your school board continues to respond and will continue to respond to the needs of the school as best as they can . . . and we hope that you will care the stuff and use it to the best of your abilities,” he said. President of the Rotary Club of Barbados West Jean St John said supporting education was one of the roles the Rotary club of Barbados was committed to. Parent Teachers Association (PTA) President Ayo Burrowes explained that the decision to replace the blackboards with whiteboards came after a parent of one of the second form students put forward the suggestion. However, after the cost proved to be prohibitive for the PTA, they gave the student body and parents to help raise funds, which garnered only about $2,000. Despite a donation of about three of the white boards along with the funds raised, that was still not enough to furnish the entire school. It was then that other members of corporate Barbados came on board. The five businesses are Grantofix Inc, Coles Construction Inc, Edghill Associates Ltd, ESC Inc., and Moorjani Caribbean (Barbados) Ltd. The $2000 collected by the students and parents went toward the purchase of associated accessories including markets and dusters. Principal of the learning institution Juanita Wade thanked the business community for their donation.Delivering a message on behalf of the Chairman of the Board of Directors at the school Andrew Pilgrim, the principal said it was clear that Government alone could not provide the necessary furnishings for schools across the island. “I am sure that especially the teachers are happy that we don’t have to deal with chalk anymore as we know sometimes there are students who could have allergic reaction and teachers who struggle with the chalk board. We are really happy to move into this century,” she said. “We recognize that government cannot do everything and we are very happy to partner with corporate Barbados anytime we have the opportunity because it can only redound to the benefit of you students and our staff. So I take this opportunity to them for assisting us and make an appeal to corporate Barbados to continue to assist us with our projects because we recognize that it is by having these kinds of partnerships that the school will be able to progress,” she added. (BT)
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There are 64 days left in the year Shalom!  Follow us on Twitter, Facebook & Instagram for your daily news. #thechasefiles #dailynewscaps #bajannewscaps #newsinanutshell
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 9/15/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Sunday, September 15th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Sunday Sun Nation Newspaper (SS).
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HEATWAVE COMING – Barbados is about to face another heatwave. This week could bring even higher temperatures, as most of the Eastern Caribbean islands continue to deal with extremely light north-east trade winds, which are usually responsible for cooling breezes at this time of year. Meteorologist David Best told the THE NATION that though it would be hot at this stage of the summer season anyway, Barbadians should brace for more stifling heat for “all of next week”.For most of last week, temperatures hovered around a steamy 30 degrees Celsius, with highs of 32 degrees late in the week, but this week, the average daily temperature could rise above 32 degrees in the daytime, and hold at a warm 26 at night.“It could be dire this week in terms of heat. Right now, we have very light winds, and the speed hasn’t even been in double digits. The speed today (yesterday) is nine knots, which is only about 16 kilometres per hour. Even at this time of the year, that is very light,” Best explained. (SS)
SUGAR LOW –Barbados has produced only 7 800 tonnes of sugar from about 93 600 tonnes of cane this year, one of the most disappointing harvests in the last decade. And while the only poorer year was 2016’s yield of less than 7 000, it was a big drop from the 10 961 tonnes in 2018, and fell well below official expectations.In January, general manager of the Government-owned Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC), Leslie Parris, predicted 11 000 tonnes of sugar would be produced from 146 000 tonnes of cane. Two months later, he revised those numbers to 136 000 tonnes of cane and 9 000 tonnes of sugar. Harvesting began in early March.Minister of Agriculture Indar Weir, while admitting this year’s output was a disappointment, told THE NATION the ongoing drought was partly to blame.(SS)
CUSTOMS DEPARTMENT READY TO ASSIST – The Customs Department stands ready to assist any of its stakeholders who are experiencing challenges with the recently implemented ASYCUDA World system. This  assurance came from Minister in the Ministry of Finance, Ryan Straughn, who said the department was working to address some post implementation technical issues.Speaking at a press conference at Government Headquarters on Thursday, Straughn indicated that the project team of the Customs Department would continue to support the stakeholders.“The Customs Department has done a lot of work over the last few months, and certainly in the run up to September, supported by the Barbados Revenue Authority and the Ministry of Innovation, Science and Technology, in readying itself to be able to help facilitate business….“As we go through this modernization of Customs, the upgrade to ASYCUDA World is critical to Barbados’ competitiveness.  We do not want people waiting in the port for…Customs to process goods for any extended period of time, unless there is a particular reason, based on the risk management protocols that are established,” he stated.ASYCUDA World was to have been rolled out since 2014, and Straughn said that because of the many delays, it seemed many persons did not believe it would be introduced this time around.“And I accept that the week’s postponement from September 1 to 9 might have given persons the impression that ‘here we go again’, and it is not going to happen.  Unfortunately, it meant that persons were not as prepared as they ought to have been, in terms of the reengagement of the system,” he explained.He assured non-commercial individuals, namely those individuals who would have to clear barrels from time to time, that the new system would not affect them, as was being suggested in a social media circular.“The technical specifications and all of that relates to the various stakeholders.  So, whoever is your customs broker or whoever you ship with, these are the persons who are required to engage the ASYCUDA World system on your behalf, so you can feel the benefits with respect to clearing your items from the port,” the Minister insisted.Comptroller of Customs, Owen Holder, who has overseen the implementation of ASYCUDA World in several countries, said his department was working with the various stakeholders, and some issues had already been solved and others were engaging their attention.Holder continued: “I am very familiar with implementing these systems.  I understand the teething issues that will develop and…from what we are seeing here in Barbados currently, I can say this is a normal process of implementing the system.“I wish to assure the public that within probably a week’s time, it would definitely settle down….So, just give us some time.  I am sure that we will be able to sort out the issues that are there….  The advantages that you would get from implementing ASYCUDA World are numerous, and you would see a major change in how things are done.”He stressed that a consultant with the United Nations Conference for Trade and Development was working with Customs to iron out challenges.  He urged those persons who had not yet collected their new passwords to access AYCUDA World, to do so immediately.In addition, the Comptroller stated that boat agents should contact their IT persons to ensure they were following the correct XML format, so they could be uploaded in the system.He also reminded stakeholders that the Java version must be 8.15. Holder gave the assurance that the Customs Department was willing to work with all stakeholders.“We are here to solve problems, facilitate trade and ensure we bring Barbados back to the point where we can be proud of the economic growth within the country,” he stated.(BT)
BCCI STATEMENT REGARDING ASYCUDA WORLD IMPLEMENTATION- The Barbados chamber of commerce (BCCI) has issued the following statement regarding ASYCUDA World Implementation and its impact on the Business SectorPresently, the transition from ASYCUDA++ to ASYCUDA World has been resulting in significant loss of revenue for businesses in the retail and distribution sector. This has been occasioned by the inability of some businesses to replenish their stock in a timely manner. Additionally, the increased costs that businesses are incurring in demurrage and storage costs can trickle down to consumers of affected goods if incurred for a protracted period of time. We are cognizant that the migration process will result in some levels of delays and challenges to the business community. The Barbados Chamber of Commerce (BCCI) has been in continuous dialogue with the Customs & Excise Department and the ASYCUDA World (AW) Project team with a view to bringing to their attention the issues, concerns and challenges being experienced by our members during the migration from ASYCUDA ++ to ASYCUDA World. Responses from the Customs & Excise Department and new Comptroller of Customs have been positive. As part of our mandate to serve as a liaison between the government and the business community, the Executive Committee of the BCCI and the Chair of our Customs and Trade Facilitation Committee met with the new Comptroller and Deputies on Friday September 06, 2019. The areas discussed at the meeting included, inter alia:
Access to ASYCUDA Portal;
Warehousing Concerns;
Lack of Communication; and
Tariff Concerns
The Comptroller of Customs has also designated a member of the ASYCUDA World Project team to serve as liaison with the BCCI to respond to the issues, challenges and concerns raised by members to the BCCI Secretariat. However, while these efforts to ensure regular communication with the business community are positive, the business community continues to be severely and negatively impacted by issues arising during the transition. It is hoped that the shipping companies and the Barbados Port relax some of the associated costs during the transition to AW given the impact to the business sector and the potential impact on the cost of goods.(BT)
BOARD: CUT IN WAIT FOR BUSES – In the wake of complaints from commuters of having to wait hours to get a bus, the Transport Board is reporting that passengers spent less time waiting last week. With the new school term beginning either last Monday or Wednesday for almost all public schools, the state-run agency said it was able to stabilise its fleet following an extensive maintenance and upgrades programme.“We have been able to cut the wait time and commuters are saying they have seen an improvement. It is not yet ideal, as it is continuous process but we are working on it,” chief operations officer Lynda Holder told THE NATION by telephone.“They also noted the fact that you are not seeing buses broken down as you were seeing before, so we are putting our systems in place and we have been working with a plan. I think persons are now saying to us that they are seeing the results of it.” (SS)
NOTICE TO BARBADIANS TRAVELLING TO MIAMI – Barbadians travelling to Miami for business or pleasure have been reminded of the importance of securing their travel documents. Consul General in Miami, Neval Greenidge, pointed out today that in recent weeks there has been an unusually high number of thefts of passports, particularly from cars of persons shopping in the Hialeah area.He has noted that in several instances the culprits appeared to have targeted rented cars, which are easily identifiable, after the occupants parked them to go shopping or conduct other business.Greenidge, a former veteran policeman and long-standing detective, warned that leaving passports under the seats in locked cars was not enough to guarantee they would not be stolen.The process of replacing passports after a theft can be costly, the Consul General warned, and when the inconvenience is added, it very often leads to a spoilt holiday or business trip.“Please take the necessary precaution upfront to safeguard your travel documents to avoid all the problems that will result if they are stolen,” Greenidge said.“And remember, the same should also apply to items you have bought. Don’t expose the items you have bought, especially if they are known to be expensive, in plain view in unattended vehicles.”(BT)
MUGABE FAMILY ENDS FUNERAL ROW WITH GOVT –Zimbabwe’s former President Robert Mugabe will be buried in the National Heroes Acre monument in the capital, his family says, ending a row with the government over his final resting site. Family spokesman and nephew Leo Mugabe says the date is yet to be determined.Before that, there will be a public memorial service at the shrine in the capital today followed by a ceremony at the late leader’s home village.The decision to inter Mugabe, 95, at the state burial site is the latest turn in the tussle between his family and President Emmerson Mnangagwa, Mugabe’s once-trusted deputy who helped remove him from power in late 2017. Mugabe fired Mnangagwa in 2017, in what many believed was a way to prepare for his wife, Grace, to succeed him.On Thursday, the family had said that the former president, whose body was flown back from Singapore where he was being treated on Wednesday, would be buried in his home town in a private ceremony.But yesterday, family spokesman Leo said it had been decided the deceased would be buried at Heroes Acre after consultations with traditional chiefs.(SS)
TROPICAL STORM HUMBERTO LASHES BAHAMAS, FORECAST TO BECOME HURRICANE – Tropical Storm Humberto lashed already devastated parts of the Bahamas with heavy rain and strong winds on Saturday, and forecasters said it was likely to become a hurricane before the end of the weekend. The storm is expected to leave the northwestern Bahamas later on Saturday and then will move well offshore of the east coast of Florida and into the Atlantic Ocean through early next week, according to the US National Hurricane Center.Humberto had maximum sustained winds of 50 miles per hour (85 km per hour) with higher gusts, and was expected to become a hurricane by Sunday night, the Miami-based NHC said on Saturday.It barely moved during Saturday morning, the NHC said, and was located about 30 miles (45 km) east-northeast of Great Abaco Island. It was forecast to resume a slow motion toward the northwest and north later in the day.Forecasters said the storm could drop up to six inches (15.24 cm) of rain in some areas but that it was not expected to produce significant storm surge in the northwestern Bahamas, which were hammered earlier this month by Hurricane Dorian.Humberto could, however, hamper relief efforts in the area where thousands of structures were flattened and 70 000 people were left needing shelter, food and water and medical aid.Dorian slammed into the Bahamas on September 1 as a Category 5 hurricane, one of the strongest Atlantic hurricanes ever to hit land, packing top sustained winds of 185 miles per hour (298 km per hour).Bahamian Prime Minister Hubert Minnis has said the official death toll from Dorian stands at 50 but that hundreds of people are missing and it is expected to rise.United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres arrived in Nassau on Friday in a show of international support. He met with evacuees at a shelter and told reporters Dorian should be a wake-up call for the world about the dangers of climate change.“If we don’t reverse the situation we’ll see tragedies like this one multiplying and becoming more and more intense, more frequent,” Guterres said. “Climate change is running faster than what we are. We need to reverse this trend.”(SS)
DOMINICAN LEGISLATOR ARRESTED –An opposition legislator was on Friday arrested by police over statements he allegedly made during a recent public meeting of the United Workers Party (UWP), a senior official of the party has said. UWP deputy political leader, Joshua Francis, told the Dominica New Online publication that Hector John, the parliamentary representative for the Salisbury Constituency on the island’s west coast, is being questioned by police for alleged incitement.Francis said John’s arrest is related to a statement which he made at a recent meeting of the UWP in Roseau and that the party was moving to secure legal representation for John who is currently in police custody.Last week, John told party supporters that the government should not think about calling general elections “without electoral reform, you will have civil unrest on your hands”.The police have so far not issued any statement on the matter.(SS)
BARBADOS BOW TO BRAZIL – Barbados lost their Davis Cup battle with Brazil 1-3 after a disappointing second day in Criciuma, Brazil, yesterday. Beginning the morning with the rubber tied 1-1, the doubles pair of Darian King and Haydn Lewis stumbled to the much higher ranked duo of Marcelo Melo and Bruno Soares 6-7, 5-7.King, who has a doubles ranking of 182, along with the unranked Lewis seriously challenged Melo, ranked at No. 5, and Soares who has a doubles ranking of 22.  The Bajans were able to battle back from 2-4 in the opening game to lock at five and six, forcing the tie-break.Once again the Bajans battled from behind after trailing 0-4. They levelled at four, five and six but the hosts controlled the net and took that decider 7-6 after 47 minutes. (SS)
NIGHT BELONGS TO NIGHT RIDERS – Reigning champions Trinbago Knight Riders smashed the highest total in T20 franchise cricket on the way to inflicting a fourth successive defeat for Jamaica Tallawahs in the Caribbean Premier League on Friday night. Unbeaten Trinbago Knight Riders galloped to a massive 267 for two off their 20 overs – the highest-ever total in T20 franchise cricket and the third highest-ever across all T20s before restricting the Tallawahs to 226 for five to complete victory by 41 runs at Sabina Park.Tallawahs were in the hunt when opener Glenn Phillips (62) and Chris Gayle (39) provided a sizzling start of 88 off 44 deliveries.Once that partnership was broken, however, the innings lost the momentum required and a last ditch effort from Ramaal Lewis (37 not out) and Javelle Glen (34 not out) provided only fireworks but not the miracle needed.(SS)
ALLEYNE SCHOOL APPOINTS PREFECTS TO LEAD STUDENT DISCIPLINE– Alleyne School continues to produce young leaders equipped to excel positively in varying spheres of life, within their communities and beyond. In keeping with the school’s organization of discipline and student leadership, 42 prefects from the fifth and sixth forms were installed on Friday during morning assembly.The leaders will serve for the duration of the academic year 2019 – 2020.Prefects at the Alleyne School are part of a core group of student leaders, held in very high esteem among staff and students. The leaders will assist the staff with enforcing the high disciplinary standards at the school.The candidates short-listed for the role of head-prefects were recently taken through a rigorous interview and selection process, during which each must demonstrate their suitability for the top leadership positions. The interviewing panel, made up of principal, deputy principal and other faculty members decided on those who best match the selection criteria.Chief among the leaders installed are Head Boy, Shem White; Head Girl, Ria Greene; Deputy Head Boy, Antwone Holder; along with Deputy Head Girl, Alyssa Hall.Principal Julia Beckles, Deputy Principal Troy Phillips and Faculty leader Deborah Bascombe joined other staff and students in welcoming the newly installed leaders to their new role.Principal Beckles, while addressing the student population, congratulated the team and pledged the full support of her office and that of her staff in ensuring the prefects have all that is necessary to succeed.Beckles further reminded the full assembly of students that prefects are indeed a part of the structure of discipline at the school and their authority and instructions must always be respected.Alleyne School aims to become the most disciplined school in Barbados with a high performance culture, where all staff are engaged in lifelong learning and students leave with at least five CXCs and/or CVQs.The 234 years old co-ed school is located in Belleplaine St Andrew and has a student roll of approximately 814 students at Forms 1 – 6. It is the fourth oldest secondary school in Barbados. (BT)
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thechasefiles · 5 years
The Chase Files Daily Newscap 9/14/2019
Good Morning #realdreamchasers. Here is your daily news cap for Saturday, September 14th, 2019. There is a lot to read and digest so take your time. Remember you can read full articles via Barbados Today (BT), or by purchasing a Saturday Sun Nation Newspaper (SS).
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RIHANNA, PM IN DAZZLE AT DIAMOND BALL–Models, musicians, actors and many more notables came out in droves Thursday night to celebrate superstar Rihanna’s fifth annual Diamond Ball at Cipriani Wall Street, an event to benefit her Clara Lionel Foundation (CLF). Though Rihanna, in a Givenchy Haute Couture ball gown  stole the spotlight, another of her guests commanded similar attention: Prime Minister Mia Mottley. Mottley — who made history in 2018 as the first woman to be elected Prime Minister of the nation where Rihanna was born and raised — was honored with the 2019 Diamond Ball Award for breaking barriers. Mottley was cited for a 25-year career as an advocate for education, as well as championing causes which empower youth and women. But speaking with the Hollywood Reporter ahead of the charity gala, hosted by Seth Meyers, Mottley downplayed her own achievements against Rihanna’s contributions to their homeland. Barbadian charities receive assistance from CLF — founded by Rihanna in 2012 and named after her grandparents Clara and Lionel Braithwaite — which benefits impoverished communities across the globe, with an emphasis on health, education, arts, culture, emergency response and combatting climate change. Mottley told the Hollywood Reporter: “It’s so special what she’s been able to do. “Barbados is a place where we believe in helping those who cannot help themselves or who are not strong enough to carry themselves. And Rihanna has been able to exhibit that so beautifully in all that she’s done. She carries with her the DNA of the country. “When we became an independent nation [in 1966], our prime minster at the time said that we should be friends of all and satellites of none. “That requires a nobility of spirit, that requires an ability to also recognize that you are as strong as the weakest among you. That’s what Rihanna represents for us.” According to the politician, Rihanna’s impact on her country will be “written about in history books”. Mottley elaborated: “Her legacy is going to be global, but I think it’s also going to very much be coloured by her Barbadian upbringing and the values that she received while she grew up and was nurtured in our country. “And she is still very much a part of it. How she speaks and how she behaves is as Barbadian as you get.” Rihanna also paid tribute to “role model” Prime Minister Mottley. She told the audience: “The Prime Minister of Barbados , the Honourable Mia Mottley; she has been such a role model in my life for many, many, many many years, years before she ran to be Prime Minister, this is a woman that I respected. “I respected her morals, I respected her aspects on different things politically and  just her willingness to go against the grain, to go against what is safe. She is very brave, she is very daring and that comes with what she is passionate about and that is a woman I can respect always because that is kinda what I hold myself to.”(BT)
STALLED –The island’s largest rum producer has over 400,000 bottles of rum stuck in containers in the Bridgetown Port awaiting shipment delayed because of the teething problems at the docks associated with the rollout of the new Asycudo World system. According to Managing Director of Mount Gay Distilleries Ltd Raphael Grisoni the shipments intended for Europe and the United States have been there for two weeks. He believes some of the fallout could have been mitigated with better communication from Port officials. This morning, he told Barbados TODAY, “We are the largest exporter of rum in Barbados and for 13 days we cannot export a single container of rum and we actually have 38 containers at the port waiting to be loaded on the ship. This is a major order for us. I understand that this thing will again open up next Friday, so it will be three weeks of non- export activity for us,” said Grisoni, who noted that his fellow rum producers were equally down-spirited by the same challenge. He explained that while the delays have not so far resulted in the cancellation of orders, they certainly place the company at a disadvantage, as this shipment is the stock which retailers depend on in preparation for November and Christmas sales. “It is a big problem because at this time of year we are shipping for the Christmas season for markets like Europe, so it is really painful. The problem is with the communication about when systems would be ready. It was not until yesterday [Thursday] that we learnt that the system would be up next Friday and while that is fine, there could have been better communication,” he contended. Since switching to the new paperless platform on September 9, Customs has been plagued with several issues. Newly appointed Comptroller of Customs Owen Holder has promised it will take the Customs and Excise Department one more week to iron out any kinks it has encountered in upgrading its system from ASYCUDO ++ to ASYCUDO World. “I am very familiar with implementing these systems and I understand the teething issues that will develop with a new system, but from what we are seeing in Barbados currently I can say this is a normal process of implementing the system. So I wish to assure the public that within probably a week’s time it will definitely settle down.” However, Grisoni argued that while he is happy that things will be back on track and function with even greater efficiency than before, he is concerned that there was apparently no backup in place, which could have kicked in to prevent these counter-productive delays. “You must realize that the country’s exports were paralyzed because of the system and I am surprised that we didn’t have a backup system or used the old one just for a couple of weeks, at least to export bulk and avoid congestion in the port,” he said pointing to the anticipated congestion by the backlog. “Next week is going to be a type of traffic jam-like situation when things open up again and I expect that customs will be overwhelmed, so I don’t know if they have extra resources to clear this backlog. Will we have the resources to clear quickly or will we again miss the ship going out? These are the big questions which still need answering but I don’t have the answers right now. It is a real concern for us,” he stressed Minister of Finance Ryan Straughn maintained that the upgrade to ASYCUDO World was especially critical to Barbados. He said while its installation had been delayed since 2014, Government was pushing ahead in its bid to improve the ease of doing business in Barbados. “I want to stress that as we go through this modernization of Customs that the upgrade to ASYCUDO World is critical to Barbados’ competitiveness. “We do not want people waiting in the Port for any extended period of time, waiting on Customs to process goods unless there is a particular reason based on the risk management protocols that have been established, because whilst we are facilitating business there is a national security component that is critical as part of the Customs’ function…” Straughn pointed out. This morning Minister Small Business, Entrepreneurship and Commerce, Dwight Sutherland, also made an appeal for patience from the business community. “ASYCUDO World is just one of the activities in a whole list of activities that this Government will implement in terms of improving the ease of doing business and cross border trade facilitation, ASYCUDO World provides the foundation for something bigger to come, which we call the Electronic Single Window… As Minister of Small Business I am happy that we are to implement this because it would increase the ease of doing business and reduce cost,” said Sutherland. He added, “We recognised that there were disruptions and customs has promised to put plans in place, so please just bear with us because it is not going to last.” When contacted the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry  BCCI promised to comment but up to time of publication none was forthcoming. (BT)
‘FIRE SALE’ OR FARMING FOR CLICO ESTATES?- The fate of eight plantations, covering close to 2,000 acres of farmland in St John’s farming belt that have been lying idle since their owner went out of business a decade ago, is at the centre of a political firestorm being played out on talk radio and social media. Minister of Agriculture and Food Security Indar Weir and the Democratic Labour Party, which formed the Government when insurance giant CLICO collapsed, have clashed over allegations that the Barbados Labour Party Government plans a “fire sale” of CLICO farmlands as residential property “under cover of darkness”. The CLICO farms consist of approximately 1,790 arable acres: 941 acres at Todds and 850 acres at Wakefield. Todds is an amalgamation of four farms – Henley, Pool, Bowmanston and Todds, while Wakefield incorporates Clifton Hall, Hothersal, Lemon Arbor and Wakefield. Now the Democratic Labour Party (DLP) has called on  Weir to back up the denial he made on a radio call-in. On Wednesday, the DLP’s Agriculture and Environment spokesperson Andre Worrell first claimed that the Todd’s and Wakefield estates are to be sold off. Then, Weir took to Down to Brass Tacks programme on Starcom Network to refute the suggestion. “I don’t know how you could turn agricultural land into a [residential] development without first involving the Ministry of Agriculture. “We have a Chief Agricultural Officer who is highly trained and makes informed decisions on these things before they even reach Town Planning [Office],” Weir said. But in a release published on its Facebook page today, the DLP said a Ministerial statement was needed for clarity, contending that Weir’s words on the radio programme did not hold any weight. “Mr Weir has been a Cabinet member long enough to know that interventions on radio talk shows are not enunciated Government policy. “At no time in his extensive telephone conversation did Weir say that the CLICO lands will be offered to farmers or shareholders for agricultural purposes. “Had the Government been transparent in its initial sale announcement there would be no need to speculate. “The Agriculture Minister is also aware that the final word regarding change of use is not his. Those decisions are made by the Minister in charge of Town Planning: The Prime Minister.” The DLP claimed that the farms “are in the high productivity agro-ecological zone and have traditionally been at the upper end of the agricultural productivity scale”. Under the 2008-2018 DLP administration, a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) was signed between the Barbados Agricultural Development Management Company (BADMC) and the Barbados Agricultural Management Company (BAMC) to bring those lands back into agriculture. A formal plan entitled Returning CLICO Lands To Full Production was drafted. Then DLP maintained that farmers, either through co-operatives or as sole purchasers, should be offered the opportunity to buy or lease the plantations. The party said: “We have maintained that sub-division of prime agricultural land in these economic circumstances for housing development purposes should never be an option in a country with a food import bill in excess of $600m. “There should be no fire sale of prime agricultural land under cover of darkness. “Barbados must have an official Government position specifically targeting the plans for the CLICO agricultural lands at Todds and Wakefield Plantations.” (BT)
MASSY OISTINS BACK IN BUSINESS –After four months of having to travel out of their community for grocery shopping, Oistins residents have returned this morning to the reopened Massy supermarket at the 40-year-old Southern Plaza shopping complex. After being closed for upgrades since May, Minister of Commerce Dwight Sutherland and area MP Ralph Thorne were on hand for the official re-opening of the store which employs 65 people. Barbados TODAY witnessed large numbers of shoppers in the supermarket, many of them freely expressing their happiness that the store had re-opened as well as their satisfaction with the new look and shopping experience.Massy Stores CEO Randall Banfield said: “It would have been an inconvenience for customers who would have shopped here, and we understand that. “We would have provided some shuttle services to get them into some other stores because we have our network of stores nearby. “It is really nice to have the store opened again and we have heard from customers yesterday and today how pleased they are to have the store in Oistins re-opened and in the fashion that we have done it.” Banfield revealed that the store, which is now smaller in size, has been retrofitted with the latest energy saving devices, a move which was praised by Sutherland. The Minister praised the conglomerate for ensuring that the new supermarket was in keeping with Government’s vision for green energy. Sutherland declared: “We have recognised in an era such as this, the use of technology is critical. “I want to shower praise on Massy Stores for investing in state-of-the-art equipment as it relates to refrigeration. We are seeking to become fossil fuel free by 2030. “So, I want to congratulate Massy for leading the charge. They have not only re-opened the store, but they have done so with the Government’s mission in mind.” He also praised the supermarket for sticking to local producers, and urged others to do likewise. The Minister added: This is just an example of what we as a Government would love to see. “Re-opening the store paved the way for small businesses to ply their trade and to have an outlet for their products. “I want to thank Mr Banfield because he has stuck to local producers and helping us build out industries such as the pork industry because these are critical to our development.” (BT)
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FOOD COURT REOPENS – With the exception of three eateries undergoing renovations, the all-clear has been given by the Ministery of Health for the reopening of the food court at Sheraton Mall. And yesterday those opened were doing brisk business.On Tuesday, all 21 of the food establishments at the popular Sargeant’s Village, Christ Church mall were ordered shut, with the ministry explaining that after numerous inspections over six days there were “several conditions” in violation of the health services food hygiene regulations. Owners were instructed to carry out the “necessary remedial action”.The cleaning was led by the mall’s general manager, Kamaal Bennett, along with sales and marketing manager Adrian Clarke of Pilot Management Services.Bennett said they began cleaning on Tuesday night, working through to the wee hours of each morning.“Based on the reopening of the stores, the inspectors themselves commended us on the work done. There are three stores which remained closed - Piggies, Yvonne’s and Arabian Knights - but it has nothing to do with the cleaning; they are closed due to ongoing renovations,” he said.  (SS)
VAPING HARMFUL – The Ministry of Health has warned the public about the dangers of vaping, particularly on the heels of reports of a rash of deaths and severe breathing illnesses linked to the habit in the United States. In a statement issued today, the ministry said that the cause of the illnesses, which have so far resulted in six deaths, was still not entirely clear, but investigations were ongoing by the US Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). Acting Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Kenneth George, said the fairly recent fad, mostly among teenagers and young adults, has involved smoking flavoured e-cigarettes with nicotine oils and more recently marijuana oils. The ministry advised that particularly minors, pregnant women and people who have never smoked should avoid vaping since they were at increased risk of adverse reactions, including respiratory illnesses. People who vape were warned against using home-made solutions, and the ministry stressed that it did not recommend e-cigarettes as an aid to quit smoking aid. The Health Services (Smoking Regulations) 2017 defines electronic smoking devices as tobacco products for the purposes of restricting their marketing and sales to minors and forbidding their use in public spaces. In the more than 450 cases so far confirmed in the United States, breathing problems ranged from coughing and difficulty breathing to chest pain. There were also gastrointestinal symptoms, including nausea, vomiting and diarrhoea.The non-specific symptoms being experienced include fever and fatigue. The Ministry of Health said it will be issuing guidelines to healthcare providers summarizing the situation and sharing the local case definition for surveillance purposes. The ministry is also asking hospitals and urgent care providers to ask patients who come in with “significant respiratory distress” whether they had been vaping prior to the illness.(BT)
ABUSER BACK IN COURT – A 32-year-old man who admitted to assaulting the mother of his child and harming her will make his next court appearance on September 18 along with the complainant. Shirmaro Andre Michael Coward, of 2nd Avenue, Richmond Gap, St Michael appeared before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant today and pleaded guilty to committing the act against Shaddriese Marshall on September 2. Prosecutor Victoria Taitt told the court that the two have been in a relationship for the past two years and share a one-year-old child. Taitt said on the day of the incident the accused, who had been verbally and physically abusive to the complainant, went over to her house to drop off their son. When Coward arrived there however, he began using abusive language to Marshall, embarrassing her and causing her to walk off in the direction of her house. Coward grabbed her by the hair and started punching her on the face and head. Marshall began screaming. Her mother come to her assistance and Coward ran away. However, the prosecutor said, the accused subsequently returned and Marshall called the police. While she was doing that Coward punched her in the head again before running off for a second time. After hearing the facts Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant ordered that Marshall be summoned to court for September 18. With a warning to stay away from the complainant, she granted Coward, who was represented by attorney-at-law Mohia Ma’at, $2,000 bail which he secured with one surety. (BT)
SHOPLIFER JAILED - When a 42-year-old man took up a $967.99 pair of sunglasses and slipped out of Cave Shepherd last week without paying, he sent security on a futile search for him. A worker recognised Allan Orlando Simmons when he entered the store. Two days later, the thief, who has no fixed place of abode, returned to the scene of the crime and approached the same worker who had seen him and begged for money. Simmons who is known to the courts, was apprehended by security personnel, who then turned him over to police, prosecutor Victoria Taitt revealed as she outlined the facts. “I would like some leniency because my mother and grandmother died and my father put me out. I used to work but got into a little trouble,” Simmons told Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant. About the item he stole, he admitted, “I took off the tag but gave it to someone because it was too expensive. “I am a man who normally wears glasses because of the sun.  But I want some leniency in this position . . . I was at the prison before it was burned down. I want some leniency, “ he told the magistrate. However, Cuffy-Sargeant informed him that the last time he was before the court was also for theft of items from the same store. For his crime the District ‘A’ magistrate sentenced Simmons to two months in prison.(BT)
LOBO’S CASE ADJOURNED – An Argentinian man charged with theft of money from two of this island’s financial institutions remains on remand at Her Majesty’s Prison Dodds. Joaquin Alberto Lobo from Caseros, Buenos Aires, Argentina has been on remand at the St Philip institution since his first appearance before Magistrate Kristie Cuffy-Sargeant back in July. The 33-year-old alleged ATM skimmer, who arrived in Barbados on July 3, is accused of stealing $3, 040 cash belonging to the Barbados Public Workers Credit Union Limited between July 6 and 7. He is also charged with stealing $79, 770 cash belonging to CIBC First Caribbean International Bank (Barbados) Limited between July 5 and 8. He has denied the first charge but was not required to enter a plea to the second charge, as it is an indictable offence. When Lobo appeared before the No. 2 District ‘A’ Magistrates’ Court this week the cases against him were adjourned until October 9.(BT)
ARCHER PUTS ENGLAND AHEAD – Jofra Archer took 6-62 to give England the upper hand in the fifth Ashes Test, despite yet more runs from Australia’s Steve Smith on day two at The Oval today. Pace bowler Archer was supported by three wickets from left-armer Sam Curran – including two in two balls – as the tourists were bowled out for 225. Through it all, Smith stood firm, and it was his wicket – lbw to Chris Woakes for 80 – that England and their supporters celebrated the most. It says much about Smith’s stellar summer that this was his lowest score of the series and the inability to reach a century felt like a relative failure. England batted twice in the day. In the morning they went from 271-8 to 294 all out, a total that looked short of par on a flat pitch.(BT)
KING OVERCOMES BRAZILIAN – Top tennis player Darian King battled hot sweltering conditions in Criciuma, Brazil yesterday to set the customary Davis Cup template for the Bajan team by defeating homeboy Joao De Menezes 3-6, 6-4, 6-2 after two hours and 37 bruising minutes. Facing vocal home crowd support as well as meeting 22-year-old De Menezes on the latter’s favourite outdoors clay court, King struggled early to find his rhythm against the recent Pan Am gold medallist in Peru. Even so, the 3-6 score-line did not reflect the closeness of the games in the opening set with both players fighting to establish an advantage.However, King’s ground strokes and greater experience then showed the disparity between the two players with the Bajan ranked at 169 to De Menezes’ 194. Unreeling his passing forehand blazers and deft backhand strokes, King moved from 1-1 in the second set to 4-1. De Menezes then found a Samba wave as well as his favourite clay underfoot to battle back to 4-4 in games winning a double break point at 3-4.King held his nerve and serve to triumph in the second set to set up the decider. With De Menezes committing a double fault in the first game, King did not capitalise fully as he also made the same error. Racking up winning break points on either side of a similar success by De Menezes, King stroked his way within sight of victory 4-1 before the Brazilian fired his sole ace of the match to keep hope alive 2-4.But, as customary as rain on Kadooment Day, King took the match to give Barbados a 1-0 advantage in the contest. However, southpaw Haydn Lewis could not maintain that edge going into today’s doubles as he folded to Thiago Monteiro 2-6, 2-6. (SS)
CALL FOR NEW APPROACH TO TEACHING – A secondary school teacher wants to leave the chalk and talk style of teaching in the dust. Regina Layne thinks that the traditional method is stopping students from reaching their full potential.Layne, who recently received her diploma in education from Erdiston Teachers Training College, was speaking at the St Leonard’s Boys’ Secondary School where the C.O. Williams Group and the Eden Lodge Youth Charitable Trust presented the school with a television and projector system.“It is going to take a while to get it started but. . . I think we do too much writing in the exercise books. I think if we stop the writing we might be able to complete the syllabus in time because we are never able to finish it.  “If we reduce the amount of writing that the students do, and if we prepare and give them more, we could accomplish more,” Layne said at the Richmond Gap, St Michael School.During the presentation, she advocated for more creative student-centred approaches. (SS)
HONOR YOUR PLEDGES – As Barbados prepares to disperse its first traunch of financial assistance to the Bahamas, CARICOM Ambassador David Comissiong is pleading for Barbadians who have pledged money in last Sunday’s telethon to honour their commitments. In fact, Comissiong told Barbados TODAY that Government is currently over $150,000 short of the near $500,000 pledged last Sunday night at the Rise Bahamas mediathon. After a ceremony at the Sea Breeze Beach House in Maxwell Christ Church to announce a $24,000 donation by Ocean Hotels Barbados, Comissiong said he was extremely pleased with the outpouring of support from Barbados’ working class and private sector. He however stressed that citizens needed to follow through on promised donations to make the initiative work. “We are now in the process of getting people to honor those pledges and collecting everything in the account at CIBC First Caribbean. As of Wednesday, we were up to approximately $278,000 so we still have some additional pledges to be honored and paid in,” he said. “We will be doing our follow up work and we know there will be some lag but we want to get the first donation out next week with the understanding that more money will follow as it comes into the bank account.” He added: “The funds will go directly to support on-the-ground relief efforts in the Bahamas. The figure we gave out at the end of the mediathon was 441,000. That represented a combination of cash payments at the CBC studios, credit card payments made on the Sunday, cheques made at the CBC studios and payments at various branches of the CIBC bank and pledges.” Comissiong encouraged Barbadians to be proud of their efforts and encouraged citizens to find strength in the organs of the Caribbean Community (CARICOM) and the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA), which is the primary coordinator of the Bahamas relief efforts. “The churches that immediately supported the fundraising efforts for the Bahamas, the companies like Cave Shepherd, Ocean Hotels and all the others that have been donating to this cause since last week, it shows that we are on the ball, we are being proactive and we are helping ourselves. We are not waiting for outside actors to come to our rescue. We are helping ourselves,” said the Ambassador.(BT)
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