#Reality V15
david-goldrock · 4 months
I have a genuine question that I hope is okay to ask - feel free to delete if not.
Recently I was told that a one state solution with Israel being the one state is something that is advocated for by the majority of right-wing Israelis who don't believe peace is possible with Palestinians as things stand. Is that true? And if so, I was also told this was not a particularly practical resolution because then you'd just have them in your country. Other states have made it extremely clear that they will not take in Palestinian refugees so the only way this ends without either two states or an Israel teeming with people bent on revenge who will never voluntarily integrate or give up their dream of an Islamic state in eretz Yisrael is if they are mostly killed.
But say that Israel managed to do so without the rest of the world intervening to stop it first. Wouldn't Israel truly be a pariah state then, if it survived the venues of the rest of the world?
Wouldn't that make it ultimately less practical for Israel (ignoring, obviously the human cost here) despite the drawnacks of the other solutions?
well... you don't have to convince me that this plan is stupid XD
I wouldn't say most right-wing Israelis call for that. some call for the annexation of area C only
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Some call for a federation as well
as for those who call for complete annexation...
Since I don't agree with their solution even a little, all I can do is to let their leader talk and to translate; that I can do. here is an interview of Betzalel Smotrich, the leader of the "Jewish Might" party, by, mainly, Lior Shlein, a semi-leftist comedian whose partner is the leader of the "Labor" party, conducted in 2016 (3 wars ago)
I will color code the text. the red is me giving clarifications and comments
Friends, most of the nation understands that the land of Israel belongs to us, the same way that most of the nation understands, that one must not give areas of the land of Israel to the arabs
Most of the nation understands, that one must not allow the establishment of a Palestinian country
And so- most of the nation will come to us; so it went to Bibi (Nethanyahu, the leader of the right-winged "Unity" party and the prime minister at the time) Because Bibi has managed to trick it
But wait a minute... when you say that...
And to tell it how "right winged" he is
When you're saying it here...
And it will return to us swiftly
When you're saying it, who are you {trying to} convince? us, yourself? for, there is a world, there is a reality, there are millions of Palestinians
My solution says that we are finishing the conflict {in our favor}
Not continuing to manage it like we are doing for 100 years in a bloody way
This solution says that we are finishing it {in our favor} by actions, and it means that we establish...
Is your solution that we'll win? that's...
Establishing the sovereignty -
it's not...
No, no, first of all, first of all, yes, friends, don't be so scared from the word "victory" -
Up until now we are with you, Really with you, Up until now we are with you-
By the way, the left is the one that very much liked the word "Victory" up until now, right? the V15, that was for Victory, I think that that was the title -
I don't know, we'll have to ask the left when we'll interview it
We very much like; we will finish this conflict {in our favor}, we'll establish the Israeli sovereignty all over the expanses of the land of Israel and Judea and Samaria, And then a few options emerge to what shall we do with the arabs who live there today
Option 1 behind curtain 1-
Option 1...
If they are loyal to us, they remain here
One option, they can remain as citizens-
Option 2.
Second option, can remain not as citizens but to get some kind of autonomy
Option 3.
Third option, to remain as residents, like the arabs of east Jerusalem; Let's put the options on the table, and talk and discuss and argue about the with no fear, up until today there is only one option on the table
And how would you... And how would you call this solution in 4 words- "No arabs no terror-attacks"? or "No brain, no worries"? How would you... How would you define this game show you just invented?
I would call it "The finishing {in our favor} plan". It's the only thing that has a chance to bring peace and quiet to the citizens of Israel. It's the only thing that can bring, Lior, to coexistence between arabs and jews-
And if 2.5 million palestinians say "Smotrich! we're with you, we are loyal" would you give them the right to elect (to the knesset)?-
I don't know. I think not. Tell me for a moment, in the USA... (Oh I wanna know what did he want to say so much)
It went so quickly from the mere shock of the question to the decisiveness of "I don't know" and then "No"
I already said that there are 3 options.
That I don't want to make a call between them right now. I want the Israeli public to discuss them, to argue about them; up until today there is only 1 plan on the table
But you're making another 2.5 million palestinians to Israeli public!-
Wait a minute! Up until today...
That's what I am telling you!
But that's not what I said.
Why not?
Up until today, there is only 1 plan on the table. The same way that there are 2 apartments for 2 partners, y'all want 2 countries for 2 people (A jab at Lior, who lives in a different apartment to his partner)
Who's y'all?
That's a not-realistic solution
Who's you? You want 2 delivery rooms for 2 nations (A jab at Smotrich, who said he doesn't want his wife to give birth in the same room as an arab) Stop it, may god help us! (Similar to the english "Jeez") You know...
You understand, though, You understand, though, Smotrich, that the reality doesn't show what you're showing, It shows us 2 options: either you don't give the arabs the right to vote and that's an apartheid, or you do give them the right to vote, and then immediately there will be in the Knesset a giant party, of religious fanatics, and that hates women, and gays, aren't you scared they will take your votes? That's what I am...
Look... I... I mainly am seeing what the reality teaches, reality, yes?
The real one, teaches us that for years we are fantasising that we have someone to talk to (about peace) and we don't have someone to talk to (about peace). The solution, though, of 2 states isn't realistic, it never was realistic, the maximum that the most far left in Israel is willing to give, is much less than the minimum that the most modest leader among the arabs will agree to accept and remain alive for 2 days, this is a fiction-
What did you come to convince us, the the palestinians, some of whome are terrorists and they don't want...
I came to... no, no, not some of them, all of them. I came to convince...
All of them? All of them?! okay, fair enough, okay, and then?
I came to convince that there is no chance for a model that is based on the division of the land, therefore we need to move to a model that's based on the unification of the land, and that means establishing sovergnity, and that means uprooting the Palestinians the hope for fullfilling nationalist aspirations here, in the land of Israel, they have a bunch of ISIS around to search where to do that, not here. It means this land is ours. What to do with them in the day after? {it's a} question, I said earlier at least 3 options, let's talk about them, let's argue, I don't want to set rivets
Okay, you got us convinced, what about the reality, Smotrich? - We can uproot their... - What about the world?
You understand, the you merely equating, no for real, because you don't need to convince... we are jews, we are Israelis, we are in the same boat, we suffer from terror, we suffer from the BDS, we suffer from antisemitism. You understand, that these kinds of talks by a respectable knesset member like you, they only cause more antisemitism, more BDS?
I think the exact opposite.
You understand...
That you are putting the BSD (Besiata Deshmaya- with the help of god, something said before making statements by some religious jews) in the BDS?
I think... Lior, I think the exact opposite. I think that the real reason for the great international pressure of the world to us to establish a palestinian state, is because we are saying that that is the solution. The prime minister of the right, not of the left, stands, and says the vision of the 2 states... by the way, last week he said that he has some kind of dream to make this vision a reality. so the world tells us "guys, for years you are busy at searching for excuses for why yes, but not right now. stop shitting us, if that's the solution, go for it". If we will go to the world and say that it's not the solution, I think that the world will recognize our right over the land of Israel, by the way in most of the religious writings of the world, which is mainly religious, the historical and religious right over the entirety of the land of Israel... by the way Abraham our forefather wasn't here in Tel Aviv and not in Herzeliya either, don't be offended, he was in Schem, Hebron, Alon More, these are the places where the nation of Israel had risen
Let's show the scene. let's see, Abraham our forefather, in Schem and Hebron- I promise to get- Lior realistic solutions, a temple, stuff like that, let's talk about concrete stuff, and not delusions like a state for a nation! let's, let us be...
From you, I expect not to disparage the bible-
I didn't disparage the bible-
Forget it, these ashkenazis that have disconnected and drifted apart for I don't know how much time, from you...
What is this Smotrich, from Tzan'a? (Smotrich is ashkenazi too, Tzan'a is where many Yemenite jews came from) from where?
Firstly, they kidnapped me, so the damage has already been done (a joke about the fact that in very early Israel yemenite children were kidnapped by ashkenazi families and the government had left that covered for years), Secondly... - me, my problem with the plan, I have no problem, I am with you. you say to win, to defeat them. my problem is that if that doesn't happen... we'll lose, we won't defeat them
This cannot be
Can't? but I have news for you...
Listen friends, in this land, for over 100 years, there exist 2 contradicting national aspirations. The left's fantasy, is that it is possible that they won't exactly contradict, but will rather divide the land and all will be fine. factually speaking, all throughout history...
we, by the way, always agreed to compromise. we agreed not to finish the conflict {in our favor}. from the {UN's} division plan to Barak and Olmert, yes? each with their fantasies.
The other side had always rejected it. when there are 2 contradicting national aspirations that fight all the time, there's blood {spilled} all of the time and that's bad and immoral for everybody. There is only one solution: to finish this conflict and it is that one of the side will lose hope on its hope and aspirations. I can't imagine that we'll give up
And you can imagine that they will give up.
I can imagine that
It worked up until now
I can imagine that they will give up in despair and will have to give up.
What did you say? that you want to make the arabs despair? If there is something that's dangerous for us it's a despaired arab.
No, no, I do not...
To despair them is not good
I certainly want to...
not good, a despaired arab is not a...
I certainly want to...
is not a dead arab (a pun on the extremeist call "a good arab is a dead arab" that Smotrich's supporters might call. Smotrich obviously didn't get the jab as his response is:)
I always knew...!
Oh! that a jewish heart...
I always knew that at the end of the day at the end of the day at the end of the day , the leftists are the least moral and the most racist, and that we are the ones who are more moral than all. We literally want that they will despair from the ability to fullfill their national hope, and by the way, then, then, and I must finish this move, at this moment, there will be a different hope for them for a good life, to enjoy the plentifulness and the progress, for, between us, what was here before we came?
Nothing, but knesset member Smotrich-
Swamps, maleria, we came, we brought here progress, technology, plentifullness, they all enjoy it, by the way, they have good lives, they don't have any realitve 360 degrees around, in no country, that has good lives, with rights and with democracy, such as they have here, even if they won't have the right to vote (What the fuck does democracy mean without the right to vote Smotrich? what are you talking about? you mishmashed 2 ideas!)
Do you understand that the CEO of your party...
And wait, wait, wait, why?
Had launched this week a plan for teaching 5 units (the best standart of high school) of english-
I am asking you, wait a minute, why
And It isn't relevant because in a moment nobody talks with us in this world?
You are convincing me, and him-
We just were in Africa-
And yourself! but there is a world, there is reality!
You are convincing yourselves. The state of Israel is far from being isolated, the prime minister just returned from a week of elephant travels in africa
Of course, all of our friends in africa, ah? really my great friend is
We are connections... We are connections with the world, by the way, I want to tell you, if you haven't heard, that the republican party in the USA has removed its support in the 2 state solution-
It's Trump! You are hanging up your safety on Trump?
Very well may be-
Sir, in europe ugly phenomenons of antisemitism resurface, there is a financial boycott, there is an acacdemic boycott on Israel, it looks like Israel is doing nothing to fix that; I very much hope that we aren't counting on the mercy of heaven, because if you were embarressed that Bibi fell asleep in africa, wait and see what happenes to god in europe. what... will stand between us and all of that if I, god forbid, don't believe in g-od?
Not in him either.
First of all I want to tell you, that even if you don't believe in him he exists, and he loves you and cares for you. You know, to the arabs we say "no duties no rights", with him it isn't like that.
You mean to say that god belives in Lior?
Even when there are no duties, even when there are no duties, there are rights, he loves you, because you are a jew, you got fucked, that's first of all. second of all, he who looks at the process of Israel from holocaust to sovergnity in 68 years (the age of Israel in 2016), we did something here that no nation in the world has done. by the way, we and India and us got independence around the same time, they got it in '47
Okay, but what do they have? they have buddah, it's some kind of statue, come on
Wait, wait, wait, what is this, bro you are completly right. that's the reason that here, see what there is, and there when you go abroad, what do you take from home? toilet paper, right?
that's the difference between us and india
Just don't call me "bro" and keep your hands off my sister. okay...
Are you just shitting on india right now? you just found a country and said "let's shit on them"? what is this thing? -They are still with us - these indians, no toilet paper
What we did here in 68 years... what we did here in 68 years is a bunch, and its obvious that is is, let's say, unnatural even, we don't need to be scared that we didn't finish the job in 68 years
you're right
A great place, there is a way to go
I know guys who finished the job in a week. - in much less, yeah- in one week! had created -Come on, let smotrich be a Prime Minister and he'd finish the job in a week - yeah- 68 years to built, how quickly can one destroy? it's like that- like that
You are trying to destroy for a while....
And then the discussion shifts to a different subject
I hope this helps?
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audio-luddite · 1 year
Subway music.
Underground busking occurred on Sunday. It was Mother's Day here and the family went downtown to the Vancouver Art Gallery. There was a special event for moms and kids and by extension grandkids. Going downtown we usually take the train. The part in the city goes underground. The stations there are all hard surfaced which makes sense for high traffic public areas. A bit of a pressure wash and all is sanitary.
On the way home I was waiting for my daughter to come down by elevator with her baby carriage and my smallest grandkid. There was a young man with an electric mandolin sitting nearby. People streamed by and he let into an intense and impressive Vivaldi "Winter" solo. So many notes, such fast fingers! The walls reverberated with a baroque masterpiece. He was tearing into it. He had a small amp and speaker, but I was ten feet away so there was a lot of direct energy as well as the electric assist.
I wonder why he needed the amp, the instrument is not really loud, but it carries very well. I haven't carried change or cash since the pandemic so I had nothing to drop in his case. I wanted to. He was really good.
The sound was interesting. I wonder if anyone ever considered doing a recording in a subway station. I bet they have in New York. I will have to check up on that. (Just did, and yup there are) Reverb makes everything better.
I a totally unrelated thread the Shure V15 iii, iv, v, and MR Cartridge family. I saw a V15 MR listed online. That got me going. I have been thinking some time about my second turntable. It has a lower tier pickup on it right now. The Shure bodies live forever, and new styli are available from Japan.
My first good phono cartridge was a Shure M91 ED. I graduated to the V15 III soon after. I had that for years. If you go back to the golden ears 40 years ago it was a favorite until they collectively went down the Moving Coil rabbit hole. The Shure family were noted for excellent tracking and very neutral accurate sound. Legend has it that last 30 off the line were snapped up by the US Library of Congress to transcribe valuable LPs. They were also preferred by mastering engineers much to the frustration of more than one golden ear.
I eventually retired my Shure in favor of a Signet TK7E which was a luxury brand of Audio Technica. It sounded better to me. It tracked better and was just nice. The TK7E is a moving magnet with two tiny magnets on the cantilever set mutually 90 degrees apart between coils. The Shure scheme had a tiny magnet in the fulcrum of the cantilever inside a metal tube. They made it work. The Audio Technica scheme is more open and direct in my opinion.
I still have that one in a box with a new stylus. Here I go down another rabbit hole of thinking. I just gotta let it run out until I come back to reality. That is really what this blog thing is for. Get it out. Return to the center.
Remain Calm and listen to music.
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melbournenewsvine · 2 years
Dyson Gen5 Detect stick vacuum review: Australia price features particles worth it?
If you’ve seen one Dyson stick vacuum you’ve seen them all. Perhaps that’s what you think, or what many think, about the top-shelf product from one of the biggest names in vacuums. In reality the innovation coming to products from Dyson is far beyond every other product on the market. The latest model from Dyson launches today, the Gen5 Detect. Moving away from the naming system that produced the V6, V7, V8 through to the V15 models of recent years, the new name indicates a new-generation electric motor powering this stick vacuum. Smaller, faster and more powerful than previous models, the Gen5 motor spins nine times faster than a Formula 1 engine – up to 135,000rpm. More importantly, the new model features particle detection down to as small as 0.1 microns, and the filter traps 99.99 per cent of harmful particles right down to that tiny size. Dyson founder James Dyson said the product “defines Dyson’s next generation of cleaning technology”. The innovation coming to products from Dyson is far beyond every other product on the market. (Dyson) It is the combination of our dust light optic technology, dust particle counting and sizing, pioneering new motor and whole-machine HEPA filtration, that enables you to achieve our deepest ever clean,” he said. As strange as it seems, the software on this vacuum is the most impressive thing to me. When I roll it over my carpet, a screen on the back of the unit shows the level of dust particles it’s detecting, and that graph reduces as you clean. The less coloured bars there are, the less particles you have and the cleaner your carpet or floor. It’s a simple concept but it almost gamifies the vacuuming process. When I roll it over my carpet, a screen on the back of the unit shows the level of dust particles it’s detecting. (Dyson) In my testing I found it would pick up instant particle detections as soon as I started cleaning, but if you vacuum thoroughly those numbers decrease. Head back to a previously clean area and you notice on the screen that the area is cleaner. The motor will increase and decrease its speed depending on how many particles it’s detecting, and overall I think it’s quieter too. On the hard-floor cleaning head, like last year there is a laser-light that shines on the floor in front of the vacuum head to essentially highlight the dust you need to clean. The laser is brighter and it has made a big difference. (Dyson) This year it’s brighter and it has made a big difference, not just to how well you can see those particles in the light of day, but just how well they light up. The final big change is the on-off switch. No longer a trigger to squeeze, it’s a button to turn the unit on or off. This means you can clean for extended periods without your “trigger finger” getting sore. Seems simple, but it’s really quite useful, and a feature on many other products. If allergies are a problem, the new Dyson Gen5Detect is for you. (Dyson) My only issue is the placement of the button on the top of the unit at the back. Not great ergonomics, but the idea I assume is to turn it on, do the task, then turn it off and put it away. It’s by far the most advanced Dyson yet, and it shows in the quality of the product and of the clean. The safest and most dangerous countries when it comes to cybersecurity Priced at $1,499 it’s also not cheap, but if allergies are a thing for you and it’s a challenge knowing where you have and have not cleaned on hard floors, the new Dyson Gen5Detect is for you. Source link Originally published at Melbourne News Vine
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surfincloud · 4 years
Realme introduces 108 megapixel camera for upcoming 8 series
Realme introduces 108 megapixel camera for upcoming 8 series
Realme 8 Series smartphones will have sharp photo quality, the world’s first tilt-shift time-lapse video, starry time-lapse video and new portrait filters. IANS | Updated on: 03 Mar 2021, 10:22:28 AM Realme Unveils 108mp Sensor (Photo Credit: IANS) highlights Reality unveils industry-leading 108 megapixel camera Sharp photo quality will be the world’s first tilt-shift time-lapse video New…
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bathedinobscurity · 4 years
v15 | modern
Exactly what it says on the tin. A modern AU. Generally still follows the plotline of Tangled the Series, just in a modern setting.
v15b | normal modern
A variation on the modern AU that doesn’t follow the plotline of Tangled the Series and stays more true to real life. Varian is just a regular high school student. Still 100% a science nerd.
v16 | avatar: the last airbender
Again, exactly what it says on the tin. In this AU, Varian is a young firebender that lives in one of the Fire Nation’s colonies in the Earth Kingdom. Just like his regular counterpart, he’s into alchemy. Go figure.
His father shelters him completely from the realities of the war, but he finds out about it the hard way after rumors start going around his village after the return of the Avatar. He and his father get in a fight over the situation, and Varian winds up accidentally burning him.
Guilt stricken and conflicted about his identity as a firebender, Varian runs away from home.
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atoutlines · 5 years
Heirs With Christ
Romans 8:12-17
Being An Heir Means Having A Family (v12-14)
What is most essential to the issue of orphan care?
Thousands upon thousands of children for all intents and purposes, do not have families.
There are massive spiritual implications within the issue of orphan care that help to provide a greater understanding of the physical realities we are confronted with in our world.
“So then brothers, we are debtors, not to the flesh, to live according to the flesh. For if you live according to the flesh you will die, but if by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God.”
There is something wrong that has disrupted and distorted God’s design for family:
The flesh is Paul’s simple way of communicating the “animal nature of man” or our natural hardwiring to sin.
This was passed down from our first parent Adam (cf Rom 5:12) and through our nuclear parents (Ps 51:5).
The flesh is representative of sin and death and it is inescapable!
But Christ came in the “likeness of sinful flesh and for sin, he condemned sin in the flesh…” (v3) so that we would no longer walk “according to the flesh but according to the Spirit…” (v4) and so that we would never face “condemnation” (v1) and so that “the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead…” would “also give life to your mortal bodies through his Spirit who dwells in you.” (v11).
Fundamentally, the flesh (our sin) has made us spiritual orphans.
There was a time where we as Peter says: “not a people but now we are God’s people.” (1 Pe. 2:10).
The gospel has not just brought us out of sin and death, but it has brought us into a family.
Rather than being slaves to our sin, which only ever leads to death (v12-13), we now live according to the presence and power of God (the “Spirit”), which more than anything has made us “sons of God.”
We have gone from slaves to sin to sons of God!
Because Christ was raised, our place in the family of God is secure in the present and in the future.
Being An Heir Means Having All-Access (v15-17)
A beautiful element of being adopted into God’s family is the access we are given as his sons.
“For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear, but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry. ‘Abba Father!’”
If there is no access then there is fear. Being isolated brings fear. Not having a way into a family leads to fear.
We who have been freed from the constraints of our sinful flesh are no longer a people enslaved to fear, because we have been given complete access to God.
There is a clear contrast in this verse. Fear is in opposition to having Father God!
What else is clear? We need constant confirmation because it is our propensity to slip back into orphanhood.
“The Spirit himself bears witness with our spirit that we are children of God,” (v16).
The Spirit of God not only secures our adoption, but he testifies to it, to us.
Meaning, he himself reminds us of our sonship.
The antidote to fear is family, and especially fatherhood; God as Father.
The term “Abba Father!” is the most personal, endearing, intimate, all-access term for Father in Aramaic.
In our adoption we don’t just have a father, we have the father of fathers.
Ultimately, this has made us heirs. Not only have we been brought into God’s family as God the Father’s adopted children, but we have also been classified as co-heirs with his only begotten son, Jesus Christ:
“and if children, then heirs--heirs of God and fellow heirs with Christ, provided we suffer with him in order that we may also be glorified.” (v17).
The same access that THE Son (Jesus) has is the same access that we, his adopted sons have.
An heir is one who has been granted possession of something through no other means than they are a privileged recipient.
We have for all of eternity, the same access to God the Father as Jesus does because of our status.
But why doesn’t it necessarily feel like we have all-access now? The end of verse 17 provides an answer. There is an already-not yet tension that exists in the here and now, while we wait for glory. And the suffering is the greatest indicator of this. Our suffering is a reminder of the access we have to God, because it links us to the why behind our access. Jesus had to take flesh on and suffer in order to give us access so our suffering points directly to the suffering of Jesus and what it took to become children, heirs, and all-access recipients to God!
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loadstores866 · 3 years
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kultejas · 4 years
Realme Narzo 30 will be the cheapest 5G smartphone, may be launched soon
Realme Narzo 30 will be the cheapest 5G smartphone, may be launched soon
Highlights: Three phones can be launched in Reality Narzo 30 series The phone will have 5G connectivity Android 11 OS can be given in the handset New DelhiRealme launched its Realme X7 5G smartphone in India this month. This phone of Realme was introduced as a rebranded variant of Realme V15 5G. Reality X7 5G is currently the most affordable 5G smartphone in the country, priced at Rs 19,999. It…
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theopentable · 4 years
Live as Free People. Honour Everyone. Don’t Poke the Bear.
1 Peter 2:13-17
Peter’s community likely lived in Rome during the reign of the emperor Nero. Nero’s rap sheet included a range of debaucheries and extravagances. He was handsome with soft features and his yearning for artistic expression was so deep that he scandalised the civic sensibilities of his people[1]. He would become known for his megalomania and instigated in his own time what would become later Roman policy: the persecution of Christians.
Nero was raised by his mother, Julia Agrippina who, after poisoning her second husband, became the wife of her uncle the emperor Claudius. She persuaded Claudius to choose Nero as successor over his own. Nero would also marry Claudius’ daughter Octavia. Nero’s mother set about eliminating all who would stand in the way of her son’s rise to power – likely poisoning Claudius in AD 54 and his son Britannicus in 55. Nero assumed absolute power at the tender age of sixteen.
Nero ultimately put his own mother to death (who had reportedly lost her grip on sanity) as well as his wife (he had fallen in love with another man’s wife) and become at home in a power without limits. Nero grew irresponsible and largely used his position to gratify his own pleasures. His regard as emperor slumped considerably.
In the year 64 a devastating fire erupted and reduced much of the city to embers. Rumours began that Nero started a fire that devastated the city in order to fast-track ambitious building plans for the city. Needing a scapegoat, Nero found a convenient target in the Roman Christians who were considered second-rate citizens guilty of engaging in all kinds of evildoing. Soldiers went from door to door seizing and publicly executing Christ followers. Believers were led to the floor of the Circus Maximus where they were shackled, splattered with blood, and then devoured by starving dogs. Peter was ultimately martyred and the Christian community devastated. Many believe that this letter was written in this period of the persecution under Nero in the early 60s.
In the year 68, with his reign in tatters, Nero’s rule as emperor came to an end. Nero was forced to flee the city. Nero stabbed himself in the throat and died, aged thirty.
This brutal context provides an important backdrop to what Peter has to say about how Christians should relate to the state.[2] The reality, for Peter’s outsider-community, is that the Roman society they inhabited was a volatile and murderous state. They were considered less-than and culpable of wrong-doing and evil by Roman standards. And so when Peter advises that they, for the Lord’s sake, accept the authority[3] of every human institution, whether emperor or governor set in place to punish deviance (vv13-14) he is putting forward the only real option his community has. As Marshall describes, 
“they must disarm all such criticism by going out of their way to be law-abiding and to fulfil the responsibilities of their various stations in life.”[4] 
For a community already copping significant heat, Peter offers a strategy for ensuring that no further heat is applied.
Peter’s directions are not simply about self-preservation. Bigger than this is the motivation to render obedience to the God who appoints the authorities that carry out his will. Render to Caesar what is Caesar’s may also be the allusion here. They are to do right, to engage in good, to actively do what one can to make to contribute to the wellbeing of the place they inhabit. This will also serve to silence the hostile critics who would seek to scapegoat, slander and dehumanise, who presume that no good might come from this movement (v15).
And yet the text is subversive. They submit to authorities and yet they do this as free people (v16). “You are free men, but only as you are God’s slaves. You must not use your freedom as a disguise for evil.”[5] They are a redeemed people (1:18) free from obligation to all but God. This freedom is a freedom to do right and that right is, in an ultimate sense, directed by God and not the emperor.
Further to this, honour the emperor, yes, but honour everyone. Honour the dignity of all. 
Live out the universal brotherhood and sisterhood of all humanity. Honour people, not simply because they occupy some powerful office, but because they are human and the normal concerns of status and power play out differently in this community. 
Those categories of greater-than and less-than don’t apply here. You are part of the beloved community who invoke as Father the one who judges on entirely different terms. Green writes,
“It is hard to imagine a more devastating critique of the Roman way, for with the pairing of these two directives Peter has flattened the status pyramid of the Roman world. He has just made one's response to the slave next door no less than one's response to the emperor. Without saying so explicitly, Peter has thus cast his Christian audience as imitators of the Father who exercises impartiality in judgment (1:17).”[6]
Emperors and slaves, in the eyes of God, are one and the same. But in practical terms don’t poke the bear. And as you go, serve with humility as a truly free person and member of the beloved community. That’s how you honour God in hostile settings.
[1] “Even the common soldiers of the legions were scandalized to see the descendant of Caesar publicly perform onstage the parts not only of ancient Greek heroes but of far lower characters. “I have seen him onstage,” Gaius Julius Vindex, the legate who rebelled against him, was to say, “playing pregnant women and slaves about to be executed.” Encyclopædia Britannica, December 11, 2019 https://www.britannica.com/biography/Nero-Roman-emperor, viewed April 20, 2020
[2] See also Mark 12:14-17 (and parallel passages), Romans 13:1-7, 1 Timothy 2:1-3, Titis 3:1-3
[3] Submit, literally “placing oneself below another person”
[4] I. Howard Marshall, 1 Peter, p.83
[5] Clarence Jordan, The Cotton Patch Gospel: The Complete Collection
[6] Joel B. Green, 1 Peter
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Opens The Doorway
“I have shewed you all things, how that so labouring ye ought to support the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how He said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.” Acts 20:25KJV
What is the origin of gift giving at Christmas? Tradition dates Christmas time gift giving back to: ‘Saint Nicholas of Myra was a 4th-century Greek Christian bishop of Myra (now Demre) in Lycia, a province of the Byzantine Anatolia, now in Turkey. Nicholas was famous for his generous gifts to the poor, in particular presenting the three impoverished daughters of a pious Christian with dowries so that they would not have to become prostitutes. He was very religious from an early age and devoted his life entirely to Christianity.’ (Wikipedia)
Scripturally, God’s giving us Jesus is the greatest gift. John 3:16KJV “For God so loved the world that He GAVE His only begotten Son:” (Emphasis mine) Following God’s gift to us was the three gifts to baby Jesus from three Eastern Asian kings.
Giving opens the doorway to being blessed. Elijah went to Zarephath, obeying God’s instruction to find a widow. See 1Kings 17:7-16. He asked her to give to him, her only food. Her response: V12NLT “I am gathering a few sticks to take home and make a meal for myself and my son, that we may eat it—and die.” God’s way for her was to give, to receive. V15-16NIV “She went away and did as Elijah had told her. …there was food every day for Elijah and for the woman and her family. For the jar of flour was not used up and the jug of oil did not run dry, in keeping with the word of the Lord spoken by Elijah.”
Proverbs 11:24-25NLT “One person gives freely, yet gains even more; another withholds unduly, but comes to poverty...A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed.” We know a man who dearly loves his own flesh and blood. They can have anything he owns. Outsiders aren’t worthy of his consideration— no sympathy or help for them. Giving a Christmas gift or sharing his Christmas day meal is beyond him. Only ‘his four and no more.’ Poverty is the hound which follows his trail.
Luke 6:38 “Give, and it will be given to you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over, will be poured into your lap...” God lavished love and mercy down upon us one night in Bethlehem. He sent a tiny baby to become our Savior dying on the cross for our sins. In return, through Jesus, God’s adopted a huge family from every nation. John 1:12ISV “Yet to all who did receive Him, to those who believed in His name, He gave the right to become children of God—”
If you’ve received Christ Jesus into your heart, mimic your Papa God. Freely love and give every way, and opportunity you can. There is poverty to shun. Love, Christ and blessings to gain. It’s your choice. You choose.
PRAYER:  Papa God, I choose to give everything I am to gain Christ and love in my heart. Make my choice a reality please. And help these readers to do the same, in Jesus’ name.
by Debbie Veilleux Copyright 2017 You have my permission to reblog this devotional for others. Please keep my name with this devotional as author. Thank you.
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jelantiahilma · 5 years
Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress
Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – Currently about to get married? For most women, this is the day that they have been planning for since they were is frequently. If you feel the same, then they have understandable why you’re out there seeking advice, help as well as support to make your dream wedding a reality.
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Discount Simple Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dresses V Neck Off Shoulder Bridal Gowns Puffy Vestido De Novia Wedding Dress Latest Wedding Gowns Long Sleeve … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Let’s face it. When it comes to wedding dress, most men just can’t seem to understand the incredible importance of picking the perfect wedding dress. Accurate, you’re only going to be sporting that gown once before, and your groom may still feel the inclination to get wed even if you showed up dressed in a new potato sack, but you well know that one of the most important days of your life merits an exceptionally specific dress.
Top Tips to Select the Perfect Wedding Dress
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Classic Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
There are so many marriage details that you need to take care of, yet it’s equally important that you take the time to find the perfect wedding gown for yourself. To help you out, we’ve come up with a number of wedding dress tips for how you can appear your best on your wedding day.
Tip 1: Is constantly going to your groom for tips getting you decrease?
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Spaghetti Strap Deep V-neck Satin Ballgown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Find a female friend or maybe relative who will gladly join you on your trips for the bridal shop.
Unless your personal groom is female fashion-savvy, he’s not going to be much guide when you ask him in regards to the perfect wedding dress collar or neckline for you. Find a female companion or companions that you simply trust enough for 2nd and third opinions.
Tip 2: Set a finances, and try to follow it.
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Satin Cummerbund Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Wedding dress budgets are hardly ever exact. You might need to spend more or you might finally end up spending less than you likely. The point is having a budget as the primary goal can help you control the urge to splurge on your very specific dress. Try your hardest to follow your dress funds, and pray that you locate a great wedding dress bargain that can make your groom proud.
Tip 3: Consider the color of your own personal gown.
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V15 – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
You can stick with convention and go for white, but if you want to add some color to the gown, then by all means, obtain the perfect color for you. Currently, a number of modern brides are going for colored wedding dresses instead of simply white ones. Stand out inside the sea of white-clad brides to be by going for an eye-popping color.
You may want to take the season into consideration when picking out the wedding party dress color, or you can basically go for what flatters your current complexion best. Also be organized for possible adverse reactions through your traditional guests. Console yourself with the thought that it’s your wedding day, and you can wear blue or maybe black if you want to.
Tip 4: Find the right wedding dress length.
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Satin Cummerbund Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Of course, wedding gowns can be short or long according to the type of ceremony you’re having and where you’re planning about having it. There’s a very basic rule when it comes to choosing the best wedding dress length, and it’s for you to base your dress size on how formal the service is.
If you’re having a proper ceremony, then floor-length may be the way to go. If it’s an ultra-formal wedding, then you may want to put in a cathedral train to your gown. For informal weddings, you can choose the hemline that adds to you best.
Short, at least shorter wedding dresses are encouraged for casual and out-of-doors weddings for practical factors. You don’t want to get mud, couple of twigs, leaves or sand on your floor-length designer wedding dress, suitable?
Tip 5: Pick the suitable and the most flattering sleeve-length and style for your dress
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Satin Cap Sleeve Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
By simply appropriate, we’re merely reminding you that a winter wedding may not be the best time to go for just a halter, plunging and backless number unless you’re planning with wearing over clothes.
Should you be feeling conscious about your biceps and triceps or your shoulders, then you might want to keep those problem areas taken care of. There are numerous sleeve styles as well as sleeve lengths to choose from; easily pick the one that fits typically the occasion best while causing you to be feel pretty and comfortable in the dress.
Tip 6: Know the importance of finding the right skirt type and dress shape for you.
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V15 – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Much like wedding dresses, brides
also come in different shapes and sizes. Take into consideration your own personal physical assets, your overall shapes and your problem areas when making your choice of skirt style and dress shape.
For example , if you’re fashioned like an inverted triangle, together with prominent shoulders and tiny hips, then a ball wedding dress would balance your proportions creating the perfect silhouette as well as hourglass figure.
Tip 7: Determining the best neckline for yourself.
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Satin Off-the-shoulder 15D Flowers Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Your wedding gown’s neckline can actually affect your gown’s overall look. You have numerous neckline alternatives, but it’s all just finding the most suitable and flattering neckline for your frame.
Remember, in the same way that you need to take your materials, body shape and problem areas into mind when picking out dress designs and skirt styles, you might also need to look at these factors think about your wedding dress neckline.
If you’re planning on showing off your forearms, your beautiful shoulders and distinct collar bones, and you have a great ample bosom to pull from the look, then the strapless dress is an excellent neckline choice. When you tend towards the flat aspect, then you can enhance your bust place with a bateau neckline.
Tip 8: Look for the right material
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Satin Cap Sleeve Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
A pure satin soccer ball gown would not stand on its own without layers of tulle under it or nets built into the dress. Your choice of fabric could directly affect your gown’s overall look. If you tend to be not comfortable or if you tend to really feel itchy when you’re wearing crispy and net-like fabrics, and then go for the breezy and lightweight versions.
There are so many different fabrics to choose from. A way to familiarize yourself with these fabrics is to ask your wedding planning software or the bridal boutique user to help you distinguish between the various fabric types available.
Tip 9: Decide on whether or not you desire or need a wedding teach
Tumblr media
15 New Design Wedding Dresses Ball Gown Satin Lace Appliques Off Shoulder Big Garden Vestidos De Mariee Backless Bridal Gowns Milla Nova Tea Length … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
A wedding train means extra-fabric and detailing, which means paying more for your wedding outfit. Unless your wedding is ultra-formal, you’re not going to need a coach.
If your heart is set upon having a train that tracks gracefully behind you, then pick your train length based upon practicality. Your wedding train can decrease your mobility, making it hard maneuver between chairs and also tables during the reception. A detachable wedding train is very advisable if you’re planning on conducting a lot of dancing and going for walks after the actual wedding ceremony.
Tip 10: Be Wary of bridal dress sizing and necessary modifications
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US $15.15 15% OFF|Fmogl Elegant Boat Neck Matte Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dresses 2015 Crystal Sashes Court Train Vintage Bridal Gowns Plus Size-in … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
You’ll find out more about that when you actually head to the bridal boutique to be measured.
You may already know your actual sizing, but don’t be too surprised if they tell you that you’re any size or two bigger than an individual thought.
This is not to say they may have faulty sizing charts; it only means that wedding dress boutiques along with high street shops have a several way of determining your dress size. Your dress dimensions are based on your body’s largest way of measuring.
If you have prominent hips plus a smaller bust area, your wedding dress size will be based on your hip size.
Once you ensure you get your wedding gown, you need to check if modifications need to be made for a perfect healthy. Most brides find that modifications are necessary to get the size right. Ask the boutique or perhaps shop owner for quotes on how much you’re going to need to pay for dress alterations to find out if you’re getting a great bargain or a rotten deal.
Tip 11: If you think your costume needs that extra glow and glam then go for some decorations and adornment
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Simple Plunging V Sleeveless Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Wedding dress embellishments and style have one special purpose, which is to bring something extra in your gown.
Additional decorations as well as embellishments are a great way of making your current dress even more unique and trendy.
A basic gown would seem great with additional beading and maybe some embroidery. If you want a far more feminine gown, then adding a bow, some laces and ribbons or three-dimensional flowers can give your dress the improve needed to make it an amazing in addition to personalized wedding dress.
Find a excellent seamstress or wedding dress custom made to help you pick out the right describing for your gown.
Most read: Cheap wedding dresses online
Tip 12: Decide if you need over apparel for your wedding gown
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Ericdress Sweetheart Matte Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
If you’re possessing a winter wedding, and your heart is set on a strapless, A-Line, princess dress, then a fantastic coat or bolero will allow you to keep warm during the wedding party. Keep in mind that there are also some churches that require brides to wear humble attire for the ceremony. Trait fringed shawls and floor-length feathered coats are excellent options for keeping covered during the actual ceremony. On your way to your wedding party, simply slip out of all these over clothes to show the total beauty of your wedding gown. Adhere to these helpful tips and keep these types of reminders in mind when dress-shopping, to make your hunt for the ideal wedding dress a more enjoyable and fewer stressful experience. Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress
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Helene – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
The post Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress appeared first on Fashion.
from WordPress https://embellishmentsone.com/ten-ideas-to-organize-your-own-satin-ball-gown-wedding-dress-satin-ball-gown-wedding-dress/
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liaflowerwall · 5 years
Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress
Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – Currently about to get married? For most women, this is the day that they have been planning for since they were is frequently. If you feel the same, then they have understandable why you’re out there seeking advice, help as well as support to make your dream wedding a reality.
Tumblr media
Discount Simple Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dresses V Neck Off Shoulder Bridal Gowns Puffy Vestido De Novia Wedding Dress Latest Wedding Gowns Long Sleeve … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Let’s face it. When it comes to wedding dress, most men just can’t seem to understand the incredible importance of picking the perfect wedding dress. Accurate, you’re only going to be sporting that gown once before, and your groom may still feel the inclination to get wed even if you showed up dressed in a new potato sack, but you well know that one of the most important days of your life merits an exceptionally specific dress.
Top Tips to Select the Perfect Wedding Dress
Tumblr media
Classic Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
There are so many marriage details that you need to take care of, yet it’s equally important that you take the time to find the perfect wedding gown for yourself. To help you out, we’ve come up with a number of wedding dress tips for how you can appear your best on your wedding day.
Tip 1: Is constantly going to your groom for tips getting you decrease?
Tumblr media
Spaghetti Strap Deep V-neck Satin Ballgown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Find a female friend or maybe relative who will gladly join you on your trips for the bridal shop.
Unless your personal groom is female fashion-savvy, he’s not going to be much guide when you ask him in regards to the perfect wedding dress collar or neckline for you. Find a female companion or companions that you simply trust enough for 2nd and third opinions.
Tip 2: Set a finances, and try to follow it.
Tumblr media
Satin Cummerbund Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Wedding dress budgets are hardly ever exact. You might need to spend more or you might finally end up spending less than you likely. The point is having a budget as the primary goal can help you control the urge to splurge on your very specific dress. Try your hardest to follow your dress funds, and pray that you locate a great wedding dress bargain that can make your groom proud.
Tip 3: Consider the color of your own personal gown.
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V15 – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
You can stick with convention and go for white, but if you want to add some color to the gown, then by all means, obtain the perfect color for you. Currently, a number of modern brides are going for colored wedding dresses instead of simply white ones. Stand out inside the sea of white-clad brides to be by going for an eye-popping color.
You may want to take the season into consideration when picking out the wedding party dress color, or you can basically go for what flatters your current complexion best. Also be organized for possible adverse reactions through your traditional guests. Console yourself with the thought that it’s your wedding day, and you can wear blue or maybe black if you want to.
Tip 4: Find the right wedding dress length.
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Satin Cummerbund Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Of course, wedding gowns can be short or long according to the type of ceremony you’re having and where you’re planning about having it. There’s a very basic rule when it comes to choosing the best wedding dress length, and it’s for you to base your dress size on how formal the service is.
If you’re having a proper ceremony, then floor-length may be the way to go. If it’s an ultra-formal wedding, then you may want to put in a cathedral train to your gown. For informal weddings, you can choose the hemline that adds to you best.
Short, at least shorter wedding dresses are encouraged for casual and out-of-doors weddings for practical factors. You don’t want to get mud, couple of twigs, leaves or sand on your floor-length designer wedding dress, suitable?
Tip 5: Pick the suitable and the most flattering sleeve-length and style for your dress
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Satin Cap Sleeve Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
By simply appropriate, we’re merely reminding you that a winter wedding may not be the best time to go for just a halter, plunging and backless number unless you’re planning with wearing over clothes.
Should you be feeling conscious about your biceps and triceps or your shoulders, then you might want to keep those problem areas taken care of. There are numerous sleeve styles as well as sleeve lengths to choose from; easily pick the one that fits typically the occasion best while causing you to be feel pretty and comfortable in the dress.
Tip 6: Know the importance of finding the right skirt type and dress shape for you.
Tumblr media
V15 – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Much like wedding dresses, brides
also come in different shapes and sizes. Take into consideration your own personal physical assets, your overall shapes and your problem areas when making your choice of skirt style and dress shape.
For example , if you’re fashioned like an inverted triangle, together with prominent shoulders and tiny hips, then a ball wedding dress would balance your proportions creating the perfect silhouette as well as hourglass figure.
Tip 7: Determining the best neckline for yourself.
Tumblr media
Satin Off-the-shoulder 15D Flowers Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Your wedding gown’s neckline can actually affect your gown’s overall look. You have numerous neckline alternatives, but it’s all just finding the most suitable and flattering neckline for your frame.
Remember, in the same way that you need to take your materials, body shape and problem areas into mind when picking out dress designs and skirt styles, you might also need to look at these factors think about your wedding dress neckline.
If you’re planning on showing off your forearms, your beautiful shoulders and distinct collar bones, and you have a great ample bosom to pull from the look, then the strapless dress is an excellent neckline choice. When you tend towards the flat aspect, then you can enhance your bust place with a bateau neckline.
Tip 8: Look for the right material
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Satin Cap Sleeve Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
A pure satin soccer ball gown would not stand on its own without layers of tulle under it or nets built into the dress. Your choice of fabric could directly affect your gown’s overall look. If you tend to be not comfortable or if you tend to really feel itchy when you’re wearing crispy and net-like fabrics, and then go for the breezy and lightweight versions.
There are so many different fabrics to choose from. A way to familiarize yourself with these fabrics is to ask your wedding planning software or the bridal boutique user to help you distinguish between the various fabric types available.
Tip 9: Decide on whether or not you desire or need a wedding teach
Tumblr media
15 New Design Wedding Dresses Ball Gown Satin Lace Appliques Off Shoulder Big Garden Vestidos De Mariee Backless Bridal Gowns Milla Nova Tea Length … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
A wedding train means extra-fabric and detailing, which means paying more for your wedding outfit. Unless your wedding is ultra-formal, you’re not going to need a coach.
If your heart is set upon having a train that tracks gracefully behind you, then pick your train length based upon practicality. Your wedding train can decrease your mobility, making it hard maneuver between chairs and also tables during the reception. A detachable wedding train is very advisable if you’re planning on conducting a lot of dancing and going for walks after the actual wedding ceremony.
Tip 10: Be Wary of bridal dress sizing and necessary modifications
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US $15.15 15% OFF|Fmogl Elegant Boat Neck Matte Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dresses 2015 Crystal Sashes Court Train Vintage Bridal Gowns Plus Size-in … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
You’ll find out more about that when you actually head to the bridal boutique to be measured.
You may already know your actual sizing, but don’t be too surprised if they tell you that you’re any size or two bigger than an individual thought.
This is not to say they may have faulty sizing charts; it only means that wedding dress boutiques along with high street shops have a several way of determining your dress size. Your dress dimensions are based on your body’s largest way of measuring.
If you have prominent hips plus a smaller bust area, your wedding dress size will be based on your hip size.
Once you ensure you get your wedding gown, you need to check if modifications need to be made for a perfect healthy. Most brides find that modifications are necessary to get the size right. Ask the boutique or perhaps shop owner for quotes on how much you’re going to need to pay for dress alterations to find out if you’re getting a great bargain or a rotten deal.
Tip 11: If you think your costume needs that extra glow and glam then go for some decorations and adornment
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Simple Plunging V Sleeveless Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Wedding dress embellishments and style have one special purpose, which is to bring something extra in your gown.
Additional decorations as well as embellishments are a great way of making your current dress even more unique and trendy.
A basic gown would seem great with additional beading and maybe some embroidery. If you want a far more feminine gown, then adding a bow, some laces and ribbons or three-dimensional flowers can give your dress the improve needed to make it an amazing in addition to personalized wedding dress.
Find a excellent seamstress or wedding dress custom made to help you pick out the right describing for your gown.
Most read: Cheap wedding dresses online
Tip 12: Decide if you need over apparel for your wedding gown
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Ericdress Sweetheart Matte Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
If you’re possessing a winter wedding, and your heart is set on a strapless, A-Line, princess dress, then a fantastic coat or bolero will allow you to keep warm during the wedding party. Keep in mind that there are also some churches that require brides to wear humble attire for the ceremony. Trait fringed shawls and floor-length feathered coats are excellent options for keeping covered during the actual ceremony. On your way to your wedding party, simply slip out of all these over clothes to show the total beauty of your wedding gown. Adhere to these helpful tips and keep these types of reminders in mind when dress-shopping, to make your hunt for the ideal wedding dress a more enjoyable and fewer stressful experience. Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress
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Helene – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
The post Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress appeared first on Fashion.
from WordPress https://embellishmentsone.com/ten-ideas-to-organize-your-own-satin-ball-gown-wedding-dress-satin-ball-gown-wedding-dress/
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surfincloud · 4 years
Realme launches 2 phones in X7 5G series, know what is the price
Realme launches 2 phones in X7 5G series, know what is the price
Realme has said that from February 12, it will be made available for sale in Reality.com, Flipkart.com and mainline channels. The X7 Pro 5G price has been kept at 29,999. It will also be offered in two color variants. IANS | Updated on: 05 Feb 2021, 08:43:23 AM Realme X7 5G (Photo Credit: IANS) new Delhi : Realme Has expanded its X series family with the launch of X7 5G (Realme X7 5G) and X7…
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qindaskurdi · 5 years
Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress
Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – Currently about to get married? For most women, this is the day that they have been planning for since they were is frequently. If you feel the same, then they have understandable why you’re out there seeking advice, help as well as support to make your dream wedding a reality.
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Discount Simple Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dresses V Neck Off Shoulder Bridal Gowns Puffy Vestido De Novia Wedding Dress Latest Wedding Gowns Long Sleeve … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Let’s face it. When it comes to wedding dress, most men just can’t seem to understand the incredible importance of picking the perfect wedding dress. Accurate, you’re only going to be sporting that gown once before, and your groom may still feel the inclination to get wed even if you showed up dressed in a new potato sack, but you well know that one of the most important days of your life merits an exceptionally specific dress.
Top Tips to Select the Perfect Wedding Dress
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Classic Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
There are so many marriage details that you need to take care of, yet it’s equally important that you take the time to find the perfect wedding gown for yourself. To help you out, we’ve come up with a number of wedding dress tips for how you can appear your best on your wedding day.
Tip 1: Is constantly going to your groom for tips getting you decrease?
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Spaghetti Strap Deep V-neck Satin Ballgown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Find a female friend or maybe relative who will gladly join you on your trips for the bridal shop.
Unless your personal groom is female fashion-savvy, he’s not going to be much guide when you ask him in regards to the perfect wedding dress collar or neckline for you. Find a female companion or companions that you simply trust enough for 2nd and third opinions.
Tip 2: Set a finances, and try to follow it.
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Satin Cummerbund Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Wedding dress budgets are hardly ever exact. You might need to spend more or you might finally end up spending less than you likely. The point is having a budget as the primary goal can help you control the urge to splurge on your very specific dress. Try your hardest to follow your dress funds, and pray that you locate a great wedding dress bargain that can make your groom proud.
Tip 3: Consider the color of your own personal gown.
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V15 – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
You can stick with convention and go for white, but if you want to add some color to the gown, then by all means, obtain the perfect color for you. Currently, a number of modern brides are going for colored wedding dresses instead of simply white ones. Stand out inside the sea of white-clad brides to be by going for an eye-popping color.
You may want to take the season into consideration when picking out the wedding party dress color, or you can basically go for what flatters your current complexion best. Also be organized for possible adverse reactions through your traditional guests. Console yourself with the thought that it’s your wedding day, and you can wear blue or maybe black if you want to.
Tip 4: Find the right wedding dress length.
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Satin Cummerbund Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Of course, wedding gowns can be short or long according to the type of ceremony you’re having and where you’re planning about having it. There’s a very basic rule when it comes to choosing the best wedding dress length, and it’s for you to base your dress size on how formal the service is.
If you’re having a proper ceremony, then floor-length may be the way to go. If it’s an ultra-formal wedding, then you may want to put in a cathedral train to your gown. For informal weddings, you can choose the hemline that adds to you best.
Short, at least shorter wedding dresses are encouraged for casual and out-of-doors weddings for practical factors. You don’t want to get mud, couple of twigs, leaves or sand on your floor-length designer wedding dress, suitable?
Tip 5: Pick the suitable and the most flattering sleeve-length and style for your dress
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Satin Cap Sleeve Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
By simply appropriate, we’re merely reminding you that a winter wedding may not be the best time to go for just a halter, plunging and backless number unless you’re planning with wearing over clothes.
Should you be feeling conscious about your biceps and triceps or your shoulders, then you might want to keep those problem areas taken care of. There are numerous sleeve styles as well as sleeve lengths to choose from; easily pick the one that fits typically the occasion best while causing you to be feel pretty and comfortable in the dress.
Tip 6: Know the importance of finding the right skirt type and dress shape for you.
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V15 – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Much like wedding dresses, brides
also come in different shapes and sizes. Take into consideration your own personal physical assets, your overall shapes and your problem areas when making your choice of skirt style and dress shape.
For example , if you’re fashioned like an inverted triangle, together with prominent shoulders and tiny hips, then a ball wedding dress would balance your proportions creating the perfect silhouette as well as hourglass figure.
Tip 7: Determining the best neckline for yourself.
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Satin Off-the-shoulder 15D Flowers Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Your wedding gown’s neckline can actually affect your gown’s overall look. You have numerous neckline alternatives, but it’s all just finding the most suitable and flattering neckline for your frame.
Remember, in the same way that you need to take your materials, body shape and problem areas into mind when picking out dress designs and skirt styles, you might also need to look at these factors think about your wedding dress neckline.
If you’re planning on showing off your forearms, your beautiful shoulders and distinct collar bones, and you have a great ample bosom to pull from the look, then the strapless dress is an excellent neckline choice. When you tend towards the flat aspect, then you can enhance your bust place with a bateau neckline.
Tip 8: Look for the right material
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Satin Cap Sleeve Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
A pure satin soccer ball gown would not stand on its own without layers of tulle under it or nets built into the dress. Your choice of fabric could directly affect your gown’s overall look. If you tend to be not comfortable or if you tend to really feel itchy when you’re wearing crispy and net-like fabrics, and then go for the breezy and lightweight versions.
There are so many different fabrics to choose from. A way to familiarize yourself with these fabrics is to ask your wedding planning software or the bridal boutique user to help you distinguish between the various fabric types available.
Tip 9: Decide on whether or not you desire or need a wedding teach
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15 New Design Wedding Dresses Ball Gown Satin Lace Appliques Off Shoulder Big Garden Vestidos De Mariee Backless Bridal Gowns Milla Nova Tea Length … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
A wedding train means extra-fabric and detailing, which means paying more for your wedding outfit. Unless your wedding is ultra-formal, you’re not going to need a coach.
If your heart is set upon having a train that tracks gracefully behind you, then pick your train length based upon practicality. Your wedding train can decrease your mobility, making it hard maneuver between chairs and also tables during the reception. A detachable wedding train is very advisable if you’re planning on conducting a lot of dancing and going for walks after the actual wedding ceremony.
Tip 10: Be Wary of bridal dress sizing and necessary modifications
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US $15.15 15% OFF|Fmogl Elegant Boat Neck Matte Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dresses 2015 Crystal Sashes Court Train Vintage Bridal Gowns Plus Size-in … – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
You’ll find out more about that when you actually head to the bridal boutique to be measured.
You may already know your actual sizing, but don’t be too surprised if they tell you that you’re any size or two bigger than an individual thought.
This is not to say they may have faulty sizing charts; it only means that wedding dress boutiques along with high street shops have a several way of determining your dress size. Your dress dimensions are based on your body’s largest way of measuring.
If you have prominent hips plus a smaller bust area, your wedding dress size will be based on your hip size.
Once you ensure you get your wedding gown, you need to check if modifications need to be made for a perfect healthy. Most brides find that modifications are necessary to get the size right. Ask the boutique or perhaps shop owner for quotes on how much you’re going to need to pay for dress alterations to find out if you’re getting a great bargain or a rotten deal.
Tip 11: If you think your costume needs that extra glow and glam then go for some decorations and adornment
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Simple Plunging V Sleeveless Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
Wedding dress embellishments and style have one special purpose, which is to bring something extra in your gown.
Additional decorations as well as embellishments are a great way of making your current dress even more unique and trendy.
A basic gown would seem great with additional beading and maybe some embroidery. If you want a far more feminine gown, then adding a bow, some laces and ribbons or three-dimensional flowers can give your dress the improve needed to make it an amazing in addition to personalized wedding dress.
Find a excellent seamstress or wedding dress custom made to help you pick out the right describing for your gown.
Most read: Cheap wedding dresses online
Tip 12: Decide if you need over apparel for your wedding gown
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Ericdress Sweetheart Matte Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
If you’re possessing a winter wedding, and your heart is set on a strapless, A-Line, princess dress, then a fantastic coat or bolero will allow you to keep warm during the wedding party. Keep in mind that there are also some churches that require brides to wear humble attire for the ceremony. Trait fringed shawls and floor-length feathered coats are excellent options for keeping covered during the actual ceremony. On your way to your wedding party, simply slip out of all these over clothes to show the total beauty of your wedding gown. Adhere to these helpful tips and keep these types of reminders in mind when dress-shopping, to make your hunt for the ideal wedding dress a more enjoyable and fewer stressful experience. Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress
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Helene – satin ball gown wedding dress | satin ball gown wedding dress
The post Ten Ideas To Organize Your Own Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress | Satin Ball Gown Wedding Dress appeared first on Fashion.
from WordPress https://embellishmentsone.com/ten-ideas-to-organize-your-own-satin-ball-gown-wedding-dress-satin-ball-gown-wedding-dress/
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lastbaff · 5 years
New Motorcycle Prices in Nigeria [
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Motorcycle transportation was once the most common means of transportation in most Nigerian states. Motorcycles are fast, economical, and can fit through small spaces. This makes them a good option in traffic jams. There are different types of motorbikes that serve different purposes. The type you will use for commercial purposes (conveying passengers to and fro) isn’t the same as the one you will use for recreational purposes. Power bikes or sport bikes are mainly for recreation and sportspeople. If you plan to get a motorcycle for commercial use, then you should get a street bike. Street bikes (also known as Okada) serve best when it comes to fuel economization, ease of maintenance, availability of spare parts and durability. In this article, we are going to review the prices of new motorcycles in Nigeria. The list is made up of the prices of mostly street bikes from the most popular brands. I often recommend focussing on models from popular brands as they are more trusted and their products are durable, efficient, and more economical. Although, some unpopular brands are even better.   Things to Consider Before Buying a Motorcycle There are several things you should consider when buying a motorcycle. These things will help you to buy the perfect model that will serve you efficiently. Use As discussed earlier, there are different types of motorcycles. The type you go for will depend on what you want to use it for. Street bikes or Okada are usually the best options if you hope to use the vehicle to convey passengers. Budget You will have a limited choice if you’re on a tight budget; you might not be able to go for bikes with the latest features. However, you should always go for bikes that are very durable and made with high-quality materials regardless of your budget. These bikes will last longer and cost less to maintain. Low-budget bikes will cost more to maintain even though they are quite cheap on purchase. Brand It is important that you stick to the brands that are well known in Nigeria. While many new brands have introduced several models into the market, you should be cautious of buying from these brands as their models have not yet been tested on Nigerian roads for durability. Also, the spare parts of bikes from popular brands are readily available. So, you wouldn’t have to order from the manufacturer or pay exorbitant prices when a part of your bike gets damaged and needs replacing.   Related: Honda Motorcycle Prices in Nigeria   Prices of New Motorcycles in Nigeria The prices listed below reflect the current cost of purchasing a motorcycle in Nigeria. In reality, these prices might be slightly higher or lower as they are affected by factors like your location, the economy, and the salesperson. Prices of Qlink Motorcycles Qlink Champion 200A - N350,000 - N400,000 Qlink Cruiser - N300,000 - N370,000 Qlink Ranger- N350,000 - N420,000 Qlink Target (Ladies Bike) - N310,000 - N350,000 Prices of Bajaj Motorcycles Bajaj Pulsar 150 DTS - N200,000 - N250,000 Bajaj Pulsar AS150 - N310,000 - N350,000 Bajaj Pulsar NS160 - N210,000 - N300,000 Bajaj V15 - N200,000 - N250,000 Bajaj Discover 125F - N150,000 - N250,000 Prices of Jincheng Motorcycles Jincheng Ladies Bike - N250,000 - N300,000 Jincheng JC Series - N300,000 - N350,000 Prices of Honda Motorcycles Honda CG Series - N250,000 - N300,000 Honda CBR Power Bike - N250,000 - N300,000 Honda Dio Series - N250,000 - N300,000   Related: Power Bikes Prices in Nigeria   Where to Buy New Motorcycles On-Ground Markets On-ground markets have been the best places to buy motorcycles. There, you can make inspect the motorcycle carefully before purchase. There are many sellers showcasing similar models in these markets, so you're sure to get a good price if you’re patient enough to go through the market and bargain until you get an acceptable price. However, on-ground markets can be limiting as they have fewer models on display and it could be tedious going through the entire market just to get that perfect bike. Online Car Markets Through online car markets, you can purchase motorcycles without living the comfort of your home. Some markets allow you to meet up with the dealer and inspect the bike before finalizing the purchase. The advantages of these markets are numerous. First, you wouldn’t have to walk around the market till you find the model you’re searching for; you can just do it with your laptop, tablet, or phone. Second, you can find the most affordable prices with ease. Below are some of the best online car markets where you can purchase quality motorcycles in Nigeria with ease. Naija Auto Naija Auto displays brand new motorcycles from many dealers. The marketplace allows dealers to upload their products as ads while buyers can check the information on the bike, contact the dealer, and meet with the dealer for inspection of the bike before completing the purchase. Website: naijauto.com Phone Number: +2348097014856 Email: [email protected] Cheki Cheki boasts of one of the largest inventories of motorbikes, which means that you’re more likely to find scarce models on this site than anywhere else. Just as on Naija Auto, the sellers on the site are dealers advertising their wares. You’ll have to contact and meet up with them if you want to make a purchase. Website address: cheki.com.ng Phone Numbers: +234-08139859971 Email:  [email protected] Jiji.ng Jiji.ng is popularly known for used products but many dealers have turned to it to sell their brand new products. You can check on the site and find a lot of motorcycle dealers with different models. Website address: Jiji.ng Email: [email protected] Olx If you can’t seem to get what you want from other online car markets, you can definitely trust Olx to get it. This site has been around for a long period of time and has gained the trust of many. Olx may be the right place to try out if you want a stress-free way to buy a brand new motorcycle. Website address: olxnigeria.com.ng Physical address: 1 Oke Poka, Ijebu Ode road, Poka Epe, Lagos Email: [email protected] Update: Olx is now Jiji Compare Motorcycle Prices Power Bikes Prices in Nigeria Haojue Motorcycle Price List in Nigeria Honda Motorcycle Prices in Nigeria Read the full article
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atoutlines · 5 years
God’s Promises Reveal His Presence
Exodus 1:8-22
Losing Sight Of The Promise Amidst The Problem (v8-14)
“Now there arose a new king over Egypt, who did not know Joseph.” (v8)
God’s promises are coming to pass in the early parts of Exodus.
What he had confirmed to Abraham was their reality (“the people of Israel were fruitful and increased greatly” v7).
But now things were going to take a dark turn, likewise promised to Abraham but no doubt forgotten (15:13).
The Israelites were still foreigners. A “
new king
” had risen to power.
He did not “know” Joseph, meaning he did not care to acknowledge Joseph as national hero and how his foresight had saved Egypt so many years earlier. This had been forgotten. 
The new Pharaoh didn’t seem to enjoy the prosperity of this foreign people.
“the people of Israel are too many and too mighty for us.” (v9-10).
His suggestion? To enslave them (“therefore they set taskmasters over them to afflict them with heavy burdens.” (v11).
Imagine thriving and all of a sudden everything you have been given or have worked hard to earn is stripped from you.
Were the Israelites entitled to prosperity in Egypt? No! But they had grown accustomed to it.
They didn’t know anything else. This was their normal. Prosperity had become not only the norm, but the expectation!
It had been for 400 years! There was no way that this would ever be disrupted.
And, a disruption would put at risk God’s presence in the Israeite’s minds.
Are our problems and God’s promises mutually exclusive?
Since our problems are so active and current, are our problems more powerful than God’s promises?
The Bible brings together promise and problem.
“But the more they were oppressed, the more they multiplied and the more they spread abroad. And the Egyptians were in dread of the people. So they ruthlessly made the people of Israel work as slaves and made their lives bitter with hard service...” (v12-14).
Our problems don’t mean God has left us or as we will see, that he isn’t present.
He is always present. And his promises stand forever!
Trusting God’s Promises Despite The Problem (v15-22)
“Then the king of Egypt said to the Hebrew midwives...When you serve as midwife to the Hebrew women and see them on the birthstool, if it is a son, you shall kill him…” (v15-16).
The racial oppression had now become extreme systemic genocide.
After 400 years of peace, it was dismantled in a mere moment.
So the question becomes, are God’s promises still true amidst the worst that this world can offer?
Yes, because his promises transcend the worst that this world can throw at us.
Which means one thing: We can worship our way through the problems.
“But the midwives feared God and did not do as the king of Egypt commanded them, but let the male children live.” (v17).
The phrase in the early part of this verse tells us all we need to know about worshiping our way through trials.
The midwives “fear” of God meant simply they remained in awe of God through it all.
Even when Pharaoh asked them why they weren’t doing what he had commanded (v18), they lied to him (v19), thus giving us one of those interesting scenarios where God protected those who lied (v20a).
The result? “The people multiplied and grew very strong.” (v20b).
Increase and strength doesn’t always equal prosperity, comfort, peace, and awesomeness so-to-speak.
Sometimes, increase and strength come in weakness, enslavement, hostility, and problems. How?
Because God’s promises are unchanging, they are always true for us no matter what.
Our worship reflects the promises and even affirms them as we stand resolute in the midst of trial.
And God honors our worship, our trusting in the midst of our problems:
“And because the midwives feared God, he gave them families.”
But that doesn’t mean he will eliminate the problem:
“Then Pharaoh commanded all his people, ‘Every son that is born to the Hebrews you shall cast into the Nile, but you shall let every daughter live.’” (v22).
The problems ramped up. But God’s promises were unfailing.
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