#Rebecca Handler
agentark · 6 months
do you ever think about how in the literal very first scene with Rebecca, we learn that Unit Bravo had no idea she even had a kid
she chose UB and The Agency over the detective so consistently, so frequently, that her team didn't even consider that she had some kind of life outside of them, with someone waiting for her at home
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kibellah · 4 months
i think i would've liked book 4 demo more if on A route, we could've immediately left when A showed up at haley's...sorry but ellie is trying to avoid adam rn <3 or if we could've exploded A with our mind
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agentnatesewell · 5 months
You should at least whisper the thought about the ex UB member into my ear thank you 🙏
i am whispering thoughts about x member being closest to n and wondering how close the early friendships of ub were
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urthemiiel · 1 year
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seraphinitegames · 6 months
What's the reason behind MC getting to choose their handler? MC is supposed to be part of UB, so should that not then automatically make Rebecca the handler? How does it work when the rest answer to Rebecca but MC to A?
This is definitely not a criticism btw, I'm absolutely giddy to get Adam to be my MC's handler! I'm going to annoy him so much! 😈
I know some people’s characters really don’t get along with Rebecca, and she isn’t someone who would force the handler issue.
Unit Bravo already have a command structure in place, so Adam/Ava taking over briefings and things isn’t much extra effort for them.
As long as everything still gets done, the teams of the Agency kind of have a lot of freedom to do the tasks as they need!
Thank you so much for the ask :)
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polarspaz · 1 year
Okay, I'm sorry for bombing you with questions about InfectedRE AU so much (it will happen again), but I genuinely enjoy it so much and I want to know as much as possible.
With that said tho, I'm interested in Leon's living situation when he starts living at the base. Is he allowed out? You already showed that Ashley made him some clothes for the outside, but I kinda find it hard to believe that he would be allowed out, or at least not without someone to keep an eye on him.
And what about after the "cure" is made? (First of all, when is it even made? How long did it take Luis to make it?) Is he allowed to to move out or still forced to live at the base? Will he at least be allowed to go outside or is that also off limits because of the fact he can turn back at any point if his heart rate spikes up?
LOL it's okay! I say I write a massive wall of text...
-So Leon lives in an old USA base built in the deep wilderness of Alaska. It's about a full 24 hour drive to the nearest town, and the property is fully fenced in and plastered with DO NOT ENTER signs. So Leon is allowed outside if the coast is clear.
-Leon is not allowed anywhere in public. The military take him where they need him for missions and send him right back to the lab when the jobs done. He is escorted the entire time.
-Leon wears the disguise Ashley made for him when he's being transported between military bases. While his size makes him stand out, the outfit at least covers him completely from a lot of wandering eyes. ((Better for people to see a weird tall guy in a coat than a monster bug man.))
-Okay, now the cure took Luis at least a year 1/2 make. He wanted to make damn sure that he didn't accidently make Leon's situation any worse and tested the formula so much that Rebecca herself was starting to get worried. ((Luis is a perfectionist and still very hard on himself since his stint in Los Illuminados and Umbrella.))
-In beginning Leon isn't allowed out of base even with the drug. But over time the drug becomes more effective. Essentially the Plaga finally gets in sync with Leon's habits ((and insane fucking lifestyle)) and now knows when it's okay to relax and when it's time to kick ass.
-Seeing the improvement, the government allows Leon to be out in public, but he also must always have a handler. ((Handlers include Luis, Carlos, and the other soldiers that live with him in the lab like Tex.))
-While he's still forced to live in the Alaskan base, Leon honestly doesn't mind, as the place has become his home and he actually enjoys his life with the people there. In a way, they feel weirdly like family. ((Because I am big sap and love found family and happy endings))
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vox-off · 23 days
okay hear me out what about a werewolf detective
born werewolf - rook had a big secret maybe? latent genetics? we'll figure it out in post. they still have the blood mutation and it amplifies the lycanthropy exponentially
it leads to an awkward childhood. when your senses give you information you shouldn't know and you don't have the social acumen to keep it to yourself, or the wherewithal to explain how you know, it makes for a sparse social circle. it started to become a real Issue around puberty: that's when the other physical benefits start kicking in. rebecca has no idea, even with the general domestic property damage that comes with sudden onset superhuman strength and speed, she just assumed it was teenage rebellion flavored instead of. you know. werewolf flavored. she thinks she has a problem child when really she has a child with a problem
the detective is already intimately familiar with the antique shop you take m to for the crystal scene; they go for pretty much the same reason. "i need to pretend to be normal but i can smell and hear literally everything everywhere all the time, please help me not hurt people"
they know immediately UB isn't human, but they're masked so well the realization is not mutual. it makes the vampire reveal scene super awkward for all parties.
anyway this all started because a scene popped into my head of rebecca asking the MC who bit them and when in the agency medical wing post vamp reveal confrontation and dealing with the discovery that her kid has been a werewolf their entire life and she didn't know. how would UB feel knowing their handler is steeped in the supernatural but didn't recognize it in her own child?
it REALLY took off in my brain when an additonal scenario popped into my head of an A-romanced werewolf MC getting into a full-on dominance brawl with the alpha werewolf in the beginning of book 3 and winning (barely and only because of the blood mutation boost). they're then reassigned to Unit Alpha; this makes sense to most of them - werewolf agent on werewolf team - then they learn while it was not A's idea, A agreed to the transfer
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dumortains · 1 year
ok but what even is rebecca's / a "handler's" purpose? she's barely there, she barely contributes anything or guides the team in any way?? her little briefings could be emails instead. ubs like "oh what would we ever do without her 😩" and it's like what does becks even do besides reading over their paperwork and telling them what case to work on next. istg she just runs around all day in her designer heels talking sternly into her dead phone trying to look busy
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universestreasures · 3 months
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Rarity's Random Muse Impulse List (AKA my current list of characters I've considered writing or bringing back if I wrote them previously on an old blog of mine. Characters I wrote previously are in blue)
Rebecca Hopkins (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM)
Sera (Yu-Gi-Oh! DSOD)
Pegasus J. Crawford /Maximillion Pegasus (Yu-Gi-Oh! DM)
Asuka Tenjoin (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX / Arc-V)
Johan Anderson (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Tyranno Kenzan (Yu-Gi-Oh! GX)
Sora Shuinin (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V)
Allen Kozuki (Yu-Gi-Oh! Arc-V)
Yuga Mikado (Future Card Buddyfight Ace)
Akina Myodo (Cardfight Vanguard Divinez)
Raika Koshiba (Cardfight Vanguard Will-Dress)
Halona Walker (Cardfight Vanguard Will-Dress)
Raeliana McMillan (Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke's Mansion)
Miyo Saimori (My Happy Marriage)
Aileen Lauren d'Autriche (I'm the Villainess, So I'm Taming the Final Boss)
Sylvia Sherwood / Handler (Spy X Family)
Yor Forger (Spy X Family)
Maomao (The Apothecary Diaries)
Princess Serenity (Sailor Moon)
Sakura Kinomoto (Cardcaptor Sakura)
Dominique de Sade (The Case Study Of Vanitas)
Luca Oriflamme (The Case Study Of Vanitas)
Chloé d'Apchier (The Case Study Of Vanitas)
Noé Archiviste (The Case Study Of Vanitas)
Mira Fermin (Bakugan New Vestroia)
Runo Misaki (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Alice Gehabich / Masquerade (Bakugan Battle Brawlers)
Lady Tamayo (Demon Slayer)
Tanjiro Kamado (Demon Slayer)
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nerdierholler · 1 year
So many Rebecca thoughts today. I'm replaying book 2 so I can get a save for Bree and got this:
"She's good at her job. That's something I can respect," I reply with a nod.
"Only respect? She is your mother," Adam says.
"A mother who wasn't there for most of my childhood," I counter.
He falls quiet at that.
So at what point do you think Unit Bravo starts putting together that every mission they went on, every time they called Rebecca and she she was there as fast as possible, was time they took away from her and the Detective? Rebecca wasn't there because she was with them. They've spent far more time with her than her own child and it's been that way for the Detective's whole life, the whole time she's been their handler.
And what about the Detective when that shoe falls? It wasn't just generic work for the Agency that took their mom away time and again, it was Unit Bravo. Though admittedly, Unit Bravo only seem to have known a minimal amount about Rebecca's personal life.
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nazhrim · 4 months
I did a run where I went for a bad relationship with Rebecca and she stopped trying to connect with my detective and started acting like only his handler and then I got mad that she stopped trying 😂😂🤡
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coldshrugs · 1 year
characters: alma greene (not a detective) media: twc word count: 766 rating: G; there's one swear. we're here for the mother-daughter trauma
The last rays of sunlight stream into the warehouse bedroom, lining the furniture in rose gold, not quite reaching the few boxes stacked by the door. Alma leans against the window, unwilling to leave just yet. Unable to reconcile the loss of a home she can barely claim.
It feels strange to leave while the rest of Unit Bravo are on patrol.
Instead, she procrastinates by fidgeting with the lanyard around her neck and the Agency badge that hangs from its end.
The badge is metal. Lightweight but sturdy, and beautifully etched with seven symmetrical moons, three of which have been polished to a reflective shine. She holds the little rectangle up in the dying light and sees her brown eyes staring back.
They’re red-rimmed and puffy, but that’s nothing unusual these days.
This should be a happy time. She should be elated. Unit Bravo have wrapped another successful case, and she’s been invited to step further into this realm of weirdness. For thirty years, Alma has lived in the space between “maybe” and “why not?” Nothing has ever come as easily to her as accepting the odd, the hypothetical, the unknown. She was made for this. 
When the veil between worlds lifted, the ache to belong to it was all-consuming. A longing that pushed past her body and sharpened her focus. Fear of being used as a commodity for these beings (or an “asset” to the Agency, as they so politely phrase it) could be justified or suffocated in the name of finding her place in the world. If she worked harder, if she pushed herself just that much more…
As her dream finally solidified into something tangible, attainable, the unignorable loneliness did not dissipate as she expected.
Alma turns the cold metal between her fingers, inspecting it again, tracing her name printed on the back in English and then again using that mysterious alphabet she has yet to learn. No matter how tightly she holds it, it does not warm in her hands. Her chest throbs at the memory of her mother’s words.
“I’m your handler now.”
There was a time in her life, long ago, when Alma didn’t feel like Rebecca Greene’s project. Somewhere between the deaths of her father and grandmother, when Rebecca stomached her daughter’s face for the weekend before dashing back to her real life. Then it was Alma, alone.
Any pretense of warmth faded with the frequency of Rebecca’s visits.
Sparse instructions were left for her each week, things the housekeeper shouldn’t be bothered doing: clean your room; do your laundry, but separate the clothes into like groups; put the dishes in the dishwasher (this was always underlined); do your homework, email your grades to me on Friday; shower and braid your hair before bed. God forbid she be unpresentable even while out of sight.
She was not parented–she was briefed.
Rebecca has always favored glacial professionalism over motherhood, and Alma has always been a liability.
Why, then, has Rebecca donned the mask of tearful regret and boldly placed the onus of reconciliation on Alma’s shoulders?
Her mother begs for connection, and Alma acquiesces. Some painful secret, or omission, or blatant lie comes to light, and Rebecca cries, insisting it was for the cause or, worse, for Alma. Alma cries, too, sorrow and confusion bleeding into anger the longer this goes on. They play this game, again and again, rebreaking the bone until there is no way for it to heal.
One salient snap is all Alma has left to give.
She doesn’t realize she’s crying again until a heavy tear lands on the badge.
“God, this is so fucking stupid,” she mutters, wiping furiously at her sore eyes.
She wants this.
She wants this.
But… not this way.
Alma backs away from the window, setting her mind to a task before she gets angry with herself. The boxes need to be taken to the car. She’s already kept Tina waiting at her newly-reconstructed apartment longer than she intended. The place is likely to be in shambles again by the time she arrives.
Her phone sits on the top box. With a sigh, she moves it to the pocket of her cardigan, but before her hand is free, a tiny, hateful thought strikes.
She holds the phone up to her face, squinting through bleary eyes. Quickly, she changes her mother’s information from “Mom 🥰” to “Agent Greene.” It is a small, secret act of defiance–one that doesn't matter in the long run. The first cutting of an intricately woven thread, but one that provides a much-needed spark of satisfaction.
One by one, she takes the boxes to her car. Doing the work on her own, how she's always done.
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agentnatesewell · 2 months
You know on the topic of Rebecca, again XD (she's such a hot topic these months). To what extent did she even bonded with UB? I mean I am pretty sure itd be messed up if UB knew more of her, than her own child
Hello hello friend! Thank you for the ask! Always love hearing your thoughts on Rebecca!
From what I understand, I don’t believe she’s actually really bonded with UB. Which satisfied both UB (especially A, and very much M) and her. Apparently, the team was rather close with their previous handler, and that didn’t turn out so well
Rebecca was around, but I believe she really let UB operate on their own (there was a comment with the team appreciating that). That being said, she has been there whenever they’ve needed her, and especially in some tough situations
It was a surprise to them that she has a child, but it might be because most people who have people they’re close with in their lives might mention them
And from what I gather, if there was anyone that Rebecca would have been the closest with (which probably isn’t even really all that close at all), it would have been N. Probably because of effort on N’s part
Really, it does seem that the relationship with Rebecca and UB is really, very, strictly professional. Until the events of book one, of course! Now they’re family!
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0-jloves-0-blog · 1 year
Ready to be sad? Imagine a life where rebecca and the detective both die of old age and UB are forced to get to know a knew handler and move on from the lives they created.🥺
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visions-of-our-past · 1 month
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Rebecca Handler
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seraphinitegames · 7 months
The Wayhaven Chronicles—Update 15/March/2024
Internet has been atrocious again this week, so I’m giving this update to Nai via SD card for her to post up using her internet!
With the internet being so bad, I haven’t been able to do my usual social media days with asks on Tumblr, so Nai will be posting up some things on there so you guys have some fun posts to see until I can get online.
I have given her the Patreon scenarios and exclusive content though so that will go up as normal. Those posts I could write on Word and send to her on SD to schedule for me. I can’t wait for you to read the next scenario going up. It involves Adam/Ava and a plastic Dracula toy…it had me chuckling the whole time, hehe! :D
But not being able to do full social media days did mean I got back to writing quicker, and I was on a serious roll! I slammed a bunch of scenes out this week that I love, and it felt seriously good to tick off so many scenes from my list!
I really think breaking the plan down into scenes rather than chapters has helped immensely. I seriously recommend it to anyone who struggles to look at their chapter plans and gets overwhelmed!
It definitely helps the most when there’s so many variations to do of one scene. So far, apart from the very opening scene, all the scenes after have had to have completely different versions of them (so one scene written in three different ways, for example) or need variations in to account for choices (such as if you chose Rebecca or Adam/Ava to be your handler).
But, something I did forget in doing it all in scenes, is I still need to put in where the chapters are, lol!
So yeah, I need to go back through what I’ve done and decide where’s a good place to end Chapter One, as I’ll only be releasing that chapter in the first demo so need to focus on that chapter for that demo release (hopefully some time in later April!).
Hope you all have the most fabulous weekend! We’ll be offline as usual, so I’ll update you all again next week! 
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