#Rebels OC
cameoliob · 7 months
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Hot people have togruta ocs (so you better look at her or else)
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ive-gone-chonkers · 1 month
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Going for that 3d render style with this one lol
Meet Roots!
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lunarsvertigo · 2 months
my squishy little lady :( (drawn by my truly amazing friend @planetfives)
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was a bit down in the dumps dealing with some chronic illness and MH issues so this sent me over the moon, i love her so so much <3
my asks are open if anyone has questions about her :3
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brainrotbott · 6 months
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got that star wars Rebels drip (disease)
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coldbrewarts · 8 months
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Wanted to draw something cute for them
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honeyed-pines · 2 years
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It would be a hundred times easier
If we were young again
But as it is, And it is
Echo and Zihv make my heart explode
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justalittletomato · 2 years
Baby’s first Morning Star Mace (Maul and Starlight gifted it to her)
Off to bludgeon imperials!
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@hannagoldworthy @stardustbee @literatureandqueen @kimageddon @any59 @apocalypticwafflekitten @eyecandyeoz @by-the-primes @eloquentmoon @misogirl828 @moonstrider9904 @spookiifi @midnightsanatorium @storm89 @patchiefrog @gran-maul-seizure
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Since everyone seems to really enjoy the ship art I figured I should probably post her bio.
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Name: El’ia Domiteer Homeworld: Iridonia Born: 33 BBY Species: Iridonian Zabrak Gender: Female Sexuality: Pansexual Height: 1.77 meters / 5'8" Affiliation: Alliance to Restore the Republic (Rebel Alliance) Weapon: Zhaboka Ship: A-Wing called The Triumph Additional Details: • Clumsy as heck. God The Force won't let her die. • Absolute gremlin energy. Very good at pushing people's buttons and she knows it. • Shipped with Agent Kallus. Complicated relationship that starts when he's still an Imperial.
-- I have a lot more info on her, but I didn't want this to be too long. Feel free to ask for more info on her. Or if you have a Star Wars OC I'd be more than happy to talk OC connections!~
Art and design by SmilesUpsideDown on DeviantART
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violetjedisylveon · 1 year
A Secret Guardian
Summary: Kuniya(oc) weighs the pros and cons of looking after a young, orphaned and recently abandoned Ezra Bridger.
Word count: 750
Warnings: mentions of death, abandonment, betrayal.
A/N: If you haven't read stuff from my Loth-Werewolf AU, I suggest looking at this post for an explination of how it works. But quick summary, Loth-Wolves can change into a bipedal, humoid form and Ezra's mom is one of them. His dad is still just a human. So fluffy puppy Ezra!
Rebels Loth-werewolf AU link here.
Kuniya supposed xe could have just left the pup alone.
He wasn't part of xyr pack, even if he was part of the larger clan-pack, and he seemed to be handling himself just fine.
His father's species gave him a degree of safety he wouldn't have otherwise. To all others, he was just a human Loth Werewolf.
Sure there were rumors about his mother never going full human and what that could mean, but they had been easily brushed aside with her injury and the statement of that sort of transformation being too rough on her "human" body. Her sellout purple eyes were equally easy to explain away with some distant non-human ancestor.
Kuniya snickered, Mira had always been brilliantly clever, masterfully stealthy and impossibly strong willed. Or stubborn.
Maybe a little too stubborn. Xe thought.
It was her stubbornness not to abandon the settlers and come back to the safety of the pack that led her to her current fate. Arrested and taken away and most likely dead.
That stubbornness had orphaned her son.
She easily could have done the same, or even better work if she had left that cursed, noise, rancid smelling city. She could have turned her husband, the human would walk through lava for her, and raised her pup without issue with the safety of a pack, could have given him the support and family he needed. Loths didn't do well in small numbers.
Hell, Mira frequently visited even though she supposedly lived in the city with her husband.
Loths needed other Loths.
But, xe knew the clan-pack leaders had stopped questioning Mira's decisions long ago.
And it wasn't like xe was biologically related, (xe was as far from the pup as one could be without being from an entirely different clan) and therefore more obligated to take the pup in. Xe certainly wouldn't be expected to care for the pup themself, at barely fourteen, xe wasn't old enough yet.
So Kuniya could totally leave the pup and wait til some of his actual family came and claimed him. He had met them before and liked them well enough.
They would certainly do far better than the settler Mira had entrusted her son with. The filthy rodian had turned tail and ran straight to the Empire first chance he got.
The pup's pack would come for him.
It was fine.
The pup would be fine.
So why do I keep coming back?
Kuniya of course, knew the enormous risk of trotting into a city as a wolf in broad daylight, and while the blank slate-ness of humans made it easy for xyr to pass for one, xyr eyes and other less human features would give them away. Yet here xe was, crouching on the roofs with only a hooded cloak to hide them, risking everything to obsessively watch over a pup that wasn't even part of their pack.
To the rest of the galaxy, and most importantly, to the Empire, true Loth-Wolves were extinct. It was important to keep it that way while the species recovered and guarded their homeworld. And xe was risking it for this one pup.
Kuniya hadn't even been particularly close to Mira. Her son was hardly an acquaintance to xyr.
Xe felt that pesky tug towards the child again, the signal he unknowingly gave off. Since his birth he had been suspected of being gifted, all of them had some gift, others had it stronger. He was strong, growing stronger with age. Less controlled too. He was painting a target on his back by existing.
Kuniya knew there was more than that compelling xyr to watch over this pup, to take care of something so small and fragile that had been abandoned. To protect him.
Xe knew the pup's situation reminded xyr of xyr own.
To be young and have your parents stripped from you was something xe wasn't sure one could recover from. Though alone for a bit, xe had been quickly reunited with xyr pack, the wound scarred neatly. This pup had been alone for longer and betrayed. If xe didn't do something, that scar wouldn't heal properly.
And that was why xe was watching over this pup, just to keep an eye on him until he was found by his family and taken to safety, away from the leering eyes and taunts of those other than them.
And if that part of the pack was too busy or unable to provide for another pup, well, Kuniya certainly wouldn't mind having a little brother.
Damn, I really like giving traumatized children less than stable caregivers.
Anyway, what do you think of this?
I am very excited to see how this story developes and goes and for once, I have a concrete end goal in mind. So I know where it's going I just gotta take it there.
Which is exciting!
Imma draw puppy Ezra soonish and Kuniya and then probably both of them together being little shits.
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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swartists4palestine · 7 months
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cameoliob · 7 months
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She's training to beat you up
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lunarsvertigo · 1 year
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one thing you can count on with aaryn oc’s, is angst !!
anyways she’s saying this to kanan either after he died or before he’s planning on sacrificing himself, i haven’t decided lol
(commissioned from @/little_joy_15)
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taddymason · 20 days
Face to Face
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everafterwhat · 3 months
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Lore Dump!!!
Just an exploration of some of Duchess’ family! There’s a bunch of info on the pics about each character, but the basics are; Celeste is Duchess’ aunt and serves as the guardian of the girls, Princess is Duchess’ little sister, and Raven was adopted into the family when she was around two years old.
I might sketch up some castle designs soon, the idea is just a tad bit daunting as I haven’t done castle design before but you’ve gotta start somewhere right?! I tried using glaze or whatever it’s called so please excuse the weird texture/color change💓
EDIT: Just realized I wrote Celestina instead of Celestine on her info page, her name is Celestine lol!!!
Anyway, these are the girls!!
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coldbrewarts · 8 months
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Some Rebel Kala for ya. Wanted to try some hair rendering.
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t34-mt · 5 months
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You will overlook the distant edge of spring
symbolic art of the character Tamtam
maanul is meant to look wonky because its based on knaan'tak traditional art proportions, lalala
top corner left kyhuine was based on human front mri
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this is how the wip looked like on paint before going on rebelle
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