#Red Dead Redemption 2 Steelbook
wojciech-kac · 2 years
Red Dead Redemption 2 Steelbook - GRA Ps4 - Opole 2933
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flojocabron · 1 year
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08/23/23: Wednesday fleamarket finds. Came across some good stuff today, I had to leave the place and pull out some more money from a grocery store nearby. First thing bought was for $5.00, two Blurays and a Godzilla dvd. The next stall caught my attention with something cool. A ps4 VR set! At first, the guy wanted $50 for it. And I wasn't sure if it had everything. So, I posted on social media whether it was complete and worth it. Most everyone replied yes, and a pic someone sent me showed me a parts list. It was missing the AC adapter. So when I went back and told the guy it's missing its plug, he lowered it to $40. Next seller had more movies. Four Disney blurays and three dvds for $15. I then found more games and movies from another seller. I spent $25 here, getting: one James Bond dvd set, three dvds, three ps3 games, one ps1, ps2 and 360 game, Red Dead Redemption 2 steelbook Xbone and some extra memory cards and ps3 mini USB cable. Also included was something quite interesting. A Wendy's restaurant Mario Gameboy Advance themed mini board game. This thing must be over 20 years old by now. It's sadly crushed a bit and missing a few paper tokens in it. But it's interesting nonetheless. As I kept looking, my eyes caught something retro. I thought I got lucky again and found a classic 80s toy. But the thing was too clean to look like something from over 30+ years ago. It was a Teddy Ruxpin bear from a few years back, not the OG. It didn't have the built-in cassette player of the original, but a spot for a mini cartridge. But the dollar I got it for was quite worth it. After this, I found more ps3 accessories. A ps3 controller for $5.00 and another move controller for $3.00. I also found more Stranger Things season one sets from the same lady I bought a few weeks ago. And still a dollar. Finally, the last thing I bought was a wii console for $10.
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stephic-writings · 6 years
Get Your Game On! -- FFXV x The Video Game Store
Oh hey, guess where I work at. Now guess what inspired me to write this headcanon. C: YEAH BUDDY. Have some headcanons about these awesome characters as some... Maybe just as awesome customers!
Noctis Lucis Caelum -- 
The silent browser.
If you greet him, and he’d awkwardly tell you that he’s just looking around.
Spends all of his time staring at the games in the Playstation section -- VITA included.
You don’t really know what he’s looking for, but he looks confused at everything.
Even when you think he’s lost and confused, he comes up with ten games.
Not sure if he’s getting these games because he’s going to play them all, or just for the sake of having them.
Maybe both, but you’re still confused when he comes back in next week for more games.
Plays a little bit of everything to know about anything.
But recommending games to him is a nightmare because he’s played everything.
He’s a good guy though, so you don’t mind him browsing for hours upon hours.
Prompto Argentum --
Way too excited to be shopping for video games.
But at least the energy makes it fun to work.
Likes to shout out questions from across the store as he’s looking at games, but never directly approaches because he’s looking still.
‘Have you played this one?!’ You have, and so has he. He was just wondering.
Stoked for anything and everything JRPG and anime.
Does the really loud and dramatic gasp that signals you that he’s probably going to buy something.
But usually whenever he opens his wallet, he cries inside because there goes his money.
And yet, he comes back next week and hollers about how good the game he got was.
Comes to all of the late-night launches for his favorite games and takes pictures to promote the store alot.
Has probably waited 12 long years for KH3.
Ignis Scientia -- 
The last real game he’s played was released, like, a million years ago.
Doesn’t play video games often, but he came in and upgraded his system when someone decided to add his console to their ‘collection.’
Settled with a Playstation because he’s curious about what the interest was.
You don’t see him for another month later after he bought his system, Detroit and Horizon Zero Dawn.
He had to 100% complete both of the games before he trades them in and finds another couple.
Did you know there’s DLC, Iggy? ‘There is?!’ He buys it and plays the crap out of that too.
He only ever gets a couple games at a time, but they’re lengthy guys.
Three months later, and he still hasn’t completed Skyrim. 
But then again, can you even really beat that game?
He’s the regular that makes it his mission to bring cookies as a gift for the holidays. For being such a helpful staff.
Gladiolus Amicitia -- 
Looks like a burly FPS bro, so it’s not surprising that he is one.
Gets all of the Call of Duty and Battlefield games when they come out, like it’s a designer trend.
Yes, they’re both the upgraded editions too.
Plays mostly Grade A titles that happen to be popular around the time, and brags about it alot.
He’s very direct about what he wants, and rarely ever browses for a new game.
Xbox for life. Doesn’t care that everyone else has Playstation because he just borrows Ignis’s system.
Comes in sometimes not for his own games, but simply to find a rare otome or harem anime game.
You squint a bit at Code Realize in your hands, but he says that its for his little sister.
But you caught him in the act when you made a passive comment about how Arsene was your favorite character.
Hey, he’s gotta play something in between the release of his CODs and Battlefields!
Lunafreya Nox Fleuret -- 
Doesn’t have time to be at home usually for an actual home console, so he’s quite happy with Nintendo Switch.
She gets all of the cute games on her system, and often uses it for little kids to help calm them when healing them.
Doesn’t know what games to get usually, so she has lengthy conversations about what would be a cute one.
Gets more obscure games usually, but that’s because the covers look the cutest.
An absolute fan of Cat Quest, because cats.
She’s always asking about what new games would be nice to keep an eye on, and preorders to make sure she gets them.
Free stuff? You bet your butt you’re giving it to her. The puppy face is too much.
She got Super Smash Bros for her Switch recently, thinking it’d be fun for the kids to play.
But she had to unlock all of the characters on her own, so she played for a week straight.
Don’t ever challenge her to Smash Bros now. She’ll destroy you with Zelda.
Ravus Nox Fleuret -- 
He’s that poor sucker that gets the older generation consoles from pretty much everyone.
Not that he minds. He’s okay with a casual game here and there.
Browses exclusively in the discount game bin, only to be disgruntled by the million copies of Madden in it.
All about that RPG life where he can be a knight in it.
But he comes back in shock as he tells you the story about that elf Zevran and how he accidentally witnessed an awkward romance scene.
Now he plays these glorified dating sims. For the story and for the handsome men.
He’ll often come to the store on weird occasions -- usually at night -- to ask you about all of his tech support and game walkthrough questions.
He’s technologically handicapped.
Tends to get all of the warranties and game protections on everything he buys.
He’s got nasty game rage and dogs, so he keeps everything protected.
Ardyn Izunia --
A fan of the classics and comes in often with the games he buys online through the web inventory.
Opens it all up to make sure if things are fakes or not, because collector’s gotta collect.
Gets on his high-horse alot about how he has an unsealed collector’s edition of The Witcher III, which you still don’t believe him on.
He comes in with the intent on preordering collector’s editions only for games, and drops so much money on all of it.
How rich is this guy?! It’s probably best that you don’t know.
All of his games are in steelbooks, so he asks often about if you can give him whatever steelbooks you have to keep his games in tact.
Tiny retro game systems? You bet your butt he wants to buy those.
Supposedly can speedrun Super Mario Bros in record time, but again: you still don’t believe him.
Probably the most eccentric person you deal with, and he’s actually really difficult with his insane collector’s demands.
But nevertheless, he definitely keeps things interesting, and gives you stellar reviews.
Cor Leonis -- 
He doesn’t really come in for the video games, to be honest, but is still a regular for some reason.
Bought Red Dead Redemption 2, and that’s been the only game he’s been playing.
You try to recommend other things, but nope. Only Red Dead.
And Monster Hunter World. He admittedly enjoyed that one too.
But you make most of your sales from him when he buys collectibles.
All about those Dragon Ball and anime statues.
Avoided the POP figures for a long time, but caved when he saw a Sailor Moon POP.
It was too cute. Don’t judge him.
He gets made fun of by the other regular, Loqi, that ‘conveniently’ happens to be shopping the same time as him.
But jokes on Loqi. His Madara statue is worth more than Loqi’s car.
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lycanhood · 6 years
Best of My 2018 - Video Games
Games I Played: (PS4)
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
Rise of the Tomb Raider
Life is Strange
Detroit: Become Human
Marvel’s Spiderman
Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Assassin’s Creed: Odyssey
Favorite Game: Assassin’s Creed:Odyssey (I played as Kassandra)
So, I use to love Assassin’s Creed when I was younger, I absolutely adored the Ezio Trilogy. Brotherhood is still by far one of my favorite video games ever, but I lost interest in the franchise about halfway through Black Flag and haven’t played an AC game since, until Odyssey. And I loved it! It’s so many of the things I use to love about Assassin’s Creed, but it’s also really different (improved) with a whole lot of new RPG elements (which aren’t normally my cup of tea). Much of my love is due to Kassandra who is just such a rich and real and awesome character to play. I can’t really speak to the awesomeness of Alexios. But Kassandra is one of my favorite new characters of the year across any and all mediums. 
Best Storyline: Marvel’s Spiderman
There’s no competition here for me. This game was a very close 2nd to AC: Odyssey for my favorite game this year, but was ultimately beat out (mostly just because I love Kassandra more than Peter. Sorry not sorry), This game has everything going for it. It’s beautiful, the gameplay and web-swinging is perfect, but by far what makes it stand out is the amazing writing/plot/villains. It’s just so so good. And so true to character. This game tells a better Spiderman story than most of the movies did tbh. Nothing but love for this one.
Breakout Game (New/Non-franchise): Detroit: Become Human
Oh this game is so cool! Set in a not so distant future where androids perform most menial tasks for society and begin making human workers moot, tensions run high and revolution is on the horizon. From the creators of Heavy Rain, this game was an unexpected pleasure for me. You play as three characters (androids) who all have their own parts to play in the rising sentience of their kind. Marcus, the revolutionary. Kara, the survivor. And Connor, the cop hunting his own kind. Every decision leads you down a different path and every path leads to an explosive ending. The gameplay, plot, decision making, graphics were all fantastic. Honestly, no complains about this one and in a weaker year for the gaming industry this would have likely been my favorite. 
DLC That’s Totally Worth It: Marvel’s Spiderman DLC The City That Never Sleeps
The awesome story continues! Exploring characters that were a bit neglected in the main game and tying up loose ends. This Season Pass is worth every penny. 
Most Disappointing Game: Shadow of the Tomb Raider
So I absolutely loved and barreled through the 1st two games in this trilogy. I thought they were awesome. They got me into Lara Croft in other mediums (Comics, Movies). And naturally I couldn’t wait for the 3rd installment. I pre-ordered the Steelbook Croft edition for a whopping $89 (yeah, I have regrets) and was completely and utterly disappointed. The game as a whole, but particularly the writing/plot, was just so incredibly bland and unremarkable. And felt way shorter than the other two, but I may just be imagining that. It wasn’t terrible or glitchy, but it was just so disappointing compared to the 1st two installments and every other game I’ve played this year. The main storyline only just barely made sense, Lara’s character development was non-existent, and they expanded the exploration aspect of the gameplay at the cost of actual combat (which I guess some people actually liked/wanted, but I am definitely not one of them). This game left me so disinterested I have yet to even check out the DLC that came with my $89 purchase (it was released late btw). Also should be noted, the DLC doesn’t include any extra story missions, just extra tombs to explore. Thrilling, right?  :/ (I’m salty)
Games I Missed This Year, But Want to Play:
Red Dead Redemption 2
Hitman 2
Life is Strange 2
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avozdepetropolis · 6 years
Red Dead Redemption 2 terá edição especial no Brasil com legendas em português
Red Dead Redemption 2 terá edição especial no Brasil com legendas em português
Red Dead Redemption 2 é um dos jogos mais aguardados do ano, e aqui no Brasil não seria diferente.
Para felicidade dos colecionadores de jogos em mídia física, a pré-venda do jogo vai se iniciar nesta sexta-feira (24) aqui no Brasil. E para alegrar ainda mais os jogadores, o Brasil contará com uma edição limitada com do jogo que contará com um steelbooke será vendida exclusivamente de…
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Red Dead Redemption 2 with Collectible SteelBook (Exclusive to Amazon.co.uk) (Xbox One)
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The article was originally published here!
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whatstrendingnews · 4 years
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FYI: Rockstar Games Red Dead Redemption 2 Steelbook Edition Playstation 4 http://dlvr.it/RjqKvy
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witwgara · 5 years
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Eurogamer.net: July 09, 2019 at 07:58AM - Get the Red Dead Redemption 2 SteelBook edition for just £33 | https://buff.ly/2XW07CS | @WitWGARA, #GamersUnite, #gaming, #indiewatch, #nerdy, #News, #OurMischief, #WitWGARA, Eurogamer.net, gaming, Get the Red D… https://ift.tt/2jN91jR July 16, 2019 at 01:00PM
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henkeakerman · 5 years
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'Red Dead Redemption 2' with collectable SteelBook is now only £33.99 on Amazon https://ift.tt/2JrYGCC
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Red Dead Redemption 2 con custodia Steelbook in offerta oggi su Amazon Amazon.it propone Red Dead Redemption 2 con custodia Steelbook in offerta al prezzo speciale di 40.98 euro, solamente per un periodo limitato.
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laejri-waetwe · 6 years
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RED DEAD REDEMPTION II ULTIMATE EDITION PS4 BRAND NEW!!! EXCLUSIVE STEELBOOK!!! http://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/711-53200-19255-0/1?ff3=2&toolid=10044&campid=5337506718&customid=&lgeo=1&vectorid=229466&item=293017993052&pub=5575041009
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frakergame-blog · 6 years
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What games do you have with Steelbook boxes? Today I received the Steelbook of Red Dead Redemption 2 and it’s very cool!!🤩🤩 ————————— Que juegos tienes con cajas Steelbook? Hoy he recibido el Steelbook de Red Dead Redemption 2 y es muy chulo!!🤩🤩 ============== @originalsmartgrip 20% discount code: frakergame ============== Best accounts: @javigeek @barrygamer @lemasi23 @switchleno @sofadebaiken @gamermistica @ivicrack_gaming @lu2mado @coppola_gamer ================= ↯
↯ ↯ ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ⓣⓐⓖⓢ✧✧✧✧✧✧✧✧ #ps4controller #playstation4pro #playstation4 #ps4pro #ps4gaming #ps4gamer #ps4games #playstationgamer #playstationgames #ps4gamers #gamingfolk #instagaming #gamingroom #gamingsetup #gameroom #funkos #spidermanps4 #reddeadredemption2 (en Palma De Mallorca, Spain) https://www.instagram.com/p/BsYOFuGljzP/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1gl65pf2rlwt
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entergamingxp · 4 years
GameStop Memorial Day Sale Kicks Off With B2G1 On New and Pre-Owned Games
May 22, 2020 6:29 PM EST
If you’re looking to stock up on games for the holiday weekend, GameStop is offering a hefty B2G1 deal on PS4, Xbox One, and Switch games.
As the unofficial kickoff of the summer season, Memorial Day weekend not only brings with it warmer weather, but a ton of great deals and sales from retailers. Granted, that might look a little different this year due to the ongoing coronavirus pandemic, but if you’re looking to spend some quality-time gaming during the holiday weekend, GameStop (despite some questionable recent actions) is kicking off its Memorial Day weekend sale with a hefty offer on new and pre-owned games.
Part of its Memorial Day weekend offerings, GameStop is offering a Buy 2 Get 1 Free deal on a vast range of PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch games. However, unlike previous B2G1 offers from the retailer, this time around GameStop is offering the deal on both new and pre-owned games, allowing you to mix and match deals on various games from different platforms to get the best set of games for the lowest price.
Like other B2G1 free offers, by purchasing three games the lowest-priced game in your cart will automatically be free when you checkout. As noted on the sale page, there are some exclusions in effect for the sale, such as retro games and new first-party Nintendo Switch games. However, from glancing at GameStop’s website, there are a huge range of games available in the deal between PS4, Xbox One, and Nintendo Switch, including recent hits and old favorites. Some of the biggest games available in the B2G1 offer include the SteelBook Edition of Persona 5 Royal, Red Dead Redemption 2, Mortal Kombat 11, The Outer Worlds, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and more, giving a good opportunity to catch up on recent hits for a good price.
GameStop’s Memorial Day weekend sale is running now through Monday, May 25 – for a closer look at the games being offered in the B2G1 deal, you can check out their website for more info.
May 22, 2020 6:29 PM EST
from EnterGamingXP https://entergamingxp.com/2020/05/gamestop-memorial-day-sale-kicks-off-with-b2g1-on-new-and-pre-owned-games/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=gamestop-memorial-day-sale-kicks-off-with-b2g1-on-new-and-pre-owned-games
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saggiosguardo · 5 years
Le migliori offerte per giochi e console nel Prime Day 2019
Per bissare il successo delle segnalazioni della Black Friday Week dello scorso anno, anche in occasione del Prime Day 2019 vi segnaliamo le migliori offerte sui videogiochi, divise come sempre in aree tematiche per agevolarvi la consultazione.
Death Stranding
Ok, l'ultima fatica di Hideo Kojima esce a novembre e ad oggi ne conosciamo solo il trailer, ma il preorder a un prezzo così basso proprio non si può non prendere in considerazione.
 con sconto dal 33% a 56,99 € https://sagg.it/30zKgr0
Kingdom Hearts - La Saga
Per chi ancora non avesse giocato ad una delle saghe più famose del mondo, in cui si incontrano (e scontrano a volte) gli universi di Final Fantasy e dei classici Disney, è giunto il momento di impiegare le vacanze estive per godersi un viaggio tra pianeti e una narrazione senza precedenti.
 Kingdom Hearts III con sconto del 53% a 34,99 € https://sagg.it/30AF4mZ
 Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Chapter: Prologue con sconto del 62% a 22,99 € https://sagg.it/30BtMyD
 Kingdom Hearts HD 1.5 + 2.5: ReMIX con sconto del 54% a € 22,99 https://sagg.it/30yzL7E
 Kingdom Hearts The Story So Far (contiene tutti i giochi della saga con ovvia esclusione del terzo capitolo) con sconto del 25% a € 29,99 https://sagg.it/30vHe7l
Red Dead Redemption II
Un titolo con una profondità narrativa tale da viverlo più come un film interattivo che come un videogioco: Rockstar Games è riuscita, ancora una volta, a superare se stessa.
 Red Dead Redemption 2 + Steelbook da Collezione - Bundle Limited con sconto del 43% a € 39,99 https://sagg.it/30vq89B
Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice
L'ultima fatica di FromSoftware, nota alle cronache per sviluppare giochi con un altissimo livello di difficoltà. Più che consigliato per chi vuole passare l'estate urlando contro il cielo (cit).
 con sconto del 43% a € 39,99 https://sagg.it/30xyzBc
Le grandi saghe videoludiche
 Yakuza 6 The Song of Life con sconto del 67% a € 19,99 https://sagg.it/30DLhi5
 Darksiders 3 con sconto del 62% a € 24,99 https://sagg.it/30DLjGJ
 Assassin's Creed Odyssey - Limited con sconto del 25% a € 29,99 https://sagg.it/30DSEpP
 Shadow of the Tomb Raider con sconto del 73% a € 19,99 https://sagg.it/30tVehZ
 Final Fantasy XII Zodiac Age (Nintendo Switch) con sconto del 30% a € 34,99 https://sagg.it/30w3fCT
 Final Fantasy X/X2 HD Remaster (Nintendo Switch) con sconto del 34% a € 32,99 https://sagg.it/30w8D9c
 Hitman 2 con sconto del 71% a € 19,99 https://sagg.it/30xUfgA
 Persona 5 Dancing Starlight con sconto del 50% a € 29,99 https://sagg.it/30DMF4h
Persona Endless Night Collection - Limited (include Persona 3, Persona 4 come download digitale e Persona 5) con sconto del 57% a € 42,99 https://sagg.it/30rMSau
 Far Cry New Dawn - Limited Edition con sconto del 56% a € 19,99 https://sagg.it/2xQdOUY
 Mortal Kombat 11 Special Edition a € 39,99 https://sagg.it/2xKxY2L
 Soulcalibur VI + Metal Plate - Bundle Limit con sconto del 46% a € 26,99 https://sagg.it/30tVRrR
 Yakuza Kiwami 2 con sconto del 38% a € 24,99 https://sagg.it/30wcQcV
Per gli amanti di fumetti, manga e videogiochi
 Marvel's Spider-Man a € 54,99 https://sagg.it/30DIwgJ
 One Piece World Seeker con il 43% di sconto a € 39,99 https://sagg.it/30zkKCp
 Jump Force con il 36% di sconto a € 44,99 https://sagg.it/30w0Zvp
 Fist of the North Star: Lost Paradise con sconto del 64% a € 24,99 https://sagg.it/30uXp4M
Lego Marvel Super Heroes 2 con il 74% di sconto a € 16,99 https://sagg.it/30w0OQL
Per gli appassionati delle grandi saghe letterarie
 The Witcher III - Game Of The Year con sconto del 48% a € 20,99 https://sagg.it/30yAdCS
 La Terra Di Mezzo: L'ombra Della Guerra con sconto dell'80% a € 13,99 https://sagg.it/30xuXz8
Sport, e-sport e simulazione
 Ace Combat 7 con sconto del 37% a € 43,99 https://sagg.it/30w7MFw
Anthem - Legion of Dawn Edition con sconto del 37% a € 37,99 https://sagg.it/30ATIL8
 Battlefield V con sconto del 66% a € 23,99 https://sagg.it/30AUaZQ
 MotoGP 19 con sconto del 33% a € 46,99 https://sagg.it/2xOx7OA
 Spyro Trilogy Reignited con sconto del 25% a € 29,99 https://sagg.it/30BwVOX
 Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy + 2 Livelli Bonus con sconto del 25% a € 29,89 https://sagg.it/30znIXz
 Diablo III - Eternal Collection con sconto del 63% a € 14,99 https://sagg.it/30ylNCI
 Fallout 76 - S.*.*.C.*.*.L. Edition con sconto del 73% a € 19,99 https://sagg.it/2xOME12
 Nier Automata GOTY - Game Of The Year con sconto del 25% a € 29,99 https://sagg.it/2xKeFXh
Offerte su console
 PlayStation 4 PRO Gamma Chassis + PS Live Card 20€ con sconto del 17% a € 349,99 https://sagg.it/2xJcNhI
 Playstation 4 - PS VR Megapack + Blood & Truth con sconto del 31% a € 254,99 https://sagg.it/2xSLSQl
 Playstation 4 Slim 500GB F Chassis + Rachet & Clank + The Last Of Us (Remastered) + Uncharted 4 con sconto del 16% a € 284,99 https://sagg.it/2xXtAxL
L'articolo Le migliori offerte per giochi e console nel Prime Day 2019 proviene da SaggiaMente.
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Red Dead Redemption 2 with Collectible SteelBook (Exclusive to Amazon.co.uk) (PS4)
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The article was originally published here!
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dr-bara · 5 years
UK Daily Deals: Red Dead Redemption 2 with Collectible SteelBook for £33.99
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