#Redanian Dynasty
elderbloodcarrier · 2 years
About Lara Dorren from Andrzej Sapkowski (translated into English)
NOTE: This original source for this information is from HERE! I’ve done my best to translate it from Polish into English. 
LARA DORREN was a purebred elf, so nothing is known about her place of birth and about her parents - elves do not pay attention to places of birth, and relationships between parents and children are usually - what is very surprising - completely loose and completely unbinding. The mother of LARA was obviously an elf named Shiadhal, because elves - if they at all decide to refer to the parent in their given name - most often use a matronymic - the mother's name.
LARA was a Knowledge (Aen Saevherne), something of the highest elite circle of elven mages. It is not certain, however, whether genetics, training, or some unknown rituals determined being a Knower. This matter has not yet been clarified.
For her romance see CREGENNAN.
After the assassination and death of CREGENNAN OF LOD, being heavily pregnant, she fled towards Tretogor and here she came across the traveling Queen of Redania, CERRO, wife of King VRIDANEK (see "Redanian Dynasty"). Then there was an event of which two versions are circulating:
The Queen replied: "Not for the grace of me, but for those whom she had wronged with your sorcery. She had the courage to commit evil deeds, have courage now, when the pursuit and justice are close. It is not in my power to forgive you your sins." Then the witch argued like a cat, her evil eyes shone. "My doom is near, she cried, but also yours near, queen. You will remember LARA DORREN and her curse again at the hour of her terrible death. And also know that my curse will draw upon your descendants to the tenth generation." Knowing, however, that in the queen's breast a fearless heart beats, the evil elven witch ceased to insult and threaten, scare her with a curse, began to whine like a female dog for help and mercy ... 
"The Tale of Lara Dorren", the human version.
... but the plea did not soften the stone hearts of Hoine, the ruthless, cruel people. And when LARA, asking for mercy no longer for her, but for her child, she clung to the carriage door, at the royal command the thug-executioner struck the cord and severed her fingers. And when the February frost blew at night, LARA breathed her last breath on the hill into the woods, giving birth to a daughter, who she protected with the last of the smoldering strength in her still warm. And although it was night and winter and sunless weather all around the hill it suddenly came to spring and feainnewedd flowers bloomed. To this day, such flowers bloom only in two places: in Dol Blathanna and on the hill where LARA DORREN AEP SHIADHAL died.
"The Fairy Tale of Lara Dorren", elven version.
As is easy to guess, it is absolutely not known which of the above versions is true. Most likely, both are lying, both serve chauvinistic propaganda. But does that change what? Where truth dies into oblivion, lies, fiction and confabulation take upon themselves the burden of the chronicler's duty. Thus, each past has an infinite number of versions. Not real.
LARA DORREN was probably buried where she died, i.e. in the forests near Tretogor, the capital of Redania. However, the legend says that the elves took the body of LARA and buried it in secret caves in the famous underground elven city of Tir na Beag Arainne, where the foot of D'hoine - a man - has never stood and will never stand.
LARA DORREN AEP SHIADHAL was one of the most beautiful women of her time, so the following data are preserved:
Hair: light blonde Eyes: green Height (in inches): 5 feet 7 inches Dimensions (in inches) bust-waist-hips: 34 x 21 x 33
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starwrittenfates · 2 months
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𝐀𝐛𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐋𝐚𝐫𝐚 𝐃𝐨𝐫𝐫𝐞𝐧 𝐟𝐫𝐨𝐦 𝐀𝐧𝐝𝐫𝐳𝐞𝐣 𝐒𝐚𝐩𝐤𝐨𝐰𝐬𝐤𝐢 (translated into English)
NOTE: This original source for this information is from HERE! I’ve done my best to translate it from Polish into English. 
LARA DORREN was a purebred elf, so nothing is known about her place of birth and about her parents - elves do not pay attention to places of birth, and relationships between parents and children are usually - what is very surprising - completely loose and completely unbinding. The mother of LARA was obviously an elf named Shiadhal, because elves - if they at all decide to refer to the parent in their given name - most often use a matronymic - the mother's name.
LARA was a Knowledge (Aen Saevherne), something of the highest elite circle of elven mages. It is not certain, however, whether genetics, training, or some unknown rituals determined being a Knower. This matter has not yet been clarified.
For her romance see CREGENNAN.
After the assassination and death of CREGENNAN OF LOD, being heavily pregnant, she fled towards Tretogor and here she came across the traveling Queen of Redania, CERRO, wife of King VRIDANEK (see "Redanian Dynasty"). Then there was an event of which two versions are circulating:
The Queen replied: "Not for the grace of me, but for those whom she had wronged with your sorcery. She had the courage to commit evil deeds, have courage now, when the pursuit and justice are close. It is not in my power to forgive you your sins." Then the witch argued like a cat, her evil eyes shone. "My doom is near, she cried, but also yours near, queen. You will remember LARA DORREN and her curse again at the hour of her terrible death. And also know that my curse will draw upon your descendants to the tenth generation." Knowing, however, that in the queen's breast a fearless heart beats, the evil elven witch ceased to insult and threaten, scare her with a curse, began to whine like a female dog for help and mercy ...  --- "The Tale of Lara Dorren", the human version.
... but the plea did not soften the stone hearts of Hoine, the ruthless, cruel people. And when LARA, asking for mercy no longer for her, but for her child, she clung to the carriage door, at the royal command the thug-executioner struck the cord and severed her fingers. And when the February frost blew at night, LARA breathed her last breath on the hill into the woods, giving birth to a daughter, who she protected with the last of the smoldering strength in her still warm. And although it was night and winter and sunless weather all around the hill it suddenly came to spring and feainnewedd flowers bloomed. To this day, such flowers bloom only in two places: in Dol Blathanna and on the hill where LARA DORREN AEP SHIADHAL died. --- "The Fairy Tale of Lara Dorren", elven version.
As is easy to guess, it is absolutely not known which of the above versions is true. Most likely, both are lying, both serve chauvinistic propaganda. But does that change what? Where truth dies into oblivion, lies, fiction and confabulation take upon themselves the burden of the chronicler's duty. Thus, each past has an infinite number of versions. Not real.
LARA DORREN was probably buried where she died, i.e. in the forests near Tretogor, the capital of Redania. However, the legend says that the elves took the body of LARA and buried it in secret caves in the famous underground elven city of Tir na Beag Arainne, where the foot of D'hoine - a man - has never stood and will never stand.
LARA DORREN AEP SHIADHAL was one of the most beautiful women of her time, so the following data are preserved:
Hair: light blonde
Eyes: green
Height (in inches): 5 feet 7 inches
Dimensions (in inches) bust-waist-hips: 34 x 21 x 33
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ormakona · 3 years
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Vizimir II (d. July 1267), known as the Just, was the king of Redania and the son of Heribert and Diana de Saint-Villiers.
Philippa Eilhart was an adviser in Vizimir's court, and not only held her position but also bolstered it in the years following Vizimir's death at the end of an elven assassin's blade. He was succeeded by the Regency Council, headed by Sigismund Dijkstra and Philippa Eilhart.
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bookcalanthedaily · 3 years
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includes: Cintran Dynasty, Temerian Dynasty, Redanian Dynasty, Elves, Some Kaedwen, Some Lyria, Some Skellige, Some Nilfgaard. 
Compatibile with Sapkowski’s canon, with some game-exclusive characters added. 
link to full size. 
Do NOT repost. 
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thirstyforred · 4 years
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Maya’s more refined and sorted out backstory and character sheet. also picrew
Character name: Maya aep Anlarr
Race: half-elf
Gender: female
Aliases: Maya of Leyda, Folie Evall [Crazy Horse in Hen Llinge]
Titles: Archmistress [when other mages care about it], The Royal Advisor [long ago], Enid's Pet [not the nicest one]
Age: ~150 [at the time of TW3]
Sexuality: bi & poly
Place of origin: Elven communities in the Blue Mountains
Lodge Of Sorceresses or Brotherhood: Maya was a member of the Council - merely for a few weeks before it and the whole Brotherhood were disbanded. Later she was involved in bringing back the Chapter and rest of the infrastructure and again become a member of the Council, yet later she decided to leave her position. She was invited to join the Lodge of Sorceresses, but because of other obligations at the time, she had to decline. In 1272 she traveled to Loc Muine to vote against the creation of the third Chapter and Brotherhood.
Hair and eye color: dark brown and even darker brown
Notable features: freckles, curly hair, slightly pointy ears, smaller canines
Combat skills: Maya has enough training to in 'classical' combat to get by, but she prefers her magic to bow & arrows or sword. 
Powers: As Archmistress of Abjuration she has expertise in this particular area of magical knowledge. And she can and will cast fireballs.
Training: Training in the School of Mirt, where she finished her education mere weeks before the whole city was destroyed by Falka. 
Signature Spells: [found in trpg, except for the last one, which is homebrew]
Luthien’s Quill - Named for its inventor, Luthien of Ebbing, Luthien’s Quill can etch writing or drawings into any solid surface. It cannot be used on living creatures.
Urien’s Shelter - Urien’s Shelter, created by the nautical air magician Urien of Cidaris, allows the mage to negate hostile weather effects around them. This negates extreme heat, extreme cold, rain, and snow.
Stammelford’s Earthquake - Stammelford’s spell disrupts the ground and creates a jagged, crumbling terrain, everyone in the area sink into the ground and might die from suffocation. After the spell ends, the ground stops churning but it will remain shattered.
Carn Mithe - Spell created by Maya of Leyda to honor victims from Mirt. Mage casting this spell inscribe a harmful glyph either on a surface or within an object that can be closed to conceal the glyph. The glyph is nearly invisible and once triggered people in the area of effect can: be stunned, fall asleep, lose their minds, or fall dead. 
Wealth: Maya doesn't spend much, but she maintains a few bank accounts, one in Kovir, one with Vivaldis, one in Nilfgaard...
In-depth personality:
People often see Maya as an artistic, sensitive soul, which she is, to a point. She already lived long enough and through many tragedies, that there are no traces of youthful naivety in her.  She knows ups and downs of life and just tries to make the best of it.
She values honesty and want’s to always be truthful about her intentions and plans. Secrecy and plots are one of many reasons why she stopped appearing on kings’ courts. She values integrity, the will to stand by one's ideals no matter what's the political climate or what opportunities arise. She would values also honor, but she finds it hard to define. The way some people use this concept as a shield... Is what are Scoia'tael doing honorable or not? Was denouncing them honorable or was it a betrayal? And what about mages? They stopped teaching ethics in Aretuza and Ban Ard long before Falka’s Rebellion… 
Growing up among elves and then spending her first adult years in man’s lands, taught her to categorize the world around her. There’re men and elder races, there’re artificial order and natural chaos, there’re laws and traditions. There is dualism, and there is a choice - what world you want to live in? For Maya, despite years spent in cities and towns, the call of forests and trees, the elven blood is always a little bit louder.
Maya enjoys anonymity, how she could go on a stroll in Tretogor or Ard Carraigh and be just some noble’s beloved daughter, instead of royal advisor. How she could one day disappear from the court, by simply walking through the front door and then settle down in some small village, deep in the forests, that required the assistance of a clever woman. Not many sorceresses can do this, and even less actually want it.
Maybe, when she was a child or teen, there were ambitions and dreams, but she’s is no longer bothered by unobtainable. Peace is nice. Simplicity. Living a life that makes you content - that’s actually easier than it sounds.
Mother was a human and while she agreed to carry a child, she knew she would never be happy living among elves. Maybe she was right to climb off mountains and start from scratch somewhere in Kaedwen. Anlarr on the other hand… Anlarr aen Mar’muire was one of the rare kind in elven society - too young to remember Aelirenn’s face, and later too old to die stupid death when Aedirn entered Dol Blathanna. Second, he realized his daughter might have magical talents he sought all over the Blue Mountains for elven teachers willing to work with her. In the end, Maya landed up in human school anyway. In later years they met each other on a few occasions, but the last time she heard of him, he survived Drakenborg.
Maya was born in the 1140s - sometimes it feels like a whole eternity ago, sometimes like a blink. Her father, Anlarr wanted to give her everything, as any father would do, he tried. One of the tutors he found, elven mages willing to work with a child that's not entirely Aen Seidhe, was Francesca Findabair. Enid. But soon after girls become friends, she departed to study in Aretuza, and mages from Mith got interested in Maya herself.
Maya studied in Mirt, the city of mages, clever and intelligent, and so ready to shine. Mages were being hunted, being killed so frequently that the Chapter gave her position in Supreme Council even tho she couldn't be older than 20 at the time. And then Mirt was destroyed by forces of Falka. And even more people died. 
But Falka wasn't invincible, and when her Rebellion eventually died out, and all kings were again happy to see mages in their castles, Maya found her place in the court of Dynasty of the Unicorn of Kaedwen. Partially because her monicker 'of Leyda' suggested she is kaedweni in heart, partially because it was nearer to beloved and dearly missed the Blue Mountains.
Most of the time, living among humans, Maya preferred to hide the elven part of her heritage. She learned in a hard and painful way that mages aren't untouchable. But when anti-human voices grew lauder and lauder, she decided it was enough so her. And found her new place on the edge of human settlements and elven mountains, where both could ask for the help of a witch is they needed it. 
Years passed and eventually, the one asking for help was Enid an Gleanna. Daisy of the Valleys. They were fiends one, Maya helped her with the restoration of the magical Chapter, but then, with passing decades, they have grown distant. Francesca send her with other young elves to the Nilfgaard, 'to help them wherever they would need magical assistance'. But didn't do it without revealing the risks of this whole operation. So Maya knew from the start what fate awaited Scoia'tael. And didn't tell any of them.
At first, the other solders called her Folie Evall, thanks to her crazy plans and restlessness. But once they were all arrested and stod over the Ravine of the Hydra, watched her getting her cuffs unlocked by redanian officer, they screamed way more hurtful things. "Pet of that Bitch from the Valley". Enid's pet. 
Maybe Maya could walk thought the gates of Dol Blathanna, but she never actually tried to. Instead, she started anew in Novigrad, Aldersber, Tretogor, Vizima, moving from one northern city to another.
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ormakona · 3 years
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Radovid V the Stern  was the king of Redania from the Redanian Dynasty in the last quarter of the 13th century. His reign became, along with witch hunts, one of the defining factors of the post-war period that followed the Peace of Cintra. Radovid was a polarizing figure: a brilliant strategist and a superb general by some, a paranoid madman by others. There were also many who took the middle view of his policies being harsh but justified.
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ormakona · 3 years
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Radovid V the Stern (Polish: Radowid V Srogi) was the king of Redania from the Redanian Dynasty in the last quarter of the 13th century. His reign became, along with witch hunts, one of the defining factors of the post-war period that followed the Peace of Cintra.
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