#Reddit sucks
terranovathemust · 2 months
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This is a meme that is meant to be a denunciation against those disgusting individuals who drool over equally disgusting ships. I posted this meme on the TWDG community on reddit and the moderators removed it from me, even threatening me with a ban. but is it a joke? Have they gone mad? I make a meme in which I want to express my disgust towards an ignoble category of people and the moderators remove my post, threatening me with Ban. What is their problem? Do they also drool over certain disgusting ships? I am stunned.
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I think that the switch from reddit to tumblr is particularly difficult for me so far, and i know it's just been a few days, but i wonder if other people are having these issues as well, so i thought it might be a decent idea to write out my thoughts here.
-first off, i was a lurker almost exclusively on reddit. Much more introverted, and i only spoke about things i knew or if i knew id get karma for it (being a person with RSD, i kind of hated downvotes, regardless if they were just "useless internet points" or not).
-tumblr requires you to be more interactive and speak out more with its etiquette, by reblogging and so forth (ive read in a few places that comments sections werent used much before the refugees invaded tumblr, which i think seems like a cool positive)
-while there arent any downvotes, i still feel anxious to talk/put myself out there. Am i reblogging right? Are my tags funny? Is my blog a big uninteresting mess?
This isnt a problem with the site itself, but with me obviously. But we are talking about my difficulty here, so it still needs to be said.
-the communities arent built in here like they were with reddit, so you sort of have to find it, and the regular posters who have the kind of quality content you want. This is pretty cool, but vastly different from reddit and im having a tough time getting used to it.
-there's definitely a few people i missed from the reddit communities i was in, and i wish i knew if they were here or not. (Talking about you, u/nepalman230)
All this being said, holy hell, its wild. Im putting my thoughts out here right now, and while it does feel....uncomfy, i think its more because im not used to it. It feels more like shouting out to the void. Maybe itll talk back. Who knows?
But i think this site is very neat, and i love love LOVE how much more inclusive tumblr is. Im straight and a cis male, but there were a lot of toxic communities that would just not let people be who they say they are, and im so glad that all my LGBTQ+ friends have a more inclusive place like this, and that so many have migrated over here. I wish i wouldve come here sooner.
Im also very grateful to all you veteran tumblr users putting in the effort to help us out. Youve put so much out here for us, to help us better understand how to navigate these new waters, and honestly? I'd have been really screwed without the help ive received, because tumblr is really kinda chaotic.
Its good to be here, and i'm hoping i can get over all my dysfunctions and really enjoy this space you've shared with us.
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shinyruby · 20 days
Imagine how mad Reddit will be if Byler becomes canon.
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radykalny-feminizm · 9 months
I love this hellsite. You can say whatever the fuck you want here. Meanwhile I got banned on reddit for saying that all-women school is for females lol
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deltaruinedcoco37 · 1 year
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eeclare · 7 months
Just saw a reddit post about how Linda is so unsupportive when bob goes to see Lily for the first time in 30 years... like gurl you are missing the point. Your rant is just wrong.
The episode does not focus on Linda's "misadventure" in the cemetery itis very clearly about bob and his struggle in grieving??
Like how do you misinterpret such an important episode so wrongly
Link of shame btw ^^
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stimkydukc · 1 year
damn who knew that it's not good to spend your time on a website where literally every way you can interact with people is a popularity contest, and unless you win that contest you don't even exist as a person, just another blob in the faceless mass that is r/whatever
i do not fucking miss reddit
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laurentlemonke · 10 months
Fakedisordercringe is weird man. It's about people allegedly faking disorders, which is a weird premise on its own. But then you have posts about people's headcanons for fictional characters. I saw a post calling out someone for headcanoning a genshin impact character as autistic. Why? Why would you post that to fdc? It's just a headcanon, it's not someone faking a disorder. I don't even like genshin but come on bitch. Let people have their weird little aus lol. If someone finds comfort in imagining that their favorite character has the same disorder as them, how does that affect you? So many questions. I should stop browsing that sub cause it's legit dumb as hell. Also also! You can't fucking diagnose or undiagnose someone over the internet. Doctors can't even do that, so randos on reddit absolutely can't. Just because someone presents symptoms differently than you do doesn't automatically mean they're faking. And people choose what they show online. Social media isn't an accurate representation of anyone's life. Sorry for the rant. I just got recommended that sub one day and decided to take a look and omg wtf.
Tldr: maybe the real cringe was the fakedisordercringe we made along the way.
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alternatememory · 3 months
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Fuck Reddit. What an absolute fucking joke of a platform it is.
I'm so fucking done.
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nicnavarrocage · 4 months
Today's News
I'm gonna bring up some news for what I'm doing currently.
I'm not going to Reddit anymore. I'm already fed up with that stupid site.
I've archived every single strip of @michaelfirman's "Moe." I was lucky to see the comics archived completely, except for Nic Carey's guest comic.
My iPad broke. It's been 50 fuckin' days and I haven't gotten a new iPad.
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eclipse-colony · 8 months
"down with fdc?" More like down with specifically YOU!!!
Considering this is basically the same thing a member of fdc said on the post featuring my blog I’m left to assume you looked for and found my blog specifically to say this to me directly. All that does is prove my point that fdc encourages harassment of the people posted and that the censorship rule does nothing to actually protect people’s privacy.
Fdc has no way of fact checking if the people they claim to be faking disorders are and most of its users are so karma happy that they end up looking for systems or people with other disorders and post their content without so much as a look into the person. We aren’t seen as people but instead targets of mockery and a source of validation for the posters.
I made my down with fdc post without having been posted there myself because I have seen the harm and paranoia it causes for people. Many of those that state online their mental health conditions and experiences do so because they are looking for community and support from others who actually have the disorder not those you haven’t lived with it or doctors, that form of emotional and professional support is valuable and needed but sometimes what we need is to talk to someone who has similar life experiences.
Users on fdc like the one that posted me are a prime example of what I see as way the sub is harmful. The person who posted me had stalked and made a whole “saga” posting one blog for several days in a row, their first post had incredibly poor censoring which led to another system searching their url and messaging them to let them know anyone that saw the post could find them easily, they responded which led the fdc op whom was stalking their page to post systems2 carrd which contained their system name and can also be easily found.
I then had my down with fdc post reblogged by system2 which led to the fdc op posting me as well.
My point is the fdc poster had been posting several days in a row on system1 blog and the blogs that interacted with it. How anyone sees this as anything but obsessive I don’t know.
Some fdc posters such as the one that posted me also actively seek out and invade safe spaces for systems so that they can post them to be made fun of.
Another issue with fdc is the fact that they do not take take down requests for posts even if a person was to prove their diagnosis I know this because others have asked on the fdc discord. Fdc mods have also banned and muted people for sharing US government articles stating the actual statistics of DID specifically claiming it to be misinformation.
Another reason I have such a strong dislike for fdc is due to the fact that most people that are posted do suffer from mental disorders. Even if they are right and the person posted is faking (which the posters have no way of proving.) purposefully faking a disorder is a disorder called Munchausen syndrome and those suffering from it still deserve kindness respect and treatment.
I understand this response is long and you probably won’t read or that you’ll just screenshot it and put it on fdc so you can get karma but I hope that you’ll actually process what I’ve said.
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wolrith · 11 months
reading reddit commands is so funny sometimes bc I find myself agreeing with the majority of the comment and then get hit with some racist shit like
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like ok true, its terrible Disney isnt hiring people with restricted growth, and it doesn't make much since for the dwarves to be of different ethnicities if they're supposed to be brothers... i mean my geiger counter is going off, but its only yellow so its fin- oh god. oh no oh god. oh no.
and then i look at the subreddit and its fucking r slash conservative like bruh i should've known
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malinastharlock · 10 months
I got banned from Reddit for 2 days 🤣.
Like I get why they're mad at me, but they need to stop showing me a bunch of *********** propaganda BS that I don't want to look at. I don't even care about that stuff, quit showing it to me. By Cthulhu! Reddit needs to work on their suck ass algorithm.
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az-cain · 11 months
Just got banned from r/todayilearned for reposting with a desktop link after they told me to repost with a desktop link. Permanent ban. Already asked.
Fine. You don’t get to know that TIL the Library of Alexandria was not burned once and cataclysmically destroyed, but instead declined gradually over the course of centuries.
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bun-parade · 1 year
The biggest thing I hate about Reddit is how MEAN people can be when you ask a question. Like.. everyone there seems so fucking hostile. You ask a question and you get a bunch of people being like "Whats the point of you asking this question? This is stupid. You're stupid." Idk what it is about that site and how people seem to lose all sense of empathy and filters.
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The movie isn't released yet but all the filmbros are somehow so sure that Lily Gladstone can't get Oscar for the leading role cause she is so subtle (!) Sometimes I hate social media so much
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