#Regardless he sucks at customer service and I'm kind of surprised his shop lasts seven years
cucumbermoon · 5 months
One thing I haven't seen anyone talk about much is how abysmally rude Garak is to his customers. He has the worst customer service ethic I have ever seen in my life. He gets confrontational and argumentative with them. He flings Morn's pants at him. He gets super sarcastic with Quark about his lapels. It really makes me wonder about Cardassian customer service in general. Is Garak typical for a Cardassian in the customer service field? Is he being rude and argumentative because that's how Cardassians flirt and he's trying to put his customers at ease? Or is this a symptom of the fact that he hates the circumstances of his life and kind of wants to punish everyone for his reduced station? Did his years as the second most powerful person in the Cardassian Union make him feel like he deserves better than to be talked down to by a Ferengi bartender? I feel like there's a case to be made for all of these scenarios.
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