#Remote Research Experience in USA
researchupdateinc · 2 years
Working remotely with their faculty mentors can provide undergraduate students with interesting and gratifying Remote Research Experience in USA. For a variety of reasons, students may select this path. You may be able to complete an entire research project or contribute to specific aspects of a research project remotely, depending on your study topic and strategies. Literature searches, statistical analysis, manuscript writing, and other tasks may be included in remote research projects. Whatever your remote research interest is and why you're working remotely, you'll want to make sure you're talking regularly with your faculty research mentor. Please call us at +1 646 685 4341 for further information.
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anghraine · 1 month
There's this weird genre of post I've periodically seen that's like "It bothers me that autistic people come onto this site and vent about the pressure to accommodate mainstream social norms that seem unnatural to them, and these people just don't seem to get that mainstream social norms serve a function that makes them right and good, so 'help' consisting of pressuring autistic people into unnatural 24/7 performance is actually great. Really, autistic people need to meet the allistics halfway and accommodate us as well!"
Obviously, these posts aren't phrased this way—the style is usually more patronizingly helpful with a hint of chiding autistic strangers for venting on their own blogs about one of the most basic diagnostic criteria of autism. But the thing that always strikes me about these "helpful" explanations is how incredibly sheltered they seem.
I can't speak for all autistic people. But a lot of treatment for autism has historically been rooted in teaching autistic people to mimic "normal" behavior as much as possible. Success has often been understood less in terms of the strain of this mimicry on autistic people or how viscerally unpleasant it is for an autistic person to perform this way, and more in terms of the comfort of people around us. The less perceptible our symptoms are to other people, the greater the perception of success in most cases, although research increasingly suggests that "social camouflaging" is actively harmful to autistic people no matter how good we seem at it.
Yes, there's a reason for social norms. I know. Many of us know. We have been incessantly told this our entire lives and live under extreme pressure to adapt to the allistic world. We are under vastly more pressure to accommodate the social norms of our communities than most allistic people seem to even remotely grasp. All this "don't label yourself, it's all just a social construction" and "you're high-functioning, though, so-" and "WELL ACTUALLY it is morally incumbent on you to imitate our social norms" only makes this absolute abyss of ignorance seem all the deeper. It feels rather like Protestant proselytizers in the USA who walk up and are like "have you heard about Jesus?!" as if it is remotely possible to live in this country without hearing about Jesus.
Secondly, the idea that the weight of accommodating these different experiences should rest equally on allistic and autistic people is actually pretty grotesque—yes, even if you're talking about autistic people without specifically intellectual disabilities. Where is all this endless understanding and patience for the allistic world we're expected to develop when it comes to accommodating us? Usually completely absent, and even when we do receive some degree of empathy, it still seems incredibly unequal to the demand on us.
But even if that were not the case, the idea that ethically, the people with, you know, autism are under some moral onus to equally accommodate allistic people (especially allistic people who do not have any similar disabilities themselves, which is most of them!) is absurd. Most allistic people are more able to adapt to changing circumstances than autistic people and experience less strain from doing it, they are better and faster at correctly interpreting social situations and emotional cues, and social performance is easier and more natural for them, and they overwhelmingly outnumber autistic people. The logic here just seems absurd.
And thirdly this scary danger of "high functioning" autistic people not trying to accommodate the norms and comfort of allistic people on some broad scale is not happening. Here's one fairly clear discussion that isn't paywalled:
In fact, high-functioning ASD individuals were reported to be more aware of their communication difficulties and were more likely make considerable efforts to adjust their behavior to conventional rules of non-autistic individuals, learning to imitate other non-ASD individuals. Moreover, females reported a higher frequency of camouflaging strategies, suggesting a role of camouflaging in the gender gap of the ASD diagnosis. Although camouflaging strategies can sometimes grant a better level of adjustment, even resulting in a hyper-adaptive behavior, they are also often correlated with negative mental health consequences due to the long-term stress associated with continuous attempts to adapt in day-to-day life.
Seriously, the world being just too easy on autistic people and letting them actually show signs of being autistic (God forbid) without sufficient chiding is not a thing. It's not real in any significant large-scale way; the exact reverse is vastly more common. Annoying autistic people on Tumblr dot com are not a social problem.
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This day in history
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I'm on tour with my new, nationally bestselling novel The Bezzle! Catch me in TORONTO on Mar 22, then with LAURA POITRAS in NYC on Mar 24, then Anaheim, and more!
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Name your price for 18 of my DRM-free ebooks and support the Electronic Frontier Foundation with the Humble Cory Doctorow Bundle.
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daveofclansmiffy · 6 months
The Gateway Experience | Your Mind Will be Blown Away
Okay, so earlier today, while doing some research, I stumbled across this document that has completely blow my mind away. Never have I had my mind blown away so much as this, since I first read Eric Von Deniken's 'Chariots of the Gods' when I was just 11 years old.
This document, which was kept secret by the USA's Department of Defense, from 1983 till 2003, is primarily a document which explains the techniques used in the Remote Viewing Training Program code-named the Gateway Experience.
However, the parts that really blew me away, were the explanations about how and why we, the universe and everything within it exists. It has a breakdown of how our conscience exists and how we can use it to reach higher states of consciousness and reach and explore other dimensions using such tools as Hypnosis, Transcendental Meditation, Audio Frequency Vibrations and Out-of-Body experiences to tap into the Akashic Record, or Absolute as it is called in this document.
Click on the image/link below. It really is a MUST read...
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frank-olivier · 7 months
Jeffrey Mishlove (New Thinking Allowed)
Heidi Jurka is author of 'The Making of a Psychic'. During the period from 1976 to 1979 she worked closely with parapsychologist Andrija Puharich on his "space kids" project. She was living in Puharich's house in August 1978 when the place was set on fire by an arsonist.
Here she provides many details concerning her work with Puharich, the "space kids" and "mindlink" projects, and the arson fire that put an end to this chapter in her life.
Heidi Jurka: Andrea Puharich and His Space Kids (February 2024)
Andy Puharich
Dr Andrija Puharich, medical and parapsychological researcher, medical inventor, physician and author.
Exerpts taken from interviews with his offspring for the 2023 documentary 'Mind Traveler'.
Puharich Personal (May 2023)
Psi Clips
Andrija Puharich, M.D. surveys his career researching psi, including studying the gifted subjects Eileen Garrett, Peter Hurkos, Uri Geller and others. Recorded at the Mind Science Foundation in San Antonio, Texas, USA on 21 February 1989. Dr. Puharich was Research Director there in the early '60s.
Much discussion also on ELF, psychotronics, government-sponsored psychic warfare and remote viewing of sub-atomic particles and fields (through Sharron Jacobson).
Dr. Puharich asserts that Peter Hurkos served as the top psychic for President Ronald Reagan. This was confirmed by Lee Sannella, M.D.
Andrea Puharich: Psi Explorations From Garrett to Geller And Beyond (February 1989)
Michael Salla
One of the most intriguing aspects of Gene Roddenberry’s creation of the Star Trek franchise was his relationship with a mysterious extraterrestrial group calling itself the Council of Nine that were being channeled by the psychic Phyllis Schlemmer in the 1970s. Roddenberry sat in on channeling sessions from 1974 to 1975, and participated in Q & A’s that were recorded in Schlemmer’s 1993 book, the Only Planet of Choice.
What lent credibility to the Council of Nine was that their existence was confirmed in the famous Law of One channeling sessions held from 1981 to 1984, which are widely regarded as the most authoritative channelings ever conducted due to the strict scientific protocols used by a retired applied physics professor, Don Elkins.
These historical events provide important context for Elena Danaan’s most recent contact experiences where she claims to have been taken to Jupiter’s moon, Ganymede, where she met with the Council of Nine, and was told why Rodenberry was chosen to prepare humanity for a Star Trek future.
This is an audio version of an article published on November 4, 2021, and narrated by the author Dr. Michael Salla.
Michael Salla: Contact with the Council of Nine & Roddenberry's Star Trek Future (November 2021)
Uri Geller
A book popped through my letterbox recently entitled Memories of a Maverick by H.G.M. Hermans. The maverick in question was Andrija Puharich (1918-1995) and the author, ‘Bep’ Hermans was his second wife. Her book has prompted this tribute to a great and much misunderstood scientist of great vision, versatility and courage and a wonderful human being. But for him, nobody outside Israel would probably ever have heard of me, and it is no exaggeration to say that I owe my career and my success to him.
H.G.M. Hermans: Memories Of A Maverick (1998)
L/L Research
Don and Carla were interviewed on WKQQ for their "UFO Awareness Week" in 1977, sharing information about their work in UFO investigation and communication.
Jim McCarty heard this interview on the radio, prompting him to seek out and join Don and Carla for their public meditations. Eventually, Don and Carla invited Jim to join efforts and form a trio, leading to the receiving of the Ra contact.
Interview with Don Elkins and Carla Rueckert (WKQQ, May 1977)
Monday, February 26, 2024
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primaverse · 18 days
The Evolution of Engineering Outsourcing: Past, Present, and Future.
Core engineering practices with the support of outsourcing partners have been able to focus on remote product development very effectively. The dedicated involvement of the engineering service providers has been very successful in meeting the needs of the engineering firms. The outsourcing partners have been able to manage even the core activities when required because of a well-established industry-wide collaboration framework that combines the role and expertise of OEMs, suppliers, and pure software players. The changing needs and an abundance of outsourcing opportunities have resulted in newer players within the ecosystem. With OEMs looking to outsource core activities, outsourcing organizations are moving forward to enhance their capabilities by investing in tools, processes, and innovation. This constantly evolving environment is bolstered by the growing emphasis and investment in R&D and innovation. 
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After World War II certain developments made business more global from local. The first use of outsourcing in recent history was in the 1950s with time sharing lasting about 25 years. As technology continued to advance, so did new outsourcing ideas. One major consulting firm Arthur Anderson in the last century invented remote management services. This allows a customer’s systems, networks, and applications to be monitored and managed remotely from a network operation center (NOC). The customer was assured of good service through the implementation of so-called Service Level Agreements (SLAs). New models of outsourcing came about in the late 1980s and 1990s with the profound leap in Internet technology and software. Initially, companies used to outsource the areas to specialize in which they found less important and put their resources in those areas that were more important. Most of the outsourced IT jobs in the USA are from India. There may be many reasons for which one could be that India has higher education that promotes and practices. Emphasis was given to work –experience, vocationalization, improvements in scientific and technological education, and research to improve productivity. This brought India to become a player on the world stage. This has helped to build a labor force that can send workers to foreign lands. This has also allowed many multinational companies to be established on Indian soil so that our skilled personnel can provide their service at a very economical rate. 
Germany had many trade schools called Gewerbesculen that fused technology and management, while also having technical schools, Technische Hochshulen. At the University level, science and research were the primary focus, with cutting-edge experiments conducted that made their system “the world’s envy and model.” The Germans were not innovating by trial and error but were authenticating it using scientific methods for improvement. Higher education could be the very same reason for Germany to dominate the electricity and chemical industry. 
The United States founded its technical universities after it passed its Land Grant Act in 1862 during the Civil War. Most of the new schools had specialties in agriculture and mining, providing the scientific basis for improvement and help to the business community. Most of the new schools had specialties in agriculture and mining, providing the scientific basis for improvement and help to the business community. 
According to Gartner, a marketing firm, India is currently an undisputed leader in offshore outsourcing services. India accounts for 70% of the total offshore revenue, and a vast number of trained IT professionals. Other countries like Bangladesh, Thailand, Vietnam, Singapore, and Malaysia have been progressing greatly as outsourcing partners. 
The legacy of the British Raj which has become a boon to Indian workers has been the strong emphasis on English proficiency. The Indian education system also fosters strong skills in mathematics and science. A good proportion of students go for further education and skilled human power. So all these could be many of the reasons for India to be a hot spot for outsourcing. 
Furthermore, India offers a tax-friendly environment; it has a separate Ministry of Information Technology to look into IT-related matters; IT has become an integral part of the national agenda. Telecom bandwidth in India is over-provisioned and easily accessible to IT industries. The natural time difference between India and the US and Europe is easily exploited to allow a longer working day. Outsourcing to India is also very attractive because of the convenience of umbrella organizations in Indian firms. They handle almost all their business requirements at one stop which has hardware and software integration and call centers. 
According to a survey conducted by Forrester about 3.3 million U.S. service industry jobs and $136 billion in wages will move offshore to countries like India, Bangladesh, Russia, China, Singapore, and the Philippines. It can be said that with the history of outsourcing and the sound economic theory of comparative advantage behind the outsourcing model, one is tempted to say that outsourcing is, in fact, inevitable. As firms that are already enjoying the benefits of outsourcing cut costs further, competitors in the U.S. and elsewhere will be forced to follow suit.  
The Engineering Outsourcing Industry is undergoing a significant transformation in this fast-paced and interconnected world. Companies across have realized the great potential of outsourcing engineering tasks to meet their project demands. A number of factors are responsible for shaping this industry’s landscape and having an innovative approach to the engineering areas. 
1. An expanding and bullish economy  
The future of the global engineering outsourcing market, with a CAGR (Compound Annual Growth Rate) of approximately 25% is on an upward trajectory. In 2021, it was valued at $429.4 billion and is expected to exceed $750 billion by 2027. 
2. Cost cuttings 
One of the primary driving factors for outsourcing engineering tasks is an overall reduction in cost. It is estimated that companies can save up to as much as 40% on operational costs when outsourced. This includes lower labor and infrastructure expenses, making it a financially attractive option. 
3. Ensuring good quality  
It is a misconception that outsourcing engineering compromises quality. This misconception has been statistically proven that 78% of organizations reported that the quality of work outsourced met or exceeded their expectations. 
4. Advances in technology 
The engineering outsourcing industry has concurrently advanced with technological advances in other fields. 5G technology, AI, IoT, and data analytics have opened up new avenues for innovative solutions and increased demand for specialized skills. 
5. International labor pool of workers  
Engineering outsourcing is sending feelers to access a vast global talent pool. Companies would definitely take advantage of the talent by outsourcing. Fact say that about 62% of companies prefer offshore outsourcing to access the best engineering expertise.
6. Diversification of industries  
Engineering outsourcing is not confined or restricted to one area. Aerospace, automotive, electronics, shipping, and more are all benefiting from this trend. Many other sectors of industries are turning to outsourcing for tailored solutions. 
7. Environment conscious 
Outsourcing has effectively used an eco-friendly approach. A reduction in office space has been a conscious effort to reduce the ecological footprint. It has also reduced commuting by air and road resulting in conserving energy another contribution to the reduction of carbon footprint thereby, aligning with the global push for eco-friendliness. 
8. Not smooth sailing - challenges ahead  
However, there are challenges to address. Data security, communication barriers, and the need to adapt to cultural differences are some concerns. Identifying them at the right time, providing suitable solutions, and being mindful is crucial. 
9. Future Predictions 
The future of engineering outsourcing is bright. The use of AI and robotics would increase. This would make repetitive tasks easier and more efficient. This will also bring in the need for automation and cyber security to a heightened level. 
To sum it up, the Engineering Outsourcing Industry is undergoing a transformative journey. This journey promotes the accessing of talent pool not just locally but also globally. The optimization of technology along with environmental sustainability is the motto. The journey will not be smooth but the potential benefits are undeniable. 
The engineering outsourcing industry has something to offer be it a business owner exploring outsourcing options or an engineer looking for exciting and challenging career opportunities. Needless to say, the journey is worth taking as per the statistics.
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sunaleisocial · 1 month
NASA Seeks Input for Astrobee Free-flying Space Robots - NASA
New Post has been published on https://sunalei.org/news/nasa-seeks-input-for-astrobee-free-flying-space-robots-nasa/
NASA Seeks Input for Astrobee Free-flying Space Robots - NASA
NASA is seeking input from American companies for the operation and use of a system of free-flying robots aboard the International Space Station as the agency continues to foster scientific, educational, and technological developments in low Earth orbit for the benefit of all.
The colorful, cube-shaped robots – named “Bumble,” “Honey,” and “Queen” – are part of the Astrobee system helping astronauts and researchers perform technology demonstrations, scientific research, and STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) activities in the unique environment of space since 2018.
“Dozens of institutions collaborate with NASA to use the Astrobee system to test new hardware and software technologies,” said Jose Benavides, project manager for the Astrobee facilities at NASA’s Ames Research Center in California’s Silicon Valley, where the system was designed and built. “I’m excited to hear how respondents think Astrobee can continue to advance robotics in space.”
NASA issued a Request for Information to inform strategic planning, inviting industry to provide information to help shape the maturation of robotics in zero gravity to achieve the greatest scientific and exploration value. Responses are due Sept. 27, 2024. To learn more about the Request for Information, visit:
The battery-powered robots in the Astrobee system fly around the space station’s modules using electric fans for propulsion and “see” their surroundings using lights, cameras, and other sensors. They have interchangeable “arms” that provide ways for the robots to hold objects or keep steady for tasks requiring stability, and magnets to ensure they stay securely docked when recharging.
Working autonomously, or via remote control by astronauts, flight controllers, or researchers on the ground, the robots can be used to off-load time-consuming tasks. For instance, the robots can work independently or collaboratively to assist with routine chores like space station monitoring, maintenance, inventory, experiment documentation, or moving cargo throughout the station. This allows astronauts more time to tackle complex work that only humans can perform.
Astrobee’s versatile design has allowed thousands of hours of testing on hundreds of microgravity experiments. Many have involved astronauts, but the facility also is regularly used by researchers and student teams across the world competing for the opportunity to run their programs on the robots in space.
Jonathan Barlow
Astrobee Project Manager
For example, NASA’s ISAAC (Integrated System for Autonomous and Adaptive Caretaking) project, used the Astrobees to study how robots could assist spacecraft, vehicle systems, and ground operators. The technology could help NASA use robot caretakers for critical spacecraft in the agency’s Moon-to-Mars plans, including the Gateway lunar space station and Mars transit habitat vehicle, especially during the months-long periods when these spacecraft will be uncrewed.
“Our ISAAC work has proved out its technology in a high-fidelity space environment because of the ready availability of the capable Astrobee robots,” said Trey Smith, project manager for ISAAC at NASA Ames.
The project demonstrated using multiple Astrobees to autonomously collect the first robot-generated survey of a spacecraft interior. Other ISAAC firsts include the first use of a robot to locate the source of a sound in space, in collaboration with the Bosch USA SoundSee payload team, and the first time robots navigated between modules of a space station. Future robots could use ISAAC technology to transfer cargo between space vehicles or respond to a time-critical fault like a leak due to a micrometeoroid impact, all without human assistance.
“With Astrobee, we’ve learned about flying multiple robots in space alongside humans,” said Jonathan Barlow, project manager for Astrobee at NASA Ames. “Further developing human-robotic technology will pave the way for future crewed and uncrewed spacecraft maintenance and exploration tasks done by robots both off-planet and in deep space.”
The Astrobee Facility, operated out of NASA’s Ames Research Center, provides a free-flying robotic system for space station research and STEM outreach.  NASA’s Game Changing Development Program, part of the agency’s Space Technology Mission Directorate, funded Astrobee. NASA’s International Space Station Utilization Office provides ongoing funding.
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colemanblogs · 1 month
Can Boost Mobile Offer Affordable International Plans?
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Boost Mobile offers affordable international plans. These plans are designed for travelers. They help you stay connected without breaking the bank. Many users find these plans helpful. For example, if you travel to Mexico, Boost Mobile offers a plan that includes unlimited calls and texts. This makes it easy to stay in touch with family and friends while abroad.
The plans are simple to use. You can add them to your existing Boost Mobile service. Just choose the country you plan to visit and select the corresponding plan. These plans often include data as well. This means you can use your phone for navigation, social media, or browsing. Imagine you are traveling in Europe. With a Boost Mobile plan, you can easily find directions or check the weather without worrying about high costs.
However, not all countries are covered. It's important to check if your destination is included. Some users have shared positive experiences, praising the clear connections and affordable rates. But others have faced issues with coverage in remote areas. Before traveling, it's wise to research and read reviews. Overall, Boost Mobile’s international plans offer a budget-friendly option for those needing to stay connected while traveling.
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For in-depth access to extensive USA contact details, explore the connectvantagehub.info directory. Offering a wide array of listings, this resource ensures you can find specific contacts across various industries and regions within the United States. Whether you're searching for business contacts, customer service numbers, or professional connections, connectvantagehub.info is a dependable platform to streamline your search. Utilize its userfriendly interface and vast database to access the most relevant and current contact information tailored to your needs. Efficiently uncover detailed American business contact information with the connectvantagehub.info directory today
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drkarenhawk · 2 months
The Future of Mental Health: Dr. Karen Hawk's Vision for Psychological Care in Arizona, USA
As mental health awareness continues to grow, the landscape of psychological care is evolving rapidly. Dr. Karen Hawk, a leading psychologist based in Gilbert, Arizona, is at the forefront of this transformation. Her vision for the future of mental health reflects a commitment to innovative, compassionate, and client-centered care. In this article, we explore Dr. Hawk’s forward-thinking approach to psychological care, highlighting her contributions, goals, and the impact she aims to make on mental health services in Arizona.
The Evolving Landscape of Mental Health
The field of mental health is undergoing significant changes driven by advances in research, technology, and societal attitudes. Key trends shaping the future of mental health include:
Increased Awareness and De-stigmatization: There is growing recognition of the importance of mental health, leading to reduced stigma and greater openness about seeking help.
Integration of Technology: Technological advancements, such as teletherapy and mental health apps, are enhancing accessibility and convenience for clients.
Personalized and Holistic Care: A shift towards personalized treatment plans that address individual needs and incorporate holistic approaches is becoming more prevalent.
Focus on Preventative Measures: Emphasis on mental health education and preventative strategies to reduce the onset of mental health issues.
Dr. Karen Hawk's Vision for the Future of Psychological Care
Dr. Karen Hawk’s vision for the future of psychological care is shaped by her extensive experience, innovative thinking, and dedication to improving mental health services. Her approach encompasses several key areas:
1. Embracing Technological Innovation
Dr. Hawk recognizes the transformative potential of technology in mental health care. Her vision includes:
Expanding Teletherapy Services: Dr. Hawk aims to enhance access to mental health services by expanding teletherapy options. This approach allows clients to receive therapy from the comfort of their homes, making mental health care more accessible, especially for those in remote areas or with busy schedules.
Utilizing Mental Health Apps: Incorporating evidence-based mental health apps into therapy can provide clients with additional tools for managing their mental health. Dr. Hawk supports the integration of these apps to complement traditional therapy and offer clients ongoing support.
2. Promoting Personalized and Holistic Care
Dr. Hawk’s approach emphasizes the importance of personalized and holistic care. Key aspects of her vision include:
Tailoring Treatment Plans: Dr. Hawk advocates for treatment plans that are customized to each client’s unique needs, preferences, and goals. By considering individual differences, she ensures that therapy is relevant and effective.
Integrating Mind-Body Approaches: Acknowledging the connection between mental and physical health, Dr. Hawk incorporates mind-body techniques such as mindfulness, relaxation exercises, and stress management strategies into her practice.
Addressing Co-occurring Issues: Dr. Hawk’s holistic approach includes addressing co-occurring issues, such as substance abuse or chronic medical conditions, that may impact mental health. This comprehensive perspective supports overall well-being and enhances treatment outcomes.
3. Advancing Preventative Mental Health Strategies
Dr. Hawk is committed to advancing preventative mental health strategies to reduce the onset of mental health issues and promote early intervention. Her vision involves:
Educational Initiatives: Dr. Hawk supports mental health education programs that increase awareness and understanding of mental health issues. By providing education and resources, she aims to empower individuals to recognize early signs and seek help proactively.
Community Outreach: Engaging in community outreach and collaboration with local organizations can help spread awareness and provide resources for mental health support. Dr. Hawk envisions a future where community partnerships enhance access to mental health services and support.
4. Enhancing Client-Centered Care
A core component of Dr. Hawk’s vision is enhancing client-centered care, which prioritizes the needs and preferences of clients. Her approach includes:
Building Strong Therapeutic Alliances: Dr. Hawk emphasizes the importance of building strong therapeutic relationships based on trust, empathy, and mutual respect. This alliance is crucial for effective therapy and positive client outcomes.
Encouraging Client Empowerment: Empowering clients to take an active role in their therapy and decision-making processes fosters a sense of ownership and commitment. Dr. Hawk supports clients in setting their own goals and taking steps towards their well-being.
Implementing Dr. Hawk’s Vision in Practice
Dr. Karen Hawk Psychologist is actively working to implement her vision for the future of psychological care through several initiatives:
Expanding Services: Dr. Hawk is expanding her practice to include more diverse therapeutic services, including specialized programs for various mental health conditions and life stages.
Adopting New Technologies: She is integrating new technologies and tools into her practice to enhance the therapy experience and provide clients with innovative resources.
Training and Development: Dr. Hawk invests in ongoing professional development and training to stay abreast of the latest advancements in mental health care. This commitment ensures that she offers the most effective and up-to-date treatment approaches.
Community Engagement: Dr. Hawk actively participates in community events, workshops, and collaborations to promote mental health awareness and provide valuable resources to the community.
The Impact of Dr. Hawk’s Vision on Mental Health Services
Dr. Karen Hawk’s vision for the future of psychological care has the potential to make a significant impact on mental health services in Arizona and beyond. Key benefits of her approach include:
Increased Accessibility: By embracing technology and expanding teletherapy services, Dr. Hawk enhances accessibility to mental health care, making it more convenient for clients to receive support.
Improved Treatment Outcomes: Personalized and holistic care approaches lead to more effective treatment and better overall outcomes for clients, addressing their unique needs comprehensively.
Proactive Mental Health Management: Advancing preventative strategies and educational initiatives empowers individuals to take control of their mental health and seek help before issues escalate.
Enhanced Community Support: Community outreach and collaboration foster a supportive environment for mental health, increasing awareness and providing valuable resources to those in need.
How to Connect with Dr. Karen Hawk
If you are interested in learning more about Dr. Karen Hawk’s approach to psychological care or wish to explore how her vision can benefit you, scheduling a visit is easy:
Phone: Call (480) 218-2289 to arrange an appointment or inquire about her services.
Email: Reach out to Dr. Hawk at [email protected] for any questions or to schedule a session.
Website: Visit drkarenhawk.us for more information about Dr. Hawk’s practice, services, and vision for the future of mental health.
Office Address: Dr. Karen Hawk’s office is located in Arizona 85298, United States, where she offers in-person consultations and therapy sessions.
The future of mental health is marked by exciting advancements and evolving approaches to care. Dr. Karen Hawk’s vision for psychological care reflects a commitment to embracing technological innovation, promoting personalized and holistic care, advancing preventative strategies, and enhancing client-centered care. Her forward-thinking approach aims to improve mental health services and outcomes for individuals and communities in Arizona. Don’t miss the opportunity to benefit from Dr. Hawk’s expertise and innovative approach—schedule your visit today and be a part of shaping the future of mental health care.
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Dr. Kharkar's journey to becoming a leading seizure specialist began with rigorous medical training and a deep commitment to understanding neurological disorders. His extensive experience spans years of dedicated practice, during which he has successfully helped numerous patients manage and overcome seizure-related challenges.
One of the distinguishing factors of Dr. Kharkar's practice is his holistic approach to patient care. He believes in not only treating the symptoms but also addressing the underlying causes and improving overall quality of life. This patient-centered philosophy has earned him the trust and respect of both patients and peers in the medical community.
Patients seeking consultation with Dr. Kharkar can expect comprehensive evaluations tailored to their individual needs. He utilizes state-of-the-art diagnostic techniques and stays updated with the latest advancements in epilepsy research and treatment options. This ensures that each patient receives accurate diagnoses and personalized treatment plans that are both effective and evidence-based.
Beyond his clinical expertise, Dr. Kharkar is known for his compassionate demeanor and commitment to patient education. He takes the time to explain medical conditions and treatment options in clear, understandable terms, empowering patients to actively participate in their healthcare decisions.
Dr. Kharkar's clinic in Thane is equipped with modern facilities to provide a comfortable and supportive environment for patients. Whether you're seeking initial diagnosis, ongoing management, or a second opinion regarding seizures or epilepsy, Dr. Kharkar and his team are dedicated to delivering exceptional neurological care.
In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Kharkar is actively involved in research and academic pursuits, contributing to advancements in neurology and epilepsy management. His contributions to the field have been recognized through publications in peer-reviewed journals and presentations at national and international conferences.
For those living with seizures or epilepsy in Thane and surrounding areas, choosing Dr. Kharkar means choosing a specialist committed to excellence, empathy, and the highest standards of neurological care. His reputation as a seizure specialist is built on a foundation of expertise, integrity, and a genuine passion for improving the lives of his patients.
To schedule a consultation with Dr. Kharkar or to learn more about his services, including telemedicine options for remote patients, please contact his clinic in Thane. Take the first step towards better neurological health and a brighter future with the guidance and expertise of Dr. Kharkar, your trusted seizure specialist in Thane.
Dr. Siddharth Kharkar is noted as one of the best neurologists in Mumbai, India & one of the best neurologists in Thane, India. He has been recognized as one of the top neurologists in Mumbai by Outlook India magazine and India Today Magazine.
Dr. Kharkar has trained in India, USA and UK. He is a USA board-certified (American Board of Psychiatry & Neurology certified) Neurologist and with a full medical license in the states of Maharashtra, India & California, USA.
Dr. Siddharth Kharkar has trained in the best institutions in India, USA and UK including KEM hospital in Mumbai, Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, the University of California at San Francisco (UCSF), USA & Kings College in London
Epilepsy Patient Guide – Dr. Siddharth Kharkar
Parkinson’s Patient Guide
सीज़र दौरे का अर्थ
पार्किंसंस का अर्थ
अपस्मारच्या झटक्याचा अर्थ
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researchupdateinc · 2 years
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Working remotely with their faculty mentors can provide undergraduate students with interesting and gratifying Remote Research Experience in USA. For a variety of reasons, students may select this path. You may be able to complete an entire research project or contribute to specific aspects of a research project remotely, depending on your study topic and strategies. Literature searches, statistical analysis, manuscript writing, and other tasks may be included in remote research projects. Whatever your remote research interest is and why you're working remotely, you'll want to make sure you're talking regularly with your faculty research mentor. Please call us at +1 646 685 4341 for further information.
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themarketupdate · 3 months
Smart Home System Market Expecting the Unexpected future in 2030; SWOT analysis, investment feasibility analysis
A smart home system refers to the interconnected home which consists of the devices that run off WiFi to Increase the user experience, that means a residence which uses Internet-connected devices to enable the remote monitoring and management of appliances and systems, such as lighting and heating as well as home appliances such as washer and dryers, ovens or refrigerators that use WiFi for remote monitoring. The market of the Smart Home System is rising due to growing preferences in the home security
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Latest released the research study on Global Smart Home System Market, offers a detailed overview of the factors influencing the global business scope. Smart Home System Market research report shows the latest market insights, current situation analysis with upcoming trends and breakdown of the products and services. The report provides key statistics on the market status, size, share, growth factors of the Smart Home System The study covers emerging player’s data, including: competitive landscape, sales, revenue and global market share of top manufacturers are ABB (Switzerland), Siemens AG (Germany), Schneider Electric (France), Ingersoll-rand plc (Ireland), Legrand (France), Lutron electronics (United States), Emerson electric (United States), Crestron electronics (United States), Control4 corporation (United States), Honeywell international (United States)
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Contact Us:
Craig Francis (PR & Marketing Manager)
AMA Research & Media LLP
Unit No. 429, Parsonage Road Edison, NJ
New Jersey USA – 08837
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bumareviewblog · 3 months
Recruiting PR content for Bumareviews website
Company: Bumareviews
Location: Online
Salary: $500
About Us:
Bumareviews is a leading entertainment and gaming company, specializing in game reviews, gift codes, and PR articles. We pride ourselves on being one of the largest platforms in the industry, with a team of 50-100 passionate individuals dedicated to delivering top-notch content. Our headquarters is located at 13401 Jeske, Needville, TX 77461-6618, USA. Join us and be a part of an innovative team that thrives on creativity and excellence.
Job Description: We are seeking talented Content Writers to join our dynamic team. The ideal candidates will be responsible for creating engaging and informative PR articles, website content, and reviews about the latest game releases and gift codes. This is a fully remote position, allowing you to work from the comfort of your own home.
Write high-quality PR articles and website content about newly released games.
Research and provide the latest game gift codes and promotional offers.
Collaborate with the team to brainstorm and develop content ideas.
Ensure all content is accurate, well-researched, and adheres to our style guidelines.
Meet deadlines and manage multiple projects simultaneously.
Excellent writing and editing skills in English.
Strong passion for gaming and knowledge of the latest gaming trends.
Ability to work independently and remotely.
Experience in content writing or a related field is preferred.
Attention to detail and strong research skills.
How to Apply:
If you are a creative writer with a passion for gaming, we would love to hear from you! Please send your resume and a cover letter to [email protected]. Be sure to include examples of your previous work or a portfolio.
Bumareviews Company 13401 JESKE NEEDVILLE TX 77461-6618 USA [email protected]
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spookysaladchaos · 3 months
Global Top 9 Companies Accounted for 54% of total Industrial Router for Remote Access market (QYResearch, 2021)
Remote routers are used to connect remote networks. The remote routers usually support multiple protocols and multiple interfaces in order to connect to the wide area network, such as connecting ISDN, X.25, and DDN networks. The remote router can be set to filter incoming and outgoing data packets, so that the network administrator can control the network load and determine which network nodes can access a given network.
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According to the new market research report “Global Industrial Router for Remote Access Market Report 2023-2029”, published by QYResearch, the global Industrial Router for Remote Access market size is projected to reach USD 0.13 billion by 2029, at a CAGR of 9.8% during the forecast period.
Figure.   Global Industrial Router for Remote Access Market Size (US$ Million), 2018-2029
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Figure.   Global Industrial Router for Remote Access Top 9 Players Ranking and Market Share (Ranking is based on the revenue of 2022, continually updated)
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The global key manufacturers of Industrial Router for Remote Access include Red Lion Controls, Westermo, etc. In 2022, the global top three players had a share approximately 54.0% in terms of revenue.
About QYResearch
QYResearch founded in California, USA in 2007.It is a leading global market research and consulting company. With over 16 years’ experience and professional research team in various cities over the world QY Research focuses on management consulting, database and seminar services, IPO consulting, industry chain research and customized research to help our clients in providing non-linear revenue model and make them successful. We are globally recognized for our expansive portfolio of services, good corporate citizenship, and our strong commitment to sustainability. Up to now, we have cooperated with more than 60,000 clients across five continents. Let’s work closely with you and build a bold and better future.
QYResearch is a world-renowned large-scale consulting company. The industry covers various high-tech industry chain market segments, spanning the semiconductor industry chain (semiconductor equipment and parts, semiconductor materials, ICs, Foundry, packaging and testing, discrete devices, sensors, optoelectronic devices), photovoltaic industry chain (equipment, cells, modules, auxiliary material brackets, inverters, power station terminals), new energy automobile industry chain (batteries and materials, auto parts, batteries, motors, electronic control, automotive semiconductors, etc.), communication industry chain (communication system equipment, terminal equipment, electronic components, RF front-end, optical modules, 4G/5G/6G, broadband, IoT, digital economy, AI), advanced materials industry Chain (metal materials, polymer materials, ceramic materials, nano materials, etc.), machinery manufacturing industry chain (CNC machine tools, construction machinery, electrical machinery, 3C automation, industrial robots, lasers, industrial control, drones), food, beverages and pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, agriculture, etc.
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wcid · 3 months
9th Edition of World Nanotechnology Conference
Magnus Group is delighted to extend a warm invitation for your participation in the highly anticipated 9th Edition of the World Nanotechnology Conference (Nanotechnology 2024), scheduled to unfold from October 28 to 30, 2024, in a Hybrid Format. This dynamic event is poised to take place in the lively city of Baltimore, Maryland, USA, providing an immersive in-person experience for attendees. Additionally, for those who prefer remote participation, we are pleased to offer a virtual platform. Guided by the theme "Future Horizons: Emerging Trends in Nanotechnology," the Nanotechnology Conference initiative guarantees a convergence of diverse perspectives, cutting-edge research, and groundbreaking innovations that stretch the boundaries of nanotechnology. Nanotechnology Conferences 2024 goes beyond the traditional notion of a knowledge exchange platform—it emerges as a paramount networking event. Participants are invited to engage deeply in compelling oral and poster presentations, explore thought-provoking plenary talks, and absorb insights from captivating keynote speeches. These interactions transcend routine sessions; they present opportunities to cultivate connections among experts, promote the sharing of knowledge, and catalyze collaborations within the Nanomaterials Conference 2024. Encompassing a diverse range of topics, these sessions traverse various sub-disciplines of nanotechnology, providing valuable insights into the latest advancements, research findings, and innovative approaches. It's more than a conference; it's an evolving tapestry of ideas, discoveries, and collaborative endeavors. Reach us at:   Contact Email: [email protected] Phone: +1 (702) 988-2320  WhatsApp:  +1 (640) 666 9566 Dates:  October 28-30, 2024 Venue:  Baltimore, MD, USA Website:  https://nanotechnology.magnusconferences.com/ Abstract submission:  https://nanotechnology.magnusconferences.com/submit-abstract Registration:  https://nanotechnology.magnusconferences.com/register   Social Media Link:   Facebook:  https://www.facebook.com/worldnanoconfer/ Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Nano_congress LinkedIn:   YouTube:  https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCLtH0EIiRfFWaIOwuYL5IEw   Organiser:  Magnus Group LLC - https://www.magnusgroup.org/   Conference Manager:  Sonia Edwin Organiser Address: Magnus Group LLC                                     150 South Wacker Drive #2400  Chicago, IL 60606, USA 
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jheelkamdar · 3 months
Reliable Used Copier Exporter: Quality Office Equipment Solutions
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When it comes to office equipment, copiers are essential for efficient business operations. However, brand-new copiers can be expensive, making used copiers an attractive alternative. Opting for a used copier exporter in the USA can be a smart move for businesses looking to balance quality and cost. In this guide, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know about finding the best used copier exporter in the USA.
Understanding the Copier Market
The Demand for Used Copiers
The market for Second-hand copiers has grown significantly over the past few years. Many businesses are realizing that they can save a substantial amount of money by opting for pre-owned machines without sacrificing quality.
Key Factors Driving the Market
Several factors contribute to the growing demand for used copiers, including economic considerations, the rise of remote work, and increasing awareness of environmental sustainability. Companies are seeking cost-effective solutions that also reduce their carbon footprint.
Benefits of Buying Used Copiers
Cost Savings
One of the most compelling reasons to buy a used copier is the cost savings. Refurbished copier equipment can be up to 70% cheaper than their new counterparts, allowing businesses to allocate resources more effectively.
Environmental Benefits
Purchasing a used copier is an environmentally friendly choice. It helps reduce electronic waste and promotes the recycling of valuable resources.
Availability of High-Quality Machines
Many used copiers are still in excellent condition and have plenty of life left in them. Reputable exporters ensure that these machines are thoroughly inspected and refurbished if necessary.
How to Choose the Right Used Copier Exporter
Research and Reviews
Start by researching potential exporters. Look for customer reviews and testimonials to gauge the experiences of other buyers. Reputable exporters will have positive feedback and a solid track record.
Certifications and Accreditations
Check if the exporter has any relevant certifications or accreditations. These can be indicators of their commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Range of Products Offered
A good exporter will offer a wide range of Discounted photocopiers from various brands. This variety allows you to choose a machine that best suits your specific needs and budget.
Top Features to Look for in a Used Copier
Print Speed
Consider the print speed of the copier. Faster machines can handle higher volumes of work, which is crucial for busy offices.
Print Quality
Ensure the copier produces high-quality prints. Look for machines that offer sharp and clear text and images.
Connectivity Options
Modern copiers come with various connectivity options, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, and USB. These features enhance the versatility and convenience of the machine.
Additional Features
Some used copiers come with additional features like scanning, faxing, and automatic document feeding. These extras can significantly boost productivity.
The Export Process
Steps Involved in Exporting Used Copiers
The export process involves several steps, including sourcing, refurbishing, packing, and shipping the copiers. Reputable exporters handle these steps meticulously to ensure the copiers arrive in excellent condition.
Shipping and Handling Considerations
Shipping Budget-friendly copier sales requires careful handling to avoid damage. Exporters use specialized packaging materials and methods to secure the machines during transit.
Legal and Regulatory Requirements
Exporting Discounted photocopiers involves compliance with various legal and regulatory requirements. Ensure the exporter is familiar with and adheres to these regulations to avoid any legal issues.
Top Used Copier Exporters in the USA
Company Profiles and Highlights
Several companies in the USA are renowned for exporting high-quality used copiers. Each of these companies has a strong reputation for reliability and customer satisfaction.
Customer Reviews and Testimonials
Reading customer reviews and testimonials can provide valuable insights into the reliability and service quality of the exporter. Look for patterns in the feedback to identify strengths and potential issues.
Comparison of Services
Compare the services offered by different exporters. Consider factors like warranty options, after-sales support, and return policies to make an informed decision.
Common Challenges and How to Overcome Them
Ensuring Quality and Reliability
One of the main challenges in buying Reliable second-hand copiers is ensuring their quality and reliability. Work with reputable exporters who offer warranties and guarantees on their products.
Managing Shipping Costs
Shipping costs can add up, especially for international exports. Negotiate with the exporter for the best shipping rates and consider bulk purchases to reduce costs per unit.
Handling Customs and Import Duties
Navigating customs and import duties can be complex. Choose an exporter who provides assistance with customs clearance and understands the import regulations of your country.
The Future of Used Copier Exports
Emerging Trends in the Industry
The used copier export industry is evolving with trends like increased demand for multifunctional devices and eco-friendly practices. Staying updated with these trends can help you make better purchasing decisions.
Technological Advancements
Advancements in technology are making used copiers more efficient and feature-rich. Look for exporters who offer the latest models with up-to-date technology.
Market Projections
The market for Recertified copier devices is expected to grow as more businesses seek cost-effective and sustainable solutions. This growth presents opportunities for both buyers and exporters.
Choosing the right used copier exporter in the USA involves careful research and consideration. By understanding the market, evaluating exporters, and knowing what features to look for, you can find a high-quality used copier that meets your needs and budget. Embrace the benefits of cost savings and environmental sustainability while ensuring you work with a reputable exporter to make your purchase a success.
Name: Jainam International Inc
Address: 4647 Pine Timbers STE 134 Houston TX 77041 United States.
Phone No: +1 530-302-6540
Website: https://www.jainaminternational.com/
What should I look for in a used copier?
Ans. Look for factors like print speed, print quality, connectivity options, and additional features such as scanning and faxing capabilities.
How can I verify the credibility of an exporter?
Ans. Check customer reviews, testimonials, certifications, and accreditations. Research the exporter’s history and reputation in the market.
Are there warranties available for used copiers?
Ans. Yes, many reputable exporters offer warranties and guarantees on their used copiers, providing peace of mind and assurance of quality.
How long does the shipping process take?
Ans. The shipping process can vary depending on the destination and the exporter’s logistics. Typically, it can take anywhere from a few days to several weeks.
What are the environmental benefits of using a used copier?
Ans. Using a used copier reduces electronic waste and promotes the recycling of valuable resources, making it an environmentally friendly choice.
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