#Research Opportunities for Medical Students
researchupdateinc · 2 years
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Our medical education programs support you with unique experiences that meet your goals, from mentoring to MD-PhD programs, summer studies, and scholarships.
Find out more about research opportunities for medical students in the list below.
Basic research
Clinical research
Education and research
Research is usually interdisciplinary and involves clinical academic nurses, patients, scientists, and researchers without a medical background. Joining such a team can improve your communication skills and give you a better understanding of how an interdisciplinary team works. For more information, please contact +1 646 6854341.
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cactidu · 9 months
Research Project: Empowering High School Students Through Unique Extracurricular Research Opportunities
Join Cactidu's 1-on-1 Research Project and embark on a distinctive extracurricular journey that hones your research skills. High school students can now apply for this exceptional program. Don't miss out on this opportunity! Visit :- Extracurricular Activities for High School Students
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Extracurricular Activities for High School Students
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ellesimsworld · 4 months
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Medical School Student Mod | Sims 4
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Click HERE for Version 2 on my Patreon. Requirements: 
EP01: Get to Work EP08: Discover University XML Injector by SCUMBUMBO
Have you ever wanted your Sims to go to medical school before entering the doctor career? Or maybe your Sim just wants to go to medical school for the hell of it! Well in my pursuit of adding more gameplay mods to my save for better storytelling, I created this medical school student career track! I made this career available for Teens-Adults.
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Applying to Medical School
Even though the medical school track, is technically a joinable career, I still wanted to create the opportunity for your Sims to apply to medical school! Applying will take about 3-4 hours and will cost them §500.
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Medical Institutions:
Your Sim will be randomly placed at one of the following medical institutions:
-The Landgraab School of Medicine -University of Britchester School of Medicine -Foxbury Institute of Medicine and Health Sciences -Plumbob Center of Medicine -Newcrest Center for Medicinal Sciences -Komorebi Institute of Medicinal Studies -University of Willow Creek, Goth School of Medicine
Again, their placement will be randomized. If you want your Sim to work at a specific medical institute, you can quit and rejoin the career until you get your desired one.
Pay: Your Sims will be unpaid until they become an intern (Level 5). For the first four levels, it is up to you to decide how (or if) your Sims will make simoleons. I recommend the Unlimited Jobs mod by TURBODRIVER, which allows you to have multiple jobs at a time. You can check it out here if you like.
Career Track
This career track comes with 9 levels:
Preclinical Med Student I: (§0)
Starting your journey into the medical field, you're diving into basic sciences and learning the foundational concepts of medicine. It's a challenging start, but with hard work, you'll build the knowledge needed for your future career.
Preclinical Med Student II: (§0)
With the first year behind you, you're now diving deeper into complex medical subjects. Balancing intense coursework and initial patient interactions, you're beginning to see how your studies apply to real-world healthcare.
Preclinical Med Student III: (§0)
Transitioning from the classroom to clinical rotations, you're getting hands-on experience in various specialties. Your understanding of medicine is growing rapidly as you apply your knowledge to real patients under supervision.
Preclinical Med Student IV: (§0)
In the final phase of your medical school journey, you're solidifying your skills and preparing for the next step. As you complete your rotations and apply for residency programs, you're focused on becoming a competent and compassionate doctor.
Intern: (§10)
Welcome to the first year of residency! As an intern, you're now a doctor, responsible for patient care under the guidance of senior physicians. The hours are long, but each day brings invaluable learning experiences and growth. Junior Resident: (§15)
With a year of internship behind you, you're now taking on more responsibilities. Your confidence is building as you make more independent decisions and start to specialize in a particular field of medicine.
Senior Resident:(§20)
Nearing the end of your residency, you're a seasoned doctor with a wealth of clinical experience. You're mentoring interns and junior residents while honing your expertise and preparing for the final stages of your training. Chief Resident: (§25)
As the chief resident, you're a leader among your peers, coordinating the residency program and ensuring the smooth operation of the team. Your skills and leadership abilities are put to the test as you balance administrative duties with patient care.
Fellow: (§35)
Specializing further, you're now a fellow, focusing on a particular area of medicine. This stage is all about mastering your chosen field, conducting research, and becoming a true expert before transitioning to an attending physician role.
The hours for this career track are LONG! Again, I wanted to add as much realism as I could. So, expect your Sim to be gone for practically the entire day! They most likely will come back home with a tense/dazed buff.
Skills and Objectives The major skills your Sim will be focusing on in this career are Logic, Writing, Handiness, and Research & Debate. Your Sims objectives are essentially to progress these skills to the required levels.
Computer Interactions and Rabbitholes: There is a separate in-game pie menu for Medical Students on computers. This comes with nine (9) new interactions and rabbithole activities for your Sims!
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The time for each activity varies; but expect your Sim to spend HOURS doing most of them lol (for example, the Medical Conference may take 3-4 hours, and going to Clinical Rounds may take 5-6 hours. For rabbithole activities, your Sim will go to the computer first, before leaving. Also be ready to spend some simoleons on activities such as paying tuition, going to conferences, and textbooks (SEE BELOW)
What is medical school without textbooks...and expensive ones too?! I added four (4) new textbooks. They total to about§500.  They're also located under the Emotional category since they give your Sims a Focused buff, which can help them build their skills.
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Lot Traits:
For those who want to take their gameplay up a notch, I created a Medical School Lot Trait. But because we don't have medical school lots in game, if you plan on building a medical school for your Sims, it will most likely have to be on a generic lot.
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Buffs: Several buffs come in game with the various interactions! Here is a quick snapshot of a few:
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Trait & Conversation Topics: Lastly, I also created a CAS trait for your Sims who are/ or want to become medical students. This trait comes with basic wants such as wanting to go to the library or researching something on Simpedia. The trait itself should be in the Lifestyle category.
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Also, Sims with this trait will have the following conversation topics available to them:
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Please make SURE that you have the XML Injector installed; and that you have script mods enabled. Also try not to separate package and script files or place script files more than 2 folders deep!
Known Problems/ Conflicts:
As of now, there are no reported conflicts or problems with this mod. Feel free to join the discord to let me know of any issues that you detect.
Update Log: 5/17/2024
As requested, I added the postgraduate positions such as interns, as well as junior, senior and chief residents, and fellows. I also added pay for these levels.
5/22/2024 Additional gameplay features were added. If you downloaded the old files before on this date, PLEASE DELETE, AND REPLACE WITH THE NEW FILES.
Please do not claim this mod as your own. Please do not upload this mod to any other websites. Please let me know before translating this mod.
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slyandthefamilybook · 7 months
look dawg, the destruction of Magnus Hirschfeld's Institute was an important moment in the Holocaust, but I feel like ever since goyische tumblr learned about it it's literally all they talk about. People have just instantly latched onto it because it's something that makes them feel connected. "Those famous pictures of Nazi book burnings are them burning gay and trans research" comes off as less of recontextualizing history and more of "omg that's me! I'm famous!". The fact that it's brought up in every conversation about the Holocaust now, even when the discussion is about the specific persecution of other groups, is highly suspect. When Jews talk about the Holocaust, we don't view the victims as people like us. They are us. They're our parents and grandparents, our great- uncles and aunts. In every generation we must see ourselves as if we left Egypt
JKR is engaging in Holocaust denial, but it's a soft sort of denial. Someone told her the Nazis hated trans people, and she responded "nuh-uh" because she didn't want to believe trans people have been around for that long. It's bad, sure, but we already knew she was a shitty person. I think it's a better opportunity to discuss the process of radicalization and closed-loop ideological thinking than to shit on the internet's favorite punching bag with your new favorite factoid. Jews right now are experiencing violent antisemitism. Bomb threats, death threats, rape threats have become the norm for a lot of us, but I have yet to see that discussed with the same fervor as JKR being shitty for the gajillionth time. If you truly want to make yourself a part of the living history of the Holocaust, you have to understand how to fight for what's important. You have to learn how to protect what you love, not just destroy what you hate. It's very important not to lose the plot here
It's crucial that we remember that the book burnings were primarily about Jews. Joseph Goebbels proclaimed in Berlin "The era of extreme Jewish intellectualism is now at an end. The breakthrough of the German revolution has again cleared the way on the German path...The future German man will not just be a man of books, but a man of character." The German Student Union described book burnings as a "response to a worldwide Jewish smear campaign against Germany and an affirmation of traditional German values." Science, study, reason, progress were all seen as Jewish plots to destroy society (wonder where else we've seen that). Magnus Hirschfeld was persecuted because he was gay and his Institute was full of gay and trans people, yes. But it was also because he was a Jew, and a man of science who was pushing the boundaries of medical care for LGBT people. Just. something to think about
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dduane · 7 months
“The donation is meant to attract ‘talented and diverse’ students, who otherwise might not have the opportunity to pursue a medical education, the school said in the release. ‘It will enable generations of healthcare leaders who will advance the boundaries of research and care, free from the burden of crushing loan indebtedness.’l
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gothhabiba · 5 months
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hey guys, I could use your help with something! Sue is a Black disabled mother, migrant, and PhD student at Newcastle University who urgently needs solidarity. Newcastle University is reporting her to the Home Office in retaliation for her complaint about her abusive supervisor, in full awareness of her Stage 5 kidney disease. this is a life-and-death situation.
here's how you can help:
retweet Unis Resist Border Control's tweet about Sue's abusive situation at the University of Newcastle
sign the open letter to Newcastle University by 22 May
pass a motion with your UCU branch (template here)
donate to help Sue find a kidney donor, apply to Leave to Remain, pay solicitor fees, and cover living costs
Sue's story from the #WeAreAllSue toolkit:
In 2022, Sue Agazie, high-achieving in her field, was promised financial support for her tuition fees through scholarships and paid opportunities and enrolled into the PhD programme at Newcastle University Business School with this understanding. When Sue arrived in the UK in 2023, however, she learned that all of this financial promise was a lie; the scholarships that she had been promised never materialised. Instead, she has gone into horrific debt and is having trouble surviving.
For almost a year, Sue sought financial support for herself and her family, including grants and opportunities that would burnish the reputation of her supervisor and university as a whole. However, in that year, her supervisor not only prevented her from applying to scholarships and paid opportunities, but further controlled her research and day-to-day quality of life, with a high-level of surveillance, inappropriate supervisory practices, and escalating harassment of both her and her family.
These practices include this supervisor repeatedly preventing Sue from taking part in important professional development activities, such as research presentations, within the Business School. He also isolated her from her senior colleagues, forbidding her from attending particular activities they were facilitating, or spreading malicious rumours about them. Further, the primary supervisor repeatedly ignored Sue's pleas for support on funding applications and other opportunities that would alleviate the precarious financial situation into which she had been placed, telling her to “stop sending me links to scholarships”.
This behaviour would culminate in the primary supervisor verbally abusing Sue a number of times, and maligning Sue’s husband, alleging that he has been too lazy to financially support her. These inappropriate supervisory practices belie Newcastle University’s commitment to gender equality under the Athena SWAN Charter, for which it holds a Silver award, and for which the Business School holds a Bronze award.
An environment of terror and retaliation
This environment of surveillance, harassment, and terror has grossly impacted the health of Sue as well as that of her spouse and children. In particular, her kidney condition escalated to stage 5 kidney disease, a severe and terminal illness that causes disablement and time-sensitive, highly-delicate medical needs, during this ordeal. The National Kidney Foundation in the United States indicates that “stress and uncontrolled reactions to stress” can “lead to kidney damage.” These compounding issues have also understandably affected Sue's studies, although she has bravely persisted in her research, meeting important deadlines.
Sue raised these issues using relevant avenues of informal complaint, including her supervisory teams and student support services; there are multiple complaints that have been raised in this department. However, she did not receive sufficient support. Further, her severe health issues were not treated with the urgency and importance that they deserved. In October and November 2023, Sue's supervisor accused her of allegedly plagiarising his work in what Sue sees as a malicious act of retaliation and victimisation over her informal complaint, and an attempt to sabotage her reputation not just at Newcastle University, but to prestigious global networks. Following all of this mistreatment, Sue filed a formal complaint against her supervisor in February 2024.
Newcastle University is closing ranks
The university came back to Sue on 5 March 2024 with its response, alleging that she had fabricated the complaint against her supervisor in retaliation for his accusations of research misconduct against her, painting this vulnerable, disabled African student as a malicious liar. The supervisor even denies the relevance of her terminal illness and implicates her young child's behaviour in his response, while maintaining that her terminal illness "has nothing to do with her studies or work pressure here". Sue maintains: “During the time that I was supervised by the primary PhD supervisor, he neither kept in regular communication about my disability nor did he signpost me to relevant services within and outside of Newcastle University that could help me. It is dangerous for the primary supervisor to maintain that my disability would not have affected my studies. His comments show a gross level of disability discrimination that does not befit the reputation that Newcastle University seeks to cultivate as an inclusive place.”
Now, the university is claiming that Sue is not "engaging" sufficiently with the programme, and is threatening to report her to the Home Office, despite a written promise in January 2024 that her status would be unaffected due to the ongoing complaint process, and full knowledge of her terminal stage 5 kidney failure. Adding more insult to injury, Newcastle University Accommodation Service has been hounding Sue for rent arrears, even though they know she is critically ill and in a complaint with the university, surviving with the support of Food & Solidarity. Sue has pleaded with the university’s Accommodation Service for a rent freeze, indicating her urgent health complications and her complaint underway with the university. In all correspondences, the Accommodation Service has ignored Sue’s pleas for clemency. There is real fear that the Accommodation Service will evict Sue, her husband and their child. This will, no doubt, cause real precarity to Sue’s already fragile health condition.
We are appalled that the Newcastle University Business School is utilising obvious misogynoirist tropes to close ranks around a disabled Black migrant student who has been treated horribly, and weaponising her precarious migrant status against her as she attempts to seek justice. We are also aware that Sue is not the only student in this situation and that there have been other complaints in this department. It is a stark illustration of the pernicious institutional racism at Russell Group universities that a disabled Black migrant woman with caring responsibilities has been treated this way not only by a supervisor, but by the institution, as well as the abject way these universities instrumentalise migrant students from the Global South as sources of income that they can afterwards dispose of.
Sue maintains that this ordeal has not diminished her resolve to complete her PhD studies at Newcastle University Business School. She says, “I want to finish my PhD research. But for that to happen, Newcastle University must provide the necessary support for a disabled student in a non-abusive environment. I hope that the university listens to me and we can come to a resolution on this matter soon.”
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nerdgirlnarrates · 8 months
Even though it's been months since I switched from neurosurgery to internal medicine, I still have a hard time not being angry about the training culture and particularly the sexism of neurosurgery. It wasn't the whole reason I switched, but truthfully it was a significant part of my decision.
I quickly got worn out by constantly being questioned over my family plans. Within minutes of meeting me, attendings and residents felt comfortable lecturing me on the difficulties of having children as a neurosurgeon. One attending even suggested I should ask my co-residents' permission before getting pregnant so as not to inconvenience them. I do not have children and have never indicated if I plan to have any. Truthfully, I do want children, but I would absolutely have foregone that to be a neurosurgeon. I wanted to be a neurosurgeon more than anything. But I was never asked: it was simply assumed that I would want to be a mother first. Purely because I'm a woman, my ambitions were constantly undermined, assumed to be lesser than those of my male peers. Women must want families, therefore women must be less committed. It was inconceivable that I might put my career first. It was impossible to disprove this assumption: what could I have done to demonstrate my commitment more than what I had already done by leading the interest group, taking a research year, doing a sub-I? My interest in neurosurgery would never be viewed the same way my male peers' was, no matter what I did. I would never be viewed as a neurosurgeon in the same way my male peers would be, because I, first and foremost, would be a mother. It turns out women don't even need to have children to be a mother: it is what you essentially are. You can't be allowed to pursue things that might interfere with your potential motherhood.
Furthermore, you are not trusted to know your own ambitions or what might interfere with your motherhood. I am an adult woman who has gone to medical school: I am well aware of what is required in reproduction, pregnancy, and residency, as much as one can be without experiencing it firsthand. And yet, it was always assumed that I had somehow shown up to a neurosurgery sub-I totally ignorant of the demands of the career and of pregnancy. I needed to be enlightened: always by men, often by childless men. Apparently, it was implausible that I could evaluate the situation on my own and come to a decision. I also couldn't be trusted to know what I wanted: if I said I wanted to be a neurosurgeon more than a mother, I was immediately reassured I could still have a family (an interesting flip from the dire warnings issued not five minutes earlier in the conversation). People could not understand my point, which was that I didn't care. I couldn't mean that, because women are fundamentally mothers. I needed to be guided back to my true role.
Because everyone was so confident in their sexist assumptions that I was less committed, I was not offered the same training, guidance, or opportunities as the men. I didn't have projects thrown my way, I didn't get check-ins or advice on my application process, I didn't get opportunities in the OR that my male peers got, I didn't get taught. I once went two whole days on my sub-I without anyone saying a word to me. I would come to work, avoid the senior resident I was warned hated trainees, figure out which OR to go to on my own, scrub in, watch a surgery in complete silence without even the opportunity to cut a knot, then move to the next surgery. How could I possibly become a surgeon in that environment? And this is all to say nothing of the rape jokes, the advice that the best way for a woman to match is to be as hot as possible, listening to my attending advise the male med students on how to get laid, etc.
At a certain point, it became clear it would be incredibly difficult for me to become a neurosurgeon. I wouldn't get research or leadership opportunities, I wouldn't get teaching or feedback, I wouldn't get mentorship, and I wouldn't get respect. I would have to fight tooth and nail for every single piece of my training, and the prospect was just exhausting. Especially when I also really enjoyed internal medicine, where absolutely none of this was happening and I even had attendings telling me I would be good at it (something that didn't happen in neurosurgery until I quit).
I've been told I should get over this, but I don't know how to. I don't know how to stop being mad about how thoroughly sidelined I was for being female. I don't know how to stop being bitter that my intelligence, commitment, and work ethic meant so much less because I'm a woman. I know I made the right decision to switch to internal medicine, and it probably would have been the right decision even if there weren't all these issues with the culture of neurosurgery, but I'm still so angry about how it happened.
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princesssmars · 20 days
victoria with lab tech reader…nsfw.
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when you were approached at your basic post-grad biomedical science research program with the opportunity to "study and develop a potentially groundbreaking medication", you immediately, but politely, called bullshit. but your boss and coworkers encouraged you once they heard the pay, so you accepted.
it was…challenging to say the least.
the lab and the workers were shady as hell, not telling you any details about the company you were working for, if you were even working for a company, what exactly this medication was for, etc etc. but the pay really was good, enough to help you splurge on yourself while also saving and paying off your student loans, so you couldn’t really complain.
after about two months of great work and progress on your tasks, the leads of your team told you that one of the head donors would like to “talk about utilizing your full potential”. you were expecting further praise for your work and maybe a pay boost, not to walk into an office with the super attractive congresswoman you’d seen on tv sitting at the desk.
she has just as much mysterious charisma as she had then, keeping eye contact as she pulls out your chair, waiting for you to sit before she places herself on top of the desk, pantsuit-covered leg only a few inches from yours. she gives you a mini rundown of why she personally picked you out from your university and she's been keeping a close eye on your personal progress to develop a cure for an unknown but deadly disease you had been keeping track of.
"so that's why im here? we're working on a disease?"
"yeah, you could say that."
her smile unnerves you but you don't mention it. nor do you bring up how weird it feels that a congresswoman would be following your manic studies over a disease that only ten thousand people in the world had. you do have to reel in your ego slightly, figuring this meant that your theories were legitimate.
things are weird after that. now that you have some more hints about what you are actually doing your work starts to move along slowly, even impressing your lead with the progress you started to make.
ok, maybe a tiny little part of it was so that when victoria came in on her weekly walk-throughs she'd observe your work and give you that pretty smile of hers, maybe even a 'great job, hun' if you were lucky.
as the weeks went by and the medication came along her affection only grew in intensity, from leaving coffee at your workstation to inviting you to take lunch breaks with her. it was odd and completely unprofessional, but when those slender fingers would move one of your stray hairs back in place while telling a story you couldn't find it in yourself to care.
but then it happens - that dreaded period in any medical science where just one stupid little thing stumps you for a week. you should be used to it at this point, having been through this process since you bought your first microscope in middle school. it doesn't make it any easier to power through though, especially when you know everyone on your team is depending on you to finish up your labs.
so now you've resorted to this, three red bulls and a heap of paperwork around you while you frantically rework the math on some of the work you need to turn in. you're a few minutes away from slumping over when a loud door slam forces you upright, looking to the entryway to make eye contact with victoria.
you dont know how it happens but you go from hunched over in your chair to lying on the comfy couch in her office, a short blanket draped over your body as you drowsily explain your conundrum to the older woman. she nods along the entire time, a soft hand rubbing up and down the bare expanse of your arm while she listens to your rambling.
'what on earth are you doing?' your brain asks yourself when you shift closer to her body that's sitting next to you, head delicately resting in her lap. 'are you really going to jeopardize your career like this?' when your eyes flutter when she runs her hand over your cheek and down your neck. she leans her head down ever so slowly until her lips are just barely pressing into yours, corners pulling up when she sees you arch your back in wait for her neck action.
"but you'll figure it out for me, won't you smart girl?"
you solved the problem the next morning.
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i dont even wanna write for her GIVE HER BACK TO ME
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i-cant-sing · 11 months
May I request Todoroki family with a reader with a birthmark /port wine stain on their face? I feel like they’d be smothered even further (the reader can also joke about getting free laser surgery cause when that shit happens it smells like burning flesh (a jab at Dani lmao))
Portwine stain used to be my fav topic ever. Like you could ask me anything in pathology and I don't think I'd remember it, but someone even hints at it and ID KNOW WE'RE TALKING ABOUT PORTWINE STAIN cause like the moment I saw pictures of it on patients, I was like "?????? How is the name so ACCURATE????"
So with Todoroki fam, I think their reaction is mostly based on how you feel about your skin. So, if you're like more confident and rip anyone a new one if they try to bully you, they're also gonna treat you very normally (except maybe Rei). But if you're insecure about your face, then they're just gonna baby you to the max as well. Rei is always cooing and going over the top with compliments "aww baby, you're always beautiful in my eyes! You're like a pretty princess! I'm your mother, I would never lie!"
Enji mostly tries to encourage you with few but deep words, something along the lines of "beauty always fades away. It's what on the inside what matters. Make yourself so skillful and abled that you don't allow this to be a barrier between you and opportunities. I'll always support you." And obviously, he'd pay bucks if you want to remove this stain/mark.
Natsuo again, using his few years experience as a medical professional or as a med student will try to comfort you like a psychiatrist and also bring in derma creams and ointments that's ij research phases and not easily accessible to the general population.
Fuyumi again, coddles you but less patronising than Rei. She does want you tell her all about it, whether if someone said something even slightly mean to you, so that she can tattle to Dabi about it and he can "deal" with the person.
Shotou is the most indifferent to it. Like there isn't much difference to how he'd react if you didn't have this mark. He's still as attention deprived as ever and he's still sticking by your side, and maybe deep down, he might even feel closer to you now that you have a portwine stain/birthmark on your face.
Dabi... well, ofcourse his first reaction is to tease you about it, relentlessly. But if youre actually super insecure about your looks, then he's also the one who's super understanding and helpful. Like he finds you crying as you look at yourself in the mirror, he just sighs and walks over before breaking the mirror and engulfing you in a hug. Probes very carefully until you confess to him that someone said something very awful to you.
He comforts you, makes you his signature marshmallow hot chocolate and then pays a visit to said bully and like.... mutilates them very badly, beyond recognition, but still keeps them alive so that they get to live through the agony and dilemma you do on the daily.
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drconstellation · 5 months
Stocktaking in the Basement
Aziraphale's Edinburgh Journey: Part 3
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Usually one would think of going through their memories as a learning experience as more of a "rummaging around in the attic" metaphor, since the brain, the keeper of memories, is in the highest part of our bodies. But one of S2's underlying themes is the looming Second Coming and the resurrection of the dead, so its underground that we need to head - to the basement.
Aziraphale does a great deal of "stocktaking in the basement" during his trip to Edinburgh. He recalls the encounter with the body-snatcher Elspeth and her companion wee Morag in 1827 on the way up, has his memory jolted by the statue of Gabriel to something more recent, then thinks about what happened in 1941 on the way back. We are largely going to deal with aspects of the 1827 minisode in this meta, and some possible implications for S3.
Lets have a look at why this year, 1827, was chosen for this minisode. The Anatomy Act of 1832 gave doctors and medical students legal permission to use donated bodies for research and educational purposes, and was made so to stop the distressing trade of body snatching that was occurring at the time. But this minisode isn't necessarily about stopping that activity, rather the reasons for doing it in the first place. Looking at Strong's Concordance, as we must, in the Greek, 1827 gives us "convince" or "prove to be in the wrong." This sounds about right for this minisode, which includes the conversation about poverty inducing more opportunities to be wicked, which somehow leads to holiness, from the book. The minisode shows how Aziraphale has this idea turned around for him - he's convinced otherwise, and shown how his initial beliefs about the practice turn out to be wrong.
Also, around 1827 is the time when the building of private mausoleums was at its peak. A mausoleum was (and still is) a display of wealth, so featuring one here plays into the story in the minisode of the virtues of poverty versus the rich. (It's also a call back to the origin of the Bentley's number plate, which was written on a mausoleum in a Monty Python sketch.)
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Digging Up the Past
Shax does her own stocktaking when she receives the above push-back from Crowley, and realizes that Aziraphale is not in the bookshop at all at that moment, and goes looking for him. Later, she digs up his own dirty past to taunt him with, in an effort to make him crack and give up Gabriel.
But why is Aziraphale digging up this particular memory at this time? We know he is fond of Edinburgh and has visited many times, so this particular memory must contain something of importance for us to see.
There is the title of the minisode, some Masonic symbology and the metaphorical act of the snatched bodies as the dead rising from their graves which all point us in the direction of the Second Coming and Judgement Day, which we will cover in Part 4, so we'll put that to the side for the moment.
Changing Sides
Let's have a look at some of the blocking of the scenes in the Resurrectionists minisode. This wont cover everything, so if you do go back to have another look at it yourself, do pay close attention to who stands where.
When we first meet Crowley and Aziraphale in 1827, they are standing on what we think of as their "normal" sides, angel on the right and demon on the left. Elspeth, caught in the act of body snatching, is even further to the left, the real demon on the scene, which actually pushes Crowley back to the middle ground.
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Straight afterwards, we see all three of them walking together through the streets of Edinburgh. Crowley is still in the middle, but now Elspeth is in the angel's position and Aziraphale on the far left as a demon, as they all discuss the virtues of poverty. Oh dear, Aziraphale, you're losing the argument here, and losing badly!
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Inside Mr Dalrymple's rooms, Aziraphale decides to take matters into his own hands, where he thinks he is doing the right thing, and miracles the first body into soup. Elspeth is caught innocently in the middle of this, and Dalrymple is on the demonic left.
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A conversation is had with Dalrymple following this. Crowley is hidden in the right-hand chair, Aziraphale, who needs to be swayed, is in the middle, and Dalrymple is still on the demonic left.
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After heading back to the cemetery for another body, Crowley and Aziraphale inspect some of the protective measures set up to guard the graves. Crowley is still on the moral right, questioning if the rich are more worthy of being protected from body snatchers than the poor.
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Despite changing his mind about body snatching, Aziraphale still ends up on the wrong side of the argument in the end. As a giant Crowley looks down on the two of them, its Aziraphale standing on the demonic left side as the virtues of poverty lose out once more.
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Timely Lessons
Back to the fireside chat with Dalrymple. We have this heartfelt reaction from Aziraphale when he learns the preserved specimen he is holding came from a seven-year-old boy.
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AZIRAPHALE: [takes the jar] Well, that's a foot. So it's definitely not a foot. [laughs] DALRYMPLE: That's my point. If you two smart gentlemen can't identify it, then what are my students to make of it? I removed this tumor from a seven-year-old boy. AZIRAPHALE: Oh. Oh dear. And… Is he…? DALRYMPLE: [shakes head] And that is why we need a steady supply of cadavers. We need to cut. If we can't cut, we can't learn. If we can't learn more, a lot more, then how on earth are we going to win the battle against monstrosities like this one? I'm just trying to save lives and teach students. I either end up with a knighthood or condemned as a resurrectionist and hanging from a rope.
This, I feel, is an important lesson for them, and it seems for Aziraphale in particular. Why? This part focuses more on his reaction to the tumor, rather than Crowley's, and when we focus on Aziraphale it has ramifications for the future.*
A physical problem is usually easily identified (such as the foot). But what if the problem is invisible, because its on the inside? How do you see into a body, find a problem and make it visible, if you have not been presented with this problem before? Or perhaps you know something is wrong, but don't know what to call it?
It doesn't even have to be physical, it can be a mental, or a psychological problem. One still has to learn how to "see" the problem, to identify what it is (such as a particular pattern of behaviour) and to know the best course of action to overcome it.
Crowley wishing for more murderers to facilitate Dalrymple's research is one thing, but not being able to save a 7 year-old boy...this is the theme of the death of innocent children we've seen repeated throughout the series (the Flood, Job's children, the aborted attempt on Adam, the Crucifixion, and the implications around Crowley's Fall, to name a few.)
This also plays into the "representation matters" theme from the end - you can't be what you can't see.
This is not a lesson about the fact that they care, because they do, but how they learn to see the real problem in the first place.** I'll be interested to see the matching scenes/parallels to this in S3.
The Two Dalrymples
It has not gone unremarked that there is a Dalrymple mentioned in S1 as well - Witchfinder Colonel Dalrymple, who made the fancy Thundergun that was taken to Tadfield to shoot the antichrist with.
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Now we can talk about the connection between the two Dalrymples - they are both about removing "monstrosities" from humanity.
Take the line in the passage above: "If we can't learn more, a lot more, then how on earth are we going to win the battle against monstrosities like this one?"
As I've mentioned before, the root of the word monster is from the Latin for monstrum, "a divine omen (of misfortune)," but also monstrare, which means "to point out," which bring us back to this scene in S1, on the tarmac of the Tadfield Airbase:
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Aziraphale took Witchfinder Colonel Dalrymple's Thundergun to remove the monstrosity that was Adam the antichrist to save humanity, and Mr Dalrymple the surgeon is trying to learn how to remove and save humanity from the monstrosity we know as cancer. I'm just making a spot now on my S3 bingo card for a third Dalrymple mention, that will no doubt have some connection to the removal of monsters and/or monstrosities from the world.
Balancing the Books
The final bit of stocktaking might just be the coldest part of the whole recall process.
When Aziraphale calls from the cemetery in Edinburgh, he mentions Dalrymple's fate to Crowley:
AZIRAPHALE: Oh, do you really think so? Um, Crowley… Do you remember Dr. Dalrymple, The one who bought, err… CROWLEY: Wee Morag's body. Not a doctor… A mister, yes! Yes, whatever happened to him? AZIRAPHALE: [reading pamphlet] He left Edinburgh in disgrace. And then he killed himself. CROWLEY: Mmm.
Mmm, indeed. They might have saved Elspeth from Hell to meet up with wee Morag again, but the count of souls was still balanced out in the end, with Dalrymple heading the other way. The last time we see him he is still on the demonic LHS of the screen in blocking as he pays for wee Morag's body. Hell had him marked well in advance of his demise.
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Time to move on to Part 4: Judgment Day, where we look at all the signs that the End Times are approaching. Again.
Thanks to @vidavalor for the thematic inspiration for this post.
For further reading:
You Say Potato, I Say Excellent! Or blocking, accents and legacy of morality tales in ‘The Resurrectionists’ minisode PART II by @pommedepersephone
The linked post at the beginning Historical Analysis: class and injustice in 'The Ressurrectionists' minisode by @bowtiepastabitch is here.
An intro to Elspeth and wee Morag being parallel characters to Aziraphale and Crowley by @good-soupmens I'm going to follow up on this in Part 5.
*I explained in Part 2 that I believe we are being shown the future through Aziraphale and his parallel characters, Beelzebub and Maggie. Another reason for this is that in S1 is that Anathema is one of his parallels, and she is also caught up with living in the future through the prophecies of Agnes Nutter. In contrast, Crowley's story, and that of his parallels, such as Gabriel and Newt, are about the past and trying to live the life you want that isn't bound by expectations. Urrgghh, I can see I might have to expand on this somewhere later.
**Crowley, with most of his story in the past, shows us an example of this with his "looking where the furniture isn't" comment.
The other posts in this series can be found here:
Part 1: Detective Aziraphale Part 2: Aziraphale-Beelzebub Parallels Part 4: Judgement Day Part 5: I Know Where I'm Going
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lazyyogi · 3 months
My Upcoming Research Study: The Effects of Yogic Breathing on Chronic Sinus Symptoms
This week I have been putting together a presentation that I will be giving about my new research project. It's a study of a yogic breathing technique called Bhramari Pranayama as an adjunctive treatment for people with chronic nose and sinus issues.
Essentially the premise is this:
Our sinuses produce nitric oxide, which then in turn effects our nasal airway and our lungs. The nitric oxide can improve nasal airflow, up-regulate mucociliary clearance, and enhance anti-viral immune activity. Additionally, humming actually temporarily increases the amount of nasal nitric oxide released by about 15 fold. Therefore my study is intended to examine the effects of this pranayama technique that utilizes humming on patients with chronic nose and sinus symptoms.
Typically for patients with these symptoms, we start them out on a steroid nasal spray (flonase) as well as sinus irrigations (something like a neti pot).
I always hear from people outside the medical field about how no one studies these things--non-pharmacologic interventions, the beneficial effects of non-proprietary supplements, or other alternative medical options. People often think that if big pharma (or someone expecting to profit) isn't paying for a study, it cannot happen.
This really isn't true likely 90-99% of the time. The problem isn't funding. I'm conducting a prospective randomized control study with human subjects in order to evaluate the benefits of yogic breathing for patients--something that if found to be helpful will bring in no additional monetary profit for anyone. How much will my study cost? $0.
But do you know what it did require?
Two things: interest and opportunity.
Firstly I, a resident physician, had an idea. I learned about nasal nitric oxide and thought it was cool. I read about how humming has a bolusing effect by transiently increasing nitric oxide output by 15x. And then I recalled that there are pranayama techniques that utilize humming.
With my interest piqued, I spoke with one of my bosses, an attending physician at an academic medical center. He's the head of our Rhinology and Skull Base Neurosurgery division and he is cool as hell. He's all about healthy lifestyle and benefiting patients as much as possible. He loved the idea immediately.
And lastly we roped in a medical student. Med students are very helpful with doing the grunt work of collecting the data into spreadsheets, running the statistical analyses and such. Sometimes they bring some excellent ideas of their own as well. In return for their work, med students are often given a significant portion credit upon publication of the study and this allows them the opportunity to add some scholarly publications to their CV. I don't really need more publications under my name, but they do.
My point with sharing all of this is that people often claim there are health benefits to doing or imbibing certain things but that they'll never be studied because there's no money to be made. And it may be true that private companies such as those in the pharmaceutical industry may not have such interest; their existence in a capitalistic economy relies on profitability. But this is part of why academic institutions are so important--because learning and discovery is part of the essential mission there. Profit doesn't dictate their avenues of research.
When it comes to the study and validation of alternative/complimentary medicine, the focus really needs to be on raising awareness and interest. Talk to your doctors, nurses, physician assistants, etc. The good ones listen. The younger they are, the more likely they are to be open-minded about it too (the older ones are hit or miss--some are so cool and some are very old school).
Just some errant thoughts this week as I work on my slide deck.
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brownsugar-dreams · 5 months
Hi brown sugar! I’m a sugar baby in California in nursing school and I feel like as sugar babies we don’t talk about our jobs or careers while sugaring. Could you shed some light the jobs you had during med school. My goal rn is to find a sugar daddy that will help me get a position in a hospital or a start up
Hey, thanks for your ask! It inspired me to create this post.
I never actually worked during med school. Besides stipends from research papers/projects, most of my income came from my small business, sugar dating, and camming. If you’re looking for non-SW related ways to make money, getting into research is one way. The stipends I’ve gotten have ranged from $500-$5k depending on the type of research and length of research. I found a great PI who understood the struggles of student life and did what she could to get paid research opportunities for me. I’d suggest reaching out to PI’s who are doing research in topics you’re interested in. Additionally there are a lot of scholarship/grants available that most ppl either don’t know about or don’t feel like applying to. I just applied to as many as I could and received a lot of money that way.
If you’re talking about SW jobs, I mostly used dating apps and Seeking. Occasionally freestyling worked too when I had the time/energy to do it. The only thing is it can be slow during certain periods so it wasn’t always a steady way for income. I started supplementing sugar dating with online only sugaring. Using cam sites (no face to protect identity) I’d find clients who were looking for a girlfriend experience. This has been the most stable/steady form of income so far.
I think for your goal, freestyling would be a good avenue for you to meet someone with enough influence to help you. Try going to networking events, charity galas, and medical conferences. It’ll be a great way for you to network and meet ppl in the field of healthcare. I suggest making business cards (can order for cheap on Canva or similar sites) with your name/phone number/position (nursing student) and handing them out at the events. Make sure to collect some business cards as well! Keep in touch after the event and decide if they’ll be useful in any way.
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the-garbanzo-annex-jr · 6 months
By Edward H. Kaplan and Evan Morris
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At Ben Gurion-Soroka Hospital, Technion-Rambam Hospital, and the Hebrew University-Hadassah Medical Center, we saw how integrated their medical schools and faculty are. The percentage of doctors, nurses, and pharmacists who are Arabs greatly exceeds their share in the total population.
We heard Arab university vice presidents, and their Jewish counterparts take full pride in jointly leading Israeli university life. Unlike the scene on American campuses, Muslim and Christian Arabs, Druze and Jewish students understand that their job is to learn, not to fight each other.
In presentations by an Israeli Arab journalist and a Druze professor, we learned that contrary to conceptions prevalent on American campuses, the majority of Israeli Arabs do not seek to separate from Israel. Indeed, while Israeli Arabs do have demands, we learned they are in service of more integration into Israeli society—better schools, law enforcement, and physical infrastructure—not less. Similarly, we learned from a Druze professor the strong connection to the Jewish State felt by the Israeli Druze.
We met face-to-face with faculty in academic disciplines matching our own at each of Ben Gurion University of the Negev, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, the Weizmann Institute of Science, and Tel Aviv University. We also met with the leaders of Sapir College in Sderot which came under direct attack on October 7, and Tel Hai Academic College which is currently evacuated due to the Hezbollah threat from Lebanon.
The President of Israel's Academy of Sciences and Humanities and a Nobel Prize winner addressed the challenges facing Israeli academics in discussion with us. Facing such brilliance (and in such a small country), we were dismayed to learn the extent of academic discrimination being directed at Israeli academics: faculty who were invited to address conferences only to be told later—and in one case upon arrival in Australia—that they were no longer welcome to speak; external reviewers returning evaluation requests because they refuse to consider Israeli scholars; journals reneging on decisions to publish papers that were already accepted.
This is especially upsetting to us given the emergence of organized faculty extremists on American campuses with the publicly stated objective of boycotting Israeli academia. Our reaction to such prejudice is clear: we will build upon already existing collaborations with our Israeli colleagues, invite Israeli speakers to campus, offer to provide objective evaluations and reviews within our academic areas of expertise, and provide opportunities for budding young Israeli researchers.
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todaysromano · 8 months
You know what? My meeting is boring and was moved to 100% online this morning, so y'all get my head canons on what the main 8 characters of Hetalia + Romano and Canada would be as grad students.
Mind you, I'm in a materials science and engineering, so I don't really have a connection to what soft science (like political science or history), medical, or humanities grad school is like (and those are all valid degrees)
America: Everyone in his life from when he was in middle school knew that he would end up becoming a doctor of some sort. Getting into a PhD program wasn't actually that hard for him and he probably came straight from his undergrad degree (skipping the masters). He never has imposter syndrome, but is kind and encouraging to others.
England: He knew he wanted to be a professor when he graduated, so he took on every teaching opportunity the school offered. Sure, his research might have suffered some, but by his last year he was teaching a class on his own.
Russia: Other students rarely ever see him in the labs or office. He attends all meeting virtually, so some of his lab mates don't even know what he looks like. However, he always has new data meetings.
China: New students believe that he is a professor when they join the department because he's been a graduate student for so long. The admission chair silently hates him for not leaving (and his advisor for not letting him graduate) because he has single handedly brought up the average years to graduation.
France: He is involved in the graduate student government and attends every outreach program that his department put together. Others aren't sure how he has time for this and his research and classes, but he makes due just fine.
Italy: Somehow, he always makes the most beautiful figures for his papers, posters, and presentations. The process involves using Adobe products that no one else understands, and everyone is always asking for his help making their key figures. He's also won some competitions for his figures.
Germany: He went to work in industry for a few years before going back to school. He is exceptionally good at leaving work at work and not working late into the night or for the entire weekend. He tries to encourage new students to go home sometimes and have a hobby.
Japan: He is somehow always in the labs or offices, but not always doing work. Other students question if he even has a home to go to, or if he just likes being at work. And despite always being at work, hardly anyone ever holds a conversation with him.
Canada: His name is under the dictionary definition of Imposter Syndrome. He studied hard to get into grad school, but often feels inferior to his peers. However, his advisor is always proud of him and his work.
Romano: He is always running late to meetings and time slots he booked on instruments. He's also late to turning in manuscripts for his advisors to revise. However, his work is usually of pretty good quality.
Hope you enjoyed! Let me know if you want to see any other characters.
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r3d-f0xs-blog · 3 months
OC: Lance Sheehan
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Basic Info
Name: Lance Sheehan
Date of birth: July 05 2037
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Gender: Male (he is a trans man)
Place of Birth: Night City, Charter Hill
Sexuality: Polysexual
Height: 5’ 11
Build: Average, modestly athletic
Hair: Dark brown
Eyes: Black sclera with green and reddish iris
Cyberwear: Enhanced Kiroshi optics with greater zoom and magnification, as well as real-time feed on patient vitals on demand when connected. Enhanced fine motor control and stabilisation in his hands and arms. Biomon and hormone regulators, particularly for diabetes and testosterone. Synth skin with enhanced sensitivity (helps during operations) as well as sensors for monitoring his clients vitals. Upper face plate contains more optical sensor arrays connected to his eyes. Second heart. Electrical discharge cybernetics in his hands, primarily for defibrillation purposes.
Languages: English, Gaeilge, Spanish
Arasaka: former subsidiary employee
Occupation: Ripperdoc
Role: Full-body conversion, Netrunning and neurological cybernetics specialist as well as general Ripperdoc skills.
Weapons: Can use his defibrillator cybernetics as a weapon but at a much higher voltage.
Lance was born to wealthy parents and enjoyed a comfortable and relatively privileged life as he grew up in Night City. His education led him into cybernetic medicine where he gained a wealth of experience from some of the best clinics across the world. His family unlocked many doors and opportunities for him but he was very aware that this wasn’t the case for many others.
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Lance returned to Night City employed in an Arasaka subsidiary company who installed and maintained the cyberwear of their employees and students who were in their employment programme. Lance was put on a team who were part of research into how cybernetics and cyberpsychosis are linked. The research focused around full or near full body conversions. Four groups were involved; one consisted of voluntary subjects who were given cybernetics and their new bodies looked the same as their organic one. The second group consisted of subjects who didn’t volunteer and didn’t know what was to happen but left as a full or near full body conversion looking as they had before with the expected changes they had gone in for. The third group consisted of people who had been told they were going in for a full body conversion but were not given anything new. Finally the control group went in for routine installations. The teams did the work as if it was routine and had been informed and presented with documents saying all of the patients consented to whatever procedure the research leads had designated them for.
Lance was the lead ripper of one of the teams and operated on Voss who believed he was in for something else but left as a near full body conversion. It wasn’t until later when Bernice hacked files from the company that Lance found out about the experiments. He lived with deep shame and guilt after that and it impacted him in many ways around he approaches consent both personally and professionally.
He didn’t know about Voss until he connected and found his name as the one who signed off his conversion when he reviewed Voss' records. Voss never knew as all his work when in Arasaka had been done by the corporation rippers and after nobody commented because it wasn’t relevant to the work being done.
Lance is an ambitious and focused person but somehow he does this without stepping on others to get to where he wants. It could be his outgoing and pleasant personality or it could be that he is just that good at his work or perhaps a bit of both.
Either way, Lance is successful in his work and makes a very comfortable living. He takes his work seriously, is methodical, organised and calm nerves.
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Some of the higher end Rippers might like to see themselves as medical rock stars but Lance prefers to let his work speak for itself. There’s no room for showmanship when you’re operating on delicate neurocybernetics or with cutting edge pieces that cost a small fortune. People go to him because he is reliable, steady and has a wonderful consultation process to help his clients get the best out of their cyberwear.
Lance’s perfectionist tendencies however can be a problem which he knows he must keep tabs on as it can lead to more stress than is healthy.
Despite what he learned, Lance continued working as a Ripperdoc. In a way he wasn’t surprised he was lied to as he’d have refused to operate on people who were being misled and many corporations were the same when it came to their ethics. Lance only wants to do right by people in a world which pushes them all to the limits.
He has great sympathy for Voss when he finds out he was responsible. Some may view him telling Voss the truth as the wrong thing to do, and even dangerous but in time they are friendly and Voss goes to him for Ripperdoc work. Who better than the person who made him and knows the original work so well?
He has no partner and no relationship currently. Work often makes it difficult, among other reasons. Lance is a regular client of Charlie’s; Lance has a thing for elves and finds Charlie’s manner and professionalism exactly what he needs.
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macabrecravings · 9 months
yes hello i heard you asked for harper propaganda so im coming to your rescue. i am assuming the gaslighting puts you off and I UNDERSTAND even for me it was an acquired taste but here are some of their charm points that i think people dont see at a glance
1. they love you. straight up they are infatuated with you. vrel has said that theyre kylar level obsessed they just happen to be more patient. vrel has also said that they for the most part dont treat other patients the way they treat pc and that they take every opportunity possible in their busy schedule to see them.
2. ik people see them as this insidious manipulator and yeah to some degree thats true but theyre such a fucking fail when you read between the lines. cums in their pants just from touching you. harper nobody is believing that having me kiss you is legitimate therapy and it doesnt help that youre LIKE 25 and do every medical/psychological profession under the sun what degree you have to have your staff hypnotized or something. blushes when you initiate anything. blushes when you have a big dick. virginity lines are shit like "say ahh" "please try to relax, im going to administer a suppository" "its time for your prostate exam" like ok buddy sure youre still trying to pretend to be professional while youre balls deep in my ass, just admit you have a roleplay kink
3. theyre so smug and its so fucking funny "nothing good on tv i take it" when you have your second pregnancy SHUT UP LMAO
4. their favoritism of pc is so blatant bc they dont give a flying fuck about ANYONE else. that scene where they have a random med student there to help examine you. the fact that theyve forgotten the students name,, who fucking cares theyre just there to feed harpers voyeurism kink now uh student. whatever your name is help me collect this cum out of pcs holes its for research i promise
ill spare you and stop myself here but ty for reading
omfg. asylumdweller themself coming to spread harper brainrot to me??? i’m honored….
Literally no better person to convince me than you LMFAOOO. WHEN YOU PUT IT LIKE THAT …… Okay yeah, yeah, the gears r turning I see the appeal now. 🤔
BAHAHAH. Harper, I’m sorry for not giving u a fair chance 😔 It’s my Whitney situation all over again … Hated them based off of the first ick I got. (Even though I clearly would enjoy their scenes and content if I didn’t judge a book by its cover PLSNDBDNF….)
Aw :( Love an obsessive, pathetic man. Fictional insidious manipulators are fun as fuck, look at my boy Cain <3 He’s the worst and I need him so carnally. Also, cringefail loser? I see… *nodding solemnly and taking notes*
“Nothing good on tv i take it?” IS FUNNY AS FUCK STOP IAIWJDNFBFN
i have much to think about ….
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