#Research projects
gutterpede · 5 months
Thinking about my modernisms art history class and how for the final we had to create some sort of map detailing any part of the material discussed in class, and submit it with an essay explaining and detailing your work. And even though the essay counted for like 2/3 of that final grade, I decided to collect aspects and details from the entirety of the curriculum and amass them into one massive unreadable map, to showcase how interconnected and complex history is.
Anyways here’s how I did it first I went over every unit and gathered names of artists, movements, historical events/conditions, and other influences, wrote down all of them and how they connected to one another, and made four different webs on transfer paper that layered one another
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PS this is by no means meant to cover all aspects of modernisms or art history this is just what we looked at that semester. Also I miss research and learning with others. I guess I miss school. Whatever
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jazzieam · 2 years
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What my day is looking like
Research projeeeects 🥰
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thebookewyrme · 2 years
Current Project Update: Queer Archives Survey
One reason for my blog is to keep people up to date on my professional projects. So here is a full project update on my queer archives survey project!
I’m back from vacation, and so it’s time for an update! One of the things I want to write about here is my research projects. The current project is research on Queer archives that I’m working on with my friend and colleague Evie. This is a project I’ve been thinking about since my internship last summer, and which I mentioned briefly before. Evie is a recent addition but she has been an absolute…
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digitalxonixblogs · 2 days
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
AI and Document Insights: Simplifying Complex Research Projects with Photon Insights
As research is an inexact science, keeping track of vast amounts of data can be daunting. Complicated projects often include reviewing multiple documents, extracting relevant insights from them, synthesizing findings from various sources and synthesizing these into one cohesive research report. Unfortunately, this process can be time consuming and subject to human error, making accuracy and efficiency an ongoing struggle for researchers. Thanks to Artificial Intelligence (AI), platforms like Photon Insights are revolutionizing how researchers handle document insights; streamlining complex projects more efficiently while increasing productivity — this article explores how AI improves document insights while Photon Insights helps researchers navigate projects more successfully than ever before!
Researching Document Insights to Gain New Insights
Documenting insights is vital for researchers across disciplines for multiple reasons, including:
1. Information Overload: Researchers often face an overwhelming amount of information from academic articles, reports, and studies that needs to be processed efficiently to obtain valuable insights for meaningful analysis. Extracting key insights efficiently is paramount.
2. Improved Understanding: Accurate insights help researchers grasp complex topics, identify trends and understand the repercussions of their findings.
3. Evidence-Based Decision Making: Documented insights enable researchers to support their conclusions with solid evidence, which is key for maintaining credibility within academic and corporate environments.
4. Streamlined Collaboration: When conducting multidisciplinary research projects, sharing insights among team members is paramount for cohesive progress and informed decision-making.
Challenges Involve Traditional Document Analysis
Traditional methods for document analysis present several hurdles.
1. Time-Consuming Processes: Reviewing and extracting information from numerous documents manually can take considerable time, limiting research progress.
2. Risk of Human Error: Manual analysis can lead to inaccuracies due to human interpretation, leading to discrepancies and discrepancies within data.
3. Difficulties with Handling Unstructured Data: Research data often contains unstructured content that makes analysis and derivation of insights difficult without using specialist software tools.
4. Limited Collaboration: Sharing insights between team members can be cumbersome when using static documents and manual processes as means for sharing insight.
How AI Is Transforming Document Insights
Document analysis with artificial intelligence (AI) offers several significant advantages for researchers looking to simplify complex projects:
Automated Data Extraction Processes (ADEPs)
AI algorithms can automatically extract relevant data from documents, significantly shortening manual analysis time and freeing researchers up to focus on interpreting their findings rather than collecting information.
Keyword Focus: Automated Data Extraction and Time Efficiency
Photon Insights employs advanced data extraction techniques that enable researchers to quickly gather insights from various documents, streamlining their workflow.
2. Natural Language Processing (NLP)
Natural Language Processing (NLP) allows AI to understand human language, providing insights from unstructured sources like articles and reports. NLP identifies key themes, concepts, and sentiments that make complex texts easier for researchers to grasp the main points.
Keyword Focus: Natural Language Processing and Text Analysis
Researchers can leverage Photon Insights’ NLP capabilities to extract meaningful insights from large volumes of documents, deepening their understanding of complex subjects.
Enhance Search Capabilities
AI-powered search functions allow researchers to query documents using natural language, and return results that are contextual rather than simply keyword matching. This feature improves accuracy and efficiency of research processes.
Keyword Focus: Improve Search, Contextual Queries
Photon Insights provides advanced search functionalities that enable users to quickly locate the information they require, creating smoother research workflows.
Intelligent Summarization (ISS)
AI can produce concise summaries of lengthy documents, outlining only the key information. This allows researchers to quickly assess which documents warrant further study and make informed decisions.
Keyword Focus: Intelligent Summarization, Rapid Insights
Photon Insights provides intelligent summarization tools to enable researchers to gain quick and immediate insights from large amounts of text, saving both time and effort in the process.
5. Collaborative Features
AI-driven platforms can enhance collaboration by allowing team members to easily share insights, comments, and annotations in real time — an indispensable feature that ensures all team members stay informed throughout the research process.
Keyword Focus: Collaborative Features, Real-Time Sharing
Photon Insights encourages collaboration among researchers by enabling them to engage with each other’s findings and insights seamlessly — thus creating a more productive research environment.
Photon Insights Advantage
Photon Insights stands out as an invaluable tool for researchers seeking to leverage AI for document insights. Here’s how it enhances research experiences:
1. Comprehensive Document Management system.
Photon Insights allows users to efficiently organize and manage their documents, providing easy access to relevant materials — an essential step in maintaining an efficient research workflow.
2. User-Friendly Interface
The platform’s intuitive user interface makes navigating documents and extracting insights much simpler, making it ideal for researchers of all skill levels.
3. Customizable Dashboards
Researchers can create customized dashboards that represent their specific research interests and priorities, providing for more focused data analysis and insights.
Integration of Other Tools
Photon Insights provides users with seamless integration between various research tools and databases, enabling them to streamline their workflows and maximize research capabilities.
5. Continuous Development and Learning
Photon Insights’ AI algorithms learn from user interactions, continually honing in on relevance for each researcher to ensure they get the most relevant and up-to-date results possible. This ensures they receive relevant and valuable data.
Case Studies of Success With Photon Insights
Consider these case studies as examples of AI’s effectiveness in document insights:
Case Study 1: Academic Research
Academic researchers investigating climate change made use of Photon Insights to rapidly review hundreds of scientific articles. With its automated data extraction and intelligent summarization features, this team was able to synthesize critical findings more quickly for publication as an extensive review paper with wide appeal.
Case Study 2: Corporate Analysis
Photon Insights helped a corporate research department streamline their market analysis process. Utilizing its NLP capabilities, the team were able to extract sentiment data from industry reports and news articles, providing real-time market intelligence insights for informed strategic decisions.
Case Study 3 — Healthcare Research
Photon Insights was used by a healthcare research group to analyze patient data and clinical studies. With its automated extraction of relevant insights, the team were able to quickly identify trends in treatment outcomes which ultimately resulted in improved care strategies and protocols.
Future of AI and Document Insights
As AI technology develops further, its role in document insights may grow increasingly significant. A number of trends may determine its development:
1. Greater Automation: Automating document analysis will further increase efficiency, enabling researchers to focus on interpretation and application instead.
2. Advances in AI Capabilities: Advancements in artificial intelligence algorithms will increase both accuracy and depth of insights drawn from complex documents.
3. Integrating Emerging Technologies: When combined, AI and emerging technologies such as blockchain and augmented reality could create new avenues for document insights and analysis.
4. Emphasis on Ethical AI: As AI becomes more integrated into research, attention to ethical considerations will become ever more essential to ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability.
AI is revolutionizing how researchers manage document insights, streamlining complex projects and improving overall efficiency. From automating data extraction and natural language processing to intelligent summarization capabilities, AI enables researchers to navigate large volumes of information with ease.
Photon Insights stands at the forefront of this transformation, offering an AI-powered suite of tools designed to optimize document analysis and foster collaboration. As research requirements increase, adopting solutions like Photon Insights will become essential in meeting those demands while increasing productivity and gaining insights. With so much data out there already available online, AI solutions such as Photon Insights offer key differentiators that will lead to success both academically and corporately alike.
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dr-alex-zarifis · 4 days
New research: Building trust to support researchers’ mental health
Having worked on many research projects I have seen great leadership and teamwork but also some challenges that often emerge. Building trust in research projects, is a little different to other projects.
You can read the summary on Times Higher Education, @timeshighered:
Zarifis A. (2024) ‘Building trust to support researchers’ mental health’, Times Higher Education. Available from: https://www.timeshighereducation.com/campus/building-trust-support-researchers-mental-health
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sexypinkon · 10 months
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Sexypink - Incredibly excited to announce this call for submissions as part of a collaboration between The Cutlass Magazine and the Institute for Gender and Development Studies at The University of the West Indies in St. Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago alongside Senior Lecturer Dr. Gabrielle Hosein. This project is seeking photos and videos of the plants, fruits, and vegetables brought by indentured labourers in their jahajin and jahaji bandals (bundles) as they now are situated, nurtured, living, and growing in the Caribbean and Caribbean-descended people’s homes, backyards, agricultural gardens and travel routes in the region and its diaspora. We all know about the deep connection between our Indo-Caribbean community and the land that we were brought to nurture. The impact our people have had on the landscape and topography of the West Indies is incredible and this initiative will serve as a visual journal to illuminate these influences. Please use the provided links on the flyer for more technical information about the submissions and important deadlines. Also do not hesitate to reach out to me and/or Dr. Hosein with questions. It will be very much appreciated if you all could forward this to individuals you know who might be able to participate. This project is in honour of Professor Brinsley Samaroo, the prolific Indo-Trinidadian academic and historian who passed away this year and was fascinated by cultural landscapes.
Inquiries (please address to both Harrichan and Hosein):
Links (additional project details and submission forms):
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Justin Horowitz at MMFA:
Project 2025 advisory board members have attacked or outright called for the end of no-fault divorce, the option to dissolve a marriage without having to prove wrongdoing by a partner. Research highlighted by CNN found “no-fault divorce correlates with a reduction in female suicides and a reduction in intimate partner violence,” including “an 8 to 16% decrease in female suicides after states enacted no-fault divorce laws.” Project 2025 is backed by a nearly-900 page policy book called Mandate for Leadership, which extensively outlines potential approaches to governance for the next Republican administration, including replacing federal employees with extremists and Trump loyalists and attacking LGBTQ rights, abortion, and contraception. The Heritage Foundation’s proposals have a track record of success — the first Trump administration implemented 64% of Mandate’s policy recommendations. Project 2025 is also supported by a coalition of over 100 conservative organizations, many of which have spent years promoting critiques of no-fault divorce as “destructive” for society — or even blaming it for enabling a “culture of death.” According to a Media Matters review, at least 22 Project 2025 advisory board members have made similar comments targeting, restricting, or eliminating no-fault divorce. Additionally, MAGA and far-right media figures have pushed for the removal of no-fault divorce laws across the country, and several local Republican parties in Texas, Nebraska, and Louisiana have called for the dissolution of no-fault divorce in some capacity.
Project 2025 partner organizations, including the American Family Association, Concerned Women for America, Family Research Council, and The Heritage Foundation, have called for significant restrictions or an outright ban on no-fault divorce.
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iiping · 5 months
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what happens in the ruins stays in the ruins 🙈
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japanbizinsider · 1 year
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ashwinkumar1989 · 2 years
burning the midnight oil may not be enough
Poem I wrote during the final stages of an extremely gruelling and stressful research project. Here is the content: Hard work is not new to me Not that I am boasting But I am used to working hard After all, I am a recruiter Mind you, not just any recruiter But a recruiter working in a research-driven startup And handling niche roles most of the time In order to achieve closures You need…
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travelbloggerhindi · 2 years
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merchantziro · 1 month
DP x DC Writing Prompt: Justice League's Totally Real Redemption Program
It has been a few months now since Vlad became a member of the Justice League.
...Alright rewind, it started after he instinctively used his powers a bit in human form during one of the Wayne's Galas. It was subtle but Masters moved someone out of the way and they "barely" avoided it (no thanks to a hint of intangibility of course) if only to continue talking business with them or coursem
Of course he should have known being technically a Metahuman in Gotham would get him on the Bat's radar. It was only a matter of time before the big bad bat himself burst into his office.
But... It happened while he was asleep and only left a business card to contact the Justice League??? They apparently wanted to recruit him???
Vlad was unsure but based on them being friendly they seemed to act like they were trying some bizarre rehabilitation program? Like they're trying to make villains into heroes by treating them well having them use their powers or skills for their side? Well based on his data on the Flashes, they seem to treat their Rogues well... Probably his idea.
Weird that they chose him first instead of one of their own rogues, but Vlad went along with it. Writing it off Danny was also being recruited by the Justice League and he suggested using him as a Guinea Pig first? Honestly he wouldn't put it past the boy.
Over time though Vlad began to see the positive effects he was having as the heroes seemed to look happy he was learning good with proud stares. It felt.... Refreshing to use his powers for good, something he remembers his past self had mocked Daniel for when they met.
...Speaking of Phantom, where was he anyway? It's been a while since he pestered Vlad?
Batman, on a rare occasion like this, was happy all things considered. Constantine was right about the rumors regarding a Halfa helping people and ghosts alike. A hero in his own right.
He didn't expect to find Vladimir Masters as the one he was looking for, and by chance when he saved someone with a subtle use of powers. At first suspecting Metahuman abilities he was keeping under wraps, but Constantine came by not long after asking about the feeling of the "Infinite Realms" in the area. Once he was told about ghosts, it didn't take long to find a connection back to Vlad.
After some digging they found according to legends he has been seen across history having fought what was believed to have been another like him... The only other Halfa and one appeared evil to the bone.
Batman hadn't pressed Plasmius about his past but he did make a list of the rogues in Amity Park, a town protected by the Halfa.
Including the suspected evil Halfa, he was easy enough to track down as hiding as a ghost hunter's own son and seal away into a little artifact for now. One less threat to deal with...
Even if he recognizes not all ghosts are evil, some do not deserve second chances for their crimes.
(Or... Justice League fucks up a teeny bit in research and recruitment, so through misunderstandings they believe Plasmius was the hero and Phantom was the villain based on past stories of their appearances and legends passed through the Ghost Zone to other mythical creatures but the story and detail become warped and faded as centuries past by.)
Meanwhile Vlad thinks this is some weird rehabilitation project and seems to be working for him as he feels good about doing good. Danny in turn may not be stuck in absolute suffering but isn't exactly having a good time due to being mistaken for the bad guy and now currently sealed away.)
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thebookewyrme · 1 year
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CRAAAABS! Thank you again to whoever gifted me these delightful critters. Also, sneak peek at my current project! 😉
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it's hailing today and the gloom outside is casting peculiar shadows around my room...
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 days
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Started a new book series, and has been a journey...an Odyssey, if you will.
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