#Rex venandi
firwyn · 11 months
Going to introduce a new Rex, if you don’t know what they are just go with the flow, there will be more info over time !
But if you do know what they are here’s a little hint at who this new character is
This is the picture you would find in their wallet
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vaultgirl2077 · 4 years
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"That's just lovely! Now smile for Grandma, pumpkins! You too, Craig!" 📸
Kali to my Clouds: @nero-arts 🤞
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igotanaddixon · 6 years
Captain Rex x Jedi!Reader (Request)
A/N: This one was requested by @elenawrit Something about Rex and his s/o after the war. It got angsty sorry! I don’t know if this is what you wanted but I’m in the mood for angst XD 
Words: 1492 
Tag List:  @luna-plena-venandi @teaand-cookies @curvestrology @robotxtrash @rowansparrow @zygerrian-slut @elenawrit @emmacata @oceanofmystery @beastlysoul @pinkieperil @rex-ol-boy @peacefulwizardfox @fxndxmxnxce @attemptingtowriteagain
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Rex smiled as he watched you play with Suu and Cut’s children. It had been a long and stressful journey to reach Saleucami. The Republic had fallen and the Jedi were almost all dead, killed by the hands of Rex’s own brothers. It was like living his worst nightmare. Rex was on Mandalore with Ahsoka and (Y/N) when it happened and his choice had been made quickly. He saw his brothers drew their weapons, ready to shoot Ahsoka and (Y/N) and he shot first. Rex’s gaze fell to his hands. “Hands of a killer”, he thought before closing his eyes to stop the tears that were threatening to fall.
“You shouldn’t blame yourself, Rex.” Cut’s voice said from next to him. Rex opened his eyes again and gazed at Cut for a second before turning his eyes back to look at you and the kids.
“I shot my own brothers…” He breathed out, guilt gripping his heart.
“You did what you had to do.” Cut said. “We protect the ones we love. If you hadn’t shot first, your lover would be dead. Could you live with yourself knowing that she died by the hands of our brothers?” Cut asked, already knowing the answer as he saw Rex’s face contort in a painful rictus.
“I couldn’t. She’s the only reason I still want to live.”
Rex closed his eyes once again and like every time he closed his eyes, he saw Fives. He saw his face twist in pain, his skin paler than it used to be, his hair cut in a rushed way and the patch over the side of his head. “Rex... this... it's... bigger than any of us... than anything... I could've imagined... I never meant to... I only wanted to do my duty. The mission... the nightmares... they're... finally... over...."
Rex remembered his last words and he couldn’t help but think ‘I should have listened to you, brother.’ Fives died to warn him and General Skywalker, luckily, Rex had removed his chip in time but no one listened to him, no one listened to Fives.
From your spot before Cut’s house, sat on the ground with the two kids, you saw Rex and Cut deep in conversation. You knew how hard it was for Rex to deal with what happened on Mandalore. It was hard for you too but Rex had to choose between his brothers and you. A decision you knew to be painful for your captain. He loved his brothers and harming them in any way was his worst nightmare. Mostly after Umbara. You sighed as you got up from your spot and walked to join Rex and Cut. The two men looked up at you when you stopped in front of the small farm.
“Rex, may I talk with you for a minute?” You asked, extending your hand before you to help him up. Rex nodded with a small smile and took your hand.
You helped him up but he kept your hands in his as he led you away from the house. Rex’s hand was warm against yours and you intertwined your fingers with his as you walked quietly in the direction of a hill which gave you a beautiful view over the valley. The sun was setting, lighting the valley up with a soft and warm orange color. It was a beautiful and peaceful landscape after the devastated plains of Mandalore. You sat down on top of the hill and Rex sat next to you, hugging you close to his chest. You rested your head upon his shoulder and looked at the grasslands before you, making the most of that peaceful moment.
“I’m sorry Rex.” You started quietly, making him tense. “I’m sorry you had to… shoot your brothers for me. I wish I could have done something.”
Rex’s hand softly caressed your upper arm as he delicately kissed the top of your head. You closed your eyes, throat dry and swollen.
“This is not your fault, love. No one could have stopped this. It’s… bigger than any of us.” He breathed out, voice hoarse and deep. You knew what those words were. Fives last words…
“Fives was right.” You said and Rex simply nodded. A deep silence fell between the two of you as you simply watched the sunset, hearts heavy and melancholic.
Morning came too quickly as you opened your eyes in Cut’s barn. Rex’s arms were still around you, keeping you close and warm. Your lover was still sleeping but his face wasn’t as peaceful as it used to be. You sighed and kissed his cheek softly, then his jaw, his chin, his lips, the tip of his nose and the man smiled as he woke up. His eyes fluttered open and his arms tightened around you. You shifted so you were laying entirely on him and kept on kissing his face making Rex chuckle deeply. Your stomach fluttered as you heard his deep morning voice say that he loved you.
“I love you too, Rex.” You whispered in his ear and kissed the angle of his jaw. Rex groaned and kissed your throat, going down slowly to reach your collarbone. You sighed in content and relax in his arms, feeling the warmth of his body pressed on yours.
You could feel a known heat rise in your lower stomach and you bit your lips. However, the sounds of children screaming and playing near the barn made you open your eyes and stop before it was too late. You chuckled and detached yourself from Rex – who protested tremendously – before finally getting dressed to leave the barn. Rex followed you outside, stretching and yawning. You watched him with flushed cheeks, you would never get used to it; seeing him in the morning, cute and so attractive in only his blacks and bare chest. You cleared your throat and tried to distract yourself but suddenly two kids threw themselves at you and hugged you. You laughed as Shaeeah and Jek dragged you and Rex inside the house for breakfast.
“We won’t be staying too long.” Rex said while chatting with Cut and Suu. “We don’t want to attract the empire here or put you and your family in danger.”
“The Empire doesn’t know you’re even alive, Rex. You’re welcome to stay as long as you like, you know it.” Cut answered, trying to persuade his friend.
“And you are not a bother to us. We like the company.” Suu added, her accented voice gentle and welcoming.
“We know.” You said, looking gratefully at the Twi’lek woman. “But we have to meet with two friends. They also escaped after order 66.”
“Two brothers.” Rex told Cut and the man nodded in understanding.
“We need each other and us staying could really be dangerous for you.” You sighed as you watched the two siblings talk while eating their breakfast.
“We understand.” Cut agreed, smiling at you. “But where will you go?” You looked at Rex then held his hand over the table.
“We don’t know yet.” Rex admitted. “We have to find Wolffe and Gregor then we’ll find a place where the Empire can’t find us.”
“I wish Ahsoka had stayed with us…” You whispered, lost in your thoughts. Rex squeezed your hand then brought it to his lips to kiss your knuckles.
“Commander Tano will be fine. She’s strong and she still has a lot to do.” Your captain said, trying to reassure you. You nodded and finished you breakfast lost in your past. You swallowed with difficulties, ‘is it already my past?’ you thought bitterly.
After a few hours, Rex told Cut that it was time for you to go and you left the small family after long and difficult goodbyes. You didn’t know if you would see them again one day but you surely hopped you would. Rex and you arrived at your small ship, a Fang Fighter stolen to one of the Mandalorian protectors when you escaped the planet, and took off in silence. The trip wasn’t too long before you reached a portion of space in the Outer Rim. There, you found Wolffe and Gregor’s ship and docked to it. Rex got up from the pilot seat and took your hand before walking out of the fighter to meet Wolffe and Gregor.
The air was tensed between the three troopers and the Jedi, you could feel the desperation irradiate from the men and you were as lost as them. You didn’t know what to do as you sat next to Rex around the round Dejarik game table. You didn’t know what to say, what to do or where to go. Everything you knew, everyone you knew was either dead or on the run like you were. For the first time in your life, the Force wasn’t there to guide you and you felt lost.
“Now what?” Wolffe’s voice suddenly said over the uncomfortable silence.
‘Yes…” You thought. ‘Now what?’
I hope that you liked it guys!! 
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firwyn · 1 year
Random Rex info
Rexes are fuzzy ! They have a short but soft fur coat that covers their entire bodies, and has a texture that deflects light in an odd way that makes shadows barely visible, making it so, while facing one, you wouldn't be able to tell where their nose is, or even their mouth if it is closed !
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firwyn · 1 year
Rexes !
For anyone interested in the fictional species i created, i will be posting the "documents" about them on here mainly !
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firwyn · 11 months
The Huntress
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Master of charms, huntress of men, who they think only have value as food, this Rex named themselves Artemis after reading human mythology, and use she/her pronouns around men, her preferred prey.
They seduce men to lure them into following her, before killing and eating them, and never ever target women
This includes trans people of course ; trans men are targets, while trans women aren’t, because she may be anthropophage, but they aren’t a monster
Canonically can’t stand Garnett
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firwyn · 11 months
Say hi to Garnett (he/it/void), the newest Rex OC! The picture with its home in background is here to show voids camouflage
Little fact, he is older than Liam (the grey Rex in my pfp currently)
CW bright colors and eye strain ?
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firwyn · 2 years
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colors done just gotta tweak the details a little bit !
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firwyn · 2 years
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firwyn · 2 years
Random Rex fact
they are *very* loyal. Very.
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firwyn · 2 years
Rex duality
One means good, one means bad "May prey be abundant" "May the beasts find you"
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firwyn · 2 years
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There's a nebula in them
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firwyn · 2 years
Progress !
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vaultgirl2077 · 4 years
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Greetings from Fabulous New Vegas 🥂🎆
Made this for my beautiful baby @nero-arts birthday the other day 🥰
The faces for the Human companions are the latest versions I created for the Fallout 4 New Vegas mod 👉👈
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igotanaddixon · 6 years
Hello! That Tangled Fives one shot was sooo good! I loved it! Do you think you can make another part where the reader uses her magic hair in front of Fives (and possibly in front of the other clones?) Thank you so much!
Here we go! Sorry it took me so long. Just a little thing I need to say, I do not own the scene or the song coming from the movie Tangled ;) Sorry if there is a mistake somewhere or a typo! I have to write between a lot of things and late at night ^^” 
Fives xTangled!Reader (Part 3) 
Taglist:  @luna-plena-venandi @teaand-cookies @curvestrology @robotxtrash @rowansparrow @zygerrian-slut @elenawrit @emmacata @oceanofmystery @beastlysoul @pinkieperil
Fives washolding your hand as you two approached the Republic Base on your planet. Youcouldn’t deny your nervousness as you saw the busy military base. Troopers wererunning everywhere outside the building, some were gattered around gunships,others were running inside the base, … The atmosphere was oddly oppressive andstressful after the loneliness of your tower. Fives noticed your anxiety andstopped before the edge of the woods then took hold of your hands gently.
“Are youokay?” He asked with a kind smile. Your eyes looked from yours hands to hiseyes and you took a deep breath.
“There’s alot of people there and… I don’t really want to be in the spotlight. If youknow what I mean.” You answered just above a whisper, making Fives’ heart swellat your cuteness. You sighed and glanced behind your shoulder at your long hairtrailing behind.
“If I haveto be honest.” Fives started with a cheeky smile. “The men are going to bequite mesmerized by you. I know so because you are… stunning.” He said,slightly touching your hair with the tip of his fingers.
“Hm, thankyou but it is not really helping Fives.” You answered the Arc trooper with ablush and a small chuckle.
“Don’tworry. They might look but without bad intentions. They’re just curious but weare good men.” Fives smiled even brighter and let go of your hands to yourdisappointment.
The mannodded at you to ask if you were ready and after a few seconds you nodded back.Fives winked at you then put his bucket back on his head and straightened up ashe stepped out of the woods. He waited for you to join him then walked in thedirection of the base. As you stepped inside the camp, some troopers stoppedwhat they were doing and stared but, like Fives said, they were all simply curious.Some even smiled at you and Fives, and saluted you or greeted you.Instinctively, you stepped closer to Fives, your shoulder touching his arm.Fives slightly touched your back to encourage you as you entered the base,leaving the troopers and the gunships behind. However, the base entrance lookedlike a huge shed carved into the mountain and other troopers were there,surrounding starfighters and other types of gunships. You were in awe at howhuge those ships were and stopped to admire them. Suddenly, a voice similar toFives’ rang out behind you and you jumped then hid behind your Arc trooper.
“Fives!”The voice exclaimed again and you gripped Fives elbow before slightly lookingat the man who had spoken. The man was the same height as Fives but he lookedtotally different in your opinion. He had a huge tattoo covering the top of hishead, which was bald, and his armor was different. It had blue markings on likeFives’ but the design was different and the same symbol as his tattoo has beenpainted on his helmet.  
“Hey Jesse!”Fives answered and chuckled at your reaction. “You scared the princess, burc'ya (pal)!”
“Oh, sorryI didn’t mean to.” The trooper said then tilted his head to glance at you. Hesmiled nicely and waved a little bit. “Hello, your highness.” Jesse tried to beas gentle as he could and that put your beating heart at ease.
“Hello.”You answered then stepped next to Fives once again. “Jesse?” You tried to sayhis name, not sure if you had it right.
“Yes, I’mJesse. I’m also a trooper of the 501st, like Fives here.” Jessesaid, gesturing toward your new friend.
“I’m (Y/N),no need to call me princess or highness.” You shyly said and Jesse nodded atyour words. Fives opened his mouth to say something but a huge scream of painresonated into the shed. You jumped once again and Fives reached for hisblasters but he quickly relaxed as a long exclamation of curses followed thescream. What you saw next made you smile a little bit, a trooper with a baldhead like Jesse and tattoos on his face was holding his hand while jumpingaround, other troopers where laughing at his antics, some trying to catch theirbreaths on the ground.
“That isHardcase…” Fives said with a grin. “He’s always attracting trouble.”
“Is hehurt?” You asked, concern replacing your amusement as you saw the nasty cut onHardcase’s palm. You didn’t wait for an answer as you walked quickly in thetrooper’s direction.
“(Y/N)!”You heard Fives exclaim but you knew that he would follow you.
Youapproached the trooper who was still jumping around and all the men stoppedlaughing as they saw you behind their hurt friend. Hardcase stopped jumping andturned around. His eyes widen as they landed on you then his gaze shifted overyour head to look at Fives.
“Who’s this?”He asked in confusion.
“This is princess(Y/N).” Fives answered, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Oh! Theprincess of your secret mission!” Hardcase exclaimed once again before lookingback down at you. He tried to grin through the pain but you didn’t let him thetime to talk.
“Are youhurt?” You asked, truly concerned.
“Uh… That’sjust a scratch, don’t worry princess.” The trooper tried to play it off but youdidn’t buy it.
“You are, Ican see the blood and that cut could get infected. I can heal you!” You toldhim, taking hold of his other hand to make him sit on a crate next to thegunship he was working on a few seconds before.
“Hm,(Y/N)?” Fives’ voice asked from next to you as you ripped a piece of your dressto wipe the blood off Hardcase’s palm. “What are you doing?” Fives wonderedwith a nervous smile.
“Yeah, whatare you going to do to me?” Hardcase asked and all the troopers gathered aroundto watch.
“I can healhim but…” You took one long strand of hair and wrapped it around Hardcase’spalm. “You have to promise me that you won’t freak out.” You looked up from thehurt trooper’s hand to glanced at Fives then at the men around you to finish bystaring at Hardcase.
“Uuuuh…alright. I won’t freak out.” He said with a funny look on his face. Maybe hethought you were crazy but didn’t want to be rude. You glanced at the othersand they all nodded.
“Good.” Yousaid then closed your eyes. You took a deep breath and started to sing. “Flowergleam and glow.” Your hair started to shine brightly, glowing a radiant goldfrom the roots of your hair to the length. Hardcase’s face looked pale for asecond then his eyebrows rose in wonder and admiration.
“Let yourpower shine. Make the clock reverse, bring back what once was mine.” Hardcaselooked around him, following the glowing of your hair. You couldn’t see it butFives was speechless. He couldn’t believe his eyes as he watched your hair and hemelted at the sound of your voice.
“Heal whathas been hurt, change the fate’s design.” Hardcase’s mouth was agape as theglowing reached his hurt hand and everyone was watching in awe.
“Save whathas been lost, bring back what once was mine.” The trooper before you couldn’thelp but look from his hand to your focused face, eyes closed and hands holdinghis. The trooper glanced at Fives in hope to silently ask for an explicationbut what he saw made him smirk. Fives looked lovestruck. He was slightlyblushing and even from where he sat Hardcase could hear Fives’ heart beatingstrongly against his chest.
“What oncewas mine.” You finished the song and opened your eyes at the same time as yourhair slowly returned to your natural color. Everyone staid quiet for a whilethen Hardcase removed your hair from his hand and looked at it, his mouth stillagape. His palm was completely healed and all the men exclaimed in awe,Hardcase let out a strange strangled noise of astonishment and turned his handaround to observe it then started breathe laboriously with eyes as big asballoons. He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to scream but you raised yourhands to stop him and exclaimed quickly.
“Pleasedon’t freak out!” You said, biting your lips in anticipation. You glanced atFives who was looking at you with a mix of emotions in his eyes that made yourface blush. Hardcase stopped his scream but let out a high-pitched and stranglenoise that made you want to laugh.
“I’m notfreaking out, are you freaking out? No! I’m just very interested in your hairand the magical qualities it possesses… how long has it been doing thatexactly?” Hardcase asked very quickly, touching his face with his hand thenlooking back at the palm of his hand to finally cross his arms and put hishands under his arms before grinning in a weird and crazy way that screamed‘I’m actually freaking out’.
“Well…” Youstarted but another voice startled you and you got up from the crate swiftly.
“What ishappening here?” Once again, the voice was similar to Fives’ but this time itwas more serious, calm and the voice was strong, filled with authority andstrength. You knew simply by the sound of this voice that the trooper was anofficer.
“Captain!”Fives exclaimed, smiling at his captain. ‘They must be friends’ you thought asyou saw the blond captain slightly smile back. “I have completed the mission,this is princess (Y/N). I was about to bring her up to the control center tomeet the general.” Fives said and the captain nodded then glanced at you.
“I’m Rex,Captain of the 501st.” Rex presented himself and bowed before you.“Princess, this is a pleasure to meet you. I hope that Fives here behavedwell?” He asked half seriously. You chuckled and glanced at Fives who wastrying to keep his composure but he was clearly embarrassed.
“Yes, hedid. Even if I hit him with a frying pan when I first saw him.” At your words,the men laughed including Rex and Fives blushed. “But he was perfect, captaindon’t worry.” You added, this time you were blushing.
“Good.” Rexanswered with a gentle smile and he gestured for you to follow him. You noddedand turned around to wave at the troopers including Jesse and Hardcase. Thelatter waved back and yelled a cheerful ‘thank you’ and you smiled at himbefore running to catch up to Fives and Rex.
Fiveslooked at you still with this mix of emotions that made you blush and you lookeddown, slightly embarrassed. You took a lift silently waiting to reach your newdestination. When the lift stopped, Rex got out first then Fives let you walkout before exiting the lift as well. You entered another busy room but this onewas more organized. Men in uniforms were walking around while others were sittingat their posts before screens. You followed Fives anxiously as you approached around table where a hologram of your planet was being analyzed.
“I wasn’texpecting to find out that the princess we had to rescue has magical powers!” Ayoung man with wavy brown hair said as he approached you and the two troopers.The man was a bit taller than the troopers and he was smiling slightly at youranxious aura as you acknowledged his words. He saw you heal Hardcase.
“GeneralSkywalker, this is Princess (Y/N).” Rex started then turned his body in Fives’direction. “Fives did his job well, Sir. He rescued the princess without toomuch trouble.”
“Well done,Fives.” The young man said, nodding at your friend.
“No problemsir. Thank you.” Fives answered then glanced at you. “Princess, this is JediGeneral Anakin Skywalker. He is in charge of the liberation of your planet.” Fivesexplained and you nodded.
“Thank you,General. This is all new to me but I’m thankful that you are helping my people.”You answered, a bit nervous.
“No need tothank me, your highness. We’ll have this situation under control in no time, I promise.”Anakin answered and you bowed you head grateful for his help. Anakin thenexplained the situation and their plan to free your home planet from theseparatists. After a while you couldn’t help but feel exhausted, the day hadbeen full of emotions and you were really pushing it. Anakin seemed to noticeor maybe he felt it through the Force, but he told you that you could go andrest if you needed. You agreed, a bit embarrassed and excused yourself but Anakinspoke up before you could leave the room.
“Fives, couldyou show the princess her quarter. You’re responsible of her security.” The younggeneral said, smirking somehow mischievously at the trooper.
“Sir yessir!” Fives answered and saluted his general before smiling at you. “Pleasefollow me, princess.”
You followedyou new friend out of the room and into the lift. After the doors closed andyou were finally alone with Fives again, you let out a sigh. You were relievedto be alone, the stress had been hard to handle. Fives saw your reaction andreached for your hand.
“Are youalright?” He asked with a small smile.
“Yes, nowthat I can breathe a little bit.” You answered squeezing his hand forreassurance.
“You didgreat.” Fives told you. “And hm… Your hair is… I mean you are amazing. How youhealed Hardcase, it was stunning.” He breathed out, gazing into your eyes withadmiration and passion. You blushed and chuckled a little bit.
“My hairhas always been like that. Or at least, as long as I can remember.” You saidbefore the lift’s doors open.  
Fives heldyour hand all the way to your room, he weirdly needed to make sure that youwere safe. It was like a need for the Arc Trooper, he knew that you had survivedalone for a long time but now he was there and he would protect you with hislife he had to. You followed Fives through the hallways of the base, chattingand laughing with the man. You could feel your heart swell in your chest and asFives stopped before a black and grey door in the hallway, you could feel the disappointmentgrip your heart at the idea of being alone again. You didn’t want to see Fivesleave.  
“Here isyour room.” Fives said, opening the door for you. You walked into the room andturned around as he didn’t follow.
“You… Can’tyou stay with me?” You asked, making sure that your hair didn’t get stuck inthe door.
“I’m notsupposed to.” He started, making your heart drop. “But General Skywalker said Iwas in charge of your security so, I think I should stay with you at least alittle bit.” Fives continued, rubbing the back of his neck in embarrassment.You smiled and laughed at his antics but your stomach growled and you both stoppedlaughing for a second before laughing even more.
“First, I’mgoing to grab some food for you.” Fives said and you agreed.
“Thank you,I’m truly starving.” You admitted and Fives softly kissed your forehead beforewalking out of the room, leaving you blushing and shocked in the middle of yourroom.
Here is the scene in the movie if you want to have a better idea of what it was like ^^
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