#Rhys wanting to know azriel more but due to the nature of their positions he can’t so he has Cassian know him instead
somnas-writes · 4 months
Sharing my writing on this website feels weird but
Imagine an Azriel that doesn’t exist. He’s a ghost in the eyes of the world, he isn’t known publicly, by the courts or even by his closest friends.
His job is the night courts spy, his job is to be sneaky and unknown, so why would he be a public figure? Why would there be records of his existence?
There are rumors about a male made of shadow, it’s a horror story maids tell the children of lords, so they behave. It’s an urban legend among the higher fae, the night courts monster that has no problem going undetected through your wards.
The high lords have a suspicion that a shadow spymaster exists, but they’ve never seen him nor do they have any proof.
Azriel who makes appearances as often as the planets align, whose existence is only confirmed to the Inner Circle of the night court. Even then, they rarely meet face to face, only relying messages through letters and notes.
An azriel who doesn’t exist, but desperately wants to.
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daffodilsonnet · 3 years
ACOTAR Theories and Opinions
So, after going down the rabbit holes of various ACOTAR tags on this hellsite, I’ve decided to throw myself over a cliff, and posit some theories and opinions about the series and what we might see in future books. Please be nice, y’all; I’ve seen the viciousness of some of the tags, and y’all need to please calm down. Thank you.
Wildcard theory: Eris winds up mated to a super spunky human, and invokes the Blood Duel when Beron tries to “intervene” in typical Beron fashion.
Theory: Eris WILL wind up mated to SOMEONE in one of the next books, and when he becomes High Lord of Autumn, he will make her his High Lady because Rhys can’t be the only one with a High Lady at his side.
Theory: Elain and Lucien ARE endgame. I think the reason why she hasn’t worked things out with the poor man is because she has Ye Olde Archeron Pride to an even greater degree than her sisters; I personally don’t think it has anything to do with her seer powers or what happened with the cauldron. She’s just let it drag on so long at this point, she doesn’t quite know what to do, and isn’t going to ask for help (like 2 other ladies we know *cough* Feyre *cough* Nesta).
Opinion: Elain is the most underestimated of the sisters. She’s seen as 2 dimensional through the narratives of both Feyre and Nesta, yet she was the one who was willing for the human queens to meet at their estate. She was the one who voiced first what bitches the queens were (I hope they go to hell). She is someone who IS NOT afraid to get her hands dirty (obsessive gardener, who does every part of working a garden, and not just clipping flowers). SHE FEARLESSLY STABBED THE KING IF HYBERN THROUGH THE THROAT. Elain is horribly underestimated because she is pretty, quiet, and does pretty girl things. Let me tell ya, homegirl is gonna EXPLODE in the next book BECAUSE:
Theory: Now that Nesta has surrendered her stolen power back to the cauldron, ELAIN IS MORE POWERFUL THAN NESTA. Remember, folks, the cauldron GAVE to Elain powers because she was so beautiful (the way SJM described it in the books, it was almost like the cauldron was in love with her). That’s why Elain and Lucien are mates: he is heir to the High Lord of Day, and she is cauldron-blessed with powers that make her his equal. I do believe Elain will come into her powers, and it will be epic; no, I don’t subscribe to dark Elain, she is far too principled to be tempted in that way.
Theory: Helion and Lady of Autumn get mated and married after Beron’s untimely, surprisingly brutal, violent, demise due to 100% natural circumstances that have nothing to do with him being chopped up into little pieces and fed to the beasts under the Court of Nightmares.
Wildcard Theory: Nesta has triplets, and Cassian passes out when she’s in the middle of labor. Rhys and Azriel never let him forget.
Theory: Jurian and Vassa get together.
Theory: We find out what the hell Eris was hinting at with the full story of him and Mor. Because, ya know, fae are such FUCKING DRAMA QUEENS THAT THEY WAIT 500 FUCKING YEARS BEFORE RESOLVING JACK SHIT.
Theory: Mor and Emerie become mates. SJM will skim over that, and the excellent fanfic writers on this hellsite, Ao3, and other sites will write the love story that Mor deserves.
Theory: Azriel and Gwynn will become mates, and he will finally reckon with his past, instead of avoiding it like he’s been doing for 500 YEARS.
Theory: Amren and Varian will become mates, and they will have a disgustingly over the top mating/wedding ceremony that basically all of Prythian is invited to (wedding ceremony because Varian wants to call Amren “My Wife”, and it HAS to be official).
Wildcard Theory: Eris and Tarquin become mates, and are the first joint rulers of 2 courts.
Wildcard Theory: Lucien becomes High King, with Elain as his High Queen.
Theory: The 4th piece of the trove that Nesta sorta saw, but couldn’t make out, is a horn. Remember, there were the not so subtle references to the Hunt? It’s a horn, like one used for hunting, or for battle. This horn is currently in either the human realm, or completely off-world in one of SJM’s other fictional worlds.
Okay, my brain has run out of steam for today. When I think of other theories, or am feeling completely masochistic, I’ll write another post. Muchas gracias!
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Ribbons of Flame - Chapter Four
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Previous Chapter // Masterlist 
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Tagging: @highladyfxyre @high-lady-of-perranth @williamjem @photofeesh @escapingtheconstrictingboxes @thexscarletxwitchx @little-witchling-of-velaris @nerdperson524 @crazybookladythings @illyrianinterrasen @dreamingofradescapes  @night-and-stars-eternal @theoptomisticwolfgirl @dayanna-hatter
Word count: 2383
Ella had found some semblance of peace in the book she now clutched tightly in her hand. She had always been a curious fae when she was younger, and that curiosity seem to still burn. She remembered days when her mother would teach her in anything she could, with any book she managed to find. Mr. Soarven would do the same if time was on their side after dance lessons. She was no scholar, but she could read well enough, and knew basic histories, among other knowledge. Whenever she could get her hands on a book of any kind she would devour it as best she could. She had been surprised when she found the old dusty shelf in the corner of her large room, somehow forgotten for however long. Kedron did not seem to mind the books now stacked on her bedside table or caught in her hand the nights he visited. If she did as he asked, and he stayed in a good mood.
“We are having guest today, Eleanor.” Ella looked up from the words she had been so focused on, to Kedron who entered her room. She nodded slowly, bringing the now closed book tighter to her chest, almost afraid he would take it away from her. She would not be surprised if he did.
“Your brothers will be here within the hour. They want to check up on their dear sister before her wedding day,” Kedron chuckled with a soft smirk on his face. Dread filled her before a hope lightened in her eyes. Perhaps her mother would be here as well? It quickly died away when no mention of her mother or even her father was made.
“Our High Lord and Lady are unfortunately due as well.” All humor fell from his features at the mention of the two fae. Clearly not happy that they would be making a visit. She had heard many stories of the High Lord and High Lady, and The Night Court itself. Some Good, Some bad, some simply myth and legend. She wasn’t sure who to believe or what was real or myth. Ella’s fingers tightened around the book as he stepped closer, holding his hand out for her to take. She slowly took it and accepted his help in standing from the chair she was found in.
“You will not speak to any of our guest besides your brothers, or appear unless summoned. Is that clear?” He spoke firmly, his hand holding her own tightly in warning. She only nodded in reply, knowing what would happen if she disagreed or disobeyed. Keir’s whipping had only been a week ago. The throbbing pain of her torn back would not let her forget that lesson anytime soon. Kedron placed a tender kiss against her head.
“Go dress in something presentable for your brothers, I’ll come get you when they’re here.” Kedron dropped her hand, and turned to exit the way he had come. Despite his back being turned she only nodded in understanding. She had no desire to see her brothers but if they were coming there was no way of avoiding it. Nothing they could do was any worse than what she had already experienced anyway.
Lucien knew that coming to the Court of Nightmares would never become easier. Coming here would never stop reminding him of every minute he and so many others spent Under the Mountain. The very court that inspired Amarantha. Everything in him would be thankful that it was not often he had to come here with the others. It was likely that Lucien would not be here at all today if wasn’t for Elain’s prompting. She could say nothing more to the Inner Circle except she felt a strong urgency for him to be there.
He stood in his directed corner of the throne room, watching his High Lord and High Lady play their game with Keir, getting statuses on everything they deemed important. It had been a week since that night Elain had shared that vision with him. Though he didn’t want to admit it, he was beginning to think far too much on it. Elain had told the rest of them what she had seen, but no one seemed to be able to make sense of it. Was it a vision for his future? Was it some warning?
Lucien tore his gaze from Rhys and Feyre as they sat on their thrones, dismissing Keir. He spotted the other inner circle members throughout the room, Mor, and Amren. And no doubt Azriel, somewhere here blending into the shadows. Cassian opted to protect the town house while they were away, keeping Nesta and Elain company.
He froze when his eyes landed on Eris, and his three other brothers mingling with members of the court. Straightening up, Lucien turned his attention back towards the High Lord and High lady hoping none of them would notice him. With no such luck Eris sidled up to Lucien with a smirk drawn across his features.
“My, my brother how good it is to see you,” he chuckled with an air of arrogance, patting Lucien’s shoulder as if they were old friends. When his eldest brother refused to leave when met with silence he turned towards him to speak.
“What, may I ask, are you and the others doing here?” Lucien crossed his arms over his muscled chest, no ounce of kindness in his russet eye.
“Only checking up on some business between our courts is all,” Eris simply shrugged.
“And what Business does the Autumn Court have with Hewn City?” Lucien’s cool and collected demeanor did not falter as he turned to his brother.
“Now, I can’t go off sharing court secrets, now can I?” Eris chuckled, leaning against the stone wall they both stood by. “How is everything going dear Lucien? Is Mor still being the slut she is? How about your High Lady? She hasn’t been crushed by the pressure of her position yet, has she?” His smirk did not leave his lips as he continued. Lucien clenched his fist as he kept his attention to the Rhys and Feyre. He would not make a scene. He would not let it show these insults affected him, no matter how badly they did.
“Oh, and how’s sweet Elain? She must still be mourning that human scum, Greyson. Poor naïve little Elain.” Oh, that bastard knew. He knew Lucien and Elain were mates, knew they had accepted that years ago. He knew that any comment towards Elain would get right under Lucien’s skin.
“If you value your life, Eris, I suggest you shut that mouth of yours immediately,” Lucien seethed with complete and utter silent rage, placing a hand on the hilt of his sword strapped to his side.
“Are you threatening me now, brother?” Eris pushed off the wall making a step towards the long-haired man. “We both know you don’t have the guts to end my life, you never have.”
“You underestimate me far too much. You insult my family again and I won’t hesitate, brother.” Eris let out a roaring laugh, only stepping closer to Lucien.
“Oh, that’s cute isn’t it, they’re your family now? It only makes sense. A group of worthless bastards, whores and outcast that no one else wants. You fit right in.” Lucien’s control and unbothered demeanor rushed out of him as his right fist swung against Eris repeatedly. His face, his stomach, anywhere Lucien could reach. Eris only laughed that cruel roaring laugh again before swinging right back. There was no doubt everyone had turned towards their brawl now. The crowd began murmuring before shouting was heard and the crowd parted for Keir and his son. Lucien did not slow his attack, letting years of anger boil out. He did not step away even when the inner circle members crowded around them, shouting for him to stop, albeit reluctantly.
“Get your dog off my guest,” Keir roared towards Rhys and Feyre as they descended the dais towards them. Lucien released a snarl far more animal than Fae as Azriel finally managed to rip him off Eris, but not without one last punch to his gut. Eris stood to his feet breathless as he wiped the blood dripping from his mouth and chuckled. Lucien released another growl lunging for the Fae male again, but Az held firmly.
“You’re just going to let him get away beating people to a pulp?” Keir raged on, waving a hand towards the younger Vanserra. Rhys only shrugged, but Lucien caught the gleam in his High Lord’s eyes, his High Lady’s eyes as well. The urge they fought to smirk.
“We’ll deal with him later. Frankly I think we can all agree Eris deserved it.” Feyre spoke stepping closer to the gathered crowd.
“Setting such bad examples for our little sister, Lucien. She might think she can just attack whomever she pleases,” that mischievous glint only shone brighter in Eris’ eye, “On the eve of her wedding as well. I’m sure she’s already terribly overcome with stress and nerves.” Lucien’s heart began thundering. Little sister? He quickly glanced at the high Fae surrounding him. A few blinks from Mor and Feyre were the only shock any of them seemed to show.
“You seem to be going mad,” Lucien grumbled, “We don’t have a…” He paused as his focused turned towards Keir’s son, who gestured as if calling someone over. Ice filled his veins as a young female stepped forward who no doubt looked like Lucien, yet so many features resembled his mother as well. His confusion was pushed aside as horror raced through him when he took in her state. Her long fiery hair fell in naturally loose curls down her back, a braid crowning her head as she wore a simple black gown. But her skin was unnaturally pale, her eyes sunken in with dark color circled under them. She looked so unhealthily thin, seemingly drowning in the fabric she wore. The worst of it was the brutally damaged tissue that wrapped around her right shoulder, ran down her arm and covered her frail hand as well. She had clearly been burned, leaving permanent scars. He even spotted a few bruises scattered across her skin. Was this his sister? How had he never known, and why was he never told. He watched as Kedron lifted his hand, grazing a knuckle across her moon white skin. The girl blinked a few times turning her gaze away at his touch. His other hand lay on her waist and a damning smile fell across his lips.
“Eleanor Vanserra, my future wife. She truly is a beautiful thing, isn’t she?” Lucien couldn’t move, couldn’t speak, couldn’t even think properly as he just stared. She was to be married to Kedron, and the thought made bile rise in his throat. Just the thought of what they already seemed to have done to her was too much. He felt Azriel’s hold relax as he studied the girl, Eleanor, as well.
It suddenly all made sense. This was Elain’s vision, at least in part. This was why she had felt so strongly he should have come. To meet this girl. His sister.
“Are you out of your Cauldron damned mind?” Lucien did not flinch as the shouts of Rhys reached his ears once they had all landed back in Velaris, safely in the town house. “For the Mother’s sake what were you thinking attacking Eris like that? We said to keep low,” he almost snarled. Feyre stepped up to Rhy’s side, placing a comforting hand on his shoulder, no doubt trying to calm him. The others simply watched the interaction, not saying a word.
“I was provoked,” was all Lucien said. He was in a state of shock, and could not bring himself to defend his actions more than that. Rhys huffed out, running fingers through his night black hair, relaxing ever so slightly. The commander and other two Archeron sisters made their way down the stairs at the commotion.
“Like Feyre said, he deserved it. In fact, maybe Lucien was a little merciful on him,” Mor replied, falling back onto the plush couch in the living room and examined her nails. Lucien let out a soft snort. He couldn’t disagree with her on that.
Elain made her way swiftly to his side, wrapping her soft hand in his own. She asked the question he was sure the others wanted to know as well. “What happened?”
So, Lucien began telling her exactly what he had done, exactly what had been said and done to him. “Your vision was me and my sister, Elain. It was me and my sister meeting.” His fingers squeezed lightly as he spoke. The iron grip of shock did not leave his body as the girl, Eleanor, his sister flashed through his mind. Horror held firmly as he remembered the state of her body. He could not shake those eyes that just stared at him, but did not quite see. Eyes full of every ounce of pain she had endured and was enduring.
“How could you have not known you had a sister?” Cassian mumbled, arms crossed over his well-defined chest. Pity flashed in his eyes as Lucien recalled what he had seen.
Lucien’s lips parted as if he were about to speak, but no words fell. He had asked the same question the moment they stepped from the Court of Nightmares and he didn’t quite have an answer. Guilt began to rise in his chest. Guilt that he had not known about her, guilt that he could not have saved her from the horrors she surely went through at the Autumn court, and the horrors she was surely going through now.
“She’s young even for Fae standards. She can’t be more than eighty maybe ninety. I have little contact with my family in the Autumn Court, even now.” Lucien tried to rake through his thoughts, putting them in whatever orderly way he could manage. “We have to bring her here, or somewhere safe,” he mumbled, running a hand through his long hair, frantically looking between everyone in that room.
“Lucien, we can’t just…” Rhys could not finish his sentence before Lucien yelled.
“We have to save her!”
So I’m super excited for the next chapter! Some shit goes down and I hope you guys like it and get excited. Let me know what you think! As always I adore all of your reblogs and comments. Honestly one of my favorite parts of sharing my work is hearing what everyone thought. 
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