#Riddle: Being happy. making jokes. eating sweets. playing pirates
sleepyorchidmonster · 11 months
Ruggie once came up with a plan to get infinite donuts via Trey.
He only knew three things:
- Trey is a great baker;
- He is always baking treats for Heartslabyul, ESPECIALLY Riddle;
- Riddle likes sweets.
So, the Hyena organized a joint study session between Savanaclaw and Heartslabyul, which is great already because they get Riddle's help (as well as unique magic to break up fights).
Also Leona's seasonal depression kicked in on top of his regular scheduled depression, so having the funny idiots of Heartslabyul and Ramshackle fooling around at least helps a bit. He is just watching the chaos unfold while helping with a few questions.
Back to Ruggie's plan, it's very simple! After studying, he uses Leona's credit card to order a ton of donuts. And everybody will like them because it's DONUTS, easy peasy, just wait for Trey to start baking due to popular demand.
It worked.
But now he and Savanaclaw are ready to kill for Riddle (he smiled, they didn't think he could even do that, also Ace was like "bet" and brought a few hedgehogs, which means only more happy Riddle, decorating the donuts to look like hedgehogs).
It was as if Kalim had temporarily possessed the housewarden. The rules of the Universe changed. It was Spectral Soiree all over again.
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countdowntojosie · 7 years
Happy Birthday, Jack!
Dear Jack,
It is hard to believe that you are SEVEN years old today! It seems like just yesterday that you were following Josie around the house as fast as you could with your one-legged pirate crawl, and calling her Jo-Jo. Today, you and Josie are still the best of friends, but now you are less likely to be following her as you are to be curled up on the couch with her playing a game on the Switch, or outside riding bikes together, or creating a Lego world or “habitats” for your stuffed animals upstairs. This was an exciting year! We did some big-time renovations on our house, which meant we lived with Mee-Maw for a couple of months this summer. We also went on an amazing 19 day road trip this summer. You got to see some awesome things- mountains, glaciers, Mt. Rushmore, the BadLands, Grand Teton, Jackson Hole, Yellowstone, and Old Faithful. When we left for our trip, you were the most excited about Mt. Rushmore. You did think that was pretty cool, but after it was all said and done, your most favorite parts of the trip were the two Great Wolf Lodges we stayed in. :) On fall break, we went to Roane Mountain, and you hiked 10 miles of the Appalachian Trail! This was definitely the year for exploring. You had a lot of firsts this year, too. You were so excited to finally lose your first and second tooth! You started taking mandolin lessons at school-you really like it.  You learned to officially swim all by yourself. You went rock climbing at Climb Nashville, and ROCKED it. You started asking questions about baptism. You conquered your “r” sound in speech class. You have LOVED being in first grade with Mrs. Morrow. You have finally started putting forth effort with your handwriting. You are fun little boy, and FULL of energy. You are happier when you are moving than any other time. You still love playing soccer. You had a blast running cross country again this year. You were not the fastest, but you weren’t the slowest, either-and you never walk! You have rode approx. 1 million miles on your bike. You love to go on hikes. You love, love to play hide-and-seek and have Nerf wars with your daddy. When we go to the lake, you are constantly swimming, or kayaking, or jumping off the back of the boat. The only time you aren’t in motion is when you are sleeping or playing the Switch (another one of your favorite things). Some of your other favorite things include: Star Wars, Pokemon, cars, monster trucks, Nerf guns, stuffed animals, maps (like your daddy), and BOARD GAMES. You would play a board game at anytime of the day or night, all the time. You are still tiny. The shortest one in your class by far (and most of the kindergarteners are taller than you, too.) It doesn’t bother you, though. And you make up for your smallness by having such a big personality. You did finally make it into size 5 clothes this winter. You like to eat. Your favorites are Chinese food of any kind, corn dogs, Chick-Fil-A, and breakfast food (sausage and biscuits, cinnamon rolls, oatmeal, and muffins). You have a new-found love for root beer this year. It is one of your favorite special treats. I can’t encapsulate your personality in a letter, but it is a great one. You have a big, tender heart. You can’t stand to see people mistreated, and you are quick to comfort your friends if they’re sad. You are sensitive-you still cry during almost all movies. You still sleep with a blanket and various stuffed animals (whichever one happens to be your favorite right then), and you still want me to “pat-pat” you at bedtime. You are sweet to your sister, and anyone else for that matter. You love jokes and riddles, and you love trying to tell them…although you haven’t quite mastered that art, yet. You LOVE to laugh. It doesn’t take much to make you giggle. You still say ridiculous things, like “snowmobeagle” for snowmobile. You love to tell big stories. You love to hear stories. Little boy, we love you so much. Keep being sweet. Keep loving Jesus. 
Happy Birthday!
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