#Right after breakfast and lunch is a good time to have it because your metabolism rate is at the highest. Green tea will ensure that it’s f
weightloosesblog · 2 years
How To Lose Weight Without Exercising?
Does working out matter if you're not eating right? You're working hard to burn off calories at your workouts but it's hard to burn off a bad diet.
Try to replace normal carbohydrates with complex ones. Complex carbohydrates high fiber products like oats, brown rice etc which will make you feel full even with small servings and doesn't spike up your insulin level.
Eating fat will not make you fat. In fact, fat is essential in your diet.
Proteins are essential.
Focus on the macros - Carbohydrates (the right kind), Proteins and Fat.
Cooking medium - Butter, ghee or coconut oil ‍
12. Drink Green tea
Green tea has really emerged as one of the best health drinks that are out there. Several studies have shown that the massive range of antioxidants that green tea contains helps burn fat and boosts metabolism + it comes packed with less calories. Right after breakfast and lunch is a good time to have it because your metabolism rate is at the highest. Green tea will ensure that it’s faster further helping you digest better. ‍
13.Use whey proteins
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alia-the-wintergirl · 3 months
wednesday, july 10 2024
what i did + ate + feel sad/proud about
non-metabolism day. yippee!
apple, large - 1 apple - 116 cals - for the fiber + sweetness. i love apples!
triscuits - 3 crackers - 60 cals - for the salt. i've been really craving salt recently for some reason, if anyone has any tips.
snyder's mini pretzels - 1 pretzel - 6 cals - same reason as the triscuits.
overview: good breakfast, but didn't keep me satisfied, so i had a snack not late after. not so great.
LUNCH: 420
trader joe's miso ramen soup - one carton - 180 cals - main part of the meal. yummy!
tofu, firm - 2oz - 48 cals - for the protein.
baby carrots - 4 pieces - 14 cals - for the fiber and the color in the soup.
peanuts - 1oz - 172 cals - for the fats and protein.
snyder's mini pretzels - 1 pretzel - 6 cals - for the salt.
overview: yummy, and i liked it, but i've read that having the same meal everyday slows your metabolism, so i'm nervous about that.
power crunch bar, triple chocolate - one bar - 226 cals - for the protein before fencing practice.
gerber's lil crunchies - 20 pieces - 41 cals - for a little snack. the 20 pieces were spread out throughout the day, with 16 being eaten before my acting program, and 4 being eaten when i got home.
chocolate non pareils - 2 pieces - 36 cals - nobody's surprised to see this one. i ate it for the flavor. luckily those two pieces were my last, and i will not buy them again, not because i don't love them, but because it hurts my self-control.
triscuits - 3 crackers - 60 cals - for the salt. right before fencing i was craving it. i will probably replace all these crackers with seaweed, because the salt content is higher and the calories lower.
nature valley granola bar - 1 piece - 95 cals - eaten at fencing, again for the salt. wasn't even that salty.
overview: i ate most of these for the salt, which is an issue i'll have to correct in the future.
EXERCISE: burned 230 cals
walking for about 3 miles - not logged - part of daily activity
tricep workout - not logged - part of daily activity - i'm so happy i did this!!
jumping rope for 5 minutes - logged - 36 cals burned - happy i did this! oddly enough, jump roping makes my arms tired, not my legs or lungs.
1 hour of general exercise - logged as 30 mins of vigorous workout video exercise - fencing practice is two hours, and the first hour is just working out, so that you're athletic enough to fence competently. the whole hour was extremely vigorous, and i really felt the burn (positive!), but i'm unsure what the exact calories burned are, so i halved it and logged it as a workout video.
fencing - 20 minutes - logged as 12 minutes - i didn't fence so much at fencing this time, because i made a new friend! we gossiped more than we fenced, lol, but we still got in a somewhat decent amount.
the triscuits and pretzels, simply because they were unplanned and showed a lack of self-control.
a lot today!
the tricep workout i did, trying to get rid of my armpit fat. i started it and finished it, which doesn't sound like a lot, but for me it was. my arms are super weak so i used 3-pound dumbbells, but it's a start!
my first hour of fencing! i worked very hard at it, and the teacher of that class (a former Olympian, which is still crazy to me) complimented me a few times! i was very happy.
i walked a lot, and i might be delusional, but i think it's helping a lot.
good day for the most part. still wanna lower my net calories to maybe 650 a day, but this is progress!
i want to increase my salt intake so that i don't eat higher-cal crackers and pretzels and stuff like that. i will probably do it with seaweed.
ate 1063 cals today (a bit much), with -230 (logged as) burned.
good day! i'm hungry right now, and about to go to bed, so i get the number one feeling in the world, which is going to bed hungry!
wish you all the best <3
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fujiiryokiindia · 2 years
Tips to Stay Healthy After 40 | FUJIIRYOKI INDIA
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Age 40 is a milestone when most people have achieved a career they desire, and as we Indians say, have settled in their life. But it is also the age from which the risk of many health conditions increases, and so it is the time to start taking care of your health. At this age, you might consider focusing on your demanding job, taking care of your aging parents & growing children, and overlook your health, but that one decision can prove to very harmful in the near future. And so, many experts say that age 40 is a good time to take a deep breath and focus more on improving your health. Do a little introspection, eat healthily, and live a long life.
Below are seven ways you can stay healthy when you are nearing or turning 40:
1- Exercise, Exercise, Exercise: Even if you have never exercise in your 20s and 30s, it’s time to start investing your time in maintaining your physics. Because it’s “Better Late Than Never,” Right?? Start will small- go for a walk, do cycling, do weight training 2-3 times a week, etc. This will help you build muscle and maintain bone density. And, if you have a desk job, where you have sat at your deck the whole day, take micro-breaks to stretch and walk around the block. Don’t forget to drink enough water after exercise. Opt for Electrolytic Hydrogen Water (Alkaline Ionized Water) with Natural Minerals & Optimum pH level instead of regular water, it will provide you instant hydration.
2- Keep track of your numbers: 40s is a good age to keep regular track of numbers for blood pressure, cholesterol level, blood sugar, body weight, etc. Make a regular appointment with your physicists and measure all your numbers so that your doctor can identify any potentially hidden disease risk-factors. Don’t ignore this step as, the instability in your numbers can be a reason for a higher risk of heart disease, stroke, and kidney related issues. Drink Electrolytic Hydrogen Water (Alkaline Ionized Water) daily, it will help you manage your numbers by improving your overall well-being.
3- Essence of life- Good Drinking Water: Water is the essence of every part of your body, be it a cell, tissue, or organ. And staying hydrated is probably the most basic and easy step towards a healthy life. Electrolytic Hydrogen Water (Alkaline Ionized) Water’s Micro clusters & increased hydrogen provides greater hydrogen than regular water, and so if possible, you should consume Alkaline Ionized Water.
4- Don’t Skip Breakfast: You must have heard “Eat Breakfast Like a King, Lunch Like a Prince, and Dinner Like a Pauper,” make sure to implement this in your diet. Experts says that you should eat your breakfast within the first hour of waking up. And, you have to eat consistently every 4-6 hours throughout the day. It will kickstart your metabolism and will keep your body fueled. Make your breakfast using Alkaline Ionized Water, it will not only improve your health but will also enhances the taste. Learn “How Hydrogen water – Alkaline Ionized Water is a Game Changer for a Healthy Lifestyle”
5- Reach-out for more Anti-oxidants: Anti-oxidants will protect your cells from free radicals, which can deteriorate your health and will expose you to heart disease and other diseases. Be it skin damage, joint ache, or and other health problems, incorporating a good amount of anti-oxidants can eradicate all. Food items like fruits, veggies, nuts, and beans are a good source of anti-oxidants so, make sure to indulge in these food. Don’t forget to wash your vegetables using Hydrogen Water (Alkaline Ionized Water ) with pH 10.5, it will detoxify the veggies by removing pesticides also removes any harsh taste. Moreover, Hydrogen Water (Alkaline Ionized Water ) also has anti-oxidants properties with a negative ORP (oxidation reduction potential) value of -400 mv.
6- Schedule Sleep: You must have heard, every once in a while, that, “A Good Sleep is Very Important,” and you must also have experienced first-hand how miserable you are when you don’t get enough sleep. And once you enter your 40s, you have to make sure that you get the recommended seven to nine hours of sleep daily. It will enhance your immune system, reduce your stress levels, and optimize your recovery from regular exercise.
7- Eat more protein: Protein is crucial in maintaining and building body muscle mass as we continue to age. It is suggested by the experts that at the age of 40, an individual should have about 20 to 30 grams of protein at every meal. More muscle mass ensures less body fat, and that means a faster metabolism. Metabolism will guarantee that your body is burning all the extra calories and making your body active. 
If you choose to opt for Alkaline Ionized Water  rather than regular water, go for Fujiiryoki’s Electrolytic Hydrogen Water Generators (water ionizer machine ). We have successfully launched two models: HWP-55 & HWP-77, which eliminates about 20 substances from water to generate ideal water for maintaining good health. Moreover, Hydrogen Water (Alkaline Ionized Water ) also guides our body in producing and sustaining a healthy pH ratio of 70:30 i.e., alkaline to acid.
Source Link[fujiiryoki.in]
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xpeachesncream · 4 years
cloud nine | teaser/intro
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⟼ perfectly wrong ⟼  restart
☁ series masterlist ☁ cloud nine playlist ☁ 
summary: 2 years later, your marriage to taehyung brings people back from your past, new hardships with your bestfriends and tiny roommates who get away with everything just by being cute?
pairing: reader x husband!kth
genre: marriage au | fluff, angst, smut
words: 1.8k
warnings: cussing, mature language/implied sexual content, entire teaser/intro is a flashback.
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"Wake up." You say softly, shaking Taehyung next to you in bed. "Waaake up, Tae." You whine. After a couple of more shakes, Taehyung slowly opens his eyes to your pout. He chuckles as he rubs his eyes and stretches a bit.
"What's wrong, love?"
"Why aren't you waking up more excited?! Today's the day!" He laughs and wraps his arms around you, gently laying his head on your tummy. He presses a kiss on your growing belly before rubbing the surface with his soft, warm hands, making you smile.
"Babygirl, you cant expect me to get my life together in the 5 seconds you took to wake me up."
"Well, have you gotten your life together yet?" You ask, slightly impatient as you twirl a strand of his hair around your finger and tug lightly.
"5 more minutes." He says, pretending to snore on top of your belly. He lets out a small snort when he hears you continuing to whine at him. "God, you win everything. I'm up." He plants one more kiss on your stomach before he sits up to plant a kiss on your lips.
"Finally." You scrunch your nose as you look into his deep, chocolate eyes.
“Goodmorning, beautiful.” He says to you before looking down at your stomach. "And good morning, munchkin. Can't wait to find out if you're gonna be a baby boy or girl." 
"It's a girl, I know it." You say as you slowly get yourself out of the bed to get ready for the day. You walk into the closet to grab some clothes before heading into the bathroom to take a quick body shower and pamper yourself for a bit.
"If you say so, sweetheart." Taehyung chuckles, following you into the bathroom to get himself ready as well. He stands over the sink as he lazily brushes his teeth before fixing his bed hair as much as possible. He lets you have your peace in the shower to walk into the closet and pulls out a comfy, but presentable outfit for the day. The weather wasn't too bad for the fall season - sun was out providing warmth, but the air was still cold.
By the time he had slipped into his clothes, he walks back to the bathroom, leaning against the door frame to watch you lather yourself up and get into your outfit of choice. He chuckles a bit, a big smile plastered on his face when you catch him watching you.
"What?" You look at him confusingly.
"I don't know, you're just cute."
"What am I doing?" You ask, adjusting the shirt over your belly before fixing up your hair.
"You don't have to do anything for me to think so." He says, coming over to kiss you on the cheek, lightly brushing the hair out of your face and tucking it behind your ear. "You ready?"
"Yeah, I'm pretty hungry now." You apply a bit of lip balm to your lips before looking back up at him.
"What do you wanna eat?"
"I don't know."
"Mhm. You know what you want baby, don't lie."
"I really don't." You shrug, trying to lay out some options in your head. You arch your eyebrow as your hands rest on your belly, giving it a good rub or two. Literally, everything seemed like a good option. It was about to be lunch time and you could go for either ends of the spectrum - breakfast/brunch, straight up lunch, dinner, dessert.
"Don't think too hard now."
"I kind of want Squat and Gobble." Taehyung nods in approval, lips slightly poking out.
"Whatever you want, babygirl. I'll take you there." He says, making his way out of the bathroom. "Now chop chop, so we can get your cute ass some food." You took one last look at yourself in the mirror, fixing little things here and there before heading out to meet your husband in the living room. He helps you put on your coat before the two of you walk out to the car, Taehyung instantly turning on the heat to make sure you're comfortable. Getting to Squat and Gobble, you find yourself getting excited by the smell that surrounded the restaurant. Ooh lord, you couldn't wait to eat a good meal before heading to the doctor's. This child was begging for it, too! After getting escorted to a table, the both of you get situated to start looking through the menu.
"Hm?" Taehyung hums, keeping his eyes on the menu.
"I want everything." You pout.
"You and this metabolism of yours, love. Seriously."
"Me and this baby, you mean."
"Mm-mm, no. Don’t go blaming our baby. You wanted everything all the time, way before I popped this baby into you."
"Taehyung.” You shake your head. “Not true."
"Actually, 100% true." Taehyung nods. "So, let me guess. You're either gonna get the Eggs Benedict or the Nor Cal Omelette with a side of Belgian Waffles. Am I right or am I right?" You laugh and shake your head.
"You're right, and you're right."
"Which one is it gonna be?"
"I want the omelette." You say excitedly. He simply smiles at you, catching himself feeling butterflies in his stomach. God, you were everything to him. So fucking beautiful, and so irresistible.
"What?" You ask, confused as to why Tae was staring at you again. "Why are you staring at me like that again?" You slightly chuckle as you watch him bite onto his bottom lip before looking back down and shaking his head.
"Say it."
"I just love you."
"I love you too." You blush.
"So, has my lady thought of any baby names?"
"Not really, have you?"
"A bit." He chuckles. "If it was a boy, I was thinking Masao. Or, Grey. Iseul. They all roll off my tongue pretty nicely." He says, looking out into space.
"Those are cute. What about girl names?"
"Oh, a whole list." He sips his water. "Miyako. Anya. Seiko. Nabi. Yumi. I honestly could go on."
"Have you been doing your research or something? These are better names than what I would've came up with." You laugh.
"What, I can't have any creative juices flowing through my veins too?"
"Mhm, sure. I'm gonna check your history tab later on the laptop."
"Shit." He playfully whispers. "No but really, baby. Don't they all sound nice?"
"Yes, they do." You smile. "I'm impressed, Kim Taehyung."
"I know, I make you proud." He smirks.
"I only thought of like, two names this entire time."
"That's it?" He snickers.
"Well, clearly you got the whole list ready so I no longer have to worry." You playfully shrug.
"You don't. Let Daddy take care of it." He wiggles his eyebrows, making you laugh. He's for sure not gonna let this one go, not for a long, long time. At this point, your plates are placed in front of you two, the table mostly silent as you both dig in and devour your food. Taehyung only chimes in every now and then about Jimin or Namjoon, or his mom and dad. When you both finish your meal, Tae sits back and lets out a hefty breath while he stretches.
"Full?" You ask, sipping on the last of your water.
"Yup. You ready to go soon, love? Your appointment is coming up real quick." He says checking his watch. You simply nod as Taehyung pays for the food before the two of you head out. In the car, you had been feeling the butterflies attacking all at once. You looked down at your belly, smiling to yourself as you rubbed the surface. You were so excited to hear the news from the doctor being that you and Taehyung had been waiting for this moment for a long time.
Everything seemed so surreal.
Your career as a new illustrator was going strong. 2Peace was still going strong. Your husband's career on the executive team was at its highest. Your friends were all thriving. This baby.
Everything just seemed to be falling into place. And you were hoping it could be like this for a long time. You were hoping it could stay like this.
After checking in at the doctor's office, you sit next to Taehyung, who is now reading an art magazine. You take a deep breath, causing Tae to grab your hand and press a gentle kiss on top of it. He continues to rub your hand with his thumb as he returns his attention on the magazine sitting on his lap and flips through it with his free hand. You were on time for your appointment, and you were really hoping you didn't have to wait for long simply because you had become way too excited.
"You okay?" Tae asks, noticing your leg continuously bouncing up and down.
"Yeah, I just wanna go in already." He chuckles.
"Patience, baby. He'll get to you, alright?" Your bottom lip pokes out in a pout, making Taehyung lean forward to give you a kiss. "You do that on purpose, don't you?"
"Do what on purpose?"
"Pout so I could kiss you."
"No, babe. I'm just expressing my feelings."
"Mhhhhm." He smirks.
"Besides, I never had to force you to give me kisses." You smile confidently.
"Alright, okay. I rest my case, your honor." He clicks his teeth. "See, you win that too."
"Mrs. Kim?" The medical assistant came to the door, causing you and Taehyung to stand - the both of you trying your best to contain your excitement. She takes you to the back to check your vitals and run through the usual routine before leaving you and Taehyung to your peace until the doctor comes knocking. As you get yourself situated on the bed, Taehyung decides to take a picture of you, his beloved wife, and your baby bump. He had been really good about capturing these moments, and you were grateful for it. He gives off a small giggle when he checks the picture, letting you know he's about to send it his mom and dad and all your friends.
Can't wait to find out if we have ourselves a baby Tete or baby Y/N.
Sooner or later, the doctor comes in, making small talk with you and Taehyung. He gets the monitor ready, warning you about the cold gel that's about to make contact with your belly. Taehyung tries to take a peek at the monitor, but with the doctor being in the way, he couldn't catch a glimpse of anything. Neither can you, being that you're laying back and can barely see over your hump.
"Everything looks absolutely perfect, and that's all I can ask for. Now, tell me - would you like to know what the sex is?" The doctor smiles from ear to ear as he turns towards you and Tae.
"Yes sir, please. Enlighten us." Taehyung says, standing next to you as you lay silently on the bed, gripping your hand tightly . The doctor checks the monitor once more before chuckling and turning back towards you. "Congratulations! You have yourselves some baby girls!" You put your hand over your mouth as you gasp.
"Wait, wait - did you just say baby girls?" Taehyung's eyes light up as the doctor nods happily.
"Sure did." He points to the monitor. "You got yourself some twin girls right there.”
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Don't Go Into The Kitchen
Summary: Sam, who gladly lets people be in the kitchen with him when he cooks, learns you want no one in the kitchen when you bake. Pairing: Sam Wilson x reader and Bucky Barnes x Sarah Wilson Warnings: None Word count: 2.2K
Very early on in your relationship you had discovered Sam to be not only an avid cook but also a creative one whose dishes with their flavors, their textures, their colors, their everything, even the plating if it wasn’t soul food, made heaven come down to earth and on one simple plate.
However small Sam’s kitchen was, he not only kept you close, he wanted you close and almost always pulled you to him. You could just go from the door to the bedroom and he’d pull you to him to taste something new he cooked up. It wasn’t unusual for you to stand with your back pressed to his chest and you both pressed to the countertop, because the cable of the immersion blender was too short for you two to stand there comfortably but it was imperative for Sam to have you near when cooking.
The kitchen in your appartement wasn’t much bigger than Sam’s but it was closed off. That wasn’t much of a problem when you lived alone and it also wasn’t much of a problem when Sam spent the night and you had breakfast.
Some time later, you’d spent a lazy Sunday at your place and lived on your homemade waffles and muffins. Sam went into the kitchen to get you some more waffles and stayed there longer than you thought he would.
“Baby? You bake?”
“No Sam, I cooked the muffins yesterday” You deadpanned.
“Right, and I’ll bake mac’n’cheese. No, really. I didn’t know you also baked cakes. Like, those big ass, fancy cakes with decorations!”
You sat up. “Sam. Did you touch my baking utensils?”
“No baby, I’m just looking. Why? You turning green and big when someone does?”
“I’m not gonna rip my clothes but I’m very particular about my kitchen and especially all my baking things. Just so you know, should we ever move in together” The smile was audible in your voice.
Back on the sofa, Sam pulled you into him. “Already talking about moving in together?”
“Should we ever do that we’ll need a reaaally big kitchen.”
A few weeks later, you went over to Sam’s and practically the second you stepped through the door, there was Sam to pull you into the kitchen.
“Sorry to ambush you like this but I just finished this recipe and you gotta try this!”
He held up a wooden spoon. You could see different kinds of sea food in what seemed to be a broth on a tomato basis. It tasted exquisite. It was a perfect blend of the tomato broth with basil, thyme, cumin and garlic and complimented the salmon and prawns perfectly.
“And? What do you think?” Sam seemed like a giddy child.
You just took his face in your hands and kissed his nose, his forehead and then his lips. “You’re a master cook. But some garam masala would make this even better, what do you say?”
He didn’t say anything, just put the container with garam masala in your hand and let you do the rest. Now it was you who held the spoon and let Sam do the tasting each time the spice was blended with the rest.
“Now that’s good! You were right” Sam pecked your cheek.
“So, can we eat that now or do we have to wait for someone?”
“Naaa, it’s all ours.”
“Nice. Cause I don’t wanna share this.”
“You know I’m also here?”
“You’re the exception.”
“Well, I’m glad.”
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Sam had invited himself over to spend the entire weekend at your flat. And since you wanted to try this new cake recipe and creating the fondant decorations would take some time, you baked on Thursday. Sam wanted to come Friday morning. That meant there would be no chance of him going into the kitchen while you did anything.
Except that train of thought got derailed when your doorbell rang. You looked at the batter. It wasn’t time sensitive so you opened the door to see your boyfriend standing there with a flower bouquet and what seemed like takeout.
“I thought I’d surprise my wonderful girlfriend with a lazy evening, movies and takeout. Wait, what’s with the spatula?”
“I didn’t expect you now. So, I’m baking.”
“But I’m still welcome?”
“You and the takeout. And what’s with the flowers?”
“I got my girl flowers because I can.”
You nodded. “That actually makes sense.”
“I have my moments” Sam smiled.
You put the flowers in a vase and went back to the kitchen.
“Gimme the food and I’ll put it in the fridge.”
He took two steps and the third would take him over doorstep to the kitchen.
“Do. Not. Go. Into. The. Kitchen.”
“Remember how I told you I’m very peculiar about my kitchen?” You asked.
“Well, this is it. You don’t go into my kitchen when I’m in there and especially not when I’m baking” Your voice was sharp and your body blocked the doorway.
“Okay? I’ll just wait in the living room and we’ll talk loudly?”
You nodded and smiled. “I’ll be out when the batter’s in the oven.”
“And then?” Sam looked over your shoulder.
“Then we’ll spend a nice time until the cake is done and I’ll do the decorations and the coating. And after that, you’ll have me to yourself for the rest of the evening.”
“No assembling the decorations?” Sam grinned.
“You really are a cook, not a baker” You nudged his shoulder with yours. “The decorations will last longer after they spent some time in the fridge.”
“I see.” You spent the evening cuddling, talking, eating and watching dumb movies with the exception of you getting the cake out and Sam watching you form the decorations with different fondants.
“Is there an occasion you’re doing the cake for or just baking a cake for the sake of baking a cake?” Sam looked from your face to your hands that were currently forming a flower.
“Just for the sake of it. Didn’t bake for quite some time. Although some would say I bake really much” You mused. “But I got the urge to again and I thought I’d have today.” You smiled.
“Sorry” Sam bowed his head but you could see the slight grin he wore.
“You’re not sorry.”
“Not really” Now he wore a big grin.
When you were done and everything was in the fridge, you two went to enjoy the rest of the evening.
The next day after a lazy morning with cuddles, breakfast and breakfast cuddling, you poured the couverture on the cake and placed the decorations in the molten chocolate and let everything dry. Some hours later, every step was finally done and you put the cake on the coffee table in front of the couch.
“And now we can eat it.”
“We eat it? I’m supposed to eat this?”
“Love, I’m not baking a cake just to look at it.”
“But how can I eat something this beautiful?”
“I’m not gonna remind you of what else you eat that’s beautiful…”
Sam chuckled.
“But if we eat it… wait no! I got it! I’ll send a photo to the group chat to make them jealous!”
“Bucky looks at his phone?”
“He’s gotten better since he’s an honorary Wilson.”
“Maybe he won’t be just an honorary Wilson anymore some time from now” You grinned.
Sam looked at you dumbfounded. “Say that again.”
“They both told me separately they’re thinking of that step.”
“Both?! They’re both thinking of-“
You nodded. “Yeah. Hey, how about a bet about who takes that step first? I’ll say Bucky.”
“Alright, I’m in. 15 bucks on Sarah taking the first step. But back to the cake. Let’s make people jealous. Steve’s gotten better on his own about checking his phone.”
“Your phone, your picture…” You grinned.
The picture Sam sent to the group chat garnered all kinds of reactions. Steve, innocent Steve, complimented the cake and wanted to know if Sam made that. Bucky apparently had gotten some lessons from Cass and AJ about how to use emojis, because he sent an eyeball emoji and one with its tongue licking the lips. Sarah commented in true sibling fashion about how Sam must have either been switched out to start baking or just have an amazing girlfriend and how in earth did he get someone like her.
You chuckled.
“So now we can eat it?” Sam seemed torn between being giddy and mournful of eating such a beautiful cake.
You cut him a piece. You had to do that slowly and carefully to keep the decorations intact but no matter the reason, Sam looked pained. But all that changed when he took the first bite. He moaned. Sam straight up moaned.
“You’re a master baker.”
The second breakfast, lunch and the afternoon snack consisted of varying sizes of the cake.
One year later, you and Sam had moved in together and the key feature of the flat was the open-plan kitchen with a kitchen island facing the living room with a dining corner. The dining table was a beautiful piece made of stained wood.
Sam and you had invited the other Wilsons’ plus Steve and Bucky to a nice evening in your new flat with the promise of a tasty dinner and fancy dessert. They arrived separately, first Steve which didn’t surprise you but what did surprise you was Cass and AJ arriving after. Alone. It took fifteen minutes for Sarah and Bucky arriving together. No one said anything, only Sam raised his eyebrows at you. You smirked.
“Where should we?” Steve wanted to know.
“You can sit there” You said and pointed to the chairs between dining table and wall.
“She lets people into the kitchen now?” Bucky asked.
Sam looked at him. “See how big this kitchen is? And the table? And how she told you to sit at the side farthest from her?”
“Yes, okay.”
“So, what kind of dinner are you serving us?” Steve wanted to know.
“Always the guy with the fast metabolism who asks that question first” Sarah grinned.
“And what am I then?” You chuckled. “Or Cass and AJ?”
“You just eat without that” Sarah hugged you sideways and went over to the table where Bucky pulled out a chair for her.
“To answer your question, Steve, I made a casserole with fish and seafood and Y/N here made a layered cake with chocolate, mint, strawberry, vanilla and lemon.”
“Is that way the fridge compartment trays aren’t in the, you know, fridge?” Bucky looked at were there were indeed the trays and apparently the fridge didn’t have any compartments now.
“Oh, oh, oh! Can we see it? Can we? Please?” AJ and Cass twisted their bodies in the chairs to look at you and the fridge.
“Not yet, okay?”
Sam put the casserole down and started dishing out the food. All of you tucked in and only the clattering of forks and knives on plates could be heard. Until Steve swallowed and loudly exhaled.
“Steve? You okay?” Sarah looked at him with concern, while Sam looked at his casserole.
“Y- yes, I’m-“ He was caught off guard by a cough.
“Milk” You stated and put some in front of Steve. He drank the whole glass in almost one go.
“Thank you, Y/N.”
“Don’t mention it. I forgot not everyone is used to spicy food.”
After he recovered, he turned to Bucky: “Buck, how-?”
“You cannot be engaged to this beautiful woman here and not eat and love spicy food.”
“I told you!” You hit Sam’s upper arm.
“Who of you asked?” Sam wanted to know.
“I did. I’m old” Bucky smiled at Sarah.
“And old-fashioned, but only sometimes” Sarah pecked his cheek.
You chuckled, while AJ mumbled an “That’s disgusting.”
“You get used to it, buddy” Sam wrapped his arm around his nephew.
“And you owe me 15 bucks, Sam.”
The rest of dinner went by without other occurrences, only Steve eating slower than usual and occasionally sipping some milk. After Sam cleared the table, you put down the cake.
“Y/N this looks awesome!” Bucky exclaimed and AJ and Cass nodded vigorously.
“Now, who wants the first piece?”
“Me!” Cass and AJ called at the same time.
“Boys…” Sarah mumbled. You weren’t sure if she wanted to reprimand them or not.
You winked at Sarah and gave her the first piece. You got a second cake server that you only had because you thought Sam had misplaced your trusty one after clearing the dishwasher some time ago. Now you twirled one in your left hand, and one in the other. You looked at the two boys and served them each a slice at the same time.
“Yeah, what he said!”
You served the others and tucked in. The evening went on, talking and laughing poking fun at each other. Despite all the sugar of the cake, Cass and AJ slept like logs after some hours on the couch. It was a perfect evening.
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This is what I imagined the cake to look like, only taller to fit the five layers.
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senorarelojes · 3 years
Pizzaverse artwork and ficlet: 'A Little Piece'
@maiyashu made this really cute and beautiful Instagram post of Pizzaverse Dave being silly and drawing little monsters/creatures on the notes he leaves for Alan and their kids around the house. Of course, Alan shows off his husband's work on Instagram. Under the artwork is an accompanying ficlet set in the future for the Pizzaverse timeline. Thank you dear Shu for your gorgeous (and funny) artwork! Happy Father's Day to the boys!
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Title: A Little Piece Pairing: Dave/Alan Rating: General Tags: Pizzaverse, Kid Fic, Fluff
Dave was always amused whenever Alan teased him about being the one in their relationship who was more addicted to social media. It seemed they were both on an even keel; Alan posted more often, while Dave had a variety of accounts across various platforms that he’d lost interest in after the initial posting frenzy. They had their different addictions too: Dave liked the spontaneity of Twitter and TikTok, while Alan for some reason preferred Facebook and Reddit. But Instagram was their common vice, and most of their friend circle were on it as well.
Before fatherhood, Dave had imagined that his use of social media would dwindle because he simply wouldn’t have the time. But instead he’d found the opposite to be true: now he wanted to post about Alan, Paris and Stella all the time, and he didn’t even care if no one outside their family and a few chosen friends would find it cute.
Of course, both Dave and Alan took care to obscure the faces of their daughters. But the adorable things they did were up for grabs: Paris’ first steps, then followed by Stella’s in a few years. Their first stuffed toys. Their first drawings. Dave shamelessly spammed his IG feed with various pictures and videos, and refused to feel bad about it because Martin was doing the same with his kids, and so was Fletch, who seemed convinced that his daughter was a maths prodigy.
Of course, Dave posted pictures of Alan on his feed as well. Naturally his husband was usually included if it was a picture or video with one of the girls, such as Alan helping Paris with her homework or feeding Stella at dinnertime. But sometimes Dave saved a few precious shots he’d snuck on his phone, like Alan frowning at the computer in his tiny makeshift home studio, or stealing a rare moment after the girls had gone to bed to listen to one of the many records he owned. Those didn’t get as many likes and comments as anything Dave posted of the girls, but he didn’t care much.
In truth, Dave would have probably gone on like this if Alan hadn’t taken him aside one night and asked him why he’d stopped posting pictures of his art. “My art?” Dave echoed, genuinely surprised that Alan had been keeping track because Dave certainly hadn’t.
“Yeah, your paintings.” Alan gestured towards Dave’s most recent effort, which was a white cat posing regally by a candle. Even that had been painted more than a year ago, before Stella had come into their lives. “You don’t really post them anymore. Or paint much more, for that matter.”
Dave just kept staring at Alan in astonishment. When they had gotten married and subsequently made the decision to become parents via surrogacy, it had been pretty much an unspoken agreement between them that family and work would have higher priority. This meant their hobbies were naturally the first thing to be sacrificed for time, and Dave had been fine with that. They hadn’t touched the band in years, not since the last time everyone had performed at Martin’s wedding.
But now Dave realised that he missed painting with an ache like a phantom limb, like something that had always been a part of him was now oddly missing. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d picked up a paintbrush for the hell of it. Everything he’d designed or illustrated over the past year had solely been for work, and that thought pained him like a spike through his solar plexus.
In contrast, Alan - who had always been very driven and disciplined - seemed to have no problem reviving his interests in mixing and composing after Stella had started sleeping at more regular hours. So Dave didn't even have the excuse of fatherhood.
“You should pick it up again,” Alan told him with a gentle squeeze of his hand, before moving on to the topic of Father’s Day, which was coming up. Dave just nodded distractedly when Alan suggested ordering in brunch from a nice restaurant, still preoccupied with thoughts of Alan’s mind-blowing revelation.
After that conversation with Alan, Dave decided to try and carve out time for painting. Although that wasn’t always possible, he did want to show Alan he was trying, so he started with small gestures. If he left reminders and post-its for Alan around the house, he’d be sure to draw a funny cartoon to accompany his loopy handwriting, like a sentient postbox (to remind Alan to go to the post office) or a funny caricature of Martin and Fletch (to ask Alan if he wanted to have dinner and catch up with them).
Alan never really mentioned the little drawings beyond an amused eye-roll, but Dave knew Alan was never particularly verbose about his true sentiments anyway. Dave had learned to look towards Alan’s actions instead. Sure enough, Alan started taking pictures of Dave’s little drawings and posting them on Instagram with an accompanying dry and witty caption, along with the hashtag ‘#artisthusband’. To Dave’s surprise, it really took off among their friends and other family members, and Dave always had to fend off demands from his mum and Sue about more cute artwork everytime he called home.
Since Paris and Stella loved the drawings too, he started drawing little monsters for them on their paper lunch bags, which he would prepare for them before Alan would drop them off at daycare. It wasn’t long before Alan started posting these on Instagram too, and his comment section would get animated at times because Martin, Fletch, Paul, Daryl and the rest would start discussing which creature Dave had meant to draw. He didn’t have the heart to tell them he’d made them all up on the spot.
Having Alan’s support like this, even for his silly little drawings, was more fulfilling and touching than Dave had expected. So he’d really meant it when he said he was going to get art supplies, but more often than not Dave would get distracted and buy Elsa colouring books for the girls instead. Alan hadn’t said anything at all, but Dave knew how to read him pretty well by now. His husband was definitely planning something.
On the morning of Father’s Day, Dave was the first out of bed so he put in the order at the restaurant before going for a run in Hyde Park. His metabolism wasn’t what it used to be, and he’d gotten into the habit of eating off the girls’ plates whenever they couldn’t finish their food. Alan was a really good cook too, so Dave knew he had to fit in a run today if he was going to be feasting on french toast and eggs benedict for Father’s Day.
When he got home, he thought he spotted Alan in the study with a giggling Paris and Stella. “Hello, my loves,” he yelled out at the door, even more mystified when Alan quickly stepped out of the study with the girls, closing the door hurriedly behind them.
“The food’s just got delivered, I’ll set the table,” Alan told him with a too-bright smile. ‘You go shower first, yeah?”
Dave decided to let his suspicious behaviour go for now. “Alright, sure.” He loped over to where they were, giving Alan a brief kiss and a I’m-on-to-you squint before bending down to stretch his arms out to the girls. “Can I get a hug first?”
“Daddy’s stinky!” Paris protested laughingly, while an uncomprehending Stella just giggled along with her older sister.
Dave’s jaw dropped in mock outrage. “Stinky, am I? How about I make you stinky too, huh?” He pretended to chase a squealing Paris and Stella for a hug, laughing when they ran to hide behind an amused Alan’s legs.
“Just go shower, the food’s getting cold, you lunatic.” Alan shook his head at Dave with a grin before shepherding the girls to the dining area. Dave left him to it, washing up quickly so he could join his family for breakfast.
However, he wasn’t expecting to find Alan and the girls waiting for him outside the bedroom, all of them grinning innocently at him. “What’s going on?” a suspicious Dave asked.
Paris took his hand and tugged him to the study, Alan picking up Stella and following with her in his arms. When Paris pushed open the door, Dave stared in shock at the brand new easel waiting for him, along with the art supplies neatly piled on top of a blank canvas. He stepped forward, picking up the paints and brushes with trembling hands. Alan had gotten everything right, remembered every detail from when Dave used to paint before they’d gotten married and become fathers.
“I had to take a bit out of the holiday budget for this,” came Alan’s soft voice behind him. “But it’s worth it for me to delay our trip. I’d rather see you painting again.”
“We want more of Daddy’s paper monsters!” Paris declared gleefully, while Stella stared at all of them in bafflement.
“I--” Dave just couldn’t speak. His heart was so full, like it was going to overflow with joy and sentiment and his overwhelming love for his family. There were simply no words that could possibly encapsulate the emotions warring within him now, so instead he grabbed Alan and the girls to him in a tight hug, his breaths ragged and his eyes wet.
“Happy Father’s Day,” Alan said quietly, the smile evident in his voice even though Dave couldn’t quite see his face.
“You too, Al.” Dave pulled away to kiss him, then smothered his squealing girls with equal affection.
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starryknight09 · 4 years
Spiderman has allergies?
Febuwhump Day 24: allergies
Read on AO3.
“Peter’s here!” Pepper called up to him from downstairs.
Tony finished putting his laundry away.  He’d become so domesticated ever since Morgan was born and he complained about it even though he secretly loved it.  His family was the most important thing to him now.  He smiled at that thought.  If the Tony from twenty years ago could see him now.
“Do you want some pasta honey?” Tony heard Pepper ask as he made his way down the stairs.  “I just finished and there’s plenty left over.”
“Um maybe just a little?  Ned and I had lunch before I left.” Peter answered and there was something about his voice that made Tony frown.
“Hey kid.” He greeted as soon as he came into the kitchen and found a seat next to Peter at the counter.
“Hey Tony.” Peter responded and again there was something off about the way he sounded.
Pepper finished dishing up the pasta for Peter and slid a full plate across the counter to him.
“Thanks.” Peter said, always with the perfect manners.  Thank god Morgan was picking up on some of that.  The instant the thought passed through his mind, he felt bad.  Peter’s aunt had died in a car accident in the intervening five years between the snap and its reversal, and of course Tony had taken him in, but improving Morgan’s manners definitely wasn’t worth the loss of his kid’s mother figure.
“Are you hungry?” Pepper asked him as he watched Peter dig into his pasta.  When he looked over at her, she arched an eyebrow at him, so he knew the question had only been a courtesy.
“I’m starving.” He nodded.  It wasn’t a lie.  He’d only had coffee for breakfast.  
“Where’s Morgan?” Peter asked and Tony finally put his finger on what was wrong with his kid’s voice.  It sounded nasally.
“She spent the night at friend’s house.  Tony’s going to pick her up this afternoon.” Pepper said.
“Wow that’s…” Peter let whatever he was going to say trail off.
“That’s what?” Tony asked.
“Brave?  I mean I always thought you were kind of a helicopter dad…”
Tony raised his eyebrows at him.
“…so that must be hard for you?” Peter finished.
“No.  It’s fine.” He denied and Pepper snorted as she handed his plate of pasta to him.  Peter didn’t need to know the details of the hours long discussion they’d had before agreeing to let Morgan stay overnight at her friend’s house, Pepper being for it and Tony being adamantly against it.
Peter smirked and went back to eating.  Tony took a few bites of his food but side eyed the kid, trying to figure out whey something wasn’t right about the way he sounded.  Had he broken his nose and it healed wrong?  It looked fine.  
Peter finished his plate of pasta in record time.  “Thanks Pepper.” He said as he got up to rinse his plate and put in the dishwasher.
Tony took another bite of his own food as his eyes narrowed.  Peter’s sentence had come out sounding more like ‘Danks Pebber.’
“You’re welcome.” Pepper said automatically but then shot a look over at Tony.  She’d obviously caught on to Peter’s weird voice too.  He gave her a subtle nod.
“So Pete,” he said as he finished his own meal, “what’s new with you?”
“Nothing much.” Peter shrugged.  “Ned got a new pet.”
“Uh huh.” Tony frowned at him.  “Why do you sound like your nose is broken?”
Peter rolled his eyes and started walking away toward the couch.  “It’s not.  I’m fine.”  Even though it came out sounding like ‘It’s nob.  I’m fibe.’
Tony put his plate in the dishwasher and followed Peter to the couch.  “Ok then, if your nose isn’t broken, why do you sound all weird?”
“Allergies.” Peter answered as he flicked through the different channels on the TV.
“You?” Tony asked sarcastically.  “Have allergies?”
“Apparently.” Peter shrugged, unaffected.
“Even with your spider powers?”
“Apparently.” Peter repeated.
“Seems a little odd.” Tony opined.  “Are you sure you’re not sick?”
Peter shook his head and denied, “I’m not sick.”
“How do you know?”
“I think I would know.” Peter said, arching an eyebrow at him.  “Like I’d feel bad and I don’t, so it must be allergies.”
“Uh huh.” Tony nodded.  “Sure.  You’re not sick.  Nothing’s wrong.  You just have allergies you’ve never had before.”
“I haven’t been sick since the spider bite either so why would that make any more sense?”
The kid had a point there.  After coming back from the snap he’d lived with them for almost a year and he’d never gotten sick, although that could’ve been luck.  Now that he’d gone off to college and lived with Ned, Tony worried.
“Ok so you sound like your nose is broken because of allergies…” He still couldn’t bring himself to truly believe it.
“That’s what I said.” Peter huffed.
“You sure you don’t want to get some rest?  Or I could get you a juice box?” He offered.
“I’m not sick!” Peter protested.
“All right whatever you say.” Tony let it go but watched Peter like a hawk for the rest of the weekend, but Peter never gave him any indication that something was wrong.
“Tony!” Peter yelled.  Tony jerked his head up and smacked it on the bottom of Morgan’s bunk bed that he was in the middle of putting together.  He rubbed his scalp and brought his hand away, looking at it.  No blood.  Well at least he hadn’t cracked his head open.
“Tony?” Peter called out again.
“Up here!” He answered.
“What are you doing?” Peter asked a moment later in the doorway.
“Trying to put this bed together.” Tony complained.
“Looks easy.” Peter laughed.
“It’s not.” Tony said, dragging himself out from under the bottom bunk.
“Need help?” Peter offered.
Tony narrowed his eyes at him.  The kid’s question had come out like ‘Neeb helb?’
“Are you still sick?” He asked.
“What?” Peter frowned.  “No.  I was never sick in the first place.  I told you it was allergies last weekend.”
“And what?  It’s still allergies?” Tony asked skeptically as he stood and brushed the dust off his clothes.
“Yeah.” Peter answered as if it was obvious.
“How the hell does Spiderman have allergies?”
“No clue.” Peter shrugged.  “I used to have asthma and be deathly allergic to peanuts before the spider bite, but ever since I got my powers, I’ve never needed my inhaler and I eat peanut butter all the time without any problem.  It’s so good!”
“What?” All of this was news to him.
“Yeah.  Didn’t you know that?”
“No!  How would I have known that?”
Peter shrugged.  “I don’t know.  You always say you know everything, so I just assumed.”
“Don’t be a smart ass.” Tony complained as he reached out to press a palm against Peter’s forehead, still not believing all this allergy talk.
Peter immediately jerked away.  “I’m not sick!” He insisted, sounding annoyed.  Well, he wasn’t warm at least, so whatever it was, it wasn’t serious enough to give him a fever.
“Hmm.  So if it’s allergies, why haven’t you taken anything for it?”
“I did!  I tried Zyrtec but that was useless with my metabolism and the same thing with Flonase.”
Ah.  True.  Tony hadn’t considered that.
“And you’re sure they’re not working because you’re actually sick?”
Peter rolled his eyes.  “I’m sure dad.” Peter said the last part sarcastically but Tony’s heart still warmed.  Peter only ever called him that in jest or when he was being sarcastic, but Tony appreciated it every time all the same.
“Ok son.” Tony ruffled Peter’s hair.  “But if this doesn’t get any better, I’m calling Bruce.”
“God you’re so extra.” Peter complained but Tony could see he was smiling.
Tony smiled.  “Maybe.  Now, do you want to go to the garage and work on those suit upgrades I was talking about?”
“Um duh.  Do you even have to ask?”
Tony shook his head, equally annoyed and amused in the way only Peter could make him, but they headed down to the workshop, and the rest of the weekend Tony didn’t notice any red flags besides the congestion causing Peter’s voice to go all wonky, so he didn’t say anything.
“Hey Toby?” Peter’s voice rang throughout the cabin from downstairs two weeks later.
Tony met Pepper’s eyes across the bedroom and they both raised their eyebrows at each other at the obviously persistent voice issue.
“I’m upstairs!” He called out.
“This has gone on long enough.” Pepper whispered to him, aware of Peter’s super hearing.  “Figure it out.”
“Already on it boss.” He said and walked out of the room, meeting Peter in the hallway at the top of the stairs.
“What’s up kid?” He asked as he studied him for any sign of illness.  Peter’s eyes were bloodshot and his nose was red with a darkened line across the bridge of it, something he’d never seen on him before, but otherwise he looked ok.
“Nothing.” Peter shrugged as if everything was all hunky dory even as he reached up to swipe at his nose.
“Nothing.” Tony repeated skeptically.
“Yeah.  Why?” Peter’s brow furrowed.
“Because you look like an extra for a zombie movie kid!”
“I do?” He sniffled.
“Yep.  I’m calling Bruce.” He said, already pulling out his phone to text his friend.
“No!” Peter protested, snatching the phone out of his hands.
“Hey.” Tony warned.  “Give that back.  You remember our deal?  I told you two weeks ago that if this didn’t get better we were getting Bruce involved.”
“I never agreed to that.”
“Well too bad because this looks like it’s getting worse and you haven’t said a thing about it.”
“Because I’m fine!  It’s just allergies.”
“Give me my phone.” Tony ordered as he held his hand out expectantly.
Peter eyed it for a moment and Tony lifted his eyebrows, daring Peter to test him, before Peter sighed and slapped the phone back in his hand.
“Fine, but if you do call him and make him come all the way up here, you’ll be wasting his time because he’s just going to tell you the exact same thing I’ve been saying.”
“Yeah, we’ll see.” Tony said doubtfully, already typing out a message to his friend.  Bruce was nothing if not prompt.  He responded less than a minute later.
“He’s on his way over.” Tony held up the phone screen for Peter to see, but his kid just rolled his eyes and pushed past him.
“I’ll be in my room if you need me.”
“Resting?  That’s a good idea.  You should rest.”
“No.  Doing homework.  Not resting.  Because I’m not sick!  It’s allergies!”
Tony hummed in disbelief but let Peter go, wincing as he slammed his door shut behind him.
Pepper peaked her head out of their bedroom.  “What did you do?”
“Nothing.” He held his hands up innocently.  “Bruce is on his way over.”
Pepper smiled.  “Ah.  Good.”
He nodded.  Now he just had to wait for his friend to tell him he was right, and then they could finally fix his stubborn kid.
He wasn’t right.
“He’s not sick.” Bruce said.
“What?” He asked in shock.
“I told you.” Peter said and way too happy about it.
“Then what is it?” Tony looked down at where his kid sat smugly on the couch.
“It looks like allergies.” Bruce shrugged.
Tony blinked as Peter barked out a laugh.  “Ha!  That’s what I kept saying and he wouldn’t believe me.”
“Didn’t you used to be allergic to everything under the sun?  Before the bite?” Tony asked, none of this making any sense.
“I mean that’s kind of an exaggeration, but yeah, I guess.” Peter shrugged.
Tony shook his head and turned to Bruce.  “So if all his previous allergies went away after the bite, then how on earth did he suddenly develop allergies again?  And to what?  Does this mean his other allergies are back too?  Do I need to hide the peanut butter?”
Peter rolled his eyes.  “I had peanut butter toast for breakfast this morning so I’m pretty sure that’s still safe.”
“It’s probably environmental.” Bruce explained.  “Those allergies are mediated through different pathways.”
“Ok, but that still begs the question, why now?  And besides, it’s the middle of winter, what kind of environmental allergies could he be getting into?”
“You’d be surprised.” Bruce said.  “There’s still dust mites, mold, pet dander—”
“Wait.” Tony held up a finger and then looked down at his kid accusingly.  “Didn’t you say Ned got a new cat a month ago?”
“It’s the cat.  It’s got to be.” Tony said, finally happy to have an answer.  That hadn’t been so hard to solve.  Actually it’d been surprisingly easy.  He frowned before asking Peter, “How did you not figure this out?”
“I knew ok!  But what was I supposed to do?  Tell Ned that Fluffy had to go?” Peter threw his hands up in the air.
“Fluffy?” Tony made a face.
“He’s a rescue.  I can’t ask Ned to kick him out when he just found his new home.  How do you think that would make him feel?” Peter said, sounding way too emotionally invested for this to just be about the cat.  “He doesn’t have anywhere else to go.”
Tony cleared his throat.  He’d had almost six years with Morgan to get used to showing emotions, and he’d gotten much better, but he still didn’t love doing it in front of an audience.
He knelt down so he was face to face with Peter, clasping his knees.  “I get it kid.  But you’re clearly suffering.  And Fluffy’s a cat, not a human.”
Peter pursed his lips and Tony could tell that his current argument would get him nowhere.
“Ok, how about this, what if we find Fluffy a new home that’s just as nice.  Or better?”
“Um, I might have an idea.” Bruce interrupted and Tony and Peter both turned to look at him.  “I could probably synthesize something that would work.  It just might take a couple days.”
“Ok.” Peter agreed readily.
Tony sighed.  He never liked the idea of pumping new drugs into his kid but he trusted Bruce.  “Fine.  But if it doesn’t work, we’re going to have another discussion.”
“Fine.” Peter said begrudgingly.
Tony stood and clapped Bruce on the back.  “Thanks big green.  You’re a life saver.”
“Don’t thank me yet.  I have to make it first.  And we have to see if it works.” Bruce hedged.
“I’m sure it will.” Tony didn’t have any doubt.  If Bruce thought he could make something that would work, then he’d end up making something that would work.
“Hey uh Dr. Banner, how strong can you make it?”
Bruce’s brow furrowed.  “What do you mean?”
“Like can you make something that will still work even if Fluffy sleeps on my face?”
Bruce and Tony shared a look.  
“He’s your kid.” Bruce raised an eyebrow at him even as he tried not to laugh.
Tony just shook his head and walked away, muttering, “I can’t believe this.”
“What?  Where are you going?  Tony!” Peter called out after him.
“I’m going to go call Thor and see if he can put in a word with the big guys upstairs about getting my kid some common sense.” He said, only half kidding.
“Hey!” Peter protested.
He smirked when he heard Bruce say, “Well, he’s not wrong.”
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imaginetonyandbucky · 4 years
(Give Me A) Reason To Live
Chapter 2
by @dracusfyre
“Do you know where they are planning to take him?” James asked as he headed for the stairs up to his room. Tony started to follow him then realized that James was going to drop his towel to get dressed and after a moment of temptation, stayed at the bottom of the stairs instead.
“SHIELD facility in New York,” Tony called up, trying very hard to concentrate on anything except what his imagination was currently trying to show him regarding a naked James next to a bed.
“SHIELD SHIELD, or Hydra SHIELD?” James said from above, voice slightly muffled.
“SHIELD SHIELD, as far as I can tell,” Tony said. “Fury himself is taking the lead, for now. But there’s always the question of what will happen after he wakes up, and I’m sure Hydra will be trying to weasel themselves into those plans.”
“True.” James jogged back down the stairs, his shirt clinging to damp skin and hair pulled away from his face. “So what do you think? Intercept before or after he wakes up?”
“After, I think.” Tony led him downstairs to the lab, where James had his own computer setup. He sat down at it and powered it on while Tony fired up the fancy coffee machine in the back of the room. “I mean, we have no idea how to thaw out someone safely, and no equipment to do so if we did.”
“True.” James pulled up the Hydra files and read the message that had sent Tony racing up the stairs, then started searching for the exact location of the Valkyrie and the NY SHIELD office to start planning. After a few weeks of fits and starts due to poor communication, they had finally settled into a good division of labor: Tony dug through the files for appropriate targets and when he had them, James would come up with the actual plan of attack. “The exfil will be a lot easier if he’s awake.”
Tony nodded and silence reigned for a long time, broken only by the sound of keyboards and James occasionally making notes. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep at his desk until James shook him awake and herded him to bed. He’d been having a dream about Captain America, some fuzzy half-remembered thing where the man was scolding him for something, then he had turned into Tony’s father and sent Tony to his room. You didn’t have to be a shrink to pick up on that symbolism, Tony thought as he fell into bed.
“You should get undressed,” James said and Tony froze, suddenly wide awake as his heart hammered. Did he really…?
“What?” He managed, rolling over to look up at James.
Who raised an eyebrow and pointed to Tony’s feet. “You’re still wearing the shoes we went hiking in,” he pointed out, and Tony let his head fall back against the pillows as his face got hot.
“Right,” he mumbled, and toed them off to fall on the floor. James was still standing there, looking expectant, so with a put-upon sigh Tony sat up and started peeling off the rest of his clothes as well.
“This is going to change everything, isn’t it?” he said as James started to leave. “This thing with Cap?”
James hesitated at the door, the hand on the door frame gleaming in the dim light from the computers in the next room. “Get some sleep, Tony,” he said after a moment. “We’ll talk about it in the morning.”
There was that sick feeling again. Tony tossed his clothes in the corner and fell back into bed, and recited the digits of pi until he fell asleep.
By the time Tony woke up and stumbled up the stairs, James was awake and thankfully already making breakfast. He shuffled up to the kitchen table and muttered a thanks as James slid a cup of coffee across the table. James knew better than to attempt conversation before Tony was ready, so they sat and ate in silence until Tony was finally awake enough to say, “Any news?”
“Nothing much. They needed special equipment to break through the ice without destabilizing the plane and sending it to the bottom of the ocean,” James said between bites of pancake.
“So we’ve got time?”
“Little bit.”
“Got a plan?”  At that, James tilted his head back and forth in an eh, sort of motion. “What do you need?”
“More intel.”
Tony just grunted and finished off his coffee. If James still had questions they would be ready and waiting for Tony downstairs, and since they had time, Tony needed at least one more cup of coffee before dealing with that. He pushed away from the table and put his plate in the dishwasher, then refilled his coffee and sat back down while James kept eating. This was another good system that they’d figured out over the past year; James ate twice as much as Tony, at least, to power that supersoldier metabolism, which worked out because by the time James was done eating, Tony was finished with his second cup of coffee and they were both ready to start the day.  “Hey, where’s he going to sleep?” Tony blurted out without thinking, then cringed. “Nevermind, that’s a stupid question.”
James just shrugged as he used his last bite to sop up some maple syrup. “Dunno. One of us will have to double bunk with someone, or take the couch, or get another mattress. Does it matter?”
“No, of course not.”
But James was eyeing him thoughtfully. “Is that what you meant? Last night?”
“You said this was going to change everything.”
“Oh.” Tony looked down at his coffee cup to avoid James’ eyes. “I, uh, I meant we’re not going to be able to fly under the radar anymore, you know? After stealing Captain America out from under SHIELD and Hydra’s noses.”
“True.” As James picked up his plate and put it in the dishwasher as well, he said, “You should call him Steve. We’re rescuing Steve Rogers, not Captain America.”
Right. Of course. Like Tony could forget that James and Cap- Steve had a past. “Yeah, sure, sorry,” Tony muttered, taking a sip of coffee against the sour taste in his mouth. “I’ll head downstairs and get started on that intel.”
Once downstairs, he could see why James had left these questions to him. Questions like finding the building plans for the SHIELD facility and learning which personnel were going to be assigned to Steve were going to take some hacking to find out. Fortunately, when it came to SHIELD, Hydra was already infested in their systems, and Tony had a backdoor to Hydra, so by lunch time he was jogging back up the stairs to tell James what he’d found and almost tripped over a Barret MK22.
“Careful,” James said, sitting at the center of what looked like an explosion in a firearms factory. “I thought you’d be down there for longer.”
“Packing for the trip?” Tony asked, stepping carefully around the sniper rifle and picking his way through the rest of James’ collection towards the kitchen.
“Planning. Trying to figure out what we might need to pick up before we go.”
“I got that info for you, if that helps your planning.” Tony took one of the many frozen meals out of the freezer and popped it in the microwave. “Looks like they are keeping this information pretty close to the chest, which is good for us. Not going to be a lot of attention on him when it comes time to do our thing.” James only made an absent noise, clearly still lost in thought as he stared at a stack of C4, so for a while there was only the humming of the microwave until Tony got impatient and opened the door early. “I’ll be downstairs,” he told James as he grabbed a fork and gingerly picked up his molten hot lasagna.
“I’m coming,” James said, getting to his feet with a smooth, easy motion that made Tony feel every one of his years. Tony settled down in his computer chair as James stood behind him, leaving Tony with a prickling awareness of how close he was. Tony took a deep breath to steady himself and pulled up the report he’d slapped together. First was the building plan, and after it got James’ nod of approval Tony sent it to the jumbo printer because he knew that James liked to work off of hard copies. Next was a series of internal shield memos proposing a variety of plans for what to do when Steve woke up, and James snorted derisively as he read them. “Not a single one of these people know anything about Steve, do they?”
“I mean, only what they learned from history books, I guess. What would you do?”
“You mean what am I going to do? I’m going to say, ‘Wake the fuck up, Steve, we gotta get out of here now follow me.’”
Tony laughed and saw James’ mouth curl up at the corners. “Simple and effective. I like it.” Since SHIELD was still trying to decide its plan of action, Tony dismissed the emails and started pulling up the personnel list.  Like he’d said, it wasn’t long; SHIELD was playing this one close to the vest for now.
“Wait.” Tony immediately stopped scrolling as James leaned over his shoulder, smelling like shower soap and gun oil. “I know her,” James said, frowning. He pointed at the redhead. “Who is she?”
“Well, her SHIELD ID says Natalie Rushman,” Tony said. “Is she Hydra?”
“No…” James said slowly, eyebrows drawing together as he tried to remember. Many of his memories had come back surprisingly quickly once they’d escaped Hydra, making for some really touch-and-go moments in the early months as James had often woken up screaming from nightmares and had wandered around the cabin hollow-eyed and haunted. Going into the woods had been his escape in those days, and he’d only told Tony what he was up to after Tony had gotten cabin fever and decided to go for a hike and figure out what all the hype was about with fresh air and nature. “I think I shot her once.”
“Think she’d know your face?”
“Maybe.” Tony could tell that James was still frustrated by the almost-there memory so he left the image up on the screen for him to stare at.
“That’ll be a complication, since she’s part of his reintegration team,” Tony mused. “Strangely enough, I guess that means between the two of us, I’ll be the one least likely to be recognized. Not something I ever thought I’d say.”
“Oh, yeah? Why’s that?”
“Um…” Tony squinted at James and realized that obviously James wouldn’t know much about Tony’s past, other than what he’d told him or what James would have seen in the Hydra files. Especially if it hadn’t occurred to James to look him up on the internet, which he guessed was possible. “I was, uh, kind of a celebrity.”
“What for? Were you a movie star or something?”
Tony made a face. He didn’t want to admit that he was mostly famous for a series of sex scandals to someone who had personally known Captain America. “Nothing good,” he said finally. “Stupid stuff.” No chance James wasn’t going to Google him now, but at least he wouldn’t have to explain to James’ face why there were so many pictures on the internet of him naked. Thankfully, James just shrugged, apparently willing to leave it at that, so Tony quickly went through the rest of the items on James’ list. There was also no further updates on the efforts to get Steve out of the ice, so they were officially in Tony’s least favorite part of any operation: the hurry up and wait part.
With nothing else to do in the lab, Tony set JARVIS to keep an eye on any further communication and followed James back up the stairs. Since the couch was the only part of the living room that wasn’t covered in some kind of weapon, Tony perched on it and turned on the TV while James organized his collection. Making sad noises at James got him his forgotten lasagna from downstairs with the low, low cost of grumbling and an eye roll, leaving Tony to have a pleasant couple of hours hanging out in companionable silence with James. At some point, James had changed position to lean against the couch while sitting on the floor, which had meant that his back was pressing against Tony’s leg, warm and solid and something Tony only thought about every 15 seconds or so for a solid hour.  
“I was thinking about what you said earlier,” James said after a while, sitting up and sadly moving away from Tony as he started to put away the weapons, sorting them into piles and returning some to their hiding places. “About this operation breaking our cover.”
“Your suit. Could you make it flashy?”
“Flashy?” Tony echoed in confusion. He had a couple of suit builds now, based on the various types of missions they went on, but all of them were matte black and had a rubberized exterior to reduce the noise and radar profile. “I mean, sure, that wouldn’t be hard. But why?”
“Our best bet might be for you to create a distraction, and I think you zooming down 5th Avenue would be a good distraction.”
Tony stared at him, stomach turning as his whole body went hot and cold with fear. “No,” he said shakily, turning away from James and sliding further into the couch, staring resolutely at the TV screen. “No fucking way.” Tony pulled the blanket tighter around himself, curling into a ball. Everything depended on him not being seen, on Hydra not knowing he was alive. Everything. How could James not know that? Was Tony supposed to jump at the chance to sacrifice himself for Steve? Because one look at the suit and Hydra would know, Stane would know, and then– then-
A sudden warm hand on his shoulder made him jump and lash out. When his hands only met hard muscle fight turned to flight and he scrambled away. But as he tried to get to his feet he tripped over a blanket and hit the floor hard, knocking the wind out of him. His heart was pounding in his ears but eventually he heard James talking to him, saying “Tony, fuck, I’m sorry, I didn’t realize, just wait,” and that was like a bucket of water to the face. He realized he was sweating and his breathing was fast and shallow, and as he looked up at James he felt the hot crawl of humiliation.
“I’m fine,” he said shortly as he climbed to his feet. “I’m going to take a shower.” He could feel the pressure of James’ eyes and his silence against his back as he went to the bathroom and closed the door behind him. He shook for a while, leaning against the bathroom door, before he finally managed to turn on the shower.
The awkwardness lasted until dinner, with James clearly wanting to say something but unsure how to bring it up, and Tony too embarrassed to meet his eye or give him an opening. Thankfully, JARVIS gave them an update halfway through dinner, and the tension eased as conversation turned towards their plan. Since James had cooked, Tony reluctantly got up to do the dishes, only to have James gently crowd him away from the sink. “You need to get ready for the mission,” James pointed out, which was a flimsy excuse because it didn’t take that long to get the suit ready to go now that Tony had figured out how to make it deploy from something the size of a suitcase, but Tony didn’t argue. He hated doing dishes.
It was also better than staying upstairs and risking that James would say something, so he went downstairs to prep the suit. Once down there, though, he slowed as he approached the Mark VII, remembering James’ suggestion earlier. Though the thought still make his limbs feel weak and his heart race, he forced himself to sit down and consider the idea instead of running from it. He knew what James had been trying to suggest; he could get the attention of the police and any SHIELD agents in the area and draw them away from James while he rescued Steve. He could even put a few holes in the building to cover their escape then disappear as soon as they were clear. It was smart, it was simple, and it was fucking terrifying.
Though there was no escaping the fact that Tony had put in a lot of effort making sure Hydra would think he was dead, and this was going to undo all of that work. “Fuck,” Tony groaned, digging the heels of his hands into his eyes. It wasn’t like James wasn’t risking everything, too, but apparently he was willing to let Tony take the cowards way out even if it made their plan harder. “JARVIS,” he said finally, voice muffled behind his hands. “Warm up the machines, we’re modifying one of the suits. We’re changing up the armor.” What was an eye-catching color? Probably red, a bright red. All the better to wave himself in front of the metaphorical bull. But all red would look like shit. “Red and gold,” Tony said finally. “Make me a mockup of the armor in red and gold.”
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swagpeachperfection · 3 years
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Here is my in-depth The Smoothie Diet review. I hope most of the people reading this can relate me along with me! From my childhood itself, I was a bit chubby, but that I found cute and never cared off. After that, I joined my college and my lifestyle changed drastically. Staying awake late nights, eating unhealthy junk foods.
Late-night study during the examinations, all these habits led me to put on weights. More weight. But I hardly cared. After my graduation, like most people, I too have desk work. After our office, we hardly get any time or energy left with going to any fitness regime.
The Smoothie Diet Review: 21-Day Smoothie Diet Plan For Weight Loss!
Munching on fast foods as they are easily available and cheaper. People never realize things until they experience things. Once I went for a regular checkup, and I was diagnosed with high blood pressure and other severe chronic diseases. Now my life was at stake. And that’s when I realized I need to gear up and went through various articles and found The Smoothie Diet review.
Most of the diets followed starving, which I knew would lead me to eat more foods on the very next meal. But somehow while going through the internet I found this weird diet, which provided you with the daily vitamins and minerals you require, without involving cooking or other stuff- yes! The smoothie diet pdf. It may sound weird, but yes it really works.! Let us discuss more in The Smoothie Diet review.
==> Download The Smoothie Diet Program
About The Smoothie Diet Program
This is a type of food habit which really works for people who want to start their weight loss journey in a healthy manner. It works mainly for the people who are occupied in a busy schedule and face problems in preparing everyday meals. In The Smoothie Diet diet plan, you replace two of your main meals, preferably breakfast and lunch with smoothies.
The third meal you can have solid food, but keep in mind to have a lower calorie food. Scouts also allow a “cheat meal” every week, but only a few recommended ones, mentioned in The Smoothie Diet e-book. The Smoothie Diet is a 21-day cycle, power-packed with nutrition and vitamins and you can follow anytime you want to shed some pounds.
The ingredients of the smoothies may vary, mainly depending on fruits, vegetables, protein, and few healthy fats. Follow the recipes in the e-book to prepare your solid meal food. The meal should not be high in calories or else it not come up with the desired results. The Smoothie Diet guide also helps you with some high-fiber snacks and low sugar options.
The Smoothie Diet review contains two plans. The first one — “The Detox plan”, where you replace all your three main meals with healthy smoothies which keep you feel fullness all day long.
Another plan includes the 21-day plan where you replace two meals with a smoothie and have one solid food with a few snacking.
You can also modify sometimes, following a “flex day”- where you have a smoothie followed by two meals. But The Smoothie Diet pdf is not recommended for people having food allergies. So consult a doctor or get a regular checkup before starting a Smoothie diet for weight loss.
The Smoothie Diet Manufacturer
The Smoothie Diet Pdf was created by Drew Sgoutas, a certified Nutrition Expert and Health Coach. He believes in home cooking with all the real ingredients. He is the one who throws his heart and soul into success. And that what led to this revolutionary diet The Smoothie Diet program.
Pros and Cons of The Smoothie Diet Ebook
The Smoothie Diet involves having smoothies, which are mainly from fruits and veggies. They are usually low in calories and provide you with the daily phytonutrients, being a part of your healthy diet.
l Less counting on calories
As per The Smoothie Diet review, Most of the famous diets and weight loss programs count on calories. But as we are aware that fruits and veggies are lower in calories, you don’t need to get involved in counting the calories all day long. The recipes provided in the Smoothie Diet for weight loss program don’t involve much decision-making process which is an added advantage for all working people.
l Go easy with the shopping
This three-week diet plan covers the shopping list every week at the starting itself. The diet plan contains a broken-down shopping list helping you in your shopping. This makes your grocery store visit much easier during this 21-day smoothie diet plan. Apart from the above-mentioned pros, there are various studies showing the effectiveness and sustainability of the diet plan.
l Maintaining the micro-nutrients
Most of the smoothies have their calories from carbohydrates, and very little protein and fats. It is recommended to have a protein intake of at least 50 grams daily to maintain a healthy lifestyle. So the Smoothie Diet recommends getting the daily need from the snacks. Go through The Smoothie Diet review thoroughly before following the plan, or you may fall out. If you are replacing your meals with these smoothies make sure to get your fats and proteins. Try to add some chia seeds and flax seeds. They help to thicken up your smoothies as well as provide you with essential micronutrients. Get a good source of lean protein, those help you to build muscle, helping you to maintain a higher metabolism. Having various nuts and seeds in the snack may do the trick.
l High Sugar Content
This 21-day Smoothie diet contains a lot of fruits. Fruits are known to the natural source of sugars. There are many smoothies that call for the addition of honey and another sugar substitute, which only adds calories to them. So all these are not recommended to people having medical problems. A peanut butter smoothie is a healthy option as it’s protein-rich with no added sugars. Some of the smoothies are too thick to drink, so most people add juices to thin them down. But avoid doing so, rather add water to make it dilute or ice can be an alternative to thicken them up. Get the right amount of thickness without adding more calories by switching to alternatives.
l Time- taking
If you are staying at home, then making two smoothies can be a bit less pain in the ass, still cleaning up the bender each time you have one. And as a working professional. Having a smoothie in your breakfast is pretty easy, but what about lunch? You cannot have all the necessary ingredients when you are away from home. Right?
l Fails in the long run
When you start the Smoothie Diet, your body goes through a drastic change in cutting down the calories. As vegetables and fruits are lower in calories and also devoid of the essential proteins and healthy fats. Replacing solid meals with liquids may help you at the beginning and you may see noticeable results, but when you start getting into your previous daily diets, you tend to get weight again. So The Smoothie Diet e-book and The Smoothie Diet review suggest following the diet frequently, which is not always a healthy option.
Why The Smoothie Diet book is Useful, Is it a Scam?
Not only for weight loss. Your body sometimes requires detoxification. This 21-day smoothie diet plan will help you to follow a detox plan, removing all the impurities from your body. You feel light and energetic restoring all the lost minerals and vitamins.
It does no harm to your body. They are lesser in calories. Ramp them up with protein and healthy fats making them tasty as well as to get the added benefits from it.
The Smoothie Diet User reviews 2021
While surfing the internet, you will get a number of The Smoothie Diet customer reviews who received benefits following the diet. Not this, The Smoothie Diet ebook provides you with various case studies of the people following the diet plan and getting unexpected results.
==> Download The Smoothie Diet Program
The Smoothie Diet Reviews — Final Verdict
The Smoothie Diet ebook provides you with numerous recipes, but to see results you need to maintain the proportions. Make your habit to have a healthy smoothie once a day in the long run. Try to tally the calorie count and know how much you need to consume in every meal, The Smoothie Diet will save you from all the common weight loss mistakes.
Use strawberries, blueberries, and apples in your smoothies. They are rich in antioxidants. Try to have smoothies as well, including spinach and kale. They are rich in minerals, vitamins, and potassium as well. To make your smoothie thick try using ice. If you are a peanut butter lover, go for the powdered one, avoid the creamy spread. And for natural sweeteners add mangoes or bananas, The Smoothie Diet will keep you away from the extra fats and artificial sugar.
Last not, whether you want to lose weight, or just want to follow a healthy lifestyle. Download now, The Smoothie Diet pdf and ebook, and head toward the kitchen. The Smoothie Diet is not a scam, try it today and share your The Smoothie Diet review along with us! Happy dieting!
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
What is The Smoothie Diet?
It was a 21-day smoothie diet is an e-book prepared by Drew Sgoutas which contains a schedule and recipes for three weeks instructing what smoothies to be taken for each day.
Does The Smoothie Diet program good for weight loss?
This diet will help you shed approximately 2 or 3 pounds per week. You should expect to get rid of up to 50–70 pounds if you repeat this diet plan several times.
Are there any side effects by using The Smoothie Diet program?
No need to worry about any kind of side effects from the smoothie diet. Because there are no recorded side effects of the 21-day smoothie diet as it is prepared at home and is completely natural.
Why The Smoothie Diet is useful?
This program is not only for weight loss, but it will also help you to follow a detox plan, removing all the impurities from your body. You feel light and energetic restoring all the lost minerals and vitamins.
Who was the creator of The Smoothie Diet program?
The smoothie diet was created by Drew Sgoutas, a certified Nutrition Expert and Health Coach.
==> Download The Smoothie Diet Program
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No problem, kid
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Prompt: Fainting
@canonismybitch​ asked: CONGRATULATIONS ON 400 FOLLOWERS!!! Could I request Fainting for IronDad? (I'm a sucker for Peter whump ngl) also, pretty please could you add me to your tag list?
Thank you so much for requesting this, it was so fun to write! And as you already know by now, yes, you have been added to the tag list ;] 
Irondad Tag List: @phahbiyah​ @keep-a-bucket-full-of-stars​ @clevermuffinalmondpeach​ @stuck-in-a-fictional-universe​ @canonismybitch​ @freckledmountain​ @hold-our-destiny​ + @badthingshappenbingo​
Let me know if you want to be added or removed from the tag list!
TWs: Fainting obviously, some negative self-talk, and while no one has an eating disorder in this fic, I do describe his hunger a lot so if you're triggered by that you may want to be careful
Read on Ao3
Peter hated gym. You’d think that after getting superstrength it’d be more fun, but it was honestly no better than before. At least, not since the “no food outside the cafeteria” rule had been implemented. Apparently a lot of kids thought it was funny to hide food in cupboards so it would mold and rot in there, and the school banned eating any food outside the cafeteria. 
This wasn’t a big deal for anyone except for Peter. His enhanced metabolism burned so fast that Tony had compared it to Captain America’s, and Peter had to eat every hour to keep up with it. Hourlies, he called them. Normally you’d never see Peter without a snack in his hand, usually a special protein bar made specifically for his needs, but now Peter’s hands and belly were often empty. 
Especially in gym class. Gym was his last class of the day, which meant by now his lunch had been hours ago and his stomach was screaming with hunger. He’d tried to sneak food in the locker room but he was caught almost every time as apparently the lockers were the place the most rotten food had been found, so the teachers kept an extra close eye out. 
So here he was, running back and forth across the gym, his stomach rumbling so loud Ned could hear it beside him. 
“Jesus Peter,” Ned muttered as his belly gave a particularly loud growl. “Are you like, okay?”
“No, I’m fucking starving,” Peter said, rubbing his middle as it spasmed painfully. “God I hate this. It’s only been a week and I feel like I’m going insane.”
“This can’t be good for you Peter, you should really tell someone,” Ned said worriedly. “I really don’t like seeing you going hungry like this.” Peter gave a small chuckle as they started running again. 
“I tried, they didn’t listen to me. But I’m alright, I’m Spider-Man, a little hunger can’t stop me,” he said. But when his stomach rumbled so loud Peter saw a couple people glance at him, Ned raised his eyebrows. 
“Forgive me if I don’t believe that was ‘a little hunger’,” he said. Peter’s face went red and he looked away, quiet. Well, quiet except for his belly. 
They ran in relative silence for a few minutes, until somehow, Peter actually started to feel worse. Something he didn’t actually know was possible. 
His head started pounding and his vision began swimming lazily as a wave of nausea overtook him. Peter stumbled, and was buffeted to the side by several runners behind him, almost falling over until Ned caught him by the elbows. 
“Peter? Peter are you okay!?” he asked, the look of worry distorted in Peter’s eyes. 
“I-I think I’m gonna pass out,” Peter mumbled. Peter fell against the wall and slid into a sitting position, clutching his face in his hands as the world swam around him. 
“Shit, shit, I knew this was gonna happen,” Ned said. “Okay, let’s get you to the nurse.”
Peter nodded, and stood up. 
But suddenly, the world was black, and the biting hunger was gone. 
“Kid. Kid, wake up, c’mon Pete, let’s get you back to the tower,” said a voice, slowly pulling Peter back to consciousness. 
“Mmm?” Peter opened his eyes to find a slightly blurry, concerned face looking down at him. Tony. “Oh. Hey, Tony.”
The frown in Tony’s brow deepened and he made a noise of sympathy. 
“Jeez, you really are sick, aren’t you? Why did you go to school like this?” Peter raised his eyebrows. 
“They told you I was sick?” he mumbled, sitting up and massaging his stomach as the deep ache returned. 
“What else would they have told me?” Tony asked. Peter sighed and shook his head. 
“Let’s just go. I’ll explain when we get in the car,” he muttered. Peter pushed himself up with shaking arms and Tony gently put his hand under one of his elbows to help him up. 
“You’re shaking,” Tony said, concern now filling his voice. 
“I know,” Peter said grimly. “I just wanna get out of here.” Tony opened his mouth to say something, but decided against it and quickly started the process of signing Peter out of school. Peter sat at one of the chairs in the main office, hugging his backpack to his aching tummy, willing it not to growl in the quiet room. 
Eventually they were able to leave, and they made their way as quickly as they could to the car Tony had parked out front. Tony took his backpack and put it in the trunk while Peter eased himself into the passenger seat. He pressed his fingers deep into his belly as it cramped with hunger. 
“I know, I know,” he muttered to his stomach, hearing the trunk slam behind him. “We’ll eat in a little bit. Not long now.” Tony sat in the driver's seat a second later, and looked at Peter with concern. 
“Alright kid. Out with it, what’s going on?” he said, putting on hand comfortingly on Peter’s knee. Peter opened his mouth, but his stomach interrupted him with a loud growl. 
It was so loud Peter could feel the empty rumbles against his palms, and he closed his eyes in embarrassment and misery, curling in on himself and wishing he would sink into the earth forever. 
“Jesus… kid was that your stomach?” he heard Tony say, the sympathy in his voice making Peter’s ears turn red. 
“I-I haven’t eaten anything since lunch,” Peter muttered. “That’s why I passed out.” He suddenly felt his eyes start to sting. God this was such a stupid thing to cry about. He’s just hungry, this isn’t the end of the world, so why does he feel so awful?
“Oh, oh god Peter, okay, it’ll be alright kid, let’s just get you something to eat then, yeah?” Tony said, quickly starting up the car and driving out of the parking lot. Peter just nodded, unable to trust his voice to keep steady and trying his best not to let the tears spill from his eyes. It was another minute before Tony spoke again. 
“Why did the school tell me you were just sick? Why haven’t you eaten in so long, kid? We set up your Hourlies months ago, and with how you look right now I’d have a hard time believing you just forgot--”
“The school made a rule that we can’t eat outside the cafeteria. So the only times I’ve been able to eat are before school, at lunch, and sometimes I can sneak something between classes in the bathroom if I have enough time. They probably told you I was sick because no one else has passed out from hunger yet, so they assumed I was just the idiot who decided to go to school sick,” Peter said, massaging his tummy as it continued to spasm and gurgle. “Though I have a feeling Ned told them what happened and they just ignored him. Teachers don’t tend to listen to us. I even tried to tell a teacher I had some sort of stomach condition so I had to eat more often, but they just started pressing for details and saying they wanted to get a doctors note and permission from Aunt May and all this shit and I just… honestly I just decided to give up and deal with it. Even though I know Aunt May would give permission, I can’t get a doctor’s note, and I hate the idea of being singled out as The One Kid who’s allowed to eat in class. That’s a great way to get everyone to have a grudge against you.”
“Jeez…” Tony said. “How long has this been going on?”
“A week,” Peter muttered. 
“Kid, are you telling me you’ve been going hungry like this for a whole week? Why didn’t you tell me?” he exclaimed. 
“I don’t know, I just… after getting told no by the teacher I just didn’t bother. I haven’t been able to focus or think all week and I just… I didn’t even consider it. I’m sorry,” Peter said. Tony sighed and gave him a small pat on the shoulder. 
“It’s alright, nothing to be sorry for, this isn’t your fault,” he said, turning into the parking lot of a McDonalds. “A couple Big Macs you’re thinkin’ kid?” he asked. Peter’s belly answered with a deep grumble, and Tony nodded. “Four then. With fries and a milkshake.” 
Peter nodded shyly, and Tony gave him an encouraging smile as he got out of the car and hurried to the building to order Peter’s food. 
Peter took a deep breath, curling in on himself and hugging his stomach, clenching his teeth as more tears stung his eyes, eventually spilling out and rolling down his face. 
“Dammit, no, stop it, stop it stop it stop it, not again,” Peter muttered, wiping his eyes furiously on his sleeves. 
Peter had cried almost every day since the ban had started, and honestly couldn’t figure out why. The first time happened at lunch, and he was barely able to keep his composure before rushing to the bathroom and bursting into tears. Another time had actually been at breakfast oddly enough, Aunt May had almost had him stay home from school. The time before now had been yesterday when he got home, tears rolling silently down his face as he dragged several containers of food out of the fridge. 
“Stop it, what’s wrong with you, you’re fine, stop being so stupid Peter, god. This isn’t something you cry over, you’re just hungry, you’re not dying, so stop being a fucking idiot--” The sound of the car door opening startled him into silence, and he looked up in surprise. 
“Alright kiddo, I got your food, I don’t often like using the ‘I’m famous’ card but considering the circumstances I thought we should be fast--” he cut off as he caught sight of Peter’s face. “Oh Pete, are you crying?”
“No! No, I-I’m fine, it’s stupid, I--”
“Hey, it’s alright, it’s okay,” Tony said softly, sitting down and shutting the door. He held out the bag and Peter felt his mouth watering fervently as the smell hit his nose. His belly clenched hard and he quickly took the bag, trembling fingers wrapping around the greasy burger and opening it. 
The first bite sent Peter’s tummy into a frenzy, begging loudly for more, which he was all too happy to oblige. He started breathing heavily as he stuffed more food into his mouth, the tears spilling out of his eyes causing small whines of frustration between bites. 
And the tears only increased when Tony smoothed a hand on his back and started whispering words of comfort to him. 
“It’s okay buddy, you’re gonna be alright,” he said softly. Peter finished the burger a minute later, and he sat for a moment, eyes squeezed shut, gripping his knees and taking several slow, deep breaths. He was nowhere near satisfied, he still had three burgers, fries, and a milkshake left after all, but he finally felt well enough for the tears to ease a bit and let him speak. 
“I… I’m sorry I cried like that, I don’t know what’s wrong with me--”
“Woah, hey, no it’s okay to cry Pete, you’re alright,” Tony said, rubbing more circles into Peter’s back. 
“Yeah, I know, it’s just I don’t do that usually, but I’ve just been it doing all week and I don’t understand--”
“Peter, you haven’t been able to properly eat for a week. That really messes with you, both physically and emotionally. Your body and mind are overwhelmed and honestly, when that happens, you cry. Anyone who’s in your position would feel the same,” he said. Tony moved his hand from Peter’s back and put it under his chin, coaxing him to look up. “It’s okay, kiddo. You’re not being irrational. You just get some more food in your belly, and I’ll get us home, okay?”
Peter sniffed and nodded with a watery smile. Tony brushed a tear from Peter’s cheek and smiled back before starting the car. 
Peter finished another burger by the time they got to the tower, now feeling well enough to walk without his knees shaking. When they got to the living quarters they sat on the couch together, Peter tucked safely under Tony’s arm, munching happily on his burger and dipping his fries in his milkshake while they watched Star Wars. Peter went to sleep with his stomach heavy and full of food, and when he went back to school on Monday, the ban had been lifted for reasons nobody seemed to know. 
Peter sent Tony a thank you text that morning, crunching down happily on a granola bar in homeroom. 
No problem, kid.
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Loved your take on the angsty HCs! If nobody's asked you yet, can you do the domestic version as well? :) thank you!
Thank you so much, they were really fun!! Here’s the domestic one! 🥰
Who reaches out to new neighbors
Chloe. She’s always been the more sociable one of the two, and she’s the one that suggests that they have the new neighbours across the hall over for dinner. Beca of course complains about this, right up until she realises that one of her new neighbours is being dragged into this as much as she is and they bond over it. After the third time that Beca comes home from the bar after a night out with them, Chloe gets her to admit that it wasn’t a bad idea after all.
Who remembers to buy healthy food
Chloe. Beca would live on a diet of pizza and chips if she was left to her own devices, citing her busy schedule at work. Chloe makes a point of buying vegetables and fruit and other healthy snack foods so she can make healthy lunches for Beca to take with her, and tries to cook healthy stuff for them as often as possible for dinner.
Who remembers to buy junk food
Beca. Chloe tries so hard to get Beca to eat right, to convince her that she won’t have this amazing metabolism forever, but Beca just really likes pizza... It’s Beca that brings home chips, ice-cream, candy, takeout etc, and although Chloe rolls her eyes she doesn’t really mind. She enjoys watching Beca act like a big kid when she’s trying to subtly sneak a bag of chips into her home office to eat whilst she works.
Who fixes the oven when it breaks
Beca, although she never fixes it if anything she just makes it worse. Chloe knows that Beca is the least handy person on the planet, but god is it hot when she has a tool in her hand and she’s kinda sweaty from trying to fix something and her tongue is poking out a little with concentration. Chloe is handy on the other hand, and when Beca has got frustrated and given up, mumbling something about a bath and a glass of wine, Chloe will quickly fix whatever it is that Beca has broken and then congratulating a baffled Beca on being so handy. Why tell her the truth when Beca feels good about fixing things and Chloe gets to see her little handy woman at work?
Who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
Beca, surprisingly and begrudgingly. Chloe loves getting houseplants and adopting pets, and isn’t that she gets bored of them, she’s just a little scatterbrained sometimes. So it falls to Beca to water the plants all over the apartment and feed and walk their puppy T (it’s short for Titanium but Beca refuses to call her that), because if anything happens to either the dog or the plants Chloe will cry and Beca reallllly doesn’t want that.
Who wakes up earlier
Usually Chloe because of the hours she works at the vet clinic and Beca gets in really late from work when she’s either been recording or producing at the studio. Chloe sometimes sets her alarm a little earlier than she needs to so that she can spend a few minutes just watching Beca sleep, watch as the early rays of the morning sun highlights Beca’s sleepy frown and the lighter colours in her hair, a few moments just to bask in the fact that she’s the luckiest woman in the world.
Who makes the bed
Chloe. Beca never made the bed in four years of college, why the hell would she start now? Chloe likes having the bed all nice and neat for her to come back to after a long day, but Beca doesn’t care if the sheets are scrunched up as long as she can go to sleep next to Chloe (she says to try and win Chloe over, but it’s predominately because she’s lazy).
Who makes the coffee
Beca. She can’t survive without coffee so she’s always the one that makes it for them, usually woken by Chloe kissing her cheek which despite her protests is absolutely Beca’s favourite way to wake up. Beca usually takes her coffee back to bed after Chloe has gone to work, but she doesn’t mind getting up to make it for Chloe in her to-go cup before she goes to work. Because any time she gets to spend with the love of her life is worth it, no matter how early it is.
Who burns breakfast
Beca. She loves trying to make Chloe food, especially on big days like Chloe’s birthday, Valentine’s Day, or their anniversary, but it nearly always ends in a small kitchen mishap (and one time a small fire). Chloe loves that Beca cares enough to keep trying despite the fact that she knows it’s probably not going to go well.
How do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
Chloe kisses Beca’s forehead after they’ve had coffee and breakfast together before stroking her cheek with her thumb, pausing quietly for a second before saying: “I love you, have a great day.”
Beca is usually the only one home when she leaves for work so she simply texts Chloe that she’s got to work safely. But, when Beca’s on tour or has to be in early for a board meeting etc she wraps her arms tight around Chloe’s waist, kissing her and says: “I’m the luckiest woman in the whole damn world, I wish I didn’t have to leave you ever again.” (Because, at heart, Beca is a huge softie).
How do they greet each other when one of them gets home
Beca is usually the last one home, and with the late hours she spends in the recording studio Chloe is more often than not asleep. So Beca quickly changes and gets into bed, slipping her arms easily around Chloe’s waist and resting her head on Chloe’s shoulder after she kisses her softly. Chloe usually stirs a little and mumbles something along the lines of “You’re home, I missed you...” to which Beca simply smiles and responds: “Go back to sleep Chlo, I love you.”
It’s rare for Chloe to get home after Beca, but when she does she always makes a big deal of it, running into Beca’s arms like something out of a rom-com. Beca always rolls her eyes but she secretly loves it. Once in Beca’s arms, she plants soft kisses all over Beca’s face until Beca eventually cries Uncle.
Who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
Beca. It surprised Chloe at first that Beca was such a romantic, but it’s never something she’s ever complained about. Beca not only brings home little gifts, but she also has them sent to the clinic on occasion with little notes like: “I miss you when you’re not right here next to me” and when she’s away on tour Beca makes sure to send something at least once a week. But Chloe’s all time favourite gifts from Beca? Those would be the little USB sticks that arrive in little gift boxes with mash ups and playlists that Beca has made her, because Chloe knows that music is Beca’s love language.
Who picks the movie for movie night
Chloe. Beca hates movies, and when she was with Jesse she hated them more than normal because he used to force the issue. But when Chloe suggests a movie Beca minds less because she knows that Chloe won’t spend the whole time watching her for her reaction to it, she just wants to spend time with her. This doesn’t mean that Beca doesn’t protest when Chloe picks a rom-com or roll her eyes through a boringly predictable crime thriller, but she secretly loves watching movies with Chloe, not least because it means she gets to cuddle up with her on their sofa.
Their favorite kind of movie to watch
Chloe knows Beca hates them, but she loves a rom-com, and about the only film that Beca will sit through with relatively little complaint are slasher horror films which Chloe watches from behind a pillow. One night, Chloe suggests a compromise of sorts: they watch Hocus Pocus (it’s a halloween film, but it’s also a comedy). Beca protests to begin with, but she loves it (who doesn’t?) and now it’s there go to film every movie night, it never gets old.
Who first suggests a pillow fort
Chloe because at heart she’s still a little kid who loves doing little kid things like making pillow forts. Beca rolls her eyes and teases her about it, but she loves Chloe’s childish side, loves the childlike wonder she has so eventually relents.
Who builds the pillow fort
Beca. She gets really into it much to both hers and Chloe’s surprise and it becomes an elaborate fort. When Chloe asks Beca why she got so excited about it, Beca blushes deeply and admits that between being an only child and her parent’s divorcing, she never had anyone to build pillow forts with. Chloe thinks it’s adorable, and makes a point of building a fort every month. It’s in a pillow fort that Chloe asks Beca to marry her, it’s in a pillow fort that Beca tells Chloe that the IVF took, and it’s in a pillow fort that they tell their daughter that she’s getting a sister.
Who tries to distract the other during the move
Beca. Unless it’s Hocus Pocus, Beca usually has very little interest in the movie they’re watching. She spends most of the movie kissing Chloe’s neck, nibbling her earlobe, brushing her fingers along the inside of her thigh. Chloe always tries her best to ignore it, but Beca has always had this spell binding effect on her, and Chloe can’t remember the last time they got through an entire movie.
Who falls asleep first
Beca. On the rare nights that they’re getting into bed at the same time, Beca always wants to stay awake and talk, listen, hell just look at Chloe and savour this time together, but something about being in Chloe’s arms in their bed soothes her and relaxes to the point where she falls asleep almost instantly, feeling safe and content in Chloe’s embrace.
Who is big spoon/little spoon
It alternates. Typically it’s Beca that’s the little spoon, she is the shortest after all, but when Chloe has had an especially bad day at work when she’s had to put down animals or deal with terrible owners then it’s Beca that’s the big spoon as she comforts Chloe and presses kisses into her hair.
I loved these, they were super fun!! Thanks mate!! 🥰💖
Send me a ship and I’ll give you my angsty or domestic headcanons!
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selfcareparker · 4 years
hi! I'm not sure if you've ever gotten any requests that involve peter's super fast metabolism so I thought I'd send one! it's kind of based on an episode of 'The Office' lol but stark!reader's pregnant with peter's baby and basically her and peter's eating schedules sync? like, they'll eat all their regular meals together and then there's the 1am 'second dinner' they eat in bed or 'mid-morning snack' that could technically count as a lunch for normal people lol
I love love loved the idea, I’m sorry this is so messy fdsksj-
At first you’re embarrassed by it
Peter is Spider-Man and it makes sense for him to be overly hungry as he has a faster metabolism
He‘s talked to Bruce about it before and it‘s all normal considering the other enhancements Peter experienced after being bitten
But you…?
You know pregnant women crave more food, but not like this?
We‘re talking 5 meals a day plus one to two snacks between every one of those meals
The first week that you sneak into the kitchen after Peter when he gets up in the middle of the night, you’re nearly ashamed
But once Peter realises that your hunger is probably going to last for a while, he just automatically starts making two portions, when he eats during the night or has his meal between lunch and dinner
He also makes it a routine to satisfy you after every meal. You don‘t just need more food, you also need more dick and Peter is glad to provide whatever you need
“I’m getting fat”
“That just means there’s more of you for me to love”
Though Peter doesn’t want you to feel bad about your eating habits no matter the reason, you still go to Bruce to verify that this is normal
Your dad’s there with you - he’s going to be a grandad, of course he’s interested too
And you want Bruce to tell him your cravings for food are normal so Tony and the rest of the team can stop teasing you about eating more than the Hulk probably would
He starts listing the normal changes during pregnancy, nausea, changes in appetite, higher sex drive—
And you regret ever bringing Tony
Bruce isn’t keen on talking about your increased vaginal lubrication either though, so he starts telling you how normal it is that your food intake is higher, but even more so with a Spider-Baby incoming
Peter melts when you start calling your baby that
So yeah, if you’re feeling a little tired, you and bed in breakfast are best friends
It also means Peter can make you feel good right after you’ve eaten your last bite, and you don’t have wait until you’ve done the dishes and gone back to your room because there’s always some Avengers lingering around
But when you’re in a good mood, Peter takes you out for (huge) picnics
He adores how your belly is getting bigger
He adores spending so much time with you
Eating food with you
And eating other things
(Idk what this is I’m so sorry)
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winter-turtle · 3 years
House Of Wolves - Chapter 2 - Winterturtle - Multifandom [Archive of Our Own]
Tony being human disaster.
Chapter 2: Endeavors And Disasters
The moving came as a surprise to Peter. Stark just showed up a few hours after dropping him off in his cell and then took him here. Instead of the dull grey, the walls here were white, not to mention without stains of suspicious origin like when Peter’s family was forced to squat somewhere and there was an actual bathroom this time. The only downside was that there was no door, but it was still a whole separate room.
Peter kept thinking about the interrogation session ever since it ended. It’s been hours and he couldn’t figure out what had possessed him to reveal his name, but he saw no real harm in it.
For all the world knew, the Parker family’s been dead for years. There was nothing in their name; no bank accounts, no cards, no phone numbers, so they really couldn’t link anything to them. Not even his parents’ clients didn’t know their real names as there was always different name per client. Only codenames remained the same.
And hey! For all the Avengers knew, he could have taken an advantage of a missing family’s identity-
The door opened, pulling Peter out of his musing.
“What the- why are you on the floor?”
Peter lazily blinked. “The mattress is too soft. I feel like I’m about to sink,” he replied flatly to very concerned-looking Stark.
“Uh, yeah, right,” the man rubbed the back of his neck in the same manner like Peter did when he was about to get sensory overload, “we can get a harder mattress if that’s what you prefer. Just please don’t sleep on the floor.”
Funny. Peter was used to sleeping on the floor. Though he preferred sleeping curled in the corner, sticking to the ceiling. He wasn’t sure if his spider part was responsible for that particular habit, but he felt the safest there.
Unfortunately, the option to sleep on the ceiling was taken away from him.
“What do you want?” Peter asked, not getting up from his spot. It was time for breakfast and yet he didn’t see any plate in the man’s hands. So, that’s how it was gonna be. Interrogation without-
Stark pointed to the hall behind him with his thumb. “Breakfast. Let’s go.”
Wait, what?
Peter sat up, confused. “Where?”
“The magic place where food is usually prepared and eaten, also known as,” he drummed his fingers in the air in dramatic pause, “the kitchen.”
The mechanic threw his head back. “Do you want to eat or not?”
Peter did, so he obliged.
Expecting the familiar force to pull his wrists behind his back, Peter put on his best defiant face. But nothing happened. Instead, Stark motioned for him to leave the room. Peter did and still nothing happened.
Were the bracelets faulty or something?
“Well, are you coming?”
“Didn’t you forget something?”
“Hmm, nope, I don’t think so,” Stark said as he walked, not waiting for the boy.
“Why isn’t he concerned about leaving me unrestrained?”Peter thought, going for light jog to catch up, confusion painting his features.
Pleasant smell wafted through the air the closer they got to the kitchen. Peter’s expression shifted into badly concealed curiosity. He sniffed the air once, twice, concluding that whatever was being made there, it smelled good enough to make his mouth water.
They entered and Peter could swear he saw several flashes of shocked expressions coming from the Avenger seated at the table before Stark had the chance to announce their presence. Rogers, standing in front of the stove, was the first one to break out from the stupor. He plastered his typical patriotic smile on his face. “Good morning, Peter.”
Peter gave him an unimpressed look in return. Stark motioned with his hand at the table, his hand barely missing Peter’s back.
His instincts briefly took over, making him stiffen in anticipation of the pain and ready to fight.
Peter, shoulders falling in relief when no touch came, took the nearest free chair, which was between Wilson and Barton. Barnes was opposite of him, looking at him in the way that kind of reminded Peter of the looks Stark sometimes gave him. “What?” he snapped.
Barnes’ expression shifted, this time into one that Peter recognized. Guilt. “Nothing. Sorry,” he mumbled, quickly averting his gaze.
Narrowing his eyes in suspicion, Peter kept staring at the man until Rogers placed a plate in front of him. “Here you go.”
All words died on his tongue, his eyes comically wide when he looked down. He hoped nobody noticed, but holy shit.In front of him laid nicely stacked perfectly round pancakes. And those were no regular pancakes.
They were chocolate chip!
His mouth began to water even more. Peter was basically an acid when it came to sweets. Chocolate was a rarity in his life. He only got it for special occasions like his birthday or if he did exceptionally well on a mission, or when he managed to find enough loose coins on the streets.
Peter dug right in. The heavenly taste of the chocolate spread across the tongue, the fluffy texture making it feel like he was chewing on a cloud. Hands down, these were the best pancakes he’s ever eaten. Honestly, they were so good it could make him start to consider switching the sides.
Kidding. He would never betray his parents. But the pancakes were still good.
“Do you like them?” Rogers asked.
Peter’s head snapped up, his stuffed cheeks dusting pink once he registered amused looks of the Avengers. “Yeah,” he forced out around the food before swallowing, “they’re alright. Thanks, Rogers.” Because he got some manners after all.
The man winced. “Just call me Steve, son.”
“Sure thing. Let me try again then. Thanks, Call-Me-Steve.”
Barton snorted, choking on the food in the process. Romanov slapped his back while, her mutter of the word ‘dumbass’almost drowned out by others’ laughter.
“Ah, you little shit,” Stark said as he wiped a tear from his eye, “I like you. Want some more pancakes?”
Peter shrugged, but mentally cheered. “Yeah, sure, whatever.” And sooner than he thought, he made it through another plate. Then he was offered another refill and then one more.
But… there was something odd to the taste. Something Peter couldn’t quite place, but it made his mouth a bit tingly. In the end, he just wrote it off as not being used to that much sugar and who knew what kind of special and expensive ingredients they could afford to buy.
He was halfway through the fourth serving when the questions started.
“Damn, do you have a bottomless pit instead of your stomach or something?” Stark asked. “I swear I’ve never seen someone keeping up with Rogers and Barnes when it comes to eating.”
Peter briefly considered pros and cons of telling the truth. Last time he gave them a piece of information about himself, he got an upgrade in accommodation. Maybe he’ll get another upgrade after this? Well… it was worth a try. “No, just fast metabolism.”
“How much food do you need?” Romanov asked.
Peter snorted. “More than a single sandwich.”
“Why didn’t you say something?” Rogers asked.
Peter straightened his back and put on his most serious expression. “Hi, I’m Captain America. Whether you’re a student, or a soldier, there’s one thing that will always give you an edge,” he paused, one corner of his mouth rising slightly, “a hot lunch. You don’t have to be injected with secret government super soldier serum to have strong bones and muscles. A well-balanced diet is one of the best ways to keep your body healthy. The food pyramid will help you find the balance,” he finished with a mock salute before shoving another piece of pancake into his mouth. “You didn’t ask.”
Rogers grimaced. “They still show those?”
“Don’t know,” Peter shrugged. “I never went to school, but they’re all on the internet. But listen to me, Call-Me-Steve, what I’m trying to say is: save your PSAs for someone else, ‘cuz they sure as hell won’t work on me.”
Barnes chuckled, nudging Roger with his elbow. “What did you get roped into?”
“Okay, but am I the only one who finds it weird that he has the whole thing memorized?” Rhodes piped in.
“No, but I have different question,” Barton said as he leaned towards Peter, looking at him intently. Peter braced himself. Here it was. The questioning.
“What did Tony do to make you talk in just one sitting?”
Peter blinked twice. That was… surprisingly petty. “He’s… annoying. Don’t take me wrong, you’re annoying too, but he’s special brand of annoying.”
“Geez, thanks kid. I take that as a compliment.”
“So, you did it to shut him up?”
As it turned out, four plates were his limit. Peter released long, satisfied sigh. Wow. He didn’t remember the last time his stomach felt so full. He only got to eat that much before missions to ensure he was in top condition, which-
Peter frowned. Now come to think of it, he got no extra food before this mission.
“Kid… that’s called abuse.”
That was- no. No!
“…hurting their own children is not something normal parents do.”
There was no way they wanted to… get rid of him. No, they were just waiting for the right moment to strike.
“Same as they came for you in the past three weeks?”
Yeah, that had to be it. So, shoving away the statements that wormed their way under his skin and getting rid of that train of thoughts, Peter focused on the pleasant feeling of his full stomach.
It would be better if the strange tingling left though. It stubbornly lingered in his mouth even after two glasses of water. Oh well. He would trade the slight discomfort for full stomach anytime.
He was led back to his room when the Avengers started to clean the table. He didn’t mind, strangely.
Maybe… maybe they weren’t so bad after all.
Peter’s stomach churned. He wrote it off as being full after such a long time.
“See?” Tony held his head high, the proud feeling radiating off of him. “It worked.”
So early and he was already on a good track. The change of the room and good food – plus the new mattress, but that one had yet to arrive – were only the beginning. He just returned from the gym where he was putting everything that could be used as a weapon away. He assumed the kid would appreciate some physical activity after weeks of confinement.
“He wasn’t even his usual rude self! Well, for the most part. I think he was just cranky because he was hungry.”
“Don’t celebrate in advance,” Natasha warned, “or you’ll jinx it.”
“Me? Jinx it? Please,” Tony rolled his eyes. “I’m practically a lucky charm of this team. Seriously, what could go wrong?”
“Boss,” Friday’s voice came from the speaker, interrupting his boasting. “Peter has been throwing up for the past ten minutes.”
“You were saying?” Rhodey deadpanned after a moment of dead silence.
“Shut up.”
There was no sign of the kid or the pancakes when he opened the door to the kid’s room/cell. “Peter?” Tony called out. A dry heave coming from the bathroom prompted him to move.
The sight that greeted him made his expression fall instantly. The poor kid was hunched over the toilet, shaking like a leaf, his face pale and sweat plastering his messy curls to his forehead. “Oh, kiddo,” Tony said sadly. He kneeled next to the boy, placed his hand on Peter’s back and began to rub soothing circles on his back.
The kid tensed. “Don’t touch—” Another round of his stomach turning itself inside out cut off the threat.
Tony grimaced. Well, there were those pancakes. Reluctantly, he let go, hoping that his presence alone would be enough to provide at least some comfort. After what could have been three minutes, the heaving stopped.
“You assholes poisoned me,” the kid accused weakly.
“What? No, no, no,” Tony was quick to deny, “you were there with us, we all ate the same thing and we’re alright. There was no way someone poisoned you. Why would we ruin Cap’s famous chocolate chip and mint pancakes and made you sick?”
“Mint?! You- bleh.”
And the heaving was back. Honestly, Tony wondered how the kid managed to bring something up after he’s been praying to the porcelain goddess for so long. But… mint? “What’s up with mint?”
The sound of Clint smacking his forehead echoed in the small bathroom. “Spiders don’t like mint. Laura uses it to keep the little buggers out,” he added when the team sent him questioning looks. “And he ate four plates of those pancakes.”
“Leave,” the kid rasped out.
“Kid, I don’t think—”
“Leave!” Peter said more forcefully before he shoved his head into the toilet once more.
Tony, although reluctantly, stood up. “Okay.”
“Tones,” Rhodey let out soft protest.
“It’s no use now,” he mouthed. “Come on,” Tony said and ushered his teammates out, throwing concerned looks over his shoulder the whole time.
“I didn’t know he couldn’t eat mint,” Steve said once they were back in the hallway, his head bowed down.
“Neither did we, Steve,” Sam patted Steve’s shoulder, “neither did we.”
“I didn’t do that on purpose.”
“We know.”
Peter laid curled into a pathetic ball on the floor. The moment his stomach had nothing left to expel, he splashed his face with cold water and dragged himself as far away from the lingering smell as he could, which wasn’t exactly far. He rested his head on a pillow he’s pulled off the bed and he was here, breathing through waves of cramps.
He was so stupid, thinking that the group of heroes wasn’t that bad. Just look where that got him. His parents always said that he was too optimistic, too gullible and trusting. Ingesting mint used to be a punishment for him, although it’s been so long since there was a need to use it that he forgot how horrible it made him feel.
It was only when his stomach was painfully cramping that he realized that the tingly feeling in his mouth wasn’t because of the sugar, but because of the mint. It happened every time he brushed his teeth, though in much smaller extent, so he was used to it.
Peter released shaky breath, closed his eyes and buried his face further into the pillow. Sleep always helped, so that’s what he planned to do.
Unfortunately, the universe seemed to hate him because Stark walked in in that same moment, carrying a steaming bowl of something and an apologetic expression on his face.
“Hey,” he greeted softly.
“You again?”
Peter was tired. He wanted to rest. He didn’t have any energy left to argue with the billionaire.
“Kid, look. We had no idea this would happen, but I’m sorry anyway.” When Peter didn’t reply, he continued. “You said you have fast metabolism and there’s literally nothing in your stomach to give you energy. You’re also most likely dehydrated. So, here,” he said and approached the sad heap. “I got you home-made chicken broth to replenish those electrolytes and rehydrate you.”
“Electrolytes that you made me lose,” Peter gritted through his teeth. “Don’t want it.”
“Kid, please—”
Peter shot the man weak glare. “Go away.” Another wave of cramps hit his stomach, making him curl into even tighter ball, barely swallowing down a whimper.
If there was something the boy hated the most, it was showing weakness in front of an enemy.
He was aware of Stark’s eyes on him. The man sighed, then placed the ceramic bowl within Peter’s reach. “I will leave it here in case you change your mind.”
The lock clicked after that, leaving him alone at last. He dragged his eyes to the bowl and just watched the steam dance above it. It smelled great. But no, he couldn’t…
Or could he?
What if it was really just an accident? True, he never told them and he didn’t think they had any way of knowing either. So, maybe… just a sip… but he shouldn’t… was it really a good idea?
He hated these conflicting feelings.
Ah, to hell with it! If he threw up again, it’ll be his own damn fault this time.
Carefully, Peter uncurled himself, leaned his back on the wall, reached for the bowl and blew on it before taking a sip. The rich flavor combined with the warmth of the broth spreading through his body made him relax immediately and soothed his stomach.
When he deemed himself full enough, he put the bowl down, and curled back so he faced the bed. Watching the single forgotten dust bunny in the corner, he fell asleep.
Later, when Tony went to collect the almost empty bowl, he got on one knee and threw the blanket over Peter’s sleeping form. Watching the steady rise and fall of the kid’s chest, he carefully moved his hand towards the kid’s head and e began to run his fingers through the brown curls.
The action elicited a reaction, although not unpleasant.
The kid sighed in content and subconsciously leaned into the touch, making Tony smile. It was enough to givie him a confidence boost.
He could do it.
The day his stomach was turning inside out, Peter was left mostly alone. He slept through most of the day anyway, though when he woke up, he was confused about the blanket on him. He didn’t remember covering himself before falling asleep, which meant that someone, and he had a pretty good hunch who, did it for him. He found that weird.
Because why would anyone bother with making sure he was comfy? Back home, if he fell asleep without the blanket, he slept without the blanket. Simple as that.
Oddly, some part of him was… touched by the gesture. It was like something stirred in his soul. Something… something warm.
Sure, the thought of an enemy in the same room as him while he was vulnerable got him on edge, but at least he didn’t wake up cold.
The next day, he refused to leave the room. All attempts to coax him out fell flat. They were back to delivering the meals to him. Thankfully, there were no more sandwiches.
Yesterday, Stark brought him a book. Peter decided not to accept the gift/peace offering, but the boredom eventually won and he found himself reading it. He almost laughed when he spotted the knife on the book’s cover and actually barked out a laugh when he saw that the title.
Should they be giving him a book that was calledThe Knife Of Never Letting Go? Peter didn’t think so.
Though he quickly found himself rooting for Todd to get away from his hometown’s army and reach safety.
And now they were today, back at the coaxing.
“So, uh,” Stark squirmed under Peter gaze. It was strange to see otherwise confident man to act like this. “Do you want to go to the gym? To get some movement? Only if you feel up to it, that is.”
Peter, as much as he hated to admit it, didn’t think about the offer for too long. He would kill to get some actual movement. Those few squats and push-ups he could do in the privacy of the bathroom were nothing compared to his usual training regime. Plus, he didn’t want to get through the book too quickly since he wasn’t sure whether he would get another one.
“You’ll like it there,” Stark, obviously relieved, kept on babbling as he walked ahead of the boy.
Peter was baffled by the man’s decision of repeatedly exposing his back to him. It would be so easy to jump at him, even without his powers, and snap his neck and nobody would be able to do anything about it.
“I think you will be able to use the equipment our two super grandpas.”
“Yeah, whatever.”
But… Peter found himself not wanting to.
Why was Stark being so… so nice? There had to be some ulterior mo-
A sudden stabbing pain in his wrists had him stop dead in his tracks, tiny yelp escaping past his lips. Squinting, he brough his wrists up to his face to look at the bracelets.
A faint numbness began to spread from underneath them. A second later, a wave of lightheadedness washed over Peter’s whole body, making his limbs feel weak and his eyelids heavy in the process. He realized far too late what was happening.
“Oh, motherfu—”
He didn’t get to finish the sentence as his knees buckled. The world turned black just before he hit the floor.
“Come on, kiddo, open those Bambi eyes of yours,” Tony said as he frantically patted Peter’s cheek. How could he be so stupid?No, really. How? He was the one who designed the bracelets. He knew all about the functions included.
So just exactly how did he forget about the fail-safe?
The fail-safe that was specifically designed to inject quick acting sedatives into their wearer in case of an escape. Once they crossed a certain point – bam! It’s a night-night for at least an hour. More that enough time to collect the escapee.
“Man, how did you forget about the fail-safe?” Sam asked from where he was hovering over the duo on the ground, knowing he wouldn’t be much of an use in their current situation. He offered to spare with the kid in case he wanted to since Tony didn’t want neither super soldier sparring with now-average teen, though he doubted that Barnes would say yes if asked and fighting with Natasha could be interpreted wrongly after the horrific revelation.
“I don’t know, I just forgot,” Tony forced through his teeth before he resumed the patting. “Wakey-wakey, spider-baby, nap time’s over.” Lordy, he’s really done it now. Peter didn’t as much as stir.
Tony tapped Peter’s cheek a tad stronger. He hoped the action along with the kid’s fast metabolism will rouse him soon enough.
The minutes felt like the whole eternity, but finally, Peter began to stir.
“Pete? You with us?”
The kid looked painfully young as opened his bleary eyes, blinking several times to get rid of the hazy fog that was without a doubt shrouding his mind. “Wha…”
Tony’s shoulders fell with relieved exhale. “Oh, thank God. You okay?”
He didn’t know why he asked that. It was obvious that the kid was in fact not okay if his weak attempts to sit up were anything to go by. Tony put his hand on Peter’s back and gave him the boost, mindful to be as gentle as possible. One of the points to spark the change in the kid was to introduce him to a concept that not every touch had to be painful.
A concept that was no doubt alien to him.
“Don’t t—”
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, don’t touch me, I know,” Tony said as he put his hands up in surrender, but remained in vicinity in case the kid toppled over.
The whole process kind of reminded him of helping an overturned turtle.
“What the hell was that?” Peter asked, some of his usual snappiness returning.
“It was an accident, I swear! This was legitimately my bad. I,” Tony inhaled, “forgot to disable the fail-safe. I’m sorry.”
“A lot of accidents seem to happen ‘round you.”
Tony shrugged, wincing in the process. “What can I say? I’m very accident prone.”
Peter weakly smiled, mischief sparking in his eyes. “For a genius, you sure are a dumbass.”
“Thanks,” Tony deadpanned, “Once again, I take that as a compliment. But look,” he lifted up his watch brought up the menu and with a few presses changed the functions, “now you can roam the building all you want.”
The kid rolled his eyes, clearly not believing him, before making an attempt to stand up. He didn’t get too far before he, as Tony predicted, toppled over; right into Tony’s waiting arms.
See? Like helping overturned turtle. Drunk overturned turtle, but turtle nonetheless.
“Take it easy,” Tony said gently.
Peter pushed him away. “I’m fine. Let’s go to the gym.”
Much to Peter’s annoyance, he was deemed unfit to do any exercise after he struggled to remain on his feet. The process of getting to the common room was tedious and slow, mostly because he refused to accept help from either of the men.
He did pretty well with the wall alone, thank you very much.
With the gym out of the question, the movie night he learned was planned for later got turned into movie marathon. The group of heroes were milling around, busy with final preparations, while Peter nestled himself into the corner of a L-shaped couch, his slouched posture and displeased look radiating clear ‘don’t approach me’ message.
“I think,” Rogers said as he was reading something from his notebook, “Star Wars. I’ve been meaning to cross it off my list for a while now.”
“Finally!” Wilson muttered.
Peter tuned out the rest of the argument about how Rogers always took forever to pick when it was his turn and Rogers defending himself until a bowl of something white but nicely smelling was placed on his lap. “What’s that?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Popcorn,” Romanov said as she sat down with her own bowl.
“People usually eat that while watching movies,” Barton explained, smirking slightly.
“Wait, you,” Barnes joined in, awkwardly casual, “know what movies are, right?”
Stark sat down next to him “Ignore those idiots. They’re just teasing.”
Peter scowled, and for some reason unknown to him, switched to defense immediately. “You know, you all sure expose your backs to me a lot. I don’t think you realize how easy it would be for me to snap either of your necks.”
“Would it really?” Romanov asked, watching him sharply.
“Wouldn’t be the first time,” Peter replied, matter-of-factly.
Heavy silence settled over the room, all eyes on Peter as he popped a piece of popcorn in his mouth, tiny smile pulling at his lips.
Stark exhaled, quiet and shaky. “Fri, play the movie.”
Peter’s smugness soon turned into wide-eyed wonder as the movie enthralled him. He leaned forward whenever a lightsaber appeared on the screen and held his breath when the rebels were making the trench runs on the Death Star. His disappointment when the credits rolled was short-lived though. He learned there were several other movies, and since they were doing a marathon, another one was put on.
They were halfway through the third, or sixth, movie when Peter’s head lolled forward. The impromptu nap had to mess with him more than he thought, but he couldn’t fall asleep yet! He had to see how the story ended. When his head felt too heavy, he leaned it on the headrest and through sheer willpower, he kept his eyes opened.
It was only when the final shot of celebrating rebels turned into final credits he left them fall shut.
Peter was out like a light in an instant.
“He looks so innocent when he’s like this,” Bucky whispered.
“Hmm,” Clint hummed, his eyes sad. “It’s hard to imagine that someone like him killed someone. Do you think he really did it?”
Steve shrugged. “He admitted to it, didn’t he?” He turned to Tony. “I think it’s time—”
“To get him to bed?” Tony cut him off, “Yeah, I agree.”
“I’ve still got a little over a week, don’t I?” he snapped. “I didn’t take you for one to throw the towel in the ring when it came to someone. Not after Germany. Not after Siberia.”
Just as Tony expected, the reminder of the events made the man clam up. Call him a douche, but if playing dirty would get Steve off the kid’s back, then so be it!
Without another word, he bent down and carefully gathered sleeping spider-kid into his arms. Peter nuzzled himself closer and grabbed a fistful of Tony’s shirt, making tiny but involuntary smile appear on Tony’s face.
“Tones,” Rhodey grinned, “you’ve got a giant spider on you.”
Tony, grateful for the ice-breaker, rolled his eyes. “Hardy-har,” he said under his breath as he left the room.
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longitudinalwaveme · 4 years
A Pipe Dream
The Flash stars in: A Pipe Dream
Dramatis Personae
Wally West, the garrulous, impulsive, and friendly third Flash
Joan Garrick, Jay Garrick’s wife, who is patient, loving, and supportive of everyone
Iris Allen, Barry Allen’s wife, an inquisitive daredevil reporter
The Pied Piper, alias Hartley Rathaway, a Robin Hood-esque thief
The Top, alias Roscoe Dillon, an arrogant, elitist, and top-obsessed criminal
Weather Wizard, alias Mark Mardon, an overconfident, rather stupid robber
Heat Wave, alias Mick Rory, a dim, shockingly gentle pyromaniac
Act I
(Joan and Iris are onstage)
Iris: So, how’s Jay?
Joan: He’s doing well enough, I suppose, but, to be honest, I’m a little worried about him. He keeps claiming that he’s retired from crime fighting, but every time I turn around, he’s wearing that silly hat of his and racing off to fight bank robbers or carjackers or giant, murderous, telepathic gorillas. It was one thing when he was fifty, but now he’s 99 years old, and the doctors say that his heart won’t be able to take much more of his running at super speed.
Iris: What does he say about that?
Joan: That (strikes a heroic pose) “ it will be a pleasure to die in the line of duty.”
Iris: (Laughs) That sounds just like Barry.
Joan: I know, and it’s not funny. Our husbands spend so much time saving everyone else that they never stop to worry about themselves.
Iris: I guess that’s true-but hey, that’s part of what we’re here for, to make sure our husbands take some “me time” occasionally.
Joan: In speaking of husbands, how’s Barry?
Iris: He’s not doing so well. He came down with the flu a few days ago, and I’ve been going crazy trying to keep him from leaving his bed so that he can go fight crime.
Joan: Oh, I’ve had that happen with Jay before. Once, when he had pneumonia, he heard about a shoplifting ring, and I had to call in Ted and Alan-you know them as Wildcat and the original Green Lantern-to physically restrain him so that he wouldn’t leave the house to go stop them.
Iris: Well, I haven’t had to resort to calling the Justice League to restrain Barry yet, so things could be worse.
Joan: You’re right. Things could be worse. We could be having to deal with two sick speedsters each. Or a sick Superman!
Iris: Man, that would be a nightmare. I have no idea how that Lois Lane woman does it.
Joan: Maybe Clark just doesn’t get sick. After all, he isn’t a human, so maybe our diseases don’t affect him and he’s as invulnerable to getting sick as he is to everything else.
Iris: Maybe so.
(Enter Wally)
Wally: Hi, Joan. Hi, Aunt Iris. (Sneezes) How are you?
Iris: Hi, Wally. We’re doing all right. How are you?
Wally: I’m fine, but Linda and the kids all have the flu (Sneezes) and the twins also both have strep. (Sneezes) It sure is lucky that I don’t get sick, or we’d have a real mess on our hands.
Iris: Um, Wally, are you sure you’re not sick?
Wally: Yeah, I’m sure. (Sneezes three times) I never get sick. I had perfect attendance all throughout school, and you can check my records if you don’t believe me.
Joan: Can you at least try to take it easy, Wally?
Wally: I can’t do that! Jay’s retired and Uncle Barry has the flu, and someone has to protect the city! Besides, I can’t deny my adoring fans the chance to see me because I have a few sniffles. (Sneezes) I’ll be fine!
Iris: (To Joan) Is there a single superhero in the entire world who actually rests when they get sick?
Joan: Speaking from experience, I don’t think there is.
Wally: I said that I’m fine! (Sneezes) So, do you want to get lunch? I’m starving!
Iris: Wally, it’s 8:00 in the morning!
Wally: Okay, so let’s get brunch!
Iris: But I just ate breakfast!
Wally: I don’t follow. (Sneezes) I just ate breakfast, too, and I’m already hungry again.
Joan: Wally, dear, you have to consume 980,000 calories per day just to survive, so you have to eat almost constantly. We simply don’t have the appetite or the metabolism to keep up with you.
Wally: Oh, right. I forget that fact a lot-especially (Sneezes) since my kids inherited my metabolism and have to (Sneezes) eat even more than I do.
Iris: It’s all right, Wally.
Wally: So, um, do you want to go to McDonalds with me (Sneezes) and watch me eat? With Linda and the kids all sick, I’ve been cooped up in the house for a week, and I’m going stir-crazy!
Iris: I suppose so. After all, with Barry sick, I haven’t been able to get out much, either.
Joan: I’ll go, too. After all, if you really are sick despite your claims, someone needs to keep an eye on you so that you don’t run yourself into the ground.
Wally: Great! I love you guys so much, and I can’t wait to sink my teeth into (Sneezes) 340 Big Macs! I love McDonalds food!
Iris: (Shakes head) Never change, Wally. Never change.
(Exit All)
Act II
(The Pied Piper is onstage, playing an instrument. Enter the Top)
Top: Top of the morning to you, Piper.
Piper: Oh, good, you were able to make it. Did you have any trouble getting here?
Top: No. There is not a person in this city who would dare inconvenience the Top.
Piper: What about our friends in the red pajamas?
Top: Don’t make me laugh, Piper. The old one is feeble and retired, the young one is impulsive and stupid, and the only one that poses a threat has the flu, and therefore cannot be on top of his game. They could not bother me if they tried. What of you, my friend? Are you still in tip- top shape, or has your life spun out of control?  
Piper: I’m as fit as a fiddle, Roscoe. The Flashes have no reason to hunt down a peaceable man who steals money from drug lords and self-absorbed starlets and gives it to the poor. In fact, if I could only make them realize that the real villains are the members of the 1% who enrich themselves at the expense of the poor, we would be good friends.
Top: But I heard you were homeless?
Piper: I am.
Top: How, exactly, did that come to pass?
Piper: Well, after my last heist, I was going to buy an apartment for myself, but while I was on my way to buying it, I saw a very pregnant woman with two small children crying, and when I asked her what was wrong, she told me that she was trying to escape from her abusive boyfriend but that she had no money, and so I gave her the money and told her to use it to make a good life for herself and her children, and so I was unable to buy anything.
Top: You gave all of the money away?
Piper: Of course! They needed it more than I did.
Top: You, sir, are a fool. This is the fifth time that you have given up a permanent home to help some wretch-the fifth time!
Piper: Roscoe, you of all people should understand what it is like to be an outcast. How can you criticize my desire to help others that the world has forgotten?
Top: Because I am a genius, something that decidedly does not apply to the people for whom you constantly risk your freedom and your own safety.
Piper: Roscoe, my early life was spent in scandalous luxury, luxury that my parents took at the expense of the poor who helped build their empire. It’s only fair that I go without to help them now. (Pause) So, do you know if anyone else is coming to our little meeting?
Top: No. I do not concern myself with the behavior of lesser men like them.
(Enter Heat Wave)
Heat Wave: Hi, Piper! Hi, Top! Seeing you two really warms my heart! (Hugs Piper)
Piper: Mick, I love hugs, but…I….can’t….breathe!
Heat Wave: Oh, sorry. (Releases him)
Piper: Hi, Mick. How have you been?
Heat Wave: I’m okay. I was burning up with fever a couple days ago, but I’m all better now.
Piper: I’m glad to hear that. Do you know if any of the others are coming?
Heat Wave: Captain Cold won’t be here. He’s got a bad case of the chills , and besides, he’s still in prison, and so is Mirror Master. They say hi.
Piper: And what about Glider?
Top: My love is on vacation in the Bahamas. She won’t be able to come.
Piper: Wait. I thought you said that you didn’t know if anyone else could come!
Top: Did I? Oh. My apologies.
Piper: (To Heat Wave) Do you know if Digger is coming?
Heat Wave: He won’t be coming. He broke his leg and told me that he didn’t feel like messing with crutches when I brought him chocolate and flowers.
Piper: Okay, and what about Mardon?
Heat Wave: I don’t know. Last I heard, he was feeling a little under the weather.
(Enter Weather Wizard)
Wizard: Nope, I’m as right as rain!
Piper: Hi, Mark!
Wizard: Hi, Piper! Hey, Mick.
Heat Wave: How’ve you been? I heard you were sick.
Wizard: Nope. I’ve just been taking it easy.
Top: What a surprise.
Wizard: What’s that supposed to mean?
Top: It means that you are a lazy fool who hasn’t done a day’s work in his life.
Wizard: Am not! Why, I stole an entire tractor-trailer full of sports cars in an hour once!
Top: Yes, by sitting on your couch and allowing a tornado to detach the trailer from the cab of the truck and deliver the loot to your house.
Wizard: So? You can’t fault me for conserving energy!
Top: “Conserving energy”, my foot.
Wizard: What’s the matter, Top? Are you jealous of my power?
Top: No. I simply think it is wasted on a man who uses it only to commit petty thefts.
Wizard: (Raises weather wand) Petty? (Waves wand) I’ll show you petty! (Thunderclap)
Heat Wave: Whoa there, Mark, let’s not get hasty. I don’t want you to do something in the heat of the moment that you’ll regret-like destroying this building with all of us in it!
Piper: Mick’s right, Mark. It’s too dangerous to get into a fight here.
Wizard: (Lowers weather wand) Fine. But if you expect me to take his stupid comments forever, you’re chasing rainbows, Piper.
Piper: (to Top) Roscoe, please don’t antagonize Mark. You really don’t want him to make you face the music .
Top: I am not afraid of him, Piper.
Wizard: Well, you should be, because if you don’t start respecting me, our little truce will be nothing more than the calm before the storm!
Top: Whatever you say, Mardon. Whatever you say. (Pause) Shall we get down to business?
Heat Wave: Yeah, we should. Who has a plan for our next heist?
Piper: I do, actually, so if you don’t mind, I’ll be calling the tune on this job. You see, some friends of my parents are importing some very fine jewelery, and I think that those jewels will make for a tidy sum for the poor….
(Wally, Iris, and Joan are sitting at a table)
Wally: Boy, that was delicious! (Sneezes) I don’t care what Uncle Barry says-McDonalds has the best food in the world!
Joan: It isn’t exactly the healthiest food, you know.
Wally: Yeah, I know-but with the way I burn calories (Sneezes) , it isn’t going to hurt me any!
Iris: Um, I’m not sure that’s how it works, Wally.
Wally: Well, even if it isn’t, I’m young and it tastes good, so who cares?
Joan: I do, for one.
Iris: And so do I.
Wally: Good grief! When are you two (Sneezes) going to stop treating me like a little kid?
Iris: Wally, I watched you grow up. It’s going to take awhile for me to adjust-especially when you keep acting like a crazy teenager.
Wally: I don’t act like a crazy teenager! (Sneezes) I act like a crazy adult!
Joan: Wally, there isn’t much difference between a crazy teenager and a crazy adult.
Wally: Oh, yeah? (Sneezes) Prove it!
Joan: The Trickster.
Wally: Yeah, you’ve pretty much got me there. (Sneezes) Sorry I’m so annoying.
Joan: It’s all right. You’re not annoying most of the time, dear.
Iris: Just some of the time.
Wally: I love you guys. (Sneezes) So, what should we do next?
Iris: We could go shoe shopping. I’ve been needing a new pair of heels.
Wally: No! Not shoe shopping! Linda’s taken me on enough shoe shopping trips to last a lifetime! (Sneezes)
Iris: I was only kidding, Wally.
Wally: Good. Oooh, why don’t we get ice cream?
Joan: You can get ice cream. It probably isn’t a good idea for us to get it.
Wally: Yes! (Disappears, then returns with ice cream and cake)
Joan: Where did you get the cake from?
Wally: China. (Sneezes) They make everything there these days.
Iris: (Laughs) You ran all the way to China just to get cake?
Wally: Well, I was aiming for Hungary, but I overshot.
Joan: How did you overshoot Hungry? You have a full-time residency there.
Wally: Huh? (Pauses, then laughs) Oh, I get it! That’s hilarious, Joan!  
Joan: Why thank you, Wally. I think you and your aunt are rubbing off on me.
Iris: I’m glad we decided to do this. Barry’s a dear, but when he gets sick, he can be a bit of a nightmare.
Wally: Wait, Uncle Barry can be a nightmare?
Iris: Believe it or not, yes. Now, he’s not rude or whiny, but he keeps trying to leave his bed and stop crimes instead of resting so that he can get well, and it’s very irritating to make him stay put, because he gives me these really sad puppy dog eyes when I tell him to stay at home.
Wally: Hah! I knew he (Sneezes) had a weakness besides punctuality!
Joan: All three of you have that weakness, Wally.
Wally: I do not! (His phone rings) Sorry. I need to take this. (Pulls out phone) Hello, Commissioner? The Rogues? What are they doing? Mmm-hmm. Uh-huh. All right. I’ll be there as soon as possible, Commish! (Sneezes) You’re welcome. Good-bye. (Puts away phone) Sorry, guys, I’ve gotta run! The Rogues are trying to steal some jewelry, and I need to stop them.
Iris: No problem, Wally. Go get them!
Joan: And be careful!
(Exit Wally)
Iris: You know, just once, I would like to have an outing that isn’t interrupted by criminals, the Rogues, telepathic gorillas, or aliens who want to take over the world.
Joan: I fully agree with you, Iris. (Pause) Would you like to go shoe shopping with me while he’s gone?
Iris: That sounds terrific, Joan.
Commercial Break!
Act IV
(Enter the Rogues, running)
Piper: (Yelling over his shoulder) Thank you for your generous donation to the poor, Mr. Englewood!
Top: Oh, that was terrific fun! I’m feeling on top of the world right now!
Heat Wave: You’re right, Top. There’s nothing like a nice heist with all of my bestest friends to give me those nice warm and fuzzy feelings.
Wizard: Tell me about it. I’m on cloud nine!
Top: What are you going to do with your money, Piper? I am going to buy a nice suit and some new tops for my collection.
Heat Wave: I’m going to buy some presents for all of my friends so that I can warm their hearts. I’m sure Captain Cold will love a new parka.
Top: I was not asking you, you imbecile.
Heat Wave: Oh. I’m sorry, Top.
Top: Just be sure it does not happen again.
Wizard: I’m going to buy me a new car so that I can finally get a girlfriend!
Top: That will never happen, Mark, and I was not asking you either.
Wizard: Well gee, thanks for destroying my ray of hope, Roscoe.
Top: Moron. (To Piper) Well, my friend? What are you going to do with your share of the loot?
Piper: I’m going to donate it to a charity for sick children. The cries of joy that will produce will be music to my ears.
Top: You are giving away your money again? (Pause) I do not believe you.
Piper: What’s so wrong about wanting to help people?
(Enter Wally)
Wally: Because you’re going about it all wrong, Piper.
Wizard: By the four seasons! It’s the Flash!
Top: Not to worry, Mardon. This one is a mere child. (To Wally) Spin.
Wally: Whoa! (Stumbles, but keeps his balance) You should become a ride at Disney World or something, Top, because you make me just as dizzy.
Heat Wave: It’s time for you to take the heat, Kid Flash! (Fires at Wally, who narrowly dodges)
Wally: No thanks!
Wizard: (Waves his wand) We’re too powerful for you to stop, Flash. Why don’t you take a rain check?
Wally: No way! Defeating a bunch of clowns like you will be a breeze!
Top: Perhaps. Then again, perhaps not. (Spins out of Wally’s way)
Heat Wave: This situation is too hot for you to handle, Flash! You should leave before you get hurt or something.
Wally: Get hurt by one of you? Yeah, right. (He sneezes, and Top grabs him from behind)
Top: You were saying?
Wizard: Nighty night, Flash. (Raises his wand, and Wally sneezes again, causing the wand to go flying out of his hand) My wand!
Wally: (Breaks free) Nice try, Mardon. (He handcuffs Wizard and Top to one another)
Heat Wave: Hey, nobody hurts my friends like that!
Wally: (Taps him on the shoulder) You need better friends. (Handcuffs him to a lamp)
Piper: Flash, I’m not going to fight you. I abhor violence, as a general rule, and I know as well as anyone that my musical hypnosis doesn’t work well on you. However, before you take me away, I want to ask you something. Mr. Englewood hardly needs more money, and everyone knows that his factories are some of the most hazardous in the country for his workers. Why is it so wrong that I take money from him and give it to children who are dying from preventable diseases because of lack of money? You can’t argue that he deserves it more than they do, and he’s wealthy enough that he won’t even miss the money we took from him. Can’t you at least let me give the money away before you take me to jail? Please?
Wally: Piper, if I’m being honest, part of me wants to let you, but here’s the thing. I can’t let you break the law in order to help people. I’m sorry.
Piper: That’s all right. You’re just doing what you were told is right. I can’t fault you for that.
(Wally handcuffs him)
Wally: A word of advice, Piper? If you really want to help the poor, and I think you do, I think you’ll find it more rewarding if you do it on the right side of the law.
(Exit Wally)
Wizard: Well, that was a bust.
Top: For once, Mardon, we agree about something.
Heat Wave: Hey, guys, look at the bright side! At least we’re all still together.
Wizard: True. Nobody can call us fair-weather friends!
Heat Wave: And you know what’s even better? When we go back to prison, we can see Captain Cold again!
Top: I’m thrilled.
Wizard: Aww, don’t be such a downer, Top. You should learn to see the silver lining.
Top: I hate you both.
Piper: (Aside) All I wanted was to give the poor justice. Why is that a crime? The idea of people like my parents helping the poor is just a pipe dream...isn’t it?
Act V
(Iris and Joan are onstage. Enter Wally)
Wally: Hi, Iris! Hi, Joan! (Sneezes)
Joan: Oh, hi, Wally. Are you all right?
Wally: I’m okay. (Sneezes) But I think you were right about me being sick. I just took my temperature, and I’m 114 degrees. (Sneezes)
Joan: 114? How are you still alive?
Wally: Because the baseline body temperature for speedsters is 107 degrees.
Joan: Oh, that’s right.
Iris: Were you able to stop the Rogues?
Wally: Yep! (Sneezes) They’re being transported back to prison now, and all the jewelry has been returned. (Sneezes)
Iris: So, what do you want to do now, Wally?
Wally: I want to go home and sleep. (Sneezes) Running around sick won’t help anything.
Iris: Yes! A hero finally sees reason!
Wally: (Sneezes) Oh, and one more thing? Would you mind (Sneezes) donating money to the Children’s Health Foundation? I have a certain….friend who would really appreciate it.
Joan: Of course we will, Wally.
Wally: Thanks. You two are the greatest! (Sneezes)
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hlearner · 3 years
Weight Loss Tips for a "Beautiful Body"
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Learn a diet routine and make your diet a success! Introducing routines to lose weight.
There are various types of people who usually keep a slim body, such as those who are originally lean, those who are constantly consciously exercising, and those who "do nothing in particular". ..
However, there are many people who "do nothing in particular" unknowingly adopt "habits to lose weight" in their daily lives.
So, in this article, I will introduce some habits for losing weight = diet routines. It's hard to learn everything, but you can expect a dieting effect just by incorporating a few that fit your lifestyle.
Diet routine [morning]
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Many people are not good at morning, but just by incorporating a little thing into your morning routine, it will be easier for you to go on a diet efficiently.
Get up early and soak up the morning sun
Early to bed and early to rise are the basis of a diet.
Isn't it okay to go to bed late and get up late if only to secure sleep time? However, if you get up early and get in the sun, the amount of "serotonin", which is called the happiness hormone, will increase.
Serotonin is a substance that is known not only to provide mental stability but also to control appetite. In addition, the hormone melatonin, which promotes natural drowsiness, is made from serotonin.
To spend the day comfortably and create a regular rhythm of life, get up early and soak up the morning sun.
Drink plain hot water
When you wake up in the morning sun, drink plain hot water. Drinking plain hot water warms the body and improves metabolism, helping to build a body that is easy to lose weight. In addition, the gastrointestinal function becomes active, and it can be expected to have an effect of promoting digestion, which improves communication.
I eat breakfast
Eat well while you are on a diet. Especially, please value breakfast. If you skip breakfast, your blood sugar level will rise sharply when you eat lunch or supper, and sugar will be easily taken into your body, which is counterproductive to your diet.
Eating breakfast raises your body temperature and metabolism. Try to have a well-balanced diet with a focus on menus that include vegetables and protein.
Diet routine [exercise]
A diet that only restricts your diet will make it easier for you to rebound. Incorporate exercise into your daily life and aim for a body that is easy to lose weight and hard to gain weight.
Stretching loosens muscles, makes your body easier to move, and improves blood circulation. It is recommended to take it as a habit when you wake up in the morning or after taking a bath.
Foot blu blu gymnastics
It is a simple stretch that eliminates swelling and aims for beautiful legs.
1.Sleep on your back and stretch your hands and feet toward the ceiling
If it is difficult to stretch, bend your elbows and knees lightly.
2.Shake your wrists and ankles
3.Do for 1 minute
If you imagine supporting the whole body with the power of your abdomen, you can expect an effect on strengthening the inner muscle.
Stretching the shoulder blades
A stretch of the trapezius muscle around the scapula.
1.Bend your elbows and place the fingers of both hands on your shoulders
2.Keep your eyes straight and keep your left and right shoulders at the same height
3.Move both elbows up and down 20 times, conscious of moving the shoulder blades
4.Straighten your neck and turn your bent elbows, being careful not to raise your shoulders.
5.Last time 10 times, backward 10 times
You can sit down, so take advantage of work breaks. The point is to keep your shoulders down and move your shoulder blades consciously.
Stretching to stretch the muscles of the upper and lower body
This is a standing stretch that allows you to stretch the upper and lower body muscles at the same time.
1.Open your legs slightly wider than your shoulders
2.Align your feet straight
3.Put your hands behind you and slowly lean down from your hips
Be careful not to curl your back
4.When your upper body is parallel to the floor, keep it for 20 seconds
At this time, lift your arm toward the ceiling
5.Slowly return your body and do it twice in total
Be aware that if you curl your back, your pectoral muscles will not stretch. It is a stretch suitable for people with so-called curly shoulders and stoops.
Muscle training
For muscle training, we recommend exercising to train large muscles. If you train big muscles, your metabolism will increase easily, so you can diet efficiently. Here's how to do squats to train your thighs.
1.Spread your legs about shoulder width
2.Turn your toes slightly outward
3.Slowly sit down with your back straight
Be aware that your weight is on your heels
4.Lower your hips until your thighs and floor are parallel and put them back.
5.Repeat 20 times
6.Take a 30-second break and perform a total of 3 sets
Make sure your knees and toes are in the same orientation. Keep in mind that if you continue exercising with your knees inside, you can easily hurt your knees. The recommended muscle training for dieting is explained in more detail in the following column.
Aerobic exercise
Ideally, you should do aerobic exercise for at least 20 minutes for a fat burning effect. However, it is possible to reduce body fat by exercising diligently even for a short period of time.
If you have plenty of time, you'll want to walk and swim well, but if you don't have the time, it's a good idea to incorporate the following into your daily routine.
.Walk with a little wider stride
.Walk for 1 station
.Use stairs instead of escalators and elevators
It is also recommended to prepare a stand of about 10 to 20 cm and go up and down the step for about 20 minutes while watching TV or listening to music.
Incorporate aerobic exercise into your daily life and make it a routine.
Diet routine [meal]
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When dieting, it is important that the calorie intake does not exceed the calorie consumption. To do this, you should pay attention to the following points.
Drink water first
Drink water such as plain hot water or tea at the beginning of your meal. Soups with low calories are also acceptable.
It will ease your hunger and prevent you from overeating.
"Eat somehow" is NG
It's okay to eat healthy snacks such as yogurt when you're hungry, but it's a problem to eat somehow by habit when you're not hungry.
If you eat a snack somehow, you will be far from a successful diet.
One workaround is to reduce the amount of food you eat each time and increase the number of meals you eat each day. Review your diet and get rid of the "somehow eating" habit.
Chew slowly and eat well
If you chew slowly and eat well, you will feel full and you can prevent overeating. It has also been found that when chewed well, digestion and absorption consume more energy.
Chew well and eat slowly, with a bite of 32 times as a guide. People who tend to eat fast will be able to eat slowly by putting chopsticks on each bite.
Pay attention to the order of eating
Generally, it is said that the absorption of sugars and lipids can be suppressed by eating from vegetables and seaweeds that are rich in dietary fiber. If you feel hungry with salad, you don't have to worry about eating too much rice or bread.
When you go on a diet, pay attention to the order in which you eat.
In addition, BODY ARCHI, a self-esthetic salon, offers a free genetic analysis advice book for members only for 23,000 yen. By analyzing DNA, it is possible to know the "order of eating" and "ideal meal" that differ depending on the constitution.
If you want to know the diet and diet method that suits your body best, please try it.
Diet routine [night]
Night habits also have a big impact on a successful diet. Use it carefully because it is a relaxing time.
Eat dinner early
After dinner, you don't move much, so eat lightly. Eating more vegetables will make you more hungry, so it's low in calories and less likely to feel hungry.
Ideally, you should finish your meal 2-3 hours before bed, as eating just before going to bed will reduce the quality of your sleep.
Warm up in the bath
When taking a bath, let's not only take a shower but also soak in a bathtub to warm your body. As your body warms, your metabolism increases and your energy consumption increases. Also, when the warm body gradually cools down, you will feel comfortable drowsiness. Warm yourself up in the bath for a good night's sleep.
Relax and not stress
Set a relaxing time to avoid stress. When stress and fatigue build up, the balance of physical functions is lost and the effects of dieting are less likely to appear. Stretching and light muscle training are also recommended.
Sleep properly without staying up late
If you don't have enough sleep, the amount of the hormone "leptin" that makes you feel full is reduced, and the hormone "ghrelin" that makes you feel hungry is more likely to be secreted.
If possible, get 7 to 8 hours of sleep to get a lean constitution.
There are various diet routines, so let's start with the one that is easy to incorporate. It will be easier to lose weight if you use esthetics along with your diet routine.
The world’s first, 100% natural solution designed to target low core body temperature, a newly discovered, clinically proven ROOT CAUSE of slow metabolism! 8, 10, 11, 20
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Meticore is the only product in the world with a proprietary blend of 6 of the highest-quality nutrients and plants that research has shown target low core body temperature 2, 3, 13, 1, 19, 24 and can in turn TRIGGER and supercharge metabolism for both women and men.
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murdershegoat · 5 years
Eliza and Jeremiah not letting Kara try out for any school sports teams bc her powers give her an unfair advantage so she instead volunteers to become the school mascot and somehow manages to charm her way into cheerleader Lena’s heart
(also on ao3)
maybe it’s her cynical nature, but lena’s not sure how one person can contain as much school spirit as kara danvers seems to. kara who bounces around the halls between classes and has a laugh so loud that it can cut right through even the noisiest of cafeterias. kara who is the only student who can get away with calling Principal Grant ‘The Big G’ and ‘G-Money’ to her face. Kara, who is the only person willing to don a Midvale High Bears costume at every major (and minor) sporting event in which the school is involved.
it’s unnatural, lena decides. a normal person cannot hold that amount of pep. a normal person cannot be that excited by the prospect of spending two hours every other week in a heavy, sweaty bear costume. and lena’s not sure why kara just doesn’t join one of the several teams she mascots for. she’s a bit lanky, a bit uncoordinated, sure, but lena has always noticed the muscles across her body, the biceps and the sharp calves and the abs. god, the abs. and despite kara’s seeming inability to walk ten steps without tripping over something, lena’s seen her land impossible trickshots on the basketball court, seen her run one of the fastest miles as a warm up in gym, seen her throw a football the length of the damn field when she thinks nobody’s look at her.
but the joke’s on kara.
because lena’s always looking at her.
not in like, a weird way. it’s just that they always happen to be around each other. they’re in the same AP classes and have the same lunch and gym periods and they live across the road from each other which means lena regularly sees kara in her front yard doing cartwheels or climbing trees as her sister looks on, uninterested. and now that lena’s on the cheer squad, she sees more of kara than ever before and it’s starting to get on lena’s nerves.
stupid friendly gorgeous mascot.
it’s one of the first football games of the season and lena’s stretching on the sidelines as the crowd starts to arrive. she’s not used to her uniform just yet - it shows a lot more of her skin than she usually does. if she’s being completely honest, she doesn’t even like cheerleading the much. but she’s good at it and it’s good to diversify her college applications just a bit and it pisses her mother off just enough for it to be truly satisfying.
‘looking good, luthor!’ kara calls out as she jogs onto the field with her head piece tucked under her arm. lena rolls her eyes, ignoring the heat she feels rise in her cheeks. she’s not sure why kara always calls out to her specifically when there are about a dozen other girls on the team. she’s heard the rumours about kara kissing girls in bathrooms at house parties. does kara have a crush on lena? the thought alone - of kara pinning her against a bathroom sink at some jock’s house as muffled music drifts through the floors, with beer on their breath and their bodies loose and warm - the thought makes lena’s stomach feel odd and heavy.
lena finishes stretching and moves onto the field grass with the team as they do a warm-up pyramid. the stands are just more than half full and the game doesn’t start for another half hour which means the cheerleaders are going to have their work cut out for them.
‘alright ladies,’ andrea says. ‘get in the three tier formation.’
in next to no time, lena gets hoisted to the very top of the pyramid. but instead of bethany h. catching her left foot, she knocks it hard with the back of her hand and bethany s. loses her own gripping and lena goes tumbling back. she doesn’t even have time to panic as a frightened yell rings out from the crowd, she just accepts her fate of falling to the ground and getting a cheerleading career ending injury. but instead she finds herself safe and secure in kara danvers arms.
‘where the hell did you come from?’ she murmurs as andrea yells at the bethanys.
‘would you believe i fell from the sky?’ kara grins. ‘your own personal guardian angel.’
lena’s stomach flutters as she stares up into kara’s impossibly blue eyes. the moment feels intimate despite the fact a growing crowd stares at them both.
‘could you… put me down maybe?’ lena asks, even though she doesn’t mean it.
kara frowns. ‘oh. right.’ she tips lena onto her feet, her hand staying on the small of lena’s back as she gets her balance right.
‘are you sure you’re okay?’ kara asks, the jest disappearing from her tone.
‘just a bit shaken i think,’ lena says, smoothing the pleats of her skirt.
‘luthor!’ andrea calls. ‘you’re off for the game.’
lena’s mouth falls open in shock. ‘that wasn’t even my fault!’ 
‘i don’t care,’ andrea says. ‘it was sloppy and you’re currently shaking like a leaf. you’re sidelined for tonight.’
lena scowls as she stalks to the sidelines, pushing past andrea and collecting her bag. she’s not even halfway to her car when she hears someone calling her name.
‘luthor! lena! wait up!’
kara’s jogging towards her, barely weighed down by the ridiculous costume she’s wearing.
‘shouldn’t you be warming up the crowd right about now?’ lena asks as she gets closer.
‘i thought… you did seem pretty shaken up back there. and i know you’re tough as nails but i thought maybe i should drive you home.’
‘you’d miss the game. you haven’t missed a game in three years.’
kara shrugs. ‘some things are more important.’
lena stares at her for a moment, trying to figure out what kara could possibly get out of this situation. but kara stares back at her, that annoyingly earnest smile all over her gorgeous face. lena begrudgingly hands kara her keys and walks to the passengers’ side. she sneaks a glance at kara peeling off the mascot costume, revealing a pair of basketball shorts and a sports bra. she puts the bear on the backseat before climbing into the drivers’ seat and lena fixes her stare firmly at the glove compartment in front of her, willing herself not to look at kara’s abs or arms or–
‘you be DJ,’ kara says as she starts the car. barely looking, lena puts it on her favourite radio channel and curses every god she can think of when kara starts singing along with the voice of a goddamn angel.
‘so you have everything, huh?’ lena asks. ‘you’re a genius. you’re popular. you’re genuine. you can sing. what can’t you do?’
kara laughs. ‘well i do suck at parallel parking. and you’re one to talk. on track to being valedictorian. had a paper published about the theoretical use of nanobots in healthcare. wrote an award winning essay for ms. brown’s english class. and you’re a damn cheerleader, too, top of the pyramid.’
‘it’s not as impressive as it all sounds,’ lena mumbles, before noticing that they’ve stopped and kara has (perfectly parallel) parked and is turning off the engine.
‘this isn’t my house,’ lena says.
‘and you’re skills of deduction are impeccable,’ kara adds with a laugh. ‘we’re at noonan’s diner and i’m buying you a milkshake; you almost died tonight.’
‘i did not.’
‘true, but only because i saved your life. which means you should be buying me a milkshake.’
lena smiles but only for a moment. she reaches into the backseat and rummages around in her sports bag. she pulls out a midvale high gym tshirt and hands it to kara before conceding.
‘fine. milkshakes on me.’
kara gets the most complicated milkshake lena’s ever seen, impossibly tall with a donut resting on the whipped cream at the top, and it looks even more ostentatious sitting beside lena’s order of a small vanilla milkshake, hold the whipped cream.
‘how do you do it?’ lena asks. kara raises her eyebrows in lieu of a verbal ‘what’, her mouth filled with milkshake. ‘how do you eat all the junk i see you eat and still look like… that.’ lena gestures to kara’s body.
‘wicked fast metabolism. and i work out a lot. and my foster mom makes sure i eat healthy food for breakfast and dinner. i just sneak the junk in at school and on weekends.’
‘i’ll add ‘eat anything’ to the list of ‘can do everything’.’
‘i can’t do everything,’ kara says, this time with a sad smile. ‘i can’t play the sports i want to play because my foster mother’s read too many studies on dire injuries in high school athletes. and i can’t seem to be fully myself, no matter how hard i try. i’m always just… someone else’s version of kara.’
‘i guess we’re the perfect pair,’ lena chuckles. ‘no matter what i do, it’s never enough for my family, and it’s never as big as anything my brother has achieved. and i’m so sick of being at the top of the damn pyramid and having my life in the hands of the world’s dumbest bethanys.’
‘we should stop,’ kara says, leaning forward conspiratorially. ‘you stop cheering and i’ll stop being the dumb mascot and we can just… be. we can just be. we can just be happy. or whatever.’
lena stares at kara over their milkshakes and she thinks of the rumours of kara with girls in bathrooms and she thinks of how maybe she wants to be one of those girls and how maybe even more than that she just wants kara to hold her again and how angry lillian would be if she found out about kara.
for a moment, she wonders if she could just stop trying to be everything her mother wants and instead just be lena and have fun with just kara and feel like a normal teenager with normal teenaged problems. she wonders if kara is thinking the same thing as her.
but lena knows. she knows that being a luthor means she can never be just lena. and as she looks at the expression on kara’s face - one of bittersweet longing - lena thinks maybe kara carries similar pressures on her own shoulders.
she watches with a smile as kara - with her hands firmly on the table - tries to bite into the donut that bobs atop her drink. she gets whipped cream all over her face. maybe she can’t do everything, after all.
‘here you go,’ kara says, turning the car off outside the luthor house and twisting around to face her. ‘i hope you’re feeling better.’
‘never felt better,’ lena says earnestly. ‘thank you. for driving me home and keeping me company. and making me buy us milkshakes.’ she feels transparent under kara’s stare, like she can read her every thought and feel the way her heart beats wildly in her chest. there’s something in the air that lena’s not sure she’s felt before, an energy in the silence, in the way kara looks at her.
‘i-i’ve heard the rumours about you, you know,’ lena says quietly, unsure if she’s trying to ward kara off or if she’s trying to yell god, me too, i’m the same. ‘what you do with girls at parties. what people say about you.’
kara’s eyes gleam, and her smile turns cocky. ‘weird. because i see the way you look at me, lena, the way you look at other girls. i see you watch me.’
lena remains silent. is this what it is, to be known? to have others look at you and not see what you want them to see?
‘tell me i’m wrong,’ kara whispers. ‘tell me you don’t want the same thing i want.’
‘what.’ lena swallows. ‘what do you want?’
and then kara leans over the centre console. and it’s not a bathroom and kara tastes impossibly sweet instead of like beer, but she’s kissing lena nonetheless. slow and self assured and confident. and lena’s kissing her back, every hair on her arms standing to attention, every nerve ending alight, every neuron in her brain screaming incessantly. kara danvers is kissing her. kara danvers is kissing her and it feels fucking amazing.
‘can i drive with you to school tomorrow?’ kara asks, as they pull apart. and for the first time since lena’s known her, she sounds nervous.
‘of course.’
‘goodnight, lena,’ she says, and lena can’t control herself; she kisses her once more, chaste and quick.
‘goodnight, kara.’
lena floats inside and up to her room, the weight of kara’s lips still dancing on hers. as she reaches her bed, her phone buzzes with a message from kara with nothing other than a long string of indecipherable emojis.
but lena thinks she understands what she’s trying to say; there are several red heart emojis that makes lena’s own heart flutter.
and for the first time in a very long time, lena falls asleep with a smile on her face, looking forward to what tomorrow will bring.
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