@illusionar-pantomime: The Zorua lays in front of Rivor, Rhythmically tapping at his claws. What reason? Well, he just wants to spend some time with Rivor is all. Even if itโ€™s not the most interesting of โ€˜gamesโ€™ he could be playing.
As the little Zorua begins to try and get Rivor's attention, his head slowly shifts over to him and tilts off to the side.
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" You alright, little dude ? You bored ? "
He asked, making sure that Panto was not too restless. Otherwise, he'd have to do something about it.
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chxsingtheshxdows ยท 1 year
Like the sneaky thief he is, Rivor had snuck his way into Lucy's place in the office, smirking the whole way.
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" So โ€ฆ how long until I have you all to myself~ ? "
Lucy beams as she sees Rivor wandering in, looking quite relieved to see him.
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"I was wondering when you'd show up."
And then she looked to be a little remorseful as she gestures to a stack of papers on her desk, "Work has had me swamped after that earthquake opened up a new mystery dungeon a few weeks ago. I am still processing the job requests..."
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splashxfwhite ยท 2 years
Sneaky as he always was, the Sandslash quietly made his way behind Lucy and wrapped his claws around her hips. "So, how did your little November challenge work out ?" He asked, smug as always with his snout moving closer to her neck. " Are you still keeping it going into this month, or should I fuck you silly tonight~? "
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"I kind of sorta... got carried away and haven't done anything this month either..."
She was blushing in embarrassment. And rightfully so. Though, as funny as it sounds, after the first week or so she stopped being bothered. She cannot explain why, but she won't exactly complain... Well, before now. Rivor coming to her was quite the pleasant surprise.
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spiky-pervert ยท 2 years
Syl doesn't have thumbs, so she just kisses him on the nose and asks directly, "Are we fucking tonight?"
Thumbs up/down to bang [Accepting]
Eyes remained on her after the kiss. Blunt as always, she was. How could he resist?
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ย  ย โ€œย  Goddamn right we are ~ย  โ€œ
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multivergentrp ยท 2 years
@spiky-thief continuing from here: x
Holding in a chuff of laughter, Atreis tries looking away from the Sandslash as a goofy smile started to grow on her muzzle. No, he wonโ€™t win, not this time...
Eventually though, she canโ€™t help but look back at Rivor, and then she can no longer resist his look. โ€œOhhh, fine, I will help you! Just quit that silly look, would you please?โ€
0 notes
deprivedreality ยท 1 year
๐—•๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—”๐—ง๐—›๐—œ๐—ก๐—š ๐—•๐—Ÿ๐—จ๐—˜ ; ๐—ฉ๐—ฅ๐—œ'๐—ง๐—ฅ๐—œ. chapter one
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๐—ฉ๐—ฅ๐—œ' ๐—ง๐—ฅ๐—œ was in the middle of tending to her ilu, when all of a sudden, she was greeted by a sudden shadow coving over her. Thinking that a very large creature had found its way from the dry lands and had traveled all the way from the reef, she lifted her head with curiosity brimming from her eyes and she smiled.
"My, they are as blue as the reef. What beautiful creatures." She mumbled under her breath, arising from the water as she pulled herself away from her ilu.
Upon seeing a specie she's yet to ever encounter, her eyes filled with sparkles. She looked at the other na'vi that surrounded her, expecting a sort of positive expression, however, saw the exact opposite.
"What's wrong, Yuey?" She asked her friend, who looked at the creature as though it was an enemy. Vri'tri raised an eyebrow in confusion, however, her confusion was met with an answer.
"I can't believe you'd turn a blind eye to the riders of those flying creatures." Yuey looked at Vri'tri, suddenly shoving his finger to her cheek harshly. "The tsahik will not like them."
Vri'tri bobbed her head and sighed in disagreement. "You don't know that. They might be guests. Olo'eyktan would think so otherwise. They are na'vi too, after all."
No matter her defense, Yuey rolled his eyes and sighed. "Let's go have a closer look, this ought to be interesting."
Vri'tri nodded, agreeing with what he had said. Her Ilu, whom she called Rivor, whined from the sudden shift of attention. But despite mounting her Ilu, the metkayina girl only had her eyes focused only on the flying creatures. The Ikrans.
With an astounded look on her face, she followed the older Metkayina boy and dived down the water where she soon arose with trails of water flowing down her hair and body. Vri'tri spared a couple of seconds to look at each of the six foreigners and moved her attention immediately to the Ikrans.
Upon setting foot on the warm sand, she walked straight to where the foreigners had landed and seemed to not pay attention to how Yuey constantly tried to pull her away by her arm, hoping she wouldn't be the one too near to the outsiders.
"Vri, read the damn atmosphere...! Get back!" Yuey whispered to her, stressed about the girl's stubborn attitude. But Vri'tri didn't listen to him and resisted his pulling only to look over the metkayina warrior's back, hoping to get a glance of the Ikrans.
"Look at them, Yeuy! They're like Ilu's, but bigger! And they have wings and theyโ”€" She hustled excitedly until she felt a hand behind her that was far too larger than her friend's.
Vri'tri looked behind her with a curious expression, but her curiosity changed into delight.
"Now now, dear. You are too curious, you need to settle down." Tonowari gently pushed the young girl behind his back with an also gentle smile. Knowing that the girl would still try to peak despite moving her out of the way, he could only do his best and let her walk from his far side.
Vri'tri looked behind her to wink at Yuey, to his dismay, and she followed along behind the Metkayina clan's chief. She watched as Tonowari interacted with the visitors. She looked at the eldest looking out of all of them, he was smaller than Tonowari however he gave off just the right amount of power that the young girl couldn't help but stare at him.
"Who is he?" Vri'tri mumbled. And Tonowari heard her, surprisingly.
"Vri'tri, this is Jake Sully. Everyone, you all know the great stories told about him, yeah?" Tonowari yelled upfront, causing them to gather around the group more, discussing on their own.
Now that she's heard about it, no matter how she thinks, she did not get what the chief was saying. However, he looked at the man with respect and she did what she saw, believing whatever emotions Tonowari had for the lot, she should express to them too.
"I see you, Tseyk Sully." Vri'tri bowed, causing the man to do the same. The girl also showed her respect to the elder woman whose blue skin was just as dark as Jake Sully's, learning later on that the woman was called Neytiri.
Tonowari spoke eloquently to Jake and Neytiri. And Vri'tri was left no choice but to observe them, and for a moment, her eyes slipped away and she found herself looking at the four children behind Jake and Neytiri.
But out of all the four, the eldest boy was the one to get her attention as she noticed that he had been staring at her all along. She didn't see it as a negative stare and it only got her all more curious about them. She leaned her head a little to her right, and the boy's eyes followed her's.
The boy had beautifully braided hair, skin as blue as the deep ocean, and a physique like that of a young warrior. However, what she noticed more about him was his striking amber eyes that deeply reminded her of the dawn. It made her think if there were more cute na'vi men like him, and it made her chuckle.
Vri'tri couldn't detain herself and smiled at the boy with utmost hospitality.
Unbeknownst to her, Neteyam was getting a tad bit too nervous that he couldn't get his eyes off of her. She kept looking at him, and whenever Vri'tri would look at his brother, he'd feel uneasy. Vri'tri kept on looking at the older kids, Kiri included, but she stopped the moment everyone started to whisper and an all too familiar figure entered the scene.
"I see you, Ronal. Tsahik of the Metkayina." Jake was first to speak and then followed by Neytiri.
Vri'tri looked at the tsahik of her clan and knew what would likely happen next, knowing how the tsahik was, she started to think that perhaps what Yuey had predicted was about to happen. Ronal didn't like these foreigners.
For a second, Tonowari and Vri'tri looked at each other and knew how Ronal was about to act. "Ehem. So, why do you come to us, Jake Sully?"
Vri'tri paid attention to what Jake said. "We seek Uturu. A sanctuary for my family."
"Uturu?" Ronal trailed off.
"We are reef people. And you are forest people. You know that your skills will come as nothing to us, it is greatly diverse from the reef life." Tonowari continues what his wife wants to say.
Jake was at loss of words, and as Ronal walked around, touching Neytiri and her children, Vri'tri pitied the group. However, it didn't stop her from proposing a thought she had in mind.
"Then they must learn our ways... and adapt. Teach them how to survive in a place they are not accustomed to. Like, uhm... like they are babies." Vri'tri suggests, causing both Jake and Ronal to look at her. And everyone else too, but Neteyam was the one to look at her the entire time.
"Yes, exactly what she says!" Jake counters. "We can adapt. We will adapt!"
"Nonsense." Ronal went on, touching Neytiri's tale, as well as Kiri's arms. "Look at them, their tails are weak. Their arms are thin, and that proves that they will be slow and useless in the water. And look! They are not even true Na'vi! They have demon blood."
As Ronal raged in front of the clan, Jake Sully had a counterclaim for every offense she had said. Even Neytiri had something to say, claiming that her husband was Toruk Makto who had led the Na'vi to victory against what Vri'tri heard as the 'Sky People'.
However, Ronal was quick to hiss at her. Claiming that the mother, Eywa, had turned her back on them. Simply what she said why out right insulting.
Truly, Vri'tri grew more and more oriented to the situation and she didn't want to outlook a single detail. After all, she was the literal and complete definition of what it is to be an inquisitive and prying na'vi.
"We metkayina are not at war, Jake Sully. You must note that." Tonowari says, and Jake nodded his head in desperation.
"I am done with war. Okay? I just want to keep my family safe." Jake claims. Vri'tri could see the genuine whim in his eyes as he hugged the youngest child he had with him.
Neytiri looks at the chief before holding the younger na'vi girl's hand, she inhaled sharply and spoke, "Uturu has been asked."
Seeing him carry the young innocent child in his harms, perhaps she thought that it was his way to tricking the clan's superior. Amidst the hostility the tsahik had, she can not turn her back to a child. It was Sully's trick.
Vri'tri gave Ronal a quick glance and saw that the Tsahik seemed conscious of what Vri'tri was thinking, their eyes met and she communicated her opinions with just a look in her eyes.
Ronal nodded at the girl and turned to Tonowari, speaking to him even without words. The chief looked into his mate's eyes, as though making sure she was seeing what really needed to be overlooked.
And so with one nod, that was all it took to let the group join their clan.
"Toruk Makto will stay with us." Tonowari tells the whole clan, settling everything. Vri'tri could see how the clan chief looked at her in mentioning specific words. "Treat them as our brothers and sisters. So they will be like babies, taking their first breath. Teach them our ways so they do not suffer the shame of being useless."
Vri'tri sighed at the outcome, finding herself looking right back at the boy from earlier. She raised her shoulders as if saying to him that they must remember Tonowari's words wisely.
Neteyam felt like he just earned a friend, not even a day after setting foot in the reef. Really, the girl who had such a charming and charismatic personalityโ”€ Vri'tri, made him feel at ease. So he nodded at her, to which she bowed her head in response before she looked somewhere else.
"What do we say? Tuk?" Jake holds the young na'vi who smiled brightly at the chief and his wife. "Thank you," she says.
Not even a moment later, Tonowari pull Vri'tri all of a sudden. She yelped from the action and saw that she ended up standing alongside Aonung and Tsireya. The fellow girl greeted her with a smile as if she was trying to tell her something with her cheeky little glances.
"From what I see, I think it is for the best that I assign my best student, Vri'tri, and my children, Aonung and Tsireya to teach your children our ways," Tonowari spoke, and alas, Vri'tri got what Tsireya was telling her.
Aonung, however, was not pleased. "But Father, I'm not evenโ”€"
"It is decided," Tonowari says, turning his back away from him to look at Vri'tri with a look that gave notice that she will the one responsible for this task. The girl simply nodded, then gently pulled Aonung.
But the boy hissed at her. "You shouldn't have said that to Father. Screw you." With that, he walked off with anger seeping through his nose. Vri'tri just stared off as he ran off, feeling guilty for making him feel that way.
"We'll handle him later," Tsireya tells Vri'tri before she smiled at the Sully's. "Come, I will show you to our village."
Seeing how optimistic Tsireya was being, Vri'tri couldn't help but freeze on the spot as she sees the Sully's look at them as if they were their chaperon, which they were.
Neteyam didn't let his chance of talking to Vri'tri pass. The moment he was able to catch up to her, he immediately found a way to start a conversation.
"Uh, hey, thanks for saying that earlier." Neteyam smoothly brushed his arm to Vri'tri's shoulder, causing her to look at him. Now that he could see her up close, he could see himself getting engrossed in her bottomless green eyes, his reflection he could see in them.
She smiled and humbly shook her head. "No problem, Sully. I trust that all of you will adapt soon, okay?" Vri'tri cues as she let him tag along behind her while she carries a few of his family's things.
"Oh, and uhm, my name, it's Neteyam." The boy jitters slightly as he introduced himself. He even felt self-conscious since Lo'ak was just in front of them, probably hearing everything.
"Nice to meet you, call me Vri'tri. That's what everyone calls me." She smiles at him. And to his surprise, she then patted his back almost as harshly as how his siblings would.
But her pats felt almost refreshing, and he could just feel that this friendship with her would grow out awesome.
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แ“šแ˜แ—ข @deprivedreality 2023 | do not copy my works!
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littlewonders7 ยท 1 year
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For @swagginmun stream!
While in cuddle pile rivor was on vivi and captain Mac laps with their sprites ๐Ÿค—
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cerulean-volcano ยท 8 months
Rivor walks up to Avel, a bundle of flowers and chocolate in his claws. Traditional to be sure, but he was bound to show his passion on this day. Speaking off, before handing anything off to her, he'd take her paw and plant a smooch on top of his. " Happy Valentines day, hon ~ "
The Flygon would turn away for a moment, her cheeks flushed with a deep red color from the paw smooch and the gifts. She knew today was a day of romance, but she was still more than happy Rivor was showing her such love and attention. Before accepting the gifts she would lean down and plant a kiss on Rivorโ€™s forehead โ€œHappy Valentineโ€™s Day Rivor. You truly do spoil me, you know that?โ€
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popgoesthesneaselreturns ยท 1 year
Continued from here.
Sal takes hold of Soniaโ€™s paws and smiles while he is still blushing. He could easily speak his emotions in this moment, since he had prepared another date location thanks to help from Rivor. He had been preparing for this for a while since spending to much time with Sonia. A moment to confess to her.
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โ€œYou truly are cute when you blush. Iโ€™ve said that before, but this time I want you to pay attention to me Sonia. I love you, with all my heart. I want to be with you, and spend time with you. Because you give me light.โ€
Sal goes in and gives Sonia a kiss on the lips. Something sweet but still showed his feelings for her. They were both rather pure despite how bad life had treated the both of them. Maybe, seeing that pure light being shone back was what drew Sal to Sonia. He wanted to be in that light alongside her.
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darishima ยท 1 year
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new nickname unlocked ! river -> rivore. because i think vore is funny. sorry babe i'm implementing this now @this-unicorn-is-gay
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The charmingย โ€˜slash offers a bundle of flowers.
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eonsister ยท 1 year
" Damn, I missed my chance. "
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the ball might be over with, but she was still holding out her hand for rivor to take.
"we can still dance if you want."
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monmuses ยท 1 year
During her shift, Roxy gets a text from Rivor. Like his usual confident and comedic self, it includes a picture of him with a rose in his claw giving a wink to the camera.
[Text]: This is what's waiting for ya when you get home ;)
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UNPROMPTED ASKS - Always Accepting!
The usual commotion seemed to go on during her shift, serving drinks and food to fellow patrons that were here at her bar. It wasn't too busy, nor was it noisy enough for her to pitch a fit or kick people out. That wasn't the case tonight. However, she did have enough time to take a peek at her phone to find a text from Rivor...
...and she was smirking at it.
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[text] : oh so NOW you're sending these [text] : just wait til you get the real deal once im done. wont be long, so ur ass better be ready when im home [text] : and i mean it. :)
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spiky-pervert ยท 2 years
[ wipe ] -- don't want to let it dry into her fur after all.
Kinky & rough prompts [Accepting]
[ wipe ]ย โ€” your muse helps my muse clean the cum off their body
Oh boy, Rivor had indeed made quite the mess. It was no secret that he was known to have quite the impressive... load when the session ended. Besides, they already had an egg on the way. As big as it was, it was also potent.
Thus, most of it was sprayed on Sylvia's body as a result. Of which, he now aided in cleaning up with plenty of paper-towels.
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" Damn, I wish I could've had it on you for a while longer. It's quite hot to see you covered in it, y'know ~ "
His perversion was all too evident in his words, but at the same time, it was not something to remain for too long. He made that mess, now he had to clean it up.
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dimensionhoppinghybrids ยท 2 years
"It isn't murder when done in self defense. Those that judge so harshly will never know what it feels to be on that edge, and seeing only two ways out. And neither are kind, and only one guarantees survival." Joseph commented to the harsh comment Rivor had gotten.
"So don't judge on the things you have never, or can ever experience. Morality says one thing, survival says another."
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lycanspirited ยท 2 years
" Tourist attraction aside, do you take offense to someone coming to see them ? " Rivor asked, knowing he was sounding much like a tourist himself. " Truthfully, I've always wanted to see one for myself .. "
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"It's a place for those who were close to the gods, those who we saw fit for such a grand resting place for when they died, not something to buy shirts in front of!"
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