#Riza: im a women this happens every month
chrysopoeias · 6 months
💀 for FMA, if you don't mind! Thanks!
I said Riza last night, but actually I will take it back. If she had died that late in the game we would all be writing like feminist critiques about how her death was only added as fuel for Roy’s manpain and that there were no episodes left to properly deal with the impact.
But she really did survive with plot armour and the power of love. Once in a blue moon in freak accidents ice skaters get this neck injury. Even when rushed to the hospital for immediate surgery and blood transfusion with modern tools, those who survive it are very, very lucky. All Riza got was the alchemical equivalent of a bandage and she kept walking. The blood transfusion and possible repair surgery was later (manga only). Especially in the anime they make it look like she lost so much blood. How was she not in hypovolemic shock dying from organ failure? Luckily fiction does not need to be realistic and has the power of love and friendship :)
Idunno who else to pick. Maybe Selim? He’s a homunculus fused with a human like Bradley, who has been fused with the baby for much longer than Bradley has been alive. Yet Bradley dies dead and Selim could be separated and lived... why 🤔
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