#Rob o' The Hedge
fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 9 months
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sonic-panels · 4 months
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archiesonicforever · 1 year
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This is Archie Sonic Forever #0, the prologue chapter to set up the arcs to come.
The next issue, #242/#1 comes out on the 12th of July on our website: https://archiesonicforever.com
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nightfurylover31 · 2 years
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Love the progression of Silver being awkwardly out of the fight to him being OP and freezing everyone in place.
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ramblingsonic · 8 months
This is certainly not the crew I expected to see assembled.
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sonicroyalrumble · 1 year
Round 1, Wave 2, Match 6
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King Shadow the Hedgehog (Pre-SGW Archie) vs. Rob O' the Hedge (Pre-SGW Archie)
Why should Shadow win?
Royal status: Dethroned king of Mobius
No propaganda submitted
Why should Rob win?
Royal status: Dethroned king of Mercia
"Irish rep"
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Westopolis Dystopia part 1
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Intro Post | Next | AO3 Link And so it begins. Project Shadow, our protagonist, is over at Amelia Rose's place. All of a sudden Amy's cousin, Rob, runs in with interesting news he heard about some new changes the Eggman Empire is doing and it kick starts a new adventure.
Shadow thought he knew a lot of things, his mind wanders constantly as he walks down the smoke filled streets of Westopolis. Yet no matter where he goes, it senses a heavy feeling down his spine.
He’s never seen a calm day in his life and even less so in a world like this, recalling the days it all went down and the few months that came afterwards is rather difficult for him. All he knows is that he’s painted as a threat, a misfit. The question to be asked is.. Does he even care?
No. No he doesn’t.
Until… recently…
“Guys, everyone! gather 'round. Pardon the rapid intrusion yet I hast important tidings that I gathered from when I was out and about!” Called out a green hedgehog in a hood with a cybernetic bow and arrows on his back as he quickly opened the door, setting down his weapons and pouch by the same door he came through.
“Huh? What’s going on, cuz?” Spoke a pink hedgehog named Amy who had been sitting on the couch of the small home, cleaning her hammer.
“HEY! Pipe down, you don’t have to scream about it!” Said a semi frustrated echidna named Knuckles who had been eating in the kitchen while listening to music.
“Oh calm down dear, what Rob has to say is probably better than your aspiring rap career.” Those words came from a bat in heels named Rouge with very nice clothes and makeup who walked up to the echidna to just mock him.
The only quiet one of the crowd that were present in the room, was a black hedgehog, our lovely Shadow who was mentioned before, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, pointy claws and a long tail to accompany it. All it did was lift up his head and look in the direction in which the chatter and yelling came from. He was only there because the bat had forced it to tag along. Something about ‘Not being an emo loner’, whatever that means.
“I be sorry if my intrusion made ye all argue. I but doth say that this is actually revolutionary information I hast gathered and it’d be best if I could tall ye as soon as possible.” Rob said as he adjusted his hood once he walked to the center of the living room.
“Eeh, don’t be sorry. You know that this is a very normal and calm reaction from everyone” The pink hedgehog giggled a little after saying that. “Especially from Knuckles” She also pointed out as she made a small sign to the echidna in the kitchen. Causing him to push out his chair and stomp his way over to where the two hedgehogs were.
“I’m not deaf you know, you could have just told me to come over here and not be a dick about it” He complained as he looked over at the pink hedgehog who made the snarky comment prior, who’s reaction to this was just to laugh a little.
As the pink hedgehog and the equidna bickered, the bat swooped in and sat on the couch with grace as she laid down slightly leaning against the arm rest of the couch with her legs crossed on the ground, one boot in the air as she got comfy.
“Settle down now you two, you’ve kept the poor boy waiting. If this is as dire as he says it is, then we probably should listen instead of picking on one another.”
The equidna and the hedgehog looked at Rouge and nodded. The equidna lifting up to fingers and making the typical ‘I have my eyes on you’ signal to the hedgehog, who just rolled her eyes and sat beside Rouge.
“Thank you kindly m’lady. As I was trying to say ere. Wherein I was out and returning from mine time of stealing riches, I befell to hast overheard some talk towards the outskirts of the Empire’s base…”
“Ooh this just got interesting, hmm~” Said the bat as she was listening to Rob speak.
“What the hell is he yappin’ abo-” Interrupted the equidna before being bonked on the head by the pink hedgehog.
“ 'Twere a couple of guards speaking about how there shall be some supposed changes 'i this land. I couldn't hark much details, yet I didst understand that there shall be some kind of alliance going on 'twixt the Empire and another group of not so pleasant people. Whom they are? I hast  not a clue. Yet I doth wot that they are not from hither”
When the green hedgehog got done talking about what he saw, Shadow got up from leaning against the wall and walked over to where everyone was gathered around.
“Alliance? And no names?”
“Ah! Yes that is correct. And I be not allowed to up and ask 'em for further details.”
“AN ALLIANCE? You have to be kiddin’ me! Those dirtbags are up to no good and the situation has already been hard recently” Shouted the pink hedgehog as she wasn’t pleased with this news.
“Calm down sugar, we can’t do anythin’ if you’re all riled up”. A sudden voice responded as a cyborg bunny wearing a cowgirl hat walked in. Everyone turned around upon hearing the lady speak.
“BUNNIE!” Amy cheered as she got up and hugged the person who just walked in.
“Hey hey, careful there little lady” replied the cyborg bunny as she hugged the pink hedgehog. She then patted her on the back and started walking to Rob.
“I couldn’t help but overhear some of your conversation, so you know about this hidden alliance that’s going on behind the scenes?”
Rob was caught off guard by the fact that Bunnie understood that so clearly, mostly because Bunnie never understands him, so she must know something. “Correct, I overheard a conversation today as I was fleeing the place where I got today's riches. We hast no names of whom the alliance is with though”.
“Funny thing ya say that bucko… Because I actually heard that it may be the Black Arms alien race.”
As soon as everyone heard those last words come out of Bunnie’s mouth, everyone was left shocked but the one who was the most stunned by it was Shadow.
“You’re telling me that..”
“Mhm. I ain’t sugarcoatin’ it one bit. Your species has returned to make our life even more of a livin’ hell.”
Shadow clenched it’s fist after hearing Bunnie say that, as much as he wanted to just go and punch her in the face, he knew that it shouldn’t because it would make the situation worse.
“Thank you for your brutal honesty and damned opinions, but I have nothing to do with them and I thought I had disposed of them.”
Bunnie crossed her arms and tapped her robotic foot on the ground as she stood there staring at Shadow. “Well, if ya did then why are they back? Answer that.”
The mood in the room started to sway as the conversation started to get heated. Everyone but Bunnie and Shadow were left sitting there in silence.
“I’ll be real, I don’t fucking know! I killed off their leader, they should be all dead and burning in the pits of hell, they can’t function without a leader!” Shadow yelled as he raised his fist a little, his claws starting to tear his gloves slightly, other than anger, he felt something more profound in it’s heart as he said that.
This is now when the bat got up and decided to intervene, walking up behind Shadow and resting her hands on his tense shoulders.
“Hey…” She said as she looked towards Bunnie. “Cut the bullcrap, I understand your frustration, I feel the same way, we all feel the same way, even Shadow. If he says he isn’t on the side of the Black Arms, then he is not. Alright? We’re not getting anywhere with stupid fights.”
Bunnie put down her arms and sighed as she faced down, before looking back up at the bat and alien hedgehog. “Right, I apologize for gettin’ myself carried away. I don’t trust you, but that doesn’t mean I get to be mean about it. It’s just stressful.”
Shadow just groaned and moved Rouge off of him before turning around and heading towards the door.
“Shadow-” Rouge said as she reached out for him after seeing it’s sudden actions. Shadow just looked at Rouge and walked out the door, slamming it from behind. Bunnie sighed and put her hands on her hips as she shook her head with disappointment. “What troublesome times. He’s gonna throw an adult temper tantrum while we sit here and suffer knowin’ that those aliens are gonna use us for food.”
“That’s enough Bunnie.” Said Rouge as she turned back to look at the cyborg bunny. “If all you’re going to do is stand there and be an adult bully, then I’m leaving too. If this is all true, I am better off spending my time preparing than having to teach you a lesson about bullying.”
Bunnie looked up at Rouge with a face of annoyance as she watched her also walk out the door and then fly away.
Everyone else who was gathered around the living room was just sitting there blinking.
“Wow. That was something.” Said the pink hedgehog as she pushed herself upwards on the couch. “Say.. How did you even get that information anyways?”
Bunnie turned to face Amy after hearing that, lifting a hand up with a finger out to poke her own cheek as she spoke. “Uhh… I know a few folks who gather information about the government’s plans and stuff.”
Rob, the hedgehog in the hood, who had been sitting there quietly for a while now took a minute to look at Bunnie and then back at Amy. He then lifted up a hand and spoke. “But dear cousin, lady Bunnie hath mentioned ere about these groups of people. I also associate with 'em from time to time, one of 'em is a lady by the name of Relic Lapis”
Amy sat there thinking for a moment, she hadn’t known of the existence of such a group before hand, probably because nobody wants to associate with her, she then lifted up her head and answered. “Huh… Interesting.”
Once again, Shadow was left wandering the streets of the city, left alone with his thoughts that taunted him every minute and the heavy emotional pain falling down his spine.
“AAUUURGHH” A ‘schkhrouching’ noise was heard as the alien hedgehog scrapped his claws against metallic jugs in the alleyway, only to then kick said metallic jugs that were scratched.
He stood there, breathing so heavily you could see his chest moving and his eyes glow slightly, like an enraged monster. But he then calmed down and just stared at his dark reflection in the now banged up metal. Shadow lifted one of it’s hands and face palmed himself as the hand moved down from his face.
“I have to get myself together…
Nobody can stop them but me….
But why are they back…? How… How are they back…?”
Shadow said to himself as he looked out from the entrance of the alleyway, looking up to see the huge building from afar that was the Empire’s main building, where the leader of everything resided. “Whoever you are… I will find you. That’s my mission.”
And just like that, the alien hedgehog walked back into the alleyway, returning to the place in which he stays to plan out how it will proceed with the new objective he has in mind.
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pokemon22551 · 2 years
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First post of 2023 and yup still sonic
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eldritchgriffin · 1 year
i'm out there asking people the same question, so, here it is: which hedgehog (or any other main cast mobian) would slay on the karaoke? you can rank them if you want to~
I ended up having a lot more thoughts on this than I expected, so just sticking to hedgehogs. I put them roughly in order from best to worst
Sonic: Is in a band in multiple versions of canon. He's better on the guitar than he is at singing, but he's still good at singing. He gets solid applause
Shadow: He's the Ultimate Lifeform, and thus has the Ultimate vocal chords. He has the potential to be really good. With that being said, he has had no proper singing training. He still has a nice voice though, and he secretly likes to sing along while listening to music (like in the Takeovers). He also gets solid applause, and a few people cry if he sings a sad song
Metal Sonic: Obviously, Metal can't usually talk. On the occasion she can though, she's... weird. She gets the notes right, and sings reasonably well, but anyone listening can tell she's a robot. She sounds like a recording of a decent singer edited to sound more electronic, sort of like one of the more robotic-sounding Vocaloids. She gets plenty of applause, and leaves a significant impression just by virtue of being unusual
Rob o' the Hedge: I'm not really sure why I'm including him to be honest, but here he is. He's a good singer but better suited to singing at a campfire than at karaoke. Light applause
Amy: She's decent. She doesn't have any training, but she's not bad, and she's got enough energy to make up for any wrong notes. She's clearly not a professional, but she gets genuine applause
Scourge: He doesn't sing sing. He only screams. You know those scream-y metal songs? He does that. He is also, frustratingly, not bad at it. He gets scattered applause at venues where no one knows who he is, and gets booed off stage if people recognize him
Breezie: Breezie has no singing training, but has a decent voice. There's also a non-zero chance she owns the karaoke place they're at. If so, she gets lots of applause. Otherwise she just gets moderate applause. (Alternatively, she's terrible for the comedic value. She still gets solid applause if she owns the place, though)
Uncle Chuck: I just thought about him last minute, and he's just major enough that I'd feel bad leaving him out completely. He probably would say that he's too old to be going to karaoke night with the young'uns, but he'd do fine if he did come. Moderate applause
Shard: Shard wouldn't want to perform at karaoke, but would give it a good try if he had to or his pride got involved. He's, sadly, not as good as Metal, but still manages to be better than Silver. Gets a bit of polite applause
Zonic: He would also not want to sing. It would be next to impossible to even get him to come to karaoke night, let alone get him onstage. If he somehow did end up onstage, he wouldn't be great. He'd be clearly uncomfortable being there, and he has no practice singing. He'd get a bit of sympathetic applause
Silver: My poor boy. He tries. He really tries to sing. Unfortunately, too much time spent in ruined futures has messed up his voice (smoke inhalation and such). He also has had no real training or practice. People clap because they feel bad for him
There are my thoughts on the hedgehogs' karaoke night! I tried to get all of the major hedgehog characters, and also a couple of less major ones. Obviously, this is all my own subjective opinions, so no one be rude if you disagree. You can say your own thoughts, but don't be a jerk about it
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sofibeth · 2 years
You ever think about how Pre-reboot Archie made Amy Rose related to a Sonic ver of Robin Hood and that she was part of some noble family in Kingdom of Mercia who gave up their wealth to care for the sick and needed. Also the fact that her cousin Rob has claim to the throne making her part royality.
And the comics like rarely explore that lo.
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sonicku · 2 years
The Rose Clan Cousins 🍃🌸
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More context & story past the 'keep reading'! <3 For those who don't fancy the read, hope you enjoyed the sketch nonetheless. x
Okay, so I'm making my own sonic universe. Sue me.
Rob and Amy grew up together as part of the Rose Clan, a hedgehog settlement with the woods of Deerwood, near Never Lake. Being a rural settlement, their names followed the formula of '(Name) the (Species)'. Therefore, their names were Rob the Hedgehog and Raz the Hedgehog. Amy is trans here, hense the arms. (AMAB-Fur, AFAB-Skin headcannon ftw) I'll be calling her Amy too, but note she wasn't aware she was trans for most of this.
Rather than meeting Sonic through her tarot cards, their chance encounter came when she was out on a scouting mission near the lake with Rob. Well, it wasn't exactly an official one. Moreso, nobody was supposed to disturb little planet when it appeared, Amy really wanted to go anyway, and Rob was left chacing after her. Whoops.
So yeah, she gets caught up in the CD plot, and Rob gets knocked out by Metal. When he came to he was worried sick, but he soon had his worries eased when he saw Amy after the events. (Still a bit fuzzy, I haven't played CD yet. #girboss)
Amy told him of a bright blue hedgehog who didn't bear a Rose, and who didn't speak a word during their time together. Not to be rude, not at all, it just seemed he... couldn't. He was brave and daring, cocky and handsome, safe to say he'd made an impression.
That energy he had, that spark in his eyes? It showed a hedgehog who had travelled the world ten times over, and who would surely do so many more times. One who had seen beyond the confines of Deerwood. Whilst Amy knew her clan needed her, she couldn't shake the feeling, and confided in Rob.
He was understanding, but it was too soon yet for her to leave. Within a few years though, and with enough discussion between her clan, it was agreed that she could part ways. Of course Amy would visit, but for now? She wanted to see the world. In the end that led her to the big city. Station Square.
She felt that with such an urban life, an urban name was fitting; one that used a first and last name structure. She named herself Amy Rose, her surname in honour of her family and friends in Deerwood. She of course had a makeover too, more closely matching her modern look.
And what do you know? A certain blue hedgehog happened to be there too, one day. He was certainly more talkitive now, taller too. And with Amy's resolve, she made sure she didn't lose sight of him again.
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fyeahsonicthehedgehog · 2 months
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lea-andres · 2 years
Theres only 3 things I know about Rob O the Hegde. 1) hes a robin hood character 2) he falls for a echidna lady and has a baby with her 3) his father/grandfather was the original king of something which means Amy is royalty on that side of the family.
That's two more things than I knew! 💀
Might steal Amy's got partial royal blood though!
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kisses then all except rob
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themetalvirus · 6 months
rob o the hedge. its hilarious that he exists conceptually but i do kind of love that he exists. teal sonic who does archery...... so epic..........
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ramblingsonic · 1 year
... damn, what's this boy seen?
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