#Robin Egg Blue Favor Boxes
alias-b · 5 years
Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me
California, 1992. Billy Hargrove and Camille Harper built their future in an endless, red hot summer. Everything changes with a splash of pale blue. Billy x OC! Camille Harper
A/N: The baby one shot I promised everyone! Occurs after my fic, "Without The Lights." Warning, I get into the not pretty side of pregnancy and Camille struggles with her illness. Sexual content. TW: graphic description of birth and postpartum depression. Mention of death and past torture. Cross posted here on AO3
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   She’d been late.
   Camille Harper was never late to anything.
   Then, she’d taken ill. Scents that used to thrill her in the morning like fresh coffee, fluffed pancakes, and scrambled eggs sent her scurrying into the bathroom.
   Billy looked up from his desk, covered in different lead pencils and scattering papers. Grotesque concept art for an upcoming horror film he’d been working on. Still pretty as a picture. Less of a baby in the face, but still just as sweet. Sprinkle of facial hair and lashes for days.
   “Ugh, so much for sleeping in Saturday.” Camille gargled mouthwash, spat, and wandered out. Brown hair grown out and piled up in a bun. Billy’s arm snaked around her hips, bringing her into his side. A temple pressed into her nightgown. “I don’t want to get you sick.”
   The back of his knuckle drew along her forehead. Cool metal of his wedding ring chilled.
   “No fever. You probably ate something last night, I told you the shrimp was a bad idea.”
   The very word ‘shrimp’ almost made her hurl again.
   “We’re not trying that place again.” Camille kissed the top of his head. Curls longer like a rockstar around his shoulders. “I have a new case to prepare for the office Monday.”
   “Boy or girl?” Billy set his pencil down and watched her plop into the couch.
   “Girl.” Camille frowned, rubbing her head. “She’s got a wall up, this one. Office likes me so her case is mine. Arthur thinks it’s a good match, but I’m actually nervous.”
   “Arthur this and that.” Came a scoff. “School buddies who ended up at the same office. Pshh.”
   “Arthur is taken now and quite happy.”
   “Who swept him off his perfect feet so he’ll quit bothering my wife?”
   “Lovely man named Stanley.” Camille laughed when Billy gave a double take. “Went drinking together while you played with latex masks last Thursday.”
   “It was crunch time. I’m sure your new case will be fine. Brilliant Dr. Harper. Blazing through all that schooling and study abroad. Almost in the clear.” Billy mused, switching his light off. “We’ll see if they like this new design I got. Tea?”
   “Yes, please.” Camille slid down the couch, pulled a fuzzy blanket into her body while Billy went into the kitchen. Cozy apartment they could afford. Walls covered in memories. Photos and degrees. She clicked the remote and settled on a light movie. Look Who’s Talking.
   A campy opening of sperm headed toward a dropped egg after a mini love scene with Kirstie Alley. Camille sighed, rubbing her head before something clicked the same moment hot water howled from the tea pot in the kitchen.
   “Oh, shit.” She shot up. Blinked. “No way.” They hadn't exactly been trying. But, they hadn't not been trying.
   “Getting your Travolta fix?” Billy set a mug down and Camille blinked at him.
   “Ah, yeah.” She shot up. “I just remembered...I was supposed to hit the drug store. We’re out of...everything.”
   “Everything? I’ll drive you to the store.” Billy chuckled.
   “No, it’s just around the corner, I need the walk. Fresh air. No shrimp.” Camille skidding around him to toss clothing on their bed. Dressing in jeans and a tee. “Keep working. Need anything?”
   “I’d kill for a Milky Way.” He shrugged, plopping back into his seat. Camille was hopping around to put some shoes on. Sun from outside caught his face and she pressed her lips, kissing his cheek.
   “I’ll bring you something sweet.”
   Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Camille nearly jogged down the steps from the fourth floor. Grabbed a basket when she got to the mini-mart and tossed randoms items they needed in. Billy’s candy included. Stopped in a section that made her cold.
   Pregnancy tests.
   “Jeez.” She mulled over boxes before snatching one.
   Ignored the idle way the clerk peered at her stomach when he rang it up. Christ. California sun and wind swept against her body. Usually it set her at ease, but a ball of nerves sank into her stomach when she took the elevator back up. Billy was on the couch now, looking up as she tossed the candy into his lap.
   “You okay?”
   “Feeling sick again.” Camille half lied and went into the bathroom. Locked the door. Stared at the clear plastic curtain as she peed on a stick. Washed her hands and pulled at her watch. It ticked slower to spite her.
   “Camille?” Billy knocked. “Something’s up.”
   “Ah, just a second,” she paced, “give me just another second.”
   “Let me help.”
   “Oh, believe me...you did.” She sat on the side of the tub. Stared at the colored tiles. So many to count. Billy exhaled on the other side of the door. Didn’t leave. “Billy, I’ll be fine.” Her own tone shook.
   Did she want this?
   Were they ready?
   How was she going to feel if it’s nothing?
   How was she going to feel it it’s blue?
   Camille didn’t have time to think through each possible dream because reality spoke for her.
   Blue. Crystal clear sky.
   “Camille.” Billy jimmied the lock until the door popped open. She looked up in tears.
   “...Is that?”
   “Blue.” She breathed with one fist curled to her chest. Burst into tears. Unable to tell if they were happy or sad. She just needed to cry. Billy swept toward her.
   “Hey, hey. I got you.” Billy kissed her cheeks until she was soothed. Held her there while she clung to his shoulders.
   “It’s blue.”
   “What’s...that mean?” Billy met her eyes. “You’re...”
   “Blue.” Camille said again. Licking her lips before they pressed. “I’m pregnant.”
   “We’re having a baby?” Billy blinked at her. She waited for him to panic. But, he smiled. So bright that it made her burn with jealousy to be confused about it. “We’re having a baby!”
   Billy grabbed his wife. Held her close to him. Settled Camille just a little, she tried to feed off his glow.
   “Ninety nine percent accuracy. We need to, ah, go to a doctor first.” She let Billy pull her up. Out into the living room.
   Why was she riddled with confusion and anxiety while he bubbled with excitement? He danced her around to no music like a true romantic.
   “Let’s not...say anything until we go. I’ll make an appointment. After my meeting Monday?”
   “Yeah, yeah.” He swept hair aside and smiled again, so youthful. Kissed her there in the sun. Meanwhile, she felt life being sucked into a swirling pit. Billy tugged Camille into the couch, nestled her into his chest. “Are...Are you happy?”
   “I’m… Blue “...something.”
** ** **
   It was real. Confirmation at the doctor and life turned in on itself. People were careful with her. Work tried to withhold cases she’d fought for.
   She had a woman’s condition. They treated Camille like it was fatal.
   “Jim? Are you still there?”
   A thud on the other end was followed by scrambling.
   “Camille?” Joyce had the phone now. “Jim, get up.”
   Camille laughed that time.
   “Your father’s fine, just shocked. Oh, Jim, stop being dramatic!” Came some bickering.
   “I’m going to be a grandpa!” There was more laughter on their end.
   “Can you two stop kissing in my ear already?” Camille twirled the cord and stretched her legs out into Billy’s lap. Let him massage her ankles. “We wanted to know...if you guys would come down for the birth. Should be early November, I’m due.”
   Billy started counting something on his fingers, earning a soft kick.
   “Max and El already freaked. Letting them follow me to UCLA was such a mistake.” Camille joked. Mike and Lucas in Washington. Will and Dustin following Nancy and Jonathan to New York. Steve, Heather, and Robin living blissfully in Chicago. Rumor had it Regan and Kali turned up there too.
   “You’re listening to the doctors, right?” Jim turned stern. Such a dad.
   “You know it,” Camille brought the phone away, “Billy, you want to pass me a beer?” He just snorted.
   “Hey, none of that.” Jim was in her ear. “We’ll fly over now.”
   “No need. We’re fine. We’ll figure things out when it gets closer, yeah? Telling work was mortifying enough. But, we got the leave figured out. Arthur’s been such a help. Don’t worry about anything.” Camille sighed when Billy’s hands worked up her legs. Had to slap him out of her skirt.
   “Congrats, Camille! Billy, you tell Susan?” Joyce stole the phone.
   “We heard her crying from over here. Same with Grace. She and Elliott choked him near to death. Billy also tells me that Miss Mayfield was set up with a certain middle school teacher, how the hell did that happen?”
   “Mr. Clarke can be quite charming,” Joyce chirped and a groan erupted from Jim, “passes Susan’s little boutique on the drive to the school every day. Started stopping in. Flirting in his way. I couldn’t tell you.”
   “Glad Rosemary’s former team was willing to do us some favors and help her out with that.” Camille was still squirming away from Billy’s advances. His lips on her neck. “Well, I should go. But, any and all advice is wanted.”
   “She already tore through all the mommy books in the library. Ignore her.” Billy stole the phone. “Hops. Can I call you Pops now?”
   “If I can call you, dead.” Jim smiled when Joyce swatted his chest.
   “I expect you to spoil my kid.”
   “Will do. Make sure Camille takes it easy.”
   “Oh, I will.” Billy said goodbyes and pushed his hips into Camille’s, a sigh followed.
   “Hate you.” She settled her arms around his neck. A long kiss followed.
   “Valentine’s Day.”
   “Hm?” She went for his neck and jaw. Immersed in him.
   “By my count, we made her Valentine’s Day. Wonder if it was the car or the counter or the couch or the bed?”
   “I hate you...and it could have been the floor too.” She chuckled into his skin. Kissed him fiercely. The phone rang again. Billy reached over to snatch it.
   “Hargrove.” He let Camille paw at him. Twirling his hair about. Worshiping him with starry eyes. Billy’s own eyes opened and he pushed up with Camille still attached to him. “Why are you calling, I’ve told you-?”
   Camille let him go immediately. Saw the cold way he went rigid.
   “What?” Billy sounded breathless. “I...”
   “Billy?” Camille touched his face when his eyes welled.
   “Fine, just don’t call here again.” The phone slammed and he was up. Pacing. Rubbing his eyes.
   “Billy, who was that?” Camille hurried after him. Tried to tug at his arms but he slipped off.
   “Just...give me a second.” He didn’t make it into their room. Collapsed to the floor and covered his face.
   “Billy!” She gathered her husband into her chest. He just sobbed. “Billy, who was that?”
   “...Neil. He's been trying to call.”
   “You didn’t tell me that.”
   “I didn’t want to freak you out. I kept hanging up. I was terrified you’d pick up and he’d...” Billy sniffled. Clung to her. Cried more. Camille petted curls helplessly. Kissed blond hair and soft cheeks all better. “He’s sick.”
   “He’s dying. Cancer. Not the kind you get better from.” Billy lifted. “Don’t know why I’m crying about it, I’ll be glad he’s… He asked to see me. How can he fuck up my life and then just…?”
   “Where is he?”
   “Colorado.” Billy wiped his eyes. “Fuck him.”
   “Do you...want to go?”
   Billy thought of Neil with his skin sunken and yellow. No longer handsome. Rasping at him from a mattress. Pissing himself. Dying alone in a cold bed like his father before him. He turned to Camille and cupped her stomach.
   “No, I don’t.” A long kiss into her abdomen. “I want to hold our baby. Take her to the park. Make her feel safe. I promise I’ll never...” He stopped. Blinked several times. I’ll never be like Neil. Nuzzled into Camille’s neck. “I love you.”
   “I love you too.” She let Billy’s broad body sink into her. Brought him to bed where they could wrap each other up. Feverish and dizzy until he pushed inside her. Melted their mouths. Gasped into her neck. Succumbed to the sweltering heat. He sought comfort and burrowed under her skin. Pushed fingers between thighs. Fucked her into the mattress while they reached peaks.
   Hours later, Camille heard Billy get up, thinking she’d fallen into slumber. Came to the door to listen.
   “Hey...” He said into the phone. Whispering. “No, you listen. I’m not… I don’t want to see you. I’ll just remember you healthy. Able enough to give hard lessons. I just...wanted to call and say Camille and I are having a baby… I think it’s a girl.”
   There was silence for a few beats.
   “We’re going to name her Sara and she won’t be learning hard lessons. She won’t be afraid of me like I...” Billy paused.
   Life flashed these vivid images of his childhood. His mother’s bracelet scattering across the pavement. That one moment Neil let him cling.
   “You ever think things could have been different for us, you know, after mom? I do. A lot. But, I can’t live in that… You beat the shit out of me. You hurt my wife. You hurt Susan and she’s still trying to move on. Max’s hair is all grown out and she won’t let anyone touch it. You won’t hurt my daughter. But, I’ll tell her about you. Tell her she had a grandfather who made bad choices and ended up…”
   “...Yeah, I think she’ll get the Hargrove jaw too.” Billy softened, lifted his eyes to the starlight beyond the window. Wondered if Neil was looking too. “I’ll tell her your name. Not much else. Hardest lesson I learned was realizing I’m not going to be like you. I’m sorry you wasted your life, I’m not going to. I’m going to be a good dad. I...just wanted to tell you that. That I'm in love still and I’m going to be a great father to my little girl. I’m going to keep her safe in this world. Goodbye, dad... We loved each other once.”
   Billy hung up. Curled into a ball to cry silently. Camille inched out until his head lifted. Arms came up to accept her there.
   “Shhh, I got you.” She tucked Billy’s head under her chin. “I’m so proud of you. You’re going to be an amazing daddy. I’m so lucky you’re mine. We’re going to be okay.”
   “God, I’m supposed to be holding you.” He chuckled at himself and Camille beamed.
   “We’ve got each other.”
   Neil Hargrove died in his sleep late April of 1992. Alone in a cold bed.
** ** **
   Camille’s belly turned into a mini planet Billy couldn’t stop kissing. Dealt with some fiery stares when he made comments about her swelling breasts. It was true, tired all the same, she glowed. Billy fed her odd cravings. Made her feel as sexy as he could until she was climbing atop him. Riding him because she needed it now and bad. He liked that part.
   A million baby books later, Billy became an annoying infant factoid machine.
   "Did you know if-?"
   "Billy," Camille groaned into the couch, "I want Thai food again."
   "I swear to god, Camille, our kid is going to come out trying to order a pad see ew, extra spicy."
   "...Two orders please."
   Billy was weak. He ordered her three to last her.
   Elliott, now eleven years old, took to painting seashells and starfish along her belly when she was stuck on the couch. Billy’s excitement never stilled. Only illuminated. So willing to learn this all. They cleared spaced. Decorated a little nursery all under the sea themed. Camille was more riddled with anxiety. Always steadying her breath. Talking to the little life inside her. Constant gifts and advice from friends helped from time to time.
   “Billy!” Elliott jumped up when he came home. “Think I could work in movies like you?”
   Camille was giggling. Hard. Her shirt pulled over her stomach painted with the shark from Jaws.
   “Guess what we watched?”
   “It wasn’t even scary.” Elliott crossed his arms, ruffling waves of brunette hair. “That was kid stuff.”
   “Think so,” Billy swept him up, growling for effect. Baring teeth like a shark. Earned a giggle.
   “She cried again at a TV commercial.” Elliott whispered and Billy snickered.
   “I'm allowed to have emotions, you two. Roger is going to be here any minute.” Camille pushed up. “Who wants ice cream?”
   “Mint chip?” Elliott followed after her.
   “You know it, kid.” She braced one hand on her back and the other around his shoulders. Billy shook his head and dropped a bag on his desk. Water ran as Camille washed her belly off and Elliott pulled out a pint of ice cream with two spoons. “Your big brother doesn’t have our sophisticated taste in ice cream.”
   They shared a few bites over the counter. Camille groaned a little and pressed a spot on her stomach.
   “You’re doing that a lot, sissy.” The affectionate name he’d picked up when he was little never left. Camille felt a cramp well like a great wave.
   “Just my girl dancing around. Picking fights with my organs. She’s definitely going to be like her daddy. Want to feel?”
   Elliott smiled his toothiest grin and reached out. Let Camille press his hand to her side.
   “Spicy food and mint ice cream is all I want these days.”
   “My mom said she liked mac and cheese with tomatoes with me.” He gasped, feeling the baby. “She high-fived me!”
   “Billy kissed my stomach once and got a swift kick.” Camille snickered, scooping more ice cream to enjoy. Billy paced in, pecking her cheek before he stole a spoon and the strawberry pint in the freezer.
   “All mine.” He shrugged, eating. Camille hunched, moaning a few minutes later. “Camille, you sure you’re okay?”
   “It’s just minor...cramps. I’m fine. She’s not coming out for another two weeks.” Camille licked her spoon.
   “She’s been doing it all day. Like this...Oohh...” Elliott mirror a motion with his hand on his back and the other on his stomach. Billy raised his brow.
   “They’re far, far apart.” Camille turned to the ice cream and felt a pop. A gush of fluid like she’d peed herself. Billy’s spoon clattered.
   “Sissy?” Elliott took her hand because he was closest. “Cami, what’s happening?” Billy was at his wife’s side, holding her.
   “Her water broke.”
** ** **
   A million phone calls later and Camille was whimpering, pacing around a bed. Wobbling side to side. Bracing her hands to groan. She decided on a birthing center and midwife over a hospital. Place looked more like a hotel and had a hot tub for those births. Cozy space all for them.
   Billy held a lot of jokes back.
   “The baby book’s-”
   “Fuck the baby books!” Camille’s red face lifted. A demonic edge to her voice and even Billy backed up. “Photographic memory is worth shit!” He edged off. “Sorry, I’m...oh! I want drugs. I want my midwife! I want Thai food... It’s early!”
   “She’s on the way now. Jim and Joyce were on a plane an hour ago. Max is driving El here. Just breathe.”
   “Fuck my breathing!” She sounded truly possessed. Grabbing at Billy over the bed with some crazy burst of pregnancy strength. “I want drugs… What if she comes out hurt because it’s early. Or like me?”
   “She’s fine. Hey...” Billy pried her hand from his shirt and crossed around. “She’s going to be perfect.” He held her. Placed a kiss into hair. Camille’s face was blushed and beading with sweat. Limbs shook as she braced into the bed.
   “Camille!” A woman who could have bench pressed Billy hurried in. “Oh, poor girl. Keep breathing like I taught you.”
   “Ellen.” Camille winced. The girls were on a first name basis. Ellen was a former body builder and wrestler turned midwife. Lost some kids of her own and swore to help other girls keep their babies. “I can’t. I can’t.”
   “Might want to go get some ice chips, Bill.” She turned to him looking frantic and reeling it in. “Two cups.”
   “For her?”
   “For both of you. You’re in for a long night.”
   Billy scrambled. Passed the waiting room where Roger and Elliot sat for Grace and the rest of the family to arrive after driving the crying girl in.
   Hours of groaning and wailing. Women in other rooms joined in like a chorus of cries and soft birthing songs. Billy joked they were calling out to each other. Solidarity for the pain women were created to endure.
   “Camille, honey, you have to get up like this. Just like we practiced.”
   “I can’t,” she only moaned, shaking her head back and forth.
   “Daddy, she needs you. We’re almost there, I’ll be back in with assistance. She has to get into position.” Ellen continued, lighting a fire under Billy while he paced. The midwife jogged out into the hallway where more women vocalized together. Called out to ensure none felt alone in this.
   “Something’s wrong, she’s gonna come out like me.” The girl sounded delirious. Billy cupped Camille face, watched her eyes dart over his welling expression. “She’s gonna tear a part of me out and I can’t stop her.”
   “I want her to be like you.” Billy admitted.
   “Don’t say that.” A hand pulled for his shirt. Camille twitched with anger at him. “Don’t say that again!”
   “No, I hope she’s exactly like you and she’ll have parents who love her. We’ll teach her never to force a smile. That perfection is bullshit. I hope she’s like you, I have this entire time.”
   “The world’s going to swallow her.”
   “We won’t let that happen.” Billy smiled because he was so certain about that.
   “She’ll be in pain.”
   “And we’ll see her through that too. Pain happens. Means we're here sometimes. Means we're strong enough to fight through it and she won't be alone. You gotta get up, she needs you.”
   “Camille!” Another voice at the door.
   “Dad. Jim, you’re here.” She wheezed when Jim came to her with Joyce’s hand in his. Sprinkles of grey in his hair. Joyce pulled her brown locks back into a ponytail.
   “Hey, sweetheart, we’re all here for you.” She came around the bed. “Max and El want to come in, we got them to stay with the others. Just breathe, you’re almost there.”
   “How’re you holding up, punk?” Jim clapped Billy on the shoulder, earning a chuckle.
   “Just barely, Hops. Lots of ice chips.”
   “I swear by those, you might want more.”
   “She’s crushing my hand.” Billy lifted his near white palm. Camille’s digging fingers into his skin.
   “He did this to me,” Camille hissed. Another bout. Another groan that tore the room. Ellen was back at her side.
   “Camille, come up now, that’s my girl.”
   A growl ripped violently.
   Like a werewolf mid transformation.
   Camille huffed and got to her hands and knees. Thought to rip her flesh away and reveal fur and muscle hiding underneath. Teeth growing and sharp to stark points while her veins darkened.
   She could have torn through a forest. Howled at the moon. One last time.
   It glowed bright before her. Speckled with stars.
   She counted them to herself.
   “Hold on, here.” Ellen guided stirrups higher so she could grip them. Had her squatting on the bed. “Breathe.” The thin cotton of the gown was damp. Hanging from one shoulder. She growled and tore it open down the front. Veins pulsing and pushing. No drugs. Just a body built for agony. Miles of it. Nude and feral.
   Camille screamed at the moon this time. For gawking. Grabbed at Billy again while he helped brace her into position.
   She howled and other women howled back. A great echo into the unknown. Into the dark night. Wolves in a pack itching to run through wind and rustling trees. Feral bodies that were so often controlled by weaker beings. Free and shameless.
   Women were not always soft, they were hard edges of steel slicing skin to pieces. Teeth gnashing muscle and bone apart. Hot irons of a beating heart within a hollowed chest cavity. Camille led a brigade with her.
   “Big push now!” Came the command.
   Camille tossed her head back and roared. Succumbed to the flames and blood lust. Thought her bones would break and shift so she could become the beast. Bring the world to its knees.
   Ellen reached down, head lifting.
   “Camille, it’s time. Another big push for me.”
   Camille only braced herself. Bones chattering. Words echoed with encouragement from her family. From Billy as he held onto her. Ellen repeated herself from the right.
   “Ahhh!” Vocal cords vibrated and almost ripped apart. Teeth baring. A gasp when it reeled back. Sweat and blood dribbled down Camille’s quivering thighs.
   “Almost, sweetheart, almost. Keep pushing for us.”
   “I can’t, I can’t.” Came the chants. Jim thought to step forward as he watched her spine press out into skin, but Billy sprang into action.
   “You can do this.” He kissed her temple. “You can.”
   “I’m not ready, I can’t.” Camille cried so hard. Looked out at the sky.
   It was all blue.
   “Camille,” Billy murmured into her hair, “I love you. You can do this.”
   The stars glowed brighter beyond the window. She longed to reach out and catch one.
   “They’re singing to me.” She whispered more so to herself. Lips opening to howl and sing with them. The women echoing her calls. The stars waiting beyond the veil.
   She waited for fur to ripple her skin. For claws to grow long and sharp.
   “That’s it, Camille, push!” Ellen took one hand, guided it down to feel something warm and wet. Camille screamed and they helped her stay upright when something stronger and more youthful than her tore from a body built of steel and stardust. “Take your baby. She’s here. Cradle the head.”
   Camille was sobbing as she pulled a tiny mass to her bare chest. A fallen star she managed to grasp. It echoed her screams. More powerful and beet red. Slicked with blood and fluids.
   Unable to stay upright, she was guided back with Ellen and Billy’s help. Looked almost wild in the starlight. Bloodied and nude with her cub cradled close.
   The baby wailed over Camille until she quieted in a daze. It overcame her with so much ease. Felt like she was slipping into a warm bath. Endless pools. Unbothered by her nudity there in the wash of moon.
   “Look at her,” Billy gasped through tears. Kissed Camille’s cheek again. “I’m so proud of you, you did it. She’s beautiful.”
   She half expected him to say, my, my, what big eyes you have.
   “Congratulations, mommy and daddy.” Ellen was ushering her assistant around.
   Camille didn’t look down. Couldn’t. Not at this little pup that ripped from her. That howled with her at the moon. This beating heart she would nurture and teach to glow all neon and red. The baby felt its mother’s heart beating under her little head and made it her first lullaby. Camille felt for a moment, that she had no more life in her. No more fight to tear through the woods leading a pack of wailing women.
   “Let’s get her cleaned up.” Ellen pulled the whimpering infant away to tend to her. Camille sat sprawled there half naked with one leg hanging over the side. Her own fluids in a puddle beneath her. Warm and oddly comforting. Billy and the assistant worked to maneuver her into another mattress so the dirtied one could be rolled off.
   “Camille?” Billy cupped her face there against a plush pillow. Covered her body. “Hey.”
   “She’s just a little dazed.” Joyce was smoothing brown hair back. Hopper’s hand on her shoulder. “You did so good, honey.”
   Ellen pushed a peach bundle back into Camille’s arms without asking. Helped her cradle the head as she propped herself up into the pillows. Hazel eyes lowered to see her daughter at last.
   Bright, crystalline eyes. A full head of dark hair already. Blinking and still at her mother. Billy leaned into Camille’s shoulder with a tired grin. Fingers grazed his baby’s cheek. Lips lowered to feel the tufts of hair, to inhale the scent of new life. The urge to cry overshadowed her smile.
   “Sara Anne Hargrove, welcome to the world.” Billy said. “Halloween birthday, I’m jealous.” Glowing with vitality Camille didn’t feel as he spoke.
   She heard the other women crying out and mourned that she no longer had the strength to roar with them.
** ** **
   “She’s so tiny.” El glittered, cradling the baby with Jim’s help.
   “She makes that same squinty face Billy does, look.” Max joked. Both girls as tall as Camille. So grown up and out into this big world. Jim crossed to see Camille when Billy went into the hallway to sign some papers.
   “You okay, kid?” He tucked a strand of hair away. She stared beyond him at the moon.
   “I never asked you if it was okay. Her name.”
   “I think it’s perfect.” Jim smiled and Camille pressed her lips at him. “Joyce and I will stick around if that’s okay. Help you get situated.”
   “We’d appreciate that. Grace and Roger live a ways out.” Camille blinked, head back to see everyone fawning over the baby across the way.
   “You okay?” Jim felt a great distance pool within his kid.
   “I’m...” Blue. “A mother.”
** ** **
   Sara wouldn’t latch.
   It took extra help to get her to at the birthing center and Joyce assisted at home.
   “Give her a second.” Billy tried to help. Tried.
   “You want to do this?” Camille’s eyes snapped at him. He put his hands up in response.
   “I’ll start dinner.” He slunk away into the kitchen where Jim was. Max and El left because they had class the next day. Grace promised to come up as much as she could after kissing Billy a million times. Phone calls and cards poured.
   “Ah...” Camille wiggled in her seat. Perched on an extra pillow because everything below her waist was raw and padded. Her stomach went down slowly while her breasts ballooned. Sara suckled in her arms and Joyce only offered encouragement. “It hurts.”
   “They never tell you that in the books.” Joyce sighed. “Jonathan gave me all sorts of trouble too. You’ll get the hang of it.” Camille winced and settled her head back against the couch. Felt like she was just waiting for it to be over. Everyone gushed about this amazing connection they would share and here she was just floating.
   Maybe that was just something else to get the hang of.
** ** **
   Camille started to have dreams. Maternity leave only made her restless. She cried when Billy packed her files away into the closet. He’d gotten the first month to stay with her while she’d gotten three.
   And she wanted to go back.
   Billy didn’t dare ask why the urge to see these kids over her daughter quelled.
   So, Camille dreamed a lot on rare nights she got sleep.
   Barely ate.
   A white room with white sheets in a white bed. Camille in all white too. Doctors fussing as she bloodied the room with her mess. Her womanhood that was supposed to be kept in check. Sara crying. Screaming. Echoing.
   One doctor pulling his mask down. Smiling wider than a circus clown. Brenner.
   Camille tore up and screamed too until Billy started to shake her awake.
   Only one week in and she’s unraveling with dark circles and a broken in body.
   “Camille!” Billy just held her until she stopped.
   “No, no, I have to check on her.” She ripped away from him. Scrambled into the other room to hover over the crib. Sara sleeping soundly and undisturbed. A sigh.
   “Camille, come out, you’ll wake her.” Billy rubbed his eyes. She ignored him, felt around the window for a latch.
   “You left it unlocked.”
   “I told you to lock it last night.” Camille’s neck twisted with a heated expression. Eyes glinting like an animal.
   “She took awhile to sleep, I forgot,” he paused, “I’m sorry.”
   “They could come in and take her. In the dark. Just like that.” She seethed in a struggle to keep her voice low. Billy gently pulled her from the room and shut the door.
   “I’ll remember next time. Nothing can climb to the window.” He rubbed her shoulders. Only got pushed away as Camille checked the door. “Camille? Who...”
   “Brenner!” She burst and covered her mouth. “If she’s like me, they’ll come take her in the night. In the dark. They’ll take her away and make her a number. You'll die and I'll be rocking in some hospital.”
   “Brenner is dead. That won’t happen.” Billy realized her fears. Saw her eyes glimmer there. “That lab is dead, no one will come for her. She’s safe with us.” He sat her on the couch. Watched her quiver and hold herself. Head dropping. The baby monitor in their bedroom echoed a wheezy sound. “Come get back in bed, I got this one. You had her yesterday.” Billy sighed and tucked Camille in. Left.
   “Hey, you...some set of lungs you got.” Billy’s voice spoke through the haze of static. “There you go. I mastered the art of the diaper, I think I-no, no, don’t pee on, daddy. You weren’t done.”
   A giggle.
   “Yeah, I’m your daddy, Sara. Bet you have some freckles coming in. My mom says I had mine young too.”
   Camille pictured her husband at total peace. Seated in the rocking chair wagging his finger and smiling at their baby. Soothing her. It made her weep silently until she shoved a fistful of blankets into her mouth. Billy took to this life a duck to water.
   And she…
   She just fizzled and sunk. Dreamed of Brenner coming and Sara being torn away. Never knew what to say. What to do. Billy seemed to have it figured and that just made her feel behind and confused.
   “You are my sunshine...my only sunshine...” Billy sang and Camille covered her face. Blocked her ears because it was too much. He returned ten minutes later to hold her. Kissed her hair and uttered the sweetest I love you because he felt so fulfilled and lucky.
   Camille pretended to be asleep.
** ** **
   Breastfeeding hurt still.
   Second week. Camille never slept. Put on her brave face for family visits. But they saw it in her eyes. She sang to Sara and chatted with her. Changed her to perfection. Kissed her head. But, the connection. The emotions welled up like they were blocked in her throat.
   Her body healed and only felt lifeless. Like she was a puppet controlled by another. Strings twisted all along her limbs to make her flop along a stage. Little clumsy ballerina. Going through the motions. She only cringed when the baby cried.
   Sara needed her.
   And it made her shrink.
   She was mommy. Warm arms and shelter. A knowledge base that would mold their baby.
   That suffocated. Billy smiled and cooed and Camille looked away. He just seemed so happy. She felt wrong.
   Why didn’t that come for her too?
   “Camille, look, look.” Billy was lying on the couch, lifting Sara up as she giggled to no end. Little limbs flailing. She bubbled a raspberry and he chuckled.
   Camille stood there in the kitchen doorway and averted her eyes.
   “Come sit with us.” He pushed up, nestling Sara into his lap.
   “I’m going to ask if I can go back early. To work. They need me.”
   “Uh,” Billy tread carefully, standing, “it hasn't even been a month. We’re still figuring this out. Take the time. You earned it.”
   “I can work part time.” Camille said it without any emotion. Not blinking. Staring at his feet while Sara wiggling there into his chest and played with blond curls.
   “I don’t want to make this choice for you, but I think it’s a bad idea. We haven’t even figured out our hours when we go back. Babysitters. Camille, don’t push it-...why won’t you even look at her?”
   Billy said that without even thinking. Camille’s eyes glinted at him.
   “It’s like you want nothing to do with us anymore.”
   “That’s not true.”
   “Well, look at her then. Hold her. We made her and she’s perfect.”
   “Billy.” Camille backed up. Touched her palms to her ears. Didn’t know how to not hear this. “Stop it. I’m fine… Stop saying that word.”
   “Perfect, she doesn’t have to be-”
   “You know what I mean.” He eased. Camille vibrated there. Paranoid. Manic. Lost. Went around him and slammed a door. Sara jilted. Started to cry as he bounced her. “Hey, no, you’re fine. Mommy’s just upset. She’s tired. She’s just tired.”
   Camille slid down the door. Cried there because she scared her little girl. She made her baby cry. She was a bad mother. These thoughts chanted until she was covering her ears again. Got into bed and curled into the tiniest ball she could.
   Something strange happened as she shook and wept there. Her fist beating into her shoulder. Punishing herself for being bad until sleep crept. A bad mommy. Bad. Bad. Bad. The skin purpled with a bruise that next morning. Camille felt Billy stirring behind her.
   They slept apart.
   “Hey, I gotta go pick up some stuff. I’ll grab groceries.” He kissed her head. “Might be a few hours.”
   “Okay.” Camille rasped, eyes on the wall. On the rain trickling outside.
   “Camille, last night, I-”
   A whimper on cue from the monitor.
   “I got her. She’s hungry.” A robe pulled over her nightgown. Over the bruise. She couldn’t look at Billy as she left. Plucking Sara up, she went out to the couch to feed her. Her husband appeared dressed and eyed her carefully.
   “I’ll be back soon.” Billy reassured her. Hesitated at the door before he lifted his eyes. “Love you.”
   “...Love you.” Camille said quieter. Let the TV drone. Billy locked the door and didn’t make it to his Camaro. Instead pushed coins into a payphone.
   “Yeah? Hello?” A tired voice answered from a hotel room.
   “Jim.” Billy swallowed. “Hey, I...”
   “You alright, Billy?”
   “It’s Camille. I don’t...” Billy paused. “I’m headed out to run some errands. Can you come over? Sit with her a bit. I left the key under the mat.”
   “Billy, is everything okay?”
   A pause. Billy didn’t know how to tell Jim what he saw. But, Camille always responded to Jim’s love. She needed it right now. Billy felt useless.
   “I don’t know.” See for yourself.
   He hung up and got into his car. Wiped his eyes before he pulled out.
** ** **
   “Come on, we can do this.” Camille groaned. One breast out to feed the baby. “Please.” Sara wiggled in protest. She looked up at her mother. Smiled.
   Camille shattered.
   “Don’t do that.” She quivered.
   Don’t look at me with undying trust and love.
   Don’t look at me like I'm all you got because I’m failing you.
   “I’m sorry.” Camille offered at last. Felt like she’d been holding that in since she saw the strip turn blue. “I’m sorry, I can’t...I’m a bad mommy and I’m so sorry.” Tears hit Sara’s cheeks and blanket. A baby blanket Grace knitted with the baby’s name in it. Pale lavender. Camille sobbed and held her. “I don’t know why I feel like this and I’m so sorry.”
   She couldn’t stop. The baby just cooed at her. Grabbed for long locks of brown hair.
   Don’t cry, mommy.
   That was how Jim found them.
   Camille drained of life and sobbing over the baby she felt she'd let down. Skin discolored and bruised. Clothing loose and crumpled. One of her breasts out. Hyperventilating. Vibrating. Sara still contented in her arms. Looking around in wonder.
   “Camille, sweetheart,” Jim crossed and she hitched to breathe. Offered the baby to him. Desperate.
   “Take her. Take her away from me. I can’t. I can’t do this. I’m not right. I can’t keep her safe from men in suits with red ties. I'll just hurt her too. I’m a bad mother. I’m not...I don’t feel...” Camille shook and Jim took the bundle. “I can’t look at her because I can’t do this. I’m awful. I’m a horrible mother. I’m sorry!”
   Skin paled and eyes huge, Camille crushed in on herself.
   Hands covered her face. Crossed legs lifting so she could curl up again there.
   “Camille...” Jim eased. Realized how unwell she’d been. Clearly not sleeping or eating in the short time they’d been home. “She’s okay, Camille. You’re doing okay.”
   “I’m not, I’m not. She’ll be like me and they’ll take her away. They’ll stage a car accident or fry our brains and she’ll be out there and all alone. I made her cry, I didn’t mean to.” She kept thinking about Rosemary and Noah brushing her aside. Lying to her. Keeping her in a cage.
   “That won’t happen, no matter what she becomes.” Jim faced her, cradling the tiny baby against him. “Deep breath.” He managed to fix her nightgown back up with a free hand. “Hey, look at her, it’s okay. She's safe.”
   Camille wiped her eyes and stared at the floor.
   “Has it been like this since you got home?” He frowned. “We...We didn’t-”
   “It just feels all wrong, Jim. I don’t understand.” That raw voice squeaked. He brought her against him with his arm. Holding Sara there too.
   “She’s healthy and beautiful. And she’s happy. You did that.” Jim offered. Camille’s fingers dug into his jacket. “You’re not well. I’ve seen this before with my own family. We’re going to get you some help, okay? You need help and that’s okay.”
   Camille only nodded. One shaken hand reached out to touch her daughter. Finger running the curve of her little chin.
   “When’s Billy getting home?”
   “Couple hours tops.” She sniffled.
   “I want you to go lie down.”
   “She hasn’t eaten.” Camille persisted, head lifting.
   “We’ll try again in a bit. I’m going to make you something to eat and I want you to just close your eyes. I’ll take care of the baby.” Jim stood, ushering her with him. “Get into bed.”
   “What about Billy?” Camille let Jim cover her. “He...He seemed...”
   “I’ll explain it to him. Just rest.” Jim settled Sara into her crib. Turned the mobile on. He made some plain toast and got Camille to sit up and each both pieces. Brushed crumbs off her face. Tucked her into a warm bed.
   Then, he called Joyce.
** ** **
   Billy came home with his arms full of bags. Stopped there at the scene. Joyce playing with Sara on the couch. Jim just walked out of the kitchen.
   “Where’s Camille?” He dropped the groceries aside. Jim put a slow hand on his shoulder.
   “I got her fed and to sleep. We managed to help her feed Sara after the first hour...” Jim sighed. “Billy, Camille’s...”
   “I don’t know what’s happening to her. She doesn’t want to be around Sara or I.”
   “What’s happening to Camille is common. Happens to mothers everywhere. She needs to go talk to someone about it.” Jim cocked his head and helped the new father put his items away while Joyce stayed on the couch. “Postpartum depression. You read about that?”
   “Some in the baby books. Not much.”
   “Camille is feeling very...”
   “Blue.” Billy’s eyes went distant. He sucked his cheeks in. Set his jaw to sigh. “I ignored it. I got mad at her for...”
   “It’s not either of your faults. It happens. Camille has to go talk to someone before she hurts herself. She needs support. It’ll be okay. I promise.” That somehow relaxed Billy. Jim always knew what to do. What to say.
   “I hope,” Billy began, “I can be a dad like you.”
   Hopper smiled at that. Beamed and hugged Billy to his chest. The new daddy paced to see his baby on the couch.
   “She behaving for you?”
   “That she is.” Joyce smiled. “We got her. Camille’s in the bedroom.”
   “Thanks.” Billy kissed Sara’s head and went in. Clicking the door open. Camille stirred. Head lifting when he got behind her. “Hey.”
   “Hi.” She stiffened up as he brought her to his chest. “Jim tell you?”
   “Yeah.” Billy’s chin settled upon her crown.
   “I’m sorry.”
   “Don’t apologize, we’ll get through it. You, Sara, and I. We’re a team. Little pack of wolves.” Billy kissed her head. Let her finally breath him in and cling as she turned to burrow into his chest. “You two are everything to me. Nothing else is as important as us.”
   “I love you. I love her. I do.”
   “I know you do. And we love you. We’ll get you help, Camille. It’s okay.” Billy cuddled her closer. Thought of Hopper. “I promise.”
** ** **
   Camille woke before Billy that next morning. Went to feed Sara. Jim and Joyce left after another long talk with Billy when Camille fell back asleep.
   “Okay, Sara, it’s just you and me. We can do this.” She adjusted and sat in the rocking chair. Cupped her breast to offer it. Pain stung a little but… “There we go. Good girl. Yes.”
   Camille felt herself smile this morning. Billy made an appoint for her. She would be taking the full maternity leave.
   Sara wiggled and burped up as Camille bounced her. Hummed Billy’s song to her and flicked the mobile around. Her husband hadn’t emerged yet so she went into the kitchen. Made a turkey and cheese sandwich. Sliced it diagonally and fell into the couch to watch some TV. Billy stumbled in and stood there with bed head. Beautiful beyond belief.
   “Morning.” Camille took half the sandwich and offered the plate to him. Billy brightened. Sat next to her. They shared the food in silence. Watched TV until she got under his arm. Rain padded against the windows. Sounded peaceful. “Do you think she’ll like surfing or ballet?”
   Eyes flickered over his wife as she engaged herself at last. With ease.
   “I think she’ll be into pro wrestling.” Billy smiled fuller. Camille let herself feel it, pushing at his chest before she laughed. Still a pretty sound. Inhaled the scent of him before he brought her hand up to kiss the tender skin of her wrist.
   “She’s gonna do whatever she wants to do, I think.” Camille said then, kissing up his jaw to find soft lips. “And we’ll be there to support her... We’ll always be there, won’t we?”
   “We will and that’s enough. I promise.” Billy tucked hair aside for a feverish kiss, nuzzled down into her neck to murmur. “You doing alright?”
   Camille saw his lashes flutter. Traced her fingers over the freckles and thought about how she couldn’t wait to see them bloom like fresh petals upon their daughter.
   “Today? Yeah. I think so. We’ve got each other.” She breathed, pressing lips into wild curls. They held each other while the rain fell lighter. Realized Billy was right. Echoed his call. “That’s enough.”
   Sara roused for her parents. Squirmed as Camille picked her up to bring her into the living room so they could gush and admire her. Neon hearts that glowed brighter by the hour. Her lullaby and sunrise all at once.
   “I love you both,” Billy nudged his head into Camille’s temple, “so much. You know that?”
   “You’re a magnificent father. We're lucky, Sara and I.” Camille’s lips pressed and the curves of her expression blurred. Billy blinked several times. A smile pressed. She let Sara giggle in her lap and held one finger with a strong, little hand. Babbling some until Camille was laughing to encourage it. “She’s all blush and tangerine today.” Not blue.
   “She’s beautiful,” Billy sighed there with so much contentment as Camille let herself relax. “And she’s just like her mother.”
   Hazel eyes lifted to see him. Amazed by this wonder of a life they created. A miracle. Like a specific star they’d plucked down to cherish and nurture.
   “She’ll be messy and also so kind. Good. Angry when she needs to be. She’ll cry and not be shamed for it. Our baby will be shown so much love, the world couldn’t hope to swallow her.” Camille smiled again. Softer by the hour as she gazed at Sara there. “The best parts of us. Our love. Into one gorgeous creature. She’s us, Billy.”
   That hit the new mother hard. Made her voice quiver.
   "She's us."
   Camille felt a glimmer of it then as she understood it all. That connection threading red cords around her heart. Casting out to anchor others so close. Billy saw it resonate and felt it too. Held them both on the sofa as they curled up like a family. Their own pack. Camille would teach Sara to howl at the moon and tear through forests. To endure and pull herself back to her feet at every stumble. To lead and love as hard as she could. Like she was meant to.
   Billy only glittered at her. Camille’s burst of vitality and hope. They had each other and they would get through whatever would follow the horizon.
   “And it’s enough,” he repeated in peace, “I promise.”
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treatian · 4 years
The Chronicles of the Dark One:  Storybrooke, Maine
Chapter 4:  Overwhelmed
With David gone, he was free to show weakness, to reach his hand out to one of the counters to help steady himself. His cane helped, but it suddenly wasn't enough. He was short of breath. He felt dizzy, like the room was spinning uncontrollably around him, morphing and changing before his eyes while it all stayed still and the same. He felt like he might be sick, but even as he stood there, huffing and puffing, staring down at the floor to try and get his bearings, he was aware that what he was feeling wasn't a physical sensation. It was a mental one. He was overwhelmed.
Over one hundred and fifty years he'd been working on that Curse…that was over one hundred and fifty years he'd been trying to find a way to the Land Without Magic to get his son back! And now, here they were. Here he was. He'd been here for years and yet this was the first opportunity for it to all hit him, the reality to truly sink in. He'd made it. Baelfire was here, in this world, somewhere! He had to find him. Now! But first…
He finally picked his head up and looked around the shop. His shop. What a strange and peculiar feeling. He knew who he was. He was Rumpelstiltskin, The Dark One, father of Baelfire. But now he was also Mr. Gold. No first name. He'd never thought that was strange before until now. Whenever he-Mr. Gold-had thought of himself he'd always thought of himself as Mr. Gold or Gold. It was his preference. He'd never considered that an oddity. It was the power of the Curse. He knew every answer to the state bar exam, knew how to stand in front of a judge, to litigate, he knew how to run a business, how to assess antiques, how to drive, he knew an infinite amount of facts and actions he hadn't known before-but he never thought twice about having no first name. Ironic, at home, he'd been a man who preferred to trade in names, and so the Curse had given him none. But it had upheld Regina's deal. The Curse had given him power. He had wealth and land, just as he'd wanted when he talked to that werewolf what seemed like eons ago! He owned Storybrooke, in addition to a home, a cabin, a fine car…and this shop.
This shop…
He felt as though he'd never seen it clearly before now, like all his life, in all his time here, he'd been living in a fog, and now the fog had cleared. He looked at the shop with new eyes, looked at all his treasures with fascination. For everything he knew about each one of them, there was now a new story.
Wands, Mr. Gold thought in his head. A collection of six, used in pagan worship during the seventeenth century to direct magic. Pawned by an elderly man, they'd become his when he defaulted on his loan.
But that was a lie, he now knew. He'd collected those wands himself. Gotten all but one of them from a dead gypsy. The other he'd gotten from personally destroying a Fairy. They were used to channel fairy magic.
Necklace, Mr. Gold thought the moment he spotted a damaged snowflake necklace hanging in a frame. Sold to him by a woman who was looking to pay for some books for school. It wasn't worth paying money for repairs, so he'd left it.
But that was Anna of Arendelle's necklace, the one he'd taken when he'd gone to take the Sorcerer's Hat from Ingrid and left with her niece in an urn instead. He didn't see the urn anywhere, and Mr. Gold knew that he didn't have it. There were a few things here that had been in that room, they would need to be protected, but the urn, which he hadn't thought to mark as he had so many other objects before him, was missing. Still, the wands, Anna's necklace, the globe he'd seen in his vision, Robin's bow, Geppetto's parents-or what was left of them, Snow White's boat…they were all here. Even…
He took his cane and hurried over to the hatbox that he'd once given Jefferson. He wanted to peer inside, but Gold knew it was empty even before he could open it. The hat was gone. Odd. He hadn't marked either the hat or the box, and yet one of them had made it back to him. Strange.
Cane in hand, he took one final look around and then let himself wander into the back room. Another strange sensation. He wanted to rummage, he wanted to root around his shop and locate every little thing, to identify where things were…but instead, he stayed perfectly still. He didn't have to "root around." He knew where everything was. The medallion, the one that would summon the wraith to him, was safely stored. In the safe were the adoption papers for Cinderella, called Ashley here, that would assure him a favor from Emma one day.
The Black Fairy's Wand, he knew without searching, was not in his possession. Another oddity. He had marked that wand, but he could also remember the Blue Fairy entering his property when he'd been imprisoned. If anyone was bound to take it and place a spell over it powerful enough to keep it from him in this Curse, it would be that bitch. He smirked. She wasn't a fairy here, just a human. Mother Superior, she ran the convent of nuns that he hated so. They were always late on their rent. Perhaps he could have some fun with that now that he was awake. Figured…she always played the role of Holier-Than-Thou back home, so it seemed in the Curse she did too.
Belle's chipped teacup…it was there, sitting in the back, set aside from the world because he'd been meaning to fix it despite never finding the chip that went to it. He felt a certain amount of thankfulness for that chip. If it wasn't there, he might have accidentally sold it by now. Or…
His eyes fell on the cupboard across the room. Inside was the saucer to the teacup, the one that he placed a spell on so that when the two were reunited, Pandora's Box might be revealed. He knew nothing of the box except…maybe he did. In front of that cupboard, he was aware of a hollow place under the floorboards. Gold never thought much of it but in front of the cupboard in his castle was where he'd hidden Pandora's Box. What was the chance it was there now? He didn't move to find out. He doubted it would work at the moment. He could feel magic in the air, but it was weak. Every last ounce of it in this world was being used to hold the Curse together. If he wanted to get Pandora's Box, he was going to need magic. And he needed the girl for that.
Nearly everything he needed was here in his shop, even if Gold hadn't known it; a genie lamp, his old spinning wheel, David's sword, before he'd taken it, of course, invisible chalk for protection spells, his spell bag was most valuable at a time like this…but the egg he'd had David hide was missing. In the belly of a beast. The Library…
There had been stories for years that a dragon lived in the basement…local lore. Only right this moment, he had a feeling that it was a little more than local lore. Same for the well, the one in the middle of the woods was said to have the ability to return that which was lost. He smiled. Gold's history of this town was going to be quite helpful. He knew where the potion was, and he knew where the well was. All he needed now was the Savior, Emma, to get it for him. Where was she?
David was out looking for her at the moment. But he'd rather find her before David did. In fact…he should have…he recalled the vision he'd had in the Enchanted Forest, the one that had told him he needed Emma's name to become his trigger word. In that vision, when he woke up, he was at Granny's, in the little bed and breakfast. In that vision, the Savior stood before him. In that vision, David was nowhere to be seen. This scenario, clearly, hadn't been that scenario, but then…how was this possible? The Seer was wrong? But the Seer was never wrong? She might sometimes warn him when a vision was a possibility rather than absolute, but that vision was absolute. It shouldn't have happened this way. Why had it?
Something was wrong. If it wasn't the Seer, then something else wasn't right. But what?
The time!
He hobbled across the room to the place he kept his books. He had a theory, just one, but he needed dates to figure it out. His books were complete, they went back for decades, and naturally, it was all in his handwriting because the Curse was cleverly detailed but wading through the hazy memories Mr. Gold had, he noticed a problem. While Gold had memories of writing it all down, he couldn't find an actual memory of doing it before 1983. That meant everything before that was filled in by the Curse. They'd arrived in 1983. It was 1992. If they arrived in 1983, just after the Savior was born and sent here…the child's twenty-eighth birthday…
His head spun again, this time with disappointment and sorrow as his theory was confirmed. He felt…he felt like he had after he'd gotten back from Neverland without his father. He felt like his hopes were dashed. He'd been so excited, so ready to go and find Baelfire. But it wasn't going to be happening any time soon. Emma wasn't here. Not yet. At the moment, she couldn't have been more than...what…nine? Ten? He was still practically two decades away from getting back to his son.
But if Emma was still two decades away from arriving and breaking the Curse, why had David come in asking for her now, memories and all. And, for that matter, why had he never seen David before this moment in this town?! Was it his memory? Was he just too hazy to recall him? No. No, he was certain he'd never laid eyes on David before in this shop, but…
He had a memory, a memory that wasn't actually a memory, but rather something that had been implanted into Gold's mind. It was a memory of a windmill, one that was in his shop right now. It had been brought in by a woman who claimed it had come with a house she and her husband had just bought. Her husband, the woman claimed, couldn't stand it. The woman was familiar to him. It had been the former Princess Abigail, Midas' daughter, and David's former fiancé…in this world, she was called Kathryn, and she'd had a husband also named David, but he'd never met Kathryn's husband, he hadn't been with her on that day or ever again because…he'd left. The talk of the town…
He gripped his cane tight and focused on the floor, trying to sort through memories that weren't actually memories was giving him a headache. That could be the Curse. Many spells and curses that affected memory had a tendency to give the victim headaches when poked or prodded too much. If the Curse had been broken entirely, he might not have been feeling it, but since it wasn't broken, it was fighting back, trying to pull him under. He didn't have the magic to fix it, but Gold had Tylenol around to help. Of course, if the headache was brought on by magic, he doubted acetaminophen would help. Then again, neither was standing here gawking at words he'd never known before like Tylenol and acetaminophen. Focus. He had to focus and not grow so overwhelmed. The talk of the town, Kathryn, David…sort the memories…
The talk of the town was that David had gone away. They'd been married one day, and the next David had gone. The gossip was that after an argument, David had left Kathryn and hadn't been seen since. They'd all assumed he'd run away somewhere, but…that wasn't possible. The Curse would have made sure of it. He'd been here, all this time, but where?
Memories. So many false memories to work through, so much haze to gaze through. Where had David been?!
He knew where…the hospital. He had another memory, another cursed memory, something his mind was convinced he'd experienced, but he knew he hadn't.
Sheriff Graham had brought a picture by once of a man who was in a coma, John Doe, they'd called him. The picture had been a polaroid taken hastily of a man in a hospital bed, wires and tubes sticking out of him so machines could monitor him. The sheriff, Regina's lover, the hunter from the Enchanted Forest who had rescued Snow and allowed Regina to take him in turn…
He breathed. He tightened his grip on his cane.
The hunter had brought the photo to him because he'd wanted to know if he recognized John Doe as a tenant. He was in a coma after being found suspiciously on the side of the road, and they had no clues as to who he might be. He hadn't either, not at the time, not in the memory. But now, he did.
The man had been David. David had been in a coma in the hospital all these years. So when David said the flower woke him up…did he mean it figuratively or literally? Or both. Regina would know. She was the maker of the Curse. She'd be awake just as he was and a few memories, real and true memories, that he possessed of their encounters together suggested that she was very aware of who she was and where she was from, but…he didn't want her to know he was awake, not until the time was right. And there was no way to have this conversation with her without revealing his own knowledge. This wasn't that time.
But right time or not, Snow and David had awakened early and were searching for their daughter; that was why her name was uttered ahead of schedule.
The pixie flower…the flower that awakened them; those flowers grew in the presence of great evil. He'd been in this town a decade already. He'd never seen the flower and knew there wasn't magic enough to grow them all in the Curse. The magic the Curse had was too busy sustaining itself. But maybe…Snow, Mary Margaret, had found the flower. She always was the target of Regina's rage. Maybe if the women had an encounter and the Evil Queen said something particularly cruel or wicked, perhaps it would allow one flower to grow. It was, as they said in this world, a fluke. Only he'd been awakened early as well. And Emma was ten, and if her parents left to find her as they seemed so determined to do…
He had to fix this.
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that-shamrock-vibe · 6 years
TV Review: Young Justice Outsiders Part 1 (Spoilers)
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Spoiler Warning: The first part of Young Justice Outsiders is finally all available for viewing so I thought I would give my thoughts on Season 3 thus far, it won’t be in depth because for me this season hasn’t been but there are light spoilers so be warned.
General Reaction:
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I have been a fan of Young Justice since I found out about the series, I love it. I love taking these sidekicks and putting them in the spotlight. It’s why I loved Teen Titans and Young Avengers. I guess because I discovered them while I was a teenager myself, season 1 aired in 2010 when I was 19 so technically that counts, that I relate to them but also the first two seasons of the show were so well done and made for gripping binge-worthy viewing.
So you can imagine that I, like many other fans of the show, was thrilled when after an injust cancellation it returned 5 years. The only problem is Young Justice: Outsiders lacks the spark and somewhat originality that the first two seasons had.
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These first 13 episodes of season three lack centric main characters, a strong A-Storyline and, until the last 4 episodes, that gripping binge-worthiness I mentioned the first two seasons had. Instead we have an Easter-Egg season crammed with characters who are splintered into different groups who each have their own storylines that, again until near the end of the 13 episodes, don’t really tie-in with each other and feel like they each need their own shows to develop fully.
Also, there is another time jump between Season 2 and 3 which makes more sense here than it did between 1 and 2 because in real-time 5 years has passed since the end of Season 2 whereas there it seemed to be done to push ahead the story and give the franchise a Star Wars feel of making it a multi-media experience with the comic-book tie-in series filling in the space between 1 & 2.
What’s Good:
Alright so I want to be fair to the season because it does have some good aspects which I actually liked.
Fan Favourites:
I will get into the sheer volume of characters introduced to this season further down but for now I want to talk about the fan-favourites introduced who were somewhat fleshed out rather well.
Firstly Lady Shiva. I have never seen Lady Shiva before but I know she is a fan-favourite character and, considering the underwhelming performance of Talia al Ghul recently, a favored replacement for her. I still think Nyssa al Ghul is a good replacement particularly in Arrow but here I understand why people like her. I thought the fact she is the trainer of the new League of Shadows recruits as well as an Enforcer for The Light to be quite good, although I do find myself thinking that, as mentioned, Deathstroke was exactly in that position in the second season and he was barely used, I hope that’s not the case here.
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Then there’s Cyborg. It’s about god-damn time they brought this guy in. Just when I thought this season was not going to get graphic or gory they give us Cyborg’s Post-New 52 origins and that imagery of Victor’s body after the explosion was so good for me. I also liked how they’ve updated the Cyborg look and now given him mood-lighting with Father Box control which causes an interesting relationship between him and new character Halo.
Finally there’s Terra. I am excited for what has been teased with Terra so far. The fact she was part of the Markovian Royal Family which was introduced in the first couple of episodes and then herself being properly introduced in the last episode with her Geokinetic powers, while not yet fully realized I am sure will be great.
Beast Boy:
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So again this is very much a light spoiler review but what I will say is watch out and be patient for Beast Boy because he does not have that much to do at the start of the season and only really appears in snippets as the opening scenes of the episodes but in the penultimate episode of Season 3A it is all about Beast Boy and it’s probably my favourite episode despite one glaring aspect of it which is an Easter-Egg within the DC Multiverse.
What’s Bad:
Shifting Allegiances:
There is a big shake-up in how our heroes are affiliate themselves with in the first episode alone.
Not only do Batman and Black Lightning quit the Justice League, Batman taking other members with him for his own team, but the original Aquaman Arthur Curry, who has just had his own billion dollar movie released, is no longer in the League and instead his protege Aqualad has not only become the new Aquaman but the leader of the League.
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Then there’s the Team which this series is supposed to focus on. Again there’s a shake-up in the roster and the team that is shown in the promotion is pretty much the team for this season but...because of all the other characters introduced this season we do not spend enough time getting to know the new team, the new members on the team or the reasons why the members of the team who were there at the end of last season aren’t there now.
For instance, it is kind of explained why Tigress and Superboy are no longer on the team as they’re part of Nightwing’s new team and therefore in that promo image not this one, but Guardian and Lagoon Boy all have left without explanation. We know what has happened to Beast Boy and Bumblebee has a kid and is pregnant again so that probably explains their reasoning. Guardian aka Mal Duncan and Lagoon Boy weren’t very interesting characters which maybe explains their absence in terms of production but in-canon that can’t be the only reason.
Arsenal was expelled from the team during Season 2 so his appearance in this line-up raised curiosity, but he only appears in one episode but not with a single member of this team and instead with his fellow Roy Harpers.
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Then new team members Arrowette, Spoiler and Thirteen who were promoted are barely used. Yes Robin II aka Tim Drake leaves the team and takes Arrowette and Spoiler under his leadership to form their own team with new character Orphan, but Arrowette and Spoiler were both introduced as civillians in Season 2 yet nothing is done to reference that. In fact many people thought Arrowette was Artemis in a new suit at first.
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Thirteen remains on the team but I do not think has a speaking line and if she does it’s forgettable. All I know about this character is she is the protege of Zatanna but she has her own problems this season apparently and so this completely new character is barely utilized properly.
Also Blue Beetle, Bart Allen as Kid Flash, Static and Wonder Girl are all returning characters yet hardly either seen, utilized or developed in this season. Static loses Black Lightning as a mentor and Wonder Girl is seemingly dumped by Tim Drake when he quits the team due to Batman leaving the League, but Blue Beetle and Bart Allen who were focal characters last season are blink and miss them characters this season...glorified cameos at best.
Too Many Characters:
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This brings me on to my biggest issue with this season, there are way too many characters introduced and involved in this season. There are 13 episodes but it feels like they have a combined total of 130 characters introduced. We have new characters that we are supposed to focus on and new ones that seem to be there just to be there.
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For instance, new characters like Cyborg, Forager, Halo and Geo-Force I get we are supposed to focus on, but Cyborg isn’t introduced until Episode 10 and then heavily focused on for 4 episodes, while the latter three are all introduced at the start of the season and slowly and organically developed.
Then there are characters like Steel and Katana who I almost forgot were introduced at the start of Episode 1 until Episode 10 when there were slightly more prominent.
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Speaking of that Episode 1 Easter-Egg hunt, once Batman announces he is leaving the Justice League he makes it clear that four members of the league are resigning to join him, Katana, Plastic Man who was introduced in Season 1 and again to this day I cannot say if he’s actually had any speaking lines, Hardware who I have no clue as to who that is and Batwoman...Batwoman! You had probably the best LGBT superhero and yet she’s only seen in two images and that’s it. What, the, hell!
Then Episode 9 “Home Fires” is an episode full to the brim with Easter-Eggs, I can’t even call them characters because aside from maybe three of them none of them are focused on. Along with Bart Allen who actually has something to do here, Iris West-Allen actually has some comedic moments and then Karen aka Rocket who has some speaking lines and Lynn Stewart-Pierce who is the ex-wife of Black Lightning but isn’t as good here as Christine Adams portrays her on Black Lightning aside from the fact that in this continuity she is the sister of John Stewart aka Green Lantern.
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Aside from them, there’s the introduction of Lois Lane with son Jonathan, the reintroduction of Red Tornado’s human-looking form John Smith with daughter Traya Sutton, a pregnant Bumblebee, Iris and Barry’s twins Dawn and Don, Mera and son of Aquaman Artur, Rocket’s sassy son Amisted and the re-introduction of Black Lightning and Lynn’s daughter Anissa and Jennifer Pierce.
Away from this storyline in the episode is the reintroduction and death of Ocean-Master along with the introduction of Lady Shiva who kills him and the introduction of Granny Goodness. All this was just in the one episode.
Then we have Ra’s al Ghul and his followers, I can’t say League anymore because Ra’s has left both the League and The Light and Deathstroke seems to have taken his place in both, we are reintroduced to his followers such as Ubu and the Sensei but also introduced to the cameos of Talia al Ghul, Damien Wayne and a mysterious Red-Hooded Ninja...
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Also when we are finally reintroduced to Batman and his new team, the only one we see return is Katana along with new character Metamorpho...I don’t know who this character is but I like him.
Wonder Woman said it best in Episode 8 when there’s a meeting of all the leaders of these hero teams and says that between her, Batman, Aquaman(lad), Nightwing, Robin, Miss Martian and Oracle. they do in fact have 5 teams at their disposal. That is way too many teams to focus on in one season, particularly when 3 of those teams haven’t been properly established yet and the other two have had massively unexplained shake-ups.
Missed Opportunities:
As mentioned before, there is another time jump between Seasons 2 and 3, here it is two years rather than five as it was Between 1 and 2 which makes no sense because less real-time has passed in each gap but I digress.
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However, once again due to this time jump, we miss out on some major development. The biggest crime being that one of comics most famous stories, The Killing Joke is seemingly told as Barbara goes from Batgirl to Oracle and able-bodied to wheelchair bound.
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Now maybe Young Justice creators took inspiration from the only time that story has been told in film or television and thought just to skip it but then why not have a spin-off series centred on the Bat-Family, which has grown this season not just by Batwoman and Spoiler but also Orphan and Harper Row who in the comics becomes Bluebird to make a grand total of 10 Bat-Family members, so you can flesh out these characters and iconic stories.
What’s Teased:
Alright to end this review on a somewhat positive note I want to talk about what  is hopefully teased for the back-half of this season coming in June.
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Firstly we have Terra aka Tara Markov. Introduced at the start of this season but then formally introduced in Episode 13 as the Geokinetic Metahuman who is apparently enslaved on Bialya and later rescued by Nightwing’s team. However, the ending tease for the season shows Terra being taken in by the Team and secretly messaging Deathstroke who is now the leader of the League of Shadows having never apparently left the League apparently.
The only issue with this is it seems they’re playing out The Judas Contract which has also recently been told recently in the animated films. I mean it is clear at this point that they’re making the team in this series their version of the Teen Titans without calling them that but we shall see if we actually get to see this played out.
Red Hood and Damien Wayne:
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Two Robins for the price of one. Jason Todd as an in-canon character was never physically shown on screen in the second season as he was apparently introduced and killed in that 5 year gap. However, with the introduction of this Red-Hooded Ninja who is under Ra’s al Ghul’s leadership with the exact same hairstyle as Jason Todd...it stands to reason that we will soon meet Red Hood in Season 3b.
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Now as for Damien Wayne, Talia is introduced as a cameo this season as she watches Nightwing’s team flying away standing besides her father Ra’s holding a baby boy in her arm. It stands to reason that this is Damien and so unless we have a time-jump of 10 years I doubt we’ll see him again in any major capacity but the fact he has been introduced is big if the show reaches that 10 year gap.
Baby Sidekicks:
So as well as Damien, we have the infant forms of Don & Dawn Allen aka the Tornado Twins and Jonathan Samuel Kent aka a future Superboy. Also this season we meet Anissa and Jennifer Pierce who in the future become Lightning and Thunder respectively.
These pose as great teases but much like Damien, unless there’s a jump by 10 years I doubt they’ll be heavily focused on.
Apokolips Now:
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Alright so Apokolips is DC’s hot topic at the moment, not only did they try to push it and Darkseid in the movies until Justice League fell flat but also the end tease of Season 2 showed Darkseid meeting with Vandal Savage and they are now apparently associates just as The Light were with The Reach in Season 2.
Now while any sort of Apokolips influence is minimal this season thus far, we do get an episode on New Genesis, a reintroduction to the Forever People as well as Mother Boxes and an introduction of Forager.
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All this I feel is gearing up for Darkseid to either be the big bad of Season 3 overall or the overall villain of Season 4. Either way they are currently teasing Darkseid like they teased Thanos and that tease paid off in Infinity War so allow a series with those stakes.
So overall I have to say, this season has a gripping ending but it took a very long time getting there. It never felt like a chore but at the same time the other two seasons gripped me from the start. I am still looking forward to Season 3b but I will be curious to see if the 5 month wait is worth it or not.
I will give this part of Season 3 a rating of 6/10, it was an okay start with a dragged out middle and an exciting ending. Hopefully the excitement will run the way through the rest of the season.
So that’s my review of Young Justice: Outsiders (Part 1) what did you guys think? Post your comments and check out more TV Reviews as well as other posts.
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greekowl87 · 7 years
Fic: Brownies
For the @txf-prompt-box P.S. Tagging @today-in-fic too.
Challenge: This sentence must be in your fic:  “What are you holding behind your back?”
bonus: It’s not Mulder or Scully saying it.
double bonus: The thing behind the back is… trouble!
This fic has no restriction concerning the pairing. It doesn’t have to be an AU either.
Scully was smaller than she originally appeared. Beneath the suits and the FBI badge, he had no idea how the cancer had eaten away at her. But that still did not dampen her spirits or fire. Or her temper. When Mulder had shown up earlier that evening, she immediately protested. She protested further when he held what he brought with him.
"Where the hell did you get that, Mulder," she groaned, wrapping her arms around herself. She was cold and tonight was one the few nights that she felt that she still could get some sleep. She was tired. "And why do you have a box of brownie mix?"
"Well hello to you too, Scully." He was grinning like a fool.
"I know a guy who knows a guy in the DEA and well..." He shrugged innocently. "I was owed a big favor I just collected for it. Scully, this is the good stuff. Only the best for you."
"We're federal agents, Mulder. We can't go around smoking...that." She waved at the small plastic bag with the green leaves held discretely in his hands. "Seriously."
"Who said anything about smoking anything?" he said. "I quit years ago and I am not letting you touch that. That's what the brownie mix is for."
"Have you ever made those..." She could not bring herself to say it. "Brownies with the devil's lettuce?"
"Devil's lettuce? Really, Scully? Can I come in, Scully?" Mulder was still smiling. "I promise you don't even have to lift a finger and I'll even clean up after myself."
"Only so I can yell at you," she relented, stepping aside. He strolled in right past her and made a beeline for the kitchen as she closed her eyes, let out a weary sigh, and shut the door behind her. "I can't convince you otherwise, can I?"
"Nope, Scully. I'm making you pot brownies."
Scully heaved a sigh and watched him already taking out mixing bowls and eggs. Maybe she could blame the cancer on this; she was just too tired to argue with him. Or maybe it was his smile or just the small gesture. "Well, I'll be watching TV. Don't burn down my apartment."
"Oh, I won't," he called. He had found her 'Kiss the Chef' apron and was already wearing it. "I'm a pro at this."
. . . .
Pro indeed. Scully kept letting her gaze wander from the TV to watch Mulder wearing her 'Kiss the Chef' apron that was incredibly short on him. He had just spooning the batch into a baking pan and slid it into the oven. "We can put icing on it as well if you want," he said, double checking the timer, and then taking off the apron. He set it on her kitchen table and gave a weak smile. "I've actually been doing a little research. Edibles are supposed to be better for pain management and stay in your system longer and the come down isn't as bad."
"Where, pray tell did you learn that?"
He shrugged and gave a guilty smile. "Sophmore year at Oxford. Bad car accident. My roommate got me hooked and it did the world better. Besides, Scully, you've always known I've been a rebel at heart."
"What happens if they test us?"
"You have an excuse if they did. And that is a big if. And they know me; I'm Spooky Mulder, remember?" he teased lightly. "Don't worry about it. It's Saturday afternoon. We have off tomorrow and I conveniently have a dentist appointment that I need you to drive me to Monday morning so we aren't due in until noon?"
"Does this theoretical dentist appointment involve a root canal?"
"Of course. I never brushed my teeth as a kid."
She chuckled and shook her head. "Despite being a pain in the ass, Mulder, I'm really glad you're here this afternoon. About to get high. What on Earth gave you the idea even?"
His weak smile faded. "I'm tired of seeing you in pain, even though you hide it. I wanted to do something to help. All I could think is to bake you pot brownies and get high with you on a Saturday night. That way you won't feel as guilty, because you are St. Scully after all."
She gave a warm smile and held out her hand. Mulder came quietly up next to her on the couch and took her outstretched hand. She squeezed it warmly. "Thank you, Mulder."
He gave a quick smile again and nodded towards her movies. "We got 30 minutes, tops, before they're done. What do you say we pick a movie and watch it together while we eat?"
"Nothing by Cheech and Chong."
"You actually own that?"
"No." She bit her lip and nodded. "Robin Hood: Men in Tights. I love Mel Brooks."
Mulder bowed his head and nodded. "My wish is the queen's command."
"Shut up, Mulder. Oh, and well you're over there, grab the blanket from my bedroom. The blue one. I might as well be comfortable. Oh, and unplug the phone. I'm not letting myself or you," she added as an afterthought, "do anything stupid."
"I got pot from the DEA, Scully. Not exactly the smartest thing I have done."
"Well, if it makes you feel better, it isn't in the top ten. Hurry up and get the blanket. I want to get comfortable if you are offering to get me high for th weekend."
"What are partners for?"
"A lot apparently," she mumbled. But she just gave him a small smile.
. . . .
"This..." she sighed, pausing on her words, savoring them (or was it the brownie?), "this is good, Mulder. More than good. Heavenly."
"If it has St. Scully's blessing," he sighed equally, pulling her close, "then I am a miracle worker."
Both had devoured two brownies and the movie was forgotten in favor of an Audrey Hepburn movie marathon that lay forgotten in the background. Scully had wormed her way against Mulder, who was already lounging on her couch with his feet propped up on the coffee table, had her halfway across his chest, the blanket covering both of them. She snuggled against his soft tee shirt. "Only because of the brownies," she mumbled sleepily.
"Only because of the brownies."
She could hear the smile in his voice. But she had no pain and she was safe (Mulder always had the effect). She didn't know why. Blame the brownies. "How come we never snuggle, Mulder?"
Her question came out in a quiet breath but he caught it, tensing slightly. "Brownies?" he questioned softly. He grabbed a brownie off the plate in front of them and broke off a piece and held it out in front of her tantalizingly. "Scully?"
"No. All me." Scully grabbed the piece of the brownie and shoved it in her mouth. She sighed contently. "I like snuggling with Mulder."
"So I am a thing to you, is that it? Or is that a statement?"
"A noun, verb, adjective. What does it matter? It's all very Mulder-y." She heard him chuckle and squeeze her in a brief affirmation. "It's partly because of the brownies but..."
A quick knock tore them from each other. Mulder looked at her alarmed, wearing his panic face, as he quickly glanced at the brownies in his offending hand.
"Dana? I'm coming in! I hope I'm not bothering you but I was worried when I couldn't get ahold of you."
"I'll be right there, mom!"
Mulder quickly put his hand behind his back and sat up straighter on the couch as Scully abandoned the blanket and dashed across the apartment to the door faster than her mind and body wanted to. Mrs. Scully forced the door open slightly and barged past Scully without preamble, smiling as she did. "Oh, Fox! I did not know you were here!"
"Hi, Mrs. Scully." Mulder tried to think of the face he gave the Oxford police that one time he got high at university. "Just...you know..." He glanced at the television. "Audrey Hepburn."
Scully looked at Mulder horrifyingly. What the fuck, she mouthed. He shrugged slightly but never lost his composure. She forced a smile when her mother spun and looked at her youngest daughter. "How sweet," Mrs. Scully smiled at her. She turned and spied the brownies on the table. "Did Fox bake this, honey?"
"Um, yes." Scully's voice sounded unnaturally higher than normal.
"Well, my attempt." Mulder shook his head. "They're actually terrible. Like terrible give-you-food-poisoning-terrible."
Maggie nodded at him pointedly. "What are you holding behind your back?"
He showed the brownie reluctantly, doing his best not to flinch under Scully's scalding gaze. "Oh you know," he nodded. "Brownies."
Maggie smiled slightly and grabbed one off of the plate, wrapping it in a stray napkin. "Don't mind if I do," she smiled at her daughter. "They look good. Don't be so harsh on yourself, Fox."
"Mom, really...they're really, really...rich," Scully offered feebly. "You wouldn't like them."
"Nonsense, Dana. That is what milk is for, honey. I just wanted to make sure everything was okay." Mrs. Scully stuffed the offending brownie into her purse. "I'll see you tomorrow then?"
"Yep," Scully nodded, forcing a smile. "Tomorrow."
"And bring Fox."
"Yep," she nodded again, eager to get her mother to leave, "I'll bring Mulder. Church and brunch."
"Wonderful! I've been talking to all the other ladies...they can't wait to meet your partner. They're already wondering when he'll put a ring on your finger!"
Mulder was up at this time, subtly guiding Mrs. Scully out the door. "I'll be there tomorrow, Mrs. Scully. Don't you worry. Just you know, make sure you enjoy that brownie right before bed, safely at home. We don't need you in a chocolate-coma, now do we?"
"See, even Scully is worried. Good night, Mrs. Scully!" Mulder forced her mother out the door before quickly locked the deadbolt and the chain lock. He offered a weak smile to her. "Sorry."
"We're getting my mother high," she whispered. She was growing more panicked. "Mulder, we just gave my mother a pot brownie."
"Maybe she won't eat it."
"Mulder, she will. We just got my mother high. Trouble."
"C'mere," he sighed, opening his arm gently. She huffed uncharacteristically and shuffled towards him. He kissed her hair. "It won't be that bad."
"You're spending the night," she huffed again, eager for the distraction. "I'm not letting you drive home. And dealing with church and the church ladies tomorrow. This is your fault anyway. Getting my mother high."
"Deal. What do we tell her if she wants more?"
"It was a one time deal." She grabbed his hand pulled him toward the door as he waved the offending brownie in his hand enticingly. She grabbed it and tossed it back on the plate. "Snuggling," she grunted, pulling him towards her bedroom.
"Brownies?" he questioned.
"Just Scully," she replied, pulling him along and shutting the door behind her.
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jeremystrele · 7 years
Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor?
We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 
Cottage style design is all about creating eclectic simplicity. Image: Marie Flanigan Interiors
Shop a similar look: Lamps | End Tables | Armchair
You don’t have to live deep in the woods or by the sea to understand the appeal of cottage style design. With its clean look and unique personal touches, it’s not hard to see why this aesthetic has been around for ages. In our opinion, it’s not going anywhere fast either.
If you’re a fan of relaxing cottage vibes, this post is for you. Keep reading to receive the ultimate education on how to make this look work in your interiors. With our advice even the busiest spaces can be transformed into a calming oasis.
Start with light and airy colors. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Crate | Galvanized Tub | Stools | Coffee Maker
Pick a light color palette
Cottage design is all about creating light, bright and airy spaces. When designing these rooms, this should be your primary consideration, starting with the color palette. Since many cottage interiors have an eclectic edge to them, color often ends up being a strong, unifying factor.
As always, start with a neutral base. In this case, clean whites are the gold standard. Some cottage interiors even go so far as to build their design around an entirely white look. Doing so gives the room a simple and sophisticated feel. If you decide to go that route, just be sure to play around with plenty of different shades, patterns and shapes to give the room plenty of variety.
If an all-white look isn’t quite your style, primary color palettes are also popular with cottage styles. However, they’re often in softer shades. Consider using colors like raspberry, robin’s egg blue or cornflower yellow to add some visual interest to your neutral foundation.
Use an eclectic mix of furniture. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Table | Bench | Pendant
Choose eclectic furniture
Cottage style interiors revel in being anything but cookie cutter. In these rooms, each design element usually has its own backstory, especially where the furniture is concerned. It’s best to forgo purchasing unified sets in favor of hand-picking more eclectic pieces that catch your eye.
Traditionally, cottage furniture has a vintage feel to it, too. Don’t be afraid to look at some outside-of-the-box sources to find the best buys. Keep an eye out at local antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon (provided they’re in sturdy, functional condition, of course!).
Once you bring your finds home, all you need is a few coats of paint to tie them together. Choose a shade that fits well with the color palette above — with either a matte or eggshell finish — and you should be good to go. That said, if you’re not big into DIY, slip covers are also very common in cottage looks and can go a long way toward making different styles of furniture look cohesive.
Pattern will help bring the room together. Image: Martha’s Vinyard Interior Design
Shop a similar look: Sectional | Coffee Table | Wall Sconce
Use unifying patterns
Incorporating pattern is another way you can bring together the hodgepodge feeling that sometimes comes with cottage style designs. Historically, floral patterns were very popular, but to make the look more modern, consider using a chevron or geometric pattern.
Cottage looks are all about embracing comfort, so you have plenty of opportunities to work pattern into the room through textiles. As you bring the space together, focus on using a variety of throw rugs, seat cushions, blankets and pillows to make it feel as warm and inviting as possible.
One thing we don’t talk about quite as often is window treatments. With cottage interiors, you want the room to feel as though a refreshing breeze could come through the window at any moment. Placing a few sheer panels around your window frames is an easy way to achieve this aesthetic. They, too, could benefit from a healthy dose of pattern.
Finish the room with lots of accessories. Image: BuildSense
Shop a similar look: Clock | Armchair | Counter Stools | Pendants
Add plenty of accessories
Regular readers of Freshome know we’re typically big fans of using restraint when it comes to accessories, but cottage style décor is an exception to the rule. These interiors are all about feeling cozy and lived-in. There’s no better way to drive that point home than by displaying your most prized possessions.
Here, what you choose to display is less important than how it’s done. Cottage interiors have been known to house anything from personal collections to reclaimed, rustic items and coastal décor. However, it’s important to make sure your surfaces look purposely styled rather than thrown together. The key to that is knowing how to create groupings.
There’s no definitive rules on this, but in general, designers recommend sticking to odd-numbered groups of items and playing around with arrangements of varying directions and heights. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a moment to search for some design inspiration and pattern your aesthetic after those looks.
Feel free to put your own stamp on cottage style design. Image: Legacy Classic
Shop a similar look: Trunk | Comforter Set | Table Lamp | Horse Statue
Cottage style design has been around for ages — and for good reason. This traditional take on shabby chic is the perfect choice for creating a relaxing haven away from the stress of everyday life. If you’re ready to have your interiors feel like your own personal oasis, keep this guide close at hand. It has all the information you need to bring a cottage look to life.
What do you think of cottage style design? Would you use this look in your own interiors? Tell us in the comments below.
The post Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? appeared first on Freshome.com.
0 notes
Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. Cottage style design is all about creating eclectic simplicity. Image: Marie Flanigan Interiors Shop a similar look: Lamps | End Tables | Armchair You don’t have to live deep in the woods or by the sea to understand the appeal of cottage style design. With its clean look and unique personal touches, it’s not hard to see why this aesthetic has been around for ages. In our opinion, it’s not going anywhere fast either. If you’re a fan of relaxing cottage vibes, this post is for you. Keep reading to receive the ultimate education on how to make this look work in your interiors. With our advice even the busiest spaces can be transformed into a calming oasis. Start with light and airy colors. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd Shop a similar look: Crate | Galvanized Tub | Stools | Coffee Maker Pick a light color palette Cottage design is all about creating light, bright and airy spaces. When designing these rooms, this should be your primary consideration, starting with the color palette. Since many cottage interiors have an eclectic edge to them, color often ends up being a strong, unifying factor. As always, start with a neutral base. In this case, clean whites are the gold standard. Some cottage interiors even go so far as to build their design around an entirely white look. Doing so gives the room a simple and sophisticated feel. If you decide to go that route, just be sure to play around with plenty of different shades, patterns and shapes to give the room plenty of variety. If an all-white look isn’t quite your style, primary color palettes are also popular with cottage styles. However, they’re often in softer shades. Consider using colors like raspberry, robin’s egg blue or cornflower yellow to add some visual interest to your neutral foundation. Use an eclectic mix of furniture. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd Shop a similar look: Table | Bench | Pendant Choose eclectic furniture Cottage style interiors revel in being anything but cookie cutter. In these rooms, each design element usually has its own backstory, especially where the furniture is concerned. It’s best to forgo purchasing unified sets in favor of hand-picking more eclectic pieces that catch your eye. Traditionally, cottage furniture has a vintage feel to it, too. Don’t be afraid to look at some outside-of-the-box sources to find the best buys. Keep an eye out at local antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon (provided they’re in sturdy, functional condition, of course!). Once you bring your finds home, all you need is a few coats of paint to tie them together. Choose a shade that fits well with the color palette above — with either a matte or eggshell finish — and you should be good to go. That said, if you’re not big into DIY, slip covers are also very common in cottage looks and can go a long way toward making different styles of furniture look cohesive. Pattern will help bring the room together. Image: Martha’s Vinyard Interior Design Shop a similar look: Sectional | Coffee Table | Wall Sconce Use unifying patterns Incorporating pattern is another way you can bring together the hodgepodge feeling that sometimes comes with cottage style designs. Historically, floral patterns were very popular, but to make the look more modern, consider using a chevron or geometric pattern. Cottage looks are all about embracing comfort, so you have plenty of opportunities to work pattern into the room through textiles. As you bring the space together, focus on using a variety of throw rugs, seat cushions, blankets and pillows to make it feel as warm and inviting as possible. One thing we don’t talk about quite as often is window treatments. With cottage interiors, you want the room to feel as though a refreshing breeze could come through the window at any moment. Placing a few sheer panels around your window frames is an easy way to achieve this aesthetic. They, too, could benefit from a healthy dose of pattern. Finish the room with lots of accessories. Image: BuildSense Shop a similar look: Clock | Armchair | Counter Stools | Pendants Add plenty of accessories Regular readers of Freshome know we’re typically big fans of using restraint when it comes to accessories, but cottage style décor is an exception to the rule. These interiors are all about feeling cozy and lived-in. There’s no better way to drive that point home than by displaying your most prized possessions. Here, what you choose to display is less important than how it’s done. Cottage interiors have been known to house anything from personal collections to reclaimed, rustic items and coastal décor. However, it’s important to make sure your surfaces look purposely styled rather than thrown together. The key to that is knowing how to create groupings. There’s no definitive rules on this, but in general, designers recommend sticking to odd-numbered groups of items and playing around with arrangements of varying directions and heights. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a moment to search for some design inspiration and pattern your aesthetic after those looks. Feel free to put your own stamp on cottage style design. Image: Legacy Classic Shop a similar look: Trunk | Comforter Set | Table Lamp | Horse Statue Cottage style design has been around for ages — and for good reason. This traditional take on shabby chic is the perfect choice for creating a relaxing haven away from the stress of everyday life. If you’re ready to have your interiors feel like your own personal oasis, keep this guide close at hand. It has all the information you need to bring a cottage look to life. What do you think of cottage style design? Would you use this look in your own interiors? Tell us in the comments below. The post Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? appeared first on Freshome.com.
0 notes
owensrhodes · 7 years
Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor?
We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 
Cottage style design is all about creating eclectic simplicity. Image: Marie Flanigan Interiors
Shop a similar look: Lamps | End Tables | Armchair
You don’t have to live deep in the woods or by the sea to understand the appeal of cottage style design. With its clean look and unique personal touches, it’s not hard to see why this aesthetic has been around for ages. In our opinion, it’s not going anywhere fast either.
If you’re a fan of relaxing cottage vibes, this post is for you. Keep reading to receive the ultimate education on how to make this look work in your interiors. With our advice even the busiest spaces can be transformed into a calming oasis.
Start with light and airy colors. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Crate | Galvanized Tub | Stools | Coffee Maker
Pick a light color palette
Cottage design is all about creating light, bright and airy spaces. When designing these rooms, this should be your primary consideration, starting with the color palette. Since many cottage interiors have an eclectic edge to them, color often ends up being a strong, unifying factor.
As always, start with a neutral base. In this case, clean whites are the gold standard. Some cottage interiors even go so far as to build their design around an entirely white look. Doing so gives the room a simple and sophisticated feel. If you decide to go that route, just be sure to play around with plenty of different shades, patterns and shapes to give the room plenty of variety.
If an all-white look isn’t quite your style, primary color palettes are also popular with cottage styles. However, they’re often in softer shades. Consider using colors like raspberry, robin’s egg blue or cornflower yellow to add some visual interest to your neutral foundation.
Use an eclectic mix of furniture. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Table | Bench | Pendant
Choose eclectic furniture
Cottage style interiors revel in being anything but cookie cutter. In these rooms, each design element usually has its own backstory, especially where the furniture is concerned. It’s best to forgo purchasing unified sets in favor of hand-picking more eclectic pieces that catch your eye.
Traditionally, cottage furniture has a vintage feel to it, too. Don’t be afraid to look at some outside-of-the-box sources to find the best buys. Keep an eye out at local antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon (provided they’re in sturdy, functional condition, of course!).
Once you bring your finds home, all you need is a few coats of paint to tie them together. Choose a shade that fits well with the color palette above — with either a matte or eggshell finish — and you should be good to go. That said, if you’re not big into DIY, slip covers are also very common in cottage looks and can go a long way toward making different styles of furniture look cohesive.
Pattern will help bring the room together. Image: Martha’s Vinyard Interior Design
Shop a similar look: Sectional | Coffee Table | Wall Sconce
Use unifying patterns
Incorporating pattern is another way you can bring together the hodgepodge feeling that sometimes comes with cottage style designs. Historically, floral patterns were very popular, but to make the look more modern, consider using a chevron or geometric pattern.
Cottage looks are all about embracing comfort, so you have plenty of opportunities to work pattern into the room through textiles. As you bring the space together, focus on using a variety of throw rugs, seat cushions, blankets and pillows to make it feel as warm and inviting as possible.
One thing we don’t talk about quite as often is window treatments. With cottage interiors, you want the room to feel as though a refreshing breeze could come through the window at any moment. Placing a few sheer panels around your window frames is an easy way to achieve this aesthetic. They, too, could benefit from a healthy dose of pattern.
Finish the room with lots of accessories. Image: BuildSense
Shop a similar look: Clock | Armchair | Counter Stools | Pendants
Add plenty of accessories
Regular readers of Freshome know we’re typically big fans of using restraint when it comes to accessories, but cottage style décor is an exception to the rule. These interiors are all about feeling cozy and lived-in. There’s no better way to drive that point home than by displaying your most prized possessions.
Here, what you choose to display is less important than how it’s done. Cottage interiors have been known to house anything from personal collections to reclaimed, rustic items and coastal décor. However, it’s important to make sure your surfaces look purposely styled rather than thrown together. The key to that is knowing how to create groupings.
There’s no definitive rules on this, but in general, designers recommend sticking to odd-numbered groups of items and playing around with arrangements of varying directions and heights. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a moment to search for some design inspiration and pattern your aesthetic after those looks.
Feel free to put your own stamp on cottage style design. Image: Legacy Classic
Shop a similar look: Trunk | Comforter Set | Table Lamp | Horse Statue
Cottage style design has been around for ages — and for good reason. This traditional take on shabby chic is the perfect choice for creating a relaxing haven away from the stress of everyday life. If you’re ready to have your interiors feel like your own personal oasis, keep this guide close at hand. It has all the information you need to bring a cottage look to life.
What do you think of cottage style design? Would you use this look in your own interiors? Tell us in the comments below.
The post Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? appeared first on Freshome.com.
0 notes
thejoycefordblog · 7 years
Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor?
We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 
Cottage style design is all about creating eclectic simplicity. Image: Marie Flanigan Interiors
Shop a similar look: Lamps | End Tables | Armchair
You don’t have to live deep in the woods or by the sea to understand the appeal of cottage style design. With its clean look and unique personal touches, it’s not hard to see why this aesthetic has been around for ages. In our opinion, it’s not going anywhere fast either.
If you’re a fan of relaxing cottage vibes, this post is for you. Keep reading to receive the ultimate education on how to make this look work in your interiors. With our advice even the busiest spaces can be transformed into a calming oasis.
Start with light and airy colors. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Crate | Galvanized Tub | Stools | Coffee Maker
Pick a light color palette
Cottage design is all about creating light, bright and airy spaces. When designing these rooms, this should be your primary consideration, starting with the color palette. Since many cottage interiors have an eclectic edge to them, color often ends up being a strong, unifying factor.
As always, start with a neutral base. In this case, clean whites are the gold standard. Some cottage interiors even go so far as to build their design around an entirely white look. Doing so gives the room a simple and sophisticated feel. If you decide to go that route, just be sure to play around with plenty of different shades, patterns and shapes to give the room plenty of variety.
If an all-white look isn’t quite your style, primary color palettes are also popular with cottage styles. However, they’re often in softer shades. Consider using colors like raspberry, robin’s egg blue or cornflower yellow to add some visual interest to your neutral foundation.
Use an eclectic mix of furniture. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Table | Bench | Pendant
Choose eclectic furniture
Cottage style interiors revel in being anything but cookie cutter. In these rooms, each design element usually has its own backstory, especially where the furniture is concerned. It’s best to forgo purchasing unified sets in favor of hand-picking more eclectic pieces that catch your eye.
Traditionally, cottage furniture has a vintage feel to it, too. Don’t be afraid to look at some outside-of-the-box sources to find the best buys. Keep an eye out at local antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon (provided they’re in sturdy, functional condition, of course!).
Once you bring your finds home, all you need is a few coats of paint to tie them together. Choose a shade that fits well with the color palette above — with either a matte or eggshell finish — and you should be good to go. That said, if you’re not big into DIY, slip covers are also very common in cottage looks and can go a long way toward making different styles of furniture look cohesive.
Pattern will help bring the room together. Image: Martha’s Vinyard Interior Design
Shop a similar look: Sectional | Coffee Table | Wall Sconce
Use unifying patterns
Incorporating pattern is another way you can bring together the hodgepodge feeling that sometimes comes with cottage style designs. Historically, floral patterns were very popular, but to make the look more modern, consider using a chevron or geometric pattern.
Cottage looks are all about embracing comfort, so you have plenty of opportunities to work pattern into the room through textiles. As you bring the space together, focus on using a variety of throw rugs, seat cushions, blankets and pillows to make it feel as warm and inviting as possible.
One thing we don’t talk about quite as often is window treatments. With cottage interiors, you want the room to feel as though a refreshing breeze could come through the window at any moment. Placing a few sheer panels around your window frames is an easy way to achieve this aesthetic. They, too, could benefit from a healthy dose of pattern.
Finish the room with lots of accessories. Image: BuildSense
Shop a similar look: Clock | Armchair | Counter Stools | Pendants
Add plenty of accessories
Regular readers of Freshome know we’re typically big fans of using restraint when it comes to accessories, but cottage style décor is an exception to the rule. These interiors are all about feeling cozy and lived-in. There’s no better way to drive that point home than by displaying your most prized possessions.
Here, what you choose to display is less important than how it’s done. Cottage interiors have been known to house anything from personal collections to reclaimed, rustic items and coastal décor. However, it’s important to make sure your surfaces look purposely styled rather than thrown together. The key to that is knowing how to create groupings.
There’s no definitive rules on this, but in general, designers recommend sticking to odd-numbered groups of items and playing around with arrangements of varying directions and heights. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a moment to search for some design inspiration and pattern your aesthetic after those looks.
Feel free to put your own stamp on cottage style design. Image: Legacy Classic
Shop a similar look: Trunk | Comforter Set | Table Lamp | Horse Statue
Cottage style design has been around for ages — and for good reason. This traditional take on shabby chic is the perfect choice for creating a relaxing haven away from the stress of everyday life. If you’re ready to have your interiors feel like your own personal oasis, keep this guide close at hand. It has all the information you need to bring a cottage look to life.
What do you think of cottage style design? Would you use this look in your own interiors? Tell us in the comments below.
This post originally from Fresh Home
0 notes
Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor?
We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 
Cottage style design is all about creating eclectic simplicity. Image: Marie Flanigan Interiors
Shop a similar look: Lamps | End Tables | Armchair
You don’t have to live deep in the woods or by the sea to understand the appeal of cottage style design. With its clean look and unique personal touches, it’s not hard to see why this aesthetic has been around for ages. In our opinion, it’s not going anywhere fast either.
If you’re a fan of relaxing cottage vibes, this post is for you. Keep reading to receive the ultimate education on how to make this look work in your interiors. With our advice even the busiest spaces can be transformed into a calming oasis.
Start with light and airy colors. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Crate | Galvanized Tub | Stools | Coffee Maker
Pick a light color palette
Cottage design is all about creating light, bright and airy spaces. When designing these rooms, this should be your primary consideration, starting with the color palette. Since many cottage interiors have an eclectic edge to them, color often ends up being a strong, unifying factor.
As always, start with a neutral base. In this case, clean whites are the gold standard. Some cottage interiors even go so far as to build their design around an entirely white look. Doing so gives the room a simple and sophisticated feel. If you decide to go that route, just be sure to play around with plenty of different shades, patterns and shapes to give the room plenty of variety.
If an all-white look isn’t quite your style, primary color palettes are also popular with cottage styles. However, they’re often in softer shades. Consider using colors like raspberry, robin’s egg blue or cornflower yellow to add some visual interest to your neutral foundation.
Use an eclectic mix of furniture. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Table | Bench | Pendant
Choose eclectic furniture
Cottage style interiors revel in being anything but cookie cutter. In these rooms, each design element usually has its own backstory, especially where the furniture is concerned. It’s best to forgo purchasing unified sets in favor of hand-picking more eclectic pieces that catch your eye.
Traditionally, cottage furniture has a vintage feel to it, too. Don’t be afraid to look at some outside-of-the-box sources to find the best buys. Keep an eye out at local antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon (provided they’re in sturdy, functional condition, of course!).
Once you bring your finds home, all you need is a few coats of paint to tie them together. Choose a shade that fits well with the color palette above — with either a matte or eggshell finish — and you should be good to go. That said, if you’re not big into DIY, slip covers are also very common in cottage looks and can go a long way toward making different styles of furniture look cohesive.
Pattern will help bring the room together. Image: Martha’s Vinyard Interior Design
Shop a similar look: Sectional | Coffee Table | Wall Sconce
Use unifying patterns
Incorporating pattern is another way you can bring together the hodgepodge feeling that sometimes comes with cottage style designs. Historically, floral patterns were very popular, but to make the look more modern, consider using a chevron or geometric pattern.
Cottage looks are all about embracing comfort, so you have plenty of opportunities to work pattern into the room through textiles. As you bring the space together, focus on using a variety of throw rugs, seat cushions, blankets and pillows to make it feel as warm and inviting as possible.
One thing we don’t talk about quite as often is window treatments. With cottage interiors, you want the room to feel as though a refreshing breeze could come through the window at any moment. Placing a few sheer panels around your window frames is an easy way to achieve this aesthetic. They, too, could benefit from a healthy dose of pattern.
Finish the room with lots of accessories. Image: BuildSense
Shop a similar look: Clock | Armchair | Counter Stools | Pendants
Add plenty of accessories
Regular readers of Freshome know we’re typically big fans of using restraint when it comes to accessories, but cottage style décor is an exception to the rule. These interiors are all about feeling cozy and lived-in. There’s no better way to drive that point home than by displaying your most prized possessions.
Here, what you choose to display is less important than how it’s done. Cottage interiors have been known to house anything from personal collections to reclaimed, rustic items and coastal décor. However, it’s important to make sure your surfaces look purposely styled rather than thrown together. The key to that is knowing how to create groupings.
There’s no definitive rules on this, but in general, designers recommend sticking to odd-numbered groups of items and playing around with arrangements of varying directions and heights. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a moment to search for some design inspiration and pattern your aesthetic after those looks.
Feel free to put your own stamp on cottage style design. Image: Legacy Classic
Shop a similar look: Trunk | Comforter Set | Table Lamp | Horse Statue
Cottage style design has been around for ages — and for good reason. This traditional take on shabby chic is the perfect choice for creating a relaxing haven away from the stress of everyday life. If you’re ready to have your interiors feel like your own personal oasis, keep this guide close at hand. It has all the information you need to bring a cottage look to life.
What do you think of cottage style design? Would you use this look in your own interiors? Tell us in the comments below.
The post Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? appeared first on Freshome.com.
from https://freshome.com/defining-style-series-cottage-style-design via Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor?
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cessanderson · 7 years
Tumblr media
Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? http://ift.tt/2x1d3GT
We hope you like the products we recommend. Just so you are aware, Freshome may collect a share of sales from the links on this page. 
Cottage style design is all about creating eclectic simplicity. Image: Marie Flanigan Interiors
Shop a similar look: Lamps | End Tables | Armchair
You don’t have to live deep in the woods or by the sea to understand the appeal of cottage style design. With its clean look and unique personal touches, it’s not hard to see why this aesthetic has been around for ages. In our opinion, it’s not going anywhere fast either.
If you’re a fan of relaxing cottage vibes, this post is for you. Keep reading to receive the ultimate education on how to make this look work in your interiors. With our advice even the busiest spaces can be transformed into a calming oasis.
Start with light and airy colors. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Crate | Galvanized Tub | Stools | Coffee Maker
Pick a light color palette
Cottage design is all about creating light, bright and airy spaces. When designing these rooms, this should be your primary consideration, starting with the color palette. Since many cottage interiors have an eclectic edge to them, color often ends up being a strong, unifying factor.
As always, start with a neutral base. In this case, clean whites are the gold standard. Some cottage interiors even go so far as to build their design around an entirely white look. Doing so gives the room a simple and sophisticated feel. If you decide to go that route, just be sure to play around with plenty of different shades, patterns and shapes to give the room plenty of variety.
If an all-white look isn’t quite your style, primary color palettes are also popular with cottage styles. However, they’re often in softer shades. Consider using colors like raspberry, robin’s egg blue or cornflower yellow to add some visual interest to your neutral foundation.
Use an eclectic mix of furniture. Image: Cabbages & Roses Ltd
Shop a similar look: Table | Bench | Pendant
Choose eclectic furniture
Cottage style interiors revel in being anything but cookie cutter. In these rooms, each design element usually has its own backstory, especially where the furniture is concerned. It’s best to forgo purchasing unified sets in favor of hand-picking more eclectic pieces that catch your eye.
Traditionally, cottage furniture has a vintage feel to it, too. Don’t be afraid to look at some outside-of-the-box sources to find the best buys. Keep an eye out at local antique stores, thrift shops, yard sales and flea markets. You never know what treasures you’ll stumble upon (provided they’re in sturdy, functional condition, of course!).
Once you bring your finds home, all you need is a few coats of paint to tie them together. Choose a shade that fits well with the color palette above — with either a matte or eggshell finish — and you should be good to go. That said, if you’re not big into DIY, slip covers are also very common in cottage looks and can go a long way toward making different styles of furniture look cohesive.
Pattern will help bring the room together. Image: Martha’s Vinyard Interior Design
Shop a similar look: Sectional | Coffee Table | Wall Sconce
Use unifying patterns
Incorporating pattern is another way you can bring together the hodgepodge feeling that sometimes comes with cottage style designs. Historically, floral patterns were very popular, but to make the look more modern, consider using a chevron or geometric pattern.
Cottage looks are all about embracing comfort, so you have plenty of opportunities to work pattern into the room through textiles. As you bring the space together, focus on using a variety of throw rugs, seat cushions, blankets and pillows to make it feel as warm and inviting as possible.
One thing we don’t talk about quite as often is window treatments. With cottage interiors, you want the room to feel as though a refreshing breeze could come through the window at any moment. Placing a few sheer panels around your window frames is an easy way to achieve this aesthetic. They, too, could benefit from a healthy dose of pattern.
Finish the room with lots of accessories. Image: BuildSense
Shop a similar look: Clock | Armchair | Counter Stools | Pendants
Add plenty of accessories
Regular readers of Freshome know we’re typically big fans of using restraint when it comes to accessories, but cottage style décor is an exception to the rule. These interiors are all about feeling cozy and lived-in. There’s no better way to drive that point home than by displaying your most prized possessions.
Here, what you choose to display is less important than how it’s done. Cottage interiors have been known to house anything from personal collections to reclaimed, rustic items and coastal décor. However, it’s important to make sure your surfaces look purposely styled rather than thrown together. The key to that is knowing how to create groupings.
There’s no definitive rules on this, but in general, designers recommend sticking to odd-numbered groups of items and playing around with arrangements of varying directions and heights. If you find yourself getting stuck, take a moment to search for some design inspiration and pattern your aesthetic after those looks.
Feel free to put your own stamp on cottage style design. Image: Legacy Classic
Shop a similar look: Trunk | Comforter Set | Table Lamp | Horse Statue
Cottage style design has been around for ages — and for good reason. This traditional take on shabby chic is the perfect choice for creating a relaxing haven away from the stress of everyday life. If you’re ready to have your interiors feel like your own personal oasis, keep this guide close at hand. It has all the information you need to bring a cottage look to life.
What do you think of cottage style design? Would you use this look in your own interiors? Tell us in the comments below.
The post Defining a Style Series: What Is Cottage Style Decor? appeared first on Freshome.com.
Tara Mastroeni
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What Probiotics Should I Have?
You need to go to Las Vegas if you have regularly wished to possess supper sitting as well as checking out the dusk 180 feet in the sky. You either adore this or even you detest it. Yet blue cheese undoubtedly has its place on the English cheeseboard and is actually discovered in lots of connoisseur cheese hampers Famed for its blue blood vessels, it has a hassle-free as well as creamy cheese texture with a strong scent as well as flavour. Beginning with the eco-friendly and reddish dinnerware you already own, as well as assess which parts you must incorporate, based on your food selection and also the amount of visitors. Or go for my favored reddish, the Malbec: Although Malbec grapes generate a very black reddish wine, their skins are actually thin-and they do not offer me a problem. A nice supper, a couple of candles, a nice red wine, that enchanting light blue collection from slipcovers and also, boom!, excellent night. Then additionally our next-generation model, given that our current production of Reddish Robin design and also develop ends One Decade aged, so that's opportunity to form of freshen that up a bit as well. Candle lights will definitely add ambiance, as well as some type of main feature is a need to for a dinner gathering. Time 5 is Big Salad day where you mix fresh, raw veggies, tough boiled eggs as well as possibly leftover healthy protein from a previous meal right into a healthy and also yummy dinner. Currently made the blades as well as spoons on the correct side of the dinner plate to prepare a desk appropriately. So I remain supposing-- and hoping-- that the guest likes pig, beverages merlot, and also does not mind if our frisky young puppy jumps on all of them a little bit when they walk in the door. Our experts carry out accept that while Blue Attire's market reveal capture will certainly decline, the cost from decline is improbable to be verbalized as their rate from client loyalty as at the sixth month after very first acquisition is actually far superior to that from its own closest rivals superstyle4you.info HelloFresh as well as Plated. White House representatives claimed the general public could never recognize just what was covered in between Putin and also Trump over supper. The Dinner Dress Blue/White Jacket outfits feature a brief jacket with 3 buttons on either edge, worn available along with a black bow tie and belt (women replace a neck button for the head connection). Our company eventually chose heaven Marlin Restaurant because they possessed some sea food that was really real-time and certainly not inhibited a relaxed box like lots of spots. Reputed Destination Monitoring Firms provide terrific packages that offer lots of choices like Hatta mountain safari, Morning desert safari with Quad cycling, Reddish Dune safari and also a great deal a lot more options. An extra motivation for Merkel, a passionate opera fan, was actually the possibility to display Hamburg's brand new building marvel, the Elbphilharmonie concert hall, where G20 leaders will acquire for dinner on the 1st night of the peak. His white colored hair was actually driven out of his made even face, a set of blue eyes lookinged at the Deity which turned white as a ghost. Between job, day care, and also after college tasks, moms and dads and in many case grandparents are actually managing to squeeze in everyday jobs as well as get dinner on the table.
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Turquoise 2x2x2 inches Gift Box 25 Ct
This listing is for 25 Teal blue two pieces square boxes in Robbin Egg Blue with PRE-TIED white ribbon.
These Favor Boxes are ideal for packaging chocolates, candy, party favors, handmade products, jewelry, and much, much more! These Robbin Egg Blue Square Favor Boxes are an adorable addition to your party. Perfect for parties of all kinds. PRODUCT INFO Sold in sets of 25 Each Favor Box measures 2"x2" inches square. The box comes in two pieces with a PRE -TIED white ribbon*  FULLY ASSEMBLED **If you want a different a ribbon color, please contact me, I'll be happy to make a custom order for you.
SHIPPING INFORMATION: Our Favor Boxes are made to order so please allow 5-10 days prior to shipping. Our items ship to you from North Wales- PA to all 50 continental states in the USA using Priority Mail service. This is usually a 2-3 day delivery time.  *If you need your order to arrive early for a specific reason let us know before you order and we will try our best to accommodate you. If you have any questions, simply hit the “Ask a Question” button beside the price and we will get back to you within 24 hours! WE DO NOT SHIP ON WEEKENDS OR HOLIDAYS.
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What You Can Submit/Ask
So, I have a very regular amount of submissions in my ask box. They usually revolve around whatever I ask for submissions for. So I decided to make a general guideline* of what I can work with/love to receive.
*This is just a guideline for ideas, submit whatever you’d like! <3
Asks that I can turn into prompts/aesthetic descriptions/suggestions/basically any creative thing ever (examples below)
Red, blue, cyan, robin’s egg blue, seafoam green, the color of my crushes eye color which is like a majestic emerald color and wow it’s gorgeous, yellow
“You’re cute” “I like you” “Hey, nerd, watch out” “Puppies?” “Blehcjedkjehdxkhs”
Megan, Patrick, Alex, Maurice, Esteban Julio Ricardo Montoya De La Rosa Ramirez
“If you can dream it, you can do it. - Walt Disney” // “May the odds be ever in your favor. -Effie Trinket” // “AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH -Markiplier”
Mr. Blue Sky - Electric Light Orchestra // I’ve Got A Dream - Mandy Moore // Fairly Local - Twenty One Pilots // Your Mum - Me
“I’ve got a girl crush” // “You belong with me” // “You just want attention”
Like these (x)
Sweet pea, sunflower, rose, baby’s breath
Kittens, puppies, tigers, tree frogs
London, Paris, Los Angeles, Hicksville
California, New York, Texas, Utah
Brazil, Greece,  Mozambique
Ford, Mustang, Fiat, Taurus, Dodge
Anything you could ever think of, just go “Hey Meg, can you make a thing from this???” And the answer is always “Yes!”
What you can ask/tell me in general
About your crush
About your siblings
About your friends
About your parents
About your blog
About your happy moment
About your sad moment
About your wonderful day
About your horrible day
Ask for advice
Vent to me
Talk about nothing
Talk about everything
I am your blog mom, you can talk to me about anything and I will listen and answer and love you no matter what do not be afraid to get those feelings off your chest, you’re not bothering me ever ever ever <3
What you can call me
Literally anything you want
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