#Robin is in the corner getting extreamly turned on watching this happening
omi-papus · 1 year
Imagine that all that arguing actually leads to something and Al-An genuenly comes to understand that some “ineficiencies” , like non work related hobbies, music, parties, entretainment and other things humans do that are not directly beneficial to the general function of a society are just inherently human traits that cannot be deleted nor ignored and that they are important simply because they are a fundimental part of the human experience, in the same way that an Architect can not stop advancing and re-inventing itself. Basically humans not doing these things is quite literally torture.
Now every everyone would expect mister “eficiency up the ass” to be all in on Alterran hustle culture and distopian ideals, but the reality is actually the complete oposite.
“I am making sure to edit thw employment contract so my staff stops all non work related activities from now on. Way too many of my people keep missing emails and calls because these off time activities make them unavailable, and they should be focusing on their careers anyway. All these people going out, playing dumb little games. Its a complete waste of time. Its honestly large loss of revenue since these activities stop employess from taking on more overtime work.”
Al-An: I will ask amicably that you resign from your position, and leave the site imediatly.
“Hah! Yhea you get i- wait what?”
Al-An: *brings out arms* We will not tolerate any attempt, systematic or otherwise, to erase human life.
“Hey hey hey hey what are you talking about?! Im just trying to make things more eficient”
Al-An: *starts turning arms into saws* To deprive a species the ability to perform their natural behaviours, is considered a form of violence even if it is from a member of said species. You have made a direct violent threat to a larger number of humans and therefore calissify as a threat to the human collective, which I am allied with and am responsible for defending.
Al-An: *Starts walking closer* If you attempt to follow through on this threat we will be forced to use force. So I once again, ask you to resign and abandon the premises.
Al-An: I am asking nicely.
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