#Rock salt
niqhtlord01 · 1 year
Humans are weird: Aesthetic vs Function
( Don’t forget to come see my on my new patreon and support me for early access to stories and personal story requests :D https://www.patreon.com/NiqhtLord )     “Sir, I am getting several urgent dispatches from the loading area.”
Captain Morris looked up from his data pad at his communications officer.
“Is something wrong?” he asked as he stood up and walked over to their terminal station on the bridge. The officer held his hand to his headset, listening to the messages before answering his captain.
“It appears several of the Corvo soldiers are refusing to relinquish their weapons. Security got involved and the Corvo resisted; two arms men were injured.”
This perked Morris’s interest, and not in a good way. The Corvo were allies in the war effort and he had heard of their abnormal customs from other captains so he had been prepared to give them some leeway while they traveled on his ship, but it was another matter entirely when his crew were harmed.
“Mr. Dover,” Morris called out, “a word if you would.”
From the opposite side of the bridge the master-at-arms Tristan Dover strode over to his captain. He was not a tall man, but wide in frame. His broad muscled shoulders meant that in some instances aboard the ship he needed to turn himself to be able to pass through doorways.
Tristan stood at attention and saluted Morris who returned the salute in kind.
“Are you aware of the situation in loading bay…”
 The captain turned to his communications officer who quickly understood the meaning and spoke “Loading Bay 4.”
“Thank you, “the captain replied before continuing, “yes, are you aware of the situation in loading bay 4?”
“I am sir.” Travis replied crisply. “My security details passed the word along to me just now.”
“Any further details?” the captain inquired.
Travis crossed his arms. “I was told that the Corvo refused to relinquish their weapons upon entering the loading bay. When the matter was pressed and the security detail made to enforce the issue the Corvo drew their weapons and attacked them.”
Travis shook his head. “Minor wounds only.”
The captain nodded. He paced back and forth between the terminals, stopping to read strands of data or make a quick check with the monitoring officer, then returned back and pointed at the communication officer.
“Tell the security details to hold the Corvo in the loading bay until Mr. Dover arrives.”
The officer nodded and relayed the order over the com while Morris leaned in close to Travis.
“Remind our guests that this is my ship, and while they are on my ship they will follow my rules and that injuring my crew is not to be tolerated.”
Morris leaned back and was about to leave when he stopped himself and leaned back in. “I don’t mind a dirty decking, so long as it is not cluttered.”
Travis nodded at his captain and left the bridge; cracking his knuckles and flashing a smile. -----------------
It took about thirty minutes for Travis to make it to Loading Bay 4. He needed to make a quick stop at the armory to grab a few things. When he arrived he found at least a dozen security officers standing in a line separating the Corvo from the rest of the loading bay. The deck crew still went about their duties save for the occasional glance over at the commotion.
The Corvo were easy to pick out from behind the wall of security as despite having a humanoid form stood roughly seven feet tall on average. They were adorned in a mixture of combat armor and religious robes.
As Travis approached the security officers stepped aside to make a path for him. When he got to the front one of saluted.
“Good to see you sir.” They replied crisply. Travis grunted in response and stepped forward to the Corvo’s.
“I understand there has been an incident here and you have attacked our crew.” Travis began with a calm yet authoritative voice. “I am here by order of the captain to remind you that while we are allies you will follow the rules of this ship while you are onboard.”
One of the Corvo stepped forward and looked down at Travis. His shoulder guard was decorated with three blue stripes signifying that he was the leader; or at least that’s what Travis thought it meant. The only thing he generally cared about in briefings when dealing with aliens were ordinance and cultural triggers for violence.
“I am Mak’t, and I would apologize for this misunderstanding.”
He reached down and began pulling out what appeared to be a sword from a sheath. The security officers made to raise their weapons but Travis forestalled them with a wave.
“These, “ Mak’t began as he pulled the sword free, “are our Okamban blades, sacred to our people.”
As he fully withdrew the blade it burst into bright blue flames as if the very air ignited it on contact.
“It is said that so long as these blades burn the spirit of our ancestors continue to watch over us on the battlefield; and so we could not surrender them as your officers asked.”
Travis watched the flame flicker brightly and whistled in wonder. “A fancier blade I have not seen,” Travis admitted, “but I find it rather odd in this age to bring a sword to a neutron cannon fight.”
Mak’t sheathed his sword once more while shaking his head.
“Forgive me for saying, but the weapons of your people and of our enemies are inferior to our blades.” He rested a hand on the hilt and looked down at Travis, matching his cold gaze with his own. “We have been trained to block their attacks on the battlefield rendering them useless before us.”
Some of the security officers behind Travis rustled at that remark but he paid them no mind.
“Seems we’re at a bit of an impasse here then, friend.” Travis admitted. “Luckily for you the Captain has given me the authority to resolve this situation.”
He pointed to the collection of warriors standing behind Mak’t. “If you and two of your warriors can land a single blow on me with your blades then you can keep them while onboard, but if I win you will surrender them without hesitation and spend the remainder of this journey in the brig for the assault you carried out.”
Mak’t looked puzzled at this challenge. “Why would you face three of us alone?”
Travis smiled. “Thought I’d give you a fighting chance,” he said mockingly as the Corvo warriors growled in anger, “seeing that your disadvantage with weaponry is so staggering.”
Saying nothing at first, Mak’t just looked down at the tiny human before him before nodding in agreement. He made a soft clicking sound and two other Corvo warriors stepped forward, each drawing their blades while the human security officers stepped back to create a ring like circle around the parties.
“So, we’ll go on the count of three then.” Travis announced. His hands casually cradled a rifle between them as he watched the three Corvo warriors prepare themselves. Each took a different stance with the light of their flaming swords casting dozens of differing shadows about them.
The Corvo warriors to either side of Mak’t lunged forward ready to bring down their flaming swords in an instant; screaming in their alien language as they got within three feet of Travis before he brought up his own rifle.
In a flash Travis brought up his rifle and fired at the closest warrior. The sudden attack broke the warriors forward momentum as they brought their weapon up to block the attack only to find that rather than an energy blast they were being pelted with dozens of tiny rocks.
The flaming sword blocked some of them but far too many simply went around the sword and embedded themselves into the alien’s skin causing them to scream out in pain and fall to the ground.
From the corner of his eye Travis saw a blur of motion and side stepped just in time to avoid the downward swing of the second warrior. The blade carved into the decking with a loud hissing sound before the warrior pivoted and brought the blade up for a slash at Travis’s midriff.
Pulling a knife free that had been strapped to his leg he casually flung it into the blade rather than around it. The second warrior was confused until they felt the burning hot sting of molten metal the knife had been reduced to shower his body. The armor he wore protected some of their frame but since they were not wearing a helmet a glob of red hot metal landed on the alien’s cheek giving off a stench of burning flesh.
Surprisingly the warrior rallied themselves than give into the pain only for Travis to bring up his rifle and fire another scatter shot center mass sending them balling over in pain. Travis couldn’t see but given the goop now dotted around the floor he wagered some of the rock salt just punctured one of their eyes.
With the two companions dealt with Travis turned his attention to Mak’t who had not engaged like the others when the fight began.
“You fight without honor.” Mak’t announced. “To use such trickery against true warriors is the act of a coward.”
“If I recall you said you were trained to defeat modern weapons,” Travis countered, standing between the downed Corvo warriors, “that my attacks would be rendered useless by your weapons.”
 He unceremoniously kicked one of them hard in the back drawing the ire of Mak’t as he took up a stance for the first time.
“I even gave you a three on one advantage and you still say I am being unfair.”
“Your tricks will not work on me.” Mak’t declared.
Travis didn’t even bother to respond as he casually pulled a canister from a harness across his chest and threw it directly at Mak’t’s feet. Mak’t jumped backwards expecting further trickery rather than attempting to deflect it. To his surprise the canister did indeed not explode but rather began shooting out large volumes of a thick white gas.
The gas began to billow out more and more until the gathered ring of spectators was engulfed by it. Mak’t looked up from the canister just in time to see Travis donning a strange mask over his eyes and mouth.
It was only then that Mak’t heard coughing and gasping from his fellow Corvo warriors behind him and realized the gas must be some form of airborne weapon. He tightly clenched his mouth shut and carefully stepped forward to meet Travis in final combat. His breathing control would allow him at least ten minutes before he needed to inhale again giving him more than enou-
Mak’t made it barely three steps before his eyes began burning. They felt as if hot daggers were being shoved into them and twisted by the most merciless tormentor. This sudden influx of pain broke Mak’t’s concentration and he gasped out for air. No sooner had he taken his first breath did his lungs begin to share the burning sensation his eyes did, forcing the warrior to his knees as his hands feebly wiped his eyes again and again.
Through the blurry sight left to him he watched as Travis walked through the white cloud and stood over him. The human looked down at him and Mak’t could only imagine the look of smug satisfaction he must have held to see him brought so low.
Instead of gloating or boasting about how their weapons weren’t as inferior as Mak’t had declared, he brought down his fist as hard as he could against the alien’s face sending him straight to the floor.
“I think we count this as my win, yeah?” Travis asked the now unconscious Mak’t. He waved over the rest of the security officers who had likewise donned gas masks of their own and began the process of collecting the decorative swords from their guests before ushering them down to the med bay and finally their new home in the brig.
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annlillyjose · 1 year
Rock Salt – WIP Intro
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hello again! on today’s news, your girl has a new wip aka something to fixate on and mould her life around for the next couple of months (or years). and because i cannot keep any exciting news to myself, here’s a wip intro.
but before we head into that, here’s a little backstory to how it happened. i finished writing dairy whiskey, i worried about my brain being incapable of forming new book ideas, two to three days after i get this new book idea that i’m totally hooked on, struggles to find a name, names it, decides to go forward with it, so again, here it is – rock salt!
here are the specifics:
disclaimer: this is an original work of fiction. plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated. don’t be a pathetic loser.
genre: literary fiction
pov: first person retrospective
structure: probably going to be just full-length chapters
projected word count: 50k
concept: identical twins rain and norah move out of their family home for college where they purse two different degrees, live with different people in separate homes, and fall in troubles of their own. these begin to affect each other and they grow apart, being forced to navigate the the most confusing part of their lives – their shared existence as twins.
aesthetics/vibes: indigo skies, the beach, moths, seawater, salty breeze, chopping off one’s hair because existential crisis and queerness, lesbian relationships, house parties, fire, gloomy days where you feel like it’s going to rain but it doesn’t, cheap housing, bad grades, rotten food in the fridge, the moon, hanging plants, weed and local flowers
if you’ve heard these names before, no you haven’t, but again, they’re from twinepathy – the short story i wrote nearly three years back and scrapped afterwards. i tried to create new characters for this book but they feel like the perfect fit, so here they are.
lesbian, she/they
her real name is eleanor
the protagonist and the narrator
studies political science
shoulder-length black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
always wears basic t-shirts or sweatshirts with a pair of mom jeans
distant, secretive, in constant disapproval of everything
strives on academic validation (and is being too hard on herself to bring in good grades)
also 18
aroace, she/her
her real name is lorraine
studies painting and the applied arts
long black hair, dark brown eyes, 5'3, skinny, wheat-coloured skin
is a goofball, sunshine and rainbows, has a lot of friends, is extremely talented in her art, golden retriever energy with some drama to be unleashed
cannot keep her mouth shut so ends up in trouble with norah
don’t want to introduce them officially, because they’re not key characters, but here’s a little info on their older sisters –
is called harp
is a high school geography teacher
engaged to her college boyfriend
oldest child in an asian household (i guess that’s saying enough)
is called viv
the neglected middle child
in her last year of a nursing degree
wanted to study music but was too scared to bring it up to her parents and ended up being stuck at a hospital
plans to go abroad and marry a rich guy
well, that’s all i’ve got for you today. i haven’t started writing this book yet and i think i won’t until i finish editing dairy whiskey in august. i think i’ll start in september and then hopefully do nanowrimo for it in november. i’m super excited to work on it because it’s so different from dairy whiskey in a lot of aspects. but i’m discovery writing (as always) and we’ll just have to see where it goes. but until i come back with an update for this book, you take care, stay hydrated, water your plants, and eat a second dessert tonight.
– ann
general taglist (ask to be added or removed)
@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @wannabeauthorclive @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @silassghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells @snehithiye @at-thezenith
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theknitpotato · 4 months
Wieliczka Royal Salt Mine, near Kraków, Poland. UNESCO World Heritage.
Note: **chandeliers are sculpted from rock salt.**
The deposit of rock salt in Wieliczka and Bochnia has been mined since the 13th century. This major industrial undertaking has royal status and is the oldest of its type in Europe.
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morethansalad · 2 years
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Traditional Idli / Light, Soft, and Fluffy Indian Rice Cakes (Vegan)
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foreveranevilregal · 9 months
I (half-jokingly) told @therubbleoroursins that I put a salt circle around my car to protect it from the snow demon and she didn’t know whether I was kidding.
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suetravelblog · 8 months
Wieliczka Salt Mine Poland
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View On WordPress
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loruleanhistorian · 1 year
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pivziksixdude · 2 years
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Turns out, tomorrow is the start of National Salt Awareness Week. It’s only natural that I’d draw and animate Nacli from Pokemon Scarlet & Violet to honor this minor holiday. I love this adorable rock salt mushroom <3
Animated with Aseprite v1.2.40. If you’d like to use this animation (albeit for acceptable purposes/reasons), permission is not required, but credit is highly appreciated. Thank you!
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serpensofanville · 2 years
OOC Post
The whole thing with the Nacli line being the Rock Salt pokemon has me imaging it being sold as a luxury ingredient, that is used in professional restaurants and by quality chefs.
You just know that someone in Paldea has a small Rock Salt Farm, where these guys keep producing the salt that the farmer can then sell for a profit.
*scribbles note about this idea for fanfic potential*
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selflove-selfgrowth · 2 years
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bandhansalt · 16 hours
Bandhan Salt: Your Trusted Industrial Salt Supplier for Quality and Reliability
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Bandhan Salt stands out as a reliable industrial salt supplier, known for delivering high-quality salt solutions to meet various industrial needs. With years of expertise and a commitment to excellence, Bandhan Salt supplies premium-grade industrial salt that is essential for numerous applications, including water treatment, chemical production, and de-icing. As a leading industrial salt supplier, Bandhan Salt ensures that its products meet stringent quality standards, making them a trusted choice for businesses across industries. The brand’s dedication to reliability, consistency, and customer satisfaction has solidified its reputation as a go-to source for industrial salt in India.
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Ornate 5th Century BC Bone Scepter of Scythian Warrior Becomes August 2024 ‘Exhibit of the Month’ of Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology
The 5th century BC Scythian warrior’s bone scepter discovered at the Salt Pit Settlement Mound in Bulgaria’s Provadiya has become the August 2024 “Exhibit of the Month” of Bulgaria’s National Museum of Archaeology. Photo: P. Leshtakov, National Institute and Museum of Archaeology A truly impressive and sophisticated artifact – a bone scepter that belonged a Scythian warrior from the 5th century…
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knouzsblog · 2 months
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morethansalad · 2 years
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South Indian Medu Wada / Lentil Fritters (Vegan)
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A View on Integrated and Sustainable Minerals Value Chains
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Geology defines the occurrence of mineral deposits, and, therefore, mining is geographically constrained. However, the use of the mineral products in down-stream industries often takes place in countries different from the location of the mine. Therefore, mining communities do not necessarily appreciate the importance of mineral production for the benefit of people living in other countries, particularly if there is no tangible sharing of those benefits. Mining cannot choose locations that are logistically, socially, environmentally, or politically appropriate or ‘friendly’. This means that mining companies may have to deal with circumstances that could pose challenges such as the relationship with local communities, position in the landscape/environment, relationship with local and national governments, weak governance and associated increased risk of corruption and bribery. In order to deal with these challenges in a responsible way it means that geoscientists and engineers will need to build their capacity and skills on how to deal with local communities and related social issues. The outcome should be the equitable distribution of the benefits of development, including also mineral land-use planning issues, and minimization of the negative impacts on people and the environment. Thus, a sustainable and integrated view on minerals value chains requires looking even further upstream into the pre-exploration that includes planning process for mineral land use and development at the earliest stage.
Read more about this article: https://crimsonpublishers.com/amms/fulltext/AMMS.000610.php
Read more about our journal: https://crimsonpublishers.com/amms/
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gorfonransey · 7 months
Why don't they make more colours of salt, like we have white salt and pink salt and in Australia chicken salt which is yellow but there could be so many more
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