boombatze · 5 months
Bilder von den SUPERSUCKERS im Museumskeller
Der gute Peter hatte seine Knipse dabei & ein paar schöne Bildchen von den Supersuckers & Sidebürns im Museumkeller Erfurt geschossen!
Eeeeh, der gute Peter aka sincitypics hatte am Ostersonntag seine Knipse dabei und ein paar schöne Bildchen von den Supersuckers & Sidebürns im Museumkeller geschossen! 1000 Dank dafür! Außerdem natürlich Danke an Isi, Achim & Ramon vom Museumskeller, Schluppi für den Ton, Rosi für die Fahrerei sowie Heiki & Nico für die ganze Orga vor Ort. Ach und natürlich auch Danke an alle Gäste*innen!😍
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jeres-red-g-string · 9 months
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same vibe for me😭😭😭😭😭😭
🗣️🗣️🗣️give me the beat boys, and free my soul…..
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korrektheiten · 3 months
Gabalier im Fokus deutscher Medien, weil er auf “große Töchter” verzichtet
Unzensuriert:»Weil sich „Volks-Rock‘n‘Roller“ Andreas Gabalier weigert, die österreichische Bundeshymne zu gendern, sorgt der Sänger im Zuge der Fußball-Europameisterschaft in Deutschland für eine regelrechte Medien-Hysterie. http://dlvr.it/T8X55P «
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thoughtswordsaction · 4 months
VA - Wolverine Records: Spreading The Rock‘n‘Roll Virus Since 1992 CD (Wolverine Records)
Wolverine Records has long been a stalwart in the punk, rockabilly, and psychobilly music scenes, known for its commitment to showcasing high-energy, rebellious music that defies convention. Their latest compilation, Spreading The Rock‘n‘Roll Virus Since 1992, continues this tradition with an eclectic mix of bands and tracks that celebrate the raw, unfiltered spirit of rock’n’roll. This review…
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paskvilnet · 11 months
Arab Strap, 28.10.2003, Praha, Roxy
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Na půl cesty mezi Edinburghem a Glasgow leží městečko Falkirk, kde v roce 1995 založili kytarista Malcolm Middleton se zpěvákem a textařem Aidanem Moffatem projekt Arab Strap. Pokud vás zajímá, co se skrývá za tím tajemně, možná až exoticky, znějícím názvem skupiny, poradíme vám. Hledejte v anglicky píšících porno časopisech inzeráty, jak zlepšit sexuální prožitek muže… Nu, to bychom měli, teď zpátky k Arab Strap, coby hudební skupině! Zpovídali jsme je v nově vyvedeném chill-outu klubu Roxy.
Těžko říct, jak tenhle projekt začal. Někde se dočtete, že se spolu Aidan s Malcolmem potkali ve vězení, jinde zase že Malcolm Aidanovi přebral v jednom falkirkském baru dívku. Ale ať už to bylo jakkoli, důležitá je přeci jen a jen hudba, kterou společně vytvářejí.
Kromě Aidana, který měl v ruce buď stojan na mikrofon, nebo otvírák na láhve s pivem a Malcolma střídajícího elektrickou kytaru s akustickou, tvoří živou podobu Arab Strap celá řada lidí. Výtečně rozehrané smyčcové sekci kromě cellisty vizuálně dominuje zejména sličná houslistka a bez zajímavosti nebyl ani klávesista, který od klapek občas vstával, aby zahrál na trubku. Kromě baskytaristy doplňuje klasické rockové aranžmá i bubeník, jemuž je nutno vzdát speciální hold, neboť hrál výborně i přesto, že si před vystoupením odskočil na zubní pohotovost.
Arab Strap proslavily krásně temné a setsakramentsky klaustrofobické kompozice v pomalém rytmu, často postavené jen na několika nástrojích opakujících jednoduchý motiv. Působivé aranže pak doplňují neuvěřitelně upřímné a místy ukrutně syrové texty, ve kterých se Arab Strap po celá ta léta zabývají tématy jako jsou vztahy se smutným koncem, sex, alkohol a prášky, milostná vzplanutí plná nenávisti nebo zoufalost života na maloměstě.
Za osm let svého fungování vydali Arab Strap pět řadových alb, kolekci singlů pro japonský trh, jeden záznam živého vystoupení a získali pověst vynikající kapely, jejíž repertoár připomíná katalog životních krizí.
Arab Strap přijeli do Prahy v doprovodu dalších pěti hudebníků a svůj set sestavili ze všech svých desek, převažovala pochopitelně ta poslední s názvem Monday At The Hug & Pint.
Skladby byly v živé podobě daleko živější, rychlejší a zvukově bohatší a i Aidanův zpěv byl dost vzdálený té intimně laděné poloze, jak ji známe z desek. A to bohužel i kvalitativně. Většina z návštěvníků koncertu si oddechla, odevzdal-li na chvíli zvukový prostor ostatním. Což je u frontmana celkem průšvih.
Kdo si od pražského koncertu sliboval cosi jako nihilistický dýchánek, nedočkal se. Snad by fanoušci – tedy alespoň někteří – přivítali komornější prostor. A klidně i místa k sezení.
Arab Strap jsou při svých klubových vystoupeních daleko energičtější, než jak je známe z desek.V Roxy tu noc nešlo o nic jiného, než o rock‘n‘roll.
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Z rozhovoru se bohužel dochovaly jen otázky...
K: Významnou část vaší tvorby tvoří texty, hodně se o nich v souvislosti s Arab Strap už napsalo. Je to, Aidane, čistě tvoje věc, nebo o nich spolu mluvíte a Malcolm do jejich podoby také zasahuje?
K: Možná se mýlím, ale připadá mi, že věnovat se hudbě, jakou vy děláte, musí být docela emocionálně náročné. Není to občas vyčerpávající?
K: Už jednou jste to vysvětlili slovy, že k tomu, aby člověk mohl pracovat s temnými nebo smutnými náladami potřebuje nadhled, umět se smát sám sobě. Což mému kolegovi Jakubovi, režiséru tohoto pořadu, tak trochu připomnělo Kafku, který se nad svými romány dobře bavil…
K: Představuji si, že jste kapela, které spíš vyhovuje intimní prostředí ve studu. Baví vás spíš nahrávání nebo koncertování?
K: A jakým způsobem převádíte do koncertní podoby své skladby, které na deskách působí spíš křehce?
K: Četla jsem v britském časopise Melody Maker článek o Arab Strap, kde vás charakterizovali jako kapelu, která je známá díky reklamě na Guiness a díky písničkám o – jak to jen říct slušně? – o fyzické lásce. Jak se cítíte, když si přečtete takto zjednodušující názor na vaši kapelu?
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hey we need your help
we need some shows for ‚the monsters‘
Swiss Chainsaw massacre LOFI Super Trash Garage One Riff Rock Boy Group !!!
02.11.23 ? FR
03.11.23 ? FR
04.11.23 ? FR
05.11.23 ? FR
06.11.23 ? FR
07.11.23 DE - Karlsruhe
08.11.23 DE - Frankfurt
09.11.23 BE/NL ?
10.11.23 NL - Eindhoven
11.11.23 BE/NL/DE?
Line up:
Beat-Man – Guitars/Vocals
Janosh – Bass/Shout
Swain Lee – Drums
Pumi -Coaxial Jackson
We are 4 People on the Road
The Monsters exist since 1986 touring Tours in Europe, Japan, South East Asia, USA, South America, Mexico Eurosonic (NL) CBGB’s (USA) We`re loud Festival (vietnam) Cosmic Trip (FR) Sjock Festival (BE) Muddy Roots(USA) etc
with bands like: the Monks, Exploited, Sonics, Hatebreed, Buzzcocks, Eyehategod, the Crazy world of Arthur Brown, the Goddamn Gallows, kadavar, cock sparrer, Black Lips, the Liminanas, john spencer, Mudhoney, the Mummies
creating their very own music styl.. Chainsaw Massacre Garage Punk mixed up One Riff Rock Trash
The Monsters is a 3-piece Band, formed 1986 in Bern, capital of Switzerland. Their sound is a fuzzedout mix between 60ies garage punk, wild teenage trash rockabilly and primitive rock‘n‘roll and black metal boogie. Its 187% no MTV and top 100 shit! It is simple One-Ri - Trash-Rock.
Besides the countless shows in Switzerland The Monsters played extensive tours through Europe including Germany, France, Holland, Belgium, Italy, Austria, England, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, Russia and Spain and more. They toured Argentina, Brasil, Vietnam, Taiwan, Japan, USA and Mexico. The Monsters are a kickass live band who will burn every stage down. They were on the same bill with acts like Guitar wolf, The Monks, The Sonics, Ty Segall, Black lips and many more. They played Venues/Festivals like CBGBs (USA) or le Guess who Festival (Nl) as well as countless DIy punk holes.
Over the years The Monsters recorded 10 albums. Tons of Singles and EP‘s and apeared on countless compilations. The lP „youth Against Nature“ was recored in the now famous Toe Rag Studios (london) by liam watson. „I See Dead People“ came with a 1000-piece puzzle, booklet, sticker and button. „Garage Punk Vol. 1“ is a double lP with 20 years of trash. The newest recording is „you‘re Class, I‘m Trash“, release date mid November 2021. Besides Voodoorhythm Records, the lP will be relased also on Sounds Of Subterrania (DE) and on Slovenly Records (USA) in a swiss-german version.
The Monsters appear on Voodoorhythm Records, Switzerland. Voodoorhythm is run by Beat- Man, who is the singer and guitar player of The Monsters. Beat-Man played - and still plays - in other projects like lightning Beat-Man, Reverend Beat-Man, Die Zorros and some more.
...go see them live on stage... they blow your brain away with lots of chainsaw massacre garage punk and primitive one-ri rock‘n‘roll trash...
cONTacT aNd iNfO
bandcamp: https://the-monsters.bandcamp.com
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gazetteoesterreich · 1 year
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lapalma-bamberg · 2 years
14.1.2023, Bienenhaus
Don‘t try that at home. 🤭 Papas fritas estilo Rock‘N‘Roll 🤘🏼auf dem Grill. Eigentlich mache ich sie immer wieder gerne so. Sehr lecker und das Haus stinkt nicht nach Pommesfett.
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opjueckweltweit · 2 years
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Mein letztes #Cocktailtasting im #Barfly hatte „Sex, Drugs and Rock‘n‘Roll“ zum Thema. Die Musik war stark - unter anderem mit Queen. Die Cocktails waren mir zu süß, aber lustig war der Abend trotzdem. Um ihn katerfrei zu überstehen, ist es sinnvoll vorher viel zu essen, viel Wasser zu trinken und Knabber mitzunehmen. Mein nächstes Tasting dort wird „Versoffene Genies“ sein. Bin jetzt schon gespannt! #bartippköln #kölnliebe (hier: Nippes, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CmBoNFOsIoV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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boombatzemedia · 5 years
Willkommen zum 1. Streamtag!
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1. Streamtag
Das analoge muss diesmal ins digitale und dann ins audiovisuelle und somit ins Tanzbein. Warum? Wisst ihr selbst. Sam Grier, Sam O’Rye & KingOfErfurt (vielleicht noch mehr??) legen in einem geheimen Dachgiebel-Labor feinste 7Zoller auf die Reagenzspieler und schauen was passiert. Wir wissen es selbst noch nicht so genau, ist auch für uns alles Neuland.
Seid in Eurer Küche, in…
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gegengeschichte · 6 years
„Rock‘n‘Roll ain‘t noise pollution. Rock‘n‘Roll is just Rock‘n‘Roll. Yeah.“
- Walter von der Vogelweide
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Hey! I have a little prompt for you, if you‘d like: Ginger and Miles dancing. (I’m on a camping trip and my Dad‘s playing 50s Rock‘n‘Roll, so maybe to that kind of music, but that’s optional) Thanks in advance ♥️
Sorry for the late response! Lots and lots of traveling yesterday, too tired to really work on anything when I finally got back home!
But this sounds cute, I can write this. I have done them dancing back in the thirties, but I think the fifties is an interesting twist.
Please note, they're older in this, I was originally thinking about them being just... shifted a bit, to a different time period than in the canon timeline, but I do like old men being happy so... yeah.
On with the fic!
"My darling Ginger, you'll never believe what I found at the shops today!" Miles beamed as he came into their shared flat, holding up a few paper shopping bags.
Ginger raised an eyebrow, setting his pipe aside as he got up from his favorite chair in their living room. "Clothing?"
"Oh, that's always expected, love." Miles said as he set bags down on the couch. "But I stopped by a record shop for our new player to see if they had anything of interest and I was told to look into this new genre that's really picked up with the young folk."
"Would it be that rock and or roll music people seem fascinated or horrified by?"
Miles gave him a look at the way he said the genre. "Rock 'n roll, Gingie. It's rock 'n roll. I rather like what I've been hearing, and the Americans seem to have taken a real shine to it!"
He removed a record sleeve from a bag and Ginger took it, taking a look. "'Hound Dog?'"
"It's more... oh, what's the term the shopkeep said... R&B! Yes, I do believe it's a bit like jazz! Actually, I think a lot of this music is like jazz, and you know how much I adore that! I was able to get a few singles for that, and some more of the rock stuff! Shall we take a listen?"
"I suppose so." Ginger replied, knowing it was pointless to argue with his husband's sporadic interests in anything new and slightly controversial.
He set up their record player and set down the record, hearing the starting of music and a woman singing. Miles let out a giddy laugh and rushed over, grabbing Ginger's hands. "Dance with me, love!"
"O-oh! I don't... I don't know how to dance to this..!" Ginger stumbled and Miles laughed, holding onto him.
"I don't think you're supposed to know how, just dance to the beat!"
Ginger wanted to make a comment that he might be a bit too old for this sort of music, but Miles looked like he was having fun as he danced horribly to the song. The taller of the two decided to follow Miles' lead, dancing like a fool. It actually was rather fun, if a bit embarrassing, but it was just the two of them alone in their flat, no one else here to see them.
"Oh, I do believe those Americans are on to something." Miles said, panting, laughing, a bit flushed in the face. He brushed a few curls from his face.
"Shall we... try for another one?" Ginger asked and the short man smirked.
"Oh? You want to dance again?"
"We both look like total jackasses do it, but I'm having fun." Ginger said, smiling, which earned him a kiss on the lips and Miles rushing over to the bag to dig out another record.
They danced to the original version of Hound Dog, by Willie Mae 'Big Mama' Thornton btw.
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Don’t fix me - lyrics (taken from Nikos Instagram Post)
I‘m a shipwreck
Lying at the bottom of the ocean
I can’t handle my emotions
I‘mma chase those fuckers anyway
All she left and now I’m antisocial
I‘mma gamble my devotion
I don’t want you medication, no
I don’t need you education
Jetset life is only gonna drive crazy
I won’t change it
On my deathbed you’re only gonna hear me say
Don’t fix me
Let me bleed out
Leave me open
No, don’t fix me
Maybe I was born to be broken
I’m dead inside
And it’s alright
So don’t fix me
Don’t fix me
People wanna healthy diet
In a peaceful climate and a house to hide in
Last night I lost my driver’s license
To a girl who said she was Miley Cyrus
Oh damn, I’m on autopilot
I’m a broken hearted starving artist
Going through a crisis, empty pockets
Ain’t nobody gonna tell me about what life is
I don’t need your diagnosis, no
You can keep your love and roses
Violent Popper on his way to the doctor
I got lost, woke up in Compton
I though fuck it, it‘s just rock‘n‘roll
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nephilimsarchive · 5 years
Engel | Jealous Ville Valo x reader imagine
Summary: You join your boyfriends band to celebrate the end of their tour. One of your costars and friends is there too, much to Villes dismay.
Note: fluff, very slight angst 
had to repost my fics bc my old acc got flagged, sorry! x 
Word count: 1486
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“This is our last song for tonight”, he declared in his baritone as the first chords of When Love And Death Embrace begun playing. Your eyes followed his every movement from the side of the stage. “I’m in love with you..“ he sang and shot you a wink. The two of you have been together for almost four years now, yet Ville never ceases to amaze you. One stare of his viridescent eyes was enough to make your heart swell and your legs grow weak. When he was on stage he was alive, and you barely loved anything more than seeing him like this. The only thing better than this was the thought of finally having him all to yourself again, and him pressing his sweaty body against yours after the show. You gripped the metal bars tighter as you heard him purr the last lines of the song. A roar of applause and cheers lit up the stadium as the last show of the tour came to an end.
A radiant smile shone on his face, which you couldn’t help but return as he jogged towards you. „Y/N!“, he exclaimed as he scooped you up in his arms, spinning you and setting you down again. Both of you laughed. „Anteeksi, I’m kind of sweaty right now.“, he then said. In response, you wrapped your arms tighter around him, kissing his mouth,then his neck. „Who say’s I mind?!“ You smirked at the look he gave you, his pupils dilating ever so slightly. „I can’t wait to take you home, kultaseni…“, he whispered and stepped away slowly, leaving you there with a smile playing on your lips.
And as much as you would’ve liked following him into the shower right there and then, you sadly had other plans. Ville and you had promised to accompany the other bandmates to a local bar in celebration of yet another successful tour. So here you were, in your VIP booth of a bar called „Engel“. The place was beautiful, the perfect mixture of classy and sultry rock‘n‘roll. The bordeaux leather couch was soft beneath you as Metallica blasted through the speakers.
Ville sat next to you, slinging a lazy arm around your shoulder, shooting you a dazzling smile. „You look beautiful, Y/N.“, murmured Ville, leaving a lingering kiss on your cheek. Oh, how you cherished moments like this. Being so close to him, feeling him stroke your arm gently and exchanging sweet nothings. You could completely forget the rest of the world around you, if it wasn’t for Burtons constant teasing.
„Get a room, you two.“, Burton called, much louder than necessary. „Oh, fuck off.“, scoffed Ville, clearly amused as you rolled your eyes, blushing nonetheless. „I seriously can’t believe you two still act like horny teenagers after being in a relationship for this long.“ You grinned at him. „Ohhh, ‘s somebody jealous? Should I go and have some girl talk with your wife about it?“ Burton flipped you off then, roling his eyes. „I think it‘s cute, I‘m happy for you guys.“, Mige chimed in, „but he does have a point, you know?“ Laughing, you got up and excused yourself. „Whatever. I‘m going to head to the bar and see what they‘ve got. Anyone want something?“ “Surprise me, love.“, Ville said as everyone else shook their head.
Smoothing out your figure-hugging black dress, you made your way past the dance floor to the bar. Running a hand through your long wavy hair you skimmed the menu, when suddenly you hear an all too familiar voice call out. “Hello stranger!“. His blue eyes twinkle in delight as he stands next to you. „Now if that isn‘t my favourite Co-Star.“ „Misha! It‘s nice to see you, too.“, you hugged him, „What are you doing here? Aren‘t you guys busy shooting?“ And just like that, the conversation flowed. You had met Misha Collins on the set of Supernatural, and you clicked immediately, becoming very close friends - much to Villes dismay. After your character in the show was killed off, you and Misha stayed in contact but saw each other less and less due to your busy schedules. Both of you were actors on the peak of their career, which is exactly what made coincidences like this so pleasant.
You almost laughed tears at one of Misha jokes as you remembered your initial task. Looking back at where your boyfriend was sitting, you noticed how he’s been staring back, a blank expression on his face. Misha noticed the direction of your stare. “Oh, I’m sorry.”, he said, lightly touching your arm, “Have I been keeping you up? You probably wanted to get something to drink, right? Whatever it is, it’s on me.” Smiling, you thanked him and ordered two non-alcoholic cocktails. At that, Misha quirked one of his eyebrows up, a surprised expression on his features. You explained that Ville has stopped drinking and that you supported him completely. “He is a lucky guy.”, Misha winked while walking away, “I’ll see you around.”. You smiled and said your goodbyes.
You turned around to walk back to your booth, but unexpectedly were greeted with the pair of emerald eyes you loved so much. Only that those eyes didn’t hold as much adoration as you would’ve liked. He grabbed a drink from your hands and wordlessly sat down on a barstool. „You alright, love?“, you asked, sitting next to him. He said nothing, avoiding your stare. „Ville?“
Suddenly he turned to you, his cold expression catching you off guard. „I don’t know, love.“, he spat, mocking the pet name you had used, „Would you feel peachy if I told you I’d get drinks, and then ended up all cozy with some other woman?“.
He was talking about Misha. Disbelief etched itself into your face, your eyebrows raised. „Ville, are you jealous?“ He grunted in response, which was all the answer you needed. „As much as Misha and I might get along, you know we’re just friends, right?“ Ville scoffed, a strand of his hair dangling in the air. „If you’re just friends, then what’s up with all the light touches, and you laughing at his jokes so damn much? And i swear to Ozzy, if I see him wink at you one more time…”
You fought the urge to roll your eyes at his behavior. He was the man of your dreams and you were more than happy to be with him, how he could still doubt that after years of being together - you had no clue.
„Ville, rakkain..“, you started calmly, running your hand down his arm gently. „Misha may be nice and funny“, that earned you a glare, „but he’s got absolutely nothing on you. I love you, and I have been for the past 4 years. And you should know that by now.”, you told him, taking his hand into yours. “You are the most talented, handsome and caring man I’ve ever met. Nothing makes me as happy as spending time with you does. I love how passionate you are, I love how safe you make me feel. You make me smile even when I don’t want to, and I wouldn’t ever want to have another day go by without you by my side.“
His thumb brushed your knuckles then, the look in his eyes softening as he looked into your eyes, searching for any traces of a lie. He found none. An idea popped into your head then. An equally evil and seductive grin formed on your face. You leaned close to him and put a hand on his thigh for support. „Besides…“, you brushed your lip against his his, „You are so very sexy. Absolutely sinful, really. Nobody can turn me on like you do. And oh my, have I been missing you lately. Laying between the silky sheets all alone…”, The grip on your other hand tightened ever so slightly. “How often I imagined you coming back through that door, your skin on mine, your kisses traveling down my body, being all yours.”, you moved your head back a little, giving him an innocent look. A low growl escaped him as as his hand moved to cup your cheek, claiming your lips. The kiss was far from gentle, it was territorial, pleading. It held all the passion that had built up from months of being apart. It left you breathless, wanting.
Way too soon he broke the kiss, panting heavily. His eyes had turned a darker shade of green, a storm brewing inside of them. He got up then, threw some money on the counter to pay for your nowhere near finished drinks and took your hand, helping you up. His eyes traveled over your body, taking in the sight before him. Licking his lips subconsciously, he lifted his head and looked you in the eyes, “Home. Now.”
And you were more than happy to comply.
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mtbswitzerland · 4 years
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Wir wünschen euch eine gute neue Woche! Versüsst ihr euch die aktuell heissen, sommerlichen Tagen mit einer Brise frischer, hochalpiner Luft? #MTBswitzerland via 📷 @trailthomi Flow ahead! Links gibts Rock‘n‘Roll. Wie immer halt. . #belalp #sparrhorn #mtb #trail #lifebehindbars #epicshit https://instagr.am/p/CDs1BnGDoII/
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teamxeyeslow · 5 years
„Wann war der Moment, in dem wir unser Rock‘n‘Roll verloren haben?“
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