#Rocket Ronaldo
goodlearninghub · 4 months
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herrera2k · 2 years
“Please, stop Crying” pt.2
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Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you
And I wish on a star, that somewhere you are thinking of me too
Cause I'm dreaming of you tonight, til tomorrow, I'll be holding you tight
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be, than here in my room, dreaming about you and me
It’d been about 3 months after Ronaldo had left Funchal. I found myself falling into a slight depression, as I had expected, yet I still found a way to work for my family. I refused to even speak to other men, almost as a defense mechanism, a part of me believed Ronaldo would come back for me. However, the thoughts like that were futile. I knew now that because of his current and sudden status change, it was likely that he was with many other women. As I had once told him before how I planned to see him on the tv, I did. There was no television at my home, but one day when grocery shopping, I noticed him playing on the screen in the shop. My heart dropped upon seeing him, a soft fluttering and yearning feeling sunk into the pit of my stomach. It was a bittersweet sight. The image of him smiling on the pitch after scoring a point, I could see how proud he was, he looked more beautiful than ever. The image reminded me of the last time I saw him, how his tan skin and brown eyes reflected the setting sun. The sweat gliding down his toned abdomen at games brought me back to how the ocean’s water highlighted his body. I had soon learned the schedule from the manager of that shop, and often went to the grocery store when I knew he was to play. I knew I shouldn’t have watched all of those games, I remember how I begged him to forget about me, yet here I was, secretly obsessing over the sight with of him on a blurry screen. My favorite thing to watch was his interviews, how he struggled with his English, his shy demeanor, when I could see his face up close. I admired his beauty, his crooked teeth, his acne, and his messy hair. I began to consider what would happen if I took Cristiano up on his offer. Images of a beautiful family, with Cristiano by my side, and a ring on my finger, flashed through my head. The thought caused my face and throat to heat up and become tense, as I felt a sudden burning behind my eyes. I probably looked so stupid, there I was at a grocery store, tears nearly streaming down my face, my nose swelling, and my lips swollen. All because of something on a screen. Pathetic.
—Cristiano’s Pov—
As I laid in my large bed, the silk sheets caressing my legs and bare chest as a wrapped myself in a chrysalis of blankets. My bed was empty, and it didn’t take rocket science to find the source of my anxiousness. It was y/n. I recalled the feeling of sleeping beside her. We were around 14, she had gotten in a fight with her parents, for they pestered her to drop out of school and help the family early. She refused, and her family berated and criticized her actions. As they treated her with total indifference as a form of a guilt trip, she found that home was not an ideal place to be at the time. This prompted her to walk to my house, knock on my door, and request to see me. Upon hearing her voice from my room, I darted towards the door to greet her, yet I was only met with red eyes and furrowed brows. I led her to my room as I attempted to console her, even though I didn’t fully understand what was going on. She crawled into my bed and embraced me before sobbing into my shoulder and explaining what happened, sort of like the what happened the day I left her. I knew that she was dejected, but the feeling of her arms tightly wrapped around my body was so tender and heartwarming. I kissed her tear-stained cheeks, and stroked her hair as she continued to mumble about her parents, after some time she fell asleep in my arms, and I swear I watched her sleep for half an hour.
As I laid in my empty bed, I knew that wrapping myself in blankets would be futile, I could never simulate the feeling of her arms embracing me. Tears slid down my face horizontally, for I was laying down, and I bit my lip to hide the whimpers and sobs. I wondered if she still thought about me, had she found someone else? The thoughts only made me feel worse, so I began to count, I needed to get my mind off her. When I awoke that morning, at training, my friend, Jõao, could tell something was off. After a few hours of a grueling practice, he pulled me aside and began:
“Ronaldo, whats up? Is there something on your mind? You seemed tense at practice” he then began to play with his hair before looking down, then back at me with furrowed and concerned eyebrows. I looked away, for I didn’t know what to say, I didn’t know if he’d understand. I looked at him and began to play with a rubber band on my wrist before explaining. I told him everything.
“There’s this girl, we grew up together in Funchal. She was my best friend, and my first love. She was everything to me, she’s probably the reason I’m here right now. She encouraged me to be the best I could be, I’m a better man because of her. I left her behind 3 months ago, and I just feel incomplete, it’s the longest time I’ve gone without seeing her, and I feel this yearning ache in my heart when I lie in bed alone at night with her body absent from my side.” I confided. “Everyday I miss her more and more. It’s impossible for me to move on, I know that nobody could love me the way she did, but I fear she has already found someone who could love her the way I did. I left her behind Jõao.” My eyes grew wet and began to burn, I then my calloused hands over my mouths to hide the sounds of my weeping.
I felt Jõao’s hand Pat my back, and his eyes scanning me as I sat hunched over with my head in my hands. “Don’t speak in the past tense. Considering the way you talk about this girl, she probably still loves you.” He consoled. “You’re a great guy, and it’s only taken me 3 months to notice that. I’m sure she feels the same way.”
He then paused, pursed his lips, and looked away before saying: “I see how she makes you feel, you’ve told me how her absence makes your heart ache. I believe the feeling is mutual, and you’ve told me you can’t move on, so it’s likely she can’t either. You both know you love each other, and tell me, how would you react if she were suddenly here right now?”
“It would only bring me more tears, of both sadness and joy.” I answered, “I would embrace her as right as possible, for fear of having to see her go again. That is what I would do if I saw her again.”
“And I’m sure she would say the same for you! Cristiano, please, tell me what she said to you before you departed.” My teammate asked as his neck bent down to look me in the eyes. My mind wandered back to that day on the beach, I remember how she pleaded for me to go, how she consoled me whilst I sobbed into her shoulders.
“I will love you no matter what you do, but I hope you know, that as I’ve grown up with you, I’ve seen how you feel about this sport. You pit in hours every week, and it will have all been for nothing if you stay. You need to leave me behind.”
Those 3 sentences seemed to be engraved into my mind. She was afraid to let me go, as was I, but she valued my future more than her happiness. She was willing to watch me leave if it meant I was to have a better life.
Jõao interrupted my thoughts, “Sounds like she loved you, and she still does. You need to see her, both of you still need eachother, and both of you know it. You’re the one with millions of dollars at your expense, you can afford to fly over there, you’re the one who has to make a move, take the initiative.”
I considered his words, for he was right. I changed my posture so that my elbow was against my knee, with my chin in my hand. “You’re right, Jõao. I need to see her. I’ll think about it more tonight.” Jõao’s raised his neck and softened his gaze before smiling and patting his hand against my back. “See you later, Ronny.” He put an emphasis on the odd nickname, and laughed before walking away. I smiled and looked at the ground, got up, and walked back towards the pitch to get my mind off of the situation, for now.
—Y/n’s POV—
I rarely find time to myself it seems, yet when I get the chance to, I seem to always chose to spend it with someone else. As my little brother and sister sat in the sand and tumbled around, a sense of storge filled my heart. I loved my little siblings, I had practically raised them, but I didn’t blame my parents for being slightly unfit, I knew they were struggling themselves. I had also always loved the idea of children, raising two of my own. Cristiano and I had often talked about children, yet we both knew it was far too early to consider such things. When I would see him play with my siblings, making sandcastles and teaching them football tricks, my heart was warmed. I replaced the image with children of our own, with features similar to his. We would converse about how when we were older we would find a nice home, and raise a lovely family. We had even planned out names, Naomi if we had a girl, and Cristiano Jr. for a boy.
Thinking about it only made my heart hurt more, I watched my siblings splash around in the water. I figured the best way to distract myself was to join them. I peeled off my dress and slipped off my sandals before charging towards the salty water. My little brother, Carlos, saw me run into the ocean, and raised his arms high to let me know he wanted me to pick him up. I grabbed him and carried him in a bridal style like fashion before spinning around, the sound of his high pitched laughter uplifting me. I was then called by another high pitched voice, my little sister.
“Bambi! Look over there.” She shouted whilst pointing towards the right. Alarmed, I looked over to see a silhouette in the setting orange sun. The figure was familiar, broad shoulders with a toned figure, and soft brown hair upon the man’s head. It took me a few seconds to process the sight, and I was only pulled from my thoughts upon feeling my little brother leap out of my arms and into the water. He ran towards the man alongside my little sister. The two had their arms outstretched, and I heard their childish voices exclaim his name.
“Cristiano!” they sang, my short siblings ran to a different one of his legs before grasping on as if they were tree branches. He looked down and smiled a toothy grin and laughed before greeting them and awkwardly walked towards me with the two children on his legs. I stood there, overcome by a mix of fervent emotions. I was flustered, overjoyed, astonished, and my heart felt as if it was burning. As embarrassing as it sounds, I could feel hot tears well up in my eyes as I watched Cristiano trudge towards me.
“Y/n!” He called with a smile, revealing a set of braces. I was finally broken from my trance, and I gradually sped towards him. My little siblings shook off Cristiano’s legs in order to give me room to greet him. Once his legs were free, he approached me too, and once we met, he grabbed my waist and lifted me slightly of the ground. I placed my hands around his neck and felt his warm skin against my palms. He looked into my eyes, before grinning and tucking a piece of hair behind my ears. I looked at his lips, then grasped his face pulled him towards me. Our lips connected, however, the familiar feeling didn’t send shivers down my spine, but electric shocks towards my pounding chest. I felt my cheeks heat up as he stroked them with his thumbs after placing me back on the ground. My siblings made kissing noises to mock us, and what I would usually tell them off for, I completely ignored. I looked towards the two, and said:
“Carlos, Emilia! Go back to Ama and Papa’s house, tell them I’ll be back later.” I would prefer them not see or have to deal with the long emotional conservation we were to have. The two small figures scampered off into the distance, giggling and conversing as they did. Once they were out of earshot, my gaze shifted from them to the man beside me. There was a strange few seconds of silence before he simply said:
“Hi.” He grinned at me and grabbed my waist.
“Hi.” I muttered before biting my lip and scanning him up and down. We paused, then laughed, then paused again. I wrapped my arms around his neck and placed a soft kiss on his collarbone, and he then took my hand and intertwined his fingers with mine. “Do you wanna go for a walk?” He asked as he cocked his eyebrow. I simply nodded and pulled on the shoes and the dress I had slipped off earlier. As we began to stroll down the sandy beach of Funchal, my mind raced whilst I considered what I was to say.
“One of my teammates in Lisbon told me that the first time you give your heart to someone is the most memorable.” Cristiano suddenly stated, my grip on his hand tightened, and I looked into his brown eyes as they reflected the golden sun.
“What are you trying to say?” I questioned,
He then continued, “I don’t think I would have ever been able to forget you. I remember you advised that I did, but looking back, I think it would have been impossible.” His words sounded like those of a poet’s. What he said was so real, as if he read my mind.
“I don’t think I could’ve forgotten you either, Cristiano.” I mumbled, “I think it’s probably because we grew up together, and I just couldn’t imagine a life without you.” I didn’t know how to describe it, but his love sort of gave me euphoria. It was the first time I had cared for someone in a romantic yet friendly sense. I recall how I would get butterflies when I would wake up beside him, his hair disheveled, and his eyebrows softened. It’s as if I couldn’t truly live without him. I mean, we had nearly planned out our entire lives together.
Cristiano looked down at me, and smiled. That same sense of euphoria that I had just mentioned softly hit me, I felt like a piece of me that was missing was back again. I sounded pathetic, but I couldn’t deny it, I was undeniably in love with him.
“I love you, you know that, Y/n?” He rhetorically asked, I’ve often struggled putting my thoughts into words, especially thoughts so passionate as these, so I simply said: “I know.” Before wrapping my arms around him and pulling him close. His hands found my hair and played with curls, “Good.” He replied.
—Time skip (6 years)—
As I sit on the couch, I watch my husband do push-ups on the soft carpet whilst our daughter, Naomi, sits on his back. My daughter is hysterical with laughter as her father slowly raises her up and down on his back as if he were a horse. After a few more pushups, Cristiano plops down on the ground and let’s out a few heavy breaths before rolling onto his back. This only made our child laugh even more, and she tugged on my legs, pulling me off the couch with surprisingly a lot of strength. As Naomi falls on her butt and claps, my eyes widen and I look at Cristiano. He too is now laughing. “She got that strength from you.”
“She sure did.” He replied, picking her up from the floor and beginning to play with her hair. The image brought me back to the thought of my siblings, and that day on the beach of Funchal. We now had left Portugal, and lived in England, my family still remained in Portugal however, yet we made sure they lived in a nice home. I watched my husband braid our daughters hair and leaned onto the couch with a smile. I believe it would be impossible to be happier than this.
Now I'm dreaming with you tonight, till tomorrow and for all of my life.
And there's nowhere in the world I'd rather be, than here in my room, dreaming with you endlessly.
Im sorry folks, I feel like this was goofy, I’m sorry about that 😬
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lovelygirlnicole15 · 11 months
Yo ladies! My name's Ashley Nicole (She/Her)! But you can call me Ashley or Nicole (however you want to)!
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Welcome to the Toppat Clan... With Chaos!
The Show :3
Welcome to this comedy Toppat Clan Au, where you can find:
-Chaos Everyday (well almost)
-Drama Queen (Carol Cross)
-4th Wall Breaks
-I like trains man (Mr.Macbeth)
-Baby shark lover boy (Sven)
-Multiverse Madness (I accept collaborations with your thsc Aus as long as It doesn't meant to murder, evilness and most importantly.... BRAINWASHING/HYPNOTIZING/MIND-CONTROLLING)
-Food War
-Emotionless (kinda?) Burt
-Among Us matches
-Logic Shenanigans
-Meme References
-Things with no sense
-Weird humor
And more :)
Info: This Au takes place after Triple Threat where everyone in the Toppat Clan manage to escape the Wall (don't ask me how) and started to rebuild the rocket for the orbital station, but not without having crazy shenanigans.
The Decoloration
Toppat OC's voices (Headcanon)
My (Main) Ocs:
Nicole Leclerc (Her clothing design)
Mercudi Panza
Kiomi Griever and Tomio Tamadachi
Binta Spencer
Bonnie Spencer
Milfra Hope
Irma Hendrix and DJ Via
Princess Takeshi Ishikawa
Ronaldo Copperbottom
The Outlaws (Puss and Fluff)
Dita Petrov and Trixie Sparkwoof
Lyss Muller (Mama Lyss)
Ritto and Nitta Abdo
My Ocs in Gacha Life 2 Style
Your oc react to _____ scene quiz (only available for mutuals) CURRENTLY CLOSED
My roleplay style:
What I accept in role-play:
-Soft/Kind/Nice content
-Ships (all ships are acceptable)
-Sick days
-Au Crossover
-Good endings
What I won't accept in role-play:
-NSFW content
-My fav character getting killed
-Bad ending
-Anything that makes me feel uncomfortable
This is something random of me asking my mutuals about what would their oc react to an scene I send to your inbox (this is ONLY for mutuals) every Sunday!
1. Doodling is acceptable.
2. Fanarts are acceptable.
3. Mini stories are also acceptable.
4. The previous rules are optional.
5. I may not ask ALL my mutuals due to laziness.
My other accounts
Magician Heroes Au (currently having some issues with my pal Rafa but everything's fine)
Toppat Civil Warface Au (Kinda dead in this one but I'm trying to be alive).
Tags (Official)
#ToppatClanWithChaosTheShow, #Ash Nic Answering, #Ash Nic art/fanart, #Ash Nic approve, #Ash Nic reject, #Talk with Ash Nic, #Ash Nic rp, #Ash Nic Writing, #Ash Nic chilling, #Ash Nic Emotional damage, #Ash Nic grands permission, #Aah Nic Wips, #Ash Nic Worries, #Ash Nic reblog, #Ash Nic inform, #Ash Nic relates
Disclaimer (IMPORTANT)
My ships
Toppat Clan with Chaos The Show Au Story:
1. The HUGE lie
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
2. Who is Pregnant?
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
3. Jewel Down
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
4. A Princess and A Beast
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
5. ORD (Operation Romantic Date)
(coming soon)
6. Toppat Wonder
(coming soon)
7. Enemy Among Us
(coming soon)
This is a place where I show my mini comic/short section of my Au, they'll be 3-10 panels or 2-3 parts.
Dad? (Jewel Down)
Fever Down Technique (Jewel Down)
... Mute?
Bertram and The Decoloration
Love Advice go Wrong
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pg-dave-rift-party · 1 year
(Get PG Dave’ed bozo L)
“No sir, we CAN’T add your “quickie witty funtitty grape calzone” to the menu.” Dave says, while doing heavy air quotes, and seemingly straining himself to say the name of the menu item.
“You’re no fun Dave~” Jack purrs “Will you AT LEAST grant me marshmallow chicken ranch deep dish pizza?”
“There is no way in heck I am letting you do that.”
“But DAAAAAVE~” Jack says dramatically leaning on the phone
“Aaaand? That’d just give us more time in Vegas. We blow all our cash, buy another cheap building, and start again.”
“I WILL NOT LET YOU RUN THE FRANCHISE INTO THE GROUND FOR A TRIP TO NEVADA!!!!!!!!!” Dave says, while making a dialup tone. “No matter how fun that sounds…” he mumbles.
“Come ooooon… you’re the most boring Phoney everrrrr… even that first asshole carried a rocket launcher, why can’t you do that!?!”
“Well sir I just so happen to care about my safety as well as the safety of those around me, and by that I mean if I were to obtain and use weaponry like that the repair costs would be-“
“Fine, no crazy stuff.” Jack whines. “But just humour me and put eggplant and orange on a pizza!”
“You have horrible taste sir, I know that and I do not have a mouth.”
“Pretty please.”
Dave sighs and goes to the kitchen to talk to ghost Ronaldo… on the way he stumbles upon a device on the ground… he reaches down to touch it, and a portal opens of which he is quickly sucked in.
Dave screams as he is thrown out into the clearing in the forest, now surrounded by strangers.
He looks around nervously before quickly standing up. “Uhhhh… do any of you guys know how to get back to the restaurant… “Bear.”?” Dave pauses. “I’m worried my boss might destroy the company if he’s left alone for more than 5 minutes.” Dave pauses looking concerned… “I-I’m Model 51_02, aka as my boss has named me, “Dave”.”
“Who are you people… and why do some of you look like Mr. Kennedy?”
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suomiuutiset · 10 days
NHL:n himoitut palkinnot – onko niitä koskaan saatu Suomeen?
Jokainen jääkiekkoilija haaveilee siitä yhdestä palkinnosta, eli Stanley Cupista. Jokainen kuitenkin arvostaa myös henkilökohtaisia tunnustuksia, sanoipa kuka mitä tahansa. Vaikka jääkiekkoa pelataan joukkueelle, ollaan kentällä myös yksilöinä.
Kukapa lätkänpelaaja ei haluaisi voittaa Maurice ”Rocket” Richard Trophy -palkintoa, joka jaetaan NHL:n parhaalle maalintekijälle. Jos tuon palkinnon voittaa, olet maailman kovin maaliruisku jääkiekossa. Sinua kadehditaan.
NHL:ssä jaetaan vuosittain jos minkälaista pyttyä ja pokaalia. Mielestäni niistä kourallinen on järkeviä ja loput vain ala-asteelta tuttuja hymypatsaita. Esittelenkin nyt tärkeimmät palkinnot, joita NHL-pelaajat varmasti havittelevat.
Art Ross Trophy
Art Ross Trophy jaetaan NHL-runkosarjan kovimmalle pistepyssylle. Eniten voittoja on ottanut tietysti Wayne Gretzky, peräti kymmenen kappaletta. Gretzky paukutti yli 200 pistettä kolme vuonna peräkkäin (1984, 1985, 1986).
Nykyaikaisen jääkiekon ehdoton kurko on Connor McDavid. McDavid on voittanut pistepörssin viisi kertaa viimeisen kahdeksan kauden aikana. Paras pistesaldo on viime vuodelta, kun runkosarjassa kertyi karmeat 152 tehopistettä.
Suomalaisia voittajia ei valitettavasti ole. Eurooppalaisia voittajia on vain Leon Draisaitl, Sedinin veljekset, Peter Forsberg sekä Jaromir Jagr.
Calder Memorial Trophy
Calder Memorial Trophy on NHL:n keltanokalle jaettava pysti. Eli palkinto annetaan siis parhaalle tulokaspelaajalle. Pysti on tullut pari kertaa suomeen, kun Pentti Lund nappasi palkinnon vuonna 1949 ja Teemu Selänne vuonna 1992.
Eniten voittoja on mennyt Kanadaan, peräti 62 kertaa. Perässä tulee Yhdysvallat (13), Venäjä (8), Ruotsi (4) ja Suomi (2). Pysti on menny kertaalleen myös Saksaan, Tsekkeihin sekä Iso-Britanniaan.
Viimeisin voittaja on Connor Bedard, joka on luonnollisesti kanadalainen. Vuonna 2005 syntynyt supertähti nakutti 68 otteluun tehot 22+39=61. Loistavaa suorittamista!
Frank J. Selke Trophy
Frank J. Selke Trophy myönnetään NHL:n parhaalle puolustavalle hyökkääjälle. Tämä on suomalaisille rakas palkinto, sillä Aleksander Barkov voitti sen vuonna 2024 – sekä pari vuotta aikaisemmin vuonna 2021. Jere Lehtinen voitti palkinnon kolmesti.
Mikäli uutiset tuli luettua kesän kynnyksellä, niin tiedät varmasti Barkovin napanneen myös ensimmäisen Stanley Cupinsa vuonna 2024. Tämä vuosi oli Barkovin vuosi, joka painaa nuoresta iästään huolimatta Florida Panthersin kapteenina jo kuudetta vuotta.
Maurice ”Rocket” Richard Trophy
Vuodesta 1999 lähtien myönnetty Maurice ”Rocket” Richard Trophy myönnetään änärin kovimmalle maalipyssylle. Tämä on se palkinto, jonka penkkiurheilija muistaa.
Eniten maalipörssin voittoja on napannut Bobby Hull, peräti seitsemän kertaa. Useampia voittoja on kerännyt myös Phil Esposito (6), Charlie Conacher (5), Wayne Gretzky (5), Gordie Howe (5), Maurice Richard (5). Eikä sovi unohtaa Teemu Selänteen kahta voittoa!
Varsinaisen palkinnon on voittanut useten Alexander Ovechkin (9). Auston Matthews on voittanut palkinnon kolmesti viimeisen neljän kauden aikana. Väliin mahtuu vain Connor McDavidin voitto kaudelta 2022–23.
Onko muiden lajien superliigoissa palkintogaaloja?
Jääkiekko- ja jalkapallofanit saavat nauttia maailman parhaiden pelaajien saamista pysteistä samalla mitalla. Esimerkiksi vuodesta 1956 lähtien myönnetty Kultainen pallo on arvostettu tunnustus, jonka on voittanut useita kertoja esimerkiksi Lionel Messi ja Cristiano Ronaldo.
Muita himoittuja palkintoja on mm. Pichichi-palkinto, Valioliigan kauden paras maalintekijä, FIFA:n kultainen pallo sekä Euroopan Kultainen kenkä.
Osa palkintogaaloista televisioidaan urheilukanavilla. Suomessa myös Suomen urheilugaala järjestetään vuosittain ja se näytetään televisiossa ilmaiseksi. Kyllä jokaiselle jotakin on, jos urheilumaailman palkintokekkereitä haluaa seurata!
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doux-amer · 3 months
France–Belgium = torture for everyone watching and a situation where everyone united in their desire to see both teams lose somehow which obviously isn't possible. If I had a gun to my head and I had to choose between the two, I'm marginally glad that France eked a win purely because the players (Ibou, Mbappé, Kounde, and Thuram (his father Lilian must be proud of him)) are speaking up frankly against the far right and asking people to vote against them, and this way, they can continue to speak out about it while all eyes are on them.
It's egregious that they're advancing to the quarterfinals with only 3 goals so far this tournament, 2 of which were own goals and 1 of which was a penalty. They have ZERO goals from open play.
Portugal–Slovenia = speaking of terrible sides that advance when they give us nothing, Portugal, to no one's surprise, went up. Kiril reminded me of the worst Euros ever when Portugal won by advancing as a third-place team, drawing every match in the group stage, and then not winning any knockout matches whatsoever in regular time.
They have all the luck in the world, and as soon as I saw that it went to penalties, I knew it was over lol though Slovenia's penalties were abysmal. I don't know, guys, maybe shooting in easy catching range for the keeper isn't a great idea and you should try something different like shooting on the ground at the corners or rocketing it higher!
But the big news for me was Ronaldo's miss. I love how right before the match, I tweeted, "Best thing about people watching Portugal is how much they can't excuse Ronaldo's behavior anymore (not that it ever was excusable) because he's way too old to throw the seismic tantrums he does every time he doesn't like what's happening or how it doesn't benefit him especially as a captain. I think it started to become more widely unforgivable after he threw the most massive fit during the World Cup and ditched his entire team [who were also gutted, ignored both teams, and then went straight to the locker room right after the whistle blew] despite being captain while Leo was his complete opposite with Argentina even when Argentina was making mistakes."
And then during the match, he goes and bursts into tears. Men are allowed to cry, but Ronaldo crying is embarrassing. Dude, you're the captain. WHY is the team comforting YOU like you're the kid when you should be trying to instill confidence in your team and say okay, this hurts, but we have 15 more minutes to go to make the best of? Crying is okay! That shows you want this very badly! But that's not the right time to cry and definitely not like that where all the players had to flock around you, basically going, "There, there. It's okay." Man's 39 years old and he still doesn't have any maturity as a player or person. (This makes it sound like I'm mad and full of disgust, but the truth is I was lmaooooing my way through that moment. Same with how he kept missing all his shots on goal and you saw him progressively getting sulkier.)
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feridprogamerytb2013 · 7 months
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crazy-family-store · 7 months
Escaping Gaza's Nightmare: Rebuilding Dream Home.
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Dear Friends,
Allow me to share with you our personal and deeply moving story. My name is Asmaa, a resident doctor in Gaza, and together with my husband, we embarked on a journey from scratch, dreaming of building a beautiful home that would encapsulate our dreams and laughter. After 15 years of relentless toil and hard work, our dream began to take shape.
Four years ago, we started building our home with love and passion. Together, we labored tirelessly, carefully crafting every aspect of it. It was the dream of our children to witness the day we would move into this beautiful house.
Here are some photos of our home, where we would discuss together where to place the furniture, the couch where we would sit together to watch TV with our children, the fireplace, and more.
However, a month before the war, as we were preparing our home for this beautiful moment, on a dark night, our beautiful house turned into a pile of rubble. The shock was immense, but we did not lose hope. We believe in the power of love and solidarity, and we are convinced that better days are ahead.
The war is not over yet, and every day passes with fear engulfing our children. My five-year-old dreams of nightmares every day and wakes up asking, "Mommy, is the war over?" My older sons love football and adore Ronaldo. They were taking English courses before the war to master the language. My daughter screams with every rocket that destroys around us.
I had planned to travel with them abroad during the school vacation, but dreams here are destined to fade away. And here is a picture of our home after it was destroyed, turned into a pile of rubble.
We hope that the war will end soon. We want to temporarily leave Gaza for Egypt and then return to our land to rebuild our warm home.
We need your help to leave Gaza, and we urgently need your help to rebuild our destroyed home. This home means a lot to us, as it has witnessed many beautiful memories and happy moments. With your help, we can rebuild our home again and regain our strength and security.
We invite you to contribute whatever you can. Even the smallest amount can make a big difference in our lives. Whether you provide a financial donation or support us by sharing our story, every action you take will have a significant positive impact.
Thank you all for your support and solidarity in these difficult times. We are grateful to everyone who stands by us and supports us on this journey.
Link https://www.gofundme.com/f/escaping-gaza-nightmare
With love and gratitude,
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goalheroes · 9 months
Ronaldo's Aston Martin A Supercar Fit for a Football Legend!
Ronaldo's Aston Martin A Supercar Fit for a Football Legend! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RpyrtATfQnA In a grand entrance at the Manchester United training complex in 2022, Cristiano Ronaldo flaunted his style by rolling in with an Aston Martin DBS Superleggera convertible. This $400,000 beauty wasn't just any car; Ronaldo treated himself to this marvel after scoring a hat-trick against Tottenham, earning the title of man of the match. Talk about pampering oneself! Under the hood, the Aston Martin boasts a 5.2-liter twin-turbo V12 engine, a powerhouse on wheels that aligns perfectly with Ronaldo's penchant for the extraordinary. With an eight-speed automatic transmission, it shifts gears as smoothly as Ronaldo maneuvers on the field. Brace yourselves for the horsepower: a whopping 715 horses! Ronaldo didn't just acquire a car; he strapped himself into a rocket with wheels, and believe it or not, it's the cheapest in his car collection. Intrigued? Wait until you see what his most expensive rides look like! via Goal Heroes https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCilpRBmkFWN32kzz1yAuaBA December 19, 2023 at 08:03PM
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sportsloverguide · 9 months
Messi vs. Ronaldo: Who's Faster?
Here's the quick answer:
Top Speed: Ronaldo wins with 34 km/h vs. Messi's 32.5 km/h.
Acceleration: Messi takes the lead, reaching top speed quicker.
Average Speed: They're close, with Messi slightly ahead at 23 km/h vs. Ronaldo's 22 km/h.
Speed with the Ball: Messi's dribbling skills give him the edge.
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So, who's "faster" overall?
It depends! Both players excel in different ways:
Ronaldo: A rocket off the line with explosive power and straight-line speed.
Messi: Agile and quick, masters the ball at high speeds, changes direction like magic.
Ultimately, the choice of who's "faster" depends on what kind of speed you value most.
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m-21823 · 1 year
ROCKET Goals| The Next Level Football 2023 #ronaldo #goals #harrykane#f...
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picklesabroad · 1 year
First things first - put it on your list. We were lucky enough to have Folegandros highly recommended to us by a friend, Rachelle - thank you Rachelle, I cheers my gelato to you.
We arrived in Folegandros very ready to be away from the crowds of Santorini. 
We were greeted at the port by Theo, our host, who scooped us up in his car and took us to our accommodation. Folegandros is only 14km long, so it is a tiny wee island and boasts a population of about 760 people. We were in paradise. 
The first stop was our accommodation - a gorgeous room in the Ampelos suites, just on the edge of town with a view of the Church of Panagia (the Virgin Mary) up on the hill. Theo gave us a full rundown of the food in the village and let us loose with the parting words “There is good gelato here”. Believe me when I say we got amongst the gelato.
Well. We wandered around the town, enjoying the quiet and the lack of other tourists. The Chora (town) in Folegandros is unique because it is all on one level (not a rats nest of stairs), and for a tiny little town, it has a whopping 5 town squares. Each town square boasts leafy trees, festoon lighting, and alfresco dining from the restaurants around the periphery of the square. I was home. We had a late lunch at a place called Pounta, which was so nice we went back thrice more times. Lunch was toast with a salad of rocket, capers, olives, spring onions, herbs, feta, and local goat's cheese. To die for. 
We were ready for a swim so we walked back to the port and along the coast to some beaches. The water was crystal clear and the perfect temperature so we had a dip at two separate beaches.
Our first beach was called Vitsentzou, and I speak on behalf of the three of us when I say we sat on the beach pinching ourselves for a while. We had made it, to the azure shores of Greece, three young lasses off on an adventure. The beach was perfectly empty, the water refreshingly cool. Stacey and I thought it was time for a nudie swim. We had bloody well made it.
Our tummies told us it was time to go and source some dinner, so we jumped on the bus and bussed back to the Chora, where we managed to locate some dinner at a traditional greek grill. Delightful. Our highlights were the big beans (cooked in tomato sauce, onions, capsicums and dill), stuffed tomatoes and eggplant dip.
Gelato for dessert and off to bed for a sleep. WRONG. Turns out a demented rooster had moved into the paddock below our room, and he wanted us to know he was there, so tootled his song all night long. Joy. Ronaldo the Rooster should take notes.
The next morning was overcast, so we did what we could while avoiding the rain. It was a slow day, but we had the best dinner of the trip that night at a place called Chic in one of the town squares. Cheese balls, cheese and dips, slow cooked lamb with prunes and almonds, meatballs in red sauce and blue cheese pasta. It was fantastic!!!!! 
The next day was hot and dry, but my sinuses were wet and gooey. I think while my mind likes island living, my sinuses don’t enjoy the pollen and dust. My friends went for a big walk down to another beach, and I lay on my bed and read my book. Once they got back, Soph and I went for a walk up to the church of Panagia. We didn’t realise there was a wedding on up there and ended up being able to sneak in to see the inside of the church while the wedding was getting set up, which was a neat experience. We could see the trail of guests coming up the zig zag stairs below, so we perched on a rock out of the way and watched the wedding party come up the hill. We walked super slow down the hill and managed to cross paths with the bride on her way up!!! Very neat. We caught up with Stacey and went and grabbed our rental car which we had organised during the day. The lady who owned the rental car was very surprised when I asked about the state of the spare tire (reservio in Greek) as no one had ever asked before, but I must say, I am my fathers daughter in that respect. 
We had the rental car for a 24hour period from 7pm-7pm, so we left the rental place and drove straight up the coast (14km) up to a place we had been recommended for dinner, where we had a very nice dinner of Matsata - a local dish of cheesy fat pasta-y noodles and Rooster cooked in red sauce (reminded me of aeroplane food but don’t tell the Greeks). Post dinner we went to the tippity top of Folegandros to catch the sunset.
The next morning, we grabbed breakfast at Pounta (toast with salad toppings, and a crepe to share) and headed to the beaches at the top of the Island. We were told we weren't allowed to drive down the dirt road to the beach, so we parked in the parking lot up the top. As we started the long, long treck down the dirt road, we realized the dirt was more concrete-y than we thought, and that perhaps the rental company had missed this detail out, so Stacey, being the MVP she is, ran back to the car and drove it as far as she could on the concrete road, saving us a deathly slog back up to the top in the midday sun.
Once the car was parked on a level surface (parking brakes are not to be trusted around here) we meandered down the much shorter walk to the two glorious beaches. Perfection. All of the beaches in Folegandros were just gorgeous. 
We swum, I snorkelled, we ate treats and read our books in the shade. We lapped it up and switched into Island time mode. When we had sufficiently swum enough, we walked back up the hill to the car and drove back to Agali bay, where we had a seafood lunch overlooking the beach. We then went back into town, where Stacey dropped Soph and I off for a snooze while she went to another beach down by the port. She came back to grab us in the evening, and we went back up the coast to the Folklore museum, where we learned about the traditional way of life for most Greek people in Folegandros. Highlights for the group were the manual olive press, the wine stomping bath set up, and the house that was built around the lemon tree. As the tree got bigger, so did the wall, as lemon trees were very important back in the day and needed to be protected from the wind.
After that, we returned the rental car (the man asked if we had used the reservio spare tire with a chortle) and grabbed some dinner. It was our last night, so we went to a place called Belegra and had a mezze dinner. The highlights were fried local cheese and a herby potato salad. 
Folegandros gave us a proper glimpse into the Greek way of life. Businesses (nut just food, all businesses) open 10am - 1pm, then close till about 5pm, when they would open again until late. Everything seems to happen when it happens, and no one seems bound by time, or to be rushing to be anywhere. Restaurants will seat you when they are ready for people, and when you sit outside at a bar to have a drink, the bartenders will come out and have a drink and a chat with you, and bring you little silver bowls of chippies and nuts. Perhaps it's the heat, or the small houses that people live in, but for some reason the locals all seem to spend a lot of time in the town squares, chatting, eating, drinking together. I think this is what real community is, whether by necessity or design.
One of the nights we were there, we were sitting outside and we noticed a lot of smoke. We found out later that there had been a fire and someone had died, but that was after we witnessed all of the men in the town leaping into action to try and put the fire out. It was a morbid way to experience what 'community' means here, in a tiny village in the Cyclades, but it was a learning nonetheless.
On our last morning in Folegandros, we mucked around in the city, buying snacks for our ferry ride, had breakfast at Pounta (again), and walked past the gelato shop about 6 times willing it to open. It held fast to it's 2pm time and I was left sans gelato. We then made our way to the ferry gate, to set off towards... NAXOS.
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alexbkrieger13 · 1 year
Benzema and Ronaldo being paid billions and offered ’luxeries’ by the Saudi government while same government won’t help refugees in their neighbouring countries. Everything built off oil and natural gas, fossil fuels, to create a small elite of ultra rich people in these oil states.
I don’t blame anyone for wanting to be rich, but it becomes a bit much when in Europe we are currently being made to feel ’environment shame’ for going on holiday by plane once a year or owning a car. We are told we need to freeze through the winter so our governments can save fuel. None of these things are gonna save the planet as long as the USA, Russia, China and India, and the Arab oil states, don’t care one bit about reducing the use of fossil fuel.
It just makes you wonder who’s interests our politicians have at heart when they want a small country like Sweden to have twice as expensive fuel as every other country or a tax for plastic bags. It just makes peoples lives difficult with negligible gain for the environment. Or when energy production is shut down causing electricity prices to sky rocket. Or when France forbids airplane travel. If we forbid every mean of having cheap, reliable energy, that means our industries won’t be able to compete globally. A country like Germany with so much manufacturing industries, what are all the people gonna do for a living if they all have to close down? I don’t know. It’s not the interests of their own populations that our politicians have at heart when they make all of these changes, while other countries just watch on and take financial advantage.
yea the hypocrisy is something else
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Saúde, Paz e Sucesso, tudo de bom sempre! Atenciosamente, Ronaldo costa
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reportwire · 2 years
World Cup Betting: Whose Stock is Rising After First Round of Games?
World Cup Betting: Whose Stock is Rising After First Round of Games?
Posted on: November 24, 2022, 06:39h.  Last updated on: November 24, 2022, 07:02h. Brazil’s win against Serbia in Qatar on Thursday night brought the first round of World Cup games to a close. So which teams saw their stock rocket in the first week like an unstoppable Saudi strike into the top corner? And which teams saw their stock dive like Cristiano Ronaldo in Ghana’s penalty…
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drogba-prospect · 2 years
I made the Ronaldo Rocket Cristiano Ronaldo's Free Kick Style and Neymar uses My Dribbling Style, I was offered to move to Milan for football in Elementary School, My most natural position is Left Wingback. I'M ROBBING MESSI!!
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