#Roman Catholic church
ancientsstudies · 2 years
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Szent István Bazilika by castleholic.
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jameslmartello · 1 month
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Local television coverage of the Eucharistic Procession and the need to turn the Blessed Sacrament on His side to get Him through the door.
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charlesreeza · 1 year
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Examples of inlaid polychrome marble at the church of San Giuseppe dei Teatini in Palermo, Sicily
Photos by Charles Reeza
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"Let us make this distinction of which there is no debate. The Pope is the head of the Roman Catholic Church, emphasis on Roman Catholic Church. He is not the head of the Church (which is the body of believers in Christ Jesus), which was founded in the New Testament.  He is not the head of that Church because the word of God is clear that there is only one head of the Church, and that person is Jesus. Make no mistake, nor argue in your fallacious ignorance, for that is the truth. If you disagree with this simple truth, I request that you ask God to reveal the truth to you when you read His word."
- S. Jane Mck.
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Ryan Adamczeski at The Advocate:
Pope Francis has issued an apology after using a homophobic slur during a closed-door discussion about gay priests. Anonymous bishops told Italian news outlets Corriere della Sera and Italian dailies La Repubblica that the Pope invoked a vulgar Italian term during their meeting last week, in which church officials were debating whether or not to allow out gay priests in the clergy.
Pope Francis reportedly disagreed with their inclusion, claiming that while the church should be welcoming of everyone, to be gay and a priest would be to lead a double life. He then said that seminaries already have too much “frociaggine," which loosely translates to “faggotness.” The bishops said they were surprised about the Pope's use of the word, claiming simultaneously that it was a “joke” and that Francis did not know the meaning. Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni issued a statement after backlash ensued, telling the Associated Press that Francis has emphasized LGBTQ+ outreach as Pope, and that he believes there is "room for everyone” in the church. “The pope never intended to offend or express himself in homophobic terms, and he extends his apologies to those who were offended by the use of a term that was reported by others,” Bruni said.
Pope Francis apologized for using the homophobic f-word slur in a debate about gay priests.
See Also:
LGBTQ Nation: Pope Francis apologizes for saying that gay priests create “f-ggotry” in seminaries
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blueiscoool · 2 years
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The Pantheon: The Ancient Building Still Being Used After 2,000-Years
When visitors walk into the Pantheon in Rome and encounter its colossal dome, they may experience the same theatricality as its guests nearly 2,000 years ago.
"Anyone who steps inside the Pantheon immediately feels the crushing weight of human history, but also the incredible lightness of human creativity," said John Ochsendorf, professor of architecture at MIT and former director of the American Academy in Rome.
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"You come into this grand space and you look up and you see the sky or a passing cloud. And you think: 'How could they have done this nearly two millennia ago?'"
The Pantheon is the oldest building in the world that's still in use today. Since the 7th century, it has been a Roman Catholic church.
Built around 125 A.D. by the Roman emperor Publius Aelius Hadrianus, it was actually the third iteration of the structure. The first Pantheon caught fire around 80 A.D. and was rebuilt shortly after, but it was struck by lightning and burned down again around 110 A.D. The buildings' ill fate led to rumors that the Pantheon was cursed.
The facade of the completed structure riffed on ancient Greek motifs, with a portico entrance featuring a pediment -- a triangular top -- and two rows of Corinthian columns. The interior was sweeping and airy, capped by a dome that to this day -- is still the largest unsupported concrete dome in the world.
What was it used for?
Pantheon means "all gods," and though it's commonly thought the structure was a site of worship dedicated to Roman deities, its original purpose is actually unknown.
With scant mentions of it in Ancient texts, historians have been left somewhat in the dark. Though it could be a temple, Roman buildings were typically multi-purpose structures, said Lynne Lancaster, an architectural historian and humanities educator. "And so what actually went on in the Pantheon is hard to say."
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Legends say it's the very site where Rome's founder, Romulus, ascended to heaven. Others believe the Pantheon was where the Roman emperor could communicate with the gods. Whatever the case, like many Roman architectural feats, the imposing structure was a show of might, an "important symbol of imperial power," said Luca Mercuri, the Pantheon's current director.
Indeed, Roman architecture of the time embodied wealth, strength and dignity. Centuries later, Neoclassical architects would reference the Pantheon's portico and dome combination to imbue their buildings with those same values, from the US Capitol in Washington, DC., to the Somerset House in London.
How was it built?
The Pantheon was an architectural marvel of the Roman Empire.
The oculus -- Latin for "eye" -- stretches 30 feet across, opening the structure to the heavens. The sun beams through the oculus, and when it storms, the rain comes down like a waterfall into the interior.
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Legends say it's the very site where Rome's founder, Romulus, ascended to heaven. Others believe the Pantheon was where the Roman emperor could communicate with the gods. Whatever the case, like many Roman architectural feats, the imposing structure was a show of might, an "important symbol of imperial power," said Luca Mercuri, the Pantheon's current director.
Indeed, Roman architecture of the time embodied wealth, strength and dignity. Centuries later, Neoclassical architects would reference the Pantheon's portico and dome combination to imbue their buildings with those same values, from the US Capitol in Washington, DC., to the Somerset House in London.
How was it built?
The Pantheon was an architectural marvel of the Roman Empire.
The oculus -- Latin for "eye" -- stretches 30 feet across, opening the structure to the heavens. The sun beams through the oculus, and when it storms, the rain comes down like a waterfall into the interior.
"The oculus at the center seemed to tempt fate and leave (the Pantheon) open to the sky," said Ochsendorf. "But it also showed a mastery of geometry and construction -- that they could build domes on that scale and leave an oculus open at the center, in a way (that was) almost showing off."
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One trick to make a large dome stable was to use progressively lighter stone in the concrete mix as it reached the top. Heavy brick could be used at the base, with spongy, light volcanic rock around the oculus.
Though the Pantheon has revealed some of its design secrets, Lancaster said she still finds magic in the details. As the day progresses, the sun flickers around the dome's interior, casting light over its sunken grid like a giant sundial.
"It's one of the few places in the world (where) you can actually watch the Earth turn."
By Jacqui Palumbo.
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wgm-beautiful-world · 2 years
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Rouen Cathedral - FRANCE
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churchofsatannews · 5 months
History of Roman Catholic Exorcism with the Satanic Skeptic on RfRx
Warlock JD Sword, the Satanic Skeptic, discusses the history of exorcism within the Catholic Church on Recovering from Religion (RfRx).
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To read up on the mysteries of the Rosary, click here.
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jameslmartello · 1 month
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Faith is a beam radiating from the Face of God.
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bonerdonorxxx44 · 4 months
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charlesreeza · 1 year
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The Chapel of the Madonna della Providenza at San Giuseppe dei Teatini in Palermo, Sicily sits above a natural spring. The water from the spring is said to be "a gift from the Mother of Providence to her Palermo children," and it is credited with healing "all infirmities."
The spring was discovered during excavations under the chapel on January 7th, 1668, and by January 15th the Theatine fathers had completed sufficient infrastructure to begin welcoming thousands of pilgrims to the church. No one can monetize a leaky basement better than a group of Catholic priests. This was 200 years before a similar flow of miraculous water bubbled up in Lourdes, France.
Photos by Charles Reeza
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Jennifer Bendery at HuffPost:
The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops has formally apologized for the church’s role in inflicting trauma and abuse on generations of Native American children and families through its participation in Indian boarding schools. By a 181-2 vote, the conference on Friday approved a 56-page document titled “Keeping Christ’s Sacred Promise: A Pastoral Framework for Indigenous Ministry.” In it, the bishops lamented that “many Indigenous Catholics have felt a sense of abandonment” by church leaders who don’t understand “their unique cultural needs.” The bishops also acknowledged the role the church played in running Indian boarding schools.
“The Church recognizes that it has played a part in traumas experienced by Native children,” the bishops said. Elsewhere in the document, they said, “We apologize for the failure to nurture, strengthen, honor, recognize, and appreciate those entrusted to our pastoral care.” For nearly a century, from 1869 through the 1960s, the U.S. government removed hundreds of thousands of Indigenous children from tribal lands and forced them into boarding schools to assimilate them into white culture. Children endured abuse and violence and even died at these schools, all the while being cut off from their families. Most of the more than 500 Indian boarding schools were run by the U.S. government, but the Catholic Church operated more than 80 of them.
The US Conference of Catholic Bishops (USCCB) issues a formal apology for the American Catholic Church’s role of forcibly assimilating indigenous peoples and abusing them for generations upon generations.
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stairnaheireann · 4 months
#OTD in 1595 – Hugh O’Neill, Earl of Tyrone, defeats the English forces of his brother-in-law, Sir Henry Bagenal, at the Battle of Clontibret, Co Monaghan; he is proclaimed a traitor at Newry in June.
Hugh O’Neill (Aodh Mór Ó Néill), was a Gaelic lord, Earl of Tyrone (known as the Great Earl) and was later created The Ó Néill. O’Neill’s career was played out against the background of the Tudor conquest of Ireland, and he is best known for leading the resistance during the Nine Years’ War, the strongest threat to English authority in Ireland since the revolt of Silken Thomas. In May 1595 he…
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Pope Francis is the first Jesuit Pope. If you don't know who or what the Jesuits are, do some research on it; do with this information what you will.
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tonysolomon4jc · 2 years
Please share this with your friends and family on social media. 🙏
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