#Rosalind Lutece fanfic
lootzest · 2 months
from a request from @sadsideart: how about Robert giving Rosalind a flower/flower bouquet but it's actually a message in flower language/symbolism
This was really fun to research - people really were out here sending complicated messages through floral arrangements. I tried Robert being a bit more subtle about things but it required a level of oblivousness from Rosalind that I couldn't get to work. Plus, the Luteces are forced to interact with a third party which is always fun.
(also @sadsideart, you could request something every single day and I'd be delighted!! this goes for you and anyone else - prompts very welcome!!)
Red Gardenias
“Would you object to stopping in at the florists?” Robert stroked his empty lapel. “Really this coat requires a buttonhole and there was nothing suitable at home.” Rosalind laughed. The idea that their home - overflowing with papers, laboratory equipment, and discarded experiments - was the sort of household in which a gentleman might pluck a bloom from an arrangement in the hallway on his way out the door, was absurd.
“If you insist.” 
The afternoon was so appealing that even Rosalind had agreed that being shut indoors with their research was a waste. The sun was bright over the rooftops, a pleasant breeze carrying the occasional cloud across a brilliant blue sky. It was, in short, a perfect day: all the more perfect considering that those rooftops were floating thousands of feet in the air and that she had put them there.
Even the poorly hidden stares from their fellow citizens could not spoil it. She had once scolded a newspaperman who referred to them as “reclusive”, but the Luteces did keep their own company enough that their presence on the street drew notice. Identical twins were notable enough but famous identical twins, responsible for the very streets they walked on - not to mention their impeccable sense of style - gave the citizens of Columbia plenty to stare at.
And, as Robert had said while Rosalind straightened his tie before they left, “Imagine how much more they would stare if they knew how we spent the morning.” He had wrapped his arms around her waist and taken his last opportunity to kiss her until they returned home.
Until then, they had to settle for being arm in arm, Rosalind occasionally holding his elbow a little more firmly, reminding him of her presence. She did not catch his eye because if she did so she was likely to grin and she did not grin in public. Robert meanwhile could glance down at her and assume the detached smile he often did; no one need know the cause.
They slowed as they approached the florists, buckets of flowers filling the pavement outside, their scents mingling to an overwhelming, though not unappealing, perfume. Robert stooped to inspect them, sliding his arm out from Rosalind’s, his fingers grazing the inside of her elbow as he did. He pulled one stem from the display and held it to his lapel.
“Your thoughts please.”
“Not with that tie.” Popular opinion said that always dressed identically, another oversimplification by Columbia’s press that Rosalind had derided over the breakfast table. They dressed to complement each other, the sash around her waist the same green silk as his tie.
“You’re right,” he said, replacing the flower.
“As always.” She turned from the flowers; this decision could not be rushed. His knuckles grazed hers. In return, she flexed her fingers against his. That would have to do.
Across the way, a young couple read a menu outside a bistro. The woman had her arm through the man’s, his hand resting on hers, her head leaning towards his shoulder. Rosalind’s teeth ground against each other like screeching brakes.
“Mr. Lutece!” Rosalind looked back to see who was speaking. “And Madame Lutece too. As one would expect, of course. An honour.” A man stood in the entrance of the shop, a green apron over his clothes.
“My sister and I could not resist such a fine day.” Robert raised the bloom he was assessing. “And I find myself in need of flowers.”
The florist looked at the flower and his eyes disappeared with his smile.
“Now I must say that that is a fascinating choice!” Robert was nonplussed - he looked to Rosalind for explanation but, on this rare occasion, she had none either.
“I thought it brought out–” but the man cut across him.
“Perhaps you are aware of the language of flowers?” The concept was not unfamiliar to either Lutece. In one world, Robert’s fellow students had regularly fallen foul of the messages they had inadvertently sent in bouquets to girls they were courting; in another, Rosalind witnessed those same girls sobbing in the common room over bunches of yellow roses.
“‘There’s rosemary, that’s for remembrance’ and all that?” he offered. Rosalind’s foot tapped impatiently behind a bucket of hyacinths.
“Yes indeed - but this one is much more interesting. Whoever is to receive them - she’s a lucky woman indeed!”
Rosalind’s foot stopped tapping.
“Ah, you mistake –” Robert started but the florist continued, his eyes bright and blinded by his own enthusiasm for the subject.
“After all, Mr. Lutece, you are a very eligible man, no doubt you have your pick of young ladies…and your sister can’t expect to keep you all to herself.”
The stench of the mingled flowers caught in the back of Rosalind’s throat. Robert’s jovial tone dropped away.
“And what does this flower mean precisely?”
“That Mr. Lutece is a red gardenia - for secret love.” The florist had the audacity to wink at him. Rosalind had thought it was a rather pleasing plant until this moment when she realised it was the ugliest flower she had ever seen. The inner corners of her eyes prickled, no doubt from being next to all these awful flowers.
The back of Robert’s hand pressed against hers.
“And what would not secret love be?”
“Beg your pardon?” The florist’s smile faltered.
“If this love were not a secret?” Robert continued. Rosalind dared to look up at him. He still had his easy, relaxed expression but the sharp, serious eyes she usually saw looking back at her from the mirror.
“Well” –the man exhaled– “anything red. Roses, of course, but that’s rather old hat - a red camellia, that’s ‘you’re a flame in my heart’. Carnations are ‘deep love’, tulips, ‘passion’. And baby’s breath is ‘everlasting love.’”
“I shall take them.”
“Excuse me?”
“Put that together as a bouquet. All the most unsecret loves you have.”
“Robert,” murmured Rosalind.
“Who knew, dear sister, that one could say with flowers what one cannot say out loud?”
The florist, in his obliviousness, put together a terrific display. After all, he was the first in the city to know that Mr. Robert Lutece had a mysterious paramour and that was gossip one could dine out on. He presented the flowers to Robert for his approval.
“Almost as beautiful as the woman they are for.” Robert took them from the florist, who was already thinking of a shortlist of plausible recipients. “Perhaps my sister would assist me in carrying them home?” He looked deep into her eyes, blue like the skies she had put a city in, blue like his own, and handed her the bouquet.
“I shall keep an eye out for the lady who receives them,” said the florist.
“You won’t have to look hard, I’m sure.”
The sun was beginning to dip beneath the clouds they walked among. Rosalind had one arm around her brother’s, the other, holding her flowers. 
“People will think that these are for me.”
“Good. They are.”
“I mean that people will wonder who gave them to me.” Robert stopped and faced his not-twin. The street was quiet. He dared to stroke her cheek.
“Well. Your brother can’t expect to keep you all to himself.”
“I hope he might.”
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Bioshock 2: Schrodinger's Wank
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This week, we try and escape Rapture, but we needed something good to read in the bathysphere, so we picked three of our favourite Bioshock fanfics.
Links and Timestamps:
Supersymmetry by orphan_account at 9:29
The Other Side of the Coin by quantumlevitation at 25:12
BioWHAT!?: A Bioshock Parody, by Amsare at 45:09
Other ways you can listen to our show:
Just Inject a random syringe you found in the middle of a sunken 1960s Capitalist Dystopia with no Health and Safety regulations.
And join us in two weeks, when our next fandom will take your heart...
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queen-beefcake-sqx · 1 year
wild to not be known as "the chick who wrote the really intense and well researched Rosalind Lutece meta about why she was Like That(tm)" or "head karkat/terezi/dave shipper, literally olympics sanctioned" anymore. Now I'm just "I exist with these two middle aged men who have so many problems and should kiss about it". I've truly entered my peak era haven't I.
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gentlyhazzardous · 11 months
Bioshock Fanfic I’m writing
Impending Quantum Vengance
"One could believe a mission is doomed to failure… and wish sincerely that it wasn't. Hopes, like quantum superpositions, have a tendency to collapse."
Rosalind Lutece.
In which Fontaine gets killed and they escape Rapture, unless they kill each other first.
There’s five chapters so far. It will get progressively darker, but there will be wholesomeness to balance, and relationships will develop both platonic and romantic
So here’s the link to AO3
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The Luteces x reader (”How come you never do that with us?”)
Request: Hello, I don't know if this is where we can make requests but if so could I please have prompt 26“How come you never do that with me?” with the luteces and reader? (If you are comfortable writing for a poly (not really??) relationship of course). This prompt gave me the idea of the reader being very affectionate with friends but not with them even if they are dating because the Luteces really don't seem to like physical affection and all... Anyways, your work is lovely, thank you for writing them!!
Fandom: Bioshock
Warnings: None
Genre: Fluff
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Robert and Rosalind Lutece watched from the steps of their home as their significant other, (y/n) had their arms wrapped around a friend of theirs. The Luteces looked emotionless as they both watched the love of their lives hanging off of someone that wasn’t either of them.
Not that (y/n) was ever affectionate with the Luteces. The twins wanted nothing more than for their significant other to wrap the two with kisses and other forms of affection but (y/n) simply wouldn’t.
The Luteces wanted to find out why. 
With stern gazes, the Luteces watched as (y/n)’s friend slowly sauntered off of the property and down the road, finally far from the throuple. 
The twins waited until (y/n) was facing them and only a few feet away to finally explain their concerns, "How come you never do that with us?" They spoke in unison, which would be creepy for anyone else but (y/n) was used to it. 
To answer the question, “Do what?” 
Rosalind, being a tad less patient of the two, dragged them inside the large establishment before she and her brother explained their frustrations. 
The Luteces stood in front of (y/n), finding their composure before they spoke to their partner, "Why do you only show affection to everyone else-" started Robert.
"But not us?" Rosalind finished. 
(Y/n) knew that they had some explaining to do. They never really pegged the twins to be the romantic or affectionate type. So, (y/n) never bothered to try, even when the three decided to start a relationship. 
"I'm sorry. I just didn't think either of you liked physical contact,”(y/n) explained. 
The twins glanced at each other, silently seeming to communicate before they surrounded (y/n); one in front of them and one behind. 
“Then let us convince you,” Robert said.
Robert stood in front of (y/n), one hand interlaced with (y/n)’s and his other rested on their hip, tugging them close enough to feel their heartbeat through their chest. While Rosalind was behind (y/n), wrapping her arms around their incredibly nervous form, moving as close as she could to the two in front of her.
"I know that we look busy most of the time, but we absolutely love you and crave your affection, so please don't hold back," Rosalind finished. 
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littlemrcaprisun · 4 years
all the writing asks!
Lets gooooooo
1. Do you listen to music while your write?
Oh yeah. I make playlists for just about everything I write.
2. Do you prefer to write oneshots, series, headcannons, imagines or other?
I wish I could write longer fics but I always end up writing oneshots
3. How long is your average fic?
1200-1500 words. Every time 😂
4. What was the first fic you ever wrote?
It was definitely an 11th Doc x River fic
5. Why do you write fics?
I have so many ideas that I think other people would enjoy and I want to share them
6. What character is your favourite to write?
Right now Lady Dimitrescu. But the last fandom I was in where I wrote, which was ages ago, was BioShock and I loooooves writing Rosalind Lutece
7. What ship is your favourite to write?
I guess Lady D x Reader?
8. What type of fic is your favourite? (eg. fluff, angst, ect.)
Angst 😈
9. How long does it take you to write a fic?
Too long 😫
10. What is your favourite fic you’re ever posted?
I wrote a Rosalind Lutece x Reader fic years ago based off the movie Somewhere in Time and it was 🥺
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bubblytarts · 4 years
Bioshock: Reincarnation
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The bird or the cage?
What started as a fun character study on the Lutece twins has now turned into a full-fledged fanfic.
The plot (heavy, heavy Bioshock: Infinite spoilers):
At the end of their journey, Elizabeth drowned Booker DeWitt. However, he didn’t die. He was pulled out of the river by another universe’s Comstock. This Comstock was aware of the cycle, and was determined to break it. By using Booker DeWitt to drown the sodom below.
After two months of traveling through tears and finding that Booker and Comstock both still exist, Elizabeth finds herself drawn to a certain reality, where all the answers seem to lie. Here, the Repentant Shepherd stays locked away in Monument Island, guarded by the Cardinal, the smaller, quicker replacement for Songbird. The only one who can stand against Father Comstock’s vision is the Wolf in lamb’s clothing - Elizabeth herself.
Booker DeWitt, meanwhile, is trapped inside the tower, being groomed against his will to take control of Columbia. His only ally is a stoic Rosalind Lutece, who has one very crucial change in her character: She’s been reintegrated into the timeline. 
She also refuses to answer any of Booker’s questions about what happened to her or where Robert is. “The bird, or the cage?” It doesn’t seem like a simple question anymore. 
Booker, Elizabeth, Robert, and Rosalind are the most unlikely quartet to stop Comstock, but it seems like even the constants and variables aren’t consistent anymore, and time is running out before everything ends in tears. 
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honourablejester · 8 years
“She is beautiful. Rosalind. Perhaps it is somewhat Narcissian to think so, but then again perhaps not. She is more substance than mere reflection, after all. Lutecest.”
This is an odd one for me, but my sister had me watching her play through Bioshock Infinite recently, and I absolutely adore these two. Especially Rosalind. So I wrote a quick thing, because that's how I deal with things. Heh. Though Robert/Rosalind is a bloody complicated relationship to give appropriate warnings for without spoiling things.   
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quillpaw · 6 years
the fact that i’m not able to sit here and read fanfic of moira o’deorain and rosalind lutece being awful amoral science lesbians together is a fucking crime
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leedlecreates · 7 years
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Lutece Bath.
Based off this Lutecest fanfic I read long ago (It had Robert talking to Rosalind while she was in the bath and Robert was feeling guilty, does anyone remember it, please someone gives leads, I want to find it again)
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kansananna · 4 years
Atla realization rant in tags
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[Bioshock] Rosalind Lutece x reader
Request: Rosalind Lutece x reader where one of them makes the first move
Genre: Fluff
Rosalind’s nails clicked against the chalkboard, staring at the equation she just can't seem to solve. She's been staring at it for hours, but nothing's clicking.
Rosalind turned to the table next to the chalkboard to pick up her coffee once again, she was almost done with the drink. She'd need to ask her assistant, (y/n), to grab more of this flavor.
But her little assistant was nowhere in sight.
"Robert, where's (y/n)? I haven't seen them all day," Rosalind asked.
Her brother could only sigh exasperatedly, this was the 3rd time in an hour that Rosalind had asked the question.
Robert had never seen her like this before. Though he supposed he had never seen her in love either. It was just a matter of time before she figured out herself. But she better make quick work of it, before (y/n) came back.
“(y/n)’s in town picking up supplies. They should be back in an hour or two,” Robert explained for the 3rd time.
Rosalind’s form slouched from the mere thought of not even having her assistant around at the moment. She spent almost every waking moment with them, so it was jarring to not even see them in the same vicinity as them.
Rosalind moved away from the giant chalkboard and laid back on the couch in the room, absolutely not wanting to continue in her work without (y/n) here. They were her inspiration to keep working through the long hours in the morning to the short hours in the evening.
“Rosalind, you need to work. You can’t just lay there until (y/n) gets back,” Robert almost pleaded with his sister.
She almost didn’t hear her brother over the dead silence of their missing person. It was so different without (y/n) here, and it had only been half an hour.
(y/n) made Rosalind absolutely calm, always kept her happy, down to making her laugh when she needed it most and holding her when she felt like she’d have a breakdown.
Most assistants didn’t usually make their bosses feel this way, but the relationship between (Y/n) and Rosalind was a special one indeed.
Robert stared at Rosalind from his place at the chalkboard, continuing with the side projects he had if she was going to be moping on the couch. He wanted her to get up and work but for the first time, She had no motivation to work. He was just waiting for Rosalind to finally figure out her reason as to why. Robert, of course, could see it clear as day.
Rosalind was swimming in her thoughts, staring up at the ceiling as she did so.
Why didn’t she want to work without (y/n) by her side? Why was it bothering her so much?
With her heart threatening to beat out of her chest, Rosalind sat up straight. Her eyes were fixated on the front door where (y/n) would stroll through any minute now. But all Rosalind could think about was the thought that finally crossed her mind.
‘I’m in love with them,’ She thought to herself.
She could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she turned to Robert who was watching her with a knowing look, just waiting for her to finally say it out loud, then it would finally be said.
“I fell in love with my best friend,” Rosalind confessed, Robert released a breath he was holding, a wave of relief washed over him.
“Finally,” Robert said. Rosalind’s gaze shot to him, realizing all the looks he shot to herself and (y/n) over the few years. He knew the entire time before she did. He continued, “It took you long enough. You should tell them.”
Rosalind opened her mouth to counter the argument, to tell Robert that now wasn’t the right time or that perhaps (y/n) didn’t even like her romantically. But it was at that moment when (y/n) finally opened the door to the twins’ home.
As (y/n) settled back into the house, bags of supplies hanging off of their arms. (y/n) looked exhausted, the number of errands they completed was well into the double digits as opposed to the planned 3.
Robert glanced at Rosalind and her vice grip on her hands as a cue to leave, so she could finally confess her love to their assistant, so he could be free of the suffocating tension.
“Sorry that took so long, but I just kept remembering more and more things that we needed and--,” (y/n) started to explain their absence.
Rosalind couldn’t stand the way her heart immediately started hammering against her chest at the sound of her lovely assistant’s rambling about their day. She needed to solve the problem, and she had just the solution laid out in front of her. So, without further questioning or waiting, Rosalind marched forward and grabbed the back of (y/n)’s neck to pull them into a kiss.
(y/n)’s words were caught in their throat as they held back a gasp of surprise that Rosalind was so forward with them in a romantic sense.
(y/n) didn’t quite know what would entail for them once they returned to the Luteces home, but it certainly wasn’t a passionate kiss from Rosalind.
With shaking hands, (y/n) gently caressed her waist to tug her closer. They hadn’t the faintest idea where Robert may have disappeared to, but as long as he wasn’t watching their interaction.
Rosalind finally turned her head away to breathe as the aching in her chest grows tighter and tighter. She could only imagine that (y/n) felt similar: With the need to breathe along with her feelings.
“So, I suppose it isn’t a reach to say that you feel the same for me?” Rosalind asked, one of her hands playing with (y/n)’s clothes as she awaited an answer.
“Of course, Ms. Lutece,” (y/n)’s words were clear, their tone soft. “I just wasn’t aware you felt the same. I’m glad.” Their eyes crinkled with the wide smile.
Rosalind felt as if a huge weight was lifted from her chest. She smiled as well and led (y/n) to the couch to continue talking about their newfound romantic relationship.
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Robert Lutece x reader (Delivery for Lutece)
Not requested
Fandom: Bioshock Infinite
Genre: Fluff
Pov: Reader’s
I smiled lightly as my eyes glanced over the next order: Lutece, Rosalind. It seemed she wanted another order of books; quantum physics, Philosophy, Psychology and… a romance novel. I smiled knowingly at the last part of the order, knowing Rosalind didn’t like many people knowing that she liked cheesy romance novels. Not even Robert knew. I quickly collected the books she ordered before letting them fall into my bag before I exited the small bookstore and walked toward the Lutece household. The walk was nice and breezy as always, Columbia was as peaceful as it could get.
I stepped up onto the steps, ringing the doorbell and waiting for an answer. I straightened out my dress as the door opened to reveal Robert.
“Good morning Mx. (y/n),” Robert greeted. 
I smiled sheepishly and tucked a loose strand behind my ear.
“Hello, Robert. Is Rosalind home?” I asked.
Robert opened his mouth to say something, but Rosalind shoved him out of the way.
“Please come in, (y/n),” Rosalind said rather hastily.
I glanced at her disheveled hair before entering their home; placing the books on the coffee table in the main room. 
“Would you care for a cup of coffee?” Rosalind held up a cup of coffee for me to take. 
Robert popped up behind me, holding up a similar-looking cup.
“Or perhaps tea?” Robert cut in.
Rosalind gave her brother a side glance, almost menacing.
I could hear Rosalind start to get angry, whilst Robert remained calm, I always did like that about him. I gently grabbed the tea from Robert’s hands; I felt a spark as our hands touched for a split moment. Rosalind grinned toward me before gesturing towards the long couch. I sighed slightly but sat in the corner, dropping my bag on the floor next to my feet. Rosalind picked up the books and held them to her chest.
“Brother, why don’t you keep (y/n) company while I put these away?” Rosalind asked.
Robert gave her a small nod before he sat next to me. Rosalind, satisfied with her little setup, left the room to shelve the new books; no doubt to take a peek at that romance novel of hers.
“I should really go, I’m sure I have other deliveries to do,” I said, ready to leave any second. 
Robert leaned against the couch, placing his hands on his lap in a polite manner.
“We should indulge Rosalind a little. You know how she can get a little antsy. Just a few minutes, that’s all I ask,” Robert said, but I knew that he wanted to be around me as much as I desired to be around him. 
I smiled, he had always been so nice to me. I could never figure his reason behind it. 
“Okay,” I said as I took a few small sips of my tea before Robert asked what  I knew had been on his mind since Rosalind rushed to the door.
“What books did you bring for my dear sister? She doesn’t usually dash to the door that quickly,” He asked curiously.  
I shifted nervously on the couch, I promised Rosalind a long time ago that I wouldn’t tell anyone about her guilty pleasure, least of all her brother.
“Well, I promised her I wouldn’t tell,” I muttered. 
I felt the teacup disappear from my grasp, causing me to look toward Robert. I watched as he diligently placed the cup on the table in front of us before he slowly hovered over me, carefully placing his hands on either side of me to trap me against the couch. My heart rose up to my throat as I became acutely aware of my breathing and how close he was to my face, my lips.
“So you do know. Please do tell me, the curiosity is eating at me,” Robert whispered to me. I could clearly see him staring at my lips before his gaze shot back up to my face.
“Don’t tease me unless you plan on doing something. It’s rude to play with someone’s feelings,” I said to him. 
Robert smiled one of those smiles, the kind that was only meant for one person, me. Robert slowly leaned forward, placing his lips gingerly onto mine, pushing himself forward. My eyes fluttered lightly once Robert slowly pulled away.
“I would never play with your feelings,” Robert gently said. 
I slowly sat up with his help, his fingers stayed intertwined with my own.
“Romance, she likes to read romance novels, but please don’t tell her I told you,” I finally confessed. 
Robert’s smile became slightly bigger, a small chuckle danced at his lips.
“That would explain her hiding in her room at nightly hours as of late. Thank you,” Robert said. He stayed quiet for a few moments, passing the time by playing with my fingers; being positive that he had touched every inch of my hand. “I have something to give you, as thanks.” Robert quickly stood to his feet, helping me stand as well. “You’re always been so patient and kind to my sister and I… We’ve never really had a companion like you before… Someone I--We… We cared about before.” Robert released my hand for a moment before retrieving a necklace from a small box I hadn’t noticed before. “Would you mind turning around for me a moment?” I gave Robert an unsure look. I liked Robert and all, but…
“Robert, I-” 
He gave me that charming smile that made me weak at the knees. Did he know what effect he had on me?
“Do you trust me?” Robert asked out of the blue. I opened my mouth to respond but found myself turning my back to him instead, lifting my hair away from my the back of my neck to give him better access to clasp the necklace over me. “Alright, done.” I slowly released the grip of my hair before picking up the pocket watch. It was beautiful…
“Robert… Thank you. You didn’t have to do this.” I felt my heart fluttering as Robert gripped the back of his neck nervously, a light rosy shade of pink drifting onto his face.
“I’m aware. I wanted to. I care about you, more than I thought I initially would,” Robert confessed. His eyes widened slightly as Rosalind entered the room.
“Having a bit of fun? Are we, Brother?” Rosalind teased.
Both of his hands came to lay stiffly at his side. What was Rosalind doing? Her twin brother’s face only became redder with her statement. I didn’t know what to do, should I say something?
“I Don’t, I um…” Rosalind quirked an eyebrow, fully amused.
“My, brother, I’ve never heard you stumble or stutter on your words. Then again, I’ve never caught you alone with (y/n),” Rosalind teased once more. Robert took a deep breath, the color quickly faded from his face, a neutral face plastered onto his face once more. “I’m only teasing, Robert.” I watched with curious eyes as Robert leaned down to my ear, brushing away the hair to whisper a request.
“Would it be pleasant for you to have a night in, without my dear sister in the way?” Robert asked into my ear.
I laughed silently at Robert’s emphasis on ‘Dear’. I gave him a small nod.
“My place?” 
Robert gave me a firm nod as an answer before he stood to his full height, placing his arms behind his back as he always did. I grabbed my bag from the floor and slung it over my shoulder before I headed toward the front entrance, Robert close behind me. He glanced back at his sister, who had taken the liberty of reading one of her new books, she wasn’t looking in our direction. Robert quickly turned back to me, placing a quick, but passionate kiss to my lips before he opened the door for me. 
“I-I'll see you later, Mr. Lutece.”
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honourablejester · 8 years
“Their new existence, though exempt from many concerns, is not entirely without its own perils. There are other things existing in possibility space, not all of them friendly. If there is one thing Rosalind and Robert Lutece have rendered constant, however, it is that it is never, ever wise to separate them without their consent. Not for anything.”
While I'm in the mood for them, something a little Lovecraftian on the edges of possibilty?
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