#Rose Bradley vtm
artthemasquerade · 1 year
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Rose rises from water to destroy evildoers
I thought I'd make an update picture of my Tremere Rose Bradley since I feel my drawing and rendering skills have gotten better in these recent months and also me and my friends have started up New Orleans by Night back up and the coterie after months of peace have suddenly been hit by another cult, the cult that raised one of the Coterie members Iris (Salubri @cthylla-rlyeh 's player character), has come to town to take her and her daughter(Sunny) back and in the process had killed two of the coterie's allies(one of them was the leader of the thinbloods of the Anarchy so that's going to be a big shake up) and kidnapped Sunny and her friend Ollie and now the coterie needs to move fast to get the kids back and get revenge for the lives lost. 
For this picture I was imaging when the coterie does catch up to the cult if there is another pond or body of water nearby I was thinking Rose could hide under the water again and use Prison of Water on some the cult members before coming out to strike them and this would the sight they would be greeted with once she surfaced. I'm pretty happy how this piece came out and it got done quite quickly too XD I guess I'm getting faster at making art and I'm happy how her hands and expression came out, again feeling like I'm really improving in my craft. :D    
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram or a note on deviantart
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missn11 · 3 years
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Rose Baali AU
Sometimes I like to think up dark AUs for my OCs and one of them is; What if Rose was given the chance to become a Baali? In this AU the Tremere that had rescued Rose were secretly Baali who saw a potential in her and recruited her by revealing the truth of what her sire had done and allowed her to kill him, she set her sire on fire and watched as he burned and accepted the offer to join the Baali. Despite the dark mission of the Baali Rose still wants to do at least a little good in world by destroying monsters who would abuse others like she had been, she still is a lot more cynical than her more sweeter counterpart, believing that most Kindred outside of the Baali are all blind fools who refuse to see the true masters of the world. And yet she has doubts but cannot see any other way and considers the Baali the family she has been desperately needing all her life. BTW Kevin is still Rose's ghoul in this verse but he's also the host of her demon patron who took one look at her and decided that she needed his protection and guidance.  
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artthemasquerade · 1 year
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New Orleans Coterie in Amon Style
So this requires some explanation, so since there are kind of some similarities between Devilmen and how Kindred work, they both have a beast/demon to overcome and to stay human they have to keep their human heart of sorts or they'll lose themselves to the beast/demon, also they have to merge and gain power they have to devour another demon/Kindred and overcome their will. Honestly Akira's journey in the original Devilman manga is a perfect example of someone slowly losing themselves to their inner beast despite their good intentions, and him giving up on saving humanity is also him giving up on his humanity, in vampire the masquerade terms he's no longer on the path of humanity. So in my headcanon au for Devilman/Vampire the Masquerade crossover, Kindred are Devilmen who can make more through the embrace, have to feed on blood and hide from the sun, Devilmen and Demons in Devilman have this eyeliner like markings under their eyes to intricate their demonic nature and that's why I've given it to mine and my friend's vampire the masquerade new orleans by night characters here, and changed around the shape and colour of it to intricate what clan they belong to.
Also I thought it would be fun to draw them in the Amon OVA style and it really was :D
First up is Andy the Ravnos and his famulus Elliot, he's the baby of the group, having only been embraced under a year ago, he belongs to @qwibwib, the storyteller of the New Orleans by Night chronicle :D.
second is Moreen the Volgirre and the eldest and fleshcrafter of the group she belongs to @morbidoptimisim.
third is Iris the Salubri, she's the healer and sniper of the group and also a mother to a five year old child who we are currently working on rescuing this season, she belongs to @cthylla-rlyeh.
forth is Rose the Tremere, she's the blood and water magic user of the group and she belongs to me. :3
fifth is Dolly the Daughter of Cacophony, Moreen's wife and former longtime ghoul now a Kindred herself in order to save what was left of her family after Moreen got kidnapped by the main villains of the chronicle last season (Moreen is back safe and sound now) and she belongs to Morbid.
and finally sixth is Kevin, Rose's longtime ghoul (21 years of service!) and a big brother figure to her, he also belongs to me.
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram, a note on deviantart or artistree https://artistree.io/missn11
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artthemasquerade · 1 year
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Rose Bradley the Witch of Blood and Water
A lot has happened to Rose recently, she's learnt how to fight with a combat knife from the leader of the Thinbloods, managed to fight off Terri(the leader of the ghoul hunters who had a personal grudge against her) with her new knife skills, lol she actually cut up Terri's wrist bad. Lost a point of humanity thanks to one of her touchstones getting embraced, Tiana, daughter of Katherine and Dolly (all three characters belong to @morbidoptimisim ) and that has made Rose's reluctance to feed on humans easier to ignore and more able to focus on doing what she needs to do to get Katherine out of the cult without thinking too much about morals, but it has made her colder and a little more ruthless in some ways(or at least more able to rationalize human death) and that's disturbed her a lot. But Rose was able to do some amazing things in the finale of this season (In fact everyone in the coterie did awesome in the finale! Including making a fake giant Lilith to distract the cult and its powerful elder Tzimsice leader) Rose with a couple of elders who both had warforms, one a Tzimsice and another a Volgirre(who is also Katherine's sire) hid in a pond until the giant fake Lilith appeared and Rose having Neptune's Might https://whitewolf.fandom.com/wiki/Thaumaturgy_(VTM)#Neptune's_Might used Prison of Water to grab some of the cult members while the Tzimsice and the Volgirre attacked in their warforms! And during the escape, Rose distracted the cult leader by using extinguish vitae to send her into a hunger frenzy (and poor Rose did this under the Tremere clan compulsion and then gained another compulsion cause she got a messy crit XDD she was very gloaty about fucking up the cult leader! XD) But even so everything went wonderfully and the coterie got Katherine, and all the cult members who wanted to leave the cult out and dealt a heavy blow to the leader >:3 It was really enjoyable :D Rose has now gained her forth level in Blood Sorcery, scorpion's touch, now she can poison and paralyze people with her blood :3, can't wait to use that next season! And now Rose has made the decision to get herself fully aged up in both body and mind to her true age, thirty-seven and she's gonna start making some changes in her life so she can manage moving through the world of darkness more on her own now. But there some people from her past who want her to stay the little sheltered girl she used to be, and Rose might be forced to truly let them go at last...
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr, instagram or a note on deviantart
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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You are what you eat
While I didn't make this as part of the vamptober prompt (day 7 prompt you are what you eat) but since both Rose and Kevin are big anime and manga fans I thought it was fitting XD Rose and her coterie had a bad time:tm: last session, Rose almost got her head chopped off by the scourge, one of our coterie mates, @morbidoptimisim ‘s Dolly is on hunger 5!!!(but she's been nailing her dice rolls so that was good) and Rose had to feed on her ghoul Kevin when she also got to hunger 5 after healing herself and she feels very guilty about it. Rose is a bagger since she was embraced at 14, she doesn't like feeding on adults since she looks like a teenage girl and since the kiss is pleasurable she's scared that she'll make them into a predator by possibly getting them addicted to being fed on by her. However, the Camarilla might have her and Kevin's camper and that had all her blood bags, so she might have to get used to feeding on humans, since its a war out in the streets of New Orleans...
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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No way of truly being unstained in this world
felt like doing some symbolic art of my Tremere Rose, she hasn't done any real evil but she will have a hard time keeping her hand completely clean.
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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Walking in the air
  I was listening to Rose's playlist during tonight's session and Walking in the air by Nightwish came on and I felt the urge to painting Rose using essence of air to dance around in the air. I painted the background with my inks and coloured Rose in with my water markers.
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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Rose Bradley the Tremere and her ghoul Kevin redux
So I've been meaning to make a new portrait for Rose and Kevin for a while now since these two have gone through so many changes since joining the New Orleans coterie, thanks to @morbidoptimisim​'s player character Katherine Holloway, Rose has been aged up from looking like a 14 year old to a 16 yr old, has been making new friends with her coterie mates and will very soon get herself two girlfriends, as well starting to find her place in New Orleans. Kevin has come clean to Rose and the coterie about his past with some hunter ghouls and has been trying to let himself have more of a life outside of Rose to relax more, maybe have some fun flings and make friends himself. Either way both of them are embarking on a dangerous heist with the coterie to rob the Camarilla Chantry to help two old friends of Rose's to retrieve a couple of valuable artifacts. Ah I love a good heist ans vtm heists are always the most fun for me! Also I'm really happy how this turned out, I can really see how much I have improved from the portrait I made almost a year ago! 
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Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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missn11 · 3 years
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Home is where the people are
Rose at heart is a anime magical girl and she will do her best to fight for peace and who she considers her family. It used to be the Tremere Pyramid but they were too controlling and showed that they weren't her true family. But the Anarchs could be her family, as I've said before on my last picture, https://www.deviantart.com/nk11/art/A-mark-of-her-sire-has-now-been-removed-909430603 While Rose is still stuck in her 14 year old body, she now knows there are some good uses for flesh crafting and it could be used to help reclaim the body her sire had frozen in time and I was imaging different versions of Rose what sects she could be in depending how everything goes in the campaign (personally I think the Anarch or Interdependent routes are the most likely for her) 
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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missn11 · 3 years
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Home is where the heart is
And here's Rose as a wander, having learnt that a home or family isn't a place or a group you put all your hopes and dreams onto but of the heart of your loved ones. She would still be learning as much she can about the world and trying to help everyone she can but there is a peace of knowing that she has all the time in the world to experience all the small wonders the night has to offer. Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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missn11 · 2 years
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Tiana x Rose
In the New Orleans by night game, Rose starts to make new friends and might even get herself a beautiful and wonderfully weird girlfriend in her new friend Tiana! Provided she can find the courage and right time to confess her growing romantic feelings to Tiana during a time when they have to deal with a evil torture cult's shenanigans! 😅 Tiana belongs to @morbidoptimisim and Rose belongs to me. Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message
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artthemasquerade · 2 years
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So since Rose in a coterie with @morbidoptimisim ‘s Volgirre Katherine and being aged up by her, I got thinking what if Rose had wanted more changes to her form besides finally being an adult? Perhaps an extra pair of arms! Handy for duel welding swords while casting spells, carrying snacks for all her friends and cuddling her two future girlfriends!
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missn11 · 3 years
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When peace is given a chance
Rose used to consider the Camarilla and the Tremere Pyramid to be her home but eventually realised that most of the Kindred at the top didn't want to take care of the Kindred under them and in the end left the sect, but a part of her had always hoped for the sect to be redeemed. And maybe if the Camarilla of New Orleans can be remade into something better, a place where the Thinbloods aren't oppressed for being who they are and the Salubri and decent flash crafters aren't hunted, Rose would want to be there. Though since this is the World of Darkness its likely a pipe dream, but hey, you never know. I can see Rose being a teacher at the Chantry, trying to make amends to all the clans the Tremere have harmed by telling the true history of the Tremere and the Salubri. Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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missn11 · 3 years
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A mark of her sire has now been removed...
::CW small mentions of past grooming::
When Rose had been kidnapped she had been deceived by Eugène Garçon, her sire into believing that he was Fae prince (to explain his red eyes and powers, he also used dominate to her believe him faster and not question him) and that she was a Fae too, playing on her feelings of never truly belonging amongst her image obsessed parents. He had told her that a Fae reaches their adulthood much faster than a human and that she would be a full adult on her 14th birthday (the day he planned to embrace her) and had been slowly grooming her into a relationship with him, and telling her that he would be making her his bride. On the night on her 'wedding' Rose was embraced and woken up to great hunger and her eyes no longer dark brown but blood red and to the sounds of chaos happening inside the house and everything she thought she had known came crashing down. Once her sire was executed and the full truth was revealed Rose's mind spiraled hating how her sire stole from her the chance to grow up and her eye colour, his mark on her seemingly permanent. And Rose had come to terms with that fact... Until 23 years later she came to New Orleans with her ghoul Kevin and meet the coterie of the New Orleans by Night crew with @narqwibqwib @cthylla-rlyeh@vampemoqueen @morbidoptimisim @lost-toreador-in-la (I joined the campaign as a NPC) to help them rob the late Sheriff's apartment and in preparing to sneak into the place Katherine, the coterie Volgirre, (Though its complicated since Rose has only meet her forgotten past’s personality, ‘1816′) who used flesh craft to change Rose's eye colour from red to her original dark brown eye colour, opening her up to seeing that flesh crafting doesn't have to be used for evil and could help her reclaim her body back. So, of course Rose is already seeing the coterie as her a new family after that! XDD It'll take her time to decide if she wants her body and mind to be aged up to her true age (which is 37) and also even if she does do that, she'll still have to find herself in that new world of possibilities.  
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missn11 · 3 years
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Rose Bradley the Tremere and her ghoul Kevin
So you know that meme with the kid that shouts "I have the power of God and Anime on my side"? well imagine a Tremere shouting that but replace with God with blood magic and that's how I began to think up about Rose. Rose was embraced in 1998 at fourteen by a Tremere who was swiftly executed for his illegal siring, Rose was taken in by Strauss into his chantry, at first she had enjoyed living in the chantry and learning about blood magic, but as the years stretched on, she realized that she wasn't happy being in the Pyramid, she would've stayed if they weren't so controlling. After the attack on the Vienna chantry and the splitting of Pyarmid Rose left with her ghoul Kevin, basically joining House Carna by default. Rose for now spends her nights watching her extensive anime collection (a lot of it is pirated and subbed anime VHS she got back in the 90s before and after her embrace) and studying blood magic, she has become interested Thin Blood Alchemy, she however has no interest in politics and wishes to be left alone.
P.S btw she carries a parasol that has a hidden sword she whips out when she gets into a fight! XD
Btw if you like what you see and want a commission drop me a direct message on tumblr or a note on deviantart
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