#Roy was his childhood hero
jopzer · 1 year
there's something wrong with roy and jamie. they have scrambled eggs for brains.
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electric-rabbits · 1 year
Royjamie Legend of Chavo Guerrero. Is this anything?
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emeraldwarriors · 1 year
the jewish hal jordan evidence board
to make things more cohesive and more accessible, i decided to revamp my old post a bit to make this! please feel free to correct me or request to make amendments! ♡
Hal Jordan was based on an actual jewish person
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source: Green Lantern (1960) #3
when john broome and gil kane reinvented GL (alan to hal), kane decided he wanted to model off hal based on his one-off neighbour paul newman. famous hollywood actor, look him up!
He celebrates Chanukah
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source: Christmas With The Super-Heroes (1989) #2
He was explicitly stated as jewish once
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source: The Spectre (2001) #21
Hal's favourite chanukah dish is latke
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source: Green Lantern: The Animated Series (2012) #8
it can also be said from these panels that hal enjoys talking about his traditions and upbringings to friends.
His dad was catholic, but his mom was jewish
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source: Justice League Darkseid War: Green Lantern (2015)
due to martin jordan's passing during hal's childhood, it is heavily implied jessica raised her children with jewish traditions and practices. but there are instances where hal would sometimes reference catholicism.
Hal wore a kippah during his father's funeral
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source: Knight Terrors: Green Lantern (2023) #1
despite knight terrors' entire plot is based around hallucinations of one's worst fears, he was still explicitly drawn to wear a kippah in his delusion of his father's funeral. and no, no it's not a bald spot.
BONUS! Green Lantern as a whole is heavy on judaism references
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Why Green Lantern is one of the most Jewish superheroes of all - Roy Schwartz
please read more in this article by Roy Schwartz, because i am unfortunately not articulate enough.
... and thank you for reading !! tell your friends !!!!
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applejuicebegood · 3 months
Best-friend!Dick Grayson HCs (Hero!Reader)
A/N: I haven't written anything for Mr. Grayson yet, I feel ashamed. This is based of the Young Justice Dick Grayson btw Masterlist
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You met through the original Young Justice team. Both awkward tweens attempting to mirror the legacy of the Hero's the group was founded upon.
He was the unintentional balance between Kalders unrelenting seriousness and Wally's extreme extrorevtism. He could cancel out the chaos of Conner's fits of anger and Artemis's petty fights with Roy. He became your stability within this extremely unconventional friend group you had found yourself in.
Stripped of his family and a normal childhood, it was rare for Dick to grow confident in the stability of any relationship. Only, stability is what you embodied for him. You were like the serene guiding point in a crowd of uncontrollable teenage angst and anger.
In the early days of the team where Dick assumed the position of 'team-leader' was innately his, he would secretly mimic your intense control of not only your emotions but your abilities and skill to hopefully appear more qualified.
To him, your skill is battle was artful. You moved with a grace that he had never seen replicated in any dancer or gymnast that cycled through Haly's Circus. You were entrancing and almost addicting to watch. His footwork and faints becoming tighter and more effecting the more he watched you train, and eventually training with you.
It was how you initially grew close as teammates. Long sparing sessions where you're combat and skill was so perfectly reflecting off of each other. You both would stay on the training pad for hours, trying until you gave in to knock the other off of their feet. It appeared unless, you both were obviously equally matched in skill and fight IQ. With Wally and Megan taking bets on who would go down first, neither of them ever actually paid up since you both would have to tap out from pure exhaustion.
But it was the rush of understanding that made you train with Dick until you both couldn't feel your arms. It was the exhilarating thrill of knowing someone entirely understood your limits and skill as well as they knew their own.
And when it came time for Dick to have someone covering his blindspots, it was you with your back against his. You had spared and trained and bled so much together that your weaknesses and habits had become a second nature.
You knew Dick had a tendency to keep his kicks wider, putting him at a speed disadvantage to regain stability on his feet. Giving you more opportunity to keep his sides covered as he leapt back to cover your right, where he knew you had trouble keeping track of.
It wasn't just your synchronization that made you such a good pair, it was the tenderness you knew that the other needed afterwards.
After brutal missions where your knuckles would be caked with dried blood and the adrenaline high was making you too dizzy to think, Dick would slink his arm under yours and carry you back into the safety of the hideout. He would guide you to a bed, willing you to shut your eyes and breath deeply. He would lean his forehead against yours, having you match the pace of his breath to level your nerves.
He hated it when other people would treat your injuries and he wasn't there. This scared, paranoid part of him had to be present with you. He needed to have his hand open for your to hold in a vice grip as Megan dug the bullet from your leg. He needed to be sitting by your shoulder as you slept, the oxygen mask fixed over your face, so that when you woke up- it could be Dick smothering you in his arms as he silently sobbed against your shoulder. So happy that you hadn't left him just yet.
And as much as he worried about you and the team, it felt good to worry. It felt good to have so many people he cared for and needed to keep safe.
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He helps wrap and clean your hands before and after missions. Smoothing his thumbs over the tightness of your calloused palm. He smiles as you groan in relief as he works out a stubborn knot.
Your his sister in everything but blood. His reminder that he was able to find another family after his was taken.
It's funny in that his last memories with his mother was her asking him if he wanted a sibling. Dick liked to think that she, where-ever her soul rested, pre-determined your presence in his life. That she still managed to give him a sibling.
When you were both still young teenagers, you encouraged him to try for the Gotham High gymnastics team. Thinking that it would be good to separate that part of himself from hero-work. Of course he made the team. And of course you would always be front row to everyone of his competitions. Your voice would hurt from how loud you cheered and screamed as the gold metals were hung around his neck.
He treats birthdays and other holidays very seriously. He's got a list for everyone on the team of things they said they needed or liked. His gifts are so personal and sweet but it's the cards that make you tear up.
Being Hero's from such a young age, both of you struggled with really bad nightmares. It was common when the two of you were 14 for Dick to tap on your bedroom door late at night. His eyes wide and his raven hair tousled across his tight forehead. You didn't have to say anything to each other, at least not until the morning. You would pull back your covers and pat the space beside you, his weight making the mattress dip. You both would lay there, looking up at the ceiling until his weak, hoarse voice would break the silence. 'Can I hold your hand?' You nodded, settling on your side. You poked your open palm out from the covers, waisting for him to lace his fingers over your knuckles. He finally let out a relived sigh, shutting his eyes as he squeezed your hand in a thank you you knew he couldn't say.
He snorts when he laughs, something only you know about since you have been one of the only ones to make him laugh so hard. You find it insanely adorable.
Slightly overprotective. He really hates it when you're out late at night and you haven't texted. A smaller, traumatized part of his assuming the worst. He likes to keep his shoulder close to yours if your walking down a busy street together, or his hand hanging behind your upper back if your making your way through a thick crowd.
You quite literally grew up together. You were there for every embarrassing fumble in conversations and violent breakdown. You were there, side by side, when you got your highschool diplomas and when you immediately had to stop a drug trade right after the ceremony. You were there through everything, and Dick is going to try his absolute hardest to make sure your there for the rest of it.
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kanerlove88 · 6 months
Listen, I love S3 RoyJamie dynamics. Obviously. That’s a whole ass love story right there. My favourite ever.
But the mutual psychosexual obsession they both shared in S1…we will never get anything like that in any media ever again. Absolutely unhinged. And Jamie at least had a reason for it. Boy had a poster of Roy Kent on his childhood bedroom wall for 15 years. That’s his hero, bisexual awakening and he was desperate for attention, even if it was negative.
What excuse did ROY have??? “I don’t care what you lift pretty boy��. “Right foot kissed by God”. “Made me question my faith”. “All I think about is Jamie FUCKING Tartt”. I know he’s intense about Jamie in S3 but at least he had reasons for that, even if it isn’t normal. S1 Roy’s obsession with Jamie was so much weirder and so much more unhinged.
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hijinxinprogress · 10 months
YJ being awful at sharing things (mostly bc they’re used to handling things themselves bc there was no one for them to depend on during their childhood)
YJ is great at subterfuge and lying but they keep unnecessary things on a need-to-know basis like their favorite colors so when people are like “why didn’t you tell me?? I can help! I hope you know you can come to me if you need anything” and yj responds like a stray animal being shown affection for the first time “with what?? nothing’s wrong…go away…” but they’re always injured or about to be whether it’s physical or psychological 
Cissie didn’t tell anyone she was allergic to walnuts until Oliver almost killed her at a mandatory family dinner (they also didn’t know she was in the Olympics or dating Kon until they were cornered by reporters in public who wanted to know if Kon was aware she had a relationship with Oliver Queen) (Roy had a very one sided beef with Kon for about three weeks once he saw the interviews)
Yj is outed for smoking when Bart gets caught with weed and the jl (mostly Barry) are lecturing him about the dangers of marijuana and Wally’s yelling bc they thought it was the titans smoking while bart just shrugs and he’s like “I thought you knew, it’s not like we were hiding it” they call a meeting w/ yj but Cissie’s just like “I mean what are you gonna do about it? You’re a couple years too late to be concerned” and behind them, an irritated Kon passes a handful of bills to a smug Anita
Or Tim’s been stabbed for the 5th time this week (and didn’t tell anyone bc he’s Tim) Cassie tries to hand him tequila and Bart looks at them like they’re stupid “he can’t drink that” and dicks in the background “no he can’t bc he’s literally a baby and so are all of you!!” and Anita reaches over to Kon who’s not paying attention and he’s like “yeah, rob got stabbed like an hour ago and didn’t say anything bc he’s a squirrelly little shit” and dick launches himself across the room holding 17 medical packs (he was supposed off planet for the next three months)
Diana hears yj refer to Cassie with they/them pronouns and pulls them aside to ask if they want to change their name (hero and civilian) and why they didn’t feel comfortable sharing their identity with her and Cassie just goes “I didn’t think it was a big deal”
Most people think that Anita’s raising her children so older heroes with make comments about her being too young to be a parent or being irresponsible for being a parent so young along with how it makes them unable to trust her judgment as a hero (Steph once made an offhanded comment about Anita being a real hero for raising twins after she cussed out an older hero) but no one outside of yj learns the truth until dr. fate shows up talking about irreparable damage being done to the timeline (the nearest speedster gets dirty looks despite not being at fault this time)
Yj invites Greta to the watchtower and she meets Constantine who starts going on about her being death-touched, possessed, and rambling about dark magic so he ends up calling the rest of jl dark which is how the jl finds out about Secret years after the fact
Kon casually makes jokes about Lex’s attempts on his life, Lex and Clark attempting to win him over to get one over on each other, Lex or Clark disliking him, his death, and the period of time Kon was homeless which is usually how anyone outside of yj finds out about things going on in his life
The jl loses their shit when they learn how often yj hide each other in their homes when they don’t have anywhere else to go (batman buys trackers in bulk when he finds out Tim has a secret house) 
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bitter-sweet-coffee · 2 years
jamie :( baby i am so sorry they tried to do you like that
but also like. the way he looked at roy when he offered to train him??? please remember that roy was his childhood hero and he looked up to him and had posters of him and looks out for him now after the breakup with keeley since getting a hug after that encounter with his shit dad—
roy is literally his hero. roy is jamie’s zava the person he admired the same way everyone is focuses on zava now THAT IS ROY TO HIM
his hero is privately coaching him.
i’m not OKAY
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theflashjaygarrick · 3 months
It's a missed opportunity that despite Roy Harper and Jason Todd hanging out now there's been never any tension between about them or exploration of their differing approaches and perspectives on the drug crisis. Particularly because for both of them it is deeply personal.
Roy Harper.
Roy became addicted to drugs in the 1971 comic Snowbirds Don't Fly which was Neil Adam’s and Dennis O'neill's attempt to tackle the "youth's greatest problem!" drug use and addiction. I feel like all most people know is that Speedy took drugs and Ollie took it badly, but that honestly ignores the whole point of the story. The story challenged contextual stigma around addiction and drug use as a personal failing or something that only happened to weak people. It explored how it could happen to anyone, even a hero like Speedy. It focused on the social factors such as racism and poverty and how they push people into substance abuse as a way to cope. It even turns the trope of the evil foreign drug cartel on its head by making the guy behind the drug supply a wealthy white American man in who runs a Pharmaceutical company, doesn't do drugs, and actively mocks the people he profits off the suffering of.
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The point therefore is twofold. Firstly, drug users are people just like you and me and it is vital to be compassionate to people struggling with addiction. Ollie who yells at and hits Roy and leaves him due to anger and fear is clearly in the wrong. Hal and Dinah who look after Roy and stand beside him at his friend's funeral and as he confronts Ollie are clearly in the right. Secondly, the solution is not to focus on the drugs but instead to deal with the systemic problems of inequality, oppression, trauma and disenfranchised youth.
Despite parts of it ageing bad (the use of slurs was to demonstrate the damage of racism, but I feel uncomfortable having slurs uncensored in a comic book written by white authors) it is a surprisingly progressive take on addiction for a mainstream 70s DC comic. It also clearly demonstrates Roy's opinion on the drug problem and how to deal with it. He sees anger and going after dealers/manufacturers (like Ollie did) to not be enough. Instead the real change comes from helping the people in that situation by improving their lives and compassionately helping them at their worst.
Enter Jason Todd.
For context Jason Todd has had almost his entire life shaped by trauma of substance abuse. His (adoptive) mother Catherine struggled with addiction and overdosed just months before he met Batman, effectively orphaning him. Soon after he was found by Batman who essentially drafted him into his crusade on crime, not considering that being a vigilante may be potentially damaging for an already traumatised child.
But when he came back in UTRH he decided he could best help Gotham if he killed (largely non-costumed) criminals and controlled the city's criminal underworld himself. After violently assuming control of the drug trade, Jason imposed his own rules for dealers, most famously that he would kill anyone who sold drugs to children or near schools. Later while incarcerated Jason Todd killed 82 Blackgate inmates (and harmed over a hundred) by poisoning the prison food. This mass murder was intrinsically indiscriminate and due to the US prison system it is reasonable to assume people charged with drug offences were included in the death count.
Jason does have deep childhood trauma associated with addiction and drug use and wants to help prevent suffering. That being said, his approach treats drugs as a criminal problem to be eradicated or controlled, not just a symptom of deeper social issues. He kills people who sell drugs to kids, rather than helping building a support system so kids aren't pushed into abusing substances to cope and people don't have to deal to survive.
What does this mean?
Scott Lobdell got details of Roy's addiction wrong and distorted him into a reckless idiot who has been ostracised from the community. But if it was done right their interaction and opposing perspectives/experiences could be really interesting. Both hate drugs and the drug trade, but the way they conceptualise this hatred differs significantly.
Roy focuses on helping the individual and addressing deeper social problems, seeing drugs as a devastating but ultimately symptomatic. Jason sees drug use as first and foremost a criminal issue, with true benefits being achieved through controlling the criminal underworld.
Roy's priority is therefore supporting people struggling with addiction and showing compassion for their situation. Jason doesn't really focus on ways to help the individuals suffering from addiction, as much as mitigating the overall harm and fitting the drug trade into parameters he views as acceptable.
I think it would add needed complexity to their relationship (and to Jason's redemption if we're going that route) as well as dealing with the more 'war-on-drug' elements of UTRH. Also it would help Roy stand on his own as a strong, articulate leader with a dark past rather than being (at least for a while) reduced to essentially Jason's sidekick.
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axelsagewrites · 1 year
Jamie Tartt*Prick
Pairing: Jamie x f!reader
Word count: 2744
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Warnings: swearing, Jamie having daddy issues and insecurities, sad Jamie, drinking, Roy being Roy
Summary: after seeing how upset Jamie gets at Roys treatment of him reader decides to take a stand. set in season one but a timeline where Jamie is still a prick but not quite as prickish as the show
Inspired by a post by @if-i-look-straight-look-again (hope you don’t mind me tagging you)
Masterlist Here
“Hey baby how was your day?” you called out from where you lay on the sofa as you heard Jamie dragging himself in from practise.
all you had to do was look at him to see how it had been. the way he dumped his bag and let his jacket slump from his shoulders onto the floor before he trudged towards the sofa. you held your arms out for him to fall into as he curled up beside you on the couch. “Fucking shit,” he mumbled, his hand moving to grab yours to pull your arm over his tense frame till you were spooning him.
your hand shot to his hair, running slow strokes through his sweaty mane but that was an issue for later. when Jamie got in his own head, he’d often turn to you for comfort, needing to be held without having to ask. “You wanna talk about it?” you asked, kissing his temple.
“Roy was just being so mean,” he grumbled, his eyes closing shut as he settled into place, “And for no reason right. like I get I can be a prick but like I was no being that bad the day. then he was just shouting at me like I was stupid and I was no being stupid like,” Jamie sighed, almost sinking further into the couch.
usually, you and Jamie would tease and rile each other up but you knew now was not the time, “I know baby,” you said, kissing him again as he began to relax. “I know its sucky baby but maybe eventually he’ll tone it down,”
“Doubt it,” Jamie mumbled as he began to trace circles onto your hand resting over his chest. “Just sucks you know. I thought I was gonna train with some great footballer, but it turns out he’s just a has been,” you sighed but you didn’t want to provoke him further so the two of you fell into silence.
you remember the day Jamie found out he was going to Richmond. you had only just started dating then but he wanted to celebrate the news with you. he was weirdly excited about the whole thing which shocked you since he’d always talk about if he went to man city or Chelsea but there he was bouncing around like an excited schoolboy when he got the news.
he ended up inviting you to join him, his mum, and stepdad out to dinner to celebrate. it was the first time you’d met her, and you had to say she was an absolutely wonderful woman and you understood instantly why Jamie loved her. she had insisted it was far too late for you to go home after you’d spent the whole evening playing monopoly with the family. she had insisted you stay the night, and you ended up squished beside Jamie on his childhood bed for the night.
it wasn’t till you were about to fall asleep you noticed the poster on his wall, “Doesn’t Roy Kent play for Richmond?” you asked, disturbing a tipsy Jamie from his almost slumber.
“Yup,” he grinned as he pulled you into his arms even tighter, “Im gonna be playing with the Roy Kent,”
“You gonna get him to sign your poster?” you teased, leaning your nose in to rub against his making him laugh. Jamie had spent the rest of the night telling you about the highlights of Roy’s career before eventually you both fell asleep.
cut to his first day at Richmond he called you to say how the only thing Roy said to him was in the form of a grunt. you’d insisted that it would get better, maybe he was just shy, but here you were now with him curled up on the couch pouting over Roy. you knew better than anyone else Jamie could be a bit of a cocky prick. you loved it about him, most of the time, but you knew why he was the way he was.
you knew he craved the attention and praise he’d desperately tried to get from his father and then suddenly from his old hero. you remember Jamie’s calls after practise where he was absolutely exhausted from going full out when he didn’t have to. he had to move when he transferred to Richmond, and you had been unable to move with him at first. he’d tried to hide his disappointment over the phone, but you knew it was there.
you ended moving down after his first season and threw a housewarming party that he invited the whole team to. the party was swimming with footballers, even Higgins came, but no Roy. Jamie was all smiles and perky the whole night, showing you and the house off to all his friends, but once everyone left you could see the sadness in his eyes. despite that now seeming like so long ago you knew deep down it still bothered him.
“Do you think he’ll ever like me?” Jamie mumbled in the voice you knew meant he was on the verge of sleep.
“It doesn’t matter if he likes you baby,” you murmured, kissing the back of his neck, “it just matters that you like you,”
it was a couple of days later while you were getting ready for the day you noticed Jamie’s phone still sitting on the nightstand. this was especially odd since Jamie never left the house without his phone and practise was supposed to be starting right now. it wasn’t uncommon for Jamie to wake up a bit late so you grabbed his phone, figuring he must’ve forgot it so you would be generous and drop it off for him.
it was as you were about to drive off you got a phone call from a front desk lady at Richmond saying Jamie had asked you to bring it in. you laughed at the predictability of your boyfriend before heading off to the club. you were able to get in no problem and insisted on dropping it off to Jamie yourself to not create more work for the receptionist.
you headed to the pitch, knowing the club like the back of your hand by this point. they were all practising what you thought was dribbling when Jamie suddenly noticed you. he paused mid dribble and waved with a goofy smile before running over to you.
“You’re a life saver princess,” he said as he took the phone off of you to stash in his hoodie he’d left at the side of the pitch.
“You need your girlfriend to teach you how to play Tartt?” a gruff voice barked from behind.
you span around to see the culprit of your boyfriends upset storming over, “Calm down grandad,” Jamie scoffed as he stood back up, “Was just getting meh phone alright?”
Roy stared your boyfriend down as he said a quick goodbye to you, kissing your cheek, before jogging back over to the rest of the boys. you could see Jamie’s new coach walking towards you in the corner of your eye, Ted you think Jamie had said, but your eyes were glued on Roy as you folded you arms as he began to walk away, “What is your problem?”
your words shocked the whole team into stunned silence as they stopped their drills, “Excuse me?” Roy asked, his eyes wide as he turned around.
“Do you need the attitude to play or is it just an added bonus?” you glared right at him, not caring how loud he chose to yell at you.
“Your boyfriend the one with the fucking attitude,”
“At least my boyfriend can still kick a ball,” you spat back making the boys behind Roy gasp and a vein pop in the captain’s neck, “What kind of captain just grunts orders and expects their players to play well?”
“This one fucking does,” Roy said.
At this point the new coach decided to step in, getting between you and Roy, “Well howdy there im Ted,” he said, holding out his hand for you to shake which you did while still glaring at Roy, “Is everything all hunky dory here?” he asked, looking between you both like an actual fight might break out.
“Everything’s perfect,” you smiled, your eyes locked on Roy’s.
“Fucking peachy,” he grunted back, his eyes not leaving yours either leaving Ted in an uncomfortable silence, “I’ve got training to do,” Roy said, eventually backing down from the challenge and stomping back to the team, waving off anyone who tried to speak to him.
you glared after him before turning back to Ted. instantly a smile spread across your face as you reached out your hand to shake his, “Nice to meet you Ted, I’m Jamie’s girlfriend,” you smiled as you introduced yourself and you could see the confusion written in teds face as he tried to figure out what was happening.
he snapped out of it as he shook your hand, a smile spreading to his own face, “Well nice to meet you, I think,” Ted said, and you spoke to him for a minute or so before finally leaving.
you wondered for the rest of the afternoon if you had went to far as you waited for Jamie to get home but when the door slammed shut and a loud, “I’m home,” rang out across the house you knew it had been a good practise, “Babe I gotta tell you that was the hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” he praised as he found you in the kitchen and pulled you in for a kiss.
you laughed against your lips before pulling back and turning your attention back to dinner, “Well im glad you had fun,”
“We should have even more fun,” Jamie said as he wrapped his arms around your waist, kissing your shoulder making you giggle as he wiggled his eyebrows.
“Later,” you said, hitting him in on the shoulder with a wooden spoon before turning back to attempt to finish making dinner, “Also I think we should have another team night. invite everyone round,”
“Why?” Jamie said as he settled to hug you from behind as you cooked.
you shrugged as you stirred the pasta, “Be a nice way to welcome Ted to the team I suppose,” you said. it did not take much Jamie much convincing to have a night of casual drinking with his team mates even if that meant inviting the new coach round.
the boys of course were more than thrilled at the idea since apparently the last couple movie nights had ended up in hour long fights over which film to watch. they all began to pour into your house on Thursday evening. Collin and Sam were the first to arrive, Sam even bring you a bottle of wine as a thank you gift, but it wasn’t long till your house was filled with footie obsessed boys who had brought lots of vanilla vodka and beer bottles.
Ted seemed a tad overwhelmed when he arrived, but you made sure to get him settled in, which was made much easier when the other coach, beard you think, arrived. everything was actually going pretty well until the room suddenly got silent.
you glanced up from where you sat on the back of the couch to see Roy Kent standing in your doorway. he walked in slowly, not bothering to say hello as all eyes were on him. “Roy,” you said, slowly getting off the couch as you tried not to step on Issac or Jamie.
he grunted in response before finally adding, “Hey,” he said before looking around, “What’s everyone staring at?”
everyone’s eyes darted away as they tried to pretend to be in conversations, “Kitchens over there if you wanna stick that in some ice,” you said, motioning to the drinks he had brought. Roy nodded before walking off to the kitchen.
before you could walk to follow him, Jamie grabbed your wrist, pulling you down so he could whisper in your ear, “Roy Kents at my party!” he drunkenly grinned in your ear.
“Yes, he is baby,” you whispered back, no where near as buzzed as Jamie, before kissing his cheek and standing back up, “I’ll be two seconds alright?”
you quickly went to join Roy in the kitchen who was opening his beer bottle on your countertop but now did not feel like the time for arguments. he looked up silently as you walked in but as you walked over, he held out the bottle for you which you gladly accepted as he opened one for himself. “Suppose this is when I say sorry for being a dick,” you said before taking a sip out the bottle.
“Are you gonna?”
“Nope,” you said, popping your p with a grin.
Roy laughed, well chuckled slightly, but still, “Good. couldn’t respect you if you did,”
you both fell into a somewhat comfortable silence as you sipped your beers. You decided you couldn’t take it anymore though and decided to break it, “Why are you so hard on Jamie?”
“Your boyfriends a prick,” Roy grunted, and you laughed a little, “Which im guessing you already know,”
“Obviously,” you said before hopping up to sit on the counter, “Just don’t know why it bothers you so much,”
Roy sighed as he downed the rest of his beer, “Because I was the prick,” he said as he began to open another bottle, drinking half of it in one go like a pro, “When I started, I was just as irritating as that shit, if not worse,”
“So, because you sucked you have to take it out on him?” you asked.
“He’s not gonna get anywhere by having everyone kiss his ass,” Roy spat right back leaving you in a far tenser silence than before which was only broken by a regretful sigh from Roy, “He’s good alright. really fucking good. but he needs to fix his fucking attitude,” he said making you raise an eyebrow with a slight laugh, “Alright I get the irony,” Roy said as he sat his beer down.
you hoped off the counter and held your hand out to him, “Truce?” you asked and silently he shook your hand, and you wondered if he had deliberately made his grip extra strong, “Lets just try have a good night. socialising is fun,” you teased as you took another drink making Roy roll his eyes.
almost as if on cue Jamie walked in the room, stumbling slightly, “There you are,” he grinned, quickly moving to your side and wrapping an arm round your shoulder before placing a wet kiss to your cheek, “Whatcha talkin about?” he asked with a drunken grin.
“You,” Roy deadpanned making Jamie’s eyebrows furrow in confusion, “Your girlfriends…nice,” he finally said before walking out the room, his third beer in his hand. you wondered if drunk Roy would be more fun and contemplated switching his beer for vodka given the chance.
Jamie turned to you, his jaw hanging open as he began to hold you tighter, “Roy Kent likes my girlfriend,”
“Roy Kent likes you too dummy,” you giggled as you turned to try escape Jamie’s grip to no avail.
Jamie gripped your wrist, his eyes going wide, “He said that?”
You didn’t want to lie but you knew how much this moment meant to Jamie, “He said, and I quote, ‘really fucking good’ and that you reminded him of himself,” you said, leaving out the insults so Jamie could have his win.
Jamie jumped up and down on the spot, doing a silent cheer as he grabbed your hands, “No fucking way,” he whispers shouted and you wondered how on earth drunk Jamie was quieter than sober Jamie, “Man that’s so cool,” Jamie gushed as if he was still twelve, “Except im prettier than him, obviously,” he said bringing out that cocky side you secretly adored.
you took his face in your hands, giving him a swift peck on the lips, “Much prettier. now should we get you back to your party?”
Jamie grinned as he pulled back before sticking his hand out dramatically for you to take which you gladly did. he pulled your arm, spinning you around the kitchen making you laugh loudly before finally leading you back into the living room. even if Roy was sitting silently in an armchair watching the team make a full of himself you swore you saw a smile at the edge of his lips. the ice was finally melting.
a/n: writing this feels very ironic for me since i started the show as a roy lover and jamie hater but now im a die hard jamie defender (still love roy just as much tho if not more than when i started)
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liesmyth · 1 year
I can't explain my delight at the Roy poster. That's VINTAGE. That's from Jamie's childhood, not even his teen years! It's been in that room for over fifteen years. That's a lifelong sports hero right there.
And the actual picture? Honestly, kind of bad. Charmingly fugly. I take delight in this, sure in the knowledge that it didn't stop Jamie from wanking to it. Not only he gets to live his lifelong fantasy, his crush got hotter with age.
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Notable kids Jason knew in his childhood.
In no particular order. Realized I did kind of put them in order from post to pre Robin era.
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Rena (Detective Comics 561 / 563-565)
Pre-crisis Jason's girlfriend. They met in high school after Jason was adopted by Bruce. They were both the new kids and found companionship with each other.
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Numbers (Batman: Gotham Nights 11)
Briefly lived together at Ma Gunn's. Numbers took punishment in Jason's stead because Jason was kind to him. Jason saved him in return, as an adult, from an assassin.
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Gabby Christensen (Red Hood / Arsenal 4)
Homeless kid, along with Jason, who looked out for Jason before he was adopted by Bruce. Would comfort and try to tend to his injuries despite him lashing out.
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Max Dawkins (Truth & Justice 10)
Ran with Jason when he was homeless. Jason notes that Max looked after him like a brother and Jason considered him he best friend. Jason would leave money for Max to find after he was adopted. Lets just ignore the fact he was created just to be murdered, he is still alive, fuck you DC.
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Dana Harlowe / Strike (Red Hood and the Outlaws (2016) 51-52)
Possibly Jason's oldest friend. Dana's father seem quite familiar with Jason, recognizing him as an adult and remembering him fondly. Dana took up the name Strike to help defend her neighborhood during the Joker War and later fought with Red Hood to save her sister, Denise
Jason was also friends with Edward Bloomberg (Kid Devil) who he was pen pals with, mentioned in the Blue Devil comics. And Roy Harper (Speedy ((at the time)) starting from the New 52 series. Didn't add them because I was focusing on friends outside of the hero life but they deserve the mention.
These are all the ones that I know of. If I missed anyone, feel free to add them!
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roeiswriting · 1 year
Let’s talk about Jamie Tartt:
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The evolution of Jamie Tartt throughout Ted Lasso is a masterclass on writing a character who in the simplest words possible is beautifully human.
A statement which may seem obvious before you really get into it.
Jamie Tartt being introduced as the selfish, one in a million star in the making destined for greatness modelled after the likes of Jack Grealish is a genius play from the writers because those who grew up with football and even those who are using the show as an introduction are familiar with this stereotype throughout sports.
They had a surface model which they could have kept as that but they didn’t.
From him warming up to the team, to Ted, only to be sent back to Man City where Ted sees the aggression from his father and the sadness and stress it brings Jamie to the opposite moment of the smile on Jamie’s face when reading the note from Ted that reads “way to make the pass” you as the viewer find yourself warming up to Tartt as he himself progresses.
It’s not about pity or excuses, it’s about socialisation and learning why humans behave the way they do. Jamie is unlearning traits he adopted to try and protect himself from his father and try to live up to the impossible standard that he holds for him.
The beauty of the writing is that nothing introduced about Jamie’s life and true personality is making excuses for his behaviour. The show relies on simply introducing people into his life, in this case namely the titular Ted Lasso, to hold him accountable for his actions whilst believing that he is, at his core, a good person.
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Season 2 Jamie, the moment where Roy hugs him after the Man City match is the turning point in Jamie allowing himself to fully feel the anger for his father because at this point it’s established that he wants to be a better person, it’s solidified by Roy, his childhood hero who he had posters off on his walls, is the one to comfort him.
Season 3 Jamie is a whole other level with many fans saying he’s the best character in the show. The empathy and patience that Tartt shows in this season, the proof that he is continuing to mature into a good person because he was finally surrounded by love instead of hate.
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Number 24 for England: Jamie Tartt
In honour of Sam Obisanya who is being unfairly blocked from the Nigerian national team he adorns the number 24, the same number Obisanya wears proudly for Richmond. In the same episode we see him give Roy the England shirt he wore when he played, just with his own Jamie Twist of course (iykyk).
Jamie was a dick, he still is a dick, that’s the point. He is cocky but it’s not mean anymore, it’s not out of fear or because he’s putting on a facade, it’s mostly jokey but he still knows how good he is and that cockiness is now endearing and fun instead of intimidating or off putting. The best example is season 3 episode 9 when he asks Sam for the Captains arm band just to be flipped off (which was comedic genius).
The character of Jamie Tartt is phenomenally written, and is outstandingly played by the amazing Phil Dunster (who should absolutely be in the running for an Emmy come on now).
With the synopsis for Season 3, Episode 11 placing Richmond back at Man City with Roy and Keeley worrying for Jamie’s well-being it’s hard to predict what may happen. If potentially his dad resurfaces, maybe even memories coming back to Jamie now that he’s opened up to Roy a little bit about his childhood, or something else entirely.
Jamie Tartt is kind, he can be understanding, he may open up and drop his mask when you don’t expect it, and he will do whatever he can to show the ones he loves just how much he loves them even if he doesn’t say those exact words.
Jamie Tartt is flawed, he can be arrogant, he may say something he really shouldn’t have, and he messes up oh god does he mess up but…
At the end of the day Jamie Tartt is a character who embodies humanity, and that’s what makes him so loved.
(Reminder to support the WGA strikes because without the brilliant writers we wouldn’t have the media we love to indulge in 🫶)
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gatorbites-imagines · 2 years
Kinktober Day 22
Dick Grayson + Spit/Drool
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I can’t believe I’ve written 22 things of smut at this point, how did I get here. Why did I write this? I don’t know. Enjoy.
Kinktober list.
-          You and Dick Grayson did not get along, at all. Always butting heads and giving each other stinkeye. You had both been placed on the titans team, him as Robin and you as Green Arrows second sidekick alongside Roy.
-          As you grow older your rivalry with Dick goes from petty childhood arguments, to painting each other’s weapons bright pink, putting glitter in the others suits, “misplacing” documents the other needed and alike.
-          One thing you both had in common was how your relationships with your mentors kinda went to shit. Though unlike Dick you never really regained any kind of relationship with Oliver outside of a professional one when it came to hero work.
-          Roy and you were like brothers since you had both been with Oliver at the same time, and your brother from another mother could just not understand why you despised Dick so much.
-          He had listened to you rant about the boy wonder so many times, about how arrogant and cocky he was. He had watched you almost ripping out your hair because of your frustrations with the other man.
 -          You had left the league when you were younger, shortly after you were dumped by Oliver. You had been so angry you had left fuming and not looked back.
-          You still rarely worked with the league years later, still feeling some anger at how they had just allowed Oliver to throw you out like that. None of them had even tried talking to you over all these years.
-          It was first when you had started to make a name for yourself as a less than friendly vigilante that any of them searched you out. And that was only because you had nothing against killing and were hanging around the likes of Deathstroke and Lady Shiva.
-          Deathstroke and Lady Shiva had become somewhat of mentors to you. You already knew how to use a bow and arrow, so they taught you many other weapons and ways of fighting, though you still preferred the bow.
-          When you returned to the hero world you had worn a mask and rarely spoke, and it took Roy recognizing your way of pulling and shooting an arrow to figure out who you were. The two of you hadn’t spoken in a long time but your brotherhood continued on with no problem.
-          You still hated Dick Grayson though, an argument breaking out between the two of you not even 15 minutes after you had seen each other again for the first time in years.
 -          Your rivalry like relationship continued on like before everything, though you had both cut down on the pranks and were just passive aggressive towards each other. Everyone in the league knew not to place Nightwing anywhere near you, as you weren’t part of the league and told them to suck it when they tried to give you orders.
-          You had set up shop for a short while in Bludhaven because of a contract to stalk out and slowly take out a list of people over multiple months. It paid enough money that you weren’t gonna question the motive, money was money to you.
-          To your extreme annoyance it turned out Dick went to the same gym as you, and he looked like he was gonna start another fight the moment you spotted each other across the gym, but he thought better of it and left you alone.
-          It was a 24-hour gym, which was great since you worked out during the night, turns out that’s also what Dick tended to do. Unluckily for you both, no one else seemed to want to work out past midnight meaning you two were alone most of the time.
-          Something happened between you both during the workouts, you both checked the other out in more than just a sizing up kind of way. You started to wear looser sleeveless shirts, showing off your muscles. And Dick started wearing shorter and tighter shorts, showing off that famous ass of his.
 -          Whatever it was that was growing between you, it seemed to boil over one day. It started after Dick showed up in shorts that left nothing to the imagination, and you were working out shirtless, scars from your lifestyle on display.
-          You could feel him taking in your torso, like he could feel you looking over his legs and behind. For some reason an argument broke out between you, and soon you were standing chest to chest, faces a few inches apart as you growled at each other.
-          Something snapped inside you and soon you had Dick up against a wall, tongue shoved into his mouth and hand gripping his chin to hold him in place as you devoured him.
-          You half expected him to deck you across the face and send you flying, but instead he fisted your hair and pulled you closer, his tongue curling against your own until spit was pooling up and dripping down your chins.
-          Wrenching away from him, a string of spit followed between the tips of your tongues. Wiping the back of your hand over your mouth you told him you were going to the showers, leaving it up to him to understand what you meant.
-          It didn’t take long for you to hear him follow close behind you, the vigilante panting softly from your earlier kissing.
 -          You reached the changing rooms first and immediately started undressing, throwing your workout clothes carelessly to the side and made your way into a stall, one of those ones with curtains around them.
-          Soon Dick followed you inside and you didn’t let him even get a word in before you shoved him chest first against the wall, immediately dropping to your knees behind him as you grabbed his cheeks and pulled them apart.
-          Dick moaned and arched his back to press his hips further back, a groan leaving him as you spat a drop of spit on his hole before leaning in to drag your tongue over it. He grew hard quickly as you slobbered all over his hole, spit gathering until it started dripping down onto the floor underneath you.
-          You were quick to get fingers inside him and stretch him open, moving faster than you normally would with a partner, but this wasn’t a pleasant night after a date, this was years of frustration having built up until you both snapped.
-          Since you had no access to lube you made sure to get as much spit as you could in and around his hole, using it to ease the way for your fingers.
 -          When Dick was as stretched as you could get him in such a short time you got to your feet and spat into your palm before rubbing it all over your own erection. Grabbing onto his shoulder you pushed him further into the wall as you used your other hand to lead your cock into his hole.
-          You both groaned as you pressed inside, the lack of lube making the action burn to a certain degree. Gathering spit in your mouth you spat it down where the two of you were connected to help ease the way more, giving a couple of quick short thrusts to spread the spit.
-          When you were fully inside you leant in until your chest was resting against Dicks back and started moving your hips as a fast and rough pace, a wet squelching filling the room alongside the sound of your hips meeting his ass and your noises of pleasure.
-          Dicks jaw dropped as he almost screamed when you rammed right against his prostate. You were quick to shove your fingers into his mouth, the other man wrapping his tongue around them as he started sucking on them like they were your cock.
-          Spit gathered in his mouth and spilled past, down your hand and wrist and dripping down his chin. Dick was struggling to swallow all the drool in his mouth as you kept fucking him, your pace not letting up as your hips shoved him harder into the wall.
 -          As you could already feel your orgasm growing close, you removed your hand from Dicks mouth and used the now spit covered appendage to wrap it around the other man’s hardness. Dick let out a throaty moan as you immediately started jerking him off in the same pace as your hips hammered away at him.
-          Shoving in as deep as possible you came, making sure to get as much of your cum as you could inside the other man, wanting to paint him with as much as you seed as possible. You never let up your wrists movements and soon Dick came too, white spurting out of him and hitting the wall in front of him.
-          You didn’t wait for him to gather himself before pulling out, watching as his hole clenched around nothing and white dribbled out. Rolling your eyes at your rival you gathered more spit in your mouth and spat on his hole, watching as Dick gave a full body jerk and moan at the action.
-          Dick gasped as you pat one of your palms against his ass and told him to clean up before leaving, his legs still feeling uneasy as his rival left him there, dripping and dirty. He could hear you use another shower to clean up, and it was only after you seemed to have left to get dressed that he started cleaning himself up.
-          As Dick came out of the shower to dry off and get dressed, you shot him a shiteating grin before leaving and he knew he would have to get you back for this. Smirking to himself as he pulled on his boxers, he knew he could barely wait to see you again.
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prettyevermores · 8 months
Meddle About, A Jamie Tartt Fanfic
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Prologue: See the light on your face.
Meet Jamie Tartt and Vivian Cameron, two peas in a pod. Vivian Cameron, a journalist working for AFC Richmond under Keeley Jones. Jamie Tartt, the over the top footballer from North Manchester. Both had their different interests but they click together like lock and key. Their stories before finding each other aren’t too far from the same thing, both had shitty dads and a shared loved for Roy Kent.
Vivian Cameron was a Chelsea fan since birth, her grandma and grandpa taught her all the ways of a proper blue. Growing up, she grew attached to the character of Roy Kent, he was her idol and to say when he left Chelsea for AFC Richmond, she was heartbroken but she still supported him either way.
Jamie Tartt had many posters of footballers on his wall. Messi, Beckham, Ronaldo - you name a footballer and he’s probably had them on his wall but one always stayed. Roy Kent always stayed. Now Jamie is grown, Roy’s poster still hangs on his childhood bedroom wall but Roy hates him and that hit him like a fucking brick that his hero hated him.
Jamie and Vivian found their comfort in each other, although initially Vivian hated his guts, she grew to love him. Maybe it was more than a friend should but she wouldn’t know if he felt the same way or not
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freyafrida · 3 months
🌟 WIP titles game: #2 rillacarl, if you don’t mind! 🌟
(I am sooo intrigued that this jumped right over the Shirley story that I spotted on the list, too!)
hi! :))) lmao secretly very glad you asked abt this one bc it's actually almost ready to post and i am BURSTING to talk about it ahahaha
Rilla felt Carl's going keenly. They had always been cronies and playmates…Rilla had never been afraid of his beetles and bugs, though she drew a hard and fast line at snakes. They used to talk together of almost everything and were teased about each other at school…
freyafrida, reading this passage in rilla of ingleside: "well this seems like a more interesting dynamic than rilla and ken's relationship, how about i start shipping them?"
(does RoI also say that she and carl promised not to marry because the idea grossed them out so much? yes. has that ever stopped me? no. also "childhood best friends who promise never to fall in love" is a great romantic comedy set up, SO.)
so yes: this is a rilla/carl friends-to-lovers fic, with a side of fake dating. it's been rattling around in my brain forever and i finally committed to it :D
i mainly like, i think, that rilla's friendship with carl shows a side of her that's totally at odds with how she's first introduced to us in RoI and even in Rainbow Valley: even though she's vain and spoiled, she also isn't afraid of carl's bugs and used to run around rainbow valley with him (which, if they're chasing bugs and rats, probably wasn't a very clean or dainty activity).
there also isn't much indication that she's close with any of her siblings, pre-war -- jem is far older than she is; her relationship with walter is more hero-worship when she's young; there's actually like zero interaction between her and nan/di; and of course asking for canon shirley content is LOL. (although she and shirley SHOULD be closer given that they are so close in age and would've been the only siblings still at home after nan and di went to queen's…….but i digress.) but it turns out carl was her confidant, and that just like…got in my head and made me want more of a friendship or relationship between them. so now u know about my rilla/carl shipping. these are my confessions 🎶
snippet! have two because there is some shirley content here :D
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punkeropercyjackson · 6 months
Red Hood and The Outlaws rewrite
Co-made by me,@insomniac-jay,@moonage-gaydream,@mayameanderings,@theautisticcentre and @refrigeratedboombursts.It is a BIG ASS FUCKING MONSTER
Starts in 2010 and ends in 2020 with 120 issues
The lineup is,in joining order:Jason Todd(Red Hood and briefly a Star Sapphire),Eddie Bloomberg(Red Devil),Rose Wilson(Ravager),Summer Kent(Ignite and brierly a Black Lantern),Pepper Jackson(Star Sapphire),Thaddeus Thawne(Inertia),Kahali Roy(Bloody Mary),Duke Thomas(Robin),Imani Javiera(Panthress),Kyle Rayner(Green Lantern),Artemis Grace(Artemis of Bana-Mighdall),Venus Sparks(Star Sapphire),Mathew Wayne(Batboy and briefly a Green Lantern),Lilith Morningstar(Hex)and Daisy Hilliard(Paradisia),Jennifer Williams(Batgal) and Azriel Morningstar(Ghoul)
Jason,Eddie and Rose are the 'Original Outlaws Trinity' and them and Summer are the 'Dark Core Four'.Jason is the founder and leader and Summer his right hand man who takes over when he can't
Almost all trans and autistic with Pepper as the token allistic and Mathew the token cis.Jason is afro-dominican,Rose and Artemis are brownskin and brown eyed,Summer is a half white afrolatina(dominican),Thaddeus is half black too,Kahali is indian(sindhi-bengali),Imani is afro-puerto rican and Venus,Lilith,Azriel,Daisy and Jennifer are monoracial black women.Jason,Summer,Imani and Lilith are also fat and Jaysumm is tank4tank
Sometimes a found family can be 17 crazy ass vigilantes who some of weren't even vigilantes at first
The series is very goofy and silly often and in it's fundemental spirit but equally dark and layered in the same sense and is heavy on gags,jokes,violence and social talk.It also takes place over 3 in-universe years
The canon couples are Jason/Summer,Eddie/Lilith,Rose/Pepper,Thad/Azriel,Kahali/Tim Drake,Duke/Luna Vasquéz,Imani/Vicia López,Kyle/Venus,Artemis/Daisy and Mathew/Jennifer.The other adult Outlaws view eachother with very strong platonic love that can be taken as polyamorous love except Summer and Imani who are sisterly and the kid Outlaws are seen as younger siblings by them with Thad also being considered their adoptive son-By Summer especially and he straight up views him as his mom
Jason is goth punk,Eddie is a metalhead,Rose is goth butch,Summer is pastel punk,Pepper is y2k,Thad is a skater,Kahali is whimsigoth,Duke is a fashionista,Imani is black y2k,Kyle is losercore-i mean distinct,Artemis is a jock,Venus is ghetto fabulous,Mathew is weirdcore,Lilith is scenemo,Daisy is a softgirl,Jennifer is a prep and Azriel is kidcore
Summer is the Team Mom and Jason the Team Dad and they're nicknamed 'Supermom and Dadhood' as a teasing joke that they only embrace post getting together(And yet somehow this dosen't stop Jason from saying Summer is a milf with complete honesty and zero hesitation)
Their base is called The Fortress-named by Summer obviously-and it's an old abandoned huge residence that they started living in after exorsicing it due to investigation leading them there and the moving in decision was made because the beings in it agreed to bless it with eternal running water and electricity as a thank you for helping them move onto the afterlife at last.Everyone has their own room with their own tricked out aesthetic but it's common for them to share their beds and Imani refuses to actually sleep alone,not that any of them mind after a while despite her unconventional sleeping habits
Small note:Kyle is in the same age group as Jason but because i feel he's even more interesting if he starts out being a power ring bearer as a teenager and it adds extra tragedy and opportunities to his plots.And they don't actually meet until adulthood-Their mutual connection is Kyle and Summer having been a thing for a short time when they were both teens and Jason being Summer's childhood best friend since they were 11.This notion also applies to Artemis,she gets introduced as a teen hero too instead of that oversexualization bs and keeps her history but just adjusted so she's still Artemis Grace!!
As stated,Jason,Eddie and Rose were the original trio and Jason got them to become Outlaws pretty easily thanks to Eddie having been sidekick besties with him and Summer too and Rose is always up for moral grayness(and is coincedentally another one of Summer's exes-His first ever girlfriend in fact!)and Summer joined post Ember/Red Hood thanks to him and Jason reuniting in Utrh and the series being about them reconnecting as he unintentionally influenced him to become more sardonic and brutal like they were as a kid so the Metropolis media framed them as 'evil all along' and that hurt them so much combined with smear campaign Lex did against them as a kid he worked so hard to disprove for so long that they finally ran away from home and joined The Outlaws like Jason wanted him to so they'd be a team again.He gifted him a black domino mask as 'giving him a piece of himself' to finish off the new costume Summer made.After a decent while of just The Dark Four Core,Pepper came along as the fifth member because of her crush on Summer she'd gained due to their flirtatiouns back in Metropolis that he still both returned and they accidentally rescued Thad from dying in a chaotic and quick incident and took him in since he had literally nowhere to go
Pepperose was just a natural thing that happened-They flirted on first meeting mutually and Rose was shellshocked Pepper actually hit on her back and then kinda became obsessed with in a non-creepy way her LMFAO She acts like a booktok bf💀Peps is very happy about it though and they're 'gal pals' for about 50 issues before sealing the deal and doing the official girlfriends thing.Rose calls her Pinkie Pie and Pepper calls her 'my favorite rose'.Pepper dosen't really change all that much other than improved self-eestem and getting stronger but she also kills Slade for good out of love for Rose and that's when Rose kisses her,no holding anymore and they're married by the 2nd to last issue and Rose's codename dosen't stay Ravager for the whole series as she eventually uses the 'Willow' mantle and her arc is a heavy but good one that's all about her being human despite what others say
Kahali was gruesomely murdered by The Joker as he filmed the whole thing and sent a physical copy to Summer with a note that said 'history repeats are as sweet as you,Dearie Em'.Summer was catatonic but also stuck in his dragon/Kryptofang form and when he snapped back to conciousness,he flew to Gotham before his cremation ceremony to dunk him in the Lazarus Pit,knowing it's exact location thanks to Talia helping out The Outlaws now and then as Jason's adoptive mom.Kahali came back with Pit Powers that were much stronger than Jason's and he rubs it in his face,along with it having turned his hair completely white but he still dyes it red and Summer mother hen's him more than ever for obvious reasons(well those and the additional one is Summer also got killed and ressurected by a Gotham Rogue as a sidekick)and Kahali updated himself to 'Blood Maker'.Tim and him were a very atypical couple on every level but that only made them happier with and better for eachother and Tim entered his villain era as 'Dove' over what happened because he believed Kahali was his soulmate and saviour and even had plans to marry him despite not asking him out yet and ironically enough they reunited on the battlefield without recognizing eachother at first until Tim did first and unmasked himself in shock just like Jason and Summer.Time stood still until they rushed up to kiss in relief and disbelief in Tim's case and they started a secret long distance relathionship after that
Artemis joined for reasons that are a bit complicated to match her origin story but the jist of it is she was living in the normal world and deemed them worthy of her companionhood despite how annoying she found them(especially Jason)and they helped her out with her emotions and better translating her mannerisms and technically turned into a goddess permanently(and willingly)and Kyle had a lot of crazy ass Lanterns shit happen that had him be forced by his mentors to take a breather and he choose a crosscountry roadtrip and he met his teammates by almost running Eddie over because he was trying to eat freshly made ramen and it got in his eyes.He a bit of morals trip with his new friends and old ex boygirlfriend he's still mutually flirty with sometimes to say the least(and ends the run a White Lantern).There's heavy featuring of his parents and past in this because hooooooo boy,he is a character of all time!!
Duke is the 5th Robin because of Summer's involvement and he got a year in pretty good but then him and Bruce nearly broke apart over a fight and he got so scared of being fired as Robin because of being only a 12 year old technical orphan(jokerized parents)he followed Summer's footsteps by ditching Gotham and that was how he meet Jason,who introduced himself as his true identity to him because of Summer's positive talk of him and accepted Duke's ask for shelter and so Duke was now an Outlaw.He wasn't forced to kill but he did become pretty harsh in fights and this caused him angst only for a bit as he was reassured by the older members.Duke says to Jason in issue 110 '.....I was never a real Robin.I've been with you guys way longer than i ever was with Bruce-' and Jason cuts him off with 'Yeah,no shit you were never Batman's Robin.You're The Outlaws' Robin-You're my Robin and you always have been and you always will be' and Duke breaks down so Jason comforts him and that's when Summer walks in with their Dairy Super and Batburger double flight orders and asks what happened but helps before either even get to explain with Duke thanking him for being the reason he got to take the first step to heroism to which he gets platonically bubbly and flattered and tells him he's the perfect Robin and Duke does a toothy happy grin that takes up most of the last panel in that issue
Duke is also a reality warper because of Gnomon so he stopped the N52 from existing in his Robin run🙏🏼Duke is our god,please praise him
Imani gets hired because of her reputation as a leathily effecient spy and she fits right in,crying herself to sleep a few times after they'd been together long enough to call eachother family.She's a gremlin from the start and influences Mathew to be the same and she's close to everybody but Summer and her are interdimensional sisters soulmates a la Percy Jackson and Hazel Levesque and he was the first one to break down her walls and they go out of their way to defend the other nonstop and this helps Summer's eldest daughter syndrome trauma.Catblooded/Vimani starts in a remastered Gotham War which is about them and The Watchers and lest to say they're perfect together and Jason,Kyle,Mathew,Lilith and Jennifer NEVER let them live it down.Lilith's intro is a parody of Batman 357-Instead of stealing his tires,she hacked Jason's computer to leak his old Undertale chats and he begged her to join in humiliating ways only for it to be revealed she only did it for fun and came to join because Summer and him were close friends in their teen years but got seperated due to Hell bussiness.She made sure to take pictures 'to send to Summie of his cringelord ass hubbie'.None of these words are denied by anyone at all
At the same time this was happening,Artemis,Azriel,Thad,Pepper and Duke were on a mission and Artemis was almost fatally wounded but Daisy came in as her angel with healing oitments made with her chlorokinesis and Artemis saw her with a glowing pink halo around her head,too enchanted by her to care about almost dying.Daisy was a duo with Lilith and had the same reasoning as her for being there but they got seperated thanks to a villain attack and they're the team hacker and team medic.They picked Venus up at a party she was DJ'ing and she started as only an ally but joined them officially in a parallel to Teen Titans 2003!Tara Markov after an angst arc and it actually took her and Kyle a hot sec to get officially together due thinking their attraction was purely physical and her and Pepper did a toon girlypop squee sequence after she got the official Outlaw title as Star Sapphire solidarity.Mathew kept getting told by Gotham City-The sentient city itself-he needed to leave for now since Jennifer was missing so he gave in and he was welcomed with open arms,platonic kisses,food and appropriate training
But in a mini arc called 'Batboy's Breakout' the adult Outlaws go on mission without him despite him being the eldest and it makes him feel not good enough after the buildup of not being able to protect the other kids a few times before so when he hears of a breakout at Blackgate at bedtime,he sneaks out,stops it and kills Penguin(his birth parents' murderer)and stops an Arkham breakout too and then goes solo after leaving a note at the Fortress.They're super upset but almost all of them trust him to take care of himself with Summer as the exception thanks to how maternal he is and how he was the only one other than Kahali who was really close to him pre-Rhato.Mathew is a solo hero for roughly half a year and defeats Slade during his run before he comes back to The Outlaws and tackled in the world's biggest group hug and showered in words of love and reminisced sadness and he's misty eyed touched because he missed them too after the resentment wore off.His new hero name is 'Bladebat' for his magic sword he crafted himself while on the run
Jennifer was missing because she'd been given Lian's teleported across time and space multiple times storyline due to an accident that happened while on a quest for Solana Banks to restore her lost home dimension Helioas because she thought she'd found an articifact that would but misenterpreted it's powers.Lucky for her,her journey only lasted 1 year instead of multiple and she found her way back to Mathew's spot-Her safe spot.She wasn't ready to live normally again just yet so she stayed in the Fortress and became an official member as a result under 'Batika'.And to complete our family,Azriel had the easiest and most simplistic one-Lilith asked Jason to let her join them because of how strong she is and not having many friends so he accepted and she's actually the goriest of the Outlaws beating even Thee Red Hood in it and this is part of her demonic nature and carries no secret undertones to it.Like Flowergrace,Thadzriel was love at first newbie sight and they have such a sweet middle school dating dynamic
Luna appears in a significant amount of issues but since she's Aquafam she sticks to her own territory most of the time and her and Duke are purely platonic with love not blooming until Duke becomes The Signal and leads a new team he made called The Lights with Luna joining as 'Moonguide' and they have a slowburn that spans until their adults years as Eris(Duke)and Selene(Luna)
Jaysumm's dynamic is childhood best friends and sidekick partners > Enemies only in the technical sense > Best friends again but Jason flirting with Summer constantly and Summer not buying Jason isn't joking because of their history together > Being insuferably obviously in love and Summer's literally the ONLY one who dosen't know > Fwb who act like a couple already with Jason still only knowing it on his side and angst for him as a result > Sneaking off to take Jon off trick or treating in opposite costumes(fairy and werewolf)and Summer's epiphany finally happens so he confesses when they make it home and Jason confesses back so they make out > Official couple when exactly 11 issues remaining in a 120 part series LMFAO
🎶They don't give a damn about their reputation🎶 < Had to make that joke,mb kings.But yeah they generally don't care about perception from normies and ARE here to unteach propaganda as they fuck around and make people find out the systems are fucked.It's very embarrasing for certain superheroes that the eco-terrorists without the no kill code are better parents to their kids than they are to theirs and their legacy stays even post quasi-disbanment(They keep in contact forever ofc,it's just the plot needed them elsewheres and there's common reunions and video calls)
Culturally fused team,both race and species.Afrolatino and brown latino,kryptonian and amazonian,speedster abonimation and macabita demon,human and meta and so forth.Subculture fused too as they frequently participate in eachother's aesthetics and interests and they're all multilingual.Clashes between them occasionally but never too bad
The genre is like.Superhero comedy but also horror but also fantasy but also sci-fi but also urban fantasy but also surrealism but also romance drama but also psychological thriller????????It's the Homestuck of DC,everything ever happens in Red Hood and The Outlaws 2010-2020.This includes the catgirls and the hyperspecific lore and the weird ass art that's somehow good and the-
The covers always fuck NO exceptions,Summer does meta commentary telling fans to not buy their merch officially and to instead get it secondhand or they'll be dissapointing him but Pepper full on breaks the fourth wall,it has it's own official opening on the official DCAU channel and a few shorts and this includes a pride video like the Bubbline one by Cartoon Network and it stars Jaysumm,Pepper is the most well-known and beloved trans DC character,they're SUPER popular in in Latin America and with latino-americans,it has multiple lego sets and The Outlaws Girls even got their own doll line and they have crossover mini series with Young Justice that's 24 issues and called 'Just Us,No Laws'
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