#Rumbelle Art
eternalfurtive · 7 months
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early morning cuddles🥰
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deliriumsdelight7 · 2 months
Art finished! Idk how to title art so we’re going to go with the ever-so-creative “Belle and Rumpelstiltskin Dancing.”
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cartoonjessie · 9 months
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Make Me Feel Alive Again - a Rumbelle Secret Santa 2023 gift for the delightful and talented @kelyon || Rumbelle AU where Rumplestiltskin never let Belle go, and thus canon runs a little... differently... || When Regina meets Belle in the Dark Castle, she harms Belle in a way only Rumplestiltskin can save her... || 14567 words || COMPLETE || Read the story here || Listen to the fanmix here
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chippedcupwrites · 9 months
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It's CCA time!! A time of year that I'm always excited for, because it comes with the excuse of reading and re-reading copious amounts of fanfic in the name of nomination research.
Here's a neat little masterlist of my fics and my videos, if you are in need of a thing or two to pad out your nomination form. 💙💜💙
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"The Finfolk's Bride" a series (currently) consisting of two fics; "Tomorrow" & "Ad Astra". In which Rumplestiltskin is a mischievous Fin and Belle is his ever-adoring human companion. (2/?) ∣ (3.4k) [possible noms]: Best Creature, Best Date, Best AU (Original)
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"Portrait of the Heart" a 'Skin Deep' prologue Rumplestiltskin's heart beats with a singular purpose – to reunite with his lost son. But his heart only has so many beats left before it fully gives into the Darkness. An enchanted locket known as The Heart's Caretaker may be his only chance to save what little light still burns within him. He just needs it to reveal to him the one person in the realm destined to banish his shadows and bring love back into his world. (5/5) ∣ (12.7k) [possible noms]: Best First Meeting, Best Rumbelle Secret Santa, Best Belle, Best Dark One Rumple
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"Lacey and the Tramp" a golden lace one-shot Gold and Lacey acquire a new furry companion...much to Gold's chagrin. Ft. Gold's mental agony of being haunted by Belle every time he looks at Lacey. (1/1) ∣ (1.5k) [possible noms]: Best Golden Lace, Best Comedy, Best Lacey
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"Pages of Reverie" a dark castle one-shot From a tome within the dark castle library, Belle unleashes a strange sleeping curse that forces her to confront her heart's deepest desire. Ft. Belle having a make out session with a dozen different fairy tale versions of Rumplestiltskin. (1/1) ∣ (2k) [possible noms]: Best One-Shot, Best Dark Castle
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"Belle French & The Dork One" - Rumple & Belle Three minutes of pure Rumbelle goofiness (with corresponding goofy editing). (2:55) [possible noms]: Best Video, Best Fluff Art
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"Mary on a Cross" - Gold & Lacey “Your beauty never ever scared me” (1:18) [possible noms]: Best Video
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"Autumn" - Rumple & Belle “You’re the sweetness in a warm cup of tea. When the world around us quiets, and it’s just you and me.” (2:46) [possible noms]: Best Video, Best Fluff Art
(+ here are links to my scant few gif sets and image edits)
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fluffapalooza · 2 years
Well, it's that time of year again. What time of year, you say? Oh, hello there, Rumbelle newbies, I see you there, busily working away on filling out the ballot for the Chipped Cup Awards and flailing happily if some of your fics were nominated. Congratulations, and good, you should be in the right mood.
This is a fairy tale fandom, so let me tell you a story. Once upon a time, in the early times of the fandom, some of the Rumbelle writers looked at each other and said "Let's make all the Rumbellers cry". This challenge was taken up, and the Rumbelle War commenced, in which works of great angst and darkness were written. Readers cried and cursed the writers, who cackled evilly as they collected the broken hearts which were flung at their feet, and tucked them away in boxes and bags and old wooden card catalog drawers (because Rumbellers are big on libraries).
But because there must be light to balance the darkness, a new event was created -- FLUFFAPALOOZA.
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Fluffapalooza is when you write and draw and gif the fluffiest fics/art/scenes you can think of. Haven't got the time or spoons to do any of that but you've got ideas? Post them as prompts, or headcanons! Or if you want a challenge, make a post announcing that you want to play "Fluffify this!" and invite people to send you angsty-sounding prompts in the form of sentence starters, which you will then sneer at and say "Not today! Today is for fluff!" and write a little prompt fill in which you turn that prompt into something fluffy. (See an example here.) Or maybe you just want to rhapsodise about Rumbelle and talk about their chemistry, or what the ship means to you and how it affected your life. Maybe you want to reminisce about how we started adding silly Rumbelle captions to every picture of a croc or gator or lizard that crossed our dashes. Anything goes! Tag everything with #fluffapalooza if you want it reblogged here!
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(Oh yeah, and I believe it was in that contract you had to sign when you entered the fandom (you DID sign that scroll of parchment you were sent, yes?) that you have to reblog Love Is Purple and Love Is Still Purple at least once a year as part of the Anniversary Rites.)
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Chipped Cup Awards - Voting is LIVE!
Before we get started, we would like to thank every member of this fandom.  Whether you create, enjoy, reblog, comment, or vote, you are the driving force behind this fandom.  Without each and every one of you, this event wouldn’t be possible.  
We had a great turnout this year, and we really hope that you enjoy the wonderful works of fic and art on the ballot this year.  As a reminder, you may only submit this ballot one time, so make sure to make it count!  In order to allow you to peruse this year’s offerings, a complete list of all nominated works is under the Read More cut.
Voting goes on from now until February 8th, so make sure to get your votes in.  Without further ado, here is the ballot form!
Chipped Cup Awards Voting Ballot
“To Drive The Dark Away” by @bibliosauruswrecks
“An Unconventional Gift“ by @shadowedoracle
“The Dark One Doesn't Get Sick” by @shadowedoracle
“In Sickness and in Health“ by @jackabelle73
“A Present of Love“ by @reolf
“The Bedroom Chronicles” by @serenalyon
“Illness” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Other Fork In The Path“ by @jackabelle73
“Finding You” by @silwenworld
“Like An Open Book” by @serenalyon
“So You Want To Build A Sex Room” by @peacehopeandrats
“Memory” by @peacehopeandrats
“Come Together” by @abovethemists
Best First Time
“Red Lights” by @rufeepeach
“Curfew” by @emospritelet
“Sunshine” by @peacehopeandrats
“Rack 'Em Up“ by @eirian-houpe
“All the Poisonous Thoughts“ by @serenalyon
“One Word, Many Meanings” by @peacehopeandrats
“In the Shadows of Others” by @peacehopeandrats
“Things Unknown” by bellegold
“Strong For Belle” by @desperatemurph
Hurts So Good
“Beyond the Door“ by @jackabelle73
“Field” by @peacehopeandrats
“Received” by @peacehopeandrats
“Ritual” by @peacehopeandrats
“Unexpected But Not Unwelcome” by @tickletorso
“On Our Way to Fall” by @nerdrumple
Best Date (Overall)
“How to Date a Librarian” by @peacehopeandrats
“Lost and Found” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Worst Date” by @jackabelle73
Best Courtship
“One Thing Forever True“ by @deliriumsdelight7
“Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere” by @chick-with-wifi
Best First Meeting
“Click” by @jackabelle73
“Midnight Flowers” by @serenalyon
Best One-Shot
“Amends” by @shadowedoracle
“And Then, One Thursday Night” by @jackabelle73
“Awakening” by @eirian-houpe
“The Angel and the Devil” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Golden Fleece” by @eirian-houpe
“The Weakness Inside Him” by @tickletorso
“Warming the Chill” by @peacehopeandrats
“Gilded” by @eirian-houpe
Best Series
“Beauty...” by @eirian-houpe
“Golden Dreams” by @peacehopeandrats
“Growing Up” by @peacehopeandrats
“Lover’s Leap” by @eirian-houpe
“Precious Moments” by @jackabelle73
“The Language of Flowers” by @eirian-houpe
Best Novel Length
“Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Witness Protection” by @eirian-houpe
Best Short Fic
“Warming The Chill” by @peacehopeandrats
“Babysitting” by @timelordthirteen
“Distractions” by @shadowedoracle
“Family Photos” by @shadowedoracle
“Rain, Ruin, Roses” by @kelyon
Best Holiday-Centric
“Snow Bunnies” by @peacehopeandrats
“Comfort and Joy” by @emospritelet
“To Drive the Dark Away” by @bibliosauruswrecks
Best Remix
“Those We Left Behind” by @peacehopeandrats
“Our Masks” by @lotus0kid
Best Crossover
“A Blade for Belfrey” by @eirian-houpe
“The City That Never Sleeps“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Dark Castle
“Amends” by @shadowedoracle
“An Unconventional Gift“ by @shadowedoracle
“Distractions” by @shadowedoracle
“Marble” by @peacehopeandrats
“Snow Bunnies” by @peacehopeandrats
“Storm” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Dark One Doesn’t Get Sick” by @shadowedoracle
“The Weakness Inside Him “ by @tickletorso
Best Storybrooke
“Adventure in the Great Wide Somewhere” by @chick-with-wifi
“Golden Thread” by @chick-with-wifi
“Mountains, Streams, and Magical Things“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Beauty And The Beast“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best “Missing Years”
“An Unexplored Realm“ by @jackabelle73
“Unconventional” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Tent of Infinite Adventure“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Pop Ins” by @peacehopeandrats
“The City That Never Sleeps” by @peacehopeandrats
“Leaving Storybrooke“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Golden Lace
“Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses“ by @kelyon
“The Angel and the Devil“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Rack ‘Em Up” by @eirian-houpe
Best Woven Lace
“One Word, Many Meanings” by @peacehopeandrats
“Morning” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Woven Beauty
“Prima” by @eirian-houpe
“Gift” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Afterlife Fic
“Morning” by @peacehopeandrats
“Awakening” by @eirian-houpe
Best Drama
“The Monster in the Storm” by @peacehopeandrats
“The Spirit of the Trees” by @woodelf68
“Ad Lucem” BY @reolf
Best Supernatural/Sci-Fi/Horror
“Live Wire” by @kelyon
“Mortuus Loqueris Ad“ by @jackabelle73
Best Comedy
“The Rare Books Crises“ by @tickletorso
“The Third Wheel“ by @tickletorso
Best AU - Original
“Two Could” by @eirian-houpe
“Rain, Ruin, Roses“ by @kelyon
“Wild” by @peacehopeandrats
Best AU Based On Other Media
“A Full Imagination“ by @peacehopeandrats
“Hatter” by @eirian-houpe
“In The Shadows Of Others“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Creature
“Fallen” by @eirian-houpe
“In The Moonlight Deep” by @jackabelle73
Best Unexpected Twist
“The Rare Books Crises“ by @tickletorso
“Inheritance” by @eirian-houpe
Best Trope
“Love and Happiness” by @jackabelle73
“Beauty Compelled” by @eirian-houpe
“Wounds and Scars” by @peacehopeandrats
Rumbelle Secret Santa
“Come Talk To Me” by @serenalyon
“Deck the Halls” by @eirian-houpe
“The Best of the Season” by @lotus0kid
Best Belle
“Beauty Enlightened” by @eirian-houpe
“Compromises” by @tickletorso
“Love and Happiness” by @jackabelle73
“Unexpected But Not Unwelcome“ by @tickletorso
Best Dark One!Belle
“Dark Mistress” by @kelyon
Best Lacey
“Hot Cocoa and Stolen Kisses“ by @kelyon
“Stroll” by @peacehopeandrats
“Wax” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Spinner!Rumple
“Dark Mistress” by @kelyon
“Outside In” by @lotus0kid
Best Dark One Rumple
“Compromises” by @tickletorso
“Inheritance” by @eirian-houpe
“Gilded” by @eirian-houpe
Best Mr. Gold
“The Third Wheel” by @tickletorso
“Missing Person” by @eirian-houpe
“Received” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Detective Weaver
“Forgery” by @peacehopeandrats
“Doppelgänger“ by @celticheartedfangirl
Best Baelfire/Neal
“Dark Mistress” by @kelyon
“Welcome to Storybrooke“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best Gideon
“The Visitor” by @jackabelle73
“Looking In From the Almost Outside“ by @eirian-houpe
“A Christmas Present For Mama“ by @shadowedoracle
“Monster In The Storm“ by @peacehopeandrats
Best (Worst) Villain
“The Dance of Love” by @mellkat1986
“Requited Love” by @mellkat1986
“One Thing Forever True” by @deliriumsdelight7
Best BFF/Wingman
“Wounds And Scars“ by @peacehopeandrats
“How To Date a Librarian” by @peacehopeandrats
Best Graphic Art
“If Alternate Universes Exist“ by @jackabelle73
“Rumbelle Mr. Nobody AU“ by @serenalyon
Best AU in Art
“Ally Craig and Nicholas Rush AU“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle Mr.Nobody AU“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle EF AU“ by @serenalyon
“PrisonerBelle!AU“ by @serenalyon
Best Fluff Art
“Girl, Tell Me All of Your Secrets“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle x Cockblock Brigade“ by @serenalyon
Best Angsty Art
“I Kissed Someone It Wasn't You“ by @serenalyon
“You Can Hate Me If That Helps“ by @serenalyon
Best Video
“Dance Me To The End Of Love“ by @jackabelle73
“Rumbelle x AO3 Tags“ by @serenalyon
“Lachacey“ by @serenalyon
“Rumbelle Wedding“ by @personinthepalace
“Rumbelle and Whofaldi Parallells“ by @personinthepalace
Best New Artist
Best Author
Best New Author
Best Rumbelle Fic
“Beauty and the Beast” by @peacehopeandrats
“Skin Deep” by @bookwormchocaholic
“In All Things” by @timelordthirteen
“Love and Happiness” by @jackabelle73
Best Anyelle Fic
“(In)discreet Math” by @eirian-houpe
“Manifesto” by @emospritelet
“Passions Made Of Nothing” by @killingkueen
Rumbelle Lifetime Achievement Award
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once-upon-a-rewrite · 8 months
My rewrite is actually so precious to me and it's been a huge impact on my writing and creativity. I just love it and the characters I started it for in the first place. My beloveds!!
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rumbellesecretsanta · 2 years
RSS 2022 Schedule
Seasons greetings to all you lovely, amazing Rumbellers! It’s the end of October, and you know what that means: it’s time to start thinking up prompt ideas for the Rumbelle Secret Santa!
Here’s this year’s schedule, which I’ll update on the RSS page when I have an opportunity to log into my fun laptop and mess around with the page:
Sign-Up Period: Saturday, November 12th - Thursday, November 24th.
Assignments Sent Out: Friday, November 25th.
Gifts Due By: Monday, December 26th.
Last year, some people asked if we could do a staggered release schedule, like was done in previous years, so we’ll go back to that practice. Gifts can be posted from Friday, December 23rd to Monday, December 26th. Once we get closer to the due date, I’ll contact all participants to ask what day they’d like to post on.
I’ll post a reminder on sign-up instructions as we get closer to the sign-up date. Here’s to another great RSS event!
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heartoftheship · 10 months
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Belle helps prepare Jasmine for her wedding - in the meanwhile, Rumplestiltskin prepares his own surprise for Belle.
Start reading this fanfic from the start Take me to Chapter 48
Chapter 48: The Wedding
That morning, Rumplestiltskin dropped Belle off in front of the door to Jasmine’s chambers, dressed in an outfit that was very similar to Jasmine’s usual one: blue loose pants and a matching top without sleeves. Rumplestiltskin had already voiced his approval of the outfit, and had hardly been able to keep his hands off Belle, but he knew how important today was for her and did not try to distract her too much from what she had come to do.
“Now, when you are dismissed, just say my name three times,” Rumplestiltskin said softly, curling a lock of Belle’s hair between his fingers while he looked at her with a smile. “I will whisk you to the ship then, and I intend to spoil you all evening long.”
Belle felt nothing but excitement at the prospect, her stomach jumping at the idea of spending the evening with her love. They shared a sweet kiss in the corridor before Rumplestiltskin squeezed her hands and whisked away again, leaving Belle alone in the royal palace.
[Read more]
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miramelindamusings · 9 months
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The last few months of 2023 were tough but 2024 is here and I'm determined to start drawing again. My first drawing of the new year -- a sketchy rumbelle :)
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eternalfurtive · 7 months
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first post on ouat tumblr because i can’t get enough of these two and have to brand out.
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deliriumsdelight7 · 3 months
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Lineart done! Now to color the damn thing.
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milaeryn · 2 years
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OUAT Season 1 aired 11 years ago today and I really miss them...
Happy Anniversary!
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fluffapalooza · 8 months
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Chipped Cup Awards Schedule
Hi everyone! It might be a bit last-minute, but here’s our schedule for the event:
January 2nd - January 23rd - Nomination period. A Google form will be posted to this blog where you can submit your nominations. As always, you can nominate as many or as few works as you want for each category. Each work must get at least three nominations from different users in order to qualify for voting.
January 27th - February 8th - Voting time! All qualifying works will be compiled into a simple multiple-choice form. Only one form per Tumblr user may be submitted.
February 12th - Chipped Cup Awards Ceremony!
We hope you’ll join us for this continuation of a beloved fandom event. Writers, artists, and other Rumbelle creators, get your FYC posts ready!
Much love,
Chipped Cup Awards Mod Team
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severus-snaps · 27 days
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"Why won't you believe me?" "Because no one - no one - could ever, ever love me!"
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