#Russia attack on Poland
rightnewshindi · 7 months
रूस की पोलैंड पर हमले की आशंका के बीच जो बाइडेन से मिले राष्ट्रपति डूडा, जानें अमेरिका ने क्या कहा
रूस की पोलैंड पर हमले की आशंका के बीच जो बाइडेन से मिले राष्ट्रपति डूडा, जानें अमेरिका ने क्या कहा
Washington News: रुस-यूक्रेन युद्ध के बीच पोलैंड के राष्ट्रपति और प्रधानमंत्री के संयुक्त अमेरिका दौरे ने दुनिया का ध्यान आकर्षित किया है. पॉलिश राष्ट्रपति ने यहां यूरोप के भविष्य पर बड़ी चिंता जताई. उन्होंने कहा कि अगर पुतिन यूक्रेन जीत गए तो वो अपने युद्ध का दायरा बढ़ा सकते हैं. राष्ट्रपति आंद्रेज डूडा ने पोलैंड और अन्य देशों पर संभावित रुसी अक्रमण को लेकर चिंता जताई, जिस पर हिटलर के हमले ने…
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nasermater · 2 years
i just love americans your lives are so fucking flavourless you cling onto anything to make it about you, even a fucking war
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So, we have some new (still not confirmed) info about yesterday events in Poland.
USA says that it's unlikely that missile was shot from Russian territory. NATO military aircraft tracked missile's air trajectory. It's confidential and public won't be informed yet.
Anonymous officials from USA said that it may be Ukrainian air defense missile. As we know, yesterday Russia shelled Ukrainian cities - another terror bombing on civilians and critical infrastructure.
One Polish military also said about Ukrainian air defense missile - it supposed be shot in defense during Russian terror bombing on Ukrainian cities. Lviv is located really close to Polish border, and this city also was a target of Russian bombing.
Okay, in the end it doesn't matter if it was fired by hostile county or by ally country, because NATO still must react!
We must reminding them about Article 5.
And no, it's not call to arms, it's not wish to escalate the war.
It's reminding about alliance.
It's about showing the hostile countries that NATO is united and ready to protect its members.
It's because Poland remembers what happened in 1939, and how we were treated by so called allied countries, by Western Europe.
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silverfox66 · 1 year
What in the world is Belarus trying to do? First with the threats that Wagner might go and enter into Poland via Belarhs. And now two Belarusian helicopters in Polish airspace. Is Belarus suicidal?
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unhonestlymirror · 11 months
"The main question I have is why neighbouring countries don't want to help Palestine and accept their refugees. Why is it always Europe who has to do that, yet being constantly accused of Islamophobia? Saudi Arabia, e.g., is"...
...this is linked to russia and their alliances to various countries, too, probably.
Most likely. I just don't really get how can Palestines, living safely for a while close to their land (because it sucks living far from your land), be disadvantageous for russia?.. AH. OH. HOLD ON. Remember the illegal immigrants on the Belarus-Poland border problem? Latvia and Lithuania actually suffer from it, too. And it's being highly encouraged and financed by russia. Although, EVERYONE must have known for today that Poland is very strict in these terms (I'm not judging them). I didn't expect anything else from a country where almost every city has a Holocaust museum.
Unfortunately, Palestines are hostages of the situation even more than Belarus because Belarus at least has neighbours, which support her. They are hostages because they can't even raise their flag without being perceived as terrorism supporters... thanks to hamas and russia, which finances it (together with China and Iran)! The next problem is they don't have a flag which is not associated with hamas: which of course makes people hate them. Belarus doesn't really have this problem because its official flag is ⚪️🔴⚪️, which was replaced by dictator Lukashenko. russian opposition tried to solve it by ⚪️🔵⚪️, I can't call it a success because stealing the flag of Yotvingians is kinda questionable (lol), nevertheless, some russians fight for Ukraine and kill occupiers under this flag. I can not truly disrespect those who kill russian occupiers of my land.
It's important to notice that telling Jews and Israel citizens that "they have no right to hate Palestinian flag" is the same as telling Ukrainians that we have no right to hate any russian flag or any Belaruthian flag. If a Ukrainian hates it, it means they have reasons, for example, their loved ones were killed and raped, so you better shut the fuck up.
The most important problem of Palestine: they don't have a clear action plan. The "I'm asking you a REASONABLE question" video proves it. Ukraine has a veeery clear action plan. Belarus... 50/50. And no clear plan will help russia, because there are no people left there who are not zombies. What's interesting: Palestines don't have a clear action plan, nevertheless, they have such big rallies all over the world... Not even Ukraine had so much, therefore, someone is investing a lot of money in this. And it's not poor Palestine.
Unfortunately, the immigrants also play a huge role. You see, Muslims are very famous in Europe for thinking that everyone owes them, famous for not working and adding a balast on the economy. Thankfully, not everyone are like this, but unfortunately, A LOT of Muslim people behave completely disrespectful to countries that give them the roof over the head and the money. They also often demand that the government build mosques, which make people develop prejudice against Muslims, including Palestine. It is absolutely possible that this is, to some extent, exaggerated and financed by russia, but! It's also reality. I had an opportunity to travel by French, English and Spanish public transport (French is more polite, btw). You can scold Poland as much as you like for the "cruelty towards immigrants", but nevertheless, it has all the grounds for such behaviour, and unfortunately, it influences the Polish perception of other refugees like Ukrainians and Belaruthians too. To Ukrainians, and ESPECIALLY to Belaruthians, it's very important to not be perceived like that. (Sadly, not all of us care, as well.)
The saddest thing is that russia steals the grain from occupied Ukrainian lands -> russia sells it to countries like Egypt and Saudi Arabia and receives money, and asks them in return for some "small services" like the Palestinian ban from the neighbouring countries -> for those money, russia finances terroristic organisations including hamas (which is imo not even Muslim organisation, they kill CATS, the sacred Muslim animal, they kill potential food like cows, they don't give a single fuck about Palestine) -> hamas attacks Israel under Palestinian flag and kills a lot of people -> Jewish people start hating Palestine -> with the same money, russia spreads ideas like "Palestine needs to get rid of Israel because you see, Israel now wants to see you dead😱" and finances rallies, finances murders of French teachers "for Palestine" -> people start hating Muslims even more. I believe that's how it goes since 1987. We could have stopped it earlier if we had stopped the russian invasion of Ukraine earlier. But we have what we have. We must put more sanctions on russia.
Since Palestine doesn't even have a clear plan, I don't want to say "I stand with Palestine" because I don't understand what it means except "I want Israel and Jews to stop existing." I don't want Israel and Jews to stop existing, I don't want them to be tortured and raped for anyone. I also have friends who lost someone because of hamas. I don't see here any solution unless russia is gone.
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greenpitbullzombie · 2 years
NATO and Article 5 were established in 1949.
Article 5 has only been invoked once and it was for the September 11th 2001 attacks.
Nothing has been confirmed on origin of the missile (😬) That's what the meetings on Wednesday are for.
Idk where I was going with this, but yeah.
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hummussexual · 2 years
They're going to kill us off. These stupid European and European-based men in power are going to kill us all!
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pointlesshroom · 2 years
it sure is A Time to be a polish receptionist hosting a group of international students frantically calling their parents schools and embassies
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for my fellow Ukrainians right now 😭
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eastorhild · 1 year
”Suomi ja Puola saivat erityisoikeuksia Venäjän imperiumin osina. Ne saivat enemmän vapauksia kuin Baltian maat, jotka jäivät Neuvostoliittoon.”
Näin kertoo luennoitsija Venäjän yliopistojen uudella ”Venäjän valtion perusteet” -kurssivideolla. Videon osuus kuvailee Venäjän liittovaltion yhtenäisyyteen pyrkivää politiikkaa. Luennoitsija ei mainitse tämän jälkeen sanallakaan Suomen tai Puolan itsenäisyyttä.
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niveditaabaidya · 1 year
Russia Fended Off Ukrainian Drone Attack On Crimea. #crimea #ukraine #be...
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bookshelfdreams · 7 months
not a fucking day goes by without an american on this hellsite pondering whether they can justify voting for Biden, despite omg! he's supporting Israel!!!!11!
as if Trump didn't literally say just last week that he would not defend America's Nato partners and would in fact encourage Putin/Russia to "do whatever the hell they wanna do"
as if he hadn't been open about his disdain for Nato and his unwillingness to actually adhere to the treaty in case of aggression
as if Russia weren't currently waging a war of territorial expansion fueled by imperialistic delusions of grandeur the likes of which haven't been seen since fucking WWII
Putin has put out an arrest warrant against the Estonian head of state, as if she were a russian citizen. He recently said of course he wouldn't attack Poland unless they attack Russia first - hmm, I wonder if that could be an allusion to a historic precedent? Has anyone ever faked a polish attack on their territory to kick off a massive war???
Putin has all but explicitly stated that he does not want to stop after Ukraine. Now add to this a US president who would encourage - not just stand by, actively encourage - further russian aggression. The campaign for presidential election hasn't even fully kicked off yet, I shudder to imagine what Trump would do or say if he actually held office again.
Of course the situation in Gaza is horrible. Of course we need deescalation (and hey, if you weren't getting your news exclusively from ragebait you'd know that even its closest allies are criticizing Israel, that they will become isolated if they continue on like this. Support for Israel isn't nearly as unwavering and unanimous as you may think).
Please. I'm begging you. Another Trump term could be catastrophic in ways that can't be fully anticipated. Already his party has backed him on (or tried to downplay) his latest attempt to undermine Nato.
We are dealing with an very delicate and dangerous geopolitical situation right now. China observes Russia very carefully with one eye, and looks at Taiwan with the other. And they're far from the only global player with imperialist ambitions.
The US government unfortunately has a huge effect on the whole world, and making your vote hinge on a single issue (when that issue won't even be solved in a way you'd like by literally any imaginable US government! No US president will completely cease supporting Israel, like come on)
making your vote hinge on a single issue like that is incredibly irresponsible
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drthrvn · 2 years
here's my take as a Pole and as an international relations graduate: nothing huge is going to happen so hold your horses and stop panicking. as tragic as these two deaths are, no one's gonna use them as a reason to implement article 5 and i doubt russia is preparing some kind of major attack on Poland. what i think is going to happen is Poland will push for a) more sanctions, b) more NATO forces on the eastern flank, c) (maybe) some diplomatic consequences but nothing major. and no, Polish army is not preparing to march to russia or whatever, please take anything you read online with a grain of salt and check your sources.
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alwida10 · 4 months
Ugh. I hate getting political, so have some bullet points.
- Putin laments the fact that the Soviet Union has vanished. One of his major goals is to re-establish it. This has been said openly.
- the Soviet Union included regions young people from today know only as autonomous countries, including Armenia, Aserbaidschan, Estland, Georgia, Kasachstan, Kirgisien, Lettland, Litauen, Moldawien, Tadschikistan, Turkmenien/Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Usbekistan, Belarus. (Countries in bold are the countries I remember evidence of Russia has tampered with. Might be more, since my memory sucks.)
- to ensure the comeback of the Soviet Union, Putin (Russia) uses war tactics to destabilize, control and manipulate the countries to make it more likely to re-unite with Russia. Remember how Belarus’s elections have been tampered with and the bloody crushing of the protests? Moldavia has been calling for help regarding the Russian troops in their country. If you haven’t heard about Ukraine, this post isn’t for you.
- if you are able to read Russian, it’s easy to find the war plan Russia has developed to ensure this goal, including the annexation of Ukraine, Moldavia up to attacks on Poland and east-Germany.
- the biggest problem for Russia to reach this goal is the NATO, and that mostly because the USA had the NATO’s back.
- as long as the nato stands together it’s almost impossible for Putin to reach his goal.
- “devide and conquer”
-by now it’s well documented that Russian involvement led to Trump’s victory.
- the same people, who organized Trump’s campaign, later campaigned for the pro-Brexit side.
- Trump (being right wing) wanted the US to leave the NATO. Brexit has weakened the cohesion in the EU.
- the right wing parties have been growing in Europe. Italy and Netherland have already elected right wing parties as their leadership. The right wing party in Germany is most likely the second strongest party in the eu elections right now. (Yes, the modern day Nazis. Yes, Nazis.)
- right wing parties are more likely to say “what do I care about my neighbors getting bombed? I’m caring about MY people.” They support getting big (hence powerful) positions such as the NATO getting divided into smaller, easier to beat fractions. Poland does not stand a chance against Russia on its own. The NATO does.
- both Iran (because of the conflict in the Middle East) and China (because of their intend to annex Taiwan) love and support Putin’s tactic to divide and weaken the NATO. The USA are madly powerful, but not even they are able to take on three nuclear powers at the same time.
k, why am I talking about this?
-> if you come across anti-Biden, anti-EU, anti-democrat, pro-segregation posts or opinions you NEED to ask yourself if this might be political manipulation to weaken your country. It had been the young voters who put Trump out of office. It’s the young voters Russia and other manipulative powers have on their radar now. YOU are the target to reach their goals.
-> yes, this includes pro-Palestine messaging if it leads into a “don’t vote for Biden” narrative.
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In a poetry club I attend a friend of mine wrote this poem in light of the current situation, and I wanted to share it on her behalf (translated to english with the original hebrew).
A POEM IN HEBREW / Efrat M. And the Lord shall scatter you among the nations He who shut the heavens that there be no rain And you were left forever dead and forever alone to eat by the sweat of your brow The fruit of knowledge has been bitten and you can never go back home My grandmother was born in Iraq. My family was expelled from Iran. My mother was nine months old when they fled Baghdad. My father is from Libya, his uncle was murdered in the streets. My grandfather had to leave everything he knew behind. My grandfather is from Morocco. My grandfather is from Italy. My grandfather is from Romania. My father is from France, his parents are from Morocco. Both my parents are from Syria. Both my parents are from Russia. My family is Moroccan. My family is from Egypt. My family had to live in a tent for two years. My grandmother is from Austria and Czechoslovakia. My grandparents are from Uruguay and Chile. My grandfather was born in Israel. My grandfather is from France. My great grandmother is from Poland. My great grandfather is from Yemen. My grandmother was born in Israel, but the family is originally from Libya. My grandfather is from Iraq, but the family is originally from Iran. Both my parents are Greek. Both my grandparents are Romanian. My grandfather was in a Libyan prison for five years after attempting to flee. My father is from Iraq, my mother is from Tunisia. My grandmother is from Tel Aviv, but before that from Galicia. My grandfather is from Poland. My grandmother is from Libya. My grandmother is from France. Grandfather from Tunisia. My grandfather is from Tel Aviv, but originally from Poland and Lithuania. My grandmother is from the United States, but before that from Hungary. My great grandfather is from Poland. My great grandmother is from Russia. My mother was born in Israel, her mother was born in Israel, and her parents are from Romania. My grandmother was born in Mexico, her father is from Lithuania, her mother is from Hungary. My father’s parents are from Poland. My mother's parents are from Germany and Ukraine. My mother's mother is from Hungary, my mother's father is from Romania. My father's parents are from Argentina. My great grandfather is from France, or maybe from Germany. My grandfather and his seven children fled Morocco. My father was attacked, and they decided they could not stay. My family was forced to start a life elsewhere. My grandmother fled Yemen. The date of her birth is lost to time. They arrived in Israel with nothing, everything was taken and looted and left behind. My mother tells me of Moldova When the youth movement was still called the Young Communist With her homeland spoken russian half understandable to my ears or With fluent hebrew marked by an indelible accent Even after all those years Her distasteful tone graying with age, she told me of a childhood grudge that no longer mattered No more than words, simple quiet violence Simply a teacher before a room of young students and my mother simply a child Return from whence you came Where Iscariot first betrayed with a yellow kiss To the Jewish country that was made so that We need not carry the burden of abominable life Our parents, brothers, and sisters were torn from us before our eyes Cast from yourself all delusion The rage you feel now will be with you for the rest of your life The sorrow you feel now will not fade once the rest of the world marches on This grief must be spoken We are no longer weak and defenseless And they told us go like lamb to slaughter And we didn't go Return from whence you came To your mansions in New York or New Jersey Where we can comfortably break your glass windows And spray marks of Cain onto your front doors My people Who came from nowhere and belong to no one
'שיר בעברית / אפרת מ והפיץ אלוהים אותך בעמים הוא אשר עצר את השמיים ואת המטר ונשארת לעולם מת ולעולם יחיד לאכול בזיעת אפך פרי הדעת ננגס ולעולם לא תוכל לשוב הביתה סבתי נולדה בעיראק. המשפחה שלי גורשה מאיראן. אימא שלי הייתה בת תשעה חודשים כאשר ברחו מבגדד. אבא שלי מלוב, דודו נרצח ברחובות העיר. סבי נאלץ לעזוב את כל שהוא מכיר. סבא שלי מרוקאי. סבא שלי מאיטליה. סבא שלי מרומניה. אבא שלי מצרפת, הוריו ממרוקו. שני הורי מסוריה. שני הורי מרוסיה. המשפחה שלי מרוקאית. המשפחה שלי ממצרים. המשפחה שלי חיה באוהל במשך שנתיים. סבתי מאוסטריה וצ'כיה. סבא וסבתא מאורוגוואי וצ'ילה. סבא נולד בארץ. סבא מצרפת. סבתא רבא מפולין. סבא רבא מתימן. סבתא נולדה בארץ, המשפחה במקור מלוב. סבא שלי מעיראק, המשפחה במקור מאיראן. שני הורי יוונים. סבא וסבתא רומנים. סבי היה בכלא לוב חמש שנים. אבי מעיראק, אמי מתוניסיה. סבתא מתל אביב, אך לפני זה מגליציה. סבא מפולין. סבתא מלוביה. סבתא מצרפת. סבא מתוניסיה. סבא מתל אביב, אך במקור פולין וליטא. סבתא מארצות הברית, אך לפני זה הונגריה. סבא רבא מפולין. סבתא רבא מרוסיה. אמי נולדה בארץ, אימא שלה נולדה בארץ, וההורים שלה מרומניה. סבתא שלי נולדה במקסיקו, אביה מליטא, אמה מהונגריה. ההורים של אבא מפולין. ההורים של אמא מגרמניה ואוקראינה. אמה של אמי מהונגריה, אביה של אמי מרומניה. הוריו של אבי מארגנטינה. סבא רבא מצרפת, או אולי מגרמניה. סבי ושבע ילדיו ברחו ממרוקו. אבי הותקף, והם החליטו שהם אינם יכולים להישאר. משפחתי הוכרחה להתחיל חיים במקום אחר. סבתי ברחה מתימן. תאריך יום הולדתה נאבד לזמן. הם הגיעו לישראל עם כלום, הכל נלקח ונשדד והושאר מאחור. ההקרבות והקורבנות רבים מספור. אמי מספרת לי על מולדובה כאשר תנועת הנוער עוד נקראה הקומוניסט הצעיר ברוסית מולדת החצי מובנת לאוזניי או בעברית שוטפת אך עם מבטא בלתי נמחק אפילו אחרי כל השנים בטון סלידה מזוקן משיבה היא דיברה על טינה מהילדות שכבר לא משנה לא יותר ממילים, רק אלימות שקטה רק מורה מול קהל הילדים ואמי רק תלמידה. חזרו למקום ממנו הגעתם היכן איש קריות בראשית בגד בנשיקה צהובה למדינת היהודים שנוצרה בכדי שלא נצטרך לשאת בנטל חיי תועבה לעינינו קרעו מאיתנו את הורינו, אחינו, ואחיותינו. השליכו מעליכם כל אשליה. הזעם שאתם מרגישים כעת יהיה אתכם לכל חייכם היגון שאתכם כעת לא יתפוגג אחרי ששארית העולם יצעד הלאה. התוגה הזאת אינה אילמת. כבר איננו חלשים ואיננו חסרי מגן. ויאמרו לנו לכו כצאן לטבח ולא הלכנו. חזרו למקום ממנו הגעתם לביתי התפארת בניו יורק או ניו ג'רזי שם נוכל בנוחיות לנפץ זכוכיותכם לרסס אותות קין על פתח ביתכם העם שלי הבאו מאין מקום ושייכים לאין אדם
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girlactionfigure · 1 month
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At least 15 synagogues have been set on fire—or attacked—since October 7: - Oct 17: El Hamma, Tunisia - Oct 18: Berlin, Germany - Nov 8: Montreal, Canada - Nov 18: Yerevan, Armenia - Nov 19: Lakewood, USA - Dec 11: Vienna, Austria - Feb 28: Sfax, Tunisia - Apr 5: Oldenburg, Germany - Apr 10: Moscow, Russia - May 1: Warsaw, Poland - May 17: Rouen, France - May 30: Vancouver, Canada - Jun 24: Dagestan, Russia - Jul 11: Obninsk, Russia - Aug 24: La Grande-Motte, France This doesn’t include the threats against Jewish schools, businesses, institutions, nor does it account for the vandalism of synagogues or the threats sent to Jewish centers. Now would be a good time to stand up with your Jewish friends, who are risking their life just to pray on Saturday morning, our holy day.
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