#Russian Invasion
kamogryadeshi · 2 days
‼️Consequences of the Russian attack with guided aerial bombs on Kharkiv. There are people under the rubble
UPD: The number of people killed in Kharkiv has increased to three people, the demolition of the rubble continues.
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Our life is not as horrible as theirs. We are not in the trenches. My loved ones are safe and sound. Electricity is available. Grocery stores are open. All my friends, close and distant, often (in fact, all the time) talk about a deep sense of shame. A shame to live when others are dying; a shame to eat when people out there are starving; a shame to desire something when so many people have no desires whatsoever. Psychologists call this feeling “survivor’s guilt.” Well… I would not be so sure. We are “survivors” at this moment. The minute I am writing this line. At this moment, we are not in the trenches, and the electricity is available. It is curious, though, that the soldiers defending us on the frontlines sometimes (not all the time, I hope) feel guilty too: for doing something not well enough; for not being on the battlefield; for being alive; for not doing more. I am not thinking about the normal/abnormal state of mental health against the backdrop of a large-scale war with the cannibals. I am thinking about them, the cannibals “repeating their grandfathers’ heroic deeds” and their slogan: “I am not ashamed.” Fuck you. Our country is choking on the feeling of guilt for all the could-haves and should-haves, while the I-am-not-ashamed hashtags stick out of the abyss of hell.   Not ashamed to kill, loot, rape, and piss their pants after being captured. Not ashamed to know that they target their missiles and drop their bombs on civilians. Not ashamed to be happy about getting a fur coat looted from an apartment whose owners were most probably murdered. Not ashamed to lie; not ashamed to curse; not ashamed to threaten the whole world with a naked ass crowned with the nuclear button. But now I understand why. The feelings of shame and guilt indicate the ability of the brain to process difficult emotions. It has not been established yet whether cats and dogs can feel shame. Well, it’s clear with the cats. At the house where a cat lives, everything belongs to the cat — it is its two-legged slave who must be ashamed. It gets more complicated with dogs. They are believed to pretend to feel shame or guilt. At least, they can fake it.    But russians? No. In the surrounding world, some animals can feel shame, but plants, minerals, and products of human labor — cannot. A rock, a rose, a tank cannot feel ashamed. Can a russian be a rose? Definitely not.
Excerpt from the flash essay "Olena Stiazhkina: Kyiv. March 24" from the collection “Wars. Ukrainians. Humanity”.
Source: Oksana Stomina, Olena Stiazhkina, Taras Prokhasko, Valerii Pekar, Mychailo Wynnyckyj — March 22-26, 2022
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adskadrochilnya · 9 months
ukraine may be fighting the biggest modern empire in the world that wants to take its colony back to oppress and subjugate its people and culture as it has been for CENTURIES but that still not anti-imperialistic enough for some people
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sidebee-hive · 11 months
I recommend reading the entire letter, but here are a couple excerpts:
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guhfis · 7 months
today, February 24, second year of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine. The tenth year of the war. A centurys of struggle. Thousands and thousands of killed and maimed people. Endless grief and pain. Fear and rage. If you have Ukrainian friends, support them today, this is a difficult day for all of us 🫂
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suratan-zir · 23 days
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Day of mourning after another day of mourning after another day of mourning… Russia - the largest exporter of grief on the planet.
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silverfox66 · 2 months
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"Ordinary Russia is sick. Healing will be a long and gruelling process which can only start when Russia, not just Putin, is defeated. Without a defeat in Ukraine, Russia will just keep spreading."
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bialbovi · 6 months
Hi tumblr artists
Please report milanson
She is a russian who explicitly supports russian invasion of Ukraine, russian military, draws zwastika (z) in her works, draws humanizations of countries, and degrades Ukraine by doing so. Also spreads russian propaganda
She has the audacity to include Ukraine in her tags
Draws the conservative russian political party affiliated with Putin and Medvedev
We can create a space without russian supporters freely drawing russian propaganda by reporting it
Upd, last picture: she's also very obviously racist, but I don't want to scroll her telegram anymore. You can check it out yourself 💀
Upd 2: People are telling me that proper reports do not really work on people who promote genocide and draw nazi symbols. Maybe if we can not properly report it, we should report it for spam or sexual content (what a shame, tumblr. Is it possible to criticize them for letting tumblr users post swastika? I'd like to talk with tumblr)
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thyinum · 6 months
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Kharkiv is under massive shelling every single day. I have a friend who lives there; she's constantly experiencing blackouts caused by these bombings, and she can't study or draw properly. Not to mention, she can be injured or worse.
Please advocate sending military help, especially air defense, to Ukraine. Without it, the chances of her, my other friends, me, my family, and thousands of other Ukrainians getting killed by a freaking russian missile or drone are growing every day.
Upd: the photos are from 2022, but this pile is definitely even bigger now, because russia hasn't stopped shelling us
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alcestas-sloboda · 9 months
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kyiv dealing with the consequences of another russian attack, 02.01.2024
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kamogryadeshi · 1 day
❗Russian troops shelled Kramatorsk in Donetsk region: one person was killed, 15 were wounded, the head of the Regional Military Administration Filashkin said. Two high-rise buildings, shops and cars were damaged.
Video: Telegram/Vadym Filashkin
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dontforgetukraine · 2 days
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His name is Denys. I met him at the bomb shelter on February 27, in the first days of the war. Denys and his mother came from Sartana. They hunkered down in our basement, trying to save their lives during the first air raids. Agitated, the boy told me about their experience. He repeated over and over again how frightening it was when a fighter jet swooped down so close, dropping bombs on the neighboring houses. He was so terrified that his heart almost jumped out of his chest. Denys also told me how he had saved his best friend, a teddy bear, even though he was so terribly frightened. “I pressed him to my chest to protect him from bombs,” the boy said. “I covered his ears and eyes so he wouldn’t hear and see those horrible things. When the fighter jet left, we jumped into our car and drove away, very-very fast. Under the bullets, because the shelling never stopped. Why do they do it? Why do they kill other people?!”
Excerpt from the flash essay "Oksana Stomina: Appeal from the Boy in the Photo. March 22" from the collection “Wars. Ukrainians. Humanity”.
Source: Oksana Stomina, Olena Stiazhkina, Taras Prokhasko, Valerii Pekar, Mychailo Wynnyckyj — March 22-26, 2022
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justacynicalromantic · 9 months
Wanna see how Russians hunted civilian cars in Kyiv region in March 2022?
Surreal now that it was all happening some 15 km from where I lived and I followed the local chats crying that "People, don't evacuate by the road leading to Zhytomyrska highway! Russians are hiding among trees off road there and shooting down civilian cars!!" in real time - and now I can actually see it happening on recovered footage from street cameras. Surreal.
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folklorespring · 3 months
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russia commits ecocide in Ukraine
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suratan-zir · 3 months
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full video with English subs
Russians bragging about war crimes. Nothing new, of course, they've been committing those in the occupied territories of Ukraine since 2014. "Throw to the basement" means imprisoning a person in a torture chamber. You can get yourself kidnapped, raped, tortured, and/or killed simply for speaking Ukrainian in Ukraine, in the territories taken over by Russia. They are not only unashamed of it - they are proud. They are not confessing, they're bragging, and fellow russians are cheering them on.
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silverfox66 · 6 months
UPDATE: Zelenskyy's advisor denied this information. White House officials refused to comment on it. But a russian oil refinery was attacked with drones tonight, so the attacks continue 💪🏻. Anyway, if you are an US citizen, please contact your representative to tell them that the Ukraine aid bill must pass.
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So you force Ukraine to give up their nukes, you don't follow up with your "security assurances" when russia first attacked. It's 2 years after the full scale invasion, and the aid for Ukraine is paused, and now you have the audacity to tell Ukraine to not attack russian oil refineries because "think of the oil prices 🥺"
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