#Rutherford would join him tbh
that1overthere · 11 months
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Someone came into my house a drew this
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magnetic-rose · 2 years
i’m two episodes from finishing lower decks but can i say i just like... love boimler’s character a LOT this season and how he embodies everything great about starfleet? i feel like a lesser show would just constantly have boimler be an anxious, pathetic punching bag but instead the show has really allowed him to step up and come into his own.
i loved his speech to the titan crew about joining starfleet not to fight, but to explore the stars. i love that he and rutherford defeated the ferengi through peaceful negotiations. i love that he outsmarted the super-computer with his wits. i love that he was willing to humiliate himself to calm scorpian tendi down from her rage. and i LOVE that he taught the borg queen empathy and played chess with her! that’s so cute tbh!
and he’s awarded for it too and that’s the best part! ransom recognized his quick thinking in calming down tendi and congratulated him. captain freeman said he was one of their best ensigns. the titan crew were clearly fond of him. a lesser show would also just have him always be underappreciated, but lower decks is surprisingly kind and thoughtful with its characters.
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varden-lefebvre · 4 years
NEW YEAR’S EVE 2020 [3 of ?]:
Laurent just showed up to look pretty, tbh.
Date: December 31st, 2020. About 10:40pm. Warnings: Some violence. Little bit of blood. Varden is in a mood.
The place didn’t strike him as somewhere the majority of Rutherford loyalists could call a hang-out spot. It was a bar upscale in ways far more suited to French taste than street rats from Haringey, and if he hadn’t been present with an almost tangible goal, Varden could’ve seen himself appreciating it for a more subdued New Year’s Eve celebration.
As the two Frenchmen stepped through the doors, the mood was calm; lilting music echoed quietly throughout the marbled expanse with only gentle laughter to punctuate the strings. It’d evidently attracted a breed of clientele far removed from Vixen tonight. No coked up dancers sitting in the laps of men they would’ve been horrified by the reality of; no heckling soldiers at the bar as one of them attempted to destroy their own liver with another line of shots; no obnoxiously drunk pricks spilling their drinks all over his impeccable new Tom Ford.
But he wasn’t there to appreciate a change of scenery.
He was there to find someone.
“Any idea what she looks like?”
Laurent, who was similarly scanning the sparse crowds for a face far more familiar to him than his colleague, answered: “Unimposing, Asian, absolutely fucking stunning. There will be an entourage.”
“Not ideal.”
If this was an attempt that ended in confrontation, it would be a lot harder to hide in a place like this than it would’ve been in the middle of a raging, drug-fuelled bender.
It was then Laurent directed his attention to someone perched on a stool at the bar.
Whilst it wasn’t the woman he sought, it was a man Varden recognised as someone who could’ve easily been her company for the evening. They did, after all, serve the same master.
Without a word between them, the two French loyalists made their way toward the fighter who had put Thierry on his ass—rather impressively, he would begrudgingly admit—the last time he saw him. Eitan Cohen was never someone he’d had reason to meet in person, but so far as Underground fighters went, it was no secret that he was one of his boss’s favourites. The way he conducted himself in the ring was surely reason enough. If he was to turn on them now, Varden wasn’t so sure it would be an easy fight.
Thank God there were two of them.
“Eitan Cohen?”
Laurent’s attempt to address him was ignored completely.
So he tried again.
“My apologies, I wasn’t aware I was giving off the impression I wanted to be disturbed,” he finally responded, his flippancy immediately grating. “Who’s fucking asking?”
“Varden Lefebvre.”
The Israeli exhaled a sharp laugh, “you’ve got some fucking nerve.”
It was then he finally turned to give the Frenchmen the attention they demanded. If he’d seemed unimpressed by Varden’s presence, however, Laurent sparked an entirely fresh wave of hatred. If he’d had any intention of complying, it faded in an instant.
“Fuck off.”
“We’re not here to talk to you. I just want Medea.”
“You might want to get in line. There’s a bit of a wait,” Eitan scoffed into his drink.
“That’s not really the answer I was looking for…”
For a man that’d built a career on patience, Varden could feel his impressive resolve slipping with every smug syllable that left the prick’s mouth. He was beyond the point of playing games with these degenerates and had been since he’d received the news about his dead son. So, instead of offering him the courtesy of questioning him again, this time, he reached for the back of his expensive tux and physically fucking dragged him off the stool. One swift jerk and the man was on his ass, the seat clattering to the floor a moment later.
It was enough to attract attention, obviously.
If he wasn’t so clearly inebriated, struggling to even get back on his feet, Varden suspected that it would’ve been a much fairer fight. Unfortunately for Eitan, that wasn’t the case; he was overtly sloppy, and the Frenchman was damn near sober. As he lunged at his assaulter with a mixture of anger and humiliation, the swing failed to connect, and for a man whose Underground resume boasted almost a decade in the IDF, Varden expected better. He was thoroughly outmatched. Laurent didn’t even have to step in when in what felt like the blink of an eye, with a shattering blow to the back of his elbow, all precision, Eitan’s blood curdling yell signified his arm had very much snapped from the force.
Every movement was purposeful, refined.
Though he could vaguely hear Laurent trying to draw away the heat of crowd, none of the words registered. Instead, Varden was already reaching for the near empty vodka bottle on the bar. It took two blows to shatter it completely against the wood but very little effort. The Frenchman only parted from the dazed fighter in his grip to sweep all of the glass shards that’d been born of its demise into one, ominous pile.
The grip on Eitan’s jacket soon switched to a grip on his hair.
Perhaps he should’ve tried asking again now that he was in pain. It might’ve been enough to break the weak. As it turned out, though, the cunt had already used up all of his fucking patience points.
Using all of power he could muster to battle the plenty of fight left in his victim, Varden slammed him face down directly into the pile of glass that waited. The struggle was intense, but not for long; just until the realisation and shock of what was happening set in, he supposed. Eitan’s curses only grew louder as each second passed, but it did nothing to encourage the Frenchman to ease up on the skull-crushing weight he was applying to the back of his head.
Though he couldn’t hear the sounds of the glass splintering further beneath the fraying flesh, with each movement he offered in struggle, he could definitely feel it.
“Oh my God…” The bartender gasped, though like all of those she’d served that evening, she made no moves to help the afflicted.
“All I wanted was a fucking answer,” Varden said, his hand clasped so tightly into the hair that he was surprised he hadn’t ripped it from his head. It dawned on him in that moment that whether Eitan chose to comply after this or not, he wasn’t sure he wouldn’t be able to stop. “You didn’t have to make this difficult.”
“I don’t—fuck you—”
It sounded a lot like he was already talking through blood. Whether it was because of the broken bottle being forced into him without mercy, or the fact that the impact almost certainly shattered his nose, maybe worse, it was impossible to tell.
“What the fuck is going on here?”
Varden’s head lifted at the interruption.
Oh, now somebody else wanted to join in.
The leader was shaking, a mixture of unrelenting pressure against his enemy’s head and pure fucking anger. When he’d made note of Eitan’s friend, for a split second, he lifted the head he held just enough to show off the damage. The fear that flickered in his eyes made the Frenchman wonder whether it was worse than he’d been expecting. Brilliant. A second later, and it was once against crushed against the bed of glass, the thud of the contact echoing almost as loudly as his cries.
“Well, I was attempting to have a conversation. Your friend wasn’t feeling chatty.”
The man, a stranger, looked riled up like the dumb loyal bitch he undoubtedly was. Ready to spring himself on the person who held his friend, he stepped forward.
Varden could feel his fury becoming more apparent as each second passed. The force with which he gritted his teeth was painful; so much so that getting his words out was a fucking struggle.
“If you’re about to put your hands on me, be sure,” Varden warned, lifting his free hand to stab a finger in the direction of the Rutherford loyalist. The tone sounded so bitter even his colleague spared him a concerned glance. “If I put you down, you will not get back up.”
It was enough for him to hesitate, at least.
“Look,” Laurent intervened tentatively, rounding on the second man now, “we just want to know where Medea is. If you tell us, we’ll leave.”
“What’s it to you?!”
How keen they were to keep any information about her to themselves was telling.
“She took something from me,” Varden spat.
“Just…don’t stand in our way,” Laurent continued. “Do you really think it’ll end well for you?”
Though Eitan seemed to want to protest the inevitable loose lips, his cries had since faded into an unending and monotonous groan. It seemed as though he’d realised the more he struggled, the worse it was for him. A momentary escape, however, as when his tormentor became wise to this fact, he made conscious effort to drag his head along the bar himself for good measure.
“Fucking hell, she went back to Kingston already. Left about a half an hour ago!”
“Where in Kingston?”
“How the fuck should I know?!”
“You have any idea where she lives?”
“No, none of us do,” the man said, holding his hands up like he was fucking surrendering. Idiot. “That’s not information she shares with anyone. The woman is paranoid as fuck.”
Though it riled up the bitterness in him to new fucking levels, Varden was almost certain that he wasn’t lying about that, purely because he’d always been the exact same way. Paranoia was the only way somebody like them survived in their game for as long as they did. The Frenchman glared back at him, willing himself to murder the Rutherford scum with his own fucking eyes.
They all deserved to die.
But they were not why he’d come.
After a moment spent battling with a will-power that had faded exponentially at the release he felt from hurting the man in his hands, he finally let him go with one last shove.
Even once he was out of his hold, Eitan couldn’t bring himself to lift his head.
Fucking good.
“Now you look just like your boss,” Varden muttered as he leaned down to address the figure hunched over the bar. It seemed both of the Rutherford loyalists had nothing left to say—not that he could blame them. So instead, he was the one to offer the parting words. “Remember me.”
An eerie silence fell upon them.
After one final glare in the direction of the second man, he finally turned to leave.
The two men fixed their suits, and exited the bar just in time for it to be plunged into darkness.
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ladymdc · 5 years
*author questionnaire*
thanks for the tag @a-shakespearean-in-paris​! ♥️
Author Name: ladymdc
Fandoms You Write For: Mystic Messenger, Stardew Valley & Dragon Age Inquisition.
Where You Post: Ao3 and Tumblr (on the rare occasion)
Most Popular One-Shot: Back when I first snuck into the DA fandom back, I joined a group on FB & part of their weekly writing exercises were 100-word drabbles. I really don’t know why this thing has so many kudos, probably because of F&F, but it’s Finding Another Way. It is literally 100 words long & gives an alternate first kiss to F&F.
Most Popular Multi-Chapter Story: Feathers & Fur, which is a soul bond AU between Cullen Rutherford & my female mage!Trevelyan. I think this thing would have flown under the radar forever, & I would have been more than ok with that, if it weren’t for @kauriart​ making such a lovely piece of fan art & giving it a rec. Which when I think about this, it still just dumbfounds me. ♥️ ♥️ ♥️ Thank you again :D
Favorite Story You Wrote: Hands down this is Wandering in the Dark. I busted my ass twisting the events of DAI into a Noir/Dystopian modern w/magic setting & if I could force everyone to at least give it a chance, I would xD. I lost a lot of sleep building it & it is the first fic I HAD to keep extensive notes & timelines for to keep all of the details straight. Again, this is for Cullen Rutherford & my Trevelyan. 
Story You Were Nervous to Post: This is Ghosts. This is a Mystic Messenger Bad Ending 1 fic for Saeran Choi/MC. It is angst with a happiest ending I felt I could give him given the premise (because I refuse to let Saeran Choi suffer) & smutty, but the smut starts off with mildly dubious consent. And in a way you can’t tell who is really being taken advantage of. It helped me work out a lot of BE1 feelings, and it has a lot more hits/kudos than I ever anticipated. I’m proud of it now, but I was really worried about sharing it. 
How Do You Choose Your Titles: It depends on the story, but 95% of the time I try to fit a theme into the fic using the main characters or where the story is headed. Wandering in the Dark hints at how Cullen was aimlessly wandering until recruited by the Resistance. Horizons is about Saeran expanding his world/experiences. Thump. Thump. is about Saeyoung learning that he is real & deserves to be. This was... (the SDV fic) is snapshots of how their relationship developed - “this was how Elliott met Zoe” etc 
Do You Outline: This depends on the fic. My DA long fics, hell yes, especially WitD & Negentropy because they’re AUs.  But the self-indulgents fics tend to just go where the wind blows me. 
Complete: Not counting one-shots, I’m at: 4/10 & you know what? I’ve learned to not let that hold me back from starting new projects. Muses come & go.
In-Progress: DAI: Negentropy & it’s prequel Blueshift. MysMe: Thump. Thump., Horizons & a smut-fest co-authored with @laraslandlockedblues. SDV: This was... (if you’re really that curious, my master list is here.)
Coming Soon: I have no idea. Nothing new has been calling & really outside of whittling away at my current projects, I have no plans. I’m not here to be a BNF, just to write & work out my feelings when I need to xD
Do You Accept Prompts: People are welcome to send them in. Depending on the subject/pairing I’ll either it & do it quickly, or just let it languish in my inbox like a couple that the muses have died for...
Upcoming Story You Are Most Excited to Write: I’m having a lot of fun with Thump. Thump. tbh, and if I can get back into the voice/world, I’d love to update Negentropy. 
I’ll tag: @laurelsofhighever, @ladynorbert, @dismalzelenka, @ginnyq, @gingerbreton, @ellstersmash, @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul, @princessvicky01, @fereldenpeach, @solverne-02 & @shannaraisles -- as always, feel free to ignore me or jump in & blame me ♥️
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maximvms-blog · 5 years
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HEY HOW’S IT GOIN’ GUYS. it’s ya girl aura and i’m back for veritas: quarter quell edition ! i’m a 20 year old garbage can ( she / her or they / them pronouns plz ) from pst timezone. as you can clearly see, i am a mess, but i’m here to have fun and get to know all of you guys !! i can’t WAIT to unlock the mysteries of this rp, and i know for a fact its going to actually destroy me, so heads up: i’m diagnosed babey and cry over everything all the time. that being said, i also love pain so while i may be crying, i am also THRIVING !! i’m also an artist so i hope ya’ll are ready for me to occasionally draw the shenanigans that happen here. it’s gonna be a TIME !
anyway, enough about me ! click the neat little read more button to get to know my baby boy, maxi-pad. if you like what you see, also feel free to hit that ♥ and i’ll pop into your tumblr or discord ims to aggressively keysmash a plot out. sounds good ? GREAT !! can’t wait to talk to you all asfkalsdjfasfd i’m so excited !
skeleton: the ace faceclaim: froy gutierrez name: max thomas gender & pronouns: cis male ( he/him ) age: twenty-two major: zoology clubs: captain of the track & field and football team ; student government secretary living arrangement: auberlin apartments / apartment 01 employment: unemployed, but occasionally volunteers places & does odd jobs for those that need it
first off, some links. you can find his dossier HERE ( featuring a bio / some stats ) & his pinterest board HERE !!
his name is maximilian anthony thomas ( if he turns out to be the killer i’m gonna laugh because i really did give him 3 first names ) but honestly just max is fine ^^
he’s the child to two ABSOLUTE UNITS of women. both of them are olympic medalists in the athletics category. even his sperm donor dad ( who, yes, also helped raise him ) was a big time baseball player who now coaches one of the best international teams, so to say that he is SPORTS BOY would almost be an understatement.
his sport of choice is easily track, but he also really enjoys baseball, basketball, soccer, and, later on in life, football. if it’s got a ball or allows him to run, chances are he plays it.
he was winning medals as early as 7 years old and had enough for a full wall by the time he was 10. boy is a legacy and it SHOWS.
he doesn’t like it when people try to give him things just because of his name or who his parents are. he would much rather get things through his own hard work. at the same time, he hates losing and is willing to do not so great things in secret if it means he’ll win.
captain of the track & field team during the spring / summer and captain of the football team during fall / winter. he also might be in the student government too so rifp his schedule. boy is ALWAYS busy.
he also does a lot of charity events cuz his parents raised that shit in him ( they literally met at a charity triathalon ), so he goes to quite a view galas and whatnot. LITERALLY HE’S SO BUSY THIS BOY NEVER HAS FREE TIME.
is surprisingly really well versed in art & art history due to one of his moms being a HUGE art history buff. literally his family did an art tour vacation once where they just went across europe & went to a bunch of galleries. basically he may seem like a dumb jock, but if you mix up a renoir & a monet, he WILL call you out on it.
absolute sunshine boy !! loves to smile & laugh & love !! is so passionate about everything !
however, he has some really bad jealousy and pride issues, as hinted at earlier. they’re easily his greatest vices in equal measure.
he’s emotionally fragile so if he snaps, it can get pretty scary, but he’s really good at hiding that side of him. granted, bottling it all up probably isn’t the best either . . .
THAT SAID, HE’S STILL THE TOWN’S GOLDEN BOY !! his coach keeps talking about the 2020 olympics and he’s SO PSYCHED !! everyone in town knows his name bc he really out here being nice to everyone he meets & helping little old ladies cross the road on top of everything else he does. he’s just That Guy.
he had known her since they were wee babies, and they were definitely friends first. whenever they played house, he was always the dog looooong before he played her husband.
the two were always real & honest with each other, and it’s safe to say that he knew the true her before she got all caught up in her loneliness and secret hoarding.
SHE was the one to ask HIM out not long after starting middle school, making them each other’s first like . . . actual relationship. ( though tbh, she moreso DEMANDED he be her boyfriend, rather than properly asking him aslkfjasdf he could never say no to her though so it didn’t really matter )
they wound up having an off-&-on relationship for SIX YEARS. in late-ish high school, he could feel her drifting away so he told her his secret, thinking it would stop her from being bored of him. unfortunately she ended up breaking up w/ him the next day.
[ STALKING TW ] before long she was already seeing someone new. that triggered his jealous streak, and between that and his fear that she was going to tell someone his secret, he started stalking her. at first it was just lining up their schedules so he could always keep an eye on her, but eventually he got access to her social media logins and started keeping tabs on her private conversations. she’d shown him some of her own hacking tricks when they were still together, so even when she changed her passcodes, it was a simple crack before he was snooping through her shit again.
eventually she confronted him about the fact that she was constantly seeing him everywhere, though still unaware of the fact that he was the one that was hacking into her accounts. he played it off, and while she did tell the authorities about it, that was about the end of it. he stopped stalking her for a couple of years after following her to st ettienne, and things mellowed out between them.
he joined student council that year, and after that him and daisey started to talk a lot more again. they even kinda became friends again. one night, she was having a rough time so she called him. after a quiet night of talking and looking at the stars, she kissed him. it was really great, up until she shoved him away and said it was a mistake, going right back to ignoring his existence the very next day. this caused him to fall back into his stalking habits, finding them a comfort.
this time, she finds out that its HIM going through her social media, and she pulls him aside privately at the homecoming party to yell at him. she even says that she’s going to expose his secret for being such a creep. it’s then that he sees her for what she really is, rather than the rose-colored image he’d been seeing before.
that’s the last he ever sees of daisey rutherford, and he can’t tell if he’s grateful or heartbroken for that.
okay listen i’m . . . honestly garbage at coming up with wanted connections because i genuinely want everything. friends, lovers, enemies, family — the whole shebang. i’m always down to brainstorm, so if you’ve got any ideas, even if they’re whacky, hit me with them and we can come up with something phenomenal and unique, yeah ? yeah !
the biggest actual idea i can think of is like . . . half siblings through his biological father. i think the dichotomy of that could be fun since his dad is still VERY MUCH in his life along w/ his 2 moms. TAKEN BY CASSIDY
rivals in sports could be fun ! as w/ rivals in general !
people he tried hooking up w/ to make daisey jealous when they weren’t together ? maybe ??
he doesn’t drink or smoke or do anything fun so like ?? a bad influence type connection mayhaps ?
bro squad bro squad bro squad bro squad bro squad. did i mention bro squad ?? ( ed is his best fucking friend so any mutual friends,,,,,, let’s squad it up )
maybe i’ll edit this later if more come to me, but for now that’s what i’ve got !! hmu if anything strikes your fancy or if you’ve got any other ideas !
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ofphcenixes · 6 years
howdy y’all !! it is currently new years eve here in australia, and what have i decided to do instead of Being Social and Party Like It’s 1999 ? come off hiatus dkjfgdf. because of a horridly busy and Emo™ time that had me out of action for like, two whole weeks kfjgdfg i’ve decided i’m gonna do a quick recap intro with some wanted connections for both BLUE & NATE so if we haven’t plotted yet, hopefully it’ll be a bit easier !! 
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if we’ve plotted before or you dislike me on account of my colour alias or my preference in cheese, please feel free to ignore this !! but i look forward to plotting with all of you properly now that i can be around, so please like this post if you wanna plot. <3 also i owe so many people discord responses dfkjgdf. and pls know i’ve been meaning to reply to those, but i’ve felt so Anxious about leaving some people on read and replying to others that I wanted to do them all at the same time. a foolish choice ? you decide ! ( however i am working on discord messages tonight also ). but read below for Quik Fax on my bois !
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link to original intro HERE.
blue’s bio, stats and hcs are HERE.
blue’s connections HERE.
despite what my intro says ( which i v much recommend you read just for a lil more breadth of blue as a muse ) he is,,, a memey boi
don’t mistake his dislike of daisey as an overall representation of him as a person - he’s usually v kind, probably a bit of an enabler lmao and will do anything to see people smile. gotta get that validation.
he’s not the sharpest tool in the shed ( me: has allstar flashbacks ) BUT his slow uptake is counterbalanced by his usually well enlightened humour and genuine concern for others
he’s that bish that plays football and hosts the parties tbh !! 
definitely the class clown. does not have nearly as much game in the Dating World as he thinks, if he could spend two seconds without showing memes. but if memes are your kink, well, blue may be your soulmate lbr
has a bit of a Troubled Past
honestly ?? is trying to move on from the past. he only wants good moments, good friends, good memories in his life. he’s got no time for the negative. ( until daisey had to go and fUCKING DIE )
still owns a tamogotchi
wanted plots.
SPLASH || it’s the middle of winter, and you find yourself at the local pool. the indoor heated pool is probably great this time of year, and blue happens to be the lifeguard at the time. could do a funny thread, a cute thread, a dramatic/emo thread, or really anything !! i’d just love to be able to have the backdrop be blue at his Place of Employment.
STAY THE NIGHT || a common occurrence at st ettiene university is for blue and his roommates to open up their house in the student villa for some fun. especially with the curfew in place, these parties would be more rare and blue never shies away from a challenge. a fun thread perhaps where your muse is drunk. maybe blue takes care of them, maybe tries to take them home safely. maybe they just have a serendipitous Bond over beer and the roar of music. maybe they decide to try and bake and everything goes wrong gkdjfgdkf
INVINCIBLE || it may be clear to you now that blue is basically,,, one big kid. and as st etienne is known for their sprawling forests, it’s a popular place for jogging, picnics, cute rendezvous and well, now a murder lmfao, it’s a scary place to be. do you know what would make it less scary tho ??? a pet. more specifically, a dog. your muse catches blue with the pupper and. an unlikely friendship ( perhaps joint custody ?? ) of a dog omg. we stan rebels in this house.
CHILDLIKE || this one is super lame BUT blue never had much of a childhood in the traditional sense so i’d absolutely LOVE for a cute thread with someone where they do cute childish things ?? play hide and seek, build a tree fort, play with a playstation, eat really old snacks. anything. 
wanted connections.
HISTORY||blue was mixed up in a lot of things as a teenager - petty crime, substance, you name it. this person would have been in this 'group’ with blue also (anywhere from ages 13-19). maybe that person is still very much in that crowd and resents blue for leaving, or maybe they’ve left it behind too.  
TUTOR || oh my GOD blue is destined to fail here. he has a very short attention span, which makes him super frustrated bc he loves what he’s doing. he is going to be a teacher, and it’s only the maths/science that is tripping him up. any person who would help him would earn his eternal gratitude.
FORMER BULLY||this muse grew up in ashmont also, and bullied blue as a child. maybe they’ve reverted their ways and want to be forgiven, or maybe they’ve doubled down on the hate and now see blue for the fake he is.
SIN || blue has cleaned up his act. as a teen he was living a very dangerous lifestyle, and has for the most part, turned it all around. but maybe... maybe there’s someone out there who’s slowly luring blue back to this darkness he misses. their friendship is a secret, they meet in the cloak of darkness ( so blue’s friends are none the wiser he’s headed this way again ), and they simply drink and smoke and other things... >:)
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link to original intro HERE
because i applied for nate then literally skedaddled for ages, he hasn’t had time to develop on the dash. however,,,, he is not a Good Bean. in fact i actually kinda hate him in a fun way.
pretentious, wealthy, slightly germophobic, wickedly intelligent, wicked in general, and incredibly conceited
although he is Handsome, he cares more about his image as a modicum of academia as opposed to looking hot. he probably would be considered more attractive if he didn’t have such an extensive collection of suit squares kjgfhdkjfd
was super close with daisey. their parents had sort of pined for the pair to get married actually, for monetary reasons. but nate ?? v much team daisey. he doesn’t show emotions and he won’t admit it to ANYONE, but ,,, he’s super emo about her having been found. 
is both chidi and trevor from the good place
but ye he is gonna yell at you and wanna fite ( but not physically cos slenderman here has noodle arms )
wanted plots.
DINNER PARTY || given that there are a lot of rich socialite families here, i figure that nate’s family is bound to know a few of the other wealthy families !! a fun lil thread we could possibly do is have the pair run into each other at one of these galas. maybe it’s a run-of-the-mill affair, maybe it’s something run by the rutherfords that these two happen to both be attending, maybe it’s run through the university. maybe it’s a charity gala. maybe it’s a new years’ eve event. either way, nate is dressed up in his nicest tux and his most expensive watch, your muse is also dressed up nicely, and we can plot depending on the chemistry/connection/relation between our muses what happens ! they could be friendly somewhat, maybe they hate each other, maybe they’re childhood friends. let’s discuss. >:)
GRIEVE || nate doesn’t do ‘emotion’. he doesn’t do sympathy, empathy, or anything reminiscent to being human. but one day he finds himself at daisey’s grave and is absolutely lost for words - a rarity. and it just so happens your muse is also there too. they could have been there to visit daisey, or maybe someone else. but this could be a v interesting thread and you’ll see a side of nate that... no one should ever see kdfjgdf. 
STARS ABOVE || as a major of astrophysics and heading towards his phd, nate loves the stars. it’s probably the only positive emotion he has kjgfdkjgdf. so i dont know HOW this would work, but perhaps nate and someone else look for the stars together. nate has a whole professional set up and is like,,, a total nerd so he’s not fooled by the mysticism or, admittedly, the romance of it. maybe your character is high and happens upon him at night, maybe your muse thinks that nate is the killer ( lmao ) and wants to investigate, maybe your muse is a fellow chess/debate/environmental conversation member and wants to get to know this billy goat gruff. 
wanted connections. 
FOR BETTER OR WORSE || nate is a perfect person to fulfill everyone’s favourite trope of ‘the good person wanting their love to transform the bad person into a good person’. maybe it’s platonic, maybe it’s romantic, but someone wants  to make nate a better man. what i say to them - good luck lmfao. however i’d love to plot this out as it could go literally anyway !!
ENEMIES || fuck, i need nate to have all the enemy connections. i figure most people will dislike him on principle anyway bc he’s human rubbish kgjkdf BUT maybe they are academic rivals ? maybe they grew up together and have always been competing ? maybe they used to be friends and they fell out ? maybe nate said something horrible to them and they were never forgiven ? maybe their true enemy was daisey and since nate was essentially her best friend for a bit, they are enemies by consequence ? 
HATESHIP || i can’t decide what i want more kdjfgdkf but basically ??? this friendship is of two people who don’t like each other, but they hate literally everyone else so they join together in their mutual hatred. maybe they actually bond more over time, maybe their somewhat petty rant sessions about everyone else never change. either way, it would be super fun to have nate be in a 70 year old woman dynamic with someone dkfjgd. 
these ideas are certainly not definitive, but can be a fun jumping point or perhaps just a source for discussion !! if we haven’t plotted before now is the best time to do so. so if literally any of this you think will work with your muse, or you have an idea inspired by something mentioned here, i promise you, i’m up for pretty much anything ( SPECIAL SHOUTOUT TO MY BEST FRIEND ANGST ). pls like this post if you wanna plot, and i look forward to spamming you all and be lucky enough to interact with all your muses. <3
also sorry i deadass disappeared for a fortnight lmfao
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trrncs-blog · 6 years
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hi hello i’m bea i’m almost 21 (in a week woop) and this here piece of trash is my child torrance
here’s some facts/wanted connects/etc. and a pinterest board for her.... eventually ill write a full fledged bio for her............
(BRITTANY O’GRADY, 20, cis-female, she/her) looks like TORRANCE ANTHONY joined the fright this year for the FIRST time. be careful, the JUNIOR can be pretty insouciant and imaginative, but also childish and self destructive. sounds about right for someone studying PAINTING. the rumour around campus is they joined this year because SHE MADE A BET WITH HER FRIENDS AND SHE’S SHORT ON CASH. 
warnings: drugs/substance abuse
born in portland, her mother died when she was young and her father was a petty crook– she was in foster care a lot
moved around home from home, stayed in the general area of portland
was introduced to painting by a social worker because she had trouble expressing herself as a child and it manifested into anger
began skipping school a lot to go drink or smoke, has some substance issues
every time her father came back into her life, she got her hopes up for him to go and abandon her again
was eventually in a stable family who she considers her real family now
got her shit together in the last two years of high school, and got an art scholarship, her foster parents help her out a bit but it’s also money she has from odd jobs growing up
typical stoner slacker and art student
she seems like the type to not care about much, makes everything into a joke
can’t hold any meaningful relationships with anyone
she deals weed from time to time to make extra cash
believes the fright is just some big prank tbh
she made a bet with a friend to do the fright for a substantial sum of money (her friend is rich) and she really wants the cash
usually find her in the studio, her room (smoking), or wandering
roommates - she lives with people and may not be the greatest but usually gets into shenanigans w/ them 
ride or die - probably literally, she doesn’t get close to people but this person is someone she’d kill for 
class mates - probably known from her art classes and studio times 
enemies - someone Type A or just the opposite of the burnout she is, they do not get along 
drinking buddies - they only really hang out to get shitfaced 
fwb/fuck buddies or something along those lines - just here for a good time and not a long time, likes s*x and not attachments 
people she deals to - she just sells weed for money she ain’t hardcore but i assume people would buy from her on occasion
online buddy - someone she met on instagram or twitter or something and are friendly with but don’t see eachother in real life or don’t realize they go to the same school
also anything chemistry based would be fun!!!! 
so like this and i’ll hit ya up on im or if you have discord or something idk i’m a little all over the place rn and i’m sorry ah
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readbythestarlight · 7 years
1, 8, 16, 17, 19, 22 for all of them?
All of them? I’ll try to keep it brief. And tbh I’m just gonna answer for any and all of my OCs which suit the questions. Sorry, I know that's a lot of OCs.
1. Do any of your OCs have a speech impediment?
Corrin does. He’s a Dragon Age OC who started as a Zevran romance, but it didn’t quite suit either of them so I moved him to a sort of background character who lives in the Ferelden Circle during DAO, and flees with the Tranquil to join the refugees, and then the Inquisition, in DAI. Corrin has a fairly severe stutter, which improves and worsens depending on his stress and the situation, and also just over time (though it never goes away entirely).
(Side note just because I never talk about Corrin and now I want to: he also suffers from depression, which he does his best to hide because he’s afraid the cause is that he’s not strong enough to fight off a despair demon. Because we all know proper mental health education isn’t a thing that happens in the circles, and everything negative that happens to a mage is “because demons”.)
8. Do you ship any 2 of your OCs?
Hmmm. Not really? For a long time I thought I’d ship my two boys from my own original canon, Alexander and Gabriel. But Gabe decided he was ace, Alex decided he was het, and they both decided together that they were going to be platonic partners for life, basically.
Weirdly enough I rarely ship my OCs with anyone in their own canon universes. It’s always either another person’s OC, or a canon OC in situations like Bioware games, etc.
16. Do you have any nonhuman OCs?
A few! Alexander is a vampire. Silas eventually becomes a werewolf. Gabriel is an immortal. (Technically they were all human at one point though… or in Gabe’s case, his father was human. So maybe none of these count.)
Keshar is a Khajiit (Skyrim, obviously).
Jax is a Zabrak smuggler. Shayla is a Togruta Jedi. (SWTOR)
17. Do you have any OCs you haven’t posted about?
Oh boy do I. I’ve just mentioned a couple of them above. Corrin is probably one of my biggest. I have a ton of small tidbits about him scattered around in my head but I don’t really talk about him. I have a handful of other game OCs I don’t talk about often, aside from some screen shots (Roy from Fallout 4, most of my SWTOR OCs, Bri Shepard and Daniel from ME,), and then some that are just from my original canons.
Also my MEA Ryder, Isaac. But I’ll talk all about him once I can actually make him decently in the CC.
19. Who is your youngest OC?
Hmm. Fleshed out OCs, it would be either Robyn (19) or Alex Hawke (starts at around 19). ORRR. I have Leah and Immanuel Rutherford, Melanie and Cullen’s two children. Immanuel is the youngest.
22. Would your OC like you?
Gosh, I hope so!! I mean, vampire Alex would probably be indifferent, but I like to think most of my others would like me. At the very least I hope none of them would outright dislike me.
@jivvin thank you!!
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rules: repost, don’t reblog. just pick a muse of yours and fill it out.
Tagged by: stolen
Tagging: @snowball-with-knives || anyone who likes it.
muse: Cullen S. Rutherford
▸ is your muse tall/short/average? 6′3′’ ▸ are they okay with their height? Very. ▸ what’s their hair like? Blond, thick, curly. ▸ do they spend a lot of time on their hair/with their grooming? More than he’s inclined to admit. By 14, he started styling them after a senior told him they made him look like a pretty, soft chick. ▸ does your muse care about their appearance? It's something that has much more to do with decorum and discipline than the mere appearance. Personal care and decency are part of his military routine, but also represent an obsessive-compulsive trait of his personality he has developed after his captivity at Kinloch. He is obsessed with having perfectly short nails, cutting them more often than it’d be necessary.
▸ does your muse care about what others think about them? It depends on who are “others“. Usually, he cares a great deal when it comes to his family members or superiors who evaluate/affect his efficiency.
▸ indoors or outdoors? Outdoors. ▸ rain or sunshine? Snow. ▸ forest or beach? Both. ▸ precious metals or gems? Steel. ▸ flowers or perfumes? Sweets. ▸ personality or appearance? Personality. ▸ being alone or being in a crowd? Being alone. ▸ order or anarchy? Order... so far. ▸ painful truths or white lies? painful truths. ▸ science or magic? Both. ▸ peace or conflict? Peace.
▸ night or day? Night. ▸ dusk or dawn? Dawn. ▸ warmth or cold? Cold. ▸ many acquaintances or a few close friends? A few close friends. ▸ reading or playing a game? Both, but it really depends on the game tbh.
▸ what are some of your muse’s bad habits? He can lose his temper more easily than one would think, especially if someone messes with stuff on his desk. What else...  being a junky?!?!?
▸ has your muse lost anyone close to them? how has it affected them? Plenty. He lost his parents during the V blight, and he blames himself thinking he might have saved them if he was there. His friends and brethren’s faces he lost at Kinloch still appear to him in his dreams; lately (HC), he has received news about Nicklaus, a senior Templar recruit to whom he had been entrusted when he joined the order. They became dear friends and wrote to each other regularly even after Nicklaus was sent on active duty. This lasted until Kinloch Circle’s fall. Nicklaus died after a long period of agony and delirium due to his addiction. 
Needless to say, his experiences make Cullen very cautious about establishing relations of any sort.
▸ what are some fond memories your muse has?
Rosaly’s worm farm: she gave a name to each worm and demanded of Cullen to remember and recognise all of them. Except they doubled in number each morning.
The smell of lemons marmalade coming from his mother’s kitchen in Kingsway (September).
His father teaching him and Branson starting a camp-fire by the lake.
Branson giving to him the coin before he left for joining the Templars and telling him: “Don’t let ‘em change you Cull.”
Playing chess with Nicklaus on a board that Mia sent to him for his 15th birthday.
▸ is it easy for your muse to kill? Never been.  ▸ what’s it like when your muse breaks down? Usually, breakdowns come from overwhelming panic attacks and/or flashbacks, excessive stress due to lack of sleep and food, auditive hallucinations, and of course withdrawal. At present Cullen deals with his “bad days”, as he calls them, with intensive sword training rigorously on solo (exception made for the Iron Bull): fear and rage subdue him so badly that he could tear apart anything. Sword weight in his hands and focusing on precise movements help him to take back control over himself. When isolation comes to be a non-applicable option, Cullen is forced to resort to a kind of emotional freezing which he hates, because it makes him completely disregardful toward anyone’s feelings. 
However terrible this situation may sound, Cullen knows he had even worst times. Right after Kinloch, Cullen’s mind reacted to breakdowns with full blackouts, ending up in fainting or at worst in actual epileptic fits.
▸ is your muse capable of trusting someone with their life? Absolutely he is, however, it takes a very long time for this to happen.  ▸ what’s your muse like when they’re in love? The only way he knows: devote.
stolen this from @hissracl
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