asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
Feels like I wrestled a bear e.e oh I love my boyfriend ❤🐻
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
Boyfriend !! Will be on his way to town after work ☺😆 Oh my goshhhhh❤ Feels like I've been waiting forever for him!! But it's okayyy! He's worth it😊❤
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
Hope he calls me on his way home :/..
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I think it's so cute how my boyfriend is anxious to come and pick me up 😊❤
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
Hey you ,
I know you look at my tumblr, I know you love reading the stuff I reblog to see if any of its about you, And to be honest, most of it is. Most of the happy things (: And if you think a sad one applies to you it probably does. But I love how you go to my tumblr every time I'm upset, to see what's wrong incase I've hinted things on here. Thank you for caring that much(: and I love you. I love you for trying to fix me and all my "little" problems, and thank you for accepting me as I am. With all my "problems" and such. Especially after I told you that for the rest of my life I might be making various trips to the hospital due to my problems, and for still wanting to be with me. Your great and I love you to pieces!! Fuck lol, your just too good to be true ,"can't take my eyes off of you"🙈 I'm "in lesbians" with you. And I can't wait to spend days on end with you in "our" cozy, homey apartment. it's like I told you, I Just want you to be the youest you that you can be(: and to be happy with me. I love you Sonne, more than you'll ever know, and I appreciate you sooooo very much, and I'm just so inlove with you and all that makes you up❤
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I feel like this current relationship I'm in came up and bit me out of no where. And it's the best relationship I've ever been in. We're both very much inlove with each other, up to the point where he moved down from where he was living to be closer to me, and in a few weeks ill be moving in with him 🙈 *sigh... The best things really are better unexpected . And I tell anyone who's asks me about relationship advice. Let it be. Sometimes the best things are unexpected❤ Yes they are(: and I think we have the best love story I've ever heard, and I hope it continues 😊😁
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
My boyfriend is hot 😍😁❤ With his muscular arms & flat Tummy & his light skin & Tattoos😘😍❤ Perfection at its best ❤
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
My Boyfriend & I are really different.
Him : •He likes to look great every time he sees me, I don't know if he knows this but I think he looks fucking sexy in his sweat pants & muscle shirt. •He likes to work out. •He likes to elaborate on things, Whether he's talking about me or about something & I love it. • I love his voice, especially when he's sleepy, I kid you not, it's just asdfghjkl❤ like seriously. •he's muscular & has thee greatest arms you've ever seen 😨😵😲❤ •he has a really nice back , his shoulders are broad & I like them . •his vocab & sentence structure❤ you'd fall in love. Because I know I did 😁✋ it's just perfect & he doesn't even sound snooty . •he has a slight accent 😍 •he's has a lighter skin tone than I. I like it(: •girls find him attractive. 😒😤😠😡😑 because well, he is. •he's considerate & loving (: always asking me how I'm feeling . •he's kind & gentle & caring & I just love him. •He loves me. •he has realllyyyyy soft skin❤😲 •he's appreciative &then there's me. •I have health issues. •I'm thin. But not as thin as I want to be. •I have the worst anxiety. It's like past the roof right now. •I'm somewhat attractive. With make up on. •my vocab is shit compared to his. •I feel like I ruin everything, especially when we're doing great. •*sigh.. I'm jealous :/... •I don't make every thing look good like he does. •I'm an emotional wreck. But I love him so much . With everything I have & I'm glad he picked me to be with him. He didn't have to but he did. & I appreciate everything he is❤...
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I love my boyfriends arms💪❤☺
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I love re-reading our text messages ❤ I swear they're the best ~
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
Today was a good day for us❤ I hope the apartment situation got handled right (/.\) I hate when he's upset :/...
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I hope he thinks of me the way I think of him. It’d make me feel great❤ sometimes I get too scared to admit things to him though…. I don’t want to be on a different page then he is & scare him away😔…
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I love my boyfriend ❤
By the time I'm done with everything, he'll already be here ❤ Oh I can't wait☺ I hope everything goes well with our place , I really want him here as soon as possible (: *sigh.. I've never had such a happy feeling . & I'm so glad he's the person to give it to me. My love❤ The next time I see him will be final, there's no time or day he has to leave me(: he's here to stay☺🙊☺😄
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
"If your insecurities were actual people I'd kick them all in the throat" Has to be the cutest damn thing my boyfriends ever told me. Besides admitting some other personal thing☺❤ but that takes the cake!!
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
Glad I have a friend I can vent to and an understanding boyfriend ❤ I'm glad to have them in my life~
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asdfghjkllovemeokay · 11 years
I love my boyfriend. We may get into it sometimes but we always bounce back to each other. he's the greatest guy ever &I'm happy to call him mine. He's just the sweetest, most amazing guy in the world & I can't wait till he gets here❤ I'm so excited. He's just so ASDFGHJKL
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