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Devry SBE 420 Entire Course-Latest 2015 November
Devry SBE 420 Entire Course-Latest 2015 November
(All Discussion, Quizes, Cases , Assignments And Final)
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week 1
Everyone has heard of Bill Gates and Jeff Bezos, but there are many other entrepreneurs who we’ve never heard of because they failed in their ventures. What does the term entrepreneur mean to you? What characteristics do you think make a person a successful entrepreneur?
  Why is strategic planning important to a small company? What business strategies are available to small businesses?
week 3
 Preparing a Financial Plan
Why is preparing a financial plan so important? How do financial ratios fit into the preparation of a financial plan? 
 Cash Management
Why is cash management so important to a small business? How can a small company avoid a cash crunch?weekn 5Describe a source of equity financing, and discuss when this type of financing would be appropriate for a small business.  Dq2
Describe a source of debt financing, and discuss when this type of financing would be appropriate for a small business.
week 7
 Risk and Legal Issues (graded)
In your opinion, what is the greatest risk in owning and operating a small business? Explain.
 Insurance (graded)
Insurance can be a costly expense, especially for a company that isn’t profitable. Explain the different types of insurance that a small business can obtain, and identify which ones you think are crucial, which are not, and why.week 6week 6
 Supply Chain Management  (graded)
A purchasing plan can mean the difference between success and failure of a small business. Why is it important to develop a purchasing plan? What should be included in a purchasing plan?
 Small Business Administration  (graded)
Many people say that managing a small business is the worst part of owning a small business. Why do you think that is? If a new small business owner came to you and asked your advice on how to manage employees, what would you tell them? week 2
Feasibility Analysis (graded)
Describe one of the elements of a feasibility analysis. Describe why this element is an important part of the planning process.
Location, Location, Location  (graded)
Why do realtors always say location, location, location? Which do you think is the most important component in the sale or purchase of real estate?week 4
Building a Competitive Edge  (graded)
How does a company build a competitive edge, and why is this important for a small business?
 Marketing on the Internet  (graded)
What are the benefits of a small business marketing itself on the Internet? What are the disadvantages of a small business marketing itself on the Internet?
Case Study 6
Read the case study, Circle R Ranch, on page 814, and answer the four questions at the end of the case study. Summarize your answers in a Word document that is two-to-three pages in length and double spaced.
Submit your assignment to the Dropbox located on the silver tab at the top of this page. For instructions on how to use the Dropbox, read thesestep-by-step instructions or watch this TutorialDropbox Tutorial.
See the Syllabus section "Due Dates for Assignments & Exams" for due date information
 Read Case Study 7 – James Confectioners – Part 2, page 819, and answer the three questions at the end of the case study.
Case 7 James Confectioners—Part 2
How can a small confectioner forecast cash flow?
Telford James and his wife Ivey, the second-generation owners of James Confectioners, a family-owned manufacturer of premium chocolates that was started by Telford's father, Frank, in 1964 in Eau Claire, Wisconsin, have become increasingly concerned that turmoil in the banking and financial industries could have a negative impact on their business. They have read the headlines about bank closures, heightened government scrutiny of the banking industry, and tight credit conditions, especially for small businesses. The company has a $150,000 line of credit with Maple Leaf Bank, but the Jameses want to increase it to $250,000 as a precautionary move. Last week, they contacted Claudia Fernandes, their personal banker at Maple Leaf, about increasing their line of credit. Fernandes said that in addition to reviewing the James Confectioners' most recent balance sheet and income statement, she would need a cash flow forecast for the upcoming year.
Although Telford and Ivey have prepared budgets for James Confectioners and have analyzed their financial statements using ratio analysis, they have not created a cash flow forecast before. They expect sales to increase 6.2 percent next year to $4,139,213. Credit sales account for 96 percent of total sales, and the company's collection pattern for credit sales is 8 percent in the same month in which the sale is generated, 54 percent in the first month after the sale is generated, and 34 percent in the second month after the sale is generated. The Jameses have gathered the following estimates from their budget for the upcoming year:
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 The company's cash balance as of January 1 is $22,565. The interest rate on James Confectioners' current line of credit is 8.25 percent.
 1. Develop a monthly cash budget for James Confectioners for the upcoming year.
2. What recommendations can you offer Telford and Ivey James to improve their company's cash flow?
3. If you were Claudia Fernandes, the James's banker, would you be willing to increase the company's line of credit? Explain.
 quizes 2
(TCO 5) To ensure that a building will accommodate expansion plans, a new business should
 Question 2. Question :
(TCO 5) Originally created to encourage companies to locate in economically depressed areas, ________ offer tax breaks and federal tax breaks for hiring workers living in the immediate area.
 Question 3. Question :
(TCO 3) A competitive profile matrix
  Question 4. Question :
(TCO 3) Which of the following best expresses the relationship of a company vision to its mission?
 Question 5. Question :
(TCO 1) "Copreneurs" are
Question 6. Question :
 Question 7. Question :
(TCO 3) The second essential purpose for creating a business plan is
 Question 8. Question :
(TCO 5) Manufacturing layout decisions take into consideration
Question 9. Question :
(TCO 3) How is the strategic planning process for small companies different from that for large companies?
uestion 10. Question :
(TCO 3) The final step of the strategic planning process is
 SBE420 week 5 quiz
 Page 1
Question 1. 1. (TCO 8) One of the most important tasks facing an entrepreneur is: (Points : 4)
Question 2. 2. (TCO 8) Jane is arguing with Joan about how much cash on hand their small retail outlet needs, as they prepare their cash budget. Jane feels that with the Christmas season coming up, their busiest time, they need more cash handy. Joan feels they don't because their sales volume will be up significantly. Jane and Joan are discussing which step of the cash budgeting process? (Points : 4)
Question 3. 3. (TCO 9) The focus of the small company's marketing plan is: (Points : 4)
 Question 4. 4. (TCO 9) Market research answers what important question for the small business owner? (Points : 4)
 Question 5. 5. (TCO 9) Tami is developing an advertising strategy for her small business. The first step in this process is to: (Points 
Question 6. 6. (TCO 9) Which advertising medium offers the greatest ability to selectively target or tailor to a specific audience? (Points : 4)
 Question 7. 7. (TCO 9) As a benefit of selling on the Web for many small businesses, launching a website is the equivalent of opening a _____. (Points : 4)
Question 8. 8. (TCO 9) Before your website can become the foundation for a successful e-business, you must create it with your ________ in mind. (Points : 4)
 Question 9. 9. (TCO 7) When receiving investment money from friends and relatives, entrepreneurs should: (Points : 4)
 Question 10. 10. (TCO 7) Asset-based financing: (Points : 4)
week 7
Question 1. Question :
 (TCO 6) Research on the implementation of TQM programs shows that it takes ________ to completely implement a TQM program.
 Question 2. Question :
(TCO 6) The creation of a vendor certification program requires:
Question 3. Question :
(TCO 6) A number of organizational factors encourage employee theft including:
Question 4. Question :
 Question 5. Question :
Question 6. Question :
 Question 7. Question :
(TCO 2) A small fireworks manufacturer that shuts its plant down permanently because the risk of fire and the resulting losses are too great, is relying on a risk ________ strategy.
 Question 8. Question :
(TCO 2) A dentist or an attorney would buy malpractice insurance to transfer the risk of lawsuits. This is a type of ________ insurance.
 Question 9. Question :
 assignemnts'week 1 week 2 week 3
week 4
Video Review
 week 4
week 5
 week 6
week 7
Video Review
  SBE420 Week 7 Entrepreneur Interview
 Interview with an Entrepreneur
Assignment Guidelines
  DUE DATE: Midnight Sunday, the end of week 7.
 ASSIGNMENT: Visit a locally owned business and interview an entrepreneur. You may have to get on the telephone and make some calls or send some emails. Tell them that you are a college student and need 10 minutes of their time. People are almost always happy to help a student! Using the below sample questions as a guide, interview the entrepreneur asking questions from topics in this class. Summarize the results of your interview and relate the information received in the interview to what we have learned in the class in a 3-4 page paper (12-point, double spaced) using APA style and formatting. At the end of your paper, please give full contact information for your interviewee including name, company name, telephone and email address). No credit will be given without this information,
  Sample Interview Questions
 Question 1. 1. (TCO 1) Why is it important to know your firm's strengths and weaknesses? Why is it also important to know the opportunities and threats that exist in the external environment? (Points : 30)
  Question 2. 2. (TCO 2) Compare and contrast the three risk-management strategies: risk avoidance, risk anticipation, and risk transfer. Give an example of each. (Points : 30)
  Question 3. 3. (TCO 3) Describe each item that should be included in an executive summary of a business plan. Why is it important to keep the executive summary short? (Points : 30)
  Question 4. 4. (TCO 4) What is contractual capacity? Who cannot legally enter into a contract? Explain the concept of breach of contract. (Points : 30)
  Question 5. 5. (TCO 5) Describe the types of layouts that a retailer can use. What are the advantages and disadvantages of each? Give an example of each one. (Points : 30)
  Question 6. 6. (TCO 6) Explain why employees steal. How can a small business owner prevent stealing by its employees? (Points : 30)
  Question 7. 7. (TCO 7) What role do angels play in financing small companies? What and how do they tend to finance start-ups? What types of firms do they typically finance? (Points : 30)
  Question 8. 8. (TCO 8) What are some ways to trim overhead expenses in order to avoid a cash crunch? Explain how each way can reduce the cash requirements for a small business? (Points : 30)
 Question 9. 9. (TCO 9) What is relationship marketing? What are the four steps that are part of relationship marketing? (Points : 30)
  Question 10. 10. (TCO 10) What errors are common in a team-oriented environment? How can a manager ensure the team’s success? (Points : 30)
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