EXO (OT9) - Reaction to Their Child/Children Acting Up at the Store
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Trying to stay composed, Minseok looked over at your daughter with soft eyes. “Please listen to daddy, he doesn’t want to yell.” She had been making a ruckus of their shopping trip. He had only come for groceries but she was throwing a little hissy fit because she wanted to look at the toys. He never wanted to raise and entitled child, so you both agreed not to give her everything she wanted. But her little red eyes from shedding tears made him upset so he ended up buying her a treat to try and cheer her up.
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Your daughter had been an angel up until now. She was tired, and Junmyeon was trying to hurry to get her home for a nap. She dropped her sippy cup and started bawling. It was kind of comical the way that the cup had somehow ruined her day. He picked it up and placed it in her tiny outreached hands. Giving her a kiss on the forehead he started talking to her to try and calm her down. “Just bear with daddy for a little longer, then we will get you home and you can sleep all you want.” Her rosy cheeks stuck out as she started sucking down her milk.
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As your son kept placing random things in the shopping cart, you could tell that it was frustrating Yixing. “Awewei, you don’t even like shrimp flavored puffs!” You couldn’t help but laugh as Yixing tried to find the places where your son was getting everything from. He looked at you with an exasperated expression. “Come here honey, you don’t need that stuff. Mommy is getting you everything you need.” Your son came over and wrapped his arms around your legs. You bent down and ruffled his hair as Yixing smiled at you both. “At least he listens to one of us. You need to show me your secret.”
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“Daddy!!!! Daddy, daddy!!” Your daughter kept begging Baek to buy her literally everything in the store. You had sent him with a list of specifics to stick to while you were doing chores at home. As she ran up to him and tugged on his shirt, he peered down with a questioning look. “Yes baby, daddy is listening.” She brought her hand up, and in it she was holding a bag of candy. He gently patted her head, “Sorry, mommy said that I have to stick to this. And we don’t want to defy the boss.” She pouted and put it back, but then immediately went back to shouting for him. He knew exactly where she got her loud voice from. Eventually he promised that he would make her some cookies if she calmed down. Bribery was the way to go in this family.
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Shopping as a family is something that didn’t happen very often. Usually you did it while Jongdae was at work. Your son was being quite the mirror image of his father today, making as much noise as possible. You held in a giggle as you watched Dae run after your toddler who seemed to be interested in a bright assembly of toys which were on sale in the middle of the aisle. “Aish, Seojun!! You get back here, daddy is coming for you!” When your little one seemed to tire himself out and agreed to sit in the cart peacefully Jongdae mentioned how much of a rascal your son was. You looked over and laughed, “Look who is talking.” He faked an offended look before taking your hand in his and pinching your son’s nose, “Alright, you got me. He learned from the best.”
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He turned around to find a trail of snacks on the ground behind him. Then he noted the open bag in your son’s little hands. “Jihun, what did daddy say about the snacks?” Your son looked up while nibbling on a puffy treat, slobber running down his chin. Then he giggled as the threw another treat onto the ground. Chanyeol decided that the best option was to take the snacks away. It didn’t take very long for your son to start crying and reaching for the bag that Yeol had now placed at the other end of the cart. His little pout was breaking Chanyeol’s heart. He leaned down and kissed the top of your toddler’s head, calming him down. “Daddy will give them back when we get home. Just bear with me for a couple more minutes.” He made his way through the store as fast as possible while your son was settled for a short time.
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Your twins were always trying to find ways to test their father’s patience. This time it was by begging for the toys that they had passed by. When Soo said no, they agreed to sit on the ground in the aisle and refuse to move. “You have so many toys, and you aren’t even playing with the ones mom and I just bought you for your birthday two weeks ago. You have to the count of five to get up and follow me, or I will leave you here.” Of course, your four-year olds were not going to risk it when they saw their father walking away and reaching number five very quickly. Soon after they were walking next to him, hand in hand. He did end up buying them some lollipops for the ride home.
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Having two boys around the same age was nice until they decided to fight in the middle of the store. You had left Jongin with the boys to go find something else at the opposite end to the store. “Divide and conquer.” When Jongin was looking through the meat to find the steak for dinner tonight, he heard an ear-piercing scream. He turned to see your oldest bawling with a red mark on his arm, and your youngest smirking at him. “Dong Woo, did you bite your brother?” Heon Woo was clinging to his father as Dong Woo was shaking his head in denial. He placed your youngest in the cart while he held Heon Woo in his arms. You came back to find a teary-eyed toddler with red cheeks. “What happened?”
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Forgetting a blanket in the car was one thing, but forgetting your child’s favorite binky, that was a tragic mistake. Your daughter had tears running down her eyes as her little pout formed on her lips. She was only a few months old so Sehun picked her little figure up from the car seat and started rocking her back and forth. “Shhh sweetie, just give me a few minutes and then we will be back in the car with your binkie.” Hearing his voice and resting against his chest soothed her. He grabbed everything he needed with his free arm as he caressed your daughter in the other. After returning to the car, he found the binky on the floor. Crisis averted.
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Bound by Blood (I)
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Word Count: 3,849
Genre: Vampire! AU, Arranged Marriage! AU
Pairing: Yixing x Reader
Summary: As the princess of one of the six clans sired from the witch who was originally cursed with the vampire virus, you were beckoned to be married to a young Prince before he can assume the throne. You may find more than just your fiance when you arrive.
This was never a life that you asked for. Surviving on the blood of others, and human blood being the only one that tasted the best and lasted the longest. Vampires were always thought to be fiction. Something that the humans would fantasize about and turn into something to enjoy when they were bored in book or televised form. But for you, it was the most real thing in your life. If you could even call it a life. Being immortal since birth, is that something that you could even call a life? You were conceived between two immortals. Your father always told you that your clan began when a mysterious virus infected his forefathers. It was believed to be from a witch who wanted to stay youthful and beautiful for eternity, but when she turned she had no idea that the only thing that would sustain her was blood. My grandmother claimed that she fed on her children while being driven mad with hunger. How horrible it must have been to receive a curse which was disguised as a blessing.
There are several clans which all began with one of the witch’s sires. Six in total, and they are spread out all over the world. We interact with humans, but they still aren’t fully aware of our species yet. Being the “princess” of the Ambrogio clan, you were obligated to sit in at the meetings with the elders. One of which you were currently in and wishing that you could practice your archery instead. Particularly because you were the topic of conversation.
“The Kharis Clan has just had some interesting occurrences,” Mikal was more lively than usual. Your uncle was many centuries older than your father, but he was never fit to take the throne. So, he opted for the head council position instead. “The eldest son has just been announced to be taking the throne from his father, whom is presumed to have grown tired of ruling.” He then turned to you, “A princess is required before he can officially assume the position. And he has requested that she be from one of the three original clans.” You were the eldest daughter in the house, which meant that you would be in the running. You immediately shot up from your chair. “Uncle, I would have appreciated this announcement in private before you presented it to the rest of the Elders.” Your father gave you a side glance. Since you were not queen, you did not have the authority to speak out like that during the council. You gave an apologetic bow as your father raised his hand to quiet you further. “This is wonderful news for the whole clan. Of course, we will accept the union if the prince so wishes.” And just like that, you remembered that your fate was never entirely your own.
That day you locked yourself in your room. Not that it was so horrible, since it was practically an entire suite. But you couldn’t face your father at your usual training session. They were mostly for show now, since you knew the duties of a queen and the woman of the household like the back of your hand. You were born and bred for this marriage, but even so, you wished that you had more say in the matter.
And when the notice was received that the prince had requested your hand in marriage several weeks later, your mother offered comfort. You knew that she was married to your father in a similar fashion, and you believed that they had grown to genuinely love each other. But now she was sending you off to live the same way that she had to. “Be strong my love. Try to find what makes him kind. That is what I did.” You nodded as she pulled you in for a long hug. Then she went to find your father and make arrangements for your send off.
Your send off to a whole new world with a man whom you had never met before.
The plane ride felt like an eternity. And for an immortal, that took a lot. Thankfully, the Prince allowed you to bring a member of your staff whom you felt would make the transition easier. You turned to face your longest and oldest friend. Amren was turned as a young child after she wandered into your territory. She was orphaned when her family died of sickness and was looking through the surrounding area for shelter. Unfortunately, she was met by one of your subjects who had been looking for a meal. You immediately did what you could to make her feel at home. Only recently reaching your maturity at the time, you were young enough to be a friend and a care taker. She eventually offered to become one of your ladies. You told her that she could live in the estate with no need to work, but she was too grateful to be just another mouth to feed. Centuries later, she was still dedicated to you. She took your hand and squeezed it. It was her who offered to join you in your new life. “I will see if I can divulge anything from the staff. And I will alert you to anything off-putting if I hear it.” You smiled back at her with a nod. Your parents would not be joining you for the union, so Amren was the only familiar person that would be with you until the wedding. She had said a snide remark about this situation after you had gotten on board. “Shipping their daughter away without even meeting the man they are giving her to, that seems questionable.” You had told her that it was their duty to remain in the estate. But truthfully, it would have survived without them for a day or two. “That is what happened with my mother as well. The day comes for every daughter in our family to leave home and create a union for our kind. I am just glad that I have you here for mine.”
Your new surroundings were secluded, much like your old ones to keep the humans from wandering in often. But instead of the cold and dreary mountains, here there was an abundance of greenery. As you prepared to get off of the plane, you tried to put a genuinely happy look on your face. Amren linked her arm with your own. Her closeness was the best comfort you could get at this time. The door opened, and you expected some of the staff to greet you and take you to your new home. Instead, you saw the curious face of a young man. He was dressed in a well-tailored navy suit which was accessorized with a black rose on his chest pocket. His eyes widened when they met your own. A glint of something else flashed over them for a moment before he gave a small bow, “Prince Zhang Yixing of the Kharis Clan. I am honored to finally meet you Princess,” He then turned towards your companion, “and the lovely Amren. I hope that your flight went well.” He was handsome, of course he was handsome. The immortality also came with exquisite features which drew prey in. But for some reason, you saw softness in his features that made you feel less on edge. “The feeling is mutual my Prince.” He offered his arm and you accepted, releasing Amren’s in the process. She understood the workings of the royals, you were only being cordial. This man would soon be your husband anyways. There were two male staff who accompanied him as well. They each held an umbrella. The Prince took one from the dark-haired boy and instructed the blonde one to hold it for Amren. “The sun is very prominent here, I hope that the adjustment won’t be that much of a pain.” He opened the umbrella and held it over you, shielding you from the strong rays. Unlike what many stories like to say, sunlight doesn’t kill your kind. It only irritates them, leading to headaches and slight nausea if stood in for too long. You were grateful for this gesture, as well as the kindness he was showing toward your friend.
The walk back to the estate was full of The Prince giving you a tour of the grounds. It wasn’t that far from where the plane had landed, but it was enough of a walk to get used to the way that it felt when your body would brush against the Prince’s as you walked. There was something about him that you couldn’t quite put your finger on. But just being near him made you feel safe, and at peace. As you walked, he showed excitement for what was to come from becoming the ruler of his clan. You had asked him if he had any plans. When researching your future empire, you were intrigued to know his answer. “I hope that we can do something to keep the mortals away from our land. Any unnecessary death is not going to help us for when we eventually decide to live in a world where they know we exist.” You turned to see the passion in his face. “My men try to find the biggest predator animals in the area for our people to feed on. The animals that would usually cause the mortals harm.” His aspirations were admirable. Especially when some of the other clans refuse to drink anything other than human blood. “You expect us to live in harmony one day?” Your voice was quizzical, unsure if it was something you could see truly happen. “I hope that harmony is possible. They will find out we are here soon enough, and when that day comes, I hope to be more of a friend than a foe.”
His words left a mark on you. His idea was lovely, but you both knew how hard it would be to convince mortals that the people who depend on taking the lives of others could be a friend to them. The front steps drew closer as you made some friendly conversation. Even if it was a short walk, getting to know this man would make the wedding easier. He dismissed his staff and led you into the main foyer. There was a grand staircase on either side of a luxurious balcony. You had seen this design many times. But the floral carvings into the wood that lined the walls of the building seemed out of place. “That design, it is very peculiar.” Compared to the gothic era décor of your old home, this place seemed much more… alive. “The clan’s namesake decided that she wanted a home which didn’t remind her of her deadly state all the time. Grace and beauty, I suppose that is what she had in mind with this.” As he led you upstairs, he traced the outline of the design on the railing. His fingers moving delicately. You noticed that the house seemed to be filled with lots of decorations for the ceremony, but there didn’t seem to be a lot of staff in the halls. He took you down the hallway then turned to the right, leading to another corridor. At the very end of that hall, there were larger double doors. He opened the door, which led to a beautifully decorated room with a canopy bed. It was filled with different hues of purple and silver. You had a room similar to this back home, however it had a balcony which you could walk out onto which had a view of the mountains. “This is your room until you feel comfortable enough to move into one with me.” You turned to him looking a bit surprised. “You gave me my own room?” He gave a soft smile, “Of course, it is only right. I am sure you feel out of place and having somewhere to call your own might make it better.” You spent some time looking around and he admired you from the doorway. “What do you think?” You smiled widely, “It is wonderful! Thank you, Yixing.” That was the first time you had used his name to address him, and he found it very relieving.
His smile made you understand that he genuinely just wanted to make you feel comfortable. He needed a wife to take the throne, but he didn’t want to force you to become a wife immediately. “Princess, please do not be afraid to let me know if there is anything you desire. I know how this situation must feel. The workers and I will always be only a call away. For now, I will leave you to settle in.” Before leaving he turned to Amren, “and your room is three doors down to the left. I assumed you would want to remain close to your lady.” She gave a grateful smile, “Thank you, it really does mean a lot my Prince.” You reached out your arm to take his hand softly before he whisked away. “You truly didn’t have to do all of this. I appreciate your efforts. And please, you may as well call me Y/N. We needn’t the formalities anymore.” He gave a small squeeze, firm but gentle, “Alright Y/N. I will see you for the proceedings tonight.” The way he said your name seemed to sound as if it was meant to be said by him. There was such an odd familiarity, but you released his hand and let him leave to close the door behind him. With his absence came a sort of longing in your bones.
Amren turned to you with an odd look on her face. One that you related with mischievous thoughts from all of your years with her. “What is it?” You asked as you bent down to lift your luggage up. Many of your belongings were sent to the estate ahead of time so that you wouldn’t have to wait for them. Unpacking your favorite casual clothes and laying them out, you weren’t looking at her, only waiting for the response. “The Prince does seem very kind. He is also one of your most handsome suitors yet.” You scoffed. There had been others, but they were hardly suitors. The son of the stable keeper, the high lord from the United Kingdom who didn’t hold any royal positions but was charming enough for a small summer fling, the visitor who brought a dying child to your lands in hopes of saving his life. All of them had their own reasons for getting some bit of your heart. But it was never truly your heart to give. You had to agree that if you were to be bound to someone for eternity, Yixing wasn’t such a bad option. There were princes who had their fun trying to win your father’s approval just for the sake of gaining another place to scavenge for human victims to torment for their amusement. “He does seem genuine. And aren’t we all visions of perfection?” She gave a small giggle. “You know what I mean.” You weren’t sure if you should bring up the odd things that seemed to be happening to you when it came to your new fiancé.
After getting your things all situated, you helped Amren get settled in her own room. It was not the size of yours, but it was bigger than you expected for one of your ladies. She was very delighted. “Look at these silks! They are definitely some of the finest I have ever laid my eyes on.” She leaned over to survey the fabric, taking it into her hands, “My hands too!” You were happy that Amren seemed to like your new home. She was also provided her own bathroom with a decent sized bathtub. You searched for a blue embroidered suitcase and found it sitting near the wardrobe cabinet. A sheepish grin filled your face as you called to her. “Amren, I have a little surprise for you.” She wandered away from the fabric to meet you across the room. “Should I be scared?” You rolled your eyes. “Only if fashion is horrifying to you.” You opened the luggage to reveal several new outfits for her. “I thought that a new home could use some new clothes to go along with it. Of course, I won’t be offended if you don’t wear them, but I wanted to get you something special. For being my most loyal friend and family.” Her intake of breath was enough to let you know that she loved them. She pulled out a cashmere sweater from your favorite designer’s fall collection. “Y/N, you spoil me! Thank you!” She laid the item on the bed before squeezing you tightly. She almost had as much energy as when she was a newborn when she got excited. The sparkle in her eyes was beautiful. “It is the least that I could do. You always mention that you like the things of hers that I wear.” Being a part of high society also had its perks with the mortal world. This particular designer had been dating a very abusive man when you had stumbled upon her. You had your men take care of him and made sure that she lived her life to the fullest. Her designs were in a boutique in a small city before you found her, now they were on the runways of Milan. You always tried to help what humans that you could and turning them wasn’t the only way. You opened orphanages up in the area where Amren was from in hopes of preventing another child from being infected or killed looking for a place to stay. When she found out, she threw her arms around you and wept. She had accepted her fate, but that doesn’t mean she didn’t mourn her mortal life.
You looked at the clock on the wall and realized that it was time to get ready. Most of Yixing’s court would be welcoming you to the estate tonight. A party was being held in your honor, and you were supposed to meet the Prince in an hour. Amren’s eyes widened. “Let’s turn you in to the prettiest thing in the room my love.” A few moments later she was leading you back to your room and sitting you down in front of the mirror. The virus made its victims look naturally stunning, but some makeup and hair-dos added allure. Your hair was curled and braided to rest on your head with a small jeweled crown. It was the one reserved for occasions where status was important, but not where you needed to attend to royal duties. A red lip paired with a maroon gown that hugged your hips and spread out near your feet were what Amren decided would make you stand out. Many people think that your kind wear red all the time, in all honestly, most strayed away from the color of their food. Black peep toe stilettos adorned your feet. Looking in the mirror, you seemed almost as dangerous as you were. “I will meet you at the party. Till then, enjoy the Prince’s company.” Amren kissed your cheek as she sent you away.
When Yixing turned, he didn’t expect to be caught off guard by your beauty. “Shall we be off then?” You asked as he took your sight in. Even the scent of you was intoxicating. He lent his arm towards you and you wrapped yours around it. “You look lovely tonight Y/N.” You smiled to yourself before turning your head towards his. “The same can be said for you.” Yixing was wearing a charcoal suit with silver embroidery in the shape of swirls. He led you to what you could only assume was his office. A large mahogany desk sat in the center of the room with a velvet chair behind it. On the desk was a large black box which was also made of the same material. “I was hoping that you wouldn’t have a necklace to wear tonight.” He lowered his arm to take your hand and led you to the desk. “Were you now?” You said back amused and raised your free hand to your collar bone. He opened the box to reveal a silver necklace with a stunning black shimmering stone in the middle. “It is black goldstone, not the most precious, but I thought it was as breathtaking as the woman I bought it for.” The way that the sparkles reflected in the light made it resemble the night sky, miles away from human civilization, where the stars shined brightly for the creatures of the night. “It is gorgeous!” He lifted it from the case and gestured towards your neck, “May I?” You nodded and lowered your hand, leaving your collarbone free for the dazzling jewel to rest upon. You clasped it in your hand as you admired it some more. When you looked up, Yixing was doing the same to you.
There seemed to be something happening between you both which you had never felt before. “Y/N, I hope that I am not being so intrusive, but may I ask you something?” “Of course, anything.” Then he moved closer and it was like you felt an invisible string linking him to you. Making you crave more of him whenever he was near. “Do you feel like we have known each other much longer than we have? As if there is something between us that you cannot explain?” You moved closer, and placed your hand on his chest before looking up at his face, his eyes, his lips. “Yes, I know exactly what you mean.” He placed his hands on your sides, then he casually slid them lower and lower to your hips. The dress leaving little fabric in between your skin and his own. “I think there is a reason why I was drawn to your picture, your description. It is like I was supposed to pick you before I even knew that I would be taking the throne.” You tilted your head up. If your skin could flush, you would be red all over your chest. The closer you were the more your body took over for you. Thought seemed to drift away. You only heard of one thing that could cause such emotions like this in a short time. Some of your kind wait several lifetimes to find what you have found by pure chance. This was the first time that you were alone with him since you had gotten here. The first time that you had truly been able to focus solely on each other. Feeling his hands on you, you wanted him to stay there forever. You wanted him to wrap you up in him and never let you go. “Who would have thought that a princess from the Ambrogio clan would be my mate.”
Your mate. A mate that could have slipped away if the circumstances weren’t exactly as they were.
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Ever since we met,
I only shoot up with your perfume.
It's the only thing that makes me feel as good as you do.
Ever since we met,
I've got just one regret to live through.
And that one regret is you.
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BTS - Reaction to Their S/O Having a Miscarriage
This was a request. And I do want to say that I know people who have gone through this before. In no way am I trying to lessen the effect of this tragedy on couples. And if you have gone through it, I am sorry.
So, read at your own risk. if this is going to bother you then please move on to something else. <3
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He rushed home from practice as soon as you called him. After the doctor gave you the news which you already knew, he held you. The hospital room seemed to be spinning, so you nestled your face into his shoulders. He didn’t know what to say, all he could do was be there. Cause he was feeling the pain too. You weren’t very far along, but it was still something you both found a great deal of happiness in. “We will be okay, maybe not for a while, but we will be.” You didn’t respond, but he knew that you understood.
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First you thought it was just random spotting. But you were wrong. He was away when you called, but took the first flight that he could. You were out of the hospital by then, sitting in your bedroom. As soon as he burst through the front door, you got up. You met him in the hallway, as he crashed into you, wrapping you in his arm. The tears started falling again. And he was there, crying too. He didn’t have to say he loved you, because you knew. Slowly you both lowered to the ground, being the only thing keeping each other from falling apart completely.
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As soon as he heard the crack in your voice, he was on his way over taking the first taxi in sight. You had been trying for months, and finally it happened. That made this all the more heart wrenching. He hugged you tightly as you waited for a company vehicle to take you to the hospital. There they made sure that you would be alright, and when it would be okay to try again. The doctor gave an apologetic glance as he left the room. You and Hoseok stayed silent, him holding your hand as you tried to understand why it had happened.
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He was home with you. You thought it was just a stomach ache until the cramping started. Then there was blood. He called the doctor who wanted to see you as soon as possible, and told you what you were experiencing. Joon’s heart broke when he had to repeat the news to you. You tried to stay composed, until he hugged you. Then you couldn’t hold back anymore. He softly rocked you as you cried. He didn’t try to get you ready to leave. Mourning the loss you had both just gone through.
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It took him a day to get home, but he made sure that you had friends and family there for you until then. He just didn’t want you alone. You had wanted it so badly. “What do you want me to do?” He sounded as empty as you felt. As you wrapped your arms around him, you let out a quiet response. “Just hold me.” And so he did. You both stayed like that for some time. He wanted to be strong for you. So when you sobbed into his chest, he let the tears fall silently.
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After planning and trying for this pregnancy for months, you were blessed. Now, it seemed that the blessing wasn’t meant for you. You weren’t far enough along for you to have to stay at the hospital, so you and Taehyung made your way home the same day. The onesie that you revealed the pregnancy to Tae with was still in its place on your dresser. When he saw you look at it, he took your face in his hands. “Hey, look at me.” He wiped the tears away from your cheeks. “It is alright. We will try again. It just wasn’t time yet.” You nodded before wrapping your arms around him. “It will be okay,” his voice low and soothing in your ear.
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He was ready to be a father. The delight in his eyes when you had handed him the positive test filled your heart. Now you saw the opposite, and it was the same for you. You knew the bleeding was too much before you even went to the hospital. He held your hand on the drive back, not saying anything. He knew that silence was best. Until you got into the door and he embraced you. “Can we just stay like this for a little while?’ You rested your head on his chest in response, hoping that the sound of his heart would heal your own.
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Beating the Breakup
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Word Count: 2,460
Genre: Smut
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Summary: After the shitty ending to your long term relationship, your friend suggests a night out. A handsome stranger may turn your week around. 
As Requested. ;)
You were having a pretty crappy day. Even though, it had been a few weeks since your longtime boyfriend decided to dump you for his brother’s ex. Apparently, they had been seeing each other the past year of your three-year relationship. You saw them browsing the mall together hand in hand smiling as if nothing in the world felt out of place. But you did. You felt like you didn’t belong anymore. “What you need, is to have a girl’s night out.” You rolled your eyes at your best friend who was getting ready in the mirror in front of you. She was your new roommate now that you had to move out of your joint apartment with your ex. This is how she spent most of her Friday nights. Getting dolled up, going out, either getting too drunk to function or going home with a handsome man. “You know it isn’t really my thing. I can just drink here. Besides,” You tugged at your oversized pajama shirt, “I am in no state to go out, it would take a miracle to get me ready at this point.” Liz just giggled as she placed her lipstick onto the countertop and turned around. “Well here she is, I shall be your fairy god mother for the night. Oh! And no curfew for you Cinderella, you can stay out till Monday for all I care, as long as you go to work. We do need rent money.” You were scrolling through your phone pretending that you didn’t hear her offer. Until a hand took your arm and pulled you up. “Please Y/N. Let me do this for you.” Her eyes were softer, more concerned than angry. You nodded knowing that you did need to get out of this house. “Yay!” She immediately sent you into your room to choose a dress. You however, did not have many options to choose from. There was one that did stand out from the four in your closet. A dark blue low-cut fit and flare dress. You had bought it for your anniversary dinner that never happened. Instead of letting it stay in your closet forever and only being reminded of your shitty relationship, you decided that this would be the next best use for it.
Her eyes widened when you walked back into her room. “Damn! You look amazing in that.” She smiled so fondly that you smiled too. You knew you looked good in it, you had spent two hours looking for the perfect dress. “Now, it is my turn.” She pulled out the stool in front of her vanity and you took a seat. It was nice, being pampered. You were stunned at how well she had done your makeup. A smokey eye with a bold lip, the colors bringing out your eye color. She had given your cheeks some color with a contour that made you look braver than you felt recently. Your hair was half pulled up, with a somewhat effortless look to it. You turned around and thanked her with a hug. “Of course, I just want you to be happy again.” You smiled and got up before you became sappy and emotional. You made your way back to your room to retrieve the black heels that you had bought to go with the dress. The suede finish made them look a little too classy to go partying in, but they were so comfortable that you didn’t care. Taking one last look in the mirror before going to meet Liz at the door, you felt good. And you looked good too. So good, that you decided to let all your cares go away tonight. You needed fun and that is what you were going to find.
Two hours later, and you were very buzzed. You hated being hungover, so you were careful to pace yourself in order to not regret it tomorrow. It was fun, dancing and singing with Liz, until she found a tall and lengthy blonde to bide her time. You had to admit that you were a bit jealous. She always found an attractive man to flirt with. You, were not as lucky. Besides, you haven’t had to impress anyone for a while now. Making your way to the bar, you didn’t seem to be catching anyone’s eye. The bartender was there for your order as soon as you sat down. “What would a pretty lady like you want?” He peered down at your chest, making you feel a bit odd. God, you really haven’t flirted in a long time. “Surprise me.” And with that, he gave a smile before working on your drink. A few moments later, a cocktail was placed in front of you. It smelled like vodka and fruit. You pulled out your wallet but he refused. “It has been paid for. Don’t worry about it.” Then he walked away to entertain another customer. You looked around but didn’t see anyone making eyes at you. You took a sip of the drink, relieved that it actually tasted good. You pulled out your phone to see if Liz had messaged you about slipping away with that guy. Nothing yet. A few decent songs played as you mumbled the words in between sips, your foot moving to the rhythm.
You didn’t realize that someone had sat down next to you until he asked for a drink himself. The bartender giving him a wink as he served up the beer. You turned your head wondering what the wink was all about. A handsome stranger with piercing cheek bones was what you found. You pretended not to notice him and continued sipping on your drink until all that you were getting was air. “It looks like you need another one.” He gave a small laugh as you turned and finally made eye contact with him. You placed the glass down and started fidgeting with the straw. “Do I?” You had to admit, that you were feeling quite giggly at the moment. But you still knew what you were doing, and what was happening. “I am not quite sure that a drink is what I need.” He raised his brow at that. You giggled and covered your mouth. “Sorry, I am kind of moping over a break up right now. Not the best company to be with.” He frowned. “Well if it is any help, if I had a girl as beautiful as you, I wouldn’t let her go.” You scoffed again. And then he laughed too. “That was bad, right?” You both laughed at the awkwardness of it all. But then it led to real conversation. “Wait, you are telling me that you came home from a business trip to find her there?” You were on to another drink, he as well. “She had the audacity to ask me to leave my house.” He had a look of amazement. “So, what did you do?” You recounted the moment, how you were so utterly surprised and upset at the same time. All you wanted to do was rip her hair out as you led her to the door and threw her out. “I left. And when I called him later, it went straight to voicemail. I told him that I wanted him gone by the end of the week, and all of his stuff gone. That I was telling the landlord that the apartment would be free again the next Monday. I realized that as much as I was angry at her, it wouldn’t change anything. That I had lost him a long time ago.” He was looking at you in a way that someone does when they seem to be very interested in what you have to say. Not just that you were a girl he wanted to sleep with so he was listening to your sob story. “That is really good of you. Most people would take it out on the other person.” You just smiled, “No really, trust me. At least I know I have before. I wondered what he had that I didn’t. If he treated her better. Then when I saw them together, it took everything I had not to go over to him. It took me a while to realize that it isn’t him who I should be upset with.” You weren’t sure what to say to that. Not until you looked into his eyes and saw the same sadness that you feel, flicker in them. “Hey, you weren’t wrong to be mad though. It is okay to be upset at someone who ruined something for you.” Then he just gave a small laugh, “I don’t think he ruined it. I think that he may have saved me from something that could have been longer and harder to deal with.” You understood. Three years of memories, that is what you had to deal with. All the moments you believed you knew the person you said that you loved, and who said that they loved you. But you didn’t say anything. He could tell what you were thinking about. And he reached out to take your hand on the table. “Maybe this happened for a reason.” A soft smile crossed your face before he leaned forward and pressed his lips to yours.
You liked him. Really liked him. And this felt right. The way his mouth was molding against yours. As if he was trying to take your pain away. You weren’t sure how long you had been making out. But then a thought crossed your mind as you both began getting more curious with your hands. You pulled away for a moment, breathless. “We never asked for names?” His hands on your waist. “Hoseok.” Another kiss. “Y/F/N.” He brought a hand up to trace the outline of your chin. “I am glad that you decided to come out tonight.” You smiled. The sincerity in his voice was evident. “Me too.” He stood up and gestured with his head to the dance floor. “Care to dance? Even for a little bit.” You took his hand and followed him to the center of the room.
There were so many people. Causing you to stay very close to Hoseok. Every touch, every movement, set your senses on fire. It might have been the alcohol, or the connection that you felt with him. But you didn’t care. No one was paying attention to you. It was as if you both were in your own world. It didn’t take long for the music to take over, and for you both to be glued to one and other. His hands began roaming down to caress your ass, pulling you closer to him. He began placing kisses down your neck, to where the straps of your dress rested. Your hand was in his hair, tangled in his dark locks. The smell of him was only making you feel that you needed him more. You brought your mouth to his ear, “Bathroom.” He looked up with a mischievous grin as you pulled him away.
Since Liz was very used to getting into these types of situations, you had heard of a single bathroom down one of the unpopulated areas of the building. Easy to get to. So, you strung him along, the lights showing the slight sheen of sweat on his brow, his collar bone. His cheeks were flush, just as you assumed yours were. Finally, you found the bathroom. Too impatient, he pushed you against the door, kissing your fiercely. Your hand felt for the doorknob and you smiled into the kiss. He picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist as he carried you in. After he sat you on the sink, he hastily found the light switch and locked the door behind him. You whined, eager for his lips to meet yours again. But he looked into your eyes for confirmation. You nodded as you brought your hands to his belt, unclasping it as he undid the zipper. He was already hard as he pulled his pants down. His boxer briefs were next as you slid out of your already wet underwear. He took your neck and pulled you to him. Not rough enough to hurt you. You widened your legs, allowing him to do whatever he wished. His hand squeezed your thigh as he kissed you again, his tongue tangling with your own. Then you felt his fingers brush right where you needed them to. Soft moans escaped your mouth as he slid one inside of you, curving to find your weak spot. Your small shudder prompted him to insert another finger and begin thrusting them in and out. It didn’t take long until you were in shambles before him, completely and utterly his. He helped you through your release, coaxing every last sensation he could give you. You pushed into the kiss, biting his lip as you pulled away. Your hand made its way to grab his erect member. As you slid your hand up and down, the sweet sounds of him filled the room. His face contorted as you brought him closer, then he stopped you. And you aligned him perfectly, moving forward as his tip grazed your heat. You bit your own lip as he pushed himself in fully, waiting for you to nod before moving again. Each thrust deeper and quicker. He reached up to cup your breast in his hand as your lips met again. Both of you so close to climax as he picked up the pace. Rapid breathing and sweet moans were all you could hear. “There, right there.” You told him and he smiled as he did as he was told. Moments later you both released together, holding each other as you rode out the euphoria that overcame you. He pulled out and planted a long and passionate kiss on your mouth. “Would you like to come over?” His eyes full of curiosity and delight. You brought your hand to cup his cheek. “I would like nothing more.”
Both of you got redressed and tried to look presentable. He handed you some toilet paper to clean yourself off before slipping on your underwear. Your lipstick was smudged when you looked in the mirror, you turned to see his lips tinted with the same red. He laughed as he walked over to run his fingers along your lips, getting rid of the evidence of what had just occurred. You kissed him again, this time softly. 
As you walked out, hand in hand, your phone chimed. You made sure to tell Liz that you were not going to be home tonight as Hoseok slid his arm around your waist. Leading you onto the next step in your new beginning.
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EXO (OT9) - Mafia!AU Reaction to You Growing Closer to Them in Your Arranged Marriage
As Requested. :)
**Warning: Due to the genre of these reactions, of course there is going to be some violence. Please read with caution.**
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When your father let you know that you would be wed to Kim Minseok, you were very upset. Especially since he always promised your freedom to marry whom you wished. The first few months were rocky, you walking on eggshells around him, always worried that you would make him upset. He had that aura to him, like he could break anything he touched. That was until he had come home with a gunshot, barely able to walk into the house without falling. You called for your family’s doctor as you held him on your lap, keeping pressure on his wound. And all he did was apologize for seeming so cold to you before. He weakly raised his hand to your face and cradled it before passing out. The next morning, after the doctor had said he was in stable condition, you sat at his bedside, holding his hand in yours. A smile crossed his face when he woke, then a slight grimace from the pain. “You didn’t have to stay with me,” his voice barely more than a whisper. “Where else would I be? My husband came home with an almost fatal wound, of course I would stay with you.” He squeezed your hand, beaming at you with what you believed to be love, or at least the start of it. “I am glad you did. There is no one else I would rather have here.”
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An arranged marriage was always expected to be a part of your future. More so for a buy-off to keep your father’s mafia factor safe. So along came the son of an opposing force. Kim Junmyeon was definitely easy on the eyes, but easy to love? That wouldn’t be your first explanation of your relationship. At first it felt just like it was, a contract that was completed with a ceremony instead of a signature.  Recently however, you found yourself enjoying the time you spent with him. And when he came back bruised and battered from a business affair, you wanted nothing more than to clean him up. As you pressed the damp cloth to his gashed cheek you couldn’t help but scold him. “Is it so hard to come back home with out being injured.” A small grin spread across his face, “Since when do you care if I come home bruised and bloodied?” You huffed as you looked at his hands, his knuckles full of cuts. “I don’t know, but all that matters is I do now.” You could sense his new found happiness from the small sentiment. 
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Your sisters would have been over the moon to be in the position you were in. Married to Zhang Yixing, handsome, rugged, mysterious. The problem was that you never asked to get married to him, never even had the chance to decide. Free will was taken away the day your father decided that you were a good bargaining tool. Yixing was cordial to you, treated you well, but it didn’t change the fact that you didn’t know him. You had always wanted to marry cause you loved someone, and you lost that chance. When you came home to find that he had driven off to meet some very dangerous people, you were surprised to find yourself crying and worrying about him. The feelings developed without you even being aware of them. You stayed up pacing back and forth, hoping that your husband would walk through the door. The next afternoon you were awoken by his warm hand on your cheek. “Y/N, are you feeling alright?” You looked up teary eyed and wrapped your arms around him. “I am now, God you had me worried.” He pulled back a bit to look at your face, but welcomed the embrace, “You were worried about me?” You nodded and he wiped the tears from your face. “I am sorry, I will never leave like that again. I didn’t think you cared.”
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The first time you ran away, it was the day of the wedding. You had barely gotten three miles before your father’s men tracked you down and brought you back. The second time was two weeks after you got married. You had told your father you would try, and so you coexisted with Byun Baekhyun for two weeks. After deciding that nothing would come of it but a nice face to look at, you made a run for it. This time Baekhyun himself had found you. “Am I really so awful? You do realize that this marriage wasn’t my idea either. Just give it another chance, please?” You were surprised to hear him speak this way. You had only ever really seen him be in charge, commanding his men the way that he was born and bred to do. Not once did you think that he was just a child following their parent’s orders as you were. “Alright, I will try. I am sorry.” He gave a soft smile as he led you back into his car to take you back home. Another week passed, and then another. You became closer, eventually looking for comfort in each other. A few months later, you were laying with him. “I am sorry for how stubborn I was, I promise that I will never run away again.” He looked at you with a bit of shock, “Promise? Do you really mean it?” You nodded and buried your head into his chest. “I am glad to hear that, but I must admit, your stubbornness can be attractive.”
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When your father had introduced the handsome boy, “your fiancee” is not what you expected to hear as his description. As far as you knew, he was a skilled sharpshooter, a charismatic talker, very persuasive when he needed to be. Those were all nice things when it came to the type of job he had, but not so much when it came to a husband. You had found him beating up a man one day, in your new home, blood all over the plastic he had aligned on the floor, some very scary looking tools in his hands. His voice was almost demonic. You knew that this sort of thing occurred, but you had never seen it first hand. Your father trained you to protect yourself, but preferred to keep you away from the unnecessary violence. Horrified, you ran up and locked yourself in your room. You didn’t speak to him for days, opting to sleep in separate rooms. It isn’t like you were a happy couple before, but this seemed to be your breaking point. Finally he confronted you, asking why you were being so cold. “The things you were doing to that man, don’t you have any morality? What did he do? Steal money? Weapons? Drugs?” After letting you yell at him, he took in a breath and calmly took your hand. You let him. “No. I have simpler ways to deal with those types of issues. What he did do was threaten your life. So yes, I was using my methods to get vital information out of him.” You didn’t know what to say. You had been ignoring him because he was protecting you. “I am sorry, I had no-” He cut you off with a hug, “It is alright. I didn’t want to scare you.” After that, you had become more compassionate with him. Spending nights talking, eventually growing into adoration. As you finally kissed him, full of emotions that you truly felt, he beamed. “I am glad that you let me explain that day.”
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You found him difficult to talk to. You always had. Even before you knew that you were going to be married to him, Chanyeol was never someone you sought a connection with. His height also made him slightly stand offish to you. Early in your marriage, you tried to get him to open up to you, but he never would. You believed that being open with each other was something couples were supposed to do. Without sharing, there could be no trust. And you didn’t trust him. You believed that he might know things that you weren’t supposed to tell your family. That is until you found a leather bound notebook that fell from his. You didn’t want to invade his privacy, but this was the only way to find out what was going on in his head. You were surprised to see that his recent entries had to do with him not wanting to worry you with his dealings. ‘My problems should not become hers, even if she is my wife. I know it was not by choice. The least I could do is spare her mind.’ He didn’t want to hurt you. All this time you thought of him as a possible enemy, when he had only been your protector. When he came home that night you met him at the door, offering to take his coat, and giving him a quick peck on the lips. “What was that for?” His strong demeanor seemed to be faltering. “For being my husband. I know that we haven’t had the best relationship, but I want that to change. I care for you Chanyeol, and I want you to be able to speak freely with me. Let me be there for you.” A bright smile that you had never seen before filled his face. “I would love nothing more.” He placed an arm around your waist and pulled you closer, relief seemed to be radiating off of him.
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How does one go about being married to Do Kyungsoo against their will. Well you didn’t take it very well. You pleaded that your father reconsider, but there was no changing his mind. The date arrived, and you were wed. He was a very impressive man. You had heard that he was one of the most feared leaders in the region. It made you wonder if it was possible to fall for someone like that. His voice was softer than you imagined it to be, and his face had a boy-like charm to it. You found it hard to see him as a fearsome man. But the feelings were hard to come by as well. He hardly showed affection with you, and you didn’t try to make an effort either. One day, you woke up to him in a panic, his young cousin had been kidnapped. You rushed over to him, taking him into your arms. He gave in and hugged you, letting out a soft sob onto your shoulder. “She is too young, too irrational, if they do something to her? This is my fault.” You squeezed him tightly before pulling away to look him in the eyes. You lifted his head, wiping the tears away with your thumb. “I know this is hard. But she will be okay. This isn’t your fault, but you can fix it. We can fix it, together.” His breathing slowed as he began to calm down. “We can. Yes, thank you Y/N, but you don’t have to help.” You gave an exasperated sound, “I want to. I am your wife. I am helping. Your family is my family now.” A small smile crossed his face before he kissed your cheek and went away to make some calls. 
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A forced marriage is one thing. Waling in on him cleaning up a dead body, another. You weren’t surprised, but you thought he would at least try to keep your home and the work environment separate. Upset, you called up Jongin’s driver and had him take you back to your father’s house. At least there you felt safe. How could you stay in a home where murders could take place at any time. Other than that, Jongin did treat you well. It isn’t as if you felt like you were married though, since you both barely touched each other or had intimate conversations. He called you, upset that you had seen the mess. “Please listen to me Y/N, he was a friend, a friend who was in a bad situation, and he asked me to do it but I couldn’t.” You found that line hard to believe. That was until he had found his way to your family home and fell into your arms, obviously upset. “I didn’t want to, and so he did it himself. He was a good friend. I didn’t want you to see it. I am sorry.” This was something that you had never expected. Jongin unraveling inside your arms. This was a painful experience, and he wanted to find comfort in you. So you held him. And you decided that it was time to forgive and forget the past. You kissed his shoulder as he clung to you. “I am here. I will always be here.” When he regained his composure he looked at you with questioning eyes. “Do you really mean what you said?” You smiled and held him tighter. He returned a small smile and gave you a sweet kiss, a kiss that felt like his promise to you.
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You had heard of Oh Sehun plenty before you were introduced. Shortly after that meeting, you were informed of your arranged marriage. He seemed to be a very intriguing character. His stylish clothing and his handsome features could trick you into believing he was a model if you didn’t know the truth. After the wedding day, it was hard to form an actual relationship. It was like you were acquaintances who had to share a house instead of husband and wife. He was always taking business phone calls and having meetings at the office. Randomly, he woke you up and informed you to get dressed. When you joined him downstairs he handed one of his men a bag and casually rested his hand on the small of your back. “Something has come up, and I am moving you to a confined and secret location.” You just gave him a look, “What has come up?” But he didn’t respond, just led you to the car and you both got in. You were dropped off somewhere while he went off on his way. After you were finally returned home, you asked what was going on. He still refused to answer. Later, you overheard him on the phone when he thought you were sleeping. He was informing your father that you were alright. And that he didn’t tell you anything to keep you from being scared. “I care for Y/N, I swear that I will keep her safe no matter what.” You had never heard him express his feelings towards you. You cared for him too, and you wanted this marriage to work. Now was your chance to make a move. You crept up on him in his office, “Why don’t you come to bed?” He checked his watch and smiled at you. “The time got away from me. I apologize.” You moved over to place a hand on his shoulder, “Don’t apologize. I know you were dealing with my father. And… I want you to know that i care about you too.” With that he turned around, looking up at you excitedly. “You do?” You nodded and gave him a small kiss. “Now come to bed. You need to sleep.” 
(They are a little varying in length, so I apologize for that. I got a little carried away with some scenarios versus others. But I did try to make them their own.)
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Three Little Words
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The Way You Said “I Love You” Prompt. #2
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Genre: Fluff
He rolled over, semi crushing you as he got into bed after an exhausting day. His body was sore and his throat was done for from all the shouting they did on stage for their Seoul performance. All he wanted to do, was spend time with the girl that he loved. You started playing with his hair as he rested his head on your chest. “I am glad that you made it home before I went to bed.” You smiled as he wrapped a noodle leg around your own. He popped up his head to kiss you. That is the most that he could manage for today. He giggled as you wrapped your arms around him, wanting to keep him close. He closed his eyes and tried to relax. “I love you.” His voice was hoarse, but also soft and caring. This was the first time he had said it, and it had come out so naturally, as if he didn’t even realize. Until you froze under him. “What did you say?” He opened his eyes and sat up, “I said that I love you. I love you. Y/N. And you don’t have to say it back right now. I just wanted you to know.” His eyes were focused on you, even with how tired he was. You moved forward to kiss him again, keeping it soft and short. “I love you too.” Both of you smiled as he reached for your hand, intertwining his fingers with your own. Knowing how much he needed to rest, you laid back down and gestured for him to do the same. It didn’t take long for him to drift off, your heartbeat against his ear, and your hand in his own. 
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EXO (OT9) - Mafia! AU Reaction to You Saving Them But Not Being Able to Let You Go Freely
Request:  Can you do a exo mafia reaction to you being a doctor and finding them on an alley with a gunshot, you have no Choice but to take them to your home to cure them. Later after days had passed they come back for you to tell you the works for the mafia and that now that you know who he is you have no choice but to leave with him to work with him.
Because it is so specific, I will just do the confrontation meeting part. :)
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When he woke up to you asleep in a chair next to your bed which you had placed him in, he was shocked. Someone had really helped him. He wondered how you had found him. Now he had to explain the consequences of your actions to you. “I am sorry, but I can’t just let you continue on as you were. You know what I look like, my line of work, my name. Usually these circumstances lead to a very nasty ending. But you, I have a proposition for you. Come work for me. We can give you money, shelter, and protection. This is all that I can do.” You leveled your eyes with his own. He did seem to care about what happened to you; even if he just blatantly said that you would be killed if you refused. “Can you give me your word?” You needed to be sure that this wasn’t a game to him. He raised his hand to his heart, “I swear it. No harm will come to you if you agree.” And so you did. 
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You had stitched him up well, and you had even promised that there would be minimal scarring if he didn’t exert himself. Of course he didn’t care about that, but he thanked you on his way out. The problem was that he had to return and let you know about the ugly side of helping him. “I know that you had no idea what you were getting yourself into.” You nodded but then had to interject, “I think the firearms you were carrying gave me a hint.” He smirked but then grabbed his own beloved pistol from his waist. He slid it onto your table. “Unfortunately, I have come to the realization that you could identify me. I can’t have that happen. It would only cause you more harm than good.” You stared at the gun then let out a small laugh, “Is this a threat? I saved your life! I could have let you bleed out in that alleyway.” He sighed, “Or,” he picked the firearm up and returned it to its original location, “you could come with me now. We have use for skills like yours.” You were appalled. That was the last time you try to be the nice person. “Fine. I will agree to your offer. Even though there isn’t much of an option.” He smiled and patted the gun under his coat, “Good choice.”
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When he was informed that it was time to tell you about the issue he felt a slight pang in his heart. You poor thing. He was grateful for your help, but there wasn’t much he could do. Showing up at your house, late at night, of course you would be persuasive. “Listen darling, rules are rules. If we let one person go, that could lead to the downfall of the whole organization. And we wouldn’t want that.” You backed away to grab something from your counter. “I can see what you are reaching for and it is pointless. Besides, you would really harm a patient you just spent time saving?” You gave up and let the knife fall. “How about you join us? The alternative is joining the people down there.” He pointed to the ground with a frown. “I can offer you anything you require. No one will touch a hair on your head, unless you want them to.” A small grin appeared on his face as you looked up at him. “Fine. What do I need to do now?”
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He had casually walked into your apartment. “How careless of you to leave the door unlocked.” You walked out to find him leaning over the flowers you had received from a patient’s family in thanks. “What do you want?” He flashed a smile when he met your eyes, “I just need to wrap up some unfinished business. Now, I am going to be very upfront with you. Either I could leave this apartment with you by my side, or I could leave it and call my people to clean up after your ‘accident.’” Your eyes widened in horror. “You came here to kill me.” You tried to calm down as you backed up into a wall. “Well, that will only happen if you refuse my offer. I could use a doctor on my side. And I am sure that you would prefer to live another day.” He was not wrong. “So this is what I get for helping you.” He stepped forward, leaning down to be eye level with you. “The world is cruel. It just depends on what you decide to make of that cruelty.”
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“How did you get in?” He was sitting on your couch looking at a magazine. “How do you think I got in?” You rolled your eyes but walked over to him anyways. “Why are you here?” He smiled as he stood up. “Well, considering that you know how handsome my face is, there is the issue of letting you spread the word. As much as I would love the attention if it were from beautiful women such as yourself, that is an issue.” You crossed your arms as he came closer. “I have an offer. Leave your employment elsewhere, and join my organization. It would be very beneficial for you, especially since the alternative is your untimely demise.” You had no idea how to react. Work for this man, or die right here, right now. He leaned in closely, whispering softly into your ear, “If I were you, I would choose the former.”
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The parking garage at the hospital was very easy to access. All Chanyeol had to do was find out when you were leaving work, which was easily accessed with his resources. When you got into your car, he made his way over and slid into the passenger seat while you were distracted. “This is cheaper than I thought what a doctor would be driving.” You tried to open the door but he grabbed your arm. “You don’t need to get hurt today. I have use for a doctor like you. You would be treated well. Hell, I could even get you a new ride.” He nudged the dashboard. You looked over to the cameras you knew were aimed at you. “Don’t worry about those, my men know how to hide someone on camera.” Stuck in your car with a dangerous man, all you could do was agree. “I supposed if I am still healing people. Okay, I accept your terms.” He smiled over before sending something on his phone. “Very good. You are a smart girl.”
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His men told him of a cafe you frequented. He waited there after cameras tracked you heading in that direction. After you sat down, he joined you. “Y/N, I am very happy to see you here.” He let you eat before suggesting you follow him to his car. You did, seeing as you knew how deadly his line of work was. “Would you like to be able to continue to enjoy your time? Taking in the little joys that life offers.” You understood, trying to seem put together you decided to ask for his ulterior motive for the visit. “What do you have in mind?” He looked down and twisted a large jade ring on his finger. “How would you like to work for me? I can guarantee that it will be more interesting than that little shack you work at now. You would also be treated with the same respect as me and the rest of my colleagues, that goes for wealth and protection as well.” He looked back up again, his eyes full of intimidation. “I assume that if I say no, I won’t be leaving this car of my own free will.” He nodded, “You assume correctly.”
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Your work had healed magnificently. His latest surgeon had decided to betray him. Let’s just say that it didn’t end very well for him. Jongin smiled as he spotted you. Since the area of the city was practically dead this time of night, it was the opportune moment to whisk you away. Before you could fight back, he had you against a wall in an alley. Coincidentally, the same one you had found him in. With his arms on either side of you, he leaned forward, “You should really be more careful in areas like this. You never know who could be lurking in the shadows.” You remained silent, waiting for the point of his actions. “I am in need of a surgeon, doctor, whatever you call yourself. Anyways, you have proven that you have the skills necessary for the position. You could leave this alley with me, I can offer you whatever you heart desires. Or, you could stay here until someone stumbles upon you. And it will not be alive either.” It wasn’t worth trying to escape, you wouldn’t even get two feet before he had you in his grasp again.
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Something about the concern you showed for him, even after you knew what he was involved in, it made him want to help you. The only help that he could offer, a position you can’t refuse. “If it weren’t for you, I probably wouldn’t be here. I understand that. You could work for me. Become my surgeon. You can live a life of luxury with all my men available to keep you safe. If you refuse, I will have to kill you. And believe it or not, I don’t want to have to do that.” You weren’t going to ask how. There was no point. You had to agree. His eyes seemed to be searching for an answer in your facial expression. “This life, even if it isn’t the one you want, is better than no life at all.” You looked around your apartment, taking in the last glimpse of normalcy that you will ever have. “Then lead the way. I assume that I won’t be able to stay here.”
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Trivia Sho: Love
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EXO (OT12) - Reaction to You Asking If They Could Pick You Up From Work
As Requested. :)
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“Of course! I will be there in a few.” He didn’t like the idea of you walking home alone in the dark either. He even got you some dinner on the way back. “Eat up, I know you are probably starving.” The smell made your stomach growl, earning a small giggle from him. You offered him a bite as he drove assuming correctly that he hadn’t eaten either. 
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“Just hang on. And do not wait outside, please. Okay, see you soon.” He had been eagerly awaiting for you to come home anyways, so why not bring you back himself. He smiled brightly as he saw you walk out, “Hey baby.” He also ended up serenading you on the drive back, but you loved it.
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He had been texting you about when you were getting out, since you were usually home before he was. You forgot to mention that you were supposed to stay late. “Yeah, it is too dark outside. I am grabbing my keys as we speak.” Several minutes later you were in the passenger seat holding his hand as he asked about your day.
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Like the over-protective mom he is, he was already there when you had called him. You walked out and hugged him, grateful for his instincts. “I thought you might want me to come, so I just decided to show up anyways.” You laughed as he pulled you close, “How about some food?” 
Yixing: (he is so handsome like ugh <3)
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“It is already that late? Yeah, see you soon honey.” The time had sort of gotten away from him, but he was glad when you called. He had walked up to meet you since he knew you liked it when he did. “The moon looks pretty tonight,” he’d say, casually throwing an arm around your waist as you walked out together.
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You were worried that he would be busy but when he answered and said he was home you were relieved. “Are you kidding? You don’t even have to ask. I will get there as soon as I can be.” Not too long after he was walking in to meet you. “You walked?” He giggled as he wrapped an arm around you, “I brought you some sneakers,” he took the bag from his back. “I was thinking that it would be a nice little date.” You smiled as you took the bag and slid off your heels. “That sounds wonderful.”
Jongdae: (imagine that the plushie is a drink lol)
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Last time you walked home in the dark, you heard some questionable noises which left you running home most of the way. “You know you can always ask me for a ride babe.” When he showed up he had your favorite smoothie from the local cafe in hand as well. “Thought you could use a pick-me-up.”
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He honestly didn’t even let you finish asking before interrupting. “Leaving now. See you soon babe.” You weren’t surprised that he jumped to your rescue so quickly. A few minutes later his jeep pulled up and you made your way over to it. You climbed in and gave him a small peck before buckling in. “Are you too tired to go out to get some food? I can get some take out?” You smirked and immediately agreed to eating out. 
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Per usual at this time, he picked up after the first ring. “Are you alright?” You grinned at the thought of him worrying. “Yeah, I was just wondering if you would be my knight in shining armor tonight and pick me up?” He happily accepted before hanging up. When you stepped outside, he was waiting by the car. He opened your door for you before getting in himself. “Always a gentlemen.” He smiled as he took your hand and kissed it softly.
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He had told you to call if you ever wanted him to pick you up. So after seeing that it was so dark, you did. “Okay, be there soon.” He was very excited to see you after his long day at work. “And how was my beautiful girlfriend’s day?” You told him that it was the same as always, but that he was definitely the highlight of it. 
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When you called, he was already planning on leaving the studio soon. He had walked there as well, and since it was only a few blocks from your workplace, you were basically on the way. “What a coincidence. I will pick you up for a lovely evening stroll in about five minutes.” He had also wrapped his coat around you to keep you warm before he gave you a quick kiss.
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He was worried whenever you went home in the dark. He knew how dangerous it could be, even if things rarely happened. You had messaged him a little before you were actually done so he could be there in time. After clocking out, you found him in the lobby smiling down at you. “Hey there.” You got on your tip toes to hug him as he kissed your forehead since you were still technically in your workplace. “Let’s get you home.”
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~ I like me better when I'm with you ~
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EXO - Reaction to You Complaining About Your Larger Breasts
As Requested. :)
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Whenever Minseok pulled you in for a hug or to cuddle, you always felt like your chest got in the way. Like you couldn’t be as close to him as you wanted to be. He however had learned to adapt, by nuzzling your head into his chest, you were a little shorter than him so it worked. “Compromise baby.” You would giggle as he wrapped his arms around you. “See, we fit together anyways.”
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He knew how annoyed you would get with your chest. Not being able to lay on his chest the way that you wanted to, facing him. Lord knows how much your boobs hurt after a few minutes of talking that way. He tried to find a special pillow that took “pressure” off of your chest when you did lay on your stomach. He came home with it one day and you giggled delightfully as you took it from him. “Here, now you can be more comfortable.”
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Supporting bras that were actually cute for large chests were hard to come by without spending a fortune. And it was even more annoying that they only lasted so long before the straps got loose and gave out. Kris knew the struggle, and he always wanted you to feel good about your own skin. He came home with a bag of specialty bras and handed them to you with a smile and a peck on the lips. “For my baby, hopefully these will work better for you.”
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You sighed as you placed the scarf systematically in a way where your cleavage was covered. You liked to not draw any attention to your chest. But finding a dress that covered it in a flattering way was hard to do sometimes. Jun came up behind you, “I think that the scarf looks nice. But you shouldn’t feel bad about how your body is, you look beautiful no matter what.” He had even bought you an assortment of scarves that you could wear to feel comfortable.
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You were shopping, complaining how you always had to size up so shirts and dresses would fit your chest even if they were awkward at your waist. After trying on multiple dresses, you were a bit annoyed. Staring in the mirror you tried to pull the dress tighter under your chest. He gave you a kiss and twirled you around, “You look amazing no matter what, honestly.”
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You were taking photos on your phone, trying to get a new profile picture. But in every photo your cleavage was too much for you to post. You were annoyed because you felt like you looked nice, but you didn’t want to change your shirt for a picture. You let out an annoyed groan as you tried to pull your shirt up. Baek looked over wondering what was bothering you. “This is too much right?” You showed him the photo. He looked at you and giggled. “Baby it is your body, you can’t help it. You look great, if it bothers you that much crop it. But send it to me first!”
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Finding a swimsuit you were comfortable in with your chest was difficult. You didn’t want to draw too much attention to your boobs. And all the one pieces fit weird on the bottom, or made your butt look saggy. You then walked out in a bikini you picked out. Feeling self conscious you asked him what he thought. “Honestly, amazing!” You rolled your eyes and complained to yourself about the cleavage. “Honey it is fine. Besides, girls will be showing more than you at that beach.”
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As you were trying to button up your new blouse for work, it just wasn’t looking right. There were weird gaps between the buttons due to your large boobs. So much for wanting to treat yourself to a nice outfit. Yeol noticed your annoyed look in the mirror. So he texted one of the stylists he knew was familiar with working with women and she responded. “Here, I know a trick for that.” He worked some magic with safety pins and you were set. “This is so embarrassing.” His expression was confused. “Why? Cause your loving boyfriend thinks you shouldn’t have to change due to your body not cooperating. You look beautiful by the way.”
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Your favorite bra finally gave out. So you were trying to find another one which was comfortable and supportive in your dresser. Kyungsoo walked in very confused. “Why can’t you wear those other ones?” You turned around trying not to snap at him. “Only that bra felt good with these.” Gesturing to your chest you sighed and continued your search. “Well I can take you out to get another one like that.” He could tell that it was upsetting you for some reason. 
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 You found an amazing dress. The problem was that it was backless. Tao said he would buy it for you since you were attending an event with him in a few weeks. But you just suggested that you keep looking. “I can’t possibly wear that unless I wear a bra. And that would not look elegant at all.” He frowned but understood. “Alright, well then we will find something 100x more beautiful that you can wear.”
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Since many stores in Korea only carried certain sizes, sometimes it was hard to find a dress or shirt that would fit if you walked into a random store on the street. That was the case as you were out with Jongin having a relaxing day in the city. “It is no use babe, nothing will fit, at least comfortably.” He gave a soft smile and pulled you into his side, “That is fine, we will keep looking until you find something.” You returned the expression.
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You didn’t wear the appropriate support while you were out for the day. So when you returned home, your back was killing you. You attempted to do some yoga moves and stretches but they didn’t seem to help. Sehun wanted to make you feel better so he offered to give you a back massage. You appreciatively sat down in front of your boyfriend as he went to work. “Thank you baby, you won’t believe how much it hurts.” He giggled as he continued, “Two decent sized medicine balls on your chest all day, I can imagine.”
As a large chested girl myself, I totally relate.
(I didn’t know about the gifs so they might be a little off)
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BTS - Reaction to Buying Your First House Together
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You called him excitedly to announce that your offer on the house was accepted. “They said that we can move in as soon as the inspector clears it. He should be there next week.” He knew how much you had loved this house since you had toured it the first time. It had everything you were looking for: a large open living area, a master bedroom with a master bath connected, guest rooms, and a possible nursery for when you decided to expand your little family. “That is amazing baby!!! I will be home soon to celebrate. You can start looking up decorations, I know that you are dying to.” You giggled and it made him smile. The house you had your eye on for months was finally going to be yours. 
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You were visiting him for lunch when you got the call. He saw your eyes light up and your voice rose quite excitedly. “Yes! Thank you! Alright, talk to you later.” He looked at you as you hung up, “So?” You wrapped your arms around his waist. “It is ours!!! Yoongs, we have a house!” Your joy made him even more happy about the moment. He bent down and pressed a kiss to your lips as you both smiled into it. “I knew we would get it. You are too sweet to turn down,” he grinned as you smirked and then rested your head against his chest. “We have a house.” He slowly swayed with you in his arms, “Yes baby, we do.”
Hoseok: (Ignore ChimChim lol)
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You were stuck at work until the coworker you promised a ride to was done with her assignment. While you were waiting patiently, you got a video chat from Hoseok. “Hi baby!” You grinned while seeing his adorable face show up on the screen. “Hi sweetie!! You will never guess where I am.” You looked at his background but couldn’t really tell what he was hinting at other than being outside. When you didn’t answer he turned the camera around it was the front of the house you had placed an offer on. “Wait!! Are you saying what I think you are saying!?” He then turned the camera back around and held the keys up. “It is ours!” You could hardly contain the childlike shriek that left your mouth. He laughed as you tried to calm down. “I know you gotta go. Hurry up so I can kiss you in our new home. Love you!” He blew a kiss to the camera before clicking off leaving you to quietly freak out on your own.
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As you walked into your apartment, you were a little confused as to why there was a gift for you on the table. “Joon? Are you home?” He walked out of your bedroom looking very guilty, but smiled before he gave you a quick peck. “Hi babe.” He then wandered over to the table. “Huh, I wonder what this is. Maybe you should open it.” You rolled your eyes as you reached into the large bag. “What on Earth could you have gotten-” But when you pulled out a little plaque that said ‘Welcome to Our Home’ with a house number on the bottom and keys dangling off it with ribbon you almost started crying. You looked up in shock, “It’s... it’s ours. The house is ours.” You set everything down and rushed into his arms. He held you tightly and laughed as the happy tears ran down your face. “Yes my sappy Y/N. The house is ours.” You were still crying as he kissed your forehead.
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You had come to hang out with him in the practice room. You always enjoyed watching him dance, and didn’t see the need for your phone so you left it at home. He had his off since you were with him, and the boys knew where to find him. As you were leaving, his phone alerted him that he had one new message. You both stopped cold in your tracks, since it was from your realtor. “Hello Mr. Park. I couldn’t reach Y/N so I thought that I should give you a call. I am happy to announce that the Lees have accepted your offer! The house is yours! Please get back to me as soon as you can. Have a nice day!” You both looked up at each other and yelled out at the same time. He pulled you into his arms and kissed you sweetly. “We have a house Jagi! Our own house!” 
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“Is the blindfold really necessary? Is this something kinky Tae? We are in a car in public.” He turned the key on and started the engine. “Oh shush will you. No, it is not for what you think. Now just enjoy the surprise.” You tried to get him to give you hints as he was driving, even tried to pull the blind fold off but he reached out a hand and batted yours away. When he stopped, you let him get you out of the car and lead you somewhere. He opened a door and then let go of you. “Okay, now you can look.” You pulled the blindfold off to reveal the living room of the house that you had been praying to get for weeks now. “Welcome home baby!” You turned around and threw your arms around his neck. “You had me so scared. But this is amazing!” He made a sound as if he was insulted but cheered up when you kissed his cheek. “But I mean if you still wanna use the blindfold..” “Tae!!!”
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You and Jungkook were having a day out in the city. He suggested that you drive past the house you had placed a bid on. You frowned when you saw that the sign that usually said ‘For Sale’ had been changed to ‘Sold.’ You pulled up beside it to take it in one last time. “But I really felt like that was our house. Guess we have to let it go.” But Kookie looked over and placed a hand on your thigh. “What if I told you that the reason that it is sold is because it is ours?” Your eyes widened. “You better not be joking with me Mr. Jeon.” He held up his hands as if he was under arrest. “I swear to you. I am 100% serious right now. This house, it is ours now. We can pick up the keys tomorrow.” You just about jumped him, hugging him tightly over the center console. “Are you happy baby?” You just mumbled into his chest. “I will take that as a yes.”
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BTS - Reaction to Their S/O Not Wanting to Cut Her Long Hair
As Requested. :)
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He loved your hair, and he loved the fact that you didn’t want to cut it. “It is part of what makes you, you.” He giggled as he takes a few strands in his hand and plays with them. “I can always tell it is you from behind, I look for the girl with the glorious mop on her head.” You rolled your eyes at his description of your hair, but enjoyed his playing nevertheless.
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He loved the way you would wake him up, letting your hair fall onto his face and tickle his nose. “Did someone say you should?” He was wondering what brought up the topic of you not cutting your hair. You shook your head and he grinned at you. “I am glad, it really suits you.”
Hoseok: (this gif has me shook)
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You were messing around with your hair in the mirror and Hobi was watching you. He giggled as you straightened your bangs and they fell over your eyes. “I am not cutting it.” You had to defend your opinion before he said what he was thinking. “Alright, but it would be nice to see your beautiful eyes.” He walked over and helped wipe them out of the way so you could see clearly.
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“Baby, why are you clarifying that with me?” You kind of wanted to see if he would be mad about it. “I don’t know, maybe you have an opinion.” He chuckled as he kissed your forehead, “Maybe I love you just the way you are.” You smiled and brushed your hair behind your ear.
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“I like it long, and if you do too then it doesn’t matter.” He started playing with it as you were resting your back against his chest. You smiled as he hummed into your ear and moved your hair from your neck, placing a soft kiss there afterwards.
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He loved your hair as much as you did. In fact, he liked his hair longer too and knew you absolutely loved it as well. “Don’t ever cut it. Unless you change your mind of course, but keep it the way you like it.” You flicked it off your shoulder playfully. “You love it right?” 
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Of course he played with your hair like he did with the hyungs. You loved the attention. “You shouldn’t have to change your hair if you like it that way. I never do.” You giggled knowing how many times you tried to convince him to dye it something other than a shade of brown.
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A Reader’s Companion
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Word Count: 1,809
Pairing: Hoseok x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Summary: When you win a spot at a BTS fan meet, your love for books may spark more than a simple exchange of words with Hoseok.
As Requested. :)
Part 2
“You are going to a fan meet?”  Your friend seemed shocked when you announced the news. “Yeah, what is so wrong about that?” She gave a small laugh but then got shot a look from the librarian at the main desk. You had joined her to study for your finals. “Y/N, do you even have time to go? We have projects, tests, presentations… I hardly have time to sleep myself.” You sighed. She wouldn’t understand. I mean she liked BTS, but she didn’t really feel connected to them, nor any idol in the industry. But when you got alerted that you had won the lottery and received a spot, you couldn’t pass it up. You may be a college student, but you still had schoolgirl dreams of meeting the boys. They weren’t just attractive guys that you wanted to meet just so you could have bragging rights. Even if they would never remember you, you wanted to let them know that they meant a lot to you. That their music, their feelings, their words, they were special. That their dorky moments made you smile. That you were proud of them pursuing their dreams when many people doubted them. But whenever you watch their videos, listen to their music, or look at their pictures, there is one of them who stands out. Jung Hoseok. His passion for music and dancing was inspiring to you. Not to mention his personality being everything you looked for in a guy. Him being an avid book reader, that was an added bonus. You knew you loved to read, literature was your passion. That is why you were currently in your senior year of university pursuing a bachelor’s degree in liberal arts. Fall term was coming to a close, and with it was stress and loads of work. You didn’t know how you were going to get everything done either, but pushing it off for the chance to meet your favorite group, it was definitely worth it. “Well, it is only like several hours, half a day at most. I can spare that time. I can just work my ass off to finish everything on my other days.” She just nodded her head as she went back to researching through the pile of books to her right. You gave a small smile as you went back to typing up your paper on your laptop.
You had looked up things to do when you were going to a fan meet. People said to designate specific pages for each member on the album that you want to take. You prepared some post it notes too. For this specific event, the seats were assigned, so you didn’t have to get there at an ungodly hour in the morning. Not that it was going to catch anyone’s eye, but you dressed up. It made you feel better about yourself at least. The finishing touch was the beret from the wings tour.
You had to take the subway in order to get there, so you brought the current book you were reading with you. The ride wasn’t very long, but it was long enough to read a little bit. And there was no point in trying to study when your nerves were acting up thinking of being this close to the boys. When you arrived, it took some time to get into the actual venue. Security made sure that you along with the other fans brought anything dangerous. That was a welcomed thought. Your bag was checked and you were scanned, but then that was done they checked the paper with your seat number and confirmation on it and let you in. You sat down next to a girl who was vigorously typing away on her phone, she also had a professional camera on her lap. You assumed she was a fan site. When she seemed to be done, you took a moment to introduce yourself. You found out that she was in fact a fan site. Specifically, for Seokjin. She showed you some of the pictures that she had taken previously and you were amazed. She really caught his natural beauty in an amazing way. “Those are great!” She thanked you and you proceeded to chat as the rest of the attendees filled in.
When everyone was there and the doors were closed, the boys made their way to the tables. They looked amazing as always. Smiles radiating as they saw their ARMY waiting there for them. Awe struck was the word that you would describe your state with when they began introducing themselves. You never had the chance to see them live since you didn’t have a lot of spare money lying around until recently. Now you understood how some people would freeze in front of them. You didn’t come back to reality until you heard the shutter of the camera next to you. You couldn’t let yourself act like that when you were actually meeting them. You would probably never get this chance again.
Finally, they called your row. You had enjoyed sitting and seeing the boys interact with fans and each other, but you were glad the wait was almost over. The order was Jimin, Yoongi, Jin, Namjoon, Jungkook, Taehyung, then Hoseok. You made your way through the members. Having memorable interactions with each. Laughing cause Jimin was happy that his hands were bigger than yours. Taehyung noted that he liked your outfit. All of them taking their time to make you feel special even if you weren’t. When Hoseok’s eyes connected with yours, it almost took your breath away. “Hello!” He looked down at your album to catch your name, “Y/N.” He smiled at you as he signed the designated page and answered the question. “My favorite book?” He laughed as he gave a frustrated sigh, “That is a hard one. I can’t really say. I am reading a really good one right now though.” He told you the title and you almost choked. Then you reached into your bag and pulled out the exact same book. The excitement in his eyes was evident. “No way! That is amazing! How far into it are you?” The conversation became one of book lovers instead of one between idol and fan. That was until the staff came over and politely said that you needed to move on. You didn’t even find it weird when he asked for your number. So, you wrote it on an extra post it note and passed it to him. “It was nice to meet you Y/N. It would be nice to see you again sometime.” You couldn’t believe what was happening. “I would like that too.” And then you waved goodbye before you continued on and made your way back to your seat. You looked back to see him give you a quick glance with a smirk before greeting the next person.
After everyone had gotten some time with them, the boys had a little Q&A session. It was revealed that Jungkook had placed vinegar in Taehyung’s water bottle backstage. The whole thing was very light hearted. And it was all fun and games until the staff announced that it was time for the guys to leave. The audience let out deflated sounds but the boys sent their love as they got up. You even swear that Hoseok looked directly at you when he sent out a wink.
You went home and continued on with life as if nothing had happened. You looked over the album to see what every member wrote in detail. All of their hangul and English very distinguishable. You turned to Hoseok’s page and smiled as you saw your name in his handwriting. Then you decided that it was time to go back to your school work. When you got a text from an unknown number, you stopped what you were doing and looked at your phone.
Unknown: ‘Hey. Y/N? This is Hoseok, aka J Hope. Haha. All I ask is that you don’t give out my number.’
You may have had a minor heart attack when you read the message. He actually texted you. Never in your wildest dreams did you think he actually would. Amidst your freak out, you realized that you had to respond.
Y/N: ‘Hi! Of course, I would never do that. If we are being honest, I didn’t think you would contact me.’
Hobi: ‘Really?! Why not? I am just a regular person you know. When I meet a cute girl who I am interested in, and is actually in my age range, I want to talk to her like anyone else.’
He called you cute. And he said that he had interest in you.
Y/N: ‘Me? I don’t think I am all that interesting.’
Hobi: ‘Don’t say that. You were intriguing enough to me in the short time we talked. And it was nice to not talk about myself for once. It would be nice to hear about you.’
And so you told him about you. How you were a student, what you hope to do in life, what your family is like. It was so normal. It felt nice. After a while, you forgot that he was some idol in one of the biggest groups in the world. He was just Hoseok. A boy who wanted to know everything about you. And he told you little details that not many people knew about him either. You were typing your paper in between so you would at least be somewhat productive. You mentioned how you were doing homework to him and he seemed to be worried that he was distracting you.
Hobi: ‘I don’t even remember the last time I had to write a paper. If I am distracting you then I can let you go for the night. It may sound weird, but I really like talking to you.’
Y/N: ‘I do have a lot to do since finals are coming up this week. I should focus on my work. But I really like talking to you too. I feel bad that I have to go. :(‘
Hobi: ‘You don’t have to feel bad. Trust me, I know what it is like to have deadlines. It is totally fine. When you are free, or feel like a break, don’t be afraid to send me a message. Maybe we could go to a café or something?’
Y/N: ‘I would like that. Talk to you later. Goodnight Hobi. :)’
Hobi: ‘Goodnight Y/N. Good luck on your finals. I’ll be rooting for you! :)’
You continued typing. A smile plastered on your face. Not only had you met Hoseok, but you were becoming fast friends with him. Maybe even more. Now you had much more than break to look forward to.
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I love a multi-talented man and I have no regrets. 
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