powerpuffobsession · 2 months
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It's been a while since that interview where Vivziepop said some vague things about killing off characters and wishing she spend more time with Adam. Instead of saying directly - "Adam will come back", or "Adam won't come back". There is no knowing what to make of it until we see the actual future seasons. Vivzie sounds like she's avoiding spoilers
And I'm kinda tired of people already jumping to negative conclusions and shoving them down the throats of anyone who hopes for Adam returning, all the while calling Adam irredeemable and saying he has no purpose in the plot anymore
Here are my thoughts about those points:
The fact that the fandom still goes on with "Adam is an irredeemable monster because he genocided defenseless sinners and enjoyed it", shows how much hazbin howl sucks at not sugarcoating it's setting and Charlie's radical ideas of forcing criminals into heaven
Like... boo hooo, poor little defenseless rapists, pedos, murderers, nazis, bullies, drug dealers, violent drug addicts, scammers, and other people anyone would normally be happy to see get hurt or die because they have hurt other people? Let me play the wold's smallest violin in their honor
Adam did the right thing and he had the right to enjpy murdering sinners, fight me about it
His actual sin is that he wasn't picky enough about who he was going after and that he attacked Charlie who is innocent
But you know what? We are literally being shown that decent people in hell are VERY few and rare. The majority is just a crowd of psychopaths who actively tell Charlie to f off with redemption
And if you spend your afterlife living in heaven, of course you are going to think that all of hell's population is dangerous
However, Adam has a potential to get redeemed if he interacts with Charlie in a more grounded way and learns that she's not dangerous, despite being a daughter of two people who stabbed him in the back. Sins of parents are not a child's sins, and Charlie's life has a big worth. As well as lifes of more decent sinners who make an effort, like Angel, Vaggie, Husk and sir Pentious
Through Adam other characters can be developed. There are a lot of them who have connections to Adam - Charlie, Lucifer, Lilith, Eve, Emily, Sera, etc... Showing flashbacks just won't be the same as having Adam himself in the plot
And do not get me started on how bringing Adam back is not logical and ruins the cartoon's quality. I've got a lot of not pretty things to say about hazbin hotel's "logic"... There are already a bunch of plot holes and lazily slapped on character changes. Finding a way for Adam to return won't be hard
Have you seen the way Stolitz and Sir Pentious, for example, ended up, compared to what they were claimed to be at the start of the series? Or the way fan theory about Vaggie being an exterminator suddenly got added into canon last minute after she had been a moth sinner for so many years and lot of people got used to it? I won't be surprised if Vivziepop will actually retcon the lore or come up with something to resurrect Adam
Maybe, "if a soul of a redeemed sinner gets into heaven, which is a rare occasion and didn't happen before the events of hazbin hotel, - the dividing system finds a sinful angel soul to take their place in hell". There you go. The lore about angelic blade murdering for good still stands, but now there is a loophole for Adam specifically to be lucky enough to survive
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seramilla · 3 months
So human au Sera's and Emily's apartment is nearly livable and soon they will have to go back. No one wants them to go back but the learned hyper independence and self deprecation Sera got from her childhood makes her feel like she has to leave as quickly as possible even if she deep down really wants to stay. Carmilla who wants the two to stay is frustrated that all her efforts to convince Sera to stay forever didn't work so she decides to play a little dirty. One day when Sera is off somewhere and Emily is with Carmilla the girl says she wishes Sera and her could stay here forever and Carmilla tells her that she wants that too. Now Emily will be more on the side of coming to live with her and the girls which may eventually get them to move in full time once the lease is up.
When Sera tells Carmilla that her and Emily's apartment is nearly ready for them to move back into, Carmilla stops in her tracks, struck out of her good mood and back into the reality she's been trying to avoid for so long. That this arrangement between Sera, Emily, and the Carmines was probably temporary. Even though Carmilla had hoped against all hope that it wouldn't be.
Sera and Emily have been staying with Carmilla and her girls for nearly three weeks. It's been the happiest, most content that Carmilla has felt in her big, mostly empty house in years. Odette and Clara have been ecstatic, more than happy to have Emily as a playmate for nearly every waking hour. Carmilla herself has also felt so much peace in her heart, her head, and in her psyche, having Sera so close.
She hasn't made a move on Sera yet. Not really. Their interactions are still mostly friendly. Maybe teetering a little into the realm of more-than-friends. But she still highly respects Sera as a fellow parent, of sorts, being the one and only family member and guardian that Emily has. Carmilla has been extremely fond of Sera for a while now -- having the other woman so close, being able to talk to her every day, seeing that smile on her face, and having her comforting presence around them all daily...
It's been nearly a dream come true. And now the dream is ending, and she has to wake up. Carmilla absolutely hates it.
Carmilla hasn't admitted it to Sera herself yet, but...she has grown deeply, madly in love with her. And it's Carmilla's own sense of doubt, and not wanting to ruin the friendship they already have, that keeps her from admitting it aloud. Using the actual words "I love you" is a hurdle she hasn't quite yet overcome. She'd hoped Sera and Emily would stay longer, for the long haul...forever. Carmilla's spirits are now dashed in that regard. Carmilla doesn't know how to respond.
Little Emily comes to her that morning, showing Carmilla a picture she's drawn, of the five of them together, happy in a sunny field of wildflowers and little animals all around. Carmilla feigns excitement and praise. But Emily, just like Sera, is very astute and has the observation skills of someone twice her age. She looks up at Carmilla inquisitively, tilting her head, and asks, "Are you okay?"
Carmilla is a little shocked out of her own stupor. She hadn't expected to be called out like this...especially not by a little girl. She had thought her false happy face was fool-proof. Apparently she's wrong.
"Yes," Carmilla says at first. Emily doesn't appear to believe. "Well...I am very you're here, Emily. But I'm also a little sad."
Emily's eyes widen. She looks so concerned for Carmilla. She comes up to the matriarch, and puts her little hand on Carmilla's leg, and pats it softly.
"Why are you sad?"
"Because you and your sister might be leaving soon. Your aparment is almost finished."
"Oh." Emily says the single word with so much finality, that for a moment, Carmilla wonders that the little girl is almost taking this too lightly. Like it doesn't bother her. But then Emily continues, "Will you miss us?"
Carmilla smiles. She leans down to pick up Emily, holding the girl in her arms for a moment, before drawing her in for a tight hug. She can smell the familiar scent of Sera all over Emily...she's like a tiny version of her sister, and Carmilla loves the little girl just as much as her guardian. She hasn't admitted it to herself until now.
"Of course I will, Emily. I would miss you both so much."
Emily seems to take this statement in stride. She bobs her little head forward, in a tiny approximation of a nod, and then squirms as if she wants to be put down.
"I will miss you, too. Sera will miss you. She likes you, you know."
This is news to Carmilla. She puts the girl back down on the floor, and Emily looks back up at her as she turns away, looking like she wants to get back to playing with Odette and Clara before they have to leave for school.
"Please don't be sad," Emily says before she finally goes into the other room. "I don't like it when people are sad."
Carmilla doubles down on the fake smile. She hates to see other people sad, as well. Especially little Emily or her sister. So she twists her mouth into another corny, fake grin. One she hopes is convincing for both Emily and the woman she loves.
"I'm sorry. I'm happy now, Emily. Thank you!"
Emily looks like she doesn't believe Carmilla one bit. She frowns, but ultimately turns away, and goes back to Odette and Clara's room to play, and finish getting ready to leave for the day.
Carmilla lets out a sigh. A big one. Then she leans down on the kitchen counter, both arms curling over her head in a defeated posture, and groans into the crook of her arms.
This isn't the outcome she'd wanted. She wants them to stay. But more than that, she wants them to be happy, whatever Sera decides. Now that she knows Emily would miss her...and Sera, too...Sera's decision to leave makes even less sense. This just got a lot more confusing and complicated.
She loves Sera. But she doesn't want to force the issue. That would be bad for everyone. Sera must have her reasons for wanting to go back. Carmilla decides she has to respect Sera's decision, no matter what it is, and no matter how much she might hate it. So Carmilla stands up straight, puts on her most convincing happy face, and gets ready for work. She can already tell it's going to be a long, agonizing day.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 month
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Sera: I got caught stealing when I was little, yeah? You get alienage or worse for that, but the "Lady Emmald" took me in. She was sick and couldn't have children. I had no parents. It worked out. Anyway, she gets a year sicker, so I ask about her cookies. Because mums make cookies. I can pass that down, or something. Turns out, she couldn't cook. She missed that talk with her mum. The ones she "made" she bought and pretended. Aw, right? Well, no, she was a bitch. She hid buying them by keeping me away from the baker. She did that by lying that he didn't like me, didn't like elves. She let me hate so she could protect her pride. I hated him so much, and I hated... Well, she died, and I hate pride. "Pride cookies."
I wish Sera's story had actually... y'know, done something with this. Show her working through her shit and improving as a person! Hell, even have her acknowledge that this little plan only worked because so many people hate elves that "the baker hates elves" wasn't worth questioning. But instead this is the only time anything about this comes up. And I won't lie, the petty, grumpy part of me does wonder if that's because the rest of her backstory (the street kid taken in by a kindly noblewoman who caught her stealing and instead of turning her in to the guards raised her as her own and left her a fortune in her will only for it to be stolen from her by the government because she was an elf) doesn't fit the whole Robin Hood schtick the game keeps trying to pretend she has. They could've focused on that, the fact that even being a noblewoman with a good-sized fortune wasn't enough to protect Sera from anti-elf prejudice! But that would've required her writing acknowledging that elves are the epitome of "little people" in Thedas and DAI does not like elves one bit, so of course it doesn't do that.
And I won't lie, this backstory is like... okay, it's not that it's not sad, but in comparison to the wide array of horrors that everyone else has going on it feels... kind of boring? The noblewoman who took her in, raised her as her own and left her a fortune lied about a random baker hating elves (with zero mention that she ever did anything else so much as unkind to Sera). That's unfortunate. Cole's currently terrified about being controlled by Corypheus, Solas's friend has been captured and tortured because it doesn't count as a person to most people, Josie has assassins after her for trying to keep her family from destitution, the love of Vivienne's life is dying, Leliana is facing the fallout of her dear friend's death and those are just the companion quests that I currently have active. I've already dealt with the reveal that Dorian's father nearly tried magical conversion therapy on him that might have left him a vegetable and only didn't because he left first, Bull having to choose between the religion he's served his whole life and his family in the Chargers, and Cassandra learning that the leader she respected and looked up to was infecting Seekers with red lyrium and that she was made Tranquil as an initiation rite. I haven't even started Blackwall having to face up to the crimes of his past because he finds he can't run from them anymore. Basically Sera's thing could've been a big meaningful backstory... if it wasn't for how completely overshadowed it is by everyone else's shit and how Bioware does literally nothing with it.
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Do you think the Elders of Heaven will get involved in the story at some point? And if so, what role do you see them playing?
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Hello ol'chum!
I assume by Elders of Heaven means the stereotypical Archangel lore.
We already have a few silhouettes.
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We have these 6. I assume their Lucifer siblings. Which I am surprise isnt 7 as there can be "7 main archangels" It would also counterbalance the Sins of Hell
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You have these other different angles at seem to be on par with Sera level...tho they appear to have less wings...so maybe lesser? The also seem to be in the court scene as well (and stood below Sera)
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then we have these guys
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While the middle has 6, and the others have 4. Maybe its their "true forms?"
It really depends how much run time if we get to be introduced to them beside a passing glance. . Assuming we continue to only get eight 25 mins episodes a season, it does dim the chance to see them. It's not a lot of runtime to cram everything in, while also no knowing how long the show run. So, the creators have to semi tie up arches and stories while leaving openings to continue the story.
We already have such large cast and the story takes place mostly in Hell, not Heaven So chances for more Angel characters to appear outside of Heaven are low . We are left with a few storylines that will connect next season. The Vees, Alastor quest to break his Deal as well trying to fulfill it, The Hotels and the residence own stories for character development, Lute and Lilith, (Possibly Adam?), And finally Emily/Sera/Sir Pentious. So there is already a lot going on with the characters we already know to add more. Plus the possibility of the characters that are on the backburner such as Baxter and Crymini, Also, I would like to see the other Sins come out to play beside Helluvah Boss.
If we are given a "You are preapproved for 7 seasons!" we would get to more characters come out to play. I would be very excited to see Hazbin take on the archangels.
BUT that said, It depends how the Heaven story lines goes with Lute and Sir Pentious. Are they going to be secret meetings about Sir Pentious redemption with the higher beings? Is Lute revenge going to be secret attack or is she going to stage a full attack? The latter would probably need the higher beings approval that would help introduce the archangels.
There are different amount of named archangels. 7-12+.
If we can't get multiple Archangels and only get to witness one, I believe it be Michael. Just guessing the creator want to loosely inspired by the bibical stories.
By the bible, Michael was the one that defeated Lucifer and casted him to from paradise. While, the show seem to have Lucifer merely accept his faith and fell, it doesn't mean that the show (and Lucifer) possibly telling was omitting a fight that would surely tramazited Lucifer that he had to fight his own brother. I don't think Lucifer one that would share and divulge much about his fall. I think he avoids talking about it.
Even, if we look pass that bit, The bible mention Michael battled Satan twice. I know in the show, there's a Sin Satan, and Lucifer as two people but in the bible they appear as one. So If we get an archangel appearance, I believe its Michael because who wouldn't watch the drama that will unfold between Lucifer and his brother, both being on opposing sides?
Also, Michael is a representation of courage, protection and cleansing...and that seem to line up with the whole extermination thing. Considering the Exorcist lost their general, we assume Lute would take that mantel but I wouldn't be surprised if Michael makes his appearance by stepping into the role to lead Heaven army for a big showdown.
Who I would like to see is Jeremiel because I think he would be hilarious. His role is to have a soul view their life and past to figure out lessons the soul was meant to learn from the experience. Help the soul understand the lessons, learn from their mistakes and see the "light" to make a change for the better. Sort of like like Scrooge and his three ghost from a Christmas Carol.
I can see this archangel being integrated to help Charlie's dream. Using his skills to help redeem souls.
Why I think he be a fun addition, is he supposed (I think in the show and cast to help sinners he may be flabbergasted and appalled a number of times...*coughcough AlastorCough*) to be non judgemental, he also meant to be brutally honest. (Which I think Charlie might chastise him over) He would have to show them their life on Earth but additionally their time in Hell. Which may lead Jeremiel to become queasy as soul in Hell are more deplorable than they were in Earth since there's less inhibitions.
I think it be entertaining to see him trying to show the light to someone like Alastor who probably see his "moral mistakes" as his greatest achievements and doesnt show regret over it. Alastor would view the events fondly. Alastor being greatly entertained to be able to view his carnage.
Some other Sinners also handle it with a great deal of scoffing with skepticism and defensensive but more or less, Jeremiel contributions works.
Other likely candidates who possibly make an appearance:
Mataron the highest of Angels and have direct contact with G(o)od. So, when they try to contact G(o)od, they would have go through Metaron. I wouldn't be surprised if there was a plot twist that G(o)od been absent and Mataron just been covering it up and its really him ruling Heaven as he tries to figure out their missing leader while keeping status quo. Oh! just thought of a drama filled! Roo already corrupted him, which may be why no one seem to hear from g(O)od.
Azrael. "Angel of Death". However he really isn't death, he just greatly associated to death as he escorts souls to their afterlife. Since he deals with death and souls transfer I can see how he can make a brief appearance. More so if he has a new course to ferries redeemed souls to Heaven (without them dying to complete their redemption)
Gabriel might be one. Only because he has a big name. I don't see typical roles fitting into the Hazbin universe much.
Raquel might come to play as a mediator or judge if there's more of a court type of storyline between Heaven and Hell. He meant to be unbiased and impartial while banishing disagreements while encouraging fairness. Chamuel might come to play alongside with Raquel. Chamuel being a sympathetic character who foster peace.
I be interested in any thoughts shared over this.
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earl-of-grey · 5 months
Some Hazbin thoughts:
I liked how the first season ended, and while I do think the pacing was sped up to clearly reach this arc’s conclusion (but due to time constraints of course) I think ending it off with the scene showing Sir Pentious in Heaven is the perfect cliff hanger for the show.
Throughout the first season, we see both the characters, their society, us the audience, and even Charlie herself asks, “will this hotel even work?” That was what the pilot, the whole premise of the show centered on: is redemption for sinners even possible?
Of course we the audience already know the answer because then there wouldn’t be much of a message to learn from, much less a story to captivate on. But in this world, in their reality, the characters don’t know that. Charlie doesn’t know either. But she has faith that it does.
And what better way to complete this season’s arc with answering that question from the very beginning: yes, yes it does.
So now, the story can evolve from there. It’s not about proving her theory anymore, Charlie’s got the proof that she needs. Now it’s all a matter of facing the obstacles of those who don’t want it to work.
The Vees will definitely play a big part in season 2, and I’m guessing their motivations to stop the hotel from working would be to both to still gain control of sinners (if the hotel exists as an alternative, then they would lose their audience) and still gain access to specific individuals in the hotel (Valentino with Angel and Vox with Alastor).
And we might get to see Sera’s response to this new revelation. It wouldn’t be a surprise if she leans towards fear, but how far is she willing to go (or maybe how much is she willing to fall) in order to enact to her duties and responsibilities? (And keep in mind, holding onto her fears and encouraging the exterminations may just be the very reason for her Fall.)
And another thing, I can’t wait to see Alastor’s reaction to the news that the hotel works. It’s very ironic how (from what he’s only revealed so far) the main reason he wanted to help in the first place is because he’s betting on Charlie’s ‘passion project’ not working.
He’s made it very clear that he believes that the human condition is innately selfish and malignant (with a few rare exceptions). He says “Why does anyone do anything? Sheer, absolute boredom.” While there are plenty of hints foreshadowing Alastor having ulterior motives for helping the hotel (whether he’s forced to be there or not), that still doesn’t mean what he said ISN’T an extension of what he believes the world to be. He says “the world is a stage, and stage is a world of entertainment.”
Alastor is a performer. To perform means to believe in something you’re fabricating. So what makes Alastor’s situation interesting is that his whole character and predicament is entrenched in two opposing ideals existing at once. Paradoxical truths.
He has to help make the hotel successful in order to prove that it will fail.
He can’t show that he cares about the group because then others will use that against him, but at the same time, he has to show that he cares in order for the group to trust him. (But just enough)
So when that moment of revelation is revealed to the whole group that Charlie’s redemption idea is possible and works, Alastor will have to craft a balancing act of both helping and sabotaging the hotel to ensure that he still has control over the entire thing (even though this new information will shake it all up).
If the world is a stage, then Alastor wants to be the one to build it. He wants to be both producer and critic. But that balancing act could only go so far until the consequences of doing so will eventually bite him back.
And I cannot wait to see it happen.
But those are just my thoughts and predictions for the next season.
I’d love to hear yours as well.
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pupkinpumpkin · 1 month
I took a lotta screenshots of her, but I don't have access to that computer rn, so take one of my old playthroughs of her before I changed her a little bit
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So, Lavellan basically already learned how to deal with people depending on her and looking to her for everything from being The First, so the Herald of Andraste gig is still incredibly stressful, but she's used to it
I think inherently, she's a very goofy and sarcastic person, but she has just molded herself into being very diplomatic, so that mask slowly comes off as she becomes friends with everyone
She's 25-26 at the beginning of the game
Her eyes glow green anytime she uses the mark, which I really think adds to Trespasser with the anchor freaking out so much and there just being points where her eyes are green for minutes at a time and fully green by the end before her arm gets cut off
She never had alcohol before the Inquisition so she gets drunk very fast
Whenever she is blackout drunk, she gets really good at building or fixing things. Like, she could build accessories to Bianca levels of good. But only when she's blackout drunk.
Once, when drunk, she said that running her fingers through Cullen's hair felt like petting a baby Halla's fur, something which no one has ever let her or Cullen live down
Varric is the first one to make Lavellan laugh, Sera is the first one to make her snort laugh
Immediately after becoming Inquisitor, Lavellan asks Josephine and Vivienne to teach her about The Game and Fereldan politics
Sera is the first person Lavellan tells about not believing in the Elven gods
Lavellan had a panic attack during Wicked Hearts and Wicked Minds
I like to think that, since my Lavellan is scared of fire, whenever she defeats her first dragon, Iron Bull takes her out drinking not only to celebrate defeating a dragon, but to facing a really big phobia of hers and coming out alive
I purposely have Morrigan be the one to drink from the Well of Sorrows because my Inky has enough religious trauma. Can you imagine having heavy religious guilt over never believing in your religion and then having a bunch of old dead priests from that religion in your head constantly?
Lavellan's best friends are probably Cassandra, Dorian, Cole, and Josephine (Sera and Solas are close seconds)
Cassandra because Lavellan had a big gay crush on her originally which led her to get to know Cassandra better and become very close to her, of course not in the way she originally wanted, but still. They bond out of duty to the people and raise each other up to think about their own happiness for once. Also trashy romance books.
She knows Dorian's gay from minute one and the fact that he's so unwaveringly himself really makes her admire him for being something she could never manage to be. In Dorian's personal quest, there's an option to say that Dorian was very brave for being himself and taking no shit and I really think my Lavellan means that. She hid who she was for so long and being friends with Dorian really helped her walls go down and build her self-confidence. Like, early in the game when you recruit Dorian, I like to think that with everyone else she's very nice and mild-mannered, but whenever she's around Dorian, her real personality comes out which I think confuses some of the companions at first on why she's so different with him, and some see it as them being 'together' but really they both just get each other and their struggles implicitly
(also I love the head canon that Cullen purposely plays chess with Dorian to see what his and the Inquisitor's relationship is, it's so funny to imagine)
With Lavellan being very "I need to put everyone above me and never complain", I think having Cole around would stress her out because he can feel all her hurt she tries so desperately to hide, but she learns that he just wants to help and she often joins him or helps him help others. She eventually gets comfortable enough around him to open up, but I do think she makes him promise to never make her forget anything. Then of course, since I always make Cole human, I like to think she starts playing a more active role in helping him help others since he can no longer make people forget him.
I feel like Josie and Lavellan would just vent to each other a lot. They both need to vent so much and they both have had obligations pushed on them since they were young. Josephine's side quest really pulls them together
And then of course there's Cullen and Solas. So, I romance Cullen every time. I just like him a lot. But I started thinking narratively, and now I flirt with Solas for a bit, then immediately end it after Skyhold and go full in with Cullen. The reason I do it is all very soap-opera-y
So, my thinking is that Lavellan is so conditioned to do whatever her clan wants of her. She needs their approval. Solas is a male Elven mage who she really likes and gets along well with. On the surface level, he is exactly who her clan would want her to pursue. Elven. Male. So, she convinces herself that because she enjoys his company, she must like him because that's who her clan would want her to be with. And he likes her, so, she goes along with it.
And then there's Cullen. A human templar. Just like the rogue templars who killed her lover. Cruel and malicious and evil. But he's not. He's awkward and sweet and yes he's headstrong, but he genuinely wants to reform the Templar order and he's trying to better himself. She tries so goddamn hard not to like him because liking him would be saying no to her clan and she can't. Liking him would be moving past her trauma and looking forward and thinking about herself and her wants and she can't. But she also can't help herself from spending time with him and laughing at his jokes and getting flustered when he laughs at hers.
But as time goes on she feels so bad for flirting with Solas when she doesn't feel that way about him but she HAS to feel that way about him, doesn't she? Because just like with the Elven gods, something must be wrong with her if she doesn't like Solas. So after they find Skyhold and she's in the Fade with Solas. She has to test it. She has to kiss him to see if her feelings are real. So she does. And he kisses back. And it's a good kiss. But it's not right. It doesn't feel right. Then Solas also apparently says this isn't right, so once she wakes up and goes back to talk to him, they agree to end it (She tells him later of course why she flirted with him and apologizes profusely for it, she feels horrible about it for the rest of time, but they stay good friends because they genuinely enjoy each other's company).
But with Solas gone, that means that nothing except her own insecurities are holding her back from being with Cullen. And she is shaking when she asks Cullen to go on a walk with her and she is TERRIFIED when she admits how much she likes him, but god, nothing will ever compare to how she feels after he tells her he likes her too and they kiss. And she feels so...free. She made a decision for herself that wasn't tied to her clan's wants for once. They were 100% completely her own. And she loves it. And she loves him.
Anyway, that got a little fanficy. Basically once the Inquisition ends and she's with Cullen, she is the happiest she's ever been because she doesn't have to deal with politics anymore. She definitely gets stressed introducing Cullen to her clan, but if they don't accept him, they don't accept her, and she learns to be fine with that.
Also she has four kids and a dog with him. One warrior, two rogues (one who specializes in making prosthetics), and one mage, thank you and good night!
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greypetrel · 7 months
1, 7, 13, and 24 for the fandom asks!
Hi Mo! Quicker than a lightning!
Tis the prompt list
1. List 3 positive things about your current fandom(s)
I know this could all depend on the small bubble I created around me, in the years I grew at least a bit proficient in curating my experience online but... I am surprised and amazed at how active and welcoming this fandom is. And how adult. Speaking of Dragon Age. With my utmost surprise, the fandom is still active and ready to engage after all these years. People are active and producing content, and welcoming and kind enough to comment and compliment. I am not the kind of person that randomly befriends others... But the environment pushed me to produce more and to get in contact with more people, fangirl in tags with less fear of being judged. With more adult people that knew how to disagree in a productive way (on fiction of course, we're not talking of human rights). I am happy to say I made some friends and changed my minds over some characters and things my in-game experiences made me overlook, and without being shamed for thinking otherwise ONCE. it still amazes me. (and it all happened in a very dark year, so if you're here reading: my deepest thank you, really <3)
7. Your favorite tropes to read/write/draw
Bisexual Cullen needs to be first, of course. Many of you are here for those comics. Solas yes could be a villain, but I prefer to think he's a grumpy old man who has absolutely NO idea of how to people, and is just acting out of pure, unadultered panic. Sera is treated WAY better by fandom than by the game, sorry not sorry. I recently discovered that the scout that interrupts the first romance cutscene with Cullen is NOT called Jim in canon and my brains refuse to entertain the idea. Fenris and Merrill being friends. Dad-Bod Cullen.
It all depends on how people build things up.
13. your favorite type of fandom event (gift exchange, ship week, secret santa, prompt meme, etc)
I'm big on weekly events with prompt lists! And I do like gifts exchanges quite a lot with mutuals, without much obligations on both parts. :)
24. how has fandom positively impacted your life?
As above, I entered the fandom in a bad moment of my life, with little time. My original works tend to be heavy on research, and I had little time for that (and I was already in crisis with one). So, I restored to fanart to relax.
Fandom has brought me back to see art as a hobby and something I do for pleasure and not as a job. It had brought me back to write prose, made me meet many lovely people I am so happy to chat with! Which in the end brought me to experiment more on art, learn something new...
It has come in the perfect moment, and I'm happy to say I'm now, thanks to fandom, working on a new original project that doesn't stress me out as much. It's still soon to say something and I have nothing to show but... Eh. :)
It carried me through a difficult year and gave me some joy and some friends, for which I'm extremely grateful for. <3
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michixoxo · 6 months
"𝙛𝙞𝙧𝙨𝙩 𝙩𝙞𝙢𝙚 𝙬𝙞𝙩𝙝 𝙔/𝙉?"
the god-tiers first time with Y/N (nsfw)
she brings it up first after you both have been dating for around two months.
you're both just making out on the couch and, unlike the other times where you just eventually stop, it progresses until she's on top of you, breathing heavy.
she asks for consent more non-verbally, holding the hem of your shirt while looking at you with her glossy blue eyes. you nod, of course, and she pulls it up and over and off you.
soon, you're both in your birthday suits on top of your couch and it feels hotter in here even with nothing on.
she's not gentle, but she's also not rough. she's more dominant, but will gladly take any instruction you give her. this is as much her first time as it is yours, you're both learning and that's okay.
she's not overly nervous about it, having a more "it is what it is" attitude. after all, there's always time to improve.
moans a lot but not very loud. moans more because of impact than whether or not she's feeling good. loves to hear you moan though, it makes her feel proud and like she's doing something right.
after you're done, she's not exactly the best in aftercare. either she falls asleep immediately after or is already too exhausted to do anything else. however, if she's up to it, she'll grab a damp towel and wipe you both down until you're not sweaty and sticky anymore.
you both play video games while she teases you with dumb one-liners like "geek in the streets, freak in the sheets" that leave you both flustered and annoyed.
you bring it up first after dating for about three months.
like you're playing games in his room and you make a sexual joke and instead of laughing it off or making another, he just chuckles slightly and blushes.
you, being John's s/o, instantly start making fun of him, egging him on with even dirtier jokes, some just blatant sexual comments.
climbing on top him and caressing his reddened face, you both begin making out. roaming hands feel hot on soft skin as you take off his shirt.
he's so inexperienced, he has no idea what to do and is freaking out about it internally. he wants his first time with you to be perfect, so, in attempt to be "perfect", he ends up making a bunch of mistakes.
if you're afab, it takes him like two minutes to find the hole, even as you try and guide him into it. if you're amab, he keeps accidentally scraping his teeth on your tip or forgets that he's actually supposed to use lube which... isn't the best to say the least.
either way, when he starts loosening up, its obviously very enjoyable. he talks you all the way through it and is extra loud for your first time. his moans fill up your ears, colliding just seconds after his breathy little whimpers.
his aftercare is pretty good honestly, he's not too tired and will get up and run you both a nice shower. you'll both then cuddle up together and fall asleep together.
you bring it up after like six months.
he's not horny at all, and it drives you crazy. so, in desperation, you start taking it to the extremes. you flaunt around in his apartment in nothing but his over-sized shirts, bending down a little more than normal. other than a few glancing looks, he does nothing.
eventually, after a long day of school, spent looking at him with the impurest of thoughts, once you finally get to his apartment, you immediately kiss him.
arlo: what was that for? not like i'm complaining-
y/n: lets fuck
arlo: what.
its all a blur until you realize that all your clothes are off and he's pinning you to his bed with nothing but a hold on your wrists.
even though he's not as nervous, nor inexperienced, as john, he's slightly awkward with his movements and how he handles you. preferring you to be on top than him.
he's just deathly afraid of hurting you. his passive has no exceptions and the possibility of injuring you accidentally is very, very real. so, he allows you most of the control. most.
big dick energy and the big dick to back it up. you will not be walking for the next 4-7 business days and when you do it'll be like looking at a newborn gazelle.
he's more non-verbal, but if he feels extra good then a few rare moans will slip out, to your joy and his absolute embarrassment.
10/10 aftercare king. he'll get up, run a hot bath for you, make a small snack, and then you'll both cuddle up on his bed and watch movies until you fall asleep.
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arch-godenvy · 11 months
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name  serafin reyes nicknames  sera age  forty-three date of birth  september 27, 1980 zodiac  libra place of birth  el paso, texas current residence  manhattan gender  agender pronouns  they/them sexuality  bisexual occupation  psychiatrist
faceclaim  diego luna height  5'10 tattoos  none piercings  nonedistinguishing features  a look of comfort <3 is always in a big jacket or sweater and you cannot take that away from them. big sunglasses + a scarf or high collar or surgical mask covering the lower half of their face. scar from a bullet on the neck
positive traits  very good listener, accepting, empathetic negative traits  unfiltered, untrusting, very much currently at the end of their rope labels / tropes  anti-magic, brutal honesty, cool shades, death glare, magical eye, messy hair, reasonable authority figure likes  ummm later dislikes  also later. have mercy on me. fears  not knowing if what they're experiencing is real or not... hobbies  people watching mostly. also fucking their way out of strong emotions. habits  slutting it out. doodling while talking to people (oh you think theyre taking notes? absolutely not. thats flower #2793 today). absolutely terrible at concealing their facial expressions so thank god they wear sunglasses and try to hide their face.
near death experience… 
imagine this: finals week of your senior year of college. you hate yourself so you're doing a double major in psychology and sociology with a minor in criminal justice. school is kicking your ass. plus, you're working an on-campus job at the library (which really isn't so bad) & also acting as a research assistant to your favorite professor. hell, basically. whatever. it's fine.
you decide to cash in your final paycheck friday morning before your last final. normal things. until the horrors. how were you supposed to know that this was the day that the biggest bank robber group was planning to hit this branch? now you're going to be late for your final and have to repeat a semester because you failed.
or worse, you know, you could die.
there's a moment where everything you learned clicks. a guest lecturer last year from the fbi was talking about behavioral analysis and negotiation strategies and you immediately knew it wasn't your thing. but it could be. it's going to have to be.
despite what the robbers said, you stand up with your hands up in surrender from where you were kneeling with the rest of the hostages. you start running your mouth, trying to use the negotiation tactics the agent spoke about (later, you'll remember he said that it's only theoretical and shouldn't be done without practice and backup but if theory isn't applicable, then what's the point?). they listen. for a solid two and a half minutes. then they shoot you in the neck with horrifying accuracy. extraordinary accuracy, even.
you don't really get to mull on that thought for long because you're bleeding out on the linoleum floor of this bank when you're supposed to be taking your final final and everyone and their mother is screaming in terror. whatever.
you've died.
and then you wake up in the hospital and mourn the fact that you're going to have to wait another semester for your degree. your advisor already hates you. this is probably going to push her over the edge.
power negation ! whats that mean...
literally they can negate another eo's ability.
for activation they need to look at the person, but they do not need to maintain line of sight.
they can hold the negation on multiple eos at a time, though it is a more difficult endeavor
as soon as they blink, its deactivated and the eo has their ability back
the negation effects, essentially, powers that people control. it doesn't work so well on physiological powers (ie skeleton physiology) but will cancel something like superspeed immediately.
they need to know that a person has a power to be able to cancel it, so those with 'silent' powers won't be effected unless they know you have it and know when you are using it
but it's not like they really do anything with their power lolz... its mostly just used to help patients with alleviating any side effects & relaxation
drawbacks / vulnerabilities… 
if something happens to their eyes they're fucked essentially. thats why theyre almost always wearing sunglasses/goggles (also helps conceal who they're looking at)
constant dry eye. and i mean constant. it's really bad and they have to carry around a case of special eye drops
major headaches because of having to keep their eyes open
absolutely no defensive capabilities lol. they should learn how to fight but they dont <3 theyre just a psychiatrist who's gonna hurt them? <3
(if applicable)  cerberus corp… 
not part of cerberus but they do see patients who are cerberus agents and sera is paid well to make sure they keep that information extra confidential. doesn't really gaf about cerberus
some of their younger patients came up with it as a joke during a group session and it stuck
their power is. known. they are a known psych for extra ordinaries in particular and as a way to connect they do advertise that they can cancel out patients' powers during sessions. do what you will with that
was married to daphne torres for a few years until their divorce in 2020. :) why? well. thats for me and daisy to know.
since 2020 has gotten a bit... reckless.......... still has a tendency to therapize friends / dates / hookups but now theyre more casual about umm patient details ..... sprinkles some hipaa violations into here...
has a fish. unnamed.
does Not Care about villains or heroes or anything anymore like YOU ALL HAVE ISSUES
likes swords :)
a strong gust of wind could probably knock them over.
sometimes guest lectures at universities
hook ups/ one night stands..... any gender preferably 38+ in age. villain hero etc doesnt matter to them anymore
patients. anyone. doesnt matter to them anymore
idk i think someone should teach them how to fight because if they are ever in a combat situation they r not convinced talking is gonna get them out of it but theyre gonna Try and its gonna end messily
??????????????? profit. idk.
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im-a-ramblr · 1 year
Fics I would like to see for Arcane Ascension, but don't want to have to write myself because I already feel overwhelmed with ideas or unqualified to write them [Edited/Updated as of 10/25/2023]
The Winter Ball Dance Scene from Jin's POV (maybe extended)
Corin actually taking the position as Professor Erzan's TA
Tristan is still a whisper and still part of the Ascension Faction, but he's also not tower-bound bound so he has to keep all his activities secret from his family. Corin and Sera are pretty sure Tristan is trying to run a cult out of the basement, but they hope if they don't say anything he won't get them involved.
A The Joy of Joe like fic where Jin runs an Art YouTube channel and his fans are super interested in the small bits of his personal life that he drops. In the end, it's revealed that he is Dalen Jin, who is a very big deal for several reasons
AA x Addams Family, where Morticia or Gomez are either Magnus or Laura's estranged sibling who, despite not being close with the parents, are very interested and invested in Corin and Sera
Corin gets his Arbiter Attument by helping a disguised visage do something super basic and has to deal with the consequences
That one CorJin idea I posted about here
Kelridge rebellion and liberation
Corin is immune to love and/or lust potions, and can fight off most love spells (they have to be citrine or stronger for him to give have to work to throw them off) He is completely immune to Lust spells (Ace King 👑) Corin learns this the hard way. So do each of his friends/companions.
Vanniv and Researcher are given Mana regenerative items that let them stay summoned for extended periods of time without draining Sera. Shinagines ensue
Corin is kidnapped by Dawn, Reika and Ishyeal, because of the Selys-Lyann having part of Flowbreaker in it. He makes it clear that he had no idea and convinces them to let him tag along on the quest for a little bit. He forgets that Keras, Derek and the others don't know that he is in danger, and it's quite surprised when they crash the party
Corin eventually realizes Tristan isn't all that great and moves on with his life. Tristan has a hard time accepting that, because Corin idolizing him was kind of an important factor of his plan. He's convinced Corin must have been spelled away, and tires multiple times to break it. Obviously it doesn't work because Corian isn't under a spell.
Hartigan Manor becomes infested with Mimics while Keras and the kids are staying there. Shenanigans ensure.
Time Loop. Ara_Mochi has started to do ones with this, and they're great but I kind of want to see one where Corin just keeps getting different attunements every time. Jin isn't affected because he just mesmers himself out of the effect. Slowly they get the rest of the team too.
Attunement swap
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seramilla · 3 months
How would succubus Carmilla react to Sera when/if she FINALLY flirts back even if it’s an accident?
We all know Sera would get flustered and want the ground beneath her to open up and swallow her whole but a succubus…that’s Carmilla? Getting a taste of her own medicine from this cute and sexy seraph that she’s been trying to get since the beginning what would she do?!
Sera would be lying if she said her life hasn't become a great deal more...complicated lately. As High Seraphim, she has the patience of a saint (almost quite literally), is exceedingly good at not letting things get under her skin, and rarely takes things personally. However, the insertion of a certain hot and sexy succubus into her daily routine has contributed greatly to those aforementioned complications in recent days.
For the first time in her life, Sera is as poofed out and ruffled as a baby bird learning how to use its wings for the first time. She's constantly nervous and always on edge with Carmila around -- unsure if the succubus will inadvertently flirt with her again, or if she'll move a certain way that accentuates the demon's more generous...assets right in front of Sera's face.
Sera doesn't have many vices, but a few margaritas magicked up out of thin air after work has been the only thing helping her take the edge off lately. Unfortunately, she'd thought Carmilla the succubus, her new ambassador to Hell, had already left for the day. So when she saunters into Sera's office again, about to sign out and wish Sera a good evening, the High Seraphim is already plastered, moving back and forth in her chair like a kid hyped up on caffeine and candy.
What the heck was in those margaritas? Did Sera mess up the spell somehow? Because Carmilla suddenly looks about 10 times prettier than she had that morning, and she feels the need to test a theory she's been wanting to explore.
Either way, Carmilla is quite a bit...amused? curious? entertained?...at seeing Sera in such a jovial mood. That is, until Sera stands up from her chair and squares her shoulders, marching right up to Carmilla like it's no big deal, and backing up the succubus to the nearest wall. Sera looms over Carmilla, caging her in like an intimidating warrior trying to corner their opponent in battle.
Sera leans down, looking into Carmilla's eyes like she's searching for the secrets to the universe in there. Then, without warning, she takes the succubus' chin in her hand, kissing Carmilla so harshly, the demon can practically feel a sting on her lips as they make contact. Maybe it's just static electricity. Maybe it's Sera's kiss serving as a jumpstart to her heart, making it skip a beat.
When she's finished, Sera pulls away, studying Carmilla once again, before looking at her lips and saying, "I was right. You taste better than the margarita." As if that is a completely normal, mundane thing to say to a business partner who is still mostly a stranger.
Sera turns around and returns to her desk, leaving a rather disheveled and confused succubus standing up against the wall, rubbing her lips where Sera had kissed her.
Foiled at her own game, Carmilla is simply too stunned to speak. She exits the office without saying anything more, and then continues on back to Hell, just as she does every day. She thinks she might tell Lucifer about this recent development. He'd probably get a kick out of it, knowing his plan to loosen up the hoity toity High Seraphim of Heaven is working like a charm. Just as the king of Hell had predicted.
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aylaaescar · 2 years
3, 4, 6, 10, 13, 15, 23, 24 for Quista/Sera!
thank you Karolina!! <3 Quista is still incomplete as a character, so I reserve the right to change my mind about stuff here later, but also I love her and I love her and Sera, so!
3. What's their favorite thing to tease each other about?
maybe a bit of an easy one, but: I'm gonna say their respective heights, lol. Quista is obviously WAY taller than Sera is or ever will be, and Sera is WAY shorter, so they'll affectionately tease. things like "must suck to have to hit your head on the door all the time" vs "must suck to not even be able to SEE the door ever"
Sera: ...I can though, Inky, it's right there
Quista: ...I need to practice my quipping
4. How do they compare to each other's exes? Are they the same "type" or an upgrade/something different?
idk how much info we get on Sera's exes canonically, but I would assume that they were fellow Jennies, maybe? servants and general common folk that she came across? Quista already differs there in that she was a mercenary, and a qunari at that - p different from what the average Fereldan/Orlesian would think of as ordinary, imo. and based on guessing, I would assume Sera's usually gone for at least... eh, maybe the livelier type? chattier? which Quista typically isn't lol, she's a lot more introverted and nervous around people.
on Quista's end, I genuinely have no idea if she's dated anybody before Sera ngl sdjfgjs
6. Do they have pet names for each other? Do they like them?
Sera calls Quista "Inky," which she adores!! it's cute and it makes her smile. Quista's called Sera "my bee-loved" on a couple of occasions, which Sera might love even more than Quista does Inky.
10. What was their last big fight? What did they learn from it?
idk if I can give a good answer, just because I still need to play Quista's game properly lol. I guess the biggest thing that comes to mind is that sometimes Quista can be a bit reckless w her Fade research? which makes Sera worry, and they've had to talk about it a few times before agreeing to understand that this is a passion for her that won't go away (Sera's lesson) / people care about you and don't want you to endanger yourself, just be careful (Quista's)
13. How do they express love for each other? Do they have compatible love languages?
Quista's an acts of service and gift giving type, I think! she's a good alchemist and good at weapon-making, so new bombs for Sera? done. fixing her bow? done. little things to spoil her and make her feel loved.
if I had to guess, I think I'd say Sera's a words of affirmation and quality time person? just letting her Inky know how precious she is, and getting as much time together as they can. they express their love differently, but I think they appreciate it equally - Sera likes being spoiled, and Quista likes that somebody wants to spend so much time with her. so they're compatible in that sense? yeah!
15. What habits or characteristics have they picked up from each other?
you've got me beat on what Sera would pick up, bc Quista still needs some fleshing out there, but I do know that Quista has more than likely picked up several of Sera's more colorful phrases, lol.
23. What was their first impression of each other?
smol cute elf lady instantly into the buff qunari lady and her muscles. buff qunari lady instantly into this smol cute elf lady and her instantly cutting down a rancid nobleman. I like to think Cassandra, Solas, and Varric noticed but were too polite to say anything.
Quista: 😳
Sera: 😳
24. How did they fall for each other?
I might actually have a better answer for once lol, but I like to think that Quista joining Sera on her prank spree is the moment Sera knew that she caught feelings for her, because Quista was actually laughing and smiling without getting embarrassed afterwards.
Quista's trickier to pin down, but I know that Sera's passion for the little people and her love of life is what won her over in general.
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romulanslutempire · 1 year
So, in editing this stupidly long — 08:56, to be specific — Sera and Manu vid that’s set across the multitimelineverse, I’ve been getting a few more concrete ideas from the footage I’ve maniped together for my current verses, including the convoluted, but dearly beloved (to me), Destroyer of Worlds, which is essentially an AU of an AU, following on from A Quality of Mercy with Admiral Pike making the terrible decision™ to wake Khan after encountering the Botony Bay instead of Captain Kirk, hoping he will join their cause, which… he does, except it offsets an even darker timeline that was never supposed to exist.
From there I’ve basically cannibalised a bunch of “Bad Future” bits and bobs across various Trek and a few other sources with a dash of inspiration from the Mirror Universe as well. But all of that is a TL;DR post for another time.
Anyway, back to Sera and Manu, I was trying to figure out where to put their first meeting and incorporate him into the verse in general — Sera I already solidly have a complete arc for. And now I’m inclined to have it occur after she’s exiled by La’an after their biggest bust up yet (the girlies will stop fighting eventually, but La’an at this point is still forever salty about alt!Kirk with no interest in amends) from the ISS Puget Sound II.
[ Insert that Krinn quote here about pride and downfall being the natural evolution of it. ]
Sera then sarcastic Vulcan salutes her way back onto her shuttle with the intention of going after Khan by herself (third time’s the charm, right?) but a navigational glitch puts her in Gorn space instead.
Enter Manu Noonien-Singh, AKA the planetary nursery MVP, best big brother, Gorn hunter, Lewis Tan looking fine and divine, ritual schmitual, Mr. Brawn and Brains.
He saves her from becoming lizard chow and welcomes her aboard his stolen starship the Wrath, and I figure they have a few adventures of their own together on their way back to Deep Space 19, which is Resistance HQ, since that’s literally the only “home” Sera has left, along with one of the few safe spaces in the Quadrant for non-Humans.
And that’s very much a midway point where they both then get involved on the space station with Admiral James Insane-Middle-Name Kirk, which is awkward for Sera. For. So. Many. Reasons. Even though this James is not the James she pew pew’d with an antique.
Long conversation short with myself, it’s a good solid place to establish more canon with them, and with Manu and Sera both essentially being independent there’s also the capacity for them to go off-station for missions as and when they’re needed.
And then, obviously, at some point, La’an will be back, and that’s where the aforementioned in previous musings Echo/Bellamy/Octavia style arc comes in to play, followed by eventual actual forgiveness instead of their dynamic being teeth clenched teamwork under the mutual agreement “the enemy of my enemy is my friend.”
The sparring scene from The 100 says it all for how I visualise it initially going with Octavia/La’an being like, “No, I will not forgive this murderer for something she did [X] amount of years ago, alternate timeline or not.” And Bellamy/Manu being like, “I’m not justifying it, but who she was then is not who she is now.”
Additional Manu/Sera adventures and notes include:
An encounter with the Augments who inform Khan that not one but two of his descendants are still alive… and both of them are working for the Resistance.
Introducing each other to different beverages: Manu to kali-fal and Sera to tea practice.
Hanging out in the holosuite.
Intimate exchanges of truths.
Manu being captured by the Orion Syndicate and forced into an underground fighting ring. Sera then has to get the green body paint out to infiltrate the arena to rescue him.
Manu imparting his knowledge about the Gorn to Sera, including how to interpret their light signals.
Manu learning about Romulan culture to better understand her.
Manu becoming the one person in the world that Sera trusts implicitly.
Manu thinking Sera’s ears are elegant and pretty.
Rescuing a group of refugees from a Gorn breeding planet.
Sera eventually giving Manu her true name (and heart).
Sera giving Manu a crash course in (old) Earth history, including memes and the best of Toronto cuisine, to make up for his lost youth on the breeding planet.
Sera teaching Manu how to read, write, and speak Romulan, only to be surprised by how quickly he picks it up. (What? He’s good with his tongue.)
Stopping the Serene Squall after they raid a Resistance supply ship carrying essential dilithium for the cause.
Training together and showing each other new moves from their respective fighting styles.
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smzeszikorova · 1 year
Some context for the peeps who've never done my art games before:
Once again, I am tagging literally everyone for thoroughness's sake. @clairelsonao3, @sheepbitch, @lovely-ashes09, @j-1173, @nanashi23, @penspiration-writing, @late-to-the-fandom, @rexxles, @royal1asset-if, @bardic-tales, @souplover96, @kiraofthewind, @wearfinethingsalltoowell, @kiirpich, @saiwestfield, @thepixiediaries, @marinesocks, @lvckyrabbit, @alwaysastrophel, @burr-burr, @dogmomwrites, @daisywords, @angelasscribbles, @common-grackle, @redmoonrises, @aether-wasteland-s, @the-stray-storyteller, @thatonecrowguy, @kyofsonder, @isabellebissonrouthier, @moonandris, @harinawa, @sockscosyquarters, @thegreatfallcomic, @adrielcastlyre (again. Do with this what you will.) @yellowikeadog, @ghostface3100, @fragrant-stars, @birdsbats-madness, @waterfire1848, @dallystrings, @nicdrawssometimes, @ruhrohherewego.
So the way I've done these games in the past has basically been me just seeing what my mutuals can gather about my characters from their bios and the information I've posted about them in my snippets. However, as I have many more posts to sort through now than I did the first time I did one of these, I'm gonna add a little guide to my guessing games here for anyone who might find it useful.
In the past I haven't put up any kind of hints or guides for these games. The effect of this is that I get to force my mutuals to scrape their way through my blog in search of information about my OCs. I've basically been Goncharoving my whole universe from the get-go, so that's what everyone's got to work with.
Think of it like a writeblr scavenger hunt.
And then in drawing your OCs, I also have to go through your blogs to learn about your characters so I can draw 'em.
So Some Basics :
All the quotes come from characters I have both mentioned and called by name. In all but one case, I have pictures of them, which you can find under my #art tag. You might also find information relevant to the characters' personalities in their #oc: [insert name] tags. Most of the main cast has these, and in this particular game, all the quotes come from characters with oc tags.
Rules are: limit yourself to one guess unless you want to guess the bonus question, too.
Usually, I don't get a lot of responses, so most of the time I'll draw your guys whether you guess right or not.
This time, I'm gonna wait a bit before I tell you whether you guessed correctly or not. We'll say you have until July 30 to guess or revise your guesses before I do the big reveal.
Names For Reference:
Here is a complete list of every character I have ever mentioned on my blog in order of appearance (excluding the ones who no longer exist in canon, the ones who I've only mentioned for the first time after I put up my Guessing Game post, and the names that are technically pseudonyms for characters I've already told you about):
King Levi Niacera
Alan Winson
General Darion Adrona
Aorin Khozlova
Catherine Leures
Sverlyn Kjovra
Adriel Castlyre
Lyn Leures
Captain Sera Selney
Victoria Leures
Petra Leures
Eva Leures
General Kasia Arkhonieva
General Yono Aamitok
Jan Lekzej
Nikolaj Sonej
Rolyn Czeres
Sergei Kjovra
James Blightwood
Theodore Swan
Bhaanai Sochilyen
Lviszki Nezjety
Ernest Wolbert
Queen Rolova of Aleon
Lennox Graaf
Hugh Oliver Castlyre
General Paul Firesky
King John Niacera
Lieutenant Charles Curtis
Hero Santel
Nicholas Leao
Lots of people, right? But lucky you, I like to make sure these guessing games aren't so ridiculously hard that nobody could possibly guess right. A safe bet's that if I haven't mentioned a character in at least 5 posts, they won't appear in my guessing games.
If you're planning on looking through the oc tags, the name I use is always first and last. And for convenience's sake, I should warn you that a lot of these characters don't have oc tags, so if you want to find them, it might be easier to scroll straight to the bottom of my blog and do a Ctrl+F than use the search function.
But like I said, for all except the bonus question, you'll be fine limiting yourself to the cast I have drawings for.
Now here's where we start getting into hinty territory, so if you don't want that, quit reading.
In the case of the first three quotes, they make for easy-ish guesses (in my opinion, but that opinion may very well be incorrect.) They're pretty consistent with how their respective characters act most of the time.
The second three are a little tougher because they might be misleading. I imagine people are gonna be a tad more surprised when they figure out where they came from.
The bonus round is gonna be hard. I think. And I doubt anybody's gonna get it right, but if you do, congrats. And if you want a massive hint for the bonus round, it's under the cut:
I've already given you the bonus quote. It's in one of my posted snippets. You just need to figure out who says it.
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xcharmedxheirsx · 5 years
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Sera couldn’t stop fucking SHAKING. What the fuck was this? Well it was fucking OBVIOUS. It was yet another spiteful attempt at trying to make Sera JEALOUS. And it was fucking WORKING. She clicked off the video -- heart CLENCHING in her chest. And maybe there was a little bit of FURY there. But she tried her damnedest to TEMPER THAT before she finally replied. Downright GRATEFUL for the filter of text message. And that Helena couldn’t see the PAIN written across her features.
SERA: You really think I’m going to watch this whole fucking thing? SERA: It’s already deleted. SERA: You’re gonna need to try a little harder to get under my skin. ~~LIAR!!~~ SERA: Does Alex even know you sent that to me?
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greypetrel · 1 year
👩‍👧‍👧 for Aisling :3
Good morning! :D Thanks for asking, here's some lore for you uwu
Tis the prompt list
👩‍👧‍👧  = Does your muse have any siblings? Do they wish they had more/any?
Canon: She has two adoptive siblings, both older than her. They're the son and daughter of Keeper Deshanna, who took another little bean in to expand the family and have a Second.
Pavyn is 8 years older than her and a mage, very talented in Creation magic and more than a decent healer like mama. Except, he's a people person and never was that much for studying: he'll make you at ease in three words and a joke, could befriend a pinecone, but spent his youth slacking off and going around having fun, as Aisling, shier and less sure of herself, studied and put a lot of effort in her magic. She became First in his place as soon as she got her Vallaslin, and their relationship kinda fractured. He's a little grudgy, never wished her bad, but they went from being joint at the hips (she's his little sister, he nicknamed her Shrimp, taught her to dance by standing on his feet) to barely speaking to each other. They'll recover some relationship in Inquisition, Aisling will write to him to just... Propose him to disappear from every radar and get away from unwanted attention she never wanted them to have. He'll answer to cut it off and please let him speak with his sister, his sister wasn't that whiny and prone to martyrdom can he speak with her? They'll start to write back. Slowly fall back into what they were before, out of grudges and guilt. They have a very bickering relationship, but are as thick as thieves, in a "I'm the only one who can mock the other" way. Big Pavyn vibes here, he's the one with the purple shirt and he would ride a halla that way just to look cool, yes. Sadly no one in the clan ever agreed to play as his dance ensemble.
Radha is 3 years older than Aisling, a rogue of very little words. She doesn't like to speak but she observes and listens. Very good when dealing with humans: she's haughty and elegant and silent enough that any merchant will feel ill at ease and fall back on a just price. She loves reading and learning, and she and Aisling were very close, growing up: Radha would help her with history (Aisling has a hard time remembering dates if she's not interested, she's very much more for practical knowledge), Aisling will just stay with her not requiring her to speak (which Radha doesn't, if she has nothing to say, and it's not something most people like about her, she feels judgemental when she's really not). Radha can be... Too protective at times, she had to initially travel to the Conclave, but Aislign stepped up and convinced the Keeper to send her instead. After not hearing from her for a while, Radha got South too and joined the Inquisition (a Tevinter so close to her? The Templar Commander has a crush on her? No no, she's staying, she's putting herself in danger). Solas kinda ruined their relationship, they won't be on speaking terms come Trespasser, and if you ask Aisling, that's one of her hugest regrets.
She's happy with just them, but will consider Dorian and Sera as siblings, not as a joke.
She doesn't know anything of her birth family, doesn't want to know, so she has no idea whether she actually has other siblings. Won't go down that path.
DadWolf AU: Dorian. They got adopted together independently, Solas returned home with her one day ("I couldn't leave her in that horrible orphanage, the other children were mean and that despicable Chantry mother wanted to send her to a special structure for mages because she apparently was considered dangerous from clearly defending herself against a bully that pull on her hair. So yeah, I just picked her up. It's temporary, I'll find her a family.". He never did.), Varric with Dorian after a failed mission ("The kid's parents died... Malcolm couldn't bring home another child, they already have four! Pikachu could use a friend, furthermore."). They grew up doing everything together. Schools together, magic together, sports. Aisling got into Horse Riding pretty seriously as a teen, with competitions and stuff. Dorian couldn't care less, but was always there at the paddock, in a corner reading as she trained. Where there's one there's the other, even when quarrelling they never were so far from the other. They did university together, were a pretty good team.
She'll eventually bring Cole home and ask Solas and Varric to adopt him too, what's another stray more? He's cute and kind and adorable, come on, he can sleep in her old room.
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