minmo-cat-foods · 9 months
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patibato · 3 months
[Bitter Sweet Sixteen] 002-A09 - Death in Seto
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Coordinator: Good grief… I offered my cooperation because I wish to study regional revitalisation, but perhaps that was misguided of me!
Nanaki: …
Coordinator: When walking on the balcony, someone suddenly bumps into me - and upon seeing me fall, he lets out a bizarre scream without apologising…!
Ushio: …You're the one who bumped into me.
Coordinator: It's good that I wasn't injured, however, to be frank… I cannot possibly imagine how children such as this will be able to assist in the management of the Summer Festival!
Momiji: I don't know how to apologise for this. Gannosuke-san, I'm really sorry!
Ushio: An apology's just going to make him more stuck up. It's impossible for someone to be completely faultless in a head-on collision.
Momiji: Shush.
Gannosuke: I migrated to Shodoshima a number of years ago. Though, while I say that, my home is primarily in Tokyo.
I was active as an artist of certain works for many years, but- I've grown sick of the hustle and bustle of the city.
I chose a dwelling in Shodoshima for the times I wish to concentrate on nothing but creative work.
Kiroku: … …
Gannosuke: Living on this island for several years means I know all about it, and it is also why I am uneasy about you all.
It's no easy feat to earn the trust of the islanders!
Treat people with good faith, endeavour to interact sincerely no matter the situation. Isn't that attitude the most important thing!?
Momiji: Uh, yes, it's exactly as you say…! I'm really sorry!
Gannosuke: I'm also a member of the tourism department, but Shodoshima is severely lacking in human resources. And with the Summer Festival one week away…
I don't know what "Dispatched Tourism Ward Mayors" are, but with such light-hearted attitudes, I've no expectation of your help being any good!
Nanaki: You're getting pretty close to false accusations, here.
Momiji: Come on…!
Nanaki: At any rate, doesn't he look like someone? This guy.
Kiroku: …Mm.
Ushio: I get ya. Who is it… I can't remember.
Momiji: Don't talk!
Gannosuke: Truly, kids these days are… deplorable. Even while being scolded, there's a child who hides his face and identity - what can I do but ask what this world's come to!
Ushio: You mean Muuchan?
Muneuji: ?
Ushio: Your helmet.
Muneuji: Ah, pardon me.
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Muneuji: I wasn't particularly intending to hide, but rather, the helmet is already one with myself, so I hadn't noticed-
Momiji: Woah… are you alright!? You suddenly fell over, what is it!?
Gannosuke: What are you feigning ignorance for…! When in the presence of one of God's supreme creations, no mere human in existence could stand up straight…!
Momiji: Supreme…? I mean, I'm also surprised that he turned out to be such a pretty boy.
Gannosuke: I'm not talking about his face… I'm talking about his eyelashes.
Momiji: Huh?
Gannosuke: They're the Eyelashes of God!
Nanaki: …What's this guy on about? Is he okay?
Gannosuke: Kaguya-kun, you said!? The form of your divine eyelashes… flawless! 360 degrees, and perfect when viewed from any angle!
From the way they grow to the shape they form, dainty yet magnificent with no gaps whatsoever! What can I say but that they are an act of God!
Muneuji: I see.
Gannosuke: An outstanding, once in a millennium talent…! Oh, God! I am eternally grateful to you… Amen!
Ushio: This guy's scary.
Momiji: I don't really get it, but I guess they're amazing?
Gannosuke: You see, I am but one of the few eyelash artists in JPN.
Momiji: Th-there sure are many different kinds of artists, huh.
Gannosuke: Captivated by eyelashes, I've continued to style them for many months and years. That I should meet with the Eyelashes of God at this very moment, on Shodoshima - it must be fate.
I would like to take back what I just said. With your eyelashes, you'll surely be able to do the Summer Festival, regional revitalisation - anything at all.
Muneuji: I do not understand your reasoning, but I am happy simply hearing you say that.
Momiji: Thank you very much! What a relief!
Nanaki: I can only feel nervous…
Ushio: Agreed.
Momiji: Let's get straight to the point and establish our goals!
As Dispatched Tourism Ward Mayors, we will be assisting Shodoshima in managing its Summer Festival, since it's short on hands.
Gannosuke-san said so before, but there's one week until the festival.
You'll be graded based on contribution points you earn while helping out, including during the preparatory period, and those scores will determine whether or not you get inaugurated as a Tourism Ward Mayor… that's how it is.
Does anyone have any questions so far?
Kiroku: …Um.
Momiji: Yes, Kiroku-kun.
Kiroku: …Isotake… isn't… here.
Momiji: Huh?
Kiroku: …Since the lecture started… he's always, been… gone.
Momiji: What!?
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Momiji: Akuta-kuuun! Heeey! Where'd you gooo!
(His shoes aren't here either… I'm sure he slipped out of the inn in the confusing mayhem of the "first murder".)
He doesn't have his phone, which is an issue. And Gannosuke-san started saying weird things as I was about to leave…
Gannosuke: I hear that "eyelash-plucking yokai" come out around these parts.
Momiji: Th-thank you for the sudden information.
I have heard that Shodoshima has many tales relating to yokai. But, why suddenly bring up…
Gannosuke: I'm wondering if Isotake-kun has been spirited away by the eyelash-plucker.
Momiji: It'd be awful if his eyes became filled with garbage! I have to go look for him right away!
Momiji: (So I said, but I have no leads… what do I do…)
*car noises*
Momiji: (That's… the sound of Sakujiro-san's car!)
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Momiji: Excuse me, Sakujiro-san! Sorry for doing this right as you arrive, but Akuta-kun is-
Akuta: Hehe. I got caught.
Sakujiro: I spotted him running towards the movie village. And so I picked him up.
Momiji: I can always count on you, Sakujiro-san! Thank you so much!
(Akuta-kun sure does like movies…)
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Gannosuke: Ooh, did you find him? …What matters is that his eyelashes are safe. In that case, I'll stop here.
Momiji: Sorry for the worry… thank you very much! …Akuta-kun, I'll have a word with you later.
Akuta: Aaalright.
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Momiji: Guuuys, I found Akuta-kun… huh? What are you eating?
Ushio: Fried somen.
Nanaki: Some welcome food was set out. It's crunchy and delicious. Want some, Chief?
Momiji: No, we're all going out for dinner now, so let's leave the snacks to look forward to later.
Ushio: Huh? All of us? Skulking in together?
Akuta: It's fine it's fine, it sounds fun and I'm starving~
Ushio: I'm not going. I absolutely refuse to be coerced into doing private things like eating as a group. No obligation to.
Nanaki: I'm not going either. Have fun.
Akuta: You're coming, right, Muneuji? Right? Let's eat delicious food until our stomachs are about to burst.
Muneuji: I'll come along.
Momiji: So then, Kiroku-kun-
Kiroku: … …I'm…… also not…
Akuta: Ah~ stop right there! You wanna go, don'tcha? I read your feelings loud and clear, so it's a-ok!
Kiroku: That's not… …
Akuta: Right, it's decided. Let's skulk in and be happy~! Yeah~!
Kiroku: …
Momiji: Alright, let's head out then!
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lulue-xie · 7 months
Somewhere under the sea :
Yugi swimming at him.
"Ok, so they're a ball at the castle tonight, you will be able to see him here!" He stopped talking to look at him an instant, "He is a prince Jounouchi"
The golden mermaid gives him a look.
"And ? That ok!" Brushing it off with his hand "Did Atem can do the magic trick for me ?"
Yugi crosses his arms.
"Yes he can but-" sighing "He think it's dangerous you know, aren't the sea enough for you?
"Oh no, no Yugi, It is but that not the same" Jounouchi bites his lips while looking at the surface "He is just so beautiful, if you had see him that day, in the morning sun-"
"Ok enough!" Stopping Jounouchi in this track, he already listened this story too much time "The sun will set soon and if you want legs" moving his own fins "we need time!"
"Yugi!" giving him a hug "You two are so cute to help me !"
"That what best friends are for, you love stuck !"
Arriving at the castle, a lot of humans were dancing already. He had a hard time to find some clothes not spoiled by the sea at home, but he could do anything to see his human again.
A little febrile on his new legs, he walked through the party. It was easy to see the man of his dream, standing in his flawless white suit.
He takes a drink, a little hesitant before drinking it. That was strange but not bad taste with all the little bubbles in it. Humans were fascinating, but not as much as the one he comes to see tonight. The one he crash into while looking somewhere else.
"Oh ... I am sorry !" Looking at him, struck in place by his eyes as blue as the sea he was born in.
Surprised, Seto just take a foot back "Hm hello ?"
He didn't have time to say more words that a beautiful woman appeared at the arm of his crush.
She fixed her own blue eyes on Jounouchi, curious "How is your friend Seto !? I don't remember seen him around!"
"Oh! Hm! Hello, I'm Jounouchi! I just come back around after a long time in another country ?" Smiling as he tries to remember the lines he repeated with Yugi.
Seto takes a suspicious look at him now "Your name say nothing to me but I feel like I already saw you somewhere" The blond of Jounouchi's hair takes his attention for a second, they were sparkling gold under the light, exactly like that day ... but he could remember which day.
Kisara put her mouth into a tight line, concerned "It is not like you to forget names but you are so strange since we found you on the beach last month" Looking at Jounouchi "I am sorry my fiancée don't seen to remember you for now but if you are here, I am sure you are a friend! Have fun!"
Smiling and taking Seto away with her but Seto can't stop to look at Jounouchi while walking away.
"He had a fiancée ... " while fixing the bottom of the cup, Atem was right, it was a mistake.
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enemyoflactose · 27 days
I am here to request some Mumbleshipping (Rooooo x Seto x Duuuuuuuke)! Shocking, I know! I have picked a prompt from the wonderful world of Google, hopefully this is something fun for you! 😅
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Hwey. I didn't proof read this because I want you to read it in it's most natural form. I also changed the dialogue because I felt like it.
Ryou swung his legs back and forth. The bed he was sitting on was really more of a wooden plank with an itchy blanket and a deflated pillow on it. He sighed heavily and looked across to the other side of the room where Duke was leaning against the wall.
They made eye-contact for a moment, and stared at each other.
“Nice change of scenery, innit bruv?” Ryou said, his voice was shaking.
“Ryou we’re in a prison cell.” Duke spat, glaring at him.
He looked down and muttered, “relax, I was just joking around.”
The tension after he said that was thick. Thick enough to cut with a knife. Ryou was trying so hard not to look in the direction of his, now likely ex, boyfriend, but it was so hard! He could feel his eyes burning a massive hole in his head and it was beginning to get frightening.
Sure it was Ryou’s idea to set off illegal fireworks in a forest clearing, but Duke was the one with the fireworks and he encouraged it! If anything it was both of their faults! How was he supposed to  know that the clearing wasn’t hidden enough?
The sound of jingling keys and… two sets of footsteps… oh no. OH NO. Dread filled Ryou’s very being, and he finally looked over to Duke. His face had turned white as a sheet and he was facing away from the cell door. They both knew one of those footsteps was Seto’s.
They had to belong to him. The sharp click of his heels, the soft leathery squeak, the wispy swooping noise of his coat. No doubt, Seto came to yell at them.
The louder the footsteps became, the more the two of them panicked until after what felt like an hour, Seto was in front of their cell. And he was not happy.
The officer that had led him to their cell unlocked the door and barked at them to get out, but not that they were released. Of course they did that, it was just very clumsily. Duke tripped and bumped into Ryou, which caused Ryou to fall onto Seto, which then caused Seto to grab the both of them by the back of the shirt and carry them the rest of the way to the main entrance.
“You two,” Seto gritted his teeth, “you’re both lucky, so, so lucky, that I love you.”
Ryou and Duke glanced at each other, both wanting to say some sort of apology, but not wanting Seto to rant at them. He’d do that anyway, but they wanted at least five minutes of freedom first.
Seto spoke with a few different officers, but neither Duke nor Ryou were paying attention. To focused on the near death experience that their, thank god not ex, boyfriend would probably put them through.
After a while, Seto was done talking, and was now dragging them to his limo. He threw them in, and got in alongside them. He buckled his seatbelt, then dragged his hands down his face with a loud groan.
“What were you two thinking?!” he yelled, “if you were going to set off fireworks, ILLEGAL ONES, then why stay in the city?”
Ryou looked down in shame, and Duke sputtered out a “sorry”.
“That won’t cut it! You both will still have to do community service, this incident just isn’t staying on your records,” Seto took a deep breath, “the next time you want to do something like this, just tell me. I can take you both out on a boat far away from any authorities.”
Both former prisoners perked up instantly, they felt as though a large weight was just lifted off their shoulders.
“So you don't hate us?” Ryou asked, his expression as soft as he can make it.
Seto raised his eyebrow, “No. You’ve both done worse, you just need to not get caught next time,”
It was Duke’s turn to talk, “so you’re gonna bail us out of community service to teach us how to not get caught?”
It was silent for a second as Seto thought, then he spoke, “No.”
The End.
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neonrn7 · 5 months
Psychology Part 1 : Seto Kaiba Vs Atem
My whole life i read about how Seto Kaiba might actually have feelings for the pharaoh. After all he was passionate enough to build a machine that defied laws of the universe and sent him to the afterlife to battle him again… and while this idea stands for those who have a very fetishized idea of what kind of relationship they could have… i can 90% promise that this is NOT how it is.
Growing up in Elitism and wealth along with abuse gets you messed up. You can argue that the events that happened between Seto Kaiba and Atem were after Gazaburo Kaiba suicided and therefore what am i even talking about here? But hear me out. Seto Kaiba (i would have said Mokuba too but the trauma is kind of different) lost a mother then a father… saw family members treating him and his brother like dirt taking their heritage away and throwing them in an orphanage only for them to be adopted by a cold hearted abusive parental figure who raised Seto as a heir. Many nights of abuse exhaustion reading and studying non stop. As a comparison my parents raised me the same as i child i had to study from the early mornings till 1am. If my hand writing wasn’t for their liking they would tear apart my books and my notes and i had to rewrite them again and sleep is not an option unless i finish rewriting…. This behavior being a recurrence in my home made me quite a rigid, practical and only thriving for excellency because failure was never an option. Failure meant harsh treatments. Physical and emotional pain to come. Mix it with wealth and power and you get a deadly combination… a vulnerable child adulting his way while being a kid still knowing full well that losing means a huge fallout with consequences because there is a minds that grows within « i can’t fail because everyone is watching me »…
Then within time the vulnerability turns into hate. Usually this hate is directed towards the person that is better…. For Seto Kaiba it was Yugi (Atem basically after he realized that he was dueling the pharaoh the whole time). I remember getting physically sick if someone got a better grade than me or beat me at anything… “i was meant to succeed and everyone is bellow me” was the mindset and so i see it very clearly in his behavior which is toxic and carried out as such through most of the part of the series anyways.
Then comes the mundane lack of competition… because yes… Seto Kaiba was bored! Bored of having 0 competitors in business in school in anything he does and Atem was stimulating… he made him go out of his way a lot in attempts to beat him….
And while i can discuss this further i will do that on a second part of the thread to see your trail of thoughts first
PS: sorry to the Kaiba/Atem shippers 😅
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steve0discusses · 1 year
Ep 44 Pt 2: Name Hunt
We start this half of the episode at the card game that is currently just kinda stalled. It’s more like a D+D session at this point, where everyone is separated, random enemies are appearing in random rooms, and their biggest issue is that they were balanced to work as a team, and as a solo fight they’re gonna freakin die.
Or Bjork will come back in the time it takes for the team to reassemble.
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Sorry his name isn’t Bjork, it’s Korn. Or...well it’s something from the 90′s. Zork. It was Zork. But with a c. Bjorc Necrophades.
So as Yami dumps on Bakura about how boring this game is for him, Bakura reminds him that because Pharaoh shoved his memory in a puzzle piece, Pharaoh is dumb as a sack of bricks. Which like, relatable.
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I STILL don’t quite get it.
I know that Seto kills Yami in the OG timeline, they have been saying that for 4 seasons. But if Yami had to put himself in that puzzle to put back Zorc...does this imply that the fight with Seto was to resurrect Zorc? that Seto was a pawn of Bakura even in the original timeline?
Wait is that it?
(read more under the cut)
Have I finally figured out the paradox that’s been bothering me all season, where before it looked like Yami died 2 separate ways in two separate timelines? I mean, while I am much better (not fully, hence the slow update schedule but am getting much better) Long covid for like an entire year removed so much of my memory, that I was able to play Undertale again like it was the first time. Which is incredible because it’s the most memed game and y’all, I forgot nearly every line that Sans said. Which I’m not gonna lie, kind of rocks. But also kind of difficult when I’m trying to remember the plot of this show.
Bro did offer to write the blog in my stead, but when he attempted to use Photoshop he could not figure out how to leave the text editor. Making these caps will one hundred percent crash my computer if he’s doing the driving. Photoshop crashes my computer about 4 times on a normal day, if you don’t know what you’re doing, Photoshop will seal you in a demon dimension before crashing your computer, and yet, still charge you 12 dollars a month. You cannot turn your back on photoshop, just like Zorc.
Anyway, back to the show:
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I mean that’s my personal gamble. I will always gamble Tristan on who’s gonna die. And him being Bakura right now is just...ooo ripe to die this season, yeah?
Bakura took a moment to try and remind Yami that this is all a simulation and all of these pieces on the board were in fact not real people, to which Yami reminded Bakura that he himself is a ghost in a box and is only loosely defined as a “real person” himself.
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And then Karim, who’s name I had completely forgotten, so I’m glad the show reminded me, was like “Oh no! I’m dying!” PS he’s been “dying” for like 3 episodes, so I was very surprised he actually fully died.
Like Egypt Grandpa is going to outlast this stack of bricks down there, and that’s like a lot to take in. Modern Grandpa breaks his butt like constantly but Egyptian Grandpa is built like a truck.
Isis was very upset by this, and like I don’t blame her, look at the FEATURES on that man. True tragedy right there to lose that block of cheese right there and just be left with freakin Shada. Who, in case you forgot, has a motorcycle tattoo on his entire forehead. I too would be crying my eyes out, Isis, this is looking grim for you.
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It only just now as I was writing this cap realized that when Bakura was like “who would you bet is going to die first?” he wasn’t talking about Yami’s high school friends, but was in fact foreshadowing the truly tragic death of Karim, who I totally remembered the name of.
Anyway, it’s still gonna be Tristan because for real, Karim doesn’t count.
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Bit of a baby manger vibe to this shot, not gonna lie. Nice nativity we got going there. Baby jesus, Mary and Joseph, a shepherd, a wise man, and uh...Shadi. Shadi could be an Angel I guess, he isn’t technically alive. There. Print this out and put it above your grandma’s Christmas tree, instant nativity.
Speaking of the kids, Joey was really testing my gamble by walking headfirst into a trap that spits daggers into your feet.
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Inside of this maze is step by step the same as the story of the tomb we saw with the hot version of grandpa that opened this arc.
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Including this room, where Grandpa got betrayed by a very silly slingshot.
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This was the show spoon feeding us Yugi’s character growth, since he was just a barrel of nerves and sinew when we first met this boy. He is braver this season, I will give him that, but it feels like it’s more that he’s the only person who’s fully aware that none of this is real. Yugi is inside of his own mind puzzle. It’s literally the only place he’s got full control (ish).
At the end of this little walk across the fear pit that literally no one here had any problems with (like Tea walked across this narrow fear pit in 5 inch heels!) The little box that carried Pharaoh’s puzzle isn’t here, instead it’s a bunch of Egyptian hieroglyphs.
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Reminder that even Season Zero Yugi, who is the most pile of nerves Yugi, would have kicked your ass even without the puzzle. Like this is mostly my own interpretation, but without the puzzle......Yugi would have straight up stabbed that guy, right? Like straight up? Yugi is a menace to society. Sure, he was nervous about having to defend himself, but Yami wasn’t a Pharaoh yet, he was Yugi’s dark side, who was backed into corners so hard by people with literal whips and people with yoyo’s with spikes on the end, he pretty much always had to choose violence in order to survive Freshman year.
Like yes he walked across a bridge without fear. Makes sense, the bridge doesn’t have spike yoyo’s, fire shooting out, a guy holding your girlfriend hostage with a gun at a burger restaurant, and whatever capitalist nightmare Seto has come up with that month. But we can still call this bridge character development, as a treat.
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After Joey tricked the switch that opened the garage door to Yami’s secret name, the episode ended.
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can’t wait to see Tristan hold up some fingers and have the show convince me it’s a gun.
Anyway, here’s a link to read these from the start, which I keep giving you although I need to reread my own blog myself, haha.
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battlephase · 2 years
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The Duelists of the Roses Character Profiles - Yorkists/The Whites Name: Christian ‘Seto’ Rosenkreuz  Deck Leader: Blue-Eyes White Dragon Location: Stonehenge, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “You’re here much sooner than I expected. I knew that Crawford would turn on us one day. But I didn’t expect the tide of battle to turn so soon. Actually, Crawford’s betrayal and the fall of the Yorkists matter not to me. All I hoped from this tiresome struggle was to find an opponent worthy of my attention! When I knew you’d been summoned I chose to wait. Each time a member of my Rose Crusaders fell before you I shivered in anticipation. Once you beat the final member I knew you were ready to face me! Long have I starved to best a duelist equal in power to me, hungered to best such an opponent in battle! You wish to have my Rose Card? Then take it from me! Face me in battle, Duelist!” Player Win Dialogue: “Well done, Duelist. I may have lost, but my heart sings with the joy of having faced you in battle.” Name: Weevil Underwood Deck Leader: Basic Insect Location: Chester, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “Hehehe. So, you’re the legendary Rose Duelist. Prepare to face the wrath of my Insect deck!” Player Win Dialogue: “Nooo! I lost! This can’t be happening!”
Name: Rex Raptor Deck Leader: Two-Headed King Rex Location: Tewkesbury, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “The Rose Duelist, eh? I’m not impressed. In fact, I’ll crush you to a pulp with my Dinosaur deck!” Player Win Dialogue: “What?! Me!? Lose?! I don’t believe it!” Name: Necromancer Deck Leader: Pumpking the King of Ghosts Location: Exeter, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “Oooh, my Zombie deck hungers for a taste of you.” Player Win Dialogue: “Argh! You’d be a fool if you think you’ve seen the last of me!” Name: Darkness Ruler Deck Leader: King of Yamimakai Location: St. Albans, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “You dare challenge the Dark deck of the Darkness Ruler?! Rose Duelist or not, you don’t stand a chance!” Player Win Dialogue: “No! How can it be? How could I lose!?” Name: Keith Deck Leader: Slot Machine Location: Towton, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “So, you’ve managed to beat a few minor duelists. Well let’s see how you fare against my Machine deck!” Player Win Dialogue: “I can’t believe you actually beat me! Me! The ‘Card Professor’ of the Rose Crusaders!” Name: Labyrinth Ruler Deck Leader: Monster Tamer Location: Newcastle, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “What brings you to this northernmost region? Lost? If you want some directions, you’ll have to beat me first!” Player Win Dialogue: “Unbelievable! You’ve won yourself a light to guide you out of this labyrinth!” Name: Lord Pegasus Crawford (Thomas Stanley) Deck Leader: Illusionist Faceless Mage Location: Lancashire, England Notes: Has a son that is being held hostage by Richard Slysheen (Richard III). Pre-Duel Dialogue: “Wow! So you’re the famed Rose Duelist! I am Pegasus Crawford, the Champion of the Northlands, the noblest of Yorkists, and master of the Rose Crusaders. I am also known to some as Thomas Stanley, or Lord Stanley to my friends. Seto has told me much about you, dear Duelist. Seto has taught me a thing or two about dueling. So, come on! Let’s duel!” Player Win Dialogue: “You must be joking! Me? Lose? Never! Oh dear... You might be stronger than Seto... I really enjoyed that! I’ve learned a lot from you. In fact, you’ve done wonders for my game! Oh, by the way: I’m afraid I don’t have any Rose Cards. Sorry.” Name: Ishtar Deck Leader: Witch of the Black Forest Location: Isle of Man, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “Amazing. I never thought you would reach the point where you could challenge me. Too bad that it all has to end here...” Player Win Dialogue: “I’m not surprised, you know. I knew I was destined for defeat. I can live with that.” Name: Richard Slysheen of York (Richard III) Deck Leader: Battle Steer Location: Bosworth, England Pre-Duel Dialogue: “I see you’ve got Rose Cards! You must be one of Lord Crawford’s Rose Crusaders. Your timing couldn’t be better! When I heard Yugi had landed, I rushed my troops to the front. However, I arrived much too early. It will be some time before Lord Crawford and his men arrive. In the meantime, why don’t we play a duel or two. I learned a trick or two from Seto that I’d like to try out. It’s not every day that you have the great opportunity to play the great King Richard III of England! How about it?” Player Win Dialogue: “Drat! I lost!”
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alectoperdita · 1 year
Hey I suddenly got curious so just wanted to ask. I'm a big fan of the parallel universes trope in fics, so I was wondering how would both kaiba from the lure series and joey from the i am a mob fic (ongoing) would react if they see each other? and by extent their romantic counterparts :0 or if you're not sure that's okay too haha
I adore questions like this! Cuz I too spend way too much time crossing the various versions of them I've written in my head. Like I'm a huge fan of crossovers, so why not do it with my boys?
This is also an idea kinda discussed in passing with @saiikavon and @chesacakeripper, so I can't take all the credit here. <3
So mob!Jou has always kinda adored his Seto. As younger teenagers, they were pretty inseparable, and there was a lot of warmth/affection in their relationship. Mob!Seto isn't that much of a touchy guy, but he is with his Jou, and he was very much used to Jou hanging in his direct personal space when they were younger. So a first meeting between mob!Jou and Lure!Kaiba would result in MAJOR cognitive dissonance for Jou. Seeing a younger Kaiba is going to invoke such nostalgia in Jou, even though this Kaiba is slightly older and had his growth spurt compared to before they separated at the orphanage. Then Lure!Kaiba will actually speak/interact with Jou, and oh boy... Kaiba in most forms is pretty arrogant, but Lure!Kaiba? He's imperious and domineering. If he's already met his Jou, then he firmly expects to be able to command mob!Jou in a similar way, despite their age and physique differences. And I can't imagine mob!Jou takes well to being threatened...
Basically, I think it could get tense/combative after the initial meeting. @saiikavon brilliantly put it, they're a wolf and a serpent circling each other. 👀
Conversely, Lure!Jou is super suspicious/cautious around mob!Seto. Poor Lure!Jou gets separation anxiety with his Kaiba if we're late enough in the timeline. ;;;_;;; And he knows that mob!Seto is not his Kaiba for so many reasons. Also don't think he can trust actual tenderness or softness from any Kaiba. Mob!Seto is probably feeling all types of ways about this cagey Jou that's so different from the teenager he remembered.
And just as an addition, because I love the idea of a body swap, so Lure!Kaiba in mob!Kaiba's body and vice versa. In that case, I do think Lure!Kaiba would try to feign and act like his mob self to try and fool everyone that he is mob!Kaiba. And Lure!Kaiba will probably do a decent job of it outside of a highly professional setting (sorry, Kaiba, you're smart, but you don't have experience practicing law). But mob!Jou would not be fooled. There's ice in Seto's eyes and smile now that wasn't there before... Then Lure!Kaiba can drop the act and we would probably find ourselves in a very tense situation indeed. 😈
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sociieties · 1 year
@peachmuses: it's about a week after shuu and mako got into it, and kazuya and tatsuya had all but dragged shuuzou to makotos place, and left him there. he doesn't want to talk to him! he doesn't want to talk to anyone! let him be alone. he's good at it ! but noooooo, neither one is any good at listening and when faced with makoto, shuuzou broke down. it's now around 3 am, and shuuzou still hasn't fallen asleep. " ako-chan? " softly, quiet into the dark of the room. it's a new moon / and no light comes through the window. shuuzous fists clench at his sides, under the covers. makoto makes a noise and shuuzou's eyes focus on the ceiling. " I'm scared. " admitted softly into the night. " there's--- everything. and I'm so overwhelmed. " a boyfriend who won't let him break up with him, a boyfriend who shuuzou knows is textbook abusive but feels familiar anyways and really, doesnt he deserve it school, club, job, trying to keep up with his friends, kazuya, his family. " everything, " he's half choked up and trying to get words out, " everything is changing and I hate it. I hate it I hate it i hate it. " breathing picks up, and tears begin to roll down his face silently. " i don't- I don't want you to leave me too. I- I'm sorry. I just want to go back to when things made sense and I felt in control of things and not this roller-coaster i can't seem to get off of no matter how much I try or scream. I'm so - " a hiccup, " im so tired of myself. "
makoto is alone -- was alone / used to it. also used to someone, usually shuuzou ( a person of which is isn't speaking to currently ), breaking into his house / sometimes kazuya / tatsuya uses the spare key -- his own mother comes home at weird and random hours -- all of which has lead to him growing numb to question the sound of anyone even coming in. ( briefly, makoto thinks every now and again, if someone else ever broke into his house, he'd be fucked. ) this time it's his friends, barging in at one of the worst hours / as makoto lies there in bed wishing everything could stop happening / that he could get off of this shitshow roller coaster and just go to sleep instead of rethinking and overthinking the argument with his best friend.
tatsuya had said that it wasn't his fault day after day, and each time, makoto said that he knew it, logically speaking, but that didn't change the fact that it didn't feel like that was the case. shuuzou, after all, had said that he didn't need him and something inside of makoto broke into four million pieces while he waited for a slamming door that never came. this, he thinks, is a testament to his relationship with shuuzou -- how one thing happens and other things, in turn, also happen, and shuuzou's walking out of his life and makoto can't do anything about it. he is so tired of shuuzou leaving him behind. ( tired of the way shuuzou used to leave his house to go back to his own hell. tired of the way they grew up together just for shuuzou to leave him to go to a different middle school ( that much was a deal, but it was shuuzou's idea, not makoto's. ) tired of the way shuuzou jumped ship and vanished to another country, another continent without so much as giving him a single warning. ) when shuuzou runs away, he is always silent about it / there, then gone, much like a ghost. when he went inside to grab his things just to run away from his own house, it's silent and unfinished like a drafted chapter.
shuuzou said that he didn't need makoto. makoto knows that he's always needed his friend more than his friend needed him. he cried that day and has been feeling himself decay since. ( it doesn't help that the others left, too. tatsuya to go back to akita / he's responsible / he can't just shirk his responsibilities at yosen. kazuya left, presumably to fine shuuzou / makoto hadn't seen him since. )
makoto, however, unlike his boyfriend, has been ignoring his duties, skipping school under the claim of being sick, letting seto take care of the team in his absence. after his fight with shuuzou / he just couldn't / completely shutting down after he'd finally gotten home that day.
and yet. and yet / and yet / and yet / his home is being broken into while makoto can't think -- the door to his bedroom is forced open and kazuya's throwing a wayward shuuzou into his room before pulling it closed and makoto only watches as shuuzou tries for the door only for it to not open. kazuya's doing, no doubt. shuuzou then tries for the window / makoto watches the way shuuzou moves away from it like there's something stopping him for leaving from there, too, before the other deflates in defeat and all makoto can do is stare. why are things like this?
finally, eventually, shuuzou speaks and makoto slowly turns his attention towards his childhood best friend as the other admits to being scared and makoto can feel himself frowning before he knows it. he hates everything about this. best friend cries and makoto is beside himself with guilt. ( his fault / his fault / his fault. ) " shuu... "
makoto shifts, turning over to first face shuuzou, then moves again as he crawls in top of him much like shuuzou tends to do when he's trying to wake him up because he wants attention. " i'm sorry, " it's honest and soft, frown deepening as he again tells himself to get his shit together. " i-- " he's stupid and he needs his best friend, actually. he's hurting enough as is and he doesn't need shuuzou staying away from him. there's enough going on behind the scenes. " i'm sorry, shuu, i went too far, i shouldn't have said what i said. " to go that far over weed was completely incomprehensible, but shuuzou called makoto a bitch and makoto responded with saying some of the worst things that came to mind, none of which were related to the original topic at hand. " i just-- "
he's just got a lot on his plate and he's not like shuuzou. makoto breaks internally before there's something cracking and falling apart inside of him, causing him to implode before he implodes. he's just as much a coil twisted too tightly as he is a shitshow and when the coil gives and snaps, makoto breaks from the inside out. he can't help it. he's shit at dealing with himself.
makoto's tired of himself, too.
" i'm tired, " he admits willingly. " i'm stressed out and tired and sad and angry and-- " his throat tightens and he blinks away the urge to cry because this really isn't about him, but it is, even if it's not and makoto has to explain his actions to be understood. " i'd been on my best behavior for months now and you questioning me indulging one tiny thing felt like you saying i couldn't. " and really, it was just weed. it could have been so much worse. " i didn't like it when you blamed tatsuya because i'm capable of making my own decisions and at the end of the day, it doesn't really matter if he influenced me or not. " tatsuya is his boyfriend, shuuzou, he's been trying to say it for a while now. " and-- "
breath hitches and he again feels like he's watching himself slowly shatter as tears begin rolling down his face as well. " i just sit here and watch things happen that i can't do anything about because everything's either out of my power or no one listens to me anymore and i hate it. i-- i keep feeling like you're pushing me out and picking tatsu and zuya over me, like i'm some sort of chore. " makoto's sat back and watched kazuya slowly become more and more important to shuuzou, more so than him and tatsuya / differently than him. he's had to come to terms with knowing that shuuzou replaced him in america with tatsuya / that tatsuya came to japan and shuuzou came back a different person with a different best friend and there's no space for him. makoto hates change. " like you care more about the both of them more than you do me as if i wasn't you best friend first. like that didn't mean something -- like it never did. "
shuuzou came to makoto. not the other way around.
he chokes back his tears, wiping them away with his wrist as he sniffles. he's so sick of crying, actually. " because you replaced me with tatsuya, and then kazuya, and now i don't know where i stand or why you keep clinging onto the past as if we're the same as we used to be. i'm not the same. you're not the same. i know that, and i hate it, but it is what it is, so i accepted it, but you keep acting like you want to put me into some box -- like you don't want me to grow. "
and it's suffocating and makoto hates it and he hates that he has to say any of this anyway.
" and mom was pregnant-- " makoto's largest stressor, truly. " she was almost three months, shuu. " he pauses, heaving in a large gulp of air. " or she would have been, but something happened, and she just told me like two weeks ago-- i knew she was and just when i came to terms with that, she lost it and i didn't -- don't -- know what to do or say or think and i've just been keeping it to myself because she didn't want you guys to know since she didn't want to worry you and it's just been slowly killing me and i took everything out on you and i'm sorry. "
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hells-wells · 2 years
The Start Of Something New 2
EDITED- It's finally here, the day you interview Seto. Fighting how he makes you feel, you try your best not to embarrass yourself.
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Pairing Seto Kaiba X Reader--------- Timeline is after Duelist Kingdom and Before Battle City.
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You had already tried on at least five outfits or that's what you told yourself while you ignored the growing pile on the bed. Pairing a black cami with high-waisted jeans, you looked over your body, making sure you approved before leaving for KaibaCorp. Making sure to mask any sign of circles under your eyes, after staying up late researching and listing questions. Your heart was racing the whole way there, once you arrived you could have sworn you felt it stop. Deep breath, deep breath. He's just a guy, a really good-looking guy…. While waiting you noticed two businessmen, they were standing close by. They were talking about a project, KaibaLand, quickly making a note of the name, you continued to listen in. “Didn’t you know? Mr Kaiba is putting everything into this KaibaLand.” He grumbled. “Can you imagine? A theme park about all things Duel monsters?” His voice was laced with sarcasm. Odd… Doesn’t sound like they're on board. “Eh, doesn’t matter what we think.” The receptionist called your name, brushing off the comments that were overheard, you quickly made your way into his office, finding him once again sitting behind the large desk. “Morning”  He didn’t seem amused, in fact, he looked like he was in need of a Redbull or something. “Do you intend to waste my time with useless formalities?”
Jerk. Maybe something stronger than a Redbull is needed.
“Thought I was being polite but if you rather we skip that then fine.” You shrugged, taking the empty seat he had prepared for you. You watched as his smirk grew, clearly, something managed to amuse him. “Mm, look at that. At least you aren’t completely useless… Now you’re getting it.”
Smug arsehole.
You placed a recording device on his desk, turning it on “Mind if I record? It’s easier for writing this up later.” He nodded “So, you became CEO at a young age, how did you prepare for it?” The interview went as smoothly as you had expected, it was nearing the end when you looked down at your list of questions
"Are you sing-... I'm so sorry, ignore that." Failing to hide the spreading blush that was consuming your face, you didn't look up until you heard him laugh.
I'm going to murder Tea.
Seeing how flustered you got amused him "I am."
Looking back down you saw the quick scribble from the earlier conversion. “What’s KaibaLand?” Your question caught him off guard, his eyes darted to the recording device, narrowing into a frown. Knowing you had struck a cord, leaning forward and turning it off “It doesn’t have to be on the record…” The silence seemed to last far longer than it had.
He finally spoke. “How did you even know that name?” Feeling suddenly flustered you tried remaining cool “I overheard it in the lobby” he continued to stare you down “While I was waiting.” You admitted truthfully, passing the recorder over to him, he looked taken aback “Here, check it yourself.” He held onto it, not giving any of his emotions away. He turned the device off “Hmm… It’s still in the early stages.” You nodded in understanding “Well, I’m sure with you behind it, it will be amazing.” He seemed happy with that, you started to pack away your things but you could feel his eyes were still on you. “Thank you.” You caught him off guard, summarising it’s not something he hears too often. Seto looked away, avoiding your gaze “Pfft, It was in exchange for the duel.” You smiled “Still, I appreciate it.” He quickly made his way, standing in front of you, he held out your recorder and feeling the warmth from his fingers you could feel a light blush spreading over you. “I, umm, I enjoyed today…”
Stupid! Just go live under a rock.
“Only because you don’t work for me, take my word for it.” He chuckled. You smirked “Bet I could take whatever you threw at me.” He seemed amused by your confidence “Eh, now that would be interesting.”
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enneadau · 2 years
Well dear wonderful author, I am currently stumped and I’m not sure I know how to get out. This might not make much sense, I’m sorry in advance.
I was sort of daydreaming and trying to picture what the 5Ds version of Ennead would look like. It helps me to avoid falling down the rabbit hole of other storyline based questions that aren’t questions as much as random thoughts that I should be patient for their reveal.
I ended up wondering just how much of the story would change because I always sort of assumed that the original characters from DM were dead and Judai/Jaden was in another dimension while the whole 5Ds thing went down. Because they probably would have made a big difference if they had been active.
After much thought I haven’t been able to picture a 60-80 year old Seto Kaiba just laying down and letting any part of Domino turn into a lawless junk heap that the 5Ds Satellite is shown to be in the show. That goes doubly so for your wonderful characterization of Seto when he is “teetering an a mental breakdown when what is his is threatened.” But that’s just my love for “Help Me” showing.
Maybe this is because in my experience, 80 year olds tend to have very few 🦆s to give and even at that age, are prone will do whatever they want. I just can’t picture your Sato Kaiba at 60 years old, his city literally torn apart, deciding that he is going to let the government or whatever the 🦆 “sector security” is supposed to be, turn the Domino bay into a Japanese Berlin Wall.
Tracking citizens through gold marks I could see him doing, but that’s for a different reason and he would probably be a lot more competent with the execution of said tracking than how it’s used in the show.
Actually he’d be a lot more competent in many different components of the series.
Especially with all the work he has put into getting a theme park up and running in like 6 months for Battle of the Gods and what I can only guess he did when his school and niece were sucked into another dimension. Compared to that, building a bridge to reconnect a portion of the city to the mainland is practically child’s play to the old man. He’d probably be upset that he had to actually leave his house to tall people what they are doing to resolve the new catastrophe.
To be honest it might be because I can pretty easily picture him with silver hair berating everyone at fault for the incident while waving a cane around and saying that they are some of the most stupid people he’s come across in a long while before firing them all.
And that’s not even getting into my thoughts about what Judai must be doing during this time in her 40s-60s. For some reason I can imagine her finding Akiza or Rua or both before the story even starts and helping them get a hold of their powers.
I also seem to be stuck with the idea that Yugi’s first life after her separation with Meisa happened during the whole signer/dark signer incident and she was supposed to take up one of the marks again. But that might just be because I remember you saying that she would have been reborn around the same time as Yusei and the others and recalling that the English dub used “nearly five-thousand years ago” to describe their timeline)
So, to conclude dear author, Goddess of this universe. How crazy do I sound for contemplating these thoughts when I know you had just started watching the subbed GX series a few weeks ago? I should be very aware that you have not done a deep dive into 5Ds but I still can’t stop thinking about it.
Thank you again for all of your hard work. Everything in Ennead, Miraculous, Help Me, and well everything is just amazing!!! I don’t know why I’m focusing on the 5Ds aspect of this. Especially when you have such well fleshed out stories already written.
I don't remember saying Yugi died by then, but there's been new plans:
Yugi is still alive by 5ds. She's the Guardian of Old Domino.
When Zero Reverse happens she and Meisa rejoined to unleash their divine magic and manage to save a portion of Domino and the people living on that area but get overwhelmed because even Gods could be killed in Egypt and end up asleep for a while.
Old Domino, the section of Domino they managed to protect, is untainted by the darkness from the blast because of her magic, but Yugi has to maintain it or it would get corrupted from either side by the darkness in the areas to either side. That takes a LOT of energy. Like it started corrupting while they were unconscious straight after the blast, but she managed to fix it and now has to maintain it to keep it safe. If she uses too much magic for something else, she loses ground on the safe zone So she has to focus on protecting Old Domino.
She's like 70 years old but she is still kickass enough to keep a section of Old Domino alive. The Dark Signers can't pass into her territory, but she can't leave either. She's tied to the land now. She does take in waifs and strays that need looking after and help them learn how to handle any magic they gain.
Her daughter, on the other hand, is a part-time Turbo-Duelist, part time psychic-trainer, psychic being the 'up to date' term for Shadow Touched Duelists.
This is all pre-5ds stuff though because I haven't seen the series. Beyond that, I'm not sure how else I'm going to progress. I'll work it out when I see more of 5ds.
I am trying to ignore the desire to put Mana Mutou, Suguru's daughter, in with Yusei and the others right now. XD
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maguro13-2 · 22 days
The Dark Picture REPAINT ~ Origins of the Ink Demon : Operation Pt.8 ~
[Hang Castle Zone by Tomoya Ohtani]
Inky Albarn : So...this is their own headquarters. What a spooky-looking place. However, this place is packed with security. Things may not look sharp. But I need the proper disguise.
*converts her appearance into Maka Albarn*
Inky Albarn : Ahh, Perfecto! This is the original me. I better make my moves before anyone sees this.
Egg Pawn : [To Inky] Hey, you there! What are you doing here so lately? I am going need to you for something. Let me see your security clearance.
*gets neck snapped*
Inky Albarn : That was too easy. But...F**k this, this is taking too long. This is a lot of security, but this will do.
*scene flips*
*door opening*
[Waltz of the Boos by Mahito Yokota]
Inky Albarn : Well, well, well, here I am in the reaper'a castle. This sounds interesting. Pretty neat place for a Halloween-themed... level. Basically these machines out here...can do all the human stuff for every single moment... literally, what are we going to do with all this...Heavy stuff on the planet, I'm going at it with this Halloween stuff and then we'll see what happens when they get a look of the old--Eh?
*realizes that she is surrounded by Eggman's robots*
Inky Albarn : Oh boy. Hey, uhh, you guys looking for some milk and chocolate chip cookies in the fridge would you?
*scene cuts+door opening*
Inky Albarn : Well, I won't let that happened again. So this is the residential area, or it's more likely that much of a barracks area.
[Echo Night - Beyond : Track 6]
Inky Albarn : It's quiet, too quiet.
*looks at a large door*
Inky Albarn : Bingo. This is it.
*Name : Maka Albarn*
Inky Albarn : Hello, human copy. Time for you to meet your maker.
*hears rope tightening*
Inky Albarn : Wait, why do I hear something attached to my ankle. What...Woah!
*Gets hang upside down*
Inky Albarn : What the--What sort of contraption is this!
Seto : It's a rope on the ankle trap, oldest trick in the book.
Inky Albarn : This is not how I planned for. Untie me this isn't.
Seto : Sorry, but it's my place, my rules.
*scene flips*
Inky Albarn : *now tied up* Okay...This is so not going planned as well. So you must be Seto.
Seto : And you must be the queen. So we had a little entourage on what the hell is going on here.
Solva : Yeah, I think that this is going real this time.
Seto : So you're the "original" the this time, huh? So do you have a real name?
Inky Albarn : Yes...I do.
Solva : Then tell us, what is your name?
Inky Albarn : ....
Solva : Come on, say it.
[RELICS by Hideaki Kobayashi]
Inky Albarn : [To Seto and Solva] Alright. My real name...is Maka Albarn. I am the "original" and you guessed for it.
Solva : I knew it! You truly are the original!
Inky Albarn : What's so special about that?
Solva : [to Seto] I'll tell you about that. Hot chocolate, Seto?
Seto : Sure. *given a mug of hot chocolate*
Solva : [To Inky Albarn] So...You are from around 70 years ago, the original Maka Albarn was one of New York's finest musicians along with her partner the "original" Soul Evans. They were the two pianists who had been making music with the King of the Ink Demons, the father of the current King of Ink Demons. After you became the first human to marry a demon, you became the demon queen and ruler of the nights.
Inky Albarn : The fact that is that I am a survivor like, I shed my name Maka to become Inky Albarn and solution is that Soul Evans was dead at that moment and someone had taken out blood to create the copies Z
Solva : Lord Phanto II, son of Lord Phanto III, from the king of all Phantos, to the son of the human copy Maka Albarn.
Inky Albarn : So despite the influence from the boy Shinra, I've broken free and gain control of who I was before, so in order to do that, I am going to break from influence of the Kusakabe, reclaim the name and my position as queen. But in order to so...I can't let my people know that I could lead the demons take control of the night. That's why I needed my human copy to let me see.
Seto : Oh, really? Your human copy? We discovered that you are a resurrected form of the Maka Albarn that died at the hands of the human girl.
Inky Albarn : Indeed. Lord Phanto III was the responsible for creating the copies of Spirit and Maka Albarn, those two were copies of us and he did that.
Solva : I see. Lord Phanto III was responsible for creating the copies of Spirit and Maka Albarn. That's how everyone of Soul Eater exist in the real world. Hopefully, we don't want master to see like this.
Seto : Great.
*shake heads*
Mamimi :[To all] So...This is the original Maka Albarn...I see. I've heard everything on the press.
Seto : [To Mamimi] Eh? Who are you?
Solva : [to Seto] It appears that one of the girls of that six-episode series that made it on adult swim after the Bebop show that became the first anime on the program.
Mamimi : [To Seto] You. You Japanese?
Seto : [To Mamimi] Y...Yeah that's what I am. And you are...
*Legendary Theme from Gitaroo Man plays*
Mamimi : [To all] Well...I used to be a girl someone like Takkun, but his narration said that I disappeared...Let's just say that I am a "copy" to the original.
Seto : [To Solva] You're another "copy"?
Mamimi : [To all] Of course, and I haven't introduce to our selves. Your names...?
Seto : Seto. Seto the Deathless.
Solva : And I'm Solva...Seto's aide and sometimes girlboss wifet type, we reap the souls of the innocence, I mean we guided the innocence and we reap the souls of a million sinners! And you are...
Mamimi : Mamimi...Mamimi Samejima. Never knows best.
"World Famous Photographer : Mamimi Samejima"
Seto : [To Mamimi] You're that girl of the Mabase Incident...You're from FLCL, right?
Mamimi : *nods* Otherwise known as Fooly Cooly. It's a name that Japan made it to be on the Adult Swim program, yeah everybody remembers Fooly Cooly.
Seto : [To Mamimi] Well...?
Mamimi : It all began with Naota, that boy who has the powers of a alien entity named Atomsk sought by the eccentric and energetic lady on a moped, Haruko...Haruko Haruhara. Japan called her that. She was the part of the incident five years ago. Typical. However, after I was given to my last shot of Takkun, I finally made my first front page of him. After the "original" died, a copy was born and that copy who disappeared from the incident was "me".
Seto : [To Mamimi] So a photographer is really a copy of another "original" basically, it was probably a witch that fought of you bringing back to life. We need to figure headquarters to monitor of this situation on how did a "Witch" manage to create copies of those that are the "Original".
Solva [To Seto] Maybe it was the brush, that magical brush was behind of everything, it has the power to bring everything to life, including the "copies" like us.
Seto : [To Mamimi] It feels like that you have a deal. So, why don't we figure this one out later on?
*Early this morning*
*Triangle ringing*
Solva : Rise and shine everybody! It's an early start of the day to prepare for an alien invasion, get those breakfast food to be prepare and served! That's an order!
Egg Pawn Chefs : Yes, ma'am!
Solva : It's finally a perfect start for someone's day. I can't wait to taste that alien menace a taste of his medicine.
*Scene changes*
Seto : *yawning+Stretching* [To Inky Albarn] Oh boy...I wonder how'd long you'd stay up all night. Does a demon queen like you stayed up all night?
Inky Albarn :[To Seto] You tell me.
Seto : [To Solva] Good morning, Solva.
Solva : Ohayou Gozaimasu, Seto-san. Breakfast should be ready, master gave us plenty of time to hit the showers and brush our teeth.
Inky Albarn : [To all] Ohayou...
Solva : That's better.
Mio : [To Setsuna] Wow that was a pleasant sleep, haven't we?
Setsuna : [To Mio] No offense, but I dig it.
Kuchinashi : [reading a newspaper]...Hmph.
Mio : So...This is what's like being at the reaper's castle.
Setsuna : Yeah, It's kinda spooky at night, but at daytime, it's just a friendly community full of machinery. Hardly, Seto and Solva are the only humans who have ever worked in a castle before.
Disc-Chan : [To Seto while reading a newspaper] Ah, Seto the Deathless. I see you had a good night sleep. So, we heard that demon queen has been up all night absorbing the energy of darkness that has gained much from the night.
Seto : Disc-Chan. Why are you here? And why do you think you haven't been sleeping all night.
Seto : [To Disc-Chan] *sweatdrop icon* Oh...I see.
Disc-Chan : [To Seto] And recently, I discovered that not only the Black Arms have arrived, but apparently, a mysterious rift in the space-time continuum has opened containing another dimension, something or someone came and took the oppression of a mad scientist said that he is from another world.
Seto : [To Disc-Chan] I see...Ok. Also, that robot that a rabbit became friends with is that Gizoid that is now a household robot, he hasn't been in any of the newer titles since the end of the Dreamcast Era.
Disc-Chan : Correct. Do you know any fates about machines going on a rampage?
Seto : [To Disc-Chan] I know of a terrible sad fate about a Gizoid being destroyed. Despite being a 4000 year-old tin-can, Gizoids are the only machines that can really use a major since boost. Allow me demonstrate...[To Grim] Oi, Master! Do you remember the day Emerl was created before his brother was made?
Grim : [To Seto] Well, dear. But...That terrible fate in the aftermath of Metal Sonic's rebellion gave us all a good terrible fate.
Seto : Hmm? It's not about that Pinball Tournament that was really rigged at Casinopolis.
Grim : [To Seto] It isn't about children's game, it's about the loss of a machine that had no rights to be such pain. All of those trauma can give us the meaning of who's to blame. I told him about bringing those dealing with villains that crave all of that death and destruction
*In the aftermath of Sonic Battle*
[Valua City by Tatsuyuku Maeda]
Grim : [To Sonic and Eggman] You fool! What were you thinking!? You befriended and used a 4000 year old machine that would be the end of all us! Do you realized what any ideas of that you have done!? Gizoids are machines that were used for wars, not to befriend to those that will bring genocide. I've been observing both your world and Real World for all ages and you want to mess up everything!
Cream : Alright, it's true! It's all Eggman's fault! He did all to this by himself!
Sonic : [To Grim] No...Why? Can death and destruction be the only answer? Emerl was our friend, and how can you say that you called him a "murderer"?
Grim : [To Sonic and Eggman] You my friend, Dr. Ivo Robotnik, had such pawns after Metal Sonic renegaded out of mind manipulation, same goes to you, blue hedgehog. What would you and your friends think of over the death of a machine? Would befriend another that is the same as a sinner, or wil; you kill another that brings nothing but death and carnage? It's up to you to bestow upon which fate that anyone decides. Guess your little robot "friend" had to suffer. If he's gone, then I guess that all machines are forbidden to use the powers of the emeralds. [To Shadow] And for you, that would be the last of Gerald's legacy, the only thing left for you...is your creator, Black Doom. I want you to kill defeat father for me, not to Gerald or Maria. That's what you'll overcome past and walk towards the future.
*changes back to the present*
Grim : [To Seto] After all the pain and suffering that they had, I, Grim the Hedgehog, is beginning that Black Doom would show my face again, looks like the Robotnik isn't much big of a deal when it comes to being the only source of Shadow's origin. I told him that I wanted to defeat him and would save my reputation as a God of Death.
Seto : [To Grim] Master...It's ok, now. I can protection your reputation at all costs, I felt the same when I had the loss of my mother since I was born, my father was once the great King of Death who served a million servants as his own men. He told me that I would become Shinigami and that was my dream, my dream, my rules, I only get a major pushover on seeing those who I trust, like Solva, whom my classmate, had the same pushover as well that she concern about my feelings.
Grim : [To Seto] Exactly. All I wanted was to tell these villains that I told the blue blur and his friends to keep Sonic's world safe, I told him to keep the world safe from those who committed every single sin and what did I tell him about that?
*In the Aftermath of Sonic Heroes*
Grim via flashback : [To Metal Sonic] If felt so ashame about killing those that you've committed, then I suggest that every villain in Sonic's world would committ suicide and never to show their faces again and the face of the planet itself.
Metal Sonic via Flashback : [To Grim] You are so dead.
*we then show Metal Sonic in disappointment*
Grim [V/O] : [To Seto] When it pains my gratitude for the sake of the blue blur, it tore these villains apart from those who wanted to use the powers of Chaos to bring death and carnage. But at least, they've finally known their place and depends what justice can do for all villains what they are willing to do for what occasions for these conditions.
*changes back to the present*
Grim : [To Seto] Now that I won't worry about everyone's problems. I guess that you would understand about a villain's life could exchange those who wanted to be a hero for redemption'. It's all up to them now.
Seto : [To Grim] Mm! I can't agree with you more.
Solva : [To Inky Albarn] I'm worried that you haven't anything, don't wanna waste your seconds.
Inky Albarn : [To Solva] Same thing. I always had this appetite, but this food exquisite I'd might say that. Hmm?
*Looks at Maka eating her breakfast*
Inky Albarn : [v/o] That's...my copy. At long last, I've finally found you.
Solva : [To Inky Albarn] Hey now...Eat up, don't wanna go wasting on this food.
Inky Albarn : Yeah, yeah, I'm eating right away. *eats her breakfast*
Egg Pawn Waiter : [To Mamimi] Care for some coffee or Hot chocolate, madam? Caramel or with marshmallows on top.
Mamimi : [To Waiter] Make it neat, I'm taking a cappuccino and that's okay. No sugar added please.
Egg Pawn Waiter : Are you sure you don't want other type of Coffee?
Mamimi : [To waiter] Oh no. Just a cappuccino and that's just fine by me. Well, it's just that I have a sudden urge about coffee in Georgia all the time, at the Waffle House, I told people that I don't want my coffee to be all of that and I when I meant that...
Seto : [To Solva] Oh boy. She is going to say that in public.
Egg Pawn Waiter : Any problems with it, ma'am?
Mamimi : Well, since I'm a copy that can drink anything with my tastebuds, I thought latte would be great, but having a cappuccino sounds great to me. And besides, I like my coffee and I told people that I don't like my coffee the way that it was--[in slow motion] Too Black and too sto--*Seto covers mouth*
Seto : [To Waiter] Too black and too much licorice, yep. Licorice that makes you go--*coughs out* yep. Gotta stay off the black colored stuff that isn't juciy and sweet! I have to go talk with the photographer girl from the media!
*SA1 SFX : Dash panel*
Egg Pawn Waiter : What was that all about?
*Scene cuts to Mamimi lighting a cigarette*
Seto : [To Mamimi] *Angry vein Icon* Do you really want to say that out loud? "Too Black and too strong?" Are you crazy?! You want to say that as an excuse?
Mamimi : [To Seto] For a second there. I had no idea of what was coming out of mouth. I mean Too Black and Too Strong, I can't get that out of my head.
Seto : [To Mamimi] Where did you listen to that by now?
Mamimi : Probably it was from a speech from of a civil rights person. It happened during Black History month.
Seto : "Black History Month"? I recognized it, don't you know about that it's the month for Valentine's day?
Mamimi : Hardly.
Seto : So where did you hear it exactly?
Mamimi : I believe I heard from a sample of that speech in the 20th century, the public enemy speech. Basically I heard in Atlanta.
Seto : You heard that besides from that city.
Mamimi : Well...the speech was actually from the city Detroit Michigan.
Seto : [To Mamimi] And did you say that you came from Atlanta. I thought you lived in Japan. Naota's narration said that you disappeared from the Mabase incident.
Mamimi : That was the "original" me that disappeared in Japan, but I'm not in Tokyo, I'm from Florida, no too many old people, Tennessee, err--Too many mountains, Alabama--
Seto : Hold that thought. Is it a place called "Georgia"?
Mamimi : Exactly. This is how I dealt my kind to colored folks back in Atlanta.
Seto : Oh...I guess that's a relief. But you do...Have good time in that city. Do you know any people?
Mamimi : Well...yes! There is...take a look of the old front page.
*Newspaper : Local baseball boy saved the world*
Seto : That's Takkun? Naota was it?
Mamimi : Yep. We've known each other 5 years ago.
Seto : That's old news.
Mamimi : And you are looking for something on the hot fuzz, then get a load of this.
Seto : What's this?
Mamimi : This...is front page.
[Hidden Memories by Yutaka Minobe]
Drawcia : What?! Wrapped the entire world in world black? Is someone trying to destroy the world with darkness falling around us. That cursed monster, these arrogant heartless needs to die! The magical brush is the power to bring colors to the world, I will not let everything die. I will not let this planet be destroyed by their filfthy hands! I need more time to complete my research before the whole will be in vein. But how on earth would the planet be wrapped in Black?
Computer : Master Drawcia, the analysis of the Black Blood sample has finally been finally completed.
Drawcia : What's the analysis of the Black Blood sample data?
Computer : Substance contain highly traces of DNA of both human and Demon, the bodily fluid itself was confirmed to be part of a royal bloodline which was stolen by a manipulative villain that plans to destroy all life on earth.
Drawcia : That's unsual. This kid name Maka had something to fear from anything possible before she unleashed the shattering event back in 94.
Computer : Indeed. There were some or many survivors that survived the explosion.
Drawcia : Who is trying to destroying the world and get away with murder for Demon Vibe?
*An image of Medusa appears*
Drawcia : What the--? Is this really a witch's desire to bring all death and destruction on earth like that? But if this witch was really some kind of villain that wants nothing but death and destruction, what did she craved for? However, the industry does not like toy with me when it comes to these "monsters". I better be careful with my moves hanging around.
*Heartbeat Echo*
Drawcia : Ngh! Not yet. I'd still need time to do this, If I don't...I will lose everything and even my consciousness. What goes on and what will it come to when the time for the reunion of this family is completed. I will not die...I WILL not die! Paintra, Claycia, Vividria, give me power.
[Deep Thoughts by Sota Fujimori]
Adeleine : You are a foolish woman, Drawcia. Only villains that have their desires to take diginity others, including humans, witches, and even demons as well. No wonder the multiverse is cringe-worthy of savoring this world to be the end of all civilization for this planet. How foolish that Shinra Kusakabe's influence...will be the death of all us. I need to continue on my next move.
~ Mission 07 : The Uninvited Solution ~
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lulue-xie · 1 year
Start to write this but im into stress time rn and dont know if i will make something of it
Of course the aim of it, it to turn it into my ship later
Jounouchi was driving that night, going back from a late meeting when he saw something lying down on the road, looking a lot like a human form.
"Is that a human ?" He frowned, suspicious.
Alerted he stopped his motorbike to go to see the person and what a surprise.
"Wait !? Isn't that … Kaiba ?" Pulling the man on his back to look at him better, the man was on the missing list for like 5 years now ! Everyone thought he was dead at this point but here we go, between all the humans in this city, it's him that found him out of nowhere ! Unconscious on the road, what a joke !
Kaiba was wearing his blue and black space suit with a headpiece and his duel disk but both looked worn out, like they were in a centrifuge.
Jounouchi called an ambulance after he made sure Kaiba was breathing and not dead already and then he called Mokuba, the young man was the new CEO of Kaiba Corps and they have been in touch since Jounouchi started to be a pro duelist.
"Hey Mokuba ? Hm i'm sorry i know it's late to call but … " he hesitated an instant looking at the brunette on the floor "seen like I found your brother" he rubbed his neck.
"What are you saying Jounouchi ? Aren't you drunk ?" He says with a tired voice, he can't believe the older man.
"No, no listen ! It's Kaiba ! I swear !" he can ear the ambulance coming "the ambulance is coming, i will call you back"
He opened his eyes and shut them just as fast, the white around him was too much.
He didn't know where he was, didn't recall a single thing to be true, did he quit the afterlife ? It was so hard to reach it but it was so much difficult to stay here where living doesn't have rights, he thought that dueling Atem could be just a question of hours.
The sound around finally reached his ears, the slow sound of his battling heart on the monitor and the far away voices of people walking on the corridor, he was sure now, he was back to the present life.
He tried to open his eyes a second time, feeling less dazzled but it takes some seconds to get used to it, he was staring at the white ceiling and the smell of medicine came to his nose, he was at the hospital.
He sight before turning his head to see someone asleep in the chair at the right of his bed, Mokuba, he didn't remember his little brother has grown so much before he was gone, his hair was shorter too and he looked tired, as tired as him when he was at the head of Kaiba Corps, he let everything in his brother hands but seeing his brother here make him regret it in a way.
The door opened and he was ready to see anybody except Jounouchi, the blond had his hands full with some coffees cups and he put it on the tiny table before he noticed Kaiba staring at him.
" Oh look who is awake" he smiled at him and he was feeling strange, maybe that's what being back in life again feels like.
"What are you doing here ? What happened ?" He feels like talking takes all his energy, he has to take a break to breathe, his voice feels raspy.
"That ok Kaiba, I found you unconscious on the road and Mokuba wanted me to stay" while saying that he woke up the teen boy who almost jumped out of his seat when he saw him awake.
"Oh brother you are up! Who are you feeling !?"
"Feeling like a bus rolled over me but that's ok i guess" putting his hand on the bridge of his nose to pinch it, feeling a headache coming and he looked at his brother, confused "How many times I am gone ? You look …"
"Older ?" Say mokuba with an awkward smile, nervous.
"Yes, older …"
" Seto it's been 5 years, seriously I really start to think you will never go back" he admitted with a little voice, hope to see him again was a tight line in his head before today.
Kaiba's stomach twisted at this reveal, he can't even imagine because it didn't feel like 5 years for him, it felt more like two weeks or so, guess the time span was different between the two worlds.
He had to go back to look at the ceiling for some second to swallow the pill, 5 years was a lot of time.
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sailor-toni · 2 years
A Confession at the Park
You can also read this on AO3, FF.net, and Wattpad
      Domino city, a city full pf promise was in bloom today. Couples strolled down the parkways, students ran after one another, and duels were all over the city competing against each other. Holographic monsters soared through the air, breathing excitement into the park. Yugi strolled pass the small battles. Giant bugs, and half naked she-best tugged at his attention. Their flashing lights exploding in his peripheral vision. But Yugi had other plans to attend to. Seto Kaiba had sent him a text at 6:47 AM
“Central Domino park. 11:15 AM. Near the Feast of wonderland: Agape.”
Quick frantic searches reveled nothing, no news report, no tournament, no announcement. Not even a press conference. His curiosity was enough to drag him here looking for the Feast of Wonderland: Agape. He didn’t know what it was, but it sounded like the name of some artwork, so here he was. Running around Central Domino park mimicking a lost puppy. And it was already 11:05.
“Excuse me?” He asked. “DO you know where the Feast of Wonderland: Agape is?”
“The what?”
“OH, that fancy American statue! Its right up that hill. On the path to the right. If you pass the fountain, then you.ve goon too far.”
“Thank you, Miss,” Yugi gave her a quick bow before dashing off.
“Your welcome young boy.”
            Shaking his head, he muttered his real age before staring the track up the hill. His black heel boots clacking angst the first several steps, each clack drifting further and further from each other before Yugi grabbed the railing. Sweat pouring down his face. Grey stairs lined up and around the hill, giving way to 5 large platforms decorated with mounted binoculars. And Yugi was only 10 steps up.
“I… I should lay off the card games.”
At the first platform Yugi was coated in a thin layer of sweat. At the third platform Yugi had to tie the jacket around his waist. At the top of the hill, Yugi was not only late but was shoving his head into the park fountain.
“Who planned this park!?” He said ruffling his hair back into its usual spiky shape.
            From the fountain he could see the statue. Its white polish peaking through the trees like a pearl hidden in plain sight. Backtracking Yugi followed the side path, its bricks were brighter than the rest of the hill, with some of them having graffiti poked into the cement. Soon the path opened to a large circle. At its center was the Feast of Wonderland: Agape. Large white eyes started off into the sun, as the figure of a young man pulled himself from a viscous maw. The Beast rough scratchy paws dragged upon the man’s skin revealing rivers of golden blood. Another male figure, wearing a pair of golden wings was pulling the man from the beast’s clutches. His muscles ripping from the pressure, but his eyes showed no pain. Only sorrow. The specks of sunlight from the trees fell like tears upon the statues faces.
“Your late.” Seto Kaiba strolled by Yugi. He normal starch trench coat and belt arm bands were missing for a more laid-back look, consisting of a striped dress shirt, and straight jeans. A nice pair of glasses resting on his face.
“Sorry.” Yugi replied. Pulling at his leather jacket and spiked belt. “So, Kaiba what did want to see me for?”
“Follow me.” With an another unreadable express Seto Kaiba took off. Yugi almost breaking out in a full run to keep up with his long legs.
            The other side of the park was full of trees, and manicured flower beds. At the bottom of the hill was a small café. It had a few tables scattered about the entrance, covered by giant white umbrellas. Seto Kaiba pulls out a seat. Yugi takes the seat across from it. Kaiba stand there for a moment, no a while.
“Kaiba aren’t you gonna-” Kaiba quickly sat down, shaking the table. “Okay.” Yugi said.
The two sat in silence. Soft laughter floats through the silence. Seto Kaiba staring at him.
“Yugi.” He spoke
“You were the first person to defeat me in a duel and the only person who has tried to befriend me. No matter how many times I tell you to go away you refuse to leave, and instead you stay.” Kaiba’s words were frank and Yugi didn’t know what to say.
“I want to know why.” An honest question from Seto Kaiba was a rare thing.
“Because you’re my friend.”
“And is that all you think of me?”
 “Do you only think of me as a friend Yugi?”
“What do you mean?”
A waitress appeared with a broad smile. A pair of menus in her arms. Her sweet voice ringing in their ears as she gave the usual pleasantries, before bouncing off. Kaiba was silent during the entire exchange, only lending a comment when needed. Yugi could feel his eyes burning holes into his skin.
“What do you think of me Kaiba?” Yugi asked.
            The two sat in a murky atmosphere. Stewing, stirring, shaking.
“I love you.”
            Now broken, the atmosphere twisted into Yugi’s chest. Jabbing at his heart, the shards seeping deeper and deeper into each beat of his heart.
“I don’t know.”
“Is this a date?”
“Only if you allow it.”
            Hours later Yugi held Seto hand as they explored the park again. This time walking at the same pace.
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x-heartofthecards-x · 2 years
The CEO flicked his eyes to the GPS to ensure he was following the correct route— he hated listening to his devices narrate at him and direct him. He listened to it enough in his labs that he didn’t also need to listen to it in his spare time. But that also meant he could see what area of town Yugi lived in before even getting to the area.
Immediately he felt his stomach twist uncomfortably, worry building up in his chest. It was a dangerous part of town— not really by any fault of anyone that lived there. Affordable housing was becoming more and more difficult to come by with rent on the rise, and with poverty came addiction, and crime often followed. Whether people believed it or not, he wasn’t heartless. He felt for those people. He had been in a very similar situation when he was a boy. It was why he put so much money into building affordable housing across Japan.
But the thought of Yugi living in a place like that with nobody there to support him? Not his grandfather, not Atem, not Seto himself. He could see Joey getting on fine in a place like that. The boy was scrappy, the mutt he was. But Yugi often had a difficult time getting himself out of tricky situations.
Seto swallowed thickly and tightened his grip on the steering wheel. He didn’t vocalize his worry, or the panic he was feeling. Yugi could take care of himself, and he was sure that Yugi didn’t want to hear him fretting over him after so long.
“Yugi, I am really not bothered about you falling asleep at your desk. I don’t think you’re shirking responsibilities or purposely being negligent. It sounds like you were tired and needed the rest. You aren’t going to be written up or fired for that,” he said, turning onto the freeway and keeping his eyes focused firmly forward. “I am sorry to hear that you’re not doing very well. Is there anything I can do to help? Do you need money?”
As soon as he said it, he regretted it. Seto knew that Yugi was likely to take offence. He didn’t mean it to be, he just didn’t know what else he could possibly do or offer. “Or just someone to talk to. I’m around.”
Yugi's arms crossed over his chest, his features turning into a bit of a pout as he replied in a voice that was not offended, but certainly sounded a bit like a kid being chastised, "No, I don't need money."
Of course, he did need money. His bank account was consistently going negative between pay cheques and he had already had to take out several payday loans that he was trying and failing to get on top of. He might be doing better if he wasn't spending as much money on booze as he was, but it was the only thing that helped him sleep.
He let his forehead press against the cool, tinted glass of the window and said, "I'm doing okay. I'm… coping."
The tiny duelist let the comment hang there for a few moments before he breathed a heavy sigh and continued, "The shop was about to go bankrupt so I sold it while it still had some value. Pretty much everything had to pay for Grandpa's funeral, plus it turns out he was pretty shit at taxes. Which is fine, like, I took care of it. It has just been really stressful cleaning up after him instead of being able to grieve him. The more stressful it gets, the harder it is to be alone inside my head. It has just been a lot."
With a final glance at Seto, he finished, "You really don't have to worry about it though. Like, I'm managing for the most part."
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angelsdevils · 3 years
Seto Kentaro x Chubby! Reader
Title: Thigh Pillows Fluff and Lime Warning: Sexual mentions, jokes etc..
All characters are aged up to adults and in college
You were leaning against a tree while eating your lunch, your friend had missed school today due to being sick. So you were alone today, not that you minded. You actually enjoyed being alone, no one messed with you. Maybe because you had a personality that could scare almost anyone into submission while still being cute. You always told people if they asked why you had only one friend, that you only vibe with people who vibe with you.
You matched people’s energy, so if they were assholes to you, you came back at them ten times harder. That’s why no one bullied you based on your appearance, not that you cared if they did. Seriously, you were plus size, chubby, thick with it. You knew how to dress to make sure the curves worked in your favor. The guys were too intimidated by you to even ask you out. 
Well all but one guy, that guy was Seto Kentaro. You had caught him staring at you through out class, but he never talked to you. You could always feel his gaze pierce through you, as if he was stripping you with his eyes. Which honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised. Here lately, since your friend had been missing school, he has been trying to get closer to you without you noticing. 
He would occasionally, bump into you, magically ended up being his partner. Or he would just so happen run into you in the school’s garden where you ate lunch at alone. You didn’t understand why he felt the need to get closer but you honestly didn’t care. You knew the basketball team were some shady people, but as long as they treated you with respect, you would return it. 
You popped piece of meat into your mouth just as the subject of your thoughts sat beside you. He didn’t have his lunch, assuming he may have already eaten it. You looked at him with raised eyebrows and he cleared his throat.
“Okay, just ask what you want to ask. You have been going around in this circle for a week.” You said turning your gaze, as he was trying to find the words to say. 
“Huh? You noticed?” 
“Of course I did, it’s hard not too. I am hyperaware of my surroundings 24/7 even when I am asleep. Forced habit.” You said crossing your arms slightly. That made his eyes trail down to your rather large chest, plump waist then your thighs. 
“Also will you quit stripping me naked with your eyes? If you are gonna do it, do it already.” You said the first part in Japanese but the second part was said in perfect (native language). He was confused since you spoke the second half in a language he didn’t know.
“I am sorry, I couldn’t help it.” He said turning away and you rolled your eyes.
“Mind telling me what you said though the second half?” He asked and you smirked.
“Absolutely not. Now what did you want to ask or talk to me about?” You asked and he shrugged before laying his head on your thighs. You blinked as he met your eyes before closing them and taking a nap. 
“Of course, wanted to use my thighs as pillows.” You said but he didn’t say anything. You shook your head slightly before grinning and ran your hands through his hair. He opened his eyes and stared at you confused about to protest.
“If you lay on my thighs or on me, I am going to play with your hair. Eye for eye.” You said and he hummed nodding his head slightly. 
“Fair point.” He closed his eyes back again and you grinned slightly. 
It was quiet and he turned and buried his face into your stomach, before wrapping his arms around your large waist. 
“Soft…” He mumbled and you laughed softly.
“I know I am. Us bigger girls, are the best ones to cuddle.” You said and he opened his eyes to look at you with a grin.
“I can see why, what do I have to do to make you my personal pillow?” 
“Hmm, well I am not that easy to impress.” You said leaning against the tree.”
“I know, you are known for rejecting every single guy. Or they are way to intimidated to date you.”
“Ehh, if they aren’t man enough to approach me they are just wasting my time.”
“Well, I am man enough to do so.” He said sitting up and looking at you.
“But are man enough to make me submit to you?” You raised an eyebrow, and he was shocked a bit.
“Wait what?”
“You heard me… I need someone who can dominate me, I don’t want to be the dominant one. I know my personality says other wise but that helps pick the boys from the men.” 
“… you know you just got ten times hotter and I am not sure how you did it.” He said and you laughed but he gripped your chin and pressed his lips to yours. You closed your eyes returning the kiss, and he moved his hand to your hair tangling his fingers in it. You let a small moan out, as he tugged it back a bit. He soon broke the kiss and trailed his lips down to the front of your neck.
“Don’t you dare mark me… not while we still have school.” You said and he grinned nipping gently before parting.
“Fine, but after practice I can show you just how dominant I can be.” He said and you grinned slightly.
“Can’t wait, though just know if I get bored. You are gonna have a long night dealing with your problems.”
“Dang, no faith in me.” 
“Sorry not sorry.” You said and he chuckled softly before laying back on your thighs. 
“That’s fine, by the time I am done with you. You will permanently be my thigh pillows, and my girlfriend.” 
“Hmm, sounds like big talk. Can’t wait then.” You said, in a flirting way before going to play with his hair again before the bell rung.
© [@angelsdevils] all rights reserved. none of my posts or stories should be modified, reposted etc. I do not own the character, but I own the plots to these stories.
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